
Article Conformational Flexibility of Involved in Ribosome Biogenesis: Investigations via Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)

Dritan Siliqi 1,* ID , James Foadi 2 ID , Marco Mazzorana 3, Davide Altamura 1 ID , Alfonso Méndez-Godoy 4 and Nuria Sánchez-Puig 4,*

1 Istituto di Cristallografia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via G. Amendola 122/O, 70126 Bari, Italy; [email protected] 2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK; [email protected] 3 Diamond Light Source Ltd., Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0DE, UK; [email protected] 4 Departamento de Química de Biomacromoléculas, Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México 04150, Mexico; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] (D.S.); [email protected] (N.S.-P.); Tel.: +39-080-592-9164 (D.S.); +52-55-5622-4468 (N.S.-P.)

Received: 31 January 2018; Accepted: 22 February 2018; Published: 26 February 2018

Abstract: The dynamism of proteins is central to their function, and several proteins have been described as flexible, as consisting of multiple domains joined by flexible linkers, and even as intrinsically disordered. Several techniques exist to study structures, but small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) has proven to be particularly powerful for the quantitative analysis of such flexible systems. In the present report, we have used SAXS in combination with X-ray crystallography to highlight their usefulness at characterizing flexible proteins, using as examples two proteins involved in different steps of ribosome biogenesis. The yeast BRCA2 and CDKN1A-interactig protein, Bcp1, is a chaperone for Rpl23 of unknown structure. We showed that it consists of a rigid, slightly elongated protein, with a secondary structure comprising a mixture of alpha helices and beta sheets. As an example of a flexible molecule, we studied the SBDS (Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond Syndrome) protein that is involved in the cytoplasmic maturation of the 60S subunit and constitutes the mutated target in the Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. In solution, this protein coexists in an ensemble of three main conformations, with the N- and C-terminal ends adopting different orientations with respect to the central domain. The structure observed in the protein crystal corresponds to an average of those predicted by the SAXS flexibility analysis.

Keywords: SAXS; Bcp1; SBDS; flexibility

1. Introduction Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is a powerful technique that is used to obtain structural information of both ordered and disordered biological molecules at low resolution. It provides information about the size and shape of proteins and complexes, as well as about structural changes that occur at different experimental conditions [1]. SAXS requires small (milligram) amounts of purified and monodisperse samples. The experiment can be performed rapidly using the dedicated beamlines at synchrotron light sources [2]. Even data analysis, when the quality of the sample is good enough, can be fast, thanks to powerful specialized software [3]. SAXS is a particularly useful technique for the characterization of multidomain proteins [4], which consist of two or more domains connected

Crystals 2018, 8, 109; doi:10.3390/cryst8030109 Crystals 2018, 8, 109 2 of 12 by linkers determining their flexibility. In a typical SAXS experiment, a collimated monochromatic X-ray beam illuminates a solution of particles, and the intensity of the scattered X-rays is registered by a detector. The recorded scattering pattern is reduced to a radially-averaged one-dimensional scattering profile, which results in low structural resolution but can still provide important structural information. In contrast, Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) is an older and mature technique capable of revealing high-resolution details of biological macromolecules when good-sized and well-ordered crystals of such molecules are obtained. Information obtained from different biophysical experiments can be combined to obtain structural insights represented by molecular models. Combination of X-ray crystallography with SAXS data and other techniques including NMR chemical shift perturbation or FRET has proven very useful for obtaining detailed models of dynamic protein complexes such as the ESCRT membrane-protein trafficking system [5,6] or protein kinases and their regulatory partners [7]. In the present article, SAXS and MX were used to study the proteins Bcp1 and SBDS. These proteins participate at different stages of the cytoplasmic maturation of the large ribosomal subunit. Ribosomes are the cell machinery responsible for protein synthesis. They are composed of a small subunit that acts as decoding center of the genetic information and a large subunit where peptide bonds are formed. The production of ribosomes is a highly coordinated and extremely demanding process for the cell, known as ribosome biogenesis. In addition to the production of the four ribosomal RNA (rRNAs) and the approximately 79 ribosomal proteins, it requires the action of more than a hundred assembly factors located in different cellular compartments that act at different stages of this pathway. About 200 trans-acting factors are involved in rRNA processing, rRNA folding, protein loading, and export of the ribosomal subunits [8–11]. Bcp1 is an essential protein that functions as an escortin for Rpl23 (uL14), facilitating its dissociation from the karyopherins during reimport to the nucleus and subsequent loading into the nascent 60S subunits [12]. The function of the human Bcp1 homologue (BCCIP) is unclear and may not be equivalent to that of the yeast protein. The BCCIPβ isoform seems to have a role in ribosome biogenesis via its interaction with Rpl23, but its depletion does not impair the 60S synthesis pathway [13]. Rpl23 is also the major binding site of Tif6, an anti-association factor that prevents premature association of the not-fully mature 60S subunits with the 40S subunits [14]. Although both Bcp1 and Tif6 interact with Rpl23, they do not co-exist in the same particle, and Tif6 only interacts with Rpl23 on the 60S subunit. After export from the nucleus, the release of Tif6 from the pre-60S subunit occurs via joint action of the GTPase Efl1 and Sdo1 (yeast orthologue of the SBDS protein) [15]. Sdo1/SBDS functions as the guanine exchange factor for EFL1 [16,17] that, upon GTP hydrolysis, displaces Tif6 by competing for a partial overlapping site on the surface of the 60S ribosomal subunit [18]. This last step promotes joining of the mature 60S ribosomal subunits with the 40S subunits to produce translationally competent ribosomes. The main goal of this paper is to show how the use of SAXS is pivotal in the determination of all likely conformations of a protein using as model the proteins Bcp1 and SBDS. This investigation demonstrates the inherent flexibility of SBDS that in turn will provide better ground for further investigations on the protein and its functionality.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Protein Expression and Purification The proteins used in this study consisted of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bcp1 (UniProt Q06338) and the Archaeoglobus fulgidus SBDS (AfSBDS, UniProt O29759). Archaeal SBDS was expressed and purified as described in [19]. The expression vector for the Bcp1 protein used a modified pRSET-A vector (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA) coding for a N-terminal 6x-His tag, amino acids 1–85 of the Bacillus stearothermophillus dihydrolipoyl acetyl transferase (EC 2.1.12), and a TEV protease recognition site followed by the coding region of Bcp1 residues 46–283. All proteins used in this study were expressed in E. coli C41 after induction with 0.5 mM IPTG for 12 h at 20 ◦C. After expression, bacterial cells were lysed by sonication in 50 mM Phosphate buffer pH 7, 300 mM NaCl, and 25 mM imidazole. Crystals 2018, 8, 109 3 of 12

