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MEETING TITLE AND DATE: Agenda – Pa rt: 1 Item: 7 LDF Cabinet Sub Committee 6th July 2008 Subject: Framework for Change and Planning Briefs for Key Sites REPORT OF: Director of Place Shaping and Wards: Ponders End Enterprise

Cabinet Member consulted: Cllr Lavender

Contact officers: Daisy Johnson 020 8379 5598 or email: [email protected] Joanne Woodward 020 8379 3881 or email: [email protected]


1.1 In November 2008 the Council appointed consultants Studio Egret West to prepare a Framework for Change for Ponders End to inform its Place Shaping Delivery Programme and the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF). This work has highlighted the need to bring forward Planning Briefs for key sites within the area to respond to current market interest.

1.2 The Council recently consulted on its Preferred Options for the North East Enfield Area Action Plan and the Strategic Growth Areas Report, both of which identify Ponders End as a Place Shaping Priority Area.

1.3 This report seeks LDF Cabinet Sub Committee approval that the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Enterprise be authorised to agree for public consultation the Framework for Change and draft Planning Briefs for University, Southern Brimsdown and South Street, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, Ponders End Ward Members and other interested Members.

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2.1 That the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Enterprise be authorised to agree the Ponders End Framework for Change for public consultation, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, Ponders End Ward Members and other interested Members.

2.2 That the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Enterprise be authorised to agree the draft Planning Briefs for the former Middlesex University site, South Street and Southern Brimsdown for public consultation, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, Ponders End Ward Members and other interested Members.


3.1 Enfield’s Local Development Scheme 2007-2010 sets out the Council’s intention to prepare an Area Action Plan (AAP) for North East Enfield. The AAP will provide a planning framework for the development and regeneration of the area. The Preferred Options Report for the Area Action Plan was published for consultation in February 2009 and identified Ponders End as a major area of opportunity with significant potential for change. The report highlights the former Middlesex University site, Southern Brimsdown and South Street site as key regeneration projects within the wider area.

3.2 In April this year, the Council published the Strategic Growth Areas report adding further emphasis to Ponders End as a Place Shaping Priority Area.

3.3 In November 2008, the Council appointed consultants Studio Egret West to work with the Council and community to create a Framework for Change for Ponders End, which includes physical masterplans, as well as targets for service improvement, recommendations for small projects that will effect positive change, and infrastructure requirements. The Framework for Change will inform the Area Action Plan and related masterplans and provide the overarching concept for Place Shaping projects within Ponders End.

3.4 On 22 nd January 2009 an intensive programme of consultation launched in the community, the output of which informs the Framework. The results of this consultation were exhibited in public in March 2009. Since then, the designs and concepts in the Framework have been refined following internal consultation and presentation to Place Shaping Board.

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3.5 Work on the Framework and the Area Action Plan itself has identified a pressing need to bring forward Planning Briefs for key development sites in Ponders End to respond to current Market interest, and to ensure the Council’s Place Shaping priorities are at the forefront of these considerations.


4.1 The Framework for Change presents a vision for Ponders End that both articulates local needs and aspirations, and informs the Council, developers and service providers to deliver the vision through Place Shaping. It is envisaged that the Framework will be a powerful tool to communicate to developers and other audiences how local people envisage Ponders End in 5, 10 and 20 years time, and assist the Council in negotiations during the planning process to guide development towards these objectives. The Framework itself is effectively a public realm strategy, intrinsically linked with new or enhanced community facilities, inspiring, unlocking and responding to the redevelopment of key sites. A series of non-physical, thematic projects will stream out of the Framework, and a series of measures and targets will monitor delivery over the next 5, 10 and 20 years.


5.1 Middlesex University : This Planning brief will set out the principles of development including land use mix and quantum of development for the Middlesex University site, Queensway and High Street near the Recreation Ground (including options for the Mosque). It will consider the optimum design and land use options for the former Middlesex University campus itself, and how a new development here could relate to the High Street, and how community facilities (police presence, GP group practice, small business units, community space, library) could be accommodated. Public transport accessibility will be key here, with links to Southbury Station being an element of design proposals.

