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Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper Newspapers


The Grizzly, November 13, 1990

Krishni Patrick Ursinus College

Sara Jacobson Ursinus College

Kristin White Ursinus College

Adria Harris Ursinus College

Erika Compton Ursinus College

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Recommended Citation Patrick, Krishni; Jacobson, Sara; White, Kristin; Harris, Adria; Compton, Erika; Imes, Nancy; Bowers, Kathleen; Yutzy, Cassandra; Scoville, Satsuki; Johnson, Terri; Woytek, Judd; Becker, Matt; Shatz, Ellen; Delaney, Dawn; Heinzinger, Chris; Moir, Dennis; Gelston, Trey; Schafer, Neil; Koser, Todd; Bleickardt, Eric; Toleno, Brian; Mulholland, Joe; Foust, Chris; Grim, Katherine; and Volkmer, Jon, "The Grizzly, November 13, 1990" (1990). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 264. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/264

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Krishni Patrick, Sara Jacobson, Kristin White, Adria Harris, Erika Compton, Nancy Imes, Kathleen Bowers, Cassandra Yutzy, Satsuki Scoville, Terri Johnson, Judd Woytek, Matt Becker, Ellen Shatz, Dawn Delaney, Chris Heinzinger, Dennis Moir, Trey Gelston, Neil Schafer, Todd Koser, Eric Bleickardt, Brian Toleno, Joe Mulholland, Chris Foust, Katherine Grim, and Jon Volkmer

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/264 TliieOnege G rizzl Serving the U rsinus community since 1978


BY SARA JACOBSON of a spiritual renewal and Forbes is currently the senior Assistant Ans and Elltenainment expanded interest in religion in pastor at the prestigious Riverside Editor America. The afternoon session Church in New York which is On Friday November 9 Ursinus focused on the personal projects known for its gifted clergy. He is a hosted the ninth annual Clergy or goals of an individual minister well-renowned guest preacher and Assembly for Professional and how these ideals can be lecturer and has written " The Holy Development. The assembly practiced. He stressed that each Spirit and Preaching." Forbes is ordained in three churches and included lectures by keynote personl whether or not involved speaker, Reverend Dr. James A. with religion, should have a holds degrees from seven colleges Forbes Jr., lunch, and a worship purpose toward which they work. in the mid-Atlantic area. Many of service in Bomberger Chapel for Later he led the worship service in those attending indicated that his the over one hundred ministers Bomberger with the theme "Let speeches were the reason they who attended. My Leaders Go." chose to attend. The conference is sponsored During the assembly Reverend Forbes' lecture and the entire annually by Ursinus to foster Forbes integrated techniques he Assemb~ was funded by an continued education and uses in the pulpit to keep ecumenical Christian conference professional development for the audiences interested in his topics. from Ursinus. This group has roots religious community of the area. He accented his positive speech which trace all the way back to The broad theme of the assembly with singing, rapping, poetry, and 1907 and has sponsored the this year was "Empowerment a joke or two. Forbes also made conference for nine years. A Through Preaching." use of what he refers to as an majority of the pastors attending The Reverend Dr. James A. action sermon; wherein he were from Pennsylvania or the Forbes, Jr. addressed the group presents a question or topic to the i.Rlmediate area, and all seemed twice in the newly dedicated Olin audience, and they briefly discuss pleased by the lectures and building. In the morning he spoke it among themselves. conference as a whole. The Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr.

Career Day: An Information Session for Students

BY KRISTIN WHITE is all of the representatives are answer session, the Grizzly Career expressed a similar opinion. He the Grizzly Career Network Day Of the Grizzly recent graduates of Ursinus Network Day could also be a place emphasized the necessity of having or wish for more information, College. They are not that much to get your foot in the door. a positive outlook on the business don't despair! Follow-up visits If you ate dinner at Wismer on older than you and me and thus Maryanne M. Matteson, a 1979 world." There is always something and/or contacts can be arranged Tuesday, November 6, chances are have an added understanding of a graduate and co-owner of out there, and my Ursinus through Carla Rinde in Studio you saw assorted balloons and student's point of view. Enterprise Resource, Inc. in education opened many doors." Cottage. people in business suits gathered Secondly, the representatives are Philadelphia, had hoped to Although a few students As a word of advice, Kemper in Parent's Lounge. If you stopped not here to sell their company to schedule interviews with some expressed disappointment at not said, "Enjoy it (school) while you in to see what was happening, you you. They are here to answer prospective employees. She rmding a field suited to their can, but be optimistic about your may realize I am talking about (honestly) any questions you might expressed disappointment that not desires, almost everyone seemed future." Grizzly Career Network Day. have regarding the business world. as many seniors showed up as she generally pleased with the For the third year the Career The representatives were had hoped. She did say, however, afternoon. Some students Network Day provided an selected from those alumni who that she would often hire an commented they enjoyed the opportunity for students to meet expressed a sincere desire to speak Ursinus graduate before another opportunity to speak with someone with people in the business world, to current Ursinus students. Many applicant. in their field with specific to ask questions pertaining to their called or wrote the alumni office, Keith Kemper, a Class of 1979 questions about their future. fields of interest and to fmd out indicating that they wished to engineering representative, If for some reason you missed what the working world is really participate in the Career Network like. Representatives came from Day. "Ursinus has done a lot for many diverse business fields, me. I felt I owed it to the school u.s. Energy Policy Anti-American? and if I could help some students, including medicine, law, ministry, and what it is that makes this and continuing today, the banking, public relations, and it would be worth it!" exclaimed BY ADRIA HARRIS policy un-American. American government/citizen has human services, to name a few. one representative. Of The Grizzly According to Dr. Rideout, an fostered implicit energy policies, The representatives believed You may have been to a similar energy policy is, "a program even those as simple as choosing their job on Tuesday was "Energy Policy is Un-American" job fair before; unfamiliar people promoting a particular energy to drive a car. important. They felt the necessity was the topic of the Open Dialog twice your age try to hook you into research, development, or The dialog's participants made it of students to be able to get held on Thursday, November 8, their company or line of work. utilization goal," An example of clear that, above all else, straightforward answers to their 1990. The discussion, moderated Perhaps you have noticed that this is the Carter administration's Americans value their freedom of questions. Both Dorene Pasekoff, by Dr. Bruce Rideout, associate when you ask them a question, the offering of tax credits to those choice. It is for this reason that Communications '84, and Donna professor of psychology, addressed answer seems somewhat round­ willing to either better insulate energy policies are often about. So what makes the Grizzly Rudy, Banking '83, agreed that such issues as what an energy their homes, or work with considered un-American. Many Career Network Day different? "the business world is not like the policy is, whether America has or alternative of energy policy such as people feel any type of regulating is in need of one, and what it is Career Day organizers cite two academic world ... the more exposed solar power. But that is not the that makes this policy un­ program runs counter to the ideals main advantages to this Ursinus you are, the better off you are." only energy policy in U.S. history. Although mainly a question and American has or is in need of one Career Day. One major difference Beginning with the first settlers COIIIinued on Page Two ------~------~------'~

Paee2 'I1le Grlzzl) November 13, 1990 I

~he Global Perspective BY CASSANDRA YUI'ZY Fl\MILY-STYLE DDtiER Of The Grizzly ru.S. Energy Policy continued from Page one ~, KMHER 15, 1990 Jnternational of our free market society. i Warsaw Pact officials agreed last week to the dividing up of tanks Whether or not this is the case s:EATIRi M 4:15 PM & 6:00 PM rnd other conventional weapons possessed by the pact of nations. was hotly debated by students and (FIRST CDm, FIRST SERVE!) faculty alike. One student, Bill ! A troop command agreement was reached the United States and Platt, stated, "energy should be 1 Saudi Arabia The agreement states that the Pentagon would control completely available so that people can do what they want." any American offensive staged from Saudi bases against Iraq. But any aEnSH GAME HEN decisions to go beyond that and mount operations beyond the Saudi Others agreed, with the ~ PO.I.M.O FILLI.B; border would have to approved by the Saudi king. provision that people be educated about energy and the environment GRAVY Haiti's Electoral Council barred ten of the twenty-six declared so that the choices they make are BUr.l'EmD CORN '; presidential candidates from running in the country's election next not harmful. Another student, CRANBEImY SAIx::E . month. The Electoral Council said that these candidates failed to supported by a faculty member, ROLLS & BUTl.'ER comply with the filing rules. asserted that perhaps it is too late P{M?KIN PIE for education alone to do the job; SAIAD BAR ncwoES SPINACH & IWXI'l OOESSIR; During the Soviet Union's celebration of Bolshevik Revolution a man a certain amount of governmental fired two shots' in the air. He had intended to assasinate Soviet control may be necessary. Dr. President Mikhail Gorbachev. No one was injured in the incident. The Rideout maintained that this is man was arrested and charged with committing a terrorist act. true. The U.S. may in this area need a "government beyond the people... but, perhaps that's what's National un-American." Secretary of State James Baker fired Felix Bloch, senior diplomat in No definite conclusions as to the the U.S. Foreign Service. Bloch had been suspected of spying for the fate of the environment or the THINKING ABOUT AN MBA? Soviet Union. Bloch was never charged due to the lack of evidence. correctness of a U.S. energy policy A MUST FOR ANYONE CONSIDERING GRADUATE SCHOOL were reached. The subject was, & The Supreme Court last week refused to hear an appeal from the however, brought into the open; a LASALLE UNNERSrTY Army to bar a homosexual sergeant · from completing his enlistment first step in finding an answer. STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER and/or re-enlisting. This decision may begin to set the precedent for INVI1ES YOU TO removal of the current rule (hat bars homosexuals from the army. A FREE INFORMATIONAL SEMINAR conducted 1:Jy In the flfst full decision of the new term, the Court ruled, that the I Gregory Bruce - Director. MBA Program family of a seaman who was killed on board a ship could sue for ~------~ School of Business Administration - LaSalle University damages, but R!ay not recover damages for lost earnings or for loss of ElectionSummary DATE: NOVEMBER 14. 1990 companionship. Before and After TIME: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Election . PLACE: LaSalle University - 20th and Olney Militant Jewish leader, Meir Kahane, was murdered on Monday the Senate Student UJ'lion Building in the Music Room 5th on the streets of New Yorlc. The alleged gunman was of Egyptian I;lemocrats 55 56 Topics Indude; , descent. This action was supposedly a revenge for the killing of the 21 Republicans 45 44 The MBA • What it is and what it can do for you Palestinians at Jerusalem's Temple Mount. House of Representatives Types of Programs-Courseworlc • The Admissions Process Democrats 258 267 The Job Market • How to Prepare for the GMAT Last Thursday William Bennett resigned from his position as the Republicans 175 167 Question.~ arc Welcomed and Encouraged country's "drug czar." He had been responsible for the coordination of Governorships Ii STANLEY H. KAPlAN the 27 departments and agencies involved in Bush's "war against drugs." Democrats 29 28 II EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. Independents o 2 This seminar is presented to the community without charge. Last Tilesday several film sets at Universal in Universal City, ~epublicans . 19 21 Seating is limited and reservations are required. California were destroyed in an arson fife. A security guard was Both Houses and Call 659·9111 arrested for allegedly starting the fife and held in custody in lieu of $1 Governor Control million bail. Democrats 15 18 ~ -- President Bush announced last Thursday he was deploying a large Republicans 4 3 force \ . to the Persian Gulf. He cited the need for an "adequate Share Power offensive military option," and hoped the added buildup would convince 28 30 Thursday November Iraq to give up Kuwait. This deployment is significant for two reasons. The troops to be used 29th will involve combat reserves. So far all reserves that have been calle

