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BEUF0ED & SON, BRUF0RD & SON, R Watchmakers, Watclimukers, JEWELLERS ^SILVERSMITHS JEWELLERS & SILVERSMITHS -IMITED BEST VALUE. BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repairs by Expert Men. Repairs by Expert Men. % 100, Termiriue-rd., FASHIONABLE VISITORS’ RECORD AND GUIDE. 100, Term irius-rd., Eastbourne LAGE. And at BZ11U. - And at EXETKB. EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, No 3,165. T e l e p h o n e s 3 5 0 , E a b t b o u r n e . Regitured at o u & p . o . a* a newspaper. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 . PRICE ONE PENNY. S ep arate' tents. ASTBOURN E c o l l e g e . EASTBOURNE E H E LADIES’ COLL SCHOOL OP COMMERCE, MARY H . COOPER, A r t is t ic C o u r t D r r s s m a k s r . President / T THE DUKE OF DEVGNSHIRB. GBARP1NGTON ROAD. KA-'TBOUUNb*. louses» a £ £ L - 11, -road. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, » i ’ Head JUST RECEIVED. Latest Creations in FETB and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prioes M aster/ Principal: M I-8 HITCHCOCK. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING The REV. P. s'. IN 15 LESSONS. “WILLIAMS, M. A Pupils prepared, If desired, for the VTeUmi'.iai>. Junior, ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. I TWO TRUCK LOADS Senior and Higher Cambridge Loeal hiKuminatilcnB, iUsO W. H. ROBERTS, D iplomatbd T eacher for Matriculation, Loudon University, and for bhe The School Is a FIRST-G (Awarded Gold and Silver Medals). Telephone TCS,^ B SCHOOL for the Son* Examination hv the AF«o.-tated Uoird of tho Royal of Gentlemen. S P L E N D ID _ Academy of MuhIo and i -oyal College of Muslo ROAD, Boys are prepared for bhe tJnlvendttiK the Army, Navy Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving afol M en riL L S ID E , ST, A N N E ’S 6, LI8MORK ROAD, 8TB0URNE. and Civil Services, I'rofe.salons and Commercial Life. School may join Advanced Cla-.-a- In CnfiUsh literature EASTBOURNE. NEW (MODERN) GAS COOKERS and History, Frenoh, Gemuin, ■ • ! ...d idaihema'.Ice. Preparatory School for Boys. There are special Army slnd Navy Clauses. For Prospectus and Information as to recent Successes, FOR Hockey, Net-ball and Tounis Cluoa. application should be nto the R ead U astxb. A FBiW BOARD L iu ARE RSCEIVED . to bo prepared for the Pnblio Schools and Physical Dkili Is compilaory for the whole School. FREE. d ic k e r & 1 (Next Tbkm begins on Saturday, M ay 6tti. ' arrangements for Day Pupils and the Sons of co. t jrarsasw HIRE-PURCHASE CUSTOMERS I The Prlucipal will be at ho;aoto*ee Parents on Tuesday, H acres of Playing Field In QMdredge Park. Thursday and Friday, May 2nd, ith aud 5th, 2 30 to 4.30, HIGH - CLASS [PROVISION MERCHANT^ & GRtfCERS, p LOVELLY- EPPLESTONE, SPLENDID IDEA: and on Wednesday, May 3rd, 10 to H.I.. o b o b o u g h SCHOOL, ^ STAVBLHY ROAD, EADS, EASTBOURNE. R UPPER AVENUE. B BOURNE. - OPPOSITE TOWN KALE, EASTBOURNE. Telephoi ie No. 118. a RKKNCROFT-ELLUSMBRS, fP. B. GILB1 IT, B.A. (Lond.), BUY YOUR OWN COOKER! l, 8PKNOKR ROAD **** i D. G. GILB ttT, (Lond. Univ.). Softool for Girls (PreL Ito rf alnd Finishing). (Late of 82, The Avenoe). ((P e n e s , s p i r i t s a n d m i n e r a l w a t e r s . Private Softool /o r B oys. Mrs. F. H, Browne ant Mias Tait-Keid, B.A., Home School for the Daugnlers o/ Gentlemen. i Premises with S acree of ground. Chemloal and idenb W^ffof Trained K ISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodtoua Old SlenliYet Whiskey, 4/- & 4/6 per bottle, fin e Old Tawney Port, 36/- & 42/- per dozen. E a stb o u r n e EASIEST I premises and Is prepared to receive an Increased ...... ad ForelgD Teaohere, number of DAILY PUPILS. and Cambridge Looals. many othis,VPAM IB, totv the UM G as -rf TEEMS Fees Moderate and Inclusive. Telephone No. 68. NEW JAMS, BOTTLED FRUITS, Ac. Lady \ 'HUngdoc, r-Hos ; the Her. C om p an y. POSSIBLE. A SMALL CLASS FOK THE CHILDREN S a S Oiovden, ] —.ttonn s OoUeee '■ . ' ' ’ | OF GKNTLKi'KGPLS ONLY GEORGE'S SCHOOL (UPPKRTON), and Mis. OrowdeL, _ D„ F.B.C B., H E W S i a,and Mrs]" Is held at 3, GRANGE ROAD. b b o n r a a * S*- ■ ,R»a,LRl'- ffy .ftnji FOB BOY8 INTENDED FOR BUS1NE8S LIFE. Robert*, O. ‘ .. XP, M.K.O.P., L.B.O.P* Examination.Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary F. HoUfau^Bg., and Mrs. 3 ifl- 7-Rer.DJ and Mrs. I Corsbursh, Tbs Bnhleets of Instruction lnolnde those tanght at the Bar. Mrs. J» _ i, W. J! d Merry, E i«„ M.Ii., Beginners are received. ai PsbUo Seooudary Schools and In addition, special end Mn, -----On. and Mrs. On, the E bt, Urline attention U paid to Commercial Subjeota sued Modern B A K E R & SONS’ end M n,__ 1he Ber.Fl 1 William*, M A. (Head Master References from Parents of Pupils. M. of BaetboanM Apply. Miss £, Clk„t!ieB. For Prospectus apply Hbad Mastxb. M A R S H A L L a n d DUNBAR MACHINE MADE BREAD. RANVILLE HOUSE, GAUDICK tOAD, (Proprietors: MARSHALL AND SON), A f DME. EM ilLIE PKTRELL1, R.A.M. ....FAGKMENT ; rUNIOIPAL SCHOOL OF ART MEADS, EAjSTBOURNK. cook and would . L (Tbohnioal Institute, Ubove-boad). G (Of 1/Ondon) i Chronicle “ R esidential, P k epa Ratort a Nd F in i4 HINQ (Late pnpll of Signor Raudoggerl Gir l s' CLEEICAL, NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILORS, Prima Donna Opera and Prieeipal Conoerts, DAT and EVENING CLASSES on held in all DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY, a ’ School. Branches of Art, Including Classes in Metal Work, Principals—MRS. O. H. dk la MOTHK and ' In School HIDING HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. I RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS lr. SINGING 1 ; pood needle- _ Wood Carving and Leather Work. MRS. NELSON FOLEY. B.So (Lo ad.) late 1 and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method). A , “ Chronicle * ^ Visitors oan join for short periods. of* *■the TLadli * i’ College, Cheltenham. Telephone 995. Established 1893. It and 81, O huroh-street; 15, Pevem sey-road and 176, Seaside. Assisted by a well-qualified Staff. CRAIG-Y-DON, 9. DUKE’S DRIVE, HASlBOURNE, W ltel; qnlok MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Also at Messrs. Clift's. Glldredgu road, and House beautifully situat. in its own Groundk Good HIGH CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. Messrs. Hermitage & Sous, Terinluus-road FOR GIRLS Tel. 109, Tennis Courts and Pla; Field. Recreation and Gymnasium Room (SO ft, (Uppkbton-boad). :). HOSIERS AND SHIETMAKERS. DANCING AND CALI .TUENICS. FORKING FORE Special Advantages for M ie.—AiK)ly. by MUNI£d>AL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL o and Modern Languages, Under Royal Patronage. r, Lewee. FOR BOY8 Prospectus and refi enoes, on appUcatloi Address : 111 & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. I S S ELEANOR RATCLIFFS, i Amanuensis or Institute, Grove-road), Flannel* Washed in Rain Water, fo r the etorage o f which large underground Concrete Tanke have been ponetrueted. M iferenceft-—'Write.. 10 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH. and full particulars of these Sohools oan SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, from THEi Se c r e t a r y , Education Corn- S • 80UTH Has RESUMED HER CLAS3K3 at the GRAND Rail, Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE ’RBET. h o t e l , Sa t u r d a y , 2.15. BOYS ABE TAKEN FRC THE A|GE OF EIGHT. Fanoy Deincing, 4.30. Juvouiles, 11 o’olook. . F ees £8 i Annui (TELEPHONE 105). 170,3 In famUr, S lA/f R. A. E. 8TYLER, 1, Silverdalb-road. C O . , L i m i t e d At DEVONSHIRE PARK, WEDNESDAY, 145. e parlourmaids, ATI Medalist of Society of Arts. Long experience SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY Many Choral Schola [IPS, some of whloh —■maids, £3036; as County Modern Language Instructor and Examiner. the whole at of the Feet. Baby Classes Wednesday and Friday, 1L15. 1 Bet weenmaids. Training for Ee. MARK MARTIN & SONS Special Class for Girls, 15 to 20 years, Wednesday, SPANISH, FRENCH, and ESPERANTO, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. FOR Bm ubh, Latin, Italian and Busman, For Prospectus and .tion apply 6 o’clock. taught by up-to-date method. THE an Adult Class for Officers, t heir ftiendB and Eastbourne Every oonvenienoe is provided for ensuring the Highest Class of Work for Families, Lodging REALLY HIGH-CLASS WORK I Resident--, Friday Evening, 8.30. Private Lessons or small Classes. Sohools visited. J Houses, or Hotels. > IE R S. OB donne des boons d’anglals aux Grangers. DJ Special Classes for Operatic Tochaiqne are hold dally by T y riS S BALLS, |L.L.A. Miss Maitland, Pupil of Maj.amb 7 ‘irBUTTA. ______There is now a great boom in Spanish. SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. l i 1, SPENCER ROAD. Building, Decorating, Electric Lighting, Hot Water Apply—ALLAN DALE, COOMBK ROAD. CROYDON, Letter! should be addressed “ M n Hell, Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne, Successful in Examination \ Work. i F OOTBALL, HOCKEY, OOLF, Ac. COACHES BACKWARD PUPILS OR TAKES and Sanitary Work. HYSICAL EDUCATION for D e l ic a t h R . N. COLLINS’ SPORTS SHOP, SPECIAL SUBJECTS |WITH STUDENTS in Children at their own HOMES (any part of F&mlUte at Schools. PEngland), including Dancing, Graceful Deportment, A. SOUTH STREETt (Near 1 Town Hall), Walking and Exercises. Hiqhbst RSfkmw KASTBOl)URNE. Telephone No 335. A Lady, with twenty years’ experience in the Court ______I 0.0-1*1-82. CHARLES BREACH, _ . —------long 1 T Ckicfes* Ooaeh Bsstioams Ooilsse, 1BS54AS. Society, will forward long List of Patronesses I to < MISS M. ORAH AM SCHOFIELD, I and Terms upon application. I Ra c d t i Rn-8tbuns and Rnpasued. DlylQmde, Paris Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. 227, “ Chronicle” Office, South-street.______OETZMANN (1st Oertiflcat Wines, CASH ADVANCED PROMPTLY Gives LESSONS in PRACTICAL DRESSCUTTING West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matloek-road, Meads. | A £ ISS MENA HLAWXOJVHudson •, VCert. Voo. T.o.t.f and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING Mem. L8.M., _ _ .“offlSS APPLY to the Oldest Resident Lender, ----- & CO., L t d ., ------and M1LLIN I — Apply. (Meat ESTIMATES GIVEN TOR GENERAL SOUSE REPAIRS. RECEIVES PUPILS for SING ING, VOICE CULTURE Miss Schofield has had li years' experience with private and PIANOFORTE PLAYING in London and East­ JjflBS A. JEWELL, pupils and In olaes Dg in nchools.! ohed Cottage*. Nr. TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, Wj. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. bourne. L WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. Blouse Patterns a Speciality. Ladies’ Choib. Choir Training given by arrangement. Grinstead. Telegrams I “ OKTZMANN LONDON.” Telephone: MUSEUM “ ONE," Preparation for Musical F.xamlna ions. Many suocesse* _____ rand znein a, o o RNFIE L D TERRA] 0 E . i conveyance and BAST REPAYMENTS. FOR it is better to deal with and honours. , Kart Grinstead ACTUAL LENDER than with Agents or Financial ’Phone 9x. Batlmatea Free. Communications should be addressed to -road. East Grin- ,i- ! Companies. ___ ISS L IZ Z IE . BARTHOLOMEW MILLER A SELMES, MISS MINA HUDSON, I ■. ‘ r M (Certificated Pianist Trinity Oolege, London, Willoughby Hou&a, Station-parade. JOT. - Foe PR O M P T CASH A D V A N C E S . Certificated Senior R.A.M. ahd B.UM )l ^ Builders. i SOLD In “A BOOK OK FUmSHING” Gives Lessons a Decorators. Plum bers. Patronised by Royalty. Uent raU- '•a £ 1 0 upirarde. PIANOFORTE, THEO'BY AM) PARMGNY. -■ GRATIS AND POST FREE. Pupils BUocoBafuU^propared. fOMOU Examinations. Every Description of Building and Bouse Repairs done at Moderate Charges. London A Provinces Discount Company, Ltd'., £ « £ THE GYMNASIA 8pecial attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. and School of P hysical Education, 19, Lansdoume-road, Croydon. “ ARMADALF," 31 LAspVK AD, or Clift's medium), East- MuhIo Silojra, Fas ne. YORK ROAD, Eastbournk (near Town Hall), Tel SIT. 1 £50; fixtures and , Privacy. Easy Teams and Straightforward Auctioneer, Fls«V ■ Office and W orks: 75, TIDE8WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS (TeL 1287), Dealing. Also at BEXHILL. £5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY r a w i n g a n d PAINTIN CLASSES. bed VILLA, CHEAPER LOANS. RAILWAY STATION IN OR W A L E 8." >i two floors oaly ; BUSSIS MAIMARGARET BE NBC: 1 Miss MONEY. E stablished 1879. WARDROBES. Beatrioetoe MaleMalcolm and Mr. tOLDS £10 to any Amount. LIFEI CLASHESOLASt at THE ,______ju Gymna | good locality; few BATH ROAD MONEY. Cash Advances promptly made to Farmers, (next to SB, UROVE RGADj. W . T. ' LA M B & SON, w a r d r o b es. Exercises and Swedish Mai , nndor the direotion of Honrsire dally 10—4 and on sand Thursdays 7.48 Miss F. G. Charleswortl G.T.L, M.N.S.P.E. *8HOP with n o n Daiiymen and all responsible Applicants. ■9.46p.Ipm. r hairdresser, Olaseee for ahlldreo. Special i amenta made with dpal Agents, an Strictest P rivacy Assured. schools* FnU particulars on app Pawnbrokers, Jewellers and General Salesmen, a. OHATFIELD & SON, 06.______® WEST KND DAIRY. No Fee Charged. 40, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. G _ 3M8 TO LET; Advances Completed on Day o r Application. J^RAWING AND PAINTING] Cowkeepera and Dairy Farmers, .. ■ APARTMENTS % Personal Attention given. No Sureties required. M m KATHLEEN SHAW, Cert. Booiety, AC.T,, Cert. South Cenringtoi i moderate^—IL, Apply by Letter, in Confidence, to WE’VE DONE IT!! Academy, Medallist, GIVKf Painting either Privately or1* Jngof two l MESSRS. M BARNARD & CO., Cash Advance m every description of Property. Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Wardrobes Purchased for Prompt Cash and Dairies. Fft-resp - I —and every article of Furniture in our Home cornea from PETEK'S. . • I Farm Spots l I Dairies: « w e ; in a 44, Langnky-road, Eastbourne. PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. Hampden Park. IS, Cornfield-terrace and ental £90 a] Maiw»w attenda poaonally erery Thnnday, 11 am. to 5 pm. ' i'< best awards in dth schools in __ | Telephone 483. 49, Church-street, »TiiiTinnyn 1880. Furniture to last many lifetimes o m .-43. East Dean-road, Eastbourne. £ 3 to £1,000 ^ 7 j~)R A W IN G a n d PAINTINis LESSONS, —to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing to the eye, and of comfort to the body, THE KEST AND FULLEST GLIDE BOOK C H E A L S ’ Unfurnished; . DVANCED Promptly and Privately upon l f .Kit , &c.; rent, £80.— MISS MARGARET RIGG (Cert. Board of Einration), is " ■! ■ A Note of Hand alone. To Farmers. Tradesmen, to retain itB newness to the last, to always proclaim that none bat the best materials were Aset. Teacher Kattbonrne Municipal School of Art, FOB FIRST-CLASS Boarding House Proprietors, Clerks and Householders 1900-1916, ie now devoting he -eelf entirely to PRIVATE LKT, STANLEY mnamllv. Terms arranged to suit Borrower's! oonve- used in its manufacture, and only the most-skilled labour executed it, and withal to TEACHING, qcuoota Vibitkd. 6 ' i Mr. Bottom]ey‘a NO FEFBL all Transactions Strictly CHAMBERS’ GUIDE TO EASTBOURNE, O r n a m e n t a l t r e e s * , dining room, Or write J. BUTTERS ft CO. offer you a Day and Evening Cl isste iii.pwjn Stadia) V Cavendish - avenus (formerly Outdoor Sketching Classes. Prospeotns on application. PR0EU8RLT ILLUSTRATED, H n S L l mrae-street, Eastbourne (private 82. WILLINGDON “ ROAD, EASTBOURNE. BOSES, a. 1373, Saving of 3/- in every £1 spent. Z AND CONTAINING A MASS OF INTERESTING LOCAL INFORMATION. I RECEIVED In ISS ELSIE S. ft. REED, Ce: cated X^TO 4?^ —ARTHUR G. WHITEMAN, . ■ vj r • / , Advanced Grade A* ooiated Board K. and Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, &c. ,UUU W. Ship Street, Bmohton, MR.C.M. Piano and Organ (Hohonr*), late Deputy m makee Advanoes daily on simple Note of Hand to Gall and ramble through our Entire Store. All visita are fires from importunity!! Price ONE SHILLING, in Pictorial Cover. nms ____’.—For partion- Tradesmen, Farmers. Professional Gentlemen, Apart­ i ybbourne * K « * * " .**-«** No. 13, 8L John’s- ment House Keepers, fte. Note our Terms: £10 Premia- ___meatit a* Ac AeoraShtisA1 GIVES LE&SO.VS In ro- N U B 8 BBIES 113 A0BE8. FORTE------and j ORGAN Oi Ptiviwni’LA YI.V. InIn. n A ONY This Book will be found ol great advantage to the Trade oi Eastbourne when used as a book oi and THEOL amnged if desired. Existing lmans and Advanoes on Students prepared for the vai Ions Mi BtramlhafcloziB. reierenoe. The desire oi the Publishers was to make this NEW EDITION CATALOGUES TREE. Furniture (without removal' paid off and rfsarranged at m r rates. Advanoes also on Life Policies, Leases, 4, Kilbuhn Tkbrace (3 minutes i Station), l Lease.—For rent allklnda of seourity. Write, Call, or PETERS & SONS, Eabtbcurwk. POPULAR IN EVERY WAY. ft Ca., Estate J. OHEAL & SONS, Ltd„ i . IBS B. NOAKES, i In Harmony 1M . and Counterpoint iSenlorL — Booiated Board Tel. 1078. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, of______the R A.M. andd R.O,K.O.M.), a n LESSONS on the THE NUB8ER1ES OBAWLEY. , Ash- PIANOFORTE andat ‘ Amen: an 0 . and In Harmony Copies may be obtained oi the Publishers, Messrs. F abnoombe & Co., Limited, at the and CoontorpolnA' —For Ten is ap r 8, Oalverley-road. i beautiful neigh- ■WAKEFIELD & AVAED, “CHRONICLE” OFFICE, SOUTH STREET, EA8TBOURNB. Carpenters : Plumbers i 6 to 10, and 24 to 27, Kensington Gardens, Brighton HOTOHKUS ft 80jt » be appreciated; ordars to view ngineers, mill' EIGHTS, AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. i. Auctioneers, The Glaziers : Paperhangers Fiva minutea’ walk from Central Station. Trama atop at Comer. ^ E PATTERN MASi [ n SPECIAL PREPAID BATES. BLACKSMITHS AND «({)I M And Rep.li ors of all kin 1h of M luery WE GLOBE at ONE o’clock on SATURDAY, W A N T S o f a l l k i n d s , Te l .: P.O., 818. National, 880x. Steam, Gas f t Water Bngi tea, Lifts,&c> a rticles fo r BAUft ; litabto► tor a s h f o r d r 6a u , e a s t ; U R N a tree.. ______Engineering W orksi at Rear, PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING*. SERVANTS WANTED or SITUATIONS R B Q U ir.m L—Apply. 5, Little HOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET, ** LET ’EM ALL COME." QOKE. Are Advertised In tho whole of a-r-Torrys, 18, Maxes thb Hottest |F; Faracombe :& Co.’s Newspapers ( dolphin soap Nevkb Blocks thb (Ltd.) H cations ler For- Mixed with a Little Coal M. At One Charge, vts. withs, and will ba Lather! i m i t e d csirousof letting- Hae been AT THE FRONT and NEVER RUNS AWAY. It’s BRITISH to the Diniso ahd Deawimo FARNCOMBE & CO., L , 1 Insertion ... (not over 20 Word*) On* Shilling 3 Inskbtions...... Two Shillings and Six pence bath: gas- cooker;. P ar Chaldron, D klivBUKD -U. Victoria-place, P E R 3 £ d . BAR. 7 Inskbtionb ..I...... F ive Shillings „ !, Meaii8..j...•« Longer AdfertlMawntf at ProporUanate Datac , SALE,cheap; also. P., “ Chronicle” P br Sack, 1/1 ; Meads General Printers, Lithographers and Publishers, If Booked the usual rates will be charged. All such aouoaaoemeots appear onoe la the following i _ Lewes- - B. BROWN ft SON. The above Prices are subject o A Iteration without Notice. . _/5; Meads, £80 ; Eastbourne Chronicle -Edga* Horn and. Q-IYE U8 A CALL and inspeot our New Stock of MOTOR CYCLES add EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL AND ARTISTIC PRINTING News Eastbourne Q-as m p a n y . - Very attm otir* { ACCESSORIES. Dayton Two-Stroke, £21; O K Two-Speed, £80; B.S.N.’a from AT MODERATE OHARQE8. j Independent ed, hath. 3 sitting; 48,WILLIMD0N ROAD, Kastbourne £48. 10b. ; Royal Enfield Combination, £84. i ft Chaitres,Eaiit-..T f - East Grinstead Observer PERSONAL ATTENTION OIVEN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, TRADE SUPPLIED. -> Sussex and Surrey Courier . ROOMS TO. LBy TO ALL ORDERS. THE NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES STAMPED IN ANY COLOUR IN THE LATEST L—Apply, a^Sonth- it, CEANBOUKKK STBBBT, BEIOHTON. Thou. «74* *■ I ARTISTIC STYLES.- | Horsham Times TUB EASTBOURNE AND DISTRICT | Thereby securing, at a very email cost, an amount at irnrnifihed HOUSKa. i l l p o s t in g a n d advertising ‘EASTBOURNE CRR PNIQ LE” bliolty throughout tho important district of East quiremenls.—Kililnk B COMPANY, limited.]/ Memorial Cards in New and Elegant Design* ' Sussex, among the most influential inhabitants, e tP. . w . H. Wt FELLOWS. - H O M £ B HERRING, IS THE | ‘Unequalled by any Other Local Medium. five bedrooms baths. , Ofllee-T. HTTHANH ROAD______I ip v • ’r ': l ■' i .] ' ; ' ■ • opviUur ^ I Telephone 5907, ^ d . Cornfield-road. i ORGANS, ' EXPERT MILLINER. Best Local Medium for Advertisements Show Cards and Labels Designed and Printed. Visiting Cards from Type or Copper Plates. 'P IANOFORTES, AMERICA Orders should be sent direct to Fakk* ■ € ft Co., Ltd. HARMONIUMS AND •:'\r- r ; fi " •] L; Head Offices, or left with Author d Agents, I MOURNING a S p e c ia l it y . L a test F as HIONS. ' L Prepaid at the above Low tee. fSi.ffS&.'SKi B y th e B eet Maker*, on the L ow est for Sal*. OF EVERY D: RIP: TON. ENGRAVING DONE BY ALL THE NEW PROCESSES. 't Davie*. B ite and on th e Three Y ears’ LYON * HALL, Warwick Etansion, 3 and 4, HEW ROAD, BBIQHTON (do- to Tbeatre Royil). dss F u nd.—T h e A KING’S HOAD, BRIGHTON. Ball Programmes, Menu Cards, Wedding Cards and Invitations to Dinner, Musical and , a farther sum of i sent to a ll parte the Oountm, Special R a le s fo r dvertisementa > for the peruumeeb nitutrated Catalogues Free by Port. Evening Parties, tastefully executed. ^ R U S T I C MEMORIAL 1 and permanently n T V W Y 8 o f W a n ted 4 nt, Articles ~ t ” Home ah | R 8 TMONOEUX CASTLE1 U K JL. XM R KSjf HH A p a r t ftc. A number of the Newest-and Ghoioeit Designs ia —'oeeh®®?? a E s t a t e P l a n s L ithographed s y E x p e r i e n c e d D r a u g h t s m e n . Band each bed ' . H18TORICAL 1 T £ £ L > t i v r s k e t c h ! » , 30, KUftKB B0AD, BR1GHT0H. Branch k Workshop^: 9«, Western Head, Hovei rOLDED MEMORIAL CARDS aia now included la lit has been given. OPTICIANS m Pattern Book. INTERESTING am>°PlOTURESQUB OASTLB 1 M A M ^ F A O TUBING Printed and P ibliabed at the FARNCOMBE A CO., Ltd., Pbtntebs, . _cCo,, til r, fta.fto. Presentation Addresses Illuminated in the Highest Style ol A rt. 7 at their C By the Rev. E. B. Ckakb, IfcA. | raMIjK3S s P B O ^ S J e S a M a S^olalite^Sy^^w un^m d EYie^AsaEs from 3/6. Ohronlole" Works. Sonth-nbreet, Eastbourne. RIMLESS ; TnuBoppie,; ‘4 Chronicle ” W o rk i 8outli-slreet, °00>th»bnMlog»**lt jpjited. No_ .0 QhargeCharge forfot Sight ____ ;ovn: Honrs, ■ T~vIRECTION LABELS of all kinds manu- Pride. Sixpijno*. Po. > n n : Micboboopw, fte. S ttd .o v e r l ftM .IM ., o till7; SetonUy*,9tUlLWL MaH*bothShopmX* EVERY SATURDAY. > ■ .< t( Chronicle ” Printing W orks, South-street, E&stboume J i^;to^A*gwotL, suuui-etreet, ^uwumo. j . I fiASTBOUBETB HBON1CLE, SATURDAY, MAY 6 1916

Oonnoillor H uggett read a letter from the Trades and Labour Council withdrawing its representatives DAYLIGHT SAVING MOVEMENT, from the committee. I The M ayor said the resignations could not be accepted To the E ditor. M oni ay.— Before the •nan 0.' O'Brien until the letter was delivered in the proper way. I. S i r : I see by the papers that the question of “ Day­ Councillor H cogktt : I contend they have a right to Ha: ding), in the cha r, Sir Alfred Dent. K.O.M.G., Ms,lUff or Jl.H. AP. • *'AUilliC. Molinet x;Aj Councillor\JUU.JJU1UUI 0 W. it • AJUlLUCl Bolton, Col. light Saving ” is to be considered seriously in Parliament. withdraw their names, and they are withdrawn what­ Tbo idea is very good, but surely the method of attain­ ever you may say. A. ). Mein, Mr. R. )jj Ellis and Mi. Claude 11 i ing it is very clumsy. Councillor B reach again raised the question of It would be really chess legislation, for our so-called Ookijj OVS DIAL WRIST including a representative of the Master Builders’ I MISSING DISCS. T H E ALL-STEEL BICYCLE Pay*: working classes do get up earlier in the summer than in' need*] Association, and proposed the appointment of Mr. T. William Wise, of C higwoll1, was hi 1 for a winter ; it is only- the professional and leisuiieil classes Ride it to you, GUARANTEED FOR EVER Prices from 6 so p.y a Vehicles Ordoi 21st. H. Bainbridge. bread i of the Lights oi who require a special Act to cheat them into getting a “point" and Fitted with Dunlop Tyres and E7 10 1 . Utsnv Councillor Avard: The association will meet this ___P.C.______Jackson,______, stated_l hat he saw the i _ with a little more sunshine into their lives, who want their Ntreat NICKEL: 21 evening, and the better course will be to ask them to motor ear which had ik regulation____ din the 1 amps. powder disguised in jam, poor things V back again. Sturmey-Archer TreCoaster. to £|6; 16s. n . w d nominate a representative. Defendant said he was hotIt aware of th< regulations, but Even for them, would not.a short Act of Parliament S e n d a Pott Card for tkc interesting "Book of the Raleigh." Bt Ghoi The proposition was not seconded, ! and had bee i authorising the Bank of England to open their doors an Parish i Councillor Chapman : I should like to propose Coun­ ywise lie would have been home beforehour earlier i from April or May to Septeiuls.-r bring E astbourre .. . . Beeney & Co , Junction-road 8 a m S IL V E R : £ 2 cillor Avard. Def mdant Baid he bad been ill for 11 " m about the desired result? At any rate, it w- uld save H a i l s h a m .. A . F. Smith, 8 , High-street. and aei The Mayor pointed out that any fresh name must be he bad not been able to find out abou’ the country insisting upon a lie. “‘D A PPL E .” by way of substitute for somebody already chosen. Ho had only just arrived in the town. RALEIGH CYCLE CO.J LTD., NOTTINGHAM, H olt 3 TIME SEEN Councillor Huggett handed in a letter containing the A fine of os. was imposed. 1st aid resignations of the Trades and Labour Council repre­ “ l i g h It ” o a s e s . eventr sentatives. -d- ; I ] REV. R. G. GILLIE’S DREAM U; aft Assembly R oom. The Magistrates dealt with the folio' under on 4th A letter was read from Mr. R. Goulburn Lovell M nit R O IV 100> TERMINUS r o a d applying for a reduction in the fee for the use of the NATIONAL INSURANCE Paints W. BEUFOKD & Assembly Room for a meeting of the Eastbourne PROBLEMS OF RECONSTRUC Vfecm 5 HASTBOVBNE, and at BXHTBB. Economy League. Resolved—That half the usual fee Rev. I be charged. PAYMENTS FOR MEDICAL BENEFIT. TION. Br.SjAV and 1 Councillor P rior, referring to the above paragraph, 0.46 a said he failed to see why the Economy League should A t a meeting of the Eastbourne Insuranee Committee, with Devonshire Park had worked most satisfactorily NEW WORLDS FOR OLD. be treated differently from any ordinary society! hiring held on the 27th ult., Alderman E. D uke (the chairman) COUNCIL and that the band was very efficient the Assembly Room. There was not, he said, much proposed tile adoption of the Medical Benefit Sub­ i Alderman W right spoke'of the conductor of the economy from the Town Counoil point of view, in committee's report. Calling attention to the fact that (Bt IIeniry ,1. Stone): ■ band (Mr. U . Giacomo) as a man who had “ his head in letting the hall at half prioe. If anything an Economy the'final payment to doctors in respect of the year 1914 | his work,” and in connection with the Devonshire Park The war may end as unexpectedly as it began. Thera YOUNG* CHILDREN AND SCHOOL. League ought to pay more. They appeared to have had now been arranged, he said the delay had been SOnffl ' scheme, said it combined economy with efficiency. met for tea and chat chiefly, and he strongly objeoted mainly due to the large number of men who had left to must yet be much sacrifice and no-one dare prophesy, and 8 Councillor Carter suggested that the evening band to the proposed concession. take part ill the war. The committee hoped that the but with the present acute pressure on all fronts, the A olu 1 performances on the front should commence earlier than Alderman D uke said during the period of the war friendly societies would do all they could to send in as suddon collapse of the vuat conflict comes within the LABOUR and WAR m previous years owing to the lighting restrictions. leotures, meetings and concerts had been held there for soon as possible the names of those members who loft to Councillor P rior said the evening performances would bounds of possibility-. Signs that this- possibility is various objeots arising out of the war, and the com­ According to P.O. Frost there was, at 910 p.m., a join the Colours. COMMITTEE. oommence on 5th June. mittee had agreed to charge half fee on condition that Dr. M uir Smith seconded. quietly but surely taking! shape in many forward-look­ Some disoussion took place relative to the flooding of bright! reflection thrown! across the yard, this being the parties ooncerned showed that the sums collects caused by a light in a room occupied mi the defendant. ■Councillor P rior observed that £4,2tX) was paid to ing minds in the country are not far to seek. Evidence the allotment gardens, and the Clmboian of the Com­ went to the objeots concerned. As regards ibis pal the doctors last year. That was a gojatiu sum. accumulates daily of the growing realisation that there mittee read a letter from the Lerolff Commissioners, The Venetian blinds wero drawn, but tjbe light showed OF LAND TRANSFER. tioular league, they made an application for the reduj through. The Chairman said the amount w ^ ^ B lIy £5,408. is a world to rebuild as| well as a war to win. The who alleged that the mischief had been aocentuated by tion, and as the committee had worked very hard i T. M uir Smith pointed out that^(fll4 the diet or?, blessed word reconstruction is in tho air. the breaking of a dam, whiob they Bhrewdly suspeotea Defendant said he went to bed early and was wc ke up the interests of public economy and were doing god by the constable. Hie thought there must have Injun a e paid in respect of 2,000. fewer insured persons. The hope upon which this mental change is built may had been done by one of the allotment holders. They work in trying to promote economy locally, it was fe] JHi) found that the sum lie received averaged Is. lOd. per Tbi i monthlj meeting of the Council was held at the pointed out that anyone doing such damage was liable mistake, as he only burnt a candle when he went to bed. COL CLAUDE LQWTHER, M.P or may not be justified, iud the last phase of the war they ought to be put in the same category as tho .other] Miss Anfiie Jewell, tho ocoupier of the house, said consultation or visit in 19115 or Is: 8d. in 1914. may be long or short. One thing is jwrfectly dear to xowi| H all on Monday, when there were present:— to a heavy penalty. The application was for one particular occasion onlj Councillor Prior : I am referring to 1915. v Tho Mayor said there was no evidence that any the defendant had not been out of the pitting room tho or COMPULSION. all those who are in a position to form a just estimate of riUUm nittee foriconaideration. widow annuitants and 29 fatherless children. The sub­ Alderman D uke said the committee had no feeling scriptions from these members hist year amounted to Ou uncillor Rkabsox : Have you received a letter agaiust the resolution, but they felt the time of ti e There are up and down the country a large number of £5.774, tho revenue from capital and other sources was local societies, men’s meetings, brotherhoods, Women rani g a less stringent examination of milk ? Government was taken up by the war, and that r o Long days: One hundred and forty three £2,509, including £09 f.Qin honorary members and T1 e Town good could come of pushing the matter at the present They braved their slow-approaching doom, Suffrage branches, Co - ojierative Guilds, &e., still Cdunoillor donors, a total of £8,343. The expenditure includes struggling to hold their Organisation together under in : If you had I should vote juncture. While Fngjaud held her breath and thought forlannuities) funeral allowances and payments to those . Councillor P earson said they bad a Housing Com­ Or GoruOn and lvluirtoum ! great difficulties. In many cases these societies have pensation the Council \ would have to acoept their resinned, .£3.729, and wor king expenses £151, a xotul of adapted themselves to the tcmporaiy new conditions decision unless they preferred to have litigation. If, mittee, but nothing could be done until the war wi ts Ah ! the “ just too little—just too late” £t|/BJ7, showitig a loss on the j ear of £534. j TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL. over. brought about by tbe war, and their members have however, they held there wore equitable grounds only That damn-, u.s on every hand, been doing excellent emergency work in connection ■ was read from the above relative to the the matter would come before the Council again. AldermaniSiMMONS said a former legal member of the Till all Britain's power and wealth of the War Pensions Committee. Com- with soldiers’ olubs and canteens, Belgian refugee Councillor P earson : I shall stand against it. Could not rescue that gallant band. hostels, hospital work, &c., but few have yet attempted made that tbe Trades and Labour Council The motion was carried. PUBLIC LIBRARIES nlf proportion of representation. I 1 1 transaction by having a Government stamp affixed i ,o They’d no fear of outnumbering Turk, to adjust themselves to the more permanent conditions No thought of surrender to Hun of these new day a or to prepare for those changes tian of the matter was deferred until tbe WATCH COMMITTEE. the agreement. It could not,i be was afraid, be mac e The following nmitcee’s report came up. While a ration remained for the men. recent book additions liav» been which must inevitably take place after the war. Wbatj Councillor Bolton moved the adoption of this com­ quite so simple. At the same time the legal chargi is exhibited in the dhow case during the past week, and ys said he thought it would be found that were quite out of proportion to the value of tie Or a charge for’the rifle and gifn. an influx of new and vigorous life there would be in mittee’s proceedings. I will be in issue on Monday morning next :— many of these societies if they did but realise that in •ests were represented by one-fifthr of the Councillor B radford seconded the motion, which property transferred. H e should certainly support tl e They could, of course, just “ wait and see ” members. amendment. spite of the unexampled dangers and difficulties of thesa was carried. Through time ami eternity, hut times they are da’ i of great human movements, and BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. Councillor Bolton urged that the step recommended fowards the Pier. Witness noticed that the rear Grim famine, alas ! would not w ait; 1 FINANCE AND GENERAL .PURPOSES was inopportune. It was one tiring to approve thetl therefore days of [olden opportunity for those who |v A derman Sharp moved and Councillor ^Avard number was partly obscured by a youth who was Our soldiers were starring at Kut. labour for human- betterment. ___In this______sense__ it_____ is a seconded tbe passing of a plan for certain building COMMITTEE. principle of the suggested legislation, but the Warrinj sitting on the back of the machine. Witness stopped ton resolution asked them to join in asking tho Loc All that courage could do had been done rivilege to have lived through this crisis in world wor! i at the G and H o tel—Carried. W ar P enstons Committee. him and he said he had no lioense. The other youth To fight further were folly and sin ; Health,” Dlus.; 1891. iatory, but a privilege which carries with it a respon­ Ccmncillor Breach then moved and Councillor Chap- Government Board to receive a deputation, and tha said it was his machine. E F inance Committee’s R ecommendation A pproved. So, yielding to Fate, not to foe, Sop. Chisfiolm. (Veil arid Dudley W. Walton. “ The sibility for both individuals and societies which should MAN seconded, the adoption of the report of tbe oom- A fine of 5s. was imposed. Townshend blew ' his guns and gave in ! Jill- incss Girls Handbook, with a Foreword, by Saruh call forth their" best efforts in preparation for the m ittee generally. _ The Finance Committee minutes stated that the Harold Hildebrand, of Royal-parade, was summoned Bernha'dt"; a.d. future. A derman K eay, referring to the question of allowing ointment of When, later, we fly flags and cheer Written specially to meet the noftds of those for a similar offence on April 18tli. desiring to understand business routine. tbe ipper part of N os.1 and 2, Trinity-buildings, to be the following as the Naval and Military 'ar Pensions The case had been adjourned from the previous Friday For this or that vialory, then Committee;— Forget not,.I pray y ou, a flag and a cheer 783.9* Wcbbe, Hamuol. “ Psalmody.” A complete This involves something more than a-passive loyalty occupied as dwelling-house, said he presumed the to enable the defendant’s employer fro n a local garage to the wisdom of our loaders. The best schemes of com nittee would take into consideration the fact that Representing the Council.—Tho Mayor (Alderman For Townshaud and his men. > collection of tunes for tho church or chapel, adapted or K. Charles. composed and harmonised for four yoicos, with a reconstruction will fail if they are cot • backed; by a Harding, J.P., Mr. F. W. Allcock, Sir Frederick separate aceetnpauimeut for tho oigennr pianofoite; strong and intelligent public opinion. It is in helping Benson, Councillor Carter, Mr. W. A. Cheetbam, to build lip this opinion thift the numerous local labour, Alderman Duke, J.P ., the Hon. Mrs. Rupert GWynne, 1S^19,10.' “ Gainsborough, Thomas.” by Arthur B. Chamber- lain!; port®.: illus.; n d. oo-operative and other adult educational organisations 929.'. “ Hutton, Catherine." Reminiscences of a gentle­ may, if they will do such valuable werkat the present in i A of the doittmittee they had better wait until a full A HEAVY LOAD, woman of tho last century, being letters of; edited by moment. The problems jare vast, but if attacked her cousin. Sirs. Catherine Huttou Beale; port.: 1891. systematically are within the powers of hundreds of ape rt was presented. In the report the whole matter Frederick Cooley,ley, of Hampden Park was summoned rou d be exp ained. local societies. During the summer months certain for removing hogwash during prohibited hours on April NUAL MEETING o f “ G members, or groups of members, might undertake to A1 ierman Keay : I am content if this is borne in 20th. [HABITATION. 912.35. Ward. O. S. "North Devon and North. Corn­ collect such information as they can on the various P.C. Morris said he Saw Cooley drivin g a steam motor departments ef-reconstruction—natiqpa], imperial and Oc uncillor Breach : We are fully aware of the point wall, from: Kxmoor to the Land’s End "; maps; plans. open van containing about 3J tons of hogwash 942.38. Ward, Lock & • Co.’s “ New Pictorial and international., Small study groups might be formed to len ioned. ] ] , at 5.55 i. m. Defendant told him it v as taken off the ; The annual meeting of the “ Gundrada” Habitation Descriptive Guide to Cleveland, Portishead. Weston- tabulate and summarise the information collected under T l e committee’s report was then adopted. rail anl was being taken to Rodmill. supdr-Mareaudother Brktol Channel WateringjPlaces"; each heading and prepare a paper or papers on the Defendant, who did! not appear, was ined 5s. of the Primrose LeaguB took place at the Conservative Illus. ;.maps; n.d. EDUCATION REPORT. Room, High-street, Lt wes, on Monday. Major W. W. subject for the autumn meetings of the soaiety. If .4. 8ymonds, W. S. “Malvern Chase,an Episode each department were so treated tbe society would be The ( Iase of Children U nder F ive. To keep a Lawn in good condition at this time OBSTRUCTION BY MOTOR C a!r S. G rantham (Ruling Councillor) presided, and there e Wars of the Rosesandtho Battle of lewkesbury”; of the year is to mow It twieffa week. This were also present Mis i C. F. Rigden (hon. secretary), S; 190k in a position to discuss intelligently the wholb subject lderman immon uggestion Montague Fenton, df Sutton, Surrey was summoned; during tbe antnmn and winter sessions, and finally to A S ^ S . means your mower will require grinding occa­ Mrs. Lucas, Miss Luc as, Mrs. Foulerton, Mrs. H. J. Of apecinl Interest to those about to travel Co mcillor J. Duke moved And Councillor R ussell for obstructing the Glrand-parade with a motor car on Bartlett, Mrs. C. S. I food, Miss Harvey Smith, Miss ; throughWoiocstershire,HerefordshireandGlouces- build up a reasoned case for future reforms. Valuable sionally. This branch I have specialised and April 23rd. Stanley L. Fellows, of Aayfair, London, tershire. information on imperial and international problems oan scoi ded the ridoption of the above committee’s report solicit your trial order. A. Trower, Miss H. Davey, Miss Whiteman, Mr. H. J. was summoned for a similar offence. Hillman, Mr. H. W. Jephson and Mr. H. L. Bostock. 9tf2.4i Ward, Lock & Co.’s “ New Pictorial and Des­ be obtained from the pamphlets published by the Mr. W. T. James appeared on behalf of Fenton and criptive Guide to Malvern and District, including Wor­ Council for the Study of International. Relations (1, Mr. H. H. Coles represented Fellows. L osses. cester, Droitwich, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Central BuBdings, London, S.W.), and on national 2a, 80TTTH-ST. P.O. W hiting said the cars were standing at the top Before commencing tbe business, Major G rantham Evesham, Hereford, &c. ; maps; plans; illus.; n.d. W.BAUKSHALL 942Hi. Black's Guide to the County of Gloucester”; problems from the Workers’ Educational Association labour were also appointed. PIOKFORDS of Victoria-place for lij hours. _ referred in feeling terms to the death of Lady Aubrey, illusl; maps. (14, Red Ldna-square, Holborn, London, W.C.). had approved the selection. Although not nominees of —Lawn Mower Expert.— BUILDINGS. P.S. Dann said the cars were standing narrowest Fletcher, who was Dame President of the Habitation 942:514 Moncrieff. A. R. Hope (editor). “ Black’s Gnido the Trades and Labour Council/ Mr. Stripe, Mr. part of the Grand-parade, and he to] constable for a number of years, and who, he said, was a sincere to BUxton ” ; maps; illus.; 1901. Allcock, Councillor Carter and Councillor Wood were that if they were there for more than arter of an friend of a great many Lewes people. She attended 942.51. Moncrieff, A. R. Hope (editor). “ Biaek’sGuide __ , ______, ___ , maps; all more or less direct representatives of local labour. hour he wus to report the matter. meetings in tho town frequently, and sometimes repre­ to Derbyshire, with Sherwood Forest"; illus. MAKE YCUKj OWN LEMONADE Neither solicitor had any evidence t sented Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher when he was unable 190s4. 942.51. Ward. Lock &'Co. “ A Pictorial and Des­ c a Ions, cool drink mado instantly with defendant was fined £1. to attend. She was beloved of many, and was a lady criptive Guide to Buxton, Dovedale aud the Peak who did a great deal of good work. Another loss- District, with Excursions to Chatswortlv Haddon Hall, HAWKING ON THE PARADE. kGLASS ILEMON sustained was through the death of Mrs. Rigden, who Cafttjletoo," & c., illus.; "'___ maps; n.d. and plain or aerated Phoebe Hutchings, of Tower-street, was su rendered service to the cause for many years; and yet a 945.57.______Allden,, "2.Edward___ l C. “ Oxford Guide, with Key- J| water. . for hawking on the parade on April 23r 1. third lady removed from their midst by death was Mrs. Plan of the University and C it;...... Ulus. ; 1893. Frank Verrall, Who was an active helper in all.good 944114. Wall. J. Charles. 'he Monastic__.... Church of ^ H0 ADDED SUGAR n ltd visited every school in the area, and it was his P.S. Dann stated that he saw the defendatit Lesw-ugham ” (N. Riding of Yorkshire);'-'-Ai 1894 on the pavement at Royal-parade with a h works, and whose sudden death was’ deeply deplored; (Uf ; 1 Onf/iVioB; D nKt TavIam 44 D ft in hlao on NECESSARY. aim that the various orders inflicted upon the ______“ Rambles and Scrambles X / J a t f r l d u ation A ithority by the -Board of Education hod carnations. A soldier and a ladyly cross'crossed id thethi i The Habitation bad also lost Mrs. Cronin, who had: in.N 1897. ossly unjust to labour interests. The relations ______ourt of 4 hou: gipne to Ireland, and Miss Pym Browning, who bad. li ed a vei y large and unnecessary expenditure, and F iction. itween the Government and labour at the present some flowers removed from Lewes to Blackneath. \ ■ 11 hat too many children of tender years were sent to The jubilee of the Houses of Rest for Christian ’e. “ Prince Rupert the Buccaneer." s ihools h stead of being kept in the nursery or the time were particularly cordial, this being due to the I A fine or 5s. was imposed. E lection of Officers,. fact that the Government, in everything affecting tbq Workers is being .celebrated in the present year. . “ The Lieutenant and Others.” ih e. In t le near future there would be a number of “ HELPLESSLY DR.UKK.” .Theoffioorswereelectedasfollows: Ruling.Councillor, The Wheat Princess.” ie i who bad been doing splendid work in connection present crisis, hnd consulted the representatives of I Founded in London in 18G6, by the late Miss Charlotte Albert Owen, of Eastbourne, was ohe rged Major W. W. Grantham j hon. secretary, Miss |C, F. h the w«i released from that work. They would- labour. In the matter of local War Pensions Com- I Mason, to afford a temporary home for various workeis mittees the Statutory Committee had been at special drunk and incapable in Lushington-roa i on A Kigden hon. treasurer, Mr. H. W. Jephson; hon. ■e; go bad : to tbe idle life of pleasure which existed and missionaries, the local institution is carried on s t P.C. Jarman said Ihe sawvthe defendant, or i the war, and they would be only too pleased to pains to conciliate labour by providing that it should have a proper proportion of representation. No. 14, Burlington-place, and with the object of mean­ helplessly drunk, lying on the comer of the rc *et the genuine Keating’s Powder. -e something found for them to do. Before any assistance witness got hiiri on to a truok and to ei siona school premises were entertained the The Mayor (interposing) asked what Councillor ing expenses the annual sale of work took place o l SEND YOUR SOUDIEJFl BOY A TIN. Huggett was endeavouring to show? Tuesday and Wednesday, when numerous articles were the police station, Defeddant’s face was out We are ooming ! We are coming ! it oil oog it to know the number of all children had fallen down. siding sqhool under the age of six ypars, and the Councillor H uggktt : That you are not carrying out offered at stalls presided over by friends of the institu­ For the chance is ours at last. SEND YOUR SOliDIER ,BOY A TIN. tion. The Magistrates inflicted a fine of 7a. We will make Old England’s story oi imodanon in the schools. the suggestions of the Statutory Committee. 1 The Mayor : In what way ? Like her heroes of tne past. SEND YOUR SOliDIER BOY A T*N. Jo incillori D uke said there was not at present any The Rev. G. P. B assett K erry presided at tbL Councillor H uggett : You will learn as I go on. They have called us and we follow It kills ipoeal to ncresse tbe accommodation. The birth-rate opening ceremony on the first day and, in the course of It kills a decreasing, and that might account for the large The Mayor ; But I want to know what is yonr ! some remarks, said he was present in a three-fold As they have shown the way. It kills nl er of v leant places in the schools. However, the point? capacity—as one of the trustees of the Houses, as We’ll rest not till the day is- won, Councillor H uggett :j That will come afterwards. Vicar of the parish, and as Chaplain to the institution. That great and glorious day ! g E E T L E S , B ugs, F leas & B ody Y ib m in , My point, of course, is that the Trades and Labour He regretted he had not visited the House as often ^s We are coming in our millions sell pointed Council are not getting .their proper share of repre­ B E E T L E S , B ugs, F leas & B ody V ermin in the school he should have done, but he had a great deal more woijk To stem the German tide} sentation. 1 7 '. R E E T L E 8 , B ugs, F leas & B ody V erm in. )uke: 922. - than he could possibly get through in the parish, anld We are coming, we are coming, . the number of chili The M ayor said the answer to that was that the as he bad been without regular help this winter it hap For the right is on oar side. Sold only iu Tins, 3d.. 8d , & la. each. Statutory Committee had approved of the way in which I been impossible for him to do what he otherwise would the Corporation bad choeen their different repre­ have done. Proceeding, he spoke appreciatively of thp W e come from many a busy town, r had been under the impression t sentatives. The scheme and the list of members had From cottage and from ball; arger number, and his opinion wag t From dale and down,from field and forge n were more liable -to take infecti been submitted and they had been approved. Councillor H uggett: They were not altogether To meet our country’s call. pread them than older ohildren. ■ Ui From north and south, from east and west, however, he (Dr. .Willoughby) did satisfied; I will prove that. Continuing, the speaker said the official instructions made no reference to the ■ An eager mighty band, weaaary at present to make any chat The sons of England cross the seas until you are really ill before resorting to committee received for theee children' eleotion of any labour members apart from the Trades and Labour Council or tbe Trades Unions. The Council To serve their motherland. treatment, immediate attention should ey could ill afford to lose. There wi had not acted upon the terms of the circular, whioh always be rven to minor ailments lest town, and that worked out^t a cos reformatory school until >6 reaches th i age tr and We are coming in our millions i did not think it was expressly laid it down hbw and by whom members were stated To stem the German tide ; they lead to more serious trouble. A he voluntary system, to be chosen. H e (Councillorillor Huggett) was not opposed Cross W e are coming, we are ooming, bilious headache—a tendency to constipa­ cation of not continuing to the men whom the Corporationirporation hhad a d ohoeen;_____ , _____ he had_ . he war For the right is on our side. tion—a feeling of discomfort after eating— no antagonism to ai them. Although one of them a sensation of drowsiness during working of infants r five emanated from a i large The world’s great war for freedom mdom I t was virtually Councillor Carter) ___jntly repudiated labour, they hour a—impaired appetite—theee are all Committee in cnew___ whioh ou way woj- irisI sympathies lay. H e (Councillor Is in our hands to-day, symptoms that two of the most important did not think it at all Huggett) maintained, however, that the Town Counoil W hile we guard our England’s honour,. organs in the body—the stomach and the would, in the event of Between me and the peril stands For her summons we obey. It with bv other means, had no right to accept as labour representatives any who My guardian and my Prqxy, liver—are not working satisfactorily. The were not ohosen by bodies representing organised* Ready to strike, gdod with his hi ,nds ; We hasten to tbe battlefield right remedy to 1 heard of a crSche oost- And Forwafo ! is our cry; labour, because by so dcring they had robbed organised Obeying to the death oommands, i, and j, was that these babies Undaunted still in hope and trust labour of the one-fifth of the members to which it was Save rusted orthodoxy. rid from his association with the local branch ] af the it rooms and there given We march to Victory ! to their feeble capacity entitled. [ H e has but crumpled khaki olotl es, oldiers and Sailors Families’ Association he knej v that - TAKE ______j staff as substitutes for The M ayor said tlfo Council could not have acted And lights his way! with lurid oa ;hs. le Lewes Victoria Hospital had been a great 1ielp to We are coming in our raillious. irregularly,iguiany, or ur thevuo Statutoryoui Committe would not have ie wives and families of soldiers who were away i Brving To stem tne German tide ; war. He believed a considerable approved their choice. Tommy the name he answers be: it, whenevox there is.the slightest suspicion sted by this action. The question leir country, i ■ , 1 We are coming, we are coining, that all is not well with the organs of Lon do Councillor H uggett If often rude or surly For the right is on our side. s them that day, but if it should He carries England on his breas ; It was decided to give a donation of five guii digestion, is Beeoham’a P ilia—that well- aveu to restriot us to one i ich of the following causes: The Lewes \ Christopher H are. I'm* urge these oonmcleratioas strongly mittee sent that back And hard as steel, though stoutl r prest, known trustworthy preparation whioh ha* H e loves the hurlyjburly. [oepital; the fund for wounded Sussex me: , had such enormcraa success in the treat­ least. The Trades an<; 'unstan’s Hostel for Blind Soldiers; and the Roe lamp- f to the tune of' “ John Brown’s Body,” tl 5 said they had no evidenoe, so far speaker) made a strong The empire’s honour is his own, grea b marching tune of the Amerioan War.] ment of. digestive disorders. Those who i Board of Education approved of With bloody bayonet proved am knowi have tried this remedy—and they now praotioe hitherto pursued, number a great multitude—are entirely proved. open, and the formal proceedingsrthen closed. The Frenchman and the Russia! fight satisfied that, for correcting ailments of Grandly in muddy mazes, SPRING-TIME. tbe stomach and the liver, there is nothing FED WITHOUT DISCUSSION. On the second day the sale was opened by 1 And break the Hups to coward i dght j Usiojr But it is Tommy’s chief delight, e Electricity and Street Lighting Sweet o’er the woodland ways i by Alderman Simmons, seconded EYE SPECIALIST EXTEND! Are floating dnloet lays: LABOUR COUNCIL Small flautists pipe in clearest note BEEGHAM’S H I S V IS IT . And from von azure heights remote lodge in Sussex, and tbe society oonld not, therefore, GUARDI:a n s. Descends the blithesome singing P ulsford. i send a delegate to the Trades and Labour Council. He Of raptur’d lark a-winging 1 PILLS. adopted,ui»m, there thi 1 sat ip the Council Chamber as a representative of all Those who applied too late this week for a consul ta- ■ m—in i in connection with one of them. olassee in the ward, although his sympathies were with At a meeting of the Eastbourne' He jests and laughs when others ;ion are requested to note this extension of his stay, and W ith whisp’ring8 soft, the trees the class he belonged to. Council the following reeolntion was In danger he is splendid. to come and see MR. .J. AILION again early next Are greeting eveiy breeze. PTJ ASURE GROUN Councillor. Breach thought it a pity' the Master :the Eastbourne Trades and labour ( 0 in the battle sbaide or shook, iveek. V And in their virgin leafy charm P r e pa r ed only by ‘ The P arade Builders’ Association Was not directly represented on 1 lean against him !as a rock. Whether or riot you have already taken to glasses, Yield fresh delight, while choicest balm amazement and indignation the urn The scented air is bearing ( tinno Uor P rior, in propt the oommittee. j He is a stiff as'SusBex olay THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helena, Lane. ■the above committee’s The1 Mayor said it was too late tq increase the size of And as the stone of iron, unusual op And Spring’s glad reign declaring -cothmittoe had decide the committee. The soheme was approved at the last A watcher keen by night and ds idvice regar eyes. If you heed glasses he. will The merry, Bmiling earth Sold sverywhere In boxes, monthly meeting, and then was the time to move the The roughest blows to him are i tell you so but it remains for you to say ToIs mroftt.Vi’iiwreath’d in vorrmlvernal mirt.Vl.mirth, availal without inclusion of a master builders’ representative. Though hell arid flames environ. iVe them or not. His coi suiting For shady oopee and sunny lea Councillor Fox said he strongly sympathised with He meets the buffet of the hour Alike display a beauteous glee, the trade unionists, bat he honestly did not think victims. Further we are of the And wears it lightly like a flowt r. Cornfield-boad, E astbourne, And all begemm’d are voicing i CAN BELY ON 2“® Sft'gS Councillor Huggett had made oat a good case. They premises oould have been acquit ire open free to! all comers between the hours of 10 a.m. Fair Nature’s gay rejoicing ! approved by responsible had the happiness and He loves his girl arid drinilring c ij In sitter Sex, for all Acquired With Bulphurolas vows and swea n till 1 and 2 till 8 p.m. Whatever your eye trouble may H umbt. if it had not at neart. Apart from the dani entailed But high he holds our glory up; oe, whether long standing or just beginning, call and see removal, the cost of a long raili ourney a A — A 1 4 i-L. 1 V«,I Ln Tirmilrl min MR. J. AILION and get his advice fre t o f charge. prevented tbat visitation iof their And with the De C L A R K E ’S whioh is a source of comfort and c To win at least f< A C l e v h r D o u b l e .—S h e : 0 1 think women Btxty Penny Stamps 1 poor. W e are of opinion that For he is racy of U nknow n Giv e r o f JBIO,000.—A n anonym ous arefar cleverer than men.” H e: “ How do you make Proprietors—'The IiIkooi B 4 1 P I L L S , And in his fashion worships Got L a w—TL . - l~l .....ill an Dm should immediately take place rift of £10,000 has been made to the funds of the Welsh that out?” She; ‘‘Well, justt take ourselves, for (Fno from occurences in the future,” Methodist Forward Movement. example,” JBASTBOUBKE CHKONIQLE, SATUBDAY MAY 6, 1916. rl;r

