* 4 A.A. Галкин, Н.М. Лебедева, Е.А. Мошонкина, Е.А. Лебедева, Н.М. Галкин, A.A. спортивному переводу спортивному В.В. Сдобников В.В. Winter Olympic Winter (английский язык) (английский Sports Нижний Новгород 2011 Новгород Нижний Пособие по Пособие

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «НИЖЕГОРОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ им. Н.А. Добролюбова»


А.А. Галкин, Н.М. Лебедева, Е.А. Мошонкина, В.В. Сдобников Winter Olympic SPORTS

Пособие по спортивному переводу (английский язык)

Под общей редакцией канд. филол. наук В.В. Сдобникова

Нижний Новгород 2011 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ФГБОУ ВПО «НГЛУ».

УДК 811.111 ’25(075.8)

Галкин А.А., Лебедева Н.М., Мошонкина Е.А., Сдобников В.В. Winter Olympic Sports: Пособие по спортивному переводу (английский язык) / Под общ. ред. В.В. Сдобникова. — Нижний Новгород: Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2011. -1 1 7 с .

Пособие предназначено для развития навыков устного и письменного перевода в спортивной сфере. Это первая часть в серии пособий, посвященных зимним олимпийским видам спорта. Включены материалы по трем видам зимних олимпийских видов спорта: фигурному катанию, керлингу и сноуборду. Пособие может использоваться в целях подготовки переводчиков для международных спортивных соревнований вузами и языковыми школами.

© ФГБОУ ВПО «НГЛУ», 2011 © Сдобников В.В., 2011 Предисловие

Пособие по спортивному переводу «Winter Olympic Sports» предназначено для подготовки переводчиков английского языка для международных спортивных соревнований. В пособие включены материалы, посвященные трем зимним олимпийским видам спорта - фигурному катанию, керлингу и сноуборду. Исходя из того, что знание специфики определенной области деятельности является одной из предпосылок качественного перевода, составители пособия использовали аутентичные материалы, в которых рассказывается об истории соответствующего вида спорта, особенностях проведения соревнований, правилах судейства, наиболее выдающихся спортсменах. Каждый вводный текст урока сопровождается списком специальной терминологии, использованной в тексте. Общий глоссарий по данному виду спорта приводится в конце каждого раздела. Пособие может использоваться для развития навыков как письменного, так и устного перевода. На это направлены и включенные в каждый раздел упражнения. Кроме того, в каждом разделе имеются задания, цель которых — усвоение студентами терминологии того или иного вида спорта. Предполагается, что большая часть упражнений должны выполняться студентами самостоятельно, но с обязательной проверкой результатов работы преподавателем (в аудитории) и закреплением языкового материала, использованного в упражнениях. Развитие навыков устного перевода осуществляется в ходе аудиторной работы на основе материалов, включенных в пособие, а также дополнительных материалов из сети Интернет. Представленные в пособии упражнения не должны ограничивать преподавателя с точки зрения тематики и характера материалов, которые могут использоваться в учебном процессе, а являются лишь приблизительными ориентирами в деле отбора учебных материалов. Данное пособие является первой частью в серии пособий по спортивному переводу, посвященных зимним олимпийским видам спорта. Пособие написано в рамках программы, реализуемой по инициативе студентов переводческого факультета НГЛУ - стипендиатов Благотворительного фонда В.Потанина.



FIGURE SKATING Lesson 1. Basics of ...... 6 Lesson 2. Basic Elements of Figure Skating...... 11 Lesson 3. How Competitions Are Conducted...... 19 Lesson 4. Figure Skaters...... 23 Glossary...... 33 Lesson 1. History of Curling...... 36 Lesson 2. Curling Sheet...... 42 Lesson 3. Curling Equipment...... 46 Lesson 4. Gameplay. Part 1...... 51 Lesson 5. Gameplay. Part 2...... 57 Lesson 6. Types of Shots...... 62 Lesson 7. Scoring...... 66 Lesson 8. Curlers...... 72 Glossary...... 85 Lesson 1. History of Olympic Snowboarding...... 89 Lesson 2. Snowboard Equipment...... 93 Lesson 3. Halfpipe Snowboarding...... 98 Lesson 4. World Snowboard Stars...... 103 List of Snowboarding Tricks...... 107

5 Figure Skating

Lesson 1. Basics of Figure Skating

Figure skating is an Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, and other intricate and challenging moves on ice skates. Figure skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior), and at local, national, and international competitions. The International Skating Union (ISU)1 regulates international figure skating judging and competitions. Figure skating is an official event in the Winter . Major international competitions are sanctioned by the ISU. The sport is also associated with show-business. Major competitions generally include exhibitions at the end in which the top-placing skaters perform for the crowd by showing off their various skills. Many skaters, both during and after their competitive careers, also skate in ice skating exhibitions or shows which run during the competitive season and the off-season.

History The history of figure skating stretches back to prehistoric times, when archaeological evidence of the activity has been found. In medieval Great Britain the sticks were used for movement, as the primitive bone-made ice skates did not have sharp gliding edges like modem ice skates. Adding edges to ice skates was invented by the Dutch in the 13 th or 14th century. These ice skates were made of steel, with sharpened edges on the bottom

1 The International Skating Union (ISU) is the international governing body for competitive ice skating disciplines, including figure skating, , speed skating, and short track speed skating. It was founded in Scheveningen. Netherlands in 1892. making it one of the oldest international sport federations. It is now based in Lausanne. Switzerland. As of the summer o f 2008, the ISU consisted of 63 member nations, with a governing council of 11.

6 to aid movement. The construction of modem ice skates has remained largely the same. The only other major change in ice skate design came soon after. Around the same time period as steel edges were added to ice skates, another Dutchman experimented with the height to width ratio of the metal blade of the ice skates, producing a design that remains almost unaltered to this day. The user of the skates no longer needed to use sticks for propulsion, and movement on skates was now freer and more stable. The next step in the development of ice skating came in 1742, when the first ice skating association was formed, the Edinburgh Skating Club. The first instructional book concerning ice skating was published in London in 1772. It was with the publication of this manual that ice skating split into its two main disciplines, speed skating and figure skating. The founder of modem figure skating as it is known today was Jackson Haines, an American. He won the first Championships of America in 1864. Haines was known as the first skater to incorporate ballet and dance movements into his skating, as opposed to focusing on tracing patterns on the ice. At the beginning of the 20th century, figure skating was lent a more athletic character through the developments of Ulrich Salchow, a Swede. Salchow was considered the greatest figure skater of his day by far, winning the world championships ten times. The last years leading up to World War I generally saw higher performance in all sports, figure skating included. Figure skating reached its peak after the second World War, and experienced a resurgence in popularity. The construction of new ice rinks, built completely for ice skating, allowed much more intensive training, and led to increased performance on the ice. Because of the years of war, Europe, which had previously had been the center of figure skating, as well as the area of origin of many of its top names, fell behind the in terms of figure skating dominance. Many of the new elite figure skaters came from the United States and , bringing with them a style that emphasized more speed and endurance, as well as dynamic movements. In 1961, the crash of Sabena Flight 548 claimed the lives of the entire United States Figure Skating team and their coaches. This effectively put an end to the period of post-war American domination of the sport. Modem figure skating is divided into four parts: events for both sexes, , ice dancing, and synchronized skating. Pair figure skating, which emphasizes both partners and includes jumps where the female skater is

7 thrown by her male partner, has for years been won almost exclusively by pairs from the Soviet Union, and later Russia.

Vocabulary: spins — вращения; to perform a spin — выполнять вращение; International Skating Union — Международный союз конькобежцев; exhibitions - показательные выступления; competitive career — спортивная карьера; off-season - время, когда нет регулярных соревнований по данному виду спорта; edge - лезвие; the height to width ratio of the metal blade — пропорциональное соотношение высоты металлического лезвия к его ширине; speed skating — скоростной бег на коньках (конькобежный спорт); coach - тренер; single skating - одиночное фигурное катание; pair skating - парное фигурное катание; ice dancing — танцы на льду; synchronized skating — синхронное фигурное катание.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

- What is figure skating? - What are the functions of the International Skating Union? - Why is this sport associated with show-business? - When does the history of figure skating begin? - When did the ice skates take the modem form? - What happened in the eighteenth century? - Who is regarded to be the founder of figure skating as it is known today? - What were the tendencies of figure skating development at the beginning of the twentieth century and in the post-war time? - What are the parts modem figure skating is divided in?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

Olympic sport, perform spins and jumps, senior level of competitions, local, national and international competitions, be sanctioned by the ISU, exhibitions at the end of a competition, show off one’s skills, after one’s competitive career,

8 stretch back to prehistoric times, steel edges, to use sticks for propulsion, an instructional book concerning ice skating, trace patterns on the ice, to experience a resurgence in popularity, to claim one’s life.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The ISU regulates international figure skating judging and competitions. 2. Figure skating is an official event in the . 3. The top-placing skaters perform for the crowd by showing off their various skills. 4. The primitive bone-made ice skates did not have sharp gliding edges like modem ice skates. 5. In Holand they experimented with the height to width ratio of the metal blade of the ice skates, producing a design that remains almost unaltered to this day. 6. It was with the publication of the first manual that ice skating split into its two main disciplines, speed skating and figure skating. 7. Haines was known as the first skater to incorporate ballet and dance movements into his skating. 8. The constmction of new ice rinks, built completely for ice skating, allowed much more intensive training, and led to increased performance on the ice. 9. The USA skaters brought a style that emphasized more speed and endurance, as well as dynamic movements. 10.Modem figure skating is divided into four parts: single skating events for both sexes, pair skating, ice dancing, and synchronized skating.

5. Translate the words and word-combinations in brackets. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. (Международный союз конькобежцев) is the international governing body for competitive (коньковые виды спорта), including (фигурное катание, синхронное фигурное катание и конькобежный спорт), founded in Scheveningen. Netherlands in 1892. 2. Major international competitions are sanctioned by the ISU. These include the Winter Olympic Games where figure skating (входит в официальную программу) and (Чемпионаты мира). 3. Olympic sports in figure skating comprise the following (дисциплины): (одиночное катание) for men and women, (парное катание! with teams consisting of a woman and a man, (танцы на льду) that is again for couples consisting of a woman and a man skating together. 4. History was made at the 2010 Olympics because won its first (золотую медаль по фигурному катанию). 5. Коньки для фигурного катания подбираются исходя из таких категорий, как возраст спортсмена, вид фигурного катания, которым он занимается (single skating, pair skating, ice dancing), уровень подготовки: для (amateurs, beginners, professionals).

9 6. Доктор Федерико Форменти (Federico Formenti) и его коллеги провели контрольный эксперимент в Альпах: пятеро (top-placing skaters) вместо привычных современных коньков воспользовались (primitive bone- made ice skates), изготовленными по образцу тех, что хранятся в Британском музее 7. У коньков, которые использовали наши предки, не было (steel edges), поэтому тогда конькобежцы для удобства должны были (use sticks for propulsion) - как современные лыжники. 8. Вы можете обратиться к четырем информационным разделам: (Technical Information, ISU communications, and Judge and Referee Information). Документы опубликованы Международным союзом конькобежцев.

6. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Международный союз конькобежцев— международная федерация, управляющая коньковыми видами спорта: фигурное катание, спортивные танцы на льду, конькобежный спорт и шорт-трек. 2. Фигурное катание заключается в передвижении спортсмена или пары спортсменов на коньках по льду с переменами направления скольжения и выполнением дополнительных элементов (вращением, прыжками. комбинаций шагов, поддержек и др.) под м у з ы к у . 3. Истоки фигурного катания лежат в далеком прошлом, и уходят корнями в бронзовый век (конец 4-го— начало 1-го тысячелетия до н. э.), об этом свидетельствуют находки археологов — костяные коньки. 4. В 1882 году в Вене состоялись первые в Европе официальные соревнования по фигурному катанию. 5. Фигурист в одиночном катании должен продемонстрировать владение всеми группами элементов — шагами, спиралями, вращениями. прыжками. 6. Популярность фигурного катания росла, и уже в 1908 году соревнования фигуристов впервые были включены в программу Олимпийских игр в Лондоне. 7. Олимпийское первенство разыгрывается в одиночном (мужском и женском) и парном катании. 8. В России название «коньки» возникло потому, что передняя часть деревянных «бегунков» обычно украшалась конской головой. 9. В 1976 в олимпийскую программу были включены спортивные танцы на льду. 10.Все требования к программам (общие правила, специальные правила и технические правила) оговариваются и закрепляются в положениях ИСУ на каждый сезон соревнований по фигурному катанию.

7. Make the summary of the text in Russian and translate it back into English.

10 Lesson 2. Basic elements of figure skating2

There are four basic elements in figure skating - they are steps, spirals, spins and jumps. Steps and turns Step sequences are a required element in all four Olympic disciplines. The pattern can be straight line, circular, or serpentine. The consists of a combination of turns, steps and edge changes. Additionally, steps and turns can be used as transitions between elements. The various turns, which skaters can incorporate into step sequences, include: • Three turns, so called because the blade turns into the curve of the edge or lobe to leave a tracing resembling the numeral "3". • Bracket turns, in which the blade is turned counter to the curve of the lobe, making a tracing resembling a bracket ("}")• • Rockers and counters, one-foot turns that involve a change of lobe as well as of direction. • Mohawks, the two-foot equivalents of three turns and brackets. • Choctaws. the two-foot equivalents of rockers and counters. • . traveling multi­ rotation turns on one foot. Other freeskating movements that can be incorporated into step sequences or used as connecting elements include lunges. Spirals A spiral is an element in which the skater moves across the ice on a specific edge with the free leg held above the hip. Spirals can be performed while skating forwards or backwards, and are distinguished by the edge of the blade used and the foot they are skated on. A spiral sequence is one or more spiral positions and edges done in sequence. Judges look at the depth, stability, and control of the skating edge, speed and ice coverage and other factors. Some skaters are able to change edges during a

2 Use the link to watch sportsmen performing all the elements: http://www.tulup.ru/elements.html

11 spiral, i.e. from inside to outside edge. Spirals performed on a "flat" are generally not considered as true spirals. There are many different spiral positions. The leg can be held to the front of the body, to the side, or behind. If the skate blade is held, it is considered a catch- foot position. The best known catch-foot position is the Biellmann position. An arabesque spiral is the basic spiral position. The free leg is extended behind the body above hip height (at least a 90 degree angle). Some skaters are able to achieve vertical (180 degrees) with this position, but it is not required. The spread eagle is one of the spirals in which a skater glides on both feet, the toes turned out to the sides, heels facing each other. It can be performed on either the inside or outside edges. It is commonly used as an entrance to jumps, adding to the difficulty level of that jump under Code of Points. It is most commonly used an entrance to an . An (named after the famous skater) is a spiral in which a skater skates on two parallel blades. One foot is on a forward edge and the other leg is on a backwards and different parallel edge. The forward leg is bent slightly and the trailing leg is straight. Spiral sequences are required in ladies skating and pair skating. They count as one of the required step sequences in the free skate. Spins Spins are a required element in most figure skating competitions, and they exist in all four Olympic disciplines. There are three basic spin positions in figure о skating: the sit position, the camel position , and the upright position. During a spin, the skater rotates on the round part of the blade just behind the toe pick. Spins may be performed singly or in a sequence combining different types of spins. Spins may be performed on either foot. Like jumping, skaters mostly rotate in the counterclockwise direction, but there are some skaters who rotate in the clockwise direction. Some skaters are able to rotate in both directions. For skaters who rotate in a counterclockwise direction, a spin on the left foot is called a forward spin, while a spin on the right foot is called a back spin. In pair skating, spins may be performed side by side with both partners doing the same spin or combination spin at the same time. Additionally, in pairs

"X According to figure skating coach Gustave Lussi, the spin was invented not by Cecilia Colledge but by an Australian skater named Campbell, thus explaining that "Campbell spin" became afflicted into "".

12 and in ice dancing, there are pair and dance spins, during which both skaters rotate around j W the same axis while holding onto each other. Jumps Д Jumps are one of the most important elements of figure skating. Jumps involve the skater leaping into the Щ air and rotating rapidly to land after « completing one or more rotations. There are ■ many types of jumps, identified by the way the skater takes off and lands, as well as by the number of rotations that are completed. Under­ rotations or using the incorrect edge will lower the jump's score. The judges also look at height, speed, and ice coverage. Jumps can be rotated in clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Most skaters are counterclockwise jumpers. For clarity, all jumps will be described for a skater jumping counter-clockwise. There are six jumps in figure skating that count as jump elements. All six are landed on one foot on the right back outside edge (with counterclockwise rotation, for single and multi-revolution jumps), but have different takeoffs, by which they may be distinguished. The two categories of jumps are toe jumps and edge jumps. Toe jumps are launched by tapping the toe pick of one skate into the ice, and include (in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest): 1. Toe loops take off from the back outside edge of the left or right foot and are launched by the opposite toe pick (toe walleys are similar, but take off from the back inside edge of the right foot); 2. Flips, which take off from the back inside edge of the right or left foot and are launched by the opposite toe pick; 3. Lutzes, which take off from the back outside edge of the right or left foot and are launched by the opposite toe pick. Edge jumps use no toe assist, and include: 1. Salchows, which take off from either the left or righ back inside edge. Allowing the edge to come round, the opposite leg helps launch the jump into the air and land on one foot; 2. Loops (also known as Rittberger jumps) take off from either the left or right back outside edge and land on the same edge; 3. Axels, which are the only rotating jump to take off from a forward edge. As they take off from a forward edge, they include one-half extra rotations and are considered the hardest jump of the six. The axel jump will take a skater the longest to learn.

Vocabulary: step sequence - дорожка шагов;

13 straight line step sequences - дорожки по прямой ; circular step sequences - круговые дорожки; serpentine step sequences — дорожки в форме серпантина; edge changes - смена ребра конька, на который опирается спортсмен; turn — поворот; three turn — поворот-тройка; bracket turn - поворот-скобка; rocker and counter — крюк и выкрюк; mohawk - поворот моухок; choctaws — поворот чоктау; - поворот-твизл; lunge - выпад; spiral sequence - последовательность спиралей; catch-foot position - спираль «колечко»; Biellmann position — спираль в положении бильманн; Arabesque spiral - спираль «ласточка»; Spread eagle - спираль «кораблик»; Ina Bauer - спираль «Бауэр»; spin - вращение; position - вращение в положении сидя; position - вращение в положении стоя; camel spin position - вращение в положении «ласточка»; toe pick - зубец лезвия конька; take off - толчок; landing - приземление; under-rotation — недоворот; toe jump - зубцовый прыжок; edge jump — рёберный прыжок; toe loop - прыжок тулуп; flip - прыжок флип; Lutz - прыжок лутц; Salchow - прыжок сальхов; loop, Rittberger jump - прыжок риттбергер; axel - прыжок аксель.


1. Read the text.

2. Answer the following questions:

- What are the four basic elements of figure skating?

14 - What types of step sequences do you remember? - What are the possible types of turns? - What kind of element is a spiral? - What are the factors in performing spirals that can influence judging? - What are the most famous spiral positions? - What is a spin in figure skating? - What are the most popular types of spins performed? - How are different types of jumps identified? - What are the two main categories of jumps in figure skating?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian: a required element in an Olympic discipline, a combination of turns, steps and edge changes, the curve of the edge, two-foot equivalents of three turns and brackets, to be distinguished by the edge of the blade used, a catch-foot position, the ladies skating, to rotate in the counterclockwise direction, a forward spin, a back spin, to hold onto each other, the number of rotations that are completed, single and multi-revolution jumps, back outside edge of the right foot, to use no toe assist.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Steps and turns can be used as transitions between elements. 2. In bracket turns the blade is turned counter to the curve of the lobe, making a tracing resembling a bracket ("}"). 3. Spirals performed on a "flat" are generally not considered as tme spirals. 4. Toe jumps are launched by tapping the toe pick of one skate into the ice. 5. In pair skating, spins may be performed side by side with both partners doing the same spin or combination spin at the same time. 6. There are six jumps in figure skating that count as jump elements. 7. Allowing the edge to come round, the opposite leg helps launch the jump into the air and land on one foot. 8. Under-rotations or using the incorrect edge will lower the jump's score. 9. Judges look at the depth, stability, and control of the skating edge, speed and ice coverage and other factors. 10. Spiral sequences count as one of the required step sequences in the free skate.

5. Translate the words and word-combinations in brackets. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Step sequences (являются обязательными элементами всех программ соревнований). They should make full use of the ice and should be skated in the character of the music.

15 2. (Поворот-скобка) is a kind of one-foot turn considered as advanced turn in figure skating, and commonly appear only in (дорожке шагов) instead of as a simple means of changing direction. 3. There are many types of (вращения), identified by the foot on which the spin is performed, the entrance to the spin, and the position of the arms, legs, and torso. 4. All jumps are landed on (задней части внешнего ребра конька) (except stylized variations on some jumps like the (прыжок Риттбергер) or one-foot (Аксель)). 5. Если ботинок мягкий, (to skate on edge) фигуристу будет очень тяжело, ведь реберное скольжение осуществляется под наклоном корпуса (to the edge of ice-skates). 6. Заход на прыжок происходит с (back inside edge), одновременно с этим свободная нога (launches the jump), приземление выполняется на наружное ребро на ход назад. 7 . (Flip)— прыжок в Ф и г у р н о м катании, второй по сложности среди зубцовых. (Flips were performed for the first time) в 30-е годы XX века. Имя первого исполнившего его фигуриста точно не установлено. 8. Также к (spirals) по традиции относят элемент (spread eagle), когда фигурист скользит на двух ногах на наружных или внутренних рёбрах; подобные элементы считаются (transitional and do not add to the score).

6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Разные шаги и повороты корпуса, выполняемые в комбинации, называются «дорожкой шагов», которая являются обязательным элементом в программе фигуристов. 2. В танцах на льду партнеры в обязательном порядке исполняют синхронные серии твизлов — быстрых поворотов на одной ноге. 3. Тройка — поворот на одной ноге со сменой ребра конька и направления движения. 4. Обычно фигуристы стараются не исполнять несколько видов дорожек подряд, а чередовать с прыжками и вращениями, чтобы программа выглядела интереснее. 5. Спираль — обязательный элемент женского и парного фигурного катания, длительное скольжение на чётком ребре одного конька в неизменной позе с поднятой свободной ногой. 6. В коротких программах спираль не засчитывается (расценивается как связующий элемент). 7 . Для фигуриста, вращающегося против, часовой стрелки (коих большинство), вращение на левой ноге считается «вращением вперёд», на правой — «вращением назад», по направлению захода.

16 8. Прыжки разделяются на две группы: рёберные, когда фигурист отталкивается от ребра опорного конька, и зубцовые, когда отталкиваются зубцом (носком) свободной ноги. 9. Стоит отметить, что правила фигурного катания «прыжками» именуют только многооборотные прыжки. 10.Изначально принято было считать, что прыжки доступны не каждому фигуристу, только наиболее одаренным. Выдающиеся спортсмены включали в свои программы два-три сложных прыжка — лутц и флип в один оборот, а также прыжки в полтора оборота.

