A Short Case Study of the Impacts of the OLPC Project around the World Sonika Coomar Ilia Ryzhov Department of Informatics Department of Informatics University of Zurich University of Zurich [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: The ambitious One per (OLPC) project is to allow children of the Child (OLPC) Program was launched in 2005 developing countries to educate themselves by and has distributed over 2 million rugged, low providing one connected laptop to every power connected to some of the school-age child. OLPC’s aim is to make poorest children in the world. The chairman for the world’s children a priority and founder, , is and not a privilege. With the tagline, “It’s not a pioneering an experiment with the OLPC laptop project. It’s an education project,” the project which could fundamentally alter the initiative aims to dynamics of education in the developing world revolutionize how we educate the world’s by bringing literacy, learning and connectivity children [3]. to the estimated 100 million children who currently do not receive education at a first In this research we present six case studies that grade level. In this paper we performed a case looked into the impact of the OLPC project in study using existing literature where we looked various countries. More specifically, we into the situation in six countries. In three of looked into three countries where the project these countries the OLPC project was was a success and three countries where the considered successful and in the other three project did not live up to its expectations. In countries the project did not necessarily live up the last stages of this paper we discuss what to the expectations. We explored the factors factors lead to the success or failure of the which lead to the success of the OLPC project OLPC project in the countries. in these countries and then we looked into the factors that lead to the inadequate results in some of the other countries. 2. BACKGROUND (Sonika)

Keywords: One Laptop per Child, Case Study In January 2005, the MIT Media Lab and its founder and chairman Nicholas Negroponte launched the research initiative to develop a 1. INTRODUCTION (Ilia) $100 laptop, which then lead to the development of the One Laptop per Child Most of the nearly two–billion children in the association [3]. Many developing countries developing world [1][3] are educated, have inadequate resources to devote to ineffectively or receive no education at all. education. According to OLPC, some countries One in three children does not complete the spend less than $20 per year per child fifth grade [1]. These children live in poverty (compared to an average of $7,500 in the and isolation just like their parents and never ) [1][3]. By giving children their know what the light of learning could mean in very own connected laptop, OLPC hopes to their lives. At the same time on one hand, the give them a window to the outside world with governments of the developing countries access to vast amounts of information and a struggle to compete in a rapidly evolving way to connect with each other [3]. global information economy and on the other hand they stumble by a vast and increasingly The XO laptop, which is what the laptop urban underclass that cannot support itself, designed for the OLPC project was called, was much less contribute to the commonwealth designed and created for the use of children because it lacks the tools to do so [1][2]. between the ages of 6 to 12 who still attend the Hence, the idea of the One Laptop per Child elementary school [1]. OLPC created the XO laptop to be very low cost, robust and 1 powerful. However, three unique conditions From the stated mission and five principles, the had to be met; low power, sunlight readability, underlying vision was that students will and automatic connectivity. Since these laptops improve their education by using the laptop were going to be deployed in developing and through collaboration with their peers. countries, low power was the key because most However, Cristia et al’s. research looked into children do not have electricity at home. random schools where children had the XO Therefore, the laptop needed to run on both laptop and found that the laptops resulted in human power and long-life batteries. Sunlight- substantial increase in computer use both at readable displays were important for outdoor school and at home. Their results indicated use as well as power conservation. Lastly, limited effects on academic achievement but connectivity could not assume DSL, WiFi positive impacts on cognitive skills and hotspots, or anything similar. Instead, the competences related to computer use. laptops collectively had to make a network Cognitive abilities could have arisen through automatically, without a child or teacher using the programs included in the laptops, intervention. That way roughly 500 children given that they are aimed at improving should be able to share a single point of back thinking processes. However, the authors haul to the Internet [4]. indicated that to improve learning in math and language, there is a need for high-quality Since its launch in 2005, the ambitious One instruction [6]. Laptop per Child Program has distributed over 2 million rugged, low power, connected For further investigation we looked into three

Figure 1: The current global distribution of XO laptops across the world [10] laptops to some of the poorest children in the countries where the OLPC project was world [1][4]. Figure 1 shows a map of the successful and also three countries where the areas where the XO laptops have been project could not meet its goals. These findings deployed until now. will be presented in the following two sections.

