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'' 11 R 1 G I S T | j E R,


| Pocket Almanack \ For the Year of our I LORD | i 7 8. I Being the j &W after Lfap Ye AR j| ' N

which brgan ^ July 4tb, i 77 «. I Ca '"?ate-i . chiefly ff„ tU f L7 rJ ?be | ? Commonwealth of * MASSACHUSETTS, j j Boston, f the Msxr.opo-is I

nljatltllde 42deg. 2 3m:-n. I ^ North. * i Longitude 7i d^g. 4 min.Weitfrom I

i PhntcdandfoldbyJ.&T. ,| FLEET, I at t.:c •>,*/* and ^ | ^wrnn ccrnhili. * II Sfcrr -r^-—^ia Courts in the State */Conne Septem.1 At Tolland, the fourth Tuefday in February. At Windham, the ift Tuefday in March, & 3d in Sept. At New London, the fourth Tuefday in September. At Norwich, the third Tuefdiy in March. Court! cf Common Pleat in Connecticut, At Hartford, the firft Tuefday in April and November. At New Haven, the 3d Tuefday ia March, & 4-th inNov. At New London, the fscood Tuefday in June. At Norwich, the fourth Tuefday in November. At Fairfield, the third Tuefday in April. At Vanbury ,the third Tuefday in November. At Windham, the 3d Tuefday ** Auguft and ad in Dec in At Litchfield, tbe 4th Tuefday in March and 3d Sept At Middletown, tbe feaona" Tucftay in November. At Haddam, the firft Tuefday in April. 3d in Sept. At Tolland, the ad Tu efday in February, and Courts in the State ef Rhode Iiland. Superior Coorri. the Newport, on the fir ft Monday in March, sad ATfourth Monday in Auguft. March, and tbe At Providence, on the third Monday in September. third Monday in ...... j in April, and At South Kingfion, on tbe fourth Mocday the fecond Monday in Oftober. I in March, aod tot, At Briftol, on the Second Monday • fecond Monday in September. Monday in April, aoi At Eafi Greenwich, on the fecocd the firft Monday in Oftober.L-___™™~-- J Courts in Rhode Ifland, continued* Inferior Courts. A T Newport, on the third Monday io May, and the i Jr\. fecond Monday in No?ember. (At Providence, on the fourth Monday in May, and the third Monday in December. \\\ South King/ton. on the fecond Monday in February,

} and ths fecond Monday in Auguft. jAt Bnjiot, on the fecond Monday in January, and the

t'u in | A Monday June. At EaR Greenwich, on the third Monday in January, and the third Monday in Avguft.

Courts in the StstrefHtw Hampfhire. Superior Courts. " r! moutb tbe r 0lir th Tuefday in April. T P° f < I A IjfX At Exeter, the third Tuefday io September. iAt Dover, the «d Tuefday in April, & ad in September, [At ,£*W, tbe fi;ft Tuefday in G&ober. jAt Cbarteflown, the third Tuefday in May. 'At Keere the third Tuefday in October, t sAt Plymouth, the fourlh Tuefday ?n May. [At Haverhill, the Tuefday following the 4th in October. Inferior Crurrj. .At Port/mouth^tht firft Tuefday in February, & 4th in May, At Exettr, the ad Tuefday i.i Auguft, & iftiu November, Ac Gilntantown, the 3d Tuefday in Auguft & November. At Dover, the third Tuefday in February. At Amberft, the fecond Tuefday in March, June tod December, and the firft Tuefday in September. At Keene, the third Tuefday in March and Jane. At Charledown, the fourth Tuefday in Sip timber, and tbe third Tuefday in December. At Plymmtb, the firft Tuefday in September & December. At Haverhill, the firft Tuefday in March and June.

