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We discuss new findings that indicate that, o p i n i o n in addition to functioning in mRNA decay, deadenylases control specific biological Multifunctional deadenylase processes. We propose that mRNA dead- enylation, decay and repression by many 3′-UTR-borne regulators are all manifesta- complexes diversify mRNA control tions of the recruitment of multifunctional deadenylase complexes. Aaron C. Goldstrohm and Marvin Wickens Diversity and complexity of deadenylases Abstract | Dynamic changes of the lengths of mRNA poly(A) tails are catalysed by Deadenylases are Mg2+-dependent exoribo- diverse deadenylase enzymes. Modulating the length of the poly(A) tail of an mRNA nucleases that hydrolyse RNA in the 3′→5′ is a widespread means of controlling production and mRNA stability. direction, which results in release of 5′-AMP. Recent insights illuminate the specialized activities, biological functions and Poly(A) tails are the main substrate of these regulation of deadenylases. We propose that the recruitment of multifunctional enzymes; however, some deadenylases can 10,11 deadenylase complexes provides unique opportunities to control mRNAs and that degrade other ribopolymers in vitro . Once the poly(A) tail is removed from an the heterogeneity of the deadenylase complexes is exploited to control translation mRNA, other degradative enzymes initiate and mRNA stability. its degradation4 (FIG. 1).

DNA is transcribed into RNA, and RNA of an mRNA initiates its degradation or Diversity and biochemical activities. The is translated into protein. The RNA link in repression4 (FIG. 1). Deadenylation is often number of known deadenylases has recently that chain is a crucial node of control. The a rate-limiting step for mRNA decay and expanded, mainly through biochemical and lifetimes of eukaryotic mRNAs vary by translational silencing, making it an ideal genetics studies; putative deadenylases have four orders of magnitude, from minutes to control point for both processes. Regulation been identified through bioinformatics, but months. The regulation of mRNA stability, of deadenylation is widespread; deadenyla- their functions have not yet been established translation and localization determines the tion rates vary widely among mRNAs. (TABLE 1 and Supplementary information S1 timing, location and how much protein is Moreover, the length of the poly(A) tail of (table)). Based on comparisons of nuclease produced during mRNA translation1. a single mRNA can vary under different domains, all known deadenylases belong to These levels of control permeate biology, conditions or depending on the cell- one of two groups, the DEDD or the exo- from embryonic development to learning cycle phase6,7. Globally, as inferred from nuclease–endonuclease–phosphatase (EEP) and memory1. microarray measurements, mRNAs with superfamilies (TABLE 1). DEDD-type nucleases Changes in poly(A) tail length occur longer poly(A) tails are more efficiently are named after the conserved catalytic Asp throughout the lifetime of an mRNA. In the translated6,7. Regulated deadenylation can and Glu residues that are dispersed between nucleus, processing of newly synthesized act as a rheostat, quantitatively modulating three exonuclease motifs, which coordinate mRNAs is accompanied by the addition of a translation in a graduated manner. It can Mg2+ ions12. Members of this group include long poly(A) tail2 (FIG. 1). Upon export to the also function as an on–off switch, causing the POP2 (also known as CAF1), CAF1Z, cytoplasm, poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) rapid repression and mRNA degradation. poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) and binds to the tail, stabilizes the mRNA and Deadenylation diminishes translation PAN2 families (TABLE 1 and Supplementary facilitates translation3. PABP binds to the initiation by reducing or eliminating mRNA- information S1 (table)). The EEP-type translation-initiation factor eIF4G, which in bound PABP. Reciprocally, the termination enzymes have conserved catalytic Asp and turn binds to the cap-binding protein eIF4E3 of translation can influence deadenyla- His residues in their nuclease domains. EEP- (FIG. 1). The PABP–eIF4G–eIF4E