Yanks Kiu 184 Reds Cut Fight Saiigon (AP) — V
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Tfattibatiou BMLY / ,/lpfwr , , Bed Bank Arm f 28^00 R«l Bank Register, Inc.. ISM. «l«wH»«»s and mild. MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS 4 DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88, NO. 159 {m? FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1966 COPY PAGE ONE Merchants Eye Co-operative Fight Plan By WILLIAM HAGEMAN '• They get their proof on inven- . So the one place teenage shop- implications, the chamber plans president of the chamber, came the crime and description of the are not prosecuted nor brought to RED BANK — A store oh tory day, but proof at the scene lifting is discussed freely is on to keep a file on every shop- up with the plan which he said shoplifter, and will, be filed at police attention. Broad St. was tooted yesterday. of the crime is harder to pin the street corner, and often that's lifting incident reported by a is patterned after one in use at the Chamber of Commerce office. Chief Clayton acknowledged There w*r« no arrests, no heea- down. TJitir apprehension rate where it begins. merchant. Madison, Wise. When an apprehension- is the potential usefulness of the lines. It's something that happen* is low, and their prosecution'rate 1 ; Alert to' many of the problems Besides providing a guide for Mr. Bolduc has prepared two made, the merchant will be, able file to the retailers, but insisted every day—teenage shoplifting/ is lower. , unique to shoplifting, the Com- the prosecution of repeaters, it sets of forms for distribution to • to check with the chamber to see that every shoplifting incident Youthful "boosting1' is one of Parents are mum. Most are munity Chamber of Commerce hopefully will be a shoplifting storekeepers. if his suspect is a repeater. At should be reported to police for th« most troublesome debits on unaware of the situation, and if has kept an eye on the situation, deterrent. " One is a confession for the other times the file will remain investigation. the books of local retailers, but told they wouldn't believe their and has initiated programs to The theory H that youngsters store file. Amateur shopfilters, closed, unless police want to "Even though many of the you don't' hear much about it. ' children were involved. That's , combat it. Some, have met suc- whose names are' qn file will • faced with the evidence, often avail themselves of it. youngsters are not true criminals, There-are aome good reasons/ understandable in light of the cess and some have not. ' think twice before committing a break down and sign statements Unofficial they are committing crimes, and . Police are willing to discus* it, incredible fact that many of the Now the chamber is trying a second offense, and those whose . of their own free wilt. The form To the disappointment of Police we can't prevent crime if we but co few case* are brought to young shoplifters ire from sub- new tack, and one that promises names are not on file will want will protect the merchant, Mr. Chief George H. Clayton, the file don't know about, it," the chief their attention they have little to stantial homes in the better sec- to get the support of the retail to stay that way. Bolduc said. will not be directly related to said. discuss, i .... tions of this and- surrounding business community. Model Plan The other form is an incident police records. It will contain He suggested the chamber - Merchants know it's happening: towna. Pending a check of the legal John D. Bolduc, executive vice report. It contains an account of many reports of incidents that (See SHOPLIFTING. Page 2) County Joins Rail Yanks KiU 184 Reds Cut Fight SAiIGON (AP) — V. S. forces Navy skyraider became the ninth an American civilian engineer The shooting occurred near the today reported another184 Com- victim of Communist antiaircraft operating a traotor in a Jungle spot where the Viet Cong kid- FREEHOLD -The Monmouth munists killed • by' ' American defenses since the United States County Board of Freeholders cleaning at a rock quarry 20 naped two Americans, one Viet- planes and troops, pushing resumed the air war on the northmiles northeast of Saigon. His namese and one Canadian em- joined the protest yesterday claimed Communist losses in men12 days ago. partner escaped when two guer- against the proposed Jersey Cen- ployed by the firm in December. beyond 2,000 in the. past two The plane was shot down 15 rillas leaped out of spider holes The . Dutch-born Canadian' was tral Railroad shutdown of pas- weeks. miles north of the 17*h parallel and opened fire, senger service on its Bayshore killed, but the three others were An American spokesman said yesterday by heavy flak, an Air A U. S. 1st Infantry Division rescued by American troops. - line.' :.