The Crisis Center for Religious Women

is proud to host an International Conference on The Jewish Community Confronts Violence & Abuse

December 1-3, 2014 Ramada Hotel ,

Gold Sponsors

הלב†פתוח†לרווחה מדינת†ישראל משרד†הרווחה†והשירותים†החברתיים האגף†לנוער¨†צעירים†ושירותי†תקון†השרות למתבגרים†צעירות†וצעירים Silver Sponsors

OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services

Yeshiva University in Israel, Yeshiva University Israel Alumni

Noa Ariel’s Puppet Theatre

Playback Na'na Dance Theater - Toby Klein Greenwald

Gilad Theatre - Tsvika and Dikla Zar

The Social Theatre - Alon Margalit

Bronze Sponsors

Project S.A.R.A.H (Stop Abusive Relationships At Home)

Shalom Task Force

The Eden Center An International Conference on The Jewish Community Confronts Violence & Abuse


We are proud and honored to invite you to an Keynote Speakers • Chief of Israel, Rav international conference on “The Jewish • Mayor of Jerusalem, Community Confronts Violence and Abuse”. The • Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twersky three-day conference, to be hosted by the Crisis • James M. Cantor, PhD, Psychologist and Senior Center for Religious Women, will take place on Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, December 1-3, 2014 , at the Associate Professor, University of Toronto Faculty Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem. of Medicine, Editor-in-Chief, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment • Linda Graham, MFT, Psychotherapist, The conference will offer a social, halachic and Meditation teacher and Author of Bouncing educational focus on this epidemic problem facing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Jewish communities worldwide. Resilience and Well-Being • Satya B. Laren, PhD, Assistant Clinical Professor, The Crisis Center for Religious Women aims to Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai • David Pelcovitz, PhD, Straus Professor of present a comprehensive, varied, thought- Psychology and Education, Azrieli Graduate provoking and informative program appropriate School, Yeshiva University for a wide range of professional disciplines, as well as community leaders and concerned parents. Topics We have made every effort to invite world Mandated Reporting and its Dilemmas / Treatment renowned experts in the field to be keynote of Child Abuse: Halachic Aspects / Abuse of the speakers. Elderly / Parameters for Speaking Lashon Hara / Bullying and Bully Prevention in Schools: Challenge and Opportunity / Building Child Safety Programs We look forward to welcoming you in in the Religious Community / Addiction to Jerusalem. Pornography / The Neuropsychology of Revenge / Medication Treatments for Violence and Abuse / Debbie Gross The Role of the Community Bet Din in Protecting Director, Crisis Center for Religious Women the Public Target Audience / Community Leaders / Educators / Teachers / Parents / Psychologists / Social Workers / Physicians / Nurses / Social Service Organizations / NGO’s / Lawyers An International Conference on The Jewish Community Confronts Violence & Abuse

General Information Registration Fee: Prices for Tourists Venue: The conference will take place at the Until Until on- Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem. 31.10.14 1.11.14 Site Participants Date: December 1-3, 2014 One day $140 $150 $160 Two days $270 $285 $320 Language: The conference will be conducted in Three days $400 $450 $480 English and Hebrew Presenters $350 $350 $350

למחירי†השתתפות†לאזרחי†ישראל∫ Welcoming Reception: A welcoming reception will be held Sunday, November 30th at 19:00.

Gala Banquet: A festive evening will be held on Accompanying Persons’ fee of $100 includes Monday, December 1st at 20:00 and will be the welcoming reception, opening ceremony, and charged separately. night tour of Jerusalem. The fee does not include attendance in program sessions. Night Tour: On Tuesday evening, December 2nd, there will be a night tour of Jerusalem. Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received in writing via fax, email or post. Exhibition: A commercial exhibition will take place Registration cancellations received: during the conference. For further information • before November 1, 2014 - full refund less please contact the Secretariat $60 processing charges • between November 2 and November 21 - Advertising and Sponsorship: Please contact the 50% refund Secretariat for space in the conference program • after November 21, 2014 - no refund and/or sponsorship of speakers, sessions and events. Refunds will be processed within two months after the conference. Certificate of Participation: Will be supplied to participants upon request. Accommodations and Tours Organized by Eshet Incoming Letters of Invitation: Upon request, the For details and registration: Secretariat will send a personal invitation to participate in the conference. It should be email: [email protected] understood that such an invitation is only meant to help visitors raise funds or obtain a visa and Secretariat does not represent commitment on the part of ISAS International Seminars POB 34001, Jerusalem 9134001, Israel the organizers to provide financial support. Tel: +972-2-6520574 / Fax: +972-2-6520558 Email: [email protected] / PROGRAM MONDAY, December 1, 2014 • 9 Kislev

