Time : 90 Minutes Maximum Score : 100 Points

Section 1 – Match the following. Write the appropriate alphabet of the matching word from Column B that corresponds with the word from Column A. (10 x 1pt each =10 pts Total)

Column A Column B 1. Lot D (L1 P3) A. Father of Jonathan 2. Miriam I (L13 P3) B. Sacred Song 3. Abraham F (L2 P3) C. Jesus’ cousin 4. Elijah H (L12 P3) D. Nephew of Abram 5. J (L4 P3) E. King of Judah 6. Saul A (L14 P3) F. Son of Terah 7. Caleb K (L7 P3 &4) G. King Ahab's wife 8. John the Baptist C (L17 P3) H. Chief prophet 9. Psalm B (L11 P3) I. Prophetess 10. Jezebel G (L8 P3) J. Sonschool of Amittai K. Son of Jephunneh

Section 2 – Fill in the Blanks. Write the appropriate word(s) in the blank space. (10 x 1pt each = 10 pts Total)

1. Elijah challenged Ahab and the people of Israel to a contest to be held on Mount ______. sunday Carmel (L8 P3) 2. Upon Jesus' baptism, the heavens opened and the Spirit of God came down from heaven like a ______.mtc dove (L17 P3) 3. ______is also known as God’s friend in James 2:23. Abraham (L3 P3) 4. Even though ______sehion was Mephibosheth's grandfather, David helped him. Saul (L14 P3) 5. Jonah got on a ship that was going to Tarshish instead of going to ______, (L4 P3) 6. Though Abraham was from the city of Ur, he and his family settled in ______until his father's death. Haran (L2 P3) 7. The three types of temptations that the devil presented before Jesus were temptations of the ______, the eyes and pride. flesh (L18 P3)


8. The book of Psalms in the Bible contains ______songs. 150 (L11 P3) 9. ______helped Moses manage the many problems that people had during their exodus from Egypt by instructing him to put responsible people in charge. Jethro (L6 P3) 10. Samson was not only known for his great strength, but he was also a ______over Israel. Judge (L10 P3)

Section 3 – Multiple Choice. Circle the most appropriate response for the following questions/statements. (20 x 1pt= 20 pts Total)

1. Isaac was born to Sarah when she was about______years old a. 80 b. 85 c. 90 d. 95 C (L2 P4) 2. Jesus tells the story about these animals to teach sinners that God seeks those who are lost. a. lamb b. donkey c. goats d. sheep D (L19 P3) school 3. Caleb was the son of ______. a. Jephunneh b. Nun c. Jehoshaphat d. Amittai A (L7 P3) 4. The poor widow's offering to the treasury was two of this type of coin (worth a penny). sunday a. bronze b. gold c. silver d. copper D (L20 P3) 5. On the sixth day of the week Godmtc provide Israelites ______worth of food? a. 1 day b. 2 days 3. 3 days d. none of these B (L5 P3) 6. David claims that these are the announcers of the glory of God. a. angels b. prophets c. heavens d. disciples C (L11 P3) sehion 7. About how many miles did Abraham travel from the city of Ur to Haran? a. 300 b. 400 c. 500 d. 600 C (L2 P3) 8. The people of Nineveh were ______. a. Kushites b. pagans c. jews d. gentiles D (L4 P3) 9. Who is not one of Saul's sons? a. Mephibosheth b. Ish-bosheth c. Jonathan d. Abinadab A (L14 P3)

10. Which of these is NOT one of the reasons Abram and Lot decided to part ways? a. servants were fighting b. they didn't get along c. too much wealth d. too many animals B (L1 P3) 11. Jesus came from Galilee to ______to be baptized by John the Baptist. a. Jerusalem b. Canaan c. Jordan d. Damascus C (L17 P3) 12. Jonah lived in the fish’s stomach for ___ days. a. 3 b. 7 c. 10 d. 25 A (L4 P3) 13. Elijah challenges Ahab by preparing an altar with 12 stones to represent 12 ______. a. gates in heaven b. tribes of Israel c. disciples d. Kings B (L8 P3) 14. Some say that Isaiah 53 is the ______in the Old Testament. a. saddest chapter b. Revelations c. New Testamentschool d. longest chapter C (L15 P3) 15. Ahab is considered one of the most ______kings that ever ruled Israel. a. wise b. wicked c. kind d. weak B (L8 P3) 16. Jesus was tempted by the Devil for ______sunday days. a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 C (L18 P1) 17. Moses took the advice of this person regarding his responsibilities to the Israelites : a. Jethro b. Aaronmtc c. God d. Miriam A (L6 P3) 18. Moses's married a ______, which was frowned upon the Israelites. a. Gentile b. Canaanite c. Cushite d. Moabite C (L13 P3) sehion 19. After dividing the land between them, Lot decided to live in the land of ______. a. Haran b. Sodom c. Gomorrah d. Canaan B (L3 P3) 20. God inflicted Miriam with this disease because she disrespected Moses. a. leprosy b. plague c. blindness d. deafness A (L13 P3)


Section 4 – Short Answers. Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5pts = 20 pts Total)

1. Soon after Jesus was baptized, the devil tries to tempt him into sin. Why did the devil try to tempt Jesus? (2 pts) What are the three sins that Jesus faced? (3 pts @ 1 pt ea.) (L18 P3&4)  The devil tempted Jesus to make him doubt his identity as the Son of God. 2 pts  Temptation of the flesh - to please your bodily needs immediately 1 pt  Temptation of the eyes - desiring worldly wealth 1 pt  Temptation of pride - the promise of power 1 pt

2. The people of Sodom & Gomorrah were wicked people. Why did Abraham plead for these people? (1 pt) What did he do to try to convince God to spare their lives? (1 pt) What was the result of his prayers? (3 pts) (L3 P3)  Abraham was concerned for his nephew Lot. 1school pt  He pleaded with God six times for the sake of righteous people. 1 pt  1pt. God heard Abraham's prayer and was willing to spare the city if there were only 10 righteous people among them. 1pt When they couldn't find those 10 people, God destroyed the land. 1pt. In answer to Abraham's prayer Lot and his family were spared. sunday 3. Samson was known for his strength but he had the misfortune of falling in love with Delilah.  How did Delilah betraymtc him? 1 pt  What did the Philistines do to Samson? 2 pts  What did Samson do in repentance? 2 pts (L10 P3)  Delilah took money from the Philistines and cut Samson's hair when he was asleep.sehion 1 pt.  The Philistines captured Samson and gouged his eyes. 1 pt.  They humiliated him and made him the center of attention. 1 pt.  Samson humbled himself before God and asked for strength to get revenge on the Philistines. 1 pt.  He took down the two central pillars of the pagan temple and caused it to collapse on everyone in the temple. 1 pt.

4. Who was Elisha? 1pt How did Elisha prove he was ready to be the next chief prophet for God? 3pt On what condition did Elijah grant Elisha's request to be the next chief prophet? 1pt (L12 P3)  Elisha was a prophet whom Elijah had been mentoring. 1 pt  Elisha refused to leave Elijah three times because he realized that Elijah's encounter with God into eternal life would happen soon. 1.5 pts  Elijah's loyalty to Elijah showed he was committed to following the will of God and was humble to do whatever it took to be faithful to him. 1.5 pts  Elisha had to witness Elijah being taken up to heaven. 1 pt.

5. When God called him, describe John the Baptist’s lifestyle? 1 pt Describe John the Baptist's physical appearance. 1 pt What did he eat to accommodate his frequent travel? 2 pts Why did he follow the will of God? 1 pts. (L17 P3)  John the Baptist lived like a traveling preacher. 1 pt.  He wore clothes of camel's hair. 1 pt. school  He ate locusts and wild honey to accommodate his constant travel. 2 pts.  John the Baptist followed the will of God for his life to encourage others to repent of their sins and prepare themselves for the salvation to come through the Messiah. 1 pt

Section 5 – Memory Verses. Complete anysunday of five (5) of the following on the answer sheet provided (5 x 5pts = 25 pts. Total)

1. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perishmtc but may have eternal life." John 3:16 (L15 P5) 2. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for everyone. 1 Timothy 2:1 (L3 P5) 3. For all of themsehion have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on. Mark 12:44 (L20 P5) 4. Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters. Colossians 3:23 (L6 P5) 5. The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, "Raise your eyes now, and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever. Genesis 13: 14,15 (L1 P5)


6. Let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (L11 P5) Section 6 – Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Vision. Select the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. Write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided (10 x 1pt= 10 pts. Total)

1. Juhanon Mar Thoma believed that social service activities are ______. a. our jobs c. mandatory to get into heaven b. fun d. our Christian obligations D (MTFV P123) 2. Abraham Malpan and ______Malpan dedicated themselves to the cause of reformation in the . a. Kaithayil Geevarghese b. K. K. Kuruvilla c. Juhanon Marthoma d. Thomas A (MTFV P120) 3. In the Mar Thoma church, children who have reached _____ years of age can receive Holy Communion school a. 12 b. 13 c. 14 d. 16 A (MTFV P119) 4. The ______posture is a mark of respect practiced widely in the Roman Catholic Church. a. Standing b. Kneeling c. Bowing d. Sitting B (MTFV P 117) sunday 5. The Marthoma Church has inter-communion with the ______church in Canada. a. Anglican b. Pentecostalmtc c. Evangelical d. Methodist A (MTFV P114) 6. The Mar Thoma Church Silver Jubilee celebration occurred in ______. a. 1967 b. 2007 c. 1807 d. 1997 D (MTFV P114) 7. Which Westernsehion missionary society played a part in the reformation of the Malankara church? a. Church Missionary Society b. World Council of Churches c. Federation of Association d. A (MTFV P120) 8. Worship is ______. a. prayers b. the adoration of God c. sacrifice d. offertory B (MTFV P116)

9. The church responded to Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan's challenge regarding social obligations by ______. a. Starting the Mexico Mission b. Starting Sisters of Charity c. Building 75 homes for homeless d. none of these C (MTFV P123) 10. The Mar Thoma Church has an approximate population of nearly ______people. a. 1 million b. 100 thousand c. 10 thousand d. 1 thousand A (MTFV P115) Section 7 – Mar Thoma History Short Answer. Answer one of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (1 x 5pts = 5 pts Total)

1. State two major contributions of Palakunnathu Abraham Malpan and Kaithayil Geevarghese Malpan? 2.5 pts ea. (MTFV P120) Any 2, 2.5 pts each - They dedicated themselves to the cause of reform in the Malankara church. - They translated the liturgy into to bring meaningful participation. school - They gave emphasis to the personal study of the word of God.