|.t i rtrn CTTCC P V U n T T P A T ! 1 iW I Women's Argicultural Committee inquiring as to the own parish. They sent £2ii 5s. 3d. to the Bishop of ! ClAol DliuOlllA rilfU vA l IV/Ja J possibility of ihe Education Committee n i taking a SEWHAVKN VESTIIV MEETING Chichester's Diocesan Fund. Whilb the amount raised] j DEVONSHIRE PARK. fretful ]Mtient of a grave attack of the love fever, and PUCES OF WORSHIP. grant towards the, cost of training women for farm was satisfactory in itself he was not satisfied with the and in so doing manages to contract the malady him- work. It was resolved that the Secretary be directed way in which it was raised. At the present time the i n _ (8r. ttundsy ssrhoes: Hnly COM MITT EK. to reply that the sub-committee will gladly consider T H E SU NDAY EVE> INC SERVICE. great bulk of their income came Irum collections, and ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. ollv«™ -?wTil;nbe TP ? number of London's favourite i - T and 8 am. every Hunlijr and at 18.16 any specific cases arising in the administrative recently, owing to abnormal times their collections The concerts of the orcM t.s continue to be attended ; R ights (who to I'd Sundays: Matins. 11 a-ttu county, each case to be dealt With on its me its upon showed a considerable increase. But theyjoould not, ofl with all desirable musical success, Mr. Norfolk Me: 'lie, litany tie 2nd and 4th thuidays; H LEWES SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR information furnished by the East Sussex (Vomen’s SUGGESTED ALTERAT ON IN THE TIME course, exjpect that to oontmue. They were reminded the experienced conductor,! being signally favoured in suited to bis exhilarating style), Mr. Stanley Logan, i’s se-rloe, 8pm; menV Agricultural Committee. 1 of this matter by a circular issued recently in connection the material at his isposaL At last Saturday night’s Mr. A. \ . loose Mr. Albert Sims, Mr. Charles Daly, t i p m., alternatem. n1 h« with St. Mienjers, GIRLS. '■ Cultivation of Osiers and Basket H akiig.—The Mr. Frank G. Bavly, Miss Kathleen Vincent, Mi» evensong and_ o-rmnn, s 8u p.ia.__ w j » with the Diocesan Fund, which pointed out that it was popular oonoert, thevprogramme was on the customary Dons L> tton, Miss A era Cunningham, Miss Fay Oosnmnitlcn, Haiti at 7 46 a m , also Wt Bub-oommittee considered a report by the Horticul­ The annual! Veetrv Meeting for Newhaven was jheld unsound finance to rely too much upon church collec- varied and interesting lines, the instrumental portion 1 lays: tural Expert (Mr. W. Goaring) on the suitability or Compton (who ho$ been one of the most conspicuous am. Offer servioes: Dally. 10 and at the Old Institute, South-roal, on Monday evening. irea for church and being supplemented by some admirable vocalisation on attractions of doiloie the Croud at the Empire Theatre), I 80 p.ou; Saints’ Days also 8 pm : I^idavs. U JO am., A STUDENT’S SUCCESS. otherwise for basket making of the osiers Erom the ' view. It was much the part of Miss Gertrude Blomficld, who was especially Utanr »n

Established 188 !. T elephone 78 . Estajbl.'sihd 187S. LTD. J. 0. TOWNIE ft BROMLEY, AKDEN & C O ., H. W. HA8&ING8 & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. t&W . BENNETT AUCTIONEERS, > EASTBOURNE, DEVONSHIRE PARK o u s e a n d e s t a t e a g e n t s , HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Clerical, Haval, Military and Ladles’ Tailors, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. ►z b e -m t . HAGENTS. FOE ALT PRINCIPAL PROPERTIES. SURVEYORS. VALUERS. j j V ' Manager and Secretary Kdgar Allan Brown. Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Offices . . - 10, CORNFIELD ROAD. B6, Tftrwdmw-roftd, ISaatboAine. Telephone: No. a Surveys & Valuations for Mortgage] Probate,&c. Telephone E:istbonrno 1234. Rents Collected. Mortgages Arranged. Telegrams Oakdens. Eastbourne. THIS DAY (SATURDAY), PROMENADE COSTUMES AND RIDING HABITS A SPECIALITY. Insurances Kffcc’ed. Devonshire Park Orchestra. THE AUCTION MART, 57, TERMINUS ROAD 5, CHATSWORTH GARDENS, EASTBOURNE. 32 PERFORM BBS. Ail Garments Made on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. KAHTBOURNK. ______O A K D EN & CO. M usical D irector: CINEMATOGRAPH. N o r f o l k m o o n s . THE UCTION MART. Have received instructions from the Executors of the VARIED PROGRAMME. late John Parker to Sell by Public Auction, upon 57, T E R M IN U ROAD, EASTBOURNE. ^ I ESTABLISHED 1880, the Premises as above, on WED.NErDAY, 17th May. Special Attraction— J . 0 . T O W K B ft BROMLEY 1916, the C ONCE RTS: td Will Sell by Publi c Auction, on the I Premises, as o u s e h o l d c o n t e n t s , including AFTERNOON TEA CONCERTS Easter Sports at Devonshire Park. R. FRANCIS A SONS, L ., above, on TH UR3DAY, 18th May, 1916, all brasB and brass-mounted French and Italian by the OUSEHOLD FURNITURE Hbedsteads, five bedroom suites iu ash, walnut wood and DEVONSHIRE PARK STRING ORCHESTRA, THE EASTBOURNE CEMETERY MASONS other woods, toilet ware, nearly new carpets (including 4 to 5.30, on H AND EFFECTS. Turkey, Indian and Axminster). drawing room Suita iu Week commencing Monday, May 8th. Twice Daily Monumental Soulptors and Engravers. Further Particulars later. Mo n d a y , We d n e s d a y akd F r i d a y . Genoa velvet, walnut wood and satin-banded drawing at 3 and 8 o'clock, m a so n s room furniture (including chelfonier, secretaire, music Vocalist Next Week r rsaiLPTORSa : show Row* and studio , 37, UPPERTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE By order of the Administrator. clipboard, &c.>, [fire brasses and curbs, lounge and occasional chairs, cottage pianoforte, cane panelled MISS ADELINE HAIGH (Soprano). s n s io n r a a n d h t i m a t m l u m n o . t e l e p h o n e 5 7 9 . SALT WOOD, sottee, oak hall stand, oak library furniture (including MR. ARTHUR B. MALDEN, oak secretaire bookcase), arm and occasional chairs Admission Free. 120, Lewes Road, Brighton. SPENCER ROAQ, EASTBOURNE. ini morocco leather, two knee-hole writing tables, oak J. C. TOWNER ft BROMLEY d(!ning room suite (including sideboard), pair of book­ F.R.G.S., presents bis Series of cases,, dining table and dining chairs in morocco leather, FULL ORCHESTRA CONCERTS MEMORIALS Are instructed to Sell by Public Auction, on the fire-proof safe in panelled casing, pair of four-fold screens On TUESDAY, at 3.15 p.m. Telephone No. 441. Premises, as above,! on THURSDAY, 23th May, 1916, wjith painted figure panels, chimney glasses, chenille *nd Inclusive J O H N N I X J O H N N I X the remaining ipes K1V6D lor their erection In Any n&rt of the curtains, oil paintings, water-colours, engravings, wine, .. EVENINGS: Cinematograph Travel Talks. COUNTRY. G old sm ith o u s e h i | L D FURNjlTURE, plated ware, bronzes, books and the contents of the WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY at 8.15. domestic offices. Admission: Silversmith Pictures, Bool B, Bronzes, Ornaments and Effects, View by card from the Auctioneers, Monday, 15th THIS DAY (SATURDAY), Catalogue Submitted Free, H Catal knes in due course, f May, 1910: Numbered and Reserved Stalls. 3s. (Course Ticket tor all Terminus Road public View Day, Tuesday, 16th May, 1916. MR. FIN L A Y DUNN, Lectures, 15s.); Reserved, but Unnumbered, 2s. (Course ove, Hastings, Ob i , Bvxhill, Tunbridge Ticket for all Lectures. 10s ); Unreserved, Is. (Subscribers pale to commence at TWELVE o’clock precisely. The Well-knotmi Humorist at the Piano. half-price to 3s. and 2s. Seats and to Course Tickets). Wl t w and Chichester. W atoh m ak er Catalogues may be obtained at the Auctioneers’ a Opces, 10; Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Admission 6d. Subscribers Free. J e w e lle r . DEVONSHIRE PARK Telephone Eastbourne 1234. Saturday and Sunday—Admission fid. Stalls 6d. extra. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. 'VOCALIST: iftarriages ant geaths. J O H N N I X J O H N N I X THEATRE. IE RESIDENCE TO BE LET UNFURNISHED OR SUNDAY, May 7th, SWIMMING BATHS. FOR SALE. Sole Lessees A Managers: Murray Kino A Clark. Heated to 70 degrees. BIRTHS, MISS ADELINE HAIGH (Soprano). '.—On May 4th, att KsEastbourne, the wife of TeL 440. Tele. 121, Eastbourne. | HAREWOOD, 18, JKVIXGTON GARDENS, TIME TABLE. V.Ranaley, 1st Royal ~ ‘ Irish...... Rifles,* of a E. MORRIS & SONS, EASTBOURNE. In conjunction with the Devonshire Park Orchestra. GENTLEMEN’S SWIMMING BATH.-Open Daily (stillborn). OAKDfcN & OO TWO MATINEES—Thursday and Saturday, and 7 to 6.30. Sunday, 7 to 9 a.m. On April 28th, at Wlllingdon Golf Club, 6 6 ; - SEASIDE ROAD, EAST BOURNS. TWICE NIGHTLY. ,ve received instructions to Sell by Public Auction, Three E venings, T hursday, F riday and Saturday, >f R. Salmond, of a daughter. in the Premises, as above, on FRIDAY, 19th May, May 11th, 12th and 13th, at 3 and 8.15. LADIES’ SWIMMING BATH.—Open I)uily, 7 to 6.30. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 2 30, 6,45 and 9. .916, * ENORMOUS ATTRACTION ! Sunday, 7 to 9 a.m. MARRIAGES. Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters, OUSEHOLD FURNITURE CHLLESPtE — DAWSON. — On the 3rd May, at St. __ AND GENERAL EFFECTS, including double Imperial Russian Ballet MIXED■ BATHING — Monday, Wednesday and Saturn Michi el’s Church, Cheater-square, by the Rev. H. R. Hot "Water and Sanitary Engineers.! “A Little Bit of Fluff” id Bingle bedsteads, mattresses, blankets, house linen, day Afternoons, 3 to 6.30. Browne, I of Eastbourne. Captain John Marchbank cminster and Brussels carpets, satin walnut wood I n FU L L . REPERTOIRE. Gille- fie, R.A.M.C., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George nging wardrobes, mahogany chests of drawers, satin From the Opera House, Covent Garden, and A dmission 6d. E ach P erson. Gillcs fie,! of Edinburgh, to Violet Norman, younger lnut wood bedroom furniture, toilet ware, two bed­ - i London Co iseum. daugl tcr'of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dawson, of North- A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND ONCE NIGHTLY. im suites, mahogany hanging wardrobe, overmantels, Separate Suites of both. Private and Swimming Baths - ampt< n. j imaid rosewood octagonal table, dinner waggon, cotLage Prices: 3s. (Reserved and Numbered Stalls); 2s. & Is. •GRAH. 4M-IKINQ—MILLER.—On the 2nd May, at South­ MONDAY, May 8th, fer Three NLhts, at 8. pianoforte in wajlnut wood case, easy ,anu occasional Annual Tickets and Coupons NOT Available. for Ladies and Gentlemen. wark Cathedral, by the Rev.G. A. Hopkins, Arthur, Matinee on Wednesday at 2.30. cnairs, four dining tables, tjvo walnut wood sideboards, .third son! of the late Mr. and Mrs. Graham-King, of GUIDE TO CASTLE two mahogany sideboards, hat and umbrella stand, pine West Norwood, 8.E., to Lncy Blanche, youngest MR. ALFRED BUTT’S Nf.w Production, enclosed bookcase, drawing room suite in saddlebags, daughter:of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller, of Perensey, (OOWMOHS), walnut wood cheffonier, Singer’s hand sewing machine, Susse::.' ,lnut wood knee-holo writing taole, dining room suite HEPPI LLj—WILKINSON.—On May 3rd, at St. Mary's Bv THB Rav, E, E. CRAKE, M.A, “ THE BOOMERANG.” in| saddlebags, kitchen tables and chairs, china, glass, a Parlsl i Church, Eastbourne, Captain Thomas Reginald ~,ngle and miscellaneous items. RESIDENTIAL FLATS. Heppill 1st Surrey Rifles, youngest son of the late Immediately prior to its performance at the Queen's Items on View Thursday, 18th May, 1916, from Ten till Thom is Heppell, and Mrs. Bteppell, of Muswell Hill, to One of the most Interesting and Picturesque Castles in the County of Sussex. Theatre on the following evening. Fpur o clock. Mabe Wilkinson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The following Artistes will be included In the Cast:— ale to commence at ONE o'clock precisely. 1 Georg 9 w. Hadfield, of Upperton Grange. Eastbourne. PRIOR 8IXPHNOB. ,j Datalogues may be obtained at the Auctioneers’ WARTIME ECONOMY. SMITH -BED WELL.—On April 22nd, at the Church of I f J ' Mr. Stanley Logan, Mr. Kenneth Douglas, Mr. Bees, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. "Onr Lady of Ransom," Eastbourne, Signaller F. J. Telephone 1234 Eastbourne. Smith M'O Regiment, to Winifred Esther, eldest May be obtained of the Printers and Publishers, F. G. Bayly, Mr. Albert Sims, Miss Fay Compton, Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. daughter (of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bed well, of Ripe. Miss Doris Lytton, and Miss Nina Boueicault. Susse: - i FARNCOMBE & CO„ Limited, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE WRIG1 IT—iBRUNT. — On the 27th of April, at the EASTBOURNE. TO OWNERS OF PROPERTIES AND OTHERS. Pari-l Church of 8t. Mary’s. Huntingdon, by the , OAKDEN ft OO. :to '(this Rev. Lotion Parry), Frederick John Wright, THURSDAY, May 11th, for Three Nights, at 8, s m of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright, of Arllngton- Have received instructions to offer for Sale by P ublic Castbonrne, to Kitty, eldest daughter of the late Matinee Saturday at 2.30. Auction, at an Early Date, all those Mr. Hanry Brnnt and Mrs. E. T. Druce, of Hartford- MR. H. B. IRVING'S Brilliant Success, E A S E HOLD. COTTAGES, road, Huntingdon. THIS IS THE BEST PAPER FOR J known as and being »» 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, ESHTON ROAD, and DEATHS. ‘’ The Case of Lady Camber, ! 175, 177, 179 and 181, LATIMER HOAD, ■COX. — April 29, at 25, Arlington - road, Eastbourne, DENNIS From the Savoy Theatre, London. Producing Chari » Cox, aged 80. Per £318. 10s. Od. Annum. DIPLOi IK.—Killed in action, somewhere in France, on ADVERTISEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. AND CO , Ltd , Good Me ay, 21st) April. Private Harold Dlplock, Royal Eollcitor: Leslie C. Wintle, Esq., Eastbourne. Susse : Regiment, the dearly-loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Auctioneers’ Offices: 10. Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. D Harrj Diplock, 38, Meads Village, Eastbourne, aged 20. THE DAVIES-GILBERT COMEDY COMPANY. Telephone Eastbourne 1234. " Wei 1 do le, thon good and faithful servant," Telegrams Oakdons, Eastbourne. 56, Grove-road, Eastbourne, (LOVES T.-j-On Friday, April 28th, at 3a, Terminus- OFFICE . SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. ( ( mans one, Eastbourne, Louisa, widow of the late TH E OGRE,*’ E stablished 1850, Willi im [Lawrence Lovett (passed peacefully away J. H. C. Coles, Deceased. after i fe|w days’ illness), in her 91st year. By Henry Arthur J ones,: EASTBOURNE. RE prepared' to place their large British and Continental experience at the at THAO! HERAT. — April 29th, William George, deariy- OAKDEN & CO. A service of the public in advising upon the Conversion of Properties into belov id t on of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thackeray, Sunny- THE DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE, Flats. hurst Bakewell-rOad, Eastbourne, aged 3 years and 9 ON I Have received instructions to Offer for Sale b DE 1 moot is. ' ' C'ENTRAL CINEMA; TUESDAY, M AY 16th, 1916. i Public Auction MR. PEERLESS DENNIS, who has had a very large experience in the Conversion of Old Buildings into Residential Flats and Offices, in addition to the | IN MEMORIAM. HUDSONS L td. SEASIDE ROAD. r e e H old p r o p e r t i e s , Matinee at 2.30 p.m. Evening at 8 p.m. f KNOWN AO AND BEING erection of new ones, is prepared to wholly manage any flats after conversion u I’I'i il net L.—In loving remembrance of Oliver Mitchell* I 3, WILMINGTON GARDENS, and to financially advise upon any such schemes. who ] assed away May 7th, 1914. TODAY (SATURDAY), MAY 6th. In Aid, of The Eastbourne Red Cross Equipment Society. 5, GRANGE GARDENS, The Firm are particularly fortunate in having retained a large staff of old HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS A t 8, 6.30 and 8 30 The Princess Alice Memorial Hospital. 39, TIDES WELL ROAD. T in ! H. aInd MRS. J. R. THACKERAY desire The Eastboiirne Eye Infirmary: Experienced Workmen (all over military age) in the various branches of the if CLAREMONT, DENTON ROAD. Building and Allied Trades and are-prepared to execute at short notice any -r—M to hank their many friends for the very kind a n d STORAGE. expression iof sympathy in their severe loss. The Marriage of Kitty ’ Prices of Admission.—Private Boxos, £1.11s. 6d. and FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS Alterations, Decorative, Sanitary or Jobbing Work. Large stocks of material (Four Part Comedy by Lasky) £1. Is.; Orchestral Sta Is, 7s. 6d.; Stalls, 5s.; Dress Circle, Secured by are held at our Willowfleld Works, which were purchased before the various- rrt. AND MRS. H. DIPLOOK and Mi$s 5s.; Pit stalls. 3s.; Balcony, 3s ; Back Balcony, 2s. 6d.; 1, 2, 3 and 4, ST. GEORGE’S TERRACE, BROOK Upper Circle, Is. 6d.; Pit, la ; Gallery, 8d. advances in price took place, so that the Firm are in a first class position, not only 1 Gnrr desire to thank their many friends for their | EXPERT PACKERS. F e a tu r in g FANNY WARD. STREET, POL EG ATE, l expressions of sympathy in their great loss.!_____ j 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7. 8. 9, lOand 11, CLIFTON TERRACE. to execute work quickly, but to also give some advantage in price on the materials - BROOK STREET, , which are in stock-. EntX Telephone 125T. v M ONDAY, M ay 8th, and Two Following Days , 24, 26, 28 and 30, BROOK STREET, POLEGATE, As an instance of the great advantage accruing to Property Owners whose A'MES ANDREW S, Mason and Sculptor, FURNITURE DEPOSITORIES: PIER THEATRE. 6 and 8, LESLIE 8TREET, houses for some reason may be unlet, or may, perhaps, be too large for their B 'ork i : Baxbb’S-boas (near St. Mary’s Church). “ Clarissa ” Manager G. Hayes. CLARENDON HOUSE, COLLEGE ROAD, personal requirements, we mention two cases :— V ictoria Station ...... LONDON, S.W. WOODLANDS, ARLINGTON, SUSSEX. •Residetee, Office and Show-room: Oabbaba Villa, Gobb | (Thrilling Drama by Famous Players) One, a property which stood empty for three years and for which the owner PabK (adjoining the Cemetery), Eastboubsb. Terminus Gates ...... BRIGHTON. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 3 and 8. 7c. BOLTON ROAD. was unable to obtain £200 per annum, was, by a financial arrangement, altered The following Designs and Estimates Furnished. 65, Grove Ro a d ...... EASTBOURNE. F e a tu r in g HAZEL DAWN. Last Two Performana is of Bernard Shaw's Great Play— | and remodelled by us and let at rentals producing £700 per annum. I i LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES: t Another, which was empty and which had previously been let at £100 per E VE SfDENB. (Phone 465). PYGMALION,” 13, SEASIDE ROAD, Other Films in addition to above, inoluding From His Majesty's Thoatre, London. annum, was converted by us and let at £780 per annum. APPLY FOR FREE ESTIMATES. 30 and 32, GILDREDGE ROAD, NICHOLSON, L td., GAUKONT GRAPHIC. Two Houses in HYDE GARDENS, We have various first class Tenants waiting for Residential Flats and are- CoBttraXD-TCRBAOE, EASTBOURNE, | SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 3, 37, HURST ROAD. therefore in a position to guarantee an immediate return upon capital invested. Tele. 481 Eastbourne. Seats, 3d., 6d. and Is. Telephone No. 1183. THE 8UMMERDOWN FUNERAL FURNISHERS. And an Any further information can be obtained at our Convalescent Hospital Military Band. IMPROVED GROUND RENT DOlfPLBTB MO ORNINO OUTFITS. Phonb OLD TOWN CINEMA. at he I ersonal attention to all oommands. 1293. EVENING 8. T Secured by GHOVE HOAD Office (near the Town Hall), Eastbourne. Emits Eamp Komedy Kompany IVOR LODGE, GRA8SINGTON ROAD, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, M ay 8,9 & 10, olicitors: Messrs. Coles, Son & Tilburn, Claremont I Telephone Nos. 801 and 802. (By kind permission of Lieut.-Ool. Bostock. unbers, Eastbourne. Phone No. 940 (2 Lines) and Private Branch Exchange. ECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Carpets. Antiques “THB LUBE OF LONDON.H uotloneers’ Offices: 10, Comfleld-road, Eastbourne. SON, MONDAY, May 8th Six Nights at 8. See., Bought for Cash. No expense of removal F katcrinq MISS IVY CLOSE Telephone Eastbourne 1234. E UNDERTAKERS. — Alfred VVright, 85 and 87, Booth - street, East­ Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 3. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. THE bourne. THE SECRET SESSION. Funeral Carriage and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 11, 12 and 13, Special Engagement of the Prinoe of Comedians, -j------— -______SALVATION AKMY CITADEL, 5 THE VANISHING JEWELS." Episode 3 of Kotor Hearse Proprietors. ARTHUR ROBERTS Miss 8. E. Sweeting, Deceased. LANGNEY ROAD. It has been frequently remarked since we 18, UA VEND!HSH PLACE ft 19, SOUTH STREET “EXPLOITS OF ELAINE.’ AND COMPANY, In his Successful Playlet, I EASTBOURNE. have been at \var that Imperial Parliament “ LAWYER QUINCE” W. W. Jacobs' Comedy. OAKDEN ft CO. Wednesday and Thursday, May loth and 11th commands very little interest. Popular enthu­ ‘ Thelmportanee of beio g another Man’s Wife,’ I siasm is directed to the men of action rather Spe| TeL7(6. J. B. A. HAYLAND, Tel. 788. . AUCTION With a First-class Selection of Comics; Comedies, Have reoeived instructions to Offer for Sale by ROOMS ft SALE Travel and Topical Films. Supported by 80NIA SEAL (Comodienn s), MARRA- P ublic Auction, at an Early Date, all that than to the talkers, and the most eloquent MaRAWSKY (the Famous Russian Dance„...^er, CAZOFF Great Sale of Work JJNMHSRTAKKR ft FUNERAL CARRIAGE | A y a rd (adjoining theu Estate Offices), Principal Picture shown approximately at S,15,6.15, 8.15{j (the Russian Lightning Cartoonist). JACK WOODS EASE'HOLD- PROPERTY erorations can Btir only a very mild interest, PROPRIETOR. 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Matinee, 8—6. Continuous, 6—10. (the Imaginary Nigger). known as ToSe Opened on Wednesday Next, May lQfh, at 11 iuiil, ft wouldv no doubt, be misrepresenting our T OPEN nanfl, GLASS os CLOSED HEARSES, Telephone 844. . Is. 9d. 6d. 4d. 11. BEDFORDWELL ROAD. by Parliamentarians, whose modesty is pro­ CHARLES DANV ERS T h e H on. Mrs. RUPERT GWYNNE, 90 Years! iAmdon, Experience. BI-WEEKLY SALES. _____ | la. and 9d. Seats may be booked. Solicitors: Messrs. Beamish, Hanson, Airy & Co., 60, verbial,. to suggest that they have looked Goods oan always be lnoluded. I AND* COhIPANY, IN Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London; W.C. Accompanied by around' for some way of regaining, their lost SBTT Tfi ’*T. WREATHS IN GREAT VARIETY, ■I, Special dates by arrangement. “ The Conversion of NatStnrge.” .knotioneers’ Offices: 10, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. RUPERT GWYNNE, Esq., M.P. prestige. But if they had been actuated by a F] rVKNSBY ROAD, EASTBOURNE, Th u s Sale Rooms are noted for the advantageous Vol. n . (UlOBtrated). Price Five Shilling l post free. | Seats {-. 3s. to 6d. Telephone Eastbourne 1234. desire so- foreign to their natures they could Disposal of Furniture, Antiques, Works of Art, Old 'Seats at 3s„ 2s. and Is. 6d. may be reserved in advance Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. CHAIRMAN ... THE MAYOR OF EASTBOURNE hardly, have devised a more effective method China, Pictures, Plate, Jewels, Curios, Wlnee,8oulpture, /GLIMPSES OF OUB ANOE8TOE8 It at the Pier Gates. (C. O’Brien Harding, Esq., J.P.). Established 1874. Coins, Jewellery, Animals, Birds, Stock-In-Trade, Car­ than a sitting in secret. The publie awoke riages and Horses, Motor Cue, Bicycles, Boats, fee. U SUSSEX. WANNOCK, JEVINGTON, SUSSEX, Opened on Thursday,. May 11th, at 3 p.m., by suddenly to their existence. Crowds assembled t O B E R l 8. H A B T , In the midst of thb . Beet value Is always obtained at these Auction Rooms, CONTAINS A COMPLETE HISTORY ROYAL THE MAYORESS in the neighbourhood of Parliament-square to >i RTAKKR ft COMPLETE FUNERAL being largely attended by local and country borers, ov I About one mile from Polegate Station (London, Brighton see them arrive. Members themselves arrived also buyers cram London, Brighton, Lewes, Hastings, and South Coast Railway) four miles from Eastbourne, (Miss C. O'Brien H arding). in numbers unprecedented in these times, and t r * n FURNISHER, &o. | ___■ THE PELHAM FAMILY. twenty miles from Brighton, under one mile from Pole- GOODS PURCHASED FOR CASH WHEN HIPPODROME; gate Church, about one mile from Jevington.Willingdon Chairman ... H. W. FOV ARGUE, Esq. (Town Clerk). the accommodation on the floor of the House 14J H igh-strkbt, Old E astbourne. EASTBOURNE. aqd Folkineton Churches. Pillar box close to the DESIRED. NO EXPENSES. As well aa Articles on the Sussex Martyrs; The Prices of Admission.—Wednesday, 10th. Morning. was not sufficient for them. Palpably it was funerals Conducted to All Parts. Furniture Sales at Private Houma. Quakers; The Hermits ]Wltohorafb; “ Gleanings Managing Director... Mr. Sidney W. Winter. iperty. Postal Telegraph and Telephone Office at 8d.; Afternoon and Evening by Programme, 2d. the secret session that did it. There were great In East and West Sussex, fto. Manager ...... Herbert Raymond. .1 Polegate, one mile distant. SHARE SALES AND PROPERTY SALES. jtboume and Southdown Foxhounds; Hailsham Thursday, 11th. by Coupon, 3d. (exchangeable for issues to be discussed, it is true, but so there VALUATIONS. Goods at any Stall). 3d. Coupon admits Children both were when the Military Service Bill was intro­ T > 08ALIA VINE, D k c e a s k d , MONDAY, May 8th. and during the Week. Harriers. Goll Links a* Eastbourne, Lewes and Seaford. days. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.—Exclusive Lists Twice Nightly at 7 and 9. OAKDEN f t OO. duced: At that time, indeed, we were adopt­ Jt») ---- — Of Houses for Sale and to Let. ing a new principle, and now we shall, at most, Pnrsu int to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter INSURANCES of every description effected. The Bedford IRevne Go., Ltd., present London's Latest Have received instructions to Offer for Sale by 86, i itltuled “ An Act to further Amend the Law;of ublio Auction (unless previously disposed of by IN A ID OF extend it. Yet there was far less excitement Pro] erty and to relieve Trustees, Rents Collected and Property efficiently managed. K A ‘JS3J VS7" TCT BED, rivate Trepty), at an. Early Date, all that then. The truth must be faced that what drew [Cl! IS HEREBY GIVEN.thataUCredltoreand TBBBYS F.A-I. ■ Entitled: VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL FREEHOLD-1 The Eastbourne Red Cross Equipm ent Society, our legislators together last week was the ______(U Years' Local BxpsrieneeU ______to the andent Inhabitants of Sussex.”—Daii PROPERTY, known as pleasure of hearing something that will be con­ ronvde. ' v '..[ . “ The Week-End Girl,” “ THE COTTAG E,” The Princess Alice M emorial Hospital, cealed from the public. Nome of them, it was 80UTH LYNN;'MILL GAP ROAD, UPPERTON, 'Mr. Fleet ha* oolleeted some Interesting ohapters i A Magnificent Mixture of Mirth and Melody in Three Doses. Comprising evident, had to wrestle with their consciences ____d fhose Will was proved in the ^wM Dirtrk* EASTBOURNE. family history, whioh will be read with pleasure oob ' The Eastbourne Eye Infirm ary. on the matter. They were not altogether Regis try any Person or Persons of whose Debt, AND EFFECTS. Knights Templars, and the noble families of the oonnty; ilicltors: Messrs. Hart, Reade & Co., Lloyd’s Bank I wDcal Education Authority for the year ifL AND GAUGER, J U B N E Y TO J^UNNUl MONDAY, May Si and Two Following Days, SUNDAY NEXT, M A Y 7th, ested are dead, some octogenarian writer of She * ‘ " **v" “ ” ’ 1, TIDESWELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Reminiscences may tell us how the speech of CERTIFICATED BAILIFF, Preacher— AocSnnt Sooks, iieefBT^Contracts. Accounts, Votn tors A LL SAINTS’ CHURCH, E a s t b o u r n e . the Member for Blankshire electrified the \ I “The Te! Tale Hand” -andpReceipts mentioned or referred to in such Aoo Appointed by His Hononr Judge Martineau to Levy 1 it to the notion of all who JA. V icar: Rev. R. S. W oodward, M.A. will ;bede posited at the Offices of the Local Edm Distraints under tin Amendment Aot, to enjoy a good laugh.”—Brighton 1 Dram , in Three Parts. REV. J. G. HENDERSON. assembly and turned the current of events. Autborlt; Jat the Town.HaU, a n d oren to lnsp BUSINBB8BB or BYBBY DSBOB1PTION toe DISPOSAL “ SETTLED O OF COURT.” Drama. A N ORGAN RECITAL But we must wait for these things. Mean­ dnrinff d fioe hours thereat for seven days, before the -Will be given by while, the learned folk who talk of constitu­ And ?tfan 1 any person will be at liberty to take oopit 1 A FUND OF omnoemont which eonYnlaoo 1 “ AN HEI FOR TWO.” C< medy. Established 1S7A. f A . Its qnalnt hnnurar." —Brighton Garnet “A doo: GROOM.” Comedy. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN ML M. P. CONWAY(Moe.D., DubL, p;B.c.a, a. r.c.m.) tional precedents and equally formidable ^or e: [traol s from the same without fee. CHURCH, Blaokwateb-road. EASTER ft WRIGHT, PATHS 4AZBTTX. On Friday Afternoon, May 12 th, at 3.15 p.m . things are asking whither events are leading De ted t its 6th day of May, 191& . y^LSO THB COMPANION WORK, ^ SUNDAY, MAY 7th. us ? Are we to lose publicity, that palladium H. W. FOVARGUE lhd VALUERS, HOUSE, v 4d., 6d. L—All Tlp-ups. Services: 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. | Solo Violin...... MISS ETHEL ROBJOHNS of all our liberties ? It is probably unlikely. T ow n Clerk of the said County Borough. < | LAND AMD ESTATE AGENTS, Is., Special Reserved 1 Seats. Telephone 70S. (Silver Medallist Royal Academy of Music). AN 0 L A D P O L B ’S ?reacher - f - - REV. JAMES -REID, M.A. Collection on'behalf of the All Saints’ Choral Keeping secrets is not one of the most strongly- T< wnE sU, Eastbourne.______U0, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNElUiik} THURSDAY, at 8 p.m. W eek-night Service Scholarship Fund. ' developed virtues of our kind'. Whatever the ft D i .VIKS, public speaker may say about the Press, he is Valuations for Probate, Transfer amd other purpoi fJVBIP TO 'j^ B B R I O U l All vacant Seats are Free five minutes before the .I S tt CLIFTON HOT! PHOPXBTIXS FOB SAUL A UCTIONEER ;!BSTATE AGENTS time of Service. OSELANDS MISSION HALL rarely averse from seeing his own eloquence King FUBBIBBBD Aan UNTURNI8HXD : A. SURVEY' An d v a lu ers, Bi (Opposite Post Office), SEASIDE. in print. To sacrifice that pleasure for a Terced SOUTH STREET (Few Minutes from Sea). wgPAXKLING WIT witboat season in exchange for the counterbalancing Ctesar \ | TERMINUS AD, EASTBOURNE. DANCING. ones of a secret session is one thing, and a Order < R. W. B. HAMBLYN, Series of BIBLE LEOTTJRES Lane . ____ if; Valuations for a n d o th er P u r p ofes. 10 HELP THE WAR CHARITIES, and | (Under the ausploes of the Conditional Immortality permanent abandonment another. A Parlia­ o u s e a g e n t , b u il d in g s u b v x y o b , 1 m H K R E is mnoh that ia lodlorona and i Agents tor all the rJ Local E to give pleasure to the Children, a very well-known Mission) are being given In the above Hall ment sitting permanently in secret, even if the pr GR IL L R O O M (Silver Grill) AUCTIONEER AMS VALUER JL and not a Utbto wit" -B o tto m ! Premise*. -ssor (Lady) wfll arrange to Teach Danees for actor, H8, ELMS BUILDINGS, SEASIDE BO AD, eur Theatricals and Drawing Room Entertain- ON LIFE AND ADVENT TRUTH," public opinion would sanction it, would not their CHOPS, STEAKS, &c. p o s * FREE SIXPENCE BAOl hents. Any part of England. Long List of Distin- appeal very strongly to the politicians. Knighd . 1 EASTBOURNE. Telephone M, ^ Telephone UB. hed Patronesses. B y Mr . A. J. MILLS (of London), Nothing in their devotion to duty is more, £3,000, (Best English Meat only). Mr. EL, having had over ST years’ local i IOLD, fdnrins t 287, “ Chronicle " Office, South-strpet. On the following farther dates:—May 7th, 8th and 10th. striking than their obedience to the injunction Americj o r d a Sunday 6.30. pm.; Weekdays 8 pm. Branks of Wines, Spirits, m b _ TTUfcNOOMBE ft OO., L , Publisher*, UOTION] HOUSE, against hiding their light under a bushel. A n | Valuing at r;i AUDI -| TA N CLADPOLE’S TRIP TO 1IERRIOUR. Questions will be answered by the Lecturer at the close j i: ! f Next to the world-wide popularity of “ Oladpole’s They have, we may be sure, no desire to artist Properties E AGENTS, " 7 the services. Bring your own Bible for reference, deprive us of their eloquence. Parliament travelld , umey to LnnnonT’ this work has had a larger sale than ire heartily incited. Seats Free. No Collections. OPEN ALL DAI. T\IKECTION LABELS of all kinds mufifM- MIDLAND K CHAMBERS, i ny other Sussex Book. The interest m both theee works will continue to meet in public, and if this tem- line y’ri _ :_ . I n J gored at London Prieec at Farneombe ft Co.i OTE P i Visiting Cards, ftc., in mo TKRMLVUS a. EASTTOURNA : emains unabated. New edition -w ready, price 6d._| EMORIAL CARDS, a variety of patterns, porary departure has given innocent pleasurq wastbej L td.,!London. | (Ltmltod)PrlntingWorio,South-street, i at Famoombe and Oo,’s, Ltd. Andaj ' ramcombe ft Co., Limited, and. i Booksellers. Farncombo and Co., Ltd., Lewes,Eastbourne, etc. > to a deserving clasa, who will grudge it < said N‘ w h ite 1 ehopa!1 i a m


I Registered. F u r t h e r L icensing R estrictions. Trade Mark : V 1ST O . NEW.v T h e Liquor Control j Board are believed to ! LOCAL MOST RK EW Supporting ELASTIC STOCKINGS »NABLE OF from 23. 6A. each. be contemplating the exercise of their author- I N £33aSSE?3Xr TRUSSES, B AND - GES & SU :AL BELTS ity to further restrict the hours of opening of I |TIMES k)F HIGH WATER A LIGHTING-UP licensed boluses,.and also to prohibit treating, j tlxx ■Vftt-er. I. ghting Brown. &e , q! ej. t;ry deucripfipnl I ; Mora Alter. | Up ARTIFICIAL UMB3. CRUTCftES, &C„ The order; which may include the entire AMERI AP s: No. & MAPS AND KtPAlKBD. county of Sussex, with the adjoining counties j Satijrdajy, M ay 6 1.16 . 1. -0 J 7.50 SPRING CLEANING! of Kent and Surrey, will, it is stated, materi­ Sunday, May’? ...... 1.50 . 8. 0 JAY), ■* ' Lists Free. Monday, May 8 ...... 2.28 2.41 J 8. 2 ally reduce the week-day hours of opening, A recent issue of the T-y.r., j, h. r A. the suggested new times being 12 (noun) to Tuesday, M ay 9 ...... 3.ri 15 ... 8. contained a half-pace i’■ us;i‘: :- • 1 ;:i FARMER’S Wednesday. May 10 4. 4 East RAPH. 2.30 p.nil and (j 30 t o ; 9 p.ro. No: definite bourne, which is described i„- , .. st Fasln ■liable Bobby & Co, SURGICAL SUPP0RT8 DEPOT, decision has yet been come to ; in fact,tjhe B< iai d | Thursday, May li ... 5. 8 of All England's \\ oil r K ■>, ri.-." ’ lie author is Friday, May 12...... 6 22 throughout highly coihpi'inieo'tarv, an Spring Cleaning entails much, labour, and one of the 80, QUEENS ROAD, BRIGHTON. have notified their intention of first holding -i in order the an inquiijy,: which has been fixed to tik e place better to do the town a good te n m, lies free use of l t d .. first operations is to have the chimneys Bwept. When at Brighton on Friday next. But that the lively imagination. The article says:— Royal Society fo r P r ev en tio n of Cruelty "Eastbourne, England. February 20th.—What P a rk . this is done, it is seldom that fires can be discontinued, Control body have serious intentions in the Tli Animals, Kastfiourije Hi-uncli. Hon. Sen., Mist Atlantic City. N.J.. and Newport. R.I., are to Pits- are exh ibiting in t h e ir matter ife fully realised, especially! by the EDOke Paddon, l. Comp!oii-ttroeL : up;ionr burg and Tronvdlc to France, hastliourne is to Great and it is then imperative to ubo clean-burning semi- licensed Victuallers, who regard the proposed are urgently noeded, and muy be paid to the Hon. w indow s and departments (SasibourncCbronide Ireasnrer, Henry Holyoaki:, ICsq.. “ Fairmont' Britain. Well may it be termed the • Queen and smokeless coal in order that the flues may be kept clear, order not only as threatening their trade 3, De Root-road, or at Lloyds Rank, Ltd. All com Empress of seaside* resorts. It is now enjovinp the Twig* Dailt interests, but as being wholly undemanded by plaints should be addressed to Inspector IK. W. greatest influx of fashionable people in all its history. and the disagreeable feature of falling soot avoided. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1016. the existing circumstances of the codnty. It Cowley, 1a, Compton-street, Eastbourne. Hotels and boarding houses are full of people, from i ■ T is stated (that, if the older comes into force, H ig h -class F o otw ear. N o better value. London. Montreal. New York. Buenos Airc^s and NEWEST MODES no beer or wine can be) sold to be takjen away New Heason’e gooda—J. J. Sacndkks, 106. Routb- PaHs. Nowhere can be found finer dressed ladies— LLDEN, | The BEST COAL for this purpose is undoubtedly street (between St. Saviour's Church and Devon- perhaps Y alparaiso. on the western ertast of Sputh IN ; after 8 p.m. Beside^ this, the minimum shire-plaoel. America, may equal, but certainly not outclass it. quantity of spirits which can be solid for off sof STRAY NOTES. Luminous W a tch es, invaluable for b ig h t As usual. Pittsburgers' are m evidence here, for consumption is one quart, and such tales can use, reliable time keepers, from 18s. 6d. Clients yesterday I had a pleasant chat with Mrs. De. Vere t a il o r -m a d e s , only take place during the mid-day hpurs and own Watches and Clocks made Luminous.—F. G. Smythi, a noted beauty and' amateur actress, now Claim to Co m p e n s a t e not at all on Saturdays and Sundays.! Clemknce, Goldsmith, Silversmit h and VVatcbmaker, ivinp in Engjland. She is a grandniece of the late COTTON GOWKS, rel Talks. Cannock Ch^se Brights 18, Cornfield-road. Eastbourne. Phone 782. As the late Burial Board clerl Mrs. George - R. White, j of Shadyside. George R. s’ claim to \\ hite was th£ Wanamak^r of Pittsburg at one time. ; i # compensation for loss of office it being, by V in a ll’s, Drapers and Furnishing Ware­ MATRONS’ COATS, housemen, 53 and 53a, Teimiuus-road, are now Y ou 11 remember his drygoods establishment was once i Ticket for all mutual arrangement, submitted It ' the Local personal anb ^oml. showing a most splendid stock of Plain and Twilled located about! where Messrs. Hardy & Hayes’ jewelery Government Board the Mayor vne ry properly Sheets, in all sizes. 3s. lljd. to 18s. lid. par pair. store was very recently situated on Fifth-avenue. k n it t e d COATS, 'M ss, w hinh makes less smoke and soot than any other deprecated discussion of the quels .ion a t last Damask CloLhs, all linen. 2-vds. by 2-yds., 54. lid. ■ 3 Tickets}, j The will of: the late Mr. John Parker, agdd 77, of 5, 2-yds. by 2J-yds., 7s. lid .; 2-yds. by S-yd«,, 9s. lid. 200 L ady’s Diamond-Decked Boot. house coal, and is practically ASHLESS, burning right Monday’s Town ^Council meeting For all dozen Pillow Cases, 3}d. to Is. 031. This is a great that -Councillor Pearson contrived to assert Chatsworth-pardens, South Cliff, Eastbourne,turne, ware­ Opportunity to save money.—Only Address: 53 and ‘‘Miss Smyth has just j returned from Paris, and, WALKING SKIRTS, houseman, formerly. .connect . _. id with Messrs.:. BainbndgeBail 53a, Terminus-road. Telephone 524. as usual, has archie and showy novelty in costume. aw ay. his opinion that the claim was unwarranted, Her hat is a lovely Gainsborough, black, ostrich and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on Tyne, later with Messrs. d i o d e s , adding that he “ should stand against it.” As Anthony Hordern 4 Sons, Ltd., Sydney, New South Notice.—All those who wish to Warehouse plume, diamond studded jhatpin and protector. But ATHS. the impulsive Hampden Park representative their Furniture should not do so until they have the most striking novelty’one could imagine appears Wales, and 9, Golden-lane, EC., has been [proved at Inspected Messrs. G. EL Maynard's, Limited, Ware­ TO BE OBTAINED ONLY FROM gave no reason for his hostile attitude, either £48,225. oil her jet black suede ;low-cut ‘ Oxford’ boot—a m il l in e r y , houses, which are the finest in Eastbourne. Estimates solitaire diamond on her left boot. i THE 1 SOLE LOCAL AGENTS:— he was prejudging the case or xyas strangely Miss Lucy Wakefield, A.] C. A. (Des.), an old student, free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard, T.lmitw) ignorant of the rights of officials who, through of the Maidstone School of Removal and Storage Contractors, Grevstone- “ This stone is about three carats and is an exact krt and now Art Mistress bnildlngs. South-street. Eastbourne. duplicate of her engagement ring, and is worn in just n e c k w e a r , ETC. no action of their own, may bedispossessed at Eastbourne Municipal School of Art, has had as nearly the same relative position on the top of the of office. W e have no intention of discussing accepted for the Royal A lemy Exhibition a bronze E a stbourne’s Morning Gr eetin g left foot as on the engagement finger of the left hand. the merits of this particular claim, but may portraft medallion in relie: The portrait,: which is “Bright, isn’t it,—but nippy.”—A modern cosy little The evenings are ‘ inky’ dark now along these A Visit of Inspection' will be Ebtmuod. very favourably hung, is t it of her father, Councillor gas fire in bedroom or breakfast room softens the nip wonderful triple sea-washed gardens and parades, and BRADFORD’S, be excused for reminding Councillor Pearson R. Wakefield, and it will remain on view in the and creates comfort. A few excellent fires offering and others that there is nothing novel or Academy during the monthi of May, June and July. subject to a special spring disoohnt.—Eastbourne Gas you cam imagine the effect and dazzle of the ‘ foot necessarily unreasonable in a demand for Company. diamond ’ as it sparkles in its fair receptacle. compensation for deprivation of a public office The late Mrs. Orickett, Sdl wyn-toad, Eastbourne, left A black silk stocking, with an actual white satin- estate valued ifor probate at £11,60(1. Ma r r ia g e of Mr . F. J. W e ig h t . - I The twisted lace, gives it the effect of a real high-topped Head Office 2, STATION PARADE. and the loss of its emoluments. Capt. and Hon. Major J. H. McDougall, of the Home marriage took place at St. Mary’s Parish Church, boot. A dainty, narrow ankld and shapely leg—not Counties’ Brigade R.F.A., j has relinquished his tem­ Huntingdon, of Mr. Frederick J. Wright (only son of ‘ limb,’ as called across the Atlantic—covered by a T E A LOUNGE. j Baths TELEPHONE 864. porary commission on account of- ill-health. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. H. Wright, of Arlington-road, East­ dark coloured but short skirt, and a glove of white “ A V e r y B ad Ca s e J’I , Mr. F. Pike, of Eastbourne, has been elected a vice- bourne) and Miss Kitty Brunt (eldest daughter of the with a. ruby button, will give some idea of her I t has been frequently said that if there president of the National Federation of Dairymen’s late Mr. Henry Brunt and of Mrs. E. T. Druce, of costume. Orchestra Morning?; and Aftemoor were no receivers there would be no thieves. Associations. Hartford - road, Huntingdon). The bridegrooin was “ She will marry a Spanish gentleman in a few married in the uniform of the Red Cross Society, of months, and I hope to be able to tell you all about This is not a rule without exceptions, but Recently the King conferred the Military Cross upon which he is a memlier; and he was accompanied by the wedding in the Dispatch v, hen the time comes. EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES. undoubtedly the majority of] confirmed Captain G. E. Neligan (R. AM.C.), nephew of Miss Lieutenant G. Meliorn Hubbard (8th Battalion,! Roval There will be two ceremonies—a civil and church rogues are only enabled to practise their Neligan, of Eastbourne. Warwickshire Regiment), who acted as best manl The service—and as the groom is well known it will be Tm-J Prompt Cycle and Motor Cycle Repairs. dishonesty by the existence of facilities for A marriage has been arranged and will shortly take bride, who was given away by her step-father, Mr. E. T. on a.grand scale. This is her second marriage. ACCESSORIES, HIRING, PETROL, OIL, TYRES. disposing of the stolen property. The sentence place in the Straits, between Frank Trueman, eldest Druoe, was attired in white eolienne with a tulle veil atural ea u ties bound son of the Rev. and Mrs. N B A . NEW INNER TURKS, 2/6 to 5/-. COVERS, 5/- to 11/-, SPECIAL LINES. F. Wynyard- and wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a Shower Eastbourne, and Laura Katnleen, daughter of the late bouquet of white lilac and carnations. 1 he bridesmaids, ‘'Eastbourne is different from the great majority of The Arcade & Terminns Eoad, Mr. F. W. Tweed, of Lin join, and Mrs. Tweed, of who wore pink dresses and brown straw hats trimmed coast resorts. ' It is the highest type of watering DOULL, the Cycle and Motonnan,. 48, GROVE ROAD. Woodhall Spa, Lincolnalii:■e.—From Malay Mail, with pink roses, were Miss Edith Brunt, Miss Agnes place! It abounds in natural beauties, the town (now ’Phone 608. Garage and Workshop : 1, WEST STREET.