Package ‘Rfast’ May 18, 2021 Type Package Title A Collection of Efficient and Extremely Fast R Functions Version 2.0.3 Date 2021-05-17 Author Manos Papadakis, Michail Tsagris, Marios Dimitriadis, Stefanos Fafalios, Ioannis Tsamardi- nos, Matteo Fasiolo, Giorgos Borboudakis, John Burkardt, Changliang Zou, Kleanthi Lakio- taki and Christina Chatzipantsiou. Maintainer Manos Papadakis <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 3.5.0), Rcpp (>= 0.12.3), RcppZiggurat LinkingTo Rcpp (>= 0.12.3), RcppArmadillo SystemRequirements C++11 BugReports URL Description A collection of fast (utility) functions for data analysis. Column- and row- wise means, medians, variances, minimums, maximums, many t, F and G-square tests, many re- gressions (normal, logistic, Poisson), are some of the many fast functions. Refer- ences: a) Tsagris M., Papadakis M. (2018). Taking R to its lim- its: 70+ tips. PeerJ Preprints 6:e26605v1 <doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.26605v1>. b) Tsagris M. and Pa- padakis M. (2018). Forward regression in R: from the extreme slow to the extreme fast. Jour- nal of Data Science, 16(4): 771--780. <doi:10.6339/JDS.201810_16(4).00006>. License GPL (>= 2.0) NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-05-17 23:50:05 UTC R topics documented: Rfast-package . .6 All k possible combinations from n elements . 10 Analysis of covariance . 11 1 2 R topics documented: Analysis of variance with a count variable . 12 Angular central Gaussian random values simulation . 13 ANOVA for two quasi Poisson regression models . 14 Apply method to Positive and Negative number .