•••.'.•:; . these were the highest Red cas-Force spokesman said. No par- The board announced. that patrol later recovered the body. Vice President Hubert H. ualty figures of the war. achute was seen by other pilots The engineer was not immediate- Humphrey, in the happy, outgo- County Counsel John M. Pills- American Air Force and Naan- d the Navy airman was prel-y identified. He was employed bury't office would take part in a ing mood of his campaign days, vy jets again pounded targets in sumed killed. by the big American R.M.K. ventured five miles outside of : hearing.:Oh the plan before the North and South Viet Nam. A'The Viet Cong shot and killed construction combine. •tate Highway Department Rail- (See VIET NAM, Page 2) road Transportation Division in Netfart Monday. .-.•-. , A spokesman for the division director, Herbert Thomas, said at Trenton-- that requests from officials and -Bayshore commuter groups to delay the hearing and LONG BRANCH — City At-meeting. City Council voted 6-3 DIG THBY MUST, r—For the lecond time m a month workers aro repairing a co Amedeo V. Ippolito and Samuel should avail itseM of the oppor- to shift it .to Monmouth County torney Louis R. Aikins was dit-o support a motion by Council- A. Marks. tunity to remove any possible ftave'eiuaed no action 'so far. lapsed' sanitary sewer line in .Red Bank. Latt month i* was on Linden PI., and this rected last night to ask the Suma- n Henry R. Cioffi directing Draws Applause doubt about the legality of the1 "Anyone who writes or phones week there wat a collapse on Maple Ave. between Reckless PI. and Cheitnut St. preme Court to certify an appeal the attorney to seek certification Thundering his denunciations of referendum. Recalling the con- the division will have Ws opinion by rhe city seeking.to have the from the high court for a hearing. the move as a waste ot the tax-flicting decisions of Superior Wilbert H. Schlimmeyer, director of public works, said much of the fewer system is l recorded as though he was pre- Superior Court Appellate Division Because the three-man appel- payers' money, a. deprivation of Coqrt • Judge Elviri R. Simmill sent at the hearing," the spokes- old and poorly installed, but a new survey will determine how much rebuilding is overruled and the Feb. 23* gov- ate panel ruled unanimously in the peoples' right to free choice and the Appellate. Division, he re- : man saidi "but there is no plan necessary. Councilman Harold E. Williams said the MapU Ave. line was installed on ernment change referendum favor of the Better Government of government and an attempt by marked, "Ifs.one to, one," adding declared illegal. the council to perpetuate itself in •i this time to change the orig- top t>f a much older wooden line that gave /way.- The. excavation will Have to go as, League's contention that the that he didn't know which side inal schedule." During a brief but fiery inter- referendum should be declared office, Councilman Dinkelspiel was' - right but that the Issue That the hearing will' last more deep•«* 17 fast, he «aid. "•'•. • . lude near the end of a prolonged legal, the Supreme Court has nodrew applause from a bevy of should be objectively decided by *h*n one day was indicated, how- inherent obligation to hear the partisans in the audience who the, "court of last resort." • case. However, the city -may ap-favor a government-change. ' Mayor Vincent Jv Mazza said ever.' It nas been scheduled for ! •'hearing room in the offices of ply for certification and if three Councilman Maries said he hadh« bad jwpbrted Mr. AJkW the state Public Utility Commis- of the seven Supreme Court jus-prepared a statement prior to .the original ruling that" the refeiv tices decide a hearing is justified, meeting explaining %hy he,was endum would be Illegal until after «ion, 1100 Raymond Blvd./New- ; ark, at 10 a-m. and the PUC said the case will be heard. opposing the, auftorizatiori • but July J',ahd urged that the Su- Councilman Edgar N. Dinkel- withheld it, saying that although preme Court consider the islue. (t.ht« reserved the room for the JR PARAK — .tyaptyph E. He is a graduate of Monmouth as MCAP's director of neighbor- zens information about medicare. : «ase -for-Mooday and also for :: Ulikdf College and has" been doing grad- hood service centers. Thai-posi- The project Is being conducted spiel led the fight against autho- he disagreed with the move he The hiayor - said.' that; it' the : tjyffe-,"''fxeaitive' Uliiktdrpp f March 4. ^~ Monmouth Community Actioi n uate work at Rutgers University. tion was eliminated in the «4+,-by MCAP' in co-operation with rizing the attorney to.