September 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1859 from the Cardinal Kung Foundation to Chinese Fan and Tang and many the Ancient Order of Hibernians, a proud orga- President Ju Hintao. The Cardinal Kung Foun- others, both living and dead, be officially and nization committed to preserving Irish history dation advocates on behalf of the persecuted posthumously exonerated of so called crimes and culture and to promoting Irish values. of which the Chinese government falsely and underground in China. unjustly accused them, some as long as five f SEPTEMBER 1, 2005. decades ago. We also appeal to you to release WINNING THE WAR IN IRAQ President HU JINTAO, all current religious prisoners from prison People’s Republic of China, c/o Ambassador and labor camp as per the attached list. By Yang Jiechi, Embassy of the People’s Re- your doing so, the reputation of these living HON. JEB HENSARLING public of China, Connecticut Avenue, NW and dead religious prisoners of conscience in OF TEXAS Washington, DC. China can be restored. Those who are still IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEAR PRESIDENT HU: September 8, 2005 will living can at least once again enjoy equal Thursday, September 15, 2005 be remembered as your historical first visit treatment in the society. To do so will be a to the United States and to Yale University powerful testimony to the Chinese govern- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, last night as the President of the People’s Republic of ment’s respect for and adherence to human while participating in a special order hour, I China. The world will be eagerly listening to rights and liberty. To do so will also prove misspoke and substituted the name of my your vision for China. However, September 8, that China is honoring the spirit of the 2005 is also being observed by 12 million wonderful wife Melissa for that of my young Olympic Games that you will have the honor daughter Claire. I would like to reiterate how Roman Catholics in China and millions more of hosting in 2008. worldwide as the 50th anniversary of the un- God love you. proud I am of our brave men and women in just and brutal assault on the Roman Catho- Thank you. uniform and of their contributions to keeping lic Church in Shanghai when the Chinese Yours truly, American families safe. government simultaneously arrested the late JOSEPH KUNG, f Bishop Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei, at the time President, Cardinal Kung Foundation. the Roman Catholic Bishop of Shanghai, 21 f SUPPORT FOR OUR COAST GUARD priests, 2 nuns, and approximately 300 Roman Catholics for practicing their Roman CONGRATULATING NED MCGINLEY Catholic religion. HON. BOB FILNER ON THE OCCASION OF HIS SERV- OF CALIFORNIA Today, fifty years later, we commemorate ICE AS NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF and weep silently about this gross injustice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBER- and tragedy that your government had in- Thursday, September 15, 2005 flicted upon these innocent Catholic reli- NIANS gious and faithful. All of them were sen- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong tenced to 10–30 years and even to life impris- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI support of H.R. 889, the Coast Guard and onment. In honor of these bloodless OF PENNSYLVANIA Maritime Transportation Act of 2005, and in martyrdoms, the late Pope John Paul II se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strong support of the U.S. Coast Guard. cretly (in pectore) elevated Bishop Kung Pin- Mr. Speaker, I have never been more proud Mei to a Cardinal in 1979 while he was still in Thursday, September 15, 2005 of the men and women that serve in the jail and publicly proclaimed him a cardinal in 1991 amidst a 7-minute standing ovation Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today United States Coast Guard. In the past 2 before an audience of 7,000 people. to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the weeks, these valiant men and women have Since 1949 when your government took House of Representatives to pay tribute to Mr. shown their dedication to our Nation. In the over China, literally tens of thousands of Ned McGinley, of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Coast Roman Catholic , priests, nuns, and who is serving his second, two-year, term as Guard was the very first government entity to their faithful have been imprisoned for 5, 10, national president of the Ancient Order of Hi- arrive. The Coast Guard is solely responsible 20, 30 or even 40 years. Many of them, such as bernians. for saving thousands of Americans from the Bishop Fan Xueyan of Baoding (34 years in Born in Pittston, Pennsylvania, Ned grad- destruction and flood waters brought by Hurri- solitary