Notice of a meeting of Planning Committee Thursday, 18 July 2013 6.00 pm Council Chamber - Municipal Offices Membership Councillors: Helena McCloskey, Jacky Fletcher, Garth Barnes, Chris Coleman (Chair), Barbara Driver, Bernard Fisher, Rob Garnham, Les Godwin, Penny Hall (Vice-Chair), Peter Jeffries, Andrew McKinlay, Malcolm Stennett, Pat Thornton, Simon Wheeler and Klara Sudbury The Council has a substitution process; substitutions will be announced at the meeting Agenda 1. APO LOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTE REST 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 4. MINUTES OF LAST MEET ING (Pages 1 - 26) 5. PLANNING/LISTED BUIL DING/CONSERVATION AR EA CONSENT/ADVERTISEMENT APPLICATIONS, APPLICATIONS FOR LAWFUL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE AND TREE RELATED APPLICATIONS a) 13/00777/FUL & CAC Former Odeon Cinema, (Pages 27 - 156) Winchcombe Street and 13/00827/OUT & CAC Haines & Strange, Albion Street b) 13/00661/FUL Cheltenham Racec ourse (Pages 157 - 182) c) 11/00735/FUL 113 Church Road, Leckhampton (Pages 183 - 230) d) 13/00189/FUL Land to the rear of Well Cottage, The (Pages 231 - 242) Burgage, Prestbury e) 13/00220/FUL Cheltenham Car W ash, Kingsditch (Pages 243 - 250) Lane 1 f) 13/00383/FUL Manor by the Lake, Hatherley Lane (Pages 251 - 276) g) 13/00691/COU Manor by the Lake, Hatherley Lane (Pages 277 - 310) h) 13/00679/OUT 81 New Barn La ne (Pages 311 - 320) 6. ANY OTHER ITEMS THE CHAIRMAN DETERMINES URGENT AND REQUIRES A DECISION Contact Officer : Judith Baker, Planning Committee Co-ordinator, Email :
[email protected] 2 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 d r a f t Page m i1 n u t e s Planning Committee 20 th June 2013 Present: Members (14) Councillors McCloskey, Chair (HM); Hall, Vice-Chair (PH); Barnes (GB); Coleman (CC); Driver (BD); Fisher (BF); Garnham (RG); Godwin (LG); Jeffries (PJ); McKinlay (AM); Stennett (MS); Sudbury (KS); Thornton (PT); Wheeler (SW).