Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist

Volume 1 Article 1


Mammals of the –Escalante National Monument: a literature and museum survey

Jerran T. Flinders Brigham Young University, [email protected]

Duke S. Rogers Brigham Young University, [email protected]

Jackee L. Webber-Alston Brigham Young University

Harry A. Barber Bureau of Land Mangement, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Flinders, Jerran T.; Rogers, Duke S.; Webber-Alston, Jackee L.; and Barber, Harry A. (2002) " of the Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument: a literature and museum survey," Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 1 , Article 1. Available at:

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Jerran T. Flinders1, Duke S. Rogers1,2, Jackee L. Webber-Alston1, and Harry A. Barber3

ABSTRACT.—This is the first treatment of the mammals of the Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument (GSENM). GSENM was established in 1996 as a 1.7-million-acre (680,000-ha) federal land reserve under the jurisdic- tion of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). To successfully manage this new monument, the BLM is presently developing a management action plan. To provide information for the proper management of of the area, we have reviewed background literature for each mammal potentially found within the Monument boundaries. We propose that a core area, surrounded by a buffer matrix, be used in GSENM and surrounding public lands to preserve ecological processes in their natural state. One hundred thirteen mammalian species are categorized as follows: 82 con- temporary species, 21 species questionably present, 4 introduced species reportedly in the Monument, and 6 historical species. Altogether, potentially 107 mammalian species exist there currently. Of 82 contemporary species, 11 are listed in the State Sensitive Species List, 1 in the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), and 1 in the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red Book. Mammals listed under the 1973 Endangered Species Act (ESA) are noted when applicable, as well as State of Utah listings as endangered, threatened, sensitive, or extirpated. For each mammalian species listed, we present in telegraphic style a life history account, sensi- tivity status, and currently accepted nomenclature.

Key words: mammals, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, Utah, Mammalia, Rodentia, Carnivora, Artio- dactyla, Insectivora, Chiroptera.

INTRODUCTION ference. Such extraordinary flora potentially sustains unique species of . The Canyons As part of the , the Grand of Escalante are a maze of winding, connecting Staircase–Escalante National Monument (here- canyons of the and its tribu- after referred to as GSENM or the Monument) taries. These riparian canyons are vital corri- is a fascinating region, brimming with biodiver- dors for many animals and sanctuaries for sity. Little, however, is known of the mammals relict, isolated plant communities (Visitor Infor- of the area, their distributions, and their popu- mation 1998). lation densities. The Grand Staircase–Esca- The GSENM spans biotic zones, from semi- lante area was established in 1996 under the arid deserts to coniferous forests, with sparse, Federal Antiquities Act as a 1.7-million-acre scattered water sources in between (Presiden- (688,000-ha) national monument under jurisdic- tial Proclamation 1996). The distinctness of tion of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). these zones allows unequaled opportunity for The Monument spans 3 distinct physiographic scientific and ecological study. Approximately regions of south central Utah (Fig. 1). The 880,000 acres (352,000 ha) of Wilderness Study Grand Staircase region is a series of multi-col- Areas exist to preserve the most remote areas ored cliffs, starting from the Grand Canyon rim within the Monument until a management and ascending about 5500 feet to the south- agenda is established. west. The “stairs” consist of the Pink Cliffs, Few records exist on mammal collections Gray Cliffs, White Cliffs, Vermillion Cliffs, and and sightings in GSENM. The earliest records Chocolate Cliffs. The is a of mammalian wildlife in the Monument are remote area of mesas and steep cliffs. Because rock art (Fig. 2) left by ancient Native Ameri- of its remoteness, many species of plants have cans: bighorn sheep, deer, , and elk (Raw- evolved in isolation, away from human inter- ley 1986). Although the Monument is given

1Department of Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. 2Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. 3Bureau of Land Management, 318 North 1st East, Kanab, UT 84741.


Fig. 1. Three distinct physiographic regions of the Monument: Grand Staircase, Kaiparowits Plateau, and Canyons of Escalante.

Escalante’s name, the Dominguez-Escalante gated the and bypassed the party of 1776 did not pass through the present border of the Monument en route to Arizona. boundaries of GSENM. Rather, the party by- The discovery of gold in the late 1880s south passed present-day borders in southern Kane of Glen Canyon brought people farther into County. In this area they record eating “hares, the area. Speculation about geologic wealth of rabbits, and wild sheep.” the region brought a later influx into the The first nonnative settlements in the region Kaiparowits area. Mineral exploration, such as were established by Mormon pioneers in the petroleum, began in the 1920s, with oil drilling early 1860s. Explorations by 2 of these pioneers, starting in 1921. The first significant drilling Jacob Hamblin and John D. Lee, aided in im- in the Monument was in the Upper Valley proving knowledge of the area. John D. Lee incline in 1948. In the late 1950s Glen Canyon established the now abandoned settlements of Dam required better road access and U.S. Paria in 1870, one at the mouth of the Paria Highway 89 was constructed. This provided River in 1871, and Adairville in 1873. These accessibility to the GSENM, inasmuch as the sites are now located within the Monument. highway skirts around or through the southern In 1871 and 1886, John Wesley Powell navi- and western borders (Murdock et al. 1974). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 3

Fig. 2. Rock art found in GSENM has contributed to knowledge of the cultures of early Native Americans who inhab- ited the region.

Presnall (1938) conducted a survey of the records of occurrence for the species are avail- mammals in Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon able, these headings are not included. National Park, and the Cedar Breaks areas surrounding the Monument. Durrant (1952) PRESENT STATUS OF GSENM surveyed throughout the state for mammalian occurrence, but relied heavily on Tanner’s Three main controversial issues plague the (1940) small mammal work for the Kaiparowits new GSENM: (1) the designation of Wilderness Plateau and basin. Pritchett (1962) Study Areas within the Monument, (2) exist- collected mammals throughout Kane County. ing coal mining rights within the boundaries Raines (1976), Atwood and Pritchett (1974), of the Monument, and (3) continuance of graz- and Murdock et al. (1974) studied the fauna of ing allotments within the Monument. The first all the Kaiparowits region. However, their col- issue, wilderness designations, strongly influ- lection sites were located primarily on the east ences the other 2 major issues and thus will be side of the Colorado River, and only 3 were first in this discussion. located in GSENM. Hayward, Killpack, Cof- Wilderness is herein defined (Wilderness Act fery, and Pritchett (unpublished data) kept 1964) as any designated area “without perma- mammalian population records in the area of nent improvements or human habitation” where the Monument between 1952 and 1960 as well. the “imprint of man’s work is substantially More recently, surveys have been conducted unnoticeable” in contrast to areas where “man for chiropteran species by the BLM in the and his own works dominate the landscape.” It summers of 1997 and 1998. In the following is also described as a place that “contains eco- sections describing species in GSENM, records logical, geological, or other scientific, educa- of occurrence for each species are listed as tional, scenic, and historical value.” We propose Specimens Examined for museum records of that, to preserve biodiversity, wilderness areas specimens, and Additional Records for occur- be designated based on the criteria discussed rences cited in the above literature. Where no by Davidson et al. (1996). Davidson et al. (1996) 4 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 described how wilderness designations on BLM off gene flow and divide population corridors land in Utah are based on ensuring long-term (Mader 1984). population viability of native species, maintain- Among the preserve areas proposed in the ing critical ecological and evolutionary pro- Redrock Wilderness Act are the Grand Stair- cesses, and preserving the full range of com- case, Escalante Canyons, and Kaiparowits munities, successional stages, and environmen- Plateau, much of which are in the borders of tal gradients. Wilderness should be preserved GSENM (Comparison of Utah Wilderness with the understanding that it is easier and Bills 1996). The Utah Wilderness Coalition more cost-effective to protect species in intact and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance also and thus functioning ecosystems. include the White Cliffs as proposed wilder- Designated wilderness areas may serve as ness along with the above-mentioned areas core zones for metapopulations of large mam- (Stegner 1990). mals, particularly carnivores, that maintain Wilderness designation honors pre-existing some genetic flow through public land buffer mining and grazing claims on the land. Fear of zones, connected and serving as a formal or loss of mineral exploration leaves some cau- informal regional reserve network. It must be tious of promoting wilderness designations in recognized that large carnivores have large the GSENM, as future exploration would not home ranges and can be expected to disperse be allowed under the Wilderness Act (1964). over long distances in appropriate habitats. For However, these deposits, if found upon explo- example, annual, individual home ranges in ration, are likely too remote and difficult to the Rocky Mountains are on the order of 150 reach, and thus undoubtedly are more costly km2 for black bear, more than 400 km2 for than profitable to find and to extract. Goerold mountain lion and wolverine, and nearly 900 (1990) reported that coal resources of Utah are km2 for grizzly bear (Noss et al. 1996). Because abundant. Yet, the high cost of extraction cou- of their requirements for space, position in the pled with inexpensive reserves from neighbor- food web, and need for some management ing states may hamper local expansion in the protection, large mammalian predators have Monument anyway. Goerold (1990) also stated been considered indicators of the health or that most current coal mines contain enough integrity of ecosystems (e.g., Eisenberg 1980, reserves for long periods of production at pres- Noss 1995). Long-term managment plans for ent rates or at increased outputs. He indicated GSENM should allow the Monument to serve that the coal industry contributed about 4% to as a refugium for native wildlife and plants Utah’s economy and oil and gas less than 2%. (Newmark 1985, 1995, Davidson et al. 1996). Grazing, by law, cannot be phased out once Critical areas of wilderness designation are cen- an area is designated wilderness. Grazing allot- ters for native and endemic species. Eighty-six ments also can be increased if the grazing does percent of Utah’s indigenous plant species are not have adverse effects on ecosystems. Wilder- found in arid and semiarid areas like GSENM ness can even benefit livestock operations by (Davidson et al. 1996). Many parts of GSENM decreasing accessibility to stock and thus de- are low-elevation areas of extensive native creasing theft and harassment. Livestock graz- species diversity, and thus vital for preservation. ing, however, if improperly managed in wilder- Preservation of corridors for wildlife move- ness areas, may lead to ecological alterations ment is a major benefit of wilderness designa- such as introductions of exotic species, soil ero- tions for mammalian species. If corridors are sion, competition with indigenous species, and lost, this creates an island effect on the diver- deterioration of water quality (LeGate 1990). sity of species and could result in a genetic Since no ground truth studies have yet been bottleneck and ultimately a loss of biodiversity. completed in GSENM, this paper relied heav- Although public lands are not true isolates, ily on literature and museum records to create patterns of mammalian extinction exceed the a species inventory. Historical locations of number of colonizations, and the rate of ex- specimen records are sometimes vague; there- tinction is inversely related to size of the pro- fore, no accurate distributions could be con- tected area, as is the case of true isolates (e.g., structed for mammals in GSENM. Scanty and Newmark 1995). Wilderness designation serves obscure data led to noting mammals as intro- to maintain areas as pristine as possible, thus duced, probable, or questionable species pres- limiting roads and other such barriers that cut ent in GSENM. Table 1 lists mammals that 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 5 have voucher specimens or are documented as although monogamy was more common in all being in GSENM in the literature. These are 4 groups (Thomas et al. 1993). mammals known to be in the Monument, ECOLOGY.—From about 500 A.D. and for 8 whereas other mammals listed herein are centuries following, Fremont people lived in included based on distributions reviewed in Utah, W Colorado, and E Nevada. Dwelt along the literature. The following species accounts Escalante River, its tributaries, and Kaiparo- are organized in a modified telegraphic style wits Plateau. Lived to the north of contempo- under the headings Historical, Contemporary, raries, the Virgin River Anasazi, and were in- Questionable, and Introduced Species. Non- fluenced greatly by their culture. Shared traits GSENM mammals are noted by common name. were pithouses, surface adobe houses, figurines, Plant species are indicated only by common and black-on-gray painted pottery. Fremont name, following designations in Welsh et al. were adapted to life style of mixed hunting, (1987). Scientific names of avian species also gathering, and farming. Range likely constrained are not included; the species are referred to to water availability. Moved between farming by accepted American Ornithological Union locations of watered canyons and winter homes checklist names. All other species are referred in uplands where hunted game. By 14th cen- to by common name. Table 2 identifies cita- tury the people had disappeared (Waldman tions, and their acronyms, for specimens 1985, Fahey et al. 1995, McFadden 1997). Early examined. Anasazi utilized cliffs and canyon walls as homes. Subsisted on opportunistic diet includ- SPECIES OF HISTORICAL ing yucca, fruits, nuts, berries, mushrooms, OCCURRENCE mule deer, antelope, leporids, fish, turkey and other birds, and . Cultivated corn, cot- Homo sapiens Linneaus, 1758 ton, and Indian rice grass. Anasazi consisted of Particularly Fremont, Virgin River Anasazi, 2 distinct cultures in GSENM, the Kayenta and Kayenta Anasazi, and Southern Paiute the Virgin Anasazi. In Grand Staircase area, Native American Cultures Virgin Anasazi relied heavily on agriculture. Patterns of settlement reflected residential Homo sapiens Linneaus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:20. mobility that allowed changes in various agri- Type locality in Uppsala, Sweden (Wilson and Reeder cultural environments. Next Anasazi group mi- 1993). grated from Kayenta area and occupied Kai- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Characteris- parowits Plateau region after or immediately tics pertain to those described as early North before disappearance of Fremont. Because of American cultures of the SW U.S. adaptation to conditions, group likely had mixed DISTRIBUTION.—The Fremont group lived agricultural and hunter/gather program like in the Escalante area from 500 A.D. to 1100 Fremont (McFadden 1996, 1997). Early South- A.D. Two cultures of Anasazi existed in ern Paiute people immigrated in ca 1300 A.D. GSENM, the Kayenta Anasazi and the Virgin into GSENM. Jackrabbits were hunted by chas- River Anasazi. The Virgin River Anasazi (100 ing them into long, low nets made from twisted B.C.–1200 A.D.) dwelt on the Grand Staircase fiber cordage. Paiutes were hunters, fishers, portion of the Monument, and the Kayenta and gatherers who ate diverse foods. Paiutes Anasazi (1050–1200 A.D.) lived in the Escalante adept in knowing healing properties of certain area, particularly the Kaiparowits Plateau, plants. Built valley homes of willow sticks and toward the end of the Fremont occupation. woven tule reeds in summer and lived in The Southern Paiute group was established in foothills in winter. Tule reeds also used to craft S Utah following the Fremont and Anasazi boats and duck decoys for hunting (e.g., Wald- (1300 A.D.; D.A. McFadden personal commu- man 1985, Josephy 1994, Fahey et al. 1995, nication 1998). McFadden personal communication 1998). REPRODUCTION.—Usually single, altricial REMARKS.—Treatment only for native tribes young born after 9-month gestation. Mating prior to European contact. Also evidence of system variable with tribes. Early Southern human presence before cultures listed. Remains Paiute had a polyandrous mating system when found in GSENM dating back to 6000 B.C. they were especially prosperous or when near Big Water (McFadden personal commu- women were scarce. Polygamy was accepted, nication 1998). 6 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

TABLE 1. List of mammals with records in GSENM.

INSECTIVORA RODENTIA Northern Water Shrew (Sorex palustris) White-tailed Antelope CHIROPTERA (Ammospermophilus leucurus) Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel Townsend’s Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) ( lateralis) Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Rock Squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus) Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) Cliff (Tamias dorsalis) Allen’s Big-eared Bat (Idionycteris phyllotis) Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) (Tamias quadrivittatus)1 Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) Hopi Chipmunk (Tamias rufus) California Myotis (Myotis californicus) Uintah Chipmunk (Tamias umbrinus) Long-eared Myotis (Myotis evotis) Valley Pocket Gopher (Thomomys bottae) Fringed Myotis (Myotis thysanodes) Southern Pocket Gopher (Thomomys umbrinus) Long-legged Myotis (Myotis volans) Ord’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ordii) Yuma Myotis (Myotis yumaensis) Northern Grasshopper Mouse (Onychomys Western Pipestrel (Pipistrellus hesperus) leucogaster) Mexican Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) Long-tailed Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus formosus) CARNIVORA Little Pocket Mouse (Perognathus longimembris) Coyote (Canis latrans) Great Basin Pocket Mouse (Perognathus parvus) Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) Montane Vole (Microtus montanus) Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Bushy-tailed Woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Sonoran Woodrat (Neotoma devia) Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Desert Woodrat (Neotoma lepida) Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) Brush Mouse (Peromyscus boylii) Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Canyon Mouse (Peromyscus crinitus) Badger (Taxidea taxus) Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Pinyon Mouse (Peromyscus truei) Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) ARTIODACTYLA Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) LAGOMORPHA Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii)

1Recorded as this species, but name likely since changed.

TABLE 2. Citations for specimens examined. Acronym Citation and location BLM Bureau of Land Management. 1998 Grand Staircase–Escalante Monument bat survey summary. June–July. Unpublished data.

BYU Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

MVZ Museum of Vertebrate , University of California–Berkeley, Berkeley, California.

USNM National Museum of Natural History, Vertebrate Zoology Department of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.

UU Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 and brown to coal black. However, coloration usually grizzled gray. Males slightly larger than Gray Wolf females. Total length: 1300–1835 mm; length Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:39. Type of tail: 300–450 mm; length of hind foot: 250– locality Sweden (Mech 1974). 275 mm; body mass: 18–80 kg (Mech 1974, Clark and Stromberg 1987). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest mem- DISTRIBUTION.—Formerly throughout all ber of the canid family. Fur long and coloration of Northern Hemisphere in all habitats and variable from pure white through mottled gray topography except extreme deserts and high 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 7 mountain tops, now only disjunct populations. thick, colored medium brown to black. Head, Reintroductions in progress in North America saddle, tail, and legs usually darker with black- for select portions of W U.S., such as Yellow- ish facial mask and lighter upper body stripe. stone National Park (Mech 1974, Wilson and Stripe may be creamy to yellowish, light brown, Reeder 1993). Originally statewide distribution or reddish; extends from head and shoulders to in Utah, except west desert region; no known base of tail. Light patches on throat and chest occurrence in Utah at present (Durrant 1952). also common. Cream-colored animals with REPRODUCTION.—Mated pairs likely breed brown feet also have been trapped, but thought for life. Breeding January to April with typical to be rare. Males larger than females. Total copulation lasting up to 30 minutes. Gestation length: 940–1070; length of tail: 218–260; ca 63 days with 1–11 young. Sexually mature length of hind foot: 178–190; body mass: 6.6– at 2 years of age, but usually breeds at 3 years 16.2 kg (Pasitschniak-Arts and Lariviere 1995). (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Breeding controlled DISTRIBUTION.—Historically extended down by social hierarchy in each pack. the Rocky Mountains from Alaska to New Mex- ECOLOGY.—Historically occupied most hab- ico and Arizona. Extirpated by the 20th century, itats across Northern Hemisphere. Primary but now reestablishing populations in Montana predators of deer, moose, wapiti, caribou, musk- and rare sightings in Colorado. Commonly ox, mountain sheep, mountain goat, domestic thought never abundant in all other W U.S. livestock, and beaver. Most of time spent in states (Pasitschniak-Arts and Lariviere 1995). search of prey. Prey located by scent, tracking, No records since 1950 in Utah. Formerly found and chance. Can survive up to 2 weeks without in high Wasatch, Uinta, and Boulder Mountains prey. Consumes all of prey except largest bones (Durrant 1952). and fur. Social animals, living in packs of a few REPRODUCTION.—Apparently polygynous wolves up to 30, consisting of at least 1 pair of mating system. Breeds in May to August. breeding adults, pups, and extra adults. Packs Monestrous with delayed implantation. Partu- establish linear dominance hierarchies for both rition in spring with ca 2–3 young. Young males and females. Dominant animals have first weaned 7–8 weeks. Females reproduce after 2 selection in feeding, breeding, and bedding years and exclusively raise young (Pasitschniak- sites; often lead the pack when hunting or Arts and Lariviere 1995). traveling. Species establishes home ranges of ECOLOGY.—Found in remote areas of mature variable sizes, larger home range for larger forests such as Douglas-fir, alpine fir, and packs. Has no natural predators except man. lodgepole pine. Opportunistic feeder relying Three main methods of communication: (1) heavily on carrion, but will kill own food. Fol- howling and similar vocalizations, (2) visual lows predators such as gray wolf or lynx to displays of postures and positions, (3) scent scavenge remains. Feeds on caribou, moose, marking (Mech 1974, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). lemmings, shrews, voles, snowshoe hare, mag- STATUS.—Registered in Appendix II in pies, other birds and fish, beaver, lynx, ground CITES, U.S.A. ESA lists it as Endangered in , and any available carcass or small the USA (48 conterminous states, excluding mammal. Though scavenger, reported to have Minnesota); and IUCN lists it as vulnerable successfully attacked and killed big game such (Wilson and Reeder 1993). In Utah, listed as as caribou. Kills larger prey by biting on back extirpated on the Sensitive Species List (Kim- of neck, back, and withers. Wolverine urine ball 1997). odor reported to affect feeding areas of mule Gulo gulo (Linnaeus, 1758) deer and snowshoe hare. Gray wolf, black bear, brown bear, cougar, and golden eagle are Wolverine potential predators, though most frequently [Mustela] gulo Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:45. killed by man. Solitary, nocturnal, large home Type locality Sweden, Lapland (Pasitschniak-Arts and Lariviere 1995). ranges, and no territorial defense. Caches food when excess amount is available. Scent marking GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest muste- important form of communication (Pasitschniak- lid. Large head, broad forehead, short stout Arts and Lariviere 1995). neck, relatively short legs, arched back, and STATUS.—Listed by IUCN as vulnerable, and heavy musculature. Short, round, well-furred in Utah listed as a threatened species (Wilson ears. Small, beady eyes. Bushy tail. Pelage and Reeder 1993, Kimball 1997). 8 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Mustela nigripes (Audubon Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 and Bachman, 1851) Grizzly Bear Black-footed Ferret Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:47. Type locality “Sweden” (Pasitschniak-Arts 1993). Putorius nigripes Audubon and Bachman, 1851. Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, 2:297. Type locality Fort GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Massive head Laramie, Goshen Co., Wyoming (Wilson and Reeder 1993). with dished face, rounded ears, small eyes, and prominent nose. Exhibits heavy shoulder GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Mink size and hump, short tail, and a powerful, large body. shape. Upperparts yellowish buff or whitish. Coloration of pelage variable from tan, blond, Venter paler. Feet, mask over eyes, and crown gold, gray, silver, cinnamon, and all shades of of head black. Tail long and tipped with black. brown to almost black. Interior animals tend Distinguished from weasels by blending of to be lighter than coastal and have pale-tipped color changes instead of sharp boundaries. guard hairs, giving a grizzled appearance. Females smaller than males. Total length: Head and shoulders usually paler than darker 500–533; length of tail: 114–127; length of hind sides, belly, and legs. Males larger than females foot: 60–73; length of ear: 29–31; body mass: (Pasitschniak-Arts 1993). Total length: 1700– 2800; length of tail: 70–80; length of hind foot: 530–1300 g (Hillman and Clark 1980, Fitzgerald 230–280; length of ear: 100–130; body mass: et al. 1994). 135–275 kg (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—Formerly throughout Great DISTRIBUTION.—Historically in W and C Plains, mountain basins, and semiarid grass- North America from Arctic Ocean to C Mexico. lands of North America, coinciding with prairie Now found in Eurasia, Alaska, Canada (except dog range. Few remnant populations still mark open prairies), and disjunct populations in the range (Hillman and Clark 1980). However, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. viable populations only in captivity and cur- Extirpated in Mexico in 1960s, but possibly a rent reintroduction efforts are underway on few in N Mexico (Pasitschniak-Arts 1993). Prior the Colorado-Utah border (Wilson and Reeder to extinction in Utah, occurrence in Sanpete 1993, Bates personal communication 1999). and Washington counties as well as NE Utah REPRODUCTION.—Breeding late February and SE Idaho borders (Durrant 1952, Russell to early April. Gestation 42–45 days with 2–4 1955). young born in May. Presumed polygynous sys- REPRODUCTION.—Polygamous system with tem with sexual maturity reached at 1 year several males competing for estrous females. (Hillman and Clark 1980, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Breeding mid-May to July. Delayed implanta- ECOLOGY.—In close association with occur- tion. Young born January to March in female rence of . Preys on prairie dogs and dens and stay with mother for 2–3 years. uses their burrows for dens and shelter. Also Females bear young at ca 7 years (Pasitsch- takes ground squirrels, cottontail rabbits, deer niak-Arts 1993). mice, and small birds. Ferret number declines ECOLOGY.—Inhabits any area with sufficient directly related to habitat destruction, sec- resource availability from prairie grassland to alpine tundra. Today, however, found in more ondary poisonings, and prairie dog population remote areas where contact with people is lim- control. Predators reported as coyote, golden ited. Diet mainly vegetation such as grasses, eagle, and great horned owl. Highly antagonis- succulent herbs, tender shoots, flowers, leaves, tic to same sex conspecifics. Habits secretive roots, bulbs, tubers, mosses, horsetails, willows, and nocturnal. Less active in winter and solitary and berries. Also takes insects, larvae, birds, except when breeding in spring. Vocalizations eggs, acorns, cones, nuts, fish, small mammals, include chatters, hisses, and whimpers. Odor moose, caribou, elk, deer, pronghorn, bison, big- recognition aids in night travel (Hillman and horn sheep, mountain goat, and domestic live- Clark 1980). stock. Caches food. Strictly terrestrial mam- STATUS.—Listed in CITES (Appendix I), mal; does not climb trees like the black bear. and Endangered in U.S.A. ESA (Wilson and Solitary except mother with young. Active in Reeder 1993). Listed in the State of Utah as an day, but mainly at night. Dens in winter months endangered species (Kimball 1997). in response to food scarcity. Establishes home 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 9 ranges that overlap with conspecifics but shows ECOLOGY.—Estimates indicate 30–50 mil- no territorial defense, but rather maintains lion bison occurred in North America prior to range by mutual avoidance. Only natural re- European colonization but were nearly exter- ported predator is Siberian tiger. Habitat loss, minated due to overhunting (Nowak 1991). In genetic bottleneck due to isolation, habituation 1887, Hornaday reported just 541 bison re- to humans, and illegal hunting are major human- mained from the vast herd (Shaw and Meagher induced threats to populations. Low reproduc- 2000). Prehistoric distribution primarily central tive rate and slow compensatory response to grasslands and northern parklands of North these threats are serious problems. Intolerance America. Now reintroduced herds in habitats and aggression in males during mating season ranging from semidesert to boreal forests where is due to a nonfamilial bond experienced as suitable grazing is available. Foraging gener- cubs. Communicates by visual, auditory, and ally nonselective grazing on grasses, sedges, vocalizations, but relies heavily on olfaction and forbs. Many herds managed as domestic (Pasitschniak-Arts 1993, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). livestock. Free-ranging wild herds now in STATUS.—Listed in CITES as threatened in Alaska, Canada, Yellowstone National Park, and USA (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Listed in the the Henry Mountains of southern Utah (Shaw State of Utah as an extirpated species (Kimball and Meagher 2000). Wallows in dry or muddy 1997). soil. Predators man and gray wolf (Meagher 1986, Clark and Stromberg 1987). (Linnaeus, 1758) Bison bison REMARKS.—Prehistoric rock art has been American Bison found depicting bison at Johnson Canyon Bos bison Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:72. Type within GSENM in C Kane Co. (Rawley 1986). locality “Mexico” (=C Kansas, “Quivira”), redesignated Presnall (1938) refers also to a herd in House as Canadian River Valley, E New Mexico (Wilson and Rock Valley within GSENM in S Kane Co., Reeder 1993). brought in from Texas in 1905. STATUS.—Bison b. athabascae listed in GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest North CITES (Appendix I), in U.S.A. ESA as Endan- American artiodactyl. Body massive, accentu- gered (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Geist (1996) ated by shoulder hump. Pelage brown, long considers the species Bison bison to be with- over forehead, neck, hump, and front quarters; out ; identified variations attributed shorter over rump, tail, and hind legs. Tail nar- to differences in nutrition. row with tufted tip. Head large and neck thick and short. Males and females possess horns that Cynomys parvidens (Allen, 1905) curve upward and inward, tapering to sharp Utah Prairie Dog tip. Eyes anterolateral. Legs short and stout. Hooves black and circular shaped on bottom. Cynomys parvidens Allen, 1905. Bull. Mus. Sci., Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sci., 1:117–122. Type locality Buckskin Females slightly smaller than males. Total Valley, Iron Co., Utah (Pizzimenti and Collier 1975). length: 2130–3800; length of tail: 300–910; length of hind foot: 500–680; length of ear: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small prairie 110–150; body mass: 410–910 kg (Meagher dog with each hair composed of several colors. 1986, Clark and Stromberg 1987). Upperparts cinnamon-clay to buff and darker DISTRIBUTION.—Formerly throughout North on rump. Underparts paler cinnamon or buff. America from Canada and W Canada to N Whitish mouth, chin, and tail tip; diagnostic Mexico. Reintroductions occurring within his- dark cheek patches. Total length: 305–360; toric range (Meagher 1986). Fairly extensive length of tail: 30–60; length of hind foot: 55– ranching of domesticated bison in U.S. and 66; length of ear: 12–16; body mass 650–1050 Canada. Found in Utah on Antelope Island g (Pizzimenti and Collier 1975, Jacquart 1986). (Great Salt Lake) and in E Utah from the San DISTRIBUTION.—SC Utah (Durrant 1952, Rafael Swell to the Henry Mountains (Durrant Wilson and Reeder 1993). 1952). REPRODUCTION.—Breeding early spring with REPRODUCTION.—Breeding season late June– ca 4–5 young. Reproduction may be delayed September, but strong seasonal variance. Ges- 2–4 weeks at higher elevations. Annual partu- tation ca 285 days with usually 1 young born rition (Pizzimenti and Collier 1975). in mid-April to May. Calves more ruddy pelage ECOLOGY.—Once widely distributed (Meagher 1986). throughout range, now occurs only sparsely 10 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 along the Sevier River and E Iron Co. Because Sorex merriami Dobson, 1890 of poisoning and disease, populations have Merriam’s Shrew dwindled from 95,000 in 1920 to 3500 in 1976. Dense vegetation northward and possible com- Sorex merriami Dobson, 1890. Monogr. Insectivora, pt. 3 (Soricidae), fasc. 1, pl. 23. Type locality [1 1/2 mi] above petition with Uinta ground squirrel are proba- Fort Custer [Hardin], Big Horn Co., Montana (Wilson ble reasons for lack of successful dispersal and and Reeder 1993). range expansions (Zeveloff 1988). Primary diet mostly forbs and grasses. Habits are diurnal GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small shrew. and colonial. Burrows similar to C. leucurus Pelage pale gray above, with paler flanks; with little design of mound (Pizzimenti and whitish below. Long, distinctly bicolored tail Collier 1975). (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Total length: 88– STATUS.—Listed in U.S.A. ESA as Threat- 107; length of tail: 33–42; length of hind foot: ened; IUCN as vulnerable; in Utah it is a 11–13; length of ear: 8–9; body mass: 4.4–6.5 g threatened species (Wilson and Reeder 1993, (Armstrong and Jones 1971). Kimball 1997). DISTRIBUTION.—All W United States; W Oregon to S New Mexico (Jung and Hoffmann SPECIES OF CONTEMPORARY 1981). Possibly statewide distribution in Utah OCCURRENCE within sagebrush, mountain mahogany, and arid grassland communities, often in association INSECTIVORA with sagebrush vole (Sparks 1974, Zeveloff Notiosorex crawfordi (Coues, 1877) 1988). REPRODUCTION.—Pregnant females mid- Desert Shrew March to early July. Males with enlarged testes Notisorex Coues, 1877. Bull. U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., and prominent flank glands (reproductive 3:631. Type locality 2 mi above El Paso, El Paso Co., attractant) caught in March–June (Armstrong Texas (Wilson and Reeder 1993). and Jones 1971). COLOGY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Color grayish E .—Found in drier habitats, usually with brown above. Short grayish tail, paler sagebrush, some grasslands, mountain mahog- below. Three unicuspid teeth in upper jaw, any, pinyon, and pine/fir/aspen areas. Utilizes unlike members of Sorex . Ears rela- microtine runways and burrows. Feeds on spi- tively large. Prominent flank glands. Largest ders, beetles, larval lepidopterans, and ichneu- shrew in North America. Total length: 81–90; monid wasps. Caterpillars most often used in length of tail: 24–26; length of hind foot: 9–11; summer (Armstrong and Jones 1971). length of ear: 8–9; body mass 3–5 g (Jameson Sorex monticolus Merriam, 1890 and Peeters 1988). Montane Shrew DISTRIBUTION.—Broad distribution through- out SW U.S., C and N Mexico (Hall 1981). At Sorex monticolus Merriam, 1890. N. Amer. Fauna, 3:43, the same latitude as this portion of Utah, there September 11. Type locality San Francisco Mtn., 11,500 ft. [3450 m], May 15, Coconino Co., Arizona is a record for Nye Co., Nevada (Durrant 1952). (Hall 1981). REPRODUCTION.—Breeds in warmer months. Gestation length not known. Litter size 3–5 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Color varies young (Armstrong and Jones 1972). with seasons. Summer: short fur, rust brown, ECOLOGY.—Semidesert scrub association of paler below; winter: gray fur longer and darker mesquite, agave, and scrub oaks. Does not re- above than below. Tail bicolored. Total length: quire permanent water sources and uses a 111–120; length of tail: 46–55; length of hind wide variety of food including most insects foot: 13–15; length of ear: 6–7; body mass: 4–7 and even carrion. Habitat cover variable from g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). brush piles to woodrat dens. Predators mostly DISTRIBUTION.—Mesic habitats from Alaska owls, especially great horned and barn owls throughout Rocky Mountains to New Mexico (Armstrong and Jones 1972). with isolated populations in C Mexico (Fitz- STATUS.—Utah State Sensitive Species List gerald et al. 1994). Found throughout Utah in due to limited distribution (restricted to south- all mountain ranges and adjacent valleys (Dur- ernmost portion of Utah; Kimball 1997). rant 1952). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 11