The crude extract was clarified by centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 30 min and the soluble fraction initially purified using Ni2+-affinity chromatography using a 5 mL Ni-NTA superflow cartridge (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). After this purification step, the AfSBDS protein was further purified by anionic exchange chromatography using a HiTrap SP FF column. The protein was 6-fold diluted with 50 mM Phosphate buffer pH 6.5, introduced onto the column, and eluted in one step with 50 mM Phosphate buffer pH 6.5, 1 M NaCl. Purified samples were dialyzed against 50 mM Phosphate buffer pH 6.5, 150 mM NaCl, and concentrated and stored at −80 ◦C until further use. On the other hand, the Bcp1 protein was digested with TEV protease to remove the histidine tag and the fusion protein while dialyzing against lysis buffer. The digested protein was reintroduced onto the Ni2+ column as described previously, and the non-bound material pooled together to finally purify it by size exclusion chromatography using a Superdex 75 HiLoad 26/600 (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with 50 mM Phosphate buffer pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl. Finally, samples were concentrated and stored at −80 ◦C.

2.2. Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (CD) Circular dichroism wavelength-scan measurements were followed at 20 ◦C with a JASCO J-720 spectropolarimeter equipped with a Peltier temperature controller. CD spectra were recorded using a 1 mm cuvette and a protein concentration of 5 µM and 170 µM for the Bcp1 protein in the far-UV (260–190 nm) and near-UV (250–340 nm), respectively. Spectra were acquired in Phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS) with 1 mM dithioerythritol, at a 1 nm increase per step, an averaging time of 5 s, and a spectral resolution of 1 nm.

2.3. Macromolecular Crystallography (MX)

2.3.1. Crystallization AfSBDS had been previously crystallized and solved in [19,20]. This provided us with the opportunity of obtaining a high-resolution structure of the protein of interest for the present study. Preliminary crystallization of AfSBDS was tested with an array of commercial screens. The best conditions were obtained from sitting drop vapour diffusion experiments in which 100 nL of protein (5 mg mL−1) was mixed with 100 nL of reservoir solution from the Morpheus screen [21]. Crystals grew at 20 ◦C in two days to a maximum size of 60 × 60 × 250 µm3 and were harvested directly in loops and cryo-cooled with liquid nitrogen without the addition of any cryoprotectant.

