Implementation Techniques For Fast Polynomial Arithmetic In A High-level Programming Environment Akpodigha Filatei Xin Li Marc Moreno Maza ORCCA, University of Western ORCCA, University of Western ORCCA, University of Western Ontario (UWO) Ontario (UWO) Ontario (UWO) London, Ontario, Canada London, Ontario, Canada London, Ontario, Canada afi
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Eric´ Schost LIX, Ecole´ polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau, France
[email protected] ABSTRACT multiplication is “better than the classical method approxi- Though there is increased activity in the implementation of mately when n + m ≥ 600”, where n and m are the degrees asymptotically fast polynomial arithmetic, little is reported of the input polynomials. In [22] p. 501, quoting [3], Knuth on the details of such effort. In this paper, we discuss how we writes “He (R. P. Brent) estimated that Strassen’s scheme achieve high performance in implementing some well-studied would not begin to excel over Winograd’s until n ≈ 250 and fast algorithms for polynomial arithmetic in two high-level such enormous matrices rarely occur in practice unless they programming environments, AXIOM and Aldor. are very sparse, when other techniques apply.” Two approaches are investigated. With Aldor we rely The implementation of asymptotically fast arithmetic was only on high-level generic code, whereas with AXIOM we not the primary concern of the early computer algebra sys- endeavor to mix high-level, middle-level and low-level spe- tems, which had many other challenges to face. For in- stance, one of the main motivations for the development of cialized code. We show that our implementations are satis- AXIOM factory compared with other known computer algebra sys- the computer algebra system [19] was the design tems or libraries such as Magma v2.11-2 and NTL v5.4.