______severe. But when the character of; the robbery March 27th, 1916. Brunt (sisters of the bride), Miss Alice Druce (stepreister) 55.000, inhabitants), being, the home of the Duke of is considered, and the importande of adminis­ Definite news has been received that 2nd-Lieut. John and Miss Ethel Pocock. Their bouquets were composed Devonshire, who was elected Mayor several years EASTBOURNE. tering a salutary warniBg is appreciated, few White ley M.uliinson, Rifle Brigade, was killed in action of pink tulips. Two picturesquely dressed chilpren— ago. He is perhaps thd largest landowner in all or Woman who Smokes. will demur to the Chairman’s statement that on February 14th. A letter Master Eddie Druee (step-brother of the bride) and England, and.' possefscs b’-v r T~.l2.0QQ acres here in [EES. Everything for the has tieen received from the Matlock, Derbyshire, and i opposite the Ritz Hotel in the case was a very bad one, and;one, there­ War Office stating that his body was recovered and Miss Evelyn Bedwell (cousin of the bride))—also walked TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, PIPES, CIGAR AND CIGARETTE TUBES. buried ou April 1st. in the procession. After the ceremony there was the London. The latter town! hpuse he has been offered TJ- AU High-class Brands in 8tock at Minimum Prices fore, calling for exemplary punishment. If usual reception, and the newly-wedded .couple 'subse­ fabulous sums to part with, but it is most valuable as All Parcels sent to the Promt DUTY A POST FB IK Bepairs to Pipes and Smokers’ Sundries. farmers and poultry dealers are' entitled to The Rev. E. A. W. Topley, A.K.C., the new curate quently left for London. There were numerous wedding future site for a club; or hotel. His wife, the protection, it is at least due to potential in-charge at :It. Philip’s, has now entered upon his presents. Duchess of Devonshire, is ‘ Mistress of the Rubes’ TRY OUR 6d. MIXTURE. NO BETTER QUALITY AT 8d. thieves, especially those of tender years, that duties in Chj-ipt Church parish. for Queen Mary. Tel. they should be spared the inducement to rob The Rev. J. E. Thomas, 3.D. (senior curate), is in Cu r a t iv e P o w er of H ypn o tism . — Mr. “ The terraced promenades here in Eastbourne are DOULL, the Tobacconist, 56B, Grove Road. 608. charge at Christ Church while the Vicar is away on his Alex. Erskine (formerly of Eastbourne), lecturing on the bordered by oiliamcntal (gardens and separated by afforded by opportunities of coriyerting the holidays. curative power of hypnotism, quoted the case of a driver three verdant slopes, aglow with tamarisk and flower­ plunder. in the Royal Field Artillery, who through shell! shock ing plants, and extend fori over three miles. Palatial THE I)AVIF,HILBERT COMEDY The late Viscount Ridley, Blagrion Hall, Cramling- became totally blind. His eyes were druwn upwards. ton, Northumberland, Conservative M.P. for Staly hotels and superior private residences are erected BA-SNAEDO’S h o m e s . S o ld ier s and Sa ilo rs’ H e l p S o c ie t y . Every possible method known failed to restore him until along the whole front to the entire exclusion of trad- bridge 1900-41 left estate valued for probate at hypnosis was introduced. Then the muscles instantly establishments. and a charming feature of the COMPANY. Af t e r the war many institutions will £426,013. M relaxed, and by introducing a still deeperstateof hypnosis western parades is the series of well-kept lawns. te, G R A N D doubtless be started for aiding melq returning he was able to see. Tile1 entire front presents perhaps the finest example PERFORMANCES foe LOCAL INSTITUTIONS^ 1 to civil life, and the need and work of such Ou tb r ea k of F ir e .—Shortly before two of seaside landscape gardening in the world. It is now in the very zenith of its prosperity. if au organisation as the Soldiers arid Sailors’ SALTATION ARMY. o’clock on Saturday the Fire Brigade was summoned to Considerable interest attaches to the first appearances, 'mi Empire Day Society must increase enormously. Even at a fire that wasdiscovered by uniformed Special Constable To-day the sun shone most beautifully and the at the thermometer showed 56 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit. of the above new company of amateur histriona. The aee into - IN THE DAINTY the present time the Society finds its resources Coleman at a general shop in Winter-road. Fortunately, v= far below the full scope of its possibilities of SALE OFj WORK. owing to the prompt action of those on the spot the Chrysanthemums, daisies .and primroses are in full .combination, which includes some we.ll known names D e v o n s h i r e p a r k , EASTBOURNE, bloom, just like your Palm Beach, Florida, and San is to give performances at Devonshire Park Theatre oa practical service, though considering the means fire was prevented spreading to any considerable dimen­ Bernardino California. in the BLOUSES at disposal it is undeniably fulfilling its laud­ sions, and only slight damage was occasioned. Tuesday, the 16th inst., matinee and evening repre­ t to.the There is to be an important sale of work at the “ Opposite tlie centre of the Grand-parade, where sentations being promised of Henry Arthur Jones’ WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1910. f nr able object with praiseworthy energy and B ir t h s and D ea th s.—T he official retu rn the principal .bandstand is located, military and naval three-act comedy, Tlu Ogre. This is reputed to be a GEORGETTE NINON, success. In his speech at the Primrose League Salvation Army Citadel, Lahgney-road, ou Wednesday for the month of April gives as the total of births 58, bands play all the year round. The Wish Tower is particularly witty and entertaining play, and the excel­ Chairman : CREPES - DE - CHINE, entertainment on Wednesday night, Mr. R. and Thursday! next, the opening ceremjtay on the first being 32 males and 26 females. This represents an located nearby. ' J lent progress made with the rehearsals points to the annual rate per 1.000 of the population of 12‘7. There “ The parades west were originally constructed out comedy being, on the coming occasions, very effectively ! of old THE MAYOR (De. C. O BRIEN HARDING, J.P.). GWynne, M.P., indicated the lines along which day being performed by the Hon. Mrs. j&upertGWynne. he of th e JA P SILK and VOILE. the Society operates, and these, if pot all- The Mayor (Alderman C. O’Brien Harding) is announced were 59 deaths (28 males, 31 females), a rate ijf 12'9. of the cliff • at an enormous outlay. They. cover a presented. to preside, and Mr. Rupert Gwynnfc, M.P., has also Thirteen of the deaths took place at hospitals and wide area, and, connecting the main walks, are As the performances are being given for the benefit [otice any embracing, are yet sufficiently! varied to other institutions. Persons who died at 65 years; of age ingeniously constructed zig-zag paths, so that one fj material BAZAAR OPENED BY A LL our Blouses are of promised to attend. ’ On the Second day the sale will be of three eminently useful and deserving institutions— render the undertaking an admirable medium opened by the) Mayoress (Miks O'Brien Harding), with and upwards numbered 24. may pass from the footpaths adjoining the broad the Eastbourne Red Cross Equipment Society, the Lb various _C3L_ a particularly dainty for befriending and helping ex-soldiers to carriage drive to the bottom promenade. A T H E L A S T COWDRAY. and refined character. They Mr. H. W. Eqvargue (town clerk) as the chairman. R esignation of t h e T own H a ll K e e p e r . Princess Alice Memorial Hospital, and the Eastbourne Ljnot only are adapted from exclusive obtain employment suited to their capacities. * Madeira Walk ’ has been added this season. The Eye Infirmary—it is, of course, particularly hoped to The Eastbourne Branch is particiilarly fortu­ In addition to the many plain and fancy useful —Mr. W. J. Kenuard is relinquishing his position as parade Teaches its termination in a large horse-shoe Entertainm ents arranged at Sp.tn, & 6.30p.m. Paris models and made articles that are to be offered for sale, special pro Town Hall keeper, with which is associated tbb office secure a full house on each occasion. The undertaking S ■ expressly to our order by nate in possessing a Home, at which men may grammes of music will be rendered on each day. The of mace bearer. Mr. Kennard’s appointment as a shaped retreat formed out of the rugged cliff. It is has the patronage of the Duchessi of Norfolk, the 1 , BT . a picturesque spot approached by daipty paths, with Duchess of Devonshire, the Countess of "Chichester, the i w hose experienced workers in care­ find temporary lodgment, and nobody who vocalists will be Mrs. Godfrey Garrard, Miss I. servant of the Corporation dates from October, 1886, a pretty, rustic bridge connecting.’’ their K. T. THORNTON, Esa. fully selected materials. has visited the establishment can have failed Haggerty, Mias G. Strange, [Miss E Taylor, Mr. ,T. T. when the Town Hall was opened. He has therefore Hon. Mrs. Rupert Gwynne, the Mayor of Eastbourne, — to mark the excellence of the arrangements Parsons, Mr. W. G. Silvester, Master Fred Thompsett, served for the lengthened period of nearly 30 years.— the Rev. Prebendary Wm. C. Streatfeild, 4c., and there J ■ ' . ' I the Eastbou me Glee Choir! and the Salvation Army We understand it is proposed to present a testimonial is every promise that the performances will be attended, Admission; 11 a.m. to 1 o’olock, 1\- ; after 1 o'clock. 6d and the aptness of the regulations in force. not only by many of the leading residents, but also by i ow ner I To the best of its resources the Society supple­ Songster Brgade. The instrumentalists will include to Mr. Kennard, and that Mr. J. T. Parsons, 53e, ST. SAVIOUR’S. a ltered CHILDREN HALF-PRICE. Miss E. Marchant, Miss N. Sherwood, Miss Ullithorne, T erminus-road, has consented to act as secretary to the many influential people from the district. r ments the none too-generous pensions granted Dr. M. P. Conway, F.R.C.OTMT- W. J. Read, Mr. fund. Among those taking characters in the play are the Over! 7,000 Old Boys serving King and Country. by the Government; but in thisl and other C. W. Saxby and the Salvation Army Brass Band. following:—Captain Armstrong, A.S.C., Lieutenant- ■ m directions the Society would fair do bigger F u n e ra l of a F o r e st e r .—The interment A CHAPEL OF INTERCESSION. Commander Philip Shepherd, R.N. A.S., Captain Penny, The price of admission oh Wednesday morning will at Ocklynge on Monday of the remains of the la*te Mr. things, and it is only prevented from gratifying be 6d. ; on Wednesday afternoon 2d. (by programme); •Lieutenant Cross, Mr. A. Chester Hillman, Mrs. Davies- A L L s o u l s PARISH William Gamer, of 29. Junction-road, was attended by Gilbert, the Misses Davies-Gilbert (3), Mrs. Gny Orore, its ambition by lack of funds. In a letter from and on Thursday (by coupon) 3d., the value of which members of Court “ South Sussex,” A.O.F., with The following appears in the current issue of St. and Miss Vera Perceval. ^ JUMBLE SALE. Sir Frederick Milner, riead by Mr; G Wynne, will be returnable in goods. which the deceased had been connected. Deceased, Saviour’s Parish Magazine:— acknowledgment was made of the generous The sale has been promoted with the object /of who was 56 years of age, and who had worked for 35 Tickets ipay be booked at the Theatre Box Offioe, at PARISH ROOM, LONGSTONE ROAD, “ Tbq ‘ Scatholders’ Porch’ has been converted Clift’s Pianoforte Saloon (opposite the Railway Station), support derived from East Sussex. There are removing sone rather pressing liabilities for rhnt, years at the Lion Brewery, expired on the 26th ult. into a chapel of intercession ; any description must and at Mr. A. ,T. C. Lacoste’s, 60, Grove-road. Mr. THURSDAY, MAY 11th. still, however, large numbers of residents in repairs, re-fu nuishing, &c., and for extensions, and if irt- after a protracted illness. The mourners were Mrs. quite fail to express ita beauty and solemnity. The Laooste has very kindly undertaken the business Contributions of all kinds will be accept- Eastbourne and neighbouring towns who hoped to raise if possible £10). Gamer (widow), Mr. Ernest Garner (-on), Miss Minnie walls have been covered with violet hangings, and management. able. On receipt of a postcard to the Vicar tlthe unaccountably overlook the claims of this The stalls will comprise needlework, fancy needle Gamer (daughter), Miss Emma Garner and Miss Susan on tile west wall is a large and wonderfully beautiful articles will be fetched on Tuesday, May 9th. work and general articles,. [pound and grocery stall, Gamer (sisters), Mrs. Brooker and Mrs. Alice Wallis crucifix. It is hoped that many will use it to pray Mr. Colley Salter, who has undertaken the production, deserving Society, which needs above every­ books, toys, lie., refreshments, frhit and flowers, con (sisters-in-law), Mr. Amos Durrant (brother-in-law), for the repose of the souls of those who have fallen is prominent in the theatrical world in London, and baa thing more annual subscriptions. For many fectionery and sweets, Ac. Mrs. H. Durrant (sister-in-law), Mr. Fred Brooker in the tear, and for all those manifold needs which stage managed several plays for Mrs. Davies-Gilbert in dm ASTBOURNE CONVENTION, (brother-in-law), Miss Annie Price and Miss Kate Cornwall. May 29 to 31. years Miss McCartie has been the life and the war has brought home to us. Our grateful soul of the local branch, and knowing the Huddy. Bros. W. Ashdown, P.D.C.R., D. Banks, thanks are due to those who have made this * War Second Preliminary Meeting:, keenness of her desire to extend j the work P.C.R., J. R. A- Hayland (Uon. member) and Avis Corner. ’ possible. On Sundays the porch has to fulfil here and to make it more self-supporting, we EASTBOURNE DIVISION GENERAL were the bearers, and the service was conducted by the its original purpose; perhaps some day we may be SAFFRONS ROOMS,! Rev. H. Mylchreest, the Foresters’ service at the able to find a permanent home for such a chapel of are confident Bhe will gladly supply any such EQUIPMENT AND WAR HOSPITAL graveside being read by Bro. R. W. Jay, P.D.C.R. intercession, and another for the reservation of the I WEDNESDAY, M AY 10th, at S pjn. further details of this patriotic enterprise as Blessed Sacrament; this is a very real need, which may be required. SUPPLY DEPOT. P r iv a t e D iplo ck’s D ea th Co n fir m ed .— Economy in Dress Speaker - - R ev . F. W. AINLEY. The announcement in our last issue of the death of many people are anxious to see met, but ways and Fine Handkerchief Linen Privti Harold Diplock, Royal Sussex Regiment (fourth means aTe not clear yet. Blouse with Hemstitching W a r P ension s Co m m itt ee. The Committee have mnch pleasure in acknowledging son of Mr. Harry Diplock, swimming instructor (at the “ One question with w'hich we have been assailed THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY lately ig this:. ‘ Why don’t we have the blessing and and Embroidery I nto c f the sum of £17!, being the pro seeds of the entertainment Devonshire Baths and a resident at Meads), has been IN ENGLAND AND WALES. a rather humdrum sitting the Town officially confirmed. Capt. Cooling, in a letter of sym­ distribution of the palms on Palm Sunday? ’ HIGH-CLASS TAILuE-MADE ORPHEUS LODGE, 53c. Terminub-road | (white only) 1 5 9 Council, Councillor Huggett infused a certain given by the Misses Booth, Bourne House School. ‘The best answer seems to be in the language of (over Gallery Kinema). pathy to the bereaved parents, states that the deceased “ liveliness ” by the strong expression of his May 5th, 1! 116. was killed on Good Friday by a German rifle grenade. our Allies, ‘ Tout vient a celui (et aussi a cells) qui WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, of FIVE o’clock. OjTHER DESIGNS ~ j Q indignation respecting the Councii’sitreatment “ He was,” writes the officer, “ standing outside my sait attendre.’ RE; “ The Brotherhood of Religion,” of the Trades and Labour Council. The dug-out talking to an officer and Corpl. Rouse; they ‘The Prime Minister has a shorter formula.” subject of dispute was the representation of Organ F.ec ita l a t Al l S a ints’ Ch u r c h . were all killed immediately and suffered no pain. Your COSTUMES By A HBKBSB. —The first of two organ reci als at All Sainti’ Church son, who was my runner, was loved by us all, and in are Free. ,A11 interested are cordially invited. Labour (with a capital L) on the newly-formed War Pensions Committee, the IJ. and L. C. was given yesterday afternoon by, Dr. M P. Conway, his death the whole Company ihouin his loss. He was AT PR IC ES MuaD., DubLI, F.K.C.O., A R.C.M., and an offertory a brave and absolutely reliable soldier. The only con­ A HINT FOR CYCLISTS. having been accorded two members only, was taken in aid of the All Saints’ Choral Scholarship solation I can offer you is that; he died doing his duty. SUITABLE TO ALL. whereas, according to the view of j Councillor Fund. Dr. Cion wav_, playedr — _n his usual brilliant style Please accept my deepest sympathy in your great Huggett and those for whom he spoke, it'was Fugue on No. 6 (Schumann) Pastorale, op. 26 bereavement.”—The late Private Diplock eplisted as Richard Arblaster and Walter Camplin, of Gibraltar [ e t t e entitled to four, such being the proportion— (Gnilmant), choral Preludes—“ The King of Love” long ago as the beginning of September, 1914. He was Farm, Firle, were summoned at LeWes Police Court on and “ O Woi lip the King” (G. Molineux Palmer)— Tuesday (for being in charge of bicycles without a white H. W. Nicholson so it was contended—contemplated by the well known as a clever swimmer, and a great favourite light showing at the front and a red light at the rear, in Statutory Committee. On the fade of it the Idyl! “ The - ” (H. Arnold Smith), and Toccata in A at the Baths, where he assisted his father. He will lie (LIMITED), flat (A. Hi The All Sa nts’ cnoristers sang very much missed there, especially by the pupils of local High-street, Leyves, on April 20ih, at 8.15 p.m. M a y n a r d protesting Association was not without some sweetly, am a manner which showed that they had Mr. A. Wadman attended on behalf of defendants, CHRIMES, Successors to Evendens ground for its grievance, “ organised ” labour schools. Mr. and Mrs. Diplock have received the who, be said, were young assistants on his farm. They ______^ ______LIMITED been very fully trained, the air “ Let th^ Bright following communication, signed by fhe Secretary of being entitled to, at any rate, tbree Representa­ Seraphim,” Dm Samson ( Handel) and the chorus, State for War:—“ The King commands me to assure were not riding their bicycles at the time. The facts C o s t u m i e r , ■m (foot of Devonshire Place), Eastbourne. tives, if not four. But the claim obviously “ Praise to tl Holiest,” from The Dream of (tcrontius you of the true sympathy of his Majesty and the Queen were that they went to Lewes and were delayed. (Elgar).—Thi second recital v-ill be given next Friday Having no lamps on their: cycles-they wheeled the Terminus-road. came too late. It should have been made at in your sorrow. —K itchener.’' machines down towards the Ciiffe, intending to procure GO WN, BLOUSE the meeting at which the scheme o|fi represen­ afternoon, \ n Dr. Conway will play Prelude and Fugue in D or (A. Glazounow), Andante, SJmphony N obody Men tio n ed I t .—I n the course of lamps in order to ride home, and while doing this the SUIT © HAT tation was submitted and decided, since which VII. (Widor)| "Vio Sonata id O, let movement (Bach), some comments on the recent annual meeting of the constable stopped them. Both were working hard and meeting the proposals of the Council have Bible Society, held at the Town Hall and presided over that was the reason why they did not attend the Court. choral for No. 2, in B minor /Cesar Franck) and S P E C IA L ( F F E R of lyiUSlCAL TEAS SPECIALISTS been expressly approved by the Local Govern- Finale to a in G (Elgar). Dr. Conwajr will be by the Mayor, the Sussex Church Missionary Cleaner The Chairman pointed out that it ftras an offence, rnent Board. The only way in wt i,ch, at this Assisted by Ethel Robjohns, silver medallist of the says: “ Damp and blustering weather unfortunately whether the cycles were ridden or only being wheeled 8 0 N e w l y M a d e , IN THEIB belated stage, the object of the T- and L. C. Royal A cade: of music, who will play the violin solos thinned the attendance, but, to the hpnour of tho9e on along, if there were no lights on-the machines. “ Romance" ieniawslri) ana “ Adagio ” (F. Kies). the platform, no one called attention to the fact. Too Mr. W^dman : I was not aware of that. 47 GROVE ROAD could have been effected was by substituting often, alas! have we heard those present reproved for P.C. Russell proved the case. | CORNER TEA LOUNGE, L j AND another of its members for someljody nomi­ P rini Al ic e Mem o r ia l H o spit a l , the fault of those who staved away. But those who The Chairman said each defendant would be fined CARLISLE BUILDINGS nated in connection with another Society or supported oluntsry contributions.—The following braved the rain and wind had ample compensation in Is., as the Bench did not want to “ overdo” the penalty Ladies’ Costumes Arc being continued each Saturday throughout return of patients for week ended 'UM DEVONSHIRE PARK interest. It is not at all certain such a step is the wi the weighty words of Lord William Gascoyne-Ceeil, in the circumstances mentioned by Mr. Wadman. Newest Shades and Best Smart the Month. would have been acceptable to the Town May 3rd umber of patient^ April 26th, 44; whose delivery vividly reminded some present of that Mr. Wadman, who paid the fines, remarked that he Materials also Navys and Black. Council, but the expedient was not Iput to the admitted di the week, 19; discharged during the of hiB father, the great Lord Salisbury, and in the supposed if the young men had carried the cycles on 1 EASTBOURNE week,. 11, 0; remaining in hospital at date, 52. their baeiks they would not have been committing an ■. j \ test. After all, if any mistake hdk occurred sparkling Speech of the Rev. W. Bestall, full of quaint [SS EDITH TAYLOB,Vocalist it is probably rather technical thaU material, This hoepital| open to the: inspection of visitors on turnBand conceits.” offence, hut by wheeling them they -were liable to be TELEPHONE- Sundays, W< sdays and Bank Holidays from 2 to convicted. V ery MUSIC FROM 4 TO 6 P.M. the industrial portion of the inhabitants being 4 p.m. onal annual subscribers are urgently Ma in :Ou tfa ll V a l v e s.—The 4-ft. 6-in. The Chairman : It is very difficult to knoyv what they represented on the committee by quite a large needed. ibuttons will be thankfully received by valve on the low level outfall has dropped owing to the could do in the circumstances. .< number of men knoyvn to be in direct and Lfie Hon. constant Wear and tear in the cogs. New castings, M arked Special 15, South therefore, have had to he provided and the old valve w arm sym pathy with! working class interests packed up, and the work will be completed during the V alues. and aspirations. next suitable tides. A visitor to a small provincial collection of animals became much interested in a solitary sea lion. A Millh FOR Bl SOLDIER8.( Lady A ll Sa in ts’ Ch u r c h .—The monthly maga­ Turning to one of the keepers, an Irishman, the visitor, Idle Nomads. Arthur Pi the indefatii file charity v •ker, is zine for All Saints’ parish says: “ The evening service pointing to the lonely animal, asked, “ Where’s his A tten t io n has been officiallj ed to the organizing international jme to collect million at 6.30 has now been resumed. We much regretted mate ? ” 1 “ He has no mate, sor,” replied the Celt. pounds in to provide anent homes, i France “ We feed him on fish ! ” TAILOR-MADE evasion of military duty on the t>{ of the and F.nglam 3T soldiers ided! in the wa This gipsy and tramping fratern ity. The lhairman colossal undi ig has rei ed the patroi of the concerning lighting. Thus we again An indignant man entered the general offices LAWN of the Rural District Council imewbat King and of Englani , Queen Alexar r Ira, the servioes on the Sunday, at 11 a.m., 3.30 p.m. and of a railway company and" demanded to see the general S w in g ; I paradoxically, called it a great dal that King and of Belgium President Poind .re and 6.30 p.m.” manager or his representative. “ Here, I say ! ” he said B ack R a i n c o a t s * xmnnfipyoung a ctive mpn men'should ' hVh sit a bo the lanes innumerable >table people. Btarted apgrily to the official to whom he was referred. “ I got her scheme i . America, th e" id is at L e a f H o spita l P ound D a y .—Thursday, a cinder in my eye from one of your engines and it cost MOWERS. doing nothing.” There is a sense no doubt, idoflwfSt April 27th, was “ Pound Day ” in connection with the me two guineas to have it taken out and the eye dressed in which the task of maintaining; i condition the head of imittee evert lised in £1:5:6 10 £2:2:0 the United ifteolleetii funds, the Leaf Homoeopathic Cottage Hospital, the Matron by a doctor. What are you going to do about it ? ” of idleness is more' irksome than ties effort of whioh ng in freely, le concert in Nt| York of which was kept busily engaged in receiving the “ Nothing, mv dear sir, nothing!’ replied the official engaging in some 'stienuoas service; btit we alone y 5,000. numerous goods sent in response to the appeal. About suavely. “ We have no further use for the cinder, and suspect the habitual inactivity. Dff this average at the ickenham Tribunal 1,100-lbs. of various provisions, 4c.. were sent by you are quite welcome to it. From a legal point of view GREEN’S, professional nomad is a perfectly coi ij genial and A dustm i generous donors, whilst about £26 was received in leash; the cinder was not yours, and no doubt you could be SMART ARTIFICIAL SILK applied on ay for (ption on the groand that proceeded against for removingpur property. But we effortless experience, and any energ 3 ’ to which the collection of house was of national j import- I ncome T a x My s t e r ie s .—The Times of 6th shall take no 6teps in the matter, you may SHANK’S he can legitimately '■aHcr-5*lay claim------is rath< u ■ potential anoe, and t it ought garded as a Reserved April said: “ The Income Tax, at the best of times, __ ^ is- no doub)t th a t the application disallowed. is a tangle of varying rates, abatements and exemptions assured! ’] than actual. There occupation. Green: “The count was nearly bankrupt Sports Coats. rofrnding up ” of the gipsy and 1 is kind, in which defy any man who has not devoted a life-time to their stndy, and the rapid variations in the rates df tax when he married that wealthy young lady.” Brown: j Variety Shades. New Shapes. PENNSYLVANIA connection with present national require­ ■mil the provisions attached to them since the beginning “ Then you don’t think it was a love match ?” Green ments, would prove beneficial alike to the Artistic W rkatbib, Chaplets, Spri nets, Ac., 5s. of the War have made many Income Tax payers give “ N o; it was a safety match ! ” country and the men themselves. | It will not 21s. to 63a]—J. C. up in despair the task of ascertaining their exact Mrs. Allen“ My husband says he is miser­ £1:9:6 T0 £2 : 5 : 0 Lawn Mowers Ground and Repaired. be sufficient, however, to merejy Is, Compton-street liability at any given time.” The better plan is to able all day if' he misses his matutinal bath.” Lady aid of the police in keeping them on make use of the servioes of the Eastbourne and District friend : “ Pshaw ! I dare say an ordinary hath with A GOOD SELECTION OF Income Tax Reclamation Society, of 7, Bolton-road, soap and water would do him just as much good ! ” Selection of Best Quality Eastbourne, who are always ready to advise, without fee, as to the possibility of claims, and undertake the The Manchester Guardians are in communi­ GARDBN TOOLS AND HOSE PIPE. whole work of rn nil Tic- claims for an inclusive charge, cation with some of the London Poor Law Authorities Beal based on the amount of tax saved or recovered by with the idea of effecting the exchange of children in Shantung C o s t u m e s repayment. cases where it is advisable to have the children removed from the undesirable influence of their parents. On View and Sale from A merican P a per’s Tribu te.—W e have W. S. SOUIRE & CO. received a copy of the Pittsburg Dispatch, which con P rom pt A d vice.—H eckler (to orator): “ Hi! ! tains a lengthy illustrated article, couched in highly guv’nor, do yon support early closing 1 ” Orator: £2 :19 : 6 10 4i »”■ FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, u da to ry terms, on Eastbourne, which it describes as “ Certainly I do, my friend.” Heckler: “ Then shut “ most fashionable of all England’s winter resorts.” up.” if ■ T h a t’s H ow H e Got H im .—F irst chauffeur: The above collection of Smart iarnardo H omes’ B azaar.—T his always “ How did you come to hit the man ? Were you going 22. TERMINUS ROAD. popular and liberally-supported bazaar is to take place too fast?” Second chauffeur: “ Certainly not; he was Attire are all recently manu­ at Devonshire P a n on Empire Day, the 24th inst. factured expressly for Lady Oowdiav baa kindly consented to open the running too alow.” bazaar, and the Mayor (Alderman O’Brien Harding) Extra Quality.—Maud: “ No, I cannot will preside at the inaugural ceremony, at which the marry you.” Percy (savagely)Oh, well, there are lamardo’s Homes others just as good.” Maud : “ Better—I accepted one . wSfca of them yesterday!” I P a r ish .—F urther contributions A n Ul t e r io r Mo tiv e. ‘That fellow - f ' of oountry life so viv J EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916

In 1912 we had some still further additions to our YICAR’S RETROSPECT. church. Two stained glass windows were inserted EASTBOURNE CONVENTION. LOCAL ITRIBUNAI DEATH OF MR. CHARLES COX. EAST SUSSEX APPEAL LEWES COUNTY COURT. in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Hood and Mrs. Llewelyn. Th<“ handsome marble font in our church DEEPENING OF THE SPIRITUAL WEDNESDAY’S S I r T I N G . Many charitable, philanthropic and religious institu­ TRIBUNAL. M onday.—Bgfore his Honour Judge Mackarness. was given by Miss Wraggo in memory of her father tions will lmvo tjauso to regret the death, at the age Ten Years’ Work at Holy Trinity. and mother. The new gates to the churchyard were LIFE. DISPUTE OVER CEMENT BAGS. put up, and improvements effected in the boundary of 80 yoars, of &lr. Charles Cox, which occurred at THE C.YSJE OF A CONSCIENTIOUS A meeting of tho East Sussex Appeal Tribunal was Benjamin Ware & Sons, Ltd., of Uckfiold, v. Frank wall. New tiles were laid throughout the chancel, 25, Arlington-roiul, on April 29th, after a short ill­ held at the County Hall, Lewes, on Thursday. Major INTrtRESTINGl RECORD OP PROGRESS. Considerable interest has been evoked in the jne- OBJECTOR. Bradford Jarvis, of High Hurst Wood, Buxted, was and new return passage ways for communicants were ness. Although ho hud boon in failing health sinco R. L. T hornton presided, and there were also made. The two reading desks within the rail were a claim for £5. 19s. 4d. in respect of goods sold and parations for the Eastbourne Convention for tho January, Mr. Cox was able as recently as Wednesday present Councillor S. N. Fox, Mr. E. J. Gorringe, cartage. given by Miss Curtis, and the handsome new frontal deepening of the spiritual life, which is to take place in last week to go for a walk, but on his return he A t i well-attended meeting of office-bearers, church kneelers and mats were given by Miss Moginie, who In tho absenco of the Chairman (Major IL P. Air. T. Pargetcr and Councillor F. J. Huggett, with Mr. H. J. Vinall, solicitor, of Lewes, appearing at the time desired that the gifts should be from the 29th to the 31st inst. Tho second pro- ...... , , , was taken suddenly ill. Symptoms of pneumonia ijho Clerk (Mr. G. Montagu Harris) and tho District for plaintiffs^ said the dispute arose with regard to and members of the congregation generally, liminary meeting will be held on Wednesday next], at ! Molmeux), the M ayo (Alderman C. O’Brien Ilard- the return of certain cement bags. Plaintiffs M d Hoi;1 Trinity Parish Room, on Wednesday anonymous. In June of this year wo had in the nesday’s sitting of the Local and pleurisy developed and he passed away about ten Alilitary Representative (Major W. W. Grantham); supplied defendant with a quuntity of bags of cement Parish Room and on the Vicarago lawn the first 3 p.m., in tho., Saffrons... . Rooms. , , It will bo___ address:d_ ' ing) presided at Weq o’clock on Saturday night. aften oon, tl e Rev. G. P. Bassett Kerry, vicar of the annual gathering of clergy and laity belonging to by the Rev. F.1. W. Ainley, who has fortor many ye:, rs Tribunal, other mend ers present bei ig tbo Deputy also the Local Military Representatives, Capt. Selby and defendant was entitled to a credit of Is. for each Mayor (Councillor O. J W. Button, t \ ), Alderman A man of marked business ability, the late Mr. Ash, R.N., and Mr. F. \V. Rubic (Lowes), Capt. ompty bag ^vhich was returned in good condition. patial r gavei an account of the work of the churchhurch our Evangelical school of thought from all over the ; been connected with tins movement. The following Cox was formeijly in partnership with Mr. Thomas Out of 45 b4gs returned by him 34 were in a good and i&rish during the ten years of his ministrj diocese. This was largely attended and quite repre- article by Miss Gregg appears in the Sussex C.ftfjfS. E. Duke, J.P., Mr. Cl; .udo Bishop, J. !?., Mrs. Camp- Lytton Boyne (Newhaven), Mr. M /IL Beattie (East­ ry in Gleaner for May:- Ensor, of Comidcrcial-road, London, E., as a builder state and Ite was given, credit for them, but the Eastbourne. He said:— sentative, and has been repeated each year since, bell, Mr. Hasdell, R. J. Mine:s and Mr. C. and contractor, jbut after the death of the latter ho bourne) and Mr. R. King Sampson (Ringmer). remaining II were useless owing to the holes which thus bringing our church into closer touch with those “ How did the Convention movement originate? Poerless Dennis, with the Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. I t s fittir g that at the close of ton years* work retired from busincES for a time, but subsequently j EASTBOURNE BUILDERS’ APPEAL. were in them. The question at issuo was whether who belong to our own school of thought in town “ About forty-five years ago there was a wide­ Fovarguo) and Mr. II. H. Beattie military repro- defendant was entitled to claim 11s. credit for these together in fconnection with our church I, as Vicar, and country throughout Sussex. Wo are thankful started again fob himself, carrying on his business at | Messrs. Mark Martin & Son, of Eastbourne, ■ •houli 1 lay before you a brief resume! of what God has spread longing among Christian people for greater sentative). Hackney. His! strict integrity and conscientious 11 bags. agaii\ to have this privilege and opportunity. holiness and fuller spiritual communion with one work won for him tho conlidenco of all with whom Appealed for absolute exemption on behalf of four j Frederick ; Johnson, a clerk in the employ of enabl >d us tja do during these ten years, and should another, and the lato Lord Mount Temple inv ted A RESERVED OCCUPATION. jnen in their employ—a- wood-working machinist, a say a >methipg also of the outlook for the future. S o m e I m po r t a n t L o s s e s . ho was associated; the London School Board plaintiffs, deposed to giving defendant credit for the friends belonging to many denominations to his hoi so Mr. R. A. Niedermi.yer appeared o l behalf of Mr, bricklayer, a foreman of works and a labourer, 34 bags returned in good condition. He said tho Our tfme together has undoubtedly been one of real It was just about this time that our parish suffered Leach, who applied f ir the release t-f the manager entrusted hun with the erection of Board Schools j The Military Representative opposed on the ground . and).advance “ by the good hand of our God at Broadlands for uni tea prayer and the discus: iibn representing an outlay estimated a't one-haif to three- bags should have been returned as soon as they were heavily by the death of many who were amongst the of spiritual topics. One who was present at these of his grocery and provision stores. It was stated Of the number of men of military ago employed by ,i omptied, but they were kept from August till the ” aid as we meet together this afternoon we keenest supporters of our church. Mrs. Wraggo was that 75 pier cent, of tie staff had gonB and the busi­ quarters of a million. He also constructed buildings tho firm and that this was not fair to other con- ; nave very n uch to thank God for, so many answers ‘religious conferences’ writes: ‘ Broadlands was as for the Poor Law Authorities, and he was further i following February. The account was sent monthly called home in May, 1911; then in 1912 came the lovely a vision and foretaste of what the perfect esm ness was being carried on with only two young tractors. Seven of their staff had already been ,; and on the first account there was a note to the effect to pr lyer ai d so {many tokens of His goodness and homo-call of Dr. Downes in January ; of Miss Bell assistants. It was claimed that the man was in a invitod to take lilt: contract for some shops in Oxford- exempted by the Local Tribunal. km m kindpess towards us. Truly wo-may say, as munion of the “ all-reconoiling ” world muy bt a street. j that credit was not given for 11 sacks which were in February; and the Rov. F. Bourdillon in April; can well be known on earth; men and women 61 611 reserved occupation. j The bricklayer, who said ho was the main support i 1 useless. Defendant made no comment as to that Salomon of »ld/“ There hath not failed one word of and of Miss Curtis in June. In April, 1913, Mr. Conditional exemption was granted; for so long as Mr. Cox was (always deeply interested in religious of a delicate wife and father, and tho foreman also a ll H s good promise. sections of Christendom gathered together fob a few j until February. Jinman was called homo after having been 34 years days from their various works of mercy, in unity and the circumstances romain tho same. work. Lontf agb he was one of the churchwardens of appealed on personal grounds. !' George Lepey, in the employ of plaintiffs, produced Th< re are some, perhaps, who do not remember the people’s warden; and in August of that year Christian communion — not indeed supprosiiijig St. Gcorjxe’s-in-jhe-East; and he also acted as over­ j The junior partner of the firm said the four men the 11 bags which were in dispute and showed that th a t >ur church was built in 1833 and was cilled Mrs. Pearce, one ol the onlest supporters of the individual Conviction and character, but developing A TEMPORARY ‘EXEMPTION seer and Vestry! man. The Vestries carried out the \vere married. About 100 men were employed by the ( _ y duties now fulfi|led by the Borough Councils. Mr. they were torn. Ho also said thero were small holes Trini y Chapel, and was the chapel of ease to the church, entered her rcBt. The removal from our the truest and deepest in each and all, in mu,uul H. J. Cressoy, a btiilder and contractor, applied firm, the great majority of whom were painters. ! in them, and said apparently they, had been nailed Parish' Church. This was 78 years ago! 'Nine" years midst of these seven so soon after one another con­ help and honour of each other.’ for exemption, stating that he had |a wife and Bix Cox resided for a considerable time at Stamford Hill, They had 16 men of military age in addition to tho ' over windows, &c. They were quite useless. later, in 184 , Holy Trinity was made an independent stituted a very real loss to our church, both in “ But this was hardly what we know as a conven­ children. He was 36 years of age and if called u p ; and he was onp of tho deacons of the Cambridge seven who had been exempted. Tho firm had a Defendant contended that the sacks in dispute were i and parish, and the church was called Trinity spiritual influenco and in material help. However, tion? would incur serious financial loss. All the eligible! Heath Congregational Church, which he continued triennial contract from the War Office for repairs, ; to support to the last. At Hackney, as well as at not those returned by him, but they had become . -X Fqr twelve years it was the only church in “ God buries His workmen, but carries on His work.” “ No, but it showed that such gatherings were men in his employ had joined the Army. &c., in the district and were engaged on military I mixed with those he sent back. He returned the Eastbojume until the year 1859, when Christ -In 1913, in tho month of April, we had a Young practicable and desirable. Thus, it led tho way to Temporary exemption for eight weeks. Eastbourne, ho (was a generous friend of the Young Work at Eastbourne, Cooden and other places. sacks in exactly the same condition as they were sent Chun— y h was— built---- -,— as — chapel of ease w to’ xiulyHoly Trinity. Life Campaign in Eastbourne, conducted by Messrs. conferences at Oxford in 1874 and Brighton in 18^6. Men’s Christian! Association. For 20 years he was ‘ The Tribunal dismissed the appeals in respect of A DRAPER EXCUSED. hon. treasurer bf the Hackney Branch, whilst the to him. He had spent just over £200 with plaintiffs. Five rears Biter the parish of Christ Church was cut Frederick and Arthur Wood, and in this effort to when certain American teachers, whose work had the wood-working machinist and labourer; for the I Charles Muddle, who had worked as a labourer for off fr im Ho iy Trinity and itself made an independent help the young people of our town our own church boon much blessed in their own land, met in Christian Mr. A. C. Hillman made an applicitiori on behalf local Association owe much to tho practical interest bricklayer one month’s'exemption was given to enable 1 defondant onj his building work at High Hurst Wood, diotri A It may be interesting to call to mind that took a leading part. In July of that year the fellowship several clergymen of the Church of Eng­ of G. VV. Carr, tho proprietor of a draper’s business ho took in tho! work. J He was a member of the him to arrange his affairs; and for the foreman they 1 in High-street, Old Tjown. He held a loase of the Y.M.C.A. Counjcil, and when the re-construction of said he unloaded the cement when it arrived and ■fit S iviour’s was consecrated in 1867, All Saints’ in Diocesan finance scheme was launched, and our parish land, who testified to the great blessing they received. Were granted two months to enable the firm to obtain shovelled out about half a bushel which was lying 1879, and, A 1 Souls’ in 1881. St. Paul’s Iron Church, was assessed at £95, which has since boen increased Among them were Prebendary Webb-Peploo, tho promises, ho said, and paid a rpnt of 285 per annum. the premises in| Langney-road was mooted ho was a man ineligible for military service to replace him. Mr. Carr only employed three females and if called the prime mover in the scheme, which met with his loose in the [bottom of the cart. That showed that whicl, as you will remember, was at the corner of to £100. Rev. Evan Hopkins, sen., and, the late Canon I there must Rave been holes in the bags, which were Comi ton-street and Burlington-place, was erected as N e w O r g a n . Christopher. Tho first conventions, as we understand upon to sorve he would have to clbse the business, j generous support; in fact, it was under his supervi­ TWO MONTHS’ EXEMPTION. I returned in tihe same condition as they had been sent. * chi pel of ease to Trinity in 1873, and was given In 1914, ih the January magazine, came tho first the word, were held in London in 1875-and 1376, which would involve serious financial hardship. Tho sion that the alterations were made. A father at Eastbourne appealed for Exemption for | His Honour said the weight of evidence was very op in 1909 After 36 years’ service. definite announcement about our proposed new when the meetings were purely devotional, not for applicant had a brotter serving in tho Army and Mr. Cox retired from business about 12 years ago, his son aged 21, who acts as farm foreman. It was ' strongly on the side of plaintiffs, and ho gave judg- Tb ► Vicaira of Holy Trinity have been only three: origan, and an Organ Building Committee was at discussion. Tho thirst for teaching on the subject another whose group Was called up. and twp yoars l^ter he came to Eastbourne, where he stated that the son milked tho cow’s and killed pigs, mont for the amount claimed. The 1 lev. 1 u D. Pierpoint, 1847-1878, nearly 32 years ; once formed. In Fobruary we announced that tho of holiness was shown, says Dr. Stock, ‘ by tho over­ Conditional exempt;6n was granted. resided(fLat 25, Arlington-road. He became a^ibora! upwards of 2,000 stone of pig meat being disposed of j Defendant! applied for the return of tho 11 bags, whelming crowd that packed hall and galleries arid supporter of the Princess Alice ^ospital, and only I lev. 31, A. Bathurst, 1878-1906, 28 years; your sum of £1,560 was needed, and, as in the case of the GARDENER’S liuCCESSFUL APPEAL. during the year and sent, to Eastbourne. This son ; and his Honour said he* was entitled to them, it Vkfar, from 1906, 10 years. Thus in 70 years church .enlargement, a special prayer card was issued, lobbies and staircase,’ though the first meeting place recently ho mqde a generous contribution "to tho was the only one of military ago he had, and ho j Plaintiffs’ representative said 'defendant could have have been only the three Vicars. In looking and again we wanted this our undertaking to be was what would now be thought the unsuit iblo A jobbing gardener) W. L. Windi rdown, an un­ funds of tho institution. The St. Andrew’s Presby­ contended that he was engaged in a “ starred ” busi j the bags at once. back (upon jthe past ten years it may be interesting to begun, continued and ended with prayer. In the locality of the Cannon-street Hotel. married man, aged 28,: was given conditional exemp­ terian -Church ;also enlisted his sympathies to a ness. hose who have been associated with me in same month our Vicar's warden, Mr. Stapley, was “ But how did tho conventions become associated tion on the ground o) his domestic p isition. It was. marked degree, and ho was not merely content to Tho Military Representative stated tho man had ! A RETURNED CHAFF-CUTTING MACHINE. work: The Rev. Ti H. Windle was in charge of married, and Mrs. Stapley was accorded a welcome with Keswick? stated that his father; who was in the Princess Alice confine his benefactions to the mother church in already b.een granted one postponement. Ernest Octavius Culverwcll, of Cliffe, Lewes, sued St. P nil’s ijor two years, leaving June, 1908; the Rev. when sho came amongst us. July 8th witnessed the “ In 1875, the year of tho Cannon-street conference, Hospital, had had his Arm amputated Blackwater-road, but the churph at Hampden Park, . Mr. A. C. Hillman, of Eastbourne, supported the Thomas Luekin, of , for £4. 7s. 9d. in respect E. Y’. Gfeen was curate from Advent, 1907L to , dedication of our new organ and the unveiling of a Canon Harford Battersby, the vicar of St. Join’s, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR’S APPLICATION. in regard to which ho played, an important part in appeal. of goods sold. .Adve it, If 09 i the Rev. A. Birkett was curate from stained glass window in the chancel in memory of Keswick, asked a few clerical friends whom he had its construction;, always found in him a staunch Two months’ exemption was granted. I Mr. H. J.j Hillman, solicitor, of Lowes, appeared Janw iry, 1910, to June, 1915, 54 years; the Rev. R. met at Brighton to spend a few days with him in tho P. J. Brewer, aged 24, asked for a variation of his friend. I Mis. Pearce. I his was given by Mis. Grickitt, who MILITARY APPEAL DISMISSED. for plaintiff,[and said £3. 18s. 9d. had been paid, the 8 - Cripps Was curate for six months this last winter, has so lately herself passed away, North and hold ‘ three days’ union-meetings for tho certificate from combi (taut service. He stated that Tho late Mr. Cox lost his wife some twenty-five | balance of 9s. in dispute being for the carriage of a but v as not licensed. In addition to these the Rev. promotion Of practical holiness.’ Canon Battecsby lie could not undertake any form of military service. The military appealed against the decision of- the chaff-cutter which was purchased by defendant and f T h e W a r . [ years ago, and sinco that time ho had had the un­ A. Hivergal Shaw, the Rev. A. Le Fern-re and the was a highly cultivated man who had gone through The War Office had approved of conscientious objec­ remitting care And attention of his niece and house­ Local Tribunal to grant a butcher at con­ , afterwards returned by him. Rev. J. Gosset Tanner helped me for a short time at August, 1914, saw the beginning of tho great war. an unusually diversified spiritual experience, bu; at tors working with the : Y.M.C.A. keeper, Miss Clienoweth. In his last illness he was ditional exemption till August 8th. | Sidney Montague James, in the employ of plaintiff, the b iginriing of my ministry here. At once we started our daily intercession services the Oxford, Conference of 1874 ‘ ho exchanged (as The Military Representative: I should like to point nursed by Mrs. Dallas. Mr. Cox had in his service The man said he killed his own sheep and bought said the chaff-cutter was supplied about February It'i nay je interesting to know that two members ajad ever since then the names of those connected he expressed it) a ‘ seeking faith ’.j for a ‘ res;ing out that the whole training of younj soldiers is to at the time of his death two trusted and devoted other meat wholesale. He had 21 acres of pasture, 7th, the price being £11. 15s. It was agreed that congregation nave been ordained to the with our church who are serving their country have faith; ’ and to pass on to others tho blessing lie had encourage the marti d spirit and certain military employes—Julia Breeds, housemaid, 24 years’ service; on which he kept sheep, &c. The greater part of his defendant should be supplied with a handle for work­ . i i this time—the Rev. Claude Hewlott, in been daily remembered individually by us in prayer. received, and which all men acknowledged had n ado virtues, and I think it would be absolutely iniquitous and John Dace, chauffeur, 22 years’ service. business was stock-keeping. He had 30 ev.es with ing the machine by hand, as he had no power. Tho 1915 saw our work amongst the soldiers. Tho whole even his shining face shine more brightly, bocime to subject young rucruits to the contaminating lambs, two cows and a calf, and a sow’. He would ; handle was a gift. Subsequently defendant returned and' the Rev. Gordon Bergg, in 1913. Five of the winter of 1914-15 we were very busy, our Sympathetic reference to the death of Mr. Cox was ii s have left our parish for the foreign field one great object of his prayerB and efforts.’ In his influence of conscient ous objectors. We have done made at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. In be quite ready to join after Whitsun, as in the mean­ i the chaff-cutter, saying he had purchased a smaller ton vasr«_Miaa nta-te." ~ I Parish Room being filled every evening with recruits. days the Keswick Convention was a comparati rely foolish tilings in many ways during the war, but I time he could dispose of his stock. He did all the | machine. He kept the chaff-cutter five or six weeks r M i« tlL w i Thi? naturally disorganised a good deal our regular the absenco of! the Rev. James Reid, the Session small and almost a private gathering, but wher he think this would be an absolutely rid culous thing to Clerk (Councillor B. Bradford), speaking from the work himself. i and did not pay carriage on it when returning it, last year that Alderman Keay died in 1883, on the opening day of the ninth con men­ do—to mix such men up with troops would be sinful. The appeal was dismissed, and the man remains I although he was informed that it would not bo . esigned his position as superintendent of reading desk, said it was with great regret that he tion, he had been permitted to sec his labours ow ned I am informed that this man is really] a conscientious had to announce the passing of their old friend, Mr. exempted till August 8th. accepted unless he paid carriage. Witness stated I the Boys’ School after 35 years of splendid service. end blessed of God.” objector. -' ■ I | that the arrangement for the supply of tho chaff- SpMMARY o f T e n Y ears W o r k . He came both morning and afternoon on Sundays Alderman Duke: Hiw would the troops know that? Charles Cox, who died the previous evening. Not WALDRON APPEALS DISMISSED. only had that church lost a valued and earnest office­ ; cutter was verbal and w’as made with Mr. Culverwcll. Let me throughoul the whole time. In June the Rev. A. There is no reason why they should preach that A farm manager of Waldron appealed against the j Witness was not present when the arrangement was ot o» :h left us to be Vicar of St. Paul’s, Brixton, bearer, but, owing to his sympathetic nature, other decision o£ the Uckfield Local Tribunal, who refused doctrine to others. bodies would fcol tho great loss occasioned by his I made. ith him one of our keen workers. Wo still SUSSEX FOLK T \LES. Applicant: The Government does not seo any to grant him conditional exemption. | Defendant said the chaff-cutter was purchased by Many of you will remember well thoir wedding, and are glad to know danger in allowing ue to do the work. death. During tho evening service deceased’s - Mr. A. C. Hillman attended in support of the , , i - "li­ favourite hvmn, commencing “ Jesus, the very l him on condition that a handle was supplied. With­ xemei nber the day well, as I do. ____After_ a_____ holiday in that their work has been abundantly blessed of God. The Military Representative: I am informed that appeal. out the handle it was useless to him, as he had no Switzerland I began my are not some who have attended our gress made in various departments of church life MR. W. H. ROBERTS, F.O.T.S. (In|e|), Mr. E. PEACOCK, rspresenting thejNational Trade about him which could not be made public was Ins “ Now what oppresses me most is the fact that see Mr. Willson, who told him he was making other This lays upon us an additional responai- during the decade:— Defence Association, gave a long explanation of the amazing genorejsity. Ho had retired for some time there are still so many people whom we ought to arrangements for stock-taking. He gave witness £1. ajnd should be regarded by us os a trust from Ka*ter Baptisms. Confirmations. F.C.T. I : operations and powers of the Liquor!Control Board, from active business life. His Christian work was know, and want to know, and find so much difficulty Witness said he was entitled to a week’s notice, but was in November of my first year that wo Communicants. Inf. A<1. total. Fein Mulo. Total and stated that if their provisions were extended to quietly and unostentatiously carried out. He was in discovering. Of course, the proper thing for a defendant told him if he wanted moro than the £1 General Church Mission in Eastbourne, when 1906 - 7 ... o 2 3 ...... 25 ... 7 .,.. 32 ...... 39 ... 13 ... 62 splendid in his generosity. How many causes which Vicar and his wife would be that they should know he knew where to get it. Witness concluded that he 1907 - 8 ... 885 ...... 32 ... 4 .,.. 3n .. 50 ... 13 ... #4 all Sussex and Surrey it would mean that no house meant at the County Court. : igregation for subscriptions for our church Church expenses...... f f l 3 5 ... 4,157 18 5 together with a silver medal, through the Openshaw ! Cordial thanks wer j expressed to Mr. Poacock for Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Price, the Ministers, Elders and where ho usually sent his employes. When at the ----- Lj< e and various other parochial organisations, Assistant clergy ...... 2as 7 11 ... 2,141 0 5 S.W.A. The test was then of ten minutes’ duraiion. his address, to Mr. [Wensley for presiding, and to] Managers of Sti. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Mr. end of the following week plaintiff asked for his : ihould take the place of the thank-offering E astor offering...... 190 10 10 ... 1,596 19 10 He holds the Society of Arts III. Grade Certifies e in Mr. Mellish for the uBe of the room. John Dace and Miss Julia Brefid, Mr. and Mrs. BEAUTIFYING OF THE EAST END. money witness asked him how many days he had ij of the past years. I felt that if we had a Sick and poor ...... ,.. 68 13 6 ... 718 18 5 French, and can speak that language fluently. He Aytoun, Mr- and Mrs. Thos. G. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. been working, and he replied, “ Eleven.” Witness than m Bering Sunday the money should be wholly O ther pa ochial f uuU s...... 189 9 n ... 1,987 15 5 has been a frequent visitor to France and Belgium. Walter R. Hood, Mr. Geo. V. Colsell, Miss made out a receipt for wages for 11 days at 8s. a day given— 1 po outside societies, and not to pay our own Local objects...... 90 18 10 ... 925 11 2 While conducting classes on his own-account at The Sussex Feders.tion of Licensed Victuallers* Chenoweth and Mrs. Dallas,, Stamford Hill Grateful acknowledgment is made in Christ Church and plaintiff signed it. Plaintiff asked for a week­ D iocesan objects...... 112 9 5 ... / -536 a 10 , ’arish Magazine of the following gifts, presented to St. sea in connection with the church and parish. ... 320 0 0 ... 8,033 7 1 Openshaw, Mr. Roberts approached Sir Williaili J. Associations met at the White Lion Hotel, 'East Grin­ Y.M.C.A., Mr: and Mrs. John (Potter, the East­ end oft and witness told him he must be back on _i has succeeded very well, as you know. In 1908 O.M.S...... 570 14 2 ... 5,236 8 6 Crosslev, M.P.. of gas engine fame, who had built a stead, on Tuesday, to consider the si me matterf and bourne Y.M.CJA., Miss Midgeley, Mr., Mrs. and Andrew’s Ohitreh during the last few weeks, from Monday morning early, as he wanted the stock­ ferent friends, who in every case desire to remain tke decided to go forward with our church enlarge­ Other foreign missions ...... 414 19 9 ... 3,417 3 5. large club for lads, for permission to organise a class every district in the county except Rye was repre­ Miss Slocombe, from the Pastor, Deacons and taking done. He was carrying on 16 canteens at the ment scheme and the Building Committee was Chnrch building, &c...... I — ... 9,838 17 3! in shorthand and typewriting at the club. This was members of the Congregational Church, Hackney, anonymous:— present time. Witness did not see anything more w a r Funds, &c...... 218 13 3! ... 660 5 9 sented. Those____ t pr present included Mr. F. ROBERTS, of formed. A special prayer card was issued, and I so successful that Sir William was led to open t tiler The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. A new hanging behind the altar. of plaintiff till Thursday mid-day, when he saw him , my magazine letter that I said to you, “ We commercial classes, which are now attended by 0 Horsham (president),iin-uuwho wasnao inm the chair, ^Vi.***Mr. A. sitting down in the store room. Ho was evidently £2,852 1 0 £34,150 8 6 >ut ; Quick, of Brighton (vice-president), a id the following J. R. A. Hayland. Curtains for the Sanctuary. he work to be begun, continued and ended, Additional St. Paul’s 2 years hundreds of working lads every year. For about the worse for drink and witness saw it was no use ayer,” and most thankfully do I acknowledge + Missionary aocicties a thirteen years Mr. Roberts conducted these cl isses representatives“ of " hiocal---- .Associations: - - | , Brighton, „ „ Purple chalice veil and burse for use during Advent arguing with him. He told the manager to send i« was the case. In March we had the first long way below m ark ..... ‘ 1,000 0 0 in the “ twin arts.” He also for a time inatricted Messrs. W. P. Glazeferook, E. Hollo way, A. E. Sell- and Lent. him to witness later for dismissal. Plaintiff seemed >us gift of £500 from Mrs. Wragge, and, in the classes at the Middleton Technical Institute. wood and Pocock; Chichester, Mr. I [. Mailing; East eaJs t b o u r n e p r o o f, „ White chalice veil and burse for use at Easter and half asleep and muddled, and witness could not have xora magazine a concise statement was given as to -J /'■ r 35,150 8 6 ■ He founded the Crossley S.W.A. in 1889, the Cpen- Grinstead, Messrs. FJ White and C. J. Armstrong; other festivals. a man going about the camp in that state. Plaintiff -Basons for giving up i St. Paul’s Iron Church, Pow rents ...... 3,345 4 10 shaw S.W.A. in 1896, and the Middleton S.W;A. in Eastbourne; Mr. H. [Morgan; Hastings, Messrs. H. And not only Eastbourne proof, but proof which White bookmarkers for the lectern. called at witness’s house that evening and witness in that.year we had two special days of inter- 1897. He was a member of the East Lancashire Dis­ E. Haste:,3, XX.H. AXU^UDUHug had on and T. -McC rath; Horsham, has stood the test of time. More convincing testi­ £38,495 13 4 mony would bej impossible to find. Oak prayejr desk for the side chapel, presented as a was out. He called again next morning and witness n for the church-enlargement in September and £3,849. Us. 4d. a year. trict Council of the Federation, ] and read papers at Mr. A. fi. Greenfield with the Sei retary, Mr. W. paid him 12s. for a day and a half’s work. Plaintiff Octo ier, when we waited upon God all through the several of the district conferences of that body Valler. Several me ibers of the East] Grinstead Mr. C. Crouch, of Lou Cottage, Monceux-street, tnankjoffering to God by one who has been ______i_____j _v ______l* restored to health after a serious operation. asked him about the day’s notice) and witness said day, asking Him to send us the money we needed. Licensed Victuallers’ isociation wet e also present. near the Schools, Old Town, Eastbourne, was a ear- ho would not quibble about that. He added 8s. in I remember that in October we asked God definitely At the above meeting the attendance included the Mr. G. E. Mam! IY explained i he' negotiations man in London for forty years. He can talk “ The new hangings for the Sanctuary have,” says the lieu of a day’s notioe and gave plaintiff a £1 note i £4,000 by the end of the month, which had so far taktj place in order that they might ...... City,” as he describes Magazine, “ necessitated certain minor alterations to and he left. He heard nothing more of plaintiff until Rev. R. D. Pierpoint, the Rev. J. W. Walker, the altar and! the re-table, which have both been the foundation stone was laid by the Duke Colonel Dyce, Mr. A. H. Salmon and Mr. J. Morris tunties of exercising his phonographic skill on name be enabled to repri nt to the Commissioners how it, and rememters well the completion of tho Tower he received the County Court summons. Witness urch 23rd. A photo of thislstone- of the most important public speakers of the day. absolutely unnecessai it was that the Control Board Bridge, the Holborn Viaduct, and the Thames lengthened in order to improve the proportions of the added that he would have overlooked plaintiff’s late and may be seen in the yestry. (Churchwardens), Mr. F. H. Stapley, Mr. A. Lennard, He lias contributed articles on commercial education orders should be ext ded to the wlole county, Embankment. On October 1st, 1910, Mr. Crouch Sanctuary furniture and to harmonise better with the return after the week-end as it was very difficult to & Ith of the same year the church was Mr. H. Vine, Mr. E. Kiilick, Mr. J. Liebenrood, Mr. to the Middleton, Guardian, Lancashire. A few It was stated that t eeting of all parties interested’ said: “ When Ij was working as a carman in London dignified design of the east >end of tbq church. Tlie get men. They had to put up with men who would Mrs.] oonsjerated and opened. . I say “ opened,” although Gorringe, Mr. Firmin, Mr. H. G. Coombes, Mr. C. years ago he_wrote a series of wieelay articles ir the was to be held at Bri hton on Friday and!that it had 1 was exposed to all weathers, which made me subject old curtains were placed in position without any regard only work five days a week. The fact was they M a natter of foot_____at it had__ notI __been closed for a single J. Coombs, Mr. Pilgrim, Mr. H. J. Hodgson, Mr. Eastbourne Gazette dealing with several subjeefa of j been suggested that well-known counsel should be to chills and consequent______kidney trouble. I foun;d it beingpaid to the architectural features of the Sanctuary, received so much money that they did not care about ^ "iroughout the alterations. In this y, W. E. Young, Mr. Ford, Mr. J. H. Wnght, Mr. instruction in evening classes and commercial and employed to condu< the case agai ist the enforce- difficult to get relief;iri; it" was always!w r _ accompanied . ‘ by . and no one will deny that the change has added con­ working all the week, but had a day or two off to s Iron Church was pulled down, F. W. Sparrow, Mr. C. Channerand others. technical schools. ment of the Order. a burning pai i, While the urine was almost solid siderably to the beauty of the church. These altera­ spend the money they had. A man who would work to notice that in the magazine I s] Mr. Roberts was the sole founder of the with gravel. Partial stop]stoppages of the bladder put tions were only made after the most careful considera­ steadily through the week at the work which plaintiff After tho Vicar had made his statement Mr. F. H. In tho course of the discussion which followed tion, and we consulted the architect who designed the __ the congregation dn the new and « Stapley spoke of his work, as warden during the last Incorporated Society of Commercial Tcachen, in objection was tak "to the licensed victuallers me in agony, and after I had been doing a, bit of did w ould be worth 15s. a day to him. would make a point of joining in the fourteen years. The Vicar, he said, had mentioned 1908, and was the Secretary of that organisation for gardening one day I was seized with such frightful church, as well as taking expert advice as to the various Nellie Margaret Broad, a clerk in defendant’s some time. amalgamating with thhe brewers in the matter, .it pain* in the back that I couldn’t move. details involved. There is no doubt but that the east _. that our services might be essentially con- that he was only the third Vicar of the church, and being felt by some iat the former class could best employ, corroborated Mr. Willson’s evidence as to gref (Rional. We were afraid that when the church he (the speaker) had had the privilege of being at It was Mr. Roberts who proposed and brought .1 “ I had never been in the end of St. Andrew's is most beautiful in design, and what took place between defendant and plaintiff fight their own ba _ alone. De egates from all habit of taking medicine, the old arrangement of curtains which covered up part — much larger the ringing by the congregation the ohurch with all three. He had been Vicar’s into being the annual conferences of the Society, and parts of the count made statements showing how when he left. Something was said about drink and would be moreire difficult; but 1 am thankful warden for the last fourteen years, four of which he was largely responsible for the movement which for my health had been so of the arches [on each side'of the altar scarcely did as to plaintiff’s writing being illegible. serious the hards! would be if the Order was good hitherto, but some­ justice to the architect’s ideas when he designed it.” th at our congregational ringing is quite a feat; were spent with the Rev. W. A. Bathurst and the brought about the incorporation of the Society ; In enforced, how uni; all parties weie in considering His Honour said he had come to the conclusion church worship- last ten with the present Yiear. These last ten years 1908 he proposed and set on foot the Society’s thing had to be done,’so I that plaintiff had not established his claim to be a students examination in shorthand and typewriting, it unnecessary, andj ow vastly decrease! were the got some Doan’s Backache 1910 we completed tha narthex porch, had been years of strenuous work and very much had charges of drunkenni dealt with by Benches of weekly servant. In addition to the evidence of the after laying the .foundation stone of been done for their ohurch. •- and he was appointed one of the Society’swnjiubj o OAUIU1UW8examiners Kidney Pills. It is really defendant and his young lady clerk, there was the in shorthand, and also examiner in typewriting,t Magistrates. wonderful how quickly they AN EPIC OF BRITISH HEROISM. Many of us still remember the Mr. A. H . Salmon, the Vicar’s warden, said, he fact that plaintiff signed a receipt for 11 days’ wages ___ * discussions at onr Building The London District, which is onee! of the largest of The meeting up tnimousl;nsly ap] minted Messrs, relieved m e; a box or two attended the ohurch under the first vicar as a visitor. and Morgan of Eastbourne, at 8s. a day. which came to £4. 8s. Ho gave judg­ the possibilities and the' character the Society, was practically established by Mr. McGrath, of rP' . . . . . - cleared the gravel, put my Sir Arthur ’Conan Doyle for some time past has ment for defendant. ' one member suggesting a He had been in dose touch with the church during Roberts, who took, a very active part in its forma tion. to represent the Fi tration at the ; oint meeting to back right, and quite cured save expense. ' - v i the last sixteen years and had always been keenly In addition to being a diplomated teacher of short­ be held in Bright on Friday, and it was further me in the end. . I cannot been accumulkting evidence of all kinds and from interested in its work. It was a great pleasure to decided to ask thoi incerned to invite the chairmen every possible source for tho express purpose of plac­ Cleared of Debt. hand, .Mr. Roberts is. a certificated accountant,[ and tell you how highly I prize him to occupy now'the position of Vicar’s warden. holds the diploma of the London Association of of the Hastings, R_ d East Grinatead Associations Doan’s pills. (Signed) C. ing upon record the gloriously horoio deeds of tho •AN OFFICER’S MISFORTUNE. H comber Uth was a memorable Sunday M r. J. M o r r is, the people’s warden, said he was Accountants. He also possesses the diplomas of the to attend that meel g Crouch. ” rid one of the oldest members of the church, as he had British Army From the second instalment of his lj collec- Incorporated Society of Commercial Teachers for Strong complaim .s made that nfon nation con- On M ay 10t h , 1915— thrilling and fascinating “ History of the British Capt. William Green, of the Buffs, stationed at Crow- ■issivKSfc'' attended it during the last 55 years. shorthand, typewriting, business practice, commercial corning this matt came fyom M r. Maltby, who NEARLY FIVE YEARS \ all day for tho work, and the cong gatiod Campaign in France,” which appears in the May borough, was summoned at Lewes Police Court ”* The election of members of the Church Council for correspondence, book-keeping and French; as w61l las practically represoi the brewers, a: id nc t from Mr. LATER — Mb. Crouch Tuesday for riding a motor eye](^without a rear light in rens lined in ehurph___ was while the evening offer |ents the licensed vii ituallers. s a id : “ I p everybody number of the Strand Magazine, we quote the con­ eoahtod. Not only did God send us m that day the the ensuing year then took place. Printed forms the diploma of' the Association of Book-keeping Robinson, who rep: Mailing-street, Lewes, on April oth, at 10.35 p.m. the names of all who had been proposed were Teachers].: l!. It was unanimoi agreed that a st 'ong repre. FELT AS WELL AS I DO cluding sentence? of his vivid description of tho wht e 'of the money we wanted, but we ban £200 AT EIGHTY - THREE .THEY Battle of Mons: “ August 26th was the date of Von Defendant: pleaded guilty. ove , which was spent later in sundry improvements sd round to each of those present. The papers It should be stated that he holds some imv sentation should bi ade to the Commissioners that Mu. G. CROUCH. P.C. Whidaett said defendant told him tho lam]» S afterwards put into boxes and the counting was teaching appointments, and he has for some be allowed to be represented WOULDN’T HAVE MUCH TO Kluck’s exultant telegram in which he declared that ■* were needed. The Doxology was sung from our the Federation sho| 1 Fxorn a Photo. he! held the British troops surrounded, a telegram had been changed and his rear lamp had been forgotten. hearts that night in thankfulness to God and later. The list of members of the Church been shorthand and book-keeping master at the at the inquiry an. »t merely callt d in to make a GRUMBLE AT. I PUT IT Capt. Green said a friend of his asked witness at off is not publio yet, as the Vicar is waiting to bourne College, the Eastbourne Secondary F inquiry was over, as was the ALL DOWN TO WORKING HARD, GOOD PLAIN LIVING which set Berlin fluttering with flags. On this day iide for His loving kindness to us. We thus statement when t the First Army Corps was unmolested in its march, Brighton if he would change lamps, and witness agreed. led the full amount of our liabilities two days know whether all proposed are willing to stand before and is shorthand master and typewriting 'insl ease at Littiehami , when an inquiry was held; AND PLENTY OF P.EST, WITH AN OCCASIONAL DOSE When he went for his machine he found that the rear he nominates the three additional members according under the Eastbourne Education Cqmmittee. there oonceming Sussex. of D oan’s p il l s to k e e p my k idn ey s r ig h t . reached the venerolles line that night. There was lamp had been forgotten. He tried to obtain one at the payment of the money was actually due T h is i ? t h e i nly m e d ic in e I r e q u ir e , and I ’m woody country upon the west of it, and from beyond builders. . On reaching home that bight I to arrangement. The Education Committee recently established! War Those present juently dine d to ;ether and several places, and failing to do so he had to undertake The meeting was largely attended, the hall being Emergency Clpcses for Women, and Mr. Roberts was illent repast v hich was placed CONVINCED THERE’S NOTHING FINER FOR OLD this curtain of trees they heard tho distant roar of a the journey home without one as he was due back at a blank cheque awaiting me to be filled in for appointed one of the instructors. At the conclusion much enjoyed the FOLKS.” terrific cannonade, and knew that & great battle was amount was still needed to clear off the nicely filled. on the tames by d Mrs. Melly. in progress to the westward. It was oh Smith- camp. ' j . I! ' i was. of course, returned to of the course of lessons he received the written thanks Of all ' deale: rs, or 2s. 9d. a box, from Foster- A fine of 5s. was inflicted. o had • still further expense of the Education Committee for the success which McClellan, Co.L 8, Wells-street, Oxford-street, Lon Dorrien’s Second Corps and upon the single division had attended his efforts. The members of the of the Third Corps that the full storm of the German It was in April, when we had to Th e Spir it of Discontent. — Old John Ministry of IONS Of fii at E x ten sio n . don, W. Don’t ask for backache or kidney pills— :erson was an inoura'ole grumbler. He grumbled also marked their appreciation of the, valuable instruc­ ask distinctly for Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills, the attack had broken. In a word, a corps and a half THE I»0 NOT LET GUKV HAIRS renovate and punt the Parish Room tion they had received by presenting Mr.T Roberts —The Archbiehopol nterbury annou iced: n theUppei of British troops, with two hundred and twentv-five afvv.ah. Restores Grey or cut at a oost of about £75. verythingand everyone; but at length the Vicar House of Oonvocatij t on Tuesday that the head offices White Hair to Its original ght he had found something about which John with on address signed by bach student, together :guns, were assailed by certainly four and probably oolour where the glands am we had oar first parochial conversazione in with a leather dispatch case. I ■ I of the Society for ,imoting Cbristia n Knowledge, in five Germans corps, with six hundred guns. It is no MEXICAN id make no complaint The old man’s crop of Northumberland-avi due, had beef) commandeered by not destroyed Prevents JlBall, on January 24th. This was held .toes was cerUinly the finest for miles around. Mr. Roberts’s pupils, always do well at the valrious wonder that the premature tidings of a great German Dandruff, and the U&trfrom year until the commencement of the War. In examinations. We have had i an opportunity of the Ministry of Mi jitions. The Primate added that E conomicaL Die t .—Teacher : “ Who can triumph were forwarded that morning to make one HAIR coming out. Restores and ' 'the C.M.S. Summer School was perusing various letters and testimonials from head the Ministry deeit \ the accommod ition which the name an animal which exists on very little nourish­ more item in that flood of good news which from strengthens the Hair. with, great suocesg. This masters and others, speaking in especially high terms Society’s premises ’order!, and the Oonimittee had ment?” Ferdie : “ The moth. It eats nothing but August 21st to the end of the month was pouring in REHEWER. Is not a D ye. better known, am of the excellence of his methods of instruction- decided that the ne i[of the Governm|ent were so great holes! ” upon the German people. A glittering mirage lav had then of the that they conld not st the claim. S am e A d d r e s s .— Two ragged tramps were before them. The French lines had'been hurled back year that my wife had answered. “ They’re not so poor. But where’s the bad Mr. Roberts has attained his position as Try to bo happy in t.his present moment, and 6nes for the pigs?” . by sheer hard work ip the Socioty’i cause. > Hd is a U nhappily 4.DBP.—Hostp68 : “ Oh, Mr. brought up before a justice of the peace. “ Where do from the frontier, the British were in full retreat, put not off being so to a time to come. 1 never forget your lov- member of the type of which any Society may: well Bentley, I’m sobry i Dowaon has n 3 partner for the you live?’’ the magistrate asked one. “ Nowhere,” and now were faced with absolute disaster. Behind * your extreme kind- W e K now I t .—“ A ren’t you a fra id you w ill be proud, and we feel pure that during fiis term of next waitz ; hnt pel Aps you would rot mind dancing replied the tramp. “ And where do yon live?” asked these breaking lines lay the precious capital, the vo months in Italy catch cold on such a night as this, my boy?" “ No, office the S.C.T.S. will continue'! to progress and go with her instead of rith roe ? ” Be itley!: “ On the the magistrate o’ the other tramp. “ I’ve got th6 room brain and heart of France. But God is not always A small advertisement of a Great Article— ft thorough change. . sir. Selling papers keeps up the circulation.” contrary, I shall be Kghted!” y above him 1 ” was the reply. with the big battalions, and the end was not yet.” Mackintosh's TOFFEE DE LUXE. •SSf. forward.—Shorthand Teacher’s Magazine. £ a & v .' > • • • - . 1'.'i . A '.;-v".Y.i i ? K:y-t & .r-gnteW te'.wlwiJ a.' v. •> JL 'PI


EASTBOURNEE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MA? 6, 1916 I ______HARTINGTON PLAGE BOROUGH EDUCATION1 HAIljSHAM POLICE CQDUT. DENTON VESTRY MEETING. grant for any one of them. He bore them no ill-feeling f a s h i o n a b l e © i s i l o r s ’ H i s t . Chesham Mansion. — Mr. and Mrs. Pond.. Misees whatever. Why should he? As for insulting them, he Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Yates. Mrs. Tote. f. would not think of doing sn. C U A 1 U L T O P IO S . BAGS, Hakti-oton- L awn. — Mrs. Berry. Mr-’- Hopklnfon. COMMITTEE. Mr.-Young : It is very;go ,d of you to dt i it. W To ensure accuracy Visitors are' Invited | to Bead 1 Miss Clement. Miss Raybouli. Mrs Carr. Mr. G. W ednesday. —Before Mr. Herbert Curto is (in the T W O HOURS’ SITTING. Mr. H ug:iKs said with n. kf Uckfiold, v. Frank Carr. Miss Oallae. Mr. Homo. Miss Bls’bi. Mr chair) and Baron von Roemjr. rr h collec- One of tin-rf ^losf’ c\entful weeks of tho war seems [Wood, Buxted, was. aud Corrections oloarly written, either to aud Mrs, Hilton. Mr. J. ililtoa. Mr. aud Mrs. r raulia, tions, they cad the views!o: • ms, which t of goods sold and the l’ubU-tting Offices, Sfiouth-street, or at either or : Mr, and-Mrs. Ewer HAMPDEN PARK COUNCIL! SCHOOL. CANADIAN SOLDIER SENTENCED. were entirely opposed to < a 01 her. they knew* Frir'whaf0^ ^ '*°"l*0,u'r as phlegmatic as ever. the Ilbv&ricsjor Principal Newsagents. No charge | Hubert Mize, a private in tha Machine (flun Corps, ONLY BUSINESS DONE: which was right’ he cuu*d !..-t ‘ accounts. For 'hatm or reason, interest in the political situa­ [- Lewes, appearing DEVONSHIRE PLAGE. The churchwardens, for instamv, -it nnv nap, tion is not ‘ably (lechmng, partly, perhaps becauso le ma.de for insertion. (ITor the letter / read j amity.) i was chatjgi d, on remand, with] stealing, ajs bailee, a TWO CHURCHWARDENS APPOINTED. w*cre se with regard to Hublinquam H ouse.—Mr. and Mrs. R»yror, f. Mrs. CHILDREN UNDER FIVE : COMMITTEE'S gentleman’ i bicycle, valued at £2. 5s., the property of responsible for tho fabric oi tin* cimreh, and if 'there the attention of nobody can be sustained inde^tely bags. Plaintiffs M r Thl-i list la not intended to Include permanent Nob;a. Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Vaughan-Morg *n were no collections fur thAt object they would have to Devonshire House. —Mr. aed Mrs. Collins. and DECISION. ! Mr. A. K. Smith, of High.street, on April 20th ; he Jet the fabric go. by rumours. Irishmen in London seem to h i ' of bags of cement Ht-1 den u. was further charged witl stealing, while bailee, a edit of Is. for each’ : Airs. PatWidge. Master Partridge Mdlle. Ferryrolles. Tl)o annual Y c-try Meeting for Dcr.ton parish was Mr. P rout raised the question of offertories which practically unanimous in their condemnation of the, I in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Massey. Mr. Soholley. bicycle, valued at £3. 10s., t le property of Walter Jury, hold [last Thursday evening in the Priorv Room Close to had been taken recently .and Dub m rebellion ant| ,10ws of the cncirclinB of £ £ ROYAL PARADE. of Eastbourne,' on April :!5tn;! also with j stealing a the church. Thu Rkctoh (thu Rev. 'W. Kimpstou) 134 were in a good ThornboROUOH —Mrs. and Mbs Cobb Mrs, and Master •The monthly meeting of the Education Committee bicycle, valued at £5, the property of Williujml Duly, of The R ector stated that lie had a letter ending for €1 rebels■ was receivede . with tfreata satisfaction.e .. The Ifor them, but the ■ Bebkklev.— Mrs. liolman, f. Col. and Mrs. James Hinsiey. Mira Bowick. Miss Cardale and friend. of, the Town Council was held at the Town Hall on the presided, and among those also present were Messrs. towards the fund for the augmentation of the living. | to the holes which Ghan.npl Vnew. hkr.. rtogats. Mlwlb-rc), Air. and Horstmonceux. He pleadeppleadel guiltygui|ty to all th$the dtdharges. G. Barrow and A. E. Hughes (clmrchwardbns), H. Mr. Hughes was not at ciinroh and in his absence, and mtimation of the fall 0f Kut came as a surprise to sue was whether Mrs. to-ish. Mr. and Mrs. Everlngton, L . The1 HaNmainm.—Mrs TAnyon. Mr. H. H. Coles. Miss | 27th ult:- Councillor .T. D uke (chairmaA) presided, and Edwin Churchill,...... an...... assi:taut to Mr. Jury, said the Profit, J. White, E. .1. Hughes, T. Hilton, G. Young, with the consent of Mr. li. now, he decided to have many bu it is pointed out in military circles that, 8h>ast„ anu.— Mr. and Mr.-. Craig Kverard Mrs. Bo wlok Master Jack Beswlok. Mrs. there were also present the Mayor (Alderman O'Brien prisoner t a bicycle, paying Is. for two) hours, but unfortunate as it is tlm ,r«ii * i t . i , i K credit for these Rbnby. ilr. and Mrs. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilahlre, Miss E. Osborne, .T. Lovegrove, F. Ford, W. Moore, A collections on two Sundays for that object. . He did not W n fnrnnd * 1 c ^n‘‘ant General should have t Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kyer. Ml-a Menzles Cook. Mr T. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Ulllett. Harding), the Rev. F. S. Williams (depjitv-chairman), he did nol turn the mac Andrews, J. Payne, E. Elliott, A. Hatwell, &c. receive £1 and the third Sunday s collections also failed been torced to surrender „ \ n (Hlleit. Mr. Fred Ullie.t. Mr. Peter Gi lett Miss Mr. Dil tis, of Haiailsham, statedi thattnac onohjApril [April 25thzom the Strategical suchafino resistance. the employ- of Boston Housb.—Mr. and Mrs. Llnnett) t Mr. and Mrs. Cornea. Mrs. Baildon. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.. Poxson Aldermen Keay and Wright, Oonnaillors Bolton, The Minutes ! to produce the required anvount. On the fourth Sunday lit credit for the Pearson, f. __ Mr. and Size askec jin to buyly a bicycle, fo which he |wanted £1. Indeed, I iiamu« i ^10 is very slight! Mr. and Mrs. Dyson. Mr. and Mrs. Howes. Durell, Fox, Hoadley, • Hollins, Pulsfh|-d, Russell and rrrVit tKo rvi After prayer by the R ector the minute book was there was a balance over the £1, which he handed back. i*:.- lc^ . cl,nte sensational prophecies of jon. Ho said the MARINE PARADE ! | Mrs. Rainey. Captain aud Mrs. L. B. Challis. Mr. Witness bol ht the uiachin i. ! Mr. P rout: Von had'tfie money, didn’t you? tho difficulties which'1'TM ^en8aU°n aVproPl , ouvkris ouse Soddy, Miss Whelpton, the Rev. W. Macfadyen Scott, An assi at to Mr. Smith, named Richardson, spoke produced, and a question arose who should act as clerk , , na . key will bo forced to i soon as they were B H . +-Mr."and Mrs. Jones. I Miss Jones. ltyao. Mr. Gunn P° The R ector : Aud you tried to take it from me, encounter in the very i-oar * future.-°y W‘ -For bo the forced rest, an [)m August till the Mr. and Mrs. Kirhham tho Rev. Canon Streatfeild and Mr. R. Y n H. Ilamblyn. to the prjsi. - I, hiring —„ a - bicycle e fromfrom Mr.Mr. Sipit' Sm|ith’s shop, and lfead the minutes recorded by Mr. Av&rd, as Vestry i didn’t't youv ? v-,, - effort has been made White ilou-tc.—Mrs. t.towley. Miss Crowley L t BURLINGTON PLAGE and Gcorge Hcnry Smith, of HcrstmonceuX, said Size clerk- in hisabseuce. It was decided that Mr. Barrow j After j was sent monthly Nation a i. Organisation op Cadet ITuaining. After further discussion on this matter the meeting on the subject,subject of of" air d«? quaTte^ to revive * »caro Lilbukn -Mr. Rnd drs. iCGtoto, f. Mr,Douglas Ell ott. Park Hooas.-Mrs. Lillie Miss LUllo offered him a machine for £;! and he made the purchase, should act, and then the question arose whether it was ' failed decidedly in , U s<‘orm .to havft | a note to the effect Mis. J deken-ou. Mira i'-iokenson. Mr. and Mrs. Hard­ A letter was read from tho Lord M ijor of London necessary to read the minutes, which occupied 2G ■ came to a close, the question of appointing sidesmen, sacks which were man, (. Miss Warnfi.rd. Mrs. Wall Broomlik. -Miss Crampton. Mrs. Wynn Williams f. thiuking it kvas all right, as the prisoner had two soldiers which was mentioned at the end of the meeting, being enemv aircraft. In o . ,th? r<>cent activities of Durham H ouse — Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith, f. Mr. with regard to a private conference to consider the with.him. closejy-written papres of the foolscap minute book. atmosphere of fact, I have never met an aent as to that 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Sabine. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes I and Mrs. Rlchardsoo, f. Mr. and Mrs. Grey, I. formation of Junior Cadet School Batts lions and their Mij. P rout said he did not see how they could con­ left over till “ the next meeting.” greater Maktimoton House.—Mna Adams. MlssAdanm. Mrs. William Duly said the prisoner hired a bicycle from qualified to judKOoffhe pTogreLTf Z w a f 8 ^ Jolllffj. f. I'OMEORbST.— vlissTnrner ,» connection with the Senior Battalions under the County his shop onjApril 2fitb, but lie did not return)it. firm [the miuutes unless they heard them read. He [plaintiffs, produced HiiAton. — Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs- Benthara. Mrs. W. Cadet Committees and tho National Cadet Council. movejd that the minutes be read. and showed that Stkn H use— Mrs. Allen, f f Beut ham Martin. Miss Armstrong. Miss Perry. Miss Joseph p jarper, of Lewes stated that on April 2(ith Albion Hotel.-* Gen. and Mrs. Miles. Mr. and Mri. R Dnmsday It was resolved : “ That Councillor So lily be asked to the prison. ’ asked him to buy a bicycle fdr £2. 10s. Mh- A. E. H ughes seconded, and the motion was dimtuished'zest. The' meet hi g a t °t h*' ^*4° “** were small holes Callard. t. Mr and Mrs. E. Schooling, f. Miss Now- represent this Committee at tho conference.” carried. NEWS IN BRIEF. with its highly .distinguished a‘nt^etfMan3.1,on Hous®. had been nailed man. 111. Ithodes. Miss Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Glvndowbr — Hr W. *3. Key be. Mlsq Lethbridge. He said h had purchased! the machine at, Hassocks, taken as officially representing P “ ay be* Miss Roane Miss Chapman. Mrs. Farrell. Misses H eadship op H ampden Park 13p:IIIOOL. and wantei the money to gat back to [his camp, Thhre were minutes of the annual Vestry Meeting [rite useless. Jones Mr. Melville Miller, ftev. and Mrs. bmyjie. Hv sell. Mrs. aud Miss Morton. Mrs. Kerr. Misses and An adjourned meeting held l*u?t year to be read. tho tribute to the nation.ftho T9‘ty. n B,Lare, i in dispute were Mr. F. i'. Hall. Dr and Mrs. Ccckrane. MissCookrane. A letter was read from tho Managers11 f the Willow- Witness bo ght the bieyeli) for £2. 5s., but] only gave L argest T elephone E xchange. moment rehearsals were in /ulf^w* UPf tll! the last Mrs. and Miss Alkie. Capt. and Mrs. H. dej Wlndt. Karr. Hies R. Retire Mrs. Goad. Madame Lammeus Size £1. , offering to pay the remainder if the Thosj) of the first meeting occujiied 22 minutes in read­ J they haa become Mdlle. Lammens. Mrs, Pooook and child. Mr. and field H.G. Council School regarding the proposed i. id ing, during which several sarcastic references were On Saturday at Portsmouth the Post Office opened the pageant at IJrurv I .alie It ^ B*6a‘ •He returned the Mr. ai d Mrs. Kfisham. Mr, and Mrs. E. de Ua-tro, f. transfer of their first assistant master to prisoner gave him proof of the purchase, largest automatic telephone exchange in the country, Mis- de Silva. Hr. MagalhatB. Mrs. and Miss Morisun. Mrs. Bertley. Mr. Bentley, jun. Mrs. Hall. Miss the temporary Supt.~ t. Willslard said Size yvas cbnvicted of;stealing a madej by those present to the waste of time. both the King and Queen l,„7 I n>? W,hi'° sl[lco i as thev were sent Rev. W. Ogle. Mrs. bianco White. Mira Blanco Good. Mr. and Mrs. Edge Mrs Farrell. Mr. and headship of tho Hampden Park Council. S chool. Atjthe close of the minutes Mr. P rout remarked with 7,000 lines, 5,000 more than the previous largest in the national theatre I Pre3cnt,t?Bet£er with plaintiffs, White. Lieut and Mrs. I arkworthy. Mr. 0. Hawtrey. Mr*. Tile. Mr. Hall. Mr., Mrs. and Misses Sard. Mrs. The letter was referred to tho Element,tary Education bicycle inj.Tj nary this year [ automatic exchange. Matterson. Mr. and Mrs. Moss. Mrs. Martin. Miss Prisone .’ho said he was a Canadian and had been thajt they appeared to be pretty correct, and hejthought decidedly critical amliei.ee, the - U ldV ioThaT b^ea as a labourer for Miss N. Boucioault. Miss V-_ CnnjiinRhamu ^Ml-s and School Attendance Sub-Committt they having thevthey |might mitrht take those of the adjournedji.dionrr? ’ meeting as estructive ull [High Hurst Wood, Tuo.-cort. Mr. K. Q. Bayloy. Mr. and Mrs. Pi K. R. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. Mr. Carreras. been given power to act in this matter. in the Ai about 20 months, Was sentenced to one D B . Misses Watson. Mrs. and Miss Hooper. R v. and month’s ii ■isonment in each case. read.] An infuriated bull in a furniture shop did £50 damage hen it arrived and MARINE GARDENS. Mrs. Norman Skene. Rev. Ranger. Misses Walker. A letter was read from the Head Mastte - of Hampden Tjhp R ector : I think we better have them all read. 1 .which was lying Park School asking, in the event of his > ling called up at Portsmouth. Pttohi.kv House. — Mr. aud Mrs. NewmanJ Miss Mi s Wells The fainutes of both meetings will require signing. That showed that Gulliver Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs , HOWARD SQUARE for military service, whether he will hav to vacate the Mil Barrow resumed his task, which occupied T heft of 460 Sovereigns. Day ” Vwas0,a agre'tiS'l,Un,ay af‘erh°™* “ M e d f e (bags, which were Gutheiidgo. Mis. Seymour. Mrs. and Miss Davl-on Qukndon Lodge.—Mrs. Hill. Miss Chambers. Mr. School House. e a s t Su s s e x cc UNTY COUNCIL. another 20 minutes, and he was quite hoarse before the On Councillor W. Ohcesinan, of Wokingham, Berk­ s«xmd instalment of i l f S t l y when “afl the^Jhotri " ey nad been sent. Boxnv. — Mrs. Harkop. Mrs. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hands, f. Miss Hands. Mr. and Mrs. Blow, The Committee resolved: “ That thi Head Master duty was completed. shire, being notified by the police that he was liable to a evidence was very Jaokson L _ i I . i f. Miss Brodle Hall be informed that he will not be called u n to do so.” summons for leaving his house well lighted and no blinds oi vro At I the close of the task, which occupied, altogether and he gave judgT GRAND PARADE H . 'JD.—Mr. H. de Conroy Peaoh. Mrs. and Miss (The headship of Hampden Park is det. t with in .the ector drawn he declared that when he went out he had left it I Morrl-01. Misses Barlow (2). Miss Trew. Mrs. and I [t h e CHAIRMANSHIP, j 42 minutes, the R remarked: I don’t Buppose L—Mrs. SdltU Thoiinloy. Mrs. Peach. Mrs. Hllliden. Miss Goldlrg Mrs. Hesten report of the Elementary Education Sup- ■ommittee.) . anybody will ever read them again. iu darkness and locked the doors. On returning he of the 11 bags, Mr. au,l Mrs. A. Solkmith, t found that 460 sovereigns, two gold rings, and a silver 2.—Dr. m d Mrs, Nolan. Miss Snell Ettingt in House.-M rs, Boanborough. Miss Street. The reports of the various sub-commil t eos were then Mr. H ilton : They* will want a job if they dp. 4„V.A th| f. ub hF waited upon tho Spanieh 1 to them, Mini Ellis. Master Collwter. Mr. and Mrs. Bramber, Mrs. Bunbury. Mr.; Mrs. aud Miss Brooke Hunt considered and approved. The anbual meeting of the East Sussex County Mrj Y oung : Perhaps the next rector might, like to watch, which he had left in an unlocked box, had dis­ ld K-W"l,A,,in ,llu"'innt''’1 ad[!r«9 to bo pre­ ndant could have Council wil ;be held at Lewes next Tuesday, and in have look at them sometimes (laughter). appeared. sented tosKing Alfonso “ as a tribute of rospectiul f. Mis. Hichea. Miss i.tamp I LASOELLES TERRACE E lementary E ducation and School . lttendAsce. 4.—Mr. aud Mrs. Feiiner. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan^Kelly, f. accordance syith custom Major R,. L. Thornton, who A further 10 minutes was occupied in finding and A W andering “ C. O.” homage to the immortal memory of Cervantes.” Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan- U.—The Rev. Innes B. and Mrs. Wane. Rev. aud Mrs Children under Five Years.—A ret irn of these MACHINE. 8. -Mr. andStevensoD, Mrs. f. has presided over the Council for three years with correcting two small errors in the minutes, which were After wandering for days without fool, a Sittinglioume T ldlFJI8^ .FI'[r Dai: ” has given a great stimulus, Morgan, f. Hughes children at present in attendance was submitted, and a then Signed by the R ector, who remarked that it was bank clerk, a conscientious objector, was found on Satur 15.—Mr. F. L. Sturt. MIhs Roos. Mr. and Mrs. Barham I be.ieve, to the support of the Star and Garter Cliffe, Lewes, sued B,—.v,r. and Mr?. Fowler. Mrs. Barrington. Miss letter from the School Medical OfficB-, giving the marked abil ty, will retire from the position! and it is qui te unnecessary to have such long minutes. day in a wood some miles away, very much exhausted. Home, apart from the actual sum realised by the sale 'A. 7s. 9d. in respect Bariingtdn , Homeleigh.-M rs. and Mias Tarner grounds on which he recommended their exclusion, was expected th lit he will be succeeded by Mr. «E Godwin It vns decided on the proposition of Mr.; A. E. 9. - Mr- With. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies. Mrs. Clark Faihhaven.—Mrs. Primrose. Mrs. S. H. Heath, Mira read. Tho School Medical Officer stated that, in view “ Churchwardresh ! ” of the little flags. 1 he purpose underlying it waa 10. —Lad> Buoknlll, 1. i Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Heath King, who has rendered verv valuable service to the H ughes, seconded by Mr. Barrow, that Mr. Avard that of enabling the ladms who have worked » t Lewes, appeared IL—Mis- Jack-on. Mr. aud Mrs. Roaoh. Mr. and Mrs. Bklgravk. — Alloa Williams. Miss Grace Williams. of tho small number of these children iii attendance, county for mkny years, and who afc the present moment should be appointed Vestry clerk for the ensuing year. A woman churchwarden, or “ churchwardress,” as the zealously for Alexandra Day since its inception to had been paid, the Miss Weir. Mr. Barolay. Ml-s Widglngton. Mr. ho did not press the matter. After fu .1 discussion it vicar said, has been appointed at the vestry of St. Alary’s, Dent. Miss aud via tor Dent ,1 is eliairms n Of the East Sussex Insurance Upmmittee. T he Churchwardenship. endow a bed in the Home for tho men totally en­ f9 the carriage of a Wr-T •'taw.—Mr. aud Mrs. Taylor-Rettell. f. Mrs. and Rural 11. Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mlssoi Clark (2) Miss was resolved that, after looking at the m t .ter in all its Mr. Godwin (King is a Camlridgeigraduate. f Cowes. abled through the war. The Royal Society of S t by defendant And Miss Gibson Hicks. Mrs. Pay. Atons.A, Paez. Mona. E. Ciprlaul. bearings, theOoinmitteeconsidersit limit cassary to take The R ector next referred to the churohwardenship, R esented E conomy. Mon-. H Navarro. Rev. Father Joi es. Capt. Go irge The neV yice-chairman will prlobably be blr. J. A. J and George cordially supported the scheme, ' and tha P iiinckss Mansion.—Rev. and Mrs. Walker. Miss any action at the present time. a lbTilliW Tk/Mmrr\vi Aiinantn'n A If f A„ -1 ^katid ijemarked that there was no people’s warden in Hairdressers in the Ebbw Vale (Mon.) are to appeal to flploy of plaintiff, Wallc.r i [ Davis, R A M.C. Mrs. ltu den. Mr. Ru den. Mira School Clinic.—A minute of the Managers of the Nix, who like Major Thornton, was educate! at Eton liarish. Denton Church had not been built since f'l‘u“‘tL„T,ii,1J,llj llon 9as-been very satisfactory. 43 • Mrs. Fair. Mis? Fair. Master John Fait. Mias Wiloox. Miss Pentelow. M on-. Van Ndrom and Trinity iCollege, Cambridge. At Eto] i he was the Ijeel Act of Parliament was passed. the workmen of the district not to encourage the growing I am told that the date of Alexandra Day has now* about February East-street Council SchooLsuggesting t u t the sohool Under that practice of cutting one another’s hair as a war-time been definitely fixed for June 21st. It will be fit was agreed th a t. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. < ‘wen, f. WILMINGTON SQUARE captain of tl q Oppidans, and at Cambridge hi > obtained I Act qno churchwarden was appointed by the! ipeople 52. -Mrs. Callender, L Mrs. and Mira Martin. Mrs. clinic should bo arranged in thq afternixins instead of classical hunejurs. Mr. Nix economy. celebrated on the same day in over 300 provincial [ a handle for worlf- 1 \ Kenilworth Court.-M r. L. Stokes. Mrs. and Miss mornings was read, together with the observations of as served the cq untry and and ohe by the Rector or Vicar, but as far as they in Barrett. Mr. Smith tho public ir inany other dii ctionB. He is ahl ex-High that parish were concerned they were guided :by the Suicide after R ejection. towns I am reminded that 25,000,000 little pink ad Po power. The i 53. Mr -nd Mrs. Hopkins. MissLeckle. Rev. W. and i.ymhurra Towns. Mrs. Jminette Brown. Rev. the School Medical Officer on ths^iatterj The Sohool roses have been ordered from Groom’s Crippleago defendant returned Mrs. Bathnr.-t, Mbs Bathurst S. & Kirkley. Master J. Atkins. Miss Liardet. Sheriff ol Sussex, a past hairman. of th® Finance Canons of the Church and by custom, and not by any ' Tired of living ” was the note left by Arthur Hey- .Medical Officer, during the discussion, i iggested that Committe j c f the County G wood, of Bolton, whose body was found in the canal at m London and the kindred institution at Nottingham chased a smaller Bvdsey Houss.— Mrs. Chambers. Master and Miss Mrs. R. A Mooro. Mrs. Steadman. Lieut, and it might bo possible toaiTaugefor a room noil and of the EducationEd particular Act of Parliament. It was open) to the Mrs Searle. Miss Stopheue. Mrs. Keay. Mr. VV. ,o be engaged Committe j aiid he is a platooi i commander of tjbeijhe V.T.C. parish to elect iioth churchwardens, mid in the event of Leigh. He had been rejected from the Army on medical and advance deliveries have been despatched to Hong five or six weeks Chambers. Vfrs. Kent, L Mrs. MeOandlas f. Mr. hyley. Mr and Mrs. ra. Playfair. Mira Playfair, iu the eastern portion of the borough \v a are the daily grounds. Kong, South Africa, Canada and the West Indies. when returning' it, ard Mrs. Shle'ds. ,Mi—Griffith. Mrs. Pogmore. Mi-s I.ieut Field. Miss Jones. Mrs. BaRil. Boll. Mastor medical dressings of children could he dt qq and so save During php! past year all th[iree gentlemen t^ave made a dispute the people appointed one and the lledtor the Walden. Kiight-tiub-Lient. Hackman. Fllght-Bub- remarkablje attendance recoids. other.: Until three years ago there was no question .D ouble D rowning Case. Last year, it will be remembered, realised £100,000 it would hot be Llout. Durstan. FHght-8ub- Lieut. Uutty. Fllght-Bub- Richard Ball. Miss Reynolds. Mrs. Money. Mr and the children the long walk to the Town Ha Resolved: Major Thornton was | for various charities, a third of this sum being allotted iWitness stated LieUtt Mnuroo. Flight-dub-Liout Colquhoun. Fllght- Mrs. G. ' alPngham. Mr. Earle Douglas. Mrs. That tho School Medical Officer nmko nquiries and sum alone';) Id 141 meetings! and attended qvery one, about .this matter. Then friction arose. “ If you care Hearing his sou William; aged 30, say, “ I will drown to London, with the approval of Her Alajesty. lit of the chaff- SnbsLlout- Gibbs. KIlgh -anb-LJeut West. Flight- Walker Wolboru. Dr. and Mrs. HIM yard. Master report his recommendations, together wit 1 the estimate Mr. Godwin King was called to 1^6 meetings and was J to elect two churchwardens to-night,” concluded the myself,” John Currie, the father, tun after him, but i Mr. Culverwell. But- Lieut. Kow. Fll ght- dub- Lieut. Carr. Flight- sub- Peter Hildyard. Mrs. Norman Roberts. Mr. J. of cost, to this Committee, ut the next m etting. present 100 times, aud Mr. |Nix mado llo attendances Rector, “ you can do so.” could not catch him before: he jumped into the river at News of the death of Lord St. Aldwyn came when , • arrangement was Lieut. Kiugniord. Fllght-Sub-Lieut. Greer. Air. and Edmunds Air. aud Mrs. W. H. Burt. Misses Burt (2). out of a ppsi ible 132. Mr. P rout: I will raise the same objection as I did Annan. Both were drowned. no had hardly grown accustomed to the fact that hia' Mrs. Strong. Miss Dyball. Miss Walden. Mr. and Capt. and Mrs. Grier. Rev. tiuffe, Mrs. Heymann School Attendance Officers’ Annual R^i1 lorts.