interaction tion through interactions between PABP type enzymes include CCR4, Nocturinin, enhances mRNA translation. The role of and the termination factor eRF3 (ref. 8). ANGEL and 2′ phosphodiesterase (2′PDE) poly(A) in translation is antagonized by spe- Deadenylation is controlled by sequence- families13 (TABLE 1). Other deadenylases, cialized pathways of translational repression specific factors that bind to mRNAs. unrelated to DEDD or EEP enzymes, may and mRNA destruction4 (FIG. 1). MicroRNAs Here, we highlight the diversity, control exist, but have not yet been described. (miRNAs) and regulatory bind to and biological functions of deadenylases Poly(A) tails that are added to many 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of target in mRNA regulation. We do not discuss nuclear, non-coding RNAs are also removed mRNAs to control their translation and stab­ translational control, mRNA stability or through deadenylation9. The nuclear exo- ility4. In many cases, their action is linked regulatory proteins per se, as they have been some complex is strongly implicated in this to changes in the poly(A) tail: repressors well considered elsewhere1,4. We also do not deadenylation, with the RRP6 subunit, a shorten the tail, and activators lengthen it5. consider the removal of poly(A) from DEDD-type exonuclease, being the probable The deadenylase enzymes, which shorten non-coding RNAs, which is associated deadenylating enzyme9,14. mRNA poly(A) tails, are key players in the with nuclear decay of many transcripts9. The range of deadenylases varies among process of translational repression. species. Members of the POP2, CCR4, Deadenylases constantly erode poly(A) ...we highlight the diversity, PAN2 and ANGEL families are present in tails. In the nucleus, the deadenylation control and biological functions all eukaryotes (TABLE 1), whereas other dead- process restricts newly added mRNA enylases are less conserved. For example, poly(A) tails to their proper lengths4 (FIG. 1). of deadenylases in mRNA Drosophila melanogaster lacks both PARN In the cytoplasm, extensive deadenylation regulation. and CAF1Z (TABLE 1). Arabidopsis thaliana

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Deadenylase complexes. Deadenylases are 7 AAAAAAAA m G often associated with multisubunit com- /mRNA processing plexes. Other proteins in these complexes can influence the activity of the deadenylase. Nucleus m7G AAAAAA For example, the deadenylase PAN2 binds to PAN3, which in turn interacts with deA PABP4 (Supplementary information S2 Transport (figure)). PABP regulates the activity of the Cytoplasm PAN2–PAN3 complex by recruiting it to poly(A) tails (see below). 7 AAAAAA m G Certain deadenylases form homo- or Deadenylation Translation heterodimers (Supplementary information Readenylation S2 (figure)). For example, homodimeriza- tion of PARN is necessary for its activity21. AA PABP PABP 22 AAAAAA Yeast Ccr4 and Pop2 form heterodimers . eIF4G Indeed, heterodimerization greatly expands Decapping deA eIF4E the repertoire of deadenylase complexes in m7G DCP2 mammals; seven unique pairings between m7G AA deadenylases have been documented16,23 (Supplementary information S2 (figure)). Different heterodimers can have different enzymatic or regulatory properties. For 5′→3′ degradation 3′→5′ degradation Ribosome example, CNOT8 (a member of the POP2 family in humans) binds to a PUF regulatory XRN1 protein more avidly than does another AA m7G member of the POP2 family in humans, Exosome CNOT7 (ref. 24) (see below). Figure 1 | Pathways of translation and degradation. In the nucleus, 3′-end formation and poly(A) Higher-order deadenylase complexes add addition are necessary for mRNA export. In yeast, the Pan2 deadenylase (deA) trims nuclear tails to further complexity and regulatory potential. their proper length. Once exported to the cytoplasm, the mRNANatur poly(A)e Revie tailws | enhancesMolecular translation Cell Biology and For example, specific heterodimers made stabilizes the mRNA. Poly(A)-bound poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) interacts with the 5′-cap-bound up of a CCR4 protein and a POP2 protein in translation initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4E to synergistically