Common Pleat*" • Federal Courtt, p. 7. S. Reg. 1 qpHERE will be four Eclip/a this Year, lit. two of the £ SUM, and two of the MOON j in the fol- lowing order, viz. I. The tirft will be of the Surt, on Tuefday the 15th day of May, at at minutes paft 3 o'clock in the after- noon, inYifbleto us; but the Sun will be centrally eclipfed on the Meridian, at ah. 57m. P. c.i. in Long. 44 it%\ 8m. Weft from Button, and Lat. 49 degr. South. Eclipfe in This happens 35 deg. Sm. of tf and the D iat. is 49 and one half minute South. II. The feeond will be of the Mocn, on Tuefday the agth dij of May, at x% mio. paft 1 o'clock afternoon j fn ufelf total, but below the horizon, ergo invilible. It happens in the 9th degree of the celeftial Archer. III. The third will be of the Sun, on Wedoefday the

7th day of N venber, at 9b. 9m. afternoon ; invifible to us : But the Sun will be totally and centrally eclipfed on the meridian, at 42m. oft S o' clock afternoon, in Long 130 degrees a3m. Weft from Bofton, and Lat. 46 and an half deg. North. Ic happens in the 16 h degree of

the celeftial Scorpion. }) 'a latitude 49, 4 fifths mio. North. IV. Fourth and laft will be of the Moon, on Friday the a 3d day of November, partly vifib'e. The Eclipfe begins

at 17m. paft 6 o'clock in the morning j and the Moon

will fet when the Sun rifee, at 19 minutes paft 7 ; fo that only the beginning will be fcen by us. The Moon ill fet 41 an r-z digits eclipfed, 5a minutes after the Eclipfe bsgins. The greatcft objuration 7 digits 50 mio. on D 's fouth limb. Chronological Cyclei, or Comm.n Nottt, fn the Year 1798. Duminical Letter - G Reman lndiction Golden Number - - I'j! Number of Direction 18 Period - Epacl . - la DioojGan izf Cycle «f the Sun - 15 Julian Pericd - 65

THE Pisnet Vinus $? will be Occidental, or our Evening $*»? from the beginning of this Year to the 16th day of March, at about two o'clock in the Morn- iog, when fhe will be in conjunction with the Sun © j from thence She will be Oriental, or Morning Star, itnd to the 30th dav of December, af half paft 8, -n tfce Morn- w/>en fhe again Intr. will be in conjunction ( 6 } with ©, U9 hours asd an half before the f r, d of the Y e ar.

1 4

JANUARY 1798, begins on Monday.

Full Moon ad day 1 1 51 in the morning. Laft quarter 9th day j in the morning. New moon 16 day 8 in the afternoon.

Firft quarter 25th day 1 in the morning. Full M oon 31ft day u in the afternoon

w| Obfervable Days, &c. jr. © $. r.^j7F.Sea. 2 ICC,?. Lenox. Circumcifion.\y 34 5 YT-: ;o 20 3.C.C.J\flo/r

. 8 morn. X I C ,C. P Northampton. 7 » S 4 40 7 \ i\C>C t F. Augufta. P.N. 3.* 7*7 5 34 1 perhaps wind * 6 1 18 J 4 J 7 5 1 jof. x 25I >| 5(5«» flow of clock 9m. 7 *5 5 lij 6i a/»

' i*l 1 Day's length $h. 16 Dfen Ti Dt,Franklinb.iaScfton,l'jo6.jj 10 5] «5 44 *x/>e<3 a very 7 '9 5 I x6 28 e >8 9 fever ftorm, ©Apogee 7 5 16 12 i6 20 7*s fet 2b. 58m. 7 17 5, 8 5 6 d zi Gi3 Sunday after Epiphany. ,6 5 9 16 40 , a2 %i(Lewisxv 1 .of France /E. 39, ! 5-5 *4 *3 31 (guliaiioed 21. 1793- 7 14 5 8 *4 4! moderate for the feajon. 7 '3 5 moro. <3 2( eJCoaes.-fion of St. Paa/. »* 5 24 3§ 26 6.£ai> flow of clock ijm, 321*. « 5 1 19 $0 17 7, Day length 9b. 40m. to 5 * 35 ?,2 aSjG 4th Sunday after Epiphany. 9 5 3 S3 *4 •9j* wir.d* weather. l"i 4 5* 9 7 K., Charles I. beh. 1 64.S-9. 5 54 to o b g h^i d e*. (JE:. 49. rifts *° i *5 D 53 The .Vhon (©> is Perigee whe,i in; is the nearcii to the Earth, and Apogee when farthefl from it. ' FEBRUARY 1798, begins on