The OLPC foundation states five core principles [5]: 3. OLPC PROJECT SUCCESS (Sonika) i. children are the owners of the laptops

ii. beneficiary children are aged 6 to 12 iii. every child and teacher receives a The OLPC project had its successes and laptop failures. This section will look into three iv. children are connected through a local countries where the project had positive network or the Internet, and outcomes. Specifically, we will look at the v. software is open source and free. factors that lead to the successful deployment.


3.1. Case Study 1: the in terms of computers and the Internet. Three educational portals were The one-laptop-per-child (1:1) model was first created, as well as a pedagogical project. implemented in 2007, and it was quickly Training courses were delivered to more than disseminated throughout the Uruguay. Plan 20,000 [7] teachers and over 500 support and CEIBAL (Conectividad Educativa de catalyst teachers had been hired [8]. Informática Básica para e Aprendizaje en Línea), which began in 2007, also fell within Additionally, the plan provided all public the 1:1 model. In fact, it was the world’s first educational centers and certain public places experience with such a project on a nationwide with Internet connection services. Today, scale. Plan CEIBAL was implemented at the almost every child who attends a public school request of the then President of Uruguay, has a wireless Internet connection. Access to Tabaré Vázquez. It was planned as a measure the Internet at home is possible to the extent against the existing inequalities regarding that the home is located near an educational access to ICTs, and to that end, it was center or a public place with the required presented as a project for social inclusion [7]. infrastructure. One essential purpose of the The main purpose of the plan was, and plan is to provide wireless connectivity to remains, to attain equality in access to households so that anyone desiring to access information through the distribution of laptops the Internet will be able to do so without and the provision of Internet connectivity walking more than 300 meters from his or her services to all the schools and districts in the home. However, this goal has not been fully country. Such services are accessed through accomplished yet [8]. "It's been a revolution, the distributed XO laptops, which have been which has helped us enormously, but it hasn't designed especially for the needs of children been easy," [8] explained Lourdes Bardino, [8]. They have basic operating features that head teacher of School 173 in Las Piedras. Ms enable them to work in different environments Bardino said that some teachers were as classrooms, homes, or even public places. originally opposed to the introduction of the This, in turn, offers a number of possibilities XO laptops. "We have a lady who's been for teaching purposes. The project intends to teaching for 30 years and when they gave us have a major social impact on the relationship the computers and the training, she asked for between the school and the family, promoting leave because she didn't want to have anything the abilities needed to succeed in a 21st century to do with the programme. Later she changed society across the whole length of a child’s life her mind and now computers have changed the in an attempt to bridge the existing digital way she teaches [8]." All the teachers have divide [7]. As a starting point, Plan CEIBAL been given training, but the extent to which distributed one laptop to each child in first they use the laptops in the classroom is up to through sixth grade attending a public primary them. school in Uruguay, as well as to the children’s teachers. The plan was first implemented Overall, according to Prusa and Plotts, Plan during the first half of 2007 [7] [8]. The CEIBAL has incredible potential in terms of distribution of laptops to all public schools in both its educational and social impacts in Uruguay was conducted in four phases and Uruguay. Much of its success will depend on completed by the end of 2009. how Plan CEIBAL addresses known challenges and continues to evaluate the In 2010, the plan went on to include secondary program. There are real challenges in schools. The XO laptops had internet streamlining the repair process for XO laptops, connectivity and video camera with audio, and or ensuring teachers feel comfortable using the they also included educational software. XO in class [9]. On a systemic level Uruguay Furthermore, the local developers introduced needs to follow through with its intention to some applications to improve the laptops’ fundamentally reform the education system; internet connection, hardware, and software. the laptops are a small but symbolic part of this By 2011, more than 500,000 [7] laptops had reform. The laptops alone are not going to been distributed and several activities and solve everything. Nevertheless, the strong complementary projects had also been dedication to making Plan CEIBAL work implemented, which shows that Plan CEIBAL which was demonstrated by government was not merely a policy aiming at narrowing officials, teachers and school administrators 3 alike gives Plan CEIBAL and the OLPC Bender of OLPC [14]. "For example, some of project an advantage of moving forward [9]. the desks in Galadima are at an angle and we learned that you've got to put rubber feet on the 3.2. Case Study 2: Nigeria laptop otherwise it will slide off. So now production