Inventory of Volume 1. Lady Annie Brassey Photograph Collection, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California

Vol~~e One, Lady Brassey Collection

Views of 28

Vie'Ns of Brisbane 24 Newcastle views 8

Unidentified countrY'side 38 Lord & Lady Carrington 3

New South Wales, Blue liijrs. 3 Hawkesbury River 4

Kerry & Jones photos 62 C~Baylis 1 Brassey? 8 BRAS~)EY .JOLLEGTION Volume l'

p.l Sydney,- General Post Office 15 3/4 " x 11'1," N.d. n .. photog.

p.2 Lord and Lady CarrinF":tone Group photo of nine persotis. .f" Lord and Lady C.,Capt.Terrv, Mr.Wallington identified. n.ue" n .. pnoyog.,,' 9" X-'-41 11 " Kerry and Jones Photographers, Sydney

p.3 Syduey,Australia - Govern~ent House Gardens. Viev;,i of Gardens, bay with sailing ships 9tn x 11~H n.d. Kerry and Jones Photographers?

,~ P. 4a Capt Gascoignes' nCORINETu passing the heads. View of yacht 7 3/4" x 6" n.d. Kerry and Jones,Photographers,308 George St. Sydney

p.~b Tuggerach Lake,Newcastle view 6" x 8" n.d. n.photog.

/ p. 5a Finish of First Internn,tional Yacht Race view n.d. Kerry and Jones, Photographers. 6" x 8" /' p.5b Yachting off Fort Denison. Yacht HGUINEVERETt n.dl 6 H x 8 H Kerry and Jones Photographers

p.6 Exhibition 'building,Sydney 10" x 13i}" n.d. n. photog ..

Botanic Gardens, Sydney n.d. n. photog p. 8 same as 7 p.g same as 7 p.10 same as 7 p.ll same as 7 p.12 same as 7 p.13 same as 7 p.14 same as 7

~.15 Botanic Gardens Sydney. Entrance to museUE and lecture hall. lOu x 13-:rr H n.d. n. photog. p.:;'6a Brisbane, Supre:::.e Court. View of exterior.Photo no.220 6-:~H x gn .. n .. d. n. photog p.16b Brisbane, Parliament Buildings. Exterior view. 6tH x gn n.d. n. photog p .. 17a Brisbane, Convent School. Exterior view 6t n x n .. d. n. photog

6..1..n p. l7b Brisbane, Harbor Office .. Exterior view' 2 x 9i" Photo no.208 n.d. n.photog p"lBa Sydney, Town Hall ana St. ",limdrews Cathedral. 6 a x 8i?! n.d. n. photog p. ISb Sydney, Domain Gates and St. Andrews Cathedral 6" x 8i-" Kerry & Jones,Photographers. n.d. 19a Sydney To\'vn Hall, 6" x 8" Kerry & Jones, Photographers. nOla.

p. 19b Sydney,General Post Office 6 11 x 8" Kerry & Jones, Photographers n.d.

p.20 S~Tdney, Government House, Exterior VieTN '.vi th group on lawn. n .. d. Kerry & Jones, Photog. 9} x lluhn

/' "0.21 Lord & Lady Carrington in group nnoto .. "0. TT & _ • u.",N A___'or ",'-_ ;Y (jTOne'" ..1...... , "ObOkO.t.!..l. lr g~,,;,.;-:r 01, X 'l::LH...!... -"~-

p.2;3 Sydney, Govern~ent House. En route for races" Kerry & Jones, :photog~n .. d. 9} x 11·~H

/' p.22 Lord & Lady Carringt on i:rt", group .. phot o. n. d .. Kerry & Jones, photog.. 9-,?~ x 11?tH

p.24a Sydney Harbor, Vle'N. n .. d~ Kerry & Jones, photog. 6" x 8" p.24b Sydney, Old Governclent House, Paramatta. Kerr;r .& Jones, n.d. 6" x 8"

p .. 25a Sydney, Nuetral Bay .. Vievv with N.S .. \Y. steamer. I'l .. d .. Kerry & Jones photog. 6" x 8" p.25b Sydney .. Dawes and l'.'lillers Points. View" n.d. Kerry & Jones 6" x 8:.\-"

H y< p.26a Dunwick Jetty~ n. d. ~ 6 X gn

/' p. 26b Railway Survey Camp nOla. p.27a Brisbane Rockery. Entrance to Acclimation Grounds n. d. 6:1rn x 9 H on __ n.27b Queensland. Ipswich,looking east. J

p.28a Brisbane, Government House. Grouy photo, ned .. 6·tn X 9:}n

'-o.l..n X O-J.-u p.28b Brisbane, photo 11200 n.d. 2 --'''::I:: p.29a Sydney, Botanic Gardens ,View. n.d. Kerry & Jones 6 H x 8 n

p.29b Brisbane, Vievve n.d. 6tH x 9 B v,,~Oa Brisbane, View, n.d. -- ...... , p.30b House. Photo If 201. n.d.

