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Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), 56, 2010 (4): 121−130 POLLEN CHARACTERISTICS IN SOME PERSIMMON SPECIES (DIOSPYROS spp.) OLGA GRYGORIEVA1, JÁN BRINDZA2, MÁRIA GABRIELA OSTROLUCKÁ3, RADOVAN OSTROVSKÝ2, SVETLANA KLYMENKO1, JANKA NÔŽKOVÁ2, DEZIDER TÓTH2 1M. M. Grishko National Botanical Garden of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Kiev 2Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra 3Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra GRYGORIEVA, O. – BRINDZA, J. – OSTROLUCKÁ, M.G. – OSTROVSKÝ, R. – KLYMENKO, S. – NÔŽKOVÁ. J. − TÓTH, D.: Pollen characteristics in some persimmon species (Diospyros spp.). Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), vol. 56, 2010, no. 4, pp. 121–130. Aim of the work was to study the general characteristics grains polar axis variation range were classified as medi- and essential morphological traits of pollen grains, as the size, um-sized to large. Regarding the shape index values, which shape of pollen grains and number, form and position of apertu- ranged from 1.75 (D. kaki L. f.) to 2.18 (D. virginiana L.), are res in Diospyros kaki L. f., Diospyros virginiana L., Diospyros the pollen grains predominantly prolate or prolate spheroidal. lotus L. species and interspecies hybrid of Diospyros virgi- Significant differences were detected among the tested spe- niana L. × Diospyros kaki L. f. The studies were performed cies and the interspecific hybrid as well as between individual on pollen obtained from genotypes cultivated in Slovakia (D. genotypes of D. lotus L., especially in the equatorial axis. The kaki L. f. a D. lotus L.) and Ukraine (D. virginiana L., D. vir- significant differences in the length of polar axis and equato- giniana L. × D. kaki L. f.). Pollen grains morphological traits rial diameter axis indicate the interspecific and intraspecific were evaluated using the scanning and transmission electron pollen variability of Diospyros species. Generally, the tested microscopy. Mean length of polar axis varied between 48.0 species pollen grains are solitary, isopolar, radially symmetric. µm (D. lotus L.) and 71.19 µm (D. virginiana L. × D. kaki According to shape and number of apertures the pollen grains L. f.) and equatorial axis (pollen width) from 23.56 µm (D. are tricolporate. This study of pollen grains in species of genus virginiana L.) to 33.14 µm (D. virginiana L. × D. kaki L. f.). Diospyros enlarged the currently sparse knowledge on taxono- The highest values of both axes were observed in the pollen mical, palinological and practical use in bee-keeping oriented grains of interspecies hybrid Diospyros virginiana L. × on identification of pollen grains occurring in the corbicular Diospyros kaki L. Diospyros spp. genotypes tested pollen bee-pollen. Key words: Diospyros spp.; D. kaki L. f; D. virginiana L.; D. lotus L.; D. virginiana L. × D. kaki L. f.; pollen grains; morpho- logical traits of pollen grains INTRODUCTION the Diospyros genus and several of these species are of economic importance. The mild climatic region is suit- Species of genus Diospyros belong to an exten- able for growing and use in horticulture of three per- sive class of family Ebenaceae consisting of 7 genera. simmon species – Diospyros kaki L. f. (japanese per- Yonemori et al. (2000) listed over 400 species forming simmon), Diospyros virginiana L. (persimmon virgin- Mgr. Olga Grygorieva, PhD., prof. Svetlana V. Klymenko, DrSc., M. M. Grishko National Botanical Gardens of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, 01014 Kiev, Timiryazevska 1, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] doc. Ing. Ján Brindza PhD., Ing. Radovan Ostrovsky, Ing. Janka Nôžková, PhD., doc. Ing. Dezider Tóth, DrSc., Slovak University of Agriculture, Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety, 949 76 Nitra, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, Slovak Republic. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Ing. Mária Gabriela Ostrolucká, CSc., Institute of Genetics and Plant Biotechnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 950 07 Nitra, Akademická 2, Slovak Republic. E-mail: [email protected] 121 Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), 56, 2010 (4): 121−130 iana) and Diospyros lotus L. (date persimmon) (Bellini variability and reproduction capacity in local climatic & Giordani 2005). Japanese persimmon is prevalently conditions. It is known, the persimmon flowers are occurring in the northern China, growing up to 1830– prevailingly unisexual, only exceptionally being bi- 2500 m of altitude above the sea level (Morton & Kin- sexual. It means, the plant bears both, the male and caid 1995). From these original places it expanded to female flowers. Sometimes the dioecism occurs. Many Japan, USA, Ukraine, Russia, Balkan