December 2019 50p January 2020

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BARNARD CASTLE 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Main Service (for details see monthly calendar page) 4.00 p.m. The Four o'clock Service for young families Please check calendar

WHORLTON 9.00 a.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VICAR: Revd Canon Alec Harding MA (Hons), The Vicarage, Parsons Lonnen, Newgate DL12 8ST (637018) CURATE The Revd Sarah Cliff BA (Hons) 17, Mayfield’ Barnard Castle DL12 8EA (316076)

READERS Astley Fenwick BSc C.Eng (637392) David Walker BA (Hons), B.ThM CPFA (650396) READER Emeritus: David Blakely MA

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORGANIST and DIRECTOR OF MUSIC : Annette Butters GLCM (Hons)

CHURCHWARDENS: Sandra Sumner (690041), John R Moore (07793756129), Bob Ward (630163) PCC SECRETARY: David Walker (650396) TREASURER: Robert Stenlake (637334) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARISH HALL CARETAKER AND BOOKINGS SECRETARY: Stephen Guy (0740 3264857) or [email protected]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

CHURCH WEBSITE : FACEBOOK: Barnard-Castle-with-Whorlton/432786520147183 For names and telephone numbers of other church contacts please see page 22

3 December 2019 Dear All

As we begin our Advent journey towards the celebration of Jesus’s birth, and then onwards to New Year and Epiphany, we come to a time of choosing.

Firstly, we can’t escape the General Election. We are given the choice of how to cast our vote, the choice of differing policies and priorities. Bishop Paul has written an open letter to encourage church communities to engage with the election process, to consider in a prayerful way, how we judge the choices available and to play our part by voting.

We will also have shopping on our agendas in December. The choice of the perfect gift can be more complicated than the parliamentary election. As consumers we have choices over how and where we spend our money and the environmental impact of packaging, paper that can’t be recycled and food waste are important factors to consider. Perhaps those hard to buy for relatives would prefer a gift in kind? Some friends of mine were over the moon when as a gift I twinned their loo for charity; it was far better than an unwanted gift that would get stuffed in the back of a cupboard and far better for the communities that benefit from proper toilet facilities. Speak to Ian Blake at church, (Teesdale Toilet Twinning) on Facebook or visit

Our choice this season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany/New Year is also to follow Him who God sent as a vulnerable baby to be the Light of the World, Emmanuel (meaning God with us) and our guide through whatever 2020 may bring us.

He gave us the choice to follow Him, to walk with Him and lean on Him through prayer when we are faced with difficult choices in our lives. I invite you to consider the invitation from God and perhaps respond by using the #FollowTheStar resources from the Church of , through which you receive reflections each day from Christmas Day to Epiphany to your inbox. (Go to followthestar. )

By choosing to follow Jesus you too will know the peace and joy of the love of God as His precious child. My prayer for you all is for a blessed and wonderful Christmas and New Year. Sarah

4 Saints but not ‘Saints’

Eglantine Jebb, Social Reformer Founder of ’Save the Children’ 17 December

Eglantine Jebb was born in Shropshire 1876; the Jebbs were a well-off family with a strong social conscience and commitment to public service. After studying history at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, she became a teacher for a few years until ill-health led to her resignation. She moved to Cambridge to look after her sick mother and there she became involved in an organisation called the Charity Organisation Society, which aimed to bring a modern scientific approach to charity work. This led her to carry out an extensive research project into living conditions in the city.

She then devoted her energies to charitable works and in 1913 went to Macedonia to help refugees in the Balkan wars. After the First World War, she and her sister Dorothy Buxton, along with others, formed a pressure group to persuade the British government to ease the blockade on Germany and organise relief. At that stage it is recorded that every week about 800 children were dying of starvation in Germany.

The success of this venture inspired the two sisters to found the charity Save the Children , which of course exists to this day. Eglantine fought for the rights of children to be recognised, the League of Nations passing her 'Children's Charter' in 1924. She inspired many by her personal spirituality She died in Geneva on December 17th 1928.

An interesting story; at one stage Eglantine found herself in court and was fined for a public order offence. One of the first to lend support to Save the Children was the lawyer who prosecuted her, Sir Achibald Bodkin.

SMUFFIES (St Mary’s Under-5s group) Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm in the Parish Hall All welcome

5 Save the date!

The Friends of St. Mary’s present The Castle Players performing

The Old Curiosity Shop in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Friday 7th February 2020.