2. What does inter-communion mean? 2 pts Which church do we have Inter-Communion with in the United States? 1pt Name two churches in India that we have inter-communion with. (2pts) sunday (MTFV P117)  Inter-communion means allowing members of our church to receive Holy Communion from a churchmtc which has a special relationship with our church. (2 pts)  We have inter-communion with the Episcopal Church in the United States. (1 pt)  In India, we have inter-communion with the Church of South India (CSI) and (CNI). (2 pts) sehion



Time : 90 Minutes Maximum Score : 100 Points

Section 1 – Match the following. Write the appropriate letter of the matching word from Column B that corresponds with the word from Column A. (10 x 1pt each =10pts Total) Column A Column B 1. Jacob F (L10 P1&2) A. Poet 2. Rahab J (L4 P1) B. Pharoah’s Dream 3. Naomi G (L17 P2) C. Brother of Peter 4. David K (L12 P1) D. Jerusalem and Judea 5. Joseph B (L12 P2) E. Philistine 6. Enemies I (L2 P2) F. Israel 7. Jesus H (L8 P1) G. Ruth and Orpah 8. Andrew C (L18 P2) H. Sermon on the Mount 9. Goliath E (L19 P2) I. Jewsschool and Samaritans 10. Micah A (L7 P1) J. Israelites Spies K. Jesse’s Son

Section 2 – Fill in the Blanks. Write the appropriate word(s) in the space provided. (10 x 1pt each = 10 pts Total) 1. ______was King Nebuchadnezzar’ssunday successor. King Belshazzar (L14 P2) 2. The Lord gave the Israelites over to ______of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor. King Jabin (L11 P1) mtc 3. Obed became father of Jesse, the grandfather of ______. David (L8 P3) 4. The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by at ______. Gibeon (L13 P1)sehion 5. The twelve stones on the altar that Elijah rebuilt represented ______. tribes of the sons of Jacob (L9 P1) 6. Moses walked down with Ten Commandments in his hand from ______after spending forty days with God. Mount Sinai (L6 P2) 7. Magi, who were expert in study of stars, discovered the star that signaled the birth of “______.” “King of the Jews” (L16 P2) 8. So, Jacob called the place ______, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved.”


Peniel (L2 P1) 9. Jesus said to ______, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.” Zacchaeus (L20 P1)

10. Joseph was sold to ______, one of the officials of Pharaoh and the captain of the Guard. Potiphar (L3 P5) Section 3 – Multiple Choice. Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (20 x 1pt= 20 pts Total)

1. ______led the Israelites to the “Promised land” after the death of Moses. a. Aaron b. Jacob c. David d. Joshua D (L7 P2) 2. Instead of praying for wealth or power, King Solomon prayed to the Lord for ______. a. Strength b. An understanding mind c. Health d. A good familyschool B (L13 P1) 3. Who was Barak’s father? a. Sisera b. Jabin c. Abinoam d. Hazor C (L11 P1) 4. According to Leviticus 25:25, a ______sunday was a relative who helped a poor person to get back on their feet. a. business associate b. a kinsman-redeemer c. Boss mtc d. Wealthy friend B (L8 P1) 5. The Israelite King who worshipped false Gods, Baal and Asherah, was ______. a. Ahab b. Saul c. Jabin d. Barak A (L9 P1) 6. Who molded the goldensehion calf that the Israelites worshiped and danced around? a. Aaron b. Moses c. Abram d. Isaac A (L6 P1) 7. God asked Abram to leave his father’s land which was called ______and go to Canaan.. a. Ur b. Bethel c. Haran d. Laban C (L1 P1) 8. ______was both a Prophetess and a Judge. a. Jael b. Mary Magdalene c. Deborah d. Jezebel C (L11 P1)


9. The walls of Jericho came down on the ______day. a. 1st b. 3rd c. 6th d. 7th D (L7 P1) 10. Esther was chosen from all the women in Persia by which King? a. Jabin b. Solomon c. Ahab d. Ahasuerus D (L15 P2) 11. Of the twelve disciples, who was the first to become a martyr?

a. Simon b. Andrew c. John d. James the Elder D (L17 P2) 12. The Parable of the good Samaritan teaches us to love our ______.

a. Parent’s enemy b. neighbor c. siblings d. enemy B (L19 P1) 13. Who was the commander of King Jabin’s army? a. Sisera b. Barak c. Lappidoth d. Zebulum A (L11 Judges 4:2) school

14. When Esther was queen, who passed a law which stated that all Jews must be killed? a. Haman b. Mordecai c. Hattach d. Vashti A (L15 P1) 15. You are the ______of the world,sunday a city on a hill cannot be hid. a. Pride b. Chosen one c. Light d. Meek C (L18 P1) 16. Jacob wrestled with a man who struckmtc him on his ______. a. neck b. hip socket c. thigh d. head B (L2 P1) 17. Which disciple was referred to as the “Zealot”? a. John b. Simon c. Mathew d. Bartholomew B (L17 P2) sehion 18. During the last plague Moses told the elders of Israel to take ______and dip it into the lamb’s blood to mark the lintel and doorposts so that the firstborn Israelites would be spared. a. Stalks of grain b. wineskins c. hyssop d. hay C (L5 P3) 19. Boaz could not marry Ruth without first ______. a. Asking her to marry him c. having a job b. getting permission from Naomi d. finding a closer relative who would want to marry her D (L8 P3) 20. Micah was a native of the land of ______. a. Samaria b. Moresheth c. Assyria d. Ashkelon B (L10 P1) Section 4 – Short Answers. Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5pts = 20pts Total)

1. Explain how Deborah served God as a prophetess and judge.

(L11 P2)  Faith/Trust—Deborah is a great example of someone with strong faith. Barak was not quite so ready to trust in the word of God. When Barak hesitated to take the lead, it was Deborah who obeyed God and stepped up to become the army leader.  Obedience—Deborah obeyed God. Not only did she set a fine example of a woman of faith, but Deborah fulfilled the job that was given to her, and was willing to take up the leadership when others (Barak) panicked. school  Honor—Due to the defeat of King Jabin and army leader Sisera, Deborah was able to restore integrity back into the Israelites’ lives.

2. Name the twelve disciples of Jesus. (3 pts) For what purpose did Jesus call them? (2 pts) sunday (L17 P1-2)  Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew;mtc Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the who betrayed him.  Jesus called these 12 people as disciples to be the ones who will not only experience Jesus’ missionary work, up close but also carry on this work after Jesus’ death. They were to tell other about the good news of Jesus, life death and resurrection. sehion 3. Daniel’s night in the Lion Den probably was one of the most challenging and scariest times of his life. Briefly explain, the events that led up to him being thrown in the lion’s den. (2 pt) Why did people want him thrown there? (1pt) How did Daniel respond and what happened in the end. (1pt) What is one lesson that you took away from this story? (1pt)

(L14 Daniel 6) When King Darius was ruler of Persia, he made Daniel one of three presidents who was appointed over 120 satraps/high officials in the kingdom. This made Daniel’s peers very jealous and they wanted to bring him down. They passed a law stating that no one could pray to any other god other than the king. Daniel trusted in God, and so did not stop praying to God. The King was forced to put him in the Lion’s Den. However, 4

during the night God kept the mouths of the lion shut. The king came out in the morning and found Daniel unharmed. (Note: For the last questions student responses will vary.) (L 14, Daniel 6)

4. Esther was a young girl that went from being a young Jewish girl to becoming the Queen of Persia. But there was a reason for her becoming queen. How did God use Queen Esther? (3 pts) What were some of the good qualities Esther had as a believer in God? List at least two (2pts)

(L15 Esther 4) God used Esther as Queen to save his people from Hamaan the wicked Persian Prime Minister. Haman was angry that Esther’s cousin Mordecai did not bow down before him. As such, Haman wanted to execute all the Jewish people in Persia. Mordecai told Esther that she would need to plead to the king to save their lives as she was only who would have the chance to approach him. Esther was scared at first, but then she gathered the courage to the face the king. Esther got all the Jews to fast for three days and three nights in prayer. She then went to the king and told the king. The king then was able to put a stop to Haman’s plan. (Answers can vary for listing qualities Esther had. Examples, she was bold, she was thoughtful, she did notschool forget about her cousin. She loved God. Etc) (Lesson 15; Esther 4)

5. One of the greatest commandments that Jesus gave to mankind, was to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Explain how Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan shows us to follow this commandment. (3 pts) Who was the real ‘neighbor’ in this story and explain why? (1pt) Give one example, of how you will show God’ssunday love to the your “neighbors?” (1pt)

(L19 Luke 10:25-37) In the story of the Good Samaritan,mtc there was a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho where he was attacked by a group of robbers. A priest passed by the road, and saw the wounded man and did nothing. Neither did a Levite. But there was a Samaritan, who was a from a group of people hated by the Jews. He stopped by and treated the man’s wounds and took him to an him and even paid the man’s bill. The Samaritan was the real ‘neighbor’ because even though he did not know the wounded traveler, he chosesehion to show him mercy and help him. [Last question: responses will vary]

Section 5 – Memory Verses. Complete any of five (5) of the following. (5x5pts =25 pts. Total)

1. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve me against the wrath of my enemies; you stretch out your hand, and your right hand delivers me. - Psalm 138:7 (L16 P1) 2. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. - Exodus 20:4 (L6 P1) 3. If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. - James 1: 5 (L13 P1) 4. But Ruth said, “Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” - Ruth 1:16 (L8 P1) 5. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. - Genesis 12:2 (L1 P) 6. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (L18 P1) school Section 6 – Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Vision. Select the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (10 x 1pt= 10 pts. Total)