I have been support personnel. In addition, this deployment involves 15 ' 0,000 soldiers and will bring the total number of U.S. forces in the Classified Ads Zack's Frozen Yogurt region up from 240,000 to 390,000. In 1969 the number of personnel in ) Vietnam peaked at 543,000. Special The Scholarship Search Program ) (A computerized nationwide AI Cranston, Senate majority whip, announced last Thursday that he source of thousands for freshman ) would not seek re-election in 1992. Cranston, 76, is suffering from "Top Your Own and sophomores) prostate cancer detected last month. For seniors going into graduate study (grants, loans, and Yogurt Bar" Noriega's attorney said last week in Miami he would seek to have all fellowships) 1 the charges against the ousted dictator dismissed because of the taping Contact: Mr. Fegely, Studio of lawyer-cllent phone conversations. The conversations were taped by 8-11 p.m. Cottage, Tuesdays and Thursdays the government. It is commonplace for phone conversations of those 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. held in jail \, be taped for obvious reasons including plotting to escape. Cable Nels Networlc (CNN) obtained copies of the tapes and played 5 oz. Vanilla Yogurt Roomate for apartment needed in } , them se- 'eral times on the air during their news programs. A federal " Royersford, PA. Fun, flexIble } Judge in Atlanta on Saturday the 10th ordered the News Network to } person Costs $250 a month for two with your choice of stop airing the tapes and hand them over to the court to determine if bedroom apartment. Call Vicky ) the tapes were infringing on Noriega's right to a fair trial. daytime - 962-0663 ) topp-ing for "... - $1.50_ - ~ i t November 13, 1990 The Grizzly Page 3 l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~News

Election Results The Ursinus BY ERIKA COMPTON a vote of 68% to 32%). Hafer won blockade, while 21 % felt it best to Of The Grizzly only in Montgomery County withdraw all troops and let Tutoring Program because of her right to choose diplomacy work. The results of the 1990 election abortion stance. Montgomery On the national level, the spotlight was on the race in North BY KATIlLEEN BOWERS The program has been "very are in, but with only a 36% voter County is the only county in the Carolina for the Senate. Sports Photography Editor successful," says Fegely. Students turnout (the lowest in 50 years.) state where GOP chairman, State Republican Jesse Helms was The Studio Cottage tutorial get personal attention, and are The state voted to support both Representative Charles F. Nahill, elected to serve his fourth term. program, under the direction of able to "build self reliance," while the assistance for voluntary j Jr. is a member of the National "America's survival depends on a Mr. Fegely, allows Ursinus they learn. Tutors learn "what it's emergency services and prison Organization for' Women. Seven return to moral and spiritual students to provide elementary and like to sit on the other side of the overcrowding referendums. The out of ten house members are priorities," said Helms. high school students with needed desk," and often develop proposal for emergency services abortion rights advocates. In California, the Big Green academic help while earning extra friendships with the student's will increase the low interest fund In the 5th Congressional district referendum was rejected because money. family. The college gets "good through the sale of bonds. This Republican Dick Schulze was of its high cost. Critics argue that Fegely began the program ten PR," as parents have contact with fund allows Pennsylvania elected for his ninth term in it was, "a far-reaching years ago when he worked for the high quality Ursinus students. Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Congress. His primary focus is on environmental initiative fmanced Student Activities Office. He had The program currently works squads to buy equipment. the economy and the budget. He by the entertainment industry." It retired from teaching in local with the Springford, Perkiomen Increased to $25 million, the fund favors giving President Bush would have imposed controls on sc,hool districts and received Valley, St. Pius X, Phoenixville, has an interest rate of only 2%. "budget authority," in making cuts. emissions, pesticides, logging, and several requests from guidance and Methacton school districts. Voting against the referendum In the Bucks County race off-shore oil drilling. The bill was counselors to fmd college student When Fegely developed the were 461,918 people, while Democratic U.S. Representative tutors. Mr. Fegely now volunteers project, he hoped that other 1,647,307 supported it. Peter H. Kostmayerwas re-elected. opposed mainly by oil and his time to coordinate the program colleges would take up the idea, The prison overcrowding chemical industries, who waged a and give help to tutors who run though that has not happened. He referendum will establish a $200 Exiting voters were polled about $10 million campaign to defeat it. into difficulties. also hopes that civic clubs such as million fund for county prison several questions regarding the In Texas, State Treasurer Ann Fegely gets requests for tutors in Kiwanis or Lions will set up a fund repair and construction. In the gulf crisis. About 71 % of the Richards, a Democrat, won over a variety of disciplines like to help students on a lower ,»ast several years larger prisons voters think that a U.S.invasion of Republican Clayton Williams. The Chemistry, German, SAT economic level afford the tutoring have been in demand due Kuwait and Iraq is not the best campaign was marred by high preparation, English, Algebra, and services they need. particularly to harsher drug idea. Yet, 67% support the use of negatives on both sides, with elementary reading. Students are Fegely expects tutoring requests sentences. The bill was voted for military force. Of the three choices Richards being accused of matched with appropriate tutors, to increase in November as report by 1,238,693 people, while 843,532 given to resolve the situation, 29% alcoholism and Williams and they meet once or twice a cards come out. Potential tutors people rejected it. supported a military invasion, 50% comparing rape to bad weather week on campus for an hour. are encouraged to sign up in Democrat Bob Casey won easily approved a continuance of the and admitting to being "serviced" Tutors are paid $8.00 per hour. To Studio Cottage. He is on campus over opponent Barbara Hafer (by international trade embargo and by Mexican prostitutes. qualify for the program tutors on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and

need a good cumulative grade.. ThurSdays in the late afternoon to .~ . average, and upperclasspersons are work on his "venture in education." preferred. Students React to Reimert Security"Doors

BY KRlSHNI PATRICK Melissa Chido feels her experience senior 424 Main resident, Chris Editor in Chief with the doors is limited. Rather Steffy, who matter-of-factly I states Being British Without Being English than use the side entrance she "Some people don't believe in Over the past several years, always walks in front. Her God. I don't believe in Reimert." A Tri Lambda Lecture unregistered visitors have caused roommate, Shannon Davis Despite the views of this limited an increasingly large number of understands "when they went up a number of students, students problems in Reimert Hall on lot of people were upset." But she should remember the following BY NANCY JEAN IMES Scottish National party has grown Friday and Saturday nights. In feels the doors, "don't make a regulations should be observed in Special to The Grizzly and is talking about independence several student meetings last year, difference one way or the other." dealing with the security doors in because of these pressures from a variety of possible steps were Sophomore Reimert resident Reimert. On November 7, 1990 Professor the Conservative party. discussed to discourage trespassers Jim "Ford/Moses" Crowder thinks Llewylyn Morgan spoke to the What does not seem to be and increase the safety of Reimert the doors are ''kind of annoying." 1. Except for Friday and Saturday members of Tri Lambda. The title apparent to most people, in residents. Thus, new security doors He comments," They were nights, the doors will be unlocked of his speech was 'The Blind Morgan's opinion, is the fact that were installed this year to keep supposed to keep the townies out. 24 hours a day. Hysterics of the Celts: Being the English people are a mixture these safety problems _to a But, it's just a pain because we British without Being English. of nationalities. Ever since the minimum. have no way of getting in the side 2. From 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. on Friday Morgan began the lecture by Normandy invasion, large amounts With Thanlalgiving ,1:lft:ak doors." Overall though, he feels, and Saturday nights, the doors will pointing out most Americans ask of immigrants have been coming around the comer students have "it's no big hassle." available for emergency exits, but him what part of England he is to England. Morgan observed if all had the opportunity to experience Senior Quad resident Donna will begin locked to anyone from instead of asking what part the non-English people were this new security system. So, what Cuddleback comments, "From attempting to enter from the of Britain. He noticed there .is a forced to leave England, the Royal do students think? A limited what I've heard, they (the doors) outside. myth of "Englishness", what people family would be the ftrst to go. He sample of students garners a broad are always propped." Thus, to associate as being English. Morgan also mentioned Winston Churchill range of opinions. Donna, "It seems kind of useless." 3. During the above Friday and stressed these mythical images, like was not English. Lynnewood senior RA. Tom ~ et she points out the l10qts Saturday hours, students may enter drinking tea and hunting foxes, are Professor Morgan's speech "Kick" Blomstrum feels the doors "haven't really affected me." Reimert through the main door by perpetuated by people who do not destroyed a lot of myths about "provide a good service of safety Juni~r Brodbeck: resident! 10bn presenting their ID. card. Visitors live in England. Furthermore, he England and its culture. In for the students and prevent Petko has a novel view. "Jlt-Iets up must register. pointed out, Wales, Scotland, and addition, he emphasized England problems with "outside" people." drinking at Reimert as a ~anda.rd. England have been integrated for as a concept is dead. As an RA. he is particularly aware In other words, because of the Everyone's cooperation is a long time. Morgan received his BA. in of how the new measures "limit 'sign-in' policy, it has encouraged necessary to keep Reimert secure. Professor Morgan warned of the Philosophy and Ancient Literature the disturbances" that can occur. and organized drinking. " In dangers in English patriotism. He from Oxford, Corpus Christi However, he does see a "down addition Petko comments, "I see mentioned there is an English bias College. He is currently a visiting side." "It is an inconvenience for scores of townies being signed in Myrin Ubrary Display.: among the Conservative party that professor of Classics. the people who live there, but all every Friday and Saturday nights Thursday November 15 and all it is okay." Great American Smokeout has had adverse effects on the " anyway." of the British nation. The Freshman Quad resident Finally, there are people like sponsored by the Counseling OffIce Page 4 The Grizzly £:I:'''::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~: :~::~::~:: Wilk 3 Protest Career Sgt. Grizz On Sunday night, October 14, BY JUDD WOYl'EK PER THE ISSUE OF THE GRIZZLY IAST WEEK AND THE the residents of Wilkinson 3 led by Sports Editor Connections COLUMN IN GRIM'S IAW, WE WOULD LIKE TO ClARIFY their self-declared king, Jim THE WORD ACfOR. AN ACfOR IS ONE THAT PARTAKES IN "Quickdraw" Convey, staged their About four weeks ago, the Job Hunting Strategies ANY AFFAIR. BEING THIS WORD HAS CAUSED SUCH residents of the third floor of protest. They had been saving all CONFUSION WE HAVE A NEW ONE FOR YOU. .. WE WILL USE Wilkinson Hall staged a protest the aluminum cans that they had Just when you've fmally ftgured THE WORD THESPIAN. used for the past few weeks and because they were not given their out how to be a successful they now took them and lined own recycling can. The recycle student...graduation approaches 11-02--90 at 1:10 p.m. a student reports to Security that between the cans in BWC were placed only in them up in the hallway, building and you need to ftgure out how to hours of 9:00 and 11:30 p.m. unknown persori(s) entered the suited on Brodbeck and Curtis Halls because what they called "the Wilk 3 wall fmd a job! Following these ground the 31st of October removing two "easy chairs" from this location. there was supposedly not enough of protest." There were signs hung rules could make your job search on the wall at each end of the hall room to put them in the hallway easier and more successful: 11-03-90 at 3:30 p.m. Security advised that sometime between the 29th of Wilkinson. This meant that that read, 'This is Wilk 3's protest and the 30th of October, unknown person(s) took a chair from the Wilkinson residents had to walk all against those who could care less 1. The job search requires a lot of front porch area of a house on Main Street. the way down the hall into either about the environment. Get us our time. It can be a full time job Brodbeck or Curtis to recycle. own f- recycling can, or worse if done right! Keep on plugging .. .it 11-03-90 Keisha Connelly turned in a brown leather purse she had The Wilkinson 3 residents did actions will be taken. Love, Wilk can take 3-6 months to fmd found. It just so happened that there was a reward for the return of not want to accept this procedure. 3." what you want. this particular purse. Keisha refused to accept the reward because she They wanted a recycle bin in their That must have done it, because just felt it was here duty to return it! We would like to commend hall so that they did not have to Wilkinson three got their own 2. The job search requires a lot of Keisha for here actions. It renews one's faith in human goodness! walk back and forth all the time. recycling can just a few days later. energy. Opportunities will not They decided to ask their terrific So, if you want something done in fall from the sky and drop in your 11-05-90 at 10:00 a.m. it is reported to Security that a student left here RA's Paul Wagner and Judd your hall/house/suite, don't get lap. Passively reading the suite between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. on November 3rd Woytek to get them a recycle bin pushed around. Stage a protest of Sunday want ads won't get you and locked the door. When she returned she found the door unlocked of their own, but after many your own! where you want to be. Take but nothing was disturbed. Maallen oIl1oo~ 3.roCest: Doa& B .....,.. control. Get motivated. requests to Residence Life, cuta A~ lila KaIs, Drew SeIbel, Mutt 11-06-90 at 10:55 p.m. Security responds to the Main Street gate after nothing was being done. The Wilk AAdftor... "" .. D • ..., Ilrow11, Malt step...... Ken. c.-toy. lila c.,....,.. Stev. Cbristy...... l ..... 3 boys then took matters into their 3. The job search requires receiving a call that the male fttting the 1.0. of the Quad Intruder was SdnnUIbaIL own hands. enthusiasm! Attitude is everything. seen at this location. The thespian was taken into custody and Stay conftdent. Don't get 'lf "'transported to the security department for questioning. The discouraged. investigation continues.