REPRODUCTION.—Breeds from April to length of hind foot: 18–22; body mass: 8–14 g August. More than 1 litter per year. Gestation (Beneski and Stinson 1987). 20–22 days with ca 6 young per litter (Fitzger- DISTRIBUTION.—Boreomontane distribution ald et al. 1994). throughout Rocky Mountain range and much ECOLOGY.—Found in mesic habitats of aspen, of Canada and Hudsonian life zones (Beneski willow, moist meadows of subalpine forests, and Stinson 1987). Found throughout Utah in and riparian communities. Greatly affected by permanent water source (Sparks 1974). temporal variation in groundcover; when her- REPRODUCTION.—Two to 3 young per litter baceous cover declines, increases use in adja- with a gestation <10 weeks. Average life span cent, mesic aspen areas. Active all year, subni- 18 months (Beneski and Stinson 1987). vian in winter. Food consists of small insects, ECOLOGY.—Found along the edges of swift- especially soil-dwelling larvae (Jameson and flowing streams with rocks, logs, crevices, and Peeters 1988). overhanging banks; often in association with Sorex nanus Merriam, 1895 willow-grass or willow-sedge areas. Insectivo- rous, yet will feed on small fish. Predators in- Dwarf Shrew clude , water snake, weasels, trout, Sorex tenellus nanus Merriam, 1895. N. Amer. Fauna, 10:81, accipiter hawks, owls, mink, black bass, pick- December 31. Type locality from Estes Park, Larimer erel, walleye, and larger frogs (Beneski and Co., Colorado (Hall 1981). Stinson 1987). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Tiny shrew. ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Kaiparo- Coloration gray-brown above. Long tail. Total wits Plateau (Tanner 1940). length: 82–105; length of tail: 27–45; length of Sorex vagrans Baird, 1858 hind foot: 10–11; body mass: 1.8–3.2 g (Fitz- gerald et al. 1994). Vagrant Shrew DISTRIBUTION.—Found in Montana, Wyom- Sorex vagrans Baird, 1858. Mammals, in Repts. Expl. ing, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona Surv. . . . , 8(1):15, July 14. Type from Shoalwater Bay (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Found only in south- [known also as Willapa Bay], Pacific Co., Washington (Hall 1981). ern half of Utah (Schafer 1991). REPRODUCTION.—Breeding begins after GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Color variable snowmelt, with usually 2 litters produced per with seasons. Summer: grayish to brown above, season; gestation period unknown. Litter size grayish tinged in brown or red below. Long 6–7 young (Zeveloff 1988). tail uniform color. Winter: uniformly grayish to ECOLOGY.—Variety of habitats in the Rocky blackish. Total length: 95–108; length of tail: Mountains, from alpine edges and subalpine 36–41; length of hind foot: 8–13; body mass: rockslides to spruce-fir bogs, coniferous forests, 3–8.5 g (Clark and Stromberg 1987). sedge marshes, dry, bushy hillsides, and open DISTRIBUTION.—Riparian and montane areas woodlands. Can also tolerate semiarid to arid of the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau, S areas, and thus might be more widely distribu- British Columbia east to Montana, W Wyoming, ted than records show. Paucity of ecological and Wasatch Mountains of Utah; C Nevada to data on this shrew (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Sierra Nevada (Wilson and Reeder 1993). STATUS.—Species of special concern in Utah REPRODUCTION.—Breeds in early January. due to limited distribution (Kimball 1997). Three to 8 young per litter with 2 or more lit- Sorex palustris Richardson, 1828 ters per year (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Life span no longer than 16 months (Zeveloff 1988) Northern Water Shrew ECOLOGY.—Prefers montane habitat, usu- Sorex palustris Richardson, 1828. Zool. J., 3:517. Type local- ally in ponderosa pines at higher elevations. ity “marshy places from Hudson’s Bay to the Rocky Mountains” (Beneski and Stinson 1987). Commonly along streams associated with wet humus and thick herbaceous cover. Can also GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Relatively large be found in more arid areas (Cockrum 1982, shrew. Pelage dark or black above; belly sil- Zeveloff 1988). Feeds opportunistically, taking very white. Long tail. Hind feet have a fringe small arthropods, earthworms, and slugs (Jame- of stiff hairs for air buoyancy when swimming. son and Peeters 1988). Predators include snakes Total length: 130–170; length of tail: 57–89; and barn owls (Zeveloff 1988). 12 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

CHIROPTERA nose. Total length: 89–112; length of tail: 35– 54; length of hind foot: 10–13; length of ear: Antrozous pallidus (Le Conte, 1856) 30–41; length of forearm: 39–47; body mass: Pallid Bat 7–12 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Antrozous pallidus Le Conte, 1856. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. DISTRIBUTION.—W U.S. from Washington Philadelphia, 14:248 (Wilson and Reeder 1993). to Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas; scattered populations in GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large bat. Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Coloring pale beige above, nearly white Virginia (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Found in below. Big ears separated at base. Total length: S Utah (Hasenyager 1980, Mollhagen and Bogan 90–113; length of tail: 40–47; length of hind 1997). foot: 10–12; length of ear: 28–32; length of REPRODUCTION.—Copulation throughout forearm: 48–60; body mass: 14–17 g (Fitzger- winter in hibernacula. Females store sperm ald et al. 1994). until after hibernation, when fertilization occurs. DISTRIBUTION.—Generally common through- Single young born in early summer (Zeveloff out riparian habitats in arid deserts and grass- 1988). Gestation ranges from 56 to 100 days, lands of SW U.S. (Hermanson and O’Shea 1983). Distributed in E and S Utah (Sparks depending on climatic factors and tempera- 1974). ture variations (Schmidly 1991). ECOLOGY.—Common in highlands of the REPRODUCTION.—Breeding October to De- cember, with sperm stored in female repro- W U.S. in scrublands as well as pine, pinyon- ductive tract until spring. Parturition May–June, juniper, and deciduous forests; uncommon in female hanging upright while altricial young deserts. Feeds mostly on moths although will are born breech. Weaned 6–8 weeks (Herman- take other insects in late evening. Roosts soli- son and O’Shea 1983). tarily or in small groups (Zeveloff 1988). Species ECOLOGY.—Characteristic of desert areas, very intolerant to disturbance. Shelter a limit- less abundant in evergreens and mixed forests. ing factor in distribution (Hasenyager 1980). Co-roosts at night with other species of bats. REMARKS.—Wilson and Reeder (1993) cite Forms large maternity colonies. Preys on flight- no evidence on why Corynorhinus should not less arthropods, moths, and sometimes small be used. Herein, Corynorhinus is chosen based lizards and smaller bats. Predators include on parsimony analysis of the phylogeny of Ple- snakes and owls. Echolocation main source of cotus by Tumlison and Douglas (1992). orientation. Isolation calls show individual dis- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Pink tinctiveness and aid in localization of off- Cove, 1 (BLM); Pete’s Cove, 2 (BLM). spring. Squabble notes and irritation buzzes STATUS.—Registered as sensitive species in audible at night roosts (Hermanson and O’Shea Utah due to limited distribution and declining 1983). populations (Kimball 1997). SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: 42 mi S, 18 mi W, Paria River, 1 (USNM); mouth of Eptesicus fuscus Paria Canyon, 1 (USNM); Paria, 1 (BYU). (de Beauvois, 1796) ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co: Paria Big Brown Bat (Pritchett 1962); Paria, 2 (Hasenyager 1980); Vespertilio fuscus Palisot de Beauvois, 1796. Cat. Raisonne Fin Little Spring, 3 (BLM); Pink Cove, 1 Mus. Peale Philadelphia, p. 18. Type locality “Les envi- (BLM). rons de Philadelphia,” Pennsylvania (Kurta and Baker 1990). Corynorhinus townsendii (Cooper, 1837) GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large bat. Townsend’s Big-eared Bat Pelage brown above, varying from light (in deserts) to dark (in forests), usually glossy; Plecotus townsendii Cooper, 1837. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. belly paler, with hairs dark at base. Black wings New York, 4:73, November, paratypes from Columbia River, Oregon (Hall 1981). and membrane (not furred). Total length: 98–138; length of tail: 34–56; length of hind GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage paler foot: 11–13; length of ear: not given; length of gray or brown above, buff below. Largest eared forearm: 39–54; body mass: 12–20 g (Fitzger- bat in U.S. Two distinct, glandular lumps on ald et al. 1994). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 13

DISTRIBUTION.—From S Canada to N Vene- ECOLOGY.—Wide variety of habitats but zuela, Colombia, and Brazil. Found in arid W most often collected in dry desert terrains. and SW U.S. and forested highlands (Kurta Commonly feeds on moths, but also June bee- and Baker 1990). Records throughout whole tles, flies, mealworms, katydids, and grasshop- state of Utah, with great variation in color pers. With moths, spotted bat generally pulls (Hasenyager 1980). wings and head off before eating. Predators REPRODUCTION.—Copulation occurs in Sep- most often include kestrel, red-tailed hawk, tember to March, with ovulation and fertiliza- and peregrine falcon. Has high injury rate and tion delayed until after arousal from torpor. greater-than-average speed. Vocalization a high- Gestation about 60 days with litter size 1 in W pitched, metallic squeak audible to the human North America and 2 in Cuba and E U.S. ear (Watkins 1977). (Kurta and Baker 1990). STATUS.—Species of special concern in ECOLOGY.—More abundant in deciduous Utah due to declining populations (Kimball forests and more forested, dry regions in W 1997). U.S. In mountainous regions, males occur at higher elevations than females. Observed leav- Idionycteris phyllotis (Allen 1916) ing roosting site when temperature exceeds Allen’s Big-eared Bat ° 33–35 C. Forages at night with no preference Corynorhinus phyllotis G. M. Allen, 1916. Bull. Mus. Comp. for over-water feeding sites. Generalist feeder Zool., 60:352. Type locality Mexico, San Luis Potosi and has opportunistic predators. Post-sunset (Wilson and Reeder 1993). glow and spatial memory might be relied on for finding foraging grounds. Isolation and GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large ears with lobes able to fold into ram’s horn fashion feeding ultrasonic calls utilized. May also for protection (Sparks 1974). Pelage soft black- identify prey by low-frequency flight sounds ish with yellowish tips (Czaplewski 1983). of prey (Kurta and Baker 1990). Total length: 103–121; length of tail: 46–55; SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 5 mi length of hind foot: 9–12; length of ear: 38–43; W Escalante, 3 (Hasenyager 1980); Kane Co.: length of forearm: 43–49; body mass: 10–12 g Kaiparowits Plateau, 2 (Hasenyager 1980). (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Fitzgerald et al. ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Fin Lit- 1994). tle Spring, 5 (BLM); Pete’s Cove, 3 (BLM); DISTRIBUTION.—Mountainous regions of Pink Cove, 12 (BLM); Nipple Spring, 1 (BLM); SW U.S. and Mexico (Czaplewski 1983). Dis- Drip Tank Spring, 11 (BLM); Paria River #2 tributed in Utah in southernmost counties Site, 10 (BLM). (Hasenyager 1980, Mollhagen and Bogan 1997). Euderma maculatum (Allen, 1892) REPRODUCTION.—Single young born in maternity colonies between June and August Spotted Bat (Czaplewski 1983). Histortius maculatus J. A. Allen, 1892. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. ECOLOGY.—Primarily dwells in forested Hist., 3:195. Type locality Santa Clara Valley, Casrac mountains from pine, fir, and oak to more Creek mouth, Los Angeles Co., California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). riparian woodlands of sycamore, cottonwood, willow, and walnut. In Utah, also found in GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—White spots drier habitats. Roosts in rocky cliffs, outcrop- on black body. Large ears. Total length: 107– pings, boulder piles, or lava flows. Food con- 115; length of tail: 47–50; length of hind foot: sists of moths, soldier beetles, dung beetles, not given; length of ear: 44–50; length of fore- leaf beetles, roaches, and flying ants gleaned arm: 48–51; body mass: 9–11 g (Watkins 1977). from vegetation or pursued in flight. Variable DISTRIBUTION.—Rocky Mountain range from flying capabilities and speeds for adaptive for- S Montana to S Mexico ranging from desert aging. Emits “peeps” similar to Euderma mac- rubble to coniferous montane forests (Watkins ulatum but lower in pitch. Echolocation has 1977). Found in S portions of Utah (Hasenyager large range of signal types used by nearly all 1980). other bat species, allowing for versatility in REPRODUCTION.—Fertilization occurs in orientation sounds (Czaplewski 1983). summer months. Single offspring born mid- to ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Pink late summer (Watkins 1977). Cove, 1 (BLM); Pete’s Cove, 2 (BLM). 14 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

STATUS.—Registered as a species of special GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Male color- concern in Utah due to limited distribution ing bright red to orange-red; females dull red (Kimball 1997). or chestnut; both with frost-colored back and breast. Characterized by white patch on each Lasionycteris noctivagans shoulder. Ears small and rounded with small (Le Conte, 1831) tragus (Shump and Shump 1982a). Total length: Silver-haired Bat 107–128; length of tail: 40–60; length of hind Vespertilio noctivagans Le Conte, 1831. In: McMurtrie, foot: 8–11; length of ear: 8–11; length of fore- Anim. Kingdom, 1(App.):431. Type locality eastern arm: 35–46; body mass: 7–16 g (Fitzgerald et United States (Wilson and Reeder 1993). al. 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—S Canada through U.S., GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized Mexico, Central America, and South America bat. Pelage nearly black with silver-tipped dorsal to Chile and Argentina (Shump and Shump hair. Interfemoral membrane slightly furred. 1982a). Utah records indicate presence in S Short, rounded, naked ears (Kunz 1982). Total two-thirds of state (Durrant 1952). length: 90–112; length of tail: 35–48; length of REPRODUCTION.—Breeding August–Septem- hind foot: 8–11; length of ear: 13–16; length of ber with fertilization in spring. Gestation 80– forearm: 37–44; body mass: 7–15 g (Fitzgerald 90 days with 3–5 young born in June–July et al. 1994). (Shump and Shump 1982a). DISTRIBUTION.—S Canada, SE Alaska, and ECOLOGY.—Wide range of habitats used, U.S. except southernmost regions, NE Mexico, preferring riparian areas where roosts avail- Bermuda (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Likely able in tree foliage (Schmidly 1991). Solitary statewide distribution for Utah (Hasenyager bat. Foraging begins 1–2 hours after sunset, 1980). feeding mostly on moths, crickets, flies, beetles, REPRODUCTION.—Mating in temperate zones cicadas, and grain moths. Highly migratory. likely in autumn, with sperm storage over Predators include falcons, hawks, opossums, winter. Fifty- to 60-day gestation in May to domestic cats, owls, and roadrunners (Shump June. Two young born in early summer. Un- and Shump 1982a). known if species forms maternity colonies STATUS.—Considered sensitive species in (Kunz 1982). Utah due to limited distribution and declining ECOLOGY.—Found in riparian and coniferous populations (Kimball 1997). woodlands near streams and ponds (Hasen- yager 1980). Thought to be solitary. Tree- Lasiurus cinereus rooster, but utilizes mines, caves, tree hollows (Palisot de Beauvois, 1796) and crevices in winter. Food habits opportunis- Hoary Bat tically insectivorous. Forages comparatively in coniferous and deciduous forests adjacent to Vespertilio cinereus Palisot de Beauvois, 1796. Cat. Ras- ionne Mus. Peale Philadelphia, p. 18. Type from Phila- streams or ponds in bimodal activity of 2–4 delphia, Pennsylvania (Wilson and Reeder 1993). hours before sunset then 4–6 hours after sun- set. Probable that presence of red and hoary GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Larger bat. bats alters foraging time (Kunz 1982). Pale brown above with heavily frost-tipped SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: 42 mi S, pelage (Shump and Shump 1982b). Small, 18 mi W, Paria River, 1 (USNM). rounded ears and interfemoral membrane well ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Water furred. Total length: 120–145; length of tail: Tank Springs, Kaiparowits Plateau, 50 mi SE 49–60; length of hind foot: 9–12; length of ear: Escalante (Tanner 1940); Tommy Water, 3 9–14; length of forearm: 46–56; body mass: (BLM); Drip Tank Spring, 7 (BLM); Paria 18–32 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Fitzger- River #2 Site, 1 (BLM). ald et al. 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—Covers the U.S. and Canada Lasiurus borealis (Muller, 1776) to Guatemala, and South America from Brazil Western Red Bat to Argentina and Chile in desert canyons, Vespertilio borealis Muller, 1776. Linne’s Vollstand. Natur. coniferous and deciduous forests (Shump and System, Suppl., p. 20. Type locality New York (Wilson Shump 1982b). Statewide distribution in Utah and Reeder 1993). (Durrant 1952). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 15

REPRODUCTION.—Breeding in fall and per- Myotis ciliolabrum haps winter. Two young born in late May to (Merriam, 1886) early June that cling to mother in day and are Western Small-footed Myotis left hanging on a twig or leaf while mother feeds at night (Shump and Shump 1982b). Vespertilio ciliolabrum Merriam, 1886. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 4:2, Dec. 17. Type from a bluff on Hack- ECOLOGY.—Found in forested areas of the berry Creek, about 1 mi from Castle Rock, near Ban- West (Hasenyager 1980). Solitary bat that usu- ner, Trego Co., Kansas (Hall 1981). ally roosts in tree foliage. Forage primarily includes moths and some beetles, flies, grass- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small bat with hoppers, termites, dragonflies, and wasps. Has yellow-brown pelage and black face, ears, been observed when feeding on moths to bite wings, and interfemoral membrane. Keeled from behind, thus engulfing abdomen and calcar. Dark facial mask on some individuals. thorax and shearing off head and wings. Occa- Total length: 75–88; length of tail: 33–42; sionally taken by hawks or owls (Shump and length of hind foot: 5–8; length of ear: 12–15; Shump 1982b). length of forearm: 30–35; body mass: 3.5–5.5 g ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Drip Tank (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Springs, 1 (BLM). DISTRIBUTION.—Throughout all W U.S. and across the state of Utah (Wilson and Reeder Myotis californicus 1993, Mollhagen and Bogan 1997). (Audubon and Bachman, 1842) REPRODUCTION.—Single young born in May California Myotis to June in small maternity colonies. Very little Vespertilio californicus Audubon and Bachman, 1842. J. known about their reproductive activity Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ser. 1, 8:285. Type locality (Schmidly 1991). “Monterey, California, U.S.A.” (Wilson and Reeder ECOLOGY.—Widely distributed in many 1993). different western habitats. Also found near forested areas. Small maternity colonies formed; GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Light to brown otherwise habits generally solitary. Low flier fur with rusty tint above and paler below. and insectivorous, opportunistic feeder. Feed- Dark wings, ears, and interfemoral membrane. ing habits similar to California myotis (Schmid- Small feet. Total length: 70–84; length of tail: ly 1991). Various roosts, especially man-made 30–40; length of hind foot: 5.5–8.2; length of structures. Relatively high toleration to cold ear: 11–15; length of forearm: 29–36; body temperatures; therefore shorter hibernation mass: 3–5 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). than other bats (Hasenyager 1980). DISTRIBUTION.—W North America from REMARKS.—Myotis ciliolabrum and M. leibii Alaskan Panhandle to Baja California and Chi- synonymized by Wilson and Reeder (1993). apas, Mexico (Simpson 1993). Records in Utah Herein, separated based on data presented by include counties from the S three-fourths of van Zyll de Jong (1984) and revised as M. leibii state (Hasenyager 1980). (eastern race) and M. ciliolabrum (western REPRODUCTION.—Delayed fertilization with race) according to diagnostic bacula size, vaulted 1 young per year; breeding in late autumn to braincase, upper incisor width, and DNA work early spring. Maternity colonies form June to using UPGMA clustering. Best and Jennings July (Simpson 1993). (1997), in Mammalian Species account of M. ECOLOGY.—Inhabits desert, semidesert, leibii, also considered them separate species. grasslands, ponderosa pine, and lower Sonoran through transitional life zones. Rocky canyons, Myotis evotis (H. Allen, 1864) crevices, and caves used for roosting. Forages Long-eared Myotis before sundown (Hasenyager 1980). Feeds mainly on lepidopteran and dipteran species, Vespertilio evotis H. Allen, 1864. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 7:48. Type locality restricted to Monterrey, Monterrey but will take coleopterans, trichopterans, and Co., California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). hemipterans. Roosts alone or in small groups (Simpson 1993). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Light brown SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Willow to brown, glossy, long pelage. Longest ears in Tank Spring, 1 (BYU). genera, usually black with long, tiny tragus ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Nipple (Zeveloff 1988). Total length: 88–92; length of Spring, 1 (BLM). tail: 41–46; length of hind foot: 8–10; length of 16 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 ear: 18–23; length of forearm: 35–41; body Myotis thysanodes Miller, 1897 mass: 5–7 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Fringed Myotis DISTRIBUTION.—Ranges from British Colum- bia and Alberta to New Mexico (Manning and Myotis thysanodes Miller, 1897. N. Am. Fauna, 13:80. Type locality Old Fort Tejon, Tehachapi Mtns., Kern Co., Jones 1989). Recorded in Utah in E and S areas California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). of the state (Durrant 1952). REPRODUCTION.—Small maternity colonies GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage red- formed early summer. Single young born in brown or brown above; paler below. Only late June–July (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). myotis with fringe of hairs on interfemoral ECOLOGY.—Dry forests to subalpine with membrane (Hasenyager 1980). Total length: prevailing rock outcrops, semiarid shrublands, 77–100; length of tail: 34–45; length of hind sage, chaparral, agricultural areas, riparian wil- foot: 9–11; length of ear: 16–19; length of fore- low areas, and coniferous to deciduous forests. arm: 39–46; body mass: 6–7 g (Fitzgerald et al. Major food source is moths, but the species is 1994). opportunist. Foraging hours start at sunset and DISTRIBUTION.—W North America from continue 2 hours or more after. Yellow-bellied British Columbia to Veracruz and Chiapas, racer reported as predator (Manning and Jones Mexico; disjunct population in Wyoming and 1989). Dakota Black Hills (O’Farrell and Studier 1980). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Pink Generally distributed throughout Utah but not Cove, 9 (BLM); Kitchen Corral, 1 (BLM); Fin in abundance (Sparks 1974). Little Spring, 4 (BLM). REPRODUCTION.—Ovulation, fertilization, and implantation between April and May. Myotis lucifugus (Le Conte, 1831) Gestation 50–60 days with parturition June to July when females become solitary. Females Little Brown Myotis give birth with head down and consume pla- Vespertilio lucifugus Le Conte, 1831. In: McMurtrie, Anim. centa (O’Farrell and Studier 1980). Kingdom, 1(App.):431. Type locality Georgia, probably ECOLOGY.—Low desert scrub to pine-fir the Le Conte Plantation, near Riceboro, Liberty County (Wilson and Reeder 1993). associations, although oak and pinyon wood- lands common. Roost sites caves, mine tunnels, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Fur glossy and buildings (O’Farrell and Studier 1980). brown above with tips brushed brown; buff Opportunistic feeder with ability to detect below. Tragus rounded and short. Hairs on toes ground-dwelling insects. Emerges to feed based protrude past ends (Zeveloff 1988). Total length: on phototrophic response directly related to 90–100; length of tail: 36–47; length of hind sunset (Hasenyager 1980). foot: 8–10; length of ear: 12–14; length of fore- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Drip arm: 33–41; body mass: 4.5–5.5 g (Fitzgerald Tank Spring, 2 (BLM); Tibbets Spring, 6 (BLM); et al. 1994). Pink Cove, 1 (BLM). DISTRIBUTION.—Most of North America ex- Myotis volans (H. Allen, 1866) cept SE U.S. and N Canada (Fenton and Barclay 1980). Statewide distribution in Utah (Sparks Long-legged Myotis 1974). V[espertilio]. volans H. Allen, 1866. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. REPRODUCTION.—Delayed fertilization with Philadelphia, 18:282. Type locality Cabo San Lucas, actual gestation of 50–60 days. Young weaned Baja California, Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). after 3 months. Births in maternity colonies GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large myotis. with single young (Fenton and Barclay 1980). Pelage tawny or reddish to nearly black above; ECOLOGY.—Habitat mountainous regions grayish to paler buff below. Underarm and of ponderosa pine, pine-oak woodlands, and interfemoral membrane furred to elbow and other montane forests. Utilizes any roosting site knee. Total length: 87–103; length of tail: 37– available. Predators include small carnivores, 49; length of hind foot: 8–10; length of ear: 10– birds, carnivorous mice, and snakes. Popula- 14; length of forearm: 35–42; body mass: 5–7 g tions found to have drastically declined due to (Jameson and Peeters 1988). pesticides. Flexible, opportunistic feeding ha- DISTRIBUTION.—W North America from SE bits, feeding on most aquatic insects (Fenton Alaska and W Canada to C Mexico at eleva- and Barclay 1980). tions from 60 to 3770 m, but usually between 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 17