Tickets will be on sale in the New Year: £8.00, £5.00 concessions.

Music Notes The Community Orchestra and Community Choir were involved in separate concerts recently.

The Choir gave an hour-long concert in aid of The Eve Appeal (a charity involved in research into gynaecological cancers) and raised over £250.

The Orchestra was raising money for Girl Guides (about £150 was raised) but it was also a “come along and have a go” morning. It was well attended and great fun. A couple of dozen or so people stayed after the concert to try out an instrument. For one visitor the morning turned out to be the catalyst he needed to go home and order a bass guitar. Thank you to all the singers and musicians.

An exciting and important date for the Orchestra is a concert at The Museum on Saturday December 14th as part of the Christmas Fayre. It starts at 10.30am

George helping Debby demonstrate the trombone.

You’re never too young (or old) to have a go.

6 News from the belfry Daniel Goldberg had major heart surgery in mid-October and is doing very well. He will be out of action with regards to ringing until well into the next year: we all miss him up the tower and wish him a very speedy recovery. Jane has suspended her ringing until Daniel is fit to return.

Our early session on Monday evenings has not taken place for several weeks now as the majority of our learners are now ringing Plain Hunt and this can be accommodated better in the main practice.

Friday afternoon practices are well attended with up to 3 Barney School pupils joining our regular learners. Helen and Emma Piercy-Mycock joined us for the first time recently and it is hoped that they will continue to do so.

Caroline, Helen, Emma and I put the muffles on the bell clappers ready for Remembrance Sunday ringing. On the day, we rang 6 bells, the first time George and Alix had experienced muffled ringing in Barney. We kept the muffles on for Monday and Friday practices as we rarely have the chance to ring in this manner.

On a personal note, I would like to thank everyone who donated money to Cancer Research UK for the September Cycle challenge that I took part in. A magnificent £1,341 (with an additional £205 in Gift Aid) was raised, thanks to the generosity of friends and family.

Congratulations to George and Alix Robinson who rang their first quarter peal for ‘The 4 o clock Service’ on November 17th, alongside Fiona Cooper, Darren Moore, Caroline Piercy, and me. Thanks to Darren for standing in at short notice. Helen Scott

Well done Beth

Congratulations to Beth Stenlake, a member of our Church Choir, who not only won the Vocal Section but was also the overall winner in the Barnard Castle Rotary Young Musician Competition.

She will go on to the Rotary District Competition in Leeds in the New Year.

7 St. Mary’s Barnard Castle with Whorlton

Christmas Services 2019

Friday December 20th

6.00pm The Community Music Group play Christmas favourites

7.00pm Carols for Everyone

Sunday December 22nd

8.00am and 10.30am Services for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

4.00pm Carol service at St. Mary’s Whorlton followed by seasonal refreshments

Christmas Eve

4.00pm A Crib service for all the family at Barnard Castle (children are invited to come dressed as a character from the Nativity story).

9.30pm ‘Bethlehem Midnight’ communion at St. Mary’s, Whorlton

11.30pm First Communion of Christmas at Barnard Castle

Christmas Day

8.00am and 10.30am

Christmas Communion at Barnard Castle

Find out how you can join the #FollowTheStar journey at



Music from ‘Teesdale Folk’ MULLED WINE and FESTIVE NIBBLES

Friday 13 December 7 p.m. RETIRING COLLECTION

Please bring your friends! Everybody most welcome.

Consider the flowers The speaker at the November meeting was our own Joan Kemp-Ambler who gave a delightful presentation on flowers and flower arranging.

Her love of arranging began 38 years ago when she found that she got great joy from gardening and particularly growing flowers. She talked about the well documented therapeutic effect of flowers and gardens. As part of her presentation, Joan made three arrangements which were sold off for MU funds. Many thanks to Joan.

The December meeting (Monday 2nd) will begin with Holy Communion in the Parish Hall followed by Christmas Lunch at a local eatery. Sandra Sumner

Where flowers bloom, so does hope. Lady Bird Johnson

I hope some day to meet God, because I want to thank Him for the flowers. Robert Brault.

9 Update on Toilet Twinning My sincere thanks to those who have expressed interest, supported and directly participated in “Toilet Twinning”.