2.3.2. Data Collection, Data Processing, Model Building, and Refinement Diffraction data were collected at the Diamond Light Source microfocus beamline I24, at an energy of 0.9686 Å in cryogenic conditions (100 K) [22]. In order to screen the best crystals and identify the strongest diffracting regions, the samples were rastered with a 10 × 10 µm2 beam in orthogonal grid scans (at φ = 0◦ and φ = 90◦)[23]. The best crystals were obtained in condition D4 of the Morpheus Screen, and data were collected using fine φ-slicing to optimise reflection profiles [23] and at high speed (25 Hz) to mitigate the effects of radiation damage [24]. Data were reduced and integrated with the package XDS [25], and subsequently scaled and merged using AIMLESS [26] within the automated pipeline provided by Diamond Light Source. The crystal producing the dataset used for structure resolution belonged to space group P1. Its unit cell dimensions were a = 33.81 Å, b = 44.52 Å, c = 54.71 Å, α = 75.08◦, β = 84.52◦, and γ = 69.72◦. This dataset provided useful data up to a resolution of 1.73 Å. At resolution 1.73 Å I/σ corresponded to 1.73, while at 1.8 Å I/σ was 2.31. We considered the cutoff selected for data reduction by the automated pipeline provided by Diamond Light Source acceptable, on the basis of the I/σI values provided above. The CC1/2 value corresponding to the same resolution was 0.380, well above the 0.3 threshold adopted by AIMLESS to characterize data highest resolution. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using Phaser [27]. The final translation function had a value of TFZ = 10.2, Crystals 2018, 8, 109 4 of 12 well above the 8.0 value suggested for a unique solution. Rigid-body refinement followed using REFMAC [28]. The single A chain of the 1T95 PDB model was divided in 3 domains (residues 11–94, 95–171 and 172–240), which were used as TLS groups for improved restrained refinement. The molecular replacement model mostly fitted the electron density with a few exceptions. The initial model was analysed and completed using an alternation of visual inspection in COOT [29], as well as simulated annealing and restrained refinement with REFMAC and Phenix [30]. In the end, a final resolution of 1.9 Å was deemed satisfactory. Even though the data resolution used initially (1.73 Å) was helpful in the phasing and model building stage, refinement proved to be trickier at this resolution. The quality of maps was insufficient to refine completely the structure. The discordance between ideal geometry and the real values found at the early stages of structure solution suggested the exclusion of data below 1.9 Å. At this new resolution cutoff corresponding to 95% completeness and I/σI = 4, the final model fitted better the electron density, and the parameters describing geometrical quality were satisfactory (no Ramachandran or Cβ geometry outliers). The quality of the refinement was assessed with MolProbity [31] with 100% of the residues present in the favourable region of the Ramachandran plot. Final statistics for the structure are reported in Table1. The final coordinates and structure factor files have been deposited in the PDB with coordinates 6FSW.

Table 1. Archaeoglobus fulgidus SBDS crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.

Data Collection Space group P1 Cell dimensions a, b, c (Å) 33.81, 44.52, 54.71 α, β, γ (◦) 75.07, 84.52, 69.72 Resolution (Å) 36.71–1.73 (1.77–1.73) Rsym 0.178 (0.648) I/σI 1.7 (1.1) Completeness (%) 94.6 (90.9) Redundancy 1.8 (1.7) Refinement Resolution (Å) 1.9 No. reflections 21715 Rwork/Rfree 0.197/0.232 No. atoms Protein 1861 Ligand (PEG) 7 Water 81 B-factors Protein 46.05 Ligand (PEG) 61.63 Water 47.25 R.m.s. deviations Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 Bond angles (◦) 0.824 Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.

2.4. Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) SAXS data were collected in the bioSAXS beamline B21, at Diamond Light Source, Harwell, United Kingdom. Bcp1 experiments were carried out in 50 mM Tris pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl. Samples were loaded in an automated sample changer using PCR tubes with 4 µL delivered into a temperature controlled quartz capillary and exposed for 10 s at 20 ◦C. Data were collected for 54 frames using a PILATUS 2M (Dectris, Switzerland) detector at a distance of 4 m from the sample. For the AfSBDS, 45 µL samples with a concentration of 5 mg mL−1 were injected onto a Superdex 200 Increase size-exclusion column at 20 ◦C using 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl as the running Crystals 2018, 8, 109 5 of 12 buffer. The output flow from the Agilent HPLC was directed through a 1.6 mm diameter quartz capillary cell held in vacuum. The flow rate was set to 0.05 mL min−1, and 491 frames (with 3 s exposure time) were collected using the same detector and at the same distance as for the Bcp1 protein. Collected two-dimensional images were corrected for variations in beam current, normalized for exposure time, and processed into one-dimensional scattering curves using GDA and the DAWN software (Diamond Light Source, UK). The background was manually subtracted using the program ScÅtter ( SAXS data collection and experimental parameters are summarized in Table2.

Table 2. SAXS data collection and experimental parameters for the proteins Bcp1 and Archaeoglobus fulgidus SBDS.

Data Collection Parameters BeamLine B21, Diamond Light Source, Harwell (UK) Detector Pilatus 2M Beam size 0.2 × 0.2 mm Energy 12.4 keV Sample-to-detector distance (mm) 4014 q range (A−1) 0.0038–0.42 Exposure time (s) 10 and 3 (in HPLC mode) Temperature (K) 293 Structural Parameters Bcp1 AfSBDS Concentration range (mg/mL) 1.1–3.70 5.0 in HPLC mode q Interval for Fourier inversion (Å−1) 0.014–0.314 0.016–0.306 Rg [from P(r)] (Å) 27.03 ± 0.51 25.51 ± 0.02 Rg [from Guiner approximation] (Å) 29.02 ± 1.49 24.73 ± 2.12 sRg limits [from Guiner approximation] 0.58–1.49 0.27–1.29 Dmax (Å) 102.00 87.00 Porod volume estimate (nm3) 68.83 32.84 DAMMIF excluded volume (nm3) 75.04 46.76 Molecular Mass (kDa) From Porod (× 0.53) 36.50 17.41 From excluded volume (× 0.5) 37.52 23.00 From sequence 27.72 26.56 Modelling Ambiguity 0.0 (unique) 2.9 (highly ambiguous) Resolution (Å) 29 ± 2 30 ± 2 Software Employed Primary data reduction DAWN pipeline (Diamond Light Source, UK) Data processing ScÅtter v3.1q Ab initio modelling DAMMIF/DAMAVER Validation and averaging DAMAVER/DAMCLUST Computation of model intensities CRYSOL Flexibility EOM q = 4πsin(θ/λ), in which 2θ is the scattering angle and λ is the wavelength.