08:00-09:00 Registration, Coffee and Cake 08:45-11:30 PLENARY SESSION HALL A Debbie Gross, Crisis Center for Religious Women (ST) Yudit Sidikman, El Halev (ST) of Israel, Rabbi David Lau (Hebrew with ST) Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Rachel Azaria (Hebrew with ST)

Understanding Pedophilia and the Brain: Implications for Safety and Society James M. Cantor, PhD (English with ST)

Resilience in the Face of Violence and Abuse Linda Graham, MFT (English with ST) 11:45-12:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 1.1 Trafficking and the Role of the Community (Heb/Eng with ST) Facilitator: Merav Dadya

Trafficking in Persons: The Role of the Community Att. Rahel Gershuni

Halachic and Rabbinic Perspectives on Trafficking and the Role of the Community Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth HALL B 1.2 Building Bridges between Justice Systems and Religious Communities (English) Facilitator: Att Amira Samuel

Building the Bridge: The Intersection between Criminal Justice Systems, Religious Communities and Social Services When Addressing Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse in Jewish Communities Shoshannah D. Frydman HALL D 1.3 Religion: The Solution or the Problem? (Hebrew) Facilitator: Naomi Gutman

Rabbinic Role in Confronting Abuse Rabbi Yosef Blau

האם הדת היא חלק מהפתרון או חלק מהבעיה הרב יובל שרלו HALL C 1.4 Performance: “Tzofit Has a Secret” (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ayala Keller

Gilad Theatre Tsvika & Dikla Zar HALL E 1.5 Medication Treatments for Violence and Abuse (English) Facilitator: Dr. Yocheved J. Berlowitz

Presenter: Prof. Harvey N. Kranzler 12:45-13:30 LUNCH 13:45-15:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 2.1 Bullying: Prevention and Intervention (Eng with ST) Facilitator: David Mandel

A Novel Jewish School Based Bullying (and Abuse) Prevention Circuit Dr. Yves Michael Nordmann

Bullying and the Traumatic Effect on the Child Dr. David Pelcovitz

Bullying and Bully Prevention in Jewish Schools: Challenge and Opportunity Dr. Rona Milch Novick HALL B 2.2 Workshop: Voices from the Other Side: Offender-Informed Treatment of (English) Victims of Child Sexual Abuse; Lessons Learned from 15 Years of Offender Treatment Facilitator: Phyllis Mayer

Presenter: Barry S. Horowitz HALL E 2.3 Who is the Client and How Do We Build Resilience? (English) Facilitator: Rabbi Yosef Blau

Presenter: Dr. Michael J. Salamon HALL C 2.4 Intervention with Sensitive Communities (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

פרויקט מוגנות – תכנית הדרכה לצוותי וילדי מערכת החינוך היסודית בעיר החרדית ביתר עלית למניעת פגיעות מיניות, כפתח להתערבות קהילתית אביגיל אנגלמן

הצגת מענה ציבורי לטיפול בילדים ובני נוער שנפגעו מינית ומשפחותיהם איזבל סרי-לוי

פרויקט בתנועה לטיפול באלמ"ב המופעל בביה"ח "שערי-צדק" יסכה לנדאו

מעורבות הקהילה בעצירת התעללות מינית ומניעתה: מחורבן זמני לבנין עתידי שרונה שוורצברג

"אם אתה מאמין שיכולין לקלקל תאמין שיכולים לתקן" – על עבודת ה"מרכז למשפחה" יד שרה ד"ר שלומית להמן HALL D 2.5 Pedophilia and Sexual Offenses Against Children (English) Facilitator: Shoshana Symonds

Presenter: Dr. James M. Cantor 15:45-16:00 Coffee and Cake 16:00-17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 3.1 The Rabbinic Role in Confronting Abuse (Eng with ST) Facilitator: Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler

עושה מלאכת ה׳ רמיה Rabbi Yosef Blau

Confronting Abuse in the Community When the Victim Wants to Remain Anonymous and Not Involve the Police Rabbi Jonathan Blass