enhance translation initiation. various species associate with NOT proteins By removing the poly(A) tail from mRNA, deadenylases elicit mRNA decay or translational repression, to form large multisubunit complexes16,22 whereas readenylation can activate some mRNAs. More commonly, deadenylated mRNAs are (Supplementary information S2 (figure)). degraded via one of two pathways: a 5 3 pathway that proceeds by mRNA decapping (catalysed ′→ ′ The NOT proteins are implicated in both by the decapping enzyme DCP2) followed by degradation by the exoribonuclease XRN1; or 3′→5′ 22 degradation is catalysed by the exosome complex. synthesis and deadenylation of mRNAs . Multiple forms of CCR4–POP2–NOT complexes exist22,25, with molecular weights may have as many as 26 deadenylases, prob- hydroxyl positions. Currently, however, the ranging from 0.65 to 2.0 MDa25. NOT ably because of genome-duplication events only demonstrated biological role of 2′PDE is proteins might influence the activities of (Supplementary information S1 (table)). in the degradation of 2′–5′-linked oligo(A)18 POP2 and CCR4 family members. NOT In vertebrates, the POP2, CCR4, PARN and (TABLE 1). Further research is needed to proteins can also act as adaptors; at least ANGEL families have expanded, due to identify all active deadenylases and determine one NOT protein, D. melanogaster NOT4, is duplications (TABLE 1). Furthermore, infor- their enzymatic properties. known to link the deadenylase complex to a matics predicts several new deadenylases, So, what is the advantage of having such 3′-UTR-bound regulatory protein26. Between such as mammalian PARNL and ANGEL1 a range of deadenylases? It is possible that heterodimers and multiple higher-order (Refs 15,16) (TABLE 1). specific deadenylases target unique subsets complexes to which they differentially bind, At least one orthologue from each family of mRNAs, enabling mRNA control to be the repertoire of deadenylase complexes is exhibits nuclease activity, and the nuclease dictated through regulation of the activity enormous. motifs are conserved (TABLE 1). In some of one enzyme. On the other hand, multiple instances, deadenylase activities were demon­ deadenylases can act on the same mRNA, Biological functions of deadenylases strated using both in vitro and in vivo tests. with discrete but overlapping functions. In Deadenylases have diverse biological func- The identification of ANGEL and 2′PDE yeast, Pan2 deadenylates nascent mRNAs tions, as inferred from genetic and RNA as deadenylases was circumstantial: human in the nucleus4 (FIG. 1); however, follow- interference experiments (TABLE 1). Some of ANGEL proteins associate with deadenylase ing the translocation of the mRNA into these enzymes are essential for the viability complexes16 and have conserved active-site the cytoplasm, Ccr4 is the predominant of organisms, whereas mutants of other residues. Moreover, Ngl2 — an orthologue of deadenylase19. In mammalian cells, PAN2 deadenylases exhibit specific phenotypes. ANGEL in budding yeast — is an exonucle- removes about half of the tail, then members In metazoans, plants and yeast, the disrup- ase17. Human 2′PDE can degrade poly(A) tails of the POP2 and CCR4 families degrade the tion of deadenylases has yielded a range of when the 5′ phosphates of each adenosine are rest of the tail20. How these transitions are interesting phenotypes (TABLE 1). None of the covalently linked between either the 2′ or 3′ coordinated is an important open question. deadenylases are essential for yeast viability;

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Table 1 | Diversity of deadenylases Family Sc Ce Dm Xl Mm Hs Active Notes Protein Local- Biological Ref domains ization functions DEDD nucleases POP2 Pop2 CCF-1 POP2 CNOT7 CNOT7 CNOT7 Sc, Dm, Inhibited by DEDD C, PB, Sh DNA damage, 4, Mm, Hs PABP cell cycle (Sc) 10, 20, Development, 22, fertility (Ce) 28, Cell size, 32, miRNA control 33, (Dm) 34, 36, Spermato- 66, genesis, 68, bone mass (Mm) 69 CNOT8 CNOT8 CNOT8 Hs DEDD ND CAF1Z CAF-1z CAF1Z CAF1Z CAF1Z Hs DEDD, N, CB, Sh ND 16 C3H ZnF, NLS PARN PARN PARN PARN PARN Xl, Hs Binds and DEDD, N, C, Sh Oocyte 4, stimulated R3H, maturation (Xl) 20, by cap; NBD, 27, inhibited by NLS NMD (Hs) 38, PABP and 61 CBP80 