7. Translate into English:

Элементы фигурного катания

1. Скольжения. Различают скольжение вперед и назад. Скольжение в фигурном катании всегда выполняется на одном из рёбер. На передней части лезвий для фигурного катания имеются зубцы. Отличают внешнее и внутреннее рёбра лезвий. Соответственно, скольжение выполняется либо на внешнем, либо на внутреннем ребре. Для того чтобы приступить к скольжению, встаньте на одно ребро опорной ноги и сделайте толчок свободной ногой. Толчок должен быть сделан от всей площади лезвия свободной ноги, но не от зубца. Делая первые шаги на льду зубцы лучше вообще не использовать. 2. Дорожки шагов. Когда фигурист выполняет серию поворотов вместе с различными шагами, он выполняет дорожку шагов. Программы фигуристов обычно содержат как минимум одну дорожку шагов. Некоторые фигуристы выполняют дорожки по кругу, другие по прямой линии, диагонали или по серпантину. Наиболее сложной траекторией выполнения шагов обычно является круговая в направлении по часовой стрелке. 3. Дуги. Дуги являются основополагающими элементами. Под дугой понимают скольжение по окружности на ребре опорной ноги. Имеется 8 вариантов этого элемента: на внешнем ребре вперёд и назад, на внутреннем ребре вперёд и назад. Для успешного освоения дуги необходимо научиться проезжать по льду как минимум один полный круг диаметром 5 - 6 метров. В конечном итоге нужно выучить все 8 дуг. 4 . Т р о й к и - группа поворотов на одной ноге, которые выполняются внутрь круга во время скольжения по дуге. При повороте происходит смена ребра. Элемент получил своё название за счет следа на льду, похожего на цифру три. Тройки являются базовыми элементами школьных фигур. Рекомендации для изучения троек:

17 - во время скольжения по дуге опорная нога немного согнута в колене, в момент поворота колено распрямляется, что уменьшает давление веса тела на лёд и упрощает поворот лезвия; - поворот начинается с изменения положения плеч и верхней части корпуса, поворот опорной ноги начинается только после поворота корпуса, если всё сделано правильно, то нога повернётся очень легко. 5. Скобки - группа поворотов на одной ноге в фигурном катании. Во время выполнения скобки происходит смена ребра и поворот лезвия на 180 градусов, но в отличие от тройки поворот выполняется в наружную сторону относительно дуги, по которой скользит фигурист. После выполнения поворота на льду остаётся след, похожий на фигурную скобку:"{". 6. Крюк - группа поворотов на одной ноге. Поворот выполняется внутрь круга (как у тройки) во время скольжения по дуге. При повороте не происходит смена ребра, но происходит смена дуги, по которой выполняется скольжение. Рекомендации для изучения крюков: - поворот начинается с изменения положения плеч и верхней части корпуса; - перед выполнением поворота нужно заранее привести тело в такое положение, из которого будет удобно сделать поворот. 7. Прыжки. Прыжки делятся на рёберные и зубцовые или носковые. Сложность квалификационных прыжков (тех, которые оцениваются в фигурном катании) возрастает в следующем порядке: Тулуп, Сальхов, Риттбергер, Флип, Лутц, Аксель. На начальном этапе изучения прыжков распространённой ошибкой является недокрученное исполнение прыжка. Фигурист крутит в воздухе только половину или две трети оборота. Вращение заканчивается после приземления на лёд. 8. Вращения. Вращения - это элементы фигурного катания, в которых фигурист вращается вокруг центра на льду. Позиция тела, как правило, закреплена. Возможны так же смены позиций и опорной ноги во время вращения, такие вращения называют комбинированными. Вращения выполняются на передней части лезвия, возможно касание льда зубцом. Существует очень много видов вращений, они различаются позицией тела, рук, опорной ноги, а также входом во вращение. 9. Спирали. Название этой группы элементов появилось в начале XX века. Своим происхождением оно обязано следу, который остается на льду

18 после выполнения элемента. Вот список главных элементов, которые относятся спиралям: Ласточка, Кораблик, Бауэр.

8. Tell your colleagues about the main figure skating elements and ask them to translate your speech into English.

Lesson 3. How competitions are conducted

At international or major national skating competitions, skaters in the same event are divided into groups for practice sessions before the competition. Because of safety concerns, there are usually no more than 6 singles skaters, 4 pair skating teams, or 5 ice dancing couples on the ice at the same time. After a warm-up period, each skater's program music is played in turn. All the skaters remain on the ice, but the skater whose music is being played is supposed to have the right of way. Skaters are usually given at least one "official" practice on the actual competition ice surface for each competition segment before the event, which allows them to orient themselves in the arena and check for any problems with the timing or sound quality of their music. Coaches are not permitted on the ice with their skaters at competition practices, and instead stand or sit behind the rink boards. At international competitions except for the Olympic Games, skaters are not permitted to skate except on the officially designated practice sessions once they have been credentialed at the competition. The start order for the initial phase (short program or ) of the competition has traditionally been determined by random draw, but at some competitions is now the reverse order of seeding or qualification placement. Again, skaters are divided into warmup groups. During the competition, each group of skaters takes the ice together for few minutes of warmup, then each skater performs their program alone on the ice. The skaters then wait off the ice in the area for their marks to be read, while volunteers (usually children) collect any flowers or other gifts from the ice. There is usually a break to resurface the ice after every 2 groups. In the second and subsequent phases of the competition, the start orders and warmup groups are determined by current standings, with either a random draw within each group or competitors skating in reverse order of standing, depending on the rules of the particular competition.

Basic judging rules There are lots of rules in figure skating - the rulebooks for U.S. Figure Skating, the governing body of the sport in the U.S., run to more than 700 pages. Here we look at the rules for pairs and singles skaters at international competitions, including the World Figure Skating Championships and the Olympics. For many years, figure skating competitions were judged under the familiar 6.0 system, in which judges compared skaters to one another, ranked them and

19 gave each skater marks for technique and presentation ranging from 0 to 6. In 2004, the International Skating Union adopted the International Judging System for use at international competitions. At each step of the competition, each skater receives points for technical elements and program components. Various calculations take place, and the scores for the short program and free skate are combined to give a Competition Score. The skater with the highest score wins. Technical Element Score: Every element - every jump, spin, lift, footwork or spiral sequence - gets points. The base values are predetermined. A technical specialist identifies each element, and for some elements, such as spins and step sequences, also rates the level of difficulty from 1 to 4, with 4 being most difficult. Judges decide how well each element is done and give it a Grade of Execution from minus 3 to plus 3. The scores of the individual elements are added up, deductions for things like falls, time violations and illegal elements are taken, and the resulting number is the Technical Element Score. Program Component Score: Judges also score each skater's skating skills, transitions (linking footwork and movement!, performance/execution, choreography/composition and interpretation of the music. Scores range from 0.25 to 10. Many skaters and coaches like the international judging because of the detailed feedback it gives. Others like it because the quality of elements is rewarded (or punished). Some believe it takes some of the subjectivity out of judging. Because the system rewards complexity, simple programs done with pure technique - which many fans enjoy - do not score well. This may change over time as the rules are revised. In international competition, judges' scores are anonymous. The ISU believes that this offers judges protection to score as they see fit.

Vocabulary: practice session - тренировка; rink boards - бортики катка; short program - короткая программа; compulsory dance — обязательный танец; kiss and cry area - зона ожидания результатов; standing - место в турнирной таблице; 6.0 system - шестибалльная система оценки в фигурном катании; International Judging System — новая судейская система, судейская система ИСУ; World Figure Skating Championships - Чемпионаты мира по фигурному катанию; presentation - артистизм; technical element score - очки за элементы;

20 program component score - очки за общее впечатление; transitions (linking footwork and movement) — связующие элементы.


1.Read the text

2.Answer the following questions:

Do all the skaters practice at one and the same time? Why are the skaters so few on the ice? Do the skaters practice with the help of their coaches? Why do you think? How is the start order for the initial phase determined? In the subsequent phases of competition what are the start orders and warm­ up groups determined by? What is the current system of judging figure skating competitions and when was it adopted? What qualities of the skater’s performance are evaluated in the current system? What is included into the Technical Element Score? What is included into the Program Component Score? Why are the judges’ scores anonymous nowadays?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian: international or major national skating competitions, because of safety concerns, after a warm-up period, to have the right of way, the actual competition ice surface, be credentialed at the competition, be determined by random draw, to take the ice together, to be judged under a system, a Grade of Execution, a Competition Score, the system rewards complexity.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. At each step of the competition, each skater receives points for technical elements and program components. 2. Every element - every jump, spin, lift, footwork or spiral sequence - gets points. 3. The scores of the individual elements are added up, deductions for things like falls, time violations and illegal elements are taken, and the resulting number is the Technical Element Score. 4. At international competitions except for the Olympic Games, skaters are not permitted to skate except on the officially designated practice sessions once they have been credentialed at the competition.

21 5. For many years, figure skating competitions were judged under the familiar 6.0 system, in which judges compared skaters to one another, ranked them and gave each skater marks for technique and presentation ranging from 0 to 6. 6. In the second and subsequent phases of the competition, the start orders and warmup groups are determined by current standings, with either a random draw within each group or competitors skating in reverse order of standing, depending on the rules of the particular competition. 7. Many skaters and coaches like the international judging because of the detailed feedback it gives. 8. In 2004, the International Skating Union adopted the International Judging System for use at international competitions. 9. There is usually a break to resurface the ice after every 2 groups. 10.The skaters wait off the ice in the kiss and cry area for their marks to be read, while volunteers (usually children) collect any flowers or other gifts from the ice.

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Новая судейская система (также Судейская система ИСУ)— действующая система оценок для мужского и женского одиночного фигурного катания, парного катания, спортивных танцев на льду и синхронного фигурного катания. 2. Идея заменить старую систему оценок, существовавшую более 100 лет, возникла после скандала на зимних Олимпийских играх 2002 года, когда впервые в истории фигурного катания голос судьи был аннулирован и проведено повторное награждение (вручили второй комплект золотых медалей). 3. Вместо выставления двух «общих» оценок (за сложность программы и за её представление) судьи оценивают все элементы в программе по отдельности. 4. Ничьи, хоть и крайне редко, но бывают. Ничьи по одной программе разрешаются оценкой за технику в короткой программе и оценкой за компоненты — в произвольной. Ничьи по сумме нескольких программ — последней откатанной. 5. Новые споры разгорелись после второго места Евгения Плющенко на Олимпийских играх 2010 и третьего места Бриана Жубера на Чемпионате мира 2010. Дискуссии вызвало недовольство необъективно низким оцениванием четверных прыжков. 6. Короткая программа в фигурном катании— первая часть соревнований в одиночном (мужском и женском) и парном катании.

22 7. По результатам короткой программы, 24 лучших участника (в парах — 16 пар) затем исполняют произвольную программу. 8. В произвольной программе спортсмен и тренер имеют относительную творческую свободу в определении последовательности исполнения элементов, выборе оптимального варианта подхода к этим элементам, а также создании цельной по замыслу оригинальной композиции. 9. Все спортсмены пытаются выполнить максимально разрешенный набор элементов, поскольку за каждый из них начисляются баллы. 10.Так как каждый элемент имеет свою базовую стоимость, а количество элементов ограничено, кроме того, ограничено время, то имеется множество комбинаций элементов, варьируя которые, возможно набрать в программе наибольшее количество баллов.

6. Make the summary o f the text in Russian and translate it back into English.

Lesson 4. Figure Skaters


1. Act as Interpreter:

Interview with (one of the top-skaters nowadays, Canada). Trophee Bompard, November 2008.

Q: Джоанны, у Вас в этом году появилось две новые программы.

Joannie: Yes. The short program, “Summertime” was originally an exhibition program that Shae-Lynn choreographed for me. The point was also that 1 should feel relaxed and comfortable, like in an exhibition.

Q: Вы выбрали «аранхуэлъский концерт» для свободной программы, несмотря на то, что последние два сезона Вы также останавливались на

23 испанских мотивах, например, в прошлом году Вы выбрали композицию «Дон Жуан» Феликса Грея.

Joannie: At first we also thought that it might be too similar in style, but the “Concierto de Aranjuez” is a very classical music, Spanish, but classical, while last year’s program was more a Flamenco.

Q: Ранее Вы сказали, что этим летом Ваши тренировки отличались от обычных. Что именно изменилось?

Joannie: I was able to train better on the ice, a thing that I couldn’t do before, because I always was injured during the summer. So my on-ice training is better plus I also had more hours of training. I could repeat the jumps more often.

Q: А почему раньше Вы не могли тренироваться на льду дольше?

Joannie: I had only two hours on the ice for jumping. Now I have three. I have always done a lot off the ice like stretching, but my coach thinks that it’s really the additional time for jumping on the ice that makes a difference. I feel more confident. I had the possibility to train more on the ice before, but my coach and I decided to make a change. Before, we put more emphasis on quality. We still do that but we are also looking at the quantity to train the muscle memory to achieve a state when you can do the jumps automatically so I don’t have to think about each jump. So this has changed.

Q: Заметно, что сейчас Вы катаетесь намного более уверенно.

Joannie: Yes, skating is a sport and I think you need to repeat elements a lot and this is something I haven’t done before. I was always athletic off the ice, veiy sportive, but for skating you also need to be artistic and I had to change a lot here. I needed more time on the ice to work on the edges and on my upper body that was always stiff. This is better now.

Q: Был ли в Вашей практике момент, когда Вы почувствовали, что происходят какие-то изменения?

Joannie: I think I started to believe in it towards the end of September. After we did the long program with Lori (Nichol) this summer with all the exits from the jumps I came home and when I did the first run-through. I think I landed two triples. I thought I’d never be able to do it and that this program is too hard. At the test skate of in September in it still wasn’t very good. But then it improved and I was doing more repetitions, more run-throughs. We’ve tried to change my mental approach for the competition, to take away the stress and to be calm. O f course, there is still stress but being calm and being able to be

24 happy on the ice, even though I’m not a very expressive person to have a smile on my face is very important this year.

Q: После того, как Вы победили в двух соревнованиях Гран-При и побили рекорд действующего чемпиона мира Мао Асада, Вы стали одним из главных претендентов на выход в финал Гран-При и победу в Чемпионате Мира. Стал ли такой успех для Вас неожиданностью?

Joannie: I don’t think there is a new role for me. I know that Yu-Na (Kim) and Mao (Asada) are really strong competitors and technically they are rising the bar and setting the standard for female figure skating. I admire both of them a lot. Mao didn’t skate her best here in Paris, nor did I. For me, this victory gives me confidence, but at the same time I know that Mao wasn’t at her best. So I don’t think that I really overtook Mao, it’s more like that I had a good competition and that I managed to stay focused and I stepped through the open door which is something I wouldn’t have done in the past. I would have been too nervous and I would have missed everything! So I remained focused on myself and at the end of the performance I didn’t really think that I would have won. I was just happy that 1 was able to skate a decent program after Mao because it was quite difficult to skate after her.

Q: Ранее Вы заявили, что одной из главных Ваших целей в этом сезоне является улучшение очков за общее впечатление. Появились ли у Вас какие- то новые цели после победы в соревнованиях Гран-При?

Joannie: For sure I didn’t fulfill all my goals that 1 had set for myself like at Skate Canada. There were some jump exits that 1 took out. I think 1 was less confident and didn’t feel quite over my feet. Just this week, the practice was a little less strong. I’m pleased that I was able to concentrate on my program and to do like in practice, but for the Grand Prix Final my goals don’t change. I don’t set myself a goal in terms of placement. I didn’t do that from the beginning of the season and 1 won’t do it now. I’m just pleased that I go to the Final. That’s better!

Q: Благодарю за Ваше интервью и желаю успехов в оставшихся соревнованиях сезона.

Vocabulary: exhibition program - показательное выступление; free program — произвольная программа; muscle memory — мышечная память; run-through — репетиция; rise the bar - повысить планку; component score - очки за общее впечатление; go to the final — пройти в финал.

25 2. Read the following article:

Sotnikova bags Junior World title 2011 World Junior Figure Skating Championships March 5,2011 Article by Tatiana Flade

Adelina Sotnikova of Russia dominated the Ladies at Junior Worlds and took the title in convincing fashion. Teammate Lisa Tuktamysheva claimed the silver medal, trailing the leader by 5.85 points, while USA's captured the bronze. Russia was the most successful country at Junior Worlds with five medals - two golds and three silvers. and the USA both had two medals each, while Canada, China and took home one medal each. Sotnikova looked in command when she took the ice as the third skater in the final flight. She opened her routine to Rondo Capriccioso" with a spectacular triple Lutz-triple loop combination (which alone was worth 12.10 points), followed by a double Axel-triple toeloop, three more clean triples, and two level-four spins. She only stepped out of the landing of the triple flip. The Muscovite scored 115.45 points and had 174.96 points overall. "Overall I skated well for myself," the 14-year-old from Moscow said. "There was one mistake, but it didn't prevent me from winning. 1 am so happy to have won my first Junior Worlds. I don't have words right now. I was lucky to win at my first attempt, but I deserved it." "When I came here I didn't think about that this is the Junior World Championship," she explained. "It was like an ordinary competition for me and I was calm." The equally talented Tuktamysheva produced five triples and two level-four spins in her stylish program to Asturias. She earned 110.51 points which added up to 169.11 points. "The competition was at a very high level, the 14-year-old acknowledged. "I skated well in the short program, but my free program wasn't so good today. The second place is good, but I could have won if I had shown my technical content, but it didn't work out. Well, I still have everything ahead of me." Tuktamysheva regretted her errors.

26 "My triple Lutz-triple toe combination. I didn't show it as I had planned,” she sighed. "Then there was this inexplicable pop of the Salchow (into a double), but even if I had done the Salchow, it would not have made a difference in the result. If I had the chance, I'd go back out on the ice right away and would skate my program again." Both the gold and the silver medalist competed in their first Junior Worlds. Zawadzki had drawn to skate last and ended the competition on a high note with her strong Gypsy-themed program to Zigeunerweisen. The 16-year-old from Colorado Springs nailed a double Axel-triple toe, three more triples and three level-four spins, but underrotated the triple loop and Salchow. She picked up a seasons best with 107.90 points and pulled up from fifth to third at 161.07 points. "I am ecstatic about my long program," said Zawadzki. "I've worked very hard for getting it clean and finally I did it at the right time. I'm not so happy with my short program. I did a triple-double (toeloop combination) instead of a triple- triple, but I worked through that and fought hard for the long." Teammate stepped out of her opening triple flip and couldn't do her triple-triple combination. She also did a three-turn out of the triple Lutz and her shaky double Axel was underrotated. The American dropped one spot to fourth (155.27 points). Japan's Risa Shoji managed to rotate almost all her triple jumps (except for the loop) and finished fifth at 151.27 points. USA's came in sixth (150.92 points). The 15-year-old skated well and showed off her precision her Malaguena routine. She landed five clean triples, but the back end of her triple flip-triple toe was downgraded as in the short program. Polina Shelepen of Russia missed a triple Lutz in her Russian Folk program, and together three jumps were underrotated. She dropped from fourth to seventh. Japan's Miyabi Oba missed her triple Lutz attempt, but landed five triples to place eighth. Zijun Li of China started well into her program, but ran out of steam later on and fell on a triple loop. She was ranked ninth. Ira Vannut made the biggest leap today. The Belgian turned in a solid program with four triples and cracked the top ten. She was only 18th in the short program, but ranked 10th overall in the end.

3. Translate into English:

добавить в копилку своих достижений звание чемпионки мира среди юниоров; завоевать титул; завоевать серебро; отстать от победителя на — очков; получить бронзу; выйти на лед; Я хорошо откатала короткую программу; У меня все впереди; сожалеть об ошибках; недокрутить тройной тулуп; сместиться с первого места на четвертое; хорошо начать программу; но затем терять пыл.

27 4. Translate into Russian: triple Lutz-triple loop combination, double Axe double Axel-triple toeloop, landing of the triple flip, five triples, level-four spins, triple Lutz-triple toe combination, Russian Folk program.

5. Make a summary of the article “Sotnikova bags..,” in Russian. Make a consecutive translation o f the summary into English.

6. Read the following text about a famous figure skater and pick up active vocabulary:

Kim Yu-Na is a South Korean figure skater. She is the 2010 Olympic champion in Ladies' Singles, the 2009 World champion, the 2009 Four Continents champion, a three-time (2006-2007, 2007- 2008, 2009-2010) Grand Prix Final champion, the 2006 World Junior champion, the 2005-2006 Junior Grand Prix Final champion, and a four-time (2002-2005) South Korean national champion. Kim is the first South Korean figure skater to win a medal at an ISU Junior or Senior Grand Prix event, ISU Championship, and the Olympic Games. She is the first female skater to win the Olympic Games, the World Championships, the Four Continents Championships and the Grand Prix Final. She is one of the most highly recognized athletes and media figures in South Korea. As of March 2011, she is ranked first in the world by the International Skating Union (ISU). She is the current record holder for ladies in the short program, the and the combined total under the ISU Judging System. She is also the first female skater to surpass the 200-point mark under the ISU Judging System. She has never placed off the podium in her entire career.


The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships (4CC) - Чемпионат четырёх континентов по фигурному катанию; The Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final - Финал Гран-при по фигурному катанию; The World Junior Figure Skating Championships ("World Juniors" or "Junior Worldsfr) - Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию среди юниоров;

28 The ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Гран-при по фигурному катанию среди юниоров.

7. Translate at sight the following text into Russian:

Biography: Kim Yu-Na. By Lynette Alice, March 2010 Kim Yu-Na of South Korea is more than the reigning world champion in figure skating and more than the gold medal winner at the 2010 Winter Olympic games in Vancouver - she is a newly minted Olympic and world record holder as well as a national hero. Even saying that is an understatement as she has gone beyond rock star status to perhaps be the most recognizable figure in her country. What makes that amazing is "Queen Yu-Na" as she is known at home did all that before she was 18 years old. Bom on the fifth of November 1990, Yu-Na (Kim is the family surname) in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do where she lived until she was six. A year later after her family relocated to Gunpo she began figure skating. It was hardly easy as ice time was at а premium not only financially but for any kids to ^ just get on the ice during the day. She loved Ш0Ш — f j f skating and her family wanted her to skate, but т Л _ : Жь it was a very different situation than kids in Europe or North America were in when it came to being able to practice. At that time in Korea ; ^ the kids that wanted to skate on a regular basis mostly had to do so at night. When Yu-Na was ten she landed her first successful triple jump. By 2002 all the hours and sacrifices began bearing fruit when she won A the Triglav Trophy at her first international competition. By the time she was 14 she was some believe the best at landing triple jumps in the world - and not just in the juniors division - but including people twice her age. She already began landing the triple toe loop, triple toe loop triple toe loop combination (which is insane at that age), triple lutz, and the amazing triple flip triple toe loop. It wasn't just the jumps that separated Yu-Na from everyone else, it was her speed. She could generate so much speed on her spins and during her routine in general that she was a blur. Nobody could keep up with her and some coaches swore she was faster than some speed skaters her age if put in a head to head race. By 2006 it was obvious to everyone including her coach that she was special enough she needed training beyond what was available to her at home. Actually it was evident when she was only 14 and had taken her second senior title at the South Korean Figure Skating championships - her first came when she was 12! She moved to Canada to begin training with former figure skater who took her to the next level. Dividends were paid immediately as she won the 2006 World Junior Championships. That was just the tip of the iceberg though as

29 she then went on to win the South Korean National Championship 5 times, took the bronze in 2007-2008 World Championships, and more impressively the Four Continents Championship in 2007-2008. For good measure you have to toss in that she was also the Grand Prix Final champion 2006 and 2007 as well. On Tuesday night, 2/23/10, Yu-Na set the new world record for the short program with a score of 78.5! On Februaiy 26, Kim Yu Na made history with her long program piling up a score of 150.06 which was enough to easily secure the gold medal and break her own record. Kim Yu-Na had done what she came to do and then some - she won the gold and set the world record score as a bonus. In the minds of many that saw her, Queen Yu-Na's long program was the best Olympic program skate they ever saw.

*Thc Triglav Trophy is an annual international figure skating competition held in the spring in Jesenice. Slovenia.

8. Insert the missing words and translate the sentences into Russian:

1) She is a newly Olympic and world record as well as a national hero. 2) At that time in Korea the kids that wanted to skate a regular basis mostly had to do so at night. 3) When Yu-Na was ten she her first successful triple jump. 4) By the time she was 14 she was the b e st landing triple jumps in the world. 5) Nobody could keep with her and some coaches swore she was faster than some speed skaters her age if put in a ____race. 6) She could generate so much speed her spins a n d her routine in general that she was a blur. 7 ) Tuesday night, 2/23/10, Yu-Na the new world record the short program a score of 78.5! 8 ) February 26, Kim Yu Na made history her long program piling up a score of 150.06 which was enough to easily secure the gold medal and___ her own record.

9. Interpret the Press Conference into Russian:

1) FIGURE SKATING: U.S. Women's Figure Skating Press Conference transcript Christiana Johns February 13, 2010 9:41 PM (Arcadia, Calif.) On what she’s been up to since nationals: “After nationals, I’ve been eating, sleeping, drinking ice skating because right after I came back from nationals I was on the ice and I started training. It’s been my dream to come to the Olympics so I’ve been doing everything I can to skate my best performance here because I don’t want to waste this chance.”