Rabbinic Involvement in Cases of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth HALL B 3.2 Engaging Parents: Initial Phase of Collaborative Victim/Offender Family (English) Treatment of Sibling Incest Facilitator: Shoshana Symonds

(Workshop for MHP only)

Presenters: Hillel R. Sternstein, Faye Wilbur HALL D 3.3 To Save a Life: Preventing Suicide Among Victims of Violence and Abuse (English) Facilitator: Dr. Gerald Weinberger

(MHP only)

Presenter: Dr. Chaim Nissel HALL C 3.4 Domestic Violence: Family Problem or Societal Responsibility? (English) Facilitator: Att. Rachel Marks

The Shalom Task Force BKEAP Education Awareness Program: Education is the Key to Prevention Lisa Twerski

Creating Hope and Change in the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Community Dr. Rivka Greenberg

The Role of the Rabbi and Community in Combating Abuse in the Jewish Divorce Process Rabbi Jeremy Stern

Suicide: Orders of Protection, Society Failures, Cause and Effect Att. Martin Friedlander

Exploring the Issues of Family Intimacy Bronya Shaffer HALL E 3.5 Tikun Trauma Therapy (Part One) (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

Presenter: Dr. Yehuda Bergman 17:30-19:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 4.1 Legal Perspectives & Community Programs to Combat Domestic Violence (Eng with ST) Facilitator: Shana Frydman

Children in the Crossfire Phyllis Mayer

Key Program Elements Designed to Erode Denial Esther East

Turn Off the Violence Andrea Silverstone

The Withholding of a Get as a Form of Abuse Att. Rachel Marks, Att. Esther M. Schonfeld

Navigating Domestic Violence Cases with Orthodox Jewish Survivors in US Courts Att. Amira Samuel HALL B 4.2 Working Through Losses: Middle Phase of Collaborative Victim/Offender (English) Family Treatment of Sibling Incest Facilitator: Shoshana Symonds

(Workshop for MHP only)

Presenters: Hillel R. Sternstein, Faye Wilbur HALL C 4.3 Spiritual Abuse (Hebrew) Facilitator: Chaya Rosenfeld

אלימות רוחנית בהקשר היהדות – בין קדושה לפגיעה ד"ר ניקול דאהן, ציפי לוי

הקשר בין משפט לאלימות עו"ד אושרית ברויר-טפר

עזה בשל המוות, האהבה – ניתוח פסיכו-תיאולוגי ישי מבורך

The Water Fortress: Jewish Feminine Archetypes of Oppression, Healing & Redemption Tziona Achishena

ה"שפה הדתית" בחדר הטיפול - בין נכס לנטל: ה"מרכז למשפחה" יד שרה ד"ר שלומית להמן HALL D 4.4 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in the Religious Community (English) Facilitator: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz

Presenter: Debbie Fox HALL E 4.5 Tikun Trauma Therapy (Part Two) (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

Presenter: Dr. Yehuda Bergman

TUESDAY, December 2, 2014 • 10 Kislev

08:00-09:00 Registration, Coffee and Cake 08:45-11:30 PLENARY SESSION HALL A Debbie Gross, Crisis Center for Religious Women (ST) Professor Asher Ben Aryeh, The Haruv Institute (ST) , Rabbi Aryeh Stern (Heb with ST) Member of Knesset, Dr. Aliza Lavie (Heb with ST) Member of Knesset Nissan Slomiansky (Heb with ST)

Halachic Considerations in Cases of Abuse Rabbi Dovid Cohen (English with ST)

Child Sexual Abuse: Soul Murder Satya B. Laren, PhD (English with ST) 11:45-12:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 5.1 Bais Din and Liaisons in the Community for Intervention with Abuse (Eng with ST) Facilitator: Rabbi David Marcus

Presenter: Rabbi Avrohom Union HALL D 5.2 Bouncing Back from Adversity (Part One) (English) Facilitator: Sanford Landa

Presenter: Linda Graham, MFT HALL B 5.3 Conscience: A New Frontier in the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (English) Facilitator: Att. Martin Friedlander

Halachic Aspects of the Treatment of Pedophilia Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox

Conscience: A New Frontier in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders Tanchum Burton HALL E 5.4 Treatment of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (English) Facilitator: Barry Horowitz

