We are here to help : (07) 5596 2602 [email protected]

Contact Getting Started The centre is open to support children and parents to spend Intake information and contact agreements are available by quality supervised time together. Situated at 6 Nerang street, phoning or emailling the centre. Simply fill in the forms and Nerang, this centre is designed to allow children to develop return these to the email address provided. An intake interview and maintain relationships with those important in their lives. will then be booked for each parent. During this interview The centre has designated play areas and a kitchen for families suitable times for both the centre and the family will be to cook and prepare meals and snacks for the children. discussed.

Contact services include fully supervised time with qualified staff. The centre also allows there to be a progression of Professional Services supervised time, to semi-supervised time, to unsupervised The Scope Family Centre can provide intensive in home time. Changeovers are also facilitated for parents who need support. Education can be provided to families in crisis to an independent venue for this to occur. assist and assess the parent’s capacity to meet the children’s needs. The Scope Family Centre focuses on a collaborative approach when working with families within the Family Court juristiction The Scope Family Centre also provide access to other and Child Protection System to minimise the impact of professional services such as DV counselling and counselling separation on parents and children. for children. Courses regarding the impact of violence on children and the importance of positive communication during the separation period are also available. Fees - Intake fee $66 per parent Denise is a trained and qualified Coordinator under - Weekdays $77 per hour the AFCC guidelines and along with Jennifer is a trained - Weekends and public holidays $99 per hour facilitator of the Bringing Up Great Kids parenting course. - Changeovers $55 All prices include GST and written observation notes from each visit. These notes are available upon request via subpoena.


Name of child/children:

• Parents will agree to provide a photo of themselves or have their photo taken during their intake interview for identification purposes • Contact is subject to the availability of the centre and may not be the exact days and times as outlined in court orders, however every attempt will be made to meet the needs of both parents and the court • The initial contact will be for 1 hour only to ensure that the parent and the children are comfortable with the contact process. If deemed necessary further contacts will remain at 1 hour and increase in duration and frequency at the center’s discretion and when deemed appropriate and in the best of the child • Contact between children and their parents shall be child focused and there will be no discussion regarding the current issues before the court. Persistent comments of court, threats and any behaviour deemed inappropriate will be documented and relayed to the ICL and/or lawyers involved • Parents will not attend contact under the influence of alcohol or drugs and if they do present to the centre under the influence of a substance, contact supervisors may terminate the contact session and the parent will forfeit the fees for that session. Future sessions may be placed in doubt if the parents were observed to be under the influence of a substance • Parents will speak positively about the other parent/caregiver at all times • There will be no smoking during the contact period • Parents are reminded to leave their mobile phones or audio/video devices in their car or bag for the duration of the contact period. Before, during and after contact, there will be no audio or visual recording by any parent and/or caregiver • Photographs may be taken by the contact supervisor using a Scope Family Centre device in order to complement observation notes for the contact. These photos can be passed on to parents and/or caregivers where appropriate or required. This will be further discussed with parties involved during the intake process • There will be no un-authorised persons attend contact unless this is by written consent of all parties and the contact service is advised 24 hours prior to contact occurring. If more than two additional family members attend contact an additional fee may be charged for another supervisor • Parents are to attend contact punctually and if they are unable to attend 48 hours’ notice must be provided or a cancellation fee will be charged • Supervised parent is to arrive no earlier than ten minutes prior to contact starting and remain ten minutes after child is collected • Any parent dropping off or picking up children for contact outside the agreed time will incur late fees of $20 for every increment of 15 minutes • Parents are advised to transport children to and from the centre in an approved child restraint. It is not the responsibility of centre staff to check if child restraint is approved and/or fitted correctly • If supervised parent is 30 minutes late to contact, contact will be cancelled and the supervised parents’ fees will not be refunded • Additional administration fees may be charged where deemed appropriate, to cover additional and staffing costs • Child/children are not to be dropped to the centre by the lives with parent until confirmation is provided that supervised parent is inside the centre. Parents/caregivers are to wait/park well away from the centre and await confirmation that they can enter the centre carpark • Once confirmation has been provided to the lives with parent and you arrive at the centre, send confirmation to the number provided via text advising you are out the front and remain with your vehicle. Please DO NOT walk your child/children up the driveway, centre staff will come to you when they are able to do so • The child will be positively prepared prior to, during and after contact • If a parent demonstrates a lack of flexibility and does not appear to be positively supporting the child to attend contact, the ICL and/or lawyer’s will be notified • If a child is highly distressed, the supervisor will assist and offer suggestions to help soothe the child. If the child remains distressed the contact may be cancelled and fees will not be refunded • If a contact has commenced, the supervisor may elect to cancel the visit for any reason e.g. child unwell, family emergency, or child is distressed