1. The first Christians were the ______, who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. a. Syrians b. Jews c. Persians d. Romans B (MTFV P130) sunday 2. Who was the first Indian Bishop of the Church, consecrated with the title Marthoma 1? a. Archdeacon Alexander b. Archdeacon Gregorious c. Archdeacon Thomas mtcd. Abraham Malpa C (MTFV P136) 3. In 1980, the Mar Thoma Church entered into a “sister-church” relationship with whom? a. The Episcopal Church of North America b. The Methodist Church of America c. The Eastern Orthodoxsehion Church d. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints A (MTFV P147) 4. What is considered the declaration of independence from all foreign control and a call for Indian Christians to continue their faith? a. Coonen Cross Oath b. Nicene Creed c. Council of Constantinople d. Separation of Church and State A (MTFV P136)

5. Who was the pioneer in the reformation of the Malankara Church and translated the Syrian liturgy into Malayalam?


a. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma b. Abraham Malpan c. Mar Gregorious d. B (MTFV P139) 6. The Bishops of the Mar Thoma church are elected by the Sabha Mandalam. What is required for a Bishop to be elected? a. Majority votes of all Marthomites b. 75% votes of both the clergy and laity counted separately c. Majority of both clergy and laity d. 75% from clergy alone B (MTFV P142) 7. When did the first regular Mar Thoma services begin in New York which laid the foundation for many churches to follow? a. 1971 b. 1981 c. 1988 d. 1972 D (MTFV P147) 8. Abraham Malpan and eleven other priests submitted a memorandum in 1836 to the British Resident suggesting much needed changes to the church called ______. a. Nicene Creed b. The Coonan Crossschool Oath c. Lighted to Lighten d. The Trumpet Call of Reformation D (MTFV P139) 9. Which administrative body of the church consists of all the bishops of the Mar Thoma Church and the Metropolitan as the supreme authority? a. Sabha Mandalam b.sunday The Executive Diocese c. Episcopal Synod d. Sabha Council C (MTFV P142) 10. The Church is Catholic. What is the meaningmtc of the word Catholic? a. United b. Set apart for God c. Universal d. Apostolic C (MTFV P132)

Section 7 – Mar Thomasehion History Short Answer. Answer one of the following questions. (1 x 5pts = 5 pts Total)

1. What were the prayers and practices discarded by the Reformation led by Abraham Malpan in the Malankara Church?

(MTFV 139)  Mediation through the saints.  Prayer and adoration to Virgin Mary.  Prayer and mass for the dead.  Auricular confession ( Confession to the priest)  False teachings and practices such as associating concessions with payment of money to priests, seeking forgiveness of sins through offering oil, incense, candles and bodily penance.

2. Who are the members of the Episcopal Synod? What is its responsibility? What is the Metropolitan’s role in the Episcopal Synod?

(MTFV 142) Episcopal Synod consists of all the Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church (1pt) - It has to approve all decisions of the Sabha Mandalam before they are implemented (2pt) - The Metropolitan is the supreme authority and has special power to send back the decisions for reconsideration by the Mandalam (2pt) 5


sunday mtc




Time: 90 Minutes Maximum Score: 100 Points

Section 1 – Multiple Choice. Circle the most appropriate response for the following questions/statements. (30 x 1pt= 30 pts Total)

1. Abram’s name was changed with the promise of the divine covenant to Abraham, which means ______.

a. Exalted Father b. Great leader c. Father of the multitude d. Blessed One C (L4 P2) 2. Jeremiah’s ministry lasted for ______years. a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 B (L11 P3) 3. What was the name given to Daniel by King Nebuchadnezzarschool’s chief official? a. Hananiah b. Shadrach c. Meshach d. Balteshazzar D (L12 P3) 4. Parakletos is the Greek word used in John 14:16 to refer to this. a. Salvation b. Holy Ghost c.sunday Holy Spirit d. Trinity C (L18 P2) 5. The name ______comes from Hebrew language which means “God is my Judge”. mtc a. David b. Daniel c. Moses d. Elijah B (L5 P2) 6. This concept is derived from the Latin word “imago dei’. a. image of God b. glory of God c. grace of God d. light of God A (L1 P3) sehion 7. All of these are different ways to pray EXCEPT. a. Benediction b. Supplication c. Confession d. Adoration A (L16 P2) 8. Which of these describes the Garden of Eden? a. beautiful trees b. filled with food c. river that d. all of these branched into four D (L2 P2) 9. Isaiah’s prophetic ministry continued during the reigns of the 4 kings of ______. a. Israel b. Jordan c. Judah d. Samaria


C (L10 P2) 10. ______advised Esther to keep her Jewish identity a secret to prevent her heritage from being counted against her.

a. Abagail b. Haman c. Mordecai d. King Ahasuerus C (L9 P4) 11. The story of Jesus cleansing the temple is mentioned in which gospel? a. Matthew b. Mark c. John d. all of these D (L20 P2) 12. Adam and Eve were warned by God that they would die if they ate from the Tree of knowledge. What kind of death is referred to here?

a. spiritual b. emotional c. physical d. none of these A (L3 P3) 13. Jesus compares this parable to the kingdom of God. a. parable of the lost sheep b. parable of the weddingschool feast c. parable of the prodigal son d. parable of the talents B (L19 P3) 14. ______was an outstanding example of Jehovah’s warriors. a. Jeremiah b. Caleb c. Joshua d. Aaron B (L7 P3) sunday 15. We can relate Elisha’s commitment to Elijah with that of the loyalty of ______to Naomi. mtc a. Ruth b. Mary c. Sarah d. Miriam A (L15 P2) 16. “Ecclesia” is a Greek word that means a group of people called out for a purpose. This is loosely translated in English to mean ______. sehion a. the chosen ones b. church – the body of Christ c. Ecumenical d. temple of God B (L6 P2) 17. Which commandment did King Ahab break when he coveted Naboth’s vineyard? a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 10th D (L13 P4) 18. How old was Caleb when he left Egypt? a. 38 b. 40 c. 42 d. 44 A (L7 P3)

19. A ______is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus used these as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths:

a. Parables b. Miracles c. Sermons d. A (L17 P2) 20. This book of the Bible is a collection of advice, most of which is believed to be written by King Solomon.

a. Song of Songs b. Ecclesiastes c. Proverbs d. 1 Kings C (L14 P3) 21. Gideon’s name means ______a. Let Baal contend against him b. God overcomes c. Mighty Warrior d. none of these C (L8 P5) 22. God appeared to Moses through a burning bush on the Mountain of ______to reveal his plan to deliver the people of Israel.

a. Sinai b. Horeb c. Moriah schoold. Carmel B (L5 P3) 23. This parable teaches us that we need to think seriously about our eternal life when we are in this world:

a. Two debtors b. Prodigal son c. vineyard sundayd. The rich man & Lazarus D (L17 P2) 24. This river in the book of Genesis may have been located in North East Arabia and is rich in Gold and Onyx Stone. mtc

a. Pishon b. Gihon c. Tigris d. Euphrates A (L2 P2) 25. God told Jeremiah that He is going to judge and discipline His people for their sin in the vision of ______. sehion a. The almond tree b. The city c. The boiling pot d. The pillar & wall C (L11 P3) 26. What was Elisha doing when Elijah threw his mantle over him? a. Plowing in the field with his oxen b. Talking with the company of prophets c. Praying for guidance d. Sleeping A (L15 P3) 27. Where was Isaiah when he had the vision of God seated on a throne with Seraphs in attendance?

a. Sleeping at home b. Temple of God


c. Praying d. none of these B (L10 P2) 28. For how many days did Daniel ask the King’s chief official to give him nothing to eat and drink but vegetables and water? a. 7 days b. 8 days c. 9 days d. 10 days D (L12 P3) 29. Which of these is a promise made in the Abrahamic Covenant? a. command not to eat from tree of knowledge b. blessing for obedience c. promise to never destroy earth by flood d. promise of blessing and redemption D (L4 P3) 30. Esther asked Mordecai and all the Jews in Susa to fast and pray for ____ days and nights to humble themselves and seek God’s intervention. a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days d. 5 days B (L9 P4) Section 2 – Short Answers. Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5pts = 20 pts Total) school 1. Abraham was a nomad with no children. Why did God choose Abraham? (1 pt) What are the three main promises in the Abrahamic Covenant? (3 pts) Explain why Abraham holds a prominent position in history as the father of the Hebrew nation. (Israel). (L4 P3) sunday • God chose Abraham because of his unconditional or blind faith. • The three main promises in the Abrahamic Covenant are: o The promise of landmtc o The promise of descendants o The promise of blessings and redemption • Abraham holds a prominent position in history as the father of the Hebrew nation because of his blind faith in God.

2. The Holy Spirit helpssehion us live a Christian Life. Explain at least 5 works of the Holy Spirit. (L18 P3) Any 5, 1 pt. each • The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and of judgment. • The Holy Spirit transforms us in the sight of God. • The Holy Spirit helps us understand and remember the word of God. • The Holy Spirit helps us lead a godly life. • The Holy Spirit is our guarantee of eternal life with God. • The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses of Lord Jesus Christ.

3. How was Daniel’s and his three friends’ faith tested when they were being trained to serve in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court? (1 pt) How did Daniel respond to his dilemma? (2 pts) What happened as a result of this test? (1 pt)

How did God reward Daniel? (1 pt) (L12 P3) • As part of the King’s order, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were offered food and wine from the King’s table. Daniel and the other Hebrew men did not want to indulge in the food because the meat served in the palace was considered un-clean by Jewish law. • Daniel asked for a test for ten days. He asked that they be given nothing to eat and drink but vegetables and water. The test would compare the appearance of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah with other young men who were eating the royal food. • At the end of ten days, the four men looked healthier and superior in appearance than the men who ate the food given by the palace. • God blessed the men by giving them knowledge and understanding and Daniel could understand dreams and visions.