PARNL PARNL ND DEDD PAN2 Pan2 PAN-2 PAN2 PAN2 PAN2 PAN2 Sc, Mm, Stimulated DEDD, N, C, Sh Nuclear poly(A) 4, Hs by PABP WD40, shortening, 20, UCH replication 70 stress (Sc) EEP nucleases CCR4 Ccr4 CCR-4 CCR4 CNOT6 CCR4 CNOT6 Sc, Dm, Inhibited by EEP, LRR C, PB, Sh DNA damage, 4, Mm, Hs PABP cell cycle, 20, replication 23, stress (Sc) 29, 69 Oogenesis (Dm) NMD (Mm) CNOT6L CCR4L CNOT6L Mm, Hs EEP, LRR C, Sh Cell proliferation (Mm) Nocturnin NOC Noc NOC NOC Xl, Mm, EEP C Circadian 35, Hs (Xl, Mm) 40, 71 Homeostasis (Mm) ANGEL Ngl1 Angel Angel Angel1 ANGEL1 ANGEL1 ND EEP C, MA 15– (Sc) 17 Ngl2 Angel2 ANGEL2 ANGEL2 Sc EEP C (Sc); 5.8S rRNA N, CB, processing, Sh (Hs) carbon source (Sc) Ngl3 ND EEP ND 2′PDE 2′PDE 2′PDE 2′PDE 2′PDE 2′PDE Hs Degrades EEP ND Interferon 18 2′–5′A and response (Hs) 3′–5′A

Deadenylases from each species were classified into either (Asp-Glu-Asp-Asp) DEDD or exonuclease–endonuclease–phosphatase (EEP) superfamilies on the basis of amino-acid sequences of exonuclease domains. The deadenylases were subclassified into orthologous families on the basis of amino-acid-sequence relationships. Those species in which enzymatic activity has been demonstrated are indicated under the ‘Active’ column. Orthologous putative deadenylases were identified in the remaining species on the basis of . Protein domains were identified by bioinformatics analysis using InterproScan, cDART, Prosite, PredictNLS and NCBI conserved domain searches. The known biological functions and representative references are shown. C3H ZnF, Cys-His zinc finger; C, cytoplasm; CB, cajal body; Ce, Caenorhabditis elegans; Dm, Drosophila melanogaster; Hs, Homo sapiens; LRR, Leu-rich repeat; MA, mitochondrial associated; Mm, Mus musculus; N, nucleus; ND, not determined; NBD, nucleotide-binding domain, related to the RNA-recognition motif; NLS, nuclear localization signal; PB, processing body; R3H, Arg–His motif; Sc, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Sh, nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling; UCH, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase; Xl, Xenopus laevis.

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Reg Nocturnin is rhythmic, possibly through cir- cadian control40. Other deadenylases, such as Regulation of recruitment the members of the POP2 and CCR4 family, Regulation of 23,41 RNA binding are widely and constitutively expressed . deA Inhibition of enzymatic activity provides a second mode of global deadenylation control m7G AAAAAAA Regulation of enzymatic activity (FIG. 2) 3′ UTR . Specific stresses, such as ultraviolet damage, oxidative, osmotic or heat stresses, Regulation of as well as glucose deprivation, rapidly inhibit Ribosome poly(A) binding deadenylation42–44; the molecular mechanism PABP (or mechanisms) that regulate this inhibition Figure 2 | Regulation of mRNA deadenylation. Sequence specific, RNA-binding regulatory factors are still not known. (Reg) enhance deadenylation by binding to sequence elements in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of Deadenylation is influenced by two an mRNA and by recruiting deadenylases (deA) via physical association.Nature Revie Thews | recruitedMolecular deadenylaseCell Biology forms of spatial control: nucleocytoplasmic then degrades the poly(A) tail, initiating mRNA degradation and repression of translation. Specific partitioning and localization to granules. examples are shown in TABLE 2. The regulation of deadenylation can be accomplished by affecting Several deadenylases shuttle between the protein–RNA binding between the regulator and the target mRNA or poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) nucleus and the cytoplasm16,20 (TABLE 1). and the mRNA poly(A) tail. Likewise, protein–protein interactions, crucial for deadenylase recruitment, Changes in partitioning can have dramatic are nodes of regulation. Deadenylation can also be controlled by direct modulation of deadenylase effects: for example, nuclear breakdown enzyme activity. Two-way arrows indicate protein–protein or protein–RNA interactions. during amphibian meiosis releases PARN to the cytoplasm, where it then deadenylates maternal mRNAs27. however, mutants exhibit a number of yeast pop2 and ccr4 mutants22,29. Knockdown