He said, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what Sunday, June 17, 2018 parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that, when it 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” Mk 4:30-32

St. Aloysius Catholic Church Mailing Address: 211 W Mason Ave · Buckley, WA 98321 Office: 360.829.6515 · Fax: 360.829.5190 Website: www.saint-aloysius-catholic-church.org · Email: [email protected]

Priest Administrator: Fr. Anthony Davis Sacred Heart Enumclaw: 360.825.3759 Cell: 206.696.4839 Weekend Masses: Email: [email protected] Saturday - 5pm · Sunday - 8:30am & 10:30am Parochial Vicar: Fr. Clarence Jones Daily Mass: 8:30am Tue - Fri Cell: 253.293.4834 Holy Day Schedule: Check Bulletin or Website Email: [email protected] Rosary: After daily Mass · Before Weekend Masses · Deacon: Ray Daigh (Karen) Monday at 3pm Cell: 208.819.0064 Email: [email protected] Adoration: Every First Friday - 9:00am –8:00pm Administrative Assistant: Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment Patty Rumpza 360.829.6515 Bookkeeper/Administration: Judy Zeober Information: For Registration, Baptisms, Confirmation, Custodian: Daryl Miller 360.722.2041 RCIA, RCIC, Faith Formation, Sacrament of the Sick, First Children’s RE: Chris Korolsky 253.686.0784 Communion, Communion Visits to the homebound and Youth Ministry: those in care facilities, Reconciliation, Marriages, Annul- James & Rita Deady 360.802.3838 ments, Funerals, and Christian Burial, please call Fr. Jones Pastoral Council: James Plowden or the parish office. Stewardship Committee: Bea Wilson Finance Committee: Deryl Ross Welcome To Our Growing Parish Community!

Our mission at St. Aloysius Catholic Church is to Celebrate and Live the Eucharist, Educate in the Catholic Faith, and be faithful Stewards of God’s Blessings. June 17, 2018 PRAYER REQUESTS Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Reading 1: EZ 17:22-24 Psalm: 92:2–3,13–16 Please pray for those who have Reading 2: 2 COR 5:6-10 Gospel: MK4:26–34 asked for our prayers.

All those on our long "Faith is like a bright ray of sun light. It enables term prayer list. us to see God in all things as well as all things in Prayer request must be made God." - St. Francis de Sales through Cindy Guillot 253-862-9100


First Reading— “It is better to be a child of God than I, the Lord, bring low the high tree and lift high the lowly tree. king of the whole world!” Responsorial Psalm—They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall St. Aloysius of Gonzaga flourish in the courts of our God. Second Reading— The lives of all are to be revealed before the tribunal of Christ. "Prayer is the best armor we have, it is the key which opens the heart of BACKGROUND ON THE GOSPEL READING God." — St. Padre Pio After Lent, the Easter season, and three Sundays of feast days— Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity, and Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ—the Church returns to Ordinary Time. This Sunday’s Gospel from Mark carries a significant message regarding faith and the King- WELCOME dom of God. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus appears reluctant to reveal his identity as the Son of God. After performing miracles of healing, he Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief warns those cured to tell no one. Also, when preaching, Jesus chooses time, looking for a new parish home, return- to speak to the crowds in parables, leaving them to discern his message. ing to the practice of your Catholic faith or Only to his disciples does he explain the parable’s meaning, and he interested in finding out more about the does this in private at a later time. Catholic Church, we’re delighted to have Today’s Gospel Reading consists of two parables about seeds. In the you here. When you find your new home at first, Jesus tells those gathered that this is “how it is with the kingdom St. Aloysius we ask you to register by filling of God.” A man scatters seed which over time sprouts and develops. in the form located at the entrance or in the Then when the grain is ripe, the man harvests his crop. The emphasis in hall. Welcome! the parable is on the seed, which seemingly has the power to grow on its own. In this it is like the Kingdom of God. While on earth, Jesus planted the seeds of the kingdom by his life, miracles, teaching, and suffering. However, the kingdom is not yet fully established. Although already present in Jesus and his group of twelve, it has yet to come to fruition; just as the seed in the parable needs time to grow, so does God’s kingdom. MASS INTENTIONS The second parable focuses on the tiny mustard seed. Though not the smallest of all seeds, it is most likely the smallest that a first- New mass intention envelopes are located in century farmer in Jesus’ part of the world would have sown. Small as the vestibule - clear box. Please include the mustard seed is, it develops into a tree. Though the mustard tree your contact information if you request a generally averages only nine to twelve feet in height, it has a wide ex- specific date in case an intention is already panse and provides a nesting place for birds. Just as the tree welcomes noted on that date. You may offer a stipend the birds, so is God’s kingdom welcoming and open to many. of $10.00 per mass intention. For your con- These parables help us discern something about the kingdom of God venience place the envelope in the Sunday and our own faith. In God we live and move and have our being, but collection basket. Thank you. God is a mystery and his kingdom, though present, has not yet come into its fullness. Today, the Kingdom of God is present in the Church. The mission of proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom given to HUMOR OF THE WEEK the Apostles is now given to us. But just as seeds need time to come to fruition, so does the Kingdom of God. That is why in the Lord’s Prayer, Catholic Problem #57 & #192 we pray, “thy kingdom come.” We know that it will come in its fullness ~Go to mass every Sunday. You can't recite at the end of time. All we need is faith. the Nicene or Apostle's Creed on your own. ~The awkward sit-kneel behind a person sitting down in the pew right in front of you. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK MONTH OF JUNE