4. When Gideon was selecting people to fight against the Midianites, the Lord didn’t want him to win by strength of numbers. How did God choose the individuals who would go to battle against the Midianites? What was Gideon’s plan to defeat the Midianities? school What was the result of this plan? (L8 P6) • He chose these individuals by a simple test of how they drank their water from a river. Those who lapped the water like a dog with their tongues were selected and those that knelt down to drink the water were sent home. (2 pts) • Gideon divided his army into threesunday parts; each having jars, lights, and trumpets. Gideon then instructed his team to simultaneously break the jars and blow the trumpets. (2 pts) • In confusion, the Midianites began to fight against themselves, leading the Israelites to victory. Throughmtc the power of God, Gideon’s small army defeated their enemies by using noise and lights to scare the enemy. (1 pt)

5. Who was Esther? (2 pts) Who was Mordecai? (1 pt) How did Esther and Mordecai save the King’s, life? (2 pts) (L9 P4) sehion • Esther was a beautiful Jewish orphan girl who lived in the Persian capital city of Susa. Esther won King Ahasuerus’ beauty pageant competition to replace Queen Vashti and adopted the Persian name Esther when she became Queen. • Mordecai was a Jew and Esther’s older cousin who raised her. He also saved the King’s life. • Mordecai overhead an assassination plot against the King during one of his walks and warned Esther, who in turn warned the King. The matter was investigated and the plotters were put to death.

SECTION 3 – Memory Verses: Complete any of five (5) of the following (5 x 5pts = 25 pts. Total)


1) “Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world;” – 1 John 2:15 (L3 P6)) 2) When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. – John 16:13 (L18 P5)

3) “But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me wholeheartedly, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.” – Numbers 14:24 (L7 P5) 4) But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine; so he asked the palace master to allow him not to defile himself. – Daniel 1:8 (L12 P5) 5) And the LORD came and stood forth, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” and Samuel said, “Speak, for thy servant hears.” – 1 Samuel 3:10 (L9 P4) school

6) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. – Proverbs 1:7 (L14 P5) Section 4 – Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Vision. Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement.sunday (10 x 1pt= 10 pts. Total)

1. Public worship consists of all of these EXCEPT a. adoration mtc b. Holy Communion c. confession d. Kiss of Peace B (MTFV P151) 2. This is the celebration of the relationship between the believer and the almighty. a. Liturgy sehion b. Eucharist c. Taksa d. Proclamation B (MTFV P154) 3. Thronos is an Aramaic word which means ______. a. An altar to celebrate the Holy b. Symbol of divine presence Qurbana c. Vessel for burning incense d. Table that serves as an altar

A (MTFV P158) 4. The Censer is a vessel for burning incense that in Greek Orthodox tradition will have practice bells that are attached to symbolize

a. Intercessory prayer b. The Holy Trinity c. The teaching of the twelve d. Devotional worship Apostles C (MTFV P159) 5. The Day of Ascension is observed on the ______day after Easter to commemorate Jesus’ final appearance to his disciples.

a. 10th b. 20th c. 30th d. 40th D (MTFV P163) 6. St. James Liturgy is largely connected to the gospel of St. ______a. Matthew b. Mark c. Luke d. John D (MTFV P154) 7. The vestment that the priest wears during the is known as the… a. Haikala b. Sobha c. Kappa d. Taksa C (MTFV P162) 8. We use a cross without the crucifix known as the ______. a. Golden Cross b. Easter Crossschool c. Lily Cross d. none of these B (MTFV P159) 9. ______is a 3-day fast for repentance. a. The fast for the Apostles b. The Fast of Nineveh c. The Great Lent Period sundayd. The Good Friday fast B (MTFV P164) 10. The ______is a portable table where specially consecrated elements are placed. a. Madbaha mtc b. Thronos c. Tabaleetha d. Haikala C (MTFV P158) Section 5 – Mar Thoma History Short Answer. Answer one of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (1 x 5pts = 5 pts Total) 1. What is Lent?sehion (1 pt.) Valia-Nombu is the 50-day fast called the Great Lent Period. How many weeks is this broken into? (1 pt) Though the first day of Lent is observed on Ash Wednesday, when does the Mar Thoma church observe the first day of lent? (1 pt) Describe what the 50 days of lent includes? (2 pts)

(MTFV P162) • Lent is the period of the manifestation of the Kingdom of God • Valia-Nombu is divided into 7 weeks • In the Mar Thoma Church, we begin lent on the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday.


• We include the forty days in which our Lord fasted and 10 days to commemorate the passion of Christ for a total of 50 days of lent.

2. Define Liturgy? (1 pt) What is the central theme of Eucharistic liturgy? (1 pt) What pattern of liturgy does the Mar Thoma Church follow? (1 pt) Which Liturgy does the Mar Thoma Church use in Holy Communion and what gospel is this connected to? (2 pts)

(MTFV P153-154) • Liturgy is defined as the source and summit of the life of the church and the celebration of the mystery of salvation through signs and symbols. • Eucharistic liturgy is the celebration of Christ and his unique role of the Redeemer. • The Mar Thoma Church follows the orthodox pattern of liturgy. • The Mar Thoma Church uses the St. James liturgy (Taksa) in Holy Communion and it is connected to the gospel of St. John.

Section 6 – Essay (10 points). Choose one of the following two topics to write an essay in approximately 150 words. school

1. Introduction: Who was Isaiah? (2 pts) Describe Isaiah’s Vision? (3 pts) What did the Vision make Isaiah realize? (3 pts) What was Isaiah’s mission? (1 pt) sunday (L10 P 2 & 3) Who was Isaiah? 2 pts • Isaiah was a Jewish prophetmtc of the 8th century B.C. The meaning of the word Isaiah is ‘Yahweh is salvation.’

• Isaiah, the son of Amoz, belonged to a royal family. His prophetic ministry continued during the reigns of 4 kings of Judah. What was Isaiah’s Vision?sehion 3 pts • Isaiah was in the temple of God when he had the vision. • He was God seated on a high throne, with his robe filing the whole temple. • Seraphs were in attendance, each with six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two wings they covered their feet and the other two wings were used for flying, ready to do God’s will. They called out to one another and said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.”

What did the Vision make Isaiah realize? 3 pts • Isaiah became aware of his sins and that of his people. • He felt his lips were not pure enough to praise God in the presence of the seraphs.

• Isaiah humbled himself before God and his penitence made him worthy to stand in God’s presence.

What was Isaiah’s mission? 2 pts • Isaiah offered himself in response to God’s call to go and speak to the wicked and stubborn people of Judah about their doom and eventual restoration of a remnant.

2. Who was Jeremiah? 2 points Though Jeremiah was timid, explain two of his character traits. 2 pts Describe the three promises through visions, that God gives Jeremiah after he’s commissioned as a prophet? 6 pts

L8 P5 & 6 Who was Jeremiah? 2 points • Jeremiah was a prophet who ministered during the reign of King Josiah. His ministry lasted some 40 years. He was a contemporary of Habakkuk and in his later years of prophetic ministry, Ezekiel. school

Though Jeremiah was timid, what were his character traits? • He was very dedicated to God • He was a True patriot • He was fearless sunday • He was faithful Describe the three promises through visions, that God gives Jeremiah after he’s commissioned as a prophet? mtc • The almond tree – The budding of the almond tree announced the coming of spring. Jeremiah would do ministry under some very difficult circumstances. It would not always look as though God is at work. Jeremiah needed to be reassured that God is at work to fulfill His word. • The boiling potsehion – The pot was coming out of the north. God is saying to Jeremiah that He is going to judge and discipline His people for their sin. God is not going to continue to look the other way. The main sin that God accuses people of is idolatry. • The city, a pillar, and a wall – God doesn’t leave Jeremiah to do this ministry alone. God strengthens Jeremiah, so that he can be faithful. God assures him again of his protection and to stand against abuse and persecution.


MAR THOMA DIOCESAN SUNDAY SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE 2015 Diocesan Exam Grade 8 Time: 90 Minutes Maximum Score: 100 Points

Section 1 – Multiple Choice. Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (30 x 1pt= 30 pts Total)

1. During the journey of Israelites to the Promised Land, they camped at a place named ______where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees.

a. Elim b. Shur c. Sinai d. Sin A (L1 P1) 2. Solomon built the temple based on the plan his father received from God through prophet ______.

a. Elijah b. Isaiah c. Samuel d. Nathan D (L12 P2) 3. Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of a. Israel b. Moab c. Judah d. Aram D (L15 P1) 4. Abana and Phrapar are the rivers of ______> a. Jerusalem b. Damascus c. Israel sundayd. Egypt B (L15 P1) 5. ______was the wife of King Ahab. a. Elizabeth b. Ruthmtc c. Jezebel d. Hannah C (L8 P2) 6. Samuel’s parents Hannah and Elkanah lived in a small town of ______. a. Bethlehem b. Ramah c. Shilo d. Jezreel B (L9 P1) sehion 7. The name Hannah means ______. a. Grace b. Joy c. Mercy d. God’s gift A (L9 P1) 8. From the gospel of John we know that ______was a disciple of John the Baptist before he became a disciple of Jesus.

a. Peter b. Andrew c. James d. Matthew B (L20 P2) 9. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible known as ______. a. Gospels b. Historical books c. Pentateuch d. Epistles C (L1 P1) 1

10. “Will anyone rob God, You are robbing me”. Who prophesied these words? a. Malachi b. Jeremiah c. Haggai d. Amos (L13 P1) 11. ______was the only disciple of Jesus who had a natural death. a. Peter b. Philip c. John d. James C (L20 P2-3) 12. Abraham’s trusted servant and to be heir of his house was ______from Damascus.

a. Isaac b. Ishmael c. Eliezar d. Sarah C (L5 P1) 13. In Egypt, Jacob and his family settled in the land of ______. a. Canaan b. Judea c. Haran d. Goshen D (L6 P1) 14. After being sold as a slave, Joseph became the ______of Egypt. a. Pharaoh b. Captain ofschool the palace guards c. Emperor d. Prime Minister A (L6 P2) 15. ______was the father of prophet Isaiah. a. Solmon b. Amoz c. Ahab d. Jotham B (L7 P1) sunday 16. Elizah asked the king to assemble all the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal at: a. Mount Sinai b. Mount Horeb c. Mount Moriah d. Mount Carmel D (L8 P1) mtc 17. God said “Let us make mankind in our own image.” Here the creator(s) is/are: a. God and Jesus b. Trinitarian God c. God and Holy Spirit d. God and angels B (L1 P2) sehion 18. God said that whoever kills Cain will suffer ______. a. Threefold b. Sevenfold c. Seventyfold d. Sixfold C (L3 Bible Reading Verse 15) 19. Elijah brought the Baal prophets down to ------and killed them there. a. Kidron b. Tabor c. Cherith d. Wadi Kishon D (L8 Bible Reading Verse 40) 20. ______is not a fruit of the spirit. a. Gentleness b. Self Control c. Greatness d. Faithfulness C (L19 P3)