MA^CH 1798, begins on Thurfiiay. Full Moon 2d day 9 urthe morning. JLaft quarter 9th day 5 in the morning. New Moon 17th day 9 in the morning. Firft quarter 25th day 4 in the morning. Full Moon 31ft day 6 la the afternoon.

rvabtc Days, t F.Sea U w| Qbfe &c. r. G '•l - C» 6t 10 I jjSt. David. Jupiter(et$%, 57 6 aS 6 i;7 291 very tides. 6 rife n ft 6| • Perigee, high 27 6J (£ 23] flow of clock 12m. 6 26 6 *o 3 7 Sun ${. 7 4 Second Sunday in Lent. 6 S5 6 7| Mafiacre, 6 6 5 Bofton 1770. »4 9 5 591 6 /now or rain', 6 23 11 7 5o| 7 Day's length, ixh. 30m. 6 21 6 morn. 44! 8 Yard L fets at mido. 6 20 a* 37 and cloudy. *Q 9 windy 19 1 19 10 Dog Star fets at midn. 18 2 18 *3 11 Third Sunday in Lent. S7 57 6 ia Venus fets 6. 31. 16 6 3 5 7 40 »3 good weather Apogee. 14 6 4 45 8 25 14 for March. 12 e. 10 9 9 15 Venus ofisntal, ormern.ftar. JO 39 9 53 I 10 16 cold and windy. 9 ft 37 it- '7 St.Patrid. Boflontizc. 1 776. 7 J)fets H 12 18 Fourth Sunday in Lent. 5 9 7 1 12 '9 C.C.P. Concord. 4 8 12 53 40 Great Fire in Bofton, 1760. 2 9 16 1 39 ftl Day and Night Dear equal. 59 10 ao ft 2< 12 12 7*8 fet Tib. S» 3 b\Sun flow of clock 6m. 4- 5 f. 5? morn. 3 59 94 46 ,*4 7| windy and wet 30 4 G 5thSund.in£,

Firft quarter 13d day 1 1 in the morning. Fuji Moon 30th day 3 in the morning.

' '' bfer>a a e P> s c ' r " W ° 7 s ® ' »Q r.ai.lF.Sea. I G|6 hSund.inLfflf. ?dlmS*n4.l$ 45 7 7 *7 »< 58 ijTowns v»te for Gorernor,'5 4.3 7 8 45 11 47 (Lt. Gov. and Senator?. 5 4i 7 10 3 1 36 4|Sr. Ambrofe. 5 4o 7 f » Tt » a* 5|7*»f«t I oh. i4m. 39 morn 3 16 6\Good Friday. ExpeEi 3* 1 4 6 7 • foutbcrly winds and rain, 3? « "3 4 55 G Easter Sunday. 5 35 1 3 5 4* 9 x Day's length tzh. 56m. 33 2 48 6 24 S.j.C. Concord. C.C,P. lO 3 Plym. 5 3* 7 3 ao 7 8 n 4 ©Apogee. (aod Ipj-wkb. 30 7 3 5° 7 5* 1 a 5 Sun and clock ne«r together. 18 7 4 lo 8 36 6 £>o£ Sr

* The 19th of April 1775, it * memorable Epoch in the anna!? tf North Amsrica, being the car 00 which aftoal heft; iies commenced, betwren Great Britain and her then Colonies.


M A Y 1798? begins e)ri Tuefday. Lait quarter 7 day 4 in the afternoon.