—These last yfear. I know if we elect any man except one son and heir V tsrount Quonington, had boen killed 8.—Mr. aud Mrs. Turner Laing, f. Mrs. Emanuel’s f. were submitted, of which the following i i a summary, V on der Going M urder T ale. b was purchased by Mrs. Munford. Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Bailey, Mira f particular man you won’t accept him. in action. His influence, even in his old age, waa Leeks. Miss Farr cut t. Mrs. Ainsworth. Rev. R, It.-Mrs. Rutherford f. Mrs. Merrlelera, f. viz. :— A personwho.se opinion is of weight and who has just very considerable and he never ceased to be rastaupplied. With- 13.— sir. aud Mrs. F-rrade Mr. A Geering The Ruuron : May I ask you how you know that ? a Radi; y Bell Nebraska Mansion. — Mrs. Stubbs, f MIsb Biroh. Mr. s. Dunn LIFE AM) ADVENT TR Mr. |Fkol*t : Well, to test the meeting I propose Mr. arrived at Bucharest from Constantinople states that political figure that had to be reckoned with. |him, as he had no Bsa View.—Mrs. Muopratt Williams. IMrs. Kennedy. i Western ami his farm. The Mrs. Yorke Davies, f Mrs. Halmon's f. I Eastern Hampden Park Ford £S parson’s warden and Mr. A. E. Hughes as Field-Marshal.von der Guttz was shot by three revolver Although nearly m his eightieth year, ho has played % ® Mrs. Stookton. Mrs. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Lion. Mr. rampian ia on , District). District). bullets fired by one Ali Abdullah, an officer in the 17th nr> active part since tho outbreak of the "*-'• . ntly he bought a Btewa-.t, Mrs. Torner. Mr. Hanson. Geu. Ross- G 1 .\'8I . -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bain, Mr. peoples warden. Will anyone second that ? aud Mrs. Kahn. f. The Hon. Mrs. Jackson. Mr-. Visits to parents of irregular ■ On Sunday evening last Ithe first of the| series of Mr. [Young : Yes, I will. Anatolian Inlaucry Regiment. The murder was com­ particularly m placing his experience in financial I the one purchased Charch. Mira Uoss-Church. Miss Rayner. Llent. Ortu. Lieut. Ootls, Miss Uctis attenclers...... i...... 925R .. 5962 mitted on April 14[b at 6 p.ni. the station when and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Klmber. Mrs. and Miss Written warnings served ...... 22' 45 lectures on ‘f|Life and Advent Truth ” was delivered in The R ector*. I must protest. You cannot propose a matters at the disposal of the Government. It is to i returned it with Atkins. Miss Adi»m>. Mr. and Mrs. Moran. Mrs. WILMINGTON GARDENS. Cautions to parents of irregular the Roselanq^ Mission Hall by Mr. A. .T. Mills,' of the parson’s warden. T he P oint of V iew. be doubted if England has ever had a more able and and the Misses Grimple MlssSplller. Mrs. Anderson, attenders...... 18 53 Conditional Ibimortality Mission. In the course of the M r.!P rout: There. It is just what I said. Yob t o u t e d Chancellor of tho Exchequer. So recently Miss Brown. Mrs. and Missi SlatI later. Mrs. and Miss Brentwood. — Miss Doulson. Mrs. Phillips. Mbs | Removals and transfers veriflod... 212 147 lecture it wap pointed out that the Bible deals [with man won’t iceept anybody but one particular man. The Welsh coalownersliave applied to the Conciliation aa 1909 he mode his influence in politics strongly felt defendant with Is, on. Misses ‘.-harland. Mr. and Ml-s Earle- Phillips. Mrs. Cutlar. Missel Cutlar. Mr. and Mrs Board for a reduction of 7i per cent, m tiie general Illegal employment cases dealt as a mortal being subject to death, there boink no men­ The [Rector : You cannot elect a Rector’s waiiden. when he had a considerable share in tiding over the I 1 [ evidence had been Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bsylls. Mr. add Mrs. Hobbs. Gi ri.all. Mr. J. Gori.all. Mr. aud Mrs. Lund, idiss with ...... 1...... 8 12 wage rate, and the South \Y ales miners demand an the contract for Mr. and Mrs. Williams Miss Williams. Mr. and U|kli Children found not attending any tion in the Bible of an imnicjrtal or eternal squl. Man Mr. jA. E. H ughes (to Mr. Prout): You can do it by advance of 15 per cent, in the general wage rate, based crisis in the House of Lords. Strongly as he objected as defendant had Mrs. Mastey. Rt-v. P, Tovomey. Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Darmstadt -MLss Davis. Mrs. Wells, f. Miss Draper. -cliool...... i...... 29 18 is on probation for eternal life, which will be gi jren on the proposing tho two as churchwardens. on the higher selling prices) to the Budget of that, year, he could not agree that Sr ; i | Mrs. Xnlloota. Mr. and Mrs. Perolval Miss Kendall and friends Inquiries uiodo and answered..... 38 70 fulfilment of | certain conditions. Men are Mr. jPltOUT: I will do it that way then. I propose the Lords were justified in not passing it, so he was he transaction and r oube m M Chatkwobth Hotel.—Miss Evans. Miss Ganntlett. C 'YDON H . - Mrs. Gordon. Mr. R. A, Go'-doo. Cases reported to Inspector for everything td gain immortal fame, but “ Eternal life that Mr. Hughes and Mr. Ford be elected church­ T inned Cat. absent from the debates, . taking this course in onditicin that a Mrs. Bowes. Rev. and Mrs. Grainger. Mbs Grey. cruelty to children ....]...... :...... 12 I preference to supporting apparently a financial Mrs. JaokhOn, Miss Rotcllffe. Madame Camb er. Moss. Mi s Wynne. Misses Fdwards |2). Miss Bhute. Miss | 8 is the gift of |God,” only to ' obtained on Hjs terms.’ wardens for the ensuing year. . For saving a cat’s life by extricating its head from a Cambier. Mrs. Clarkson. Rev. G. H. King. Mr. Legal proceedings taken...... 98 ) 24 The lecturje on Monday e|vemng dealt wiitii certain The R EOTOlt Is Mr. Ford a confirmed member of the tin, P.C. Scoones, of Canterbury, has been awarded a measure o! v. inch he disapproved. In the same way, Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Newling. Miss Dougall. Major Gun and friend. Mr. Hope Sent to Industrial Schools...... 5 2 Infants transferred and verified prophecies injconnection witl the professing hristian Church ? medal. «'hilo strongly objecting to the Parliament Bill, be i E mploye. Jaokson. Lieut Matthews. Mr. and Mm. Steiry. WILMINGTON TERRACE. Mr. P rout: Y ou can’t refuse him if he is not. R eichstag to Meet on AIay 9th. dissented from those Peers who advocated the policy Kev. and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Dashfield. Mr. (April)...... 372 160 churches, thje lecturer urgi: that these hurches, of “ No Surrender.” ndon, claimed £3 and Mrs. Cox. Miss Ccx. Sir Frauds and Lady Danksbtrt.-M iss Gordon Smythies. Mr. and M*s. Labour Examination.—It was reporter that______H.M. mainly Gentile, had not fulfilled the conditions of their 'he R ector (to Mr. Ford): Are you a confirmed From Berlin it is reported that the Budget and Taxes op contractor, of Groen. Lieut and ifrs. Carey. Mrs." eaver. Lieut. Horsley. Mira Horsley Mr and Mrs. Wallis. Mr. calling and Mhssing, and, like the nation of Israel, they member of the Church ? Committee of .the Reichstag will resume their sessions Tne recent spectacular parade of the London special anil Mrs. Hesx. Mr) and. Mrs. McNaught. Mi^sai Inspector had conducted an examination for labour Mr. Ford : That is mv business. | in lieu of notice, i and Mrs. Tavener. Mrs. and Miss Shi riis. Mi Hart. certificates on 16th March, 1916, and that .3 candidates came under the Divine displetisure and would eventually on Tuesday next, and that the Reichstag will meet on constables reminds one of another equally valuable ; [ S y Seaford, appeared Mrs. Bart MoNaughb (2j Mr.. GreenGre and friend be “ cut off.” The [Rector: Y ou are a member of the Church of sphere of effort which has been attracting a great dii the westerrf England ? Alay 9th. It is hoped that debate will be finished by •Cavxndish H otei— Mrs and Mira Ji Major JEVINGTONairc g a r d e n s . On Wednesday evening tho sayings of .Tesps in con the end of Alay. many City men. This is the Volunteer Munitions MooketL Mrs. Black. Miss Horne. ; Mr. and iXrs. district had boen examined. From the fu aner district Mr. Yord : That is right. __emont issued by 2 —The Hon. Mrs. Fraser, f The Hon. Mrs. Davcon, f. 11 passed and two failed, and from the la! ter district 10 neefion with ;a future life were examined, and it was Brigade, of which Mr. Lloyd George is the President |' to tho grocery and Price. Mr. and Mrs. Margin. Mil.i Martin. Mr. The 'Rector : Would you he able to carry out the R egistrars and E xemption. and the Ijord Mayor one of the General Committee, •*: ; « r Bauer. Col. and Mrs. Uodfrev Webster: Mrs. Chaloaer ilCNNvr.vwv -Wr'. Maeray. Miss Wha'ley. Dr. and passed and 13 failed. again contended that there cculd be no life after death duties if appointed ? to Seaford and bmiih and party. Mr. W. P. Fi awiok. Miss Mrs c l. *H. Miss Robins in Hampden Bark Council School.—A lot was read for any man! apart from th > Resurrection, every one The Registrar-General will not support exemption and vvhich lias issued a report of work from the go. He told defen- Bammersley. Mr. and Mrs. NichoLon. Mrs Band. 6.—Mrs Well-, £ .lrs.JB.il from Mr. Couuci(lor Behrson, with ref. fence to the that died corftinuing in the death state until callled from Mr. F ord : Well, yes. appeals for registrars of births aud deaths, because the inception to December 31st. Tho Brigade was _> 25 years and had Mr. Hililavd. Miss Barrett. Mr. Taylor. Major and Mo tkoro.— «r. and Mrs. Forbes, f. the' tombs by the Archangel’s voice. Tho [Rector : Would your business interfere with work can be done by women. formed in .June, as the result of a desire on the part Bltos House.—Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lawson, f. The | recent letter of the Board of Education! stating that your attendance ? ild him he wanted Marqoi>e de Bonrbel Capt. and Mn Napper. Mr. they could not request the local recruitiug, officer not to Fatal Bomb P ractice. * of City ^ men to assist the country in the production pence Work on tho and Mri. Taltonrd-Inmaa. Mrs im Thnrn.urn. . Mrs.______and * Hou Mia e ' Mo tvn These lectures are being lontiuhed until May Jflth ; Mr. F o rd : It might do sometimes, the same as it of munitions. W ithin a few weeks, some thousands Miss Hu.verson. Mr-, h ardley Wilmot. Mr. j. Walker. 38.—Hr. anil Mrs. Wentworth. Mira Mi 'hou call up the head master of this school, as they were of particulars are given iu an [advertisement oh another does other people. The accidental bursting of a bomb which he was > subject of wages MoRHINGSIUlt. — A. Viwivrd v • 11 n. alira Smith. opinion that a school of this size could be placed under applied for membership. On Sunday, June 13th, the hi Witness worked Lord Trayner. Mrs. Morgan Yonng. Lieut, and Mrs. page. The R ector : You work on the Quay ? about to throw during practice killed Lance-Corporal first squad of Brigade men started work at Woolwich Cochrane. Mira Packe. Mrs. HaU. Capt. and Mrs. Mr-. Siillg. M"'. Ward Miss Morton. Mrs. Bond. a head mistress, stating that, as one of the Managers, Stanley Reed (21), Devonshire Regiment, of Torquay. " and ho then went Irouride-Bax. Capt. Woodman. Capt. Crackenthorpe. Mr--. Frank Bond. Ml-- M. Lambert. Mrs. Borradaiie | he thinks it most desirable that the head fit acher should Mr. F ord: What if I do. Our soldiers must have Arsenal. The week-end Brigade workors at the for his money, Mii.lkr’s Da n. —Mr and Mr-. J, W. ft. Still and sen food arid ammunition. Lieutenant Puddicombe, in charge of :the party, and Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. - ,, be a male, and suggested that an appeal s! ould be made seven men were injured. Arsenal now number well over 2,000. Other munition [he;wanted, and ha Bagocld-Smith. Professor Ram-ay. Col. and Mrs I Pevknbet H ouse. —Mr. M ioro. Misses Aoore (2). to the Local Tribunal to grant exemption from military EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEER TRAINING The R ector : I want a man who will do the work and manufacturers have taken advantage of the services He asked him Derry. Mr. and Mira Griffin. Mrs. Byres. Mr. and who is able to attend regularly. 4 A Nose Club. qf the members. Some of the members are doing Mrs. Inman. Capt. Brown CARLISLE ROAD. service to the present bead master. Mr. F o rd : I suppose you would not attend so and witness told The position as set forth by the deputation from the CORPS. A number of residents of a suburb of Chelmsford inspection work at the Arsenal, and, after a good at will be £4. 8s., ▲ralukn — Mr. and Mrs. Lenanton. Mrs. Pulverman. SoTmiBOROUGH.—Mrs. Slmpsm. Mrs. Stewart Miss regularly unless you were paid to do it. deal of discussion, it has been decided that 10 per Mr. F. Pulvorman. Mr. K. Pulverman. Mm. Fran--. Burnet-. Miss Chadwick Mrs. Laurie. Miss Ada managing body to the Education Commiitee at their A " Co* panyI The R ector : That is my business. who are possessed of rather large noses have formed Igavo a receipt for Rev. and Mrs. Priestley Kvans. Rev. H. Hutchis-'n. Piohard Cambridge. Ml-s Jenkin Jones. Mira Ellen last meeting was considered. After full (onsideration themselves into a “ hose club.” They meet weekly at cent, of the earnings shall bo invited from each ion' if he could have _ * — -- .nlda. » Headquarters: 81, Soutl-etreeit, Eastbou:nine Mr. F ord : And so it is mine. I should have to come member. The expenditure is thus met, and there is Rev. A. and Mrs. Doherty. Mrs. Reynolds. Mi-s D. Firth it was deoiae;d to inform the Managers of t ie Hampden free. ! I an inn, aud for each pinch of snuff taken a copper is and arrange for tho Rowell. Mr. Payton. Mr. and Mrs. Bare). Mr. COMPTON STREET. Park Council School that, subject to the approval of Orders for week ending May 13th, 19ltl i placed in a box for local charities. also a small surplus for war relief funds. land defendant gave The R ector : We must keep to the point. . Donne-8mith. Mrs. Wilton. Mies Myere. Mr. Bernard Hazklvtllk. — Miss Barpard. Miss Gordon. Miss the Managers of the Willowtield H.G. C l ined School, Parades. Lawyers are still busily discussing tho logal aspects ^turned to the camp Cartwright Mrs and Miss Loney. Mr. 8. Wi Shaw. Robertson ■ 1 Mr. P rout : It is just what I said. You (the Rector) A Striking Offence. of the secret sessibn, though I have heard no sugges­ Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. CowelL Mr. and Mrs. Warren. it was proposed to appoint the first Assistant Master of V.T.tl. won’t accept anyone except Mr. Barrow. It is only [^Tuesday and corn- Waratah. —Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Johnson. Mira Me wan. the Willowfield Sohool (Mr. E. W. Harbqtrnel, who is The Vicar of Alerrow (Surrey) was fined £1 for allow­ tion that the House was exceeding tho strict letter morning. I He con- Mr. and Mrs. Hilton. Mrs. and Master K irk. Mdme. Mrs. Pelham - Anderson and child. Mrs. Martin. Saturday, .y 6th.—Cyclist Section, no drill; bayonet quibbling to go on like this. Why don’t you say ing the church clock to chime alter daik. of its privileges in deciding to exclude the publio. A his landlady told Kryn Mons. Kryn. Mrs. Aldls. Misses Slade (2i. Mra Lemon, t & over military age, to the post of Acting [Head Master drill for N'.C i.'s aud platoo i drill, parade at Head- straightforwardly you will not accept anyone else. Mr., lira, Masters and Miss Pritchett! Mies F. Clark Mona House.-M rs. Cattiey, t Mr., Mrs. and Miss of the Hampden Park Council School if aid when Mr. quarters 6.45 p:m. T rebitch L incoln. particularly interesting comment is provided by a [[and told her that The R ector said he must have one churchwarden writer in the Tmw Journal, who points out that the i Witness went to Sandhurst.—Dr and Mrs. 8teele. Mr. Duncan. Mira West Mrs. 8tow. t. I Balcombe is called up. Sunday, M 7th—Open orler drill, on the Dowhb, who was able and willing to help him. Air. Barrow The Supreme Court of the United Stales has decided Byrne. Mrs. Auld. f. Miss White. Mr. Stoix. Mr. 8t. Cuthbrrt's.—Miss Pickard Cambridge. Miss Ethel Mid-Term Holiday.—The Managers wrote on behalf parade at Hei quarters 3 p.m.; returning by 5.30. p.m. that Trebitch Lincoln must be sent back to England in ancient privilege which Parliament has thus exercised i was making other and Mrs. Creer. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Miss Lai Inman d. Mr. and Mrs. Groner, t. Tuesday, M y 9th.—Bayonet drill'for officers, N.C.O.’s had done a great deal of work during the year. was originally asserted because the Members were of the Christ Church Mixed and Infants’Schools asking Mr. P rout : Other people have done little things, order to take his trial for forgery. [e gave witness £1. Gibbred. Mrs. Andrews. Mr. Chamberlain. Mrs. that a Friday (instead of Monday) may oe fixed for and men des ~ng promotion, parade at Headquarters anxious to keep the Sovereign in ignorance of their week’s notice, but and Miss Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Livett i Misses Livett CORNFIELD TERRACE. 6.45 p.m. too, but you don’t see them. You only see what Air. bjection to icar s arden their mid-term holiday as hitherto. Rep lived : That VVednesda; 10th.—Plat oon drill, parade at Head- O V ’ W . proceedings, and was subsequently maintained more than the £1 Mr. and Mrs. Barlow. Mra Dingwall. Misses DingwalL 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Dy-on Barrow does. Where has Mr. Hughes failed in his At Newport, I.W., Vestry the people’s warden, because they found it equally convenient to hide i f i concluded that he i Mrs. RanwelL Mr. and Mrs. Allen, * ** ' 11.—Misses Smallpiece no objection, be raised provided that the Friday shall quarters 6.45 duties ? Mrs. Brown. Mrt. Cowin. Mrs. ani Hiss Herslet. be the one prior to the Monday fixed as the mid-term “Saturday. ky 13th„— bayo ict drill and platoon drill, whose re-election was proposed, declined on conscien­ their dojngs from their constituents. We are parade at Hi ^quarters 6.45 p in. The R ector : He does nothing at all. Air. Barrow tious grounds to serve again, as the Vicar’s warden was reminded, too, that it was from the merest scraps of ■ , Mrs. Watts. Mr. Rylanda Mr. Gn; N( HYDE GARDENS. holiday .for the other schools. “ does it all. I that ho agreed to Miss Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. 7.—Mrs. Haines. Col. Uppleby. Mi-ses Uppleby (2) Higher Grade Schools.;—The results c f the recent ■ Sunday. Mi ,y 14th.—Company drill, parade at Head- a single man and eligible for military service. It was information, often quite inaccurate, that Dr. Johnson if' [yilSm _ day’s notice. He Bhowbtidge. Mrs. Kaatment Miss Oliver. quarters 3 p. J • ' i f 'I Air. P rout: Then why don’t you nominate him.; I stated that he was tho manager of the Gas Company, a compiled his Parliamentary reports, taking care, as ‘-$$8 pr £4. 8s. stated that Mablb ikcugh House - Mr and Mrs. Barker examinations of candidates for free placiu at the St. (manders should arrange for their platoons have nothing to say against Air. Barrow. Air. Hughes Mrs. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Tomkins; Miss Clarendon Hous*. — Tr low-ll. Mr,. Wonltorton. Saviour’s and Willowfield H.G. Schools wore reported Platoon Co: reserved occupation, and at, the works chemicals were he himself confessed, that “ the Whig dogs should it he regarded it as "West Rooks.—• CoL Chamberlin. Mias Horn. Mr. to attend Wi icsday and Sati rday drills. N.C.O.’s and comes every Sunday when he is able to. being extracted for use in making high explosives. not get tho best of it.” The battle for publicity was Mrs. Simms. Mrs. NMcho on. Mlraes Power. MBs as foUows, viz:— I : „ men desiring iroinotion can b( tested at these drills. Air. Y oung (to the Rector): You don’t encourage yillson complained — KL gham. Mies Bingham. Miss C. ” —'_ ■ Mr. Harrison. Misses Orluuiey. Mrs. Tozer. MIsscb Nu:nSer gninei l virtually won in 1771, when a printer, who declined ‘i l M . him that it war- and Mrs. Joy. iMrs. and Miss Wi Mra Hume. Hughe,-HaU eit v No. of 8ohi!a i Lip Standard. Reservi its. . people to come to church. You insult people and drive Death of E arl St. A ldwtn. to attend the House of Commons to apologise “ on |r on loose sheets of Mrs. Heaver. -Miss Homewood. M Kent Mr., School .! Applicants. Internil. External. them away. The death of Earl St. Aldwyn took place on Sunday a i l * Mrs. and Master Tittensor. Miss 8mt GILDREDGB ROAD. J Saturday, May 6th.—Drill, pi ,rade ht College 6.45 p.m. his knees ” for having circulated some reports, wss day on the Thurs- Ice. Mira a. SL Saviour’s ...... 21 ..... 6 JV-— 3 Sunday, May 7th.—Opeu order drill on the Downs, The R ector : I hope you won't talk that rot. t morning. Deceased was better known as Sir Alichael arrested, and subsequently discharged by the Lord _k-end that ho wai Pmsllpiece. Mr. and Mre. Holdemi Miss Blade. Highbury.—Mrs. and Miss Reeve- Willowfield ...... 38 11 ..... 3 parade at Col ege 3 p.m. Mr. Y oung : You have driven plenty of people away. Hicks-Beach. He sat as AI. LJ. for East Gloucestershire, i. Mas Garbntt Mr. Severs. Mr. Mrs. Griffith-. Dudley Dean. — Mr. and Ittnwr White. Capt and Mayor of that day, who, in his turn, arrested the 1 know that all Mr. MUs Griffith-. Mr. Blewett Mr. ant Mrs. MaskalL Condolence.—The Chairman of the Education Corn- .Monday, May 8th.—Drill, parade at College 6.45 p.m. The Kkcyou : If I have said anything in the pulpit acted as Parliamentary Secretary to the Poor Law, messenger who had lain.hands on him. Up till 1875 Mrs Powell. Mira Er.ingtoo. Miss Rlyth. Miss mittee reported that Mr. W. B. Barl:e|r, assistant Tuesday, M .y 9th.—No drill. which you don’t understand, come to me afterwards nts. : Mrs. Wild. Mrs. and Miss Chapman. Mrs. Hodges. Offlsy. Mira l'oaberv. Mis- Dyer. Mrs. liisler. . Wednesday May 10th.—Plat ion drill, parade at College Board, Chief Secretary for Ireland, Colonial Secretary, the mere “ spying ” of strangors was legally sufficient _nt answered hia Mr. Hyslop. Mrs. and Miss Honlder. Mr. and Mrs. Ml-sei Fiuslcr |3) vti-sou Macaul v. Mi-s Lindquist master at the St. Philip’s Church Boys School, had 6.45 p.m. aud I shall he delighted to talk the matter over arid try Chancellor of the Exchequer and President of the Board to ensure their withdrawal. 4'- personally. H e ; ' Heath. Sir. Evans. Miss E llis .__ Markonviez. Mrs. Thatoher. M*s lraray, t. 15 . Mr. and Mrs. recently lost his daughter, she being kil' 1 in a motor Thursday. May 11th.—Drill, parade at College 6.45 p.m. and make myself plain. If you take it I preach against of Trade. '.vim m z Mr. Valentin. Mr. and Mrs. Thnrston. Mr. and Mrs. Turner. Miss Cherry. Miss John-oa. Mira Ray The Lord Mayor has, naturally, a great many more rview, but witness Myring. Mr. and Mrs. Button accident, and on hii? motion, seconded the Rev. Friday, Ma; 2th. •Drill, ~ "* par ido...... at College...... 6.45" Dim. you, yon make a very great mistake. If T do say some­ Swixgboat F atality. it would not cost Canon Streatfeild, it Was unanimously re si lived : That Saturday, y 13th.—Platoo i drill, parade at College thing and you apply it to yourselves you cannot blame correspondents than he has ever heard the names of, PEVENSEY ROAD. While in a “ flip-flap ’’swingboat in a show-ground on but I believe he has never received a queerer com­ light 8s. a day wasii Qumnsborough H am . (Grand Farads). expression of the sincere sympathy of this Com­ 6.45 p.m. me. Wanstead- Flats, Emily Varney’s hat blew off, and in tat amount and hal­ Dalmkmy.—Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas. Mhs Thomas mittee be conveyed to. Mr. and Mrs. Bajvker in thoir i Sunday, May 14th.—Com pan; r and squad drill, parade After fuptlier discussion, the R ector said he appoin­ munication than a letter which was shown to me the Ml*) Hendereon. Miss Ebblewhite. Miss Witthans. at College 6.45 p.m. endeavouring to catch it she fell out on her head and other day. It is dated from Lagos, and is from a ation to lodgings Btos. and Slaster Kemp. Mrs. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. ST. AUBYN’S ROAD. very sad bereavejnent. ■ Shooti fi ted Air. Barrow as his ciurchwarden during the year was killed: '.V'l v6s. • When at the C ornell. Miss Sreeo. Mrs. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. and suggested that his name and that of Air. Hughes, Sierra Leonean who has at any rate a sense of style fitains. Misses Churohill. Mr. and Mrs. Stiokney- Penrith-M rs. Gllbeitten. Miss Brown. MissNobbs H igher E ducation. As notified a: Headquarters. B razil and German L iners. if no great command of English. Here is an extract - mtiff asked for his Bast Dene -Mr. and Mrs. Easton, I. who had been proposed and seconded as the other, [many days he had Mr. and Mrs. UweUyn. Miss LyalL Mieses Klmber. Municipal Secondary School for Girls --The Head Signall :ng. churchwarden, should be put to the meeting together. The German proposal to lease three liners to Brazil Which will show the gist of the appeal: “ It affords 'y. • p 44 "‘.Eleven.” Witness 'Smith. _Mr. and Mrs. Hans, t Mr. and Mrs. Oarratt. Mistress reported that the average atten dance for the As notified at Headquarter], Recruits are urgently He alluded to a statement that he had given £5 notes for coastal service during the war has been without, me the greatest pleasure in putting before you this Misses Dallas. Mr. Darroeh. Mr. and Mra Ingham, f. month had been 111 out of 126 pupils. S Section. result. poor intention of mine, which was. ever so long existed f 11 days at 8s. a day Mr. Lintott Mr. Walker. Mr. and MrafReggiorl and required for tl,!i]i away and the suggestion that these came from a legaoy ['[: 1 asked for a week- BEDDINGHAM. Municipal Secondary School for Boys, -The Head left by Miss Oatt. After two years’ careful examination Serajevo H igh T reason T rial. in my mind to bring to your notice, which I almost •on. Misses KlUot Smith. Miss MoQla-han. Mr.. Ordi (for week col im'encing 7th Alay). think will be very strange to your hearing, and that •M. i ,‘v/ . 0 must be backj on Mrs. and Miss Cotton. Mrs. RandalL |Misa attines. V estry Meeting.—The Vicar (the Rev. Master repotted as follows, viz.:— Officer,_____ Mr. B. Miller , Seirgcant, Corporal and it had been proved that there was no legacy left by According to a telegram from Serajevo the great high wanted the stock- Mr. and Mrs. Stansfleld^ Comto.de Bas4_ Rojas M r. At the Deoember Cambridge Senior Locallljxamination six Privates from N a 2 Section Miss Ca.tt. There was also the question of the tithe treason trial has ended. Sixteen persons were sentenced is I am this day with the motive in asking you, that i aud Miss Walker. Mr. and r. A. Firth) presided at the annual Vestry Meeting, two of the four candidates passed sufflcieitly well to I wish to become out of good intention, an adopted jn 16 canteens at the Mr*. Leach, f. held on Thursday last at Beddingbam. There were plaintiff a £1 note Evans. l£iss Holmes. Mr. Piokford. Mr. Betts Mrs. sea and land, and in every great national fight our two F atal Smash at W indsor. j of plaintiff until Kilpatrick. Miss MaoBrlan. Mr. Bridled parishes have taken a snare. It is interesting to asunder:— * Ordei for weekendlng May* 12th, 1916. 1 by the meeting, but the Rector rejected one and i a n o t h e r r e m a n d . t i p nons. Witness The attendances show a j slight drop as Easter Sunday.—3J Assemble at t re Drill HaU for Church l nom: nated Mr. Barrow. He had nothing whatever When driving a pony in a four-wheeled van in Oxford- v-f'J Howard House Hotel (Howard chronicle a curious incident of warfare which happened approaches, but the totals per day are 55) as against 30 road, Windsor, on Tuesday, Adam Exall, a man about plaintiff’s late oh May 21st, 1747, in which our parish was concerned. Parade. Drei Parade order. ! ( tosayagunst Mr. Barrow. Let the Rector nominate [was very difficult to „ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham. for the same period of last year. Monday.—8. : Stretcher aud pmhulance drilL Sections | him ana let the meeting vote upon Mr. Hughes. The 60, collided with the back of a cart. The shafts of his Mre. Erie Edmonds. Mrs, Rawles. A daring French privateer took as captive a splendid The numbers are as foUows, viz. :— A and B office: for duty. van were broken off and he was thrown into the road. At Lewes Police Court, before Alderman G. lif'm ’-j.T nth men who would English sloop with a cargo valued at £20,000, the *‘ St. Wednesday.—8.15: Instruotio l clash, “ Bandaging i jnd I parishioners had nothing to do with the appoiritment i fact was they M™, J. Dyball. Mr. G. B. Bone. Col. Total number of students enrolled.... | Air. Bartow and could vote only for Mr. Hughes. He died soon afterwards. Holman, on Thursday, Luigi Calibre (43), an Italian Mra. MaoClymont. Miss C. K. R. Paul,” just off Ouckmere Haven, This was witnessed lifting the wounded.” (D.Q.M. i. U chef at Seaford Camp, was charged, on remand from , ^,4 not care about C. C. Dundtn. Rev. Preb. and Mrs. by the inhabitants of the coast in the neighbourhood. Average attendance in daytime ...... Friday.—8.15: Stretcher aud a mbulauce drill. Section This suggestion found support from others present Canadian W as F inanob. i day or two off to R. J. Hunan. Mish Edith Tnman. As the Frenchman in the effort got with his prize* mto Average attendance in evening 19 O officers for duty. i I , and it wia acted upon, and the name of Mr: Hughes The Dominion House of Commons on Monday unani­ the previous Wednesday, with unlawfully and Ifian who would work Edmonds. Capt. and Mrs. Sinclair. rather shallow water, at the Ouokmere’s mouth, a band Secondary School Sc] attending for Notki . was put to the meeting aud voted upon, and he was mously carried a resolution appropriating 250,000,000 maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm upon [work which plaintiff Mrs. B. C. Town. Mira Amy Ji of men, of whom two were of Eastdean, volunteered to art instruction..i...... I.....J.; ... 284 It Is very urgently requested that the Call Cards issued elected p Maple’s churchwarden. Rifleman Dudley Wright, with it knife, at Seaferd, shim. go out in boats and out the “ St. Paul” adrift, and The finanolM year having now expired, is intorest- in October be r Bturned immodii ,tely. The Accounts. MOSTYN TERRACE ing to note the revenue from fees. The tal amount on April 26th. f lerk in defendant’* re-capture her. This they did, scouring the vessel with^ There are v icancios for ret able men over miUtary Mr. PitOUT asked whether any acoounts were to te bn’s evidence as to Alexandra Hotel—Mt. J. Freeman. |Mr. and Mrs. the prize crew of twenty-seven Frenchmen taken in fees up to 3lst March was £269.10a ., whereas age or otherw ise unfit for Am y Service. by 60,000 the strength of the British Army at the out­ Supt. Vine said he must apply for another remand, lant and plaintiff H. Freeman. Mr. and Mra. R. Knit ht. Mr. and the estimate was only £160, thus showing a arginover presented at the meeting ? _ as the injured man was not able to attend Court. Mrs. Clift Ford. Mrs. Dan by. Mr. and The names of the two men of Eastdean wei the estimate of £110. The fees for the f: vions year Members of Military Age £ hould report the result | TheRScTOB replied in the negative, and said there break of war. He produced a doctor’s certificate saying he woald „_l about dnnk and Bodle, fisherman, and George Pierce, amounted to £181, thus there!is anincreap' daring the of their appeal for exemption, i ,ud the date. had not teen sufficient time to prepare them. F ire D isaster at L a R ochelle. tible. , . . received £5 as prize money. year just closed of £83, Dr. Taylor, otf Hailsham, h is issued the following te unable to attend for at least another week. Mila, and Mr. P rout : What does Mr. Hughes say ? A. fire, followed by an explosion, occurred on Monday Mr. E. T. Wollstod, solicitor; said he had been i to the conclusion Master Bathurst. Lady I. _. and Regarding the new grant of £150, whibl shows an report of his examination in nursing, and adds that Mr. A. E. Hughes said he did not intend to make J. his claim to be a increase of £20 on the past year, this is essed on '* the practical work wae goo L and the bandages weU at a chemical products factory at La Roohelle. The instructed to appear on bohalf of the accused. He . the evidence of the ...... the...... period August. 1914,, to , ugust, _ . 1915. This period ! done ” any remarks that evening. Unfortunately there had buildings were destroyed. A score of victims were could not pppose tbe application for another rema*d, I Jjm. Rev. M. Yardon. Rov. B. Griffiths. Mrs. Clift LAUGHTON. was a time of transition. The first half of that time Pass List: Firet Certificate— Freshney 88, Corringham teen a difference of opinion on the question of the recovered from the ruins. A certain number also were jM ia a H iirk, there was the church ci . and until that had teen settled one but he wished to make an application with regard to tlfor 11 days’ wage* Ford. Mra, HUL Mr. Hill, jutu Mrs and Miss Clay. edding was the low-water mark In tho school’s history. The 76, Jonas 76, BolSero 69, Abbott 65, Pilgrim 65, Wilton[65, injured. bail. He had come to tho Court prepared to, o«er , w,gSKJJJ | y Soldier’s W .—‘Much interest waa latter half showed only the beginnings ol an improve­ way or other he was not disposed to present: any D aylight Saving. .j le gave judg- MriA. RRouUedge. Capt. and Mra. H >er centred in a very pretty wedding which took place at Baker 64, Wilklfis 64, Blagrove )2, Lewis, 56, Toms 55. a surety, but he now found that prisoner was ehipBle rrvN.—Lieut, and Mrs. Bodlliy. Bra. Col ment. On the whole the Board have. I think, dealt Advanced Certificate—Hall ’5, Duke 74, Simmons 71, accounts, The duty of churchwarden had not teen a It is stated that the Government are about to intro­ for service in the Italian Army, which altered the r., Mra. and.Mlra Gow and friend. Misses C Laughton Churcht o n last...... Saturday between... Sergt. H. T. Ware 67. ,1 , ... pleasant me, brit he was appointed to look after the Cnlien. Mr. and Mre. Harding. Mockford,lord, of tbethete^i Royal [Garrison Garrison Artillery (second son Proficiency itedge—Cowper £ mith 79. duce a Daylight Saving Bill. This rather unexpected situation somewhat. Italians bo>m since 1870 l+'l interests if the parish and higher interests as well, and decision is due to the circumstances that several Ministers eligible for service, and prisoner was tent in 1872. Mrs. and Mis* Taylor. Mons. De. QntdT of Mrs. AlocKford, of St. M AIary’s-terrace,_ ary’s-terrace, St. Anne’s, . - By order o)C the Comment ant. he had sl______isfied his own conscience ______that he had done,___ Lieut? an Lewes),*■* who - -has been at • the Fr< Front ■ for• --17 months - and • 1 tlon. The present year mcnced in A u; itlast and are in favour of trying the experiment for the duration Although men of his age were not actually called up, FORTUNE. .Mrs. ai expires next August, am vers a. peric of revived H. 1U J. Coplebton, With reference to the two matters mentioned by the is now home training recruits, and Miss Alice Simmons Hon. Seo. and Deputy Quartermaster of the war. it was open to them to volunteer, and there wa* a Charles and 1* activity. . i i _ Rector it was not his intention to write to the Press. possibility of them being called In those circum­ (daughter .. __ Simmons, of the Lye, G eneral PuRpqsEs;AND F in, The Rector had given an assurance as to the tithe map F amous S urrey I nn B urnt D own. , stationed at'OroW- Laughton). The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. *1 Meath and they must accept that, and inquiries had teen made The old Surrey Hounds Inn, Caterham, a famous stances he wished to aBk whether the Magistrate i Police "Court o» A. Hai re (vioar of Laughton). The bride, who was Empire Day.—A letter was read 'from would allow bail conditional upon arrangement* at all the F I R L t as to the money mentioned, and he thought that had hostelry of coaching days, on the main road between being made with the Italian Consulate that they bout a rear light in Etas El very. Mlsa ffoulkee. ven away by her father, was attired in an embroidered I j ^hat^tht^dav*sl^II^be^sirital T observed, teen decided also. He saw no reason for re-opeining London and the South Coast, was gutted by fire on ress trimmed with fine net lace, and she wore a large “ T h af a mnv V £ e letter te * V estry Meeting. — ’ Che annual Vestey would not issue a passport to the aocused. Hu paper* at 10.35 p.m. V H .^rihnr^^1^ ’ mt to each either of phoae questions. The question respecting the Monday morning. The inn dated back to the early part oould be deposited with tho Italian Consulate, **d PViani11*v IMfora flKaiulUv Vi a T«<>b •» tulle vuiio veil>UU W1W1with a wreathWTOdiuli UiOf uiaugu orangeUossom, uukxjdui, cadeem edl that the Meeting was held at Firle on Wednesday. The Vicar church accounts was who was responsible for the of last century. . «old him the lamp* (the Rev. W. A- Firth) presid ed, and there were also then there would be no possibility of the ^aoqued isBaJrereMrs*and oxer. «rs. ana MhatAmVmim Amy. * Mr.Mr Ind and Mrs. V™' a shower bouquet of, oAtandadlilies of hvthe im valley hri, Managers te invited to srate with eir Head church collections. According to the late Archdeacon Old A ge P ensions. leaving the country. The accused had wen m dip had been forgotten, carnations. She was attended by two bridesmaids— Teachers and arrange thaj the Sohool Fb hoisted, it Airs. Firth, the R e'. and Mrs. R. M. Churton the Rector, jointly, with the churchwardens, No action is being taken for the reduction or revoca­ [his asked witness a* Aliases Alay and Atioe Simmons (nieoes of the bride)— iramshaw and Messrs. H. S carlett, H. Stacey, , land ten years and he had served in the British Nkvy LANSDOWNE TERRACE. and that Empire Day (! Ith May) suitably was responsible for all the collections except those at tion of old age pensions in consequence of temporary and Was discharged with a good character. l, and witness agreed. Mr. and Mrs. Row* Thome tt. Hr. and Mrs. who were attired in white silk .dresses, trimmed with observed. Sheppard and J. Miles (clerk). The accounte, whioh celebratiolnsCf Holy Communion; but when the pres increases of means due to the pensioner’s reramploy- »found that the rear pale blue, and large white hats, trimmed with pale bine. showed a sm»U_defioit, werp adopted. The Vicar se and he wrote to Archdeacon H ost ment on account of the shortage of labour arising out Supt. Vine pointed out that if a o c u ^ wm* ,ried to obtain one at Miss May. Mre. Schiffi, They. wore gold brooches, the gift of the bndegrpom, nominated Air. H. Scarlett, vho ha has teen acting as i exactly the opposite effect, namely, [tl of the war. admitted to bail without his papers he would te lABla > he had to undertake s. Howard. Mr. and ' and carried bouquets c pink carnations and white BELIEF FOR ALL. ’s warden, as his warden, to hold office until t is, excepting those at Holy Communion, to arrest...... »was due back at roses. OorpL Griffen, R.1 r. A, was test man. There was discount Gage oomesof ag& J Ir.H, Stacey was elected Mr. Wells ted said that oould possibly te arranged. Lieut. IN THE 8UMMS)R TIMB R ecorder on Germans’ Change of N ame. a large number of frier*1* at the service, which was fully when your THRO kP is dry people’s waraep. A vote of oo idolence with the family The Magistrate remanded the accused for * week, choral, the ohoir sing the ihymns, “ The voice that \ BROWN’S id irritable, or 11 t ronbled was passed on the death of Yupounp ) nGage. ~ —In charging the Grand Jury at the opening of the breathed o’er Eden” * ‘ How welcome was the call.” ah ASTHMA, or a'Fidgety May Sessions of the Central Criminal Court on Tues­ and said teil would te allowed) pnsonrajg tes own i great recognisances of £50 and two sureties of £25 each, or Obey H>ibs After the ceremony a reception was held at the BRONCHIAL gh you will obi a in great day, tbe Recorder said it was an instance of the extra­ one of £50, conditional also upon araangememte bemg stores Grey or Assembly Rooms, where about 45 sat down to the if ; you gi ri these ordinary way in which things were done in this great to its original wedding breakfast. Later in the day Sergt. and Mrs. iOCHES a TrW. The HASTINGS country that Germans were allowed to change their made that a passport should pot te issued to tho TROCHES. Sin Mrs and accused enabling him to leave the country- > the glands are Mockford left for Rotertsbridge for a few aayB. They | P resent^ ON TO THIS El - Mayoress. * at the disposal of the Rector or incum- names under deed poll. This was being extensively id Prevents were the recipients of many useful presents. l the Bair from The Ex-Alayj (Mrs. Hocking) on Friday lapt, larish, who could use them as he donathought Many of them were ready to betray this country, „ Restore* and in the Clouncil Ihamber, made the) ipientofa: tweets of the parish* on which they were battening, and yet the Government 12.—Mr. ( . Arrangements have been made tc < ixbibit in of the Mayon 1. ,'a diamond ndant and b said when there was a Is. church permittedrate the these persons to oonceal their identity., It Something Unusual.—J em Mawirthy, * the Hair. .,*'.,. 16.-IT Lancashire factory worker who .had enteted and had ! A DT*. 18.—Mira 1 ROTTINGDEAN. I New York official British! war films, takep in England and an album in whiit veil m and coni , voice in the matter of disposingwas of deeply the to be regretted that the Government r the work of ihel and Idress: “ CJoun y ;h of Hastii minister i lose times bad gone by, ana theypermit haditted no such a state of things to te in existence. been wounded, bad tbe reputation of being very pug­ fiL-Mr. « School Boy's R egular Attendance.— and in the North Sea, show" ~ the following Mr. G.' the new Armies. This album, the of 2,361 ; if th< he disposal of tbe offertories at theR in church. g ” M oney.—A woman, charged at nacious. In the hospital towhfob hot , moment, and Walter Ohatfield has teen awarded a prize of one together with two .toil visited by a few of bis acquai Sk—Mr. I H is T urn to bb Cat mr.—Farmer (tohorse- scribers,! was In support of the view laid down by West Archdeacon London Police Court on Tuesday’ wfiS being Gi.wwpakxa- Mr. guinea in recognition of his eight years’ perfect attend­ andaohaiil, tc E. Armittge been he quoted a rubric appearing in the Holydrunk when in charge of a ten months old child,__ asked him wbat he felt like Ur. and Mra. J ance with good oonduot and dealer): “ No, I don’t bet ye no malice; 1! only hope of appreciatii of tbe Rector jn service, whioh states, referring to that Rottingdean Sohool. i that when yon are chased | pack of r&vjeriing wolves stated to have drawn the “ ring” money (separation _Article— Hi .MB AVENUE. yen’ll te drivin’ that horse yo* sold me." which she while he [The money given at the offertory shall te allowance) and bad a few drinks oat of it. This , LUXE. Clarence villa—Sir Benjamin V. 8. B nnwalftsh devi _ to and uni to obtain f to such pions and charitable uses aa tbe .tion led the Magistrate to remark: Tbe ring Brodle a . Mr. and * Mrs. Williams. Professor:: “ W bat three words are used all good ca the borough id.ohurehwardens shall think fit. Wherein, is in many oases too large; so much so that > in i” ‘Pardon me i h’s new Mayoress : November llr it shall te disposed of as the ordinary women cannot get through it without getting drdnk. serous P erson.—An architect with. , t Mr. and Mr*. most among oollege students?” Freshman: " I don’t to the I I know.” Frofeetor: “ Correct 1" i OAFS DE Tbesubsorib 1 j With reference to the money he bad A fine pf 40a was imposed. Mr.i M , it to help needy cases in the parish, the 4 ' it came from a trust, whioh he discovered —.working in London, and he wonld te glad jelp from it for any of his parishioners who .. . ified and who needed such assistance. As they knew, it had teen a great help to some ry glad to do what te oould to obtain a m EASTBOU: 0HE( >n i c l : SATtJEDAYl.’MA? 6, 1916

