Ltf-44 m^'^if

UNITED STAtES ' , !ij t l * _L ' 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTfRTfORf GEOLOGICAL S0RVEXI ;j I! ;i. i ,3. |, '!g,5|- PROJECT REPORT | |3 ., Liberian'} -(IR) Investigations "~ J '' n l:'*' \''


Donald H. Joinso

Richard W. White U. S.\Geological Survey

U. S.l.Geological Surye OPEN FILE REPORT]" This report is preliiiiinar>| not been edited or;reviewed for conformity with Geological" Survey standards or nomenclature ,


Donald H. Johnson .- ' -and i'l I- ;

Richard W. ,'i;> " '-^/i >* "'>'vi:"':'": 'I - ?' '*<-*,"' ; >->£ ' ^'~'f jf. !?" 1 -. '.-^ .- - .';*, ; iJ.r^.-^'.V- ," . " '. - T' ' , , Geologicai Survey '/ 'iii'l^^lS;,;^^;' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOG1T ANI3 JJWjNERAL INDUSTRY OF LIBERIA AND ADJACEN? COtJ$rTRIES ' - , ' '" *' SUPPLEMENT. ' *" - I ;*;i j f^;:-^

; by j-1;: *'i i- Donald H. Johnson .and Ricftard W. White i

U. S. Geological! Survey

i / This supplement to the bibliography^- £e eased in early 1969 is a continuation and expansion of that list!. This1 s- iptplement lists papers issued after the original bibliography v as comj >iled, as well as earlier- published papers that have come to the atient that time. This bibliography was compiled ajsjfa' j>art |of the Geological Exploration and Resources Appraisal 'program^ \incjlertaken jointly by the Liberian Geological Survey and the IL S. ^Ge^ogicaJ Survey, sponsored by the Government of Liberia and the IT.' S. AJshcyI 'i f for International Development. , i ' ! i ' I : i H ' -' =f.;l ' : The references in this supplement and ira thef earlier bibliography have been compiled from many sources^ includingjthe U. S. Geological Survey Library in Washington, the Liberian G|olb jical Survey library, various published bibliographies, ref^jierfces qiteid .by; authors in pub­ lications dealing with Liberian geology land miiier? 1 industry/ and chance encounters in the literature. ] Thci list;! is ijdmittedly incomplete, and users of the bibliography are requested tc ; additional references or errors to the attention of the compil ?rsj.

References to mining, metallurgy, in< ;ral economies involving Liberia have been included, as have pa>ers'd lir g with physical geology, cartography^ hydrology, pedology, and relate subjects. Because the present fcnowledge of Liberian geology ilepjend ,vily on comparison with other areas, many reports on the geology of c^un ies adjacent to Liberia and the west African region are included.

i Because this bibliography has been-comp in part from other bibliographies and authors' citations, andbecal we have not seen many ^pf the references listed, some of the papers in ced here may not r : v actually be germane to Liberian geology and ml ral industry, [AH such doubtful references are included so as not to in; idiVertently omit a use­ ful paper. For similar reasons a numb er^ of re\ 'ejrences are included for ;- - "' -^' : '^ '^ ..:. '-: . " " ' "i ;: . "' ' ' ,' : '"f }'.;"j ;; - .'., V KV ; :-K'.rr ...- :;-''' '-:' which such information, as publisher, voliime nuipber, pagination, or date ot the publication is lacking, j ! I "rT

' ... ' - i ; ' ' j : ' " ' ^ :^'^^ :, Publications held in the library of the Liberian Geology Survey in Akr.rovia are marked by an asterisk. Many o!f the publications are availuple in larger geological libraries around tHe'world, but some, particularly unpublished company report$, inay iiot be available except by special arrangement with the compan^ Effoijts are |being made to increase the holdings of the Liberian Geological Survey;library, and persons are invited to offer publications to the library'as gifts, pr. exchange or purchase. '.'' '. \l]\ , *^ * . - ' "' . ' ?,.