4. Don't place too much pressure THE SECURITY DEPARTMENT WANTS TO THANK TIlE on yourself to fmd the BEST job STUDENTS WHO CALLED TIlE SUSPICIOUS INDIVIDUAL with the MOST pay! Your fust INTO TIlE DEPAR1MENT. DUE TO YOUR QUICK RESPONSE job will not be your last job. For WE WERE ABLE TO QUESITON TIlE INDIVIDUAL!!! most college students, there is a significant adjustment period 11-06-90 at 11:50 p.m. Security responds to the Quad when a General after graduation, and you may Fire Alarm was activated at this location. Upon arrival it was found experience some "career that an unknown person(s) put a hamburger in the oven with the floundering." Relax and try to temperature all the way up while a plastio trash can was pushed up minimize the pressures from against it. Needless to say the can melted and the hamburger burnt. No yourself and others. Make your job one admitted to using the oven, perhaps Ronald McDonald did this search fun. one!!!

There are several methods of job REMEMBER. .. THE BOOT IS COMING. PARK YOUR VEIDCLE searching. The most successful LEGALLY OR YOU ARE GOING TO GET TIlE B-O-O-T!!! seeker uses a combination of strategies and does not rely on one 11-07-90 at 10:10 a.m. Security dispatched to the gym after a report of a source alone. Traditional job suspicious male being at this location. The officer on duty escorted the search methods include want ads gentleman off the campus after he claimed to be checking out the gym The History of Olin Grant and other sources of job listings, as and watching all the pretty girls. The thespian was advised that he was well as private employment tresspassing on private property and if found on the campus again he From College CommuDicatioDS Ursinus is emerging as a nationally agencies. Other traditional would be charged by the Collegeville Police Dept. for Tresspassing. Ursinus College ftrst applied to recognized and respected College methods involve identifying IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN A SITUATION OR the F.W.' Olin Foundation for a from what has been a regional role possible employers by using a SOMEONE IS ACflNG SUSPICIOUS, CALL SECURITY RIGHT grant in 1987, and was one of 75 with a limited constituency." variety of directQries and making AWAY ... DO NOT HESITATE. LEAVE TIlE INVESTIGATING UP colleges and universities in the "With an enthusiasic and highly contacts; and, using the College TO- 'llS!! CALL· 489-4t1f ExT..' 't737-6t{--- AFTER ~ THE United States to do so that year. capable faculty and a commitment Career Planning and Placement Swn'CHBOARD CLOSES CALL 489-2737. REMEMBER, TIlE In January of 1988, the College by the College to support and Offtce, and on-campus interviews. DEPARTMENT WORKS 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A was advised by the Foundation expand programs in the WEEK. that it was one of fIVe fmalists humanities, the new building is selected for a possible grant expected to be a catalyst in 11-08-90 at 4:00 p.m. Security is advised of an older person in the award. The college completed the achieving the College's long-term "Ab'~~', basement of Curtis doing his laundry and acting very suspicious. It is foundation's detailed development goals," Milas said. r\-~~ ! found that the thespian attempted to do his wash at numerous places questionnaire, giving a variety of Ground was broken for the new and was told by someone to go to the college and do it since his information about its academic building on June 2, 1989, and I DA. • I. normal laundry mat had gone out of business. Security advised the programs, fmancial condition, construction begun later that A non-traditional approach to the thespian that Ursinus College is private property and after his wash was students, faculty, alumni and summer. Exterior construction was job search involves interviewing for completed to leave. governance. A two-day site visit by completed in September, and information and NETWORKING. a team from the Foundaiton interior fmish work, in October. This is an active, assertive 11-09-90 at 8:30 a.m. Security checks on a Trouble Alarm with the followed in April. F.W. Olin Hall will be open for approach which requires a lot of Maintenance Dept. and fmds that unknown person{s) pulled a smoke The award of the $537 million classes on January 14, 1991, the effort and self-motivation. Did you detector off the wall in one of the Reimert suites. grant was announced on August ftrst day of the Spring Semester. know that only 20-25% of the jobs 23, 1988 by Lawrence W. Milas, that are available are advertised in ANYTIME A SMOKE DETECfOR IS ACTIVATED IN YOUR president of the Foundation, who the want ads? That means that you ROOM DO NOT ATIEMPT TO SILENCE IT, NOTIFY said that Ursinus had been won't learn about SECURITY!!! ANYONE TAMPERING WITH THE FIRE selected, in part, because of the 75-80% of the jobs that are out SYSfEMS WILL BE REFERRED TO THE "J-BOARD." foundation's perception "that cOIIl'dp.S COI/I·dp. 5 NovemJJer 13, 1990 1be Grizzly Page 5 I.·.·'.:!;,·~··~,.·.· "·.·"·.·f.·.· •• ·•· •• ·.·"·.·" .... ,...... ,..... ,.•. , ...... , ..... , ...... , •. , ;; ~ .. - :;: ...... ::: ::;: == ::: ::;: == ::: :;: :::;: ::: ::: :::: ::: -- ... -- ... , Features .•.... f ••.... f ...... ,...... ;e; ...... If•••••••••••• ., •••••••••••••• , •••• , •••!, .•.• , .•.••.•.• , ...... , .•. " .•.• , .•.• , .•.• ,.•. t'~.. ~ .. ~ •• ~.,~.,~.,.. ,~"~"~.,~,,~,,~.,~.. ~.,~.,~"~,,~,,:;:.,:;:.,~.,~ .. ~,,~ •• ~ .. ~.,~,.~,.:;: .. ~,,~,. :. F.W. Olin Foundation Greeks This Week in From College Communications Since making its first award for The F.W. Olin Foundation was an acadenric buil~ing at Cornell Sponsor U.C. History... incorporated in New York in 1938 University in 1940, the F. W. Olin by Franklin W. Olin, who endowed Foundation has awarded a total of Halloween By Terri Johnson The basic feeling on campus the Foundation with substantial more that $190 million in grants to Of The Grizzly during this week in 1967 was anger gifts during his lifetime and construct ftfty-eight buildings at Party from those students who felt they through his estate after his death. forty-five colleges and universities In 1967 the Ursinus campus came were being unfairly criticized by Until Mr. Olin's death in 1951, the in twenty seven states. It is the By Satsuki Scoville alive with debate over the others because they did not attend Foundation's grants generally only U.S. foundation that has a Of The Grizzly controversial issue of the Vietnam the protest rally in Washington the reflected his personal charitable regular and long-standing grant War. Like the rest of the country, week before. These students interests. program to support the physical Ursinus' five sororities proved Ursinus students· were divided claimed that they cared about the Over the next twenty-six years, facility needs of independent that Halloween traditions do not between those that supported the war effort, but did not feel their the Foundation was managed by colleges and universities with have to end when you're little. war effort, those that were not participation in the protest rally Charles L. Hom, a Minneapolis grants covering the total cost of KDK, 0 Chi, Phi Psi, Sig Nu, and happy about the war but saw no was going to have any significant businessman, James o. Wynn, a construction and equipment. Tau Sig spent October 28 planning other alternative, and those that effect in changing government New York lawyer, and Ralph The F.W. Olin Foundation is and preparing their own supported the peace movement. policy. This reaction was sparked Clark, a former associate of Mr. unrelated to any other Halloween parties. Four houses by an editorial printed in the Olin in Chicago. These three organization bearing the Olin and part of Trinity Church were campus newspaper that claimed that students who did not attend individuals developed the name, and does not receive dressed up and ready to greet I the protest rally were either lazy, Foundation's policy of making fmancial support from any other neighborhood children that Sunday indifferent, or complacent. grants to independent colleges and "Olin" organization or any member night. universities for the total cost of of the Olin family or any other Flyers were sent to local churches One student wrote in response to new acadenric buildings and individual or organization. No and faculty members to inform this editorial that although he was hbraries. The present Directors of member of the Olin family is them of the evening's events. disillusioned with the war in the Foundation believe this grant involved in the Foundation's Stacey Shauer of O'Chi named a Vietnam, he would not be taken in program has had substantial management. All funds available few of these events: face painting, by the idealism that went along positive impact on higher for grants are derived entirely decorating pumpkins, and playing .,--~-"'~+ .'_-{ __ S-' with the peace movement, or be education, and further, that there from the investment of original Halloween games. Angie Mason of taken in by professors and others is a continuing need for this kind gifts made to the Foundation by Phi Psi explained that the candy .;ii.i~ who felt their opinion was the of support. Franklin W. Olin and his wife, which their house gave to trick-or­ right one. The student felt that it Mary. treaters was generously donated by ~~~~~~ was unfair that students were CorurCOIII'd. Clemen's Market. being criticized for holding there unless you tap into this The success of these parties shows opinions contrary to others. "hidden job market." Use your that there is no age limit to John Schlegel, an Ursinus student contacts and locate other people dressing up and enjoying ~_.' -""''''_ who had been stationed in who do things that interest you. Halloween as children and college Vietnam and wounded in action, Arrange interviews for students alike enjoyed this one gave his reaction to the information. Ask questions about together. controversy brewing on campus. the field, the outlook for the 90's Schlegel felt that the rallies and and what it takes to be successful. •------STUDENT SERVICES,BOX 224026,HOLLYWOOD,FL 33022 other types of dissent were not Send a thank you letter and build helpful and were disrupting upon that contact by asking for CLASSIFIED government policy. When asked more names and people you can • YES! IwantVlSA®/MAStER~C~1t Freshmen! whether he thought students here get in touch with. The. Cards. Enclosed find $15 which Is 100% refundable If not Sophomores! had a good understanding of the "unadvertised job market" is real! • approved Immediately. Scholarship Assistance Forum. war issue, Schlegel responded that You need to fmd people who can Seniors! although he felt they wanted help you fmd the opportunities. ' Grad School Aid Forum. peace, the students seemed a bit Richard Bolles, author of Wha't • NAME Parent's Lounge idealistic in their attitudes towards Color is YOUI' Pal'8cbute says, "He • ADDRESS Thursday Nov. 15th the war. or she who gets hired is not • 8:00pm-8:30pm necessarily the one who can do • CrIY STATE _ZIP --­ that job best, but the one who • knows the most about how to get • PHONE ---- S.S.# ------sgt. Grizz COIII'd. hired." Learn how to play the job • SIGNATURE ______The Old Sarge has been pretty busy in the las couple of weeks and has search game. Stop in Career neglected to men~ion that two new officers have joined the department NOn:: MasterCaJd Is a ~tem1 trademark d MasterCard Intemallonallnc. Planning and Placement and talk since July. They are a welcome addition to Ursinus ... Visa 15 a regJsteml bademuit d VISA USA. Inc. and VISA In tematlonal to Carla Rinde or Todd McKinney ServIces Association. 0 and we'll go over the rules! 100 /0 GUARANTEED! Gary Hodgso~ joined the department in July and works the 3-11 shift. • Gary was a member of the Philadelphia Police Department for 21 years ---~------~------~- and for the last 17 years he was a Detective in various locations throughout the city. After leaving the Phila. P. D., Gary worked for Girard College as their Director of Alumni. He then went to WCAU­ Now you can have two of the most recognized and . AM and hosted a radio show that dealt with vintage radio comedies. accepted credit cards In the \Wrld... Vlsa® and MasterCanl® Gary is presently developing a radio project for a Pittsburgh station. He credit cards... Nln your name." EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN is active in softball leagues throughout the area. Gary and his wife CREDIT or HAVE BEEN nJRNED DOWN BEFORE! reside in Royersford. Director of Security, Brian McCullough, and Gary VJSA® and MasterCard® the credit cards you were on the Phila. P.O. at the same time for a number of years, but deserve and need for- IO-BOORS-DEPARTMENT met for the first time at Ursinus. STORES-TUlTION-ENTERTAlNMENT­ EMERGENCY CASH-TICKETS-RESTAURANTS­ Bob Heist joined the department in October and works the 11-7 shift. HQTELS-MOTELS-GA5-CAR RENTAlS­ Bob and Brian McCullough worked together on fhe Collegt."Iille P. D. REPAIRS-AND TO BUlW YOUR CREDIT RATING! Bob left Collegeville to work full time with the Upper Providence ~~~l~ No turn downs! Police Dept. After leaving the P.O., Bob has held a number of G\J~ 0 C~"O _ No credit checks! professional positions and presently operates his own auto repair and GO~ S1E."C~~ ~owing business. Bob and his wife, Robin, are the parents of three ~S~~:1££:~~~~ No security deposit! :hildren and are active in various community organizations. _f/Il£ Approval absolutely guaranteed so G~ ON BEHALF OF THE COLLEGE, SGT. GRIZZ WELCOMES MAIL THIS NO RISK COUPON TODA Y THESE QUALITY INDIVIDUALS. ----~------~------~------~, Page 6 The Grizzly November 13, 1990