2000 and 3000 m. Found statewide in Utah ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cotton- (Hasenyager 1980). wood Creek, 3 (BLM); Pete’s Cove, 1 (BLM). REPRODUCTION.—Copulation begins in late (Allen, 1864) August with sperm storage overwinter in Pipistrellus hesperus female reproductive tract. Ovulation March to Western Pipistrelle May (Warner and Czaplewski 1984). Large nur- Scotophilus hesperus H. Allen, 1864. Smithson. Misc. sery colonies. Single young born June to early Coll., 7(Publ. 165):43, June. Type from Old Fort Yuma, August (Hasenyager 1980). Imperial Co., California, on right bank of Colorado ECOLOGY.—Mainland races typically in River, opposite present town of Yuma, Arizona (Hall montane areas and rarely in arid zones. Feeds 1981). primarily on moths, but known to consume GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smallest bat other soft-bodied invertebrates. Fast, direct in U.S. Pelage pale yellow-gray. Hairs tricol- flier that pursues prey long distances adjacent ored with dark base, pinkish in middle, and to primarily coniferous forest canopies, though dark at tip. Total length: 60–86; length of tail: sometimes foraging in riparian and desert 25–36; length of hind foot: 5.5–7; length of habitats. Roosts include abandoned buildings, ear: 10–11; length of forearm: 27–33; body crevices, caves, cracks beneath exfoliating tree mass: 4–6 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). bark, and mine tunnels (Warner and Czaplew- DISTRIBUTION.—W U.S. from Oregon to ski 1984). Baja California, Texas to C Mexico (Fitzgerald ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Fin Little et al. 1994). Records for Utah in S and W por- Spring, 8 (BLM); Pink Cove, 10 (BLM). tions (Durrant 1952). Myotis yumaensis (H. Allen, 1864) REPRODUCTION.—Gestation ca 40 days. Maternity colonies in rock crevices or build- Yuma Myotis ings. Usually 2 young in June–July. Weaned in Vespertilio yumaensis H. Allen, 1864. Smithson. Misc. August (Davis and Schmidly 1994). Coll., 7(Publ. 165):58, June. Type from Old Fort Yuma, ECOLOGY.—More common in canyon and Imperial Co., California, on right bank of Colorado River, opposite present town of Yuma, Arizona (Hall desert country. Roosts in loose rock, rock crev- 1981). ices, caves, and buildings. Has butterfly-like flight patterns; thus stays in roosts in windy GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Short, dull fur, weather when difficult to fly. Diurnal activity, paler below; throat sometimes whitish. Total early evening and dawn feeding on insects. length: 82–88; length of tail: 32–38; length of Sedentary bat that roosts close to summer range hind foot: 7–9; length of ear: 11–15; length of (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). forearm: 32–38; body mass: 6–8 g (Jameson and SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 10 mi Peeters 1988). E Escalante, 1 (UU); Kane Co.: 42 mi S, 18 mi DISTRIBUTION.—W North America from W, Paria River, 3 (USNM). British Columbia to California westwardly to ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Willow Colorado and Texas (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Tank Springs between Kaiparowits Plateau Occurs throughout Utah except Wasatch Moun- (Tanner 1940); Paria, 2 (Hasenyager 1980); tains (Hasenyager 1980). Willow Tank Springs, 1 (BYU); Paria, 1 (BYU); REPRODUCTION.—Single young born May– Fin Little Spring, 2 (BLM); Tommy Water, 5 July (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Large nursery (BLM); Pete’s Cove, 10 (BLM); Tibbetts Spring, colonies (Hasenyager 1980). 5 (BLM); Nipple Spring, 9 (BLM); Drip Tank ECOLOGY.—Associated with riparian areas Spring, 24 (BLM); Paria River #2 Site, 10 of W North America; some occurrence, how- (BLM); Cottonwood Creek, 3 (BLM). ever, may be in dry and shrubby habitat. Day roosts in rock crevices, buildings, caves, mines, Nyctinomops macrotis and swallow nests. Night roosts include build- (Gray, 1839) ings and structure ledges. Gregarious by habit. Big Free-tailed Bat Forages late evening on moths, flies, grasshop- Nyctinomus macrotis Gray, 1839. Ann. Nat. Hist., 4:5, pers, and beetles (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). For- September. Type from Cuba (Hall 1981). ages in trees above perennial water. Will desert roosts with slightest disturbance (Hasenyager GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large bat with 1980). reddish, dark brown, or black fur; hairs white 18 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 at base. Total length: 125–140; length of tail: Predators include hawks, roadrunner, owls, 48–54; length of hind foot: 14–16; length of skunks, rat snake, raccoon, opossum, coach- ear: 26–29; length of forearm: 58–64; body whip, coral snake, and copperhead. Roosts vary mass: 12–18 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). from man-made structures to caves and cre- DISTRIBUTION.—Covers Four Corners states vices, yet must be large for colony aggrega- and surrounding edges of Nevada, California, tions (Wilkins 1989). Fast and high flier; usu- Texas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma; throughout ally forages at dusk. Migrates during winter Mexico and Baja California (Fitzgerald et al. months (Sparks 1974, Wilkins 1989). Vocaliza- 1994). Known to be in SW and extreme W tions loud, piercing calls audible to human ear Utah (Durrant 1952). when feeding (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Single young born in June ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Drip Tank to July in nursery colonies. Young emerge Spring, 1 (BLM). from colony by August (Zeveloff 1988). STATUS.—Species of special concern in Utah ECOLOGY.—Rare species. Typically inhabits due to declining numbers and limited distri- rugged, rocky environments with steep canyon bution (Kimball 1997). walls. Also arid sagebrush flats and riparian areas. Primarily a lowland species. Moths main CARNIVORA food source, but also other ground insects such as ants and crickets. Call an audible, loud, Canis latrans Say, 1823 piercing noise when feeding after dark (Zevel- Coyote off 1988). Powerful flier, foraging late evening Canis latrans Say, 1823. In: Long, Account of an Exped. (Schmidly 1991). from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mtns., 1:168. Type local- STATUS.—Sensitive species in Utah due to ity Engineer Containment, about 12 mi SE of present limited distribution and declining populations town of Blair, Washington Co., Nebraska, on W bank (Kimball 1997). of Missouri River (Honacki et al. 1982).

Tadarida brasiliensis GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1824) canid with appearance similar to gray wolf. Hair banded giving appearance of blended Mexican Free-tailed Bat color, gray mixed with reddish tint; pelage Nyctinomus brasilensis Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1824. Ann. overall brownish with black. Tail well furred. Sci. Nat., 1:343. Type locality Brazil (Hall 1981). Long, pointed ears (Clark and Stromberg 1987). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smallest free- Males slightly larger than females. Total length: tailed bat. Pelage dark brown or dark gray 1050–1400; length of tail: 300–400; length of above, hairs whitish at base. Ears separated at hind foot: 175–220; length of ear: 80–130; base. Tail extends past interfemoral membrane. body mass: 9–16 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Total length: 88–112; length of tail: 31–41; DISTRIBUTION.—Following removal of the length of hind foot: not given; length of ear: wolf, the coyote dispersed to now occupy all of 14–20; length of forearm: 36–46; body mass: 8– U.S. except SE region; has statewide distribu- 14 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). tion in Utah (Durrant 1952, Fitzgerald et al. DISTRIBUTION.—One of most widely dis- 1994). tributed mammals in Western Hemisphere REPRODUCTION.—Courtship 2–3 months be- from S Oregon to Nevada to Utah to N Nebras- fore mating in January to March. Pairing for ka to Arkansas, Georgia, and Florida south- several years, but not necessarily permanent. ward to Argentina and Chile (Wilkins 1989). Gestation about 63 days with ca 5–6 young. Distributed statewide in Utah (Durrant 1952, Compensatory reproduction likely in areas sub- Sparks 1974). ject to population control (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Ovulation February to ECOLOGY.—Occurs in wide range of habi- March, mating during a 5-week interval dur- tats from high mountains to low deserts, also ing ovulation. Parturition with 1 young in June numerous in suburbs of cities. Active early in (Wilkins 1989). morning and later afternoon; some activity at ECOLOGY.—Found in lower and upper Sono- night. Foods range from carrion to juniper ran life zones (Hasenyager 1980). Feeds mostly berries, cactus fruit, other berries, rodents, rab- on moths, but also takes flying ants, beetles, bits, deer, and insects. Depredation on domestic leafhoppers, and true bugs (Schmidly 1991). livestock (especially sheep) may be a problem 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 19

(Cockrum 1982). Forms social packs in times and bobcat. Nocturnal and social family groups. of food abundance, solitary when food sources Urine and feces important communication are dispersed. Basic social unit includes adult mediums (Fritzell and Haroldson 1982). male, female, and pups; less social than wolf SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Little (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Communication Valley Canyon, 1 (BYU). involves olfactory, facial, and postural expres- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cotton- sions. Yips, howls, and barks characterize vocal- wood Wash, 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); izations; olfactory communication with scent Cockscomb, 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); marking. Territorial as mated pairs and familial Brigham Plains, 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). packs (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Vulpes macrotis Merriam, 1888 SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co: 1 mi E Glen Canyon City, Wah Weep Creek, 1 (BYU). Kit Fox ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Kaiparo- Vulpes macrotis Merriam, 1888. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- wits Plateau (Tanner 1940); Last Chance Creek, ton, 4:135–138. Type locality “Riverside, San Berni- 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). dino Co., California.” More exactly, on the western margin of the San Jacinto Plain in the vicinity of Box Urocyon cinereoargenteus Springs, within 10 mi SE of Riverside (McGrew 1979). (Schreber, 1775) GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Vulpine appear- Gray Fox ance; slim body. Relatively large ears and long, Canis cinereo argenteus Schreber, 1775. Die Saugthiere, bushy tail. Pelage light grizzly gray to yellow- teil 2, heft 13, pl. 92. Type locality E North America ish gray, underparts light to buff, ears buff. Tail (Hall 1981). black tipped with distinct black spot covering GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage griz- supracaudal gland. Total length: 730–840; length zled gray with red on sides and head; chest of tail: 260–323; length of hind foot: 113–137; whitish; legs rust colored. Ears prominent. length of ear: 78–94; body mass: ca 2 kg Black mane on black-tipped tail (Fritzell and (McGrew 1979). Haroldson 1982). Total length: 800–1125; length DISTRIBUTION.—C North America from SE of hind foot: 100–150; length of tail: 275–443; British Columbia, SC Alberta, and SW Saskatch- length of ear: 65–70; body mass: 3–7 kg (Clark ewan to NW panhandle of Texas and E New and Stromberg 1987). Mexico, east of the Rocky Mountains (Wilson DISTRIBUTION.—Wooded, brushy, and rocky and Reeder 1993). According to Durrant (1952) habitats from S Canada to N Venezuela and found only in W Utah. However, Atwood and Colombia, excluding mountainous W U.S., Pritchett (1974) thought some tracks found in Great Plains, and E Central America (Fritzell Fivemile Valley in GSENM were likely kit fox. and Haroldson 1982). Range in S and E Utah REPRODUCTION.—Breeding December–Feb- (Durrant 1952). ruary. Parturition in February or March with REPRODUCTION.—Breeding varies geograph- 4–5 young. Life span maximum 10–12 years ically, generally January to March. Likely (McGrew 1979). Monestrous females. Pair in monogamous mating system. Gestation about late fall when females select and clean out 53 days with average litter size 4 (Fritzell and dens, but monogamous pairing questionable Haroldson 1982, Clark and Stromberg 1987). (Chapman and Feldhamer 1982). ECOLOGY.—Carnivore most closely associ- ECOLOGY.—Closely associated with steppe ated with deciduous forests, but occupies or desert climates and shrub to shrub-grass- wide range of habitats from deserts to various lands. Opportunistic diet mostly of leporids woodlands and agricultural areas. Omnivorous and small, nocturnal rodents, especially kanga- diet, but relies on prey of small mammals roo rats (Dipodomys spp.). Also will feed on (especially rabbits and rodents when available) ground-nesting birds, reptiles, and insects and other material such as fruit, birds, carrion, (O’Neal et al. 1987). Coyote, golden eagle, and and insects. Studies in Utah show heavy dietary man main predators (McGrew 1979). Semi- dependence on berries of Utah juniper (White fossorial and digs own dens. Dens clustered 1997). Dens in rocky outcroppings, brush piles, and not randomly distributed. Individuals move hollow trees, or burrows. Good climber. Main from one den complex to another. Active year- predator is man, but also golden eagle, coyote, round. Establishes home ranges yet provides 20 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 little evidence of typical territoriality (Fitzger- months, but sleep on ground surface (Fitzger- ald et al. 1994). ald et al. 1994). REMARKS.—Wilson and Reeder (1993) con- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Wah sidered V. v e l o x and V. m a c r o t i s conspecific. Weep Creek, 1 (UU); Kaiparowits Plateau, W Discussed by Escogue (1979) and McGrew side of Colorado River, 1 (USNM). (1979) and revised by Dragoo et al. (1990), ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Wah who defined them as separate species. Herein, Weep Creek, 15 mi S Henrieville (Durrant regarded as separate species. 1952). Vulpes vulpes Baird, 1852 Lynx rufus (Schreber, 1777) Red Fox Bobcat Vulpes macrourus Baird, 1852. Stansbury’s Exploration Felis rufa Schreber, 1777. Die Saugthiere . . . , tiel 3, heft and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of 95, pl. 109b. Type locality New York (Hall 1981). Utah, publ. 309. Type locality Wasatch Mountains bor- dering Great Salt Lake, Utah (Durrant 1952). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium- to large-sized feline. Upper coloration grayish, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Vulpine shaped. buffy, or reddish, usually with black spots; Long, pointed ears. Elongated muzzle and color prominent middorsally, lightening later- bushy tail red with white tip. Pelage reddish ally. Tufted ears blackish with white spot near yellow, whiter chest and black legs. Two other tip. Rump and hind legs buff, eyelids white. morphs not as common: cross with yellowish Underparts whitish with black spots. Tail in- dorsum and dark cross of hairs over shoulder distinct with black rings, tipped with black and dorsal midline; and silver with black col- (Hall 1981). Total length: 700–1000; length of oring and silver-tipped guard hairs (Cockrum tail: 95–150; length of hind foot: 130–220; length 1982, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Total length: of ear: 50–85; body mass: 5–15 kg (Jameson 827–1015; length of tail: 291–461; length of and Peeters 1988). hind foot: 124–182; length of ear: 65–102; body DISTRIBUTION.—Disjunct distribution from mass: 3–7 kg (Clark and Stromberg 1987). east to west and from S Canada to C Mexico, DISTRIBUTION.—Perhaps native to Europe with more robust populations in W U.S. (Jame- and North America with documented releases son and Peeters 1988). Found statewide in from Europe into New England. Now found Utah (Durrant 1952). throughout most of North America (Voight REPRODUCTION.—Annual breeding in Feb- 1987). Durrant (1952) noted greater abundance ruary. Gestation about 60 days with 2–7 young, in S Utah than in the rest of the state. Utah average litter size 3. Weaned at 2 months Furbearer Harvest Report (1997) indicates (Davis and Schmidly 1994). Seasonally poly- abundance in N Utah, even in higher moun- estrous and previously thought to be induced tain regions. ovulators, as are domestic cats. Females have 3 REPRODUCTION.—Breeding December to estrous cycles in a 4-month period if not bred March. Gestation 51–54 days with ca 5.5 young. (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Longevity 4–5 years (Clark and Stromberg ECOLOGY.—Found in mountainous regions, 1987). shrublands, coniferous forests, and dispersed ECOLOGY.—Characteristic habitats include rocky habitat. Food mostly rabbits and hares, edges between forests and shorter vegetation, but also ground squirrels, mice, domestic ani- and riparian zones in semidesert scrublands mals, birds, insects, lizards, crayfish, and frogs. and brushlands. Feeds mainly on small rodents, Solitary and nocturnal mostly with territorial birds, and insects, but occasionally fruits and home ranges, males overlapping females (Black- leporids (Cockrum 1982). In winter male hunt- well 1991, Wassnik 1993). Active year-round, ing groups form though generally solitary and hunting mostly from dusk to dawn. Predators crepuscular. May cache prey. Main predator is recorded as man, mountain lion, and coyote man; occasionally young foxes taken by coy- (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). otes and raptors (Zeveloff 1988). Foxes estab- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Cotton- lish home ranges, males defend territories. wood Canyon, Navajo Project, 25 mi S of Can- Dens are usually burrows dug by other mam- nonville Canyon, 1 (BYU); Paria River, S of mals or themselves. Do not use dens in warmer Highway 89, 1 (BYU). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 21

Puma concolor (Kerr, 1792) Lontra canadensis (Schreber, 1776) Mountain Lion Northern River Otter Felis couguar Kerr, 1792. The Anim. Kingdom . . . , p. 151. Mustela lutra canadensis Schreber, 1776. Die Saugthiere Type locality Pennsylvania (Hall 1981). . . . , teil 3, heft 18, pl. 126b. Type locality eastern Canada [=Quebec] (Hall 1981). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large felid, slender in form. Ears small, rounded. Pelage GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Aquatic mus- upperparts grizzled gray or dark brown to telid with elongated body. Thick, long tail and shades of buff, cinnamon-rufous, or ferrugi- webbed feet. Broad, flattened head. Pelage nous; color most prominent on middorsal line. dark brown, paler belly with silvery throat. Ears Underparts whitish, overlaid with buff abdo- and eyes small. Total length: 889–1300; length men, chin and throat white. Muzzle sides, tail, of tail: 300–500; length of hind foot: 100–145; and ears black. Young spotted with black or length of ear: 12–24; body mass: 5–10 kg buff ground color (Hall 1981). Total length: (Jameson and Peeters 1988). 1500–2500; length of tail: 550–775; length of DISTRIBUTION.—Historically ranged from hind foot: 220–275; length of ear: 50–115; body Alaska and Canada through most of U.S., now mass: 40–100 kg (Jameson and Peeters 1988). uncommon throughout Midwest and W U.S., DISTRIBUTION.—W North America from yet reintroductions are spreading range (Clark British Columbia, S Alberta through Wyoming and Stromberg 1987). Findlay (1992) noted to California to Texas southwardly through successful reintroduction and reproduction by Mexico to Patagonias. Small, now isolated pop- otters brought in from near Cordova, Alaska, ulation in Everglades of Florida (Jameson and and NE Nevada into the Green River below Peeters 1988). Occurs throughout Utah with Flaming Gorge Dam. Dispersal of these likely mule deer and elk distributions (Durrant 1952). in the Colorado River system in Utah. REPRODUCTION.—Usually breeds winter to REPRODUCTION.—Mates late winter to early early spring. Two to 4 spotted young born in spring. Gestation 61–63 days without delayed spring in dens located in caves, rock ledges, or implantation. One to 5 young born between beneath windfalls. Kittens weaned after 18–22 February and April (Lariviere and Walton 1998). months (Wassnik 1993). Weaned at 90–100 days (Clark and Stromberg ECOLOGY.—Best suited for remote, forested, 1987). and brushy mountainous habitat. Most widely ECOLOGY.—Relies on lakes, streams, and ranging mammal in the Americas. Solitary and rivers in habitats ranging from semidesert nocturnal by habit. Primarily preys on deer shrublands to montane to subalpine forests and other mammals (one of few predators that take skunks and porcupine [Jameson and (Fitzgerald et al. 1994, Lariviere and Walton Peeters 1988]). Adult males often kill juve- 1998). Notorious wanderer, nocturnal and soli- niles, but in North America man is only real tary. Dens usually holes in riverbanks under predator. Habitat fragmentation poses greatest roots or eroded areas. Food mainly fish, but threat to many populations. Maintains contin- also frogs, birds, small mammals, forbs, and uous home ranges, and same sex behavioral aquatic invertebrates (Cockrum 1982, Findlay intolerance accounts for low densities. Little 1992). Western predators include bobcat, cougar, active defense in maintaining ranges, instead coyote, and domestic dog. Active year-round. keeps conspecifics out by scent marking (Fitz- Not territorial, but exhibits interspecific intol- gerald et al. 1994). Communication both olfac- erance. Dens in burrows dug by other mam- tory and vocalized (Chapman and Feldhamer mals (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). 1982). REMARKS.—van Zyll de Jong (1987) and REMARKS.—Genus addressed in Currier van Zyll de Jong and Wright (1991) argued (1983) and placed in Puma by Pocock (1917), New World otters represent single radiation and Weigel (1961), Hemmer (1978), Kratochvil questioned whether Lutra or Aonyx was the (1982), and Wilson and Reeder (1993). closest sister group; thus should be left in its ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Nipple own genus of Lontra. Creek, 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); Tibbett STATUS.—Designated a sensitive species Creek, 1 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); Willow due to declining populations and limited dis- Creek (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). tribution in Utah (Kimball 1997). Included in 22 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

CITES within Appendix II (Wilson and Reeder sides and head. Total length: 270–610; length 1993). of tail: 80–280; length of hind foot: 32–59; length of ear: 25–26; body mass: 2–3.5 kg Mephitis mephitis (Schreber, 1776) (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Striped Skunk DISTRIBUTION.—Found in SW British Viverra mephitis Schreber, 1776. Die Saugthiere . . . , teil Columbia throughout West to Texas. Usually 3, heft 17, pl. 121. Type locality eastern Canada found among waterways, but also in developed, [=Province of Quebec] (Wade-Smith and Verts 1982). urban areas (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Statewide distribution in Utah (Durrant 1952). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage black REPRODUCTION.—Mating September to with 2 white stripes on back meeting as cap on October. Delayed implantation about 1 month head and shoulders; thin, white stripe down with gestation of 210–230 days. Parturition in face. Bushy black tail, often white tipped. Total May with ca 4 kits per litter (Fitzgerald et al. length: 575–800; length of tail: 185–390; length 1994). of hind foot: 60–90; length of ear: 25–35; body ECOLOGY.—Found in semiarid West in mon- mass: 1800–2700 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). tane forest, pinyon-juniper, semidesert shrub- DISTRIBUTION.—Throughout S Canada, U.S., land and common in broken shrub habitats. and N Mexico (Wade-Smith and Verts 1982). Omnivorous diet with arthropods, small mam- Statewide distribution in Utah (Durrant 1952). mals, and birds preferred. Solitary and gener- REPRODUCTION.—Breeds February to March. Gestation 60–77 days, with short period of ally nocturnal (Fitzgerald et al. 1994, Kinlaw delayed implantation. Parturition May to early 1995). Predators same as for striped skunk. Dens June with 2–10 young per litter per year (Wade- established in rock crevices and human struc- Smith and Verts 1982). Polygamous mating sys- tures. tem (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). REMARKS.—Van Gelder (1959) synonymized the western ( ) and eastern ( ECOLOGY.—Highly adaptive to many types S. gracilis S. puto- of habitat, even areas developed by humans. rius) species but Mead (1968a, 1968b, 1989) Predators include great horned owl, mountain presented physiological, cytological, morpho- lion, eagles, coyote, badger, foxes, and bobcat, logical, and reproductive data supporting dis- but not their prey of predilection (prey of pref- tinctness of the species. Research by Mead erence and/or specialization). Often considered (1968a, 1968b) found S. gracilis (western race) vermin and sometimes carries diseases (e.g., to have a gestation period of 210–230 days rabies) and parasites. Opportunistic feeder, pri- with delayed implantation and 64 chromosomes marily insectivorous. Utilizes underground dens while S. putorius (eastern race) has a gestation in fall, winter, and spring. Lives aboveground of 50–65 days with no delayed implantation in summer months. Usually silent, but can make and 60 chromosomes. Wilson and Reeder (1993) squeals, low churrings, growls, dovelike coo- classify S. putorius and S. gracilis as a monotype ings, shrill screechings, birdlike twitters, and but cite no sources to refute the reproductive hissing noises (Wade-Smith and Verts 1982). Pri- isolation demonstrated by Mead (1968a, 1968b, marily crepuscular and nocturnal. Inactive in 1989). winter months with periodic arousals (Fitz- Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758 gerald et al. 1994). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Little Ermine Valley Creek (Atwood and Prichett 1974). Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:46. Type locality Europa and Asia frigidiore (Wilson and Spilogale gracilis Merriam, 1890 Reeder 1993). Western Spotted Skunk GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—A small, short- Spilogale gracilis Merriam, 1890. N. Amer. Fauna, 3:83, tailed weasel with elongated body. Pelage dark September 11, 1890. Type locality Grand Canyon of the brown above, white below; feet white; tail Colorado, north of San Francisco Mountain, Coconino Co., Arizona (Durrant 1952). black tipped. All white in north except black tip on tail. Total length: 190–275; length of tail: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small black 50–75; length of hind foot: 23–34; length of skunk with white horizontal stripes on neck ear: 13–16; body mass: 28–60 g (Jameson and and shoulders, irregular stripes and spots on Peeters 1988). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 23

DISTRIBUTION.—Throughout the Holarctic tion. Gestation 205–337 days with ca 4–5 young region in circumboreal habitat; introduced to (Sheffield and Thomas 1997). New Zealand (King 1983); and in the Nearctic ECOLOGY.—Inhabits most terrestrial habi- south to C California, N New Mexico, N Iowa, tat types except hottest deserts, but more at and Maryland (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Likely home in mid- to higher elevations (Pritchett occurrence in all high mountains of Utah unpublished). Expert hunter in burrow sys- (Durrant 1952). tems. Occurs wherever rodents are abundant REPRODUCTION.—Mating June to July with year-round but regularly preys on cottontail implantation delayed 9–10 months. Gestation rabbits and snowshoe hares. Generalist preda- about 1 month with 4–9 young per litter (Clark tor that feeds on wide variety of prey, usually and Stromberg 1987). Parturition May to July. small mammals, birds, bird eggs, carrion, in- Females sexually active after 2.5 months (Fitz- sects, and small reptiles, with diet varying sea- gerald et al. 1994). sonally and geographically according to prey ECOLOGY.—Ecological requirements poorly availability. Primary predators are foxes and understood but thought to favor mesic areas in raptors. Vocalizations usually a trill, a squeal as early successional stages and adjacent habitats a distress call, and a repeated screech when (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Active year-round, disturbed (Sheffield and Thomas 1997). mainly at night. Feeds on rodents, rabbits, birds, ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Fivemile bird eggs, amphibians, earthworms, and even Valley (Pritchett 1962). fish. Takes over burrows of prey such as pocket gophers and microtine rodents. Exhibits pop- Taxidea taxus (Schreber, 1778) ulation cycles correlated with population num- Badger bers of voles and relatives; thus, considered Ursus taxus Schreber, 1778. Die Saugthiere . . . , 3:520. prey of predilection (Banfield 1974, Fitzgerald Type locality “pays des Esquimaux” from Buffon, 1776: et al. 1994). 243–244 (Long 1973).