71? J'- : l^-'f^- ^®SSS-\.:- '; /H; H.; and White, R. W. ;,.,*«wv *,E )li< graphy of the geology industry of Liberia and aajaxientit ou rtries: U. S, GeoU open-file rept, (IR)-LI-32, f BIBLIOGRAPHY SUPPLEMENT

Aero Service Corporation, 1954, Aeromagijetic map; of Liberia: Aero Service Corporation, Philadelphia^ J :

Alien, P. M. , and Reedman, A. J. , 1968, JStratigt^phid classification in Pre-Cambrian rocks: Geol. Mag. , v. 1(35} no. 3, p. 290-297, -sketch 'map." '- - ' ' : '' " :.; "': v :! ^^ ' f~ I ',-; ..- ' .'. '".- -". : ' , - «,.- ' !'' '! ... ] .,-" / ''',-'"' ' ' ., . f i ; : ' Annales des Mines, 1968, Panorama de 1'iiidustij'ie jpiniere du continent africain en 1967 (with English, Russian, jGerman, Spanish, summ. ): Annales Mines, v. , no. , p. 35-56, jncjap.

Association at African Geological Surveys j- .UNECp^ 1 §68, Carte minerale :- . de I'Afrique - Mineral map of Africa; l:iot 000, 000: Paris, As soc. ; African Geol. Surveys - United Nations Edjuc. Sci. Cultural :; . ' " Organization.' : -' .- .. "- . ;..- : ; . '"" l| f," ; j i' :.- / 'r/vC;. ^.^ '"" '''./; -. i f - .; : f, ! . H .. »,- , .: - -.-. -i . '-: - '-' - . « . Baker, Ci E,, 1968, Role of science anc| technology pin,the development of Liberia: Natl.Educ. Conf., Liberia JCIpiv^, 13-16 November 1968, 14 p. ./;; v... ,',- I. =;vi}; h..:ih>v, .:.,;,,.-':-.: :'.:'-." ,;'1 .' /' ' I? !H ':^:^ V'< ' " Baker, M. W. G., 1961, Geology report pn Harpier vicinity and interior, , Liberia: (Liberia) Bur. Nat* Resources and Surveys unpub. rept., ,16 p., map* February 11961. ' -. , . . :M > « (I,:, ' { . ,;: : ". Baker, M. W. G., 1963, Geologic report of Gbiarnga District: (Liberia) Bur. Nat. Resources and Surveypiunpufcj. !rept,, 10 p., map, 19 August 1963. . f ;n L \' '..[.

Baker, M. W. G., 1963, Geological report oh jarea west of the Farmington River: (Liberia) Bur. 'Nat. Resources and Surveys unpub. rept., 8 p., maps. .'.-. ' '[. '. ,'. | f|.-j '" .."-.f; " '. ..-.,,;' ;" ' '' ',-" * - -.

* Baker, M W. G. , 1969, Geologic summary df JMJosaie Block J-10: Liberian Geol. Survey Memo. Rept. 33, 1 p. j { ! "'*,. r ' ' i l-i !" " ' ' ' ""' * Baker, M. W. G. ,. 1969, Geologic sumjmaryjoi Mosaic Block J-9: Liberian Geol. Survey Memo. Rept. 32, |1 jp. } { ! * .-.-. , 'I; ! | .! ! Barrows, G. H. , 1967, International petroleu4n iindustry; v. 2r Central America/ South America/ Africa/ Far East/North America: New York, Internat. Petroleum Inst.' , 371 p. '., i Bassot, J. -P., 1966, Etude geologiqu^ du Senegal oriental et de ses confins guinep-maliens: Bur. Recherches GeoJ..i et Minieres, Mem. 40, 332 p., ";.'.: '.; : illus... - . ';:; ' ;.].:; ' . .. ' : - , :% ' . Behrendt, J. C. , and Wotorson, C. S.j, ,1969,1 Preliminary map of basement 4 elevation of the Liberian continental sHeif interpreted from aerd- ^ magnetic data,: XT.S. Geol. Surjvey project rept. IR- LI- 3 3, map.