21. The great commission received to us in the gospel of------highlights the importance of preaching the gospel to every nation.

a. Mark b. Luke c. John d. Matthew D (L18 P4) 22. One of the most needed fruits one should have in adolescent years is ______. a. Love b. Faithfulness c. Patience d. Self Control D (L19 P4)

23. In the book of Samuel, we see Samuel is called by God as a boy and then later made him a ______.

a. Prophet b. Priest c. Judge d. All of the above D (L9 P2) 24. Paul listed the fruits of the spirit in this epistle ______. a. Philippines b. Colossians c. Galatians d. Corinthians C (L19 P3) school 25. The last six of the 10 commandments focus on our relationship with ______. a. our parents b. God c. others d. the church C (L4 P2) 26. The first call of discipleship was extendedsunday by Jesus at the shores of ______. a. Sea of Galilee b. Jordan River c. Red Sea d. Lake Tiberias A (L20 P2) 27. Genesis is a Greek word meaningmtc ______. a. Origin b. Start c. Generate d. Produce A (L1 P2) 28. The Herodianssehion were also ______. a. Arabs b. Jews c. Pharisees d. Christians B (L17 P2) 29. God spoke to Abraham in a vision: Do not be afraid, Abram I am your ______. a. Master b. Shield c. God d. Protector B (L5 P2) 30. In the parable of the sower and the seed, the seed is referred as ______. a. Jesus Christ b. Word of God c. Holy Spirit d. Plant B (L18 P4)


Section 2 – Short Answers. Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5pts = 20 pts Total) 1. Who was Isaiah? 1 pt What was his main prophecy? 1 pt What was the Lord’s complaint against Judah? 1 pt What was Isaiah’s vision? 1 pt What was Isaiah’s warning? 1 pt

L7 P3 1 pt. ea.  He was a prophet of Judah and prophesized during the reign of four different Kings (Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah)  Isaiah prophesized the birth of Christ and the second coming of Christ the Messiah.  The Lord’s complaint against Judah was that they had forsaken and angered him by turning away from God.  Isaiah envisions a future world in which there exists a unity among human beings that overcome all diversities. He also indicates the Kingdom of God in which all creating is brought together with Christ asschool its head.  The prophetic message and warning to all people is to repent or you will perish.

2. How did Elijah prove that the Lord God of Israel is the true God to the prophets of Baal?

L8 P3 sunday  Elijah asked King Ahab to assemble all the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal and four hundred prophetsmtc of Asherah at Mount Carmel.  He said to the people, let two bulls be given to us. Let the Baal’s prophets choose one for themselves, cut it into pieces, and lay on the wood, but put no fire to it.  I will do the same with the other bull. Then call on the name of your God and I will call on the name of the Lord. “The God who answers by fire is indeed God.”sehion  They did as Elijah asked, but their God did not answer with fire. When Elijah prayed, the fire of the Lord fell on the offering and burnt the offerent. This proved that the Lord, God of Israel is the true God.

3. The journey through the wilderness was a long and tiresome one. When the Israelites complained to Moses about being hungry, God promised them meat in the evening and Manna in the morning. What is Manna? 1 pt What were the instructions the Israelites were given on how to gather Manna? 4 pts

L11 P1-2 Bible Reading


 Manna is a fine flaky bread  The Israelites were commanded to gather as much as they needed according to the number of people in their tents  They were told not to save any of it because it would go bad  On the 6th day, gather twice as much food  Cook as much as you need for the day and leave the rest for the 7th day.  On the 7th day, the Sabbath, don’t go out to collect manna.  People disobeyed God and saved food for the next day and it bred worm and become foul. Some people went out to collect on the Sabbath, but there was none to collect.

4. Jesus calls God the Father and gardener of a vineyard in the “I am the Vine” conversation with his disciples. Jesus continues to describe how we are called to bear fruits and how God prunes us for his work.

Name any five fruits we are expected to bear as stated in Galatians? L19 P3 (Any five 1 pt each)  Love  Patience  Faithfulness  Joy  Kindness school Gentleness  Peace  Goodness  Self-Control

5. What was the question the Pharisees and the Herodians asked Jesus to trap Him? How did Jesus answer them?

L17 P3 (2.5 pts each) sunday  The question to Jesus was about paying poll tax which was the clearest sign of submission to Rome. The Pharisees and the Herodians asked Jesus, “Teacher, is it lawful to paymtc taxes to the emperor, or not?”  Jesus asked them to show a Roman coin. As they handed Jesus a denarius, he asked his questioners a question “Whose head is this, and whose title?”. They answered, “The emperor’s”. Then Jesus said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and give to God the things that are God’s.” When they heard this, they were amazed and they left him and went away.sehion

Section 3 – Memory Verses. Complete any of five (5) of the following on the answer sheet provided (5 x 5pts = 25 pts. Total)

1. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 1 Corinthians 9:7 (L13 P5)

2. O LORD, how manifold is your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. - Psalms 104:24 (L1 P4)


3. By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son. - Hebrews 11:17 (L5 P5)

4. So God created humankind, in his image of God he created them, male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27 (L17 P5)

5. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14 (L7 P5)

6. By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. – Galatians 5:22, 23 (L19 P5)

Section 4 – Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (10 x 1pt= 10 pts. Total)

1. Which of the following is a Dominical Sacrament? a. Marriage b. Ordination c. Baptism d. Confirmation C (MTVF P175) sunday 2. Each sacrament has ______essential elements. a. Seven b. Six c. Five d. Four C (MTVF P172) mtc 3. The ______is not just a text or a set of prayers, but an act of the congregation.

a. Sacrament b. Holy Communion c. Confirmationsehion d. Liturgy D (MTVF P180) 4. The Aramaic word “Qurbana” means ______a. Offering b. Good taste c. Last supper d. Sacred unity A (MTVF P179) 5. The three steps of the Calvary Cross represent faith, hope and ______. a. Freedom b. Forgiveness c. Love d. Salvation C (MTVF P183) 6. Unction is ______. a. Funeral Service b. Anointing of the Sick


c. Fellowship d. Dominical sacrament B (MTVF P188) 7. In the Mar Thoma liturgy, during the ______we remember ordained clergies, evangelists, believers, forefathers, and state leaders.

a. Anamnesis b. anti-communion c. Epiclesis d. Intercession D (MTVF P181) 8. ______denotes sacred unity of the participants. a. Eucharist b. Lord’s Supper c. Holy Communion d. Quarbana C (MTVF P179) 9. During the Holy Communion service, participation comes before the ______a. First blessing b. Third blessing c. Sermon d. None of these D (MTVF P181) 10. Anointing with “Mooron” during Baptismal service is doneschool only for ______. a. Baptism b. Ordination c. Mamodisa d. Confirmation D (MTVF P176) Section 5 – Mar Thoma History Short Answer. Answer one of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (1 x 5pts = 5 pts Total) sunday 1. What are the main components of the ordination service?

(MTVF P188) mtc Ordination service is conducted in the middle of the Holy Communion Service.

 The celebrant, the Metropolitan reads out a declaration of the faith of the church.  Then thesehion candidate draws the sign of the cross against his name in the register and puts his signature under the cross, expressing his agreement with the faith of the church declared.  As an expression of his dedication to the Lord's ministry, the candidate is to get his hair removed from the top of his head in a circular shape the previous day and in the form of a cross during the ordination service.  Special dress (Kapa) and girdle are given to them after special prayers as symbols of authority to administer Sacraments sacrificial service.

2. What are the two parts in the order of service in a Christian wedding? Explain

(MTVF P185)


 The order of service of Christian marriage consists of two parts. First part is the blessing of the rings. It is the service of betrothal. The celebrant on behalf of the Church adorns the couple with the rings offering special prayers for the blessing of God.  The second part of the service is the service of consecration, which is the blessing with crown. The blessing of the Almighty is invoked on the bride and the bridegroom.

Section 6 – Essay. Choose one of the following two topics to write an essay in 150 words. (Total 10 points)

1. Introduction: What is a parable? (1 pt) How did Jesus use parables? (1 pt) Describe the parable of the sower and the seed. 2 Analyze the different types of soils and conditions. How did Jesus compare it with its growth to human beings? (4 pts.) Conclusion: How do we prepare ourselves to get the Word of God rooted in our hearts and bear fruits. (2 pts)

(L18 P1-4) school

a. Introduction: A parable is a comparison of something on earth to something in God’s Kingdom. In order to keep people engaged, Jesus taught them by telling attractive stories. Jesus was called the master of parables for he made up parables spontaneously and used themsunday effectively. b. A sower went out to sow. As he sowed, some of the seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on the rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and it sprang up quickly, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched;mtc and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell on among thorns, and the thorns grew up choked it, and it yielded no grain. Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.

c. The sower issehion God and the seed is the Word.

The soil on the path is not plowed or prepared for seed. These are those who hear the Word, but Satan comes and takes away the word that is sown in them. The soil on the wayside represents hardness and unproductiveness of human hearts.

These are the ones sown on the rocky grounds: when they hear the word, they immediately receive it with joy. But they have no root, and endure only for a while, then, when trouble or difficulties arise on account of the word, immediately they fall away. The shallow soil represents a weak faith of superficial hearers. When difficulties or persecution comes their way, they defect their faith.


Those sown among the thorns: they hear the word, but the cares of the world, and the lure of the wealth, and the desire for other things come and choke the word, and it yields nothing. The thorn hearted people hear the word , but their thoughts are dominated by worldly things. They hear the word of God preached but it is choked right away by the mental concerns for other things.

These are the ones sown on the good soil: they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit. They are receptive to the word of God. Such people receive the message whole-heartedly and the word grows in them. They avoid distractions, overcomes temptations, stand firm in the time of trouble and produce many fruits and also produce seeds for new sowing.

Our hearts should be the good soil, which is ready to accept God’s word. We shouldn’t be distracted by the worldly things. We should stand firm in the face of trials that arise for the sake of God’s kingdom. We should let the word of God roots in us, produce fruit and seeds for new sowing.