Mustela frenata Lichtenstein, 1831 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large mustelid Long-tailed Weasel with short, bowed legs. Flattened body, gray Mustela frenata Lichtenstein, 1831. Darst. Saugth., Text: to brown above, lighter below with white “Das gezaumte Wiesel” [not paginated], and pl. 42 stripe prominent on nose, fading to tail. Tail (and accompanying unnumbered page of text). Type bushy and grayish to brown. Long claws for locality “Nahe von Mexico” [Ciudad Mexico, Mexico] digging, and relatively long snout and ears. (Sheffield and Thomas 1997). Total length: 600–730; length of tail: 105–135; GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest weasel length of hind foot: 95–128; length of ear: not in GSENM. Elongated body with long tail given; body mass: 6–14 kg (Long 1973, Fitz- equal to body length. Pelage brown above, gerald et al. 1994). white to deep yellow below; feet brownish and DISTRIBUTION.—SW Canada to N and C tail brown with black tip. In Southwest, white Mexico, all of U.S. from California to Michigan on face. Several southern races have blackish to Texas. From arctic-alpine to austral life zones brown marks across eyes and nose; can be mis- (Long 1973). Statewide distribution in Utah taken for small black-footed ferrets (Findley et (Durrant 1952). al. 1975). Sexual dimorphism where male is REPRODUCTION.—Breeding summer to early 25% larger than female. Total length: 330–450; autumn with delayed implantation. Parturition length of tail: 125–180; length of hind foot: in March to early April (Long 1973). One to 7 32–50; length of ear: 12–27; body mass 115–345 young per litter (Clark and Stromberg 1987). g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). ECOLOGY.—Makes burrows that are key DISTRIBUTION.—S British Columbia, all of structures for dens, predation, and escape. U.S. and Mexico to N South America. Largest Burrows found in wide range of habitats and range of any mustelid; inhabits all life zones, elevations from tundra to desert areas, but most alpine to tropical (Sheffield and Thomas 1997). common in grasslands and sagebrush areas Range statewide in Utah (Durrant 1952). (Clark and Stromberg 1987, Long 1987). Noc- REPRODUCTION.—Delayed implantation, but turnal, but can be active all hours; does not fertilization usually 53–80 hours after copula- hibernate. Captures fossorial prey such as 24 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 ground squirrels, prairie dogs, mice, rats, lepo- tic dog and cat, and man (Chapman and Feld- rids, squirrels, , , gophers, hamer 1982). coyotes, and skunks by excavating burrow sys- STATUS.—Listed in Utah as a sensitive spe- tems (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Many ani- cies due to limited distribution (Kimball 1997). mals (e.g., burrowing owl) use these excava- Atwood and Pritchett (1974) observed tracks tions for reproduction and escape. Mortality within GSENM on Fivemile Valley. occurs mainly by automobiles, hunting, exter- Procyon lotor (Linneaus, 1758) minations, and sometimes predation by coyote and golden eagle. When disturbed, takes on a Raccoon ferocious appearance and emits aggressive Ursus lotor Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:48. Type growls and snarls (Long 1973, Banfield 1974). locality “Americae maritimis,” restricted to Pennsylvania (Lotze and Anderson 1979). Solitary by habit (Chapman and Feldhamer 1982). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Stocky, catlike SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Cotton- shape. Pelage gray-brown or orange-brown wood Wash, 1 (BYU). with black above; grayish below. Black masked ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: 50 mi S face with 4–6 alternating black and brown Escalante, Kaiparowits Plateau (Tanner 1940). rings on tail. Ears small. Total length: 780–930; length of tail: 300–390; length of hind foot: Bassariscus astutus 100–130; length of ear: 50–60; body mass: 4–8 (Lichtenstein, 1830) kg (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Ringtail DISTRIBUTION.—S Canada through most of B[assaris]. astutus Lichtenstein, 1830. Abh. Pruess. Akad. U.S., except some areas in the Rocky Moun- Wiss., Berlin, 1827, p. 119. Type from near Mexico tains. Also found in N borders of Mexico (Wil- City (Hall 1981). son and Reeder 1993). Found in various wooded and wetland habitats (Jameson and GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Feline-like Peeters 1988). Greatly increased distribution appearance. Long, bushy tail alternating with and abundance in Utah during last 25 years. 8 black and white rings and black tip. Total Reviews of early accounts of trappers and length: 620–800; length of tail: 315–504; length explorers in Utah do not mention raccoon of hind foot: 55–75; length of ear: 45–50; body presence (Rawley 1986), although Durrant mass: 900–1150 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). (1952) considered it native to Utah, especially DISTRIBUTION.—Prefers rock- or cliff-domi- in southern portions of the state. nated habitats along watercourses in areas of REPRODUCTION.—Breeding early spring to W U.S. from Oregon to Colorado south to Cen- late summer. Gestation 63–65 days with 1–9 tral America (Jameson and Peeters 1988). State- young, weaned by 16 weeks. About 50% of wide distribution in Utah (Durrant 1952). females breed 1st year, while males do not REPRODUCTION.—Gestation period about 53 breed until 2nd year. Males promiscuous and days. Two to 4 altricial young born in May or display territorial behaviors when confronted June (Cockrum 1982). by other males (Clark and Stromberg 1987). ECOLOGY.—Inhabits arid and semiarid habi- ECOLOGY.—Found anywhere water is avail- tats associated with rocky canyons and foot- able but seldom above 2000 m; common in hills of pinyon-juniper woodlands, montane urban areas (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Omni- shrublands, or mixed conifer-oakbrush (Fitzger- vorous and feeds on wide range of plant and ald et al. 1994). Food primarily small rodents, matter, selective to crayfish, crabs, nuts, especially mice and woodrats, but includes berries, eggs of ground-nesting birds, wounded various invertebrates, Opuntia cactus fruit, and waterfowl, or confined animals (e.g., chickens) various berries when available (Cockrum 1982). as available. Predators include humans, owls, Dens usually in rock crevices, brush piles, or red fox, coyote, and bobcat. Diseases of rac- caves, sometimes hollow logs or unused build- coons carefully monitored; they serve as indi- ings (Sparks 1974). Habits nocturnal but also cator species for zoonoses (e.g., rabies) and active at dusk and dawn (Clark and Stromberg pollutants (Lotze and Anderson 1979). Estab- 1987). Agile climber and runner, thus adapted lishes home ranges. Solitary by habit except for arboreal and terrestrial life. Predators in- mother with young (Chapman and Feldhamer clude great horned owl, snakes, bobcat, domes- 1982). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 25

Ursus americanus Pallas, 1780 grizzly bear, and man. Now man is only threat (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Establishes home ranges; American Black Bear male ranges 2–3 times larger than overlapping Ursus americanus Pallas, 1780. Spicil. Zool., 14:5. Type female ranges (Schaller et al. 1989, Bates 1991). locality eastern North America (Honacki et al. 1982). STATUS.—Remains reportedly found near GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest sur- Smokey Mountain, Andalex site in SW viving carnivore of the area. Pelage colors vary GESNM. from black (most common) to cinnamon, brown, beige, and blond (rare). Lacks long hairs on ARTIODACTYLA shoulders. May have white patches on chest Antilocapra americana (Ord, 1818) and neck. Total length: 1000–2000; length of Pronghorn tail: 85–130; length of hind foot: 185–290; length of ear: 130–150; body mass: 40–157 kg (Figure 3) (Clark and Stromberg 1987, Bates 1991). Males Antilope americanus Ord, 1818. N. Amer. Zool. Pages 292 larger than females (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). and 308 in Guthrie’s Geography, 2nd Amer. ed., John- son and Warner, Philadelphia, vol. 2. Type locality ISTRIBUTION D .—Sparsely populated in for- plains and highlands of Missouri River (O’Gara 1978). ested and brushy mountainous areas of Canada along W U.S. to Mexico (Clark and Stromberg GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Hoofed mam- 1987, Jameson and Peeters 1988). Found in all mal with decidedly large head and prominent, high mountains of Utah, though less common laterally positioned eyes. Pelage tan colored in S and SE portions (Durrant 1952). with 2 white bands across throat; white ventral REPRODUCTION.—Mates in summer with and rump. Black jaw patches on sides of cheeks delayed implantation until midwinter. Gesta- next to neck; underfur woolly. Male dorsal tion 210–240 days, with most fetal develop- muzzle often dark. Two hooves on each foot, ment lasting 42–56 days. Young born in Janu- dew claws lacking (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Supra- ary–February. Litter size 1–5, usually 1–2. orbital horns on males and females. Female Promiscuous mating (Jameson and Peeters horns usually short, unforked nubs. Males have 1988, Zeveloff 1988). Males larger than females forward-oriented large tine and smaller back- (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). ward-oriented tine (O’Gara 1978). Height: ca ECOLOGY.—Can survive in practically any 900; total length: 1000–1500; length of tail: habitat with sufficient food and cover (Bates 75–180; length of hind foot: 400–432; length of 1991), from Arizona deserts to coniferous forests ear: 140–150; body mass: 36–70 kg (Fitzgerald of Canada. Most common in montane shrub- et al. 1994). lands, subalpine forests, oakbrush stands, ser- DISTRIBUTION.—Formerly found S Canada to C Mexico; now disjunct populations in viceberry and chokecherry associations. Yet Washington, S Alberta to C Mexico, Baja Cali- also found in lower foothills and canyon coun- fornia eastwardly to E Texas (O’Gara 1978). try (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Most active at dusk Found throughout W Utah (Durrant 1952). and dawn. Foraging omnivorous mainly of REPRODUCTION.—Polygynous system with grasses, forbs, buds, fruits, roots, carrion, fish, breeding season from mid-September to early insects, and occasionally will take other mam- October. Gestation ca 252 days (O’Gara 1978). mals but not an active hunter (Clark and Strom- Females polyestrous. Usually 2 young born in berg 1987). Typically solitary habits except a late May to July (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). female with cubs or aggregations at a concen- ECOLOGY.—Inhabits grasslands and semi- trated food source. Activity closely tied to nutri- desert shrublands on open topography, most tional needs with season of torpor in winter. abundant in shortgrass or midgrass prairies. Can go more than 200 days without eating Diet consists of forbs, shrubs (particularly sage- during hibernation with fecal plug blocking brush and especially in winter), some cactus, intestinal tract until emergence. Also sheds and grass. Can travel at speeds of 60 mph. outer layer of foot pads during hibernation, Dominant males have territorial rutting seasons. with new ones hardening in the spring. Secre- Species forms herds, but dominant males are tive animal; stays close to rough topography more solitary and younger males form bache- and dense vegetation cover (Bates 1991). His- lor bands in spring and summer. Females form torically, predators would have been gray wolf, nursery bands after fawning season (Fitzgerald 26 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Fig. 3. The pronghorn, found throughout western Utah, forms herds and inhabits grassland and semidesert shrublands.

et al. 1994). Several different forms of commu- N British Columbia and Alberta to S Arizona nication, from hairs on rump that can be and N Texas and extreme N Mexico (Hall 1981). erected for alerting others of potential danger This race found throughout the state of Utah and postural movements to vocalizations for (Durrant 1952, Hall 1981). threats, rutting, fawn communication, and fore- REPRODUCTION.—Ovarian cycle initiated warning of danger (O’Gara 1978). by shorter day length in fall. Polygynous sys- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cotton- tem with older males as breeders. Four proba- wood Wash (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); West ble estrous cycles during rutting season. Rut- Clark Bench (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); ting starts in fall with social groups of 2–26; Coyote Creek (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); bulls gain possession of harem by bugling, Nipple Spring, 2 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). thrashing, digging, rubbing antlers, sparring, wallowing, and other aggressive displays (Clark Cervus elaphus Linneaus, 1758 and Stromberg 1987). Single young born ca Rocky Mountain Elk or Wapiti June (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:67. ECOLOGY.—Associated with semi-open for- Type locality unknown (Honaki et al. 1982). ests and forest edges next to parks, meadows, and alpine tundra. Both browser and grazer. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large, 2- Winter diet of grasses and shrubs, summer diet hoofed ungulate with dew claws (Jameson and of mostly forbs, shrubs, and green grasses. Has Peeters 1988). Upperparts tan to brown; head, considerable impact on aspen stands due to mane, neck, and legs dark blackish brown. browsing on seedlings, bark, and twigs during Rump patch whitish to tawny. Lighter under- fall and winter, sometimes allowing fungi to side. Summer pelage more tawny (Hall 1981). invade the trees. Intraspecific competition min- Antlers present in males. Total length: 2100– imal (e.g., deer and elk diets different and elk 2800; length of tail: 100–220; length of hind avoid domestic sheep grazing areas [Beck et al. foot: 460–700; length of ear: 180–220; body 1996]). Summer habitat selection strongly influ- mass: 220–450 kg (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). enced by biting flies. Inhabits higher elevations DISTRIBUTION.—Cervus e. nelsoni (Rocky spring and summer and migrates to lower eleva- Mountain elk) found in all W U.S. states from tions in fall and winter. Generally crepuscular 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 27 or nocturnal. Favors foraging on steep slopes migration, dispersal, and breeding season travel and ridges for bedding. Bedding sites detected as movements outside home range. Migration by distinct urine odor and trampled vegetation. caused by plant phenology, rate of snowmelt, Mortality occurs due to motor vehicles, hunters, rainfall patterns, and impending birth periods. black bear (on young calves), grizzly bear, star- Predators include mountain lion, coyote, bob- vation, coyote, and disease (Fitzgerald et al. cat, feral and domestic dog, golden eagle, and 1994, Beck et al. 1996). black bear. Communication olfactory, postural, STATUS.—Elk antlers found on Willis Creek and vocal (Anderson and Wallmo 1984). in 1932 and 1 killed between 1900 and 1910 at ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Fivemile same location (NW GSENM). Previous evi- Valley (Pritchett 1962). dence of elk in C GSENM is supported along Ovis canadensis Shaw, 1804 the Paria River, which means “elk river” in Paiute. Bighorn Sheep Odocoileus hemionus Ovis canadensis Shaw, 1804. The Canadian Sheep. Plate 610, the description, and the index, in Nat. Misc. Type (Rafinesque, 1817) locality Exshaw, Alberta, Canada (Shackleton 1985). Mule Deer GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Color reddish (Figure 4) brown to dark chocolate, but usually dull Cervus hemionus Rafinesque, 1817. Extracts from the brown. Muzzle, rump patch, inner legs, and journal of Mr. Charles LeRaye, relating to some new belly white. Short tail with dark underside. quadrupeds of the Missouri region. Amer. Monthly Male horns massive and spirally curled forward Mag., 1:435–436. Type locality near mouth of the Big Sioux River, South Dakota (Anderson and Wallmo alongside face, female horns short and pointed 1984). backwards. Males larger than females. Total length: 1245–1953; length of tail: 70–127; length GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized of hind foot: 315–440; length of ear: 90–130; cervid with pelage ranging from gray to reddish body mass: 50–125 kg (Shackleton 1985). to dark brown. Rump patch white or yellow. DISTRIBUTION.—S British Columbia and One or 2 chest patches whitish. Dichotomously SW Alberta to C Mexico (Wilson and Reeder branching antlers present in males. Tail whitish 1993). Found in Utah as small herd in Uinta with black tip. Western subspecies (black-tailed Mountains; otherwise limited around Lake deer) raises tail when running; tail well furred. Powell and the Green, San Juan, and Colorado Males larger than females (Anderson and rivers, portions in the Wasatch Mountains, as Wallmo 1984). Total length: 1200–1675; length well as Zion National Park (Smith and Flinders of tail: 100–220; length of hind foot: 380–530; 1992). Also reported near the Utah-Nevada length of ear: 180–230; height to shoulder: border (Sparks 1974). 710–1060; body mass: 57–102 kg (Fitzgerald et REPRODUCTION.—Breeding November–De- al. 1994). cember, although may initiate season as early DISTRIBUTION.—All biomes of W North as July. Promiscuous behavior with dominant America north of C Mexico except Arctic tun- males at 7–8 years typically mating. Gestation dra, Sonoran, Mojave, and Great Salt Lake 174–180 days, females monestrous. Ewes sepa- deserts (Anderson and Wallmo 1984). rate and give birth on rocky cliffs for protec- REPRODUCTION.—Gestation 200–208 days. tion of neonates from predators. One to 2 young Parturition June to July with 1–2 young. Poly- per year (Shackleton 1985). Weaned after 5–6 gynous system with male-male competition. months (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Breeding males determined by body size and ECOLOGY.—Habitat typified by mesic to antler size. Breeds in fall during rut. Social xeric grasslands in mountain, foothill, and river systems comprise related females and individ- canyon grassland associations from high alpine ual bucks; or systems can be small groups of areas to deserts. Rocks and cliffs are essential unrelated individuals (Anderson and Wallmo to habitat. Primarily graminivorous diet, but 1984). will take wide range of shrubs and forbs. ECOLOGY.—Browser and intermediate grazer Predators are wolf (historically), coyote, golden with winter diet of shrubs (especially sagebrush) eagle, bobcat, cougar, and wolverine. Gregari- and forbs in warmer months (Dasmann 1971). ous in male and female herds, but maternal Daily movements set in home ranges with only groups separate with neonates. Males establish 28 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Fig. 4. The mule deer is distributed throughout GSENM. Both antler size and body size determine a male’s breeding status. 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 29 dominance hierarchies, females have weak systems. Communication largely visual but dominance relationships. Communication is also with 3 distinct calls of whistling at 6 differ- limited vocally to bleats and low male guttur- ent tones, undulated screams for alerting, and als, but is also olfactory and visual. Rutting sea- threatening tooth chatters (Frase and Hoffmann son consists of males sniffing vulva and urine 1980). of females in estrus. Fighting among males during rut is aggressive as opposed to displays Ammospermophilus leucurus previously used for establishing social status. (Merriam, 1889) Females prefer males by courtship behaviors White-tailed and status of males. Species has diurnal activity, Tamias leucurus Merriam, 1889. North Am. Fauna, 2:1–52. home ranges, and seasonal migrations (Shack- Type locality “San Gorgonio Pass [Riverside Co.], Cali- leton 1985, Smith and Flinders 1991). fornia” (Belk and Smith 1991). STATUS.—Herd in GSENM between Kaipar- owits Plateau and Escalante Canyon, upon GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Short, rounded examination, may prove to be O. c. mexicana ears with relatively long legs. White median (Durrant 1952, Atwood and Pritchett 1974). coloration on underside of tail with 1 black sub- terminal band. Total length: 188–220; length of RODENTIA tail: 42–71; length of hind foot: 37–40; length of ear: 8.5–10; body mass: 104–117 g (Belk and Marmota flaviventris Smith 1991). (Audubon and Bachman, 1841) DISTRIBUTION.—E California and SE Ore- Yellow-bellied gon to Colorado and New Mexico, south to Arctomys flaviventer Audubon and Bachman, 1841. J. Acad. Baja California Sur (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Ser. 1, 8:1–43. Type locality Found throughout Utah except Wasatch and “Mountain between Texas and California,” but fixed as Uinta Mountains (Sparks 1974). Mount Hood, Oregon. Type locality Black Hills at Custer, Custer Co., South Dakota (Frase and Hoffmann REPRODUCTION.—Breeds February–June. 1980). Gestation 30–35 days. Litter size 5–14 with average of 8 (Belk and Smith 1991). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small to med- ECOLOGY.—Inhabits desert habitats from ium broad body size. Color yellow-brown to valley floors to juniper belts; common in rocky tawny or russet. Buffy patches on sides and to sandy areas. Omnivorous feeder, varying white markings between eyes. Total length: with season from green vegetation to seeds, in- 470–700; length of tail: 130–220; length of hind sects, and vertebrate flesh. Predators include foot 70–90; length of ear: 18–22; body mass: desert-dwelling raptors, coyote, foxes, many 2–4 kg (Frase and Hoffmann 1980). snakes, and badger. Bimodal activity in mid- DISTRIBUTION.—SC British Columbia and morning and late afternoon. Movements fast S Alberta, Canada, south to N New Mexico and or running to reduce heat gain by sun exposure. California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Found Excavates own burrow but will utilize burrows throughout Utah in higher mountain ranges dug by kangaroo rats. Establishes dominance (Durrant 1952). hierarchies. Alarm vocalizations include trills REPRODUCTION.—Mating first 2 weeks after hibernation emergence. Gestation about 30 and chitters (Belk and Smith 1991). days with litter size 3–8. Young weaned 20–30 SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 8 mi days after parturition (Frase and Hoffmann S Escalante, 1 (UU); 2 mi SE Escalante, 1 1980). (UU); Henrieville, 1 (BYU); Kane Co.: 9 mi ECOLOGY.—Semi-fossorial inhabiting talus NE Adairville, 2 (BYU); 3 mi E Site #12, Tib- slopes to rock outcrops near meadows. Colo- bet Canyon, 1 (BYU); 45 mi SE Escalante, 1 nial living in burrow systems and side satellite (BYU); 43 mi SE Escalante, 1 (BYU); Wah burrows. Mostly herbivorous diet of a wide Weep River, 1 (BYU). variety of grasses, forbs, flowers, and seeds. ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: 50 mi Predators include gray wolf, coyote, badger, SE Escalante, Willow Tank Spring (Tanner bobcat, hawks, owls, and especially golden 1940); Smokey Mountain (Atwood and Pritch- eagle. Bimodal activity in morning and late ett 1974); Fivemile Valley (Pritchett 1962); afternoon. Often territorial with harem social Cockscomb Ridge (Pritchett 1962). 30 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Sciurus aberti Woodhouse, 1853 River, near Canyon City [Fremont Co.], Colorado” (Bartels and Thompson 1993). Abert Squirrel Sciurus aberti Woodhouse, 1853. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Appearance of delphia, 6:110, 220. Type locality “in San Francisco a large chipmunk with no white stripe on Mountains, New Mexico” [Coconino, Co., Arizona] (Wil- head. Pelage coloration with 1 longitudinal son and Reeder 1993). white stripe bordered by black stripe. Golden GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large tree to tawny or russet mantle on head and shoul- squirrel with ear tufts and long, bushy tail ders. Underparts yellow to white. White eye (Armstrong 1987). Pelage salt-and-pepper gray rings. Total length: 235–295; length of tail: 61– (long hairs have black and white tips); venter 120; length of hind foot: 35–46; length of ear: white, pronounced black lateral line. Tail black 12–24; body mass: 120–394 g (Bartels and and white above and pure white below (Arm- Thompson 1993). strong 1982). Total length: 450–580; length of DISTRIBUTION.—Montane W North Amer- tail: 200–300; length of hind foot: 65–75; length ica, from C British Columbia to S New Mex- of ear: 35–45; body mass: 550–750 g (Fitzger- ico; also in the Columbia River areas south to ald et al. 1994). S California and Nevada (Wilson and Reeder DISTRIBUTION.—SE and SC Utah, S and W 1993). Except SE corner of Utah, statewide Colorado, SE Wyoming, W and C New Mex- distribution (Durrant 1952). ico, Arizona, and NW Mexico (Durrant 1952, REPRODUCTION.—Breeding after hiberna- Wilson and Reeder 1993). tion, March or April, with gestation 26–33 days; REPRODUCTION.—Breeding season spring, 2–9 young. Life span about 7 years (Bartels March to May. Gestation of 6 weeks, litter of and Thompson 1993). 2–5. Young weaned at 4.5 months (Armstrong ECOLOGY.—Found in sunny, forested, or 1982). Courtship marked by frantic chases sparsely brushed habitats, from sagebrush around trees with aggressive behaviors and steppe and pinyon belt to meadows with rock vocalizations. Antagonistic displays by females outcroppings and tundra. Omnivorous diet of and males to males (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). seeds, fungi, herbaceous plants, bird eggs, in- ECOLOGY.—Ecologically dependent on pon- sects, lizards, carrion, and young voles. Usually derosa pine for both nesting and food. Feeds on inner bark (phloem) of terminal ends of silent but vocalizations include variety of calls branches, as well as seeds, twigs, and cones. Also such as high-pitched “tk tk tk” and “tsp.” Creates eats fungi, carrion, bones, and antlers (gnawed dominance hierarchies for food competition. for mineral content). Food caches not estab- Dustbathes frequently. Burrows usually self- lished. Diurnal activity and active year-round. constructed, but occasionally modifies gopher Nests in pine twig constructions or twig clus- holes (Bartels and Thompson 1993). ters created by mistletoe infestations, usually SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Long in stands with ca 60% canopy cover and 5–18 m Valley, 1 (BYU). aboveground. Solitary by habit and non-terri- Spermophilus variegatus torial. Uses several vocalizations and visual communications such as tail flaring, flicking, (Erxleben, 1777) and foot stomping. Vocalizations include alarm Rock Squirrel barks, tooth chattering, screams, and clucks Sciurus variegatus Erxleben, 1777. Systema regni animalis (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Predators mainly hawks . . . , 1:421. Type locality restricted to “Valley of Mex- and terrestrial carnivores (Armstrong 1982). ico, near the City of Mexico” (Oaks et al. 1987). STATUS.—Records exist for specimens taken from Garfield and Kane counties, just outside GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage varie- GSENM (UU). Registered species of special gated pattern of black, white, and buff. Head concern as S. a. navajo in the Manti-La Sal and eyes large. Tail long and bushy. Total National Forest (Kimball 1997). length: 466–503; length of tail: 189–233; length of hind foot: 57–63; length of ear: 17–26; body Spermophilus lateralis (Say, 1823) mass: 450–875 g (Oaks et al. 1987). Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel DISTRIBUTION.—S Nevada to SW Texas and Sciurus lateralis Say, 1823. In: Early Western Travels, S two-thirds of Utah to C Mexico (Durrant 1748–1846, vol. 16, part III. Type locality “Arkansas 1952, Wilson and Reeder 1993). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 31