New Moon 1 5 day 4 in the afternoon. Firft quarter 22 day 5 in the afternoon. Full Moon 29 day 1 in the afternoon

w J Obfervablt Days, &«. i.Qb- jr.e^.j Mf* i» 3 Sr. Pbiitp and St. ^jw/i. 5 j 7 * 55 19 7 4 Geo. El«a. rt W

Day *« length B . 50m. 8 f» 7 j *4 * 5i 3 »4 8 5* 13 G Fifth Sond-y after Kaffer. 4 So 8 3 42 9 S7 14 tC.C.P. Concord icNortbampt 4 49 8 4 4 *0 2ft 15 j IS. J.C. Plymouth. 4 48 8 D fete I| 16 4 VtMui rifes sb. 59m*. 47 8 8 16 »1 38 17 cloudy and per bapt ram. 4 4« « 9 33 11 40 or Holy Tbutfda? 18 Afcenfton % 4 45 * « 33 1 40 9 cool c after ly xvtnd. 4 44 8|n 33 ' 31 dafkDay.i 20 Remarkable 780. 4 43 8jmorD. 3 ** si Sunday after Afcenfion. 4 4* 8 o a^ 4 '3 clock l 7.1 Sum fad of Inu+W, 4 4* 8 8 5 « weather. 23 good 4 40 8 1 41 5 5* 14 9 Perigee. Mo high tides 4 39 8 2 9 6 so

. thw month. 2 4 38 8 * H 7 4* 26 A«£uftin,ib abp. of Caster b, 4 3* * 2 58 8.341 Wbitfunday, or Pwttctft, 4 37 8 3 *» 9 ae %\Mtrcurj oriental. ft&| 4 3 « 3 47 10 18 Jj 19' -,,M»fts eclipfed invisible. 8 rife 12 4 $5 d 3 It JoUiGen. Eleftiot; Bcjion* 4 34 8 8 50IM 58 F 1 { CongrjgMiii i ft. CV< v?nt»on d 34. S 1 1 j yjT 1* 44

• He Day ( 15 v.ii.ch he General Court meet and %hr. e':6tion of Governor aud L'uuttnai t Governor trade puh/'icixly known. Friday. J U N £ tXSlt D"g* ns °)P Laft quarter 5 day 9 in the morning. New Moon 14 day z in the morning. Firft quarter 20 d?.y 9 in «he morning, Full Moon 5 3 day 1 in the morning.

wrUvf Oi>fer?*ble Diys, £fr. '.Se3.

5j?«t of Bofton Chut by ZW. 4 33-.8J^ 3; 1 30 \Venui r'f*3 zh.zStn. (1774. 4 32 ?fll £3 2 16 GJTjukit;y Sunday.* 4 3i « II 56 3 * ajArtuisry Election. £<>;?<}»« 4 3! 8 mom. 3 4* » o 3JC.C,P, tawr.alhorough. 4. 3> 2.5 4 34 7 « 3o 8 4iO.E!ea. A , ^m;. fj ? oget 4 44 5 =* 1 e 5 7*8 rife ih. on. 4 *9 $ 6 7 6 Jupiter nf;8 zh. 39m, 4 29 3. i «4 6 S3 8 x 9 7 Sfcafaft of clock i!Ti. 16L 4 48 44 7 40 8' 10 Ofift Sunday after 'trinity. 4 28 *• 5 8 a/' 28 8 2 ,41 C.C P .iyorcefitr.St.Sarnak 4 27 9 «

I Day'i length 15b *m. «k 27 ?i 3 34 10.47; windy a^J perhaps 4 »7 « D fttj tl 3* M rain and thunder. ;*7 a 9 41 1* 3» 36 Uw?Confti:uticaad'j?v.t783l4 »6 8^10 27 1 49 17'GjSecandSecsndSoodawSunday after 'ZVrVf*."Trinity, 4 */> 8117 2 * 4,7 r8 i $?«ri«ee. (Bat, £«»*.&•'/, 4.26 8Ut 41 3 *5 26 8'mora, 19 3 S.J,C.//>/wiV£>. (1775- 4. 41 2a) 4' fair weatkr* ;, 26 84 19 §\ Jupiter fc Ftnut rife »h*cai. 4>6 & flu S< ,22 oJLooieft Day. 4 4$ 8 1 o Sk» flow of clock up. 4 26 8 1 2« 4*I ^3; 7J 3C i^teisd »fcsr Trinity, Sf.7«kjbap a 4. 16 8 J *5 25? ij c'oudy ahji. wijtdy, 4. 4$ 8 2 15 !S **jj S.J.C.ttrA* 4 »6 8 4 s* 6 8 10 *7i 4; /*" tf*^ isarm, 4 *6 3 35 54 rife %i\ 5J3attlaof Mwr.wtbt \Ti%. 4 *7 4 n 37 J 6\Sz. Peter and St. /W. 4 27 8 9 *o it 21 49J joj ggW weather. 27 8 5" 1 6 7 J 4 9