2. Introduction: Why did God give the Israelites the Ten Commandments? Where and to whom was the Ten Commandments entrusted? (2 pts) What are the Ten Commandments? Explain each one of themschool briefly. ( 6 pts) Conclusion: How can we apply these commandments in our present day lives? (2 pts) (L8 P1-3)

a. Rules are very important for the survival of any society. Without rules there will be no order but only chaos. It issunday also important to have rules in our families. God gave the Israelites the commandments to distinguish their identity as His people. As His people, they had to live under a new standard of conduct. mtc b.

 I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me. There is only one God, one source and one creator. We should put God first in our lives.sehion  You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  Do not worship any other idols or images or objects (money, power, education position in society, etc.). Nothing should be more important than God in our lives.  You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.  Do not use God’s name for selfish gain or in any other purpose which is not intended to be used.  Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.  Sabbath day is the day of God and for his worship. This day, we should use for relaxation and the rediscover God’s mercy through our worship.


 Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord you God is giving you.  Respect of authority. Respect and honor our parents, our elders and all legitimate authority.  You shall not murder.  To live and let live.’ Life is a gift from God and the goal of this commandment is preservation of life. We shouldn’t do anything that harm others. We should respect and care for each other.  You shall not commit adultery  This commandment respects and protects marriage. It forbids any kind of immorality.  You shall not steal  This commandment teaches us the Godly attitude towards property and livelihood of others. What we have is a gift of God and we must share that with others.  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  God forbids every kind of falsehood, including half-truth, flatteries, fibs, intentional omissions, exaggerations, misinterpretations, rumors, gossips, etc. Our communications should be grounded inschool the character of God.  You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.  God wants us to be on guard against covetousness. We should be content with what we have. c. Conclusion: The Ten Commandments, given by God to his people through Moses, are a set of commonsense rulessunday that are relevant always. Obeying these commandments is very important in our lives. They help us to follow in His footsteps. They provide a divine order in our lives. (Students may write their own conclusion relevant tomtc the Commandments)




Time : 90 Minutes Maximum Score : 100 Points

Section 1 – Multiple Choice. Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (25 x 1pt= 25 pts Total)

1. David the second king of Israel, was anointed by______. a. Elijah b. Elisha c. Samuel d. Nathan C L8 P4 2. ______was the one who accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey.

a. Peter b. Paul c. Philip d. Barnabas D L18 P2 3. How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can anyone enter a second time into the mother’s womb? Who asked Jesus these questions?school

a. Youth rich man b. Samaritan woman c. Nicodemus d. None of these C L17 P3 4. In Damascus, God arranged ______sunday to help Saul regain his sight. a. Stephen b. Gamaliel c. Ananias d. Barnabas C L16 P4 5. ______was the sonmtc of Amoz, a prophet who prophesied the birth of Jesus. a. Jeremiah b. Amos c. Isaiah d. Joel C L15 P3 6. Abraham was buried in the cave of ______near Mamre that he had purchased to bury his wife. sehion a. Machpeleh b. Mount Olive c. Israel d. none of these A L9 P3 7. Jesus called John and his brother James ______. a. Sons of lightening b. Sons of Thunder c. Sons of Valley d. none of these B L10 P3 8. “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Who said this? a. Philip b. Andrew c. Paul d. Nathanael D L10 P2


9. Psalm 42 may have been written by ______. a. Deborah b. Lydia c. Phoebe d. Priscilla A L3 P2 10. The Ten Commandments are also referred to as ______or ______. a. Love/Moses b. Moses/God c. Mosaic/Sinai d. Cannan/Sinai C L4 P2 11. What does the name “Jeremiah” mean? a. Son of Encouragement b. Yahweh Exalts c. Sons of Thunder d. Sons of Zebedee B L11 P2 12. Who hid the messages of Joshua while they were sent to spy on Jericho? a. Esther b. Rahab c. Hannah d. Ruth B L13 P2 13. In Hebrew ‘bara’ means ______. school a. God Listens b. God Exalts c. to create out of nothing d. Father of Nations C L1 P2 14. The song “As a deer panteth” is based onsunday which Psalm? a. Psalm 19 b. Psalm 51 c. Psalm 23 d. Psalm 42 D L3 P2 15. Which Book of the Bible describesmtc various sacrifices or offerings? a. Genesis b. Exodus c. Leviticus d. Numbers C L5 P2 16. To whom did Jesus say this? “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” sehion a. James b. Andrew c. Simon d. John C L10 P1 17. What is the meaning of the name Ishmael? a. God Exalts b. God Listens c. God is Faithful d. God is Powerful B L7 P2 18. Who is the prophet God sent to David to make him realize his wrong doings against Uriah?

a. Saul b. Samuel c. Jeremiah d. Nathan D L8 P2

19. “And just as ______lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must ______be lifted up.”

a. Joshua/God b. Moses/the Son of Man c. Moses/Joshua d. Jesus/Moses B L17 P1 20. Who was the Levite from Cyprus who sold all his property and gave it to the Apostles?

a. Barnabas b. Sapphira c. Ananias d. James A L18 P1 21. Which Gospel does not have the story of the Rich man? a. Matthew b. Mark c. Luke d. John D L20 P2 22. The well where the Angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar is called ______. a. Kadesh b. Bered c. El-roi d. Beer-lahai-roi D L7 P1 school 23. The Book of ______can also be called a “Miniature Bible”. a. Matthew b. Psalms c. Isaiah d. Acts C L15 P2 24. Who rebuilt the Jericho fort during the reign to King Ahab and God executed Joshua’s curse upon him? sunday

a. Ezekiel b. Jezebel c. Hiel d. Joshua C L13 P3 mtc 25. The name of prophet Isaiah means ______. a. God Listens b. Yahweh Exalts c. The Lord is Salvation d. Jehovah is Gracious C L15 P2 sehion Section 2 – Short Answers. Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5pts = 20 pts Total)

1. The book of Leviticus goes into much detail on worship. What are the three specific offerings or sacrifices that God described to Moses?(3 pts) Describe two details about burnt offerings. (2 pts)

L5 P3  Burnt offering (1 pt)  Grain offering (1 pt)  Fellowship offering (1 pt)  Burnt offering: (Any 2 – 1 pt ea)

o If anyone brings an offering, it should come from their respective herd or stock. o The animal must be without blemish. o God instructs the people that the offering should be an aroma pleasing to Him.

2. In the story of Jesus and the Rich Man, there are many descriptions for the rich man. How many versions of this story exists? (1 pt) How did the gospel of Luke describe this man? (1 pt) What prevents us from inheriting eternal life? (3 pts)

L20 P3-4  Three versions of this story exists (in the gospel Mathew, Mark and Luke)  The gospel of Luke identifies this man as a rich young man and “certain ruler”  There are 3 obstacles preventing us from inheriting eternal life . Disobedience to God and his commandments. We are saved by his grace, through faith in Christ, but once saved; we must live out that faith by obeying the commandments to maintain out salvation. . Temptation of idolizing material wealth and allschool other values. God must be our chief object of our devotion . Not giving God the honor that is reserved for Him alone.

3. David was the second King of Israel and favored by God, but even he disappointed God by falling to temptation. What was David’s sin? (1 pt) sunday What was God’s punishment for David’s sin? (1 pt) How did David repent for his sin? (2 pts) What was God’s response to Davidmtc repenting? (1 pt)

(L8 P4)

 David was a gifted poet musician, brave soldier, able administrator, good diplomat, and able King chosen by God.  David’ssehion sin was that he betrayed his soldier Uriah in order to take his wife Bathsheba.  God punished David by taking the life of his son born of Bathsheba.  King David repented for his sins by promising a total change by making reparation for his crime. He fasted seven days neither eating nor drinking; he went in an lay all night on the ground and prayed and wept bitterly in spite of being the King over Israel.  God was pleased and blessed King David and his family with the gift of Solomon.

4. Sometimes we are tempted to think that God is concerned with our appearances or sometimes we ourselves as concerned with how we appear in front of others.

Who were Annanias and Sapphira? (1 pt) Explain their dilemma. (3 pts) What was the consequence of their sin? (1 pt)

L18 P2-3  Ananias and Sapphira were a husband and wife  They sold a piece of property and wanted to keep a part of the profit earned for themselves. Though it was their choice to sell the property and distribute the money as they felt fit, their sin was lying to the Holy Spirit by telling the apostles that they donated the entire proceeds of the sale instead of just part of the proceeds of the sale of the property.  For their sin, they paid with their lives.

5. State and describe any two of the main features of God’s covenant to Abraham.

L9 P5 (2.5 pts ea. For any 2)  The Promise of Land: The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I am going to show you. school  The Promise of descendants: God promised Abraham He will make Abraham into a great nation and his name will be great. He also promised his descendants will be as innumerable as stars in the sky.  The Promise of Blessing and Redemption: God promised Abraham that He will bless those who bless Abraham, and the one who curses Abraham will curse; and in him all the families ofsunday the earth shall be blessed.