The Changeling BY DAWN DELANEY her character, Beatrice-Joanna, Murphy also stood out as Antonio, Of The Grizzly was accused of being a whore by the changeling. He effortlessly her husband Alsmero, played by changed between sanity and Gal)' Papa. Papa proved that his madness, allowing his acting Protheatre's production of The talents extend beyond the talents to show. The mad house Changeling was indeed a change newsroom. His stunning portrayal scenes added comic relief to the from the recent plays on Ursinus of the betrayed husband, Almero, other scenes which involved campus. Filled with violence, sex captured the audience's sympathy varying degrees of violence and and myste!)" this 17th centUI)' play and interest. Keith Strunk was a sex. was difficult to execute because of star among stars as the humorous The Changeling was a defmite the old English language character, DeFlores. Professor success for Protheatre. Overall characteristic of the Jacobian Era, Strunk shined throughout the performances by Professor Fago, in which the play was written. All entire play, stealing nearly eve!)' Bob Lane, Kristen Schwarz, Rob the actors and actresses, however, scene he was in. Mike Farleigh Conner, Eric Foelimer, Allen played their parts superbly. and Coleen Casiano played the McCabe, and Victor Starr added Outstanding performances were characters of Jasperino and to the cast of fabulous turned in by professor Keith Diaphanta, friends to Alsmero and performances, creating a Strunk, Channel 6 sports Beatrice-Joanna, respectively. memorable and fmely acted newscaster Gal)' Papa, and senior Casiano was realistic and production. Lisa DiIenno. An Ursinus stage convincing as the softspoken veteran DiIenno's brilliant waiting woman. Farleigh, also no performance came as no surprise. stranger to Ursinus's stage, Her talent especially filled the displayed his Thespian capabilities stage during the scene in which with his fme performance. Kevin Current Movie Wismer Cinema Video BY CHRIS HEINZINGER movie I was pretty confused. Is BY KRISHNI PATRICK backseats in luxury cars. (Trust Of The Grizzly Jacob a crazy Vietnam vet? Is he Editor-in-Chief me, this movie is worth seeing if Review· on acid? Or is he really seeing just to see the smirk on the limo BY SARA JACOBSON *** these things? The answer is all of NO WAY**** OUT I went to see Jacob's Ladder driver's face when after their Of The Grizzly the above. As the movie under the impression that it was Helpful Hint for the Day: If romp in the hay/limO, the two TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA an intense horror movie. This progresses through an intricate you're thinking of seeing this lustmuffms ask each other their web of flashbacks, dreams, and TURTLES ** impression was created by the movie at all, DON'T ask anyone names.) Who is almost as popular as present situations the viewer soon power of advertising, in whkh the what this movie is about. Just go. The love limo incident might Bart Simpson and the New Kids learns that Jacob was part of an advertisers portray the movie as a I repeat, DON'T ASK. When you have been a nice springboard for on the Block? A hint, they can be experiment in Vietnam. dramatic horror flick. However, on ask that question to anyone who long-lasting affair between the seen on weekday children's Jacob and his platoon were opening night last Friday, as I sat has seen this movie they will two charac!t;rs save for one little television and promoting Pizza given a test, synthetic drug to and watched this supposed either a) reveal to you the glitch. Young is already Hut pizza (and remember almost make soldiers more aggressive. As "scariest film of the year" I soon world's greatest twist of an Hackma:t's paid mistress. (The as popular). Why yes, you guessed a result of this drug being put into came to realize it would not be a ending b) attempt to explain to limo's just the half of it.) As it, those "heroes in a half-shell", the platoon's food supply, the men traditional horror mm, but rather you eve!)' fme nuance in this Costner and Young get closer Donatello, Michaelangelo, go haywire, they fight and kill each an intense trip through one man's multi-layered plot and end up ar.d closer, Young realizes she Leonardo, and Raphael, the other. This is where Jacob was mind, his ideals and fears. confusing the heck out of you or has to end it with Hackman. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A wounded. The film continues to The film begins in Vietnam c) talk your ear off about how Now here's where the real fun possibly overlooked new video get stranger, more bizarre and where the central character, Jacob, great a movie it is. begins. When Young tries to release this fall, their fun-loving unique. an innocent man with a doctorate Why? Because No Way Out is break it off with Hackman, he flick "reenage Mutant Ninja I thoroughly enjoyed Jacob's in philosophy, is serving because a great movie. It forces its (oops) flings her over a staircase Turtles" is not just a simple kids Ladder, although some people I he does not want to "think audience to hold on tight to their and breaks her pretty little neck. only movie. No, there are no know were disappointed. It was anymore". In the opening there is seats with a suspense that just It gets better. Costner had just cartoons here. This is a real type not the expected typical horror a slaughter of American troops builds and builds and builds. spent a nice romantic weekend actors action film, full of violence film. I, on the other hand, was during a bloody, gut-wrenching The starring slate of talented with Young, so his fmgerprints, and good values for your younger surprised. The film was a fight. For anyone who cannot stars, Kevin Costner, Sean hair, and various other bodily brothers and sisters. witness blood, gore, severed arms, psychological thriller, a disturbing Young, and Gene H~ckman just items are all over the apartment. The sto!), line pits the four tale of one man's horrors, and and legs, this film is definitely not grabs its audience by the throat Hackman's top aide, a knights of good against an evil nightmares. Tim Robbins plays for you! During this fight Jacob is and doesn't let go until the fmal dynamite performance by Will movement in the city which is Jacob, and does a superb job of stabbed with what looks like a turns of reel soothes you back to Patton, orchestrates a cover-up corrupting the town's youth and portraying a disturbed, brrderline U.S. bayonet, however, the action reality. for the murder, and puts none introducing them into a life of mad man, who is losing control of is fast-paced and the images are I hate to ruin even this little other than Costner in charge of violence and theft. The "foot" as his mind, and desires nothing more thrown out so quick it is hard to bit of the plot for you, but I have the investigation. Furthermore the band is known is led by the than to fmd out what they did to say for sure. to whet your appetite. Costner is Costner sees Hackman leaving evil ninja warrior Shredder who him in Vietnam. After Vietnam, Jacob takes a a career navy man newly Young's apartment and knows knows no mercy. The turtles, along I recommend this movie to job in New York as a postal appointed to work for Hackman, Hakcman did it. with their newspaper, sex object, people who enjoy trips through the worker because he does not want Secretai)' of Defense. While at a You may think I've revealed lady friend April, and the other psyche, some disturbing go!)' a job that is too stressful. Now diplomatic reception to meet too much already, but as Roger ninja(ish) baseball bat wielding scenes, and to people who like to strange things start happening. Ebert, noted m~e critic, asserts, friend they meet battle for justice be forced through confusion to Hackman, Costner meets Young. Jacob sees people on subways with this movie is a "terrifying jigsaw under the leadership of their think about the themes and ideas They talk for all of three rat tails, he is chased by a car with puzzle." I've just given you the eventually abducted, wise beyond of a film. nanoser..onds, and then animal faceless people in it, and what magnetism wins again. beginning pieces, see the movie his age, ninja master soon leads to a breakdown he They hop in the limo, Young to figure it out the rest. extraordenaire, sewer rat, Splinter. witnesses a satanic demon having has for the night and add yet The movie is slightly geared intercourse with his girlfriend on a another reason for those roomy toward a younger audience, dance floor. At this point in the See page 7 -.,. . " November 13, 1990 The Grizzly Page .'

