Andover Townsman, 8/7/1952
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1, 1952 ,nd Mrs. Joseph Martin he enlisted :ALE n the air force in October, 1974 ind was sent to cooks' school at ,owry Air Force base, Colo., be- ore being assigned to Japan. Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN SIIDCVIEP lireoWNSAtithl R SINCE 1 900 Andover's Own Newspaper Since /197 65 NUMBER 42 VOLUME ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 7, 1952 PRICE 5 CENTS Andover Farmers9 Hard Hit By Drought ndover Building Permits Set Milk, Crops, II-Time July Record Andover construction achieved an all-time record Hay, Fruits in the month just ended when building permits total- ing $430,000.00 were issued by Ralph W. Coleman, Victims OF inspector of buildings at town hall. The imposing amount is singular in that it represents all taxable property. The figure was double that of July, 1951. Dry Spell Largest single permit was is- The worst drought in sued to Tyer Rubber Co. for a factory estimated to cost about 134 years has caused cata- andals $200,000. Thirteen new homes strophic damage to Ando- were given permission for con- ver's farmers, withering struction, one store, several small crops in the fields, deny- rd amage constructions and about $6,500 in additions and alterations were ap- ing them a second crop of proved. hay for cattle and reduc- • The following were issued per- hurch mits for residences: William T. ing fruit harvest expecta- NON- IRRIGATED Young vandals, with no regard Rich Jr., Judson rd.; J. S. W. Con- tions immensely, it was . or personal property and a dis- • k struction Co., Inc., Robandy rd.; determined by the Andover ••••71 spect for God's temple, were Lewis W. Warlick, Judson rd.; dog sought this week by Andover Paul and Gladys Gibbons, Shaw- Townsman in an extended olice after they had smeared paint sheen rd.; Albert I. Richmond, survey of the situation. ver walls, seats and a door at St.1 Ilolt rd. and Orchard st.; Arthur G. All farm products will be ugustine's church, which is being Tessier, Bellevue rd.; Loretta decorated at considerable ex- Cairnes, Lincoln st.; James 11. scarce and what is avail- nse. Baker, Hidden rd.; Thomas D. Sin- able will be offered at Describing the action of the of- clipico, Chestnut st.; Harrison high prices to local con- nders as beyond toleration, Ando- Gray, Bellevue rd.; Paul A. Groe- police have worked tirelessly zinger, Jenkins rd.; Arthur T. sumers. ough the week in efforts to bring Tessier, Lowell st. HEAVY LOSSES task those involved, promising Permit for a wash shed and stor- Essex County Agricultural school at they will be dealt with severe- age was issued to Raymond J. estimated to the Townsman that Schmitt, Shipman rd.; for a tempor- truck farmers without methods of The vandalism took place in the ary trailer residence to Ababel irrigation would lose from 50 to 90 urch interior on July 31 between Loosigian on Lowell st.; for a e hours of 4 and 8 p.m. Andover per cent of the normal yield. They e ..K.....,,a,„cti... cellar to the Sportsman Log Cabin, • .. lice were notified of the incident said that the normal Andover corn • .,A, ..Li.:Ii... ..,...-7-4..-,1,0.,!':' '-u'• ..„. •:'. .‘ • , ' •• August 1 and have bent every (Continued on Page 11) yield is 100 bushels per acre 1 ., ,t,;(§4.1- ..‘ .• -4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ".' fort since then to bring to jus- while this year the harvest might . ' t.i.. II ' ' X p' :i6.1,4 1.' '1 (i‘ , e4. :'..::,t,',..„,, ,,. • i-,,,, , ... ' .., run as low as 10 bushels per acre. '. ,:... ... ‘,..! ,,) % b. ...,k It 9 =•-,‘ !Albefiltv‘, i e the persons involved. They • - .• , ,... , ',„. •ii , cfc , ....'1 • , *. ._ ' in progress Tomatoes were yielding 50 per .r • •:.,.., ....,„ !!!' • , . .. # . , .., . spect teen-age youths and are • • • ' • • A .., Bus Fares cent below normal. Fruits, which • '• i 4.1: ; • ,, ., t• - , • / ) ',el'', .., 0 1 , . , „ rking on several good leads. • . JA ., The damage to the church proper- promised a slim season, because '4.'4* PI:V , ' V- i. ii. .' ' i . - ' • ' .',, v '.`-`7. ' of poor Spring conditions, will be • 4 ,•„;.:. • • • s back values required a day's work in clean- nge- . 1, r•.• • • g Increase affected even more, with good ! • 1 1 -.