3. Results and Discussion Yeast Bcp1 is the representative member of an unknown-structure protein family, with no recognizable domains. This family of proteins includes the BRCA2 and CDKN1A-interacting protein (BCCIP) and Bcp1. In contrast to the fungi Bcp1 involved in ribosome biogenesis, the human and mouse homologues seem to promote cell cycle arrest by enhancing the inhibition of CDK2 activity by CDKN1A/ [32] and may be required for DNA damage repair by homologous recombination together with BRCA2 [33]. An alignment of different members of this protein family showed that Crystals 2018, 8, 109 6 of 12 the N-terminus is not conserved with large differences in length and is predicted to be unstructured.

RemovalCrystals 2018 of the, 8, x firstFOR PEER 45 residues REVIEW in the S. cerevisiae Bcp1 did not prevent folding of the protein6 of 12 as evidenced by its circular dichroism spectra (Figure1). The near UV CD showed the presence of secondaryevidenced structure by its circular consisting dichroism of a mixturespectra (Figur of bothe 1).α -helicesThe near and UVβ CD-sheets showed corresponding the presence to of the signalssecondary observed structure at 222 consisting and 208 nm,of a respectively.mixture of both Additionally, α-helices and the β presence-sheets corresponding of five minima to inthe the nearsignals UV CD observed spectra at suggests 222 and that208 nm, the aromaticrespectively. residues, Additionally, particularly the presence the single of five tryptophan minima in in the Bcp1, arenear located UV withinCD spectra a folded suggests protein that core.the aromatic With this residues, in mind, particularly we wereinitially the single interested tryptophan in solvingin Bcp1, the structureare located of the within yeast a proteinfolded protein Bcp1. core. Its structure With this may in mind, not onlywe were render initially useful interested information in solving regarding the itsstructure function of but the also yeast may protein be interesting Bcp1. Its structure in itself, may as it not is not only possible render useful to get information information regarding of possible domainsits function or fold but using also programsmay be interesting that rely in on itself, its primary as it is not sequence. possible Initial to getattempts information tocrystallize of possible the domains or fold using programs that rely on its primary sequence. Initial attempts to crystallize the wild-type protein rendered no crystals despite trying several hundreds of crystallization conditions wild-type protein rendered no crystals despite trying several hundreds of crystallization conditions at different protein concentrations. This coincided with the “very difficult” crystallization prediction at different protein concentrations. This coincided with the “very difficult” crystallization prediction score assigned by the XtalPred Server [34] for the yeast Bcp1. Moreover, this unfavorable score extends score assigned by the XtalPred Server [34] for the yeast Bcp1. Moreover, this unfavorable score to representative Bcp1 homologues comprising different Kingdoms such as Plantae, Animalia, Protist, extends to representative Bcp1 homologues comprising different Kingdoms such as Plantae, andAnimalia, Fungi. We Protist, used SAXSand Fungi. as a technique We used SAXS that does as a nottechnique rely on that crystals does tonot obtain rely on structural crystals informationto obtain of Bcp1structural in solution. information On theof Bcp1 other inhand, solution. SBDS On isth thee other protein hand, mutated SBDS is in the the protein Shwachman-Diamond mutated in the SyndromeShwachman-Diamond whose structure Syndrome for different whose orthologs structure for has different already orthologs been described has already by means been described of MX and NMRby means spectroscopy. of MX and The NMR currently spectroscopy. available The crystallographic currently available PDB crystallographic structures for PDB SBDS structures correspond for to thoseSBDS of Archaeoglobuscorrespond to those fulgidus of Archaeoglobus(1T95 [20] and fulgidus 1P9Q (1T95 [19]) [20] and andMethanothermobacter 1P9Q [19]) and Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (2WBMthermautotrophicus [35]). Despite (2WBM different [35]). crystal Despite packing, different the crystal two packing, orthologs the show two veryorthologs similar show structural very features,similar which structural consist features, of three which domains consist connected of three domains by short connected loops, with by short a RMSD loops, of with 3.02 a Å. RMSD The major of structural3.02 Å. The differences major structural are found differences in the two are internal found loops,in the two namely internal those loops, between namelyβ3– thoseβ4 in between domain 1, andβ3– connectingβ4 in domainβ7 and1, andα8 connecting in domain β 3.7 Crystallizationand α8 in domain of the3. CrystallizationA. fulgidus protein of the showedA. fulgidus a propensity protein to produceshowed a crystals propensity in the to presenceproduce crystals of polyethylene in the presence glycols of (PEG)polyethylene and alcohols glycols at (PEG) different and alcohols pH values. Alcoholsat different prevented pH values. gemination Alcohols (twinningprevented gemination of the crystals) (twinning that of was the evident crystals) in that several was evident conditions. in PEGseveral probably conditions. accounted PEG probably for changes accounted in the for orientation changes in of the the orientation side chain of ofthe surface-exposed side chain of surface- amino exposed amino acids such as those observed for E38 and E42. Alignment of the available structures acids such as those observed for E38 and E42. Alignment of the available structures with the one with the one described in this study using the long α5 in domain 2 as backbone showed the classical described in this study using the long α5 in domain 2 as backbone showed the classical three-domain three-domain arrangement with only minor changes. The analysis of B-factors defined a fairly arrangement with only minor changes. The analysis of B-factors defined a fairly compact domain 1 and compact domain 1 and two more flexible C-terminal domains. Inter-domain loops presented lower twothan more average flexible C-terminaltemperature domains. factors, Inter-domainindicating a loopsstable presented conformation lower for than the average protein temperature in its factors,crystallographic indicating apacking stable conformation(Figure 2). for the protein in its crystallographic packing (Figure2).