p.31a Brisbane, Botanic Gardens, n.d .. 6-~!f ~-A 9{·n

t::"1..u p.31b Brisbane, View of steamer,. n.d. V4 X 9" p .. 32a Brisbane, Botanic Gardens .. n.d. 6" x 8"

'7 :0.32b Brisbane, Queen Street view. 1859, n .. d. .. 5" x I 3/4"

o_l"..n 6-1..n ~ p.J3a Brisbane, Queen Street view .. 1880s? " ~- ..... -:;,

p-33b 3risb~,ne, View from Printing Office. ne d. ~]." " 5 ~" x 8"~,'

p.34a Brisbane, View. TIed. y.34b p-35a Brisba!1e, Viev], 5" x 7 3/4"

p .. 35b Brisbane, Post Office, exterior view. n .. d. 5 H X 8 n :o-36a River Brisbane, vie"vv .. n .. d .. 6 ft x 9" y.36b River Head, Brisbane. View n.d. 6 n x 9" p. 37a Brisbane, Kangaroo Point view. n.d. 6·~H x 9tH

p-3Tb Brisbane view· by the river. n.d.. 6" X 9 H n Q_::Ln )J.38a Country Land (unid.location) n.d .. 6i x .04

(,~,....,...: d \ p .. 38b City \ vw..LL _. ) n.d.. ,"" x 7 3 /4" p.39a Countryside (unid location) view. n.d. 6-7," x 9i H p. 39b River vievv (unid.) n.d. 6-tn x gil

p.40a NeVi' South Y7ales. Goye~'s Leap,Blue Nits. Vlew. Kerry & Jones, photog. n.d. - 8::" x6"

H H p.40b same? as 40a. n.d~ 8t X 6 , Kerr;y- & Jones, photog.

) n ~- n p. 41a Country Lane (ll.!.""lid. , !l .. d. 8 A 6

\ p. 41b Country vievY ( unid. ) n. d. 6" x 8" n (\AJ

n 42b lferns, (unid..location) n. d. 6 11 X 8 Kerry & Jones,photog.

43a VVaterfall fI..UIllu.. - '" ) n.d., n.photog.,6~' x 8~1 n n & 43b Coastline (unid.) -. c3-. 6" x 8 ,-Ke,...... !...... U,T Jones,photog._ 44a Country_ Lane (unid.) n. fL., 6" ~ 8" , -Ke~r-'"~ ~ ~0,. UTo~es LL ,pno' t eg.

44b Countrv sie1e (unid. I,; n. d-. 6" X 8" TTe-~~yD_.L .... cC JAnv .... _es .. IL1-1.. .l.C +vOg. ", _ ,n. , J. 0

./ 45a n.d. •

45b '~"a~tlil1eV'''' .... o __ .J. I""~n-;(l-\U\...I.~_,\ view. n.d. 6" x 8"

'-ll -; D (,., ~ - -; .' \ ./ 46a BU ~~ ~ass ~n~d.~oca~lon) n. d. Kerry & Jones, photog.

46b Countryside (unid.) VieYl .. n .. d. 6 ll x 8~1,Kerry &Jones,photog 47a Ferns (unin.location) n.d.

? 47b New South ",;Vales, Blue Mts. View. n. d.. 6 H X 8 tl 48a 48b South Head, Sydney, n.d. 6" x 8i-2,Kerry & Jones,photog 49a Gountryside,Clifton,Illawara n.d. 6 fT x 8in / Kerry & Jones,photog.

H t1 /"" 4gb Clifton Jetty, IllaiNara, n. d. 6 X 8 Kerry & Jones, photog 50a Clifton shore'l",ine vievll n .. d. 6" x 8", Kerry & Jones,photog. 50b V'iaterfall and landscape, n.d.. 6 ft x 8 ri ,Kerry & Jones,photog 5la River vievr, (unid.location) n.a... 6" x 8" Kerry & Rones, photog

52b Countryside (unid.location) n.d. 6" x• 8"1."-1 Kerry & Jones, photogs. 53a River view (u.. nid.location) n.d. 6 H x 8 1/8" Kerry & Jones,photog.

H ./ 53b Little Bay, n.d.. 6 x 8 54a Harbor vievv (unid. location) n.d. 6" x 8 n Ke~ry & Jones,photog.

n n /' 54b HawkeSbury River, n.d., 6 x 8 , Kerry & Jones, Photogs /'55a Knapsack (,"ully Viaduct, n.d. 6" x 7 5/8" Kerry & Jones, Photogs 55b Plank Road in Fern Forest (vnid.location) n.d. 6 H x stu, Kerry & Jones, photogs ____ 56a FunnyHill Creek, Binda, Photo Ho.24, n.d. 6" x 8" Kerry 8: Jones,Photogs. U ..Pa~lke"-lJu-r-v-d .. V ...... , _..., R;,TeY-_ ...... _ "\'"J ri h X 6',~ 71,dJ1 .. ,--'-'...1...-,-,]Ko-y>;n-\T ;;,...... ~ 56b ,J...:..v.... '-' 3 Jcnes,photogs • Potts Point, Sydney, n .. d.. 5 3/4H x 7 $/8'" Kerry & Jones, :!lhotogs .. =,Ncte photo of VIlli te-painted -brigantine.. Possi 013T Bully Hayes Hblacbircleru .. Note whaleboat on starboard side of to:; of forwc-::,rd house. Kerry & Jones,photcgs. .-/57b Havvkesb1J.ry River nood. 6 n x 8 l/4~f, Kerry & Jones,photog