Monday – Jun 18 Rosary 3:00pm OUR PATRON Tuesday - Jun 19 SAINT No Mass — ALOYSIUS Prayer Shawl 7:00pm GONZAGA Wednesday - Jun 20 Feast Day: June 21 No Mass — Patron Saint of Catholic Parish Potluck Lunch 12:00pm Youth, Jesuit students, Thursday - Jun 21-St. teenage children, teenagers, No Mass — young people. Friday - Jun 22 Symbol: Crucifix, Lily Mass 8:30am Saturday – Jun 23 What is Saint Aloysius Confession 3:30pm Gonzaga known for? Mass 5:00pm Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga, Altar Society Bake sale after mass S.J. (Italian: Luigi Sunday - Jun 24 de Gonzaga; 9 March 1568 – 21 June 1591) was an Ital- – The nativity of St. John the Baptist ian aristocrat who became a member of the Society of Mass 8:30a Jesus. While still a student at the Roman College, he died 10:30a as a result of caring for the victims of a serious epidemic. Mass Altar Society Bake sale after masses He died at the age of 23, after receiving the last rites from Saint , who later wrote the Life of Saint Aloysius.

Where is St Aloysius Gonzaga buried? AROUND THE PARISH Saint Ignatius Church, ,

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST JUNE IS THE MONTH OF THE TODAY! SACRED HEART OF JESUS Come enjoy a hearty breakfast Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most with DAD this weekend, June popular Catholic devotions. Although it was beloved in 17th, after all Sunday masses. previous centuries, Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, Alacoque in 1673, showing her a vision of the now- biscuits and gravy, pancakes and famous image of His Sacred Heart, surrounded by flames. coffee, juice or tea. He said to her: “My Heart is so full of love for men that It can no longer contain the flames of Its’ burning love. I must discover to men the treasures of My Heart and save PRIEST DAYS them from perdition." She was given the special mission to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart throughout the Fr. Davis and Fr. Clarence will be out of Church. Jesus gave St. Margaret Mary many promises town for an educational, inspirational associated with this devotion, and requested that a feast and recreational retreat from June 18th to day in honor of His Sacred Heart be instituted on June 21st. Daily Mass will resume on the Friday (June 8, 2018) after the Octave of Corpus Friday, June 22nd. Christi. In 1856, the Feast of the Sacred Heart was spread to the Universal Church, and in 1899 Pope Leo XIII sol- emnly consecrated all mankind to the Sacred Heart of Je- sus, calling it “the great act” of his pontificate. MEDITATION

3 "Be faithful to the time spent in prayer and make sure that YOUR GENEROUS OFFERINGS at least half of your prayer is spent in silence. This will bring you closer to Jesus. If you deepen your prayer life Thank you for your Stewardship of Treasure and helping you will grow in holiness and obtain many graces for the your parish to meet its ministry goals. souls entrusted to your care. Deepen your love for one Totals for 06-10-18 another by praying for each other and by sharing thoughts and graces you have received in prayer and reading." St. Aloysius Actual Budgeted Variance Weekly Revenue $3,513.25 $4,403.00 ($889.75) — Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Fiscal YTD $216,905.13 $220,150.00 ($3,244.87) STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE COMMUNITY BOARD