REPRODUCTION.—Breeding March to August ECOLOGY.—Common throughout subalpine with 2 litters per year with short winters, 1 with and montane forests, especially those dominated long winters. Parturition of 1–7 young (Oaks et by ponderosa pine. May occur with Abert al. 1987). squirrel and rock squirrel in ponderosa pine– ECOLOGY.—Inhabits semiarid to transition dominated communities. Displays interspe- zones; absent in plains, wide valleys, deserts, cific territorial defense of 1–2 ha. Vocalized and higher montane forests. Prefers dwellings “chatter” barks common as defense. Stores in rocky areas, burrowing under rocks, bushes, conifer cones in middens. Makes leaf nests or trees, and such cover. Wide variety in food dens in trees. Utilizes subnivean tunnels in choice: seeds, grains, nuts, berries, roots, green winter. Feeds on evergreen terminal buds, vegetation, cactus, invertebrates, and carrion. seeds, fungi, insects, old bones, and occasion- Predators include diurnal raptors, bobcat, ring- ally small birds. Predators same as for Abert tail, gray fox, raccoon, coyote, badger, domes- squirrel (Clark and Stromberg 1987). tic dog and cat, rattlesnakes, bull snake, and Baird, 1855 man. Colonial. Mainly diurnal activity. Com- Tamias dorsalis municates by posture and vocal combinations. Cliff Chipmunk Calls (reportedly by females only) include Tamias dorsalis Baird, 1855. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- “chucks,” whistles, squeals, growls, and tooth phia, 7:331–333. Type locality “Fort Webster, Copper- chattering. Self-grooms and dustbathes. May mines of the Mimbres,” near present site of Santa Rita, hibernate or estivate due to dependence on Grant Co., New Mexico, lat. 32°47′, long. 108°4′ (Hart food availability and harshness of season (Oaks 1992). et al. 1987). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Colored with SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- dark dorsal stripes. Lighter dorsal stripes faint rieville, 2 (BYU); Moki Tanks, Circle Cliffs, 1 grayish to creamy white. Upper pelage smoke (BYU); Kane Co.: Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi gray, ears paler; hind legs cinnamon. Long, SE Cannonville, 1 (BYU). bushy tail tawny-cinnamon above and light ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cotton- below. Total length: 217–249; length of tail: wood Wash (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); 85–115; length of hind foot: 34–37; length of (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); ear: 18–23; body mass: 50–70 g (Hart 1992). Last Chance (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). DISTRIBUTION.—Rocky Mountains in W U.S. Tamiasciurus hudsonicus to N Mexico (Hart 1992). Found throughout (Erxleben, 1777) Utah, except in higher Uinta and Wasatch Mountains (Durrant 1952, Flinders 1968). Red Squirrel REPRODUCTION.—Breeds March to May, [Sciurus vulgaris] hudsonicus Erxleben, 1777. Systema likely to depend on winter length and precipi- regni animalis . . . , 1:416. Based on the Hudson Bay tation amount. Parturition April–July (Hart Squirrel of Pennant, 1771. Type locality mouth of the Severn River, Ontario (Hall 1981). 1992). ECOLOGY.—Common in pinyon-juniper, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small tree ponderosa pine, oak, and maple associations; squirrel reddish with prominent black stripe also found in sagebrush, aspen, saltbrush, along side. Tail narrow, shorter than body with snakeweed, downy brome, madrone, manzanita, black edge and tip. Lighter underside (Cock- Mexican white fir, and Douglas-fir. Opportunis- rum 1982). Total length: 270–385; length of tic forager using seeds, berries, nuts, herbaceous tail: 95–158; length of hind foot: 35–57; length vegetation, insects, frogs, larvae, salamanders, of ear: 19–30; body mass: 145–260 g (Clark and snakes, birds, and eggs. Caches seeds and Stromberg 1987). dustbathes. Establishes interspecific dominance DISTRIBUTION.—Alaska through Canada and hierarchies and territorial defense behaviors. W U.S. in mountainous states and NE U.S. Predators include hawks, badger, coyote, rat- south to South Carolina (Wilson and Reeder tlesnakes, and weasels. Diurnal activity. Dens 1993). Found throughout Utah (Durrant 1952). and nests made in rocky areas or trees. Vocali- REPRODUCTION.—Single litter March to May zations high-pitched screams, chirps, and barks of 1–10 young following ca 36-day gestation. (Hart 1992). Weaned 9–11 weeks (Clark and Stromberg SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- 1987). rieville, 13 mi NE, T36S, R01W, 7 (USNM); 8 32 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 mi S Escalante, 1 (UU); Kane Co.: Cottonwood locality Arkansas River, Colorado, about 26 mi below Canyon, 27 mi SE Cannonville, 4 (BYU); Paria Canon City (Hall 1981). Basin, Cottonwood Canyon Road, 2 (BYU); GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized Adairville (Cockscomb area), 40 mi E Kanab, 3 chipmunk. Head coloration gray with reddish (BYU); Catstairs Canyon, 1 (BYU); Cockscomb shade; distinctive dorsal stripes; underside of Ridge, 1 (BYU); Henrieville, 1 (BYU); mouth tail reddish (Hall 1981). Stripe through eye of Calf Creek, Escalante River, 1 (BYU). black with white border, other facial stripes ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cocks- narrow and dark or cinnamon. Dark dorsal comb Ridge (Hayward et al. 1958); Cockscomb stripes black with tawny margins. Lateral stripe Ridge (Prichett 1962). fuscous, fuscous black, or tawny. Total length: Tamias minimus Bachman, 1839 211–221; length of tail: 91–100; length of hind Least Chipmunk foot: 32–33; length of ear: 18–21; body mass: 57–58 g (Best et al. 1994). Tamias minimus Bachman, 1839. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- DISTRIBUTION.—Occurs in NE Arizona, C delphia, 8:71. Type locality “Green River, near mouth of Big Sandy Creek [Sweetwater Co.], Wyo[ming] and S Colorado, and N and C New Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). (Best et al. 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Bimodal reproductive ac- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smallest chip- tivity in February and July, coinciding with munk in W U.S. Multiple stripes down back seasons of reduced water stress. One litter of with white outermost side stripe and distinctly 2–6 young born each year, with evidence of 2 dark next stripe. Underside white. Carries long litters possible (Best et al. 1994). tail upright when running (Clark and Strom- ECOLOGY.—Occupies variety of habitats berg 1987). Total length: 190–212; length of including desert scrub, grassland-chaparral, tail: 74–91; length of hind foot: 26–33; length of pinyon-juniper, scrub oak, ponderosa pine, ear: 15–16; body mass: 29–53 g (Clark and quaking aspen, mixed conifer of spruce-fir, Stromberg 1987). and alpine tundra. Omnivorous but feeds DISTRIBUTION.—C Yukon (Canada) south- mostly on fruits and seeds. Most active early ward to Sierra Nevada and S New Mexico, morning and late afternoon. Caches food in east to Michigan and W Quebec (Wilson and caches dug by other animals, though in winter Reeder 1993). Statewide distribution in Utah caches food close to nest chamber. Partially (Durrant 1952). hibernates in colder areas of range. Vocaliza- REPRODUCTION.—Breeding March to May. tions include a chip, trill, chipper, and squeal. Gestation ca 29 days with young born May to Establishes dominance hierarchies and dis- June. Average litter size 5.5 young (3–9 range), plays status by chasing subordinates (Best et single litter per year (Clark and Stromberg al. 1994). 1987). REMARKS.—Tamias hopiensis, described by ECOLOGY.—Inhabits sagebrush and rocky Merriam (1905), is considered a nomen dubium hillside areas. Lives in greater elevation range (either junior synonym for T. q. quadrivittatus and diversity of biotic communities than any or a senior synonym for T. rufus [Patterson other chipmunk. Hibernates in winter. Indi- 1984]). Thus, specimens listed below are viduals not territorial and have overlapping either T. quadrivittatus or T. rufus. Listed in T. home ranges. Forages mainly on plant material quadrivittatus as no evidence is adequate to of herbs, roots, nuts, fruits, and berries. Also separate the trinomen. takes variety of insects and fungi. Predators SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: mouth include northern harrier, mustelids, hawks, of Calf Creek, Escalante River, 1 (BYU). and red fox (Clark and Stromberg 1987). SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- Tamias rufus rieville, 13 mi NE, T36S, R01W, 1 (USNM). (Hoffmeister and Ellis, 1980) ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: 8 mi S Hopi Chipmunk Escalante, 1560 m, 1 (Durrant 1952). quadrivittatus rufus Hoffmeister and Ellis, 1980. Tamias quadrivittatus (Say, 1823) Southwestern Nat., 24:655–665. Type locality “10 mi SW Page, Coconino Co., Arizona” (Burt and Best 1994). Colorado Chipmunk Sciurus quadrivittatus Say, 1823. In: Long, Account of an GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Bright tawny Exped. from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mtns., 2:45. Type color with dark stripes lighter. Medial stripe 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 33 chestnut and light stripes grayish white. Sides ECOLOGY.—Uses open canopy/closed under- buffy with gray. Tail black with chestnut and story avoided by least chipmunks. Only females dark tip. Underside lighter, crown pale gray. territorial (around nest sites). Diurnal and soli- Carries tail horizontally when running. Total tary. Eats seeds from wide variety of plants, length: 93–148; length of tail: 83–95; length of buds, tender shoots, berries, and nuts. Often hind foot: 30–35; length of ear: 16–23; body tree-dwelling; flattens body on branches when mass: ca 59 g (Burt and Best 1994, Fitzgerald alarmed. Complicated distribution reflects con- et al. 1994). traction of interglacial areas leaving boreal DISTRIBUTION.—N Arizona, E and S Utah, coniferous forest patches broken by arctic and W Colorado (Wilson and Reeder 1993, grasslands that now are arid lowlands (Clark Burt and Best 1994). and Stromberg 1987, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Mating February to March. REMARKS.—Formerly subspecies T. quad- Gestation 30–33 days with parturition in April. Weaned at 6–7 weeks (Burt and Best 1994). rivittatus adsitus, now subspecies included in T. umbrinus (Patterson 1984, Wilson and Reeder ECOLOGY.—Habitat sagebrush and pinyon- juniper but restricted to rocky areas. Feeds ex- 1993). tensively on juniper berries, green vegetation, SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- and pinyon nuts but opportunistic in feeding rieville, 1 (BYU); Henrieville, 13 mi NE T36S, habits. Predators are several snakes, coyote, R01W, 1 (USNM). Swainson’s hawk, and long-tailed weasel. Diur- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Kaipar- nal behavior. Water availability likely plays key owits Plateau (Tanner 1940). role in habitat selection for rocky areas where water will collect. Needs separate water source Castor canadensis Kuhl, 1820 because food has little water content and will North American Beaver die within 2 days without water (Burt and Best Castor canadensis Kuhl, 1820. Beitrage zur Zoologie und 1994). vergleichenden Anatomie, Abth. 1, pg. 64. Type local- REMARKS.—Formerly in quadrivittatus (Pat- ity Hudson Bay, Canada (Jenkins and Busher 1979). terson 1984, Wilson and Reeder 1993). SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 22 mi GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Dark brown, SSE Escalante, Death Ridge, 1 (USNM). dense fur. Webbed feet. Large, scaled, and flattened tail. Total length: 1000–1200; length Tamias umbrinus Allen, 1890 of tail: 90–200; length of hind foot: 156–205; Uintah Chipmunk length of ear: 23–29; body mass: 11–26 kg Tamias umbrinus J. A. Allen, 1890. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. (Jenkins and Busher 1979). Hist., 3:96. Type locality “Uintah Mountains, south of DISTRIBUTION.—Occurs in North America Ft. Bridger.” Restricted by Howell (1929:94) to Blacks north of Mexico; introduced in Eurasia (Jenk- Fork, about 8000 ft. [2438 m], Summit Co., Utah [USA] (Wilson and Reeder 1993). ins and Busher 1979). Statewide distribution in Utah in streams, lakes, and ponds (Durrant GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Coloration out- 1952). ermost back stripe black, next dorsal stripe on REPRODUCTION.—Monogamous mating sys- side white with fur dark brown below; under- tem. Gestation about 107 days with parturition parts white. Long, bushy tail. Prominent facial in May to June. Litter size 3–4 (Jenkins and stripes (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Total Busher 1979). length: 200–243; length of tail: 90–115; length ECOLOGY.—Unique ability to create nests, of hind foot: 30–35; length of ear: 16–19; body lodges, and burrows important to ecosystems mass: 55–80 g (Clark and Stromberg 1987). where the species is found. Generalist forager DISTRIBUTION.—Dispersed throughout Cali- fornia and N Arizona to N Colorado, SE and with preference for aspens and willows but will NW Wyoming, and extreme SW Montana (Wil- eat bark, leaves, twigs, and herbaceous aquatic son and Reeder 1993). Found in mountain plants. Caches food in fall. Predators include ranges in N and C Utah (Durrant 1952). wolves, coyote, wolverine, cougar, black bear, REPRODUCTION.—Mates shortly after hiber- and mink on kits. Forms colonies of related nation. Gestation about 30 days with 1 litter of individuals. Communicates by postures, vocal- 3–5 young (Clark and Stromberg 1987, Fitz- izations, tail-slapping, and scent-mounding gerald et al. 1994). (Jenkins and Busher 1979). 34 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Thomomys bottae GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small ears and (Eydoux and Gervais, 1836) eyes. Strongly clawed front feet. Fur soft brown to yellowish tan. Fur-lined cheek pouches. Total Valley Pocket Gopher length: 165–253; length of tail: 40–75; length Oryctomys (Saccophorus) bottae Eydoux and Gervais, 1836. of hind foot: 25–33; length of ear: 5–6; body Mag. de Zool., Paris, 6:23. Type locality coast of Cali- mass: 75–180 g (Clark and Stromberg 1987). fornia; name applied by Baird (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7:335, April 1855) to the gopher occur- DISTRIBUTION.—Subterranean habitats in S ring in the vicinity of Monterey (Hall 1981). Canada to C South Dakota and N New Mex- ico, N Arizona, N Nevada, and NE California GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Occurs in Utah in with external fur-lined cheek pouches. N, C, and E mountain ranges (Sparks 1974). Claws on feet smaller than other members of REPRODUCTION.—Young born in grass of genus. Coloration varying from pale gray to fur-lined nest underground. Gestation 18–20 russet or blackish; underparts grayish white, days. Females deliver young by separating white, buff, or mottled. Reduced eyes and ears pubic bones of otherwise slender hips. Four to (Davis and Schmidly 1994). Total length: 200– 7 young of 1 litter per year. Weaned ca 14 days 260; length of tail: 60–85; length of hind foot: (Zeveloff 1988). 28–33; length of ear: 5–7; body mass: 110–215 ECOLOGY.—Inhabits various environments; g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). selects deep, soft soils. Herbivore that feeds DISTRIBUTION.—Throughout SW U.S., W on roots, tubers, bulbs, leaves, stems, and Mexico, and Baja California in areas of sandy prickly pear cactus. Establishes extensive tun- soil (Zeveloff 1988). Occurs throughout Utah nel systems up to 150 m long. Plugs unused (Durrant 1952). entrances for keeping out unwanted visitors, REPRODUCTION.—Breeding March to July. alerting to disturbances of visitors, stabilizing Two to 5 young born after ca 19-day gestation. temperatures and moisture levels. Predators Usually 1 litter per year (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). are great horned owl, badger, and coyote (Zeve- ECOLOGY.—Found in a variety of vegetation loff 1988). Solitary and entirely subterranean types: agricultural areas, pinyon-juniper, grass- lifestyle. Genus important for adding organic lands, open parklands, roadsides, open montane matter to soil, aerating soil, and promoting water forests, montane-shrub, and semidesert shrub- storage (Clark and Stromberg 1987). lands. Distribution linked to soil preferences Thomomys umbrinus and competition with other gopher species. Digs (Richardson, 1829) complex burrow systems with shallow and deep portions. Active year-round with highly terri- Southern Pocket Gopher torial and solitary habits. Diet of seeds, tubers, Geomys umbrinus Richardson, 1829. Fauna Boreali-Amer- roots, green vegetation, grasses, forbs, pinyon icana, 1:202. Type locality southern Mexico; probably nuts, and insects. Food stored in burrow sys- in vicinity of Boca del Monte, Veracruz; type said to tem. Utilizes coprophagy. Predators include have come from “Cadadaquois, a town in southwest- ern Lousiana”; see V. Bailey, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- coyote, badger, foxes, owls, and hawks. Espe- ton, 19:3–6, January 29, 1906 (Hall 1981). cially vulnerable to predation during spring male-male aggression and during juvenile dis- DISTRIBUTION.—SC Arizona and SW New persal (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Mexico south to N Mexico (Wilson and Reeder SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: near 1993). junction of Paria and Adairville roads, 1 (BYU). REMARKS.—General characteristics, repro- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cocks- duction, and ecology same as for T. bottae. comb Ridge (Hayward et al. 1958); 50 mi SE Considered a species separate from bottae by Escalante, Willow Tank Springs (Tanner 1940). Wilson and Reeder (1993), Anderson (1966, 1972), and Hall (1981). Phylogenetic relation- Thomomys talpoides ships among geographic races examined by (Richardson, 1828) Hafner et al. (1987). Northern Pocket Gopher SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Adair- Cricetus talpoides Richardson, 1828. Zool. Jour., 3:518. ville, 1 (BYU). Type locality fixed at Fort Carlton (Carlton House), ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: E side Saskatchewan (Hall 1981). of Cockscomb Ridge (Tanner 1940); Fivemile 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 35

Fig. 5. One of the defining characteristics of the kangaroo rat is its disproportionately long hind feet and legs, which are used for jumping.

Valley (Pritchett 1962); Adairville, 1 (Pritchett ECOLOGY.—Various habitats with affinity for 1962). open shrublands, grasslands with sandy soil, STATUS.—Registered by IUCN as a rare Larrrea, Artemisia or Atriplex communities, species (Wilson and Reeder 1993). and pinyon-juniper woodlands. Diet primarily granivorous with grass and forb seeds and Dipodomys ordii Woodhouse, 1853 green vegetation. Sometimes feeds on arthro- Ord’s Kangaroo Rat pods and cactus. Resides with many other (Figure 5) granivorous small mammals (Garrison and Best 1990). Studies have been done to determine Dipodomys ordii Woodhouse, 1853. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. intraspecific competition and found that when Philadelphia, 6:235–236. Type locality “El Paso on the Rio Grande,” El Paso Co., Texas (Garrison and Best D. ordii was removed, O. leucogaster flour- 1990). ished in open microhabitats of short vegeta- tion (Rebar and Conley 1983). Predators in- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Relatively clude kit fox, owls, coyote, and snakes. Habits short tail. Five toes, with hind feet and legs nocturnal and year-round. Dustbathes to re- disproportionately long for jumping. Pelage move oils. Vocalization used in aggression (teeth color buffy, reddish, or blackish with ventral chattering) and neonate to parental communi- surface, back of hind feet, supraorbital and cation. When neonates are born early or ill and postarticular spots, forelimbs, hip stripes, lat- cannot vocalize, they are ignored or devoured eral stripes of tail, and tail base all white. Has by mother (Garrison and Best 1990). fur-lined cheek pouches, characteristic of all SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Ten geomyids and heteromyids. Total length: 242– Mile Spring, 1 (BYU); mouth of Calf Creek, 243; length of tail: 127–129; length of hind Ecalante River, 1 (BYU); Little Egypt, 1500 m, foot: 38–39; length of ear: 12–13; body mass: 1 (BYU); Kane Co.: 1 mi W Site #12, Nipple ca 52 g (Garrison and Best 1990). Bench, 1 (BYU); Adairville (Cockscomb area), DISTRIBUTION.—S Alberta and Saskatchewan 7 (BYU); Wah Weep River, 1 (BYU); Catstairs (Canada) to S Hildago (Mexico), and from S Canyon, 1 (BYU); Paria Basin, Cottonwood Oregon and E California to C Kansas and Creek, 4 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 1 (BYU); Oklahoma (Garrison and Best 1990). Found Fivemile Valley, 1 (BYU); Tibbet Spring, 1 statewide in Utah (Durrant 1952, Hall 1981). (USNM); near junction Paria and Adairville REPRODUCTION.—Breeding and parturition roads, 9 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi in August–May. Gestation 28–32 days with 2 SE Cannonville, 20 (BYU). litters of 1–6 young each year (Garrison and ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Willow Best 1990). Tank Spring, 1 (Tanner 1940); Fourmile Bench, 36 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

27 (Murdock et al. 1974); Smokey Mountain 10 mi N Arizona border, 1 (BYU); Fivemile (Atwood and Prichett 1974); Paria Plataeu Valley, 3 (Pritchett 1962); Adairville, 3 (Pritchett (Hayward et al. 1958); Fivemile Valley, 20 1962). (Prichett 1962); Adairville, 52 (Pritchett 1962). Chaetodipus formosus Merriam, 1889 Onychomys leucogaster (Weid, 1841) Long-tailed Pocket Mouse Northern Grasshopper Mouse Chaetodipus formosus Merriam, 1889. N. Amer. Fauna, 1:17. Hypudaeus leucogaster Maximilian Prinz zu Weid, 1841. Type locality USA, Utah, Washington Co., St. George Reise in das innere Nord America in den jahren 1832. (Wilson and Reeder 1993). J. Holhescher, Coblenz, xxiv + 687 pp. Type locality Mandan Indian village, near Fort Clark, Oliver Co., GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage gray- North Dakota (McCarty 1978). brown above and white-yellow below. Bicol- ored tail crested and long with dark tufted GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Short-tailed, hairs over last one-third. Long feet and ears stocky mouse, with distinctly bicolored pelage. (Zeveloff 1988). Total length: 181–194; length Upperparts pale brown to grayish or light cin- of tail: 90–105; length of hind foot: 23–25; length namon; underparts white. Tip of tail often of ear: 10–11; body mass: 17–25 g (Durrant white. Total length: 119–190; length of tail: 29– 1952, Hall 1981. 62; length of hind foot: 17–25; length of ear: DISTRIBUTION.—S Nevada, California (in- 12–17; body mass: 35–45 g (McCarty 1978). cluding Baja), SW and extreme CW Utah, and DISTRIBUTION.—SW Canada south to ex- N Arizona (Sparks 1974, Zeveloff 1988). treme N Mexico, west into NE California and REPRODUCTION.—Breeding May to July fol- C Oregon, and east to W Minnesota and Iowa lowing emergence of grasses and forbs. Four (McCarty 1978). Occurs throughout Utah, ex- to 6 young (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Zeve- cept higher mountain ranges (Durrant 1952). loff 1988). REPRODUCTION.—Gestation 26–42 days, de- ECOLOGY.—Inhabits rocky or gravelly slopes pending on race. Mean litter size 4 with multi- and desert canyons up to 2400 m. Sometimes ple litters associated with food abundance found in open mesquite-juniper or sandy river- (McCarty 1978). banks. In Lake Bonneville basin, species ECOLOGY.—Diet comprises a strong affin- accounts for 20% of entire mammalian bio- ity for insects and small mammals (thus mini- mass in black sage communities. Piles of soil mizing intraspecific competition by more or sand at rock bases indicate species pres- predatorial feeding), but will also cache seeds ence (Zeveloff 1988). Diet consists of seeds for winter months. Has large home range for from grasses and forbs, insects, and green hunting purposes. Engages in extensive com- leaves in the spring. Active midwinter, becom- petition, both interspecific and intraspecific. ing torpid in cold months, although activity Nocturnal habits, most active when moon is varies geographically (Jameson and Peeters below horizon, absent, or concealed by heavy 1988). cloud cover. Vocalizations include short, sharp SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: 9 mi squeaks when pursuing prey or threatened, NE Adairville, 2 (BYU); Cockscomb Ridge, 1 and a long, shrill whistle as either a hunting (BYU); 50 mi E Kanab, Catstairs Canyon, 1 call or mating call; nestlings have a variety of (BYU). calls (McCarty 1978). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cocks- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: mouth comb Ridge, 1 (Pritchett 1962). Calf Creek, Escalante River, 1 (BYU); Kane Perognathus longimembris Co.: near junction Paria and Adairville roads, 1 (Coues, 1875) (BYU); Adairville (Cockscomb area), 40 mi E Kanab, 2 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi Little Pocket Mouse SE Cannonville, 1 (BYU); Nipple Bench, 1 Cricetodipus longimembris, Coues, 1875. Proc. Acad. Nat. (BYU); Site #14, Nipple Bench, 1 (BYU); 27 mi Sci. Philadelphia, 27:305. Type locality Old Fort Tejon, Tehachapi Mts., Kern Co., California (Wilson and S Cannonville, 1 (BYU); Adairville, 2 (BYU); Reeder 1993). Fivemile Valley, 1 (BYU). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Willow GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Soft-furred Tank Spring, 1 (Tanner 1940); Wah Weep Creek, rodent colored pinkish yellow to buff with dark 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 37 wash, depending on habitat soil coloration. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Despite Latin Underparts buff, brownish, or white. Two diag- name, largest member of genus. Coloration nostic white patches at base of each ear. Tail upperparts pinkish buff to ochraceous buff, usually uniformly pale brown. Smallest mem- overlaid lightly with blackish coloring. Under- ber of genus, except for silky pocket mouse, parts whitish to buffy. Tail long, pencillate, and and palest colored (Zeveloff 1988). Total length: bicolored. Antitragus lobed (Hall 1981). Total 112–138; length of tail: 50–76; length of hind length: 169–190; length of tail: 85–97; length foot: 17–20; length of ear: 6–8; body mass: of hind foot: 22–24; length of ear: 7–9; body 7–10 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). mass: 17–31 g (Verts and Kirkland 1988). DISTRIBUTION.—SE Oregon and all of W DISTRIBUTION.—S British Columbia, south U.S. to N Mexico and Baja California (Wilson to E California and east to SE Wyoming and and Reeder 1993). Found in extreme W and S NW Arizona (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Occurs Utah (Sparks 1974). in Utah in western half of state (Durrant 1952). REPRODUCTION.—Has potential to be most REPRODUCTION.—Breeds soon after spring abundant mammal in ideal habitat. Breeding emergence from dormancy in about April; April to September, with a gap in breeding in breeding can continue to September. One to 2 hotter months. Gestation ca 23 days. Litter size 2–8, with possibly 2 litters per year. (Jameson litters per year with 3–4 young. Success and and Peeter 1988, Zeveloff 1988). litter size tied to food abundance (Fitzgerald ECOLOGY.—Lives in sandy and gravelly soil et al. 1994). areas, usually in rolling terrain broken by ECOLOGY.—Inhabits arid and semiarid areas ravines and rocks. Plant associations include of sagebrush communities, but found in other rabbitbrush, mustards, blackbrush, Mormon scrub-steppe associations as well, if there is tea, yucca, creosote, sagebrush, desert lilies, light-textured soil for burrowing. Diet includes Joshua tree, cactus, and verbena. Greatest seeds from large variety of plants, grasses, wild activity 2–5 hours after sunset and just before beans, borage, composites, pigweeds, Solanum, sunrise. Hibernates in winter or for a few nights nettles, docks, wild mustard and insects. Like when food is scarce (Hoffmeister 1986, Clark Peromyscus maniculatus, P. parvus is one of and Stromberg 1987). Excluding bats, P. longi- the most abundant small mammal species of membris is the smallest mammal to hibernate. the Great Basin. Predators consist of various Diet consists of seeds from various desert plants rattlesnakes, burrowing and short-eared owls, and grasses. Also takes soil-dwelling insects weasel, skunk, badger, northern grasshopper (Jameson and Peeter 1988). Predators likely mouse, and foxes. Carries food by filling cheek the same as for other pocket mice (Zeveloff pouches using forefeet, then caches food in 1988). burrows. Burrows typically at bases of shrubs SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: Hall where roots provide protection or sparsely vege- Cave, 1 (BYU); Wah Weep Creek, 10 mi N tated sandy soil. Active only 8–9 months of Arizona border, 1 (BYU); Adairville, 40 mi E year; in torpor in winter, relying on 1 or more Kanab, 4 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 1 (BYU); food storage chambers. Has set home range Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi SE Cannonville, 1 and is solitary. Vocalizations quiet “que que (BYU). que” whine when handled roughly or shrill ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Willow squeal when in confrontation (Verts and Kirk- Tank Springs, 1 (Tanner 1940); Fourmile land 1988). Bench, 6 (Murdock et al. 1974); Nipple Bench SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); Smokey Moun- tain (Atwood and Pritchett 1974); Paria Plateau rieville, 13 mi NE, T36S, R01W, 4 (USNM); (Hayward et al. 1958); Adairville, 15 (Pritchett Kane Co.: Paria Basin, Cottonwood Canyon 1962). Road, 3 (BYU); Paria Basin, Cottonwood Creek, 1 (BYU); Fivemile Valley, 1 (BYU). Perognathus parvus (Peale, 1848) ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Fourmile Bench, Great Basin Pocket Mouse 38 (Murdock et al. 1974); Cockscomb Ridge (Hayward et al. 1958); W side of Cockscomb Critcetodipus parvus Peale, 1848. Mammalia and ornithol- ogy, in U.S. Expl. Exped. . . . , 8:53. Type from Oregon, Ridge (Pritchett 1962); Fivemile Valley, 5 probably near The Dalles, Wasco Co. (Hall 1981). (Pritchett 1962). 38 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Zapus princeps Allen, 1893 body mass: 18–38 g (Carroll and Genoways Western Jumping Mouse 1980). DISTRIBUTION.—Sagebrush steppe and des- Zapus princeps J. A. Allen, 1893. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. ert from S Alberta and SE Saskatchewan south Hist., 5:71, April 28. Type from Florida, La Plata Co., Colorado (Hall 1981). to NW Colorado and EC California, including interior Washington and Oregon (Wilson and GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Dorsal color- Reeder 1993). Occurs throughout Utah, except ing yellowish gray to salmon-brown or ochra- for extreme SW region (Hall 1981). ceous. Sides paler than back. Lateral line buff, REPRODUCTION.—Breeds year-round. Ges- indistinct, or absent; whitish ventrally. Long tation ca 25 days with multiple litters, depend- tail pale brown to grayish brown above, white- ing on resource availability. Young weaned at yellow below (Hall 1981). Hind legs made for 17–19 days. After postpartum mating, males saltatory lifestyle. Total length: 204–260; length excluded from nests. Females share nests and of tail: 112–148; length of hind foot: 27–33; suckle each other’s young (Carroll and Geno- length of ear: 13–17; body mass: 19–37 g (Fitz- ways 1980). gerald et al. 1994). ECOLOGY.—Restricted to semiarid prairies, DISTRIBUTION.—S Yukon south to NE Dako- hills, and canyons with loose, well-drained soil. ta, west to C Montana, down to SE Wyoming, Vegetation dominated by sagebrush and bunch- south to NC New Mexico, northwest to N and grasses. Diet entirely vegetative, utilizing cheat- C Utah (with isolated population in E Utah), grass, wheatgrass, bulbous bluegrass, and any N and C Nevada, EC California north to SW, green or seeding vegetation. Burrows in clus- C and E Oregon, SE Washington northwest to ters with 8–30 entrances, located under cover S Yukon (Sparks 1974, Wilson and Reeder such as sagebrush, rockpiles, or sometimes in 1993). open areas. Predators mainly owls, terrestrial REPRODUCTION.—Breeds during summer. carnivores, and rattlesnakes. Active year-round, Gestation ca 18 days with only 1 litter of 3–8 day-round, but primarily 2–3 hours before sun- young. Relatively long-living small rodent be- set and sunrise. Does not cache food and keeps cause of 8–9 month hibernation (Fitzgerald et runways, nests, and burrows free of debris. al. 1994). Defecates as far from nests and burrows as ECOLOGY.—Inhabits riparian areas in alder, possible (Carroll and Genoways 1980) willow, and aspen associations with well-grown Microtus longicaudus understory of forbs, grasses, and sedges. Diet (Merriam, 1888) mostly arthropods and seeds, although some foliage is taken. Activity nocturnal and occa- Long-tailed Vole sionally diurnal. Home ranges developed in Arvicola (Mynomes) longicaudus Merriam, 1888. N. Am. both sexes. Females moderately territorial. Nat., 22:934. Type locality Custer, 1650 m, Black Hills, Predators not recorded, but likely terrestrial Custer Co., South Dakota (Smolen and Keller 1987). carnivores and raptors (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Long, bicol- REMARKS.—Found in Raft River, Uinta, Oquirrh, La Sal, and Wasatch Mountains ored tail, one-third the length of the body. (Sparks 1974, Hall 1981). Pelage color dull grayish to brownish gray, with black tipped hairs on dorsal and lateral Lemmiscus curtatus (Cope, 1868) portions. Sides more grayish; venter gray whitish Sagebrush Vole to dull buff. Ears and eyes both relatively large, ears haired (Smolen and Keller 1987). Arvicola curtata Cope, 1868. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- Total length: 175–220; length of tail: 55–90; delphia, 20:2. Type locality Pigeon Spring, Mt. Magruder, Esmeralda Co., Nevada (Wilson and Reeder 1993). length of hind foot: 20–25; length of ear: 13–17; body mass: 40–55 g (Clark and Stromberg 1987). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage long DISTRIBUTION.—Throughout most of west- and dense with coloring buffy gray to ashy ern states from E Alaska to C California, N gray, ears and nose often buffy. Sides lighter Arizona, and SW New Mexico with disjunct and venter silvery white to pale buff. Tail dis- populations in S California and S Arizona tinctly bicolored. Soles of hind feet well furred. (Smolen and Keller 1987). Occurs statewide in Total length: 103–142; length of tail: 16–30; Utah, except for areas just west of Great Salt length of hind foot: 14–18; length of ear: 8–16; Lake (Sparks 1974). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 39

REPRODUCTION.—Breeding May to October Females territorial. In overlapping ranges of with ca 2 litters per year. Young 2–8, usually meadow and montane voles, montane voles born in late summer. Life span usually 1 year tend to be excluded (Clark and Stromberg 1987). (Smolen and Keller 1987). SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Steep ECOLOGY.—Occurs mostly in coniferous Creek, 3 (BYU). forests, but also found in riparian areas, aspen STATUS.—Listed as a species of special con- communities, recently cut or burned areas, cern in State of Utah as Microtus montanus and sagebrush ecotones. Population densities rivularis (Kimball 1997). multi-annual in 3–4 year cycles, as with other arvicolines. Predators reported mainly as owls Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus, 1758) and terrestrial carnivores (Smolen and Keller Muskrat 1987). Diet includes a wide variety of green Castor moschatus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., vegetation, grasses, sedges, and bulbs (Clark 1:1–823. Type locality eastern Canada (Willner et al. and Stromberg 1987). 1980).