HARTINGTON PLAGE BOROUGH EDUCATION HAlliSHAM ►LtCE COURT. grant for any one of them. II" bore them no ill-feeling ig e M ackaksess. Chesham Mansion. — Mr. and Mrs. Pond.. Mlsees DENTON VESTRY MEETING. whatever. Why should ho? As for insulting them, he p. y Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Yates. Mrj. Tnte. f. would not think of doing so. g kral topics. BAGS. Hahti-oton L awn. — Mra. Berry. Mr-o HopklnFon. COMMITTEE Mr. Young : It is very go id of you to do it. WednSesDay.— Before Mr. Hqrbert Curte s *ay To ensure accuracy Visitors are Invited to eead 1 Mbs Clement. Miss Rayboull. Airs Carr. Mr. G. s (in the T W O HOURS’ SITTING. Mr. 1 il'o; 1 Ko said with 1.■'.; o ■ . . rlit- i d. 10 h collec­ Jckfield, t>. Frank (.’arr. Oal(a’». Mf. , r [chair) and Baron von Roomer. One of the mo-.t eventful weeks of tho war seems Food, Busted, was. Names and Corrections clearly written, either ta and Mrs. ilton. Mr. J. ilillon, Air. aud Mrs. rra .lis. tions, they nad the views ol i \u> ciiui'chwardens, which to have left the London’ M i of goods sold and the Publishing Offices, South-street, or at cither or ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ewer HAMPDEN PARK COUNCIL SCHOOL. CANADIAN SOLDIER! SENTENCED. were entirely opposed to 1 nclr-in ho:-. LVi! they knew er as phlegmatic, as ever, ■ aifi ONLY BUSINESS DONE: which was right' lit’ could i. -t ■ ;:,* tl,i, accounts. Fdr whatever reason interest in the political aitua- the libraries r Principal Newsagents. No charge DEVONSHIRE PLACE. Hubert Size, a private in thof Machine (Sun [Corps, tion is not: Lewes, appearing was chang’d, on remand, with] stealing, As bailee, a TWO The churchwardens, for instani'", 1 anv rate, were tl ff 4- , . ______The annual Vestry_ Meeting for Der.ton parish was Mr. P rout raised the question (if offertories which practically unammous in their condemnation of th ^ Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Massey. Mr. doholley. bicycle, val red at £3. 10s., t le property of \V[alter Jury, hold hist’ Thursday evening in the Priory Room close to had been taken recently and Dublin rebellion, and news of good condition. of Eastbpiii|rio,' on April !!5th ; also with [stealing a encircling of tbo 34 were in a good ROYAL PARADE] I The monthly meeting of the Educaiion Committee the bhurob. The R ector (the Rev. W. Kjmpstou) lhe Rector stated that In’ had a letter calling for £1 ' j J B Twirnborough -Mrs. and Mias Cobb Mrs, and Master bicycle, valued at £5, the property of Williatnj Duly, of presided, and among those also rebels was received with great satisfaction. T he for them, but the Berkeley.—Mrs. liolman, f. Col. and Mrs. Jamas Uiusley. NIL'S Bowlck. Miss Cardale and friend. of the Town Counuil was held at the Town Hall on the present were Messrs. towards the fund for the augmentation of the living. intimation of the fall of Kllt came a8 iao CattiKfL View. Mr.. rtugera. Min. »••«>. Mr. and Herstmonojux. He pleadel guijty to all th^ charges. BarrowI and A. — E. Hughes — (churchwardbns), H. Mr. Hughes was not at church and in ius absence, and to the holes which Mrs. Pr.ieh. Mr. and Mrs. Bverington, f. . 27th ulti- Councillor .T. Duke (chairman) presided, and ftnh ■*■■**” ' " le was whether Th^ Ha NBUHtEH. -Ml’S Tjanyon. Mr. H. H. Coles. Miss Edwin Churchill, an assi.tant to Mr. Jury, said the Profit, J. White, E. .1. Hughes, T. Hilton, G. Young, with the consent of Mr. Borrow, he decided to have many bu ,t is pointed out in military circles that. Bhiabtkand.—Mr. and Mo. Craig __ _ . Kverard Mrs. Bo wlok Master Jack Beswlok. Mrs. there were also present ithe Mayor (Alderman O'Brien prisoner hired » hioycle, pa ying Is. for twof hours, but credit for these Rznby. - Mr. and Mrs. Vorgan. Mr. and Mr*. Wiltshire, E. Osborne, .T. Lovegrove, F. Ford, W. Moore, A. collections on two Sundays for that object. , He did not W n forei l T “ ‘S U'° Gpn“ral should have Cook. Mr T. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Gillett Mi's Harding), the Rev. F. S. Williams (de rntv-chairman), be did not return the machi le. Andrews, J. Payne, E. Elliott, A. Hatwell, &o. receive £1 and the third Sunday s collections also failed f. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kyer. Miss Manzles (Mlleit. Mr. Fred Gilie .t. Mr. Peter Gi lett Miss Mr.. Dqpjijis, of Hail.sham, stated that oh {April 23th 1 ,the employ- of Boston Hoot®.—Mr. and Mrs. Llnnett. f. Mr. and Mrs. Fooies. Mrs. Hai ldon. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Poxho'i Aldermen Keay and ! Wright, OontijoHlors Bolton, T he M inutes ! to produce the required amount. On the fourth Sunday tho strategical^vS^of“dm SUC'‘ a fin° rC31Btjanfe* Pearson, t _ i | Size askei him to buy a bicycle, for which he yvanted £ 1. 1 Indeed, I have heard emit" '? verl s!18ht‘, it credit for the Mr. and Mrs. D.vson. Mr. and Mrs. Howo3. Mr. and Durell, Fox, Hoadley, Hollins, Pulsfp-fl, Russell and After prayer by the R ector the minute book was there was a balance over tho £ , w hioh he handed back. jjn. ■ He said the MARINE PARAD: Mrs. Rainey. Captain and Mrs. L. 8. Chains. Mr. Witness bo’‘’'ght the machine Mr. P rout: You had’the lhoney, didn’t you? tho difficulties which'^ Prophociee of Bouvkrie House—Mr.'and Mrs. Ji les. I Miss Jones. Soddy, Mias Whelpton, the Rev. W. M|xcfadyen Scott, An assistant to Mr. Smitl named Richardson, spoke prodiiced, and a question arose wbo should act as clerk encounter in the very W1 forced to i soon as they were i r . Ryan. Mr. Gunn and tead the minutes recorded by Mr. Avard, as Vestry The Rector : Aud you tried to take it from me, jm August till the Mr. ami Mrs. Kirkham the Rev. Canon Streatfeild and Mr. R. Wt H. Hamblyn. to the prisoner hiring a bicy cle from Mr. Sipith’s shop, didn tyou? v_,, - effort has been mad/i, 0n„ n,tUrf' eF°r th° rest> an White tiou»*.—Mrs. Crowley. Miss BURLINGTON PLACE and George Henry Smith, of HijirstmonceuX, said Size clerk, in his absence. It was decided that Mr, Barrow on the subject of u r , ! qUarte,r.to rev,ve a t was sent monthly , IhluglasEllit1t. N ationAi, Organisation op Cadet T raining. After further discussion on this matter the meeting Lilbubm -Mr. and Mrs. ifiutoto, t Pack Hods*.—Mrs. Lillie Miss Lillie offered him a machine for £:! and he made the purchase, should act, and then the question arose whether it was came to a close, the question of appointing sidesmen, failed decidedly, i„ sffit» ,?' U sr«ms to have a note to the effect Mis. j 'icken-ou. Miss Oiokeoson and Mrs. Hutd- BftOOMLiE. -Miss Cramptoo. Mrs. Wynn Williams f. A letter was read from the Lord My or of London necessary to read the minutes, which occupied 2G enemy aircraft. ih fttPt / recent activities of sacks which were man, f. Miss VV'avnti.rd. Mrs. Wall . , thiuking it fvas all right, as the prisoner had bwo soldiers whioh was mentioned at the end of the meeting, being Durham House — Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith, f. Mr. with regard to a private conference (jd consider the with.him, closely-written papes of the foolscap minute book. left over till “ tho next meeting.” atmosphere of creator ormfiri V° .nove?* met an moment as to that 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Babin Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Richardson, f. Mr. and Mrs. Grey, f. formation of Junior Cadet School Battal ons and their Mi}. P rout said he did not see now they could con­ Marti ngton House. Mrs. Adams. Miss Adams. Mrs. Williai Duly said the prisoner hired a bicycle from qualified to judge of the progrt'ffi the war!** ^ J'OMkCROrr.— vlissTurner . _ connection with the Senior Battalions under the County his shop < ■ April 26th, but le did not return; it. firm (the minutes unless they heard them read. H e plaintiffs, produced joiiurJ, f. 1 1 5 Hiiaton.- Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs- Bentbara. Mrs. W. Cadet Committees and the National Oiulbt Council. moved that the minutes be read. je and showed that S tan U use—Mrs. Allen, f _ Boot ham Martin. Miss Armstrong. Miss Perry. Mias Joseph |Hjarper, of Lewes stated that on [April 26th dimiirishedrest. ThfmecthlV r ;! Albion Hotel. - Gen. anil Mrs. Miles. Mr. and Mrs. E. It was resolved : “ That Councillor So 1 ly He asked to the prisoner asked him to [buy a hicyqle for £2. 10s. Mil A. E. H ughes seconded, and the rtiotion was re were small holes Callard. f. Mr and Mrs. K. Sohoollog, f. Mtis Vow- Dumsday carried. NEWS IN BRIEF. with its highly-distinguished i lotfMans,!on Hou!'le» Gl'indower — A- W. Ksyte. Mbs Lethbridge. represent this Committee at the conference.” He said he had purchased! the machine at; Hassocks, isned jy had been nailed man. Mi. ’(holes. Miss Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. There were minutes of the annual Vestry Meeting taken as official,y r c ^ J S L Z L t ute useless, Jones Mr. Melville Miller. Rev. and Mrs. Smylie. Miss Roake Miss Chapman. Mr<. Farrell. Misses H eadship of H ampden P ark D iiool. and wante] the money to gqt back to Shis camp. tho tribute to the Ratf.omH* poet t^1° n -. qi , , -- Ft v sell. Mrs. aud Mias Morton. Mrs. Kerr. Misses Witness hojght the bicycle for £2. 5s., but! only gave and an adjourned meeting held last year to be read. L argest T elephone E xchange. cks in dispute were Mr. F. C.. Hall. Dr. and Mrs. CcckraDe, Miss Cookrane. A letter was read from the Managers qf the Willow- 1 ho.s(j of the first meeting occupied 22 iniuutesin read­ moment rehearsals welc in /nil swine'1 U •th° Mrs. and Mis' Alkie. Capt and Mrs. H. de. Wludt. Korr. Miss R. Roake Mrs. Goad. Madame Lammeus Size £1. 1( l , offering to bay the remainder if the On Saturday at Portsmouth the Post Office opened the pageant at IJrurv Law It ;a ” for the -.great they had become Mr. ai d Mrs. Kfegham. Mr, and Mrs. E de La tro, I. Mdlle. Lammens. M rt Pooook aud ohild. Mr. arid field H.G. Council School regarding the proposed prisoner f avn him proof of tfie purchase. ing, during which several sarcastic references were lg while since -He returned the Sirs. Bertley. Mr. Bentley, jun. Mrs. Hall. Miss transfer of their first assistant master to the temporary made} by those present to the waste of time. largest automatic telephone exchange in the country, both the King and Queg,, have to n * “ nC* Miss de Silva. Hr. Magalhats. Mrs. and Mias Morison. Supt. Wiilard said Size Was convicted of stealing a with 7,000 lines, 5,000 more than the previous largest present together a as thev were sent Rev. VV. Ogle. Mrs. Blanco Whit*. Mlss_ Blacco Good. Mr. and Mrs. Edge Mrs Farrell Mr. and headship of the Hampden Park Council i: chool. At j the close of the minutes Mr. P rout remarked in the national theatre. Befor e a humbler but. 1200 with plaintiffs, Sirs. Tile. Mr. Hall. Mr., Mrs. and Misses Sard. Mrs. The letter was referred to the Elemen t iry Education bicycle in January this yean automatic exchange. decidedly critical audiehce the White. Lieut, and Mrs. < arkworthy. Mr. O. Hawtroy. Mattorsoo. Mr. and Mrs. Moss. Mrs. Martin. Miss Prisoner, who said he was a Canadian and had been that yhey appeared to be pretty correct, and he thought Old Vic ” has beers d as a labourer fob Miss N. Boucioauit. Miss V. CuuninRham. Miss and School Attendance Sub-Committue they having they [might take those of the adjourned meeting as D estructive B ull. ?■";------J~ ’ " ’ Tuoscort. Mr. K. G. Bayley. Mr. aud Mrs. Parry • K. R. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. Mr. Carreras. been given power to act in this matter. in the A about 20 months, Was sentenced to one inc! f : l High Hurst Wood, Misses Watson. Mrs. and Miss Hooper. R v. and month’s iin risonment in each case. read. ■ An infuriated bull in a furniture shop did £50 damage len it arrived and MARINE GARDENST Mrs. Norman Skene. Rev. Ranger. Misses Walker. A letter was read from the Head Maste- of Hampden Thebp R ector : I think we better have them all read. Park School asking, in the event of his b sing called up at Portsmouth. c r ; . x sattrao* - * .which was lying Pttchlky House. — Mr. and Mrs. Newman. Miss Mire Wells „ ' The minutes of both meetings will require signing. tion, even on a fine Saturday afternoon. “ Medallion That showed that HOWARD SQUARE for military service, whether he will have to vacate the T heft of 460 Sovereigns. DayI FA XT " tunawas Aa rrSA,. proat 4 _ subcr Gnlllver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs Mr Barrow resumed his task, which occupied ■ ■ 1s8’ are havo a. bags, which were Guthe;idgo. M>s.jSr.ymour. Mrs. and Miss DavLon Qukndon Lodge.—Mrs. Hill. Miss Chambers. Mr. School House. EAST} anotl er 20 minutes,- and he was quite hoarse before the On Councillor W. Choesinan, of Wokingham, Berk­ second instalment of The Committee resolved : “ That thf Head Master COUNTY COUNCIL. they nad been sent, Boxkv. — Airs. Harxop. Mrs. Hartley Mr. and Mra ami Mrs. Hands, f. Bliss Hands. Mr. and Mrs. Blow, duty was completed. shire, being notified by the police that he was liable to a s ^ dreenmodaIl0nilM " ‘L 1’? Prpinte.]' with ^ evidence was very Jackson i . j f. Miss Brodie Hall be informed that he will not be called u ( n to do so.” At summons for leaving his house well lighted and no blinds Hw.vKooD.-Mr, H. de Conroy Peach. Mrs. and Miss the close of the task, which occupied, altogether and he gave judg- GRAND PARADE | (The headship of Hampden Park is del t with in .the THE CHAIRMANSHIP. 42 minutes, the R ector remarked: I don’t suppose drawn he declared that when he went out he had left it whoso tercentenary embed,?; whir teai^f^heEnglfoh Merri-on. Misses Barlow (J). Miss Trew. Mrs. and report of the Elementary Education Sul - Committee. ) , L—Mrs. Edith Thoilnloy. Mrs. Peach. Mrs. Hill idea. Miss Golding. Mrs. Heston anybody will ever read them again. in darkness and locked the doors. Un returning he the Anthnr^'Tl V w * 1" A deputation From m of the 11 bags, Mr. anil Mrs. A. Sjlli-mlth, f. Ettingt in House. -Mrs. Soanboromzb. MIrs Street. The reports of the various sub-commil t eos were then Mr H ilton They will want a job if they dp. found that 460 sovereigns, two gold rings, and a silver A L A -9ub hl!5 " " ‘ted upon tho Spanish led them. 2.—Dr. ai d Mrs. Nolan. Miss Snell The anneal meeting of Mi-.,! Biu,. Master Colltster. Mr. and Mrs. Bramber, Mrs. Banbury. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Brooke Hunt considered and approved. the East Sussex County Mr, Y oung : Perhaps the next rector might like to watch, which he had left in an unlocked box, had dis­ Ambassador with an illuminated address to bV P“ Eendant could have Council vil. be held at __ Lev wes next Tuesday, and in huve a look at them sometimes (laughter). appeared. sented to King Alfonso “ as a tribute of respectful f. Mis. Ulchea. Miss Ltamp LASOELLES TERRACE, E lementary E ducation and School attendance. 4.—Mr. aud Mrs. Kotiuer. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kelly, f. accordances with custom Major R. L. Thornton, who urther 10 minutes was occupied in finding and A W andering “ C. O.” homago to the immortal memory of Cervantes.” li.—The Rev. Innes B. and Mrs. Wane. Rev. aud Mrs Children under Five Years.—A retire of these I n G MACHINE, 4.-Mr. and Mis. atevensan, f. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughau- has presided over the Council for three years with correc ting two small errors in the minutes, which were After wandering for days without food, a Sittingboume T h^rifie^ JP ri. D“t'r ” has L'ivon a (treat stimulus. Morgan, f. Hughes children at present in attendance was submitted, and a then igned by the R ector, who remarked that it was bank clerk, a conscientious objector, was found on Satur­ I be.ieve, to the support of the Star and Garter (pliffe, Lewes, sued 8. — v.r. and Mri. Fowler. Mrs. Barrington. 15.—Mr. Miss F. L. Sturt Miss Rwa Mr. and Mrs. Barham letter from the School Medical Office t, giving the marked abil ty, will retire from the position; and it is I quite unnecessary to have such long minutes, day in a wood some miles away, very much exhausted. Home, apart from the actual sum realised by the sal® 4. 7s. 9d. in respect Bariingtdn | ■.. Homki.eish. -Mrs. and Miss Turner grounds on which he recommended their exclusion, was expected thit he will be succeeded by Mr. J. Godwin I It was decided on the proposition of Mr.; A. E. 9. -Mr, W ith. Mr. and Mrs. GlUles. Mrs. Clark Faikhavkn.—Mrs. Primrose. Mrs. S. H. Heath. Mbs “ Churchwardress ! ” of tho little flags, rhe purpose underlying it waa read. Tho School Medical Officer stated that, in view HUG!: es, seconded by Mr. Barrow, that Mr.; Avard Lewes, appeared 10. —LadyBuckntU, f.TT _ Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Heath ____ King, who has rendered vejryy ivaluable sendee to the that o enabling the ladies who have worked w IL—Vlls- Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Roach. Mr. and Mrs. Bklghavk. — Mies Williams. Miss Grace Williams. of tho small number of these children iu attendance, county foi mkny years, and wee at the present moment should be appointed Vestry clerk for the ensuing year. .A woman churchwarden, or “ churchwardress,” as the zealously for Alexandra Day since its inception to ad been paid, the Miss Weir. Mr. Barclay. Miss Wldglngton. Mr. he did not press the matter. After fil l discussion it is'chairman of the East Sussex Ih.suranee Cbmraittee. vicar said, has been appointed at the vestry of St. Mary's, endow a bed in the Home for the men totally d £ the carriage of a Dent. Miss aud Vm tor Dent J was resolved that, after looking at the muter in all its THE CHURCHWARDENSHlr. Cowes. West -’law.—Mr. and Mrs. Taylor-RettelL f. Mra. and RusstH. Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mlsso' Clark (2) Miss Mr. Godwin {King is a Cam! ridge graduate. [ .' I xhd Rectob next referred t0 the churchwardenship, abled through he war. The Royal Society of S t by defendant ind Miss Gibsoa Hioke. Mrs. Pay. Mons.A. Paez. Mons. E. Cipriani. bearings, the Committee considers it unnecessary to take R esented E conomy. George cordially supported the scheme, and th® PitiNCEbfl Mansion.—Rev. and Mrs. Walker. Miss Mon”. H Navarro. Rev. Father Jot ea. Capt Gonrge any action at the present time. The nejv Mico-ebairman will probably be [Mr. J. A, I and remarked that there was no people'spit warden in Davis, R A M.C. Mrs Ru-den. Mr. Ru den. Mbs Nix, who like Major Thornlon.iilxin, was educated ' at Eton " ’ — — ’ ’ - . . . Hairdressers in the Ebbw Vale (Mon.) are to appeal to employ of plaintiff, Waller School Clinic.—A minute of the Managers of the liarish. Denton Church had not been built since the workmen of the district not to encourage the growing rla ? m ‘ toldr"lA rL,?( that-0 D)ln:ft,0n the date of ^as Alexandra be('n ''cry Day satisfactory, has now :d about February 43 Mrs. Fair, bi'lss Fair. Master John Fait. Miss Wiloox. Miss Pentelow. Moue. Van Ndrom and Trinity College, Camtridge. At Etojn he was neel Act of Parliament was passed. Under that Wallaoa. Mr. and Mrs. < >wen, f. East-street Council School suggesting 11 it the sohool captain of tl £ Oppidans, and at Cambridge life obtained practice of cutting one another’s hair as a war-time been definitely fixed for June 21st. It -will be [t was agreed that WILMINGTON SQUARE. clinic should bo arranged in thq afterm ions instead of no churchwarden was appointed by the ipeople economy. celebrated on the same day in over 300 provincial - 11 t--aors. Callender, t Mrs. and Miss Martin, Mrs. classical hpndurs. Mr. Nix lias served the country and by the Rector or Vicar, but as far as they in a handlo for worlf Barrett. Mr. Smith Kenilworth Court.-M r. L. Stokes. Mrs. and Mbs mornings was read, together with the o wervations of S uicide after R ejection. ad ho power. The i the public]ir .many other directions. He is a i ex-High that ]!)urisn wore concerned they were guided by the towns I am reminded that 25,000,000 little pink S3. Mr -nd Mrs. Hopkins. MlssLecklo. Rev. W. and i.ymhur-.t Towne. Mrs. Jannette Brown. Rev. the School Medical Officer on th s^ k ia tte T h e Sohool “ Tired of living” was the note left by Arthur Hey roses have been ordered from Groom's Cripplcag® defendant! returned Mrs. Bathurst. MBs Bathurst S. E. Kirkley. Master J. Atkina. Mias LiardeL .Medical Officer, during the discussion, suggested that Sheriff ol Sussex,'a past chairman* of the Finance Canons of the Church and by custom, and not by any Mrs. R. A. Mooro. Mrs. Steadman. Lieut, aud Committee c £ the County Council and of the Education wood, of Bolton, whose body was found in the canal at ,n London and the kindred institution at Nottingham, irehased a smaller Bydney Hous'.!.—Mra. Chambers. Master and Miss it might bo possible to arrange for a room ,o be engaged particular Act of Parliament. It was open | to the and advance deliveries have been despatched to Hong ir five or six weeks Mrs Searle. Miss Jtopheus. Mrs. Keay. Mr. VV. Cornmitte 3 arid he is a platooi 1 commander of tpeV.T.O. parish to elect both churchwardens, and in the event of Leigh. He had l>een rejected from the Army on medical Chambers. Vfra. Kent, f. Mrs. McCandlaa,: f. Mr. hylsy. Mr and Mrs. •*. Playfair. AH-h Playfair, in the eastern portion of the borough waBre the daily grounds. Kong, South Africa, Canada and the West Indies? when returning'it, and Mrs. Shie’da. ,Mirs Griffith. Mrs. Pogmore. Mira Meut Field. Mbs Jones. Mrs. Basil. Balk Master medical dressings of children could he dc r e and so save During ;hi ’{past year all t)ireo gentlemen fiave made a dispute the people appointed one and the Ueator the Last year, it will be remembered, realised £100,000 it would hot be Walden. Flight-stub-Lient. Hackman. Fllght-Sub- remarkaol a ittendance records. Major Thdrnton was othor. Until three years ago there was ho question .D ouble D rowning Case. Lieut Dnrstan. Flight-Sub-Lieut Gutty. Flight-Sub- Richard Ball. Miss Reynolds. Mrs. Money. Mr. and tho children the long walk to the Town H al. Resolved : for • arious charities, a third of this sum being allotted [Witness stated Mr-’. G. ' ’all’ngham. Mr. Earle Douglas. Mrs. That the School Medical Officer make nquiries and sunioionec 10 141 meetings and .attended every one, about jthis matter. Then fnotion arose. “ If you cure Hearing bis son William, aged 30, say, “ I will drown to London, with the approval of Her Majesty. of the chaff- 1, unit Munroe. FUght-Sub-Llout Colquhoun. FHgh',- Walker Wolbuio. Dr. aud Sice. Hildyard. Master Mr. Godwin [King was called to 1(16 meetings and was to elect two churchwardens to-night,” concluded the myself,” John Currie, the father, ian after him, but Bnb-Lleut Gibbs. tilgh -Sub-LJout Wert Flight- report his recommendations, together witl the estimate News of the death of Lord St. Aldwyn came when T_r. Culverwell. Sub-Llout. How. Flight-dub-Lieut Carr. Flight-sub- Peter HUdyard. Mrs. Norman Roberts. Mr. J. of cost, to this Committee, at the next me Ring. present ICO times, and Mri Nix made 115 attendances Rector, “ you can do so.” could not catch him before lie jumped into the river at arrangement was Lieut. lilngsiord. Fllght-Sub-Heut Greer. Air. and Edmunds. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burt Misses Burt (2). out of a pbsi ible 132. Mr. P rout: I will raise the same objection as I did Annan. Both were drowned. wo had hardly grown accustomed to the fact that hia Airs. Strong. Mias Dyball. Miss Walden. Mr. and Capt. and Mrs. Grier. Rev. Duffe. Mrs. Hey maun School Attendance Officers’ Annual Reports.—These last year. I know if we elect any man except one son and heir Viscount Quenington, had boen killed 8.—Mr. and Mra Turner Laing, f. Mra. Emanuel's f. were submitted, of which the followinglij a summary, Von der Goetz Murder Tale. in action. His influence, even in his old age, waa was purchased by Mrs. Munford. Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Bailey. Mi-a II.-Mrs. Rutherford f. Mrs. Merriele -s, f. particular man you won’t accept him. aa^supplieil. With- Leek'. Miss Farr cut t Mrs. AJnB worth. Rev. R, viz. :— Tho Ki’CTOR : May I ask you how you know that ? A person whose opinion is of weight and who has just very considerable ami ho never ceased to be » Radii y Bell 13.— Mr. and Mra FuTrade Mr. A Geering arrived at Bnchare.it from Constantinople states that political figure that had to bo reckoned with. him, as he had no Nebraska AIansio.v. — Mrs. Stubb’, f Miss Buoh. Mr. 8 . Dune Western and LIFE! AND ADVENT TRUTH. Mr. {Pkout : Well, to test the meeting I propose Mr. Bba View.--Mra. Mu»pratfc Williams. Mrs. Kennedy, I Ensuirn Hamndeu Park Ford as person’s warden and Mr. A. K. Hughes as bield-Marshal.von der Goltz was shot by three revolver Although nearly in his eightieth year, ho has played t his farm. The Mrs. Stockton. Mrs. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Lion. Mr. Mrs. Yorke Davies, f ! Mrs. Salmon's f. nently he bought a Grampian ’" a.vbion. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bain. Mr. District). District). • peoples warden. Will anyone second that'! bullets fired by one Ali Abdullah, an officer in the 17th an active part since tho outbreak of the war. Btewait. Mra. Turner. Mr. Hanson. Geu. Ross- aud Mr'. Kahn. f. The Hun. Mrs. Jack'on. Mrs. Visits to parents of irregular. On Suud evening last the first of the! series of Mr. [Young : Yes, I will. Aqatolian Inlnurry Regiment. The murder was com­ particularly in placing his experience in financial the one purchased Church. Mbs lloss-Churoh. Miss Rayner. Lieut, Ortls. Lieut. Ootls, Miss Uotis a tto n d e rs...... 1...... 925R 5962 mitted on April 1-lih at 6 p.m. 'i the station when ard Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Kimber. Mrs. and Mias W ritten warnings served ...... 22 15 lectures on le of an immortal or eternal squl. Man Mr. LA. E. Hughks (to Mr. Prout): You can keh...... 93; 21 The lecture on Monday evening dealt with certain The [ReotOii : Is Mr. Ford a confirmed member of the tin, P.C. Scoones, of Canterbury, has been awarded a measure of which he disapproved. In the same way, Nash. Mr. and Sirs. Newling. Miss DougalL Major Gass and friend. Mr. Hops Sent to Industrial Schools...... 5 .... 2 while strongly objecting to the Parliament Bill, he Infants transform! and verified prophecies injeonneetion with the professing Christian Church? medal. i E mploye. Jaokson. Lieut. Matthews. Mr. and Mra. 8te ry. WILMINGTON TERRACE. Mr. P kout : You can’t refuse him if he is not. R eichstag to M eet on M ay 9th. dissented from those Peers who advocated the policy Rev. and Mra. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Dashfield. Mr. (April)...... L...... 372 160 churches, the lecturer urging that these [churches, of “ No Surrender.” ndon, claimed £3 and Mrs. Cox. Kiss Cox. Sir Francis and Lady Danksb"hRY.- Miss Gordon Smythies. Mr. and Mrs. Labour Examination.—It was reported that H.M. mainly Gentile, had not fulfilled the conditions of their he R ector (to Mr. Ford): Are you a confirmed From Berlin it is reported that the Budget and Taxes p contractor, of Groan. Lieut and Mrs. Carey. Mrs. Leaver. Lieut Horsley. Mbs Ho-sley Mr ana Mrs. Wallis. Mr. calling and hjljiasing, and, like the nation of Israel, they member of the Church ? Committee ofu. .uuu.the Reichstag"Kivuoms will1*111 resumeloamuo theiriudii oetwiunasessions Tne , , recent, , spectacular , parade ' ' ...... of the London...... special — and Mrs. Soex. Mr. and, Mrs. MoNanght. Missai Inspector had conducted an examination for labour Mr. F o r d : That is mv business. lieu of notice. And Mrs. Tavener. Mrs. and Miss Shonls. Mr. Hart. MoNaught (2) Mr. Green and friend certificates on 16th March, 1916, and that .3 candidates came under tlie Divine displeasure and would fiventually on Tuesdav next, and that the Reichstag will meet on 1 copstaoles reminds one of another equally valuable IBeaford, appeared Mrs. Hart be “ cut off.”j The [Rector: Y ou are a member of the Church of May...... 9th. . It...... is hoped that• • debate ’ will...... be finished by 1 sphere j of effort--- - which hasv— beenwot., attracting " a great from the eastern district and 23 from the westerrf England ? -Cavendish Hotel—Mrs. and Miss Jeffreson. Major JEYINGTON GARDENS. district had boen examined. From the fo: nier district On Wednesday evening tho sayings of Jesfis in con­ the end of May. many City man. Hhis is the Volunteer Munitions tisement issued by Mookett Mrs. Black. Miss Horne. { Mr. and Mrs. nection with] [a future life wjere examined, and it was Mr. F ord ;■ That is right. Brigade, of winch Mr. Lloyd George is the President Price. Mr. and Airs. Martin- Bliss Martin. Mr. 2 —The Hen. Mrs. Frasir, f The Hon. Mrs. Davso.n, f. II passed and two failed, and from the lalter district 10 The IRector : Would you be able to carry ou,t. the R egistrars and E xemption. and the Cord Mayor one of the General Committee, m £ |-to the grocery and Bauer. Col and Mrs. Uodfrev Webster. Mrs. Chalo-er SuNvvr,(Wv -Mr*. Maeray. Mtss Wha'ley. Dr. and passed and 13 failed. again conten lpd that there eculduld be no life afterafte death to Seaford and Mrs c ’. il'i’iiphrsys. viiss Robins3Q for any man . apart from the Resurrection, dvery one duties if appointed ? The Registrar-General will not mi;.port exemption and which has issued a report of work from til® bmilh and party, Mr. W. P. Fenwick. Miss Hampden Park Council School.—A let .er was read Mr. F ord : Well, yes. __ He told defen- Bammersley. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. Mrs Band. 6.—Mrs W-ib, f ilrs. B.11 from Mr. Councillor Pearson, with retmfence to the that died continuing in thedeath sthte until called from appeals for registrars of births aud deaths, because the inception to December 31st. Tho Brigade wa® 125 years and had Mr. HilUavo. Mis’. Barrett. Mr. Taylor. Major and Mo TKOHO.— ,r. and Mrs. Forbes, f. the tombs by the Archangel’s voice; Tho [Rector: Would your business interfere with work can be done by women. termed in June, as the result of a desire on the part i'll Bltos House.—Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lawson, f. The recent letter of the Board of Education stating that your attendance ? Id him he wanted Marquise de Bourbel Capt and Bird. Napper Mr. tlioy could not request the local recruitiu); officer not to F atal Bomb P ractice. ’ of City , men to assist the country in the production and Mrs. Taltourd-Inman. Mrs im Thuru. Mrs. and - Hou Mis e” Mo-tvn These leet ires are being tontinued until May JOth ; Mr. F o rd : It might do sometimes, the same as it nee ifroik on the call up the head master of this school, as they were of particulars are given in an advertisement on another of munitions. \3 ithin a few weeks, somo thousands . subject of wages Miss Ha.verson. Mrs. Kardley Wilmot Blr. J. Walkey. K.—Mr. ami Mrs. Wentworth. Mbs Miehou does other people. The accidental bursting of a bomb which he waa applied for membership. On Sunday, June 13th, the l.ord Trayner. Mrs. Morgan Young. Lieut and Mrs. UoRNINGSruit. — A. "i'iward '"ili.il. all's Smith. opinion that a school of this size could be placed under page. The R ector : You work on the Quay about to throw during practice killed Lance-Corporal J»1 Witness worked Cochrane. Mi's Packe. Mrs. Hall. Capt. and Mrs. M.-o. Sjilig. M‘'. Ward Mis' Morton. Mrs. Bond. a head mistress, stating that, as one of t he Managers, first squad of Brigade men started work at Woolwich L'and ho then wen* Me. Frank Bund... Mi-- M. Lambert Mrs. Bonadalle Mr. [Fo rd : What if I do. Our soldiers must have Stanley Reed (21), Devonshire Regiment, of Torquay. Arsenal. The week-end Brigade workers at th® Irouside-Bax. Gapt Woodman. Capt Crackenthorpe. he thinks it most desirable that the head ti jacher should food arid ammunition. Lieutenant Puddicombe, in charge of :the party, and _ .for his money. Mrs. Halt Mr. and Mrs. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Mii.i.kr's Da k. -Mr and Mr-. J. W. K. Still and son be a male, and suggested that an appeal should be made Arsenal now number well over 2,000. Other munition [ he . wanted, and he Bsgaold-Smith. Profes«or Ram-ay. I Col. and Mrs. i Pkvrnbey Housa.—Mr. Mioro. Misses Hoore (2). The Rector : I want a man who will do the work and seven men were injured. manufacturers have taken advantage of the service® to the Local Tribuual to grant exemption from military EASfBOl KNE VOLUNTEER TRAINING who is able to attend regularly. "i. 1 He asked him Deity. Mr. and Mbs Griffin. Mrs. Eyres. Mr. and service to the present head master. A N ose Club. of the members. Some of the members are doing and witness told Mra. Inman. Capt. Brown CARLISLE ROAD. Mr. F o rd : I suppose you would not attend so inspection, work at the Arsenal, and, after a good Southbokough.— Mrs. Simpson. Mra. Stewart. Miss The position as set forth by the deputation from the CORPS. A number of residents of a suburb of Chelmsford at will be £4. 8s., Aralukn — Mr. and Mra. Lenantam. lira Pulverman. regularly unless you were paid to do it. who are possessed of lather large noses have formed deal of discussion, it has been decided that 10 per Mr. F. Pulvorman. Mr. K Pulvorman. Mrs. Frants. Burner. Mi«s Chadwick Mra. Lanrie. Miss Ada managing body to the Education Comidiktee at their nPANY, The R ector : That is my business. ■gave a receipt for Piohard Cambridge. MBs Jenkin Jones. Mi h Ellen last meeting was considered. After full consideration themselves into a “ hose club.” They meet weekly at cent, of the earnings shall be invited from each "im if he could have Rev. and Mrs. Priestley Kvana Rev; H. Hutchison. Headquarters: 81, South-street, Eastbourne. Mr. F ord : And so it is mine. I should have to come member. The expenditure is thus met, and there ia Rev. A. andJ Mra.[ Doherty. —— -— Mrs. " noldu. M1-k D. Firtfi it was decided to inform the Managers of he Hampden free. , ; an inn, aud for each pinch of snuff’taken a copper is ttid arrange for the Rowell. Mr. Payton. Mr. and L Barel. Mr. COMPTON STREET. Park Council School that, subject to tli approval of Ordt ire for week ending May 13th, 191(i. placed in a box for local charities. also a small surplus for war relief funds. land defendant gave Donne-Smith. Mrs: Wilson. Miss My. Mr. Bernard The R ector : We must keep to the point. Lawyers are still busily discussing the logal aspects Hazblvillic. — Miss Barpard. Miss Gordon. Miss the Managers of the Willowfield H.G. 0i uncil School, Mr. P rout : It is just what I said. You (the Rector) A Striking Offence. ^turned to the camp Cartwright. Mrs and Miss Loney. 8. Wi Shaw. Robertson it was proposed to appoint the first Aasisi at Master of of the secret sessibn, though I have heard no sugges­ a [Tuesday and com- Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. CowelL Mr. a M ra Warren. Wabatah. —Mrs. Johnson. Mr. John*on. Miss Vewsn. won’t accept anyone except Mr. Barrow. It is only The Vicar of Morrow (Surrey) was liued £1 for allow­ tion that the House was exceeding tho strict letter Mr. aud Mrs. Hilton. Mrs. and Masl Kirk. Mdme. the Willowfield School (Mr. E. W. Harbi lime), who is Saturday, Mhy 6th.—Cyclist [Section, no drill; bayonet quibbling to po on like this. Why don’t you say ^oming. I He con- Mra. Pelham - Anderson aud child. Mrs. Martin. over military age, to the post of Acting ing the church clock to chime alter daik. of its privileges in deciding to exclude the public. A his landlady told Kryn Mons. Kryn. Mrs. AldiR Slade (21. Mrs Lemon, t » 1 "lead Master drill for N'.CiO.’s aud platoon drill, parade at Head­ straightforwardly you will not accept anyone else. Mr., Mra, Masters and Miss Pritchett. a VI. Clark Mona House.-M rs. Cattley, (. Mr., Mra and Miss of the Hampden Park Council School if and when Mr. quarters 6.45 pjm. i ' i 1, T rebitch L incoln. particularly interesting comment is provided by a | and told her that Sunday,JIVlay 7th—Open orjler drill, on tho Downs, The R ector said he must have one churchwarden writer in the Law Journal, who points out that the Witness went to Sandhurst —Dr and Mrs. Steele. Mr; Mi's West Mrs. Stow. f. F (Balcombe is called up. who was able and willing to help him. Mr. Barrow The Supreme Court of the United States has decided Byrne. Mrs. Auld, t Miss White. . . BtaWr. Mr. 8t. CuTHBKRT'a—MIhs Pickard Cambridge. Miss Ethel Mid-Term Holiday.—The Managers wijoto on behalf parade at Headquarters 3 p.m. returning by 5.30. p.m. that Trebitch Lincoln must be sent baok to England in ancient privilege which Parliament has thus exercised i was making other aud Mrs. Creer. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mra. Walker. Miss Lallamand. Mr. aud Mrs. Groner, (. Tuesday, May 9th.—Bayonet drill for officers. N.C.O.'s had done a great deal of work during the year. was originally assorted because the Members were of the Christ Church Mixed and Infants’Schools asking Mr. P rout : Other people have done little thinge, order to take hia trial for forgery. Je gave witness £1. Gibbred. Mrs. Andrews. Mr. Char iberlain. Mrs. that a Friday (instead of Monday) mayf De fixed for and men dealring promotion, parade at Headquarters anxious to keep the Sovereign in ignorance of their i week’s notice, but and Miss Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Llvett. Misses Uvett. CORNFIELD TERRACE. 6.45 p,, m- J too, but you don’t see them. You only see what Mr. Objection to V icak’s W arden. their mid-term holiday as hitherto. Rej& lived : That Weednesday. May 10th.- -Plat oon drill, parade at Head- proceedings, and was subsequently maintained {' more than the £1 Mr. and Mrs. Barlow. Mra Dingwall. X isses Dingwall. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Dyson Barrow does. Where lias Mr. Hughes failed in his At Newport, I.W., Vestry the people’s warden, because they found it equally convenient to hide Mra RanwelL Mr. and Mrs. Allen. * Mr. Lovell. no objection, be raised provided that the Friday shall quarters 6.45 p. duties ? > concluded that be Mrs. Brown. MrS. Cowin. Mra 11.—Misses Sinallpteoo be the one prior to the Blonday fixed as the mid-term Saturday. May 13th..— bayo let drill and platoon drill, whose re-election was proposed, dm-lined on conscien­ their dojngs from their constituents. We are Miss Herslet. The R ector : He does nothing at all. Mr. Barrow tious grounds to serve again, as the Vicar’s warden was reminded, too, that it was from the merest scraps of Mra. Watts. Mr. Rylanda Mr. _ Mr No'Chl. HYDE GARDENS. holiday for the other schools. “ parade at Hemlquartvrs 6.45 p in. does it all. , I that ho agreed to Miss Dickson. Mr. and Mra. Wl on. Mrs. 7.—Mrs. Haines. Col. Uppleby. Misses Uppleby (2) Higher Grade Schools.—The results cf the recent ' Sunday. May 14th.—Company drill, parade At Head­ a single man and eligible for military service. It was information, often quite inaocurate, that Dr. Johnson ‘ day’s notice. He Showbtldge. Mrs. Kastment. Miss ver. Mr. and quarters 3 p.l Mr. P rout: Then why don’t you nominate him. I stated that he was the manager of the Gas Company, a compiled his Parliamentary reports, taking care, as r £4. 8s. stated that Marlb ihough House - Mr and Mrs. Barker examinations of candidates for free plaeii; at the St. Platoon Oomwandors should arrange for their platoons have noithing to say against Mr. Barrow. Mr. Hughes Mrs. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Tol MlssTnnstall Olabkndon Hous*. —.’.Ir Gowelt. Mr.. Wonltorton. Saviour’s and Willowfield H.G. Schools wore reported reserved occupation, aud at, the works chemicals were he himself confessed, that “ the Whig dogs should it he regarded it as ’Wbst Rocks. — Col. Chamberlin. _ to attend We josday and Saturday drills. N.C.O.'s and comes every Sunday when he is able ta _ Jb. Mr. M ri Simms. Mrs. Niche nu. Mines Power. Mbs as follows, viz:— ' men desiring romotion can b< tested at these drills. being extracted for use in making high explosives. not get tho best of it.” The battle for publicity was yillson complained KL gham. Miss Kingbam. Miss C. gham. Mr. Harrison^ Misses Grluuley. Mrs. Tozer. Misses Nu n her pp.inel Mr. Y oung (to the Hector):. You don’t enepurage virtually won in 1771, when a printer, who declined ■ him that it was - and Mra. Joy. ):Mra and Miss Warn S4ra Hume. Hughe >-Hall eit No. of 8eh’i!a sLlp Ktundiird. Reservi its. . people to come to church. You insult people and drive • D eath of E arl St. A ldwyn. to attend the House of Commons to apologise “ on ! Mra Hearer. Miss Homewood. M them away. The death of Earl St. Aldwyn took place on Sunday : on loose sheets of i Kent Mr., School . Applicants. Internal. Exter..ul. Saturday, Mky 6th.—Drill, pi ,rade At College 6.45 p.m. his knees ” for having circulated some reports, was d-day on the Thurs- Mrs. and Master Tittensor. Miss 8mi oe. Mi's A. g i l d r e d g : ROAD. S t Saviour’s ...... J..... 21 ..... 0 ..... 3 > Sunday, Mky 7th.—Open order drill on the Downs, The R ector : I hope you won’t talk that rot. i orning. Deceased was better known as Sir Michael Smkllpiece. Mr. and Mra. Holderni Miss Slade. Highbuby.—Mrs. and Miss Ri C-VOH j Willowfleld ...... 30 ..... 11 ..... 3 arrested, and subsequently discharged by the Lord iwk-end that be was Miss Garbutt. Mr. Severs. Mr. an_ parade at College 3 p.m. Mr. Y oung : You have driven plenty of people away. icks-Beach. He 6at as M. P. for East Gloucestershire, Mayor of that day. who, in his turn, arrested the Mrs. Griffith'. Dcbley Dean. -- Mr. and Ittrer White. Capt. and Condolence.—The Chairman of the Education Com­ Monday, May 8th.—Drill, parade at College 6.45 p.m. The R ector : If I have said anything in the pulpit acted as Parliamentary Secretary to the Poor Law I know that all Mr. MLs Griffith-. Mr. Blewett. Mr. ani Mra. MatkaiL Mrs Powell. MI'S Kr.ingttm. Miss Rlytb. Miss Tuesday, May 9th.—No drill. messenger who had lain-hands on him. Up till 1875 ntfc Mrs. Wild. Mra. and Miss Chapman. Mrs. Heodgea Offlsy. Mins ’•'otfijerv. Mia- Dyer. Mra. ( iislar. mittee reported that Mr. W. B. Barker, assistant Wednesday) May 10th.—Plat (On drill, parade at College which you don’t understand, come to me afterwards Board, Chief Secretary for Ireland, Colonial Secretary, the mere “ spying ” of strangers was legally sufficient _nt answered his t Mr. Hyslop. Hj Mrs. and Miss Houlder. Mr. add7 Mra Missei Fiusicr (3) vi'ves Macaul v. Mi-s Lindquist master at the St. Philip’s Church Boys School, had 6.45 p.m. aud I shall be delighted to talk the matter over arid try Chancellor of the Exchequer and President of the Board to ensure their withdrawal. personally. _ H e ' Heath.th. Mr. . .Evana Miss______Ellis. __ Mrs. Markoi__ , rnvicz. Mra. Thatcher. M a. lraray, f. (5 . Mr. and Mra. recently lost his daughter, she being killed in a motor Thursday. ,y 11th.—Drill, ] larade at College 6.45 p.m. and make myself plain. If you take it I preach against of Trade. Mr. Valentin. Mr.Mr.' and Mra Thurston. Mr. and Mra. Turner. Mias Cherry. Mias Johnson. Mias Ray accident, and on his motion, seconded by the Rev. you, you make a very great mistake. If I do say some­ Swingboat F atality. The Lord Mayor has, naturally, a great many more rview, but witness My ring.ing. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Friday, Ma: 12th.—Drill, par vdo at College 6.15 n.m. correspondents than he has ever heard the names of, ; it would not cost Canon Streatfeild, it Was unanimously resolved : That Saturday, 4y 13th.—Plaioo 1 drill, parade at Colleollege thing and you apply it to yourselves you cannot blame While in a “ flip-flap’’swingboat in a show-ground on ght 8s. a day was Qcxxnrborough H otkl (Grand P arade). PEVENSEY ROAD. an expression of the sincere sympathy of this Com­ 6.45 p.m. but I believe he has never received a queerer com­ Sunday, Ms I] 14th.—Company and squad drill, parade Wanstead Flats. Emily Varney’s hat blew off, and in munication than a letter which was shown to me the i t amount and he;- MGs Henderson. Miss Ebblewhlta Miss., Witthans.Witl DALMKNY. -M r. aud Mrs. Thomas. Mhs Thomas mittee be conveyed to. Mr. and Mrs. Backer in thoir i After further discussion, the R ector said he appoin­ endeavouring to catch it she fell out on her head and rs. and Master Kemn. Mrs. MsekansfsJ Ur h i at College 6.41 :>.m. other day. It is dated from Lagos, and is from a __ ation to lodgings Mra. and Master Kemp, Mra Mr. and Mrs. . . ST. AUBYN’S ROAD. very sad bereavepient. Shooti; ;a. ted Mr. Barrow as his churchwarden during the year was killed: y6s. ■ When at the ■Cornell. Miss Breen. Mra. Baker. and Mra. and suggested that his name and that of Mr. Hughes, Sierra Leonean who has at any rate a sense of style Stains. Misses Churchill. Mr. and Penrith-M rs. Gllbeit'on. Miss Brown. Mlaa Nobba H igher E ducation. As notified Headquarters. B razil and G erman L iners. if no great command of English. Here is an extreot Stiff asked for his Stiokney- East Dene -Mr. and Mrs. Easton, f. who had been proposed aud seconded as the other, ny days he had Mr. and Mra Llwellyn. Miss LyalL "tmber. Municipal Secondary Sohool for Girls —The Head SlGNALL NG. churchwarden, should be put to the meeting together. The German proposal to lease three liners to Brazil which will show the gist of the appeal: “ It affords t" Smltbi Mr. and Mrs. Hans, t X4r. and1 ■irratt. Mistress reported that the average atten dance for the for coastal service during the war has been without me the greatest pleasure in putting before you this Eleven.” Witness Misses Dallas. Mr. Darrooh. Mr. and M As notified at Headquarter,). Recruits are urgently j He alluded to a statement that he had given £5 notes (f 11 days at 8s. a day Ingham, t. month had been 111 out of 126 pupils. required for this Section. away aqd the suggestion that these came from a legaoy result. poor intention of mine, which was. ever so long existed Mr. LlntotL Mr. Walker. Mr. and Mrs-! iggiorl and S erajevo H igh T reason T rial. in my mind to bring to your notice, which I almost ft asked for a week- son. Misses KlUot dmith. Miss Mo nan; Mr., BEDDINGHAM. Municipal Secondary School for Boys, ■The Head Orderlies (for week commencing 7th May). left by Mias Oatt. After two years’ careful examination Mrs. and Miss Cotton. Mrs. BandaU. Master repotted as follows, viz. :— it had been proved that there was no legaoy left by According to a telegram from Serajevo the great high think will be very strange to your hearing, and that pe must be back on ss attine?. V e st r y Meetin g . — The Vicar (the Rev. Officer, B. Miller; Sergeant, Corporal and is I am this day with the motive.in asking yog, that . wanted the stock- Mr. and Mra. Stansfleld. Comte de Rojas. M r, '. A. Firth) presided at the annual Vestry Meeting, At the December Cambridge Son lor Local],Examination six Privates from No. 2 Seotioc Miss Catt. There was also the question of the tithe treason trial lias ended. Sixteen persons were sentenced «re. Master and Miss Walker. Mr. and Mr-. two of the four candidates passed Bufficie Hly well to 68 I wish to become out of good intention, an adopted m 16 canteens at the ' ■ inch, f. held on Thursday last at Beddingham. There were (Fi 11 week commen ring L3th May). map, which' he had never seen in the Rectory. The to death and to penal servitude ranging from one to see anything more Miss Matthow. Hev. and Mra Ba) ~ :. Mr. obtain a London Matriculation Certificate. money he was able to give came from a fund which any 20 years. Forty-five persons were acquitted. son of yours. Though you may consider such an and Mrs. Render Mr. and Mra Wllby also present Sir Albert Bosanquet, K.O., the Rev. In the Junior Examination Greaves bracketed Officer, Mr. S. N. Vigors; S irgeant, Corporal and six idea very apparently wide, yet I think you, may tak® y. when he saw him R. M. O. Gramshaw (curate), Miss B. Brand and Mr. first in the whole examination in arithmetic, and Vail Privates from No. 6 Section. olergyman could find out if he chose to do so and from S ingular M emorial.' He was evidently Midwyn (Oarlible Road). which he had been able to obtain assistance for cases which it to be very ambitious and as onie with high aspira­ W. H. M. Killick. The Vicar nominated Miss B. was sixth in French and 25th in arithmetic!. Headquarter will be open for taking recruits, &o. As a momorial to Isleworth men fallen during the tion.” It iB quite possible that his Lordship will i saw it was no use Mr. and Mrs.lira. G. __ Stark.------Blr.------andMrs 1 James Brand as his warden and Mr. W. H. M. Killick was I find that about six scholarship pupils arb leaving this during tho fo lowing hours: (Svery morning, 11 to 12; came within the scope of that fund. If Mr. Hughes manager to send Richardson. Mrs. Wilson. _ Miss Ruth | Wilson, air. term and thus breaking thoir agroemoht tjo remain at MondayHf/itlrlu tr andond T'hupari’hursday U.U nvflru"ovenini s, "7.30 “ to ’ 8.15. would write to the Press stating that after examina­ war, one of the fine old cedars blown down by the recent take the same view, and decide that the latter ia, in aid Mrs. A. K. Ann. Bliss Dorothy elected people’s warden. school until they are 15 years of age. I thigg some steps blizzard in the parish churchyard is to be left as it fell. fact, “ very apparently wide.” Plaintiff seemed on. Miss j l. J. H art. tion into both these matters he found that there was ___ i could not have Norah Locke. Mrs. MacLean. Mra on. Mrs. should be taken to make this agreement more binding no legacy left by Miss Catt and that the tithe map had The roots have been covered in, and it is hoped, if the Jones. Bin. and Miss Drake. r and friend. and to enforce t his provision strictly in future cases. O.O. “ A ” Co,, Eastbourne Battalion. tree lives, that people will bring flowers to the spot in [that state. Plaintiff Mr. Dwyer. Bliss Dwyer never been in his (the speaker’s) hands, then, as far as |rrening and witness EASTDEAN. The Head Master was asked to reportjt re names of he was concerned, he would extend the right hand of memory of loved ones. the scholarship boys who are leaving school before they orning and witness Lasokllbb House (Lasoxllss Tkrraok). T h e R e -Ca ptu r e o f t h e “ St . P a u l.”— fellowship to Mr. Hughes and put an end to the whole Sir T homas L ipton’s Y acht. THE SEAFORD STABBING Ps work. Plaintiff H1U. Mrs. Priesuanrt. Bin. Anderaoa. Mr. reach the age of i5 years, and it was deede ed to leave THE BRTfllSH RED ICR0SS SOCIETY. thing, j i Frank BelL Mrs. Martin. Misses Butler. Blr. Slade. The folio wing is from the onrrent number of the Eastdean these oases, together with the eases of the] 1 wo unsatis­ H.M. armed yaeht “ Aegusa,” officially reported sunk and witness said and Friston Parish Magazine: The lads of Eastdean are (Sussex/ 15 V .A .D .) Mr. P rout objected to the names of the two church­ in the Mediterranean, was formerly Sir Thomas Lipton’s CHARGE. Mr. William Bennett. Mrs. Howard Williams. Mrs! factory scholarship boys, ih the hands of tin Secretary. wardens Ibeing put to the meeting together. He said lit He added 8s. ip and BUbs Andrew.. BUss Dennis. BIrs. Mullen. Mies well represented in His Majesty’s Forces to-day, both on Mnnininsl Art School.—'The Head Ma si er reported .audant: Ashley G. Oluffe, M.D, yaeht “ Erin.” ’sintiff a £1 note sea and land, and in every great national fight onr two Municipal Art School, the names of Mr. Hughes and Mr. Ford had been pro­ Rvana. Miss Holmes. Blr. Plokford. Mr. Betts Mrs. as under:— for week endii g May 12th, 1916. posed bylthe meeting, but the Rector rejected one and F atal Smash at W indsor. ANOTHER REMAND. > of plaintiff until Kilpatrick. Miss MaoBrian. Blr. Bridle. | Bliss Bridle parishes have taken a share.: It is interesting to When driving a pony in a four-wheeled van in Oxford- nons. Witness chronicle a curious incident of warfare whioh happened The attendances show a ! plight drop as Easter Sunday.—3.0|: Assemble at tie Drill Hall for Church had nominated Mr. Barrow. He had nothing whatever Howard House Hotel (Howard Square). approaches, but the totals pe r day are 55, 8(8 against 30 Parade. Dresk Parade order. ! [ to say against Mr. Barrow. Let the Rector nominate road, Windsor, on Tuesday, Adam Exall, a man about } ivy~vd plaintiff’s late on May 21st, 1747, in which onr parish was concerned. for the same period of last year. Monday.—8.1S: Stretcher aud ambulance drill. Sections i I [was very difficult to Blr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham. Bliss BtfK. Kdmoods. him ancilet the meeting vote upon Mr. Hughes. The 60, collided with the back of a cart. The shafts of his At Lewes Police Court, before Alderman G. Mrs. Krio Edmonds. Mra. Rawlee. Bin! J. H. Piper A daring Frenoh privateer took as captive a splendid The numbers are as follows. Viz. :— A and B officers for duty. . parishioners had nothing to do with the appointment of van were broken off and he was thrown into the road. With men who would Mra- J. DvbaU. Blr. G. a Bone. Col. and Mra. Prynne English sloop with a cargo valued at £20,000, the '* St. Wednesday.—8.15: Instruotio 1 class, “ Bandaging and He died soon afterwards. Holman, on Thursday, Luigi Calabro (43), an Italian f- The fact was they Total number of students enrolled... lifting the woueded." (D.Q.M. 1. Mr. Barrpw and could vote only for Mr. Hughes. U n. MaoClymont. Miss C. a a BlaoClymonu Mrs. Paul,” just off Ouokmere Haven, This was witnessed Daily average attendance...... This suggestion found support from others present chef at Scaford Camp, was charged, on remand fiom r did not care about C. C. Duncun. ,Itev. Preb. and Mra. A. E. Dalton. Mrs. by the inhabitants of the coast in the neighbourhood. Average attendance In daytime ...... Friday.—8.1S: Stretcher aud a|tnbulance drill. Section Canadian W ar F inancb. i day or two off to R. J. Inman. Bliss Edith Inman. Rev. and Mrs. As the Frenchman in the effort got with his prize' into Average attendance in evening C officers for duty. and it was acted upon, and the name of Mr. Hughes The Dominion House of Commons on Monday unani­ the previous Wednesday, with unlawfully and in who would work Edmonds. Capt. and Mrs. Sinclair. BUwes Sinclair. rather shallow water, at the Ouokmere’s mouth, a band Secondary School Scholars atteitending NOTEri. was put to the meeting and voted upon, and he was maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm upon Mr. and Bln. B. 0. Town. Bliss Amy Joseph. Mr.aud elected people’s churchwarden. mously carried a resolution appropriating 250,000,000 , so rt i which plaintiff Mrs. L. Argles of men, of whom two were of Eastdean, volunteered to art instrnotlon1...... f1.... j J... - ...... ;..... It is very urgently requested that the Call Cards issued dollars for war purposes during the current fiscal year, Rifleman Dudley Wright, with a knife, at Seaferd, p* him. go out in boats and out the “ St. Paul” adrift, and The financial year having now expired, in October be returned immodit .tely. I T he Accounts. the principal to De raised by loan. Sir Robert Borden irk in defendant’* MOSTYN TERRACE. Ing to note the revenue from fees. The on April 26th. ; - * re-capture her. This they did, securing the vessekwith^ There are vacancies for reliable men over military M r. P rout asked whether any acoounts were to be observed that Canada’s existing Overseas Force exceeds i’s evidence as to Alexandra H orn__Mr. J. Freem an. Mr. and Mrs. the prize crew of twenty-seven Frenchmen taken In fees up to 31st March was £269.10a age or otherwise unfit for Arn y Service. by 60,000 the strength of the British Army at the out­ Supt. Vine said he must apply for another rem®*d, „jan t and plaintiff K. Freeman. Mr. and Bln. R Knight. Mr. and .the estimate was only £160, thus showing a presented at the meeting ? as the injured man was not able to attend Court. Mra. ( The names of the two men of Eastdean wei the estimate of £110. The fees for the 1; Members ofj Military Age t bould report the result ector break of war. aid about dnnk and Miss Fisher. Bln. Dauby. Mr. and of their appeal for exemption, i ,ud the date. The R replied in the negative, and said there He produced a doctor’s certificate saying he wo®ld — Mr. Guy Dale. Blr. an 1 Mra. Clayy. Bodle, fisherman, and George Pierce, 'amounted to £181, thus there!is ariincrean had not been sufficient time to prepare them. F ire D isaster at L a R ochellb. be unable to attend for at least another week. gible. ' . . and_Master Walker. Bllstes Seward. Mrs. and received £5 as prize money. year just closed of £88. Dr. Taylor, kk Hailsham. his issued the following i to the conclusion Mr. PbooT: What does Mr. Hughes say ? A fire, followed by an explosion, occurred on Monday Mr. E. T. Wollstod, solicitor; said he had been Regarding the new grant of £150, whibl shows an report of his examination in nursing, and adds that Mr. A. ;E. Hughes said he did not intend to make at a chemical products factory at La Rochelle. The L'm* claim to be a ion nan Bnuile; increase of £20 on the palst year, this Is ssed on “ the practica. [work was goo l and the bandages well instructed to appear on bohalf’ Of the accused. He le evidence of the the period August. 1914, to August, 1915. ’his period done ” : any remarks that evening. Unfortunately there had buildings were destroyed. A score of victims were could1 riot oppose the application for another remwid, .. Griffltl la 'ilra . Clift LAUGHTON. , was a time of transition., The first half that time Pass List: F list Certificate— Freshney 88, Corringham been a difference of opinion on the question of the recovered from the ruins. A certain number also were but he wished to make an application with regard to irk, there was the tory. The church collections, and until that had been settled one injured. -Jfor l l days’ wages Inn. Mra and Miss Clay. S o ld ier ’s W e d d in g .—[Much interest was was the low-water mark In tho Bohool’s 76, Jonas 76, Bolflero 69. Abbott 65, Pilgrim 65, Wilton 65, bail. He had come to the Court prepared to latter half showed only the hegluningsol ,n lmprove- Baker 61, Wilk ihs 64, Blagrove 52, Lewis, 58, Toms 55. way or another he was not disposed to presents any D aylight Saving. . j tiSs. He gave judg- centred in a very pretty wedding which took place at mont On the whole the Board have. I |tl ilnk, dealt Advanced Certificate—Hall T5, Duke 74, Simmons 71, accounts.! The duty of churchwarden had not been a a surety, but he now found that prisoner was elii Laughton Ohuroh last Saturday between Sergt. H. T. fairly with the school and it encourages the hope that, It is stated that the Government are abont to intro­ ter service in the Italian Army, whioh altered the Wftu© 67. pleasant pne, but he was appointed to look after the duce a Daylight Saving Bill. This rather unexpected Mockford, of the Royal Garrison Artillery (second son if war economies permit, thi grant ... be fqtther Proficiency Badge—Cowper S mlth 79. interests iff the parish and higher interests as well, and situation somewhat. Italians bom since 1870 were of Mra. Mockford, of St. Mary’s-terrace, St. Anne’s, Increased in respect of the yt - s work in opera- decision is due to the circumstances that several Ministers eligible for service, and prisoner was bpr® m 1872. tion. The present year commenced In Anj it last and By order of the Commant ant. he had satisfied his own conscience that he had done so. are in favour of trying the experiment for the duration Although men of his age were not actually called up, Lewes), who has been at the Front for 17 months and of revived H. 1L J. COPLESTON, With reference to the two matters mentioned by the )RTUNE. is now home training recruits, and Miss Alice Simmons expires next August, aud cavers a perir of the war. it was open to them to volunteer, and there wa» a activity. ; ’ Hon. Sec. and Deputy Quartermaster Rector it was not his intention to write to the Pr possibility of them being called. In those circum­ (daughter of Mr. Thomas Simmons, of the Lye, G eneral P urposes and F in, The Rector had given an assurance as to the tithe map Famous Surrey I nn Burnt Down. Laughton). The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. stances he wished to ask whether the Magistrate , stationed at'GroW- Empire Day.