confinement), died in jail. Some of them are still in jail on this date or have uated from Wilkes College in 1966. He was cane Katrina. vanished after they were arrested. Many of captain of the wrestling team and was named The Coast Guard, whose motto is Semper them were released after a very long period All American in 1963. Married for 36 years to Paratus, always ready, was prepared to re- in jail. Some of those released are still living his wife, Maryellen, the couple has three chil- spond to this storm. Before levees ever broke, in China or in other parts of the world. dren and five grandchildren. the Coast Guard was flying additional heli- Some, such as Cardinal Kung Pin-Mei, whom A school teacher for 31 years in the Wyo- copters and extra aircrews to the Gulf region. the late Pope John Paul II called ‘‘this noble ming Valley West School District, Ned is now Once the storm hit, the Coast Guard air and son of China and of the Church’’ (30 years in athletic recruitment coordinator for King’s Col- boat crews were operating 24 hours a day to solitary confinement and 2.5 years in house arrest), and Archbishop Dominic Tan Yee- lege in Wilkes-Barre. A member of the AOH save their fellow citizens. Ming of Canton (24 years in jail without a since 1978, Ned served in numerous leader- The best decision that the President has trial), have since died. ship roles within the organization. In June, made in the past 2 weeks is to place Vice Ad- It does not matter if these prisoners are 2002, he was elected national president with- miral Thad Allen in charge of the emergency dead or living today. They are still consid- out opposition. Having visited Ireland 25 times response to the Katrina disaster. To the Coast ered criminals because the ‘‘criminal’’ in the past 16 years, Ned has been devoted Guard, being prepared to respond to a dis- charges against them were never erased by to furthering the Peace Process in Northern aster is not just a paper exercise to sit on the your government. There are thousands more like Cardinal Ireland. shelf when the big one comes. Responding to Kung, Bishop Fan and Archbishop Tang. He is a strong proponent of the Hibernian emergencies and tragedies is a part of the They are all loyal citizens of China and they Charity Corporation, instituted in 2005, to bring daily routine for the Coast Guard. By working love China. tax deductible contributions to Project St. Pat- to create relationships with State and local Mr. President, you have the power and the rick, stipends for religious vocations and sup- government officials, and those in the private leadership to bring modern China into an era port for the Hibernian Hunger Project. sector, the Coast Guard has the resources to of true religious freedom. Mr. President, you Under Ned’s leadership, the AOH is working respond in times of crisis. To date, the Coast also have the wisdom and historical acumen to introduce a resolution on the Molly Guard has saved over 12,500 lives with their to realize that a country without religious Maguires to the Pennsylvania legislature. The freedom is never peaceful and constructive. air resources, and in using boats or other sur- You know the importance of changing the AOH is convinced that the Irish men convicted face transportation methods has saved over world’s perception of China’s human rights of crimes in the Pennsylvania coal fields of 11,500 lives. They have also evacuated over policy for the better and you can do it. And, Luzerne and Schuylkill Counties in the 1870s 9,400 people to hospitals. we pray that you will do it. were denied legal due process during their And when the storm had passed, they re- The Chinese government has justifiably ex- trials. During Ned’s term of office as national mained on the scene helping to cleanup the onerated numerous political prisoners in the president, the AOH has called upon the Irish mess and protect the environment. In New Or- past. On this 50th anniversary of the unjust Republican Army to renounce violence in its leans, they are coordinating the cleanup of 15 and brutal assault of the Roman Catholic Church in Shanghai described above, the struggle for a united Ireland. Last July, the IRA significant oil spills, and helping to coordinate Cardinal Kung Foundation appeals to you agreed to do that and limit itself to using the the removal of sunken ships and barges. once again, as we have appealed to your Am- political process to achieve goals. Mr. Speaker, the Coast Guard has re- bassador Yang Jiechi on March 23, 2005, that Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- sponded with all of the resources at their com- all these prisoners, including Cardinal Kung, lating Ned McGinley for his devoted service to mand to the Katrina disaster. It is time for the

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