Behrendt^ f\T? C;, and Wotorson, C. SJ, i969,|^reliminary gravity map | ' | ^ |^| showing Bouguer anomalies iii fh Mbnrqvia region of Liberia: TJ, S. .. Survey project rept. IR-Llf 37l ^tiap. %.,:'-,--- "'v.' :' " ; ..;-:i" ; ii'.'-l :!' \ Berge, J^ W. , 1958, Geology of the Mt.ijGlettDii region: , LAMCO ' f Venture Operating Comp^hyl unpu a J : '''" ;--- -~' * --- ' 'V T _. . ' . . Berge, J. W.i 1963, Genetical aspec the Nimbaj iron ores: LAMCO 'Newsletter no. 3, The: Grangeberg ^mpany, Liberia Div. ,. Stockhblin, t-HV -"- - illus.i 8 " February 3:963i ' :|",j: "f"I * Berg0V * . 1068, Proposed structural E nd strajtigr^phic interpretation of tiie Nimba-Gbahm Ridge area, Li Jeria: Geol. Mining Metall. Soc. Liberia Bull., v. 3, p. 28-47,igaiusl ' ;" h' *.; Bevervoorde, E. van, 1935, Die Eisenerzvorkomiiiien in Liberia: W. H. Muller & Co. rept., Rotterdam. < ;I

Blamo, J. B., 1963, Impact of industrialization.ofi|Liberian society: Lund. Univ., unpub. master's thesis, f, : ; ; ( i N Blondel, P., 1952, Les gisements de fer dev 1'Afrique occidentale franc;aise: Internat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers 1952; Symposium sur les Gisements de Fer du Monde, v. 1, ij*. 5-34. i 1 -. ' ' . ':' '!' |! ! " '! Bloot, C., 1954, Report on the Wani-Gisi mountain range: (Liberia) Treasury Dept., Bur. Mines and Geology unpiub. ;nepti, 13 p., map, May 1954, undated appendix, 2 p. f -.-.- ] [ j I

Bloot, C., 1954i Report on the Bong-Zaweah mountain range: (Liberia) Treasury Dept., Bur. Mines and Geology junpub. rept., 16 p., map. December 1954. \.\ . } j; j j

Bockh, E,, 1962, Berichte Uber die geologische Uritersuchung der Eisenerzlager- statte Bong Range: Dusseldorf, 'G^werkkdhaft Exploration Lagerstatten- archiv, 1960-62.

Bolgarsky,>Michel, 1933, Quartzites a magnetijtej due cercle de Man et de ses environs (C6te d'lvoire): Acad. s«ji /Paris? Comptes rendus, v. 197, p.-559-561. .. //; ':;,\ . : ;

Bolgarsky, Michel, 1950, Cote d'lvoire, jn Rapport annuel 1950 du Service ^ ;v Geoiogique de 1'A. O. F. i f French We%t Africa Direction Mines, Dakar, v'.' "^/i Q«\tV-- ' . :'v' ' - -. ' 'w-v '. '- .- - '^. ' '! T- ; I.- * : ..-,: - ..,...... -/; " '. ' : -. V-"' :-'-'£?:^l^~'/y:,.&~S: i,*' ; .' ---.' : ;? .V *"; ; ;":-^: -^;>..^V{ ' "' . t . ' {f ' ^' \" ' ' ,. " "' :" -:-,'. Bolgarsky,*Michel, 1950, Notice explicative sur JLa feuHle Daloa-Est. Carte %|^geblogique de reconnaissance au 500^000°^! French West Africa ;l^^/':;|i^I)irection Mines,. Dakar. ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ll^^i^^-^^M^-^^: Bolgarsky, 3VIichelft 1950, Notice explicativei sur Ha feuilie Tabou-Est. Carte "--.., .,;': i5-..V.:a**i,:-r,.-iJ- J ' ' ^iW.'1 '.- " .'.'" , : . * p _ f . f de reconnaissance au 500, OOJO° :/j French West Africa :.t..7,;t :i-';':-: -",;,'1';-'-,,>s,.!.-^ ;;.;;: ;'- '; Mines, Dakar. ; ;*:i| |j ?&S^-V'": i^.,:;' "' ' :~;V C/;: »;,'.' 1951, Notice explicati(v Bonnauit, D. , 1951, Notice explicativ^ sur jl$ fejiille Abidjan-Est. Carte geologique de reconnaissance i,u 500.$ 00$: French West Africa Direction Mines,. Dakar.