Microtus montanus (Peale, 1848) GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Color from Montane Vole whitish to black-brown. Largest microtine. Small eyes, short ears, and large head. Webbed Arvicola montana Peale, 1848. Mammalia and ornithology, hind feet with smaller forefeet. Tail long, later- in Repts. U.S. Expl. Surv., 8:44. Type from headwaters Sacramento River, near Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co., Cali- ally compressed, scaly, and sparsely haired. fornia (Webster and Jones 1982). Total length: 456–553; length of tail: 200–254; length of hind foot: 65–78; length of ear: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage upper- 20–21; body mass: 700–1800 g (Willner et al. parts grayish, often with buffy or grayish wash 1980). with black-tipped hairs; sides more buffy and DISTRIBUTION.—North America, sea level paler. Undersides white and gray, sometimes to treeline; south to Gulf of Mexico, Rio with buffy wash. Tail bicolored blackish and Grande, and lower Colorado River valleys; gray (Hall 1981). Total length: 140–182; length introduced into Palearctic and southernmost of tail: 34–62; length of hind foot: 17–22; length Argentina (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Found of ear: 11–18; body mass: 35–60 g (Fitzgerald throughout Utah in wetlands (Sparks 1974). et al. 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Breeds throughout year. DISTRIBUTION.—Cascade, Sierra Nevada, Gestation 25–30 days. Litter size 4–8 in north- and Rocky Mountain ranges: SC British Colum- ern regions with 1–3 litters per year. Young bia to EC California, S Utah, and NC New weaned at 4 weeks (Willner et al. 1980). Mexico with disjunct populations in S Nevada, ECOLOGY.—Constructs aquatic conical EC Arizona, and NE New Mexico (Wilson and houses or digs burrows in banks near streams, Reeder 1993). lakes, marshes, creeks, and man-made ponds. REPRODUCTION.—Breeding spring and sum- Builds a feeding house and main dwelling. mer, varying geographically and with resource Mainly herbivorous, but also eats crayfish, availability. Gestation ca 21 days. Three to 8 fish, mollusks, and turtles. Major predators are young per litter (Jameson and Peeters 1988). man, raccoon, mink, spotted skunk, foxes, and Females polyestrous with postpartum estrus. ermine weasel. Establishes breeding territo- Polygynous mating system unless low popula- ries and dominance hierarchies. Vocalizations tion densities, then monogamous. Young breed are squeaks, a high-pitched “n-n-n-,” and a 1st year (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). chattering with the incisors (Willner et al. ECOLOGY.—Commonly inhabits moist moun- 1980). tain meadows and grassy valleys. Lives in run- ways and burrows under grassy cover, active Neotoma cinerea (Ord, 1815) at any time. Diet consists of forb leaves, grasses, Bushy-tailed Woodrat sedges, rushes, and occasionally fungi (Zevel- off 1988). Builds globular underground nests Mus cinereus Ord, 1815. In: Guthrie, A new geog. hist., Philadelphia, 2nd Amer. ed., 2:292. Type locality near lined with grass. Nests have 2 entrances and Great Falls, Cascade Co., Montana (Hall 1981). are shallow. Predators include coyote, weasels, kestrel, Swainson’s hawk, red-tailed hawk, and GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Rodent with great horned owl (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). large head and body. Upperparts pale gray 40 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 washed with buff to brownish black. Under- (1985). However, Wilson and Reeder (1993) parts white to pinkish to buffy. Dusky above noted that further research is required to and whitish below (Hall 1981). Total length: delineate species groups and to delimit geo- 350–450; length of tail: 135–220; length of graphic ranges. Durrant (1952) included all hind foot: 40–50; length of ear: 30–34; body desert woodrats in N. lepida and records sub- mass: 240–280 g (Struebel 1989). species now allocated in N. devia as races in DISTRIBUTION.—SW Canada south through GSENM. It is likely that N. lepida is not in the N New Mexico and Arizona east to W Dakota Monument. (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Distributed state- ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—As N. lepida mon- wide in Utah except for West Desert area stralbilis: Garfield Co.: 5 mi W Escalante, (Sparks 1974). 1800 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); 8 mi S Escalante, REPRODUCTION.—Breeds early spring–late 1560 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); Kane Co.: Kaiparo- summer, dependent on elevation (Fitzgerald et wits Plateau (Tanner 1940); Cockscomb Ridge al. 1994). Breeds at 2 years of age; gestation of (Pritchett 1962). 27–35 days. One to 2 litters per year of 4–5 young; lives 3–4 years (Struebel 1989). Mating Neotoma lepida Thomas, 1893 system harem polygyny or promiscuous with Desert Woodrat male territories overlapping female territories Neotoma lepida Thomas, 1893. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. (Smith 1997). 6, 12:235, September. Type from somewhere on ECOLOGY.—Inhabits montane, subalpine, “Simpson’s route” between Camp Floyd [=Fairfield], and canyon type ecosystems. Most northern Utah, and Carson City, Nevada (Hall 1981). occurring of woodrats (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smaller wood- Solitary, territorial, and mainly nocturnal. Nest rat with bicolored, short-haired tail. Pelage areas characterized by deposits of debris, sticks, yellow-buff to buffy gray. Underparts whitish bones, cones, scat from various animals, and to buffy, white hairs on chest usually gray at any other objects available. Nests are elabo- bases except midventral stripe with white bases. rately made from soft plant material and are Total length: 266–295; length of tail: 110–126; cup-shaped. Debris piles also created in nearby length of hind foot: 31–33; length of ear: 28– caves and crevices, in rocks, packed with feces 30; body mass: 100–104 g (Fitzgerald et al. and urine. Function of this behavior is unknown, 1994). perhaps used for territory marking. Opportunis- tic feeder with broad range from flowering DISTRIBUTION.—SE Oregon and SW Idaho, plants to cactus and pine needles (Streubel south through Nevada and S California to S 1989). Excellent climber and favors cliff walls Baja California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). over ground nests (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Preda- Occurs in Utah except in C and NE high moun- tors recorded as long-tailed weasel, marten, tain areas (Sparks 1974, Hall 1981). bobcat, coyote, great horned owl, red-tailed REPRODUCTION.—Polyestrous, reproducing hawk, goshawk, and some species of snakes in spring–summer. Female reproduces at 3 (Smith 1997). months. Gestation 30–36 days. Two litters typ- ical, though potentially more. Two to 4 young, SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 22 mi S Notom, 1 (BYU). weaned at 4 weeks. (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). ECOLOGY.—Species of semiarid canyonlands Neotoma devia Goldman, 1927 and foothills, associated with rocky slopes and Arizona Woodrat cliffs of montane shrublands, pinyon-juniper woodlands, and montane forests (Fitzgerald et Neotoma devia Goldman, 1927. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, al. 1994). In mountainous areas, its ecological 40:205. Type locality Tanner Tank, 1560 m, Painted Desert, Arizona (Hall 1981). niche typically occupied by bushy-tailed wood- rat, as both favor rocky areas for nests. Desert DISTRIBUTION.—EC and S Utah, W Arizona, woodrat usually associated with cacti, used for and NW Sonora, Mexico (Wilson and Reeder food and protection. Also, feeds on forbs (both 1993). leaves and seeds), leaves of shrubs, and vari- REMARKS.—Reproduction, ecology, and gen- ous berries (Jameson and Peeters 1988). Dens eral characteristics same as N. lepida. Separate located in horizontal rock crevices, with more from desert woodrat following Mascarello et than one entrance. Nests ball- or cup-shaped al. (1976), Mascarello (1978), and Koop et al. and made from fine shredded bark, grass, or 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 41 similar material. Activity mainly nocturnal (Fitz- tered areas under rocks, debris, and in crevices. gerald et al. 1994). Dens of other Peromyscus and woodrats also SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: near used for cover (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). junction of Paria and Adairville roads, 1 (BYU); SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: mouth 9 mi NE Adairville, 1 (BYU); Paria Basin, Cot- of Calf Creek, Escalante River, 1 (BYU); Kane tonwood Canyon Road, 3 (BYU); Adairville Co.: Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi SE Cannon- (Cockscomb area), 40 mi E Kanab, 2 (BYU); ville, 1 (BYU). Wah Weep Creek, 10 mi N Arizona border, 1 Peromyscus crinitus (Merriam, 1891) (BYU); Catstairs Canyon, 50 mi E Kanab, 1 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi SE Can- Canyon Mouse nonville, 8 (BYU); Willow Tank Spring, 1 (BYU); Hesperomys crinitus Merriam, 1891. N. Amer. Fauna, Hall Cave, 1 (BYU); Paria Basin, 1 (BYU); Cocks- 5:1–127. Type locality Shoshone Falls, N side Snake comb Ridge, 1 (BYU); mouth of Calf Creek, 1 River, Jerome Co., Idaho (Johnson and Armstrong (BYU). 1987). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Garfield Co.: 5 mi GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small to medi- W Escalante, 1800 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); 8 mi um for genus. Tail longer than head and body S Escalante, 1560 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); Kane and thinly haired. Ears large and sparsely furred. Co.: Fourmile Bench, 13 (Murdock et al. 1974); Pelage color variable but likely ochraceous Cockscomb Ridge (Hayward et al. 1958); Cocks- buff to pinkish cinnamon dorsally and whitish comb Ridge, 2 (Atwood and Pritchett 1974). ventrally, hairs gray at base with coloration Peromyscus boylii (Baird, 1855) patch on chest. Sometimes anal patch present as well. Tail bicolored (Johnson and Armstrong Brush Mouse 1987). Total length: 160–190; length of tail: 82– Hesperomys boylii Baird, 1855. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 110; length of hind foot: 18–25; length of ear: delphia, 7:335, April. Type from Middle Fork Ameri- 17–23; body mass: 12–30 g (Fitzgerald et al. can River, near present town of Auburn, Eldorado Co., California (Hall 1981). 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—From Oregon, Idaho, Wyo- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized ming south to NW Mexico and from California mouse. Adult coloration variable, but usually east to Colorado and New Mexico (Johnson ochraceous buff dorsally, sides ruddy. Tail and Armstrong 1987). Found throughout Utah, brownish above, whitish below. Underparts and except in higher mountains (Sparks 1974, Hall feet whitish. Older individuals usually ruddy; 1981). juveniles more dusky (Hoffmeister 1986). Total REPRODUCTION.—Breeding late winter to length: 180–220; length of tail: 80–115; length late summer, with peak activity in spring. Sea- of hind foot: 20–24; length of ear: 15–22; body sonally polyestrous with 1–8 litters per year. mass: 20–30 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Gestation 29–31 days, litter size 1–5 (Johnson DISTRIBUTION.—California to westernmost and Armstrong 1987). Oklahoma south to C Mexico and El Salvador ECOLOGY.—Occurs strictly in rocky habi- (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Occurs in Utah in tats in almost any ecological association. Vege- E half and SW corner of state (Durrant 1952). tation has little or no effect on distribution. REPRODUCTION.—Breeds late winter–early Omnivorous diet of insects, green vegetation, fall, with peak activity in warm spring months. and seeds. Perhaps restricted to rocky areas Multiple litters per year of 1–6 young. Lon- because of intraspecific competition with other gevity to 18 months, but most die before 1 Peromyscus. Excellent, agile climber, often the year (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). lone rodent species in vertically oriented habi- ECOLOGY.—Found in brushy areas from sea tats. Male-male aggression strongly due to dis- level to ca 2000 m. Common in hillsides of persed social organizations. However, several brushy, arid areas, rocky slopes, and wood- individuals will share nests except females lands of pinyon-juniper, cottonwood-willow, with young. Vocalizations include neonatal cries, oakbrush, and mountain mahogany. Diet in- comfort sounds, and warning squeaks. Nonvocal cludes any conifer seeds, acorns, berries, cactus communication includes tooth-chattering and fruit, and insects (Zeveloff 1988). Does not sometimes foot-stomping when threatened. hibernate or cache food. Good climber and Dustbathes to remove oils from coat (Johnson often forages in trees. Builds nests in shel- and Armstrong 1987). 42 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: mouth snakes, owls, hawks, coyote, badger, weasels, of Calf Creek, Escalante River, 1 (BYU); Moki and grasshopper mouse (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Tanks, Circle Cliffs, 1 (BYU); Kane Co.: Cot- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: mouth tonwood Canyon, 27 mi SE Cannonville, 2 of Calf Creek, Escalante River, 2 (BYU); The (BYU); 9 mi NE Adairville, 3 (BYU); Adair- Blues, ca 18 mi SW Escalante, 5 (USNM); ville, 1 (BYU); Site 8, Smokey Mountain, 1 Moki Tanks, 2 (BYU); Tenmile Spring, S of (BYU); Wah Weep Creek, 10 mi N Arizona Escalante, 1 (BYU); Henrieville, 13 mi NE border, 1 (BYU); Calf Creek Campground, 1 T36S, R01W, 5 (USNM); Kane Co.: Cotton- (BYU); Tibbet Spring, ca 40 mi S Escalante, 4 wood, 8 mi NW Kanab, 1440 m, 4 (MVZ); Five- (USNM); 41–105 mi N Lee’s Ferry, 1 (BYU). mile Valley, 1 (BYU); near junction of Paria and Adairville, 15 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, Peromyscus maniculatus 27 mi SE of Cannonville, 38 (BYU); Fourmile (Wagner, 1845) Bench, 1 (BYU); Adairville, 7 (BYU); 50 mi SE Deer Mouse Escalante at Willow Tank Spring and Hall Hesperomys maniculatus Wagner, 1845. Weigmann’s Arch. Cave, 1 (BYU); Wah Weep Creek, 10 mi N Fur Naturgesch., Jahg. 11, 1:148. Type locality the Arizona border, 1 (BYU); Willow Tank Spring, Moravian settlements in Labrador (Hall 1981). 1 (BYU). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Cotton- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Characteristics wood, 8 mi NW Kanab, 1440 m, 2 (Durrant extremely variable externally and physiologi- 1952); Fourmile Bench, 84 (Murdock et al. cally. Dorsal coloration from gray-brown to 1974); Cockscomb Ridge (Hayward et al. 1958); rufous orange to pale buff. Underparts and Adairville, 9 (Pritchett 1962); Fivemile Valley, feet white. Juveniles darker and more gray than 18 (Pritchett 1962). adults. Tail bicolored and shorter than body and head. Ears smaller than pinyon mouse, Peromyscus truei but relatively large. Total length: 135–180; (Schufeldt, 1885) length of tail: 57–78; length of hind foot: 17– Pinyon Mouse 21; length of ear: 14–21; body mass: 14–27 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Hesperomys truei R. W. Shufeldt, 1885. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 8:403–408. Type locality Fort Wingate, McKinley DISTRIBUTION.—Panhandle of Alaska and Co., New Mexico (Hoffmeister 1981). across most of continental U.S., excluding SE and E Seaboard, to Baja California and NC GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest ears Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Likely found of genus. Color varies from pale yellow-brown in every dry land microhabitat throughout Utah to brown dorsally with white underparts and (Durrant 1952, Sparks 1974). feet. Tail bicolored with dorsal color darker REPRODUCTION.—Breeds from April to than back of body (Hoffmeister 1981). Total November or December, determined largely length: 177–195; length of tail: 87–98; length by food abundance. Gestation 24–28 days with of hind foot: 22–24; length of ear: 24–27; body several litters. Two to 8 young per litter (Jame- mass: 20–29 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). son and Peeters 1988). Mortality usually DISTRIBUTION.—SW Oregon to W and SE occurs in 1st year (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). Colorado, south to Baja California, Arizona, ECOLOGY.—Widest ranging and most com- New Mexico, and NC Texas (Wilson and mon of terrestrial small mammals found in Reeder 1993). Found statewide in Utah except GSENM. Found in any habitat from tundra to in Uinta and Wasatch mountain ranges (Sparks deserts, excluding well-developed wetlands. 1974). Well adapted to exploit disturbed habitats, yet REPRODUCTION.—Breeding April to Sep- where other, more specialized members of tember with multiple litters, dependent on genus are found, deer mice are absent or food availability. Gestation 25–27 days. Three fewer in number. Diet consists of almost any- to 6 young per litter (Hoffmeister 1981). Eyes thing: small invertebrates, fungi, carrion, seeds, open at 3 weeks and young weaned at about 5 and various other plant parts. Utilizes trails weeks. Females breed at ca 3 months (Fitzger- repeatedly as runways. Active year-round and ald et al. 1994). uses runways beneath the snow in winter. ECOLOGY.—Most commonly associated with Nests highly variable as well as home range pinyon and juniper belts where trees grow size, varying with seasons. Predators include close to rocky outcroppings and slopes. Where 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 43 pinyons absent, habitat consists of rocky out- occurs within 1st year (Webster and Jones 1982). crops in junipers and sage, such as in C Ore- ECOLOGY.—Typically inhabits grassy and gon; in California, found associated with chap- weedy habitats as well as deserts, salt marshes, arral, redwood woodlands, Douglas-fir, Cali- and pine-oak forests. Primarily granivorous, but fornia laurel, madrone, oak, and desert scrub. consumes herbaceous material and lepidop- Food consists of small invertebrates, acorn mast, teran larvae. Predators include hawks, snakes, juniper seeds, and carrion (Hoffmeister 1981). owls, canids, mustelids, felids, and scorpions. Predators same as P. maniculatus. Displays no territoriality and tolerant of indi- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 13 mi viduals and other small mammal species unless NE Henrieville, T36S, R01W, 6 (USNM); 5 mi restricted resource availability. Microtine run- W Escalante, 1800 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); 8 mi ways used for travel. Nocturnal habits, espe- S Escalante, 1560 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); Kane cially active on moonless nights (Webster and Co.: Adairville (Cockscomb area), 9 (BYU); Cat- Jones 1982). stairs Canyon, 50 mi E Kanab, 1 (BYU); Cocks- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: 1.5 mi comb Ridge, 2 (BYU); Cottonwood Canyon, 27 S Upper Valley 13 mi SW Escalante, 1 (UU); mi SE Cannonville, 24 (BYU); Paria Basin, Calf Creek Campground, 1 (BYU); Kane Co.: Cottonwood Canyon Road, 9 (BYU); Fourmile Cottonwood Canyon, 27 mi SE Cannonville, 1 Bench, 1 (BYU); Fourmile Bench, 3/4 mi S (BYU); Adairville, 2 (BYU); Fivemile Valley, 1 Airstrip, 1 (BYU); Cockscomb Ridge (Hayward (BYU); 34–56 mi N Lee’s Ferry, 1 (UU). et al. 1958); Paria Basin, 1 (BYU); Paria Basin, ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: Fivemile Cottonwood Canyon Road, 1 (BYU); Wah Weep Valley, 3 (Pritchett 1962); Adairville, 2 (Pritch- Creek, 10 mi N Arizona border, 1 (BYU). ett 1962). ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Garfield Co.: 5 mi Erethizon dorsatum W Escalante, 1800 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); 8 mi S (Linneaus, 1758) Escalante, 1560 m, 1 (Durrant 1952); Kane Co.: Fourmile Bench, 24 (Murdock et al. 1974); American Porcupine Fivemile Valley, 3 (Pritchett 1962). Hystrix dorsatum Linneaus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:57. Type locality eastern Canada (Hall 1981). Reithrodontomys megalotis (Baird, 1858) GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Moderately Western Harvest Mouse large, stout body. Short legs and tail. Tail cov- ered with spines. Pelage gray-brown with Reithrodon megalotis S. F. Baird, 1858. Mammalia in lighter underside. Total length: 645–1030; length Repts. U.S. Expl. Surv., 8(1):451. Type locality between Juanos, Chihuahua, and San Luis Springs, Grant Co., of tail: 145–300; length of hind foot: 75–91; New Mexico (Webster and Jones 1982). length of ear: 25–41; body mass: 3.5–18 kg (Woods 1973). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small, long- DISTRIBUTION.—C Alaska to S Hudson Bay tailed rodent with diagnostic medial grooves and Labrador, south to E Tennessee, C Iowa, on front surface of upper incisors. Ears promi- C Texas, N Mexico, and S California (Wilson nent. Tail long, slender, scaled, and bicolored and Reeder 1993). Found statewide in Utah but sparsely haired. Dorsal pelage gray or (Durrant 1952, Sparks 1974). brown-black to pale buff. Total length: 114–154; REPRODUCTION.—Seasonally polyestrous. length of tail: 50–83; length of hind foot: Gestation 205–217 days. Parturition April to 15–18; length of ear: 12–15; body mass: 9–21 g June with single young. Quills soft when born (Webster and Jones 1982). and harden within an hour after birth (Woods DISTRIBUTION.—SW Canada southward to 1973). S Mexico, and from California east to Indiana ECOLOGY.—Hardwood-softwood habitats (Webster and Jones 1982). Occurrence through- selected (Stricklan et al. 1995). No territorial out Utah except in NE corner of state (Hall defense except over feeding trees. Often fol- 1981). lows trails, waterways, or animal runways. REPRODUCTION.—Breeding early spring to Urinates in paths, at bases of trees, and near late autumn. Females polyestrous and sexually dens. Predators primarily man and the fisher, mature after 4 months. Males polygynous with sometimes also mustelids, coyote, wolf, dog, dominance hierarchies. Gestation 23–24 days, bear, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, eagles, and with ca 4 young per litter. Mortality usually great horned owl. Solitary except during mass 44 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 migrations and shared winter dens. Vocaliza- territorial aggression and dominance hier- tions include moans, grunts, whines, squeaks, archies. Dramatic 10-year population cycles sniffs, coughs, mews, chatters, shrieks, snorts, occur for largely unknown reasons. Predators barks, owl-like hoo-hoos, and shrill screeches include coyote, wolverine, fisher, bobcat, lynx, (Woods 1973). weasel, golden eagle, hawks, and marten (Fitz- gerald et al. 1994). LAGOMORPHA Lepus californicus Gray, 1837 Lepus americanus Erxleben, 1777 Black-tailed Jackrabbit Snowshoe Hare Lepus californica J. E. Gray, 1837. Mag. Nat. Hist. [Charles- [Lepus] americanus Erxleben, 1777. Systema regni ani- worth’s], 1:586. Type locality “St. Antoine” [probably malis . . . , 1:330. Type locality Hudson Bay, Canada. near Mission of San Antonio, California] (Wilson and Restricted to Fort Severn, Ontario, by V. Bailey, N. Reeder 1993). Amer. Fauna, 49:138, January 8, 1927 (Hall 1981). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized to large jackrabbit with grayish black dorsum with disproportionately large hind feet and and white venter. Black dorsal stripe extends only moderately large ears. Summer pelage from rump to tail. Ears dark on outer tips. rusty brown to gray-brown above, white below. Young have pronounced white spot on fore- Tips of ears black. Feet usually whitish gray head. Winter pelage paler than summer pelage stockings. During fall, molt turns to white but never white. Long, powerful hind legs for winter pelage with only tips of ears remaining saltatory lifestyle. Size varies geographically, black. During molting (spring and fall), col- as with all jackrabbits. Total length: 470–630; oration is mottled brown and white. Total length of tail: 50–112; length of hind foot: length: 365–525; length of tail: 25–55; length 110–145; length of ear: 100–130; body mass: of hind foot: 110–150; length of ear: 60–80; 1.3–3.2 kg (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). body mass: 1–1.5 kg (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—From W Arkansas and Mis- DISTRIBUTION.—S and C Alaska to S and C Hudson Bay to Newfoundland, south to Appa- souri westward to Pacific Coast, and from Wash- lachians, S Michigan, North Dakota, NC New ington and Idaho south to C Mexico (Best Mexico, and EC California (Wilson and Reeder 1996). Occupies entire state of Utah (Durrant 1993). Found in Utah in Wasatch and Uinta 1952). Mountains, and central mountains of the state REPRODUCTION.—Promiscuous breeder, as far south as Kane Co. (Durrant 1952). breeding January to August, depending on REPRODUCTION.—Breeding spring to late severity of winter. Gestation ca 40 days with summer. Gestation 34–40 days, producing 2– litter size of 1–6. Multiple litters of precocial 18 young. Litter size affected greatly by variety young (Best 1996). of factors from latitude to deepness of snow ECOLOGY.—Favors habitats where grasses prior to breeding. One to 4 litters per year. are not as abundant and cacti and low shrubs Young weaned after 1 month (Chapman and are scattered about. An animal of open areas Feldhamer 1982). and found in honey mesquite, sagebrush, ECOLOGY.—Restricted to boreal coniferous pinyon-juniper, grazed areas, and desert scrub forests (especially mature forests) and alpine (Flinders and Hansen 1972). Utilizes sparse areas near tree cover. Characteristically found shrubs as shade by building horizontal excava- in willow and alder thickets. Diet includes tions in sand beneath them. For first 2 months willows, alders, and various low-growing young have nocturnal activity and are motion- shrubs, grasses, and forbs (Hansen and Flinders less in day. As adults, revert to diurnal activity 1969). During winter months diet becomes (Best 1996). Diet consists of grasses, shrubs, more restricted to woody browse. Coprophageal forbs, sedges; coprophagic digestive system for digestive system for more efficient nutrient more efficient nutrient intake. Coyote closely intake. Mostly nocturnal habits; avoids large, tied to jackrabbit abundance; predation on other open areas. Spends day hours in scrapes located mammals decreases with availability of jack- in concealed, protected areas of dense, tan- rabbits. Foxes, badgers, and eagles also take gled shrubs or young conifers. Night activity black-tails (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). centralized in well-used runways. Solitary with SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Kane Co.: 9 mi NE intersexual overlapping home ranges. Displays Adairville, 1 (BYU). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 45