30 (Del Mar, Calif.) On her reaction to the Opening Ceremony: “For me, I think the most special moment was probably when they raised the Olympic flag, I just got chills. I couldn’t believe that I was actually here. Watching the Olympic flag getting raised, the whole experience was just incredible. It’s still unfathomable and I’m still in complete disbelief at this point still. It’s starting to sink in now that I’m getting into a routine and everything and figuring out where everything is. It was incredible. The entire event, it was just phenomenal. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that I’m sure either one of us will never forget.” Rachael Flatt (Del Mar, Calif.) On sizing up the competition: “I think [South Korea’s Kim] Yuna has the most pressure coming into this competition because she did win Worlds last year. She’s a very strong contender for the gold, but at the same time, there are several other competitors that we all know can perform their best and potentially come out on top. I know Mirai and I are both incredibly excited to come out here and kick some butt. We’re very excited. 1 think we’re both incredibly trained and we both showed that at nationals. I think it’s going to be great competition.” Mirai Nagasu (Arcadia, Calif.) On sizing up the competition: “Being the heavy the favorite is not always a good thing, because of the amount of pressure. It is the Olympics so the whole world is watching. I feel like, hopefully, I’ll just be able to stand next to Yuna and while she’s carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders I’ll just be holding it up with a finger.” Rachael Flatt (Del Mar, Calif.) On her expectations to perform: “I think coming in as an underdog certainly helps. I think I function well under the radar a little bit. At the same time, I’m sure it’s going to be difficult for Yuna for the amount of pressure she’s going to be getting from her federation, form her country, all of her fans. But at the same time she’s an incredibly experienced athlete so I’m sure she’ll be prepared. I think at this point in the game, I’m just looking forward to going out and competing against the best girls in the world at the Olympic Games. Hopefully, performing my best under the best circumstances.” Mirai Nagasu (Arcadia, Calif.) On her expectations to perform: “Competing against Yuna, I’m just here to skate my own best and thinking about it as my own Olympics. Regardless of how she skates, I’ll want to skate my best and have fun out there, especially since it’s my Olympics. Because we don’t know about what she knows yet, we can just go in there with a blank mind and attack out there and have fun.” Rachael Flatt (Del Mar, Calif.) On making adjustments in her program: “My programs were the same as they were in nationals so I’m still doing my flip- twirl combination programs. Aside from that, I think my triple-triple is a great risk

31 in and of itself. At the same time I know there are a lot of other aspects of my programs that will gain points and allow me to have good marks throughout the competition. Other than that, my programs are exactly the same as they were in nationals.” Mirai Nagasu (Arcadia, Calif.) On making adjustments in her program: “I think the biggest change I’m going to have in my program is I’m going to attempt the . No, I’m just kidding. At this point in the competition, I had a strong performance at Nationals, and I’d like to do better than that, so I think risking the quad isn’t worth it. I certainly wish I could do it but I can’t. I’d like to make a strong showing with what I have.” Mirai Nagasu (Arcadia, Calif.) On downgraded the jumps in her long program: “Regardless of the downgrades in my jumps, 1 was really proud of myself at Nationals, because I really felt that 1 told the story of a young Carmen. Just having the audience stand up before I even finished my last spin, it was phenomenal. I just had a lot of fun. When I went home, I went back to work on my jumps. It wasn’t my decision to downgrade my jumps; it was the judges’ decision. I hope at the Olympics I won’t make the same mistake that will cost me the title again.”

2) FIGURE SKATING: Men’s Press Conference Transcript Lisa Ramsperger February 13,2010 11:06 PM

Johnny Weir (Quarryville, Pa.) “These last few weeks have been a busy time preparing for this competition. I haven’t really felt like it’s really happening. It’s just been pretty much business as usual. I’ve been skating very well. Everything is moving towards a purpose and that’s this Olympic championship.”

On coming back to skating: “After last season and not being named to the United States World Team, it was very depressing and a big hit to my ego. I quit for a few months. One day, my mom called and it was a really bad day. My mom, she said, ‘You know Johnny, I don’t want you to be my age and have any regrets.’ So, just the fact that I would be 50 one day, and that I would regret the decisions that I’m making now, that’s something that really pushed me back onto the ice. I didn’t want to regret missing my last real opportunity at the Olympic Games.”

Evan Lysacek (Naperville, 111.)

On Russian skater: “I think it’s good news for all of the men because it’s bringing more awareness. Skating in Russia is very popular, and especially with the men there. So, for them to have a skating star back is kind of nice to have that whole audience following the sport. ...I don’t think anyone is unbeatable right now. Because of the way the sport is judged, obviously there is a lot of room for error,

32 but there’s also a lot of room to gain extra points in what you are doing. So, I think we’re all focusing on doing what we can do to the best of our ability.”

On foot: “The stress fracture was a year ago before the World Championships. And I wasn’t able to do any jumps on my left foot leading up to the Worlds last year, and I had to take several weeks off to let it heal in a cast. And, it took quite a while for me to be able to jump off the left foot again. But, the last couple weeks, working on quads again and before the Nationals, 1 started to have some problems with my foot again, so I’ve tried to alleviate some the stress on my left foot by really limiting what I’m doing.”

On if he will try a quad here: “Right now, I’m not planning on it. I’ve been doing just a couple triple toes every day. If I really feel it in the heat of the moment, I have been doing them every once in a while in practice and I know that I can do it, so if I feel it’s something that I want to throw in and risk it, that option is definitely open. But, my plan right now is to do what I can do well.”

Jeremy Abbot (Aspen, Colo.) On coach advice: “He’s really just said to stay calm, keep my focus and don’t get distracted. It’s hard to keep things normal. ... I feel so inspired just to see the Olympic rings everywhere. I haven’t been overwhelmed at all, just really inspired.”

Vocabulary: nationals — национальный чемпионат; unfathomable - невероятный; size up — оценивать величину, размер; underdog - неудачник; flip-twirl combination - сочетание флипа и вращения; quad - четверной (прыжок); be named to the United States World Team - войти в Сборную команду США; stress fracture — усталостный перелом; triple toes - тройные тулупы (разг.).

Glossary (Figure Skating):

6.0 system - шестибалльная система оценки в фигурном катании; axel - прыжок аксель; be named to the United States World Team - войти в Сборную команду США; Biellmann position - спираль в положении бильманн; bracket turn - поворот-скобка;

33 camel spin position — вращение в положении «ласточка»; catch-foot position — спираль «колечко»; Choctaws — поворот чоктау; circular step sequences — круговые дорожки coach - тренер; competitive career - спортивная карьера; component score - очки за общее впечатление; compulsory dance - обязательный танец; edge - лезвие; edge changes — смена ребра конька, на который опирается спортсмен; edge jump — рёберный прыжок; exhibition program - показательное выступление; exhibitions - показательные выступления; flip - прыжок флип; flip-twirl combination - сочетание флипа и вращения; free program — произвольная программа; go to the final - пройти в финал; ice dancing - танцы на льду; International Judging System - новая судейская система, судейская система ИСУ; International Skating Union — Международный союз конькобежцев; kiss and cry area — зона ожидания результатов; landing - приземление; loop, Rittberger jump — прыжок риттбергер; lunge - выпад; Lutz - прыжок лутц; mohawk — поворот моухок; muscle memory - мышечная память; nationals - национальный чемпионат; off-season - время, когда нет регулярных соревнований по данному виду спорта; pair skating - парное фигурное катание; practice session — тренировка; presentation - артистизм; Program Component Score - Очки за общее впечатление; quad - четверной (прыжок); rink boards — бортики катка; rise the bar — повысить планку; rocker and counter — крюк и выкрюк; run-through — репетиция; Salchow — прыжок сальхов; serpentine step sequences — дорожки в форме серпантина; short program — короткая программа; single skating - одиночное фигурное катание; sit spin position - вращение в положении сидя;

34 size up — оценивать величину, размер; speed skating — скоростной бег на коньках (конькобежный спорт); spin - вращение; spiral sequence - последовательность спиралей; standing - место в турнирной таблице; step sequence - дорожка шагов; straight line step sequences - дорожки по прямой; stress fracture - усталостный перелом; synchronized skating — синхронное фигурное катание; take off - толчок; Technical Element Score - Очки за элементы; The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships (4CC) - Чемпионат четырёх континентов по фигурному катанию; The G rand Prix of Figure Skating Final - Финал Гран-при по фигурному катанию; the height to width ratio of the metal blade - пропорциональное соотношение высоты металлического лезвия к его ширине; the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Гран-при по фигурному катанию среди юниоров; The World Junior Figure Skating Championships {"World Juniors" or "Junior Worlds") - Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию среди юниоров; three turn - поворот-тройка; to perform a spin - выполнить вращение; toe jum p — зубцовый прыжок; toe loop — прыжок тулуп; toe pick — зубец лезвия конька; transitions (linking footwork and movement) - связующие элементы; triple toes - тройные тулупы (разг.); turn — поворот; twizzle — поворот-твизл; underdog — неудачник; under-rotation — недоворот; unfathomable - невероятный; upright spin position - вращение в положении стоя; World Figure Skating Championships - Чемпионаты Мира по фигурному катанию.

35 Curling

Lesson 1. History of Curling

When Winter muffles up his cloak, And binds the mire like a rock; When to the loughs the curlers flock Wi' gleesome speed .... —Robert Burns, "Tam Samson's Elegy" (1787)

Their chief amusement in winter is curling, or playing stones on smooth ice. They eagerly vie with one another who shall come nearest the mark, and one part of the parish against another, one description of men against another, one trade or occupation against another.... The amusement itself is healthful; it is innocent; it does nobody harm; let them enjoy it. —Sir John Sinclair's Statistical Account of Scotland" (1781-1799)

Curling has been described as the “Roarin’ Game”, with the “roar” coming from the noise of a granite stone as it travels over the ice. The exact origins of the game, however, are unclear, but curling is widely believed to be one of the world’s oldest team sports. Paintings by a 16th Century Flemish Artist, Pieter Bruegel (1530-1569) portrayed an activity similar to curling being played on frozen ponds. The first written evidence appeared in Latin, when in 1540, John McQuhin, a notary in Paisley, Scotland, recorded in his protocol book a challenge between John Sclater, a monk in Paisley Abbey and Gavin Hamilton, a representative of the Abbot. The report indicated that Sclater threw a stone along the ice three times and asserted that he was ready for the agreed contest. What is clear, however, is that what may have started as an enjoyable pastime of throwing stones over ice during a harsh Northern European winter, has

36 evolved into a popular modem sport with its own World Championships attracting fans and large television audiences. Curling in its early days was played on frozen lochs and ponds. A pastime still enjoyed in some countries when weather permits, but all National and International competitive curling competitions now take place in indoor rinks with the condition of the ice carefully temperature-controlled. It is also clear that the first recognized Curling Clubs were formed in Scotland, and during the 19th Century the game was «exported» wherever Scots settled around the world in cold climates, most notably at that time in Canada, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and New Zealand. The first Rules were drawn up in Scotland, and they were formally adopted as the «Rules in Curling» by the Grand Caledonian Curling Club, which was formed in Edinburgh in 1838 and became the sport’s governing body. Four years later, following a demonstration of curling on the ballroom floor of Scone Palace near Perth by the Earl of Mansfield during a visit by Queen Victoria, the Queen was so fascinated by the game that in 1843 she gave permission for the Club’s name to be changed to the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC). It is recorded that international curling events were staged in the 19th century in Europe and North America, but it was not until the first Olympic Winter Games at Chamonix in 1924 that any form of official International competition took place for men’s teams. Great Britain defeated Sweden and France in what was retroactively accepted in 2006 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as Curling’s Olympic debut, with medals awarded. Another 25 years passed before a meeting was held in Edinburgh in 1957 to consider the formation of an international organization which would be required in order to apply for Olympic medal status. No progress was documented, but two years later, in 1959, Scotland and Canada reached a major milestone by launching the Scotch Cup series between their national men's curling champions. Interest in other countries was generated, and the USA (1961), Sweden (1962), Norway and Switzerland (1964), France (1966) and (1967) expanded the Scotch Cup entry. The 1959-67 results now are recognized in the curling history of the men's world championship. The success of the Scotch Cup series led to another attempt, in March 1965, to create a global administration. The Royal Caledonian Curling Club (Scotland) convened a meeting in Perth, Scotland, and six countries (Scotland, Canada, USA, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland) agreed to a proposal to form an international

37 committee of the Royal Club, to be called the International Curling Federation (ICF). The following year, in March, 1966, in Vancouver, Canada, a draft constitution for the ICF was considered by seven countries (France was added to the original six), and the Federation was declared to be established as of April 1, 1966. The constitution was approved in March 1967, at Perth, and a set of rules for international competition was proposed. At the Federation's annual meeting in 1968 in Pointe Claire, Quebec, these rules were adopted, but are subject to amendment and revision each year. The Constitution had a significant adjustment in 1982, when the Federation was declared an independent entity and approved as the governing body for curling in the world, while the Royal Caledonian Curling Club was acknowledged as the Mother Club of Curling. In 1991, the name of the Federation was changed to the (WCF). During the meeting of the IOC Executive Board held June 22-23, 1993 in Lausanne, the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Winter Games (NAOC) officially agreed to include Curling in the programme of the XVIII Olympic Winter Games in 1998. Eight teams for men and women participated in Nagano, and this was increased to ten from the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 onwards. In May 2000, the WCF Secretariat moved from Edinburgh to Perth, Scotland. The first World Wheelchair Curling Championship was held in January 2002 and in March that year, the International Paralympic Committee granted official medal status to Wheelchair Curling for mixed gender teams. The Organizing Committee of the Torino Paralympic Winter Games 2006 agreed to include Wheelchair Curling in their programme. Other international events introduced in 2002 included World Senior Championships for men and women, and the Continental Cup, a competition run along the same lines as golfs Ryder Cup, with Team North America (Canada and USA) versus Europe (now Team World). In 2003, Curling was featured on the programmes of the World University Winter Games and the Asian Winter Games for the first time. The growth of the sport in Asia was recognized with the World Women’s Championship held in Aomori, Japan, in 2007 and Gangneung, Korea, in 2009. In 2008 the first World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship was staged in Vierumaki, Finland. Mixed doubles curling marks a break from traditional curling,

38 as teams are comprised of two players — one male and one female. The Championship has grown from strength to strength and is now an annual fixture on the WCF calendar.


International Olympic Committee (IOC) - Международный Олимпийский Комитет (МОК); International Curling Federation (ICF) - Международная федерация керлинга (ИКФ); World Curling Federation (WCF) - Всемирная федерация керлинга (ВКФ); World Wheelchair Curling Championship - Чемпионат мира по керлингу среди инвалидов-колясочников; The Continental Cup - Континентальный кубок по керлингу; World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship - Чемпионат мира по керлингу среди смешанных пар.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

- Why was curling described as the “roaring” game? - What is the first written evidence of the existence of the game? What other evidence do we have? - In what way has the game changed since the time of its origin? - What country did curling come from? What was one of the key factors of its wide spread? - How did the first curling club acquire the status of a Royal club? - When did curling acquire the status of an Olympic sport? What country won the first gold in curling? - How was the International Curling Federation created? - When was the constitution for the ICF adopted? Has it undergone any changes since that time? - How is ICF called now? When did it change its name? - When was the first World Wheelchair Curling Championship held? - What is the Continental Cup? - What important step in the development of the game was made in 2008?

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Гранитный камень; состязание между ... и ...; бросать камень; соревнования проходят в закрытых помещениях, где тщательно поддерживается

39 необходимая температура ледового покрытия; клуб любителей керлинга; составить правила игры в керлинг; зимние Олимпийские игры; претендовать на статус олимпийского вида спорта; расширить список участников конкурса; включить керлинг в программу зимних Олимпийских игр; соревнования по керлингу среди смешанных пар.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The sport which has started as an enjoyable pastime of throwing stones over ice during a harsh Northern European winter, has evolved into a popular modem sport with its own World Championships. 2) Nowadays all National and International competitive curling competitions take place in indoor rinks with the condition of the ice carefully temperature-controlled. 3) The first curling rules were drawn up in Scotland. 4) Interest for curling in other countries was generated, and the USA, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland, France and Germany expanded the Scotch Cup entry. 5) In March, 1966, in Vancouver, Canada, a draft constitution for the ICF was considered by seven countries, and the Federation was declared to be established as of April 1,1966. 6) During the meeting of the IOC Executive Board held June 22-23, 1993 in Lausanne, the Organizing Committee of the Nagano Olympic Winter Games (NAOC) officially agreed to include Curling in the programme of the XVIII Olympic Winter Games in 1998. 7) The Continental Cup is a competition run along the same lines as golfs Ryder Cup, with Team North America (Canada and USA) versus Europe (now Team World). 8) The first World Wheelchair Curling Championship was held in January 2002 and in March that year, the International Paralympic Committee granted official medal status to Wheelchair Curling for mixed gender teams. 9) In 2003, Curling was featured on the programmes of the World University Winter Games and the Asian Winter Games for the first time. 10) Mixed doubles curling marks a break from traditional curling, as teams are comprised of two players - one male and one female. The Championship has grown from strength to strength and is now an annual fixture on the WCF calendar.

5. Translate the words and word-combinations in brackets. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. (Международный Олимпийский комитет) is an international corporation based in Lausanne, Switzerland, created by Pierre de Coubertin on 23 June

40 1894. (МОК) organizes the modern (Олимпийские игры) and (Юношеские Олимпийские игры), held in summer and winter, every four years. 2. (Керлинг) is a very old Scottish sport. The first report about (матч no керлингу) between two monks stems from Paisley Abbey near Glasgow and is dated February 1540. 3. Curling was (включен в программу зимних Олимпийских игр) in 1924 in Chamonix. 4. Two events are contested, (среди мужских и среди женских команд). А third, (среди смешанных пар), was considered for inclusion in the but was rejected because the Olympic Programme Commission felt it had not developed enough. 5. Истоки керлинга затеряны в истории Шотландии. Именно в этой стране при раскопках был найден (curling stone) с выбитой датой 1511. Шотландцы соревновались в (throwing stones) примерно одинаковой формы и веса по (frozen ice of rivers and lakes), стараясь попасть ими в цель. 6. В 1950 году по инициативе (national federations) ряда стран Европы и Америки была основана (International Curling Federation), с 1951 года под эгидой (ICF) стали проводиться (European championships) по этому виду спорта. 7. (World Curling Federation)— управляющая организация мирового кёрлинга, расположенная в Перте (Шотландия). Она была сформирована из (International Curling Federation), когда кёрлинг (acquierd Olympic status). Переименование произошло в 1991 году. 8. С 22 февраля по 1 марта 2011 года в Праге (Чехия) состоялся (World Wheelchair Curling Championship). Спортсмены (Russian Paralympic team) завоевали четвертое место, что является лучшим результатом за всю историю выступления российских спортсменов на (World championships).

6. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Первыми площадками для игры в керлинг служили замёрзшие реки и озёра. 2) Первоначально для игры использовались подходящие по форме камни. В летописях Шотландского города Дарвел упоминается, о том что ткачи отдыхали, играя в кёрлинг каменными грузами используемыми в ткацких станках. 3) Холодный климат и несложные правила сделали керлинг очень популярным в Шотландии. В XVI - XVIII веках Шотландия вела активную торговлю с европейскими странами, а вместе с переселенцами керлинг попал и в новый свет. Особенно широкое распространение в силу климатических причин, он получил в Канаде.

41 4) Сейчас все международные соревнования по керлингу проходят в закрытых помещениях, где тщательно поддерживается особый температурный режим и необходимый уровень влажности воздуха. 5) Примерно с XVIII века, правила и форма игровой площадки, а так же требования к инвентарю стали стандартизироваться. 6) В первой половине XIX века были официально утверждены правила игры в керлинг, которые с тех пор почти не изменились. 7) В 1991 году в преддверии внесения керлинга в список олимпийских дисциплин Международная федерация была переименована во Всемирную федерацию кёрлинга. 8) После решения МОК в 1992 году о включении керлинга в программу зимних Олимпийских игр, его олимпийский дебют состоялся на Олимпиаде 1998 года в Нагано, где за медали боролись по 8 мужских и женских национальных сборных команд. 9) Созданная в 1991 году Федерация керлинга России с 1992 года входит в состав Мировой и Европейской федераций керлинга, с 1992 года сборные страны участвуют в официальных международных соревнованиях. 10) Первый чемпионат мира по керлингу среди смешанных пар прошел в 2008 году в Финляндии.

7. Make a summary o f the history o f curling.

Lesson 2. Curling Sheet

The curling sheet The playing surface or curling sheet is defined by the World Curling Federation Rules of Curling. The sheet is an area of ice, carefully prepared to be as flat and level as possible, 146 to 150 feet (45 to 46 m) in length by 14.5 to 16.5 feet (4.4 to 5.0 m) in width. A target, the house, is marked at each end of the sheet. The house consists of three concentric rings formed by painting or laying coloured vinvl sheet under the ice and are usually distinguished by colour. These rings are defined by their diameters as the four-foot, eight-foot and twelve-foot rings. The rings are merely a visual aid for aiming and judging which stone is closer to the centre; they do not affect scoring but a stone must at least touch the outer ring or it does not score. Each house is centred on the intersection of the centre line, drawn lengthwise down the centre of the sheet and one of the tee lines, drawn 16 feet (4.9 m) from, and parallel to, each backboard. These lines divide the houses into quarters. The centre of each house, at the intersection of the centre line and the tee line, is known as the button. Two hog lines, are drawn 37 feet (11m) from, and parallel to, each backboard.

42 The hacks are fixed twelve feet behind each button; a hack gives the thrower something to push against when making the throw. On indoor rinks, there are usually two fixed hacks, rubber-lined holes, one on each side of the centre line, with the inside edge no more than 3 inches (76 mm) from the centre line and the front edge on the hack line.

A curling sheet, with dimensions - CL: Centreline • HOL: Hogline • TL: Teeline • BL: Backline • HA: Hackline with Hacks • FGZ: Free Guard Zone

The ice may be natural but is usually frozen by a refrigeration plant pumping a brine solution through numerous pipes fixed lengthwise at the bottom of a shallow pan of water. Most curling clubs have an ice maker, whose main job is to care for the ice. At the major curling championships, ice maintenance is extremely important. Large events, such as the Brier or other national championships, are typically held in an arena that presents a challenge to the ice maker, who must constantly monitor and adjust the ice and air temperatures as well as air humidity levels to ensure a consistent playing surface. It is common for each sheet of ice to have multiple sensors embedded in order to monitor surface temperature, as well as probes set up in the seating area (to monitor humidity) and in the compressor room (to monitor brine supply and return temperatures).The surface of the ice is maintained at a temperature of around 23 °F (-5 °C). A key part of the preparation of the playing surface is the spraying of water droplets onto the ice, which form pebble on freezing. As the stone moves over the pebble, any rotation of the stone causes it to curl to the inside or outside; the amount of curl can change during a game as the pebble wears.

Vocabulary: curling sheet - игровое поле, игровая площадка; stone -«камень» - спортивный снаряд для игры в керлинг; house - «дом»; centre line - центральная линия площадки; tee line - линия центра «дома»; quarter - четверть «дома»; button - центр дома; hog line - зачетная линия; hack - колодка;

43 thrower — игрок, осуществляющий бросок; hack line - стартовая линия, линия колодок; free guard zone — зона «свободных защитников»; icemaker — специалист по подготовке льда; the Brier — чемпионат мира по кёрлингу среди мужчин, проводимый в Канаде («Tim Horton’s Brier Canadian Curling Championships»).

Exercises: 1. Read the text 2. Answer the following questions:

- What are the dimensions of the curling sheet? - What does the house consist of? What are the rings used for? - What lines are painted on the ice sheet? - What is a hack? What are hacks used for? - Who is responsible for the ice? How is the quality of the ice controlled? - How is ice prepared?

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Идеально гладкая и ровная игровая поверхность; влиять на подсчет очков; бросок не засчитывается; пересечение центральной линии площадки с линией центра «дома»; отталкиваться во время броска; поддержание льда в требуемом состоянии; регулировать температуру льда и температуру воздуха; следить за уровнем влажности воздуха; встроенные датчики; вращение камня; шероховатость ледовой поверхности снижается.