: t j |; .i! * Bong Mining Company, 1963, AZ-maj j of ^sso^andmalies: Bong Mining Company unpub. map, 1:2,0004

I !- ? ' 1 Bonnault, D., and Sagatzky, J., 1950 ,( Not; .c & exjplicative sur la feuille Bondoukou Quest. .Carte geologiquje reconnaissance au 500.000°: French West Africa Direction, Dakar.

Bouglise, R. de la, 1936, Le gisemei it de^ei} dej Conakry: Chronique des Mines coloniales, v. , no. --9, p,.! }16-120, illus.

Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Mimeieries,U $ f5;1960, Carte geologique de I'Afrique Occidentale au 1:2 OjOO OQO jejn sfcoupures; No. 1 Guinee - Cote 4'Ivoiire \ No. 2 C6te d'lvoire - fTogq' - pahlomey No. 3 L^gende f ?': || |! No. 4 Senegal \ I ji! 1 r No. 5 .Mali - Haute-V|olta*4Mgeif No. 6 Niger {., ; h| | No. 7 Mau'ritanie "«i j j-} jj No. 8 Mauritanie - Ntger-Nord i No. 9 Niger-Nord j \ i :; j Bur. Recherches G4ol. et MiJii^res,!^ mapsheets. * > \!'i; I Bureau de Recherches Geologiques e^Minietes, '1967, Rapport annuel 1967 (Ivory Coast section): Paris,; Bur;; Recherches Glol. et Minie*res, p. 57-58. Caine, A. i«\ , 1967, Scientific research ifi Liber^: kept, of Conf, on f/iberian Research and Scholarship Tubman (Renter of African Culture, Robertsport, Liberia, 14J-17 Junle? 10)67.

Castelain, J. , 1066, Apercju stratigraphic tye suV jla micropaleontologie et La palynologie des sediments secor tlaires je|t tertiaires des bassins de i'ouest Africain, in International thion of [Geological Sciences, 1966, Bassins sedimentaires du littoral Africaiity symposium, lre partie. Littoral Atlantique (New Delhi, 1964): Pslriis, iAssoc. African Geol. Surveys, p. 40-51 (incl. English siimm.)Ji!illus.

Chas. T. Main International, Inc., 1968; jMt. Coffee hydroelectric project without storage: Boston, Chas. TJ Main international, Inc., 107 p., ' illus' ' ' H : lii '} ' V Chautard; J., 1906, Etude sur la geographic physique et la geologic du Fouta-Djallon: Paris. ^ ; [: j r

Chetelat, E. de, 1938, Le modele lateritique dejllouest de la Guinee francaise: Rev. Geographic Phys. et Geologic Dynainiquei, v. 11, no. 1, p. 1-120, illus. !': - -I-i j j Choubert, G., and Paure-Muret, A., 1968,. Tedt0nic map of Africa, scale 1:5,000,000: Nature and Resources (tntdrnat. ;Hydrological Decade Bull.) v. 4, no. 2, p. 18-19. ' ! j I | i t-" ' Chronique des Mines et de la Recherche Miniere, J1969, Activate miniere, Cote-d'Ivoire: Chronique Mines et Redherjche Miniere, v. 37, no. 379, p. 29-31. , : i