• If a child does not attend a scheduled contact which has been paid for by the supervised parent, a fee will be charged to the lives with parent to cover staffing costs. The supervised parents costs will then be allocated for the subsequent visit • In the event a child is sick and is unable to attend contact, a medical certificate is required outlining why the child is unfit for changeover or contact and this will be provided to the court if required. • Supervisors will not pass on messages or items between the supervised parent and the lives with parent e.g. documents, bags, personal items • Exceptions will be made if parties wish to provide their children with presents or gifts for special occasions (e.g. Easter, Birthdays or Christmas). Furthermore, if a child should wish to bring a gift or card for their parent, staff will ensure this is passed on. This will be further discussed with parties involved during the intake process • Parents are encouraged to accept guidance from the supervisor to ensure the children are comfortable about the contact process • Parents are responsible for any damage to the (interior and exterior), to the furniture, to equipment and/or toys should this occur • Parents are to clean up, remove rubbish and place all furniture and items back to original location. A cleaning cost may be charged should further cleaning be required • Supervised contact may occur outside of the centre at the discretion of centre staff and if agreed to by all parties. Should this be requested, both parents will be emailed and their views and wishes sought regarding this occurring. The supervised parent is responsible for all costs of activities outside the centre e.g. food, drinks and movie tickets • Activities will be limited to those that do not limit the supervisors access to the child. Supervisor is to be able to see and hear child at all times • If the contact is outside of the centre, parents must return to the centre if requested to do so by the supervisor • At the conclusion of contact, please advise staff via text message that you have arrived to collect the child/children. Again, you are required to remain with your vehicle and staff will walk your child/children to you when able to do so • Copies of any court orders including orders should be provided to the contact service before the commencement of contact or throughout the contact process if there are changes to what has already been provided • Observation notes will be taken by the supervisor on iPad, phone, computer and/or paper. These notes are available for the parties upon request via subpoena • Payment for contact is by direct bank transfer, use your surname and date of contact as the reference • Cash will not be accepted • Credit cards facilities are available, additional fees will be charged • Fees must be paid in full and funds cleared 48 hours before contact. Contact will be cancelled should fees not be paid in full 48 hours prior to contact • Invoices and/or receipts for contact will be provided on request • If a child requires assistance for the toilet the supervisor will accompany the child and assist when necessary • The supervisor is not responsible for the dietary requirements of the child. Should a child have dietary requirements a letter from a medical practitioner is required and the lives with parent should provide suitable foods for the child during the contact process • Peanuts and tree nuts can cause allergic reactions in some children. In order to reduce exposure to these foods we ask that parents and/or children attending contact at the centre do not bring any nuts or nut-based food • In the event of an emergency I give approval for the staff from Scope Family Centre to contact an ambulance and for the child/ren to be transported to seek medical attention. Centre staff will travel with the child in the ambulance. The supervised parent shall travel to the hospital separately and the lives with parent will be contacted by the supervisor and advised of the incident and where to meet the supervisor and child. The supervisor will then remain with the child until the lives with parent is present • The supervised parent is responsible for the child whilst at the centre. While Scope Family Centre will take due care, the service assumes no liability for accident or injury to a child • In the event medication is required, the supervisor will not administrate the medication unless court ordered and there are written instructions provided • This agreement is subject to review and change in accordance with our risk management procedures.

Signed: Commonwealth Bank Scope Family Centre- Please use your invoice number and/or surname and date of contact as your reference BSB: 064 237 Date: Account: 1006 6930

INTAKE INFORMATION Please return completed form to [email protected]

Parent/caregiver completing this form- You are required to provide a photo of yourself for identification purposes. If you do not have a current photo, a photo will be taken during your intake interview. Name Date: Address

Phone number Mobile: Work: Email Car make, model and Driver Licence registration details Number: Cultural information

Language spoken at home Your relationship to the child/ren Additional Information

Emergency contact for yourself Name Phone Relationship to you Other Parent’s details if known Name Address Phone number Mobile: Work: Email Relationship to the child/ren Their legal representative Additional Information

Child/ren details Name Age Date of Birth Gender

Medicare Number/s Exp: Health care card number Does the child/ren have any special needs?

Does the child/ren have any allergies?

Is the child diagnosed with any medical condition?

Is the child diagnosed with and behavioral and/or mental health concerns?

Child/ren’s current address

Emergency Contact for the children Name Phone: Relationship to the child Additional Information

Preferred contact times (your preferred days and times are subject to availability) Preferred days Preferred time Frequency Duration Additional Information

Legal and Court information- Please attach any relevant Court Orders including DVO’s, Parenting Agreements etc. Family Court Orders No Yes If yes, please attach

Domestic Violence Orders No Yes If yes, please attach

Legal Representative/Solicitor’s Name & Legal Firm Name Phone Email Postal address

Independent Children’s Lawyer Name Phone Email Postal address

Additional Information

Background information History of previous contact arrangements Have you previously used a supervised contact centre? If yes, please provide the following: Name of centre Duration

Reason for discontinuation / issues

When did the child/ren last spend time with the parent face to face?

What concerns do you have in relation to contact?

Does the child have phone contact? If so, how often?

History Do you have any diagnosed mental health concerns? If yes, please provide details

Do you have any current of previous substance abuse history? If yes, please provide details

Do you have any domestic violence and/or criminal history? If yes, please provide details.

Have you had any involvement with Dept. Child Safety? If yes, please provide details.

Have there been previous threats to abscond with the child? If yes, please provide details

Do you have any concerns for your personal safety? If yes, please provide details

Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant.

Intake Once the Scope Family Centre have received the signed and completed forms from both parties, an intake interview will be scheduled and held at the Scope Family Centre located at 6 Nerang Street, Nerang. Please provide your preferred days and time to attend an intake interview below.

All fees will need to be transferred to the bank account details below before an intake interview or supervised contact is conducted. Cash will not be accepted. Account Name: Scope Family Centre (Commonwealth Bank) BSB: 064 237 Account Number: 1006 6930 Credit cards facilities are available (credit card fees will apply)

To the best of my knowledge, the information provided is accurate and no relevant information has been knowingly withheld.

Sign: Please return completed forms with photo of yourself to; [email protected]