58a River ;)ort (unid.location) n.d. 6" x 8" n. !}hotog ..... possibly Kerry & Jones

~ , 1 . . 1 i . -., --+- • ) "6" voas't-<-lne Vle ,V \UYlld • ..LOcaulOn, n .. a .. x 8" n. photog, possibly Kerry & Jones

59a River vie't,v (unid. location) n.d. o"',Tal shape 7~H x 5 3/8", Kerry & Jones, photogs

:Yatson's Bay, Sydney, n.d .. 51'1 x 8 n , Kerry & Jones, photog

".. 60a ~itzroy Falls, Moss Vale, n.d .. 6 11 X 8 rt Kerry & Jones, ~hotogs

./60b , Sydney nood. oval shage, 7~tH x 5 3/8" Kerry 8:; Jones, photogs

61a same as 60 b fro~ different direction

610 Landscape vie~v7 n. d. 5 7/8 rt x 8f' ,Kerry & Jones,photogs 6~a Coog-ee Bay, Sydney n.d. 8in x 6 H n .. photog possibly Kerry & Jones. 620 Googee Bay, Sydney, n.d. 6" x 8 1/8",Kerry & Jones,photog Also stamped C.Baylis Photo/ Sydney .•• ?

63il1 Landscane with V'laterfall, n.d. 8 in X 6" Kerry & Jones, ~hotogs. 63b River :port "!l.rith small schooner, n.d. 6 n x 8 a noo photog. Possibly Kerry & Jones, photogs.

6~a n __ Botany Heads, n.doo 8 1/8" x 6 , Kerry ,photog.

/' 64b Fi tzroy Falls, 1\1::0S8 Vale, nood .. 8 1/8H X 6 n Kerry & Jones, photogs

65a River ",Tie'll (ul1idoolocation) n.d. Qval,7-:t" x 5 3/8n Kerry & Jones, ,photogs 650 River v-iew (unid. location) n.d. 8t" x 6" Kerry & Jones,photogs. ___ 66a Knapsack Gully, n.d. 8 1/8" x 6", Kerry & Jones,photogs Butte Coal i,Hne, n.d. 8 1/8" x 6",Kerry & Jones, photogs

n /67a Second ZigZag, Blue IV~ountains, n.d. 6" x 8 , Kerry & Jones, photogs.

67b River viev':! (unid. location) n.d. 6r~ x 8 tl ,Kerry & Jones .. 68a River view (unid.location) n.d. 8 1/8" x 5 7/8", Kerry & Jones, ~hotog.

n '1' ( 'd 1 " \ 68b voaS~~lne lliLl.. oca~lonl n.d. 8 1/8" Kerry & Jones,-pnotogs 69a River Landscape (unid.location) n.d. Kerry & Jones photogs.

ft H 69b. Landsca"p8 with 'iNaterfall (unid. location) n.d. 5 314 x 8 .. Kerry & Rones, photogs 70a Countryside (unid.location) n.d. 6" x 8i" Kerry & Jones, photogs

70b River view with small boats, n.d. o'.ral, 7~" x Kerry & Jones, photog 71a Newcastle, New South ~Nales, n.d. 8-:i-~r x 5 3/8n Brassey,photog? 71b Newcastle River (Hunter?), n.d. 8 3/8 n x 6" Brassey photog? 72a Newcastle waterfront (Hunter River) n.d. 6 rr x 8 n Brassey, ~hotog? 72b Newcastle harbor, Nevt South ;/fales; n. d. 6 it x 8 31St! 73a The Nobbys,NevJ South \Vales (Harbor Entrance) n.d. oval, 7tH x 5 3/8" Brassey,photog?

73b Ha:rbor,Newcastle, Nevv- South \Yales, n.d. 6" x 8 3/8" Brassey, photog?

74a Landscape (unid.location) n.d. 5 3/4" x 3 7/8"

/' 74 b,c Hawkesbury Coal MiIies,n.d., 6" x 4 1/8" Brassey,photog?

74d H~rd of sheep crossing River, n.d. 7 1/8" x 5" Brassey, photog? -75 Wharf on Hawkesbury River,n.d., 11!" x 8 3/Ll " n. photog. Lord Brassey in this delegation This as a complj.mentarv uicnic teno.ereCt to Lord Brassey July 9,1887 by" Au.stralian officials. n The stefu!ler is Ca~tain fHurray's I? General Goro.oYl the location Peat's Ferry on the Hawkesbury River. These officials 'j\isre public v'lorks contractors.