ADDITIONAL RECORDS.—Kane Co.: 50 mi GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Relatively large SE Escalante, Willow Tank Spring, 1 (Tanner for genus. Hind legs long, feet slender, hair 1940). not as dense as other Sylvilagus members. Ears long and sparsely haired. Tail large and Lepus townsendii Bachman, 1839 dark above, white underneath. Vibrissae all black (Chapman and Willner 1978). Pelage dor- White-tailed Jackrabbit sally pale gray with yellowish tinge, with black Lepus townsendii J. Bachman, 1839. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- wash; sides lighter and lower parts whitish; delphia, 8:75–105. Type locality “on the Wallawalla, orange-brown throat patch (Zeveloff 1988). Total one of the sources of the Columbia River,” near present length: 372–400; length of tail: 39–60; length town of Wallula, Walla Walla Co., Washington (Lim 1987). of hind foot: 81–94; length of ear: 70–75; body mass: 756–1250 g. Females usually larger than GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage yellow- males (Chapman and Willner 1978). ish to grayish brown underparts, white or pale DISTRIBUTION.—C Mexico to NC Montana gray underparts, excluding darker throat. Win- and SW North Dakota, Utah, C Nevada, and ter pelage thick and white, usually with buffy NC California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Found tinge on ears, face, back, and feet. Tail remains in Utah in eastern counties on both sides of white throughout the year, usually with buffy or the Colorado and Green rivers (Durrant 1952). dusky stripe dorsally. Tips of ears always black. REPRODUCTION.—Breeding likely year- Total length: 565–618; length of tail: 72–102; round. Gestation ca 28 days. Young born in length of hind foot: 146–165; length of ear: cavities lined with grass and layered with rab- 100–113; body mass: 2.5–3.5 kg (Lim 1987). bit fur on inside. Litter size 2–5 young with DISTRIBUTION.—SC Canada south to SW multiple litters (5 litters average in Arizona). Wisconsin, Iowa, NW Missouri, west through Young precocial. Sexual maturity reached at 3 C Kansas to NC New Mexico, west to C Neva- months (Chapman and Willner 1978, Zeveloff da and EC California (Wilson and Reeder 1988). 1993). In Utah, found statewide except for W ECOLOGY.—Occurs in xeric woodlands, ripar- and SE parts of the state (Sparks 1974). ian zones, grasslands, grazed pastures, and REPRODUCTION.—Breeding February to deserts at all lower elevations of the South- August. Maximum of 4 litters produced each west. Predators include terrestrial carnivores, year, contingent on breeding conditions and owls, eagles, hawks, and rattlesnakes (Chap- environmental factors. Gestation 30–42 days, man and Willner 1978). Diet of grasses and dependent on elevation and latitude, with lit- forbs in warmer months and shrubs (especially ter size 1–11, 4–5 most common. Longevity 8 sagebrush) in winter. Most active during dawn years maximum (Lim 1987). and dusk, typically remaining in burrows dur- ECOLOGY.—Habitat generally open plains, ing day (Zeveloff 1988). Capable of climbing but also found in alpine tundra, forested areas, trees and brush, swimming, and communicat- sagebrush communities, and rabbitbrush asso- ing with visual tail movements. Tolerates high ciations (Hansen and Flinders 1969, Flinders temperatures and cools down by seeking shade and Hansen 1972). Herbivorous, feeding on and by evaporation through skin and lungs. succulent grasses and forbs when available; Maintains home ranges but not aggressively shrubs consumed in dry months. Predators territorial. Active year-round (Clark and Strom- include those listed for black-tailed jackrabbit. berg 1987). Solitary and nocturnal habits. When pursued SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Garfield Co.: Hen- by predator, several behaviors used, from rieville, 13 mi NE T36S, R01W, 1 (USNM); 7 tonic immobility to zigzag flight pattern (Lim mi SW Tropic, 1 (Durrant 1952); Adairville, 1 1987). Often runs short distance on hind legs (Pritchett 1962). only when fleeing, especially uphill. Sylvilagus nuttalii Sylvilagus audubonii (Bachman, 1837) (Baird, 1858) Mountain Cottontail Desert Cottontail Lepus nuttalii J. Bachman, 1837. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- Lepus audubonii S. F. Baird, 1858. Mammalia, in Repts. delphia, 7:282–361. Type locality west of the Rocky U.S. Expl. Surv., 8(8):608. Type locality San Francisco, Mountains in the Columbia and Shoshone river drain- California (Wilson and Reeder 1993). age (Chapman 1975). 46 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Relatively large bicolored. Total length: 85–95; length of tail: for genus. Hind legs large. Feet densely cov- 35–36; length of hind foot: 11; length of ear: ered with fur. Ears rounded at tips and rela- not given; body mass: not given (Struebel 1989). tively short, inner surfaces noticeably haired. DISTRIBUTION.—Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Vibrissae never all black. Tail grizzled, large Montana, California, Nevada, Colorado, and and dark above, white beneath. Total length: Utah. Records of Pleistocene deposits from 345–390; length of tail: 30–54; length of hind S New Mexico (Tomasi and Hoffman 1984, foot: 87–110; length of ear: 55–65; body mass: Cornely et al. 1992). Southernmost record for 628.5–871 g (Chapman 1975). Utah near Great Salt Lake in Tooele Co. (Tomasi DISTRIBUTION.—Confined to Intermoun- and Hoffman 1984). tain areas of North America from SW Canada ECOLOGY.—Found in arid and semiarid habi- to E California, Nevada, C Arizona, and NW tats, but also in marsh and riparian areas, sage- New Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Found brush, and bunchgrass habitats (Cornely et al. throughout state of Utah in mountainous and 1992). Little is known of this shrew. foothill regions, but not in dry, semidesert areas (Sparks 1974). Eumops perotis (Schinz, 1821) REPRODUCTION.—Breeding begins early Greater Mastiff Bat spring. Gestation 28–30 days with variable lit- Molossus perotis Schinz, 1821. In: Cuvier, Das Thierreich, ter size of 1–8. Females may produce up to 5 1:870. Type locality “Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Campos de litters a year. Young weaned by 4–5 weeks Goita Cazes, Villa Sao Salvador” (Wilson and Reeder (Clark and Stromberg 1987). Nests cuplike 1993). cavities lined with fur and dried grass (Chap- man 1975). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest bat in U.S. Pelage dark grayish brown with long guard ECOLOGY.—Inhabits rocky, wooded, or bushy areas of willow and sagebrush associa- hairs on rump. Total length: 100–108; length of tions. Food variable with time of year. Sage- tail: 35–80; length of hind foot: not given; length brush primary food in winter, grasses pre- of ear: 21–24; length of forearm: 73–80; body ferred in warmer months. Species uses shal- mass: 9–13 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Best low burrows, but spends most of time above- et al. 1996). ground in suitable cover of vegetation (farms). DISTRIBUTION.—S California, Nevada, Ari- Unknown if species digs its own burrows, as zona, Texas, New Mexico, and N Mexico (Best does Brachylagus idahoensis. Predators con- et al. 1996). Not known to occur in Utah. sist of coyote, bobcat, owls, hawks, golden REPRODUCTION.—Mates early spring. Ges- eagle, and rattlesnakes. Highly solitary rabbit. tation 80–90 days with single young usually in Feeds near cover, usually in early morning or June to July. Nurses until September (Jame- late afternoon (Chapman 1975). When dis- son and Peeters 1988, Schmidly 1991). turbed, S. nuttalii will run 15–20 feet and then ECOLOGY.—Small colonies in rocky areas of freeze, facing away from danger. Will then chaparral, oak, buckwheat, greasewood, black proceed to hop away in a circular path, pre- sage, white sage, and coastal sagebrush (Best sumably to “trick” pursuer into following direc- et al. 1996). Forages high above and great dis- tion it was previously running (Chapman 1975, tances from roosting sites on moths, crickets, Zeveloff 1988). and long-horned grasshoppers. Vocalizations continuous, high-pitched calls while hunting SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE (Jameson and Peeters 1988). OCCURRENCE Myotis velifer (Allen, 1890) Sorex preblei ( Jackson, 1922) Cave Myotis Preble’s Shrew Vespertilio velifer J. A. Allen, 1890. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:177. Type locality Santa Cruz del Valle, Guada- Sorex preblei Jackson, 1922. J. Washington Acad. Sci., 12: lajara, Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). 263. Type locality “Jordan Valley, altitude 4,200 ft. [1260 m] Malheur County, Oregon” (Wilson and Reeder 1993). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest mem- ber of genus. Males usually slightly smaller than GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Tiny shrew. females. Pelage dull brown, underparts paler Coloration brownish above, paler below. Tail and tips of hairs creamy buff. Lack keeled 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 47 calcar (Davis and Schmidly 1994). Total length: Diet consists mostly of snowshoe hares, but 90–104; length of tail: 39–47; length of hind also takes other small mammals, deer, carrion, foot: 9–10; length of ear: 13–15; length of fore- young moose, and birds (Galliformes and Anser- arm: 40–42 (Fitch et al. 1981); body mass: ca iformes; Tumlison 1987). Population cycles 15 g (Schmidly 1991). generally affected by snowshoe hare availabil- DISTRIBUTION.—Inhabits low elevations of ity in a predator-prey interaction. Synchronous SW U.S., from S Nevada and SE California, oscillations were found to occur every 9.6 years southward through Mexico to Honduras (Fitch (Elton and Nicholson 1942, Bulmer 1974). et al. 1981). In Utah known only from Utah Habits solitary and nocturnal. Various purrs Co. (Durrant 1952). and meows characterize vocalizations (Tumli- REPRODUCTION.—Breeding likely in fall and son 1987). winter, but sperm stored until birth of single REMARKS.—In Wilson and Reeder (1993), young in late spring. Active gestation 60–70 Kurtén and Anderson (1980), Matyushkin (1979), days. Species forms large maternity colonies Werdelin (1981), Garcia-Perea (1992), and this (Fitch et al. 1981). account, L. canadensis is considered separate ECOLOGY.—Occurs in large colonies of from L. lynx based on differences in size, oste- 2000–5000 individuals in arid habitats. Hiber- ology, and external characters, as well as absence nates in large congregations. Diet mostly moths, of transitional forms. Kurtén and Anderson but also takes beetles and any other available (1980) indicated that L. canadensis likely evolved insects. Forages directly after sunset and just from the Nearctic L. isisiodorensis, which before sunrise. Predators reported as hawks, gradually diverged from the lineage of L. lynx. barn owl, raccoon, bullsnake, wood rat, ringtail, STATUS.—Listed in Appendix II in CITES gray fox, and skunks (Fitch et al. 1981). (Wilson and Reeder 1993) and Utah Sensitive Species List due to limited distribution and Lynx canadensis Kerr, 1792 declining populations (Kimball 1997). Canada Lynx Mustela vison Schreber, 1777 Lynx canadensis Kerr, 1792. In: Linnaeus, Anim. Kingdom, 1:157. Type locality “Canada” (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Mink Mustela vison Schreber, 1777. Die Saugthiere, 3(19):pl. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Thick-coated 127. B[1777]; text, 3(26):463[1777]. Type locality Canada felid with double-pointed beard, long ear tufts, and Pennsylvania (Wilson and Reeder 1993). and white eyelids. Pelage buffy to tawny, washed dark brown, black, or white above and cinna- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Similar to mar- mon-brown below. Large feet are well furred. ten in size and appearance, but with less con- Stubby tail has distinctive black tip. Similar in spicuous ears. Short legs and long, slender appearance to bobcat, but larger and longer body. Fur short and soft with thick underfur legged (Zeveloff 1988). Males generally larger and long guard hairs. Glands at bases of hairs than females. Total length: 825–1545; length produce water-repellent oils. Pelage coloration of tail: 95–245; length of hind foot: 190–250; varies from chestnut brown to blackish. Some length of ear: not given; body mass: 5–17 kg individuals may have white patches on throat, (Tumlison 1987). chest, or abdomen. Tail long and furred. Toes DISTRIBUTION.—Occurs in patchy taiga and partially webbed. Total length: 491–720; length montane zones of North America (Wilson and of tail: 158–194; length of hind foot: 57–75; Reeder 1993). Ranges in Uinta Mountains and length of ear: not given; body mass: 525–780 central mountains of Utah, from N border of g. Males 10% larger than females (Fitzgerald ranges to headwaters of Paria River (Durrant et al. 1994). 1952). DISTRIBUTION.—North America from Alaska REPRODUCTION.—Breeding season varies and Canada through all of U.S. except in SW with geographic location, but usually spring. U.S. deserts (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Occurs Gestation 63–74 days with litter size usually of sparsely throughout Utah in the Uinta and 3–4. Young remain with mother until next Wasatch Mountains, southeast to the La Sal breeding season (Tumlison 1987). Mountains, and reported in the Dixie and Fish- ECOLOGY.—Primary habitat deep within lake national forests in Utah (Durrant 1952). mature boreal forests, in areas with openings, REPRODUCTION.—Polygynandry (both poly- rugged rock outcroppings, bogs, and thickets. gyny and polyandry) mating between February 48 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 and March with no pair bonding. Exhibits de- grasses, sedges, forbs, and woody plants. Among layed implantation, but shorter and more vari- these are sagebrush, saltbrush, winterfat, rab- able than most weasels. Gestation 40–75 days bitbrush, goosefoot, and dandelions. Dwells in with 3–6 young. Offspring reproductively loosely organized clans, but sociality not pro- mature by 10 months and mate the same year. nounced and mostly restricted to female-young However, young males may not mate without and young-young. Spends two-thirds of life in establishing territories (Zeveloff 1988, Fitzger- colonial burrows. Members of clan benefit from ald et al. 1994). group organization by alarm calls and burrow- ECOLOGY.—Closely tied to riparian ecosys- ing activities. Burrowing colonies important to tems in most habitat types. Generalist with over 60 vertebrates. Individuals have estab- diet consisting of muskrats, deer mice, cotton- lished home ranges. Overgrazing by livestock tails, voles, ground-nesting birds (especially conducive to population density increases in waterfowl), eggs, frogs, snakes, fish, insects, prairie dogs. Diurnal with bimodal activity in crayfish, and a small amount of plant material. warm months and unimodal activity in colder Abandoned beaver and muskrat lodges impor- months. Predators include eagles, hawks, bad- tant dens for mink. Surplus prey cached. Pres- ger, coyote, black-footed ferret, and rattlesnakes ence relies heavily on these and other factors (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). such as permanence of water, wetland vegeta- REMARKS.—Historically reported in Kaiparo- tion availability (e.g., willow), crayfish and wits region, but never in abundance (Gregory muskrat abundance, and logjams for hunting and Moore 1931). sites. Active year-round in day hours and occa- sionally at night. Inactive only after periods of Glacomys sabrinus (Shaw, 1801) heavy snows. Maintains territories by scent Northern Flying Squirrel marking. Predators include great horned owl, Sciurus sabrinus Shaw, 1801. Gen. Zool., 2:157. Type local- bobcat, gray wolf, mountain lion, and fisher. ity not specified, but restricted by Howell to the mouth Trapping greatest cause of mortality in most of Severn River, Ontario, Canada (Wilson and Reeder areas. Very sensitive to water pollution by 1993). mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Pelage dorsally Fitzgerald et al. 1994). cinnamon to grayish brown; venter whitish Cynomys leucurus Merriam, 1890 with hairs gray at base. Tail uniform gray-buff White-tailed Prairie Dog and darker on upperparts. Furred patagium extends from forelegs to hind legs, from ankle Cynomys leucurus Merriam, 1890. N. Amer. Fauna, 3:59. to wrist. Ears large and broadly pointed. Geo- Type locality “Fort Bridger, [Uinta Co.,] Wyoming” (Wilson and Reeder 1993). graphical variation in sizes. Total length: 263– 290; length of tail: 145–161; length of hind foot: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-large 38–44; length of ear: 25–30; body mass: ca 190 rodent, easily distinguished from other prairie g (Wells-Gosling and Heaney 1984, Fitzgerald dogs by white to grayish tip on tail. Rest of et al. 1994). pelage yellowish buff and distinctive, dark DISTRIBUTION.—Boreal forests of Canada, facial markings. Ventral faintly paler than dorsal Alaska, and upper Midwest. Extends southward side. Males typically larger than females. Total through the Sierra Nevada, Northern and length: 315–400; length of tail: 40–65; length Middle Rockies, and Appalachians (Fitzgerald of hind foot: 60–65; length of ear 8–14; body et al. 1994). Known from Uinta, Wasatch, Boul- mass: 650–1700 g (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). der, and Cedar Mountains; possibly occurs in DISTRIBUTION.—SC Montana, W and C all higher mountains of Utah (Durrant 1952, Wyoming, NE and SC Utah, and NW Col- Hall 1981). orado (Wilson and Reeder 1993). REPRODUCTION.—Breeding late March to REPRODUCTION.—Monestrous, breeding in May with 1 litter per year, usually 2–4 young. late March and April, after hibernation emer- Gestation 37–42 days. Young weaned at 2 gence. Ca 5–6 young born late April to early months. Normal longevity less than 4 years May (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). (Wells-Gosling and Heaney 1984). ECOLOGY.—Rodent of open shrublands, ECOLOGY.—Inhabits wide variety of wood- semidesert grasslands, agricultural lands, and lands of spruce, fir, birch, hemlock, pine, cotton- mountain valleys. Feeds on large variety of wood, maple, and white cedar swamps. Diet 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 49 includes nuts, seeds, buds, staminate cones, sap, establish home ranges. Predators reported as catkins of trees, fruits, roosting birds, eggs, fungi, bullsnake and red-tailed hawk. Constructs lichens, and insects. May cache food. Estab- separate burrows with 2–3 entrances at bases lishes 2 types of nests: tree cavity nests and nests of shrubs and establishes surface runways be- outside a protective enclosure when warm tween them (Struebel and Fitzgerald 1978, Fitz- enough. Nests lined with shredded bark, moss, gerald et al. 1994). and other such debris. Females defend nests by aggression from males and other intruders. Spermophilus townsendii Predators include owls, marten, gray wolf, lynx, Bachman, 1839 weasels, and foxes. Exhibits biphasic noctur- Townsend’s Ground Squirrel nal habits, one period of activity immediately Spermophilus townsendii Bachman, 1839. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. after sundown and the next just before sun- Philadelphia, 8:61. Type locality “on the Columbia River rise. Individuals active year-round and aggre- [near Wallula, Walla Walla Co., Washington]” (Rickart gate in winter for warmth. Females raise young 1987). alone. Call is soft, low chirp, also a clucking GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smaller ground sound when disturbed, though not a very vocal squirrel lacking dorsal stripes. Coloration buffy species (Wells-Gosling and Heaney 1984). gray with pale dotlike spots dorsally. Short tail, STATUS.—Listed in U.S.A. ESA and IUCN dark cinnamon underneath. External ears in- as Endangered as G. s. coloratus and G. s. fus- distinct. Males larger than females. Total length: cus (Wilson and Reeder 1993). In Utah, listed 167–271; length of tail: 32–72; length of hind as a species of special concern due to limited foot: 29–38; length of ear: 7–9; body mass: 202– distribution (Kimball 1997). 325 g (Larrison and Johnson 1981, Rickart 1987). Spermophilus spilosoma DISTRIBUTION.—Ranges throughout Great Bennett, 1833 Basin and Columbia Plateau in most of Nevada, W Utah, S Idaho, SC Washington, E Oregon, Spotted Ground Squirrel and extreme EC California (Rickart 1987). Spermophilus spilosoma Bennett, 1833. Proc. Zool. Soc. REPRODUCTION.—Breeding late January to Lond., 13:589. Type locality “that part of California which adjoins to Mexico.” Restricted to Durango, March with 1 litter per year of 6–11 young. Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Females breed as yearlings (Rickart 1987). ECOLOGY.—Primarily occurs in high, arid GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small ground desert habitats of sagebrush, shadscale, or squirrel with nonlinear spots on brownish to greasewood. Inhabits areas with well-drained gray dorsal, whitish underparts. Total length: soils (e.g., ridge tops and hillsides), and com- 185–253; length of tail: 55–92; length of hind mon along agricultural areas and railroad and foot: 28–30; length of ear: 6–8; body mass: 100– canal embankments. Abundance of species is 200 g (Struebel and Fitzgerald 1978, Fitzger- restricted by water availability. Diet consists of ald et al. 1994) green vegetation and seeds. Grasses and forbs DISTRIBUTION.—Occurs in SC South Dakota, main food and then animal matter and shrub Nebraska, SE Wyoming, E Colorado, NW parts. Predators include badger, coyote, long- Oklahoma, W Kansas, W Texas, New Mexico, tailed weasel, prairie falcon, hawks, common SE corner of Utah, E Arizona, and S to C Mex- raven, rattlesnakes, and bullsnake. Estivates in ico (Durrant 1952, Struebel and Fitzgerald underground burrow systems, entering in late 1978). spring–early summer. Good climber and swim- REPRODUCTION.—Breeding 2–3 weeks after mer. Vocalizations single note and then multi- hibernation emergence. Gestation likely 27–28 notes (Rickart 1987). days with litter size ca 7 young (Struebel and REMARKS.—Found in W Utah mountain Fitzgerald 1978, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). ranges (Durrant 1952). ECOLOGY.—Generally found in deep, sandy soils, sparse vegetation, and desert scrub asso- Dipodomys microps ciations. Diet less omnivorous than that of the (Merriam, 1904) thirteen-lined ground squirrel, consisting more Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat of herbaceous material, seeds from various Perodipus microps Merriam, 1904. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- grasses, some grasshoppers, other insects, kan- ton, 17:145. Type locality “Lone Pine, Owens Valley, garoo rats, and insect larvae. Males and females Inyo Co., California” (Hayssen 1991). 50 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized, ECOLOGY.—Closely associated with rocky small-eared kangaroo rat. Incisors flattened areas and lava flows in sparsely vegetated hab- anteriorly, chisel-shaped, and evergrowing. itats. Nocturnal habits, feeding at night on seeds Seeds transported in fur-lined cheek pouches. of desert plants, especially weeds. Sign of pres- Large hind legs for saltatory lifestyle. Pelage ence is small burrows under rocks with tiny slightly darker than in other members of trails leading to the entrance. Burrows highly genus. Long, bicolored tail. Total length: 268– insulated to protect from desert heat. Predators 273; length of tail: 156–160; length of hind foot: include owls, snakes, and carnivorous mammals 41–42; length of ear: 12–13; body mass: ca 56 (Zeveloff 1988). g. Males slightly heavier (Hayssen 1991). Perognathus flavus Baird, 1855 DISTRIBUTION.—SE Oregon and SW Idaho, south through NW and SE California, Nevada, Silky Pocket Mouse and W Utah to NW Arizona (Durrant 1952, Perognathus flavus Baird, 1855. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- Hall 1981, Wilson and Reeder 1993). delphia, 7:332. Type locality “El Paso [El Paso Co., REPRODUCTION.—Mating early spring. Gesta- Texas]” (Best and Skupski 1994). tion 30–34 days with 1–4 young in 1–3 litters per year (Hayssen 1991). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small, ex- ECOLOGY.—Inhabits arid desert valleys and tremely silky-furred mouse. Pelage pale red- upland desert regions in saltbrush/shadscale dish yellowish buff above, interspersed with and blackbrush associations. Also found in sage- black in northern range. Whitish underneath. brush, juniper, and greasewood communities. Diagnostic, large yellow patch behind ear and Primary folivorous diet and secondarily grani- often white spot below that. Lateral stripe vorous. Caches seeds and coprophagic. Requires inconspicuous. Juveniles dull gray coloration. a more mesic environment than cohorts. Noc- Hind legs and cheek pouches like all other turnal and semi-fossorial habits. Active through- members of genus. Tail shorter than head and out day and year-round in underground tunnels. body. Largest pocket mouse in its range. Total Dustbathes. Uses upper incisors to shred outer length: 111–113; length of tail: 51–54; length layer of bark on saltbrush and consumes inner of hind foot: 16–17; length of ear: 6–7; body layers (Hayssen 1991). mass: 6–10 g (Zeveloff 1988, Best and Skupski 1994). Chaetodipus intermedius Merriam, 1889 DISTRIBUTION.—SW Great Plains and Inter- mountain plateaus from South Dakota, E Wyo- Rock Pocket Mouse ming, and SE Utah south to C Mexico (Dur- Chaetodipus intermedius Merriam, 1889. N. Am. Fauna, rant 1952, Wilson and Reeder 1993). 1:18. Type locality Mud Spring, Mohave Co., Arizona REPRODUCTION.—Sexually active all months (Wilson and Reeder 1993). of the year except extreme winter months. One litter per year. Gestation 22–26 days with GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Medium-sized, long-tailed pocket mouse. Pelage coarse with 1–6 young. Weaned at ca 30 days (Best and weak spines on rump. Coloration drab dorsally Skupski 1994). with blackish area on rump and back; narrow ECOLOGY.—Inhabits semiarid grasslands, lateral line pale fawn color; underparts whitish. areas of rocky soil, and sagebrush associations. Soles of hind feet naked to heel. Bicolored tail Primarily granivorous diet, but also takes her- crested and tufted. Fur-lined cheek pouches. baceous vegetation, shrub material, arthropods, Saltatory hind legs. Total length: 167–179; length cactus, and carrion. Dwells in burrows made of tail: 95–101; length of hind foot: 21–24; length by Dipodomys spp. Species has dynamic of ear: 5–6; body mass: 12–18 g (Durrant 1952, abundance fluctuations among seasons and Davis and Schmidly 1994). years. Predators include snakes, raptors, and DISTRIBUTION.—SE Utah and Arizona to W mammalian carnivores. Nocturnal, but occa- Texas, south to C Sonora and C Chihuahua sionally active in daytime. Dustbathes in loose (Durrant 1952, Wilson and Reeder 1993). soil. Caches food (Best and Skupski 1994). REPRODUCTION.—Breeding early spring. Perognathus flavescens Gestation ca 1 month. Three to 6 young born Merriam, 1889 in May to June, weaned by mid-July. Unknown if have more than 1 litter per year (Zeveloff Plains Pocket Mouse 1988, Davis and Schmidly 1994). Pergnathus flavescens Merriam, 1889. N. Am. Fauna, 1:11. 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 51

Type locality Kennedy, Cherry Co., Nebraska (Wilson ECOLOGY.—Inhabits hot, arid valleys and and Reeder 1993). scrub deserts of the lower Sonoran life zone. Diet composed almost entirely of arthropods GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Soft-furred pocket mouse. Coloration pale buff to yellow- such as scorpions, beetles, and grasshoppers. ish or reddish, with blackish wash dorsally; Also takes pocket mice, harvest mice, lizards, underparts whitish. Faint lateral line buffy frogs, and salamanders. Remarkable strategies orange. Buffy postauricular patch frequently used to kill prey with defensive secretions, such present, but not as large as silky pocket mouse as scorpions and shrews. Bites tail off scorpions patch and hair more coarse. Total length: 123– or bites spinal cord of mammalian prey. Pri- 145; length of tail: 52–71; length of hind foot: marily nocturnal. Rich vocal repertoire. Main- 16–19; length of ear: 6–8; body mass: 7–12 g tains burrow systems abandoned by other mam- (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). mals (McCarty 1975). DISTRIBUTION.—Found in Great Plains and Neotoma mexicana Baird, 1855 Colorado Plateau, from North Dakota and extreme W Minnesota to N Mexico, including Mexican Woodrat all E Utah, W Colorado, and NE Arizona (Dur- Neotoma mexicana Baird, 1855. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- rant 1952, Zeveloff 1988). delphia, 7:333. Type locality mountains near Chihua- hua, Mexico (Wilson and Reeder 1993). REPRODUCTION.—Poorly known. Breeds May to July with 1–2 litters annually. Litter size ca GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Upperparts 3–4 young (Zeveloff 1988). grayish, grayish buff, dull brown, russet, or ECOLOGY.—Inhabits sandy or loamy soils of bright rufous, usually with dark wash. Under- grasslands, yucca, or sagebrush associations. parts white and plumbeous basally. Tail black Little is known of this species, but natural his- to dusky above and whitish below. Dusky line tory likely similar to P. f a l v u s . Food consists typically borders mouth. Total length: 307–350; primarily of seeds from grasses and forbs. length of tail: 132–154; length of hind foot: Nocturnal habits. Burrows located at base of 33–38; length of ear: 26–28; body mass: 149– vegetation clusters. Plugs burrow entrances 255 g (Hall 1981, Cornely and Baker 1986, Fitz- for protection. Owls are significant predators gerald et al. 1994). (Zeveloff 1988, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). DISTRIBUTION.—SE Utah and C Colorado Onychomys torridus south to W and interior Mexico, highlands of Coues, 1874 Guatemala, El Salvador, and W Honduras (Dur- rant 1952, Wilson and Reeder 1993). Southern Grasshopper Mouse REPRODUCTION.—Breeds spring to early Onychomys torridus Coues, 1874. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. summer producing 2 litters yearly of 1–3 young. Philadelphia, 26:183. Type locality Camp Grant, Graham Gestation 31–34 days (Cornely and Baker 1986). Co., Arizona (McCarty 1975). ECOLOGY.—Occurs in upper Sonoran life GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Short-tailed, zones to upper limits of transition zone. Wood- stocky mouse. Whitish underparts and pale land associations are pinyon-juniper, ponder- brown to grayish or pinkish cinnamon dorsally. osa pine, Englemann spruce, scrub oak, and Tail thick and bicolored with white tip. Soles Douglas-fir. Diet consists of a great variety of of feet haired (McCarty 1975). Total length: green plants, fruits, seeds, cactus pulp, and 120–165; length of tail: 39–52; length of hind mushrooms. Stuffs objects in crevices, as do foot: 18–20; length of ear: 11–17; body mass: other woodrats. Dens and nests cup-shaped or 20–26 g (Jameson and Peeters 1988). ball-shaped, mostly made of shredded bark. DISTRIBUTION.—C California, S Nevada, SW Predators include owls and rattlesnakes. Males Utah, south to N Baja California and N Mex- utilize midventral sebaceous glands to mark ico (Durrant 1952, Wilson and Reeder 1993). territory. Dominant in competition with other REPRODUCTION.—Breeds May to July. Ges- woodrats. Mainly nocturnal but reported active tation 27–30 days; litter size 1–5 young. Both during day also (Cornely and Baker 1986). male and female play an active role in care of REMARKS.—Collected by Welsh et al. (1974) young (McCarty 1975, Jameson and Peeters in the Kaiparowits region, just outside 1988). GSENM. 52 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