* Trinity, the word full cppHei to th« perfons of the Godhead^ 150. Trinity Sunday appointed, 1334*. s/U~> ^ylw// '79?

. X

TU 17 Y i yqBt begins on Sunday. LaH quarter 6 day 2 in the morning.

New Me on 13 diy 1 c in the morning. Firft quarter 20 day 2 in the morning.. Full Moon 27 day 2 in the afternoon.

rcj Obuirab e Pays, ^ 8, r.#s. if.tjea. G Ffurtb Sunday after Trinity. 28 8 Jo 20 5' Z, Pi/rial ten Virgin Mary. *3 8 10-46 iQ 3iS. J.C .Portland. CCP Bofon. *8 s 11 6 xv ^\lr.dep'.nitnce. ($Apoge*. 19 8 xi 25! 6 5 29 8 u 44i 5« rife ih, morn. 6 ;9i om. *9 8 ; tt V>i?t. o i ttyedtfame fa 30 8 3 M G Fifth $und»y after Trinity. 30 8 o is 7 13 %\ perhaps thunder, 43 8 2 CCB.Sofea. 1 «? 3 £?>,$, jittgitfa. 4 3"I *5* ' 4. Wfl'M weather, 4 a 6 9 40 561', 5 Sa« Jow of cl-clc "* u u J 34 1 G 6th aft«t 'Trinity, © Per iget. ! 4 3* 35 ! 9 5 * Day's length 14b. 473:. 36 *ji 1 59 i>e/ rveatbe*. I 2 3 37 *ji.o l> £3 Cooi * 4 1 mencerqea t C.intbridr, 3* 8 }U> 5 8 3 *7 $| fair plufant iveetbcr, 39 Slir %X 4 4' 61 St. Margaret, 40 ;| ix 43 l r ^e *bo«.it midnight. \ 7J.7** mora. $23 G 7 th after Trinity. Mary % o it 7 H *' 9 (Magdalen, o 47 55 expcR J ! 3] ; fome thunder, 1 28 +\Dog Z)fl>* begb. iujamss. a 15 9 35 5' St. ',*»**, 3 8 to 13 iii/^flttf riles ih. 51m, d rife ir 1* a8. ?!$«» flow of clock 6

a 1 3°i g"* ^ iujr weather, 9 Jo) 1 2. j war*. 26' [3M3I tjApc^e. 9 2 :

'Harvard Coik s « now Ujiyerfity was fouaded 1S36, fioce which time to Jily 1797, 3533 na *e teca admitted to degrees there. A U G U S Ti79M»fginson Wednefflay Lait quarter 4 day 5 in the afternoon.

New Moon 1 1 day 7 in the afternoon. Firft quarter 18 day 9 ia the morning. Full Moon «6 day 5 io the morning.

