International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies ISSN NO : 2319-9725

Bio-Electronic Approach for Various Adders Circuit Design

1S.P.Dhivyaa , 2Dr.M.Thamarai 3Mr.P.Anil kumar System Hardware Associate,Google,Hyderabad. 2Professor, ECE Department, Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad. 3Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad.

Abstract— The DNA atom is indubitably the most effective medium known for DNA's capacity to code, store data as a methods for information stockpiling. Be that as it may, till now, DNA atom has discovered little use in registering applications. For starting registering application with DNA atom, it requires to plan DNA which can be used to outline essential entryways to actualize Boolean rationale. Strangely some current inquires about have demonstrated that it's especially conceivable to plan a three terminal like gadget engineering by controlling the stream of RNA polymerase along DNA with particular integrases. Alongside that, as of late, basic test plans for acknowledging different essential Boolean rationale capacities have been shown effectively with DNA particle. Till now the test configuration was in multi strand form. Show work received, altered and expanded such DNA rationale door idea to execute plan, reenactment and execution examination of different viper circuits in a solitary strand mold. Adders are a standout amongst the most broadly advanced segments in the computerized incorporated circuit plan and important piece of Digital Signal Processing. In this work the plan of different adders, for example, Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look Ahead Adder, Carry Save Adder and Carry Select Adder are talked about and are thought about on the premise of their execution parameters, for example, delay and the count of mistake rate.

Keywords— DNA, RNA, Transistors, Logic Gates, Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look Ahead Adder, Carry Save Adder, Carry Skip Adder, Carry Select Adder.


The universe of gadgets begins with a material called "semiconductor" which can be actuated to lead or stop the stream of electrons or gaps. Si has been the prevailing gadgets material since the last 50% of the twentieth century. It must be evident that the fruitful advancement of Si gadgets took years and decades. In traditional electronic circuits transistors are executed to process, store and exchange flag or information with the stream of electrons or openings. Where as at least two transistors together shape a rationale entryway, which enables a PC to oversee numerical operations. From the earliest starting point to till date, the primary point of the gadgets business is to create all the more intense chips. In that procedure, creators have scale transistors in size to deliver littler, speedier, control effective chip at bring down cost [1]. The net consequence of this transistor scaling activity is on account of the transistor to achieve the physical, specialized and financial breaking points. And furthermore that has created little, quicker chips, past a specific breaking point, the quantity of silicon iotas in the protecting layer of a transistor is never again adequate to keep the spillage of electron that makes the circuit abbreviate [1]. To defeat these impediments the researchers and technologists are searching for new materials, inventive structures and progressive plans to acknowledge dependable transistor like activity in such little space [2]. Most novel materials accessible today are at the initial step, where specialists are attempting to comprehend their properties and attributes of transistors created utilizing them. By and by all through the world a few gatherings of researchers, looks into and

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technologists are attempting to store, recover and process signals utilizing bio-substance responses with more current organic materials [3-5]. In such setting, with investigate it has been demonstrated that, the plan forever DNA, can likewise turn into the formats for making another age of transistors, rationale entryways and consequent PC chips [6]. In a decade ago heaps of research articles have been accounted for on test acknowledgment of transistor like activity and rationale operation with [7-9]. As of late, et. al. at Stanford University in California have outlined a transistor like gadget that controls the development of a chemical called RNA polymerase along a strand of DNA with bacteriophage serine integrases [10]. They have likewise tentatively made rationale entryways that permit both data stockpiling and intelligent operations with various transcriptors [10]. Such noteworthy leap forward can be used to acknowledge biochip and consequent organic PCs which can be utilized to ponder and reconstruct the living frameworks, screen conditions and enhance cell therapeutics [9-10]. Till now the vast majority of the examination exercises identified with DNA rationale entryway acknowledgment are moved into extreme trial exercises. In any case, alongside such test wanders hypothetical reenactment is additionally imperative to comprehend the operation and usefulness of higher request circuits with such DNA based rationale entryways. Number-crunching unit are the fundamental squares of advanced frameworks, for example, Digital Signal Processor, chip, smaller scale controllers and other information handling units. In numerous math applications and different sorts of uses, adders are utilized as a part of the number juggling rationale unit as well as utilized as a part of different parts of processors. When all is said in done, option is a procedure which includes two numbers which are included and convey will be created. All intricate snake designs built from its essential building pieces, for example, Half Adder (HA), Multiplexer circuit and Full Adder(FA). Under the present work, in view of DNA rationale entryways, the plan, reproduction and execution examination of different viper circuits has been legitimately acknowledged with MATLAB Simulink and furthermore the execution parameters of different adders are thought about. The information and summed yield for the DNA rationale based viper circuits has been mimicked and checked with timing charts. Such reproduction work won't just legitimize the pertinence of such DNA rationale doors in complex circuit acknowledgment, it will likewise lead a stage forward towards down to earth usage of Bio-PCs. Same time expansion of present research with the advancement of appropriate scientific model of DNA transistor will start the improvement of circuit test system with DNA rationale doors.

