NetBrain Software Version 7.0

NetBrain Technologies, Inc. (“NetBrain”) software contains, or relies upon, various open source software components originating from the open source software communities. These open source software components are distributed by NetBrain in accordance with the applicable open source license terms and conditions. By installing or using any of the software provided by NetBrain, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of all applicable open source software licenses. If you do not agree to be bound to such terms and conditions, you must immediately discontinue use of the software and remove all copies from your system. Where the specific license terms of the open source software component entitle you to receive a copy of the , that source code shall be made available upon written request from NetBrain. All requests for available open source software source code must be submitted in writing to either [email protected], or via U.S. postal mail service to “NetBrain Technologies, Inc., 15 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, Attn: Legal – Open Source Request”. NetBrain reserves the right to amend the included open source software components listed below at any time without advance notice.

Open source software components currently distributed with or utilized by the NetBrain software version identified above:

Component License Ace Cloud9 Editor BSD License ACL (Advanced C/C++ Lib for UNIX and BSD License & IBM Public License Windows) Angular-Cache MIT License Angular-iVH-Treeview MIT License Angular-JS MIT License Angular-md5 MIT License Angular-spectrum-colorpicker MIT License Angular-UI-Ace MIT License Angular-UI-Router MIT License Angular-UI-Select MIT License Angular-UI-Slider MIT License Angular-UI-Tree MIT License Angular-UI-Utils MIT License Angular UI Grid MIT License AnonymousComparer Public License Autofac MIT License AutoMapper MIT License Bdev.Net.Dns , Version 2.0 Blob.js MIT License Boost 1.48 Boost , Version 1.0 (variation of MIT License) Bootstrap MIT License C++SQLite v3.2 Code Project Open License (CPOL) v1.02 Canvas-toBlob.js MIT License Checklist-model MIT License Microsoft Public License & CsvHelper Apache License, Version 2.0 DotNetZip Microsoft Public License FileSaver.js MIT License Font Awesome SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 Ipaddr.js MIT License IronPython Apache License, Version 2.0 IWC MIT License IWC-SignalR MIT License Jsdifflib v1.0 BSD License JQuery MIT License JQuery UI MIT License JQuery.pep.js MIT License MIT License JsonCpp MIT License LibTomCrypt Log for C++ LGPL License, Version 2.1 Log4javascript Apache License, Version 2.0 Log4net Apache License, Version 2.0 LRUcache BSD License LumenWorks.Framework.IO MIT License Mbedtls Apache License, Version 2.0 Mongo-csharp-driver Apache License, Version 2.0 Mongo-cxx-driver-legacy-1.1.2 Apache License, Version 2.0 MongoDB GNU AGPL, Version 3.0 MongoDB.Driver.Core Apache License, Version 2.0 Mongo.Driver.GridFS Apache License, Version 2.0 Ng-file-upload MIT License Ng-storage MIT License NG-table BSD License NPOI Apache License, Version 2.0 NUnit MIT License OpenSSL OpenSSL License OWIN-hosting Apache License, Version 2.0 Pearl 5.18 GNU GPL, Version 1.0 Python 3.13 , Version 2.0 Quill BSD License RabbitMQ Public License, Version 1.1 Apache License, Version 2.0 & RabbitMQ.Client , Version 1.1 Redis BSD License SignalR Apache License, Version 2.0 SimpleAmqpClient MIT License SNMP++ MIT License Spectrum MIT License SQLite Public Domain StackExchange.Redis MIT License Stacktrace.js Strathweb.CacheOutput Apache License, Version 2.0 TextAngular MIT License Toastr MIT License UI Bootstrap MIT License UI-grid-draggable-rows MIT License UI-Router Extras MIT License Underscore MIT License URI.js MIT License Apache License, Version 2.0 & Vis.js MIT License Zeroclipboard MIT License Zlib.js MIT License BSD License

To view a copy of the applicable open source software licenses, please click here.