• Rape Victims and Their Relationships with Their Fathers: A Variable Impacting Upon Recovery • Women and Psychological Abuse: Often Invisible; Understanding Learned Helplessness Dr. Joyce Rosman Brenner

Treatment of an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse - A Case Study Talya Roth HALL C 5.5 Performance: “The Most Beautiful Night of my Life” (Hebrew) Facilitator: Maor Kaplan

By Noa Ariel Director of “Domem Medaber” Theatre 12:45-13:30 LUNCH 13:45-15:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 6.1 Panel: Keeping Our Seminary, Yeshiva and College Students Safe: (Eng with ST) Preventing Boundary Violations Facilitator: Chana Rabinowitz

Participants: Dr. Yocheved J. Berlowitz Rabbi Dovid Cohen Debbie Gross Rabbi Shimon Kurland Dr. Chaim Nissel HALL D 6.2 Bouncing Back from Adversity (Part Two) (English) Facilitator: Sanford Landa

Presenter: Linda Graham, MFT HALL B 6.3 Treating High Conflict Couples (English) Facilitator: Joyce Brenner

Workshop: The HELPS Program Dr. Phyllis Strauss Dr. Mark Banschick HALL C 6.4 Culturally Sensitive Treatment of Victims of Sexual Abuse (Hebrew) Facilitator: Edna Ludmir

סוגיות ייחודיות בטיפול רגיש תרבות בנפגעות טראומה מינית במרכז לטיפול בנשים מהמגזר חרדי דתי שנפגעו מינית ד"ר קרן מלחי, ד"ר ענבל ברנר

המאפיינים הייחודיים בגילוי וטיפול בפגיעות מיניות בקהילה החרדית יעל קדר, עליזה קרבן

התמודדות קהילתית עם פגיעה מינית אילת וידר כהן, עו"ד ריקי שפירא HALL E 6.5 Game-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A New Model for Treating Child (English) Survivors of Abuse Facilitator: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz

Presenter: Dr. Khaya Novick Eisenberg 15:45-16:00 Coffee and Cake 16:00-17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 7.1 Performance: Strike and Stroke (Heb with ST) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

The Social Theatre Alon Margalit HALL B 7.2 Training Religious Leaders to Respond to Domestic Violence (English) Facilitator: Debbie Fox

Presenter: Lisa Twerski HALL C 7.3 “My Story through the Looking Glass” (Heb/Eng) Facilitator: Shulamit Sharon

(Women Only)

Performance by Playback Na’na Theatre Toby Klein Greenwald HALL E 7.4 Moving from Victim to Survivor (Part One) (English) Facilitator: Chaya Mermerstein

(Workshop for MHP only)

Presenter: Sanford Landa HALL D 7.5 Violence Prevention & Resolution through Empowerment Self-Defense (Hebrew) (Part One) Facilitator: Yudit Sidikman

Presenter: Jill Baker Shames 17:30-19:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 8.1 Panel: The Netherworld of Sexual Abuse: Communal and Organizational (Eng with ST) Interests and Obstacles to Serving Victims and Offenders of Sexual Abuse Facilitator: Debbie Gross

Participants: Derek Saker David Mandel Dr. David Pelcovitz

HALL C 8.2 Innovative Ideas for Working in Closed Communities (Hebrew) Facilitator: Aaron Malach

פרויקט מוגנות מודיעין עילית ענת גולדברג

מודל יחודי של התמודדות בנושא פגיעה מינית בילדים בעיר מודיעין עילית ישי שליף, מיקי מילר, הרב אברהם ויינברג

פרויקט "שלך" להעצמה אישית-יהודית-נשית מלכי כהן

פרויקט "התבגרות בריאה" יואל שטיינר

מעל"ה - מעגלי עוצמה לאם העצמאית רבקה בן יעקב, לוטם גפן HALL B 8.3 Looking at the Embodiment of Trauma when Addressing Child Abuse (English) Facilitator: Shoshana Symonds

(Experiential Workshop)

Presenters: Judi Keshet-Orr, Lili Naor HALL E 8.4 Moving from Victim to Survivor (Part Two) (English) Facilitator: Chaya Mermerstein

(Workshop for MHP only)