II. DNA GATE LOGICAL MODELING The RNA polymerase is a compound that otherwise called DNA subordinate RNA polymerase and it produces essential transcript RNA chains utilizing DNA qualities as formats, a procedure called translation [11].This delivered essential transcript RNA can be reconfigured with a transistor like three terminal gadget show which can be named as transcriptor[10] The RNA union trails the connection of RNA polymerase to a particular site, "promoter", on the layout DNA strand and the blend procedure proceeds until the point when an end grouping ("eliminator") is come to [12]. The stream of RNA polymerase along DNA strands amongst information and yield prompts a current called transcriptional current. The door like control will be acknowledged with free compound control signals (characterized as "integrase") which will manage the stream of RNA polymerase to acknowledge Boolean rationale

operation fig. 1 [10]. Fig. 1. Schematic for equivalent logic representation

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As appeared in the fig. 2, the rationale component will utilize unbalanced translation eliminators as reversible check valves. A translation eliminator will oblige two contradicting DNA recombination destinations named as Transcription Elements (TEs, spoke to with dim green and dim blue strong triangles) which will typically disturb RNA polymerase stream. The information integrase which is recombinases (hereditary recombination chemicals) will catalyze unidirectional reversal of DNA inside restricting recombination locales [10]. This will adjust TEs (spoke to with mostly dull green-blue and incompletely dim blue-green strong triangles) and rearrange of the translation eliminator to give of DNA recombination destinations and will permit RNA polymerase stream. Each restricting recombination locales (TEs) will be perceived by free integrases which will give autonomous control over the introduction or nearness of at least one eliminators.

Fig. 2. Logic control of RNA polymerase flow with integrase. Symbols: TE: Transcription Elements, RTE: Recombination sites for TE Under the present work, different snake circuits worked with essential unit gadgets (Full adders, Half adders, NAND AND rationale doors), has been outlined [13]. So to understand an Adder circuit with DNA rationale, the DNA NAND door must be composed first. Since NAND entryway is an all inclusive door, it can be utilized for understanding all the fundamental doors, for example, AND, OR and NOT. At that point with help of NAND entryway the half adder[13] and full snake circuits can be planned.

Volume 7, Issue 11 2017 38 International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies ISSN NO : 2319-9725

A. Implementing NAND Logic

Fig.3. Schematic for logical representation of NAND showing blocked transcription with presence of both the integrases.

A transcriptor NAND rationale component requires two uneven interpretation eliminators with two sets of contradicting recombination locales (Transcription Elements) related with every translation eliminator, as appeared in Fig. 3. The translation current won't stream when both the integrases are available yet the interpretation current will stream if no less than one integrase is available or no integrase is available as appeared in fig 4.

Fig.4. Schematic for logical representation of NAND showing the flow of transcription current with presence of integrase 1 and absence of integrase 2.

Implementing OR Logic A transcriptor OR rationale component requires just a single topsy-turvy translation eliminator with two sets of contradicting recombination destinations (Transcription Elements) related with interpretation eliminator. The interpretation current will stream if any of the integrases will introduce however no translation current stream when just both the integrase is truant as appeared in fig 5.

Fig. 5. Schematic for logical DNA OR showing transcription continuation with presence of integrase 1 (=1).

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With further extension of this concept, other Boolean logics like AND, OR, NOR, NOT can be also implemented with DNA logic [9-10].

III. ADDERS The outline of different adders, for example, Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), Carry Look Ahead Adder (CLA), Carry Save Adder (CSA), Carry Select Adder (CSlA) are talked about underneath.

Ripple Carry Adder Ripple carry adder is a basic adder which works on basic addition principle. The Simulink model of RCA is shown below.

Fig.6. Simulink block diagram of Ripple carry adder (RCA) circuit.

RCA contains series structure of full adders (FA), where each full adder is used to add two bits along with carry bit. The carry generated from each full adder is given to next full adder and so on. Hence, the carry is propagated in a serial manner.

Carry Look Ahead Adder Carry look ahead design is based on the principle of looking at lower adder bits of argument and addend if higher orders carry generated. The Simulink model of CLA circuit is shown below.

Fig.7. Simulink block diagram of Carry look ahead adder (CLA) circuit.

Volume 7, Issue 11 2017 40 International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies ISSN NO : 2319-9725

Carry Save Adder In carry save adder (CSA) the carry is not propagated through the stages. Instead, carry is stored in present stage, and updated as attend value in next stage. The Simulink model of CSA is shown below.

Fig.8. Simulink block diagram of Carry save adder (CSA) circuit.

Carry Select Adder Carry select adder (CSlA) circuit architecture consists of independent generation of sum and carry i.e Cin=1 and Cin=0 are executed parallelly. Depending upon Cin , the external multiplexers select the carry to be propagated to next stage. Further, based on the carry input, the sum will be selected. The Simulink model of CSlA is shown below.