* ••• up and delayed the progress in apples, pears and peaches being e church's renovation. .;‘ ., it IRRIGATED rare items in the Fall market. .orli • .4 . I od old days! THEN LAD HURT Sunday Hay Withered $ '44 Lk "A 1 276 ESSEX ST. • LAWRENCE idwin Cunha, 16, 26 Howe st., Bus transportation costs between Dairy farmers looked into a grim thuen, was critically injured Andover and Lawrence will rise ANDOVER FARMERS HARD HIT BY DROUGHT — The winter. Most farmers, those without dnesday at 11 a.m. when the sharply on Sunday when a new rate above photo illustrates effectively the results of a rainless irrigation, have lost their second Icle he was driving crashed schedule goes into effect, result of summer. Top photo shows Selectman Sidney P. White, owner of crop of hay, which is usually the tr a tree on Lowell st. in West a decision handed down by the Pub- the Wild Rose Farm, as he stands on barren,arld ground where best. They are already feeding the cover. His name was placed on lic Utilities Commission, which ordinarily some two feet of hay would be ready for harvest. first crop of hay to cattle. Milk danger list at the Lawrence granted a 39 per cent increase to Lower photo shows Selectman White as he stands hip-deep in production had dipped low eral hospital. the Eastern Massachusetts Street hay on pasture land which has been irrigated nearby his farm. and -tie prospects of its increas- Railway Co. Grim fact is that so little land in Andover lends itself to the ing are not overbright. Feed for The ra to from Lawrence to An- expensive process of irrigation. (Look Photo) Ailes dover will be 20 cents as compared the winter is the big problem with milk. Poultry here amounted to ACADEMY to the previous 15-cent charge. all indications being that milk 63,000 hens, which produced THE FOLLOWING BARBER SHOP The rate from the Lawrence-Ando- prices will be boosted appreciably, owing to increased costs. 950,000 dozens of eggs and ver line or from Shawsheen square SAM TOMASELLI, PROP. Even tightening the hay short- 600,000 pounds of poultry meat. ANDOVER Terms to Andover square will be 15-cents 96 MAIN ST. age is the fact that an embargo Swine accounted for 130,000 pounds Near A. & P. or one token, valued at cents, has been placed on Canadian hay, of pork turkeys produced 70,000 3 Barbers No Waiting may be used. because of the foot and mouth dis- STORES nd the number of Riders traveling from Andover to (Continued On Page 12) ease, cutting off that source of Lawrence or Lawrence to Andover supply. Andover farmers will have OPEN may use one punch on a 24-ride weekly ticket, plus paying five to look to the West far its cattle feed COMMERCIAL Auer cents in cash. These weekly tick- paying the high costs of shipment. FRIDAY NIGHTS tat. 700 5rolIP ets will sell for $2.25. Andover Farming Bark Plan. Try it. AND Bus company officials said the Revealing waa the information AIL/ 'TIL 9 same service offered presently will given out by the Essex County continue. Agricultural school as regards the CARRIAGE TRADE SHOP; R. M. extent to which Andover residents COLE; ELANDER & SWANTON; HARBORN SHOP; W. R. HILL';;; all BUNNY'S are devoted to farming. Latest For Every Personal figures available there indicate MICHAEL JAY'S; REINHOLD'S; J. W. CATERING SERVICE And Business Need that 280,000 bushels of vegetables ROBINSON CO; SHAWSHEEN BAKERY Weddings — tons—Test inionials WOOLWORTH'S. are marketed yearly by local farm- Any Size — Anywhere CALL 1943 ers, who till about 800 acres of Merchants Committee Caterer Of Distinction 773-1161 soil. They said Andover's 675 THE TOWNSMAN ANDOVER BOARD OF TRADE Tel. TEL. LAW. 4323 cows produced 2,053,000 quarts of THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, AUGUST 7, 1952 Fi man nos rent the Jud sur plea An, Pats st., Sun( ing sqUE Va nes5 was Expertly dry cleaned. custom pre.sed. 0 that Sun , LAUNDRY fr PM' Shirts • • • •II6c Ile "GUYS AND DOLLS" — The current New York stage play picture is a real live little "guy" and he has his favorite doll of that name never brought more laughs and joy than the Doll clutched in his hands. And Just to his right, seated, is another Show staged at the Central playground recently. Above photo little "guy" with two dolls in his arms. Who said "A Guy IS shows a galaxy of "dolls", live ones and manufactured ones. A Guy" or is that just a popular song. But, lo and behold, sitting right there in the middle of the Personal Miss Miriam Putnam, librarian at the Memorial Hall library, and Miss MAIN ST ANDOVER Mary F. Zecchini, reference li- Rater is ch eaper than brarian, have returned from their A free-for-all in Shawsheen Vil- grass seed, lage, early Sunday morning, resul- annual vacations. Andover residents were ted in the three youthful partici- advised Thursday by botan- pants being fined $20 each for dis- ists associated with the turbance of the peace in Lawrence Essex County Agricultural District Court on Monday morning. EUGENE A. school to douse their lawns Drunkenness charges were filed. now or be prepared to buy "Ihe defendants were Michael P. grass seed in the Fall. They hall, Jr., 27 and Joseph T. Fenton, said that lawns should aver- BERNARDIN Jr 30, both of Brooklyn, N.Y., and age one inch of water per Patrick S.