PETER’S PENCE COLLECITON Archdiocese of Seattle Announcement Next week, we will take the Peter’s Pence Collection, Evangelization, Formation & Discipleship which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The pro- We are excited to welcome Megan Pepin as our new Director of Young Adult Ministry! ceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disas- You may have heard Megan on Sacred Heart Radio as the ters. Please be generous. For more information, vis- co-host of a show on marriage, family, and relationships. it www.usccb.org/peters-pence. She has also served as Sponsorship Coordinator for Sa- cred Heart Radio. Prior to that, she served as Program Director for the Western Region of the Fellowship of ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL 2018 Catholic University Students. Megan studied at the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, earning a BS in Psychology and a BA in English. She lives in Kirkland where she runs a young adult bible study at her home parish, Holy Family.

ACA 2017 FINALS THANK YOU! The Scroll is your weekly source for information on Goal—$29,480 Pledged—$50,154 events and programs happening around the Archdiocese Received—$49,057 Rebate—$19,577 of Seattle for young adults. Information is collected from 97% of pledges were fulfilled! parish staff and young adult leaders throughout the arch- Your gifts are 166% of goal. This rebate is added to 2016 diocese, compiled into a newsletter. Please visit the rebate for the project to refurbish the kitchen. Bids have Young Adult Archdiocese website: been received and the project will hopefully be completed http://www.oyyae.org/youngadults this year. ACA2018 Your gift to the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal is need- ed! Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST our Church in Western Washington through the 2018 An- Come to All Saints Parish nual Catholic Appeal. One person or parish could not pos- in Puyallup for our summer sibly accomplish all that needs to be done for over 60 musical "Beauty and the ministries and services of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Beast." There will be elev- Your pledge card for this years ACA is included on the en performances from July Called to Serve as Christ pledge card. If you haven’t 20 to August 4. Be our already done so! Please fill out your pledge form today or guest to enjoy this tale as donate online. If you gave last year, please consider in- old as time. ASTRA (All creasing your gift by 5% this year. If you did not give last Saints Theatrical Reper- year, would you consider a gift of a dollar a day ($365)? toire Association) is a thea- Our goal amount for 2018 is……. $29,995.00 tre ministry of All Saints Gifts of any amount are welcome, and your gift will Parish. Our volunteers produce remarkable live theatre make a big impact on many lives in Western Washington! that your entire family will enjoy. Buy your tickets 100% of amounts in excess of the ACA goal will be re- at www.astramusical.com or call the ASTRA message bated to St. Aloysius for our parish maintenance projects. phone 253-579-6192, or email at [email protected]. Let’s try to be above goal again this year so we can com- plete all our maintenance projects and have a different goal for our rebate next year. VERSE OF THE DAY

CALLED TO SERVE AS CHRIST CAMPAIGN How will the Called to Serve as Christ Campaign invest "But now that you have been freed from sin and enslaved in our parish? Our parishes are the cornerstones and gath- to God, the advantage you get is sanctification. The end is ering places for our faith community. As part of this cam- eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift paign, 15 percent of the funds raised by the parish are re- of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." turned for specific parish needs: Please take a look back at Romans 6:22-23 the previous bulletin on June3, where our parish projects are listed. Your support to this campaign will impact the future of the Archdiocese of Seattle and our parish for BULLETIN COVER ART years to come. Please visit calledtoserveaschrist.org for more information. By Phillip Medhurst - Photo by Harry Kossuth, FAL, An etching by Jan Luyken illustrating Mark 4:30-32 in the Bowyer Bible, Bolton, England https:// commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7549966 Altar Society June 23rd & 24th After ALL MASSES In the Parish Hall DONATIONS ONLY

MARK YOUR CALENDAR...TO PREPARE FOR FUN! St Aloysius Grounds Yard Party Come and help clean up and beautify our church grounds

Saturday, June 30th 9 am - 2 pm Lunch will be served

TO DO LIST: Pull weeds & clean up flower beds · Clean Recto- ry’s flower beds · Add more lava rock around side of Hall · Wash the steps into the church and the railings · Clean the white concrete barriers · Clean up garden be- hind the Rectory

Bring your tools and Let’s do this together, let’s do it!


Parish Picnic—July 1st After 10:30a.m. mass  Knights of Columbus will cook burgers and hot dogs  Altar Society provides refreshments and kitchen duty

Parishioners please bring the following items: A - I: Salads & Veggie trays J - R: Fruit / Fruit trays S - Z: Chips and Desserts

 Trivia contest (keep an eye in the bulletin)