Certain deadenylases are detected in different phenotypes (TABLE 1). Functional of pop2 expression perturbs control of cell intracellular granules (TABLE 1). These redundancy complicates the picture. size36. In mammals, overexpression of Cnot7 granules — such as germline, stress and Although deadenylation is compromised or Caf1Z, or reduction of Cnot6L expression, neuronal granules, as well as processing (P) in either pan2 or ccr4 single mutants in reduces cell growth23,37. bodies — contain repressed mRNAs that can yeast, it is completely blocked in pan2 ccr4 These intriguing findings provide a become active45. Colocalization of enzymes double mutants19. The double-mutant strain, first glimpse into the physiological roles of and substrates may enhance deadenylation although slow growing, is viable, which deadenylases. Currently, it is difficult to dis- kinetics, but this theory has not yet been indicates that compensation by other mRNA- sect direct and indirect effects. For example, tested. Regardless, deadenylation is unlikely decay pathways allows decay to continue, the phenotype caused by disrupting the to be restricted to granules because the same albeit at a reduced rate19. Nocturnin gene could be due to mismanage- deadenylases are also found throughout the Specific deadenylases are necessary for ment of many mRNAs or to a specific defect cytoplasm20,46. specific biological processes, which indicates in an obesity-related mRNA. The identifica- Features of target mRNAs can also that regulating mRNAs is crucial for those tion of target mRNAs whose misregulation influence deadenylation. The mRNA 5′ cap processes. Several deadenylases, includ- is responsible for the phenotypes described can influence mRNA deadenylation by ing A. thaliana and Xenopus laevis PARN, above is essential. stimulating the activity and processivity D. melanogaster CCR4 and C. elegans CCF‑1, of PARN4, whereas it has no effect on the are essential during early development27–31. Regulation of mRNA deadenylation activity of other deadenylases (TABLE 1). Other deadenylases are required for fertility. The regulation of deadenylase activity is This unique property is mediated by the Cnot7-knockout mice, though viable and essential, as unbridled deadenylation would direct interaction of PARN with the 5′ cap without conspicuous somatic defects, are wreak havoc. Stable, translationally active of mRNA4. For some mRNAs, the poly(A) defective in spermatogenesis and, therefore, mRNAs must be protected against poly(A) tail can be protected from deadenylases by the males are sterile32,33. Both D. melanogaster tail deadenylation, whereas unstable or base-pairing. For example, a uridine-rich CCR4 and C. elegans CCF‑1 have key roles aberrant mRNAs are deadenylated and (U-rich), cis-acting, RNA element of the in the germline, such that reductions in their degraded38,39. Rapid deadenylation of specific nuclear PAN RNA from Kaposi’s Sarcoma activity causes sterility28,29. targets is superimposed on the basal, slow associated herpesvirus prevents its own Deadenylases also have important roles level of deadenylation of virtually all mRNAs. deadenylation by base-pairing with the in physiology. For instance, Cnot7-knockout Therefore, deadenylases are regulated both poly(A) tail47. The U‑rich region of the mice have bone-mass increases that are due on global and mRNA-specific bases (FIG. 2). Saccharomyces cerevisiae Edc1 mRNA may to enhanced bone formation34. Disruption Expression of deadenylases and their regu­ function similarly48. of the mouse Nocturnin gene causes defects lators dictate when and where regulation in the control of metabolic homeostasis, can occur. For example, the expression of Recruitment by regulators. The regulation rendering animals resistant to fat-induced of specific mRNAs hinges on sequence obesity35. Indeed, mice that lack Nocturnin elements, often located in the 3′ UTRs, that gain less weight and fat, despite eating and The regulation of enhance deadenylation. These elements 35 behaving normally . deadenylase activity is essential, are bound by factors that recruit individual At the cellular level, deadenylases also deadenylases and enhance mRNA dead- control growth. D. melanogaster Ccr4- as unbridled deadenylation enylation (FIG. 2). Several RNA-binding mutants exhibit cell-cycle defects, as do would wreak havoc. proteins (CUG-BP, PUF and CPEB),

