Ao2e Index.Pdf
INDEX Symbols Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), 341 * (asterisk), as wildcard, 285 advanced persistent threat (APT), 171 @ symbol, to send messages to, 9 another host, 288 afterboot(8) man page, 57 \ (backslash), for line continuation, aggressive optimization for PF, 420 78, 113 aliases, 113–117 $ (dollar sign), in pathnames, 96 naming conventions, 117 ! (exclamation point) nesting, 116 to escape to command prompt, 43 -alldirs option, for mount point in as negation symbol, 117–118 partition, 156 in filter rule, 406 ALTQ bandwidth management > symbol, for disklabel(8) command system, 439 prompt, 50 /altroot partition, 73 # (hash mark), for comments, 33 backup to, 148 % (percent sign), for groups in user amd64 platform, 16 aliases, 114 boot floppies, FFS support by, / (root) partition. See root (/) partition 133–134 ~ (tilde), in pathnames, 96 floppy image for, 39 _ (underscore), for unprivileged user Intel Preboot Execution Environment names, 103–104 on, 451 kernel configuration directory, 361 A anchors in PF, 434, 439 adding rules, 434–435 a command, 52 conditional filtering, 436 abandoned IP addresses, 310 nested, 436–437 abbreviations, for disk sizes, 52 viewing and flushing, 436 ABIs (application binary interfaces), 2, 8 abort (fdisk), 131 anonymous CVS, 386 account information access, antispoofing rule, 416 controlling, 266 Apache web server, 227 ACPI (Advanced Configuration and APIs (application programming Power Interface), 341 interfaces), 2 acpi0 device, 341 application binary interfaces (ABIs), 2 activ method for BSD authentication, 99 application menu, creating in X Windows active FTP, 437 System, 334 active partition, marking, 131 application programming interfaces address families, in packet filtering, 405 (APIs), 2 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 185 applications.
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