4. Translate the words and word-combinations in brackets. Translate the sentences front English into Russian.

1) (Игровая поверхность) is 15 feet wide and 138 feet long from (колодка) to (колодка) (rubber footrests where the curling delivery begins). (Дом) is 12 feet in diameter, with rings of 8 feet, 4 feet and one foot (центр дома) painted into the ice. 2) When а (игрок в керлинг) leaves the (колодка) to deliver a stone, he must release that stone before the front edge of it hits (зачетная линия). (Зачетная линия) is 33 feet from (колодка) and 93 feet from (линия центра «дома») on the other end of (игровая площадка). 3) (Центральная линия площадки) runs lengthwise down the center of the ice. (Центральная линия площадки) is only used as a visual aid and is not used in (правила керлинга). Some sheets do not have (центральная линия)

44 between the two (зачетные линии), other sheets do not have (центральная линия) at all. 4) The ice is (покрыт мелкими ледовыми бугорками), rather than smooth. It is accomplished by (разбрызгивать) warm water on the prepared ice surface. The purpose is to give the stones something to grip so that their (вращение) will make them curve; if the ice were perfectly smooth, it would be impossible to curl the stone. 5) В течение первых четырёх бросков каждого энда (то есть по два броска каждой команды) действует так называемое (Free Guard Zone rule). Согласно ему запрещено выбивать из игры камни, которые находятся между (hog line) и (tee line), но при этом не находящиеся в (house). 6) Зона (curling sheet), в которой происходит перемещение (curling stones), ограничена (side lines) и (back lines). Ширина боковых линий не входит в размеры игровой площадки, ширина задних линий входит в размеры игровой площадки. 7) Отталкиваясь от (hack), игроки двух команд поочередно разгоняют камень и посылают его в противоположный конец площадки. Запрещены "заступы": камень необходимо выпустить до того, как он пересечет ближнюю к игроку (hog line). 8) По льду равномерно (spray) небольшие (water drops), которые образуют на поверхности (pebble).

5. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The playing surface or curling sheet is defined by the World Curling Federation Rules of Curling. 2) The rings are merely a visual aid for aiming and judging which stone is closer to the centre; they do not affect scoring but a stone must at least touch the outer ring or it does not score. 3) The centre and the tee line divide the houses into quarters. 4) The centre of each house, at the intersection of the centre line and the tee line, is known as the button. 5) Two hog lines, are drawn 11 m from, and parallel to, each backboard. 6) The ice may be natural but is usually frozen by a refrigeration plant pumping a brine solution through numerous pipes fixed lengthwise at the bottom of a shallow pan of water. 7) Most curling clubs have an ice maker, whose main job is to care for the ice. 8) Each sheet of ice has multiple sensors embedded in order to monitor surface temperature. 9) A key part of the preparation of the playing surface is the spraying of water droplets onto the ice, which form pebble on freezing. 10) Any rotation of the stone causes it to curl to the inside or outside; the amount of curl can change during a game as the pebble wears.

45 6. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) Игра в кёрлинг проводится на площадке с ледовой поверхностью. 2) Площадка для игры в кёрлинг имеет форму прямоугольника, на поверхность площадки наносится специальная разметка. 3) Зона игровой площадки, в которой происходит перемещение спортивных снарядов, ограничена боковыми линиями и задними линиями. 4) На каждой стороне площадки наносится «дом», представляющий собой круг с радиусом, равным 1,83 м. Ширина линии, ограничивающей внешние границы «дома», входит в его размеры. В «доме» обозначается его центр. Через центр «дома», между боковыми линиями площадки, параллельно задней линии, наносится линия центра «дома». 5) На каждой стороне площадки, на расстоянии 6,40 м от линии центра «дома», параллельно ей, наносится зачётная линия. Ширина зачётной линии не входит в указанное расстояние. 6) Через точки центра «дома», параллельно боковым линиям, наносится центральная линия площадки. 7) Подготовка ледового покрытия для кёрлинга осуществляется по специальной технологии. Данный процесс является сложной «наукой», которой овладевают в течение многих лет. 8) Важным специфическим требованием для и проведения соревнований по керлингу является высокое качество ледовой поверхности игровой площадки, которое должно обеспечивать скольжение спортивных снарядов с определённой скоростью и по прогнозируемым траекториям, позволяющим вести осмысленную тактическую борьбу. 9) Рекомендуемый температурный диапазон ледовой поверхности игровой площадки при проведении соревнований по кёрлингу находится в пределах от -4 градусов до -6 градусов (по Цельсию). Контроль за данным параметром проводится с помощью датчиков, стационарно закреплённых на поверхности площадки с выведением показателей на центральный компьютер спортивного сооружения. 10) Заключительным этапом при подготовке игровой площадки к проведению матча является формирование на ее поверхности особого рельефа - мельчайших ледовых «бугорков», которые образуются из замёрзших капель воды.

7. Make a summary o f the text

Lesson 3. Curling Equipment

Curling stone The curling stone, (also sometimes rock, North America) as defined by the World Curling Federation is a thick stone disc weighing between 38 and 44 pounds (17 and 20 kg) with a handle attached to the top. The maximum allowable

46 circumference is 36 inches (910 mm). The minimum height is 4.5 inches (110 mm). The handle is attached by a bolt running vertically through a hole in the centre of the stone. The handle allows the stone to be gripped and rotated upon release; on properly prepared ice, the stone's path will bend {curl) in the direction the front edge of the stone is turning, especially as the stone slows. The handles are colored to identify the stones by team. Two popular colors in major tournaments are red and yellow. The only part of the stone in contact with the ice is the running surface, a narrow, flat annulus or ring, 0.25 to 0.50 inch (6.3 to 13 mm) wide and about 5 inches (130 mm) in diameter; the sides of the stone bulge convex down to the ring and the inside of the ring is hollowed concave to clear the ice. In competition, an electronic handle known as the eye on the hog may be fitted to detect hog line violations, the game's most frequent cause of controversy. This electronically detects whether the thrower's hand is in contact with the handle as it passes the hog line and indicates a violation by lights at the base of the handle. The eye on the hog eliminates human error and the need for hog line officials. It is mandatory in high-level national and international competition but its cost, around US$650 each, currently puts it beyond the reach of most social curling. Curling broom The curling broom, or brush, is used to sweep the ice surface in the path of the stone and is also often used as a balancing aid during delivery of the stone. In earlier days, brooms were made of com strands and were similar to household brooms. Brushes were used primarily by elderly curlers as a substitute for com brooms. Today, bmshes have replaced traditional com brooms at every level of curling, but are universally referred to as brooms. Curling brushes may have fabric, hog hair, or horsehair heads. Modem curling broomsticks are usually hollow tubes made of fiberglass or carbon fiber instead of a solid length of wooden dowel. These hollow tube handles are lighter and stronger than wooden handles, allowing faster sweeping and also enabling more downward force to be applied to the broom head with reduced shaft flex. Shoes Curling shoes are similar to ordinary athletic shoes except that they have dissimilar soles; the slider shoe is designed for the off foot (or sliding foot) and the non-sliding shoe for the hack foot: The slider shoe is designed to slide and typically has a Teflon sole. It is worn by the thrower during delivery from the hack and by sweepers or the to glide down the ice when sweeping or otherwise traveling down the sheet quickly. Stainless steel was once common for slider soles, and «red brick» sliders

47 with lateral blocks of рус on the sole are also available. When not throwing, sliding shoes can be temporarily rendered non-slippery by using a slip-on gripper. Ordinary athletic shoes may be converted to sliders by using a step-on or slip-on Teflon slider or by applying electrical or gaffer tape directly to the sole or over a piece of cardboard. This arrangement often suits casual or beginning players. The non-sliding shoe, or hack foot shoe, is worn by the thrower on the hack foot during delivery and is designed to grip. It may have a normal athletic shoe sole or a special layer of rubbery material applied to the sole of a thickness to match the sliding shoe. The toe of the hack foot shoe may also have a rubberised coating on the top surface or a flap that hangs over the toe to reduce wear on the top of the shoe as it drags on the ice behind the thrower. Other equipment Other types of equipment include: Curling pants, made to be stretchy to accommodate the curling delivery. A stopwatch to time the stones while sweeping to get a feel of the speed of the stone. Stopwatches can be attached either to clothing or the broom itself. Curling gloves and mittens, to keep the hands warm and improve grip on the broom.

Vocabulary: running snrface — скользящая поверхность; eye on the h og- встроенный в камень датчик, позволяющий определить, отпустил ли игрок камень до пересечения камнем зачетной линии; curling broom (brush) - щетка для керлинга; sweep — выполнять свипинг, свиповать (тереть лед щеткой, для того, чтобы увеличить скорость или изменить траекторию движения камня); curling shoes - ботинки для керлинга; slider shoe - слайдер; non-sliding shoe, hack foot shoe —антислайдер; gaffer tape - крепкая клейкая лента на тканевой основе.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

What is a curling stone? What is the purpose of the handle? Why are the handles of the curling stones of different colours? What do you call the part of the stone in contact with the ice? What are curling stones made of? How much do they cost?

48 - What is the eye on the hog used for? Is its use mandatory? - How does a curling brush look like? What is it made of? - What are the two types of the curling shoes? What are they used for?

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Камень для игры в керлинг; окружность гранитной основы камня; придавать вращение при броске; траектория скольжения камня; нарушение правила пересечения зачетной линии; судья на зачетной линии; подача; головка щетки; рукоятка щетки; скользящая нога; нога, которой производится отталкивание; скип; свипер; насадка (на слайдер).

4. Translate the words and word-combinations in brackets. Translate the sentences.

1. (Вращение) of the stone is directly related to the direction in which a stone will curl. A stone rotating (по часовой стрелке) will curl to the right and a rock that is rotating (против часовой стрелки) will curl towards the left. 2. (Встроенный в камень электрический датчик) is a system that provides impartial judging for the sport of curling. It uses innovative technology to detect a magnetic strip frozen into the ice at (зачетная линия) and a bare hand touching (ручка камня). Circuitry in (ручка камня) turns on green lights after a valid release or flashes red lights if (нарушение правил) has occurred. 3. Getting the correct (щетка для керлинга) is important since it can be hard work (тереть лед) your way down the ice with the wrong (щетка для керлинга). Determine what you want (головка щетки) to be made of: synthetic or hair. Each material has its pros and cons. Pick (рукоятка щетки). (Рукоятки) have the most variety in composition. Manufacturers constantly strive to make (рукоятки) lighter and stronger. 4. When you participate in the sport of curling, your (обувь) play a part in the game. You can either buy (специальная обувь для игры в керлинг) or а (слайдер) that goes on the bottom of your regular shoes.

5. Игроки (competing teams) поочередно (throw) по гладкому льду двадцатикилограммовые (stones), снабженные (handle), стремясь попасть в (button). 6. (Brooms), которыми (sweep) перед камнем, - тоже не обычные. (Broom head) сделана из синтетического материала и может (flex) во всех плоскостях 7. Специальная в керлинге и обувь. Скользкий ботинок со скользящей галошей называется (slider) (бывает из пластика, бывает из тефлона), на другую ногу — (antislider) с устойчивой (sole).

49 8. (Curling stones) начали оборудовать (eye on the hog). Они определяют (stone trajectory) во время броска и сообщают о (rule violation) изменением цвета индикатора.

5. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The curling stone as defined by the World Curling Federation is a thick stone disc weighing between 17 and 20 kg with a handle attached to the top. 2) The handle allows the stone to be gripped and rotated upon release; on properly prepared ice, the stone's path will bend (curl) in the direction the front edge of the stone is turning, especially as the stone slows. 3) The only part of the stone in contact with the ice is the running surface, a narrow, flat annulus or ring, 6.3 to 13 mm wide and about 130 mm in diameter; the sides of the stone bulge convex down to the ring and the inside of the ring is hollowed concave to clear the ice. 4) Eye on the hog detects whether the thrower's hand is in contact with the handle as it passes the hog line and indicates a violation by lights at the base of the handle. 5) Modem broom handles are lighter and stronger than wooden handles, allowing faster sweeping and also enabling more downward force to be applied to the broom head with reduced shaft flex. 6) Curling shoes are similar to ordinary athletic shoes except that they have dissimilar soles. 7) When not throwing, sliding shoes can be temporarily rendered non-slippery by using a slip-on gripper. 8) The non-sliding shoe, or hack foot shoe, is worn by the thrower on the hack foot during delivery and is designed to grip. 9) Curling pants should be stretchy enough to accommodate the curling delivery. 10) A stopwatch is used to time the stones while sweeping to get a feel of the speed of the stone.

6. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Игра в кёрлинг осуществляется с использованием специального спортивного снаряда, называемого «камень». Камень для игры в кёрлинг состоит из гранитной основы круглой формы (обработанной специальным образом) и закреплённой на ней ручкой.

2) В случае если в процессе игровых действий камень разбивается на осколки, новый, заменяющий его камень устанавливается на площадке на место наибольшего фрагмента разбившегося камня.

50 3) В случае если камень при скольжении по площадке начинает резко изменять траекторию движения или останавливаться (в результате каких- либо дефектов, возникших на его скользящей поверхности), он может быть выведен из игры и заменён другим камнем.

4) В экипировку игрока входят: специальная кёрлинговая обувь, обеспечивающая скольжение и передвижение по площадке (подошва одного ботинка может быть покрыта скользящим материалом, а другого - антискользящим материалом); кёрлинговая щётка или метёлка установленного образца; спортивный костюм.

5) При выполнении броска игроку разрешается оттолкнуться от колодки и скользить с камнем в руке до ближайшей зачётной линии площадки, выпустив камень до пересечения данной линии. В случае, если игрок не успевает выпустить камень до пересечения зачётной линии, розыгрыш камня аннулируется.

6) Головка щетки, которой натирают лед перед камнем, сделана из синтетического материала и может вращаться во всех плоскостях.

7) В керлинге используют специальную обувь. На одну ногу одевается своеобразная галоша со скользящей поверхностью - слайдер, а на другую ногу - антислайдер, который, наоборот, не скользит. Скользящая поверхность слайдера делается из тефлона или пластика.

7. Make a summary o f the text.

Lesson 4. Gameplay. Part 1

International competitive games are ten ends, so most of the national championships that send a representative to the World Championships or Olympics also play ten ends. However, there is a movement to make the games only eight ends. Most tournaments on that tour are like the vast majority of recreation games, and are eight ends. An

51 end consists of each player from both teams throwing two stones down the sheet with the players on each side alternating shots, for a total of sixteen stones. A game may be conceded If considered unwinnable. If the teams are tied play continues for as many ends as may be required to break the tie. The winner is the team with the highest score after all ends have been completed. In international competition, each side is given 73 minutes to complete all of its throws. Each team is also allowed two 60-second timeouts per 10-end game. If extra ends are required, each team is allowed 10 minutes of playing time to complete its throws and one added 60-second timeout for each extra end. Delivery The process of sliding a stone down the sheet is known as the delivery. The skip will usually determine the required weight, turn and line of the stone. These will be influenced by the tactics at this point in the game, which may involve taking-out, blocking or tapping another stone. The weight of the stone is its velocity, which depends on the leg drive of the delivery rather than the arm. The turn is the rotation of the stone, which gives it a curved trajectory. The line is the direction of the throw ignoring the effect of the turn. The skip may communicate the weight, turn, line and other tactics by calling or tapping a broom on the ice. In the case of a takeout, guard or a tap, the skip will indicate the stones involved. Before delivery, the running surface of the stone is wiped clean and the path across the ice swept with the broom if necessary because any dirt on the bottom of a stone or in its path can alter the trajectory and ruin the shot. This is called a pick up or pick. The thrower throws from the hack. Another player, usually the skip, is stationed behind the button to determine the tactics, weight, turn and line and the other two may sweep in front of the stone to influence the trajectory. When the skip throws, the third takes his role. The thrower's gripper shoe (with the non-slippery sole) is positioned against one of the hacks; for a right-handed curler the right foot is placed against the left hack and vice-versa for a left-hander. The thrower, now in the hack, lines the body up with shoulders square to the skip's broom at the far end for line. The stone is placed in front of the foot now in the hack. Rising slightly from the hack the thrower pulls the stone back to the toe (some older curlers may actually raise the stone in this backward movement) then lunges smoothly out from the hack pushing the stone ahead while the slider foot is moved in front of the gripper foot, which trails behind. The thrust from this lunge determines

52 the weight and hence the distance the stone will travel. While not compulsory, most curlers deliver the stone while sliding out from the hack. Balance may be assisted by a broom held in the free hand with the back of the broom down so that it slides. The stone is released as the thrower's momentum wanes, or the hog line is approached, at which point the turn is imparted by a slight clockwise or anti­ clockwise twist of the handle from around the two or ten o'clock position to the twelve o'clock on release. A typical rate of turn is about 2lA rotations before coming to a rest. The stone must be released before its front edge crosses the near hog line and it must clear the far hog line or else be removed from play (hogged); an exception is made if a stone fails to come to rest beyond the far hog line after rebounding from a stone in play just past the hog line. The release rule is rarely enforced in club play unless abuse is suspected, however in major tournaments it is strictly enforced; the "eye on the hog" sensor in the stone will indicate whether the stone has been legally thrown or not. If the lights on the stone turn red the stone will be immediately pulled from play instead of waiting for the stone to come to rest.

Vocabulary: end - энд; shot - бросок камня; the teams are tied - ничья; timeout — тайм-аут; extra end - экстра-энд; delivery — бросок камня; подача; skip - скип; капитан команды, определяющий стратегию игры; weight — скорость камня; turn — вращение камня; line - траектория, направление движения камня; takeout — тейк-аут; выбивающий бросок, его цель - выбить камень противника из «дома»; guard - гард; камень-«защитник», ставящийся перед «домом», чтобы защитить другие камни команды от выбивания; tap - камень, который должен подвинуть уже стоящий камень в определенную точку; pick up (pick) - плохой бросок; неудачный бросок; lead — ведущий; the second - второй; the third (vice-skip) - третий (он же вице-скип); the fourth (skip) - четвертый (он же скип); gripper - то же самое, что антислайдер; нескользящий ботинок керлсра; to hog - вывести камень из игры.

53 Exercises:

1. Read the text.

2. Answer the following questions:

How many ends does a curling game consist of? What does an end consist of? What is the delivery of the stone determined by? Describe the process of delivery.

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Процесс игры; бросать камни по очереди; закончить игру; в случае ничьи игра продолжается, пока ода из команд не выйдет вперед; команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков; в экстра-энде каждой команде разрешается взять дополнительный минутный тайм-аут; выбить камень; заблокировать камень; подвинуть камень; дугообразная траектория; скользящая поверхность камня; присвоить игрокам номера в порядке совершения ими бросков; поддерживать равновесие с помощью щетки; придавать камню вращение, немного поворачивая ручку; останавливаться (о камне); вывести камень из игры.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) An end consists of each player from both teams throwing two stones down the sheet with the players on each side alternating shots, for a total of sixteen stones.

2) If the teams are tied play continues for as many ends as may be required to break the tie.

3) Each team is also allowed two 60-second timeouts per 10-end game. If extra ends are required, each team is allowed 10 minutes of playing time to complete its throws and one added 60-second timeout for each extra end. 4) The skip will usually determine the required weight, turn and line of the stone. These will be influenced by the tactics at this point in the game, which may involve taking-out, blocking or tapping another stone. 5) The turn is the rotation of the stone, which gives it a curved trajectory. 6) The line is the direction of the throw ignoring the effect of the turn.

7) All in all there are four players in a curling team, with team members named for the usual order in which they play.

54 8) When the skip throws, the third (vice-skip) takes his role standing behind the button and giving instructions to other sweepers.

9) The stone is released as the thrower's momentum wanes, or the hog line is approached, at which point the turn is imparted by a slight clockwise or anti­ clockwise twist of the handle.

10) The stone must be released before its front edge crosses the near hog line and it must clear the far hog line or else be removed from play (hogged); an exception is made if a stone fails to come to rest beyond the far hog line after rebounding from a stone in play just past the hog line.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1) В каждом энде матча каждым игроком команды выполняется по два броска камня. Перед началом матча определяется очерёдность выполнения бросков камня игроками команды, которая сохраняется на протяжении всего матча («первый», «второй», «третий» и «четвёртый» номера).

2) В составе команды определяется скип, являющийся капитаном команды, функциями которого являются: управление действиями партнёров при проведении командой розыгрыша камня, ведение переговоров с судьями и скипом команды соперников при принятии решения в спорной игровой ситуации и согласование счёта энда со скипом команды соперников. 3) В одном энде каждая из команд осуществляет розыгрыш 8 камней, всего в энде разыгрывается 16 камней. Подсчёт очков проводится после завершения розыгрыша всех 16 камней в энде. Очки по итогам энда начисляются только одной из команд.

4) Команде начисляется одно очко за каждый камень, находящийся в «доме» и расположенный ближе к точке центра «дома» по сравнению с камнем (камнями) соперника. При этом критерием оценки положения камня является расстояние от точки центра «дома» до внутренней (ближней к центру) точки поверхности камня.

5) Команда, набравшая по сумме всех эндов наибольшее количество очков, является победителем матча. В случае равного количества очков у двух команд после завершения последнего энда, назначается дополнительный энд, а при его ничейном завершении - дополнительные энды до определения победителя в матче.

6) Розыгрыш камня аннулируется, и брошенный камень выводится из игры в следующих случаях: а) камень переворачивается и скользит на стороне ручки;

55 6) камень останавливается до полного пересечения зачётной линии, за исключением случая, когда он касается другого камня, находящегося за этой линией; в) камень полностью пересекает заднюю линию площадки; г) камень касается (во время движения или после остановки) боковой линии площадки или заменяющего её бортика.

7) В исходном положении перед броском игрок одной ногой должен опираться на одну из колодок, закреплённых на игровой площадке. Игроки, выпускающие камень правой рукой, используют колодку, расположенную слева от центральной линии площадки, а игроки, выпускающие камень левой рукой, используют колодку, расположенную справа от центральной линии.

8) В случае если игрок не успевает выпустить камень до пересечения зачётной линии, розыгрыш камня аннулируется.

6. Make a summary o f the text

7. Translate the text from Russian into English:

Что такое керлинг и зачем тереть лед?!

В керлинг играют две команды по 4 человека. Задача каждой команды - поставить как можно больше своих камней в дом (круг), причем, как можно ближе к центру и не дать сопернику сделать то же самое. Камни соперника, как и свои, можно выбивать. Длится игра 8 или 10 эндов (таймов, периодов), в каждом энде у команды по восемь камней, которые они бросают, а точнее катают, по очереди. Отталкиваясь от колодки, игроки двух команд поочередно разгоняют камень и посылают его в противоположный конец площадки. Запрещены «заступы»: камень необходимо выпустить до того, как он пересечет ближнюю к игроку зачетную линию. Выполняя указания скипа (капитана команды) игрок может подкручивать камень. Другие участники команды, быстро работая щетками, разогревают лед, по необходимости выпрямляя и удлиняя траекторию камня. Лед в керлинге натирают не потому, что на нем образовалась какая-то пыль или наледь, а для того, чтобы на поверхности льда создать тонкий слой воды, по которому будет скользить камень. Таким образом, можно существенно увеличить путь камня. Камень обязательно должен полностью пересечь противоположную зачетную линию. Если этого не происходит, камень уходит из игры. Исключения составляют те случаи, когда пересечь зачетную линию помешал другой камень: в этой ситуации оба камня остаются в игре.

56 Право последнего броска в энде даёт очень большое преимущество команде. В первом энде порядок команд определяется жеребьёвкой, во всех последующих право последнего броска предоставляется проигравшей предыдущий энд команде. Если же в финальной позиции ни у кого не оказалось камней в доме, энд заканчивается нулевой ничьей, и право последнего броска остаётся у той же команды. Поэтому часто выгодно «пробросить» последний камень (то есть пустить в аут, сознательно сделать нерезультативный бросок), вместо того, чтобы заработать всего одно очко. После того, как разыграны все шестнадцать камней, производится подсчёт очков в энде. Учитываются только те камни, которые находятся внутри дома. Команда, чей камень оказался ближе всего к центру, считается выигравшей энд. Она получает по одному очку за каждый камень, оказавшийся ближе к центру, чем ближайший к центру камень противника. Победитель определяется по сумме очков во всех эндах. В случае равенства очков после десяти эндов, назначается дополнительный период, называемый экстра-эндом, победитель которого и становится победителем матча.

Lesson 5. Gameplay.

Part 2.