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recruit deadenylases by directly binding to Table 2 | Regulators recruit multifunctional deadenylase complexes them24,49,50 (TABLE 2). Even PABP can activate Regulator Deadenylase RNA-binding mRNA-decay Translation Refs deadenylation by recruiting the PAN2– cofactors cofactors cofactors PAN3 complex to the mRNA4 (TABLE 2). In PARN 50 mammals, PABP can also recruit complexes CUGBP ↔ of POP2–CCR4 family members through PABP ↔ PAN2–PAN3 or 4, 8, protein interactions that are mediated by POP2–CCR4–TOB 20, 8,51 51, the TOB protein . In other instances, the 70 association of regulators and deadenylases is known, but the molecular details are not PUF ↔ POP2–CCR4–NOT ↔ Nanos DCP1 Dhh1, 4EHP, 24, Brat 26, (TABLE 2). 52 Combinatorial action of regulators CPEB POP2–CCR4–NOT CPSF, Maskin, GLD2 49 expands the versatility of the deadenylation Symplekin process. Multiple repressors — whether proteins or miRNAs — often bind to the KSRP PARN DCP2, XRN1, 72, exosome 73 same mRNA 3′ UTR. For example, the yeast repressor proteins Puf4 and Puf5 bind Smaug POP2–CCR4–NOT CUP 74 to the 3′ UTR of HO mRNA; each protein TTP POP2–CCR4–NOT DCP1, DCP2, 75 recruits Ccr4–Pop2 complexes to accelerate HEDLS, XRN1, deadenylation52. Moreover, 3′-UTR-bound exosome complexes can recruit deadenylases through UNR POP2–CCR4–NOT PABP, hnRNP D PAIP1, NSAP1 76 multiple subunits. In D. melanogaster, UPF1, UPF2, PARN or DCP1, 20, the RNA-binding proteins Pumilio and UPF3 POP2–CCR4–NOT DCP2, XRN1, 38 Nanos bind to one target mRNA (hunch- and PAN2 exosome, back) and interact with each other. The MicroRNA POP2–CCR4–NOT Argonaute, DCP1, DCP2, Argonaute, 65, Pumilio–Nanos complex then recruits GW182 XRN1 RCK/p54 66 the CCR4–POP2–NOT complex through Regulators control mRNA deadenylation, decay and translation by recruiting proteins and enzymes that are contacts with different components; Pumilio involved in these processes to specific mRNAs. RNA-binding cofactors can contribute to combinatorial control and to the recruitment of deadenylases (for example, Nanos). Direct protein interactions between regulators and binds POP2, whereas Nanos binds NOT4 deadenylases are indicated by two-sided arrows. In the other cases, functional associations between regulators (ref. 26) (TABLE 2). and deadenylases have been demonstrated, although direct contacts have not. 4EHP, eIF4E-homologous protein; CPEB, cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein; CPSF, cleavage polyadenylation specificity factor; Deadenylation can also be controlled DCP, decapping protein; hnRNP D, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D; PABP, poly(A)-binding protein; by modulating the binding of the regulator PAIP1, PABP-interacting protein-1; PARN, poly(A)-specific ribonuclease; XRN1, exoribonuclease-1. to the mRNA or the deadenylase (FIG. 2). Phosphorylation of the RNA-binding pro- tein KSRP by the p38 mitogen-activated mRNA poly(A) tail or PABP–deadenylase Compensatory polyadenylation. protein kinase (MAPK) pathway inactivates interactions can enhance deadenyla- Readenylation can offset deadenylation5 its RNA-binding activity and disrupts the tion8,51,59,60. In humans, at least six forms of (FIG. 1). Cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerase regulation of the target mRNA deadenylation PABP exist, in addition to other proteins that enzymes of the GLD2 family activate during myogenic differentiation of cultured can bind poly(A) tails (such as NAB2); how repressed mRNAs5,49. In X. laevis oocytes, mouse cells53. Similarly, the D. melanogaster they influence deadenylation is unknown3. the RNA-binding protein CPEB binds to protein Oskar has been proposed to inhibit Regulators can also block deadenylation by cyclin B1 mRNA and simultaneously asso­ binding of the translational repressor Smaug stabilizing PABP–mRNA complexes. For ciates with the polymerase GLD2 and the to its mRNA targets through protein inter­ instance, the α‑CP complex of RNA-binding deadenylase PARN49 (TABLE 2). The activi- actions, which leads to derepression of the proteins