jr. wf Obfertable Day* &c. fr.0s. &%i F.S« ;

at 8 $\ Lamm Day** S* 9 45 a 5 < rifes :h. la X Vtnut 58*11. SS 8 4 3 31 dry 6 weather, 54 8|lo »3 4 •«! 7*9 rife lib. oa, 55 10 48 5 Ninth after trinity, 5* 11 17 lit an /figuration of Cbrifi, 57 «" 54, litely for thunder jhvxzrt. $8 8/norn. 5««ftow of cl >ok 52c. % 50 8 .1 * fair viefithtv. • 7 m 9 1 St. L*wrena, • 7 * 53 10. f Day*b length I jH, A&n. » 7 Jfets. TI i Tenth after trinity. 8 8 J 7 " 5 foil tide:. tfrim r;resa,i3. 4 7 * 35 u 5, C.C. P. Pi> wirt, $ Pet i£tt, 5 7 9 o 1 4* Affunptitn. • ? 9 *5 * 1 loarn ssd tvi.idf. I 9 5° then awl and el*vdy% 9 so it Sun flow of dock 5J1. 34m. io 10 50 >9 Eleteotb after Trinin. U 1 39 to* * 7*s rife lob. ooq, it morn 5 Dedbavt. 3 S.J.C. M 15 ! 4 Commencement Dart>».Co\. »4 1 8 si txpeSi rain. 16 7 * 5 Bartb'Mmes*. 1 it. 17 7 S 5 5< thunder* perhaps 19 7 4 5 3 Tweif.h after Trinity. rife 5 »o 7. 1 si H ifzrcefier. Apojee. io C*C.P. 5 ** 7 7 S.).C.ff<>/fc>».C,C.P.0W 5 «4 7i 7 ia 5< ^Sr.yoisBapt.beh. (bcnugb.te, 7 8 17 1 %yj•9/ »j 3. 5; Day's length 3b, 4m. 8 V 6' Sun wrtd c c - iea ioeetJ>r. t 155 3 i

• Lammat- >ay t .-. Fcttivai celebrated 01 ihe fi a of* Augoft by tht R»mi& cbarch, m cjmraerooiatien of &• fV/«r*a inMiafiwaieot.

"SEP r&.STBER 1798, begins on Saturday^

Laft quarter 3 day 8 in the morning. New Maori 10 day z in the morning; Firft quarter 16 day 8 in the afternoon. Full Moon 24 day 9 in the afternoon.

Obfe» Table Days, &c. ?. O s F.S«a.

S'. Giles, I'enui life.; 2,56. 3<> 9 *7 15th afrer Trinity. 3* 9 S* C.C.P. Northampton. 33 io 4j| DogDijys end. 34 11 34 Cora. Providence. 7*£ r. 9.19. 35 corn. JupLer rifes 9, 17. 37 37 cry bif h tldss cloudy. 39 1 49 ftaV. K f-f at thechaogt. 40 3 o 3ji4thaftsr "Trim*?. 41 4 *&iio 43 1* i C.C . . Concord. Taunt. Ler.ox. I P 4* Dfeta 35 s ' 12 43 7 3 *9 UjComtBcDCCIQ, Yah CiAtsfi. 44 7 57, *3 i'Sun f«ft i>f chek ?h. jdra. 5 4* 7 8 23 «7 s 11 > 47 ? 55j 7 1 expccl picaj'ant weather 5 49 7 9 S* 16 GJiS'h afts? Irinitf, ahrut 5 S« 7 o f> \ »7 *{Sr. Latrt&e't, flit time. 5 S3 7 11 i- 4tl S 3! JJ.C.WW/?*'. CC\>Ca/ltne S 54 moav I9J4 r.-imauif fii=7»*d£c^«>»i630, o «5 7 i 3 j D*yg ar-.d Might, ceat equal.! 1 6 S *oJ5 5 If J * *i|6 1 rife Kh. 8 7 * 3ta. I5 7 *3 % "»t. Matiht%o. I **J7 5 59 % »3jG i5h afui Trinity, J6 o 4 II xo ix 3 **! z] A;;opee Vf.ieJy for a florm.\(i 1 ife|< S7{ *5 3 v hC.Nortbampisr.. C.C.P. 5 4 6 3 o|«* 4*!