After the stone is delivered its trajectory is still influenced by the two sweepers under instruction from the skip. Sweeping is done for two reasons: to reduce friction underneath the stone, and to decrease the amount of curl. The stones curl more as they slow down, so sweeping early in travel tends to increase distance as well as straighten the path, and sweeping after sideways motion is established can increase the sideways distance. When sweeping, pressure and speed of the brush head are key in slightly increasing the layer of moisture that builds up under the stone. One of the basic strategy aspects of curling is knowing when to sweep. When the ice in front of the stone is swept, a stone will usually travel both farther and straighten In some situations, one of the two alterations in path is not desirable. For example, a stone may have too much weight, but require sweeping

57 to prevent curling into a guard. The team must decide which is better: getting by the guard but traveling too far, or hitting the guard. Much of the yelling that goes on during a curling game is the skip calling the line of the shot and the sweepers calling the weight. The skip evaluates the path of the stone and calls to the sweepers to sweep as necessary to maintain the intended track. The sweepers themselves are responsible forjudging the weight of the stone, ensuring the length of travel is correct and communicating the weight of the stone back to the skip. Some teams use stopwatch timing, from back line to the nearest hog line as a sweeping aid. Many teams use the Number System to communicate in which of 10 playable zones it is estimated the stone will stop. These numbers indicate how far the sweepers think the rock in play will travel. This system is relatively new to the game and is often attributed to the Randy Ferbev rink since they were the first major team to use the system, but it is not known whose idea it originally was. 1 to 3 indicates a rock in the free guard zone, 4 to 6 the rings in front of the tee line, 7 being on the button, and 8 to 10 the rings behind the tee line. Sometimes, 11 is used to indicate a stone thrown so that it passes through the house and out of play. With this system, the sweepers can communicate more effectively where they think the stone will end up or the skip can better tell the deliverer how hard to throw it. Usually, the two sweepers will be on opposite sides of the stone’s path, although depending on which side the sweepers’ strengths lie this may not always be the case. Speed and pressure are vital to sweeping. In gripping the broom, one hand should be one third of the way from the top (non-brush end) of the handle while the other hand should be one third of the way from the head of the broom. The angle of the broom to the ice should be so that the most force possible can be exerted on the ice. The precise amount of pressure may vary from relatively light brushing "just cleaning" (to ensure debris will not alter the stone’s path) to maximum-pressure scrubbing. Sweeping is allowed anywhere on the ice up to the tee line, as long as it is only for one’s own team stones. Once the leading edge of a team stone crosses the tee line only one player may sweep it. Additionally, when a stone crosses the tee line, one player from the other team is allowed to sweep it. This is the only case that a stone may be swept by an opposing team member. In international rules, this player must be the skip; or if the skip is throwing, then the sweeping player must be the third.

'Burning' a stone

Occasionally, players may accidentally touch a stone with their broom or a body part. This is often referred to as "burning" a stone. Players touching a stone

58 in such a manner are expected to call their own infraction. Touching a stationary stone when no stones are in play (there is no delivery in progress) is never an infraction and is a common way to indicate where a stone that is to be taken out should be struck. When a stone is touched when stones are in play, the remedies vary between placing the rocks as they end up after the touch, replacing the rocks as they would have been if no rock were touched, or removal of the touched rock from play. The rules generally dictate that the resulting outcome should be the one that places the touching team at the greatest possible disadvantage.


sweeper - игрок, натирающий лед перед скользящим камнем, таких игроков в команде два; Number System - система условного деления поля для керлинга на зоны, каждой из которых соответствует определенный номер; То burn a stone — задеть находящийся в игре камень; infraction - нарушение правил.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

- Why is the sweeping so important? What is its purpose? - What is Number System and how is it used during the game? - How should the sweeper grip the broom? - What are the rules of sweeping? - What are the ways of solving the situation in case of burning the stone if it is considered to be infraction?

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Под руководством скипа; трение; движение камня по дугообразной траектории; тонкий слой воды, образующийся под камнем; траектория движения камня; игровая зона; игрок, осуществляющий подачу; угол наклона щетки относительно поверхности ледового покрытия; передний край камня; пересечь линию центра «дома»; задеть находящийся в игру камень; объявить о нарушении правил; смещение неподвижного камня; касание движущегося камня.

59 4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) Sweeping is done for two reasons: to reduce friction underneath the stone, and to decrease the amount of curl.

2) When sweeping, pressure and speed of the brush head are key in slightly increasing the layer of moisture that builds up under the stone.

3) When the ice in front of the stone is swept, a stone will usually travel both farther and straighten

4) A stone may have too much weight, but require sweeping to prevent curling into a guard.

5) The skip evaluates the path of the stone and calls to the sweepers to sweep as necessary to maintain the intended track.

6) The sweepers are responsible for judging the weight of the stone, ensuring the length of travel is correct and communicating the weight of the stone back to the skip.

7) Many teams use the Number System to communicate in which of 10 playable zones it is estimated the stone will stop. 1 to 3 indicates a rock in the free guard zone, 4 to 6 the rings in front of the tee line, 7 being on the button, and 8 to 10 the rings behind the tee line. Sometimes, 11 is used to indicate a stone thrown so that it passes through the house and out of play.

8) Once the leading edge of a team stone crosses the tee line only one player may sweep it. Additionally, when a stone crosses the tee line, one player from the other team is allowed to sweep it. This is the only case that a stone may be swept by an opposing team member.

9) Touching a stationary stone when no stones are in play is never an infraction.

10) When a stone is touched when stones are in play, the remedies vary between placing the rocks as they end up after the touch, replacing the rocks as they would have been if no rock were touched, or removal of the touched rock from play.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1) До пересечения брошенным камнем линии центра «дома» свипинг по отношению к нему может осуществляться всеми игроками команды, выполняющей розыгрыш, а после пересечения данной линии — только скипом команды или замещающим его в «доме» вице-скипом.

60 2) Игроки одной команды не могут выполнять свипинг по отношению к камням другой команды (за исключением случая пересечения линии центра «дома» камнем команды соперников).

3) Натирание поверхности игровой площадки при свипинге должно сопровождаться перемещением головки щётки или метёлки по льду из стороны в сторону.

4) При выполнении свипинга не разрешается касание игроками и их инвентарём камней, находящихся на площадке. В случае если игрок команды, проводящей розыгрыш, касается частью тела или щёткой движущегося камня своей команды, данный камень может быть выведен из игры, а розыгрыш аннулирован. Вместе с этим, скип команды соперника может принять решение засчитать проведенный розыгрыш, расположив камень, по отношению к которому было совершено касание, на место возможной остановки, а также расположить другие камни на местах возможной остановки. 5) В случае если игрок команды, проводящей розыгрыш камня, смещает неподвижный камень, находящийся на пути движущегося камня, скип команды соперников может либо аннулировать проведённый розыгрыш камня, вернув все камни на исходные позиции, либо считать розыгрыш проведённым, сохранив позиции всех камней на площадке.

6) Скип определяет необходимую траекторию движения камня и дает соответствующие указания свиперам.

7) Растирая лед перед камнем, свиперы они растапливают его тонкий верхний слой и тем самым еще уменьшают трение камня. В результате камень, скользит дальше и закручивается не так сильно.

8) Иногда приходится растирать лед перед камнем два или даже три раза за розыгрыш с перерывами - например, сначала для того, чтобы не дать камню закрутиться слишком сильно и задеть камень-защитник, а затем для того, чтобы протащить камень дальше к нужному месту. Комбинаций всех этих действий - направления и силы броска, силы вращения камня, времени и силы растирания льда - колоссально много.

6. Make a summary o f the text

61 Lesson 6. Types of Shots

Many different types of shots are used to carefully place stones for strategic or tactical reasons; they fall into three fundamental categories as follows: Guards are thrown in front of the house in the free guard zone, usually to protect the shot-rock (the stone closest to the button at the time) or to make the opposing team’s shot difficult. Guard shots include the centre-guard, on the centre line and the corner-guards to the left or right sides of the centre line. Draws are thrown only to reach the house. Draw shots include raise and angle-raise, come-around, and freeze shots. Takeouts are intended to remove stones from play and include the peel, hit- and-roll and double shots.

Free guard zone

Until four stones have been played (two from each side), stones in the free guard zone (those stones left in the area between the hog and tee lines, excluding the house) may not be removed by an opponent's stone. These are known as guard rocks. If the guard rocks are removed, they are replaced to where they were before the shot was thrown, and the opponent's stone is removed from play and cannot be replayed. This rule is known as the four-rock rule or the free guard zone rule (for a while in Canada, a "three-rock rule" was in place, but that rule has been replaced by the four-rock rule). This rule, a relatively recent addition to curling, was added in response to a strategy of "peeling" opponents' guard stones (knocking them out of play at an angle that caused the shooter's stone to also roll out of play, leaving no stones on the ice). A team in the lead would often employ this strategy during the game. By knocking all stones out, the opponents could at best score one point (if they had the hammer). Alternatively, the team with the hammer could peel rock after rock, which would blank the end, keeping the last rock advantage for another end. This strategy had developed (mostly in Canada) as ice-makers had become skilled at creating a predictable ice surface and the adoption of brushes allowed greater control over the rock. While a sound strategy, this made for an unexciting game. The 1990 Brier was considered by many curling fans as boring to watch because of the near-constant peeling, and the quick adoption of the Free Guard Zone the following year reflected how disliked this aspect of the game had become. One strategy that has been developed by curlers in response to the Free Guard Zone (Kevin Martin from is one of the best examples) is the "tick" game, where a shot is made attempting to knock (tick) the guard to the side, far

62 enough that it is difficult or impossible to use but still remaining in play while the shot itself goes out of play. The effect is functionally identical to peeling the guard but significantly harder, as a shot that hits the guard too hard (knocking it out of play) results in its being replaced, while not hitting it hard enough can result in its still being tactically useful for the opposition. There's also a greater chance that the shot will miss the guard entirely because of the greater accuracy required to make the shot. Because of the difficulty of making this type of shot, only the best teams will normally attempt it, and it does not dominate the game the way the peel formerly did.


Last-rock or last-stone advantage in an end is called the hammer. Before the game, teams typically decide who gets the hammer in the first end either by chance (such as a coin toss), by a "draw-to-the-button" contest, where a representative of each team shoots a single stone to see who gets closer to the centre of the rings, or, particularly in tournament settings like the Winter Olympics, by a comparison of each team's win-loss record. In all subsequent ends, the hammer belongs to the team that did not score in the preceding end. In the event that neither team scores, the hammer remains with the same team. Naturally, it is easier to score points with the hammer than without; in tournament play, the team with the hammer generally tries to score two or more points. If only one point is possible, the skip will often try to avoid scoring at all in order to retain the hammer until the next end, when two or more points may lie. This is called a blank end. Scoring without the hammer is commonly referred to as stealing, or a steal, and is much more difficult.

Vocabulary: guard — гард; бросок, целью которого является установить камень перед «домом», чтобы защитить другие камни команды от выбивания; free guard zone — зона «свободных защитников»; shot-rock - камень, находящийся ближе всего к центру «дома»; centre-guard - гард, расположенный на центральной линии; corner-guard — гард, расположенный справа или слева от центральной линии; draw — дро; постановочный бросок, целью которого является установка камня в доме без контакта с камнями соперника; raise - подъем; бросок, при котором бросаемый камень подталкивает другой свой камень вперед настолько, чтобы тот встал на нужную точку; angle-raise - угловой подъем; бросок, после которого другой камень команды отскакивает под углом; come-around — обводящий бросок; бросок, при котором камень проскальзывает мимо гарда, не задевая его и таким образом остается за ним, будучи прикрытым от других ударов;

63 freeze - фриз; бросок высокой точности, при котором камень останавливается почти вплотную с уже стоящим камнем; takeouts - тэйк-аут; выбивающий бросок, преследует цель выбить камень соперника из «дома»; рее! - бросок, при котором камень выбивает из игры камень соперника, но при этом и сам выходит из игры; hit-and-roll - хит-энд-рол; бросок, при котором камень ударяет другой камень под малым углом и при этом не остается на месте, а немного откатывается в сторону; double- двойной тэйк-аут; бросок, который выбивает из «дома» два камня соперника; free guard zone rule - правило зоны «свободных защитников»; hammer - хаммер; преимущество последнего броска; blank end - пустой энд; to steal — «украсть» очки.


1. Read the text. 2. Answer the following questions:

- What are the main types of shots in curling? - What is the essence of the free guard zone rule? Why was it introduced? - What is the strategy developed by the curlers in response to the free guard zone? - What is the hammer? What does scoring without a hammer mean?

3. Give the English equivalents for:

Постановочный бросок; камень, находящийся ближе всего к центру дома; гард; зона «свободных защитников»; бросок, при котором камень выбивает из игры камень соперника, но при этом и сам выходит из игры; бросок, после которого другой камень команды отскакивает под углом; бросок, при котором бросаемый камень подталкивает другой свой камень вперед настолько, чтобы тот встал на нужную точку; бросок высокой точности, при котором камень останавливается почти вплотную с уже стоящим камнем; выбивающий бросок; обводящий бросок; преимущество последнего броска; «пустой» энд; украсть очки; выбивание камней противника; команда, начинающая игру; команда, имеющая преимущество последнего броска; бросать камень в центр мишени.

64 4. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1) Guard shots include the centre-guard, on the centre line and the comer-guards to the left or right sides of the centre line. 2) Draw shots include raise and angle-raise, come-around, and freeze shots. 3) Takeouts are intended to remove stones from play and include the peel, hit-and- roll and double shots. 4) Until four stones have been played (two from each side), stones in the free guard zone may not be removed by an opponent's stone. 5) If the guard rocks are removed, they are replaced to where they were before the shot was thrown, and the opponent's stone is removed from play and cannot be replayed. 6) This rule, a relatively recent addition to curling, was added in response to a strategy of "peeling" opponents' guard stones 7) The team with the hammer could peel rock after rock, which would blank the end, keeping the last rock advantage for another end. 8) Before the game, teams typically decide who gets the hammer in the first end either by chance (such as a coin toss), by a "draw-to-the-button" contest, where a representative of each team shoots a single stone to see who gets closer to the centre of the rings, or by a comparison of each team's win-loss record. 8) In the event that neither team scores, the hammer remains with the same team. 9) Scoring without the hammer is commonly referred to as stealing, or a steal, and is much more difficult.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Если говорить о том, какие бывают типы бросков, то самый распространенный из них дро - установка камня на нужную позицию без соприкосновения с другими камнями. 2) Очень эффективной и сложной разновидностью тэйк-аута является хит- энд-ролл. При этом ударе бросаемый камень ударяет другой камень под малым углом и при этом не остается на месте, а немного откатывается в сторону, например для того, чтобы спрятаться, встать прямо за каким-то еще камнем или камнями. Выполнить хороший хит-энд-ролл нелегко даже высококлассным игрокам и хорошим командам, для этого требуется очень точный бросок и очень аккуратная работа свиперов. 3) Можно сказать, что разновидностью дро является подъем - бросаемый камень подталкивает другой свой камень вперед, настолько, чтобы тот встал на нужную точку. Разновидностью дро это можно назвать потому, что техника и способ броска практически те же, что и при дро, только скорость

65 броска изначально чуть больше, поскольку часть энергии теряется при столкновении. 4) Если бросаемый камень ударяет другой камень прямо, то это называется прямой подъем, если же камень отскакивает под углом, то это угловой подъем. Это, разумеется, сложнее. А еще сложнее и красивее, когда угловой подъем совмещается с тэйк-аутом: вталкиваемый в дом камень при этом выбивает оттуда камень или даже камни соперника. 5) Зона игровой площадки между зачётной линией и линией центра «дома», исключая границы «дома», определяется как зона «свободных защитников». 6) Правило зоны «свободных защитников» действует в каждом энде в период розыгрыша первых четырёх камней (т. е. первых двух камней каждой команды), а именно: камни, находящиеся в зоне «свободных защитников», не могут быть выбиты за пределы площадки камнями соперников. В случае их выбивания, камни, находившиеся в данной зоне, возвращаются на исходные позиции, а проведённый розыгрыш аннулируется. С начала розыгрыша пятого камня в энде правило зоны «свободных защитников» утрачивает свою силу. 7) Ситуация, при которой камень, расположенный в зоне «свободных защитников», после попадания в него разыгрываемым камнем, выбивает камень в «доме» и остаётся в его пределах, не является нарушением правила зоны «свободных защитников». 8) В игре команд высокого уровня бывает настолько невыгодно получить одно очко, владея хаммером, что команды предпочитают свести энд к нулевому результату, если такое возможно. Например, последним ударом выбив единственный находящийся в доме камень противника так, чтобы и свой камень вылетел из дома или при пустом доме бросить свой камень специально слишком сильно. Это называется пустой энд, и преимущество последнего броска при этом остается у той же команды.

6. Make a summary o f the text

Lesson 7. Scoring

Conceding a game

It is not uncommon at any level for a losing team to terminate the match before all ends are completed if it believes it no longer has a realistic chance of winning. Playoff games at national and world championships require eight ends to be completed before allowing a losing team to concede in this manner. Competitive games will usually end once the losing team has "run out of rocks"—

66 that is, once it has fewer stones in play and/or available for play than the number of points needed to tie the game in the final end. When a team feels it is impossible or near impossible to win a game, they will usually shake hands with the opposing team to concede defeat. This may occur at any point during the game, but usually happens near the final end. In the Winter Olympics, a team may concede after finishing any end during a round-robin game, but can only concede after finishing eight ends during the knockout stages. Unlike other sports, there is no negative connotation associated with conceding in curling. In fact, in many competitions, a team is required to concede when it is mathematically impossible for them to tie a game. In more social situations, it is often considered a breach of etiquette (or at least looked down upon) to keep playing when the game is well out of reach.

Dispute resolution

Most decisions about rules are left to the skips, although in official tournaments, decisions may be left to the officials. However, all scoring disputes are handled by the third, or vice skip. No players other than the third from each team should be in the house while score is being determined. In tournament play, the most frequent circumstance in which a decision has to be made by someone other than the third is the failure of the thirds to agree on which stone is closest to the button. An independent official (supervisor at Canadian and World championships) then measures the distances using a specially designed device that pivots at the centre of the button. When no independent officials are available, the thirds measure the distances.


The winner is the team having the highest number of accumulated points at the completion of ten ends. Points are scored at the conclusion of each of these ends as follows: when each team has thrown its eight stones the team with the stone closest to the button wins that end, the winning team is then awarded one point for each of its own stones lying closer to the button than the opponent's closest stone. The positions of all the other opponent’s stones other than the closest make no difference to the score. Only stones that are in the house are considered in the scoring. A stone is in the house if it lies within the 12-foot (3.7 m) zone or any portion of its edge lies

67 over the edge of the ring. Since the bottom of the stone is rounded, a stone just barely in the house will not have any actual contact with the ring, which will pass under the rounded edge of the stone, but it still counts. This type of stone is known as a biter. It may not be obvious to the eye which of two rocks is closer to the button (center) or if a rock is actvaiiy biting or not. There are speciahzed devices to make these determinations, but these cannot be brought out until after an end is completed. Therefore, a team may make strategic decisions during an end based on assumptions of rock position that turn out to be incorrect. The score is marked on a scoreboard, of which there are two types; the baseball type and the club scoreboard.

Baseball-style scoreboard

Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Final

1 * 1 Canada 0 2 1 1 0 6 0 0 X X 10


Finland 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 X X 4

J ______

- ling club-style scoreboard

□ 2 3 4 6

Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Blank ends 1 On ■§■“ Finland 1 00 1 1

The baseball-type scoreboard was created for televised games and is simpler to read. The ends are marked by columns 1 through 10 (or 11 for the possibility of an extra end to break ties) plus an additional column for the total. Below this are two rows, one for each team, containing the team's score for that end and their total score in the right hand column. The club scoreboard is traditional and used in most curling clubs. The numbered centre row represents all possible accumulated scores, the numbers placed in the team rows represents the end in which that team achieved that cumulative score. If the red team scores three points in the first end (called a three- ender), then a 1 (indicating the first end) is placed beside the number 3 in the red

68 row. If they score two more in the second end, then a 2 will be placed beside the 5 in the red row, indicating that the red team has five points in total (3+2). This scoreboard works because only one team can get points in an end. However, some confusion may arise if neither team scores points in an end, this is called a blank end. The blank end numbers are usually listed in the farthest column on the right in the row of the team that has the hammer (last rock advantage), or on a special spot for blank ends.

Eight points - all the rocks thrown by one team counting - is the highest score possible in an end, and is known as an "eight-ender" or "snowman". Scoring an eight-ender against a relatively competent team is very difficult; in curling, it is considered the equivalent of pitching a perfect game in baseball.

Vocabulary: to run out of rocks - для описания ситуации, при которой команде не хватает бросков до достижения ничьи; round-robin game - турнир, в котором несколько команд соревнуются последовательно сменяя друг друга; круговой раунд; knockout stage - игры на вылет; игры плей-офф; third, vice skip - вице-скип, вице-капитан, третий номер команды; biter — камень, находящийся на самом краю «дома»; scoreboard - электронное табло; eight-ender, snowman — наивысший результат в рамках одного энда.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

- What is the usual rule for conceding the game? - What are the rules if conceding a game for the round-robin games? And for the knockout stages? - Who is responsible for solving scoring disputes? - What are the rules of scoring points in curling? - What is the difference between two types of scoreboard? - What is “snowman” in curling?

69 3. Give the English equivalents for:

Проигрывающая команда; признать поражение; нарушение игрового этикета; разрешение споров; порядок начисления очков; наибольшее количество набранных очков; положение камня; электронное табло, используемое в бейсболе; итоговый счет; суммарный счет.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) Competitive games will usually end once the losing team has "run out of rocks"—that is, once it has fewer stones in play and/or available for play than the number of points needed to tie the game in the final end. 2) In the Winter Olympics, a team may concede after finishing any end during a round-robin game, but can only concede after finishing eight ends during the knockout stages.

3) All scoring disputes are handled by the third, or vice skip.

4) Points are scored at the conclusion of each of these ends as follows: when each team has thrown its eight stones the team with the stone closest to the button wins that end, the winning team is then awarded one point for each of its own stones lying closer to the button than the opponent's closest stone.

5) An independent official measures the distance from the button to the closer edge of the stone using a specially designed device that pivots at the centre of the button.

6) Only stones that are in the house are considered in the scoring.

7) Since the bottom of the stone is rounded, a stone just barely in the house will not have any actual contact with the ring, which will pass under the rounded edge of the stone, but it still counts. This type of stone is known as a biter.

8) The club scoreboard is traditional and used in most curling clubs. The numbered centre row represents all possible accumulated scores, the numbers placed in the team rows represents the end in which that team achieved that cumulative score.

9) The blank end numbers are usually listed in the farthest column on the right in the row of the team that has the hammer (last rock advantage), or on a special spot for blank ends.

10) Scoring an eight-ender against a relatively competent team is very difficult.

70 5. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Команде начисляется одно очко за каждый камень, находящийся в «доме» и расположенный ближе к точке центра «дома» по сравнению с камнем (камнями) соперника. При этом критерием оценки положения камня является расстояние от точки центра «дома» до внутренней (ближней к центру) точки поверхности камня. 2) Любой камень, касающийся линии «дома», считается находящимся в «доме»; под касанием камнем границы «дома» понимается пересечение проекции, опущенной от края камня к линии «дома». 3) Количество очков, получаемое одной из команд по результатам энда, согласовывается скипами обеих команд после визуального рассмотрения ими итогового расположения камней на игровой площадке. 4) В случае если после визуального рассмотрения положения камней в «доме» у скипов команд нет единого мнения о преимуществе в расположении данных камней, судьей матча (после завершения розыгрыша всех камней в энде) производится замер положения камней в «доме». 5) В процессе измерения положения камней, в «доме» могут находиться только судьи матча, игроки команд должны располагаться за пределами игровой площадки. 6) Процедура замера положения камней в «доме» предусматривает использование специального измерительного устройства с перемещающимся измерительным блоком. Основание данного устройства устанавливается в точку центра «дома», а перемещающийся измерительный блок закрепляется таким образом, чтобы рычаг данного блока касался ближней к центру «дома» поверхности одного из камней. 7) Информацию, отображенную на бейсбольном электронном табло, очень просто понять даже далекому от керлинга зрителю. На таком табло каждая колонка - это энд, а каждая стока соответствует одной из двух команде. Итоговый счет матча указывается в отдельной колонке, расположенной справа. 8) На электронном табло горизонтально слева направо располагаются числа от 1 до 16. Эти числа обозначают количество засчитанных камней. На одном конце табло имеется набор номеров от 1 до 10. Они обозначают периоды и вывешиваются или над, или под числами, обозначающими счет.