Chudeau, R. , 1918, Keener ches sur la tpctonijqiie! de 1'Afrique occidentale: Sot. geol. France Bull.. 4, ser. l!8, pj $4h87. j , :«- - . * ' . - t ,,...-.. Clock, C. P., 1966, Liberia's low grade ironiober mine at Bong: U.S. ' ' "''' Embassy,' Monrovia,. , unpub.: .- . reptir? ,. 12jpt:-' )}: f ; : <:^p?; \ :--\^%?$${&; ' ^.xi^-v^^K^ '" '" J. B. , 1968, General description o£ LAMCO's iron ore mine in. Liberia: Geol. Mining MetaU. Sdc. Liberia' iBuIl.t-"' V. 3;lp.' 48-56,''' ^'illus. 'V ^ '''"£f$ *:'- . , . J. B. , 1968, Open pit mining in moiintai4ous terrain -LAMCO's iron II ' Mi'- ? . . - ., * Cooper, B. R. , 1!)63, Geologic report of sq^tiort^ 6f Districts One and Two 01 and District i^um&^TjjjFour of Central Province; (Liberia) Bur. Nat. Resources and SJurveyjS! unp.ub. rept., 7 + 3 p., maps. V ; i 11i .''I * Cooper, B. R. ,x 1963, Geologic report of se ctioris fclf Zprzor and Districts, Western Province: (Libei'ia) Buri Nat. Resources and Surveys unpub. rept., 7 p., maps J.MI \ * Dames & Moore, 1967, Report - Consultation on; foundation design, pro­ posed Liberian refinery. Monrovia, 4 Liberia, Liberian Refining Company, Incorporated: Monrovia,' Dames & Moore unpub. rept., 13 p. , illus. ; i ' ! i ' -.;' i ; * Danielsson, Christer, and Linder, Rolf,: 1964; laboratory sintering of Nimba fines: LAMCO Newsletterjinq. l|, -THe Grangesberg Company, Liberia Div., Stockholm; p. 7-10f, illu$. L 14 August 1964. :- ' ' " I i : . Defossez, M., Mangin, J. P., Pinta, M;, jancj orthbrs, 1967, Repartition de quelques elements traces dansjles e^ujc &e Surface en zone intertropicale (C6te-d'Ivoire): Ai^^P6'^1"^31"161 Service Carte Geol. Bull., v. 20, no. 4, p. 257-276

De Launay, L., 1903, Les richesses minlrales ifleil'Afrique: Paris, Ch. i i' ; Beranger, p. i ;

* DELIMCO, 1961, Concession area of DE - Liberian Mining Company: DELIMCO Gernian-Literianj^injlng Company unpub. rept., 3 p., maps,. 29 December 1961.; ; j j .] Depagne, J., 1966, Les nappes deprimees d'Afraqtie! Occident ale: Bur. Recherches Geol. et Mini^res Buil.;! IstiifeerJ, no. 2 (1966), p.

D'Hoore, J. L., 1968, Classification in Moss, R. P., ed., 1968, Soil resources of tropical lA-frica: Caik bridge Univ. Press, p. 7-28.

Dixey, Frank, 1921, Magnesian group of a:gn| ks Geol. Mag., v. 58, no. 689, p. 485-493. \ \\ ~\ : , If ' , Jacques, 1968, Quelques 'resultattsj sjismimief sur 1'Afrique occidentale: v. 266, no. 14, p. 1470- Acad. sci. _,,_TlParis/ H-- Comptes* rendvis;r *? t SertH.DIn 147^, sketch map.

jpucellier, J., 1967, Coup d'oeil sur la geologic |fr caine en 1965 et en 1966 : .\ Chronique des Mines et Recherche Millie v..35, no. 362, p. 137-150. Edwards, W. S. , 1940, Iron ore developments in' Sierra Leone: Gen. Elec. Co. Jour., v. 11, no. 2, p. 96ft02

* Engineering and Mining Journal, 1968, Liberia: £n*|. Mining Jour., v. 169, no. 5, p. 143. j I ; i| :! * Erickson, R. I., 1952, Mining plan and lay-out fd * Liberia Mining Co. Ltd. at Bomi Hill: Monrovia, Liberia Mining Go. Ltd., unpub. rept., 21 p,

10 Fage, J. D., 1955, Introduction to the history of wesi; Africa: Cambridge, Univ. Press, \\ ' ij i ? ! ':''!» Fermor, L. L., 1915, Work of Professor Lacr6ix on tHe laterites of French Guinea: Geol. Mag., v. 11, Ao. I , pfcj: 23-37, no. , p. 77-82, no. , p. 123-129. ! \ l!y

Ferrara, G., and Gravelle, M., 1966, Radiometric ages from western Ahaggar (Sahara) suggesting an eastern limit'|or-the West African craton: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v.iiljl, |no. 5, p. 319-324, illus. - u'! ! J ; il. ! Frankel, S. H., 1938, Capital development in Africa; i London, Oxford Univ. Press,

* Frederic R. Harris, Inc., 1967, Probing location njiap at Harper: Monrovia, Frederick R. Harris, Inc., unpub. map, ;l:24iuO,:; May 1967.