FigureFigure 1. 1.Circular Circular dichroism dichroism spectraspectra of Bcp1 in in the the far- far- (A (A) )and and near-UV near-UV (B ().B ).

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Figure 2. Refined model of the AfSBDS (A) and the diffracting crystal (B). Figure 2. Refined model of the AfSBDS (A) and the diffracting crystal (B).

AnalysisAnalysis of of the the one-dimensional one-dimensional SAXS SAXS experimentalexperimental curves curves was was initially initially performed performed to tojudge judge thethe qualityquality of theof the data data and and obtain obtain basic basic structural structural informationinformation related related to to the the size size and and shape shape of ofthe the studied studied proteinsproteins (Figure (Figure3A). 3A). One One such such structural structural parameter parameter is isthe the radiusradius of gyration ( (RRg),g ),which which is calculated is calculated fromfrom the the slope slope of of the the Guinier Guinier plot plot described described as as ln( ln(IqIq)) vs.vs q22, ,in in which which qq == 4π 4πsin(sin(θ/θλ/) λis) isthe the scattering scattering vectorvector (2 θ(2isθ theis the scattering scattering angle angle and andλ λis is the the wavelength)wavelength) [36]. [36]. For For globular globular proteins, proteins, this this plot plot is is expectedexpected to to be be linear linear at at low lowq, q corresponding, corresponding to to values values ofof qq ×× RRgg << 1.3 1.3 in in the the Guinier Guinier zone zone of of0–1/ 0–1/Rg. Rg. LinearityLinearity of of the the Guinier Guinier plot plot is is considered considered aa qualityquality measurement of of the the data, data, but but does does not not ensure ensure idealityideality of theof the sample. sample. SAXS SAXS curve curve analysis analysis also also provides provides an estimatean estimate on the on molecularthe molecular mass mass of a proteinof a thatprotein in turn that relates in turn to its relates oligomeric to its oligomeric state. The molecularstate. The massmolecular of a proteinmass of approximatelya protein approximately corresponds corresponds to half of its Porod volume (excluded volume of the hydrated protein particle). Porod to half of its Porod volume (excluded volume of the hydrated protein particle). Porod analysis reflects analysis reflects the behavior of the scattering intensity at higher q range (Porod plot). Finally, the the behavior of the scattering intensity at higher q range (Porod plot). Finally, the maximum size of maximum size of a protein (Dmax) can be obtained from analysis of SAXS data by means of the Pair- a protein (D ) can be obtained from analysis of SAXS data by means of the Pair-Distance Distribution Distance maxDistribution Function [P(r)], which corresponds to the distribution of distances between all Functionthe electrons [P(r)], within which the corresponds protein. Th toe pair-distance the distribution distributi of distanceson function between is obtained all the electronsusing the Indirect within the protein.Fourier The Transformation pair-distance (Glatter distribution et al. function[37]) with is a obtained trial and usingerror procedure, the Indirect at Fourierthe end Transformationof which the (Glatterobtained et al. D [max37 ])corresponds with a trial to and the error smoothest procedure, and positive at the end distribution. of which the Differences obtained inD maxthecorresponds Dmax of a to theprotein smoothest relate to and conformational positive distribution. changes. A Differencesdditionally, in it the is possibleDmax of to a proteincalculate relate the R tog from conformational the Pair- changes.Distance Additionally, Distribution itFunction is possible and toto calculatecompare its the valueRg from with the that Pair-Distance estimated from Distribution the Guinier Functionplot. and to compareSAXS parameters its value for with Bcp1 that and estimated AfSBDS are from listed the in Guinier Table 2. plot. Both proteins have similar Rg values (29.02SAXS Å parametersand 24.73 Å, for respectively) Bcp1 and AfSBDSbut are different are listed in in size. Table According2. Both proteins to their D havemax values, similar 102R gÅvalues for (29.02Bcp1 Å and and 87 24.73 Å for Å, AfSBDS, respectively) the former but are is differenta larger protein in size. despite According both tohaving their Da maxsimilarvalues, number 102 Åof for Bcp1residues and 87 in Å the for recombinant AfSBDS, the constructs former is used a larger for this protein study. despite Additionally, both having the Rga values similar calculated number of residuesusing the in the P(r) recombinant function (27.03 constructs Å and 25.51 used Å, for respec thistively) study. are Additionally, in good agreement the Rg values with those calculated estimated using thefrom P(r) functionthe Guinier (27.03 plot. Å The and dimensionless 25.51 Å, respectively) Kratky pl areot inwas good used agreement to investigate with thosethe flexibility estimated (and from shape) of Bcp1 and AfSBDS (Figure 3B). The maximum value of 1.104 at √3 (dashed black line) the Guinier plot. The dimensionless Kratky plot was used to investigate√ the flexibility (and shape) of Bcp1corresponds and AfSBDS to a(Figure globular3B). and The compact maximum protein value that of is 1.104similar at to the3 (dashed bovine serum black line)albumin corresponds (BSA) protein used as a standard in these experiments. In the case of Bcp1, this maximum is shifted towards to a globular and compact protein that is similar to the bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein used as a larger value of 1.4, suggesting a compact but asymmetric particle. For AfSBDS, the curve displays a standard in these experiments. In the case of Bcp1, this maximum is shifted towards a larger value of a hyperbolic-plateau behavior, typical of an intrinsically disordered protein. Interestingly, the curve 1.4, suggesting a compact but asymmetric particle. For AfSBDS, the curve displays a hyperbolic-plateau reaches a plateau at intermediate q values and continues as a parallel straight line at higher q values. behavior,This behavior typical differs of an intrinsicallyfrom that described disordered by an protein. asymptotically Interestingly, upward the curve curve typical reaches of aunfolded plateau at intermediateproteins. Thisq values strongly and suggests continues that as AfSBDS a parallel is a straight very flexible line at protein. higher qInspectionvalues. This of the behavior P(r) curves differs fromfor that Bcp1 described confirmed by an an elongated asymptotically shape, while upward that curve for AfSBDS typical was of unfoldeddescribed a bimodal This graph, strongly suggestsimplying that the AfSBDS existence is of a different very flexible (at least protein. two) conformations Inspection of in the the P(r)solution curves (Figure for Bcp13C). confirmed an elongated shape, while that for AfSBDS was described by a bimodal graph, implying the existence of different (at least two) conformations in the solution (Figure3C).

