BLACK 34 YELLOW Gemma Calvert with Carine (left) Look To To Woman Talks Most Powerful Fashion’s from the heart… the from editor who talks French French Roitfeld, the ex Carine fabulous we meet fashion – Delevingne Cara with and giggles Beyoncé with talk baby Lagerfeld, Mates Karl with Roitfeld: Carine ’s ’s What’s New


CREDITCREDIT A first issueof shoots forher Florida on fairytale-esque Carine jetstoCannes,NewYork and But in Blahniks”). today) andkillerheels(“IloveManolo (she’s wearingNinaRicci pencil skirts is made herastyleicon.Heruniform blend ofrockchicmeetsParisienne, has Herownlook,a fashion fail.Hurrah! Bad looksaremoreinspiringthangood.” someone welldressedis not soinspiring. ideas. Ialwayshavemy eyes openand to look,butnotjudge.Ijustlike totake I’mgoing I’m dressed.’Anditis true, “They say, ‘She’sgoingtojudge theway is nailedandwe’resippinggreentea. admits Carine,oncethedresscode – whattowear?“A lotofpeoplestress,” woman who’slike But there’sonenigglewhenmeetinga Vogue Ford andenjoyedadecadeatFrench joined French photographer MarioTestino, then styling forthethenlittle-known Anditis. important.” It’svery party… “We’re discussingthedresscodefora thick French Rsinto Ws. accentturning in ourdirection.“Sorry,” shesays,her She glancesherkohl-smudged eyes new documentary Fabien Constant,thedirector ofher Carine isconversinginfastFrench with (a placesoswanky ithasvaletparking), IntheCaféDeL’Esplanadeapartment. extraordinarily chic(weimagine) from the Eiffel Tower andCarine’s First up,we’reinParis, astone’sthrow style super-guru –bringsahostofperks. sometimes in flat shoes and jeans.” sometimes inflatshoesandjeans.” I hope not becausetherealmeis OK are goingtobedisappointed. some Somaybe always withheels and skirts.’ say, ‘Oh, we thought shewasanicon, her.worries dressed, which “Some will Restoin (they’ve never married) – and – and never married) Restoin (they’ve 30 years,fashionlabelownerChristian of her twochildrenwithpartner of Carine’sdaughterJulia,31–one beginnings, inspiredbythepregnancy shy about showing her emotions, and shy aboutshowingheremotions, and father andParisienne mum,sheisn’t inParisfrom Carine.Born to a Russian shouldn’t expectsimilaron-filmferocity in fearsome American Romy Nicole.Anyonewhosaw ofhergranddaughter,then thebirth So with Carine Roitfeld you can never So withCarineRoitfeld you cannever After modellingat18,Carinebegan The first issue was themed on new The firstissuewasthemedonnew . Fashion, for Carine, is everything. . Fashion, for Carine,iseverything. Fashion Book founder ofnewfashionrag editor-in-chief,former – FrenchRoitfeld rendez-vous withCarine CR Elle and at times is casually andattimesiscasually The SeptemberIssue that Mademoiselle C, , consultedforTom Mademoiselle C Vogue with with Karl Lagerfeld , and bona fide , andbonafide editor editor Vogue ’s ’s


leaving French it’s goodtherapy.” herself befilmed], maybe bitof go [bylettingevery most ofthetime,sotolet too.I’mcontrolled I hurt fashion butI’mromanticand pauses. “I’m fearlessin Nicole. “Ah, yes,” Carine talking aboutherlatemum, in onescenetearsup when now I have no boss, less now Ihavenoboss, less Iwanted but do everything good.Heletme was very Newhouse [heroldboss] regret anything.Jonathan explains Carine.“I don’t mynew project,” I wasstarting Ileft because thedayafter “I don’thaveany on hisbook, collaborating withKarlLagerfeld being thefaceofaMAC line and list, whichincludes to add totheyear’s year ago!” It’s another achievement than thefilm,thatwasalmostone offended. “No,no,no!I’mbetternow her we’reimpressed,Carineseems she doestheactualsplits. When wetell ballet sessions andin 58. Herbodyissculptedwithregular free butyou’re not.” Sometimes youthinkyou’re It’s harder, butit’safreedom. money, nobeautifuloffice. in her pushchair – and even more in herpushchair –and evenmore the ChanelchiefwheelsRomyaround happy tomake himhappy.” Inthefilm, I’ve seenhimwearingit.Itmakes me and I boughthimagreycashmerescarf LastChristmas can haveeverything. becausehe a presentforKarlLagerfeld difficulttofind list,” shesays.“It’svery “He’satthetopofmyChristmas heart. high-five for peeling back Karl’s high-five forpeelingbackKarl’s breastfeeding. We giveCarineaverbal isthebitwherehetalksabout bizarre human side. She says, “People don’t always has his black glasses on and always hashisblack glasses onand know this,butKarllovespeople. He needs more needs Fashion diversity are interesting. interesting. are Was therapyneededafter It’s impossible to believe Carine is It’s impossibletobelieveCarineis Karl inhabits a special place in Carine’s Karl inhabitsaspecialplaceinCarine’s Curves Curves The LittleBlackJacket Vogue Vogue More over the page theover More Mademoiselle C in 2011? in2011? blues blues

