NE MAN DYING Calcutta, Bengal, India, April 2 9 .Its Loss Travelled Slowly
?,-■ T- .i':-.-- '■■ ' . v',1 . NET PRESS RDN ' . ‘ 'TBDB'^WRATinEE,"""...... ' AVE|CAti£ DAILY CIRCULATION ForeoMt Mj: U. & Weather Boreatt, for the Alontb of March, 1980 . ^hrtfhrd. Conn. State pbr«fy— 5 , 5 1 1 FiUr Tonight. Wednesday'partly M eiabers of the A udit B ureau of tdondy -ndth rfadng temperatmre.- C lrcuIatloB s i -)■ VOL. X U V ., NO. 179. (Classified Advertising op Page 10) SOOTH MANGH1BSTBR, C»1W.V^^^1^ APRIL 29,1930. TWELVR PAGES ^ICE THREE CEN^ e>- \ SEELEY, WIKE • Lindy at Miami on Southward Hop rw NOW CBARGED ■ v1 WITH MURDER mill) ......... tfin y iori., ^ ^ - - ■ 1 Companions of Smith Broth- Worcester Pnbfisher TelK Report 192 Drowned ers, Connecticut Men Mur Nation’ s B u ^ ess Men ARE HURT; dered in West, Are Held That Few C o m t e s Are When Steamer Sinks Under Guard as Suspects. Makmg Money Now. ()NE MAN DYING Calcutta, Bengal, India, April 2 9 .its loss travelled slowly. It is now — CAP)— One hundred and ninety- lying in about three fathoms of wa MusKogee, Okla., April 29.— (AP) Washington, ' April 29.— (AP) passengers aboard the steamer Con ter. — As a. result of au unexplained Reviewing major questions con dor lost their lives when that ship The Condor was carrying mail Scores of Pri^ners in Open Mutiny ^Storm Guard House fronting American business, Jolm,H. sanK in the river Jamuna in eastern from Serajgang Ghat to Goalundo. shift in belief on the part of investi Bengal, the ship’s owners said to No trace of the postal officios . or gating officers, two traveling com- Fahey, publisher of the Worcester day.
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