DOWNING COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE ANNUAL REPORT and ACCOUNTS for the Financial Year Ending 30 June 2015
DOWNING COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS for the financial year ending 30 June 2015 The West Range ©Tim Rawle 2 Contents 5. Financial Highlights 6. Members of the Governing Body 9. Officers and Principal Professional Advisors 11. Report of the Governing Body 67. Financial Statements 77. Principal Accounting Statements 78. Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account 79. Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 80. Consolidated Balance Sheet 82. Consolidated Cashflow Statement 85. Notes to the Accounts 3 4 Financial HIGHlIGHtS 2015 2014 2013 £ £ £ Highlights Income Income 10,308,808 10,155,889 9,663,733 Donations and Benefactions Received 1,393,825 5,292,916 3,124,484 Financial | Conference Services Income 2,218,516 2,042,832 2,130,085 Operating Surplus 183,909 320,009 336,783 2015 Cost of Space (£ per m2) £152.11 £150.87 £150.20 College Fees: June Publicly Funded Undergraduates £4,185/£4,500 £4,068/£4,500 £3,951/£4,500 30 Privately Funded Undergraduates £7,719 £7,350 £6,999 Graduates £2,474 £2,424 £2,349 Ended loss on College Fee per Student £2,663 £2,436 £2,630 Year Capital Expenditure Investment in Historical Buildings 1,299,886 1,751,811 573,388 Investment in Student Accommodation 4,592,605 1,499,507 740,562 Assets Free Reserves 5,002,275 8,349,966 13,372,300 Investment Portfolio 38,771,009 35,775,344 34,917,793 Spending Rule Amount 1,673,708 1,652,971 1,543,197 total Return 10.9% 7.6% 9.2% total Return: 3 year average 9.2% 7.7% 10.3% Return on Property 8.8% 5.8% 7.6% Return on Property:
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