Peromyscus eremicus ear: 15–20; body mass: ca 120 g (Ludwig 1984, (Baird, 1858) Struebel 1989). DISTRIBUTION.—Subalpine and alpine mead- Cactus Mouse ows of the Rocky Mountains, from S British Hesperomys eremicus Baird, 1858. Mamm., N. Amer., Pac. Columbia and Alberta to W Wyoming and R. R. Repts., 8:479. Type locality from Old Fort Yuma, NE, C Utah; and from SW British Columbia California, opposite Yuma, Arizona (Durrant 1952). to WC Oregon (Durrant 1952, Wilson and GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smaller Per- Reeder 1993). omyscus of the area. Long, silky fur colored REPRODUCTION.—Breeding late May to yellow-buff to cinnamon-buff with black wash August with ca 3-week gestation and 2–10 dorsally. White underparts and feet. Darker young. Likely polygynous mating system. morph on lava flows. Total length: 160–200; Young appear in July (Zeveloff 1988). length osf tail: 84–120; length of hind foot: ECOLOGY.—Found in subalpine and alpine 18–22; length of ear: 13–20; body mass: 18–30 life zones in close proximity to water sources. g (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Zeveloff 1988). Diet consists of herbaceous parts of grasses, sedges, and willow. Summer diet includes DISTRIBUTION.—S California east to Texas, Mexico, and most of Baja California (Wilson seeds of conifers, insects, and subterranean and Reeder 1993). Occurs in extreme SW Utah parts of plants. Well-worn appearance of ex- posed soil of runways, presence of droppings in Washington Co. (Durrant 1952, Hall 1981). in runways, cut segments of vegetation, and REPRODUCTION.—Reproductive activity from mounds of recently excavated soil paralleling February to June, varying with length of win- water indicate presence. Utilizes subterranean ter and food availability. Gestation ca 21 days burrows and nests. Many species of voles and with 1–5 young born, weaned 20–44 days later shrews utilize water vole runways. Predators (Jameson and Peeters 1988, Zeveloff 1988). recorded as short-tailed weasel, marten, and ECOLOGY.—Occurs in various arid habitats perhaps accipter hawks. Capable of a semi- from desert mountain ranges, desert scrub, aquatic lifestyle. Has cyclic periods of activity, creosote, mesquite-grass communities, rocky with peak activity during darker periods. outcroppings with yucca and cacti. Reported, Establishes home ranges, with male territories however, in riparian areas in S Utah. Selects overlapping females (Ludwig 1984). for sandy soils. Diet mostly fruits, flowers, seeds, green vegetation, and insects. Hoards Phenacomys intermedius food. Most active on moonlit nights. Highly Merriam, 1889 intolerant of conspecifics. Predators include Heather Vole king snake, barn and screech owls. Estivates Phenacomys intermedius Merriam, 1889. N. Amer. Fauna, in hottest part of summer to conserve water. 2:32. Type locality basaltic plateau ca 20 mi NNW of To cool off, will spread saliva over body. Meta- Kamloops, 5500 ft [1650 m], British Columbia (McAl- bolic rate 20% lower than deer mouse and can lister and Hoffmann 1988). tolerate higher temperatures (Zeveloff 1988). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small and Microtus richardsoni short-tailed. Resembles the montane vole. Two (DeKay, 1842) are differentiated dentally. Pelage gray to brown above, white to grayish ventrally (McAllister Water Vole and Hoffmann 1988). Short, bicolored tail. Feet Arvicola richardsoni DeKay, 1842. Zool. of New York, Part white (Zeveloff 1988). Total length: 115–145; I, Mammals, p. 91. Type locality “near the foot of the length of tail: 22–33; length of hind foot: 14– Rocky Mountains.” Bailey (1900:60) located type ob- tained by Drummond near Jasper House, Alberta, 19; length of ear: not given; body mass: 25–40 Canada (Ludwig 1984). g (Clark and Stromberg 1987). DISTRIBUTION.—Boreal areas of SW British GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Largest vole Columbia and Alberta, south to N New Mex- of area. Pelage long with upperparts grayish to ico, C Utah, and N California; disjunct popu- dark sepia or dark reddish brown. Hairs often lation in EC California and W Nevada (Wilson black-tipped. Bicolored tail dusky above and and Reeder 1993). Known in Utah in Uinta and gray below. Total length: 198–274; length of tail: Wasatch Mountains (Durrant 1952, Sparks 66–98; length of hind foot: 25–34; length of 1974). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 53

REPRODUCTION.—Seasonally polyestrous A squeak and a chuckle have also been identi- breeder in May to August. Maximum of 3 fied (Green and Flinders 1980). litters of ca 4 young per year. Gestation 19–24 STATUS.—As of 1993, registered endangered days (McAllister and Hoffmann 1988). by Washington Wildlife Commission and Can- ECOLOGY.—Found primarily in coniferous didate Category II species by U.S. Fish and forests from moist to xeric biomes. Diet her- Wildlife Service (McAllister 1995). bivorous consisting of seeds, twigs, fruits, and Ochotona princeps succulent parts from white heather, beargrass, (Richardson, 1828) willow, birch, laurel, blueberry, soapberry, bear- berry, buffaloberry, cranberry, and lichen. American Pika Predators reported as marten, long-tailed Lepus (Lagomys) princeps Richardson, 1828. J. Zool., weasel, short-tailed weasel, owls, and hawks. 3:520. Type locality Rocky Mountains. Restricted to near source of Elk (Athabasca) River, Alberta (Smith Occupies short, underground burrow systems and Weston 1990). connected to runways and defecation “latrines” (McAllister and Hoffmann 1988). Colonial. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small lago- Active at dusk and during night (Zeveloff morph with rodent appearance. Short-legged, 1988). semi-tailless, and egg-shaped. Moderately large, suborbicular ears haired on both surfaces with Brachylagus idahoensis darker margins. Dense pelage colored grayish (Merriam, 1891) brown with buffy wash. Males larger than Pygmy Rabbit females. Total length: 162–216; length of tail: Lepus idahoensis. Merriam, 1891. N. Amer. Fauna, 5:76. not given; length of hind foot: 25–35; length of Type locality Pahsimeroi Valley, Idaho (near Goldberg, ear: not given; body mass: 121–176 g (Zeveloff Custer Co.; Green and Flinders 1980). 1988, Smith and Weston 1990). DISTRIBUTION.—Patchy through mountains GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Smallest rab- of W North America from C British Columbia bit in North America. Pelage buffy gray with to N New Mexico, Utah, C Nevada, and EC black upperparts. Tail gray above and below. California. In southern limits of range, not found Whitish spots at sides of nostrils. Total length: below 2500 m (Durrant 1952, Smith and Weston 252–285; length of tail: ca 25; length of hind 1990) foot: 66–75; length of ear: 48–56; body mass: REPRODUCTION.—Breeding seasonal and 246–435 g (Green and Flinders 1980, Larrison depends on food availability and snowmelt. and Johnson 1981). Monogamous. Gestation ca 30 days with par- DISTRIBUTION.—Great Basin and some adja- turition as early as March and peaking in June. cent Intermountain areas (Green and Flinders Average litter size 2–4 young. Weaning 3–4 1980). Found from E shore of Great Salt Lake weeks (Smith and Weston 1990). westwardly from N state border to N tip of ECOLOGY.—Habitat closely associated with Washington County (Durrant 1952). talus or broken rock bordered by suitable veg- REPRODUCTION.—Breeding February to late etation in open alpine and tundra areas. For- March, dependent on photoperiod and vege- ages forbs and tall grasses. Caches food and tation condition. Gestation ca 27–30 days with constructs hay piles in summer on talus or ca 6 young per litter (Green and Flinders 1980). tucked under rocks. Grass that comprises hay ECOLOGY.—Dispersal along dense stands of piles is dried there and then stored for winter big sagebrush adjacent to streams, fence lines, use. Individuals establish territories and home and borrow ditches by roadsides. Close associa- ranges and defend by vocalizations and aggres- tion with big sagebrush. Utilizes runways in sion. Potential predators are coyote, long-tailed sage thickets and extensively uses constructed weasel, short-tailed weasel, pine marten, and burrows, even under snow (unlike other west- raptors. Vocalizations short calls and long calls. ern rabbits). Predators are weasels, owls, north- Short calls used for alarm and to ward off con- ern harrier, coyote, red fox, bobcat, and badger. specifics. Long calls given by males during Primary food big sagebrush in winter (99% of breeding season and infrequently by females diet) and grasses in summer. Emits loud squeals in autumn. Social cohesion kept by duet calls when captured and has a “pika-like” alarm call. (Smith and Weston 1990). 54 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1

OCCURRENCE OF INTRODUCED REPRODUCTION.—Breeding spring and sum- MAMMALIAN SPECIES mer with polygynous system of stallion with harem. Gestation ca 340 days with foaling late Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758 spring to early summer. Postpartum estrus 1 Cattle week after birth, but foals usually alternate Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:71. Type years. Life span often over 30 years. Sexually locality Sweden, Uppsala (Wilson and Reeder 1993). mature after 3 years and females bear young up to 22 years (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large bovid ECOLOGY.—Feral horses are associated with bearing horns in both sexes. Short hair has arid grasslands, pinyon-juniper woodlands, and great variation in color and form. Males larger shrublands in W North America. Grasses and than females. Total length: ca 3100; height to sedges most of diet in warmer months. Winter shoulder: 900–1150; body mass: 450–1000 kg browse includes sagebrush, greasewood, salt- (Nowak 1991). grass, rabbitbrush, mountain mahogany, juniper, DISTRIBUTION.—Originally occurred in Eur- Douglas-fir, aspen, and spruce. Starving ani- asia and N Africa. Now domesticated and found mals may exhibit coprophagy. Must have major throughout world in association with human source of free water. Feral horses have com- habitation (Nowak 1991). plex social behaviors with formations of harems REPRODUCTION.—Not seasonal breeder, but with few males in group. Only dominant male tendency to calve in spring and early summer breeds and males older than 3 years are forced stems from effects of winter on postpartum out of herd. Bachelor bands are formed. Females anestrus. Gestation 277–290 days with 1–2 less aggressive than males, but breeding females young per year, though usually 1. Sexually will sometimes expel young females from herd. mature after 18 months and remains so for ca Dustbathing, self-grooming, and mutual groom- 12 years (Corbet and Harris 1991, Nowak 1991). ings performed. Mutual grooming important ECOLOGY.—Introduced from Europe. Found for group cohesion. No established territories in association with humans. Grazes on range- or defense. Communicates by visual displays, lands of grassy, open areas. Grazes ca 8 hours olfaction, and various vocalizations. Domi- a day, consuming ca 70 kg of grass. Rest of nance and threat displays performed by laying time is spent resting. Predators include larger back ears, arching neck, open-mouth exhibits, carnivores (Corbet and Harris 1991, Nowak and head shaking (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). 1991). REMARKS.—Feral horses found in northern REMARKS.—Grazing permits allowed in areas of state and domesticated stock through- GSENM and thus the species becomes an out Utah. Eight to 9 transient wild horses ecological component to habitats where graz- known in GSENM currently but are not con- ing is allotted. sidered established. STATUS.—Found in CITES, Appendix I, and Equus callabus Linnaeus, 1758 U.S.A. ESA as Endangered as E. przewalskii, Domestic and Feral Horse and IUCN as Extinct? as E. przewalskii (Wilson Equus callabus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:73. and Reeder 1993). Type locality “habitat in Europa” (likely Sweden), based on domestic horse (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 House Mouse GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Appearance commonly known. Coloration and size highly Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:62. Type locality Sweden, Uppsala Co., Uppsala (Wilson variable. Feral horses tend to be small with and Reeder 1993). measurements as follows: height: 1300–1400; body mass: ca 300–500 kg (Jameson and Peeters GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Small, slender 1988, Zeveloff 1988, Fitzgerald et al. 1994). mouse brown to blackish in color. Tail sparsely DISTRIBUTION.—Exact distribution unknown. haired and scaly. Underparts slightly paler with- By late 18th century, occurred in all of Europe, out clear bicolored boundary. Strongly odorif- Asia, Middle East. Now domesticated world- erous anal glands. Total length: 130–200; length wide. In W U.S., feral in all states except Wash- of tail: 60–105; length of hind foot: 14–21; ington (Wilson and Reeder 1993, Fitzgerald et length of ear: 11–18; body mass: 18–23 g (Fitz- al. 1994). gerald et al. 1994). 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 55

DISTRIBUTION.—Spread throughout the after birthing and thus be nursing and preg- world in close association with human pres- nant at same time (Jameson and Peeters 1988). ence. Introduced into North America (Wilson ECOLOGY.—Closely associated with humans; and Reeder 1993). Found throughout Utah in inhabits structures and buildings. Opportunis- correlation with human presence. tic diet. Will also kill birds, small mammals, and REPRODUCTION.—Prolific reproductive activ- snakes. Cannibalism not uncommon. Individ- ity. Sexually mature at 7–8 weeks. Breeds uals require at least 20–30 g of food per day throughout the year. Litter size 4–8 after ges- and potentially consume up to one-third of tation of 3 weeks. Could potentially have up to body weight daily. Nest material same as house 5 litters per year (Jameson and Peeters 1988). mouse but digs elaborate tunnel systems used ECOLOGY.—Lives alongside human dwell- colonially. Colonies usually 12–15 members. ings and structures. Opportunistic feeder on Agile climber and swimmer. Mostly nocturnal grains, stored food by humans, insects, and but can be active anytime. Predators include carrion. Active year-round. Individuals keep terrestrial carnivores, owls, hawks, and large warm in winter by huddling together in com- snakes. Carriers of many diseases dangerous munal nests. Mostly nocturnal and secretive. to humans. Contamination of crops by urine Utilizes runways from foraging areas to nests and defecation also a major problem. Useful, made of any soft material available. Defeca- however, for laboratory testing in medical and tion, feeding, and urination on stored crops pharmacological research (Fitzgerald et al. cause tremendous economic losses. May cache 1994). food. Water not required, yet consumed if available. Predators include terrestrial carni- PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH vores, hawks, owls, and snakes. Domestic pets MAMMALS IN GSENM often kill but will not eat, likely because of odor. Communicates by scent, vocalizations, Exotic species are a major concern for the and postures (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). survival of native species. Introduced mam- Rattus norvegicus malian species of GSENM are all species that (Berkenhuot, 1769) compete with native species. These introduc- tions, whether deliberate or accidental, are all Norway Rat human-induced. Cattle are intentionally intro- Mus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769. Outlines of the Natural duced in the GSENM for grazing purposes by History of Great Britain and Ireland, 1:5. Type locality local ranchers. The house mouse and the Nor- Great Britian (Hall 1981, Wilson and Reeder 1993). way rat are considered commensals of humans GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Large, heavy- and follow their expansion. Problems associated bodied rat. Large head and arched back. Tail with introduced species are that they can com- scaly and sparsely haired. Upper coloration pete with natives, displace natives, and intro- brown to brownish black and underparts paler. duce foreign diseases against which native Some may have spots of white. Pelage coarse fauna have little or no natural defenses. to touch. Ears relatively large and covered with In the GSENM grazing by domestic cattle short hair. Anal scent gland creates musky odor. is a historic practice regulated by the Bureau Total length: 300–480; length of tail: 150–255; of Land Management (BLM). This grazing has length of hind foot: 30–44; length of ear: 18– an ecological impact probably not uniform in 21; body mass: 150–540 g (Fitzgerald et al. its effects on various habitats. In the best situ- 1994). ations, cattle, as primary consumers, simply DISTRIBUTION.—Originally in SE Siberia take the place of historic populations of bison, and N China, but now introduced worldwide and perhaps elk, that utilized vegetation of the with close human association. More common in impacted biotic communities. However, sus- colder areas (Wilson and Reeder 1993). Found tained overgrazing by cattle can be very detri- in Utah in areas of larger human settlements mental to fragile desert vegetational types, throughout the state (Durrant 1952). such as riparian zones. Past practices of this REPRODUCTION.—Prolific year-round breed- nature have influenced many areas now within er, continuous from ca 12 weeks old. Four to GSENM. In this region overgrazing is exhib- 10 young per litter and multiple litters. As in ited in various ways, some of the most obvious other murids, females may mate immediately being development of gullies, desertification 56 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 through vegetation removal, siltation of streams, to bighorn sheep as domestic sheep and goats, seasonal increase and then reduced flow of must be managed to minimize risk of transmit- streams, reduction in the amount and diversity ting disease to desert bighorn populations. of native plants palatable to cattle, and increase Desert bighorn may suffer from competi- of exotic and native vegetation either not pala- tion when forced to share limited food and table or poisonous to cattle. Levels of grazing water resources with other species of ungu- pressure by livestock can be reflected in pop- lates. Unique adaptions of bighorn allow them ulation dynamics of native wildlife such as to occupy steep, rocky terrains not usually vis- black-tailed jackrabbits (Vorhies and Taylor ited by other ungulates. When bighorn sheep 1933, Sanderson 1959, Hansen and Flinders visit riparian zones and springs, they may 1969). Moderate rates of grazing by cattle encounter a shortage of forage and/or water have proven beneficial to vegetational species (scramble competition) through a hierarchy of utilized by mule deer (Leopold 1950, Smith use usually dictated by size and/or numbers 1952, Dasmann 1971). (Monson and Sumner 1980). Aggressive dis- Perpetuation and even expansion of the plays of adult mule deer of both sexes have desert bighorn sheep population in the been known to prevent desert bighorn ewes GSENM should receive managerial priority. and lambs from drinking from a limited water These sheep are native to the area, contribute supply well used by deer. However, adult rams greatly to visitor satisfaction, and are an indi- were not intimidated by the deer behavior cator of overall habitat quality. Obvious limit- (Monson and Sumner 1980). Though desert big- ing factors operating on desert bighorn should horn may use a wide variety of water sources, be identified and, if possible, removed. With they must not be expected to use water sup- this in mind, a population viability analysis porting excessive human activity (Jorgenson (PVA) ought to be conducted for bighorn. PVA 1974) or water heavily used by domestic live- refers to a comprehensive analysis of the envi- stock and other ungulates (Welles and Welles ronmental and demographic factors that affect 1961, Van Dyke et al. 1983). Alkaline water ( Jones survival of a population. Many limiting factors et al. 1957) and water sources surrounded by operate on a population, but some obvious dense vegetation (e.g., salt cedar) are not suit- ones pertaining to these sheep should be men- able for desert bighorn (Monson and Sumner tioned. Because of the complex etiology of dis- 1980). If field research identifies a lack of de- ease transmission, the domestic sheep (Ovis pendable water sources for bighorn in GSENM, aries) and the domestic goat (Capra hircus) then habitat improvements involving seeps, should not be permitted to intermix with native springs, and streams may very well be neces- bighorn sheep, for this consistently leads to sary. Installation of devices to capture all forms disaster for bighorn populations (Jessup 1981, of precipitation (e.g., guzzlers) may be required Onderka et al. 1988, Foreyt 1990, Smith and to provide more permanent sources of water, Flinders 1991). For the same reasons, some dispersed so that desert bighorn may more fully recommend domestic cattle and bighorn sheep occupy available and suitable habitat where not be permitted to share the same ranges water sources are located not more than 10 km (Onderka et al. 1988, Smith and Flinders 1991). (6 miles) apart. Close sources of water allow The scabies mite (Psoroptes ovis) has already greater densities of sheep and more even use been reported problematic in some herds of of habitats (Monson and Sumner 1980). To be desert bighorn in southern Utah as a result of used by bighorn populations, all water sources earlier contacts with infected domestic live- must be located within 300 m of rocky escape stock. terrain (Smith and Flinders 1991). Currently, there are no grazing permits for Some individual predators such as moun- domestic sheep or goats in GSENM, and yet tain lion, black bear, and coyote within feral individuals may exist due to immigration GSENM can be expected to periodically prey or unknown resident populations. These indi- on cattle (usually calves) legally grazing within viduals should be removed quickly by the most GSENM. The Utah Division of Wildlife Re- effective means. Grazing allotments for cattle sources (UDWR) currently reimburses ranch- are historic, and seasonal extensions of local ers for livestock losses caused by mountain lion ranching operations are honored in the tradi- and black bear. Thus, we do not recommend tional manner. Cattle, though not as disastrous that these predators be removed by state and 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 57 federal Animal Damage and Control (ADC) 1980, Noss 1995). Long-term management personnel unless a sustained pattern of live- plans for the GSENM should allow the Monu- stock predation is exhibited. In this case, re- ment to serve as a dynamic refugium for most moval of nuisance individuals, not populations, of its native mammalian predators, as well as should be regulated by the BLM and the other wildlife and plants. UDWR. Even control of coyotes should be limited to nuisance individuals, not population CONSERVATION ISSUES ASSOCIATED suppression (Wagner 1972). Sport hunting of WITH MAMMALIAN WILDLIFE predators in the GSENM should be regulated by BLM and UDWR biologists working to Semiarid to arid ecosystems may be rich in maintain genetically viable populations with species diversity and yet reflect limited plant normal age distributions. We can expect indi- and animal biomass due to the short, seasonal viduals of these 3 species to disperse into pulse of productivity associated with moderate lands adjacent to the GSENM. These animals ambient temperatures and available (though would be subject to sport hunting (in areas never abundant) water and soil moisture. Often, where hunting is allowed) and ADC control. we see plant assemblages (including many en- On state and federal lands, these activities demics) representing both annuals and per- should complement maintenance of genetically ennials that emerge, flower, and disperse seed viable populations within a regional reserve during this short period of vernal condition. network of cooperators representing lands More woody forms of vegetation (including owned and administered by private, state, and cacti) also go through this reproductive stage federal agencies. and then become more quiescent during the An area as large as the GSENM creates an drier, warmest, and coldest months. Resident ideal setting for conservation of predator pop- mammals must be ecologically tuned to this ulations. Since the Monument is virtually adja- normally short pulse of vegetative productivity cent to Dixie National Forest, Bryce Canyon but be able to reproduce and maintain them- National Park, Paria Canyon Primitive Area, selves throughout the year. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Each species of plant and animal (including Capital Reef National Park, a large cluster of mammals) in the GSENM occupies a specific public land is available to sustain populations. ecological niche of adaptation that allows it to Isolated and semi-isolated portions of GSENM exist under these harsh conditions and func- serve as de facto wilderness areas and may tionally interact with other organisms. To pre- function as core zones or ecocenters for meta- serve the natural biological diversity of biota in populations of large mammalian carnivores that the GSENM is to assure the greatest degree maintain some genetic flow through public land of ecological integrity and longevity. Some- buffer zones that are connected and serving as times we can identify plants and animals that a formal or informal, regional reserve network. serve in critical ways relative to others in the It must be recognized that large carnivores ecosystem; usually we lack sufficient data on have large home ranges and can be expected mammalian species to make these associa- to disperse over long distances in appropriate tions. One of the greatest values of GSENM is habitat. For example, in the Rocky Mountains, an existing goal (see Presidential Proclamation annual individual home ranges are 150 km2 1996) to allow further investigation into the for black bear, more than 400 km2 for moun- interconnecting and interdependent web of tain lion and wolverine, and nearly 900 km2 life represented within the Monument. Those for grizzly bear (Noss et al. 1996). Knowlton species known or suspected to have major in- (1972) reported 80 km2 as a maximum known fluences on biotic community structure or home range for the coyote. Young coyotes dis- function we refer to as key or keystone species persing from the parental home range may (Bond 1992). Wilson (1992) referred to key- cover a distance of 80–160 km (Nowak 1991). stone species as the “biggest players” in regard Because of their requirements for space, posi- to promoting biodiversity and maintaining in- tion in the food web, and need for some man- tegrity of ecosystems. agement protection, large mammalian carni- We are not aware of data generated within vores have been considered indicators of health the GSENM regarding the keystone status of or integrity of an ecosystem (e.g., Eisenberg particular mammals and thus must infer from 58 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [No. 1 other studies. White (1997) identified an essen- nuts, and seeds as well as insects (Meinzer et tial plant-carnivore relationship between Utah al. 1975). They readily feed on carrion, and juniper and the gray fox. This fox feeds on several coyotes may drive a mountain lion from mature fruits of Utah juniper, digests portions its kill. Coyotes may harass other predators of the hull of the fruit, and then disperses, in such as bobcat and gray fox and force these its feces, the viable seed. Thus, the gray fox species to occupy habitats providing essential serves an important role in the dispersal and escape cover in the form of trees or rock dens regeneration of forests dominated by Utah (Karpowitz 1981, White 1997). Through exten- juniper. Utah juniper is an important tree sive predation on fawns, coyotes may severely species throughout the GSENM. The relation- limit annual recruitment even in mule deer ship between the gray fox and the dynamics of populations not subject to hunting by man various biotic communities in which it occurs (Steigers 1978, 1981). In the GSENM it would requires additional documentation. seem imperative to monitor the ecological in- As the most abundant large mammalian teractions of the coyote as well as its population predator now in the GSENM, the mountain dynamics. lion serves as a keystone predator and as an Desert bighorn sheep also are an important indicator species. Indicator species reflect eco- indicator species in their own right for they system integrity, or stress, and ecological mon- exert foraging pressure on grasses, forbs, and itoring of these species provides the essential woody plant species within their range of dis- guiding feedback required by scientists and tribution. They also serve as essential prey for managers (Pickett et al. 1997). Studies of moun- mountain lion, bobcat, and coyote. Bighorn tain lion food habits and behavior in other lambs may even fall prey to gray fox, and the regions indicate that the desert bighorn and golden eagle has been known to prey on year- mule deer are essential preys of predilection lings and lambs (Monson and Sumner 1980). (preference) when available (Connolly 1949, The more arid biotic communities within the Monson and Sumner 1980, Smith and Flinders GSENM may represent better habitat for 1991). Buffer prey species such as pronghorn, desert bighorn than for mule deer. The extent hares, rabbits, beaver, porcupine, marmot, and and adequacy of habitat for bighorn (also for other smaller mammals are taken when lions mule deer and pronghorn) in the GSENM fail to obtain this prey of predilection or as should be subject to an evaluation similar to opportunity affords (Stricklan et al. 1995). Even that completed for bighorn sheep in Zion other predators such as bobcat, fox, and coyote National Park (Smith and Flinders 1992). The may be included in the food web supporting a occurrence, distribution, and quality of water population of mountain lion (Blackwell 1991). are key habitat factors for bighorn sheep, mule As previously discussed, a conservation pro- deer, and pronghorn, as well as for most mam- gram for mountain lion in GSENM must also malian species within the GSENM. Smith and take into account the potential impact these top Flinders (1991) listed some objectives that carnivores may have on cattle (usually calves) should be met regarding management of big- legally exercising grazing leases within the horn sheep in the Flaming Gorge National Monument. Recreation Area. These could largely be applied It would be negligent not to recognize the to desert bighorn in GSENM. ecological importance of the coyote as a key- The diverse guild of bat species within stone predator within the GSENM. Coyotes GSENM serves as collective and individual have the unusual ability to operate at all con- indicators of ecological health. Healthy, favor- sumer levels of a food web. They may form able habitat produces prey as well as furnishes familial packs of 4 or 5 to nearly a dozen and day, night, and seasonal roosts for each species effectively hunt bighorn sheep, mule deer, and of bat. Herder et al. (1997) provided evidence pronghorn (Geist 1971, Mitchell 1980, Steigers regarding the status of 16 species of bats thought 1981). When hares and rodents are primary to occur in the GSENM. Eight of these are prey, coyotes hunt as singles or pairs. Coyotes former federal candidates for listing under the may even help truncate the periodically high Endangered Species Preservation Act, and 6 population density of black-tailed jackrabbits of the 8 are considered sensitive species by (Wagner and Stoddart 1972). When vertebrate the State of Utah. Herder et al. (1997) also prey are scarce, they readily feed on fruits, noted studies are needed to monitor longer- 2002] MAMMALS OF GSENM 59 term population trends of bat species within the scientific community. These collections the GSENM. Natural caves and mine tunnels should involve traditional specimens as well as within the GSENM must be surveyed to de- preservation of soft tissues. Soft tissues are re- termine use by bats in order to regulate human quired for various DNA-based analyses needed use. Usage, particularly recreational, is likely to provide answers regarding systematic sta- to increase in these sensitive habitats of the tus, degree of heterozygosity in populations, GSENM. and genetic affinities to populations outside The smaller terrestrial mammals assumed the GSENM. Future conservation projects could resident within the GSENM represent the involve restorations of mammalian species pre- strengthening links within complex food webs viously extirpated from the area now enclosed supporting both avian and mammalian preda- by the GSENM. This could include the Utah tors. They represent as well as support healthy prairie dog and the black-footed ferret. In its biodiversity. Further study is needed to iden- grandeur, the GSENM offers a wealth of not tify important keystone and indicator species only extraordinary beauty but of opportunities relationships. We know many of these species to see, appreciate, and study native populations greatly impact the biomass and species com- of mammals in their uniquely distinct ecologi- position of the plant communities in which they cal settings. reside. Black-tailed jackrabbits impact the occur- rence and distribution of some preferred for- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS age plants by dispersing viable seed in fecal pellets (Vorhies and Taylor 1933, Brown 1947). We express our appreciation for the sup- Most rodents (e.g., heteromyids) exhibit some port and aid of Jack Brotherson, Doug McFad- to extensive granivorous feeding behavior and den, Clyde Pritchett, and Dennis Pope. We gather and cache seeds of grasses, forbs, and also thank the Museum of Zoology (University woody plants (including cacti). Cached seeds of Michigan), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology may be in shallow pits or deep inside burrows (University of California–Berkeley), Museum (Taylor 1935). Many of these caches provide of Natural History (University of Kansas), and ideal habitat for germination of seeds. Astute National Museum of Natural History (Smith- observers can often see that the pattern of sonian Institution) for the use of their voucher emergent and existent vegetation corresponds specimens. This study was partially funded by with food storage activities of rodents. Rodents Brigham Young University and in joint coop- through burrowing, caching food, placing veg- eration with the Bureau of Land Management. etation for bedding, and maintaining latrine sites greatly enrich desert soils with nutrients LITERATURE CITED and humus (Greene and Murphy 1932, Greene ARMSTRONG, D.M. 1982. Mammals of the Canyon Country. and Raynard 1932). Keystone functions of bur- Canyonlands Natural History Association, Moab, UT. rowing mammals in the GSENM may include 263 pp. activities that promote soil development and ______. 1987. 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