stabilizes α‑globin mRNA by ties of both enzymes are deadlocked until mRNA of the posterior determinant nanos binding to PABP4. Protein partners can meiosis. During meiosis, phosphorylation of gene during embryogenesis54 (FIG. 2). The also influence deadenylases activity (FIG. 2). CPEB causes dissociation of PARN, allowing regulator–deadenylase interaction is yet CBP80, a subunit of the nuclear 5′-cap- polyadenylation to proceed and activate the another point of control (FIG. 2); yeast Pbp1 binding complex, binds to and antagonizes mRNA49. This mode of control may be binds to PABP and inhibits Pan2–Pan3 PARN, perhaps by limiting its activity on common when repressed mRNAs need to activity, probably by blocking recruitment55. nascent pre-mRNAs61. be stored and mobilized at a different stage, Regulatory proteins may also act through as occurs at synapses1. Deadenylation antagonists and enhancers. PABP to enhance mRNA deadenylation The substrate of deadenylation — the (FIG. 2). Helicase-related proteins such as Multifunctional control mRNA poly(A) tail — is coated with PABP RHAU can enhance deadenylation, perhaps Deadenylase complexes that are recruited by molecules, which block the access of dead- by displacing PABP from the poly(A) tail62. specific regulators can be multifunctional; enylases to the poly(A) tail3 (FIG. 2). Yeast Mammalian TOB enhances deadenylation they contain components that repress PABP inhibits the activity of purified Ccr4 by CCR4–POP2 family member complexes mRNA translation and enhance mRNA (ref. 56). In mammals, PABP inhibits PARN through interaction with the C‑terminal decay, along with the deadenylase enzymes deadenylase57. X. laevis ePAB, a PABP homo- (non-RNA-binding) region of PABP; TOB (FIG. 3). Multifunctionality has two important logue, also inhibits mRNA deadenylation58. acts as a bridge, joining PABP with the consequences. First, deadenylation is not Regulated PABP dissociation from the deadenylase complex8,51. sufficient to cause rapid mRNA decay if,

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In other cases, an RNA-binding regulator may recruit each activity through several 3′ 5′ Exo Exo separate protein interactions. In these Decapping and Deadenylation and cases, the regulator nucleates the assembly 5′→3′ degradation Decap deA 3′→5′ degradation of a specific multifunctional complex on the mRNA (FIG. 3). Last, the combinatorial Reg action of several regulators may assemble a m7G AAAAAA 3′ UTR multifunctional regulatory complex, unique Trln to a specific mRNA, that is dictated by the Inhib Remod Remodelling of mRNP 3′‑UTR sequence of the mRNA and the spe- Inhibition of translation cific regulators that recognize it (TABLE 2). Local miRNAs can also elicit multifunctional control; they repress mRNA translation, enhance mRNA decay and cause deadenyla- 65 Localization of mRNP tion . miRNAs interact with Argonaute proteins to form RNA-induced silencing Figure 3 | Multifunctional control of mRNA decay and translation. Regulators (Reg) can control complexes (RISCs)65. These complexes mRNA deadenylation, decay and translation by recruiting multifunctionalNature Revie complexesws | Molecular to mRNAs. Cell Biolog They enhance mRNA deadenylation through composition, assembly and enzymatic activities of the complex dictate the regulatory outcome. These the CCR4–POP2–NOT complex, repress complexes (shown in the grey oval) can include enzymes that deadenylate (deadenylases; deA), decap translation through an Argonaute–5′-cap and degrade mRNAs (for example, 5′ exonucleases such as XRN1 or 3′ exonucleases such as the exo- some). Complexes can also consist of proteins that inhibit translation (5′-cap- or eIF4E-binding pro- interaction mechanism and promote mRNA teins, or helicases such as Dhh1 orthologues; shown as Trln Inhib), remodel protein–mRNA complexes decapping through the DCP1–DCP2 decap- 65,66 (for example, helicases; shown as Remod) or control mRNA localization (shown as Local). The remod- ping complex (TABLE 2). Furthermore, elling of the mRNA–protein complex (mRNP) could affect one or multiple regulatory steps. The recruit- RISC components also associate with the ment of a multifunctional regulatory complex can occur through a single molecular contact