Section 3 – Memory Verses. Complete any of five (5) of the following. (5 x 5pts = 25 pts. Total) mtc

1. But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40: 31 (L13 P4) 2. You have seensehion what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wing and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you obey my voice and keep my covenant. You shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine. - Exodus 19:4-5 (L5 P6) 3. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:38-39 (L12 P5)

4. You shall love the Lord you God with all you heart, and with all your soul, and with all you mind, and with all your strength. - Mark 12:30 (L20 P5) 5. I will establish my covenant between me and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you. - Genesis 17:7 (L9 P6) 6. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. - Matthew 7:21 (L16 P) Section 4 – Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Vision. Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (10 x 1pt= 10 pts. Total)

1. The concise statement our faith is proclaimed in the ______. a. The Lord’s Prayer b. Holy Qurbana c. Intercessory Prayer d. Nicene Creed D MTFV P209 school 2. Of the following bodies of the Mar Thoma Church, which one is the executive committee?

a. Sabha Pradhinidhi Mandalam b. Sabha Council c. Diocesan Council d. Diocesan Assembly B MTFV P sunday

3. Intercessory prayers in the Holy Qurbana include reference to the council(s) of ______. mtc

a. Nicaea b. Constantinople c. Ephesus D. All of the above D MTFV P210 4. Eucharist is another term for ______. a. Liturgy sehionb. Holy Qurbana c. Teacher d. Altar B MTFV P198 5. The Mar Thoma Church is among the family of churches called ______. a. Lesser Eastern Churches b. Greater Eastern Churches c. Oriental Churches d. Protestant Churches A MTVF P195

6. As Marthomites, we believe the ______to be the final authority of our faith. a. Metropolitan b. Bible c. Mandalam d. Synod B MTVF P207 7. The ______represents the “Throne of God” or “Table of Life”.

a. Madhbahas b. Tableetha c. Candles d. Altar D MTVF P199

8. The Sabha Secretary is elected by the ______. a. Diocese b. Mandalam c. Synod d. Episcopa B MTFV P202

9. As a sign of total submission, our Bishops wear a ______on their head embroidered with twelve crosses.

a. Cross b. Vestments c. Kappa d. Masnapsa D MTFV P200

10. ______was the first Indian bishop, consecrated to shoulder the responsibilities of the Church of India.

a. Abraham Malpan b. Joseph Fenn c. Mar d. St. Thomas C MTFV P193 Section 5 – Mar Thoma History Short Answer. Answer oneschool of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (1 x 5pts = 5 pts Total)

1. List 5 prayers/practices that were removed from Thaksa; that did not carry scriptural base.

MTFV P210 1pt each, max 5 sunday 1. Removed petitions addressed through the departed saints 2. Removed prayers for the dead 3. Decided to serve bread andmtc wine separately 4. Stopped the practice of private confession with the priest and receiving absolution before the communion 5. Holy Communion will not be celebrated when there is no one to receive communion 6. Holy Communion is for participation and not for worship sehion 2. Explain the 3 forms of ordained ministry in the Mar Thoma Church.

MTFV P  Deacon – First ordained position (1 pt)  Priest – ordained to cater to the spiritual needs of members of the church, sacraments of the church, administrative responsibilities of the parish. (2 pts)  Bishop – elected position that needs 75% of the votes and is given a new name “Mar Metropolitan” as the head of the church. (2 pts)

Section 6 – Essay. Choose one of the following two topics to write an essay in 200 words. (Total 15 points)

1. “God has a reason for where we are and what we can do.” Introduction – Tie in the verse to the story of Esther (2 pts) Explain why Mordecai reached out to Esther? (3 pts) Explain Esther’s reaction to Mordecai’s request. (5 pts) What was the result of Esther’s submission? (2 pts) Conclusion – 3 pts

(L14 P3-4)  Esther as queen was enjoying her life in the palace that time a verdict for mass execution of the Jews had been conveyed throughout the kingdom by the King. Mordecai expressed his grief and sorrow at this edict by wearing sack cloth and ashes and wailing bitterly on the streets. When Esther found out about his situation, she sent clothes to him to wear but he refused to accept the clothes. Instead Mordecai sent Esther the edict that Haman promised to pay the King in return for issuing the edict of mass execution of Jews. Mordecai requested Esther to go and plead the King to remove the edict.  Esther in turn refused to go to Kings Court as noschool one is allowed to enter the court without an invitation. She was trying to avoid facing the King because she didn’t want him to know that she was a Jew. She also feared the law of being put to death for entering the King’s courts.  Mordecai reminded Esther that she should not hide under the protection of the palace and escape the edict. If she hadn’t stepped up, God would have delivered his people throughsunday other means and she along with her Father’s household may not have survived this edict. Esther realized the greater cause of being placed in the palace as Queen at this time for the entire Jewish community and she decided to meet the King and plead for mercy for the Jews. mtc  Queen Esther prepares to sacrifice her life for the sake of the Jews and God gives her victory over evil as the King is impressed by her and hears her plea.

2. Explain the spiritualsehion transformation that took place in Saul’s life. Your essay should include: a. Describe the stoning of Stephen and the rise of Saul (5 pts) b. Explain God’s plan for Saul (5 pts) c. Explain the difference between being religious versus knowing God (5 pts)

L___P___ a. Saul was a zealous Pharisee. He was a strong follower of Judaism and believed initially that the gospel of Jesus was a major deception. Therefore he went around persecuting the Christians and throwing men and women into prison. Stephen was a follower of Christ. He gave his testimony but Stephen was stoned for his faith. Saul was there giving approval to his death.

b. However, God had a plan to use Saul to serve the kingdom of God. Saul was on his way to Damascus when he saw a bright light. A voice spoke out and said “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me.” Saul realized at that the moment he was persecuting the very same God that he was zealously concerned about. Saul spent three days in prayer. It was a very important moment in Saul’s life. It shows how much God is willing to use people for his glory even if they are the same people that are bringing so much pain to his people. God knew that Saul was misdirected and was truly searching and trying to protect what Saul was the truth. God knew this zeal would be tremendously beneficial for the growth of the kingdom of God. c. The difference between being religious and knowing God is that being religious means that someone is more concerned about following the rules prescribed by that religion. Being religious doesn’t require any effort to know about God. Knowing God means that one is focused on learning about what God wants for their life and doing what it takes to continue to know God more. God took Saul from being just religious to someone who made it the sole purpose in life to know Jesus Christ more andschool more each day.

sunday mtc



Time: 90 Minutes Maximum Score: 100 Points SECTION 1: Multiple Choice - Circle the most appropriate response for the following question(s) / statement(s). (25 x 1 pt. = 25 pts. Total)

1. ______is the highest spiritual activity of humans and it is the bridge of fellowship with the divine. a. Bible Reading b. Worship c. Songs d. none of these B (L4 BE Purpose of Worship) 2. Elijah called together ______prophets of Baal and ______prophets of Asherah that ate at Jezebel’s table. a. 450; 400 b. 400; 450 c. 800; 800 d. 450; 425 A (L2 BE The Showdown at Mount Carmel) 3. Among Job’s friends, ______provided comfort and strength, and did not accuse job for his sufferings. school a. Eliphaz b. Bildad c. Zophar d. Elihu D (L6 BE Job’s Friends) 4. “Ex Nihilio” is a Latin word, which means ______. a. nothingness b. space and time c. from the deep blue d. darkness A (L1 BE ) sunday 5. What is the core message of the prophet Amos? a. Social injustice and corruptionmtc b. God’s sovereignty over good and evil c. Hope for the hopeless d. Pride and jealousy A (L14 P) 6. When Paul exhorts Timothy, which of the following is metaphoric for the reward for hard work and diligence? a. Crown of Thorns b. Princely Crown c. Crown of Righteousnesssehion d. The Blessed Crown C (L19 Bible Portion 2 Timothy 4:7-8) 7. Who said the following phrase and about whom did he say it, “ he must increase and I must decrease”? a. John the Baptist about Jesus Christ b. Moses about Joshua c. Peter about Paul d. Peter about Jesus Christ A (L18 BE) 8. To whom did God say, “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your offspring”? a. Joshua b. Josiah c. Abraham d. Jacob D (L8 Bible Portion Gen 28: 10-16)

9. The Palestinian Covenant is also called the ______. a. New Covenant b. Land Covenant c. Noahic Covenant d. none of these B (L3 BE) 10. What was a unique feature of the battle led by Joshua at Gibeon? a. The people marched around the walls and they came crashing down b. More enemies were killed by the hailstorm sent by God, than by the swords of the Israelites c. Although there were only 200 Israelites, they killed thousands of enemy soldiers d. None of the above B (L7 BE) 11. Jacob named Luz, the place where he had the dream, to ______, which means ______. a. Bethany, House of Prayer b. Bable, House of Power c. Bethel, House of God d. Bethlehem, House of Hope C (L8 Heavenly Visions at the Crossroads of Life) 12. “______did what was right in the sight of theschool Lord, and walked in the ways of his ancestor David; he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” a. Jehoiada b. Josiah c. Joshua d. Jacob B (L7 BE) 13. Which of the following charges was not brought to the king against the three Jews; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? sunday a. They paid no heed to the King b. They did not serve his Gods c. They did not want to take up the positions that were being offered to them d. They did not worship the Goldenmtc statue he had set up C (L9 BE) 14. The focus of the ______is reward based on the level of spiritual experience and relation with God rather than material recompense. a. Beatitudes b. Pentecost c. Resurrection d. Ascension A (L16 BE) sehion 15. What does the valley in the vision of Ezekiel represent? a. Hope for a new day b. Their physical exile and spiritual exile c. Final death and destruction d. Judgment day for humankind B (L11 BE) 16. Who came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God;”? a. Caiaphas b. Peter c. John the Baptist d. Nicodemus D (L17 P1 Bible Portion John 3:1-2)

17. ______is made up of rabbinical writings dealing with Jewish laws, ethics, customs, and history. a. Torah b. Talmud c. Pentateuch d. Apocrypha B (L4 BE Jesus, Son of God in History) 18. In Isaiah’s vision, which of the heavenly beings worshipped God by one calling to another and saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.”? a. Cherubim b. Seraphim c. Angels d. Archangels B (L4 Isaiah 6: 2-3) 19. What did Elijah say to the prophets of Baal to taunt them? a. Serpahs b. Samaritans c. Pharisees d. Sadducees A (L2 Bible Portion 1 Kings 18:27) 20. As the “Crown of Creation”, what is the role of human beings in the created universe? a. To act as owners b. To be stewards and caretakers c. Exploiting it for our desiers d. Being oblivious to it B (L1 BE) 21. What is the ladder in Jacob’s vision a symbolic representation of? a. The only way to Heaven school b. The gap between God and man that cannot be fixed c. It has no meaning d. The connection between God and His people D (L8 BE Heavenly Vision at the Crossroads of Life) 22. It was during the reign of ______,sunday King of Judah, that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem. a. Hezekiah b. Uzziah c. Jehoiakim d. Joseph C (L9 BE) mtc 23. Which statement best describes Paul’s teachings of “Faith Alone”? a. Justification is through God’s grace and salvation is through faith in God’s justification. b. Faith in justification is all that’s needed in life c. Justificationsehion is possible through words alone d. All things work together for those who love Him A (L10 BE) 24. What does the name Ezekiel mean? a. God Protects b. God Advantage c. God Empowers d. God Blesses C (L11 BE) 25. ______was an official in charge of Ahab’s palace, a contemporary of the prophet Elijah. a. Amos b. Daniel c. Matthew d. Aramaic A (L13 BE)


SECTION 2: Short Answers - Answer any four (4) of the following questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. (4 x 5 pts. Ea. = 20 pts. Total)

1. What are five characteristics of an Eternal Being?

(L5 BE) Any 5, 1 pt. each a. Eternal/Infinite b. He is the cause or creator of all we see and what we do not see c. Infinitely Knowledgeable – Omniscient d. Possesses infinite power – Omnipotent e. Exists everywhere – Omnipresent f. Unchanging Nature 2. What are the four points of the Palestinian covenant.

