2015 Annual REPORT Supported by: www.laspnet.org A Free and Just Society 1 OUR IDENTITY Our Vision A Free and Just Society. Our Mission To provide a platform for effective networking and collaboration to enhance legal aid- ser vice delivery and access to justice for the most vulnerable and marginalized people The Goal To improve networking, collaboration and coordination among legal aid service providers in Uganda. Mandate To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonization and standardization of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favorable legal and policy environment. Legal Aid Service Providers Network Plot 10, Block 75, Balintuma Road,Mengo Contact Us: P.O. Box 8488, Kampala Tel: +256(0)312513733 Fax: +256(0)141531929 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.laspnet.org @LaspnetUganda Legal Aid Service Providers LASPLEGAL AID SERVICE PROVIDERS’NET NETWORK Network A Free and Just Society i OUR VALUES Justice: We believe that all human beings are entitled to equality, righteousness, equity or moral rightness. Team work: We promote collaboration and coordination for delivery of legal aid services among service providers to achieve a common purpose and goal. Commitment: We are committed to supporting legal aid service providers and general citizenry to access justice. Collaboration: The common link between LASPs is a responsibility of forming a common front in advocacy and service provision as a united entity. Non-discrimination: LASPNET and its members serve all irrespective of origin, sex, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation or geographical location. Human Rights: Our programmes focus on the rights of human beings as provided by the UN charter and the constitution of the republic of Uganda.