Presenter: Sanford Landa HALL D 8.5 Violence Prevention & Resolution through Empowerment Self-Defense (Hebrew) (Part Two) Facilitator: Yudit Sidikman

Presenter: Jill Baker Shames

WEDNESDAY, December 3, 2014 • 11 Kislev

08:00-09:00 Registration, Coffee and Cake 08:45-11:30 PLENARY SESSION HALL A Debbie Gross, Crisis Center for Religious Women (ST) Dr. Yocheved J. Berlowitz, Nefesh Israel (ST) Minister of Welfare, Meir Cohen (Heb with ST) Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan (Heb with ST)

How the Judicial System Combats Abuse Judge Emeritus Dahlia Dorner (Hebrew with ST)

Child Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community David Pelcovitz, PhD (English with ST) 11:45-12:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 9.1 Addiction to Pornography and Sex (Heb/Eng with ST) Facilitator: Yona Pressburger

התמכרות לפורנו ד"ר ניצה קאליש

Pornography as Catalyst for Sexual Abuse Rabbi Avi Tenenbaum HALL D 9.2 Halachic Questions in Cases of Abuse (English) Facilitator: Rabbi Avrohom Union

Presenter: Rabbi Dovid Cohen HALL E 9.3 Do Infants and Children Remember Trauma? (English) Facilitator: Prof. Harvey Kranzler

Do Infants “Remember” Trauma? Dr. Sandi L. Isaacson

Neuropsychology of Revenge: When the Soul Implodes and Explodes in the Aftermath of Abuse Dr. Judith Guedalia HALL B 9.4 Spirituality as an Antidote to Abuse (Hebrew) Facilitator: Rabbi David Marcus

Spirituality as a Psycho-Educational Antidote to Violence and Abuse Prof. Yaacov J. Katz

Nachat Ruach: Professional and Torah Perspectives on the Twelve Steps Dr. Naftali Fish HALL C 9.5 Parameters of Speaking Lashon Hara & a Code of Ethics for the Media (Hebrew) Facilitator: Tzvika Klein

Parameters for Speaking Lashon Hara Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler

קוד אתי לסיקור תקשורתי לא פוגעני בנושא של אלימות מינית אורית סוליציאנו 12:45-13:30 LUNCH 13:45-15:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 10.1 Community Models of Intervention (Eng with ST) Facilitator: Barbara Sofer

Engaging Spiritual Leadership Sheiny New

Peer Support – A Joint Healing Journey Andrea Silverstone

Anatomy of a Helpline Chaya Mermerstein Key Program Elements Designed to Erode Denial Elka Stein

Koleinu SA: A New Helpline for Victims of Abuse in The Jewish Community in South Africa Wendy Hendler

The Mikveh as a Community Resource Dr. Naomi Grumet HALL D 10.2 Soul Murder: Why is Child Sexual Abuse a Crime? (English) Facilitator: Dr. Rona Milch Novick

Presenter: Dr. Satya B. Laren HALL B 10.3 Workshop: When Abusive Behavior is Not Domestic Abuse: Understanding (English) the Differential Assessment Facilitator: Dr. Rivka Greenberg

(MHP only)

Presenter: Lisa Twerski HALL E 10.4 The Voices of Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse (English) Facilitator: Bronya Shafer

Coming Out of Hiding: The Voices of Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse Rachel Ackerman, Joan B. Kristall, Deena Mendlowitz HALL C 10.5 Divorce and Get Refusal (Hebrew) Facilitator: Att. BatSheva Sherman Shani

הליך הגירושין בשיתוף פעולה - כלי חדשני הפועל מתוך הבנת חשיבות הקהילה בהתמודדות עם הליכי גירושין, לרבות כאלו הכוללים אלימות והתעללות עו"ד עדי רז, עו"ד עידית שחם, רחל ולדימירסקי

עגונות, מסורבות גט וקרבנות אלימות במשפחה - צדק חברתי או בעיה אישית? והשפעות דעת הקהל עו"ד נח קורמן

Prenuptial Agreements for the Prevention of Get-Refusal: Neutralizing the Ultimate Weapon in Domestic Violence Dr. Rachel Levmore

סרבנות גט היא אלימות ד"ר סוזן וייס

Freeing the Chained Woman - New Issues and Horizons Att. Batya Kahana Dror 15:45-16:00 Coffee and Cake 16:00-17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 11.1 Innovative Programs for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse (Heb with ST) Facilitator: Ayala Keller