When I undertook to be a “Town Ambassador” for the scheme I fully recognised that I wasn’t very well known in Barney and was rather daunted by the set target of 20 twinned loos needed to qualify Barney as a Toilet Twinning Town. Such a status also requires that the twinning be done across various areas of the towns’ life. I am thrilled (and humbled) to be able to share the following with you –

Townsfolk, businesses, the Town Council and Green Lane School have sponsored 15 toilets! I can also tell you that individual members of the church congregation have twinned a further 4 toilets. Other contacts have led to the twinning of 2 school blocks – a further 8 toilets!

On top of this the community band has raised £47.00 so far, just £13 more and another toilet can be twinned. Through Church events at Harvest and through “SMUFFIES” we have put a further £162.85 into funds to twin the toilets in the church hall. ‘Toilet Twinning Town’ status therefore, is assured.

Thank you so much! You might want to consider twinning someone’s toilet as a Christmas present!? Or ask for your own toilet to be sponsored!? Keep twinning. Ian Blake

A week late – but better late than never! The last week of November was National Tree Week which included education, awareness raising, tree planting projects and so on. Today, we are all aware of the impact of deforestation, particularly in the rainforests. But an awareness of the importance of trees is not a totally new thing!

A movement perhaps better known in the developing world is The Chipko Movement; which traces its origins to a village near Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India in 1730, when local peasant women tried to protect some trees from loggers sent by the local ruler. They were killed with the axes that then cut down the trees! The women became known as Tree Huggers – a term used rather dismissively today about people who have a love of trees, but which has this very honourable origin. A Chipko peasant proverb reads The soil is ours, the water is ours; ours are these forests. Our forefathers raised them, it’s we who must protect them.

10 Advent Longing

These are the greedy days. It used to be That Advent was a longing fast, A time to feel our need in faith and tingling hope And keen-eyed looking forward. Now we cannot wait But day by day and week by week We celebrate obsessively Clutching at Christmas. When at last it comes, The day itself, Our glass is empty. We have held the feast Already, and the news is stale Before it ever reaches us. We cheat ourselves. Yet – somehow – still we hope In these spoiled days that there may be a child. W.S. Beattie

He comes

What Christians believe is not a ‘second coming’ but a constant coming of Christ into their lives. Christ is not the goal towards which they are striving but the hub around which their lives revolve. He ‘comes’ to establish the Kingdom of God, not in the future but now. The Kingdom is not something which we impotently yearn for. Its coming is in our hands and how near and far it is depends on the extent to which we are helping to bring it about. H J Richards

“One of the paradoxes of Advent is that while we wait for God, we are with God all along; that while we need to be reassured of God’s arrival, he has already arrived. While we wait, we have to trust, to have faith, but it is God’s grace that gives us that faith. As with all spiritual knowledge, two things are true and equally true, at once. Michelle Blake,

11 St. Mary’s Parish Church Barnard Castle

Christmas Tree Festival 2019

Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th December

Fifty-two trees decorated and lit for you to enjoy! A truly stunning sight.

ADMISSION FREE Donations welcome

Wednesday – Friday 4.00pm – 6.00pm Saturday 11.00am – 5.00pm Sunday 2.00pm – 4.00pm

followed by

4.00pm ‘Inspired by Christmas’

(Christmas readings, poems and music amongst the trees)

We will be selling our church brew (Ale Mary) at the Festival.

Local musicians, raffle, mulled wine, refreshments

12 Christmas Tree Festival .. what’s on.

Wednesday 4pm-5pm Teesdale School

4th singers

5pm-6pm School singers

Thursday 5th 4pm-5pm Green Lane CofE Primary singers

5pm-6pm Piano trio - Christmas music

Friday 6th 4pm-5pm Carols round the organ

5pm-6pm Community Choir

Saturday 7th 10am—11am Bell Ringers

11am-12 noon Community Orchestra 12 noon -1pm D’ukes of Scarth Ukulele Group

1pm-2pm Recorded music

2pm-3pm Recorded music

3pm-5pm TCR Hub performers

4pm-5pm Recorded music Sunday 8th 4pm-6pm “Inspired by…..”

Closing event “Inspired by” Christmas. All kinds of live music and read- ings about Christmas. See what inspires our local community! Special guest appearance by “Ale Mary”. Our Christmas brew will be available - a perfect gift, or just enjoy.