Fig.9. Simulink block diagram of Carry select adder (CSlA) circuit.


Under the present work, the various types of adder circuits has been logically design and implemented with MATLAB Simulink and the timing diagram for input and output has been successfully simulated. The Simulink block diagram of the respective adder circuits has been presented in the early section. Were the RNA polymerase has been considered as one of the input signal inside each full adder block and two integrase a, b of 4 bit binary will from the logic inputs for the adder circuits. To implement the various adder circuits in Simulink user defined function block has been selected from library and every block is fitted with logical function to replicate transcriptor and transcription elements. Whereas the pulse source of variable widths have been considered for replicating integrase a, b and a unit step function has been selected to replicate RNA polymerase input inside the full adder and half adder block.

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Where in the above Simulink model pink color block represent the OR logic, grey block for half adder logic, orange block for full adder logic, black color block for multiplexer logic. The top side represents the input section. Cyan color block for input carry logic, light blue for integrase a (a0,a1,a2 and a3) and yellow for integrase b (b0,b1,b2 and b3).

Fig. 10. With time the integrase a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3 and RNA given as top to bottom.

Fig. 11. With time the carry,s3,s2,s1 and s0 sum output are shown from top to bottom.

The performances of adder topologies are discussed for robustness against delay and error percentage. They are selected for this work since they have been commonly used in many applications. Addition is a crucial operation for any high speed digital systems, digital signal processing or control systems. Therefore appropriate choice of adder topologies is an essential

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importance in the design of VLSI integrated circuits for high speed and high performance CMOS circuits.


Time unit Integrase a Integrase b Output sum (a3 a2 a1 (b3 b2 b1 (carry s3 s2 a0) b0) s1 s0) 2 1001 1011 10100 4 1011 1111 11010

Fig.12. Truth table for 4 bit adder circuit


T T Sum (error in %) i i A m m outpu d Integras Integras e e t d e a e b (c s3 e (a3 a2 (b3 b2 u S S S S u s2 s1 r C a1 a0) b1 b0) n 3 2 1 0 n s0) s i i t t 1 1 R 2 - 7 - 0 1, 0 1, 5 5 A 2 0 0 0 1 1010 1 1 C 4 7 7 - 0 0,1 0 0, 0 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 C 2 - 5 0 5 5 L 1 1 1 1 A 4 7 5 5 0 5 1 1 1 C 2 - 7 0 1, 0 1,0 0 5 5 S 1 1 1 1101 1 1 1 A 4 - - 4 0 0, 1 1,0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 C 1 1 2 - - - S 5 5 L 1 1 1 4 - - A 5 5 5

Fig. 13. Error percentage table for various adder circuits

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Sl no. Type of adders OR HA FA MUX Delay 1 RCA 4 6hr 2 CLA 3 7 5hr 45min 3 CSA 5 3 8hr 15min 4 CSla 8 5 12hr

Fig.14. Delay table for various adder circuits.

The summed output of the simulated adder circuits has been also verified with truth table (Table I). A single cell may produce discontinuous responses to small changes in control signals which can be corrected with Population Measurements with n-number of cells. A digitization error rate can be defined as the combined probability of producing false high or low outputs in response to intermediate control signal changes. Based on the experimental analysis presented by Jerome Bonnet; the approximated digitization error percentage for AND gate is 10% for 1→0 and 0→1 input change, 8% for 0→1 and 0→1 input change etc[10]. Whereas for Half adder the approximated digitization error percentage for sum is 7% for 1→0 and 0→1 input change, 15% for 0→1 and 0→1 input change etc[13]. Based on those experimental results, the digitization error percentages have been calculated for the full adder and multiplexer design and finally calculated the error percentage for the proposed various adder circuit design presented in Table. II. Based on the experimental analysis presented by Jerome Bonnet; they also assayed recombination response times, finding that 15-min control-signal pulses were sufficient to activate integrase-mediated switching. So the each and every gates present in the circuit require 15 min for their switching. For the half adder the switching time is 15.Whereas in the full adder and the multiplexer the time required is about 45 min. From the delay given in Table III, it is observed that the maximum propagation delay requires for Carry select adder and next come for the Carry skip adder. The least propagation delay is for Carry look ahead adder count also shown in the Table III.


Under the present work the DNA design concepts has been theoretically investigated in detail. The logical design concepts of NAND gate have been implemented with proper understanding and explanations. Finally 4 bit various adder circuits has been logically designed with DNA based NAND gate, Half adder, Full adder and multiplexer circuit with MATLAB Simulink model. The timing diagrams for the added output, logic inputs and RNA input signal are simulated. The digitization error in percentage has also been approximated and presented for different input combinations for adder circuit. And also compared the propagation delay for various adder circuits is calculated and presented for possible paths between the inputs to the output. Such block level design of DNA based adder circuits will provide valuable understanding about the DNA based logic circuit design. Not only that such block level design can be added with proper mathematical model of DNA transistor which will initiate the development of future bioelectronics circuit simulators.

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