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FigureFigure 3. SAXS3. SAXS data data for for Bcp1 Bcp1 (blue) (blue) and and AfSBDSAfSBDS (red).(red). ( (AA)) Fit Fit of of the the simulated simulated scattering scattering curves curves comparedcompared to theto the observed observed scattering scattering signal. signal. ((BB)) DimensionlessDimensionless Kratky Kratky plot plot of of the the experimental experimental data data andand simulated simulated scattering scattering shown shown in in A. A. The The intersectionintersection of the dotted dotted black black trace trace corresponds corresponds to tothe the valuevalue for for BSA. BSA. (C )(C Pair) Pair distribution distribution function function plot.plot. ((D) Ab initio molecular molecular envelope envelope of of Bcp1. Bcp1. (E) ( EAb) Ab initioinitio molecular molecular envelope envelope of of AfSBDS AfSBDS showing showing thethe fittingfitting of the crystallographic model. model.

A low-resolution model of the protein can be reconstructed from the SAXS data using ab-initio algorithmsA low-resolution such as DAMMIN model of [38], the proteinDAMMIF can [39], be MONSA reconstructed [38], or fromby hybrid the SAXS modeling data using using knownab-initio algorithmsatomic structures such as DAMMIN of domains [ 38with], DAMMIF SASRES [40]. [39], The MONSA ab-initio [38 methods], or by represent hybrid modeling the particle using as finite known atomicvolume structures elements of (or domains dummy atoms) with SASRES and employ [40]. a si Themulatedab-initio annealingmethods to fit represent the experimental the particle data. as finiteWe volume used DAMMIF elements in (orcombination dummy atoms)with the and DAMAVER employ aprogram simulated [41] annealing to model the to fitBcp1 the and experimental AfSBDS data.proteins. We used The DAMMIF unicity of the in combination SAXS models withwas cal theculated DAMAVER with AMBIMETER program [41 whose] to model values the of Bcp10.0 and and AfSBDS2.9 for proteins. Bcp1 and The AfSBDS, unicity respectively, of the SAXS suggested models a was potentially calculated unique with model AMBIMETER for Bcp1 and whose a highly values of 0.0ambiguous and 2.9 forthree-dimensional Bcp1 and AfSBDS, reconstruction respectively, fo suggestedr AfSBDS. a Subsequently, potentially unique we used model DAMMIF for Bcp1 to and a highlygenerate ambiguous ten “dummy three-dimensional atoms” models, reconstruction which were foraveraged AfSBDS. with Subsequently, DAMAVER we using used the DAMMIF default to generatemode. tenThe “dummy models selected atoms” for models, averaging which had were a Normalized averaged Spatial with DAMAVER Discrepancy using (NSD the) value default of 0.571 mode. Theand models a standard selected deviation for averaging (SD) of 0.022. had Models a Normalized with values Spatial larger Discrepancy than ( NSD+ 2*SD) value were discarded. of 0.571 and a standardThe calculated deviation SAXS (SD curves) of 0.022. for the Models models with were values compared larger to than the + 2*SD ones,were and discarded. good agreement was validated by the chi square values (χ2) between 2.08–2.67 for Bcp1 and 1.25–1.26 for The calculated SAXS curves for the models were compared to the experimental ones, and good AfSBDS. The averaged model obtained for Bcp1 (Figure 3D) confirmed the approximate globular agreement was validated by the chi square values (χ2) between 2.08–2.67 for Bcp1 and 1.25–1.26 for structure predicted from the P(r) function. The correctness of the AfSBDS model obtained from the AfSBDS. The averaged model obtained for Bcp1 (Figure3D) confirmed the approximate globular SAXS data was, at this point, also confirmed using the crystallographic model. Figure 3E shows the structurefitting of predicted the latter from into the the SAXS P(r) function. envelope. The For correctnessflexible macromolecules, of the AfSBDS spec modelialized obtained programs from exist, the SAXSdesigned data was, to deal at thiswith point,ensemble-averaged also confirmed data, using like EOM the crystallographic 2.0 (Ensemble Optimization model. Figure Method)3E shows [4,42]. the fittingThis of program the latter assumes into the the SAXS coexistence envelope. of different For flexible conformations macromolecules, in solution specialized for which programs the average exist, designedscattering to deal intensity with fits ensemble-averaged the experimental data,SAXS likecurves. EOM To 2.0 this (Ensemble end, we used Optimization EOM to investigate Method) the [4,42 ]. Thisdifferent program conformations assumes the of coexistence AfSBDS. The of protein different was conformations divided into its in three solution domains for whichaccording the to average the scatteringcrystallographic intensity structure; fits the experimental the inter-domain SAXS link curves.ers were To removed, this end, and we useddomain EOM 2 was to investigatefixed, while the different conformations of AfSBDS. The protein was divided into its three domains according to the

