The Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder

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The Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry Volume 12 Issue 1 Article 7 January 1994 The Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder Joshua D. McDavid, MD, MPH University of Pittsburgh Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Psychiatry Commons Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Recommended Citation McDavid, MD, MPH, Joshua D. (1994) "The Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder," Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry: Vol. 12 : Iss. 1 , Article 7. DOI: Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Jefferson Digital Commons. The Jefferson Digital Commons is a service of Thomas Jefferson University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). The Commons is a showcase for Jefferson books and journals, peer-reviewed scholarly publications, unique historical collections from the University archives, and teaching tools. The Jefferson Digital Commons allows researchers and interested readers anywhere in the world to learn about and keep up to date with Jefferson scholarship. This article has been accepted for inclusion in Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry by an authorized administrator of the Jefferson Digital Commons. For more information, please contact: [email protected]. The Diagnosis ofMultiple Personality Disorder Joshua D. McDavid, M.D. , M.P.H . Abstract This paper represents an att empt to facilitate the clin ician or psychiatrist in making a diagn osis ofMultiple Personali ty Disorder, the most severe ofthe dissociat ive disorders. Emphasis will be placed on detecting signs, symptoms, and information that occur within the consti tuent parts ofa typical psychiatric interview, and that are highly suggestive qfMPD even in the absence ofalter presentation . Although th e fr equency of th e di agnosis ofMultiple Person ality Disorder (MPD) has incr eased in th e last several years psychiatric resid en cy training progra ms still give little more than cursory attention to this area ( 1,2), a nd as a result, most psychiatrists are not trained in syst ematic ass essment of th e dis sociative diso rd ers. MPD is best con ceptualized as both a com plex, chronic dissociative disorder cha rac te rized by disturbance of identity a nd memory (3) and as a post -tra uma tic condition initiating from abuse or traumatic childhood expe rie nces (4) . It has been hypothesized that dissociative states develop as protecti on against overwhelming negative stimuli. Given a necessary biological diathesis, th e pot enti al for autohypnosis or dissociation, th e young, growing, child may form discr ete an d variably "disconnecte d" states wh en confro nted with overwhelming trauma. T hese states a re perpetuated by continuing abus ive or neglecting relation ships, particul arly in th e a bse nce of restorative expe riences with a significa nt ot he r or ot hers (5) . Initially as a kind of " successful" ad aptation, th e dis sociative process insures or increases th e like lihood of t he child's survival. In other dimensions of th e survivor 's life, and especially in adulthood, th e adaptability becom es a disability, impairing the development of a uniform self- con cept and attenuating th e formation of stable interpersonal relationships. The importance of making th e diagnosis of MPD is more th an just a n academic exe rcise . Failure to make th e diagnosis resu lts in substantial morbidity an d even death. Patients who leave treatment prematurely do not cease ha vin g MPD nor do es MPD remit sponta neously (3). Though th e treatment ca n be arduo us, th e potential for resolution of symptoms and improvement of functioning is real. It is not Joshua D. McDavid, M.D., M.P.H. is an NIMH Clinical Research Fellow a t t he Western Psychi atric Institute a nd C linic of th e University of Pittsburgh. 29 30 J EFFERSO N J O URNAL OF PSYCH IATRY un common for patients with MPD to have been previously diagnosed with schizophre­ nia a nd treat ed as such wit h high dose neu roleptics an d adjuvants; occasionally an MPD patient will be det ect ed in a chro nic ca re faci lity or even th e back wards of a state hospital (6). The purpose of this paper is to aid clini cia ns and psychiatrists in det ecting, primarily in adults, MPD, t he most clinically complex and dramatic of th e dissocia­ tive disorders. Althou gh th e diagn osis of MPD req uires th e identification of alte rn a te personalities (alters) this pap er will highlight th ose a reas with in a typi cal initi al psychiatric intervi ew th at lend th emselves to discovery of MPD in th e absen ce of alter presentation by identifyin g th e sym ptoms cons tituti ng t he polysymptomatic cons te l­ lation fr equently associated with MPD. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA Besides "the pr esen ce of other personalities" th e DSM-III-R crite ria have not offered mu ch in th e way of guide line s for diagnosin g MPD (7). It has not addressed th e post-traumatic nature of th e disorder, a nd th e only operationa lized crite rio n is one dissociative symptom, person ality change.Because of th e pa ucity of cri te ria a r ticula te d in th e DSM-III-R, clinicians have not learned to inquire in a way th at will ex trica te MPD from other syndro mes. Althou gh th e diagn osis requires th e ide nt ification of dist inct personalities, or alte rs, MPD cons ists of a cons te lla tion of non- specific sig ns a nd symptoms (pol ysymp­ tom atology) and is relatively pleiomorphic (8,9,10, II ). In classic MPD as defin ed by DSM-III-R, each pe rso na lity state, as a dist inc t entity, takes full control of th e person 's beh avior. Cl assic MPD is pr obabl y not as common as less dramatic pr esenta­ tion s with less th an full con tro l and dist inctness (8, 12). Various authors have attempte d to conce ptualize th e subtle gradations, ca lling them at ypical variants, ego state cha nges, co-presences, isom orphi sms, a nd fragments (8, 11,12, 13). DSM -IV cha nges th e name of MPD to Dissociat ive Iden tity Disorder, and it now elimina tes th e requirement of " full" cont ro l as part of th e A criterion.It introduces th e requirement of a m nesia as a cri terion for th e diagn osis since evide nce suggests th at it is a sym pto m in 90% of patien ts with t he disorder. However, wh ether MPD patients expe rience formal a mnesia re mains controve rsial. A new crite rion for th e DSM-IV is: "T he inability to recall important person al informat ion that is too ex te nsive to be ex plaine d by ordina ry forgetfulness" ( 14,15, 16). A fourth criterion stating th at "the disturb a nce is no t du e to a Substance-In duced Disorder" has also been introduce d ( 16). The DSM is not alone in minimally demarcating accompanying signs a nd symptoms of MPD. In the new Intern ational C lassification of Diseases, or ICD-I O, MPD has not been list ed formally as a diagnostic entry (17) , but is subsume d und er "other dissociative disorders" (18) . THE DIAGNOSIS OFMULTIPLE PERSO NALITY DISORDER 31 CLINICAL PRESENTATION General Considerations The conce pt of "windows ofdiagnosability" has been applied to MPD becau se of its covert ness a nd th e tenden cy of patients wit h th e disord er to dissimulat e (5). Age, ge nder, developmental hist ory, subjective ex perie nces, pr evious experiences with mental health workers, a nd th erapi st ex pe r tise will all influ ence th e express ion of sympto ms during a n int erview. For exa m ple, wh ereas young children may be the most susceptible and least resist ant to early recognition of t he disorder, th eir dissociative sym pto ms appear more vague a nd fr equently seem to have other possibl e diagn oses (15,19, 20). Adolescents seem to be th e most complex and diverse of patients with MPD a nd least likely to reveal alter person alities ( 15). Kluft (8,15) rep orts th at a mo ng adults 20% of th ose with MPD resist det ection; 50% have su st ained periods ofsymptom quiescen ce lasting so metimes a year or mor e; and only a small minority, 6%, are exhibitionistic about th e disord er. In th e conte xt of a risin g suspicion for th e diagnosis, he recommends an ex te nde d interview, since spontane ous symptoms of dissociation may eve ntually eme rge with fatigue and st ress. Ne ver the less, th e diagn osis fr equently requires patience on the pa rt of th e clini cian. Proper diagn osis during th e first intervi ew is th e exc ept ion, an d diagnosis may require weeks, if not months, to det ermine. If MPD is sus pec te d or a polysymptomatic prese ntation occurs, most experi­ e nced clinicia ns recommend t ha t ques tions pert ai ning to t he pr esen ce of alte rs be relegat ed to th e end of th e session once so me rapport has been established (1,9), in orde r not to fri ghten a patient who ofte n will be revealing the mu lti plicity for th e first time to anothe r.
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