J s 6 > m. //t w Jet fey. ( Dedbam 5 4811a a? { 4 5 47 >|,W£rc«ry cccideota!, 6 1 iv j 3 7 9] a<* 61 wis p:rbap. rain. 6 i -y, « 7 3 l 5* 19! 7 it. Michael. 10 si,85!* 44 J f 3o!Gj:7 h aftetfr/Wrj St.7<^»« ix 61 8 45l 3 3°

* St. Mattltuf wrote bis G.ifpe! to Judea, at ;b«

irqufft of that's he had CoflvtfrUd-, and it is thought 3 a.d. 41 eight tsars afrsr Cbnji's Rciti tetiioo. OCTOBER 1796* be*:ms on Mo ad ay. Lafi quarter 2 day 8 m the afternoon. ing. New Mton 9 day 1 1 in the m >r Firft quarter 16 day 1© in the mining; Full Moon 24 dsj 3 in ihe afternoon^

Obtsrvibie Da**, &* 1*. s. |t.«©«.. E.Sai,

*|ArtiiJ«ry Training £c,?e:i. 5 13 61 9 34 4 SlS'J.C. Lentx. C.C?.Hopor..\s *&*[$? 32 5

Nantucket > 61 II (Newburypbrt, t 6 :6 3? 5 5 (and Macbias.\|6 17 6 .mom. ft 47 Yard L rifcs iohi 5201. 6 '9 6 o c* 7 4* Cool morning*. 6**6 * ~l * 35 Sthpaft Trinity, 6 *2 6 J '8 9 »? 7»s rifa 7h. Q'PerJg-c 6 23 6 4 41 10 ftj 'St. Dennit. high tide?. 15 14 6 ]>

pleafant weather, 16 *

D^ Sr*r rifes 1 ah. Jem. <6 476 7 3^( ' 5' i8i 2 Jupiter rifcs 7J1. ooa. (6 s» 6 S 4 19th after Trinity, 16 23 6| 9 «o| 335 r. N. 9b. 23:0. «»/. 6 30 6 10 S|4*2 C.C.?. Portland. \6 31 6jll I Sisrwyne' i army farrendered 6 •»* 61 morn. 5 ;:; i; St. Luke* ^ 6l Si 6 (1777- i 33 CotmuaHis tuken, 17 81. 16 35 6j /'mar r:feg

, iv.ndyiveatber, 16596 4 15 31S.J.C. Taunron. 6 4j 6 5 »5 4; Hktlffor//«, an O&ob. jf«. C rife M7Vrrile 6 o'clock* 6 44 6 5 44 61?^'Jupiter rifv* 6. 6. 6 46 6 6 15 t2 44 f&tf* r/V

i *"» f i»i Minn 11 ii iii ua 1

- fit / 67 I

Lait q'a^n-i- i diy 6 in the attorning] New iviji)n 7 day 9 in the afternooo.

Firft quarter 25 Jay $ ia the morning. Full Moan 23 day 8 in the morning.

Lafl (juattsr 5.0 diiy 2 in the afternoon.

in ftfc F.Sea.

5j^'oV*/r, or Halioivi, 1 6 *j AH 54. 6Ju 5.5 S; *: &M&$oids, 6 mors* 1 55 q 6 21 " ;i c'oudy, and perhs.pt rain. 6 co 1 * 7 17 ttd sft«r Trinity. t[G 1 57 6 8

