How Far Beyond Chicago? Assessing Recent Attempts to Reframe the Inerrancy Debate — Jason S
Themelios 34.1 (2009): 26-49 How Far Beyond Chicago? Assessing Recent Attempts to Reframe the Inerrancy Debate — Jason S. Sexton — Jason Sexton is a licensed minister with the Evangelical Free Church of America and PhD candidate in Systematic Theology at The University of St. Andrews, Scotland. he doctrine of inerrancy has been a watershed issue among evangelicals in the West, perhaps now Tmore evident than ever.1 While the inerrancy debate never entirely dissipated from its last spell in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it recently surged to the forefront of discussions about an evan- gelical doctrine of Scripture both in North America and abroad. This transpired with recent events in the Evangelical Theological Society (hereafter, ETS) dealing with inerrancy2 and fresh publications of at least a dozen books, articles, and reviews.3 With this new rally, one might say that evangelicalism is 1 It was designated a “watershed” over three decades ago by Harold Lindsell, The Battle for the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976), 26–27, and eight years later by Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster (Wheaton: Crossway, 1984), 44. The degree of watershed was challenged early by Richard H. Bube, “Inerrancy Is/Is Not the Watershed of Evangeli- calism: None of the Above,” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 29 (March 1977): 46–47, who called for “revelational inerrancy,” asserting that the term “inerrancy” outlived its usefulness. Some, however, see the inerrancy debate as a watershed for other reasons—because of a “classically modern” view of truth that made inerrancy the “foundational Christian doctrine upon which all others depend.” Jeffery Stephen Oldfield, “The Word Became Text and Dwells Among Us? An Examination of the Doctrine of Inerrancy” (PhD thesis, University of St Andrews, 2007), 232–33.
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