6. Make a summary o f the text

71 Lesson 8. Curlers Curlers Are Finicky When It Conies to Their Olympic Ice By John Branch Published: August 16, 2009 VANCOUVER, — The other ice surfaces at the Winter Olympics, from the bobsled track to the speed-skating oval, are designed to be smooth and fast. But at the Vancouver Olympic Centre, Hans Wuthrich will try to make his ice perfectly bumpy. Wuthrich is an icemaking expert hired to create the playing surfaces for curling. His work, more than that of the four other so-called icemeisters at other arenas, will be scrutinized inch by inch, water drop by water drop. “Most people who have never been involved in curling have no idea how much is involved,” Wuthrich said. Curlers demand a perfectly level surface pebbled by tiny frozen drops of water. But they also tend to be hypersensitive human weather stations, even worrying about the on-ice effects of uneven air flow through the ventilation system far overhead. Inconsistent air, a speck of dirt or a warm hand inadvertently placed on the ice can steer a 44-pound curling stone off course. “For a curler, the smallest little thing makes such a difference,” said Wuthrich, who was bom in Switzerland and makes a living operating a landscaping business and nursery in . “Other guys will tell you that for their sports, too, but for us it’s just a little more finicky.” Four raised curling sheets — 150 feet long, with bull’s-eye targets known as houses at each end — will be built atop a slab of ice on a rink. Wuthrich will use foam for a border (“Very high density, so it doesn’t suck up that much water,” he said), filling it, in layers, with about three-quarters of an inch of ice. When the raised sheets are complete, they will be divided by blue carpet for competitors and officials. Flat ice is imperative, more than in any other event. Water expands a little more than 9 percent when it freezes, he said. And refrigeration pipes buried in the concrete of the rink, Wuthrich said, create almost imperceptible waves in the ice. That is why curling sheets are leveled with a blade that measures the cut to a hundredth of an inch. “Once you get it absolutely perfect, contoured, then you do the pebbling,” Wuthrich said. It is what makes curling ice truly different — a top layer of raised, flat-topped dots.

7 2 The ice is misted with tiny droplets of water from a sprinkler-style head. There are about 40 different sizes and types of pebbling, Wuthrich said, the choice dependent on the size of the rocks and the pounds per square inch they exert on the ice. What slows curling stones is friction, and pebbling allows the stones to glide across the ice more easily. The stones slowly erode the pebbles, which is why resurfacing occurs between each match. “They almost melt them but not quite,” Wuthrich said. When the pebbling wears down, the friction increases and the stones curl more. The bigger culprit is the sweeping that curlers do in front of a stone to direct it to its desired resting place. “Ice is fastest when you have it up at about 28, 29 degrees,” Wuthrich said. “Normally we keep curling ice about 23, 24 degrees. If you have a brush going in front of it, the friction of the brush, you’re actually heating up the surface, right? So now you’re getting your rock to travel faster.” In a sport of precision, curlers frown upon touching a knee or a hand to the ice, since the body heat might alter the ice surface. They worry about dirt from people’s shoes, even the lint from the carpet. “There’s always going to be an excuse of some kind,” Wuthrich said good- naturedly. There will be no excuses from Wuthrich. He is the one icemeister allowed to have bumps on his ice, as long as they are perfectly done.


1. Give the English equivalents for:

Ледовая поверхность; специалист по заливке и обслуживанию льда; игрок в керлинг; сбить камень с намеченного пути; «дом»; охладительные трубы; скользит по льду (о камне); желаемое место остановки камня; площадка для игры в керлинг; покрытие, состоящее из мельчайших капель льда; обновление ледового покрытия; покрытие из капель льда стирается, становится гладким.

2. Make a summary o f the text using active vocabulary. 3. Read the article: How one woman fell in love with curling

Writer Patricia Pearson's first attempt at curling revealed that mastering this iconic Canadian sport is much harder than it looks

By Patricia Pearson

73 Have you ever run up and down your hallway mopping every miniscule stain on the floor as if your life depended on it and your pants were on fire? No? Then you’ve never been a sweeper in a game of curling. 1 found this out recently after learning that my cousin had joined a league in her neighbourhood. She suggested I try it. “What do you like about curling?” I asked Barb, who is in her early 50s, and also plays golf. “It’s a fun way to hang out on a Sunday afternoon in winter,” she said. “You can have a hot chocolate and Grand Marnier after you’ve swept your heart out.” Not literally, one assumes. It turns out that curling is a difficult sport to simply fall into. Fortunately, every year, more than 1,000 clubs in Canada’s towns and cities offer clinics for newcomers. This enables you to go out and do an immediate face plant on the ice without screwing up a game in progress. I arrived for my first lesson at Toronto’s High Park Club on an unseasonably warm fall day, sporting a T-shirt and wishing I had shorts on. In the club’s genteel lounge, a number of women were milling about waiting for their Thursday game to begin—and wearing gloves and fleece jackets. As they knew, once you get out on the ice, the air is bracingly frigid. The lounge featured viewing windows looking onto a five-“sheet” rink roughly the size of a bowling alley. The other wall of windows faced the tennis lawn, which brought to mind Victorian England. The club, almost a century old, has a fabulous great-auntie feel, with its card tables, and trophies in display cases. It made me want to drink Canada Dry and play bridge. The typical curling club is outfitted in this manner—with sofas and a fully stocked bar—because after the game, tradition holds that the winners buy the losers a drink, followed by the losers buying the winners drinks. I note, from a history of the sport posted by the Canadian Curling Association, that at the first game held in —considered by many to be the epicentre of curling—the losers had to donate a barrel of oatmeal to a local hospital. The idea of winning or losing having a sporting, sociable sort of consequence is one of curling’s signature charms. Abbie Darnley, the club’s manager, came to escort me onto the ice for my lesson. She is 27, and has been curling since she was six. Over the years, she said, she converted her entire family to the sport, so holiday dinners are now filled with talk of strategies and shots. Abbie gave me a curling broom, and then wrapped my left shoe with tape, as a DIY substitute for the curling shoe. Depending on the position you’re

74 playing, you want to either slide like a kid across the ice, or run with swift, mincing steps in gripping shoes as you sweep in front of the stone. To this end, curlers buy shoes with removable slippery soles. Armed with my broom and treacherous shoe, I followed Abbie past the assembling teams of chatting ladies to Sheet 5. Here were a set of starting blocks, like the ones sprinters use, except that in curling they’re called hacks. And, whereas sprinters place both hands on firm ground as they crouch in the blocks and await the starter’s gun, curlers must grab a giant kettle-shaped rock (weighing up to 44 pounds) in one hand, and a broom in the other, and prepare to shoot over a sheet of ice, one foot sliding forward and the other dragging behind, as if enacting a sprinter’s anxiety dream about everything that could possibly go wrong in a race. I don’t know how the Scots came up with this idea 500 years ago, but for me it took lots of coordination just to get started. I practised several times under Abbie’s cheerful supervision. The trick was to shift weight from the pushing foot to the sliding foot while using the broom as a brace and letting go of the rock. This is not unlike a hog learning to juggle. Nevertheless, after a good deal of mishap, I got the basic idea, and could fully appreciate how effective this would be at stretching and toning one’s legs. For teams doing two-hour sessions, that’s a lot of crouching and sliding. What I couldn’t get was the curling part. As you slide the rock toward the target (or “house”), you’re meant to twist its handle, then release it, in the manner of pitching a curveball. Abbie demonstrated with deft skill. But for me, this was one too many moves for a body to master in one afternoon. “It’s remarkably hard,” agreed my cousin. “The first clinic I went to, my legs hurt for a week.” Everyone on a typical four-person team (or “side”) takes turns sliding the rock toward the house, and sweeping in the vicinity of that rock. This, of course, is the iconic image of curling that makes non-players raise their eyebrows in amusement. There is something inherently silly-looking about brushing ice madly with a household cleaning implement. But it entails much strategy. The “skip,” or team captain, must read the speed and accuracy of the rock as it moves, and make split-second decisions about how much sweeping is needed to smooth the surface and propel the rock while finessing its direction. It seems to me there must be as many complex plays as you’d find in chess, in terms of knocking out your opponents’ stones, or deking around them, or positioning yourself for later play by putting a stone in place to “guard” another. “Sweeping takes years to get good at,” my cousin allowed. Meantime, your arms get one heck of a workout. Curling is a demandingly strategic and deeply eccentric sport, in my opinion. I would consider joining a team, if it consisted of close friends; this sport is highly sociable, and would make a great girls’ night out. Indeed, if you wanted to try curling, I’d suggest you bring a trio of friends to that first clinic. Because if you’re like me, to get going in this game, there needs to be laughter—and low expectations that you'll be a natural.

75 4. Give the English equivalents for:

Свипер; мастер-класс по керлингу; керлинг-клуб; Ассоциация керлинга Канады; щетка для игры в керлинг; самодельный заменитель обуви для керлинга; в зависимости от вашего игрового амплуа; колодки; переносить вес тела с толкающей ноги на скользящую; использовать щетку в качестве опоры; отпустить камень; искусно, ловко, проворно; команда из четырех человек; скип; капитан команды; выбивать камни соперника; делать обманные движения; ставить один камень перед другим.

5. Make up a dialogue based on the story using active vocabulary.

6. Act as interpreter:

Team Northern skip Brad Jacobs and his rink from Sault Ste. Marie pulled off an incredible comeback to win the Northern Ontario curling championship this year and earn a berth to the Tim Hortons Brier. Considering how hard it was to win the title Jacobs is hardly in a mood to discuss whether Northern Ontario s berth in the national tournament should exist. Some members of the Canadian curling community prefer the system used at the Scotties Tournament o f Hearts where Ontario only receives one entry and the defending champion is granted an automatic berth into the tournament as Team Canada. Here is an interview with Brad Jacobs:

- Что вы можете ответить тем, кто заявляет, что команда Северной Онтарио не должна участвовать в чемпионате по керлингу среди мужчин Brier?

- 1 don’t concern myself with the politics of curling too much. It’s not our decision ... it’s the Canadian Curling Association’s decision. If they feel they need to get rid of it then go right ahead. They’d be getting rid of an 84-year-old tradition and if they’re prepared to do that and lose some of the moose calls in the stands and some of the fens who love to cheer for Team Northern Ontario then that’s their decision.

- Как же вам удалось преодолеть отставание, сложившееся при счете 6-2 в двух заключительных эндах в финале чемпионата Северной Онтарио?

- We played well in the ninth end and scored two, but even then, down two without the hammer in 10 is far from an ideal situation. Going into that last end we all kind of accepted defeat, but we wanted to make the other team earn the right to go to the Brier so we played a great end and made all of our shots. Every shot we threw we made perfectly and they definitely missed a few.

76 “The other skip was throwing a wide-open takeout on his first shot and it kind of picked when he let it go and it went sideways on him and he ended up ticking our stone behind the comer guard so we were sitting two buried. Then we drew a third one in. They decided to draw on their last sh o t... they took too much ice down a really quick path, threw too much weight allowing us to steal three points and win.

- Скип команды Онтарио Глен Ховард сказал, что ожидает активной поддержки от фанатов в Лондоне, провинция Онтарио. Вы надеетесь получить преимущество от игры на домашнем льду?

- We have a lot of family and crazy friends coming to cheer us on so I’m thinking it will be pretty noisy when we play. Glenn’s team, obviously being based in southern Ontario, will get the most support, but I’m hoping we’ll get at least the second-most support.

- В прошлом году на чемпионате Brier ваша команда удивила многих любителей керлинга, завоевав бронзовые медали. Что вам дал подобный опыт?

- We learned we can come to these tournaments and have a winning record. Last year showed we can make the playoffs and that’s what our goal is coming into this Brier.

7. Act as interpreter:

Here is an interview with Ludmila Privivkova - the skip o f the Russian National Team.

- Which teams do you consider to be your main rivals at the European Championship?

- Мы играем в группе А, в которой выступают 10 сильнейших команд Европы, слабых сборных здесь нет. У нас все девочки так считают, поэтому мы к каждому сопернику готовимся серьезно. Намерены показывать хорошую игру, выполнять все свои броски и задания. Конкурентки — шведки, действующие чемпионки Европы швейцарки, шотландки. Все команды в хорошей форме, все готовятся к Олимпиаде и пробуют сильнейшие составы.

- After the European Championship you’ll have pretty much time till the Olympic Games. What is your training plan for the period?

77 - После чемпионата мы вернемся в Москву и до Нового года никуда не уедем. В зависимости от того, как выступим, может, тренеры дадут нам чуть-чуть отдохнуть, а может, и нет. В начале января отправимся на этап Кубка мира в Берне, потом будет еще один турнир в Шотландии. Между стартами, конечно, будем тренироваться, но основная подготовка у нас — на соревнованиях, потому что на тренировках можно отработать какие-то элементы, а вот в игре их применить получается только на соревнованиях.

- In autumn you took part in the world tour in Canada. How do you estimate the performance of the famous ? What do you lack in comparison with them and in what aspects do you overshoot them?

- В Канаде всегда очень специфичная сборная выступает на чемпионате мира, потому что у них в стране очень много сильных команд. В то время как в других странах есть два-три сильных коллектива, которые выше других на голову. В Канаде настолько популярен этот вид спорта, что даже выиграть чемпионат провинции считается очень престижно. Есть даже такое мнение, что победить на чемпионате страны сложнее, чем на мировом первенстве. У них все игроки опытные и возрастные, которые в тактике разбираются лучше молодых. Но мы тоже повзрослели. Я думаю, что у нас очень много шансов обыграть все команды.

- Is age very important in curling?

- Вообще-то да. Считается, что игроки до 30 лет в керлинге еще дети, потому что нужно иметь логическое мышление, где-то терпение, сдержанность. Игра длится долго, немножко расслабишься — и все: команда соперников может тебя подловить, взять много очков, а потом не успеешь догнать.

- How has your team changed in comparison with the one that played almost four years ago in ?

- Мы стали более взрослыми, приобрели большой опыт за эти четыре года. Ольга Андрианова говорит, что мы гораздо лучше выглядим, чем перед Турином, что у нас более хорошая форма. Обещает, что до Олимпиады она нас еще потренирует и будет вообще все отлично, так что поборемся за победу.

78 8. Read the news paying attention to the thematic vocabulary:

Canada rink reaches world women's curling playoff round with tense win

By: The Canadian Press Posted: 03/25/2011 10:58 AM ESBJERG, Denmark - With the game — and her season — hanging in the balance, Regina's Amber Holland came through when it mattered most. Holland's rink earned a tense 8-6 tiebreaker victory' over Switzerland on Friday at the world women's curling championship. The Canadians will now face Denmark in the Page 3 versus 4 playoff contest Saturday. "That's the No. 1 target achieved," Holland said. "Obviously we had to win that to get to where we needed to in the playoffs, so . . . just got to keep playing." The Canadians had a seemingly comfortable 7-3 lead before the Swiss scored three in the eighth end to make it a one-point game. Holland left the door open for Switzerland by missing a double takeout with her first rock of the end, allowing opposing skip MiijamOtt to make the draw for three. "I just overswept my first shot," Holland said of the eighth end. "You don't like giving up a three but we were up four so if there is any time to do it, that's the time. "One up playing the ninth end with hammer is still pretty comfortable." After Holland blanked the ninth, the Swiss were lying two in the 10th after a missed Canadian double takeout attempt. But Canada rallied with a successful double takeout that left Switzerland lying one with the two skips' rocks remaining. After executing a successful takeout that left Switzerland lying one with a wide-open house, Holland calmly drew to the four-foot with the game's final shot to secure the victory. But the skip heaped lavish praise on her squad for the win. "The girls played really well," she said. "They had a lot of ends tied up and set up for me and that took the pressure off, and I just needed to finish a few off. "Some I did, some f didn't." All a dejected Ott could do was watch Holland's game-winning shot. "We feel disappointed, we wanted to win," she said. "We had a good game but they played really well. "We were a little bit unlucky today but we tried it, we tried hard and we had a good game." Denmark, Canada and Switzerland finished the round robin with identical 7- 4 records. The Danes had the best record in head-to-head matchups to claim third, leaving the Canadians and Swiss to meet in the tiebreaker for fourth. Denmark had beaten Canada 8-5 in the round robin. The tiebreaker win came after Canada captured two must-win games Thursday — defeating South Korea 9-2 before handing defending champion Germany an 8-6 loss.

79 Holland's rink needs to secure three more wins to capture the world title but history isn't on the Canadian team's side. No tiebreaker winner has ever won the women's tournament. But Holland remains undeterred. ''We can win this title, why not?," she said. "We just have to keep putting good games together and keep doing what we're doing and stay consistent. "Yes, it's definitely there for the taking." Sweden edged China 7-6 later Friday in the 1 versus 2 playoff. The Swedes advanced directly to the final while the Chinese will face either Canada or Denmark in semifinal action. "The girls were just amazing today," said Swedish skip . "I struggled a bit in the beginning, but they played really great curling today. Now we're in the final, we're going for the gold.”

9. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Команда Голландии выиграла этот напряженный матч на тайм-брейке со счетом 8-6. 2. Канадские игроки, казалось, спокойно вели в счете 7-3, когда представители Швейцарии получили три очка в восьмом энде, тем самым доведя разницу в счете до минимальной. 3. Команда Голландии пропустила два выбивающих броска. 4. В девятом энде команда владела преимуществом последнего броска. 5. В финальном матче датчане показали свой лучший результат. 6. Сборная Дании одержала верх над сборной Канады в круговом раунде со счетом 8-5. 7. Сборная Канады одержала победу над защищающей титул чемпиона командой Германии со счетом 8-6. 8. Шведы сразу вышли в финал, а сборной Китая еще предстоит сразиться с Данией или Канадой в полуфинале.

10.Read the news paying attention to the thematic vocabulary:

Canada rink reaches world women's curling playoff round with tense win

By: The Canadian Press Posted: 03/25/2011 10:58 AM ESBJERG, Denmark - With the game — and her season — hanging in the balance, Regina’s Amber Holland came through when it mattered most. Holland's rink earned a tense 8-6 tiebreaker victory over Switzerland on Friday at the world women's curling championship. The Canadians will now face Denmark in the Page 3 versus 4 playoff contest Saturday.

80 "That's the No. 1 target achieved," Holland said. "Obviously we had to win that to get to where we needed to in the playoffs, so . . . just got to keep playing." The Canadians had a seemingly comfortable 7-3 lead before the Swiss scored three in the eighth end to make it a one-point game. Holland left the door open for Switzerland by missing a double takeout with her first rock of the end, allowing opposing skip MiijamOtt to make the draw for three. "I just overswept my first shot," Holland said of the eighth end. "You don't like giving upa three but we were up four so if there is any time to do it, that's the time. "One up playing the ninth end with hammer is still pretty comfortable." After Holland blanked the ninth, the Swiss were lying two in the 1 Oth after a missed Canadian double takeout attempt. But Canada rallied with a successful double takeout that left Switzerland lying one with the two skips' rocks remaining. After executing a successful takeout that left Switzerland lying one with a wide-open house, Holland calmly drew to the four-foot with the game's final shot to secure the victory. But the skip heaped lavish praise on her squad for the win. "The girls played really well," she said. "They had a lot of ends tied up and set up for me and that took the pressure off, and I just needed to finish a few off. "Some I did, some I didn't." All a dejected Ott could do was watch Holland's game-winning shot. "We feel disappointed, we wanted to win," she said. "We had a good game but they played really well. "We were a little bit unlucky today but we tried it, we tried hard and we had a good game." Denmark, Canada and Switzerland finished the round robin with identical 7- 4 records. The Danes had the best record in head-to-head matchups to claim third, leaving the Canadians and Swiss to meet in the tiebreaker for fourth. Denmark had beaten Canada 8-5 in the round robin. The tiebreaker win came after Canada captured two must-win games Thursday — defeating South Korea 9-2 before handing defending champion Germany an 8-6 loss. Holland's rink needs to secure three more wins to capture the world title but history isn't on the Canadian team's side. No tiebreaker winner has ever won the women's tournament. But Holland remains undeterred. "We can win this title, why not?," she said. "We just have to keep putting good games together and keep doing what we're doing and stay consistent.

81 "Yes, it’s definitely there for the taking." Sweden edged China 7-6 later Friday in the 1 versus 2 playoff. The Swedes advanced directly to the final while the Chinese will face either Canada or Denmark in semifinal action. "The girls were just amazing today," said Swedish skip Anette Norberg. "I struggled a bit in the beginning, but they played really great curling today. Now we're in the final, we're going for the gold."

11. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Команда Голландии выиграла этот напряженный матч на тай-брейке со счетом 8-6. 2. Канадские игроки, казалось, спокойно вели в счете 7-3, когда представители Швейцарии получили три очка в восьмом энде, тем самым доведя разницу в счете до минимальной. 3. Команда Голландии пропустила два выбивающих броска. 4. В девятом энде команда владела преимуществом последнего броска. 5. В финальном матче датчане показали свой лучший результат. 6. Сборная Дании одержала верх над сборной Канады в круговом раунде со счетом 8-5. 7. Сборная Канады одержала победу над защищающей титул чемпиона командой Германии со счетом 8-6. 8. Шведы сразу вышли в финал, а сборной Китая еще предстоит сразиться с Данией или Канадой в полуфинале.

12. Translate the news into Russian.

13.Read the biography o f a curling star:

Jennifer Jones (born July 7, 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba) is a Canadian curler, lawyer for Wellington West and also she is a Windsor Park Collegiate graduate.

Jennifer Jones is the current Canadian and World champion skip, having won both the 2008 Scotties Tournament of Hearts and the 2008 Ford World Women's Curling Championship. After finishing 8-4 at the 1993 Canadian Junior championships, Jones went on to win the 1994 Canadian Junior championships. This would have ordinarily meant a berth in the following year's World Junior Championships, but a change in the ruling forced her to play in a playoff the following year for the right to attend, which she lost.

82 In 2002, Jones won the Manitoba women's curling championship and the right to go to the 2002 Scott Tournament of Hearts, where she finished with an 8-4 record. Jones would return to the Scott at the 2005 Scott Tournament of Hearts, which she won by defeating Team Ontario, skipped by Jenn Hanna in the championship game. Jones faced an extremely difficult shot to win, having to hit a rock outside of the house and roll to the button taking out an Ontario rock. Had she missed, she would have lost both the game and the tournament. The shot was perfect, scoring 4 points with her final stone and winning the game. Revered byCanadian sports media and admiring curling fans, Jones' accomplishment under pressure was quickly dubbed "The Shot," and, in the following weeks, became the source of talk and of attempts by novice curlers to repeat the feat in curling clubs across the country. The team's win qualified them for the 2005 World Women's Curling Championship in Paisley, Scotland. The worlds were a disappointing tournament for her and her team, where they struggled constantly with poor ice conditions. They were knocked out of the playoffs in the 3-4 game against Dordi Nordby and her Norway rink. In the off-season, Jones replaced Gauthier at lead with 2002 Olympic bronze medalist . This was done in part to boost the team's chances at the Olympic trials in December of 2005. However, the team finished a disappointing 5-4 and out of the playoffs. Because Jones had won the 2005 Scott Tournament of Hearts, she got to return to the 2006 Scott Tournament of Hearts as Team Canada. At the Hearts that year, she managed to defeat 's Nova Scotia rink in the semi-final before losing to of British Columbia in the final. In 2006, Wheatcroft moved back to her home of British Columbia to play with her former skip, . She was replaced by Dana Allerton. Midway through the season however, she was dropped in favour of Janet Arnott just before the provincial playdowns. Jones was criticized within the curling community for this move. Jones won another provincial championship in 2007, earning her a berth at the 2007 Scotties Tournament of Hearts. Jones made the playoffs again, but lost to Kelly Scott again- this time in the semi-final. Later on in the year, Jones switched leads again, gaining Dawn Askin who had moved from from Jenn Hanna's rink. Jones won her first of Curling on March 17, 2007.

83 In the 2007/2008 curling season Jones celebrated several successes including winning the 2007 Autumn Gold Grand Slam as well as the 2008 Manitoba provincial championship. Winning the 2008 Manitoba provincial championship qualified her to represent the piovince at the 2008 Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Regina. . Jones got off to a slow start, having just a 3-4 record to start off the week, but rebounded to make it to the tiebreaker where she defeated Newfoundland and Labrador's Heather Strong by a score of 6-3. In the 3-4 playoff game, Jones edged Quebec skip Marie-Francc Larouche with a score of 6-5. She advanced to the semi-finals, where she defeated Ontario's 9-8 by stealing a point in the extra end. In the final. Jones faced Alberta's Shannon Klcibrink. In the finalwith Jones leading 5-4 without hammer, Klcibrink managed to fill the house, but an excellent draw to the four foot behind cover by Jones forced Klcibrink to try a tricky runback of a Manitoba stone just outside the 12 foot to win. The raised stone jammed on Jones' last draw and Manitoba managed to steal a single point for the 6-4 Jennifer Jones victory. After this victory team Jennifer Jones became a Team Canada. At the 2008 World Womens Curling Championship in Vemon, British Columbia, Jones defeated China to capture her first World Championship by a score of 7-4. Jones finished the week with an overall record of 11-3.