5.2 Southern Brimsdown : This Planning Brief will set out the principles of development including land use mix and quantum of development for the land currently owned by Kier at the southern tip of the Brimsdown industrial estate. The GLA has recently agreed that this piece of land could be released from its current Strategic Industrial Land designation, which opens up development options considerably.

The Planning Brief will put forward mixed use design options for this site, considering in particular how the site interfaces with Ponders End to the west and with the exceptional environment presented by the Regional Park and Columbia Wharf to the south and east. The way in which the proposed development would integrate into the Brimsdown Estate to the north will be of particular interest. Detailed consideration will be given to east-west pedestrian/cycle connections and public transport accessibility.

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5.3 South Street : This Planning brief will set out the principles of development including land use mix and quantum of development for the area of South Street around Ponders End Station, the National Grid site, Welcome Point and Youth Centre, former Railway Inn, and the area around Alma Road tower blocks. In particular the Planning brief will set out how the proposed Academy for the National Grid site and wider environment would interrelate. It will explore opportunities and potential for a new bridge and reconfiguration of the street pattern around South Street and the Alma Road tower blocks and their relationship to the Academy proposals. Special attention will be paid to transport impacts, supported by a comprehensive traffic impact assessment commissioned recently, ensuring access to the Redburn Industrial Estate is not hampered, and that parking requirements for the proposed school can be met.


6.1 The Framework for Change and draft Planning Briefs need to be published for consultation in accordance with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement for a minimum of six weeks. Following internal officer review and presentation to Place Shaping and Enterprise Departmental Management Team, Corporate Management Board, Place Shaping Board, and review by ward members, the Framework and draft planning briefs will be simultaneously exhibited in public for six weeks (20 th August – 1 st October 2009). The results of the consultation will inform the final version of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan, and associated masterplanning work, as well as the final planning briefs and Place Shaping programme.

Formal consultation on the Framework for Change and Planning Briefs for key sites – Aug-Oct 2009 Outcome of consultation and final documents reported to LDF Subcommittee in November 2009


None considered; consultation on the LDF is a statutory requirement.


Ongoing consultation on Local Development Documents is a statutory requirement.


8.1 Financial Implications

Provision for the cost of preparing the Framework for Change is included in the Place Shaping Capital Programme. The report contains a variety of future options for improvements to the public realm in Ponders End but does not in itself commit Enfield Council to additional

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expenditure. Any future proposals with cost implications would need to be subject to separate reports and full financial appraisal.

8.2 Legal Implications

8.2.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 imposes on local planning authorities a duty to exercise their duties and functions under the Act with the objective of contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. Part 2 of the Act provides for the preparation of Local Development Documents (LDDs). Collectively the LDDs will form the LDF. Once adopted the LDF will be the formal policy framework against which planning decisions are taken.

8.2.2 In addition every local authority must prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme (LDS) setting out what LDDs the Authority will prepare and their timetable for preparation. Enfield’s LDS includes the intention to prepare a North East Enfield Area Action Plan.

8.2.3 It is vital to ensure that that due process is correctly followed in all elements of the development of the LDF. The consultation for which authority is sought is part of the required process.


Positive Impact: The proposed Framework for Change will provide a further opportunity for all interested members of the community in Ponders End to give their views on possible choices for their area, within the context of the North East Enfield Area Action Plan.


Preparation of the LDF accords with Objectives (1f.i), (1f.ii), (1f.iii), (1f.iv) and (1f.v) of Aim 1 of Putting Enfield First - “A Cleaner, Greener Enfield” and Objectives (6a.ii), (6c.ii), (6e.ii) and (6e.v) of Aim 6 - “Economically and Successful and Socially Inclusive” It will support all the main aims of Putting Enfield First.


As set out in paragraph 9 above.

Background Papers 1. North East Enfield Area Action Plan Preferred Options 2009 2. Strategic Growth Areas Report 2009

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