* Frederic R. Harris, Inc., 1967, Probing location irjiap at Sinoe: Monrovia, Frederic R. Harris, Inc., unpub mapjjj 1:1200!| .iJtuie 1967.

* Freeman, A. W., and Johnson, J. C., 1967,!i|Report i|i>ii field trip (to diamond mining areas in Liberia): (Liberia) Bur. :Nat/j Resources and Surveys unpub. rept., 8 p., 8 May 1967. ij i :| i ' i i N i Freneix, Suzanne, 1966, Faunes de bivalves et correlations des formations marines du cretace des bassins cotiers de lloueist Africain, in International Union of Geological Scieiices, 19'$6f Bassins sedimentaires du littoral africain, symposium, l re pjartie, I^ittpral Atlantique (New Delhi, 1964); Paris, Assoc. African deol.| Surveys, p. 52-78 (incl. English summ.), illus. fl' i i- i! '! ! s Furon, Raymond, 1936, t-e gisement de fer d^ Conakry;|(Guinee frangaise): Rev. g£n. Sci., y. , no. 12, p. 355.

* j- :| - v-.. -- Furon, Raymond, 1968, Geologic de I1 Afriqu|> 3d. d: :j!Paris, Payot, 374 p., illus. .li

11 Garrctt. il. G. , 1066, Regional geochemical reconnaissance of eastern Sierra Leone: Univ. London, unpub. doctoral thesis,

* Gauvin, Jacques, 1963, Grade control and selective open pit mining at LAMCO: LAMCO Newsletter no. 3, The Grangesberg Company, Liberia Division, Stockholm, p. 1,2-19, illus. , 8 February 1963. ! *:', ^ Centner, W. , 1966, Auf der Suche nach Kraterglasern, ;Tektiten und Meteoriten in Afrika: Naturwissenschaftern, v. 53, no. 12, p. 285-289,

* Geophysics, 1967, Geotech performs 7000-mile continuous profile: Geophysics, v. 32, no. 6, p. 1113-1114, illus.L I j '. -< ' ' . ! ' * Glass, B. P. , 1968, Glassy objects (microtektjit4s.? ) from deep-sea sediments near the Ivory Coast: Science,' v.i::i ; 161, -no.M J3844, ! ; p. 891-893, illus. Goloubinow, R. , 1950, Notice explicatiyer sur la fettille Bougouni Quest. Carte geologique de reconnaissance au 500. Q00°: French West Africa Direction Mines, Dakar, . ; | j ; j ' i "* i ; Gordon, W. T. , 1945, Large diamonds f if om the Woyie River: Imp. Inst. Bull., v. 43, no. 2, p. 111-120. ,1 : ' ; ; , ' ! ' :^ -I I- ! , Grandin, G. , 1968, Aspects exogenes du gisement de manganese de Grand- Lahou (Cote d'lvoire): Chronique des Mines et Recherche Miniere, v. 36, no. 375, p. 199-206, illus. , | : ' ; | i i; ! I : -. ' ; ;; : t Grant, N. K. , 1969, Late Precambrian to early Pal ejozoic Pan- African orogeny in Ghana, Togo, Dahomeyi, and Nigerjia: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 80, no. 1, p. 45-55, illus. .. * . ! !, !! :i .! | , Greenfield, David, 1960> General report Submitted io the Director of the Rikets Allmanna Kartwerk, Nr. BJ Lund I Stockholm, Sweden, and the Birector of the Bureau of Natural iRe es 'and Surveys, Mr. Arthur Sherman, Monrovia, Liberia: (LJi&eria) Bur^ Nat. Resources and Surveys unpub. rept., 9 p. 1 \\ *! ';], I (': . J ',1 1 , i || Grigorlyev, V._M., 1966, Geologicheskoye stroj^nive i poleznyye S'yerra_- Leone_/Geologic framework and mineral resc urces of Sierra Leone/ hkbsj: Moskovskoye Obschest. Ispyt. Prir. i!, Byull.," " Otd.~AJ Geol.,"--11 v. 41, no. 3, p. 140.