14. Make a summary o f the text.

84 Glossary (Curling)

angle-raise - угловой подъем; бросок, после которого другой камень команды отскакивает под углом; Asian W inter Games - зимние Азиатские игры;

biter — камень, находящийся на самом краю «дома»;

blank end - пустой энд; (the) Brier — чемпионат мира по кёрлингу среди мужчин, проводимый в Канаде («Tim Horton’s Brier Canadian Curling Championships»); (to) burn a stone - задеть находящийся в игре камень; button - центр дома; centre line - центральная линия площадки; centre-guard — гард, расположенный на центральной линии; come-around — обводящий бросок; бросок, при котором камень проскальзывает мимо гарда, не задевая его и таким образом остается за ним, будучи прикрытым от других ударов; (the) Continental C ud — Континентальный кубок по керлингу; corner-guard — гард, расположенный справа или слева от центральной линии; curling broom (brush) — щетка для керлинга; curling shoes - ботинки для керлинга; curling sheet — игровое поле, игровая площадка; delivery — бросок камня; подача; double- двойной тэйк-аут; бросок, который выбивает из «дома» два камня соперника; draw — дро; постановочный бросок, целью которого является установка камня в доме без контакта с камнями соперника, raise - подъем; бросок, при котором бросаемый камень подталкивает другой свой камень вперед настолько, чтобы тот встал на нужную точку;

eight-ender, snowman - наивысший результат в рамках одного энда;

end — энд; extra end - экстра-энд; eye on the h o g - встроенный в камень датчик, позволяющий определить, отпустил ли игрок камень до пересечения камнем зачетной линии; (the) fourth (skip) - четвертый (он же скип);

85 free guard zone - зона «свободных защитников»; free guard zone — зона «свободных защитников»; free guard zone rule - правило зоны «свободных защитников»; freeze - фриз; бросок высокой точности, при котором камень останавливается почти вплотную с уже стоящим камнем; gaffer tape - крепкая клейкая лента на тканевой основе; gripper - то же самое, что антислайдер; нескользящий ботинок керлера; guard - гард; бросок, целью которого является установить камень перед «домом», чтобы защитить другие камни команды от выбивания; guard - гард; камень-«защитник», ставящийся перед «домом», чтобы защитить другие камни команды от выбивания; hack — колодка; hack line — стартовая линия, линия колодок; hammer - хаммер; преимущество последнего броска; hit-and-roll - хит-энд-рол; бросок, при котором камень ударяет другой камень под малым углом и при этом не остается на месте, а немного откатывается в сторону; (to) hog - вывести камень из игры; hog line - зачетная линия; house - «дом»; icemaker — специалист по подготовке льда; infraction - нарушение правил; International Curling Federation (ICF) — Международная федерация керлинга (ИКФ); International Olympic Committee (ЮС) - Международный Олимпийский Комитет (МОК); knockout stage - игры на вылет; игры плей-офф; lead - ведущий; line - траектория, направление движения камня; non-sliding shoe, hack foot shoe -антислайдер; Number System - система условного деления поля для керлинга на зоны, каждой из которых соответствует определенный номер; рее! - бросок, при котором камень выбивает из игры камень соперника, но при этом и сам выходит из игры; pick up (pick) - плохой бросок; неудачный бросок;

86 quarter — четверть «дома»; round-robin game — турнир, в котором несколько команд соревнуются последовательно сменяя друг друга; круговой раунд; (to) run out of rocks - для описания ситуации, при которой команде не хватает бросков до достижения ничьи; running surface - скользящая поверхность; scoreboard - электронное табло; second — второй; shot — бросок камня; shot-rock - камень, находящийся ближе всего к центру «дома»; skip - скип; капитан команды, определяющий стратегию игры; slider shoe - слайдер; (to) steal - «украсть» очки; stone -«камень» - спортивный снаряд для игры в керлинг; (to) sweep — выполнять свипинг, свиповать (тереть лед щеткой, для того, чтобы увеличить скорость или изменить траекторию движения камня); sweeper — игрок, натирающий лед перед скользящим камнем, таких игроков в команде два; takeout - тейк-аут; выбивающий бросок, его цель - выбить камень противника из «дома»; takeouts - тэйк-аут; выбивающий бросок, преследует цель выбить камень соперника из «дома»; tap — камень, который должен подвинуть уже стоящий камень в определенную точку; teams are tied — ничья; tee line — линия центра «дома»; (the) third (vice-skip) - третий (он же вице-скип, вице-капитан); thrower - игрок, осуществляющий бросок; timeout — тайм-аут; turn — вращение камня; weight — скорость камня; World Curling Federation (WCF) - Всемирная федерация керлинга (ВКФ); W orld Mixed Doubles Curling Championship - Чемпионат мира по керлингу среди смешанных пар;

87 World University Winter Games - Всемирная зимняя Универсиада; World Wheelchair Curling Championship - Чемпионат мира по керлингу среди инвалидов-колясочников.

88 Lesson 1. History of Olympic Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a relatively recent addition to the list of official games in the Winter Olympics. Although it was already gaining popularity in the 1980s, it was only in the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan that it became a part of the quadrennial event. But before that, its bid for inclusion in the Games became the center of controversy. Prior to the 1998 Games, many snowboarders became upset when the International Olympic Committee gave the jurisdiction of the event to the International Skiing Federation (FIS) instead of the International Snowboarding Federation (ISF). The IOC made the move in spite of the fact that the ISF was already sanctioning snowboard events way before the Nagano Games. That fact became the major source of disappointment among the supporters of the sport. The snowboarders' disappointment was best exemplified by Teije Hakonsen of Norway. Hakonsen, regarded as one of the world's best snowboarders, declared that he would boycott the 1998 Games and the succeeding Games after that. It was not the last controversy to hound the Games in Nagano. Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati won the gold medal and was stripped of it after only three days after testing positive for marijuana. However, Rebagliati's camp argued that it was second-hand smoke that he inhaled during the send-off party back in Canada. They further argued that it did not affect his performance in any way. The IOC eventually reversed the decision because marijuana is not a performance- enhancing drug. Rebagliati got his medal back. Currently, there are six Olympic snowboard events: men's and women's halfpipe, men's and women's parallel giant slalom, and men's and women's . The halfpipe and parallel giant slalom events originally were the

89 only snowboard events. Snowboard cross was a later addition when it was held in the 2006 Winter Games in Torino, . Halfpipe Snowboarding traces its roots from skateboarding. It is basically an event where riders move from one side to the other of a u-shaped bowl or the halfpipe. They then make jumps and perform tricks while on mid-air. Meanwhile, the parallel giant slalom is where the top 16 riders of the event battle it out in two-race face-off matches. It is in a bracket format which means rider 1 faces rider 16, rider 2 faces rider 15, and so on. Matches are held until the two top riders are left. Finally, the snowboard cross event is where four riders race to the finish line. But the course is in no way easy since there is a series of different obstacles that they have to pass through. Aside from the obstacles, the course is also narrow making it difficult for riders to control their boards. Thus, crashes are not uncommon in this event. Snowboarding, as mentioned earlier, is still a new sport in the Olympics. Therefore, it can be safe to say that some changes are still inevitable in the coming Winter Games. It may be new rules, or even new events, but what's sure is that the Snowboarding will only get more exciting in the years to come.


International Skiing Federation (FIS - Federation Internationale de Ski) - Международная федерация лыжного спорта; International Snowboarding Federation (ISF) - Международная федерация сноуборда; halfpipe — хаф-пайп (дословно - половина трубы); parallel giant slalom - параллельный гигантский слалом; snowboard cross - сноуборд-кросс.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

When was snowboarding added to the list of the official Olympic Games? When and where did the XVIII Winter Olympics take place? Why did the bid for inclusion of snowboarding in the Games become the center of controversy? Under the jurisdiction of which federation was snowboarding before those games? How many are there Olympic snowboard events? What are they? What was the last event added to the list of the Games?

90 What kind of sport was the predecessor to the halfpipe snowboarding? How do the riders move? What does the parallel giant slalom consist in? What does “a bracket format” mean? How many riders are there in the snowboard cross? What make the course difficult?

3. Give the Russian equivalents for:

Quadrennial event, bid for inclusion, International Olympic Committee, jurisdiction of the event, FIS, ISF, to sanction snowboard events, to be stripped of the gold medal, performance-enhancing drug, u-shaped bowl, halfpipe, two-race face-off match, bracket format.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Snowboarding is a relatively recent addition to the list of official games in the Winter Olympics: it became a part of the quadrennial event only in the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. 2. Many snowboarders became upset when the International Olympic Committee gave the jurisdiction of the event to the International Skiing Federation (FIS) instead of the International Snowboarding Federation (ISF) in spite of the fact that the ISF was already sanctioning snowboard events. 3. Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati won the gold medal and was stripped of it after only three days after testing positive for marijuana but due to the fact that marijuana is not a performance-enhancing drug. Rebagliati got his medal back. 4. Currently, there are six Olympic snowboard events: men's and women's halfpipe, men's and women's parallel giant slalom, and men's and women's snowboard cross. 5. Halfpipe Snowboarding traces its roots from skateboarding being an event where riders move from one side to the other of a u-shaped bowl or the halfpipe making jumps and performing tricks while on mid-air. 6. Parallel giant slalom is where the top 16 riders of the event battle it out in two-race face-off matches. 7. A bracket format means rider 1 faces rider 16, rider 2 faces rider 15, and so on. 8. In snowboard cross the course is in no way easy since there is a series of different obstacles that they have to pass through. 9. Aside from the obstacles, the course is also narrow making it difficult for riders to control their boards and, consequently, crashes are not uncommon in this event. 10. Originally there were only two snowboard events: halfpipe and parallel giant slalom.

91 5. Translate the sentences into English:

1. В самом начале 90-х образовалась Международная Федерация Сноуборда (ISF), которая объединила сноубордические ассоциации стран Европы, Азии и Америки. Именно она и по сей день проводит ежегодные чемпионаты мира, состоящие из этапов, проходящих во всех континентах. 2. Сноуборд был впервые включён в программу зимних Олимпийских игр в 1998 году на Олимпиаде в японском Нагано. 3. Международный Олимпийский комитет (ЮС) официально передал сноубординг под юрисдикцию Международной лыжной федерации (FIS) несмотря на то, что с 1989 г. существует Международная федерация сноубординга (ISF), которая и должна представлять интересы райдеров. 4. Канадский спортсмен Росс Ребальяти выиграл золотую медаль в скоростном спуске, который состоялся 8 февраля 1998 года, и тут же лишился ее, будучи пойманным на употреблении марихуаны. Однако следует отметить, что марихуана не является веществом, применение которого положительно влияет на результат спортсмена. 5. В хафпайпе спортсмены, двигаясь внутри специального желоба, должны совершать различные прыжки и акробатические трюки, которые оцениваются судьями. Оценивается сложность трюков, амплитуда, на которой они были сделаны, и стиль исполнения. 6. Соревнования по параллельному гигантскому слалому состоят из двух этапов: квалификационного и финального, - в которых спортсмену предоставляется по две попытки: на левой и на правой трассе. 7. За грубые технические ошибки в сноубордкроссе (неправильное прохождение трассы) и за преднамеренные задержки соперника (толчки, удары и т.д.) спортсмен дисквалифицируется. 8. Сноубордкросс был признан наиболее опасным видом спорта на последней зимней Олимпиаде, причем около 75 процентов женщин- спортсменов получили ранения на самих соревнованиях, будучи в непосредственной близости друг от друга, с большой скоростью спускаясь по склонам и крутым виражам. 9. Чемпионат мира по версии ФИС проводится раз на 2 года, а многоэтапный Кубок мира - ежегодно. 10. Летом 2002 г. ИСФ не выдержала конкуренции и прекратила свою деятельность. Но уже через полтора месяца на специальной встрече в Мюнхене представителей профессионального сноубординга почти 20 стран (включая Россию) была установлена Всемирная федерация сноубординга (WSF).

6. Make a summary o f the text.

92 Lesson 2. Snowboard Equipment

This section provides you with a list of the basic snowboard gear that you will need for this winter sport. Wearing the right apparel would enable you to perform various snowboarding styles and snowboard tricks better for a longer period of time. Generally, the ideal way of clothing for any winter activity is to dress in layers. This is because dressing in layers allows you to adapt to sudden changes in temperature by shedding a layer, and prepares you for the times you will find yourself overheating from pushing your endurance to limits. The keys to a successful layering system, in order of importance, are warmth, weight, moisture management and packing the right number of layers. For most winter sports, the three-layer system is applicable: the base or inner layer, the middle or second layer, and the outer layer. The first layer is the base layer which consists of underwear and socks. Also known as the inner layer, this snowboarding clothing traps warmth against your body while 'wicking' moisture away from your skin. The middle layer consists of general clothing or a fleece jacket. This layer provides extra insulation and transfers moisture towards the outer layer. On the other hand, the outer layer protects your body against wind and rain and expels excess moisture. What follows are basic guidelines on what snowboarding clothes to wear and why you should wear it. Base Layer This is the first layer of clothing that comes next to the skin. Pieces of snowboard gear for the base layer are designed to conserve body heat and keep you warm and dry. The best materials for the base layer are space age wicking materials that draw moisture away from the body as well as keep you warm. Synthetic materials like polypropylene are the most suitable for this purpose. Although wool combinations also work well, they aren't comfortable unless you have a high itch tolerance. Keep in mind that the base layer should cover you from head to toe (i.e. comprising of a long-sleeved top, socks and full-length leggings or long johns). Also, stay away from cotton. Once cotton gets wet, its insulation capacities are lost, and thus it stays wet. 1. 1. Thermal Body Shirt Depending on the temperature (be sure to check this) you will want to use thermal or polypropylene underwear as a first level of clothing. This snowboarding apparel will keep you warm and dry by wicking moisture away from the skin and transferring it to the next layer. When buying a thermal body shirt, be sure that it has long sleeves. Thermal Underwear Thermal underwear is the best apparel to use as a first level of clothing. Polypropylene thermal underwear is readily available and does not scratch. 3. Snowboarding Socks The most important inner layer and the key to a good boot fit are socks. This snowboard gear is essential to keep your feet warm, dry, comfortable, and padded against hard impacts. Choose thinner snowboard socks over thicker ones. Thin, synthetic socks are a good choice since soft boots already incorporate some insulation, and very thick socks encourage feet to sweat and lose warmth more quickly. Preferably, buy special snowboarding socks that will give you more specialized features. Keep in mind that socks need to come at least halfway up the calf. Second Layer Msq Vxvqwl as the \a>j^ thft m ld d te layer serves as the insulation layer. The snowboarding clothes for this layer are made of materials designed to trap warm air next to your body as you ride, and transfer moisture towards the outer layer. Wool and fleece are the best materials to use here. Fleece is a great choice since it is lightweight and is able to 'breathe'. Consequently, it acts as an effective channel for drawing moisture towards the outer layer of clothing. You can put the middle layer on or off depending on the temperature and the amount of activity you perform. On warmer days the snowboard gear for this layer can serve as your outer layer of protection as well. 4. Fleece Jackets or Sweater As a second layer you will want a fleece or a wool sweater. The fleece is the key component to remaining warm since it is lightweight and is able to 'breathe'. Generally though, it does not offer protection from the wind or rain. However, this snowboard gear has thermal properties that enable the body to breathe by allowing perspiration to evaporate through. 5. 5. Thermal Pants Q *f' Put on your snowboarding pants on top of your base layer. Snowboarding pants are usually roomy. Still, make sure you don't Ш feel any pinching in the crotch area. Otherwise, look for another pair. Moreover, a good pair of snowboarding pants should keep you warm and dry and should have basic padding on the knees and the rear that will prevent melting snow from seeping through. I 6. 6. Snowboard Boots Q These are special boots that will work together with your snowboard bindings to keep your body connected to your board. Snowboard boots come in all regular shoe sizes. However, W V different boots of the same size usually vary in the way they hold your feet and ankle. Quality boots can last for a long time so take time to consider this when buying one. Finishing the Basics The outer layer serves as the barrier between you and the winter mountain environment. It is also important that this layer has the ability to 'breathe' as it should allow heat from perspiration to escape from the inner layers of clothing. Thus, for your outer layer, wear windproof and waterproof apparel that is also breathable.

94 7. Beanie, Hat or Helmet Do not expose your head and ears to extremely low temperatures, protect them with a comfortable hat or beanie. If you prefer to wear a hat, choose one with the little ear flaps. Remember, you can lose up to 90% of your body's total heat through the top of your head. For head protection put on a snowboard helmet. 8. Snowboarding Goggles Protect your eyes from U V rays, snow, wind, ice, and tree branches with snowboarding goggles. This snowboard gear is designed for functionality (i.e. U V and full eye wind protection) and won't fly off when you fall. Also, goggles can be placed over you hat and fastened onto your head. 9. Snowboarding Jacket Finish off your upper body layering with a water repellant and windproof snowboarding jacket or top shell. Make sure that the fabric for this snowboard gear is also breathable. Its ability to 'breathe' would allow heat from perspiration to escape from the inner layers of clothing. 10. A Snowboard The focal point of snowboarding: the snowboard. There are three different types of snowboards available on the market today: freestyle, freeride (all mountain), and alpine (carving) boards. Each board has a unique construction technique and materials, shape, flex pattern, and size. The type of board you ride should correspond to the style o f riding that you like to do. 11. Snowboard Bindings Attach your boots to your snowboard through sturdy bindings. This snowboard gear typically comes in two or three sizes - small, medium and large. The size you choose will depend completely on the snowboard boot that you have chosen in combination with the binding. Make sure the binding has the correct size that allows you to comfortably get into the binding and easily © adjust the straps (when using strap binding) without leaving too much strap on either side. 12. Snowboarding Gloves Protect your hands from snow, ice and impacts with padded gloves - preferably those that are designed for snowboarding. Choose gloves that are durable, waterproof, and have fleece or other synthetic-based insulated glove liners. Also, make sure this snowboard gear have built-in reinforcements for the palm and the undersides of the fingers as they keep these areas from wearing through. One of the advantages of layers is that you can add and remove layers during the day according to the weather conditions and how you feel. However, when buying your Snowboarding apparel, be sure that you manage the following problems: sweating, controlling of body temperature, protection from elements, chafing and blisters. Also, avoid clothes that are too large or too small, otherwise the benefits of the latest fabric technology will be diluted.

95 Vocabulary

beanie - небольшая шапочка; helmet - шлем; goggles - защитные очки; freeride - самый распространенный вид досок; универсальна - может быть использована для разных стилей катания; имеет одно направление движения; freestyle - шире и легче фрирайда; в основном используется для катания в хаф-пайпе; не имеет ярко выраженных носа и хвоста; carving — доска для высокогорного катания; как и фрирайд чаще используется для езды в одну сторону; bindings - крепления; padded gloves - так называемые «дутые» перчатки.


1. Read the text

2. Answer the following questions:

- What is the ideal way of clothing for different winter activities? Why? - What are the keys to a successful layering system? - Which system is applicable for most winter sports? What are the layers of this system? - What are the best materials for the base layer? What can you say about wool and cotton combinations? What does the rider have to keep in mind? - Enumerate the main parts of the base layer. - What does the middle or the second layer serve as? - What are the best materials for the second layer? Why? - Enumerate the main parts of the second layer. - What does the outer layer consist of? - What are the advantages of a layer system?

3. Give the Russian equivalents for:

Basic snowboard gear, apparel, snowboarding styles and snowboard tricks, to dress in layers, to adapt to changes shedding a layer, base/inner layer, middle/second layer, outer layer, to conserve heat, to keep smb warm and dry, space age wicking materials, high itch tolerance, insulation capacities, thermal underwear, long johns, to come at least halfway up the calf, to trap warm air, roomy, pinching in the crotch area, basic padding on the knees and the rear, effective barrier in keeping snow and water out, ear flaps, beanie, goggles, water repellant jacket, freestyle board, freeride (all mountain) board, alpine (carving) board, flex pattern, sturdy bindings, chafing, blisters.

96 4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Wearing the right apparel would enable you to perform various snowboarding styles and snowboard tricks better for a longer period of time. 2. Generally, the ideal way of clothing for any winter activity is to dress in layers because dressing in layers allows you to adapt to sudden changes in temperature by shedding a layer, and prepares you for the times you will find yourself overheating from pushing your endurance to limits. 3. Pieces of snowboard sear for the base layer are designed to conserve body heat and keep you warm and dry. 4. Keep in mind that the base layer should cover you from head to toe (i.e. comprising of a long-sleeved top, socks and full-length leggings or long johns). 5. Snowboarding socks are essential to keep your feet warm, dry, comfortable, and padded against hard impacts. 6. The snowboarding clothes for the second layer are made of materials designed to trap warm air next to your body as you ride, and transfer moisture towards the outer layer. 7. Snowboard boots are special boots that will work together with your snowboard bindings to keep your body connected to your board. 8. With all of your heat inside the inner two layers, the snowboarding clothing for the outer layer should allow moisture vapor out, and still maintain an effective barrier in keeping snow and water out. 9. There are three different tvnes of snowboards available on the market today: freestyle, freeride (all mountain), and alpine (carving) boards. Each board has a unique construction technique and materials, shape, flex pattern, and size. 10. When buying your snowboarding apparel, be sure that you manage the following problems: sweating, controlling of body temperature, protection from elements, chafing and blisters, - also try to avoid clothes that are too large or too small, otherwise the benefits of the latest fabric technology will be diluted.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Обратите внимание на то, чтобы рукава при движении рук вверх, вниз, а также в бок не позволяли куртке задираться, это нужно для того, чтобы при активном катании куртка для сноуборда не задиралась по самые ребра. 2. Наиболее комфортный тип креплений - это мягкие крепления, чаше всего используемые теми, кто катается в стиле фрирайд или фристайл. 3. Учитывая тот факт, что на горе в одной и той же одежде сноубордист как активно двигается во время спусков, так и

97 бездействует(сидя на подъемнике), то ему приходится одеваться так, чтобы и влага от тела отводилась, и не холодно было. 4. Очки или маска предназначены для защиты глаз сноубордиста от ветра, снега, ультрафиолетовых лучшей, ледяной крошки, а также от травм, которые могут возникнуть при неожиданном падении. 5. Термобелье используется как нижнее белье, основная задача которого - сбор и испарение влаги, выделяемое телом при нагрузках, а также, конечно, сохранение тепла за счет особых технологий. 6. При выборе доски необходимо учитывать целый ряд параметров: вес, рост, качество снега на склоне, стиль катания и так далее. 7. Шлем особенно нужен при катании вне трасс, где бывают камни, деревья и другие неожиданные препятствия, а также во фристайле, где риск падения значительно выше обычного катания. 8. «Burton Custom» - это фристайловая доска, оснащенная современными технологиями и являющаяся универсальной моделью, т.к. она подходит для беккантри, парка и пайпа. 9. Карвинговые доски отличаются особой жесткостью, имеют неизогнутый, прямой хвост, благодаря которому обеспечивается максимальный контакт между снегом и кантом доски. 10. Одеваясь слоями, Вы легко можете приспосабливаться к изменениям в погоде и своем состоянии, снимая лишние слои, когда организм разогревается, и, добавляя их, когда организм охлаждается.

6. Describe the layer system. Make out a list o f its advantages.

Lesson 3. Halfpipe Snowboarding

A Halfpipe is basically a U-shaped bowl that allows riders to move from one wall to the other by making jumps and performing snowboarding tricks on each transition. Half pipes originated in skateboarding, and the whole phenomenon has now made its way to snowboarding. In this section, we are going to look at halfpipes such as you might encounter in snow resorts and snowboard parks worldwide. To start with, let's take a look at the halfpipe schematic drawn below:

98 Snowboarding Halfpipe Schematic

These are the elements of a halfpipe: Flat Is the center flat floor of the halfpipe Transitions/Trannies TYi£ temU ft?t\ ътЛ Verticals/Verts The vertical parts of the walls between the lip and the transitions Platform/Deck The horizontal flat platform on top of the wall Entry Ramp The beginning of the halfpipe where you start your run Halfpipe Snowboarding Before you start, keep this in mind: a halfpipe is no beginner's terrain. You will need excellent edge- and turning control before you try your first run. Make sure you are able to ride fakie as well since you'll probably do it a lot in the halfpipe. It would help a lot with the transitions between the flats and the walls of the pipe if you can jump smoothly. Moreover, to make your run less trying when you start out, try starting a bit further down the pipe. You can go further up the pipe to take your runs as you improve your skills.