INXS Australian Dorks or Pop Music Ge'rliuses? Television: BY MATI BECKER the phone rings or perhaps the everyone sick of it. That's too bad Whose Reality is it Anyway? Of The Grizzly rents drive up. You get the point. because this really is a hot album. FROM COLLEGE S\.Iicide Blonde and Disappear I'm going to stop now because COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE When I frrst heard that INXS are the two cuts being played on I'm tired, I'm repeating myself, TV writer, producer and had a new album I thought that it the radio and are, obviously, the this column is boring as hell and consultant Michael Winship will would resemble their last studio most commercial. Yet, they retain the worst I have written so far and present a warm and witty insiders' album, Kick. In essence, my some dignity by not going it's way too long. It will probably look at the evolution of the preconceived notions were that it overboard. Something The Cars get edited (chopped to hell) by the powerful and influential television would be Kick n. What's that you and The Police couldn't keep from fme Grizzly staff (hint, hint sports at an Ursinus College say? I'm a cynic. Bitter and doing. section). Forum program on Tuesday, Nov. negative, you say? Perhaps. But, I Qoubt that any other cuts from In summation: INXS X- Cool 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Wismer when 95% of the music that's put the album will get significant new album, Favorite cuts: The Auditorium on the Collegeville out today is junk, how can I be airplay. This is surprising stemming Stairs, Bitter Tears, Disappear. campus. blamed for thinking this way? I from the fact that KICK was Defmitely not a bunch of sissies! Writer and co-producer of the mean really. Anyone can gather a overtly commercial and was milked lively PBS series, Television, group of no talent butt-pirates to the bone for singles. No, I really P.S. In last week's column Tipper Winship is author of Television, and, with a little charisma, make can't see all those silly little teeny Gore was incorrectly identified as the companion book, earning stars out of them. bopp'ers doing the sh~bop over Tipper Core. I'm still reeling from kudos for "a fascinating historical INXS is different, though. They this album. And thank God the the sarcastic and caustic remarks for your listening enjoyment, and work on its own merits" from have musical and songwriting last thing I want to hear is any of my fellow peers. none of them are long enough that Electronic Media. Other Winship talent. They know how to write a group being played 69 times a day, you might get bored easily. Every credits rim the gamut from the catchy rhythm, and most of all let alone INXS. But that won't song gets your attention, keeps you Emmy Award-winning series INXS has a frontman with a lot of matter because WMMR will play interested and then stops! Sort of Smithsonian World to Square One charisma. With these three things, the hell out o{ it and make like when you're makin' out with a TV, a mathematics series produced a group cannot go wrong. Concert chick and you're both getting by the Children's Television With X, INXS had assembled a steaming undies and then, BOOM, FROM COMMUNICATIONS Workshop; Jukebox Saturday group of eleven quick pop ditties OFFICE Night I and II, nationally telecast music specials; and CBS Reports Updates with Bill Moyers. H ear the memorable classics Soap Box from concert band and jazz Turtles cont'd. traditions when priz~winning jazz rious woman cuts out the birth an­ musician and composer Anthony however, it turns out to be cute Days of Our Lives nouncement and puts it in a scra­ D.l Branker leads the Ursinus There is a strong family-based Isabella and Roman hook up, pbook with other stuff about Fris­ College Concert Band and Jazz albeit violent, moral strair but he worries she'll fmd out that co. Scott fmds Evan Jerome Ensembles though selections from throughout the ftlm also. Basically, All My Children he arrested Victor. Frankie es­ (Edge) in Germany and brings him their varied repertoires. The it's a just-say-no-to-peer-pressure­ Opal has wedding jitters as Tad capes with Jack's help, but is r~ back to claim the diamonds from concert will take place on b u t-go- b uy- s ome-t urtle­ is walking her down the aisle to captured by the police who work Lucy. Lucy counts her chickens Saturday, Nov. 17, at 8p.m. in merchandis~like-all-you-friends marry Palmer. (You would too if for Lawrence. (Pretty convenient before they hatch and places a Bomberger Auditorium. kind of fUm. I cannot recommend you were marrying Palmer!!) Any­ for Lawrence!) However, Frankie $100,000 deposit on the Harrin­ Ensemble members are Ursinus paying money to see this film, but way, they got married. While Ad­ returns to his cell at the Alamain gton estate, as well as hires a students and residents of the local if someone else is watching it and am is out of town, Natalie is hot compound with a knife. He uses world-renowned architecture to community. An assistant professor you have nothing better to do, why for Trevor. Skye decides to tell the knife to take Lawrence's top redo the place. Anna grounds of music at Ursinus, Branker also not? If you decide you don't like it Adam that Natalie is stealing from man hostage, but Lawrence knocks Robin, but allows her to try out directs the jazz ensembles at you can always console yourself him. (What a dutiful daughter!!) him out with special effect light­ for a dance production at PCU. Princeton, his alma mater. with the latest New Kids video. ning. (Good move, Lawrence!) Jen Edge sees Anna and is hot for her! and Lawrence wed (unwilling on Donna worries (for good rea­ her part). On the wedding night, Santa Barbara :Reflections sons) as Michael decides to inves­ she goes to his room 'and he rapes Quinn wants to kill Debra, but This Saturday, Nov.17, Barbara entertaining and music is my tigate Jake, knowing he'll discover her. (1l1ere sure is a lot of rape she warns him that someone has a Bailey Hutchison will be avenue. If I can cause my audience their affair. Donna runs to Stacy, going on in the soaps this week!!!) letter about all that he's done. . performing at Reflections. You've to think a little, laugh a little, feel asking her to lie to Michael, but She wishes Jack were there to She's outraged when kelly lets already heard her voice on dozens good about themselves and she says that it wouldn't be in rescue her. Meanwhile, Jack lies Eden move in with them and con­ of national TV and radio sometimes even cry a little then Marley's best interest and won't unconscious on the roadside. Sh­ tinues her tricks on Kelly. Gina commercials, including I've done what I set out to do." lie. (Donna's in trouble!!) As Ryan ane, Julie, and Kayla fmd him and and Brandon track Keith to Key MacDonald's, Hallmark Cards, Barbara will be performing at and Vicki are shacking in an out­ head for Lawrence's estate. Carli Largo as he leaves a suitcase with Heinz, and United Arlines. She REFLECTIONS on Saturday at of-th~way place, his captain arr~ and Bo also head there, right into a note in their trailer, telling them has released fxve albums on 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be sts Marley for Jake's attempted Lawrence's trap! Lawrence makes to meet him in Disneyland. As Dakota Records which have served. murder. Vicki accuses Ryan of get­ a deal with Jen that if she's good they leave, Boots shows up. Mason . received international airplay and ting her out of the way so his cap­ with his guests, she may see Fran­ won't accept that it's over with critical acclaim. Barbara's music tain could arrest her sister. Marley kie. He plants a bug on her shirt Julia, but Cassie is \\aiting in his touches many bases from admits to Cass and later Ryan that and discovers that Shane is an lSA suite to help him get over it. Dash contemporary acoustic to light Jake got violent with her when she agent. Frankie and Jen meet. B~ has romantic daydreams about Jul­ rock. Including her original dumped him. When fibers from ware the wrath of Lawrence Alam­ ia. Cruz fmds Robert and hears his material, she performs popular her clothes are found at Jake's, she ain and his special effects!! story, and accepts that it's really songs, and many lesser known admits he raped her. Amanda goes him when he sees Robert's con­ songs by famous artists. Barbara to Sam's to talk after dining across General Hospital cern for Kelly. Clara returns with chooses such a wide variety of the hall at Stacy's. She waits for Felicia gives birth to a girl as a knife. Cruz holds her and tells music because, as she says, "I him, but is trapped in the loft as Frisco panics. They name her Ma­ Robert to run, but Ray and his thought I had chosen music as my he returns for a night of passion ria Maximilliana Jones and plan to men show up and catch Robert. career, but I've since come to with Olivia. call her Max. (Yuck!!) A myst~ (We all knew that would happen!!) realize that my greatest love is Page 8 ! The Grizzly November 13, 1990 ***************************************** ***************************************** ***************************************** Sports ***************************************** Swimmers Wash Out Washington BY JUDD WOYIEK freestyle with Simpson being the team of Simpson, Woytek, Spotts Editor only official swimmer and adding Andrews, and Seibel (taking fllst an official second to his scorecard. and soundly beating ... ), the team The men Aquabears had an easy In the 1M., "total package" Steve of Grubb, Camp, Streck, and Star time defeating the young Grubb gasped his way to an of the Meet "Fro" Brown. Washington College team this past unofficial fllst place, while Foust ~ The women did not have such weekend with a fInal score of 65- took an official fllst, followed by an easy time handling the 99. The meet was led off with a 1- an unofficial third from Todd Washington team, but did emerge 2 placing in the medley relay. The Robinson. victorious with a fmal score of 94- winning team consisted of Chris Are you confused yet? Moving 111. Starting off the day with a Foust, Mike Baganski, Matt on to the second half of the meet, bang was the winning medley relay Landis, and Fred Brown. Coming Baganski, Grubb, and Landis went team of Terri Johnson, Mary in a close second was the team of 1-2-3 unofficially in the 100 yd. Garrett, Lisa Wessner, and Senta Frank Chrzanowski, Dean Streck, butterfly, while Fred Brown, Bamberger. Kelly Crowers and Josh Camp, and Willie Simpson. Seibel, and Star of the Meet "Fro" Jenn Dorr placed second and flfth The men went on to take another "'Brown captured 1-2-4 in the 100 in the 1000 yd. freestyle 1-2 fmish in the 1000 yd. freestyle yd. free with only Star of the Meet respectively and Wessner, Garrett, M .... swt. T_...-.n: (k)1"roM row: J.... LMdb, Mille a.p..u...... -: 0- Slid, with Judd Woytek winning· and "Fro" Brown being official and "and Rachel Sargent took a 1-2-5 W",,", JI'nM an-uI, 5toft GnM. MIdcIe J .... c..." ...... row., WIBie S!.p_ a.ria row: a.ria It...... McGecqe, 1'1 F ...... '1'nI" ...... MJuIooi: Dnw saw, T ..... Drew Seibel taking second. Chris taking an official second place. finish in the 200 yd. freestyle. K...... Ild,J.~J ..... ~MIIU R..wa-. Keohane decided he didn't want to Foust, Landis, and Keohane (who "Jenny B" Derstine captured a fllst swim this event, so he false decided to swim this time) then in the 50 yd. freestyle followed by started. captured 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Brenda Dreyling and Deb Dreyling, and Sargent took 2nd, The Aquabears are on the road Ursinus coach Bill Zackey made respectively (all official) in the 100 Butzbach taking flfth and sixth 4th, and 6th respectively in the 500 again this weekend as they travel the decision to swim some people yd. backstroke. Andrews, Woytek, respectively. Bamberger and yd. free. Johnson then took fllst and tK\rd northward to Wilkes-Barre to meet unofficially 'in different events for and Chrzanowski took 1-~3 in the The meet was now close and it respectively inn the 200 yd. up with Kings College. The Bears the rest of the meet so that the 500 yd. freestyle with Chrzanowski IM.'- all came down to the 200 yd. will be returning home (after three score did not look so bad for the taking an official fllst place, Beginning the second half of the breaststroke. Garrett pulled out more away meets) for a weekend extremely weak Washington team. undoubtedly the first of his life. meet were Derstine and Crowers the much needed win in the last 50 of fun with bade to bade meets on In the 200 yd. freestyle, Ursinus "NO!", "That's cool." taking 1-2 in the ) 00 yd. butterfly. yards of the race and Miller placed December 1st and 2nd against took 1-~3 with Jeff Andrews The meet wrapped up with an This was followed by a 1-3-6 a critical third to assure an placing in the 100 yd. freestyle Swarthmore and Kutztown. So taking fIrst, Chrzanowski capturing official 1-~3 finish in the 100 yd. Ursinus victory. The freestyle relay mark your calendars and come an unofficial second, and Star of breaststroke from Baganski, Fred from Bamberger, Denise Miller, team of Crowers, Dreyling, Dorr, down to the pool to see the "Circle the Meet "Fro" Brown taking an Brown, and Streck respectively, and Butzbach. Derstine and and Miller then took a second of Love" in action!! official 2nd. Streck, Camp, and followed by a 1-2 unofficial finish Johnson went fllst and third in the place to end the meet. . Simpson placed 1-3-5 in the 50 yd. ~ the freestyle relay from the .200 yd. backstroke and Wessner, Cross-Country Team Pleased with Regionals BY NEIL SCHAFER kick in the last 400 meters, he Swarthmore, and Glassboro State. Senior Teresa Springer finished Steimy Of The Grizzly would not have made the team. Haverford and Frostburg will go to in 71st place. Springer ended her Co-captain John Martin did not Nationals in Iowa next weekend. career with a third place showing The men's cross country team fare as well as last year's The race was won by Haverford's on the Ursinus squad. Springer Starts Club placed 5th as a team at the NCAA performance at Regionals. The Seamus McElligott in 25:55, with showed marked improvements this Division ill Mid-East Regional injured Martin placed 49th this Rex Myers (Glassboro) finishing year and her trade season in the BY CHRIS FOUST Meet last Saturday at Allentown year; last year placed in the top 25. 20 seconds bade. spring should be a good one. Special to The Grizzly College. The team bounced back A stress fracture has been plaguing The Lady Bears finished 13th Springer has worked hard to get from a disappointing 6th place Martin all season. among over 20 teams on Saturday. where she is right now, and she A new and exciting activities finish at the MAC meet last week. Neil Schafer ran to an 81st place K!is _Wagner led the team by should be commended for her club is in the process of forming at The Bears were led by Joe finish. Schafer, running his fllst finishing 13th. Wagner was among perseverance. Ursinus. The Frank Chrzanowski Kershner. Kershner placed 9th Regional race in four years, passed the leaders, but she fell and lost Dorothy Iffrig placed 139th in Athletics Cub will be having ita overall and missed a trip to ,seven runners in the last 1/4 mile valuable time. The course was the women's race. Iffrig, a organizational meeting this Nationals by only a couple of to score fifth on the Ursinus team. soaked from all the rain Friday sophomore, has plenty of time to .Saturday night at 10:00pm in the places. Co-captain Tim Driscoll Schafer had been steadily night and Saturday morning. improve in the years ahead. The 'Steimy Room at The Dome. fmished in 17th place to end his improving the whole season and Wagner missed a National's bid by next two years could be very The group will participate in collegiate' cross.-country career. this capped off a great year. just a few spots. prosperous for Iffrig in the MAC. .1IWlY fun and exciting athletic Driscoll placed 12th last week at Brian Havrilla slogged over the Freshman Jen Oerhowsky Junior Dawn Warner fmished in . events with other colleges. In the MAC's and was happy with his wet Allentown course to finish finished in 30th place. She just 151st place. Warner hampered by plans now are hoola-hoop contests, performance this week. U5th. Havrilla, still recovering missed an All Mid-East team spot. tendinitis in her leg, struggled to tiddly winks competitions, Brian Drummond placed 24th at from a mouth injury, will look to Oerhowsky ran a spectacular race finish the race. But Warner is not flenbility excercise night, a ring Regionals. He just squeaked onto 1991 for a better performance, and finished second on the team. known to give up. Hopefully, she toss competition, a hide the the All-Mid East team (top 25). taking nothing away from Havrilla She will look to continue her can heal quickly and bounce bade sausage game night, and much, This was the fllSt time Drummond - he had a great season marked success in the years ahead. If this to her normal self. Warner is a much more. -rnaCle All Mid-East and he was with several fme performances. race was any indication of her triple threat this spring in trade Requirements for the elated with his performance. If The Bears scored flfth behind ability, she has a successful road (sprints, weights, jumps). organization include being of the Drummond hadn't unleashed his Haverford, Frostburg, State, ahead of her. The cross-country season is a male sex (sorry girls) and wanting long one. The runners will to play fun and exciting manly remember the hot August days games. during camp and the rain swollen All are welcome to participate SPORTS BEAT course at Regionals. For the fIVe ill any or all of the upcoming seniors, the past four seasons were events! If interested, contact Frank Friday, November 16 a time to grow and improve in at 454-0368 or at 944 Main Street, Men's Basketball -- Tip-Off Tournament Women's Basketball-- Susquehanna running. They will remember the room 07. at f.crr. Iton Tournament good times and the bad. The men Cross Country -- NCAA Nationals will remember the 1988 championship season and Springer Saturday, November 17 Swimming (M&W) v. Kings College miles have been logged by these can reflect on the women's team runners and I bet if you ask any Men's Basketball-- Tip-Off Tournament --Away 2:00pm ,!!etermination to not fall apart one of them if they could change at Srcanton despite a small team. Thousands of anything, they'd all answer "NO." November 13, 1990 The Grizzly Page 9 ***************************************** ***************************************** ***************************************** Sports ***************************************** Men's Basketball Looks for Improvement in 1991 Season