Anna Wintour Vogue Carine andUS . editor editor

with Beyoncé, no?”Er, hellyeah! for her daughter and Beyoncé was for herdaughterandBeyoncé was “I wastalkingto Kim aboutnames Kanye West andKimKardashian. in NewYork, shewasonatablewith far andwide.At theMet Ball thisyear through London Fashion Week.” more thantheothercities,especially designers arehelpedinLondon in London,” says Carine.“Young young designersandtherearealot tohelp him. “I try she’s supported designer JWAndersonfouryearsago, designers. EversincespottingBrit funny toexchangepicturesof a baby showing meapictureofherbaby. It’s Beyoncé, Madonna,RooneyMara, he’s alovingperson, too.” tough,but you think he’s very she’s a big model. I don’t care about she’s a big model.Idon’tcareabout like Now alesbian, wedon’tlike her’. hair. short very People said ‘shelooks De Brauw[aDutchmodel]who has don’t thinkarebeautiful.Take Saskia a challengeusinggirlsthatpeople a star,” shesays,triumphantly. “Ilike Vogue “interesting”, sogavehera curves her fat, CarinefoundMrsWalliams’ and shesaysalthoughothersdubbed Lara Stone also caught Carine’seye loves tobeseatedbyheratparties.” and makes youlaugh.KarlLagerfeld models ofthemoment. “She’s smart Delevingne isoneofherfavourite and ChristopherKane, says Cara catching upwithpalsTom Ford Carine’s celebrity contacts extend Carine’s celebritycontactsextend Carine, who will be at LFW Carine, who willbeatLFW Carine alsolovesnewmodelsand At ofher thestart 93LOO13038109.pgs 06.09.2013 10:35 cover, thenmore.“Imade her  Vogue tenure, tenure, 35 BLACK 36 YELLOW wedding was McQueen. She’s a cool wedding wasMcQueen.She’s acool first stars to fight for Aids sufferers. first starstofightforAids sufferers. andwasoneofthe Carine supports, which Aids researchcharityAmfAR, in the world.” Liz also co-founded in theworld.” Lizalsoco-founded who Ithinkisthemostsexyperson RichardBurton, she twicemarried woman of all time, and there’s no woman ofalltime, and there’s no chic.” of my uncle. It’s very her son],George.It’sthename [of princess andIlovethisname designers – evenherdressforthe British fashion. “Shesupports Carine creditsforboostingBritish silk tobedisKateMiddleton,who silk dressthan be totally naked.” a in she says. “It’s bettertogobed sexy isn’t aboutbeinguncovered,” isn’t aboutflashingflesh. “To be girls”) butinsistssexy more curvy Secret (“It’s notvulgar, Ilovethe favourite catwalkshowisVictoria’s erotic-chic photoshootsandher needs morediversity.” a bignose,ifshe’solder. Fashion the shapeofbody, ifshe’sgot had beauty, glamour, generosityand hesitation. “Liz Taylor,” shesays. “She and todownloadfrom28October. 20 SeptemberandavailableonDVD ■ abundance. already havein Carine, itseemsyouwantwhat defend whatIbelievein.”Maisoui, Carine. “Iwanttobefearlessand “I wanttobethesameasher,” says Mademoiselle C Ask Carine who is the most chic Ask Carinewhoisthe most chic One womanweimaginewears Carine becamefamousforher MAGENTA What’s New Kirsten Dunst inCannes KarlWith and Lagerfeld is in cinemas from is incinemasfrom CYAN FRIENDS IN HIGH IN PLACES FRIENDS

fundraiser Stone at anAmfAR Meeting Sharon Kate Moss Partying with a linebehind.the with sheer tights them withblack better legs. iwillput ankle givesme strap around the mebecausefor the “this style isgood “i like them–they are almost ugly. pink leopard to bediscreet.” of thelookhas part strong sotheother shoes are quite all black atwist.” thesewillgivetheoutfit print isnot easy to wear, but ifyou’re wearing Carine’s New-Season High-Street Fashion Picks camouflage print.” maybe ina a shirt, wear thisdress over of themoment.i’d muchathing very the ruffled bitis be bigthisseason. “this isgoingto Dress �34.99 Zara s s do withyourhands, holdyour clutch.” attitude –ifyoudon’t know what to craziness. the clutch isgoodfor “a touch of red isalways alittle clutchc shoess Shop �XX u �45 Asos Office �60 o favourite models is oneof Carine’s Cara Delevingne c s jacketj �99.99 Mango c 93LOO13038113.pgs 06.09.2013 10:35 and drmartens.” with acheck shirt grungy soi’d mixit to mango!it’s abit givenchy youcan go cannot goto season. soifyou favourite shopsthis “it’s from oneof my shoess Kurt Geiger �120 o s martins.”m doc d and shirt s checkeredc with a w i’di mixit grungy so g mym it oneof for f referencer “it’s“ abig ’ o e h d h i r o t i f r y u a i t e ’ m e c r s o h r n i c t r t t a n e k i g a a i x e n e n b y n i r s c i o t d s e g . ” e Milla JovovichMilla and below with Week, Fashion year’s New York Dello Russo at last FROW withAnna o f d

words: gemma calvert photos: eyevine, rex features,, getty images, photoshot