99 Traversing When riding the halfpipe for the first time, it is important that you practice first. You can do this by simply traversing the transitions of the halfpipe. It is a weird sensation going up and down the same slope when all you are used to are one way descends. Slide Turns Once you have quite gotten the feeling, you can tiy real turns. You will be making turns up and down the same slope so you have to leam how to roll your edges. Rolling your edges means that you will be ascending the transition with one edge and descending with the opposite edge. Practice the slide turns by going higher and higher up in the transition. Jump Turns Once you are going higher and higher up the wall, you will at one time almost take-off into the air, leaving the lip of the wall. Go for it and make a little jump at the lip, and turn in mid air. As with all jumps, keep your knees bent in the landing and close to your body while in the air. Try getting more and more air and make sure to concentrate on the lip. You do not want to land on the platform with your nose digging into it. Well, those are the basics of riding the halfpipe. As you are able to jump higher and higher you will probably want to start showing off some tricks.

Olympic Halfpipe Rules The basics The goal of halfpipe is for the snowboarder to perform complicated and acrobatic tricks, all while maintaining perfect form. To do this, the snowboarder uses the halfpipe and its inclines to gather speed and perform those tricks. Most of those tricks take place above the walls and feature jumps, twists and rotations set to music chosen by the snowboarder. The snowboarder must perform the routine moving from one end of the halfpipe (the starting line) to the other (finish line). Judging Five judges are stationed at the finish line so they can have a clear view of the program. The judges form their scores based on a standard set of criteria, including overall impression of the routine, technical merit, the height of tricks, rotation, falls and standard air. Each competitor receives a score from 0 to 10 from each judge. The format Each snowboarder receives two runs in the preliminaries, with the best score used to determine the 12 snowboarders who will move on to the finals. In the finals, each rider receives two runs, with the better score counting toward the final result.

100 Vocabulary flat- платформа; transition/tranny- переходная часть; vertical/vert— вертикаль; platform/deck-верхняя площадка; entry ramp-место входа в хаф-пайп; fakie- трюк в скейтбординге и сноубординге, когда доска управляется с носовой части; turn —разворот; slope - склон.


1. Read the text

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

Halfpipe, snowboard park, lip, entry ramp, flat, transition, platform, vertical, edge and turning control, to ride fakie, to traverse the transitions of the halfpipe, to go up and down the same slope, to get the feeling, to roll edges, to leave the lip of the wall, to perform the routine, technical merit, preliminaries, finals.

3. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. A halfpipe is basically a U-shaped bowl that allows riders to move from one wall to the other by making jumps and performing snowboarding tricks on each transition. 2. Elements of a snowboard halfpipe include the deck (platform), vertical walls (verts), transitions (trannies) and flat. 3. A halfpipe is no beginner’s terrain: you will need excellent edge- and turning control before you try your first run. 4. It is a weird sensation going up and down the same slope when all you are used to are one way descends. 5. Rolling edges means ascending the transition with one edge and descending with the opposite edge. 6. Getting more and more air the rider must concentrate on the lip to avoid digging his nose into the platform. 7. Most of the tricks performed by the snowboarder take place above the walls and feature jumps, twists and rotations set to music chosen by him or her. 8. The judges form their scores based on a standard set of criteria, including overall impression of the routine, technical merit, the height of tricks, rotation, falls and standard air.

101 9. Each snowboarder receives two runs in the preliminaries, with the best score used to determine the 12 snowboarders who will move on to the finals. 10. Half pipe is the only Olympic snowboarding event that is judged on standard criteria rather than time.

4. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Происхождением хафпайп обязан скейтборду - спорту, изобретшему рампу, форма которой напоминает разрезанную пополам трубу в продольном сечении. 2. На Олимпиаде 2002 года в сноубордическом хаф-пайпе судейство осуществлялось 5-ю судьями по следующим критериям: прямые прыжки (straight airs), вращения (rotations), амплитуда (amplitude), общее впечатление (overall impression). 3. Каждый судья мог поставить 10 баллов, то есть максимальная возможная оценка заезда 50 очков (5 судей х 10). 4. Стандартные размеры хаф-пайпа растут вместе с ростом уровня катания мастеров пайпа: новый стандарт хаф-пайпа, названный "супер-пайп", был использован в 2002 на Олимпийских играх в Солт-Лейк-Сити как в мужской, так и в женской категориях. 5. Росс Пауэрс () получил свое золото частично за то, что его прыжки были огромной амплитуды - он вылетал до 4.5 метров. 6. Выполнение сложных трюков в начале заезда намного рискованнее, чем в конце, потому что просто заваливается весь заезд - сложно набрать скорость после падения. 7. Основным трюком является "грэб", когда райдер вылетает в воздух и берет доску рукой. 8. Сначала в качестве хаф-пайпов выступали овраги , в дальнейшем же райдеры начали вручную рыть "траншеи" для катания, и наконец траншеи выросли в хаф-пайпы похожие на те, что мы видим сегодня. 9. Шон Уайт получил золотую медаль на Олимпийских играх в Ванкувере, выполнив опасный дабл мактвист 1260 (double McTwist 1260), чем заработал безусловную почетную победу, восторг публики и 48,4 балла от судей за второй заезд. 10. После двух отборочных соревнований в финал выходят 16 мужчин и 8 женщин, где места определяются уже по сумме попыток.

5. Make the summary of the text in Russian and translate it back into English.

102 Lesson 4. World Snowboard Stars

Seth Wescott: Olympic Snowboarder

The name is a familiar name in snowboarding. This American Snowboarder bom in Durham, North Carolina on June 28, 1976 is a competitive athlete who had gained numerous recognitions in various snowboarding contests. The son of a track and field coach and a modem dance college professor, Wescott moved to Farmington, Maine, where he and his sister grew up. Being surrounded by role models in the field of sports, Seth himself was not a newbie in the world of winter sports. Starting off in cross-country skiing as young as 3 years old, Wescott concentrated in alpine skiing until he was 8 before he shifted into snowboarding. Aside from snowboarding and skiing, he also played other sports like soccer and track and field while growing up. After graduating high school in Carrabassett Valley Academy, he went to Western State College in Colorado. Wescott joined snowboarding competitions in 1991, and has not stopped counting wins and medals ever since. Concentrating primarily in men’s halfpipe, he shifted to SBX as it became a more popular snowboarding sport and after being frustrated in making it to the 1998 US Olympic Team for the halfpipe. The 31-year old athlete ranked 1st in the 2002 Winter Ultracross division, 2003 Grand Prix Snowboard Finals, 2005 World Snowboard Champs for SBX, and Jeep King of the Mountain for 2006 to 2007. He holds the Guinness Book of World Record’s spot for the most number of X-Games medals. Earning 7 X-Games medals, Wescott had wins for years 1991, 1998 and 2001 for a bronze medal, and a silver from years 2003, 2004 and 2005. Aside from being an SBX enthusiast and a big mountain rider, Wescott is one of the few individuals who promoted SBX to gain interest all over the world. His efforts allowed him to have SBX included in the . The veteran is a part of the 2006 US Snowboarding Team in Turin, Italy, where he bagged the gold medal in his debut competition.

103 Exercises

1. Read the text

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

Серьезный противник (athlete), завоевать признание, соревнования по сноубордингу, новичок, перейти в сноубординг, легкая атлетика, сноуборд­ кросс (аббревиатура), быть занесенным в книгу рекордов Гиннесса, завоевать золотую медаль.

3. Insert missing words and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This American Snowboarder bom in Durham, North Carolina on June 28, 1976 is a ______athlete who had ______numerous in various snowboarding contests. 2. Being surrounded by role models in the field of sports, Seth himself was not a ______in the world of winter sports. 3. ______in cross-country skiing as young as 3 years old, W escott______in alpine skiing until he was 8 before h e______into snowboarding. 4. Wescott joined snowboarding competitions in 1991, and has not ______wins and medals ever since. 5. Concentrating primarily in men’s halfpipe, he ______to SBX as it became a more popular snowboarding sport and after being frustrated in making it to the 1998 US Olympic Team for the halfpipe. 6. H e______the Guinness Book of World Record’s ______for the most number of X-Games medals. 7. Wescott is one of the few individuals who promoted______to gain interest all over the world. 8. The veteran is a part of the 2006 US Snowboarding Team in Turin, Italy, where h e______the gold medal in his debut competition. 9. Aside from snowboarding and skiing, he also played other sports like soccer and______while growing up. 10. The 31-year old athlete ______1st in the 2002 Winter X Games Ultracross division, 2003 Grand Prix Snowboard Finals, 2005 World Snowboard Champs for SBX, and Jeep King of the Mountain for 2006 to 2007.

104 Gretchen Bleiler: Snowboard Olympian

Gretchen Bleiler is not your ordinary snowboard enthusiast. Bom on April 10, 1981 in the Glass City of , Toledo, Bleiler is recognized as one of he most accomplished female snowboarders of all time. Bleiler always wanted to dream big, figuring out how to make it to the Olympics. She first tried swimming and diving, and eventually shifted to hockey. After her parents divorced at the age of 10, Gretchen and her mother moved to Aspen and later on to Snowmass Village where her school had ski sessions as part of the physical education curriculum. By the age of 11, Bleiler switched from skiing to snowboarding. Growing up with three brothers Chad, Scott and Andy, Gretchen looked up to her brothers who were into snowboarding. She started to ride, with her desire to be just as good as her brothers attracting her to do well in the sport. After finally figuring out which sport to embark, she had settled in with snowboarding knowing that the sport would take her as far as her dreams wanted to go. Soon enough Gretchen learned how to ride the halfpipe as she joined the Aspen Valley Snowboard Team. Gretchen became a professional in 1996, as she jumpstarted the efforts to win big, eventually making her one of the role models and pioneers of the sport. She holds the title of being the female with the most number of wins in halfpipe competitions in 2003, 2005 and 2006, as well as being the first female ever to do a Crippler 540 in a competition. She was also one of the only four women invited to the Arctic Challenge in 2003. In the same year she had won the Overall Grand Prix Title, the US Open Champion, and the Gold at the X-Games Halfpipe. She also won 1st place at the FIS World Cup in Italy, and continued on to grab the gold at the 2005 X-Games and Gravity Games as well as the US Open Halfpipe championship. In 2006 she won 1st place at the FIS World Cup in Switerland, and four of the five Grand Prix events determining the Olympic team bound for Turin. After collecting numerous of snowboarding awards, Gretchen impressed everyone by winning the silver at the 2002 Olympic Games in Turin, Italy. Aside from her numerous medals, she has also been awarded Female Rider of the Year in 2003, the 2004 Colorado Female Athlete of the Year Award, 2006 Female Snowboarder of the Year in Action Sports Awards, 2007 Teen Choice Award for the Best Female Action Sports Athlete, and the 2008 ESPY award for the Best Female Action Sports Athlete.

105 Aside from snowboarding, Gretchen enjoys mountain biking and surfing, and is a featured promoter of Oakley and K2. She is also an advocate and spokesperson for environmental groups fighting against global warming.

Karine Ruby: French Olympian

Bom in Haute-Savoie in Bonneville, _ France on January 4, 1978, Karine got into the adventurous world of snowboarding surprisingly from her parents after getting hooked into the sport. Her mother a high school English teacher and her father a high school geography teacher, her parents both got Karine into snowboarding when she was just eleven. Having enjoyed the sport themselves, Karine’s parents did not discourage her daughter unlike other parents who preferred skiing. Aside from Karine, her eldest brother Jerome is also into snowsports, working as a ski guide at a local school in France. Karine started competing in 1998, where she was the first woman snowboarding champion after winning the gold medal in the Winter Olympic Games in Nagano Japan for the Giant Slalom event. Her Olympic streak continued on to the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah where she won a silver medal for the Parallel Giant Slalom. In 2003, she moved on to win first place at the FIS World Cup 1-26 for the Boardercross event in Germany, and also winning the top spot for the same category in the World SBD Champs in and the French National Championships. By 2004, she ranked first place at the Jeep King of the Mountain competition for Boardercross and the FIS World Cup 1- 16 and 1-17. In the same year Karine finished second at the Winter 2004 X-Games for the Snowboarder X discipline. After all her wins in the sport, Karine had a surgery due to her tom left Anterior Cmciate Ligament (ACL), she chose to retire from competing in snowboarding. Having been retired in competitive snowboarding, Karine is now into mountaineering, where she has recently been part of the 46 new trainee mountain guides for her country. Now drawn into the world of climbing, Karine is now based in Chamonix, as she is one of only the less than 20 qualified female mountain guides of France.

106 List of snowboarding tricks

Air to Fakie Любой трюк, в котором райдер заезжает на кикер в своей стойке, а триземляется в свитче (фэйки). Без вращения.

Alley оор Это трюк в пайпе, при котором райдер делает 180 градусов, вращаясь в сторону верха пайпа (вращение против часовой стрелки на левой стенке и по шсовой на правой стенке).

Andrecht Backside handplant задней рукой с грэбом передней.

Backside [(ля сноуборда — та часть, где находятся пятки бордера, для бордера — та :торона, к которой он находится спиной.

Backside Air Любой трюк с backside стенки пайпа.

Backside Rotation Зращение по часовой для регуляра (левая нога впереди) или против часовой 1ля гуфи (правая нога впереди). При езде в свитче соответствующие «менения.

Backside Turn Ловорот, выполняемый на переднем канте, то есть поворот направо для )егуляра или налево для гуфи.

Backside wall

Когда находишься наверху пайпа и смотришь вниз, backside стенка - ювая для регуляров или правая для гуфи. То есть, при спуске вниз по пайпу, jackside стенка находится у вас за спиной.

BFM Смотри Elguerial.

Blindside Это вращение, при котором бордер при приземлении не видит его и ему фиходится смотреть через плечо (или ещё как-то). Считается более сложным грюком и оценивается соответственно.

Boned Гермин для выражения стильности трюка. Например, при грэбе method

107 райдер не просто схватил его, а сделал стильную вытяжку - "boned out а method". Bone — выпрямить/отставить одну или обе ноги.

Bonk Стукнуть по какому-то предмету сноубордом. Скажем, хвостом по краю пайпа. Примерно то же, что kiss в скейте.

Caballerial (Cab) В оригинале - вращение на 540 градусов из фэйки (свитч) и приземление в своей стойке. Так же называется и просто вращение на нечётно число полуоборотов (180, 540, 900,..) из свитча с простого кикера или вращение на чётное число полуоборотов (360, 720, 1080) из свитча в пайпе. Трюк назван в честь скейтера Стива Кабаперо. Так же смотри Half-Cab and Gay Twist.

Canadian Bacon Грэб, при котором задняя рука проходит за задней ногой и хватает задний край между креплениями (вчитываемся внимательно :) ), передняя нога выпрямляется.

Chicken Salad Air Задняя рука проходит между ногами и хватает задний край между креплениями, передняя нога распрямляется. Так же рекомендуется вытяжка доски наружу.

Crail Air Задняя рука хватает передний край перед передней ногой, задняя нога распрямляется.

Crippler Смещённое вращение, когда райдер делает 180 флип. То есть, райдер вращается в воздухе на 90 градусов, делает флип и докручивает 90 градусов, выезжая в своей стойке, (в пайпе).

Crossbone Method Air Method Air с вытянутой задней ногой.

Crooked Сор Air Фрирайд версия Mosquito Air.

Disaster Джибб трюк, при котором райдер приходит на рейл(чаще всего поперёк рейла/бокса) после большого пролёта.

Double Grab Исполнение двух разных грэбов во время одного прыжка.

108 Duckfoot ип стойки, при котором ноги развёрнуты в разные стороны (положительный отрицательный углы), как у утки.

Eggflip Iggplant, при котором райдер делает флип вместо 180, чтобы войти в пайп. "рюк исполняется forward to fakie или fakie to forward в свитче.

Eggplant 80 invert на одной руке, при котором передняя рука стоит на стенке пайпа, а рашение делается backside.

Elgeurial(BFM) avert, при котором заход на стенку осуществляется в свитче, делается плант адней рукой и после этого бэксайд вращение на 360 градусов.

Fakie ада не в своей стойке, хвостом вперёд.

Fat ермин, используемый, когда говорят о круто выполненном трюке, [апример: "Fat Air" Так же используется "large", что значит очень мплитудный трюк.

Flatground )бшее название трюков, исполняемых на плоском склоне, без перил. Тикеров и т.д.

Fresh Fish Air ackside вариант Stale Fish.

Frontside Air ’ак же называется "Frontside Indy". Грэб задней рукой за передний край южду креплений. Если исполняется только грэб, то вытягивается передняя юга. Так же определение для любого трюка, исполняемого на frontside стене [айпа.

Frontside Rotation 1ращение против часовой стрелки для регуляров или по часовой для гуфи. В витче соответствующие изменения.

Frontside Turn 1оворот на заднем канте: для регуляров поворот налево, для гуфи - направо, своей стойке, разумеется.

109 Frontside Wall Когда находишься наверху пайпа и смотришь вниз, frontside стенка — правая для регуляров или левая для гуфи. То есть, при спуске вниз по пайпу, frontside стенка находится перед вами.

Gay Twist Общее название для вращения на 360 с грэбом.

Goofy Footed Катание на доске правой ногой вперёд.

Grab Удержание края доски рукой (двумя руками).

Grind Скольжение по рейлу/боксу доской, расположенной параллельно нему.

Handplant (Backside) Плант передней рукой (или двумя руками) с последующим поворотом на 180 градусов backside.

Handplant (Frontside) Плант передней рукой (или двумя руками) с последующим поворотом на 180 градусов frontside.

Handplant (Layback) Плант задней рукой с последующим поворотом на 180 градусов frontside.

Но Но Общее название для плантов двумя руками.

Hucker Название райдера, который часто при прыжках приземляется не на ноги.

Iguana Air Грэб задней рукой переднего канта рядом с хвостом.

Indy Air Настоящий "Indy Air" выполняется с backside вращением и грэбом задней рукой переднего края доски между креплениями.

Invert Трюк, в котором райдер находится вниз головой и балансирует на одной/двух руках.

НО Inverted Aerial рюк, при котором райдер в прыжке находится вниз головой.

Inverted 180 мотри Crippler

Inverted 540 мотри McTwist

Inverted 720 (720 McTwist) iverted aerial, при котором райдер делает флип с вращением на 720 градуов. [риземление в свитче.

J-Tear ivert, при котором райдер делает вращение на540 градусов в вертикальной лоскости (полтора флипа) и делает плант или лип. Изобретено Mike Jacoby.

Japan Air рэб передней рукой переднего края перед передней ногой с вытяжкой эдней ноги и подъёмом доски до уровня головы.

Jib !атание по перилам, боксам, радугам и прочим кинкам.

Kicker >бщее название трамплина.

Late (бозначение «запоздалого трюка», то есть выполненного перед риземлением. Например райдер сделал грэб и перед самым приземлением тпустил его и крутанул 180. Method to Late 180.

Lien Air рэб передней рукой заднего края доски, а тело перегибается за нос доски, [зобретено Neil Blender.

Lien Method Air !месь Method и Lien.

Lip Trick [юбой трюк, исполняемый на крае стенки пайпа.

Mashed Potatoe Л ley оор air на backside стенке пайпа, при котором передняя рука держит ередний край доски перед передней ногой, а задняя рука держит задний

ill край доски перед передней ногой из-за спины (не просовывать между ног). Изобретено George Pappas.

McEgg Invert, при котором райдер делает плант передней рукой и вращается на 540 backside.

McTwist Inverted aerial, при котором райдер делает вращение на 540 градусов backside с флипом. Делается в пайпе. Изобретено Mike McGill.

Melonchollie Air Грэб передней рукой, протянутой за передней ногой, за задний край доски между креплениями, передняя нога вытянута.

Method Air Грэб передней рукой заднего края доски, обе ноги вытянуты, доска вытянута до уровня головы.

Miller Flip Invert, при котором делается плант, последующее вращение на 360 градусов и выкат в свитче.

Misty Flip Не пайповая версия McTwist. По сути - вращение на 540 градусов с front flip с простого прыжка.

Mosquito Air Г рэб передней рукой, протянутой за передней ногой, заднего края доски между креплениями. Передняя нога вытянута так, что касается доски.

Mute Air Грэб передней рукой переднего края доски между креплениями или перед передней ногой.

Nollie Ollie, но толчок выполняется с носа.

Nollie Frontflip Frontflip, выполняемый с nollie.

Nose Bonk Касание какого-то предмета (рэйл, пенёк) носом доски.

Nose Grab Грэб передней рукой носа доски.

112 Nose Poke юбой трюк, в котором передняя нога вытягивается и отклоняет нос доски от :ла райдера. Обычно с грэбом.

Nose Slide кольжение по поверхности на носе доски.

Nose Тар мотри Nose Bonk

Nuclear Air ээб задней рукой, протянутой перед райдером заднего края доски перед ;редней ногой.

Ollie рыжок без кикера, за счёт резкого подъёма передней ноги и подтягивания дней с толчком хвостом доски.

Palmer Air ип грэба method, при котором удержание делается рядом с носом доски, )ска вытягивается перед райдером, а нос доски направлен вниз. Названо в ;сть Shaun Palmer.

Phillips 66 ivert, при котором осуществляется подъезд к стенке пайпа в свитче, глается плант на задней руке и front flip. Выкат в своей стойке. Названо в ;сть Jeff Phillips.

Pop Tart росто вылет в пайпе с fakie в forward, без вращения.

Rail Slide кольжение по любым предметам (рейл, бокс, старый холодильник, машина ефа...)

Revert азворот из fakie в forward или наоборот, обычно не в воздухе

Rewind бозначение движения, когда начато вращение, остановлено на каком-то гапе и снова начато в обратном направлении.

Roast Beef Air эб задней рукой, протянутой между ногами заднего края доски между эеплениями, задняя нога вытянута.

113 Rock and Roll Трюк, когда райдер заезжает на стену, делает касание доской края, балансирует на нём и возвращается без вращения.

Rocket Air Грэб передней рукой носа доски немного сбоку, за передний край, задняя нога вытянута, а доска направлена перпендикулярно земле.

Rolling down the windows Фраза, используемая для описания бордера, который во время прыжка потерял баланс и машет руками, аки горный орёл и пытается восстановить равновесие.

Sad Plant Название любого планта, при котором передняя нога вытянута для стиля.

Seatbelt Г рэб передней рукой, протянутой перед телом наискосок (да-да, как ремень безопасности), хвоста доски, передняя нога вытянута.

Shifty Трюк, при котором происходит скручивание тела (верхняя часть тела вращается в одну сторону, а нижняя с доской — в другую), а затем возврат в нормальное положение.

Sick Просто для выражения безбашенного трюка.

Sketching Тип езды, неуверенно, почти падая.

Slob Air Frontside air, при котором делается mute передней рукой, задняя нога вытянута, а доска параллельна земле.

Smith Grind Трюк, при котором делается слайд на носу доски, направленной перпендикулярно поверхности, передняя нога вытянута, хвост поднят.

Spaghetti Air Г рэб передней рукой, протянутой между ногами, за задний край доски перед передней ногой, задняя нога вытянута.

Stale Egg Eggplant со stalefish.

114 Stalefish Air Задняя рука делает грэб за задний край доски за задней ногой, задняя нога вытянута.

Stalemasky Air Грэб передней рукой, протянутой между ногами, заднего края доски между креплениями, передняя нога вытянута.

Stalled Описание застывшего трюка, то есть длинный стильный грэб или плант. Идеальный вариант для фото.

Stiffy Air Любой трюк с обеими вытянутыми ногами при грэбе.

Swiss Cheese Air Г рэб задней рукой, протянутой между ногами за задний край доски перед передней ногой, задняя нога вытянута.

Switchstance (Switch) Свитч — езда не в своей стойке: правой ногой вперёд для регуляров или левой ногой вперёд для гуфи. То же, что и fakie

Tail Bonk Удар хвостом доски по предмету.

Tail Grab Г рэб задней рукой за хвост доски.

Tail Poke Любой трюк, когда задняя нога вытянута и райдер поворачивает хвост доски в сторону.

Tail Slide Слайд на хвосте доски.

Tail Тар Смотри Tail Bonk

Tail Wheelie Езда исключительно на хвосте доски, нос приподнят.

Taipan Air Г рэб передней рукой, протянутой за передней ногой, переднего края доски между креплений, переднее колено почти касается доски.

115 Toe Edge Передний кант.

Traverse Траверс - езда перпендикулярно спаду склона.

50/50 Слайд, доска параллельно поверхности скольжения.

180,360,540,720,900, 1080,... Вращение на 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080,... градусов. Возможно как просто, так и из свитча.

116 Александр Алексеевич Галкин, Надежда Михайловна Лебедева, Екатерина Алексеевна Мошонкина, Вадим Витальевич Сдобников

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