laptops have rubber feet. [14]" The OLPC association behind the $100 laptop has formed a partnership with multiple African The trial has ended and OLPC Nigeria has governments through which it hopes to deliver continued to fund and support the school's use laptops to every primary school child in East of the laptops. Jonathan Fildes mentions that it Africa. The partnership between One Laptop remains one of just a handful of places in the per Child (OLPC) and the East African world where the OLPC vision can be seen "in Community (EAC) aims to deliver 30 million the wild" and visiting it is an uplifting laptops in the region by 2015. OLPC has also experience [14]. announced a partnership with a UN agency which aims to deliver 500,000 machines in the Additionally, the children most of who had Middle East. Both the UN agency and the EAC never seen a computer before March 2007 had first need to raise money for the laptops. The clearly embraced the XO laptops. As Jonathan two groups aim to find donors to help pay for Fildes continues to report, “Even before the machines, which currently sell for more entering the school grounds, visitors are than $200, despite intentions to sell them for accosted by hordes of animated children less [13]. waving their laptops, eager to show what they can do with them. Children stream from A good example of a successful OLPC project doorways and alleys wanting to take a "snap" deployment is Nigeria. As Jonathan Fildes of with the laptop's on board camera whilst others the BBC reports, until the XO laptops were shoot video files and then excitedly show each deployed there was nothing that marked out other the results. The more studious show off Galadima primary school as anything out of the graphs and pictures they have drawn and the ordinary. The government-run school, the notes they have typed in class. There is a flanked by a red dust road on the outskirts of clear sense of enjoyment and pride in both Abuja, Nigeria, taught about 300 students who ownership and use of the machines” [14]. The congregated from the surrounding rural area. XO laptops were one of the happiest things that had happened to the school. As one teacher mentioned, before the laptops arrived, In March of 2007 the scruffy primary became the school did not feel as if they were part of a remarkable experiment. It was the important. The laptops gave them the feeling first in Africa to get its hands on the XO laptop that they were moving ahead. The laptops that aimed to allow the children get the most raised the status of the school and also from their education. The tough machines were improved learning at school and the designed to be an addition and to some extent surrounding community [13]. The laptops replace battered text books and traditional made it easier for the teachers to give teaching. The school was given around 300 of assignments and notes so the children could the low-cost laptops along with a satellite learn faster. The machines were not only used internet link (VSAT), a power generator and at school but also at home where they children solar panels. The idea was to see if the taught their parents to use the laptop as well. machines would survive the ultimate test: Just like in Uruguay, both teachers and the children [13][14]. "We wanted to bring the children were given trainings on how to use the laptops to an environment where the kids XO laptops and also in the curriculum would drop it, put it in water and do everything surrounding it [14]. The laptops were used to you wouldn't want to do to a normal laptop," augment the text books and black boards rather explained Ayo Kusamotu, a lawyer and than replace them and it became a success. volunteer with OLPC Nigeria, which is an independent group set-up to support OLPC in Nigeria [14]. The hardware trial ran for five 3.3. Case Study 3: Solomon Islands months. "We've actually learned a lot from that trial - really simple things that are almost Trials started at Batuna, Patukae and Sombiro mundane but important" explained Walter in Solomon Islands, in July 2008. In March 4

2009 three trials schools were given 300 Educational Resources (OER), an approach laptops. In April 2010 the Solomon Star News which he says is suitable for boosting the [11] reported that the One Laptop per Child learning systems of poor and disadvantaged project made positive impact on the children. communities across the Pacific. "This can The information was taken from the Ministry work wherever there is a demand for quality of Education and Human Resources education that reinforces vernacular languages Development where the evaluation indicated and local content [12]." that the impact of the OLPC programme was “very positive” [11]. As a grade 3 student at Sombiro Primary school in Marovo puts it: “I 4. OLPC PROJECT’S INADEQUATE use the laptop to help me learn more things” SUCCESS (Ilia) [1][11]. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) was In the previous section we discussed three commissioned by the ministry to undertake an countries where the OLPC project was evaluation of the OLPC trial in three schools in successful. However, in other parts of the Marovo Lagoon. Solomon Islands was the first world the project seemed to have missed its country which designed an evaluation mark as we will show in the next three case framework for the OLPC in the Pacific Region. studies. An evaluation was considered very important in order to take well informed decisions about 4.1. Case Study 4: Peru expansion of the project, the approach, its sustainability and the financial and technical Peru is enjoying an economic boom, but has support. The key objectives of the framework one of Latin America's worst education relate to raising awareness about the project systems. Flush with mining revenues, the and assessing impact in a range of areas [11]. previous government embraced the XO laptop initiative. It spent US$225 million to supply In 2005, Norwegian Professor Edvard Hviding and support 850,000 basic XO laptops to published an unprecedented work: Reef and schools throughout the country. But Peruvians' Rainforest: An Environmental Encyclopedia of test scores remain dismal. According to the the Marovo Lagoon. First arriving in Marovo education ministry’s report, only 13% of in 1986, Hviding who is a dedicated seven-year-olds were at the required level in pedagogue made sure that his work was not maths and only 30% in reading [16]. only available in the indigenous Marovo language, but that it aligned with the national Peru's distribution of more than 850,000 XO curriculum, and came complete with teachers' laptops to children across the country easily guides and lesson plans. Now the XO laptops ranks as one of the world's most ambitious in the region are being used to bring a new efforts to use digital technology in the fight dimension to this incredible resource. Solomon against poverty. However, almost six years Islands Government is working with UNESCO into the program there are still serious doubts to enable the kids of Marovo to use their XO about whether the largest single deployment in laptops to access and update the encyclopaedia the One Laptop Per Child initiative was worth via a wiki platform [1, 12]. the more than US$225 million that Peru's government spent [15]. The issue is not with The project is unique in its approach in the the laptops. Instead it was about the mal- Pacific, making an exceptional resource not prepared rural teachers who were often unable just available to remote rural schools but also to gage, much less teach with the machines open to their contributions via the XO laptop along with software bugs not getting fixed and and the Wiki, accessed through VSAT internet most could not be connected to the internet. access. "The project demonstrates how Many could not take the computers home as technology can be used in poor rural the initiative intended. And some schools even communities to foster and protect indigenous lacked electricity to keep them running [15]. knowledge as a living and dynamic resource Basically, the laptops were delivered but the owned by the communities themselves," says teacher were neither trained nor prepared to ICT for education expert, David Leeming, who use the laptops in their curriculum. is managing the project [12]. Mr Leeming cites the project as an effective use of Open 5

A study from the Inter-American Development Secretary Sudeep Banerjee said: "We cannot Bank spent 15 months examining the use of visualise a situation for decades when we can OLPC computers in 319 Peruvian schools that go beyond the pilot stage. We need classrooms received the XO laptops, and found that Peru’s and teachers more urgently than fancy tools. substantial investment in the OLPC program [18]" Banerjee said if money were available it has dramatically improved students’ access to would be better spent on existing education computers. The study found just 0.12 laptops plans. Banerjee told the Hindu: "We do not per student in schools outside the OLPC think that the idea of Prof. Negroponte is program and within the OLPC program the mature enough to be taken seriously at this ratio was 1.18 computers per child [17]. The stage and no major country is presently study also found indications that the laptops following this. Even inside America, there is improved students’ skills. Being part of the not much enthusiasm about this. [18]" OLPC program advanced verbal fluency and cognitive skills to five to six months ahead of India is a good example that shows that even the students outside the program. Nonetheless, though something is technically marvellous the study was sharply critical of Peru’s OLPC does not imply that it is appropriate for a project as a whole, finding no evidence the specific purpose or under special program increased learning in math or circumstances. The XO laptops are language, and concluding “there is little solid inappropriate for India as it would be a mistake evidence regarding the effectiveness of this for India to spend its limited public funds program [17].” available for education in buying the XO laptops. Currently, the school-going cohort is According to Duncan [17], the factor that may around 200 million going strong. India has have dampened the possible impact of the around a million schools, a few thousand OLPC program on Peru’s school systems was colleges and universities. Over 90 percent of teachers’ proficiency with the systems. The children drop out of school by the 12th grade. teachers should have received 40 hours of Public spending in education is in the low OLPC training, but that barely made a dent in single-digit percentages [19]. A depressingly schools where teachers may never have set large percentage of schools are so cash- hands on a computer themselves, or be strapped that they do not even have a responsible for simultaneously teaching blackboard. The most important fact is that children of all ages. In many locations, India’s