"חגרה בעוז מותניה ותאמץ זרועותיה" איך להשיב את החלק האבוד של הכוח הנשי בדרך לבניית קהילה בטוחה יותר יהודית סידיקמן

Keeping Our Children Safe: Prevention Workshops and Policies for Parents and Educators Debbie Gross HALL D 11.2 EMDR Treatment of Trauma and Adverse Life Experiences (English) Facilitator: Dr. Sandi Isaacson

Presenter: Dr. Gary Quinn HALL E 11.3 Planned and Unexpected Endings: Termination Phase of Collaborative (English) Victim/Offender Family Treatment of Sibling Incest Facilitator: Shoshana Symonds

Presenters: Hillel R. Sternstein, Faye Wilbur HALL C 11.4 Mandatory Reporting (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

Understanding the Law of Mandatory Reporting Roni Liberman

העלאת מודעות לפגיעות מיניות בחברה החרדית ומיסוד סדנאות מניעה ומוגנות בקרב סגלי הוראה, הורים וילדים הרב אשר מלמד

Mandated Reporting and its Dilemmas Philip Marcus, Dr. Baruch Shulem

"כי בכוח העדּות יתקיימו היישובים" )ספר החינוך מצוות עשה ק"כ( או: לקום להעיד – חובה, ולא זכות שמותר לוותר עליה לאה שקדיאל HALL B 11.5 Abuse of the Elderly and Teens (Heb/Eng) Facilitator: Maor Kaplan

Abuse of the Elderly in the Jewish Community Leah Abramowitz

אלימות מינית כלפי נשים זקנות בתוך מערכת יחסים זוגית אלימה שרה הלפרין

Zula: Outreach for Troubled Youth Rabbi Pinchas Rubinstein

Abuse of the Elderly and those with Dementia Shimon Radovsky 17:30-19:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS HALL A 12.1 New Frontiers: Making Changes in the Jewish Community (Eng with ST) Facilitator: Debbie Gross

Including Video Presentations by: Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski, OHEL, Yeshiva University in Israel, Project S.A.R.A.H, Shalom Task Force, The Eden Center HALL E 12.2 Benefits of Relationship Based Treatment (English) Facilitator: Barbara Sofer

Mentoring Tools Sima Gordon

A Practical Approach on How We Can Put the Breaks on Molestation Miriam Freilich

Narcissistic Parenting as a Variable in Domestic Violence Dr. Clara F. Zilberstein

Crossroads: A Safe Alternative to the Streets Tzipora Hait

You Are Too Sensitive. Or Are You? A Look at Sensitivity, Verbal Abuse, and a Three- Pronged Model for Working with Individuals and Couples Nechama Ginzberg HALL C 12.3 Legal Alternatives in Cases of Abuse (Hebrew) Facilitator: Att. Noach Korman

"משפט הקהילה" - צדק מאחה ככלי להתמודדות קהילה דתית עם פגיעה מינית עו"ד בת-עמי ברוט, עו"ד כרמית קלר-חלמיש

פורום תקנה יהודית שילת

'קוד מרצון': מפרט למניעת הטרדה מינית במקומות עבודה עו"ד יפעת בלפר, עו"ד ליאת קליין

HALL D 12.4 Challenges of Sexual Abuse within the Religious Community (Hebrew) Facilitator: Ayala Keller

התמודדות עם הלכות נידה בקרב נפגעות תקיפה מינית תניה צ'יפמן

נפגעי התעללות בילדות וההשפעה על המגע תמר עבודי

אלימות בכסוי ההלכה, אלימות גרידא?? מתתיהו שליאכטר

Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Religious Kibbutzim Lolly Alexander HALL B 12.5 Helping the Jewish Community Deal with Problem of Abuse (English) Facilitator: Ruth Fuld

OU Israel – Helping Israeli Communities Rabbi Avi Berman

Yedidut Toronto Moshe Shapiro

Helping the Jewish Community Deal with the Problem of Abuse Deborah Weiner

When Healthy Relationships Turn Violent - Identifying Warning Signs & Abuse Trends in the Jewish Community Amy Beth Oppenheimer

Get-Refusal as a Form of Domestic Abuse Rabbi Jeremy Stern

Registration Form - Crisis Center Conference

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