—A letter was road fro ■1 Meath and they must accept that, and inquiries had been made The old Surrey Hounds Inn, Caterham, a famous would allow bail conditional upon arrangement® Police' Court on Mr. A. Hai re (viear of Laughton). The bride, who was as to the money mentioned, and he thought that had hostelry of coaching days, on the main road between A Miss I asking that the Union Jack shall be hoist at all the I FIRL being made with the Italian Consulate tiiat they bout a rear light in given away by her father, was attired in an embroidered Schools and that t)ie day shall be suitobl; observed, been decided also. He saw no reason for re-opening London and the South Coast, was gutted by fire on Miss Will... . „ dress trimmed with fine net lace, and she wore a large I e e t in g . — The annual Vestry would not issue a passport to the accused.. His paper® b, at 10.35 p.m. Mr. Arthur Resolved: That a copy of trie letter be mt to each V e st r y either of ihose questions. The question respecting the Monday morning. The inn dated back to the early part oould be deposited with the Italian (fensmlate, and ______Chandley. Mil_____ tulle veil with a wreath of orange blosSonl, and carried body of Managers and Head Teacher, anl that the Meeting was ild at Firle on lay. The Vicar churoh unto was who waa responsible for the of last century. I • ’ .old him the lamps a shower bouquet of. lilies of the Valley and white . Firth) presid ed, and there were so then there would be no possibility of the aomraed Wallace Baker.* Mra. and Mira Amy. Managers be invited to co-operate with eir Head (the Rev. W. church 1 ections. According to the late Archdeacon Old A ge P ensions. leaving the country. The accured had been an Hag- np had been forgotten. Taggart carnations. She was attended by two bridesmaids-^ Teachers and arrange that thej3ohool _Fla|g! hoisted, resent Mrs. •th, the Roy. and Mrs. R. M. 0 . Ohurtdn ’, jointly, with the churchwardens, No action is being taken for the reduction or revoca­ ' "a asked witness a* Misses May and Alice Simmons (nieoes of the bride)— Rr land ton years and he had served in the British Navy LANSDOWNE TERRACE. and that Empire Day (24th May) shall suitably G:ramshaw and! Messrs. H. Slcarlel was rest nsible for all the collections except those at tion of old age pensions in consequence of temporary and Was discharged with a good character. and witness agreed. »■ — Mr. and Mra. Rowe Thoraettk Mr. and Mra. who were attired in white silk .dresses, trimmed with observed. Sheppard and Miles (elerkj). The celebr&ticlnsof Holy Communion; but when the present increases of means due to the pensioner’s re-employ­ > found that the rear Dreyfus, t I • pale blue, and large white bats, trimmed with pale bine. showed deficit, wers adept iculty arose and...... he wrote to Archdeacon ‘ * Ho ment on account of the shortage of labour arising out 8upt. Vine pointed out that if aocuW wa* „-ied to obtain one 'at 10.—Miss Norton. Miss May. MraSehlft They wore gold brooches, the gift of the bndegrpom, nominated Mi.jH. Scarlett, who has he replied to exactly the oppoeite effect, namely, tl of the war. admitted to bail without his papers he would be 1A61® »he had to undertake llgdtfr.^and Mrs. Howard. Mr. and and carried bouquets of pink carnations and white RELIEF FOR ALL. ’s ward, as his wardsn, to the collections, excepting those at Holy Communion, to arrest. j »was due baok at rosea Oorpl. Griflen, R.G. A., was best man. There was VisbountGage bomesof age. J Ir. Hi I were entirely at the disposal of the Rector or incum­ Mr. Wellsted said that oould possibly be arranged. Th* Lahbdown*. IN THE S__ R bco bd br on Germ ans’ Ch a n g e o f N a m e. IfIMl a large number of friends at the service, whioh was folly when your THL people’s waroeiejn. A vote of oopdoli bent of the parish, who could use them as he thought The Magistrate remanded the accused for aweek, choral, the ohoir singing the [hymns, “ The voice that BROWN’S J irritable, or if was passed on > death of Vi best in’ thb interests of the parish. —In charging the Grand Jury at the opening of the and said fell would be allowed, IJisoner m hie own breathed o’er Eden ” and “ How welcome was the oall.” h ASTHMA, or The R ector said when there was a l a church rate the May Sessions of the Central Criminal Court on Tues­ After the ceremony a reception was held at the recognisances of £50 and two sureties of £25 each, or Gkky Ha IBS BRONCHIAL ■ you wlll.ol people;had a voice in the matter of disposing of the day, the Reoorder said it was an instance of the extra­ oqe of £50, conditional also upon arrangements being stores Grey or Assembly Rooms, where abont 46 sat down to the mi 1 if you money, but thoee times had gone by, and they had no ordinary way in which things were done in this great iot be issued to tha to Its original wedding breakfast. Later in the day Sergt. and Mrs. :OCH8B a HASTIN' country that Germans were allowed to change their mad© that & passport should TROCHES. tot vote now in the disposal of the offertories at the church. accused enabling him to leave le country. > the glands are Mockford left for Robertabridgo for a few days. They P r e se n t ^ ’ [ON TO THIS In support of the view laid down by Archdeacon names under deed poll. This was being extensively- :d Prevents were the recipients of many useful presents. (Mra. Hocking) done. Many of them were ready to betray this country, ,!• j \ ]'• l the Bair from The Ex-May< Hoskyns, he quoted a rubric appearing in the Holy _ Restores and s===s=s=s=s3s=a in the Council fhamber, made the service, whioh states, referring to that on which they were battening, and vet the Government < Arrangements have in made tc Exhibit in 1,'a diamond ie money given at the offertory shall be permitted these persons to oonceal their identity., It Something Unu^uai*. —j Jem Macarthy, & itheHatr. of the Mayori Ii Lancashire factory worker who had enlisted and had rT A D t* . |. ROTTINGDEAN. New York official British films, take^i Ingland and an album, in whit) ich pious and charitable uses as the was deeply to De regretted that the Government and in the North Sea, showing he work of iFleetand the following (dress: “ Coun y rchwardens shall think fit. Wherein, permitted such a state of things to be in existence. been V ‘ ^ School Bov’s R egular Attendance.— the new Armies. This album, ling the it shall be disposed tit as the ordinary “Ring” Money.—-A woman, charged at nacio ent moment,tjtpd Walter Ohatfield has been awarded a prize of tea, togei ^ im r__f Lm o ^ |—■ ■ ■ y, H is T urn to b e C a u g i —Far me rYtohorse- ,: With reference to the money he baa West London Police Court on Tuesday with being guinea in recognition of his eight j and a E. Armitige st to help needy cases in the parish, the drunk when in charge of a ten months old child, was ______- m M i l j l ance with good oondnot and f dealer): “ No, I don’t bet r no malice; I only hope of the “ Oh, it was pretty hot, but it were a reet? that when you are ohased b pack of ravelling wolves of ai It came from a trust, which he discovered stated to have drawn the “ ring” money (separation Rottingdean School. which she — working in London, and he would be glad allowance) and had a few drinks out of it. This “ I did fairly enjoy it!. It were abeawt f ; Article— ELMS AVENUE. you’ll be drivin’ that horse sold me.” Fve ever bin in as a p’licenn _____ LUXE. Ci.arj£ncxvilla—Sir Benjamin V. 8. B unselfish devi to and uni L from it for any of hia parishioners who explanation led the Magistrate to remark: The ring Brodie jM. Mr. and; Mra, Williams. >' r ------the borough and who needed sooh assistance. As money is in many oases too large; so much so that nose in i” J S l Prof essor: th re e words are used I November} " 1 1 ” Freshman: 111 don’t “ Pardon me 1____ h’s new n a great help to some women cannot get through it without getting drank. A Dangerous P erson.—An architect with. u ,.w d M n . 1 most among college 1 I to the to do what be oould to know.” Professor: iff--...... OAFS DE I A fine pf 40s. waa imposed. ' i WANTS OF ALL KINDS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, 1). RYDER RECOMMENDS her lute JL .A.--.T > ___ experienced GOVERNESS. who lived with her SERVANTS WASTED or SITUATIONS REQUIRED nearly thirteen years anil is now disengnged; usual English subjects, French. Music. 1 (rawing. Needlework. HOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET, LIMITED —Apply, F., 37, ticlhurst-road. South Norwood, S.E. Are Advertised in the Whole of AJ i W h YKOMA.VKY (discharged medically trap, anil who was formerly organi? t at Sri Michael’s l l t V . U i unfit I.—13 ENT4TLK.MAN (211 DESIRES Farnctunbe & (Jo.’s (Ltd.) Sussex Newspapers _hurch, Little Ilford, London. I s is a trained PERM AN K vT engagkmkn!N r. with good prospects, At One Charge, v li; musician and evidently an experienced recitalist, tho somewhere in Sussex ; partially outdoor preferred ; l Inbkhtion___ One Shilling, not over 20 Word* REMOVALS Channel View-road; Michael Boniface. Dennis-road ; various items being thoroughly enji yod by a large three years’ varied business oxporience; first-class refor- James Lusted, Dennis-road ; and Rose Barsley, Dennis- ouces.—Apply, F. 1)., Ivy Dei.o, Victoria-road, Farn- 3 Inhkutionb...... Two Shillings and Sixpenob congregation. Lieut.A. W. Mitchell R.A.M.C., sang i borough. Hauls. road, were summoned for disobeying school attendance “ Comfort ye” and “ Ev’ry volley” in excellent style, 7 Insertions...... i F ive Shillings orders made in regard to their respective children. and later gave “ The lost chord” most effectively. A MAB'I'. energetic Man, aged 42, requires SITUA­ Lemper Advertisements at Proportionate Rates. AND The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue) appeared to liberal response was made by the eoug regation, aud the TION as COLLECTOR or licht occupation ; highest prosecute in each case. references. — Apply, Q. M„ "Chronielo” Office, Kast- Iff Booked the Usual Rates wiiSl be Charged. STORAGE. Sick Linos of the camp benefit to the extent of : bourne. Brooks'naw was fined 5s.; Smith, 5s.; Boniface, 2 1. fid.; £8. 13s. 4W. The programme included the following Ail such Announcements appear in the foUowlng papers; Lusted, 5s.; and Barsley, 2s. (id* compositions ANTED, by Man in business, EMPLOYMENT It was stated that Lusted’s boy was a truant, but after 9.0 a.111.; good writer uml figures.—Apply, 1 Eastbourne Chronicle. Overture to the “ Occasional" Oratoricl...... J. Handel in first instance, Id Box K 4, “ East Sussex Nows,” I Mrs. Lusted said she sent the lad to school, and if he (a) Introduction, (b) Allegro. ( jdvqnt of ! s make a point of ability and carefully darned so’ as to conceal the As the animal had no collar he called and sato the mental and will be aj welcome addition to theiroom. hold Linen, &c ; any quantity bought for cash; airit breath of cricket ravages of mildew and time. Happy is the man who defendant, who said the dog was in her charge c uring Mrs. A. R. Harding has also contributed a most bankers' reference.4-Mrs. Morgan's, 6a, Ucklynge-road, the owner’s absence, but she quite forgot to pijit the Eastbourne.C BLE-BODIED MEN WANTED; Farm Hands, Monday I strolled can afford a new suit of clothes at present tailors’ generous gift of £20 towards the cam a funds, and Miss __Gardeners or General labourers. — Apply to the a i tor. wintei V football, prices and yet continue to take sugar in his tea. collar on. Wing, of Clarendon House, Hyde-gaidens, Eastbourne, Bailiff, Broadstone Farm, Forest Row. towards the famous A fine of 2s. 6d. was imposed. IMASTOFF CLOTHING.—LADIES’, GENTLEMEN'S tm Iber dejectedly and * * * ! has kindly forwardedj the results of a collection at a and CHILDREN’S Boots, Household Linen, &c., VACANCY exists for smart, intelligent YOUTH, as Yjitalfcourne ienclosure. there would be no j whist drive. Another very useful gift was received BOUGHT FOR CASH.—Mrs. Hart, 5, Station-street, Jor or to i>d. R I see that at the Council meeting on Monday Mr. THE IMPORTANCE OF REGISTRATION Lewes. Apprentice to the Reporting; good opportunity I anc tho ground be deserted. Jjudge •Alderman J. C. Wright was very particular to j from Miss Laura S)njtli, Hillside, Malvern Wells, of Afor well-educated lad.—Apply at “ Chronicle'’ Olilces, FORMS. a garden tent and awning, which is being placed in the OUGLAS. O.K. or other light weight MOTOR £outh-street, Kastbourne. | i of my the Pavilion opeq, impress upon tho members that ho preferred tho PARTMENT HOUSES FOR DISPOSAL.-Maritio- phrase “ a man’s head is in his work ” to the common Ada Jane Gray, of Victoria-place, was summoned | sick lines for the benefit of those v ho are able to get D_ BIUYCLF. WANTED ; prompt cash.—G. Land, 5, GENTS WANTED for First-class INSURANCE .! parade, £500; Pevensey-road, £200; Cumbridge- > turf in prime oonditiw and the cricket nets up for failing to send in registration papers to the tegis- out in the open, butiwhiwho are not s ifficiently well to Perilenhale road (off Spaford rond), Eastbourne. road, £160 ; Royal-parade, £500.—Terrys, 16, Cornfield- or garden expression whioh usually gives a man’s ___ COMPANY , ; Haywards Heath district ; dis- i road,\ Eastbourne. occupied. But the players were young ladios heart that place of distinction. In other words, he tration Officer. walk any distance. | u r h a m h o u se school fo r g ir ls and Acharged soldier preferred.—T. J. Maundrell, Supt., 11, m places a much higher value on a man’s head than Detective Sergt. Curtis said that on April 27th nine KinderpartcJn iKK-OPHlNS May 9th. Boarders Station-road, Eftst Giiustead. FREEHOLD SITE for S mall R esidence : pleasantly on his heart. But has the worthy Alderman—who registration forms from the defendant’s house were In another column! will be found an account of the received.D Moderate terms. All Kxanis.—Ceylon-place, T OXFORD REGISTRY, Susans-road. Ka.-lbooino. situated on the London-road, E ast Guinstead; |A famous cricketer, in the i of the Rev. F. H. received at the police station. Three were signed on gardens, which give the camp so at motive an aspect, Eastbourne. —WANTED, Cooks. Cook-Generals, Parlourmaids, havingI 50-ft. frontage depth 200-ft.; gas, water and G illingham, rector of Bern ey, is preaching in is a' bachelor, I believe—over tried tho effect his view main drainage available: available; bargain, £100.—Particulars, might produce amongst members of the opposite sex? the 10th, two on the 20th, two on, the 22ud and t wo on aud which reflect grdat credit on all concerned in the ASTHOURNK FLORAL NURSERIES. Li-iunru und AHouseparlourtuaids, HouSfcmaids, General., Kitchen- ; " Estate." '208, London-road. East Grinstead. B utbourne to-morrow—in the oon (to men onlv) the 24th. He subsequently called and saw the defen­ development of this charming decora’ ive feature. E Bolton-ioad ; cheapest for pot plants, cut flowers, maids, Betweenmaids, Temporary Maids, Useful Helps, a t: S t Joh*V Meads, and evening! atj Holy Let him one of these fine days offer some fair lady bedding plants, floral tributes and garden sundries. House parlourmaid for London. ______his heart and she would probably accept him— dant, and asked her why she had not sent in tho forms AYWARD8 HEATH AND DISTRICT. - For S’ . ffehas beta i seen on the Saffrons within 24 hours of the arrival of the people, ard-she a r m h o u se ACCOMMODATION WANTED for |>OOT TRADE.—WANTED, an intelligent YuUNG Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET or SOLD In i, and ii' he only pijeachos indeed, I am sure she would. But just let him floi replied that it was a job to get them returned by the last fortnight in May; South Downs; within four LADY.of good address, as JUNIOR ASSISTANT. ! thia charming and healthy locality, with exceilont rail- rras bfe plays he’will bo worth hearing. .© IS ft down on his knees and offer her Mb head and—well miles of sen ; O' e l ed. one sitting room.—H., 28, Spring- —Apply, Russell Sc Bromley, Ills, Terminus-road, Fast- ' waF service to London, Brighton and Fastbonrne, apply he’d soon see what would happen! visitors. j ‘ill PRIM HOSE LEA.GUE ENTE RTAINMENT F 1 T. Bannister & Co. House and Estate Agents, Market- I »ta, looks like a jwgilist and _plays ower- The Chief Constable (Major Teale) said the police ; field-road, Kingstoi on-Thames. bourne. i plaoe, Haywards Heath. betake* the; long handle to it.' A sa had had 15,000 of these forms to Ideal with, aud he did en tlem a n and w if e reqi ir e , by ioth. good 10NFECTIONERY (Sweets). — Two experienced he would be hard / ASSISTANTS required, oue to manage branch; LD-K8TABLI8HED BOARDING HOUSE; one door , __ of not think 5,000 had be;n sent in within the proper time. | SO LD IER S AND SAILORS’ HELP homely BOARD RESIDENCE in farm house.— from Sea Front; 16 rooms; low rent; goodwill and .. beat, apd particularly good The Mayor (to the defendant): How many people TermsG by letter, A.L 7. Junction-road, Eastbourne._____ Clive out.—Apply, the Cocoa Bean Chocolate Stores, Ter­I furniture £800.—Terrys, 119, Q fCornfield-road, ’/Mi,. 41 ill •! nnn J Kastbourne. bVw,il,AM M ,n Itoking, it " little bit. SUMMERDOWN CONVALESCENT had left you before you sent in the forms ? SOCIETY. minus-road, Eastbourne. EATHFIELD(-TAVISTOCK PRIVATE HOTEL. lOWM *N WANTED.- Apply," Pratt, Busses' Farm, STATIONERY, Fancy Goods and ‘Lending Library.— Defendant: Only two. Four acres lovoly grounds; high, bracing; tennis, IO An unusual opportunity occurs in Eastbourne Easi of The Mayor: So that the very idea of the thing is bowls,H croquet; late dinner (separate tables); highly 0 East Grinstead. acquiring above business. — Apply, Box Another id one even more h o spital. MU. R. recommended; 10 minutes' station, shops, golf links; Y. N. P„ frequently Mr. J. W.i Hi T. nullified and the police do not gee the forms before the fNE, M.P., AND THE /' AOOK-QENERAL;M two in family„ ; good wages; tax ’•Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. ' ” - * ‘‘.ftf; ;’j;> ■ ■' people have left the place. terms moderate.—Proprietress. Vy_ .paid.—Apply, Apply, a'after 5 o’clock, 9, Southfleld-road, d a y ! ’ Douglas, the ty team and 'the fERNMEN’I. Eastbournq. from Australia, T H E GARDENS. The Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr,, E. O. Langham): The Y TOME WANTED for respectable Man near Fast- 90 PER ANNUM.—A modern Detached VILLA, Brand who police should know at once where people are. T hat is J[ J. bourne, with homely people; moderate terms.— IOOK- GENERAL REQUIRED : two in family ; fitted with every convenience ; two floors only; glaa b it on the field of Address, N. H , care of “ Chronicle " Office, Eastbourne. large garden, garage, &c.—See below. loted Major in the why the forms should be sent in within 24 hours. / another kept.—Apply, 5 till 7, or write, R., 99, £ The Mayor said it ~was very important the police On Wednesday ev< ning, following ts annual business ADY TKACHES FRENCH ; rapid easy method ; CSouth-street, Eastbourno. 50.—A convenient HOUSE in a good locality ; few 2nd Batt. Bedfordshire . One of the first things that strikes the visitor to meeting, the Pnmm i League (East! ourne'Habitation) minutes to ftation.—See below. . Sumnierdown Camp is tho lustetully, designed flower should have the registration carried out properly, and highest references; moderate terms; trial lesson OOK-GENERAL WANTED at ouce.-Urown Hotel, ■ i ;(• jp$3tajj| ave a pipublic entei ainment at tie Town Hall on free.—R..L “ Chronicle" Office. Eastbourne. • East Grinstead. 1 £tf*26 INCLUSIVE.—Small LOCK-UP SHOP with room | Bed opposite the Orderly lloorns, now a blaze of colour visitors should be asked to sign : before going to their elhalf of the Soldieri [and Sailors’ So :iety, an organisa- dt*1 over, in Sutton-road fitted, now for hairdresser. One at 1 be tittle that occasionally muke from the profusely blooming forget-me-not aud the rooms. A tine of £2 would be imposed. gtion that has done uiuuu,jueh, in,u varioui,«iuu* i ways, ,,, for retired KWKS UNION.—Tho Gnnrdlans Invitk APPLICA CRAPERY.-DOVER WILLIAMS lias vacancies for A ’ jg occurred I at the J TION'S from Pci-sons willing to undertake tho work Lady Assistants and Apprentices; live out.— 1,FURTHER particulars apply principal Agents, or | stately tulip. As one proceeds further into the camp DANGEROUS MOTORING. service men. The attendance, thoug h fairly good!irl was wna X1 Owners, 2, Station-parade, Eastbourno! khderers were playing it becomes appafent that great and successful efforts J of H ' I It (JUT IT Y(J and SHAVING at the WorkhouseD Apply, 87, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. 1 ------—i-----■— ■ . ------■' MU] Wilfred Charles Walker, of Hurst-road, was sum­ not so large as either phe quality of ;he entertainment at Chailoy, and Hair Cutting at the Children’s Home, _. i Public Schools a ilman and ]W. M. have been made] to make the-decorative effect of the or the practical objtict in view de orved'; but those St. Attnes, Lewes.—Apply, stating tho remuneration RESSMAKING. - WANTED, good BODICE- BUNGALOW HOTEL TO BE LET, situate closo I ndloy, the old Ken1 fast bowler, were camp as bright and cheerful as possible. The current moned for driving a motor cyole to the dauger of the present showed their] interest and appreciation in a required, to the Clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, MAKERS and SKIRT ASSISTANTS; used to to the Seashore and about a mile from tho Parish alt the wickets. They pair of batsmen, number of the “ SummerdoWn Camp Journal” Bays:— public in Seaside on April 25th. Lowes. ; good class work.- ■Jessie ~ Brown, 28, South-street, East- AChurch and a pretty Village, amidst open Downs, about very cordial way. The platform, with the spaoe at the bourne. three miles from one of the most prosperous Watering i the ast over of the three more runs Gardening at Summerdown Camp is now in full Special Constable Lawrence stated that he sew the rear, had been very tastefully decorated with flags and T ttST, in Eastbourne, on May 3rd, a GOLD BROOCH, , __waned to give irora the victory. defendant driving out of Eastbourne at a speed which RKsSMa KING—WANTED, experienced SKIRT Placesvon the South Coast, containing seven bedrooms, . and opened his swing. That is to say that the effects of the work flowering plants, and |the hall gener illy wore a bright set with pearls round plaited hair; inscription, HANDS and COAT HANDS.—Apply, Bobby and lounge, coffee room, two sitting rooms, &c., &c„ and Qolnku took the ball, done in the past are now in . full bloom, divisions being he considered was dangerous. Witness stopped the and cheerlul appearance. Anne Dorothea. 1815.—Anyone returning same to the Co., Ltd., Eastbourne. usual offices, with garden, tennis courts, stabling, with i for a mighty ive over the ropes—arid waB bright with daffodils, tulips and other spring flowers. defendant, who admitted he was going very fait, and a j. c j ~_L • , , j ___ r .. , , Manor House will be rewarded. D men s room and large yard. Water laid on from the A diversified programme included songs by Mrs. KESSMAKING.—WANTED, at once, I mprovkrs =4— : before. This effect is due'entirely to the following workers:— said he was driving a new machine, but something Tiekner, rhymed moujnlogues to pianoforte accompani- OST, KENT KG from a drove in April, between company's mains The Premises adjoin a golf course went wrong and he could not control it for the moment. _A Turners Hiland Tenterden; ear mark hole near _ and Apprentices.—Apply, Caleb Mitchell, Ltd., and three others are within easy reach. The Hotel is a The LtaguoC Le4gue Competition t _m connection with the A; Division.—Miss Wheateroft. Witness estimated the speed at 3p to 35 miles an hour. ment by Miss L. Boniface and dram itic recitations by ear,J tivered across the loin “ N ” on near side; reward uIgh-street. Lewes. favourite place for excursions and for visitors for a few M B. ,, aud Convalescent Sergts.’ Mess and Oorpl. Oliver Uroiubie, from the Su nmerdown Camp. LORI8T8.—WANTKD, Married Man for General days’ stay amidst quiet and pretty surroundings. TO is now drawing fast Edwin William Wade, a haukney carriage driver, given and expenses paid.—Apply, Major Neve, Asheuden, BE LET ON LEASE for 14 Years, at a rent of £50 for g during the past ■ Church Hut._—Miss Ray. estimated the defendant’s speed at! 35 or 40 miles an A combination of solo dances, entitled “ Patriotism,” Tenterden. ______L______Nursery work ^outside); email cottage close; good C. ,, and all Public Gardens. — Mrs. was so neutly and gratefully executed that the audience opening for energeticman.-—K. W. Bunney & 8ous, the first year, £75 for tho second year and £100 for the ing upon the final hour. EMOR1AL CARDS.—Artistic Folded Cards: 12,3s.; Barcombe.F next and subsequent years.—For particulars and orders ling feature of tho Tullooh. Defendant; I’ll bet you anything you like I cc uldn’t insisted on a repetition. Ttie youthfi il artists were Miss M 25. 4s. 6d.; 86, 6s.; 50, 7s. 6d.; 1U0, 13s. 6d. Black to view apply to Thurgood & Martin, Land Agents and d Town Hall and D. and Kituhen Garden.—Mia Satter- get 35 or 40 miles out of the maebiue on the necond Marjorie Aeheson-Gnay, Miss Inez Bliss and Master Fdge_ l Folded Cards: 12, 2s. 6d.; 25, 4s.; 50, 6s. 6d.; 100, XIRL WANTED, to assist generally ;! strong and Surveyors, 27, Chancery-lane, London, and Manor Office, thwaite. Boysie Acheson-Gray, whose perlo; mauces did them Us. 6d. Cash with order. These prices include Envelopes. _ X willing ; age 15 to 16.—^uply, Coomber’a Farm, Eastbournq______]______o of the crack teams gear. It is too low. Horsham. .'greatest interest was Sick Lines.—Miss Birtill. great credit. The last-named, quite a dapper little Postage extra: 12.3d.; 25,4d.; 50.5d.; 100, Bd^—Farncombk Faygate,( near Horsham. Witness: If the gear is too low the speed was too chap, appeared in khaki, and his smart little exhibition and Co., Ltd., Printers, Lewes, East Grinstead and > OUNTRY VILLA TO LKT.-TO LET, STANLEY another. Neither side Y.M.C.A. Hut.—Miss Pattisson. high (laughter). Eastbourne. OOD PLAIN COOK required for high-clasi apart­ HOUSE, UPPER DICKER (close to Mr. Bottomley’s Town Hall beat their Welcome Hut.—Miss Thornton and her staff of 'rederiok William Seaward gave corroborative irovoked a particularly hearty round of ’hpplause, ment house: kitchenmaid kept_4, Mostyu terrace, Cmansion); double-fronted; sitting room, dining room, thus made their claim lady gardeners. evidence. j wsides creating some!amusement. ‘The Blackbirds” ISS MOLLY HUME (Assistai t Violin Teacher at GrandG parade, Eastbourne. kitchon, scullery, four bedrooms, back offices, large vaudeville entertaintnent was another prominent Roodi-an School. &c.) VISITS EAST GRINSTEAD AIKDKF-RING.-YOUNG LADY APPRENTICE garden ; rent: £18 per annum; possession 24th June.— ethaniever, Thev It should be mentioned that the camp has been very Defendant, who said be was going at a fair pac e, was weekly,M and would llko two or three more pupils to fill Apply, C. H. Green, High Croft, Hailshnm. wood, however,1 though fortunate to have the expert advice and help of Capt. fined £2. The Mayor said the Bench were detei mined feature, the various Rems (all of wl ich were capitally uti her time.—Terms moderate, to be had on application WANTED; tall and smart: age about 16.—Apply, their place at the V. Hill, who has taken over the chairmanship of the to put down this fast motoring, whioh was a danger to produced) gaining no fight appreciati on. at 28, Eaton piace, Brighton. HA. U. Whittaker, 25. Ureve-road, Eastbourne. ast GKINsTKAD. —COTTAGhS TO LET, rent. from to meet H. Dyer’s Gardening Committee from Col. Bostock. thepublia if . At an interval iri the programme Mr. Rupert ISS FILEY and MISS PEACOCK, of De rhaddrn, [OUSEKEKPKR. about 30. high-class Apartment __ 6s. weekly ; good gardens. — Apply, H. latter winning, the Gwynue, M.P., gave a short address, the hon. Member H__ House, for upstairs wotk and let rooms ; also Middleton, 96, London-road, East Grinstead. Places which we would select for honourable mention ALLEGED ASSAULT. Eastiiotirni-L have Amalgamated their School with Honsilouse-Parlourmaid; two Useful Holt s or two friends E uld H. Dyer's team are:— Mrs. Whiteliorn, of Winter-road, was summoned for beiug introduced to the assembly by Mr. A. J. Bowen, Mthat of MRS LATHBURY.of The Cliff. T,ho combinedmight suit to manage together.—Apply, Miss Hayes, 22, a st b o u r n e - pa y in g g u e sts r e c e iv e d m the championship of assaulting Amelia Godden on April 27th. She pleaded vice-ruling councillor of the Habitation. Mr. Bowen Schools will re-open at The Cliff, Eastbourne, on May Grand-parade, Eastbourne. a comfortable home; highly recommended; good W Hall. 1. —The beds in front of the Orderly Room; these said the Primrose League had no scr iples, especially at 5th. cooking;E garden, tennis and croquet; ploasant situation. are in charge of Sergt. Champion and Sergt. Ballard. not guilty. the present time, about inviting t r their gatherings OUSK PARLOURMA^D REQUIRED, May 25th; —Miss Ackeruianti, 20, Tho Avenue, Eastbourne. Complainant stated that the defendant lived two FFICi R’S WIFE requires a Country ik iITagE two in family ; insurance paid; separate room.— Wallflowers, forget-me-nots, daffodils and tulips make people of different shades of politics thought, so long 'furnished), near Lewes orHeathfield district; not 71ASTBO.UKN E. — Superior homely BOARD-RESI- jn between Thwaites pleasant blaze of colour, aud ate the admiration of all doors from her. On the night in question witness was they were animated by a eominor patriotic purpose Omore than 25s. wbokly.—Box No. P. S. 14, “ East Sussex21, l he Avenue. Eastbourne.______U DHlNi'E-. private family; terms moderato ; nice iff. The latUjr had visitors. talking to a friend, when the ] defendant came and and a desire for the advancement am 1 prosperity of the News" office. Le AN WANTKD to drive Ford car and do repairs; 1position: OcUlynge district; close to ’bus terminus; e ; of their rivals had 2. —The Welcome Hut garden. All the plants and accused her of saying something against her. Y’itness Empire. - J over military age.—Apply, J. Brampton, 52, South- special terms for business people. — Apply, F. F., iwjufwj the third min, was bulbs have been presented by Mr. aud Miss Thornton, knew nothing about the matter and contradicted the KNDOWER, Silverdale-road, Eastbourne.—School street.M Eastbourne. “ Chronicle” Offlctis, Eastbourne. and laid out by ttiree lady gardeuers. defendant, who then abused her. Defendant we s then Mr. G wynnb, M.P,‘, who had an onthusiastio recep­ for Ohi drenof Gentlopeopie RK-OPeNED Thurs- task of getting no feri’er t;han tion, said that was not a politica meeting in the daPv. M ay 4th. Children...... ofVisit (tore received, ' ‘ t. lass AN WANTED In spare time for delivery of goods, A8TBOURNE (Meads).-F urnished HOUSE TO win. H e'got them. This was 3. —The beds of wallflowers, near the Post Office, on the door-step, and witness told her to get off, other­ f ir little boys. * a --Apply, i ' Hayward's,” - opposite ...... Station, East- LET; two sitting, four bedrooms, bath (h. and a ) ; wise she would get a broom and sweep her off. V fitness ordinary sense.J If it were he was i ,fraid he could not bonrne.- week, the next most presented, tended and designed by Mr. Scott, nursery­ JOULTRY KEEPING FOR LADIES.—The Misses M Elovely position; two guineas weekly—O., “ Chronicle’1 C. Myers, A. Geering, man, of Eastbourne. went and got the broom, but the]defendant took her by honestly have said much in favour of the present ILK.—Smart LAD WANTED.—Apply, Brockhurst Office, Eastbourne. the collar and pulled her to the ground. Government, whose dilatory management of the war I Whitfield and Kansome have Vacancies for DAY Dairy, East Grinstead. with 77 eacl The 4. —The Officeis’ Mess and the A.S.O. office gardens, and whose lack of eoorage and iuiti ttive had tried the ' ISTUDSNTS on their up-to-date Poultry and Goat Farm; M ASTBO URN K—Small BOARDING HOUSE; always 'or the season, nd next in which the bulbs were presented to Mrs. Lionel The Magistrates’ Clerk: Couldn’t you hav intensive and ex onsite methods; incubators; prepitra- otor" DRIVERW ANTED ; drive small Thorriey full; owner retiring; rent, £48; 10 looms; near sea; her off without taking the broom ? patience of the country very highly. Having watched . tion of chicken for table; motor omnibuses pass within Binall premium—Edgar Horn & Chartres, Eastbourne, all the final esults. Perkins and tastefully planted by Prvt. Wallace. the Government very closely he couljd not fail to mark croft motor lorry, deliver goods, do running E 5. —Sick Lines.—The narcissi and forget-me-nots Complainant: I might have done, but don’t feel ! five minutes' walk; all vacancies for resident pupils Mrepairs; ineligible for Army; state wages and experience. LAT of Four Rooms TO LET in’ Elms-buildings— —10th ApriL were beautifully arranged by Mias Birtill and Prvt. strong. their inability to grasp the feeling of the country. This ; filled, but meals could be arranged for day pupils: short —I ijxon & Sons. Uhemlsta, East Grinstead.______Apply, Vine, 1, Elms-avenue, Eastbourne.______A O. Whitta) Wiltshire. The Magistrates’ Clerk : Were you hurt? had been especially shown in the recruiting muddle, in coursis.—The Garden ( ottage, Wiromill, Lint field. M^MUS whioh the Cabinet’s; shilly-shallying had throughout EQUIRED, Immediately, good strong LAD to look URNISHED HOUSES in all patts for long or short V.T.C., Sea 1...... 116 6. —Church Hut and Convalescent Sergeants’ Mess Complainant: It made my nose bleed. PUBLICANS' SPIRIT BOOKS One Shilling eant em ployers—Mdlle. Bouquet, 4, Hard- Hill; also Linen Maid, Single-handed Cooks, WO Large ROOMS TO LET, suitable for offlees.- over the arnhwL There have also been many | minister. There were many beautiful floral tributes, returning to oivil life. Workshop i also were being wick road, East oourne. CookW - Geuerals, Parlourmaids, Houseparlourmaids, Appiy, Baxter’s, Stationers, Lewes. other kind givers of flowers and plants, too numerous the inscriptions attached being as follows:—■ maintained as a memorial of the lai e Lord Roberts to Generals, Kitchen and Betwcenmaidn ; also Daily Girls to mention. for Private Schools, Boarding and Apartment Houses. T Now that the gardening season will be in full swing Wreath. Withsweeteat memories of our darling little whom the nation could never be Sufficiently grateful No booking fee. 'Phone 646.—Myrtleholme Employment we may mention that other gifts of flowers for the boy, from broken-hearted Daddie and Mamma. (applause). A yet further work of Ithe Society was to MILITARY HOSPITAL. Agency, 32, Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. ^ Haig^ With sweetest love to my darling lRtle 1 irother, supplement, so far ari it was able, the pensions granted JUtides for ,§aie. ■a h y ! gardens will be very muoh appreciated, more < to men disabled in the war. He r igretted to say the [Contributed.] ANTED, HOU8EMAID and K itchkn' m.iid those that will flower Soon, as the occupants of the huts Wreatn. In ever-loving memory of onr dear little official pensions beirig granted were not on a generous end of ay.—32, Devoushlre-place, Eastbourne. like to see their flowers bloom before they leave Summer- WlUle, from Grandma, Auntie Ada and Unale A -nold. scale, and it was essential there shoe Id be some private WANTED, a Young GIRL, about 15, for general o s t e r s e a s t g u i n s t e a d l i m i t e d . down. Such flowers as pansies, violets and other spring Wreath. With love aud deepest sympathy to cur dear housework.—Apply between 2 and 4, or after 7, CANTKLUPE GARAGE. Tel. 131. flowers will be most appreciated. j 7111ie, from Uncle Will, Auntle Nellie and Doris. enterprise by whioh the participants might become the Amongst tlic gifts lately, received are eggs and In loving memory of our dear little Willie, from Auntie recipients of extra assistance. He hoped the Govern- flowers from t ie Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Snape, Mrs. W1L, St. Anbyns-road, Eastbonrne. PETROL.F TYRES. REPAIRS. OARS STORED The Y.M.C.A. gardens were designed and all flowers ANTED, for a few weeks, a good CANVASSER; given by Miss Pattisson, whose departure from the In loving memory of May’s darling little Wllllii. ‘He busreess to see that penaiqns . Tanner; dressing gown, Miss Sylvester Samuel ; energetic; gentlemanly appearance; one with AGENTS. HIRE OARS. camp is a very great loss. Miss Pattisbon has not only shall gather the lambs in His arms." knowledgew of Eastbourne an advantage.—Apply, Agent, been responsible for the admirable flower beds at the Cross. Love and deepest sympathy, from Uncli i. Aunt, servire renderednb / e^* ° e n g ^ in6 ^ f e S g Cih! ba" j° and music’ Mes8ra' Kenward; cards and “ Chronicle ” Office. Eastbonrne. Mxcjhin» Department. Gertrude, Dick and Georga j ; country (applause). | After reading! a lei ir from Sir magazines, Miss Lyne. Y.M.O. A. hut, but was really the pioneer of the garden­ hredk. Milner, regretting his inability ANTED, smart respectable GIRL as Useful Maid; ' 1 8-h.p. Road Loco, and 3 Trucks, ing at Summerdown, which has now led to such Wreath. With fondest lova from Unola Auntie and attend that good home—19, Lusbington-road, Eastbourne. l 6-ft. Mortar Mill. Cou -ins Alice, Hilda and Edith. night and expressing^ hope that the work* pf the Society For Easter Day the chapel was beautifully Small Oil Engine, Pump and 1,000 Gallon Tank beautiful results. . . Harp. In lovlngmemory of dear little Willie, from W During the coming summer the floral display in the would meet with greater appreciatiion in______Eastbourne ' decorated and is coming a little nearer' to what one ANTED, TWO strong BOYS, about 16, for itadoor (nearly new). Auntie and Uncle Hatcher and Bob. —- < considers fit fer trie worship work; live in—Apply, the Butler, Eastbourne 1 Engineer’s Power Drilling Machine with swing Sick Lines will probably eclipse that in any other part Sheath. To dear little Willie, from Karl, Cecil, Uncle College. table. i. of the oamp. Under, the expert hands of Prvt. Wilt­ and Auntie ‘IHendy.” , . . . ------— , Sound picked primroses and decorated the windows; W Cross. In lovlng memory of dear little Willis, from tions, urging that everybody, irres jeotiye of class or I the Matron ar d Mrs. Smith the font; Miss Davies- ANTED, TWO SMART BOYS as Pages: good 2 Portable Steam Entrines. Sold. shire, F.R.H S., tit tb« R.'A. M.O., {this section has Mr. and Mrs] Saunders. j -— -.,. |-PPj!j'!c6> oughu to account it a dut/ and a privilege to Gilbert very kindly supplied tho flag and floral T t wages and live in.—Apply, Manager, Queen’s 2 Contractor’s Swing Vaus. of our become a series of pretty gardens, which when planted i- pp1 Hotel, Kastbourne. I 34-h.p. Gas Engiue (nearly new). atirg in the and in full flower will give a particularly gay aspect to Wreath. With deepest sorrow, from Auntie and promote so useful an Worthy an in^itutiin (applause). crosses; Mrs. 3hera and friends decorated the rails 1 3f h.p. Stockport Gas Engine (seen mnnlng). SOLD. \k . onjy the Uncle Ulark rind Nurse Clark. and lectern; virile Mrs. Robinson made the altar ANTED, smart LAD or MAN; ineligible—Apply, 1 Engineer’s Emery Wheel Machine. the lines. P'rvt. Wiltshire has evolved a number of Wreath. In loving memory of a very dear little boy, Frowd s Dairies, Station-paradq Eastbourne. Parades charming geometrically designed beds between each with deepest sympathy, from J. Somers and B. F Simon. beautiful with red roses and'narcissi, suitable for St. 1 nearly new “ Indian ” Motor Bicycle and Side Car. eleganoe row of nuts, and it is largely to his enthusiasm, with Cross. In loving memory of dear little Willie a nd with AN EASTBOURNE MAN’S GALLANTRY. j George’s Day.| But a friend who' wishes to remain WANTED, a good willing WOMAN for Farmhouse ; Contbaotino Departm ent. r - V _ gorgeous, Working in nis spare time, that a complete transforma­ sincere sym; thy, from Mr. and Mrs. J. Ticehurst supp lied the chief keynote in a fine white small family.—Apply, stating age and wages __. - J Ronald. and scarlet ft ontal, book maVkers and pulpit fall; required,W Mrs. Elliott. Clifton Farm. Upper Dicker, STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE : 6, 8 and 10 Tons. 19 vers has tion has taken^place. -J . Sussex. It is hoped to have a good display of sweet peas at the Gross. W1 -li deepest sympathy, from Mrs. W. without her u lgrudging help our efforts would have TJICYCLK8. PERAMBULATORS and MAILOART8. Schlumpf ani Thea. In its May issue tho Christ Churlh Parish Magazine lacked completion. To all who so nobly assisted in j ANTKD. VANMEN and BARROWMEN for P -ANNUAL SALK; 150 to d e a r; 2a. in the £ camp this year, but there is; a shortage of plants, and as lieath. tender and loving memory of darling -prints the following {account, furnis ted by Mr. Pierce, Bread Delivery. — Apply, Gilbert’s Machine Discount for Cash for a few weeks only, including it is too late to sow the seed-the gardeners would gladly Willie, ‘ Auntie and Uncle Holland, Repo and deoorating the Chaplain desires to give his hearty Bakery, Seaside-road. Eastbourne. ______Douglas. of St. Andrew’s-terrace, of the wa; ■ in which his son, thanks, and also to Corpl. Oliver for singing “ The W Premiers, Swift. Sunbeam, Enfield and Triumph y es, welcome any number of sweet pea plants which residents William Pierce, Won tho meda for conspicuous from 80s. upwards.—Jury & Son, Trinity-buildings, and - ' T' I' would care to send. There is no more popular flower Sheath, 1th loving sympathy, from Mrs. T impsett Holy City ” as the anthem. ANTED, a Young Girl as BKTWEKNMAID.— and family. gallantry while sorvlng in the Gall poli ] Peninsula:— • *| •; Apply, St. Bede's School, Meads. Eastbourne. 131, Seaside. Eastbourne.______J * J, than the sweet pea, and if when transferring the plants Wreath. 1AB8AGK PLANTS.—Strong Autumn sown. Early from pots local gardeners find they have a surplus the!| q ’j'jjolyn, ith sincere sympathy, from Mr. a nd Mrs. “ It was on Juno 4tb, 1915, wo were ordered to A new bell has arrived, and, we hope, will sound! WAN I'ED. GARDENER, who can come once a week - *• r". - J ix. advance and take some trenches. We advanced, and to Mow Lawn and Sweep Yard,about two hours' j and Late Drnmheads. Flockmaster, Enfield Market convalesces tsrwould be grateful if their requirements in _ Wreath, Jn affectionate and loving memory nf little for service fot tho first time next Sunday. Funds to Cand Purple Flatpoll; 2s. 6d. per 1,000; remittance accom­ this direction were bpme in mind. Willie,...... fromJW. and M. Brown and family. after fighting for some hours witi variying success, complete payment for it and for the future re-decora-; Wwork.— U'i ite, lawn, " Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne.panying . Bmall orders; bags charged unless returned.— Wreath. In loving memory of dear little Wl lie, and we got the order in the afternoon to retire. The tion of the chapiel are still wanted. ANTKD7STEWARD. for Conservative Club! Cornwell & bon, Baroombe Mills, Sussex. ______with very deep sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. L imbert, Turks were then homing into tie communication Newbaven; above military age or ineligible ; i . ;! Mary and Grandma. trench, which is only about three f :et wide. We had wages 25». per week; live out; guarantee required.— /1YCLE8, MOTOR UYCLEb and CYCLE CARS.— — A p p e Al to U se r s 6f P etro l.—S o Sheath. In remembrance and with sincere syiapathy, On Monday, May 1st, the monthly committee was Apply. Secretary. ______We have the Piokof tho Market. Triumph, B.8.A., v; . Ill adequate supplies of petrol shall be available for the several wounded and most of tl em were able to Sparkbrook and Raleigh. BARGAINS in SECOND-, from Mr. and Mrs. E. Haigh. crawl away. One poor fellow was woinded iin the held in the Board Room. There wag a good atten­ ANTED, MAN for 8TORE WORK (ineligible); ELAND MOTOR CYCLES—Rugg, Lewes. Phone 147. purposes of the war an official appeal is made to all I Bheath. T|o dear' little eW "Willie, I with love arid deepest face, I could not leave him, so I g< t into a hole made dance, under the presidency, of Mrs. Davies-Gilbert. one used to horses preferred.—Apply, Elpbick users of petrol to restrict the consumption in every j sympathy, from Auntie May Skeeles. Routine reports were considered and bills passed for and Son,Ltd . Corn and Seed Stores, Lewes. GGS FOR HATCHING—Rhode Island Reds.-KC., possible way. It is essential, says the Special Com- 8heath. With affectionate sympathy, from Hr. and by a shell and kept!the Turks baric by firing as they W ^__ White .. Wyandqttee.Js-: vvyanL___ , 4s.; Buff Orpington,Ondngton, 3s.; CCross- oame round the trench, until there was pause in the payment. Mr. Wilford was instructed to obtain the ANTED, l Ol,LECTORS, spare and whole time, breds, 2s. tid.—Highfleld Poultty Farm, Felbridge, East mittee appointed by the Board 9f Trade, that this | “ ^ “th^rererrow ful sympathy, from Mr. aad Mrs. firing. I then go! out of the hole; picked up my proposed Y.M.C.A. Hut and press forward with it. male (ineligible) or female, by Insurance Com­ Grinbtead.E m m -- should be promptly and energetically done in the Frank Miles. chum, and made ft the next lot >f trenches with a Wpany, for Lewes and Uckfleld and surrounding country interests of the general publia Sheath. With sympathy, from Mis. A. N. Scott and shower of bull districts.—Apply, L. M., “ East Sussex News," Lewes. or s a l e , e a v k st o ff co tta g e pia n o . Mrs. H. Wright. “ hind me. I was shot in the If any ladii could possibly help in a practical way walnut case, almost new ; perfect' condition; fine F e l t H is P osition.—A rich but penurious i ~ .. , . , . . , .. thigh with an live bullet und taken to the to get the dens ready their help would be grate ANTED, reliable and capable man as GARDENER touchF and tone; owner going abroad; £30 or nearest hospital. I have ice heard that the man I carried fully accept by officer commanding recreations. and BAILIFF for a well-kept garden and about reasonable offer. AIho new POPULAR ENCYCLO- back is getting on -ell.” W100 ac-es of land, mostly gra-a—Apply by letter, F. PtEDIAM., (14 vols.), quite new; cost £8. 15s., take very few. One of her staff was a tbm miserable-looking sheath, in loving memory of dear little Willie, from caro of W. Uoaring. Elmdene, Lewes.______Clementson, 79, Vicarage-road, Eastbourne. ____ _ lad of twejve, who answered the door, cleaned the. Nellie Welch, The writer of the j notice in the r jagazine adds :■ knives and forks, waited at table, weeded the garden, Sheath. “ Deeds like this no comment. We are proud N e w spa pe r s fo r t h e F l e e t .—Ten million ANTKD.good PARLOURMAID; Ohurcbwoman; ADY would like to SELL two good FEATHER m washed the poodle and had the rest of the time W him- Matron. B newspapers, a very large number of gramophones and; age from 24 to 28.—Apply, Mrs. Philcox, Ashburn- I _i BEDS, cheap.—Apply, Box 101, “ Chronicle’ Office, that one of the old embers of St. Andrew’s Junior ham. Patcham.______Kasl m a m self. A viator one day asked him, “ Well, my boy, ' Wreath, Club should have sue! i a brave action, 14,000 gramopjhone records have been sent to the Fleet; W stbourne. f ______and what do yon do here?” “ I do a butler and a by the Newspapers for the Fleet Committee of the; ANTED. BAKER to Make Dongh. Bake Bread ANDAULETTK, in; first-class order, FOR SALE ; The story might been made public sooner bad and make himself generally useful,—Apply, A. gardener out ot a job 1 ” replied the youth. . _ - _ _ it not been for _ tha‘the doer ‘ of -- the deed ‘ ‘ London Chamber of Commerce. rubber tyres; nerw conn ition.—Apply, G. Pert, £10) DVENiLg Cr im e .— WHaryott. Baker, . j : | VictoriaT Arms, Mortimer, Berks, r The old Surrey Hounds Inn, Caterbam, a ° AU8B of modestly declined tell anypno l ow fie earned the W ork f <|r G erm an P r iso n e r s.—Mr. T en­ the Recorder, ip charging the medal. We hope ANTKD, young Girl aa NURSE-HOUSEMAID; NE DOZEN, or less, last year’s GREY SUSSEX well-known hostelry of ooaching days, on the main road Grand Jury at Quarter ^Sessions, said he had will forgive fis for printing this nant, in a Parliafrientary answer to Major pstor, says fond of children. — Apply, stating wages, age, PULLETS for SALE: large. weU-grown birds and ‘ween London and the South Coast, was destroyed been informed without his permit fp that a number of German prisoners in this country have ■experience, & a. Miss Whelon. Monk’s Orchard. Seaford. good layers; price 7s. each.—Griffin, Uatbarns Farm, fire early on Tuesday morning. As all exits were W O increase in juvi eorime. Suggestions had bee n made been employed on farms and in road-making. A scheme 8EFUL HELP WANTED for one lady in. fiat; Lingfleld. | i . _ — i- off by smoke the barmaids and other members of that this wae to some extent due to cinemaJ shows, is being prepared for their utilisation in timber cutting sleep in.—Apply, afternoons, 8., 32, Bed ford-grove, HE V. T. H. SLUG TRAP, limited quantity, 138- the staff were lowered from the upper windows by ropes where were depicted detective stories and crimes of O ut o f t h e OUTH OF B abes.—Country, and working in mines. Eastbourne.______j : , j dozen. Buy before prices advance.- Cash *with various kinds. ButHR he S ...doubted very JHL,,..., much , vbether . ___ minister: “ My deal brethren, I do with yon won! ’ Can Y ou S e e T h ro u g h It ?—The follow ing OUNG GIRL WANTED as GENERAL; good home Torder—Simmins, Ironmonger. Crawley. any increase in juvenile crime was due to the shows bring your eh ren | to church—br ng ek'en the very1 announcement concluded an account of a wedding in a and wages to willing girl—Apply, Nnthurst, East­ whioh---- were . . xbibited all over the country. T ie real youngest ones. Ifif !fllkiV ay areAm tootAA yonnWAiin. . .. V7 4to A tiunderstand _____ 4theIt n mvinlt____ small t town:Atim _ t ® ‘TheT h a fiivirlnn,bridegroom’s nAArvi bi mgift f 6 Acsto tilthe a Vttn/1bride re nraowas aa bourne-:Y ’ord. Printed by the Proprietors, FabnOombb cause of the increase in juvenile crime was, he thought, service, they will at 1 st ory arid ke ip (rife older people handsome diamond brooch, besides many other things OUNG LADY APPRENTICE WANTED for Boot and published by them every Saturday at their Offloes, M m ’ ' parental control awoke.” ' ' “ 11 in cut glass.5; Trada—Moore’s j9, Seaside-road, Eastbourne. South-street, HastboUrne. ^ Ml1 Y -L ' r

r- -..... bit*- EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SAIt URDAY, MAY 6, 1916.