financial resource constrained. India children were not allowed to take the laptops cannot afford the XO laptops for roughly 100 home (OLPC strongly recommends each million children who cannot afford to buy a student have an individual laptop), and in some laptop, regardless of whether it costs $400 (a cases parents or others tried to sell children’s well-equipped Dell) or $100 (the XO) [18, 19]. laptops Internet access which was also a major Giving the XO laptops to only a fraction of the issue. Less than one percent of schools children in such a huge population would be a examined in the Inter-American Development disaster in terms of privileging some at the Bank study had Internet access. Meanwhile, in expense of the others. It may bridge the much upper grades and areas with Internet access, talked about 'digital divide' for some but leave the laptops were mostly used for social the rest worse off because they will not get purposes, including games and Facebook, even what little they were getting before. It is rather than academics [17]. like feeding some cake and starving the rest, instead of distributing plain bread to all [19]. 4.2. Case Study 5: India Finally, India has its own low cost laptop Aakash which cost $35 and is subsidised by On one hand the XO laptops were appropriate the government [20]. Hence, if India wishes to for certain countries around the world as distribute low cost laptops to the school discussed in section 3 but for other countries children they would take the Aakash laptops this was not the case. India is such an example. and not the XO laptops. In 2006 India decided against getting involved in Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop per Child project. The Indian Ministry of Education dismissed the laptop as "pedagogically suspect" [18]. Education 6

4.3. Case Study 6: Ethiopia Report from an OLPC critic working in the Ethiopian government mentions that the OLPC Reports in 2009 [21] showed that the XO will ultimately hamper the development of laptops were seen as a toy, not a tool that Ethiopia [25]. To some extent we agree with would play an important role in the children’s this report. Ethiopia is one of the poorest education. Teachers did not like them enough countries in the world in which most schools and banned them from the classroom and lack basic sanitation and textbooks. The GDP 1 parents discouraged their use at home, thinking per capita in Ethiopia is about $470 meaning the laptops were taking away from study time. that even a $100 laptop would not be The Ethiopian school system is designed affordable to anyone. OLPC proposed to give a around rote memorization where the teacher highly expensive piece of equipment to a copies material to the board and students write country in which the majority of the population it down in notebooks. If the students do not are subsistence farmers. In addition to the memorize to pass the national exam, they will teachers not accepting the laptop in the not progress in the Ethiopian educational classrooms, concerns regarding security (the system, no matter their abilities with E-toys or laptop being stolen or children attacked on the Browse. Even though they might be smarter in way to school), the lack of skills and a Western sense, relative to their own culture, equipment to fix the laptops and the extent to they will be failures. [21]. which the technology will be used also makes the deployment of the laptops in Ethiopia The Ethiopian education model is very teacher- questionable. As mentioned in the critic’s centric. Teachers should have all the report the Ethiopian “children have more knowledge, and students, by cultural definition pressing needs such as whether they are going are there to listen, not to question, and will not to be able to go to school at all and if they will be as smart as teachers until they have passed have enough food to eat. The scarce resources the national exam [21]. Additionally, XO that the Ethiopian Government and the donors laptops were added this rigid system without have at their disposal should be channelled extensive teacher training or tight integration towards these pressing needs and not OLPC. into the national curriculum [21]. So as the [25]”. students progressed past the teachers in computing acumen, the teachers quickly felt threatened by this technology, and unable to 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION control it, felt undermined by it, especially in (Sonika and Ilia) the classroom [21][22]. Students began to explore the machines’ capabilities, In this paper we looked into three countries undermining the teachers’ lessons. This where the OLPC project is considered as tendency painted the laptops in a very negative successful and also at three countries where the light for parents and teachers, who saw the project was not as successful as the others. machines as more of toys than study Different factors contributed to the success or facilitators, although this may be in part due to failure of the project. As a recap, One Laptop the introduction of educational technology to a per Child was a good idea that was proposed society more acclimated to traditional teaching by Nicholas Negroponte in 2005. It was a methods [22]. Although the laptops do provide noble and ambitious idea. OLPC aimed to children with the chance to improve their e- build an inexpensive laptop that would be sold literacy in a country largely devoid of to governments in the developing world and technology, these advances will go largely made available in turn to the children in those unnoticed by academic evaluations because the countries via their respective ministries of national exam tests students on their ability to education. But as we found from the six case memorize the information presented in class. studies in this paper, such a project is easier Beyond the obvious flaws of the OLPC said than done. Over the course of the past program’s deployment plan, Ethiopia seven years, the OLPC has fussed with demonstrates how societal problems can hardware and software specs, finally building a compound the project’s essential problems