region (Bellini individuals have only female flowers and the fruits can & Giordani 2005) and Italy (Giordani 2002). Freely arise without fertilization – by parthenocarpy and they growing populations of date persimmon are wide- are seedless. Flowering biology complexity is for these spread over many territories in western Asia (Turkey, species symptomatic, and it brings questions concern- Armenia, Azerbaijan), central Asia (Tajikistan, Turk- ing several topics like the pollen grains characteris- menistan, Uzbekistan) and in China, Nepal and Paki- tics, designated in palinology as sporoforms. Infor- stan (Giordani 2002). Northern America is a region of mation on Diospyros genus pollen grain traits occurs natural occurrence of persimmon virginiana (Capon scarcely in a few papers (Erdtman 1966; Kodela 2006; 1990). The first introduction of this species to Europe Geeraerts et al. 2009). was realized in the 18th century – first to England and The morphological characteristics of pollen grains subsequently to France, Italy and to southern Ukraine are utilized for taxonomic classification purposes, fur- (Rubcov 1974). ther for phylogenetic evaluation of plant species and In Slovakia, persimmon species are cultivated in detection of hybrid and polyploid forms (Erdtman botanical gardens as well as by many small growers. 1966; 1986; Erdtman & Roger 2007). The present knowledge on growing of these originally Then aim of this work was determination of pollen exotic plants clearly show the possibility of successful grains general characteristics and basic morphological cultivation in local climatic conditions, preferably in traits in selected species of Diospyros genus including the southern part of Slovakia. Research work and most the variability of tested species. studies of these species were concentrated for several years in the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in close cooperation with the National Botanic Garden MATERIAL AND METHODS of the Ukraine National Academy of Sciences in Kiev (Grygorieva et al. 2009). The pollen grains morphology was studied in All the above mentioned persimmon species are de- Diospyros kaki L. f., Diospyros virginiana L., Diospy- ciduous plants. They are economically utilized as fruit ros lotus L. species and interspecies hybrid D. virgin- trees. Persimmon fruit is edible, suitable for consum- iana L. × D. kaki L. f. We have evaluated the basic ing when reaching softness and are fully ripe (Heaton morphological characteristics of tested persimmon 1997). Matured fruit is of „meaty“ consistence with a species pollen grains – the size and shape, position, very delicious taste. It is consumed in raw and/or dried number and form of apertures (aperture – the thinned state, further in the form of jams, marmalades, syrups, region of the sporoderma – wall pollen grain, usually beverages, fruit salads, distilled drinks eventually as function as sites of the germination). additives to ice-creams, yogurts and other food prod- The pollen grain size has been determined by mea- ucts (Heaton 1997). Fruits, flowers and other plant parts suring the length of polar axis (P – the straight line be- contain many biologically active substances having of- tween the distal and proximal poles of a pollen grain) ten importance even from the medicinal viewpoint e.g. and length equatorial axis (E – pollen width, the dis- triterpenoides (Thuong et al. 2008), diospyrine (Hazra tance between the poles in equatorial part of pollen). et al. 2005), phenolic compounds, flavone glycosides, The shape index (SI – the ratio of the length of the flavonoids, carotenoids (Hosotani et al. 2004) and tan- polar axis and equatorial axis) allowed to determine nins (Park et al. 2004). the pollen grains shape. The pollen grains are classified For practical reasons, concerning the use and dis- according to shape index into 9 shape classes (Dostál tribution of mentioned plant species in Slovakia, it is et al. 1966). The pollen size (length of polar axis and quite important to learn the biological peculiarities equtorial axis – width of pollen) and shape (SI – P/E) connected with flowering as well as with interspecific were measured in micrometers. 122 Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), 56, 2010 (4): 99−105 Analyzed morphological traits were measured and during full flowering from the persimmon trees of evaluated in 40–60 pollen grains (in polar position) of species Diospyros virginiana L., cultivated in Kiev each species. Electron microscopes ZEISS EVO LS 15 (Ukraine), D. lotus L. in Arborétum Mlyňany (Slova- and РЕММА-102 (SELMI) enabled to distinguish and kia) and D. kaki L. f. in Nitra (Slovakia). Pollen sam- identify of pollen surface – structure, special ornamen- ples released from dry male flowers were further dried tation upmost thickness exine – sexine and aperture