BY TREY GELSTON together and play our best could be a major offensive force basket and a good rebounder for a Of The Grizzly basketball, we have a serious for the Bears. He is an excellent guard. are . 6'5" Derrick Irby and chance to win the MAC Southeast leaper and should be able to score Also returning is 5'7" point 6'4" Tony Houston. Both could see On Monday October 15, the title." inside as he will play mostly at the guard Glenn Del Signore. He immediate action. Irby can play men's basketball team hit the Another returning' starter is 6'1" power forwardandcenter position. started a lot of games last year and both inside and outside and hardwood with hopes of improving guard Matt Campbell, a senior tri­ Other returning letterman are the Bears could use his experience Houston is good all around player. on last season's 15-11 record and captain who av~rage over 12 points junior Andy Lesher, Mark Catald~ at the point this year. A great Pete Deisley, a sopho11\ore fourth place standing in the tough a game last season and will be Glann Delsynne and Brendan passer with excellent quickness transfer from Drexel, is 6'3" MAC southeast conference. counted on heavily the year to Sharpe. DelSignore also causes other forward who could help the Bears Leading the way is senior Pete helps Smith carry the offensive Lesher, a 6'6" center is a very teams havoc with his defensive inside game. Smith, a 6'3" forward who was the load. CampbelJ,a 3..point specialis~ versatile player who can score pressure. Other freshmen include 6'1" MVP last season, averaging 20.9 also can take it to the hole. inside on step out and hit the Sharpe, a 6'2" forward saw guard Dave Brown, 5'10" guard points and 7.5 rebounds per game. The other two senior captains three. He is coming off of s~r~ery limited time last year, but has 6'0" John Schanholt. All will Smith, a pre-season nominee for are 6'1" guard Ron Algeo and 6'4" on his knee during the off season shown considerable improvement compete for the last roster spot. All-American, already has scored forward Khalil Meggitt. Both so his practice time has been so far this year. He is a good The Bears open the season at over 1,000 points and has a good played in sports last year and will limited, but he could be a major leaper and a fierce competitor. the Scranton Tip Off Tournament chance to become Ursinus' all time be expected to improve in their weapon for the Bears once he gets Sophomore Will Briggs returns a November 29th against leading scorer. He can score from scoring this year. Algeo had a high to be 100%. to the Bears after playing the IlISt Philadelphia Pharma(.)'. anywhere on the court and will be game of 20 against Alvernia which Cataldi, a 6'1" guard, saw half of last season. A 6'1" point League plays begins with a the main thrust for the Bear's included 6'3" last year and will see considerable time last year and guard Briggs will see a lot of time December 4th game at offense. time at both guard positions. should compete for a starting spot this year. He is a good penetrator Swarthmore. When asked about the season, Meggett is coming off of a wrist this season. A good shooter, and a good shooter. Smith said, "If we can pull injury ssustained in practice, but Cataldi is also a good driver to the Leading the newcomers this year

game, Dickinson sent the Ursinus games, finishing the season at 4-5. crowd home when John As for next year, Gilbert has Football Finishes Season with a Loss Bernatavitz gained 10 of his game­ some high hopes. "We are real BY DENNIS MOIR the NCAA Division III playoffs. \ to pound out 233 total yards, with high 190 yards on a touchdown excited about next year. Right now Of The Grizzly The Bears came up short in this 129 of them coming from running run. we have some time to get back in game simply because they could back Tony Barber. With Paul After the game, Ursinus Head the weight room to get ourselves The Ursinus College football not come up with the big offensive Williams and Bob Wiggins injured, Coach Steve Gilbert was pleased bigger and stronger." team knew their situation. Beat play. In their only real offensive "Barber carried the ball 29 of the with his team's performance. "It As he walked off the field on Dickinson College on Saturday threat of the game while trailing 7- Bears 31 rushing plays. was even right up to the end of Saturday, Gil,bert wanted his team and finish the season with a 0, the Bears mounted a second Ursinus, with the second ranked the game," Gilbert said, adding not to forget this game. "I want winning record for the IlISf time quarter drive which stalled at the defense in the conference, that, "Overall, we (the coaches) them to remember this feeling," he since 1985, when coach Sterling Red Devil three yard, linf.. On contained the Dickinson passing are real proud of the team. They said, "and hopefully this time next fourth down, seniorquatteroack game, but the Red Devil running Hayden guided the team to a 5-4 made a great effort out there year we will be th~ . ~nes. ~n.nil;& .. "'f finish. Brian Thomas rolled to his right attack pounded out over 200 yards today." off the field with tile On a day when Patterson Field - and lofted a pass in the direction on th~ ground. Saturday also marked the end of championship." looked more appropriate for mud of Mike Cohen. The pass was up a One of the differences in the several Ursinus football careers. little high, and when Cohen could wrestling, the Bears, Red Devils, game was field position. The Bears Fourteen seniors played in their and several hundred loyal fans not come down with it, Dickinson were consistently pinned deep in last game, and they will be missed took possession. braved the rain and sleet, only to their own territory to start their by both the fans of Ursinus MALE STUDENT-ATHLETE This would be the closest see the Bears fall to defeat, 13-0. drive~ for most of the game. In football and the coaching staff. OF THE WEEK Dickinson's win not only gave Ursinus would come to the Red contrast, DiCkinson started most of "We will miss all of our seniors," the Red Devils sweet revenge from Devil goal line for the duration of their drives at midfield. Gilbert said, "we had great senior JOE KERSHNER Cross­ the 1988 loss at Ursinus, it also the game. However, this does not Dickinson opened the scoring in leadership. The captains did a Country - Joe placed ninth this gave them the Centennial mean they were not able to move the Illst quarter as they capped a greta job, and I really hope they past weekend at the NCAA Conference Championship and an the ball. Against the top ranked 31 yard drive with a Lou will come back and see us next Division III Mid-East Regional added bonus: a possible birth in defense in the Centennial Cristinziani one-yard touchdown ·year." Championships held at Allentown Conference, the Bears were able run. With 4:47 remaining in the Of the fourteen players, nine College. Joe completed the course started in Saturday's game, but all in a time of 27:01. He has been of them played an important part Ursinus' number one runner all in the season. On the defensive season and took a sixth place two side, Pat Thompson (3 sacks), pre­ weeks ago at the MAC season All-American John Eitzen ChampionShip Meet. Joe is only a (66 total tackles), Tom Cifelli (35 junior and will be a key team total tackles), Dave Matey (2 member next year. interceptions), and Mike Tyas (1 sack) will be lost. FEMALE STUDENT-ATHLETE Offensively, seven players suited OF THE WEEK up for their last game. Offensive lineman Todd Lets and Thorn SENTA BAMBERGER Love, quarterback Brian Thomas Swinrrning - Senta captured three (1547 passing yards, 10 top places in Saturday's meet touchdowns). running backs Paul against Washington College in Williams (378 yards rushing) and Delaware. Individually, she took Bob Wiggins (315 yards), wide flIst places in the 200 yard receiver Julian Brown (3 Individual Medley and in the 100 receptions, 66 yards), tight end yard freestyle. Senta was also the Matt Smith (29 receptions, 261 freestyle leg of the 200 yard medley relay that started out the yards), kicker Tom Blomstrom (18 meet with a win. total points), and Illst year punter Pete Smith, who finished the year Compliments of with a 31 yard average. Sports Information The Bears ended the season winning tw~ of their last . ~ee g ====, pa e=10=TheG=rizZI.=Y =Opinions/Letters