12 Gruss, Hans, 1967, Bong Peak, Bericht uber das1 vt^rlaufige Ergebnis der gcologischen Untersuchungsarbeiten: i; Bong Mining Company, unpub. rcpt. j . ' .. '" ,'* '' Gruss, Hands, and Bockh, E., 1960, Vermork uber;die|;geologische Erkundung der Wologisi Range zw. KL. Gblaghaijzi und Lofa! River, Liberia: Monrovia, Bong Mining Company unprub. rejjtj., 7 p., illus., 4 March 1960 (with English translation by G. W. Leo)| ;i * i Giirich, G., 1887, Beitrage zur Geologie von Westafrika: Deutsche geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 39, no. , p. ,96-1361 j j

13 Hahn, A. , and Plaurnann, S. , 1962, Berichte uber ie erdmagnetischen und gravimetrischen Untersuchungen de;r Ejisen^fzlagerstatte Bong Range: Dusseldorf, Gewerkschaft Exploration Lagfejrrstattenarchiv 1960-62. !' ; $ "' Hamilton, E. I. , 1965, Applied geochronolfcgyc London and New York, Academic Press, 267 1. , illus. ! :

Hark, H. U., and Porth, Hans, 1968, Neue-Erdoluiid Erdgasexplorationsgebiete in der Welt; II, Neue Explorationsgebiete (AJfrika, Mittlerer Osten, Westeuropa, Amerika); stratigraphische Fallen; Schwerolsand- und Olschiefervorkommen: Erdol Kohle;! vl 21, ina. 4, p. 193-198 (incl. English summ.), sketch maps. ^ | ;j ; ; ; i:' j ' ! "' Harrison Church, R. J., 1957, West Africa: ^ondon, i Longmans, Green and Co., -ji ' ']j;i : 11 , .j!i; '

Hinte, J. E. van, ed., 1966, Proceedings iojf t the Sejcond West African Micro- paleontological Colloquiuin, Ibadan,! .jjune to July 1st: Leiden. E. J. Brill, 294 p. , illus. '] ':

* Holland Syndicate, 1935, General report brjqught out by the Holland Syndicate over their activities from the 21st di Septem-bSer 1933 -- the 1st of March 1935: Monrovia, Holland Syndicate unpub. rept., 32 p. ;i : N; Holman, R. H. C., 1956, Applied geochemical| studii6s; in Uganda and Sierra Leone: Univ. London, unpub. doctoral thesis: , I ! $ \ ' Hubert, H., 1919, Carte geologique de I'Afnque odcidentale: Paris, j ! 'H 'i ' ' Hubert, H., 1920, La geologic de 1'Afrique pccidentale: : ii 1 . Hurley, P.*M., and Rand, J. R., 1968, Review pf age data in west Africa and South America relative to a test !0f continental drift; in Phinney, R. A., ed., 1968, History of the earth's irfystj! a symposium: Godtiard Inst. Space Studies, Conf. 3J966, jc^ntjr., p. 153-160, illus. j M in, ir

14 Jl I Immink, Theo, and Reilingh, Albert, .l|)5i:,. RQJ>O qt of the investigation of the minerals in the Golella area: Uiberia Mirting Company unpnb. rept., 10 p. , 22 January 1951. 1 :; \ \\ International Atomic Energy Agency, 19&3, Preliminary observations of I. A. E.A. mission to Liberia: Internal/ Atomic Energy Agency unpub. rept. , 8 p.

International Geological Congress, Coniinissioj: tor Geological Map of World, Subcommission for Tectonic Map .of Worllow6itM!assawo area, : Liberia Treasury Dept}., Bur.: 1 Mines and Geology unpub. rept. , 3 p., 1 August 1952.

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15 Hi Jack, D T. . 1060, LIconomic survey of Sierra Lipoiije: Freetown, Govt. Printing Dept. , -, , (I \\ 1 : II Jacobs, Wolfgang, and Feik, Joachim, 1963,: Verglfcichende Mahlversuche mit einem Quarzbander-Eisenerz Jin,einer:!Stjabmuhle und einer Kaskadenmiihle: Aufbereitungs-Tejchnik, v. A,

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