August 1, 1964
Box AUGUST 1, 1964 ,%e:4\ash ne/ .a y \\ .: rr raWew,mir,,-,,,,,.,..,,,,.. / Seeburg its Model LPConsole-480 with a Spotlighted Album Award fea- further emphasis on the seven-inch 33 rpm Little LP last month when the juke box manufacturer introduced ture in the debut ceremonies, is one of the favorites in the Little offering patrons "spotlighted" for half-price, after each record selection is made. Coral's Pete Fountain, who assists Crtplaced albums the his LP field as sounds on the boxes with "Licorice Stick," his latest single and name of new well as the standard LP field and singles market. He is currently producing swinging Which debuts this week. '97 9- 35g Ft141-1aee9--117;1)17 ,.-COLUMBIA: MARCAG RCG PRINILO IN u s Cash Box .%Sgirreere Cash Box Vol. XXV-Number 47 August 1, 1964 FOUNDED BY BILL GERSH .a ÿ mw`?6'.$,. -e em %,>> a .... s '''. vR.. Cash Box (Publication Office) 1780 Broadway THE FIRST HALF New York 19, N. Y.-10019 (Phone: JUdson 6-2640) CABLE ADDRESS: CASHBOX, N. Y. The music industry has just Rich in melody and nostalgia, the JOE ORLECK, President and Publisher NORMAN ORLECK, Vice President completed its operations for the song was performed with the nat- GEORGE ALBERT, Vice President first six months of 1964, and in ural ease of Louis Armstrong, with our view, it's been an incompara- his rendition going to the top EDITORIAL-Music MARTY OSTROW, Editor -in -Chief ble period for the business. against those Kings of the Moun- IRA HOWARD, Editor IRV LICHTMAN, Editor With monumental, far-reaching tain.
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