with a RCK (also known as p54) helicase protein, single subunit of that complex. Likewise, the regulator can nucleate the assembly of a multifunctional a Dhh1 orthologue that is required for complex on the mRNA through separate contacts with multiple regulatory factors. In other cases, the miRNA-mediated repression67 (TABLE 2). recruitment can occur through combinatorial interactions between regulators that are bound to the The heterogeneity of multifunctional 3′ untranslated region and several subunits of the complexes. deadenylase complexes could explain why a single regulator, or regulatory family, can sometimes promote mRNA translational for that mRNA, other rate-determining recruited to an mRNA, the PARN–5′-cap repression and at other times promote steps, such as decapping, lie downstream63. interaction might prevent binding of the mRNA decay. In yeast, both Puf4 and Puf5 Therefore, other factors in the deadenylase cap-binding translation initiation factor recruit the Ccr4–Pop2–Not complex to their complex ensure a more complete mRNA eIF4E. Consequently, PARN may simultane- target mRNAs, but Puf5 represses mRNA shut-down. Second, multifunctionality ously catalyse deadenylation and repress translation in a deadenylation-independent provides opportunities to control deadenyla- translation, which is consistent with the manner, whereas Puf4 repression is depend- tion, translation and turnover independently negative correlation between PARN and ent on deadenylation52. The difference prob- or together, depending on the nature of the eIF4E binding to mRNAs64. Similarly, the ably lies in the composition or modification complex (FIG. 3; TABLE 2). PARN–5′-cap interaction may ensure that of the deadenylase complexes that they Many regulators (such as PUF, CPEB, only non-translating mRNAs, no longer recruit. The mRNA 3′ UTR dictates which KSRP, Smaug, TTP and miRNAs) recruit associated with eIF4E, are targeted to PARN. deadenylase subcomplex will be attracted. specific deadenylases and cofactors that CCR4–POP2–NOT complexes also appear We propose that this sort of versatility is either inhibit translation (such as Dhh1, to be multifunctional; they possess protein widespread and is used to differentially Maskin, CUP and 4EHP), promote decap- subunits that are involved in the control of regulate mRNAs. ping (such as decapping protein-1 (DCP1) cell cycle, mRNA transcription and signal and DCP2) or rapidly degrade mRNA transduction22, and perhaps they integrate Perspectives (such as the exosome and exoribonuclease-1 mRNA decay with these processes. The presence of hundreds of RNA-binding (XRN1)) (FIG. 3; TABLE 2). Recruitment of By recruiting a single multiprotein proteins and miRNAs in the helicase-related proteins, such as Dhh1 (and complex, some regulators command many suggests that mRNA-based regulation is its orthologues)24 and RHAU62, may facili- activities at once (FIG. 3; TABLE 2). In yeast, more common than was previously thought. tate repression and decay by remodelling the Ccr4–Pop2–Not complex associates The diversity of mRNA deadenylases and the mRNA–protein complexes5 (FIG. 3; TABLE 2). with the mRNA-decapping enzyme and complexes they form provides robust and Remodelling may displace factors from the Dhh1 (ref. 22). This higher-order complex flexible opportunities for controlling mRNA. mRNA, including translation and regulatory is multifunctional, possessing deadenylase, Recruitment of deadenylase complexes to factors. At the same time, remodelling may decapping, remodelling and translational specific mRNAs by RNA-binding regulators permit other factors access to the mRNA, repressive activities. Regulators such as PUF is a crucial step in regulation. such as degradative enzymes. proteins recruit this multifunctional complex Several key issues now need to be Even a single deadenylase protein by making a single interaction with the Pop2 addressed. The identity, activity and structure can be multifunctional. PARN binds to subunit, thereby repressing translation and of the full repertoire of deadenylases must be and is stimulated by the 5′ cap4. When enhancing mRNA degradation24,52 (TABLE 2). identified. Functional tests will continue to

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