No Defense For Personal Abuse The Grizzly ZX bleW it. The. fraternity had connection of personal abuse with Editor-in-Chief Krishni Patrick can't believe the same person an opportunity to make a wife beating and child abuse can't Associate Editor Eleanore HlYian would co-author the ZX letter. magnanimous gesture, redeem its possibly apply to them simply Acting News Editors Eleanore HlYian Patrick Thompson has had reputation, and create positive because the frat is made up of Krishni Patrick occassion to show me that he Is feelings throughout the campus single men. This defense misses Features Editors Coleen Casciano both a good writer and a man of community. A simple apology the point by such a wide margin Kate Grim integrity; 1 can find neither of would have done it. that it would be funny if it were Arts and Entertainment Editor Jennifer Strawbridge these traits in the ZX letter. Most Instead, ZX reverted to not so scary. The letter concludes, Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor Sara Jacobson of all, I am disappointed to see belligerent, self-righteous rhetoric no surprises here, with a t~y Sports Editor Judd Woytek Neil Schafer and Dennis Moir which illustrates, better than Ms Assistant Sports Editor Steven Grubb veiled threat. arc authors of the letter. They are Hajian could ever do, the mean A comment that I have often Science Editors Eric Bleickardt friends . of mine, students spirited attitude she opposes in her heard about fraternity men on this Todd Koser of mine, poets. That they could editorial. . Opinions Editors Yvette Dennis campus is that they are nice believe the way to refute a There is no defense for' a " . Mark Hallinger enough as individuals, but when reputation for bashing is by more personal abuse flyer." I have seen Photography Editors Peter Senescu they all get together, look out. The bashing deeply saddens me. And I the flyer; Hajian's description of it Kristen Schwartz ZX letter, ending with the arms will be further saddened when is accurate. The ZX response is Assistant Photography Editor Antoni Castells-Talens linked solidarity of nineteen these men will .be forced to bash poorly written and poorly Sports Photography Editor Kathleen Bowers names, provides a good illustration me in the name of unity and reasoned. The brothers argue that Business Managers Pam Parkhurst of that point. I do not know all brotherhood. they are not insensitive because, Megban McCormick these men, but I fmd it impossible "we have a lot of feelings," and Circulation Manager John Petko to connect the letter to any of the that they are "very well educated" Computer Consultant Erik Moore ones I do know. David Gallagher Jon Volkmer Typists Tara Livingston simply because they attend this wrote eloquently in my Jill Ruderman school. Then there' Js the. sh'rill composition class against personal Professor of English Steve Stoiber assertion that the editorial~s abuse he saw as a freshman. I Proofreader Extraordinaire Scott Galiger Faculty Adviser Mrs. Agostinelli .Staff Members: Kath; Bowers, Louis Bove, Antoni Castells-Talens, Becky Carreon, Erika Compton, Jeanine DeLuca, Dawn Deraney, Dianne Gabel, Zeta-Chi Missed The Point! Scott Galiger, Fred Gladstone, Lori Gosnear, Steve Grubb, Craig To the Editors: Faucher, Rebecca Heyl, Sara Jacobson, Terri Johnson, Tara Livingston, Zeta Chi's letter to Ms. Hajian in Randy Leiser, Jen Lunt, Todd E. Keeler, Megan Mendte, Melisa Miller, Neanderthal in our comments ... " distnbute a "personal abuse flyer." the Nov. 5th issue of The Grizzly Debi Moore, Erik Moore, Joe Mulholland, Norm Peterson, Sona Rewari, Wen, the American Heritage Although we all attend the same merely served to show that these Harley Rubin, Neil Schafer, Satsuki L. Scoville, Cristina Seliga, Ellyn Dictionary defmes Neanderthal as school, we are obviously not all "proud members of Zeta Chi," Shatz, Christian Sockel, Jen Stritch, Brian Toleno, Tonya Ugoretz, Dave "crude." If ZX hadn't been crude getting the same out of our unfortunately, missed the entire Van, Kristin White, Mark Wilhelms, Cassandra Yutzy we would not have had this education if this type of behavior point of Ms. Hajian's editorial. In controversy. is acceptable to some individuals. Any omission in the staffbox is an unintentional Editors error. Our sincere doing so they raise the question of ZX's defense to Ms. Hajian's Will the Administration, which has apologies. whether these "very well-educated" accusation that "insensitive, become so concerned about public individuals understand the basic uneducated, unintelligent hazing, take a stand against ZX's concepts of right vs. wrong, taste individuals" must have written the behavior? Or, will ZX be quietly Editorial vs. crudity, and maturity vs. flyer, is that they are, too, slapped on the wrist, leaving the pettiness. Last Tuesday November 6 was Election Day (see last week's sensitive, educated, and intelligent. campus with the impression that Ms. Hajian addressed the issue of They suggest that Ms. Hajian is their action wasn't really that bad? stirring Editorial), and 36% percent of the eligible American the cruelty and criminality of ZX's not intelligent because they saw Zeta Chi's questions about what public voted. Pretty aood, analysts say,for an otT-year election. "first personal abuse flyer" which her editorial as immature and "a their parents would think of them In fact reports in the 10/8 issue of USA TodtJy' claim voting is singled-out and publicly abused a grudge against a fraternity." after reading Ms. Hajian's editorial up Crom the 1986 ta1d-term elections "perhaps in the one-half campus member. There is no denying the flyer's were disturbing. They clearly percentage point range." So, what? Rather than address the issue of insensitivity and immaturity; and illustrated that ZX does not care When 1 walked into the Collegeville Firehouse last the self-proclaimed "abusive" flyer frankly, it is hard to believe that about the wrongs they have TueslJay the woman who checked my registration exclaimed, which they proudly placed on intelligent, well-educated people committed. Zeta Chi, what did "another one?" in a very surprised tone. She then asked me if 1 Wismer , Zeta Chi would have been so cruel as to your parents think of your "fITSt was being fon:ed to vote for a class. When 1 told her no, and complained they were off~nded by make public what should have personal abuse" flyer-you were eloquently expressed my reason ("I just vote,") she expressed some of Ms. Hajian's comments. remained a private matter. It was proud enough of it to mail one complete disbelief at the number of Ursinus students voting ZX defended their use of the not "a grudge against a fraternity" home, weren't you? this election year. label "wench" by listing a Webster which prClllpted Ms. Hajian to Whatever reason U.C. students decided to take definition of the word and stating write her editorial. It just so Sincerely, Kate Grim advantage of this privilege in 'greater numbers than in past "whether or not this term fits the happened that Zeta Chi was the years (candidates speaking on ~mpus, increased registration, individual is not the question ... the group which gave itself the right to or the prominence of the abortion controversy in the question is wheter or not we were gubernatorial race) it is' important to recognize increased political awareness should be fostered now, in college, and thus lead to greater participation after graduation. -KP II is our feeling lhal "OpiniolU" pieces and lhe dialogs they often inspire QTf! lite most illJeresting section of a a publication. Expresswn of opinion is crudaJ for positive chlln~ 10 OCDII' on lhe UrsillUS Campus; litis expression of idem requires input [rom both faculty and SIUdents.. The OpiniolU section of The Grizzly is intouled 10 be a forum for discussion. Your opinIotu QTf! ~tter Policy nuded 10 kup discussion broad based and pertinem. ~. Letters must by typed and no more than 300 words. Name and Topics can I'WIge [rom local or campus issua 10 inJemationa/ issua. Singk telephone number are required for verification purposes. Letters can be submissiolU on any IOpic will be WeJcOf1lL The Iorgth of a typical opinion pkce is IUIII1JIy belween 200 and 400 words. Any artick riceived by a Thursday can be prinUd in lite following deposited in the Grizzly mail box in Fetterolf or outside of the Monday's Gn'zzJy, as space allows. PubDcationsl'OOm (third floor Bomberger library side) by Thursday. The Pieces may be tWivered dilUlly 10 lhe PublicatiolU Room (3td Floor Bombergu­ Grizzly reserves the right to edit aD letters. Requests for anonymity will Library sUk) be considered by the editorial board. -OpiniolU Edilon ======0 pi n ion s===='lb=eG=rizz)y=.-aae=,,=,n Uncle Sam Wants Everyone

Editor's Note: This piece was 2. Expanion of career fields in streets where crime and vice run provides a strong foundation for importance of democracy and originally printed in The Arena. a the military rampant. Being in the military the integration of the military into participation in the government, as short lived publication of the 3. Expansion of career would also instill values such as the civilian economy and society. It well as providing a factor of Political Science Association. It was enlistments patriotism, self-confidence, and the would, of course, be necessary to freedom and equality of originally published in April, 1989. 4. Development of military bases will to abide by the law. have a civilian agency or bureau in opportunity for all Americans, throughout the United States The expansion of career fields in the federal government regardless of race, sex or, creed In today's world of growing 5. Control over the domestic the military would allow many administration to coordinate and The economic benefits would crime, poverty, unemployment, and military by a civilian government people, young and otherwise, to control the integration as well as outweigh the initial costs of moral apathy, we should all be bureau learn and develop skills and giving Congress a great deal of developing an integrated military­ looking for solutions to these 6. Integration of the military knowledge that might otherwise be influence in these matters. The civilian society and economy, and problems. The problem is in into the civilian domestic impossible to procure. Reforming end result would be a civilian in the international perspective, fmding a solution that could be economy and society. the education to be one of quality controlled universal employer that the United States would become applied indiscriminately and This proposal ot <1eveloping and rather than simply quantity would would be available to any U.S. much stronger and more unified. universally, as well as providing expanding the military might seem make the military experience citizen anywhere. With the growth of the maximum benefit for both our very radical at first, but examine valuable in later civilan life. In Just imagine the benefits of conventional military forces it society and those individuals in the benefits before passing addition the growth in numbers of having a medical clinic on a would be possible to cut back on need. For such a solution I judgement. By requumg career soldiers with quality military base in some inner city extensive and expansive propose mandatory military mandatory enlistment for everyone education and training would bring slum. Not only could soldiers take technological weapons systems. enlistment and the general between the ages of 18 and 21 up the general competency 01 tne an occasional patrol to help Thus, the militarization of the expansion of military career (making exceptions for medical military, and so would make it control violence and vice within United States would be beneficial service. . and mental problems, of course), it . competitive with civilian industries the city; not only would the base for our country in the long run The reasons for this propoS31 would provide opportunities for and services, thereby inducing bring economic epportunity to the and so should be considered as an are many and complex, dealing not high school graduates unsure of higher quality in the civilian sector, area; the soldiers themselves would option for the future. just with numbers and dollar signs, their plans for the future. By and eventually ending up in a get experience in their various but with attitudes and images as making the age limit 21 for stronger, more efficient economy. fields of expertise, develop stability well. In order to explain further, I enlistment, it would allow capable Developing military bases all and pride and morality in their will give some specific examples of high school graduates to go four around the United States would ie particular geographic area, and possible programs: years of college before joining the just a logistic necessity for the keep the people off the streets as 1. Mandatory enlistment for military. Training in the military implementation of the military well. everyoaebetween 18 and 21 years would also provide discipline and program. Combining the growing Another long-term beneficial of age for a standard minimum motivation for those who joined, quantity and quality ofthe military effect of such a·program would be enlistment of two years. as well as getting people off the with the availability of posts the greater emphasis placed on the