[22]. 1 Data taken form World Bank: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP .CD/countries/ET?display=graph 7 laptop that costs $200 which was twice that of everyone to just pick it up, understand it, use it, the originally promised price [23]. hack it, and prosper does not work. Teachers need training to be able to use and integrate the However, what needs to be taken into account technology in their curriculum [23]. is the fact that a large portion of the developing world has experienced its own mobile The OLPC project is a very western computing revolution. This means that there technological solution. We agree that the are a number of manufacturers who are OLPC represents a desire to support literacy, working on low-cost devices for the market in connectivity and learning through the developing countries. For example, the technology. But it does those things in a world Classmates PC has similar hardware, but of ubiquitous cell phones, which on their own more expensive software than its XO laptop. have not transformed the education either [23]. Another example would be the Worldreader The OLPC tries to be non-invasive but even project which delivers villages a library full of then it ended up not getting support from the e-books via Kindles. Lastly, there is the teachers and children. Ethiopia is such an Aakash tablet which was sold in India for $35. example. But that does not necessarily make the project a failure. The measurements of On the other hand, not only does OLPC face success done by for example the World Bank competition from the low cost tablets and could be considered political and not but also from the cell phone industry. necessarily pedagogical. These scores show us Nearly 95% [23] of the world’s population less about the global reach or potential of owns a cell phone. Agreed that a cell phone is technology, and more about the dominant no comparison to the XO laptops but the narratives of the U.S. education system by ubiquity of the cell phones makes it clear that asking questions like “what counts” as learning the value proposition of the OLPC device which in the US system is nothing other than needs to be more than just "access" and the standardized tests [23]. So it is unfair to "connectivity” [23]. The mission of the OLPC evaluate the OLPC in the same way because it project was: goes completely against the mission of the project. “[To] aim to provide each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected At the same time the project does need to laptop. To this end, we have designed improve on its deployment plan. Firstly, hardware, content and software for OLPC’s stated mission was “to ensure that all collaborative, joyful, and self-empowered school-aged children in the developing world learning. With access to this type of tool, are able to engage effectively with their own children are engaged in their own education, personal laptop that is networked to the world, and learn, share, and create together. They so that they, their families and their become connected to each other, to the world communities can openly learn and learn about and to a brighter future.”[1][2][23] learning [1].” But as our case studies with Peru and Ethiopia showed, more laptops per child The mission statement does not mention does not mean more progress. Also, the anything about improving standardized test assumptions of the project that infrastructure scores or student achievement, yet most of the and educational systems would be comparable critics measured the success of the project everywhere all at once does not work at all. A exactly through those two aspects. The success given technology does not lead to the same should have been evaluated through the outcome, no matter where it is introduced, how passion for learning and the ability to learn it is introduced, or when as shown in figure 2 how to learn for the children and not their test in the appendix. As Cohen [24] mentioned, scores. This is considered as one of the “the outcomes, on this impoverished view of limitations of our paper. It was very the relationship between technology and challenging to find literature that evaluated the society, are predetermined by the physical project without the test scores or student technology which also assumes that what one achievements. Standardized test scores in math means by “technology” is only the physical and in language do not reflect "the ability to hunk of material sitting there, as opposed to learn how to learn." Lastly, training the including its constitutive organizational, teachers is always an issue. Just parachuting values, and knowledge elements [24]”. The technology in to a classroom and expect 8

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Figure 2: Different Values and Meaning of XO Laptops in Different Cultures [24]