(L3 BE) 1.25 pts each a. You can choose life or death (blessings or curse) – (Deut 30:1, 15) b. These commands are not too hard for you, nor is itschool far off, but the word is near you; it’s in your heart, so you can do it. (Deut 30: 11-14) c. You can obey His commandments by loving the Lord your God. (Deut 30: 2,16) d. You will perish and will not live long if your heart turns away from the Lord and His commandments (Deut 30: 17, 18) sunday 3. What are the qualities of a Godly leader as described by St. Paul in his 1st epistle to Timothy and how does Joshua embody these qualities? mtc (L7 BE Qualities of a Godly Leader) 2.5 pt. each a. Paul said a Godly leader should be able to manage his own household, keeping his children submissive and respectful in every way. b. Joshua was the embodiment of this when he made the statement on behalf of his family,sehion “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

4. What are the five pieces of the “Armor of God”? (L19 BE) 1 pt each  Belt of Truth  Breastplate of Righteousness  Shield of Faith  Helmet of Salvation  Sword of the Spirit (Word of God)

5. What was the fundamental message of John the Baptist as seen in his sermon in Luke 3? (L19 BE) 1.5 pts each 1. Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near 2. He condemned the wealthy people for their luxurious lifestyle 3. He told tax collectors not to collect more than the amounts they are supposed to 4. He told the soldiers not to extort money from anyone by threats or false accusations

SECTION 3: Memory Verses - Complete any of five (5) of the following. (5 x 5 pts. Ea. = 25 pts. Total)

1. I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and will act, says the Lord. Ezekiel 37:14 school (L11 P5) 2. I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 (L4 P7) sunday 3. If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm andmtc eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. James 2: 15-17 (L10 P5) 4. But in your hearts sanctify Christ as lord. Always be ready to make defense to anyone who demandssehion from you an accounting for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15 (L5 P8) 5. He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30 (L18 P5) 6. I have made your name known to those whom you gave me from the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. John 17:6 (L20 P5)


SECTION 4: Mar Thoma Church: Our Foundation and Vision - Circle the most appropriate response for the following question/statement. (10 x 1 pt. = 10 pts. Total)

1. Servant ministry is also known as ______. a. diakonial ministry b. centripetal ministry c. ministry of the church d. koinonia ministry A (MTFV P217) 2. ______was considered as the great spiritual leader who led a simple life. a. Thomas Mar Athanasius b. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan c. Philipose Mar Chrysostom d. Joseph Mar Ireneus B MTFV 223 3. ______is a Greek word for communion and fellowship refers to the attitude of the early church. school a. Agape b. Koinonia c. Ecumenism d. Diskolos B (MTFV P217) 4. ______was called by Time Magazine as the World’s Greatest Missionary in 1938. a. Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma b. c. Dr. E. Stanley Jones sundayd. Pope John XXIII C (MTFV P227)

5. Which of the following was a mtccontribution of Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Thoma Metropolitan? a. Believed that Mar Thoma Church has a special role in evangelizing India; sent missionaries to all parts of India b. He exhorted every member of the Mar Thoma Church to be an Evangelist and establishedsehion the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association c. His entire life as a priest, bishop, and Metropolitan was dedicated to making the Mar Thoma Church as a pioneer evangelistic church. d. All of the above D (MTFV P222) 6. The ______dynamic of the ministry is reaching out and bringing in people into the fellowship of the church. a. Centripetal b. Centrifugal c. Gravitational d. Peripheral B (MTFV P217) 7. What is the name of the book that Dr. Stanley Jones wrote?

a. The Christ of the Indian Roads b. How to be like Jesus c. Missionary: God’s Calling d. Heaven is for Real A (MTFV P228) 8. What was the name of the original church bulletin? a. Sabha Tharaka b. Christia Jeevithum c. The Mar Thoma d. Mar Thoma Messenger A (MTFV P224) 9. Who laid the foundation of the Mar Thoma Church in North America? a. Thomas Mar Athanasius b. Mathews Mar Athanasius c. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan d. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius A (MTFV P221) 10. When was the Sunday School Samajam established? a. 1888 b. 1905 c. 1924 d. 1884 B (MTFV P240) SECTION 5: Short Answer on Mar Thoma Church Historyschool - Answer one of the following questions. Answer shall be brief and to the point. (1 x 5 pts. = 5 pts. Total)

1. There are over 38 organizations and institutions devoted to the growing needs of the “less fortunate ones” in society. List five out of seven various categories these organizations are listed under. (MTFV L4) sunday Any 5, 1 pt. each a. Rehabilitation and Developmentmtc for the Mentally Challenged b. Rehabilitation Centers for Physically Challenged c. Guidance and Counseling Centers d. Homes for Boys and Girls e. Shelter for the Destitute and Homeless f. Old Age (Nursing) Homes and Hospice Center g. Medical Centerssehion

2. What is mission? What is Ministry? (MTFV P117) 2.5 pts each a. Mission of the church is centrifugal – reaching out and bringing people into the fellowship of the church b. Ministry is centripetal – taking care of the people’s total needs. Diokonial mission of Christ to serve the total needs of the people. Involvement of both priests and laity. Church follows the “Feed my Lamb commission taking care of social, economic, and spiritual needs of the Christian community.


SECTION 6: Essay - Choose one of the following two topics to write an essay in 200 words. (15 pts. Total)

1. “Faith versus Good Works”. Write an essay discussing the 2 main perspectives. Include the following points:

a. Introduction 2 points b. Background of Paul and James 4 points c. Paul’s view of salvation 2 points d. James’ view on salvation 2 points e. How can these two views be reconciled 3 points f. Conclusion 2 points.

(L___ P___) a. Paul emphasizes justification of salvation through faith. . Paul says we are saved by our faith in Jesus Christ and not by what we do. . Biblical Scholars support this view by dissecting the idea of grace which can be defined as unmerited favor by God. . We didn’t deserve this grace. It was freely given schoolto us and by it we are justified. . Any action we do to try to justify this Grace as being strange is outlandish since “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” . This perspective is seen in the Gospels as well. The thief on the cross that confessed that Jesus was innocent and asked Jesus to remember him in Paradise was saved regardlesssunday of any kind of action. In many instances, Jesus also performs miracles where he simply says, “your faith has healed you.” . Paul also says that we cannot continue to live in sin. We must uphold the lay and the standards uponmtc which society is built. . Justification is through the grace of Christ, whereas salvation is attained through faith in God’s justification. . Pauline view ascribes to a faith that bears fruit b. James states faith without works or good deeds is dead. . Thesehion natural result of faith in Christ is action . James argues that works will inevitably characterize genuine faith. . James distinguishes between false and genuine faith through his description of the man with faith but no deeds. . Genuine faith should lead a person to have a Christ-like manner e. James points to Abraham as being justified by works leading to righteousness. James’ use of justified means demonstrated to be right. . Abraham’s faith was justified by God and through this it was shown to be right by his actions . Complete faith is manifested through action. c. How can these two views be reconciled?

. A misunderstanding can arise because these views appear to oppose each other . James doesn’t write this letter to oppose Paul’s message. . The timeframe (mid 40’s AD) when James wrote this indicates he wouldn’t have known about Paul’s teachings. . James writing to oppose people who perverse Paul’s teaching. Both James’ and Paul’s teachings are very similar. . Both Paul and James agree in a faith that strives to bear good fruit showing similar vies of justification. . The expression of Grace isn’t the issue, but what we do in response to grace. . Sanctification is our response to God’s Justification by setting our lives apart to be holy and following Jesus. . We are justified by God’s Grace through faith and as a result, sanctify ourselves to the will of the Father by deeds we try to exemplify a Christ-like nature.

2. In the Old Testament, Job is the epitome of the beauty that blossoms in misery. Address the Christian understanding of suffering ased on schoolthe life of Job including the following points: a. Introduction 2 pts b. Job’s life and suffering and his response to it 3 pts c. God’s blessings to Job and Job’s response 4 pts d. Compare Job’s suffering to Jesus’ suffering 4 pts e. Conclusion – Our response to sufferingsunday in our lives and in the lives of others 2 pts

(L___P___) mtc 1. Satan came along with heavenly beings who were presenting themselves. Satan’s response to where he had been was, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” 2. God points out the character of Job and Satan says the only reason Job is upright is becausesehion God has blessed and challenges God saying if he had his blessings taken away, Job would turn away. God gives permission to do so. 3. What was Job’s response to losing everything? Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, fell on the ground and worshipped. He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” He did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing 4. Satan once again came in front of God. God once again points out Job’s righteousness of Job even though he was suffering. Satan says, “Skin for skin! All that people have they will give to save their lives.” Satan implies that if his health was affected, Job would turn from God. 5. God allows Satan to inflict Job with disease but not kill him.


6. What did Satan inflict Job with? Loathsome sores from head to toe. Job had to take a potsherd to scrape himself and sit among ashes. 7. What was Job’s wife’s response to his suffering? Job’s wife said, “Do you still persist in your integrity? Curse God, and die.” What was Job’s response? “You speak as any foolish woman would speak. Shall we receive the good at the hand of God, and not receive the bad?” 8. In all this Job did not sin with his lips. 9. God’s response to Job – “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding?” (This response to Job is not an answer to Job’s question, rather an assurance of God’s sovereignty over all creation and that His ways are beyond human understanding) 10. Job replies, “I have uttered what I did not understanding, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” 11. The story of Job is precursor of obedience to God’s will as seen in the life, suffering, and death of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 5:7 – “In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” school 12. Conclusion – Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuite, Zophar the Naamathite. They met together to go and console/comfort him. The saw him from a distance and did not recognize him. They wept aloud; tore their robes, threw dust upon their heads. They sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that he was suffering greatly. We must instead be a source of comfort likesunday his young friend Elihu who did not accuse him of any wrongdoing as a reason for his suffering mtc