BOROUGH POLICE COURT. I SCMMKIil'OWN CAMP NOTES. Situations Hlantcb. SPECIAL PREPAID BATES. R *( • i\ ! KKPKU; s'V A N T S OF ALL K R N lK S , YESTERDAY’S CASES. W ith all ih 4* li r : e \i•,• 1 - noteworthy 1... •SivTIi Foil SAL!'.. entertainin' oi Before the Mayor t Alderman CV OT.ricn Hardingfi, in V-i WAS-JED tr 81TCATI0XS EIUDIBEI) AISON F LORA, A very >i:.( oj'gau lcello 5 r-r, the chair, Alderman H. \Y. Koay, Councillor C[ W. neai ly i hit; • • n Bolton, Mr. C. A. Leutham, Dr. \V. M uir Smith,!Mr. Anne’s Chiu el pqi'ton, on r s aftemodii, by Kngli-li suiyi-'-t - HOUSES o r A l ‘A liTM IS ST S TO LET, HR Claude Bishop, Mr. T. 1'arsons and Sir Steyning Prvt. F. K a, F.K.C.O., A .Vi... of Are Advertised in the Whole of 8 0 K E a s t b o u r n e , L t d . Kdgerley. R.A .M .C.. d L Miijla ff to !lie f Si: n.:: j i i < 1. . a• 11 SCH(H >L ATTEN1 )ANCE. Camp, and v. L lffi inn 1 y < >i g it St. M |. :.;ii !'s S j '.o . .'h i) f.'iriicotnlic ic Cy.V (Ltd.) Sussex Newspapers Church, bill! •nk Rondo:,. At. (>iio (Jhargo, viz : Rose Brooksljiaw, of W iuterrqad ; Alfred Smith, Imre _ in •> i s 4 musician and evidently un cxpiirieue m1 n;cit t el, the some w x ; p hi i - l 11 v o at'ii r 1" el'eu-d ; L iNsKRTioN...... One S h il l in g , not over 20 Words MEMO" k Channel View-foul; Michael Boniface, Dennis-ijuad ; various Item- being Cloreugblv eni« V.'.l l.v l large three i a r- . \ i i'i*.*; -el r,:f,*r- James Lusted, Dennis-road ; and Rose Barsley. Dennis- (•( Mlli ]•("/; Ron. Lieut, j5. W .Mitel, e|| li. A .M.l ’.. sang Oiiei*-. — A ppl V. I-'. B vy Dei.e. Y ielori i-ru. 1, F'arn- 3 l.NrtKUTioNS-...... Tw o S h il l in g s and S ixpenob road, were-utinjnom d L-r di-obpyitig School attendance boro :j h. L U u i ‘•Cuin:., \ . • ' ami " li i. *i y val'ey " n exia ll* lit st \ ,e, 7 !\s- y.t io n s ...... F ive Sh illin g s S t o r a g e i f c , orders made in regard to their respective children. t: 1 . i and 1 id r Lravi ■ "T h e o-t •fiord ” mu A cffe« ti\ ■lv. A ftiTl . The Town ClJ_*rk (Mr. 11. \V. Fpvarguc) appeared to i *N a ' ( d .'l, i/ 'T 'R or 1:. ; i e 11 : high, -t Lonutr A d vertiseiriant* at Proportionate. Hat.ta ! liberal n •* j»al­ • was nui del* V the eong rogation, ai, 1 tli« ST fi a prosecute in each ra-e. rot ere me '. -- Appiv. t.». M.. "Cfi a), ii'le ( >lti •e, EaA- Ik Hooa.KD the Usual Kates w ill be Charged, It is now time that Furs should be stored, and receive Sick L: lies o ’ the e;imp benefit t » the e\ t. -nt nf bourn Brooksnaw was fiimd As.; Smith, 5.-.; Boniface, 2sL lid.; l’he pn. gran in'; iii' lm ed tlie 1. 1 — Vit :uh h Announcements appear In the following paper*-: £S. EL. IL!. ! ivin,; >. le. .\ Lusted, 5s.; and Barsley, 2 ->. lid. (Mniq.:.-; \ N 1 Id a ii e.-. E\ \ L( Y.M ENT special care to assure their immunity from m oth. W e It was stated that Lusted \s buy was a truanti but W after • id w t il. and Ji; 1 re- L’a.xth o u me Chronicle, Mrs. Lusted said she sent the lad to school, and [if he Over' uk* to 111 • " Oeeas iona " (>r.atot io J All Hil< 1 in lit- t in-t.i nc \u x K 4, " l.a-l ftl-.-C News,’* Cast Sussex News.. have specially constructed accommodation for storing [a) 1 nl nd net ion. lb) .Uleg ro. (e) Ad« gio. (.«) 51 arch. Lew c- Goods Warohoo » l ■ , : .-..ti- did not go she Could not help’it. lie had an idea that Can'll i e Nap ti de . .. /) a tin i s Hastitigs Irulependent. he wanted to bp a siilor, and lie had been told by other Triumpl ai Ma i\h .. nmii ns \ v \~nT ei l’ d \H \ WORK f, r GIRL (16) tall atid East G rinstead Observer% L ock-up ( ' . Furs, and are prepared to accept all kinds of Fur boys that if he did nol.go to school he would be sept to Suite (L t liiqil' ...... /; nil mu u 7 ▼ a man’s ji!.-.ee ill a • > e. parity.— a training ship. \a \ ( 'llif-il i/d.Mer net. (r) Pr:( re (f/, I oc(• na. II. T., nire of W'dkiio Oil New.-agi ot. Lew Sussex and Surrey Courier, Garments, Fur Sets, Rugs, Ac, to auy value. Our “ L IG H T ” CASKS. Lilli/, UKt in B Hat ...... h.Hintt ANTE *. l.v rcl ini »lc Man. ; - Will! ICIN’ ; f o r k ’ Horsham Times. Song of Sllll-li in** Hulli ii.: The following eases under the Lighting Regulations ... W M A N in .Mill. C» ■ n m Bali ng Tra. ie.— \ pply. i-y Finest Fireproi.*' : n f charges, which are moderate, include Insurance. Goods Scherzo !'; urn ih Sonal i ...... a i: il m ant letter. Box 1 7. " .-'ii*-- .jx and Sun ,•\' ( oui ii r.' 1 y • rct'V securing, at a very small cost, an amount of were before the Magistrates :— W«* hoj*i* that anotlujr recital by Pi t. Wilson will be. puoticity throughout tho inii ortunt dintiicl of April Fine. V U R \N LADY (inustca;). < .-itngag* .1, i } I' S I Ft KS Fast Sussex, among the mo-t influential in Ear,; 1 sure will be called for upon receipt of post card or telephone William Stevenson, Silverdale-road... 28 ... 1)0s. announced in the i future, and fi so we fe I POST a- M-’ ri.ii,g or Aft* noon (11) V K! IN KSS ; inhabitants. __ many will make an •fffirt to attend fir-t le.--.oi - ; * la ilor woilM lis in.—'Write, P. G. S., Mary Annie Styler, Silverdale-road... 28 ... IDs. “ ( hronicle ’ office. Fast bourne. -SX^UALLED BY ANY OTHER LOCAL MEDIOK m essage. Catherine Duke, Knys-road ...... 20 ... jo.s. Sm art and Up i.< -d Lily Tc»rney, Vicarage road ...... 25 ... Ids, ( in Tbur**day the Knuts gave their eekly concert m \ r o l nTT 17.\ I'V T ) KS1 11 KS RK KN( •Mil'.MKNT ;- 6 experi» n«if(l I >; apery, but eo ohj.-rtioion U> other r fhonld oe -out direct to Fahncombe & C'o.'s (Ltd.) REMODELLING OF FURS Ethel MaoLeun, St. Leonards-road ... 20 ... |os. tin* tlieatre, though the audience wa|s ratlior poor, no tra te. In or m ar (Ajisvlcy.—App.y, Liox 51. I loud Otffeo.-, or left with Autl-.orised Agciffs. doubt owing to the ver,y tine evening, The programme Su.-.-cx receives our Special Attention Henry Barber, Balford-grove ...... 20 ... ])0s. and Sim ey ( oil: i**r. Ltase.i. Prepaid at tho above Low Kates. Experienced ai.d i ,.r- , S e n In the case ’against Mr. Barber, a (’unstable said was gone through with the usual i vai.ity ami was leir next jierfonn VOUNG R ' 11V I»iASI POS T A mam and should now be put in hand. there was an unob.seurod window in defendant's work­ thoroughly i njoyed by lull present. T k any ' i il ion ; highe-u i t eli('e>.— Write, only Empliyed. 1’iijr on Sunday s fining, at N i>'cloek. x- a j . Suggestions and Estimates F ret1. shop in.) unction-road. There was no ope on the premises, J., “ ( iirmiiei ■. Kasl bmiriie. C r 'ilA iits t u'il ta and witness called at Mr. Barber’s private address, but The Knuts arc indeed lucky in has hr r an aceimqianist v - a • failed to see him. La ter he saw the' defendant at the like Prist. Wilson, svhose teehni,-al nowledge is most “HI ChMIHoN H NVY Stati Railway Station and he then went and extinguished ins aluable. to Sergt. ( I jay. i. i H I'l K!« V. ESTIMATE F RE E . the light. WANTED. Pa ’ Ion film id. good, for London. BIGGER DEMAND THAN EVER FOR "t'he House fotf Fashionable Furs P.C. Sayers, giving evidence against Mr. Stevenson, “ Drives" are now ih full swing as f; tr as fund' pei mil I Tutor Pa I'loijii maid. RJ V;.',; < ‘ook-t leneral**-. L A MOTOR DKIVEKS.-RE.VKN MOTORING and are much appreciated, especially by the meupants 1 lou-epurlounmiid-. -IJn-jh ; Parlourmaid^. £. AT ONCE.—Good pay, excellent prospects. THE said he saw a very bright unshaded light showing alcro-s Kitchen, Ret i\ < cninai f- ami (lenci a Is, T; IS JR. LARGEST RNSI’RL'CTION WORKS IN THE APPLY N E A R T H E TOWN H A L L . the road from defendant's house. A door was partly of the Sick Lines, whio derive great icnelit from these WORLD. Tuition on heavy Motor Lorries or any open and it was through this that tho light shone. type of*'Foilring ( ar.as desired. Ri.)W E8 T (’ H A KG ES Defendant said he had not failed to comply witlj the IN LONDON. TRAINING F N RRM l T ED am Glut: r order, as the dour was blown open by the* wind. I Mr. K.-t ear* ds (if tin* flew: plnv. lieni a r (H:Y, / jH ’.scfflanc;m3. EXTRA CHARGE FNTTL PROF1F1 E.N T AND G. E. M AYiV Cl »n111. ■llet d an 1 l fie pip( e ulrrrady seo us to be SATISFIED. Secure the R S. M. O F F ? ' FAR document to look at. It takes up very little room Stevenson went on to address the Bench in vigorous Fr.KTlFIUATK and Ficc Beiiclils of ihc R:i'en-^d style, stating that he had always respected the regula­ V! 11. It i- b. oked fiir a week at De \ on.-hire 1 w. And makes no attempt 1o show off effusively. It i ‘-’ITAVi'k T proves l lmt K A1R- \\ «‘oD POIT/ITIY Motor Employment Agency. SPEC IAK E \R 1 KS’ SHORT—AND OTHER tions, and was oblivious to the fact that the door had M.iv Mtl , am , with (almost all tIk*. old .t'ltsh UOU KSE. Individual 1 uition. Spia ial Gu.uanteyd makes one’s mouth water, though. Ni ,■ . < 1 M TUr Jon aiding ground ie.-ei : m dmd.lc Complete House 1-; .LB, blown open. m in t '.»//. iiiim! taking part, it j remise-. t« egg- !i'0 :n the very .-;unc food '. d... »;d.. is .- K'.pluck Coin so. until Royal Automobile Chib < .ui.ib.u.e (*n< u uious slice tss. Sergt. Leslie 1 1in ' is the pi fM) s, R td .it'orn Merchant.-. (Til obtained. SI’Kuial APPRENTICESHIP l.'OL ffsK. FORGOT THE COLLAR. THINGS. j Now is the time when a young man’s fancy lightly (’S IN K S lie.nlh nian Hc*(uircs perinanet t IiiiAKl), Call or write for full particulars. HI turns to thought#* of his new Spring suit, but it will Ruth Neville, of Sclwvn-road, was summoned for T he camp is deeply! indebted to M]r . C. Jewell for a G r o y s t o n e B illR -Lit allowing a dog on the highway without a collar oil B KKSlDr Ni T ! in i-n\ .Hr larnily ; comfortahle, el*-ai - THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD., B y SPECTATOR. pe a khaki one for him this year, 1 expect, whilst we numilieent gilt of L‘2U |md, in addition for a very useful and o()t honjrin 5, Coventry Street, P iccadilly Circus, 1\C. Verrall stated that lie saw a dog in Selvvyn-road. .IN n a . Shmnif discarded garments brushed and pressed into respect­ being useful and economical, it is al> ) extremely urnu- A ST-niT FROTHFS. Roots, Fedor i/mem Hou-e- London, \Y\ ar.(11 tjo the i t mill. iiifin. N' ; .iny quantity bought for ca.-h; ft.N.1 defendant, who said the dog was in her charge during c Tufting the Saffrons to get my first breath of cricket ravages of mildew and lime. Happy is tin* man who Mr.-:. A. R. Hardingj has aNu contributed a mo- hanker i IT .‘. — Mrs. dlorgau's, 6a, ucklynge-roud, fa pc ban afford a new suit of clothes at present tadors’ the owner's absence, but she quite forgot to pu)t the Kastboui ne. RLE BODIED MEN WANTED; F.oin JiamU, Tlslh Jkftejr winter's football, and on Monday 1 strolled generous gift of £20 tcjward.s tin- cam > fumils, and Mis V Gmdr.iicis or General Labourers. — Apply to the prices and yet continue to take sugar in his tea. collar on. W ins, of (Taremlon l|ouse, Hyde gar lens L ast bou'rm ( 1AS I Ml K 'V ■ iHN(;.- I.ADIRK’, K.NTRK.M KN S Ba lift. Broad-tone Farm, l*‘oiv.-t P.uw. rather dejectedly and hopelessly towards the famous A fine of 2s. lid. was imposed. has kindly forwardedj tin.* results of a eoEleetion at J and ( 1 1 < !:.l ! N - J loots. Hum i eld 1 ineu. &(*.., p»()F(;h t k j r ^ V At AMY exist - for smart, intcll.g* • * I N »»l Til. 's 4 'or ,5§ai£ Buitbourne enclosure. Of course there would be no I see that at tin Council meeting oif Monday Mr. THE IMPORTANCE OF REGISTRATION whist, drive. Another very UM-bil gilt was reeeiw ASH.—.7;is. h a rt. , Siaiion-:-treet, lice to the K*-p«)iting ; .mh'i «»pi» .i : u. • v R from Miss Laura Snijtli, Hillside, Malvern Wells, of Lev* -s fu li-c.u- led lad—Apply at * Ciiiomcic off:, e-, practico and the ground would be deserted. Judge Alderman J. C. Wright was very particular to FORMS. {impress upon the members that lit* preferred the a gardi-n t»‘iit and awnjing, which is 1 •ing ]>lae**d in the Tj H'tsLAS,' « K. «*ight M hTott •t l ei't. I n-i bourne. PARTMENT H o l’SKS F(>| DP* P ti'A l..-V .l|iiH' then of my astonishment at seeing the Pavilion.open, I f PICVCRF. WANTI' . Rand .'), phrase “ a m an's U /•/ is in his work " to the common Ada Jane Gray, of Victoria-place, was summoned sick lines for the hefiefft of those \ ho are ablh to get GINT- WANTED for Fird ..-la- l\ts up for falling to send in registration papers to the Regis­ out in the open, butiwlio arc not .*• jlli' idntly well to Penhale-road (c>tT Soafmd I -1 1)011 1 lead, Ll'.u ; Royal-parade, £.’»(m.—T ■ * i Iff, ‘ oi nlielil or garden expression which usuallv gives a man's V ( O.MPa NY Haywaj'Js Heatii di tint mad. Ea-l bourne. * n 4 occupied. -But the players were young ladies! tration Officer. waik any distan -e. i .... CPU A.M II >FSK - IIDUL Foil (jilt, S ml « ii »i'ged -oldi. : pt* feir(al.—T. J. M aunduli, S i 11. iheart that place of distinction. In other words, he Kimb-rdasle,, UK Station-io.id. East (• i in-t< ad L^hvniq • * » places a much higher \aluc on a man’s head than Detective Sergt. Curtis said that on April 27thj nine 1 )Pi \*s May irh. Bond ARl'iEHOLL) SITE forS.M.\i i. P.i - PrJ received. .Vlo ljeialc It.11:: All l-'-xains.—('**y lon-placo. situated on the London Rnu> ion his heart. Rut has the worthy Alderman — who registration forms from the defendant's house were In anotlmr columnj will )h; found an account of the ♦ T OX I (>*; i > R EG ls'l’KY, Susan—i oad. I .»-1 ! •,;».* - . . S A famous cricketer, in the person of the Rev.jF. H. received at the police station. Three were signed on ganh'n>, which give tjhe camp so attractive an aspect, Ka-Lboui ee —WANTED. ( (ink- Cook-General-. P u le a maid-, having no ft. frontage, depth i‘n"H g-'-. is a bachelor. 1 believe ever tried tin* effect his view main drainage, available; bargain, £P Gillingham, rector of Bermondsey, is preaching in the 15th, two on ihe 2Uth, two on the 22nd and two on and whi'li refl -et grdat credit on a ID Comterned in the JS A 7L Hui».-cpailourmaids, lbuiseiiiaids, (biniiR . Ke*h«u- Partieul; Eastbourne to-morrow—in the afternoon (to mefl only) might produce amongst members of the opposite sex? 1 J Jl'ilJ oii-j Mint ; eiir.'i pe l f< r pot plaiit-, cut flowers, inaais. B* t weciiienid-. Temporary Maid-. Useful Helps, " K-tal**," *J*»jt. London-roiid. East Grin-u-ad. Let him one of these line days offer some fair lady the. 2 1 th. He sub.-uquently called and saw the defen­ (level.»[iineiit of this cliarining decoratlive feature. St, John’s, Meads, and in the evening at Holy dant, and asked her why she had not sent in the pains i a I 11 itnites and gautcu sundries. liuiisepai loui maid f«*r London. I 1 AY'WARDS HEATH AND DlS'i'l;|( T. - her SI* Trinity. He has been frequently seen on the Saffrons his heart and she would probably accept him-- I I. Particulars of HOUSES To B) LET ok SOLD In indeed, I am sure she would. Rut just let him Hup within 24 hours o; the arrival of the people, anj.l-slie 'JA IB I : ACCOMMODAT ION WANTED for f BADE.—WANTED, an inle'.lig *nt \’ PNG t ‘Us charming and healthy locality, , with the Essex County team, and if he only prbachea replied that it'was a job to get them returned bjy the la-t t in May: South Down-: within four IT'"-LADY, ol good a id res-., as JUNIOR ASXS I’.V.N T. vuh i‘x« client ia.ll- as well as he plays he will bo worth hearing. He is a {down on his knees ami offer her his head and will, bed. nin: sitting room.—K., 2s, tjpi-iiig- — Apply, Kus.-ell A: Bromley, Ulu, Tcrmiini- road, Fast- way service to liondon. Brighton and Ha .'hi •»>e. appiy he’d soon see what would happt n ! \ isilnrs. I’ill.MlihSK l.KAjff l' li liNTE|KTA1N MENT J V '* '■ T. Bannister & Co., House and Estate Ago , Market- splendid parson, looks like a pugilist and plays bower­ The Chief Constable (Major licitle) said the police tll'l.l 111 ill. IvlllS.-lt i >i i •< a i -Thai IK*.-. bourne. place, Haywards Heath. ful cricket when he takes the long handle to it. 1 As a " “ ;v, v\ Mi.'.i win ! KE;i.-4, now a ^ of cul< >ur visitors should be asked to sign before going to their 3* ov er, in Sutlon-road fitted now for hairdresser. rooms. A fine of £2 would be imposed. behalf of the Soldiers land Sailors’ Society, an organiba- |One of the little incidents that oceasionally-make J from the pro'll forget-me-not and the | tiun that has done njuch, in various way.-L for retired EW !•:A ( 'NT* iN. —'The Guardian.- Invitk A BULK'A fcRAPKKY.—DOVER WILLIAMS ba- \ a«-u.rio* for 0 A t RTH EU particulars a}>ply in incipal Agent-, oi cricket so fascinating and exciting occurred at the? | stately tu lip A - one p •t. t v'R iurther into tin*, camp S J l I'D► NS from !\q-< qi-> willimr t<> m ourne. DANGEROFS MOTORING service men. The attendance, thuugn fairly good, was of li 'I f f FFTTl NG }, lid SHAVING at the Workhouse Apply. 87. i'ennimis ioad. Eastbuimic. m u ; 4 Oval on Wednesday. The Wanderers were playing j becomes uppamii ii j.:; « it t. and successful efforts ithcr(the quality of the entertainment Wilfred Charles Walker, of Hurst-road, was sum­ not so large at Cliai!- y, and Hair; (Titling at the Children's Home, ttye Public Schools and Stanley Colman and W. M. | jmve been made to uni u 'Li' d.'!*orati\ei effect of the or the practical objtict in view dc.-ervedi; but those St. Anne's L< pp’v, stating the remuneration r e s s m a k i n g . — vva n t e d ] good b o o b h- BFNGALOW HOTEL To BE LET. ate clo.-o Bradley, the old Kont and England fast bowler, were j campus bright and dim i fu 1 as possible. Tito current moned for driving a motor cycltl to the danger of the interest and appreciation in a require! to the Clerk to the Guardian.-, Uni m Offices, D M A K !•; • < S and SKIRT ASSISTANTS; u-ed to ...... T.V. to the Seashore and about...... a mile from...... io Pari.-h public in Seaside on April 25th. | present showed their good cUf>s work.—Jessie Brown, 28, South-.-Liccl, Ka.-t-( liureh and a pretty. Village, amid.-t open Downs, about a t the wickets. They wore the last pair of batsmen, i UUinber of the “ Sumn.c dow n (..’ianp Jo u rn al” say s:— very cordial way. TI 5 platform, wit l ihejbpaoeat the Lewes. it was the last over of the match and three*mofc runs | (-auk.„in at s, bournn. tluce miles from one of the mo-l luospcrou- Watering t*ro4 idown Camp is now in full Special Constable Lawrence stilted that he saw the rear, flathad ht i*n verv t;Lstefully decora!« d wijth Hags and *T, in East bourne, on Mnv ffnl. a G« >1.! > BROOCH, Places on the South (Joju-t. containing -even bedrooms, do obt Were wanted to give the Wandcitu's the victory. • . -ri1Jlt :s ...... defendant driving out of Eastbourne at a speed which R E -*SM AKTn (i.-W ANT EI), ok pin :en. ed s N J j :T that, f.he effects oi the work flowering plants, and the hull generally wbre bright L *ct with |Kfiirl- round plaiU'd h air; iu.-cription, D HANDS and COAT HANDS.—Apply. Bobby and lounge, coffee room, two silting room-, .Ne.. &c., and m lta Colman took the ball, set hi9 teeth and opened his [ domain the n -t arc p. \V in full bloom, divisions bring he considered was dangerous. Witness stopped the : ami oheeilu! appearance. AnneA 11•)< Dorothea. I SI 5.— Anyone leluruiiig same to the Ltd.. East bourne. u-ual offices, with garden. l..n»i;- com t-. .-i.it)ling, with shoulders fora mighty drive over the ropes—apd was | j • jlt with daff-MiD, m ‘pis and other spring fi >wtrs. defendant, who admitted he was: going very fast, and ManorMan Hou-e will be rowauled. m ens room and large yank W.:.-: laid on from the ; A diver-ified programme included songs by Mrs. | \RESS.MAKING.—AVANTED, at once. Dicia company s mail.- 'The Prem:ad join a golf course ojit leg before. 1 on...This effect . is .!...... due eu: ire'sy to tins luliuwing; workers: — said he was driving a new machine, but something j Tickner, rii\med monologues to pianoforte] accompani­ dST. KENT’ TK‘5 from a rlrova* m \pril. tietwccii went wrong and lie could not control it for the moment. J Tunureers Mill mid Ti iiD-rdi-n ; ear mm k hole near and Ai fKKNTiCHS. -Apply, Caleb MilenclJ, Ll«: and three others are within ea.-y reach. M he Hotel is a A. Division. -Miss Who tt^rofr. ment by Miss L. Boiqface and dramatic recitations by i High-street. Lewes. fa vuiirite place f(»r excursion.-ami for vi-itors for a few (The League Competition in connection with the Witness estimated the speed at 80 to 85 miles an hour. | Corpl. tMiver Crouibiij*, from the Sunimerfiown Camp. cal', livtu'ed affro.-- tic lo.n N ' on nea:- -ld(*; n.*vvard M Eastbourne Miniature Rifle Club is now drawing fast {! B. ,, and Conval< rvent, Sergt.s.’ Mess and Edwin William Wade, ■ a hackney carriage driver, given and expense.- jiaid. — A pply, Ma jor Neve, Ashenden, |fi»LOKLSTS.—WANTED Makkikd Man lor o days' ,-tay amidst quiet and pretty surroundings. 'TO Cmsicii Iiur. —-Mi.is Ray. A combination of soljo dances, entitled “ pFatriotisin,” Tcnterden.'P/.i - I 1 Nursery work (outside); small•mall (cottagecottage ct:»-< ( 1: BE LET ON LEASE for 11 Year.-, at a rent of £5u for to a conclusion, and the shooting during the past estimated the defendant’s speed at 85 or 4U miles an the. first year, F75 for the second year and .i;lun for the. C. ,, and all Fuolic Gardens. — Mrs. w;b bo neatly and gracefully executed! that the audience MORI AL FARDS.- opening for energetic man E. W. Bunney cN Week has had an important bearing upon the final hour. in.-i.-ted on a repetition. The youthful artifits were Miss K -Artistic Folded ( ards : 12, Barcom be. next and .-ub-eqiient years.—For p.u ticolar- and orders results. By far the most outstanding feature!of the Tq;i«».:h. Defendant: I’ll bet you anything you like I couldn't _ _ . . . __ Black to view apply to J hurgood Martin. Land Agents and 1). ,, and Kiieh'-n Garden. — Mrs. Satter- M arjorie Achesun-Grjay, Miss Inez [Bliss land Master Edged Folded; (.'aid- : 12, 2s. 6d.; 25, t-.; 5‘), 6-. HI.; inn, ( i IRL WANTED, to assist generally; .-tnn.g and Surveyor-. 27, Chanoery-lane, London, and Manor Office, week has oeen the match between Town Hall and get 85 or 40 miles out of the machine on the sjecond Boy.-ie Aeheson-Graji, whose peiToitnancfis did them Thwaites & Sons. They are two of the crackj teams i th waite. gear. It is too low. 11s. Hd. Cash vviitb order. These price-inelinU* Envelopes. JT willing ; age 15 to 16.—Apply; Coomber'.-. h arm, East bourne. Sick Line-.—Miss Biiull. great credit. The last-named, quitle a dapper little Po-tageextra :! 12..'Id.; 25, Id.* 5u. 5d.; Inj,Md.—Farnuomhe Faygale, near Horsham. in the competition, and the greatest interest was Witness: If the gear is too low the speed wEs too chap, appeared in khaki, and his smalrt little exhibition ant) Co.. Ltd), Printers, Lewes, East Grin stead and 10UNTKY VILLA TO LKT.-'J n LET, STANLEY taken in their meeting one another. Neither side Y.M.C.A. Hut.--Miss P.i'ttisson. fiigh (laughter), Eastbourne. 'I OOD PLAIN COOK required for bigli-clas- a.part- Cj HOl SE, L PP ER DICK ER (close to Air. Bottomley s i f Wcicomc Hut.—Miss Thornton and her staff of j)iov«.k«'(i a particularly hearty lojm l of applause, {X meat hou.-c: kitehenmaid kept.—4, Mostyu t trace. man-ion); double-fronted; siltii g room, dining room, •shot quite so well as usual, but Town Hall beat theirs Frederick William Seaward gave corroborative besides dealing some!amusement. j The Blaekbiids” IS*- MOLiLY HFA1E lAs^ista-t Violin 'I'cacher at Grand parade. East bourne. rivals by 220 points to 213, and thus made their claim lady gardeners. evidence. kitchen, scullery, four bedrooms, back offices, large vaudeville entertainment was nnptheri prominent M Rood* aij school. Me.) V ISITS E AST GKINSTEAD J £ ADD);' i -t*5[ \ (v Z v < > u N G LAD \r APIRKNTK ' E garden ; rent FIS per annum ; po-scssion 21th June.— £flr the championship more secure than ever.j They : It should be mentioned that the cam}) h is been very Defendant, who said he was going at a fair pace, was :1.\. and wiould like two or three more pupils to fill fortunate to have the expert advice and help of Gapt. feature, the various items (all of wlinch were capitally \\ ANTED ; tall and sm;i ■Aupiy, Apply. (’. H.Gn t n, High Croft, Huilsham. nje not y^t quite out of the wood, however, though j fined £2. The Mayor said the Bench were determined u :> her lime.—Terms moderate, to be had on application*, A. C. \\ liittaker, 2.3. Grove-rlpad, E..stbourm they cannot bp dislodged from their place jut the V. Hill, who has taken over the chairmanship of the to put down this fast motoring, Which was a danger to product (l) gaining no light appreciation. at 28, Eaton pljicc, Brighton. Ya s T- G R IN El EAJk - (■(V'JTAG h » l 0 _I7e T, renT At mi interval in the progianpmu Mr. Rupert o u s e k e e p e r Apart inent SJ from fi<. weekly ; good gardens. — Apply, H. top of the table. They still have to meet H. [Dyer's; Gardening Gomnlitt* <• from Col. Bostuck. the public. A& I 1SS FILEY and MISS PEACOCK, of I)e rhaddi n, , about no. highcias G\v\nne, M.l'., gave a short address] the lion. Member ___ Hou-e, for upstairs. work and let o >m- : al-o Middleton. 96. London-road, East Grin. Ylay 25tlT; — Miss Ackermanu, 20, The Avenue, Eastbourne. Complainant stated that the! defendant lived two FFiCi R’S vs li'E i «■« | u • r - a ( '.mm i > < «-i I two in family : insurance paid ; .-eparale rooiu.— r* * * Wallflowers, forget-me-nots, daffodils and tulips make people of different shades of political thought, so long 1 O f'irni-iied). near Le ves or Heath lie 1 l di* trict not 21 i he Avenue. Eastbourne. fiU'WI BOURN E. — Superior lioiuely B(JARD-RESI jA yeryj close match was seen between Tpwaites; a pleasant blaze of colour, and are the admiration of all doors from her. On the night iff question witness was as they were animated by a common! patriotic purpose more than 2.7s. vveokly.—Box No. P, S. 11. East Sussex i A DKN E ; piivate family: terms moderate*: nice [| and Sons and Education Staff. The latter had; visitors. talking to a friend, when the (defendant came and and a desire for the advancement anu prosperity of the News” office, Lewes. AN WANTED to (lHvc'Ford Car and do repairs; position; Gckl.\ ngt district ; close to 'bus terminus w l totalled 221, and after a couple of their rivals had 2. —The Welcome Hut garden. All the plants and accused her of saying something against her. Witness Empire. M over military age.—Apply, J. Brampton, 52, .South- special terms for business people. — Apply, F. F. bulbs have been pre-ented by Mr. and Miss Thornton, knew nothing about the matter! and contradicted the EN I )0 W ER, Sil verdale-road, Ka-t bourne. —School street Eastbourne. " ( Tironicli!" (Jff’n.t •. Eastbourne. aggregated 144, H. Thwaites, the third man. was Mr. G wynnk, M .l’.j, who had an t nthusiiastic recep­ P for ( hi f Gcntlepeople RE-OPrNEI) T huks- and laid out by tnree lady gardeners. defendant, who then abused her.! Defendant was then AN WANT ED in spare time for delivery of gqods, ukxisiik loft with the formidable task of getting no fewler than tion, said that was ;not a political meeting in tin?1 dav, May 4tii. Children of Visitorj received, class TASTB' >FRNE (Meads).—F I) HOUSE TO 8. —The beds of wallflowers, near the Post Office, on the door-step, and witness tola her to get off, other­ &c.—Apply, Haywards, opposite siutio. . East­ j LET; two sit ling, four bedrooms, bath (h. and c.): 7$ points in order to win. He got them. This vvasj ordinary sense. If it were he was afraid lie could not f ir little boys.; M I the best individual score of the week, the next most presented, tended and designed by Mr. Scott, nursery­ wise she would get a broom and sweep her off. Witness bourne. o lov**ly position; two guineas weekly.—U., "Chronicle’’ - man, of Eastbourne. went and got the broom, but the defendant took per by honestly have said much in favour of itlie present p o T l/i;RY kEEI7r\G FOR- iTa'diTx -Till* Mis,(*s Office. East bourne. successful marksmen being T. C. Myers, A. Leering,! Government, whose dilatory management ($f the war I T Whit field and Laiuome have Yacancie?* for DAY ILK.—Smart L\D WANTED.—Apply, Brockhurst 4. -The Off’.cci-' Moss and the A.S.C. office gardens, the collar and pulled her to the ground. Dairy, Ea.-t Grin stead. f K. W. Guy and E. Thwaites, with 77 each] The and whose lack of courage and initiative had tried the S IL’D N’l s ojn their up-to-date Poultry aid Goat Farm ; M ]F^ A ST B( > V R \ E. - Sm all B<) A RI) IN G HO F S K: al w a y in which the Uilos were ptest-nted to Mrs. Lionel The Magistrates’ Clerk : Couldn’t you have pushed fi J full; owner retiring; rent, £48; 10 room.- ; near sea; range closes to-day, May 6th, for the season, ajnd next) patience of the country very Highly. Hav ing watched intcisivc and | ext cn.-ive methods : incubator-; pi epn ra­ OTOR DRIVER w a n t e d ” driveTmali T h.irney Saturday;I shall be able to give all the final Results, j Perkins and ta.-F-ludy planted by Prvt. Wallace. her off without taking the broom ? tion of cliickoji for table.; motor omi!il)uir-i). T.nrgi r ,j/es foi the wholesale : \\ iekenden. T yes Cro-s, Sussex. Corn field-road, Eastbourne. 7. —The bank above the kitchen garden in D Division she might have been struck on the head. measure now deemed necessary for the success of the trade.—Farncombe & Co., Ltd., Lewes and Eastbourne. V.T.C., Sec 15 ...... 205 „ V.T.U., Sec. 6. 201 war was described as a disastrous expedient and UPERIOR GENERAL WANTED for Loud on; -£24- OUSE TO LET, 12, St. John's-terrace.—For particu­ Thwaites & Sons..,...... 222 Education Staff ... 221 has a special natural charm of its own, beautifully Mrs. Love gave corroborative evidence and said she A XT I’D, Two r’eal er MOTOR ().\R. any m ake; S £26 : no basement, good help given.—Apply, between H lars apply to F. G. ShiLson, No. 13. St. Jolin’s- V.T.C., Sec. 5.~::...... 218 „ V.T.O., Sec. 4..sen arranged with daffodils planted in the grass, by Mrs, saw Mrs. Godden fetch the broom. Defendant got foreign to the spirit of the nation. Tne (Government W good ilui.iiiiig order.—Send pal tit ulars, Biooke, (i.; 0 and 7.flu, Mrs. ('olien. Hydro Hotel. Eastbourne. tcriace, Lewes. Satterthwaite. hold of it and Mrs. Godden fell to the ground. did not stem to realise that the people wjeve prepared 2U, Victoria-place, Ivasiliourne. g a j o g s - * - - ...... m V.T;C; : «ec; H ^ to make sacrifices, if they would o ily do that he was ' " HIKT4ND (70LLARMACHIN 1ST W ANTEI > V11r ee KWKS.-TO BE LET, at once. UNFURNISHED The camp is indebted to the following la lies and In reply tu the Magistrates’ Clerk, the witness said \IT .V \T K I> , to 1-fureliase, FREEHOLD 1‘ROREKt Y, S days a week.—Fail-light Laundry, Sidley - road, L HOUSE, in good position, containing two sitting that when the complainant went in to fetch the broom sure all classes were Swilling to face the consequences ; v v from 1 to lOftocs, with hou-e prefuned ; must be i Eastbourne'. Si Bindon...... 213 .. V.X.C.. Sec. «[...... 210 gentlemen for gifts of flowers, &c.:— but they were not prepared to go or waiting until the rooms, three bedrooms, bath room, kitchen, pantry, &c.; the defendant could have followed her into the [house, good foil amV well wataiv.d, and .-aiitable for market _ MART, weibeducated LAD WANThTd , as ( 'LEIiK in excellent order.—Apply to Messrs. W. F. Ingram and L eague M atches.—17th April. Mr. and Mrs. Vigers, who have given a garden to but she did not do so. Government were prepared to take action j(applause). garden work; within ci OOM Y STABLING and Large YARD, in centre of V .l’.G., Sec. 0 ...... 13& indeed, and is so well planned that it is obvious that broom and Mrs. Godden fell. They therefore dismissed Soldiers and Saiior.fi Help Society, with tho lo, ANT b.D, LA D Y'8 - MALL (' Y( 'LE, an v condition ; Sussex News ’ Office. Lewes. V.T.U., 8oc.lt> ...... 205 before the summer is out it will be one of the sights of r\j Ha-t Grinstead, TO LET.—Apply to W. H. Hills, V.T.U., Sec. 15 ...... 212 V.T.C., Seu. 1...... scr. the case. branch of which the of Mi.fi* McL’artie wo,uld cheap.—-Apply, \V. D., "O bserver" Office. East riTAILORS.—WANTED, good Trouser ai d Breeches 64. London-road. F ast Grinstead. V.T.U., Sec. 7,..... 2U!I the cam]). always be honourably and gratefully associated, ^jr Grin.* lead. 1 Maker.—Hope and Co., Grove-Toad, |Eastbonrne. V.T.O., Sec. a...... 210 Mrs. Lionel Perkins, of Hampden Park, gave the ^ T A BLK and Y ARD TO LEIY -l.'ff, West-street, ^:rt^t V.T.O., Sec. 8...... 210 A. C. Whittaker... set. (jrwyune outlined the bystem of orgauibation, bid \\T ANTlil), to pipchase, with possession in the l riTALL Y017ng‘L'ADY of good adflre-s WANTED Cor iFT Grin-lead. Thwaites & Suns. 2 1 B beautiful tulips and hyacinths which now adorn the .showed by what varied means the society befricmj,,(] ▼ V ' m ighbom ho(/d of East Grinstead or Edenbridge, \ Town Hall ...... 220 beds along the main road and Sergeants’ Mess. Mr. MR. & MRS. J. R. THACKERAY’S LOSS. SMALL FARM of from 20 to 50 acres, with a comfortahle X Grocery and Provision Business. — A pply, The | ffiKKK FLAT- TO LE'T, £4, £70, £xo respectively; V.T.C., Sec. 3...... 210 Gas Company .... scr. and found employment for soldier- and sailors need­ World- Stores, Ltd., East Grin stead, j also central po-itioned HOUSES. £60 and £7£75 each. 143 Burrows, head gardener to the Corporation, has given ing help and sympathy after endu ing the rigors 0f house, whence Loudon can be reached in a little over an T ~ H. Dyer...... 220 • Education Staff . hour. Price about,£2.000.—Particulars to M. F., care of rjVvvo CARTERS WANTED; rnkrtied men; cottage N— \pply. Terry-, lb. Corn field-road. East bourne. 207 large gifts of herbaceous plants, which may now be seen Platoou.Sei geants...... 108 V.T.G., Sec. 5..u. On Saturday Mr. J. R. Thackeray (assistant Bbrough active service. The] general idea vies, he said that C. J. Parris, Land Agent, (57, High-street, Tunbridge and garden and £1 per week, With lots of overtime ^O LE'I’, very eomfoitable FURNISHED ROOMS in 4 8 ,' planted round several of the huts. there should be an official friend of the soldier and'sailor Wells at 5d. per hour. — J. D. Buckingham, Stroods, Hurst- The Compton Place Estate, through Mr. Burke and Surveyor) and Mrs. Thackeray, of Sunnyhurst, Bake- I rood cookii . in every parish of the kingdom, and branches existed ILL any Lady ()FKKK~TEMPORARY HOME pierpoint. lady or gentleman.— Upperton," "Chronicle” office, L eague T able to May 1st. also Mr. Thompson, tffo head gardener, have given well-road, sustained a sad loss in the death of tlieii little also in India and the Colonies. The irovision of Homes Eastbourne. very hafidsome gifts of flowers and herbacious plants W (summer month-) to thoroughbred Skippergie; OMAN WANTED to Cook and manage Kitchen ; M.F. Pu. son, William George, aged three years and nine months. was an important feature, but mure of these were well-trained pet.—S., 7, Moat Croft-road, Eastbourne. W good wages to suitable person.— While’s Dining — 84 for the gardens outside the new theatre. rB rM)' o LET. LKT.TVYU UNFURNISHED ROOMS; central; Town Hall...... 18 .. 1 required. At Eastbourne they were fortunate in Rooms,. Bridge-street, Newhaven. fl off' (iildredge-road(1 ; moderate.—Apply, Box 222. .. 2 — 82 ! Mr. and Miss Thornton have given all tho flowers in —The funeral took place on Tuesday at Ocjklynge YOUNG FRENCH LADY~would'give' FRENCH CA£ H. Oyer.,...... 18 possessing one such] Home, which had ljeen of the 1 LESSONS at moderate terms ; highly recoin AN FED, good Cook, for Ladies’ Club. Notting " t hronicle " Uffic( Ha-i bourne. Thwaites & Sons... 18 .. 4 — 28 the Welcome Hut garden, including the climbing roses Cemetery, the Rev. A. E. Bankes being the officiating greatest service to men requiring help and guidance after mended by present employers.—Mdlle. Bouquet, I, Hard- W H ill; also Linen Maid, Single-handed Cooks, .. 5 — 26 over the rustic arches. There have also been many riF V O Large ROOMS 'TO LET, suitable for offices.— V.T.O., Section 3.. 18 minister. There were many beautiful floral tributes, returning to civil life. Workshops also were being 1 "'ick-road', Eastbourne Cook - Generals, Parlourmaids, Houseparlounnaids, A Apply, Baxter’s, Stationers, Lewes. 15. 18 .. 5 — 26 | other kind givers of flowers and plants, too numerous the inscriptions attached being als follows :■—! maintained as a memorial of the lai e Lord Roberts to ------Generals, Kitchen and Betwoenmaiils ; also Daily Girls • Oi — 26i tb mention. for Private Schools, Boarding and Apartment Hou-es. „ 16. 18 .. 5 Wreath. With sweetest memories of our darling little whom the nation could never be sufficiently grateful .. 5 1 ‘— 25 I Now that the gardening season will be in full swing No booking fee. 'Phone 646.—Myrtleholme Employment S. Bindon...... 18 boy, from broken-hearted Dadciid and Mamma. (applause). A yet fprther work of the Sjociety was to MILITARY HOSPITAL Agency, 32. Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. V.T.C., Section 8.. 18 7 0! — 22 | we may* mention that other' gifts of flowers for the Harp. With sweetest love to my darling little brother, supplement, so far as it was able, tha pensions granted ^Articles for ^ a l c . 7 0| — 20 : xrdens will be very much appreciated, more especially from Phyllis. (CoNTKIflL TEI). | AN TED, good HOUSEMAID arid K itchknm \ 11) „ 6.. 17 to men disabled in the war. He r.-grettjed to say the end of May.—3'2, Devon.-hire-place, Eastbourne. „ 7.. 17 8 1 17; Slose that will flower soon, as The occupants of the huts Wreatn. In ever-loving memory of our dear little official pensions being granted were not bn a generous W Platoon-Sergeants. 17 8 ... 8 l h 17 like to see their flowers bloom before they leave Summer- Willie, from Grandma, Auntie Ada and Uncle Arjnold. W A N TED , a Young GIRL, about 15, for general f^OHlE KH EAST (■» RINSTEAD LIMITED, Wreath. With love and deepest sympathy to our dear scale, and it was essential there shut Id lac so me private i ANTKLIFE GARAGE. Tel. 131. Education Stall ... 18 8 .. 10 0 : 10 down. Such flowers as pansies, violets and other spring enterprise by which the participants might become the Amongst the uifts lately received are eggs and ▼ T housework.—Apjffy between 2 and 4, or after 7, I flowers will be most appreciated. Willie, from Uncle Will, Auntie Nellie and DorisJ 11, St, Aubyns-road, Eastbourne. V.T.G., Secuou 9., 16 7 ... 8 1 | — 15 In loving memory of our dear little Willie, from [Auntie recipients of extra assistance. He hoped the Govern­ flowers from the Rev. ami Mrs. II. II. Snape, Mrs. _ PETROL. TYKES. REPAIRS. OARS STORED ... 9 0 — 14 The Y.M.C.A. gardens were designed and all flowers „ 4.. 16 7 Pollie and Annie, “ fclafe in the dims of Jesus ” ment would make it their business to see that pensions Tanner; dressing gown. Miss Sylvester Samuel; ANTED, for a few w'eeks, a good CANVASSER; AGENTS. HIRE CARS. 6.. 18 ti .. 12 o! — 12 j given by Miss Pattisson, whose departure from the In loving memory of May’s darling little Williej. “ He were adequate and were worthy ofl the ski-sacrificing W energetic; gentlemanly appearance; one with 4 ... 13 O' — 8 ' camp is a very great loss. Miss PattiSson has not only shall gather the lambs in His arms.” music, Messrs. Ken ward; cards and knowledge of Eastbourne an advantage.- -Apply, Agent, 1.. 17 Gross. Love and deepest sympathy, from Uncle, Aunt, service rendered byl men engaged in defending the J “ Chronicle ” Office. Eastbourne. Maohikb Department. 2.. 15 3 ... 12 o — 6 been responsible for the admirable flower beds at the country (applause).’ j After readim; a letter from Sir "‘“koines. Miss I.yne. Gertrude, Dick and George. * 1 8-h.p, R.oad Loeo. and 3 Trucks. A. 0. Whittaker... 15 1 ... 14 o Y.M .C.A . hut., but was really the pioneer of the garden­ l'ycdk. Milner, reyr^tting liit, inability to attend tl.at l * * * ANTED, smart respectable GIRL as Useful Maid ; o ing at Summerdown, which has now led to such Wreath. With fondest love, ftom Uncle, Auntie and W good home.—ID, Lushington-road, Eastbourne. I 6-ft. Mortar Mill. Gas Company ...... 13 0 ... 18 Coil ins Alice, Hilda and Edith. night and expressingja hope that the Work of the Society 1 For Easter Day the chapel was Beautifully Small Oil Engine, Pump and 1,000 Gallon Tank V.T.O., Section 14. 13 0 ... 18 0 ! beautiful results. Harp. In loving memory of dear little Willie, from would meet with gijeater appreciation in Eastbourne decorated arid is coming a little nearer to what one ANTED, TWO strong BOYS, about 16~for indoor (nearly new). During the coming summer the floral display in the Auntie and Uncle Hatcher and Bob. and district, Mr. ti(vynne concluded wijth an earnest considers fit for the worship of God. Mr. and Mrs. work; live in.—Apply, the Butler, Eastbourne 1 Engineer’s Power Drilling Machine with swing Sick Lines will probably eclipse that in any other part Sheath. To dear little Willie, from Karl. C6 cil, Uncle ] College. table. Tho and Auntie “ Hendy.” appeal for more numerous and more liberal subscrip- Sound picked primroses and decorated the windows; of the camp. I hder the- exlpert hands of Prvt. Wilt­ turns, urging that everybody, irrespective of class or tho Matron and Mrs. Smith tho font: Miss Davies- , ANTED, TWO SMART BOYS as Pages: good 2 Portable Steam Enp-uieR. Sold. wondeiv shire, F.R.H S„ ut the R.A.M.C., this section has Cross. In loving memory of dear little Willie, from I ▼ ▼ wages and live in.—Apply, Manager, Queen's 2 (Jon;motor's Sw ing Vans. oiir Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. polities, ought to acjeount it a duty and la privilege to , Gilbert very kindly supplied the flag and floral 1 3Fh.p, Gas Engine (nearly new). become a series of pretty gardens, which when planted Wreath. With deepest sorrow, from Auntie and ; Hotel, Eastbourne. tree-lined streets and the town is luxuriating in the and in full flower will give a particularly gay aspect to promote so useful an IF YULES. PERAMBULATORS and JdAILCAKTS. Scluumpf and Tliea. In its May issue tlie Christ Churtjh Paitish Magazine lacked completion. To all who so nobly assisted in *.I >. YANMKN and BARKOWNIKN for J> — ANNUAL SALK; 1.50 to clear ; 2s. in the fi the head gardener, Mr. Burrows, and his assistants camp this year, but there is a;shortage of plants, and as Slicath. In tender and loving memory of darlin, prints the following Recount, furnisned bjy Mr. Pierce, Bread Delivery. — Apply, Gilbert’s Machine Jiiscount for (Ja.-h for a few' weeks onlv, including are to ,bo warmly complimented upon the magnificent it is too late to sow the seed the gardeners would gladly Willie, from Auutio and Uncle Holland, Rene am .decorating the Chaplain desires to give his hearty W AST of .St- Androw’s-terijace, of the way in fihich his son, thanks, and also to Corpl. Oliver for singing " The Bakery, 8 ea-ide-road. Eastbourne. Prcmieis, Swift. Sunbeam. Enfield and Triumph y display. The Pleasure Grounds Committee m^y welcome any number of sweet pea plants which residents Douglas. YV illiam Pierce, wjon the modal for conspicuous from :{()-. .upwards.—Jury & Son, Trinity-buildings, and Sheath. With loving sympathy, from Mrs. Tompsett Holv City " as the anthem. \V T ANTED. a Young Girl as BETYVEENMAID.— study economy as much as they like, but so long as Would care to send. There is no more popular flower gallantry while serving in the Gallipoli Peninsula : — T f Apply, Ft. Bedes School, Meads, Eastbourne. 131, Seaside. East bourne. ______they give us such a wealth of colour on the Parades than the sweet pea, and if when transferring the plants and family. Wreath. With sincere sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. It was on .June 4th, 1915. w i werje ord(*red to Y 1T A N I ED. GARDEN ER. whocan come once a week 1 .ABBAGE PLANTS.—strong Autumn -own. Early wo don’t mind how cheeseparing they are in other from pots local gardeners find they have a surplus the G. J. Molyneux. A new hell has arrived, and. we hope..' i!! sound j and Late Drumheads. Flockma.-ter, Hr field Market M l y convalescents would be grateful if their requirements in advance arid take some trenches. |\Ve advanced, und for service for the first, time next Sunday, Funds to j TT to Mow Lawn and Sweep YArd, about two hours' C I 1 directions. The beds on the front are a grand adver­ Wreath. In affectionate and loving memory of little after lighting for some hours with varying success, j work.—u iite. Lawn, "Chronicle’ Office, Eastbourne. and Purple Flat poll; 2s. Hd. per 1,000; remittance accom­ tisement and in the Language 6 f blowers speak for this direction were borne in mind. Willie, from W. and M. Brown and family. complete payment for it and for the futun e-decora- panying -mall orders; bag- charged niiie-- returned.— themselves. Wreath. In loving memory of dear little Willie, and we got the order ijn the afternoon to retire, 'Tho tion of the chapel are still wanted. YVTANTKI). STEWARD, for Conservative Club, Cornwell &: Son, Barcombe Mills. Sussex. with very deep sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, Turks were then doming into tno communication v y Newhaven ; above military age or ineligible ; Mary aud Grandma. trench, w hich is only about three feet wide. Wo had wage- 25s. per week : live out ; guarantee required.— i YULES: MOTOR V y » l 'e & a n d T ' y c l e c a r s .— He was a tall, ragged, heavy-jowled old man, with v A p pe a l to Users op P etrol. — So th a t On Monday. May 1st. the monthly committee was Apply, Secretary. t j We have the Pic)( of tn«' ^;^a^ket. Triumph, B.S.A., a disappointed codfish, and I mdt him m Sheath. In remembrance and with sincere f-yutipathy, several wounded and most of tlfem here able to Spark brook arid Raleigh. BARGAINS in SECOND­ aA face like lik< a disap adequate supplies of petrol shall be available for*jhe from Mr. and Mrs. K. Haigh. crawl away. One poor fellow wap wohnded in the held in the. Board Room. There was a good atten­ ANTED,” M AX foi ST')j(E ’\\*(»K K (ineligitilef; -The JAvenue HmU on Thursday evening slowly wending hn> purposes of the war an official appeal is made to all HAND MOTOR CYCLES. — Rugg, Lowts, Phone 147. He addressed me jis Sheath. To dear little Willie, with love and deepest face, I could not leave him, so I got into a hole made dance. under the presidency of Mrs. Ravios-Cilbcrt. W one u-ed to horses preferred —Apply, Elphick w*t towards the town. .— . .u users of petrol to restrict tjlie consumption in evfiry sympathy, from Auntie May Skceles. Routine reports were considered and bills passed for a: d Son. L td, Corn and Seed Stores, Lewes T,1GGS FOR HATCHING Rhode l-larul Reds, S. C., “ dapt’n ” and aeked me if I could put lum m the Sheath. With affectionate sympathy, from Mr. and by a shell and kept the Turks hack by firing as they fi j White Wyandot tes. Ihiff’Orpingfun,_3s.; (JrO'*> A i possible way. It is essential, says the Special Ootn- came round the trenjeh, until there was a pause in tho payment. Mr. Wilford was instructed to obtain tin- Bo of a copper or two towards obtaminK » nidi s niitteo a])pointed by the Board of Trade, that this Mrs. E. .YIercer. U r ANTED, ' OI.LKG'J'OKS s. re and whole time, binds. 2-. Wd.—Highfield Poultry Farm, Felbridge, Ea-'i genera Sheath. In sorrowful sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. firing. I then got out of the hd Cckfleld ed surrounding country ntenoe| ion, where I thought he Would be sure to pick Frank Miles. chum, and made for the next lot bf trenches with a ll * I i s ALFT FbYv Esr< > F E CtM of the general publik. Sheath. —W-Jth sympathy, from Mis. A. N. Scott and shower of bullets behind me. Ij was] shot in the districts.—Apply, L. M., “ East Sussex" ...... News, v' ..... " Lewies. (Aolo# ‘coppkr ” or two, end, failing t|us, gave lulu Mrs. H. Wright. If any ladies could possibly help in a practical way i walnut case, almost new; perfect condition: nne F e l t H is P o s it io n .- jA rich but penurious thigh with an explosive bullet ind taken to the to get the gardens ready their help would he grate­ \ Vr ANTE!). reluiMe and capable man as GARDENER touch and tone; owner going abroad; £ • 11 or ucare-t ‘•Preui i instructions how to proceed up Grove-road to Sheath. In loving remembrance and deep sympathy, v T and BAILIFF for a well-kept garden amt about honselj eIUiin palatial hostelry where he would be sure Woman paid her servants as little as possible and kept from Mr. and Mrs. H Clarke. hospital. I have since heard that the rrian I carried fully accepted by officer commanding recreations. ren-mable oiler. Al-c n**w 1*()PULAR ENC5( LQ- very few. One of her staff wnjs a thiti miserable-looking back is getting on well.” Hip amps of land, mostly gra-s.—Apply by letter, F. M., ! I^EDIA (It vols.), (juite new; co-t £8. 15-., lake £>.— get a free night’s lodging, if only out of pit. for Sh nth. >n loving memory of j dear little Willie, from care of \V. Soaring. Klindene, Lew es. ; (’lenient son, 7w, Yiearage-ioad, FJu si bourne. ____ _ lad of twelve, who answeretl the door, cleaned tlie NeTie Welch. ; The writer of the [notice in the magazine adds: — apated face. J ’'. '(.'J t . , knives and forks, waited at table, weeded the garden, Sheath. With deepest sympathy, from Doctor and N e w s p a p e r s f o r t h e F l e e t .—'Ton mi ^XT ANTED, good PARLOUUM AID ; (Jhurch woman : ADY would like to SELL two good FEATHER £5’ • * -*• “ Deeds like this peed no comment. We are proud ▼ ? age from 21 to 28.—Apply, Mrs. Philcox, Ashburn- BED-?, cheap.—Apply, Box 101, "Chronicle" Office, washed the poodle and had the rest of the time to him- Matron. Borough Sanatorium, Eastbourne. that one of the old (members of StL Andrew’s Junior newspapers, a very large number of gramophone: S J matcea this Uas a genuihe tramp, the first I have soon Wreath. With love, from Auntie Bertha. 14.000 gramophone re< ord-> have bceni sent'to tlie harri. Patehain. I Eastbourne. ! ______Tra^lea rnths and months. Tramps are rare in hast- £elf. A Visitor one day asked him, “ Well, my boy, Club should have performed suen a brave action. ment ti and what do you do here?]* “ I do a butler and a by the New■.-]).!p.'i-s f"r the Fleet Committee i. \\T A \’ J-'ED~fu\ KER To” 1VlaiTe" I )dugh. Bake Bread ' .W ll A l i.KTTK7 in' tin&TtaTs oiJorAKoFt .8 AI.K ; > nowadays—almost aa rare as sovereigns, w hich The story m ight hatve been made publjc sooner had v t and make himself generally useful.—Apply, A. BOrv Nl gardener out oi a job ! ’’ replied the youth. it not been for the fact that the doer of the (b-ed London Chamber of Commeree. 8J rubber tyres; new eon* ition.—Apply, U. Pert, may remember are heavy yellow round tlungjs. T h e R e a l C a u s e o f J y Ha ryot t. Baker. Alfristori. 1 Yii-toria Arms, Alortinier. Berks. ______modestly declined tb tell anyone flow he earned -the ork for erman b iso n prs n- arrang in iust reoolleot having a sovereign i t my posses- The old Surrey Hounds Inn, Caterham, a Mr. K. Tindal Atkinson, the Recorder, in charging the [ W G P -Mr. ANTETpToangTDiT as N FUSE-HO US EM A 11) : well-known hostelry of coaching days, on the main road modal. We hope he will forgive Us for printing this nant, in a J’arlianicntary nn-wer to Major Aiior, -ays \ ^ r Ni>i i)0/,KN'7or lc'-s. lusl your's OKKV .St.’SSKX Fcm iq . Like the- tramp, it . always seemed to be on Grand ff.ury at the Leeds Quarter Sessions, said (he had j Y V fond of children. — Apply, stating wages, age O 1M I.I.KTS for SA1.K : Ikti/ h. \veli-m«'vn biicN un(l oheapa move, but never went very far. And it would between London Mid the ^outli Coast, was destroyed been informed that there had >been a considerable without his permission! ' that a nun.tier ot German prisoners in this country have experience, A'c.. Miss Whelon. Monk's Oi chard. Heaford. good layer-; juice 7>. each.—Griffin, Oatbarns Faun, Jow elll leu far still in the present year of grace. by fire early on Tue day morning. As all exits were increase in juvenile crime. Suggestions had been made been t *m ploy ftp on farm -and in road-making. A .-.(•heme Lingticld. ’i'boeeT tut off by smoke the barmaids and other members of is being prepared for their utilisation in umber cutting rJ-.!•’FL H E lV \V A S TED for o»."e’lady~ iT ’fFt : i’ ,| * that this was to some "extent due to cine Am (shows, | r r.lcep in.—Apply, afternoon-. .8 ., 32, Bed ford jgrovc, rg-IMK V. f . H. S U 'Q TRAP, liuiitwl quaiitity. J*j- of Meesrs.^arris & Cox, newsagents, the staff were lowered from the upper windows by ropes O f t o f t h e M o u t h oi Bl\ beb.—Co u n try and working in mines. F.a«t bourne. B i 'S dozen. Buy before prices advance. Ca.-h witn In the shop made out of sheets. where were depicted detective stories and crimes df ; road, is-now to be seen the identical cheque various kinds. But he doubted very much whether ! minister : " Mv dear l»rethren, T ao wi$h you would \ C a n Y o u •S e e T h r o u g h It ?—The following y o l N f l GI It LVVrANTF;i TTs GlTx ERA L : good home I (ter.—Sin?mins. Ironmonger, (Jrawley. was won by a couple of Eastbourne A IJ is h o p R e t ir in g .— It is understoodT------t h aany t increase in juvenile crime was due to the shows ! bring your children to church brir. even the very ! announcement conchuh'd an a» count of h wedding in a j «ir»d wage- to willing girl.—Apply, Nuthurst. Ixa.-t- 1 L | in 3 a .“John Bull ” competition la|t the Bishop of Peterborough has tendered his resignation 'which were exhibited ail over the country. The real 3*ou!i.;cst ones. If they are too young 1 > nhderstand the small town : FT ho bridegro«»mN gift to tin- bride was a 'oourue- road, Beafoi d. .Tinted bv.4he Proprietors, F arncombk & Co., LinRuxi, B in ft^our of “ C. H. Ciimpsoit, df the Sec. D:\ C 'rr Glyn, w.lio has presided over the cause of the inert-use in juvenile crime wa«. lie thought, service, they will at least cry and keb; ihjt older peojile 1 handsome diamond brooch, besides in.ny other tlurg- r O UNG LTD Y A BBRKN f IC eT w a NTKI» for 1 loot and Pub!i-hed by them every Saturday at then Grace ia quite a harmless, ordinary sort of Diocese of Pcterixuougli since 18D7, is 72 years of age. _ lack of parental control. , awT.k'e.” in cut gl i.-s.” Y 'I rade.—Moore’.-* 49. Seaside road, Ea-tbournei South ->t i tel, JtaD bourne.

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