Crystals 2018, 8, 109 9 of 12 crystallographic structure; the inter-domain linkers were removed, and domain 2 was fixed, while the Crystals 2018, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 12 other two were left free to move randomly and cover the entire conformational space. A pool of 10,000the other independent two were randomleft free to coil move models randomly was initiallyand cover generated. the entire conformational The theoretical space. scattering A pool curveof was10,000 automatically independent computed random coil for models each model was initially in the poolgenerated. by CRYSOL The theoretica [43]. Al geneticscattering algorithm curve was was usedautomatically to select ensembles computed ranging for each from model 2 toin 50the conformers pool by CRYSOL of different [43]. A sizes. genetic Their algorithm average was theoretical used profilesto select were ensembles calculated ranging and fitted from to 2 the to experimental50 conformers SAXS of different data. The sizes. process Their was average repeated theoretical 100 times, andprofiles the ensemble were calculated with the and lowest fitted discrepancyto the experi wasmental reported SAXS data. as the The best process solution was outrepeated of 100 100 final ensembles.times, andThis the ensemble analysis with revealed the lowest that indiscrepancy solution thewas finalreported ensemble as the best (averaged solution model) out of 100 has final an Rg of 25.73ensembles. Å, which This isanalysis in good revealed agreement that in with solution that ofthe the final crystal ensemble structure (averaged (25.65 model) Å). AfSBDS has an R mainlyg of populates25.73 Å, threewhich conformations: is in good agreement 46% exists with inthat a “compactof the crystal conformation” structure (25.65 with Å). a AfSBDSRg of 22.75 mainly Å and a Dpopulatesmax of 69.36 three Å, aconformations: second “stretched 46% exists conformation” in a “compact with conformation” 25.96 Å and 80.11 with Å, a R respectively,g of 22.75 Å and a 27% Dmax of 69.36 Å, a second “stretched conformation” with 25.96 Å and 80.11 Å, respectively, and 27% abundance, and a third “relaxed conformation” with Rg = 26.79 Å and Dmax = 86.11 Å and 18% abundance.abundance, A and population a third in“relaxed a completely conformation” extended with conformation Rg = 26.79 Å ( ≈and180 ◦D)max was = 86.11 also foundÅ and in 18% 9% of abundance. A population in a completely extended conformation (≈180°) was also found in 9% of the the cases, with Rg = 35.27 Å and Dmax = 112.73. Figure4 shows the three main conformations and cases, with Rg = 35.27 Å and Dmax = 112.73. Figure 4 shows the three main conformations and the Rg the Rg and Dmax distribution of the initially generated population, and that selected at the end of the and Dmax distribution of the initially generated population, and that selected at the end of the process. process. This distribution confirmed that AfSBDS is not a fully flexible molecule but a molecule with This distribution confirmed that AfSBDS is not a fully flexible molecule but a molecule with limited limited movement. The numerical parameter of Rflex for the ensemble corresponded to 78%, compared movement. The numerical parameter of Rflex for the ensemble corresponded to 78%, compared to the to the89% 89% value value for forthe thepool, pool, suggesting suggesting that that the theformer former is less is lessflexible flexible (a value (a value of 100% of 100% denotes denotes a fully a fully R flexibleflexible system system and and 0% 0% a a fully fully rigid rigid one). one). Additionally,Additionally, the Rsigmasigma parameterparameter of of0.83 0.83 supported supported the the hypothesishypothesis that that the the system system is is flexible flexible (R(Rsigmasigma valuesvalues lower lower than than 1 1refer refer toto systems systems with with a high a high degree degree of flexibility).of flexibility).