Wednesday Coffee Morning 9.30 - 12.00 upstairs in the Parish Hall Come for coffee, a scone and a chat!

No coffee on Christmas Day or New Years Day

13 Prayer Spaces at Green Lane A couple of weeks ago, the children at Green Lane School were involved in their third session of Prayer Spaces. This is an imaginative way of getting the children to reflect upon some of the important aspects of life by moving around a series of stations in the school hall. At each space they are guided through an activity which helps them reflect. For example, those pictures below involving poppies were about remembrance and peace.

To make you smile

There I was minding my own business when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Death standing there. He told me it was ‘my time’.

This took me somewhat by surprise and I decided there and then I wasn’t going without a fight.

I grabbed the nearest thing to me, the hoover. So there I was……… Dyson with Death !!!!

14 A Disciple’s Journey A study course for the New Year

At the Diocesan Waymark conference Matthew Frost (formerly Director of the Christian relief organisation Tearfund) gave an address in which he encouraged members of congregations to move from being ‘Believers in Jesus’ to becoming ‘Disciples of Jesus’.

In January and February of the new year A Disciple’s Journey will examine some of the characteristics of being a Christian Disciple. The course will run on Wednesday evenings from 7.00pm – 8.30pm in Barnard Castle church.

We hope it will offer food for thought both for those at the beginning of their Christian journey and for those who have travelled the Christian way for many years.

Wednesday 15th January Session 1: Intimacy with God Wednesday 22nd January Session 2: A new identity Wednesday 29th January Session 3: Called to serve Wednesday 5th February Session 4: A Rule of Life Wednesday 12th February Session 5: Living in community

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16 Calendar December 2019

Sunday 1st Advent Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am Sung Communion at Barnard Castle 4.00pm Christingle Service at Barnard Castle Monday 2nd 1.30pm Mothers’ Union service in the Parish Hall followed by Christmas Lunch All day Preparations for Christmas Tree Festival at Barnard Castle Tuesday 3rd All day Preparations for Christmas Tree Festival at Barnard Castle W’day 4th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 4.00pm Christmas Tree Festival 4.00pm—6.00pm Thursday 5th 4.00pm Christmas Tree Festival 4.00pm—6.00pm Friday 6th 12noon Advent Lunch in Parish Hall 12noon—1.30pm 4.00pm Christmas Tree Festival 4.00pm—6.00pm Saturday 7th 11.00am Christmas Tree Festival 11.00am—5.00pm Sunday 8th Second Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 9.00am Holy Communion at Whorlton 10.30am Sung Communion and Junior Church at Barnard Castle 2.00pm Christmas Tree Festival 2.00pm—4.00pm 4.00pm Inspired by Christmas at Barnard Castle W’day 11th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle Thursday 12th 1.45pm Green Lane School Carol Service 2.00pm Charles Dickens’ Lodge Service

Friday 13th 12noon Advent Lunch in Parish Hall 12noon—1.30pm 2.15pm Manor House Service

17 Friday 13th 2.00pm Montalbo School Service at Barnard Castle 5.00pm St Mary’s Community Choir in church 7.00pm Christmas Concert at Whorlton Saturday 14th 10.30am St Mary’s Community Orchestra at the Bowes Museum Sunday 15th Third Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am Sung Communion with prayers for healing and Junior Church at Barnard Castle Monday 16th 10.00am Abbeyfield service 2.00pm The Richardson Hospital Carol Service Tuesday 17th 2.00pm Beaconsfield Care Home Service W’day 18th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 6.00pm Community Choir at The Manor House Thursday 19th 10.00am Probus Christmas Meeting at St Mary’s Church Friday 20th 12noon Advent Lunch in Parish Hall 12noon—1.30pm 6.00pm Music and refreshments followed by 7.00pm Carol Service at Barnard Castle Sunday 22nd Fourth Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle NB No 9.00am service at Whorlton 10.30am Advent Service of the Word and Junior Church at Barnard Castle 4.00pm Carol Service at Whorlton Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve 4.00pm Crib Service at Barnard Castle

9.30pm Bethlehem Midnight Service at Whorlton 11.30pm First Communion of Christmas at Barnard Castle

18 W’day 25th Christmas Day 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am Sung Communion at Barnard Castle Sunday 29th First Sunday of Christmas 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am Sung Communion and Baptism of Ivy Briggs at Barnard Castle Tuesday 31st 10.00am Kings’ Court Care Home Service

