Bylaw 1: YGC Elections 1.1. Calls for nominations will include a message encouraging diversity including, but not limited to, gender and region. 1.2. Staff and interns of the of Canada cannot run for the YGC, with the exception of a seasonal intern or staff working the equivalent hours of a seasonal intern during their term, provided they are committed to fulfilling their YGC duties during a general election.

Bylaw 2: YGC Councillors 2.1. YGC Councillors may not reside outside of Canada for longer than 30 consecutive days during their term, and these 30 days may not coincide with the first 30 days of their term or a general election.

Bylaw 3: Young Greens Council Meetings and Reports 3.1. One or both Chairs of the Council shall chair the meetings. If neither Chair is present, one of the other chairs shall chair the meeting. 3.2. The Council may adopt procedural rules, not inconsistent with the constitution, for conducting their meetings. 3.3. The Council shall send out an annual report to all members at least 30 days prior to the annual elections. 3.4. A Council Committee shall submit written reports to the Council at least every 2 months. 3.5. The Council may ask for a written Council Committee report at any time with 14 days notice given to the committee chair prior to the reporting date. 3.6. The Council Committee reports shall be made available to any member who requests such reports.

Bylaw 4: Voting Representative on Federal Council 4.1. Within 30 days of being elected, the YGC must ensure that there is a YG Councillor elected by the YGC to serve as the voting representative on Federal Council.

Bylaw 5: Young Greens Council General Election Action 5.1. By the time a writ is dropped for a federal general election or by-election, the YGC shall form a campaigns committee should significant campaign involvement be requested by Federal Council. 5.2. The YGC will appoint a committee to organize a YG election campaign . 5.3. The Chair of the Election Committee has decision-making capacity but must consider input from YG Councillors. 5.4. The Election Committee chair will collect input from the YGC and make final decisions in a timely fashion. 5.5. The YGC remains the governing body, wields authority over the Election Committee, and has the capacity to annul decisions made by the Election Committee. 5.6. The Election Committee must develop and implement a communications strategy during a general election.

Bylaw 6: Young Greens Campus Clubs 6.1 Young Greens campus clubs are defined as groups of YGs who meet the following criteria: 6.1.1 Respect the purpose of the Young Greens 6.1.2 Respect the regulations of the relevant student union (where applicable) 6.1.3 Have had their constitutions approved by the YGC 6.1.4 Have reported the names of their President(s)/Chair(s) and contact information to the Campaigns and External Affairs Chair.

Bylaw 7: Young Greens International Involvement 7.1. A youth delegate to the will be expected to participate in forums of the Global Greens and the Global Young Greens. 7.2. The delegate will be expected to liaise with YGC Council and GPC Federal Council. 7.3. The delegate shall report to the YGC within 30 days of international event or forum.

Bylaw 8: Youth Policy Development 8.1. The YGC must field candidates for a Youth Policies and Education critic for the Shadow Cabinet when the position becomes vacant. 8.2. The YGC will accept applications for nomination to the position of Youth Policies and Education critic for the Shadow Cabinet. 8.3. The Youth Policies and Education critic will be approved by the YGC, and recommended for appointment to the Shadow Cabinet by the Co-Chairs. 8.4. The Youth Policies and Education critic is expected to liaise between the Shadow Cabinet and the YGC.

Bylaw 9: Overall Structure of the YGC 9.1. The YGC executive consists of the positions as laid out in Article 4 of the Constitution.

Bylaw 10: Co-Chairs 10.1. The duties of the Co-Chairs include, but are not limited to, 10.1.1. Internal Duties, comprising primarily of: Organizing, facilitating, and ensuring proper records are kept of internal YGC activities and documents Ensuring that the YGC is in compliance with the Constitution of the Young Greens of Canada Preparing and distributing to Councillors before the meeting the packet of material needed for the meeting, including but not limited to the agenda Sending out the call of the meeting (the official notice of a meeting given to all members of the organization) Overseeing the work of the entire Council to ensure that responsibilities are being met Organizing internal council activities and gatherings Preparing an annual report at the end of the Council’s term based on the submissions of the entire YGC 10.1.2. Membership-related Duties, comprising primarily of: Preparing and providing to the YGC membership minutes of YGC meetings 10.1.3. GPC-related Duties, comprising primarily of: Maintaining communication between the Young Greens of Canada and the One or both Co-Chairs filling the position of Youth Representative to Federal Council and attending all Federal Council calls and meetings 10.1.4. Miscellaneous Duties, comprising primarily of Ensuring that the Young Greens of Canada are represented in the international Green movement by appointing a youth delegate to the GGs in accordance with Bylaw 7.

Bylaw 11: Campaigns and External Affairs Chair 11.1 The duties of the Campaigns and External Affairs Chair include, but are not limited to: 11.1.1. Chairing the Campaigns Envisioning Sessions, including but not limited to: Crafting campaign strategies and objectives Organizing and coordinating efforts to meet campaign objectives Planning and preparing for future campaigns Communicating the activities and decisions taken by the working group to the YGC 11.1.2. Sitting on Federal Council’s Campaign Committee, subject to its approval 11.1.3. Liaising with and developing the national club network, which includes but is not limited to the following: Coordinating, facilitating and supporting initiatives to help clubs carry out local actions and activities Facilitating discussion between campus club heads Developing and supporting strategies for local growth Ensuring clubs are represented on the YGC and facilitate their involvement in YGC activities.

Bylaw 12: Communications Chair 12.1. The duties of the Communications Chair include, but are not limited to: 12.1.2. Developing a national strategy to increase the visibility of the Young Greens of Canada 12.1.3. Supporting Council portfolios, including Campus Club work,for any messaging, communication, and branding needs 12.1.4. Ensuring consistency in information sent to YGs on the structure and processes of, and recent news related to, the GPC and the YGC 12.1.5. Chairing the Communication Working Group, which consists of the Communication Directors and any other member(s) appointed by the Communications Working Group 12.1.6. Supervising Anglophone and Francophone Communications Directors in order to ensure equal linguistic representation.

Bylaw 13: Finance Chair 13.1. The duties of the Finance Chair include, but are not limited to: 13.1.1. Ensuring that the YGC respects relevant Elections Canada regulations 13.1.2. In consultation with the YGC, drafting the basic framework and ideas for the YGC Annual Plan and Budget for the following year 13.1.3. Drafting and submitting to FC a YG departmental submission for the GPC Annual Plan and Budget in accordance with the GPC budget schedule (must be completed by approximately August of the previous year) 13.1.4. Reporting on any budget activities and providing regular budget updates 13.1.5. Leading the YGC in organizing and leading fundraising initiative(s) 13.1.6. Coordinating with Co-Chairs on planning the YGC retreat

Bylaw 14: Policy Chair 14.1. The duties of the Policy Chair include, but are not limited to: 14.1.1 Coordinating policy development 14.1.2. In consultation with the YGC and Youth Critic, drafting press releases regarding to current policy issues concerning youths in Canada 14.1.3. Working hand in hand with Youth Critic to develop youth-centric policies, to draft and present policy resolutions to Shadow Cabinet and at Green Party Conventions