Professional Politicians ~eginning To Squirm By are gaining momentum and fuel each SusaD Boyer other. Une calls for throwing the and term limitations, we are advised If the pre-election polls are rascals out, the other for limiting that the more ·civilized" way to go is remotely accurately, Proposition 140 in tenns of said rascals. Individually they campaign reform. Patrons of the status California will have passed by the time each attract substantial support, but quo or naive observers like The you are reading this column. It will together they could, if successful, alter PhiUuJelphia Inquirer suggest that usher in term limitations for state the face of a government in dire need legislators ought to change the rules in legislators who have had a stranglehold . of revolutionary change. order to give challengers a fair chance. on office for far too long. Hell will freeze over before that CitizensAgainst Government Waste "The politicians won't give happens. , - headed by Ambassador Alan Keyes is us back represenative The biggest fuss, of course, is building momentum nationwide, coming from those who would be incensing overburdened taxpayers who government. We're going neutralized by the success of these are at last becoming painfully aware of to have to take it." movements. Count among the vigorous how poorly Washington is managing opponents; special interest groups, our money. Because the basic objective of both lobbyists, Democrats who dominate And the Hack Gargan campaign, movements is essentially the same, , and liberals, many of who are begun in Tampa, f1orida, by one angty critics tend to use common arguments leftovers form the 60's and couldn't get political system. The odds for have had all kinds of worthwhile citizen, is beginning to energize against both of them. The people re-elected without a rigged system. unseating an incumbent have become programs, offer the naysayers. hundreds of thousands of Americans should be allowed to choose whomever Columnist Fred Barnes recently so prohibitive that in more than half Baloney! There are lots of intelligent, committed to dumping :ncumbents and they want to represent them we're pointed out how broken the system of the primary races across the nation, decent people in this nation capable of willing to put their .,..oney where their told, then reminded that voters are really is when he noted that more there is no challenger, and often where devising solutions to our pressing mouth is. ambivalent because they denounce members of congress were indicted last there is, the poor sucker is a token problems. In fact, we might not find ls this display of activism just Congress, but continue to send their year than were defeated in the own congressman back to Washington candidate mired in inferiority who has ourselves in such a bureaucratic another passing protest on the part of primary. The truth is we can't count been enticed by his party to serve as a nightmare and debilitating budget busy Americans which will fade after on a "gular basis. on the current power barons to fIX it. sacrificial lamb. Some choice! crisis if other ideas were given an the election rhetoric winds down and The problem with both arguments is The citizens revolt may have limited Throwing out all the incumbents, at opportunity to flourish. As (or tlie the votes are counted? Some of our that they are based on the false impact this time around, but look out least those who have opponents, is a "good" legislators dumped out of office more openly arrogant congressman not assumption that we have a "choice". in '92. This movement isn't going away, ridiculous idea, we are told. In so by term limitations or a broad broom, only think so, but even have the gall to During the past several decades the because we can't let it. All people , . doing we would be guilty of tossing let them return home to lead other pass a public post mortum on the politicians have so rigged the system regardless of party. issue, race or out the good with the bad. Well, wars waiting to be won. staying power of an electorate with a that it is virtually impossible for a creed, must put aside personal battles maybe that's an acceptable price to A thorough housecleaning or short attention span. "This, too, shall challenger to unseat any of them. PAC in order to win the big war. The pay in order to rouse the horde of constant turnover would erode the pass" is their motto. But others, those money, the outrageous perks of politicians won't willingly give us back self-serving career politicians and who are not nearly as out of touch incumbency they have granted experience which is necessary to get representative government. We're return the government to the people. things done jh Washington, warn the with the people beyond the beltway, themselves, and the tendency of the going to have to take it! Let's get on . But look at all the great guys who sense a difference to this rising tide media, especially television, to virtually nervous Nellies. From where I sit . with it. would have never served? Look at all congressional "experience· is and they are squirming. ignore challenging newcomers unless Reprinllld willi pumUs/oII from tile Nod. the crucial legislation which would destroying this nation. Actually what we're seeing are_two they are outrageous have all 1990 MOIIIgomoy COfIIIIy OtJIDwT. s.u. never have been passed? We might not As an alternative to a clean sweep 'citizen _menU 1P1Ds at once. Both contributed to the deterioration of our Boyer is tlreAssistanl EdiJorfor tire Or-r--. The Grizzly Page 12 But still try, for who knows what is possible-Fa"aday Science News I think thy thoughts after thee, 0 God-Kepler

Pre-Med Prognosis Improving Bolt to Latest Discoveries

BY ERIC BLEICKARDT the grade point average for courses in doctor-patient BY TODD A. KOSER Science Editor accepted medical students was 3.51 relationships. Science Editor five years ago while last year it was These are just a token few of "I swear by Apollo Physician, by 3.42. The average score on the the factors pre-medical students Clean Air at Last AscJepius, by Health, by Panacea MCAT has dropped from 9.65 to encounter. Entering the medical The Clean Air Bill of 1990 was passed by both houses of Congress and and by all the gods and goddesses, 9.2 over the past five years. profession is a well contemplated is now waiting for the President's signature. This legislation is in the fonn making them my witnesses, that I A disheartening element is that decision that evolves over time. of amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1970. The new bill outlines air will carry out, according to my tuition has gone from an average Ursinus is traditionally known for policy for the U.S. into the next century concerning areas like C02 ability and judgment, this oath and of $1,050 in 1960-61 to $17,454 in its strength in preparing students methane emissions(two major greenhouse gases), CFCs, research on acid this indenture." These are the 1989-90. It has been estimated for a career in the healing arts. rain and beefmg up the role of the EPA in regulation of emissions. The words that some Ursinus students that the average medical student Students at this college may also bill requires that five major CFCs be phased out by 2000 and that their respond well to the revised may utter several years from now. can now expect to graduate from almost as hannful replacements, HCFCs (hydrocarbon fluorocarbons) be They represent the beginning of medical school with a $42,374 debt medical school curriculum since banned by 2030. A major addition to the 1970 legislation is establishment the Hippocratic Oath that medical excluding any debt left over from this college strongly emphasizes of an agency to research and investigate chemical accidents and the treat student pledge to abide by for the undergraduate education. the personalized approach in they can pose to workers and the environment. The cost of implementing rest of their life. Medical schools are revising the undergraduate education. the bill is estimated from $20 to $104 billion dollars. Medical education has taken way medical education is taught. many turns over the past few A traditional curriculum exposes statistics compiled from u.s. News Young Witnesses decades and the statistics for the student to basic sciences in the and World Report There is a great deal of controversey surrounding the testimony of todays pre-medical students are fust and second years and clinical young children in sexual abuse cases. More specifically the debate centers encouraging. In 1977-78, 40,000 practice in the third and fourth around the proper means of gathering and interpreting this testimony. people applied to medical school. years. Changes have gravitated Some child and testimony experts feel that the use of anatomical dolls and In 1989-90 there were 26,900 towards a more personalized directed questioning allows the child to explain circumstances for which applicants. The ratio of applicants approach to education. There is a 6 year old often has no words to accurately describe. Others feel that ths to acceptances is now 1.6 to 1 less emphasis on fonnalized method leads the child into fabricating stories in an attempt by the child down from 2.8 to 1 a decade ago. lectures and more attention on to satisfy the interviewer. They favor a technique employed in Gennany According to the Association of problem solving and case studies. in which children are are asked very open and ambigous questions by an American Medical Colleges and These revised curriculums focus on interviewer. This interview is then analyzed by several expert s for certain the American Medical Association, "bedside manner" and include key elements which they feel are accurate indicators of whether sexual abuse has taken place. Most of the scientific research on this subject has taken place in the last two years so conclusive data is yet to be published on the subject, but previews show studies that favor aspects of both systems. The problems arises from the fact that when children ages 5 to Ursinus Grad in Sticky Situation 7 were asked explicit questions with the aid of a doll aboutlO% recounted events that did not take place. When children were asked open ended By Joe Mulholland & Brian are "on the cutting edge of high Another important aspect of questions about known evets only 20% volunteered detailed infonnation Toleno perfonnance materials." NASA polyamides is their adhesive that the researchers were looking for. As the courts seek to protect the Of the Grizzly and AlCOA are interested in these properties. Polyamides are better polymers due to their electrical adhesives (i.e. sticky stuff) than rights of both falsely accused defendants and children upcoming will play an important role. On Wednesday November 7, Dr. conductivity, durability, and some glues used to hold airplanes Rick Bott, an 1983 graduate of adhesive properties. together. (You didn't think that compiled from: New York Times and Science News Ursinus College, delivered a The electrical conductivity of they used Elmer's, did you?) presentation to the Beardwood polyamides is of great important to NASA is interested in polyamides Chemical Society on his post­ AlCOA. By introducing a nickel­ as an adhesive in their future doctoral work. Dr. Bott has been aluminum powder into polyamides, space station. In fact, some of the conducting research on a particular the efficiency of generator polymers developed by Dr. Bott class of polymers called assemblies can be enhanced have already been tested for both Br0':Vllback-Anders Meeting polyamid~. (Uh-oh! Here comes significantly. The oxide materials adhesive properties and durability the Chemistry!) The polyamide Dr. that AlCOA presently uses to hold in the harsh conditions of space. Bott's works with is a molecule aluminum conductors together are (Polyamides-to boldly go where Dr. John Kelly, Director of that contains a nitrogen bonded to electrical insulators. These no glue has gone before!) Internal Medicine at Abington two carbonyls (carbon doubly insulators create tremendous To enhance durability, siloxanes Hospital will be speaking to the bonded to oxygen) in a five electrical resistance which causes a (silicon-oxygen molecules) have Brownback-Anders Premedical membered ring which is attached waste of money and energy (Ohm been introduced into polyamides. Society on November 14. Dr. to benzene molecules on both my!). The use of polyamides will The silozanes fonn a protective Kelly's subspecialty is infectious ends. (Are ya still with us?!) help to eliminate this problem glass-like coating around the diseases. He will address the You're probably asking yourself, (and hopefully b.ring down our outside of the adhesive which issues surrounding the AIDS "So what?" Well, these polymers electric bills.) prevents water and atomic oxygen epidemic and comment on the found in space from decomposing problems of Lyme Disease. He o the polymer. will give his talk at 7:00 p.m. in With their unusual properties, Pfahler 108. Pre-med students are polyamides promise to be very strongly encouraged to attend and useful materials of the future. The the event is open to the entire applications for these polymers college community. have only begun to be investigated. cxjN ( ) Even though Dr. Bott seems to be Science is... in a sticky situation now, it appears o as if he will end up being another successful graduate of Ursinus. The discovery of identity amidst adversity. William S. Jevons A single unit of a polyamide