Figure 4. Flexibility analysis of AfSBDS in solution. (A) Selected AfSBDS models and their contribution percentageFigure 4.estimated Flexibility from analysis the finalof AfSBDS population in solution. of EOM ( models.A) Selected Domain AfSBDS 1—blue, models domain and their 2—red, contribution percentage estimated from the final population of EOM models. Domain 1—blue, domain 3—green. Distribution of radii of gyration (Rg)(B) and intra-atomic distance maxima (Dmax) (C)domain in the 2—red, initial pooldomain of 3—green. random AfSBDSDistribution structures of radii of (solid gyration trace) (Rg overlapped) (B) and intra-atomic to that ofdistance the final maxima (Dmax) (C) in the initial pool of random AfSBDS structures (solid trace) overlapped to that of conformational sub-ensemble (dotted trace). the final conformational sub-ensemble (dotted trace).

ComparisonComparison of of the the three three conformationsconformations showed that that both both domains domains 1 1and and 3 undergo 3 undergo larger larger ◦ movements.movements. Using Using thethe compactcompact conformationconformation as as re reference,ference, domain domain 1 1rotate rotatess 37° 37 in inthe the opposite opposite ◦ directiondirection of of domain domain 3, 3, which which moves moves 8080° inin thethe stretched conformation. conformation. On On the the other other hand, hand, in the in the ◦ ◦ relaxedrelaxed conformation conformation thesethese rotations rotations correspond correspond to 73° to 73and and49° against 49 against domain domain 2, respectively. 2, respectively. This Thisconformational conformational flexibility flexibility has has already already been been observ observeded for forother other members members of the of theSBDS SBDS protein protein family. family. CrystallographicCrystallographic analysis analysis of of the the archaeal archaeal M.M. thermautotrophicus SBDSSBDS showed showed that that the the protein protein adopts adopts different conformations with rotations of ~13° for domain 1 and ~29° for domain 3, with respect to

Crystals 2018, 8, 109 10 of 12 different conformations with rotations of ~13◦ for domain 1 and ~29◦ for domain 3, with respect to domain 2 [35]. This conformational flexibility is not restricted to the archaeal proteins; NMR relaxation experiments demonstrated that domain 1 of the human and yeast SBDS is also highly mobile with respect to domains 2–3 [44]. Thus flexibility seems inherent to the SBDS protein family and may facilitate its function. Human SBDS binds the 60S ribosomal subunit in a conformation similar to that described here as the “compact conformation”. Upon binding of EFL1, domain 3 of SBDS undergoes a rotational movement of almost 180◦ away from the ribosomal P-stalk [44], adopting a new conformation that resembles the “relaxed conformation” obtained from the flexibility analysis. It seems that SBDS has a propensity to transient along these three main functional conformations in solution, and binding to the cognate partner selects one such conformation.

4. Conclusions SAXS is a solution technique that provides structural information on molecules such as proteins, and although the resolution is low, it is very useful for evaluating conformational changes in response to external conditions and conformational ensembles in flexible proteins. Most importantly, it does not rely on protein labeling or on the availability of high quality protein crystals, which in itself may be challenging and may result in the selection of the most stable conformation in the crystal. The AfSBDS is a flexible protein that coexists in at least three different conformations in solution with an averaged model represented by the crystallographic structure. This observation is in agreement with the low B-factors obtained for the inter-domain loops that result from attaining a stable conformation mediated by the crystal packing. In contrast, the other protein evaluated in this study, Bcp1, corresponds to a rigid protein present mostly in a unique fairly globular conformation in solution.

Acknowledgments: N.S.-P acknowledges the financial support from CONACyT project number 283909 and DGAPA-PAPIIT IN201615. D.S. acknowledges the financial support from projects “PGR2014-2017 Messico” with the contribution of the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dalla Cooperazione Internazionale, Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese. The SAXS experiments were performed by proposal SM14029-1 and SM16970-3 beamline B21, Diamond Light Source. MX experiments were performed by proposal MX11690-13 at beamline I24, Diamond Light Source. Author Contributions: N.S.-P. and D.S. designed and coordinated research. M.M., J.F., D.S., and D.A. performed crystallography experiments. M.M. and J.F. analyzed the crystallography experiments. A.M.-G. expressed and purified the proteins. D.S. and D.A. performed SAXS experiments. N.S.-P. and D.S. analyzed the SAXS experiments. All authors assisted the assembly and editing of the manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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