Calendar January 2020

W’day 1st 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle Sunday 5th Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am A Service of the Word and Junior Church at Barnard Castle W’day 8th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle Thursday 9th 2.00pm Charles Dickens Lodge Service Friday 10th 5.00pm Community Choir at Barnard Castle Saturday 11th 10.00am Community Orchestra at Barnard Castle Sunday 12th The Baptism of Christ 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 9.00am Holy Communion at Whorlton 10.30am Sung Communion and Renewal of Baptismal Vows at Barnard Castle 4.00pm The Four o’clock Service

Monday 13th 7.00pm PCC meeting at Barnard Castle W’day 15th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 7.00pm Study Group: A disciple’s journey (1)

19 Friday 17th 5.00pm Community Choir at Barnard Castle

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th—25th)

Saturday 18th 10.00am Community Orchestra at Barnard Castle 2.00pm Wedding of Alistair Stewart and Kate Chaman at Barnard Castle Sunday 19th Second Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 10.30am Sung Communion with prayers for healing and Junior Church at Barnard Castle 4.00pm Christian Unity Service at Barnard Castle Tuesday 21st 2.00pm Beaconsfield Care Home Service W’day 22nd 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 7.00pm Study Group: A disciple’s journey (2) Thursday 23rd 10.00am Kings’ Court Service Friday 24th 2.15pm Manor House Service 5.00pm Community Choir at Barnard Castle Saturday 25th 10.00am Community Orchestra at Barnard Castle Sunday 26th Third Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 9.00am Holy Communion at Whorlton 10.30am Sung Communion and Junior Church at Barnard Castle Monday 27th 10.00am Abbeyfield (Galgate) Service Tuesday 28th 2.00pm Beaconsfield Court Service W’day 29th 10.00am Holy Communion at Barnard Castle 7.00pm Study Group: A disciple’s journey (3) Friday 31st 5.00pm Community Choir at Barnard Castle

20 From the registers

Funerals Service and committal at crematorium

September 25th Rose Gregory (85) 30, Prospect Place November 13th John Neville Courtley (81) 36, Bartlemere November 19th Norman Stanley Bellwood (76) formerly of Brignall, Barningham and Lincolnshire

Committal at Wear Valley Crematorium followed by service in church

November 21st Elizabeth (Betty) Margaret Beadle (81) Kings Court Care Home

Service in church followed by committal at Wear Valley Crematorium November 14th Gordon Arthur Calvert (81) 5, Woodlands Road 18th Jean Winifred Forster (89) 14, Gloucester Place

Service and committal in church followed by cremation

November 28th Ronald Forster (86) 21, Charles Dickens Lodge

Who can separate us from the love of Christ

Grace on Christmas Day? A couple of suggestions

God bless this food superfluous and may it put no weight on us. Frances Russell

God of goodness, bless our food. Keep us in a pleasant mood. Bless the cook and all who serve us; From indigestion, Lord, preserve us. Anon


The February issue of The Pilgrim will be available on January 31st. The last date for copy is Thursday 23rd January. Items, please, to Geoff Lowson, [email protected]

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Barnard Castle with Whorlton: registered charity number 1130279



Bellringers: Helen Scott (690169) Electoral Roll Officer: Keith Miles (637512) First Friday Group: Lesley Taylor (631716) or Theresa Atkinson (638213) Flower Guild: Joan Kemp-Ambler (638908) Friends of St Mary's: Pauline Hanby (630102) Junior Church: Kim Harding (637018) Lifts to church: Keith Miles (637512) Magazine Production: Geoff Lowson 07771997184 Magazine Distribution Helen Scott (690169) Magazine Advertising: Frances Stenlake (637334) Mothers’ Union: Sandra Sumner (690041) Music Annette Butters 07411825230 Parish Hall Association Secretary: Peter Wise (637904) Smuffies (St Mary’s Under 5’s group): Kim Harding (637018) Wednesday Morning Coffee: Frances Stenlake (637334)

The Friends of Richardson Hospital

The Friends of Richardson Hospital wish to thank you for your ongoing support, this enables us to continue to provide services and equipment within Richardson Hospital and the local community. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to join us at our meetings held at Richardson Hospital.

Please contact through the Hospital Tel 696500

Registered Charity No. 511303


01833 605062