a I 8 , C, P, Barnftab'u. % Perigee' 7 91 nfttfii to 57 very^il^Jtl Ui23, Sj J7 5 s8 it 4$ <6,^r«TKi rifss 5b. 56^ '7- « 3: ?lSun faft of clock l jT^.^of. 1 1 ty ix-jGU jd *ftttTriMfy.St.Mjrtiir. 7 » r l*j *l C.C.P. No-tbamb'on, 7 6 * * J 5.1 3 7 it 9 5 6 z Si •4 1 cjetf j«J su/. (f$rd,\ 7 9 cju o 4 4' '.7 10 aaara, 5.1 5 3 :r.. ' " 5 * S 6 14 expect- cftorm, 1 «* 5 6 5 a M |»4t{v ifIt* Trinity, $ Apoge* U Sj 1 7 4:< " C.C.P. C'rt bridge. *4 5 3 8 26 cap. yifPtittw. »5 4 9 30 i*i foutli 7h. 40m. 5 9 54 St. Cecrfcz. f/oa 6 ^, •7 5 :o 3$ Sr. Qutmnt, weather. »8 rl f it s 5 !J 3 Sun faft of clock 1 3m. 13C '9 5 5 33 13 M G!a$to after Trinity, io 5 6 *z 1 2. tl*upi:.r fouthnS. 3m. 7 *J S 7 2 2 I 5* 3! mtdsratefor tbefeajon. 7 az 5 g a8 2 4* 41 Day's leayth 9b, iom. 7 a-3 l 1 5 9 l 3 3 '9j but expeel a change. SJ 7 *4 5 :o 50 4 *i \*\M'il.Andrexo aooft. mart.* i & 7 *5 5 mora, 5 21 • $t.Andrew\ Day, a faftital cff the cbriauo church °n th SOth f * ° NOr* hODOr °ftkc Ap0ftie St. ^r '° '

1798. begins on S aturday DECEMBER .fc New Moon 7 day 9 in the morning. Fid quarter 15 day 1 in ths morning. Full Moon 2% day 1 1 in the afternoon. afternoon. Laft quarter 20 day to in the __

Obfervab le .P«M. & r- 0».lr.0j.{F.Sei Weather. Cbudy 7 *5 5. 7 a6 l HI6 t G; Advent Sunday, 5 | *4\ a? |j zjC.C.P. Vt'orceber. ©P?ligM 7 S' 3j7*'sf.u*huh.3ro. fu!! tidt». 7 *3 5 3 54 « blufiering weather, 7 *g 5 9 5 41 5 9 10 St. Nicholas. 7 29 5 6 11 1 7 6 Pttbaps rain. 7 25 5 D feti I • r 7 1J 8 7 Conception oi\ . Mary. 30 5 5 27l *$:i*I G Stc.nd Sunday in Advent. 7 30 s 6 1 * CQ.P, Taunt. Penus vfotjh. ' 3< 5 7 x6, 3 Syriui rife-, &h.*5m. 7 3* 5 8 30] thai 4. 1 Sk&w or rain, 7 3* 5 9 34 3 foV'owi a Jpeli 7 10 St. £.a^. 33 5 37 4 3j to] Jupiter fcs 4-h 4-0 •//*««' 7 33 5 M 42 4 mote, 1 Apogee ff»rf temperate 1 S3 5 5 3^; c all Third Sunday in Advent* 1 34 > 44 6 6 %ota:be~ at can [7 34 5 1 & 7 i bt expe&:4 at 7 34 5 * 44 7 5« * this feafon ; 7 34 5 3 4? 36, look , hut lutjlrtuld 34 5 4 $H 10 6. St. Thomas. fo- /wW 34 5| S 55 to <* or rain, 34 5 Htfo'l Fourth Sunday in Advent. 34 5. 4 5° «« 43 11 at <»,-*/ wintertike 34 5 6- c 35 ,A l 3|Chbistm^s.* weather 34-4J 7 »/| Scepbfn. « i .9 16 4 iSt. 7 34 SJ 3 »l. "< JSc. ^sifJ e»a..!ili. 17 34 51 9 44 3

*•.«-< f . 1 n 5 /s«e;efl.'i, o. Childtrmcrt day.fr 3- 5' *9 4 55 •5 47'

6 . ' ..-0/4 vaeJtber. 3 1 1 t i 39 the • F«ftir»-« 0* Cbri/imu Eafltr, Afettfion and Pen'.tCill or Wbtfvn'ide, 1-ft tiered to b: obtVved by »)1 ChTtftians, a, p. 68.

| | .XL* A.


2S~: <*£ ^^«^~~__ & *£r~

" *#ST /f''


kO A OS, WardweU 4 WeUflett, Arey Firrj-boitfi, Pier«e * ditto, Eilii Port/mouth, Strangar j Holbrcok, Ntxopcrt, Lawtoo irtfr, I 9 Greeaough (V.) Weftern road toP*;- ladtlpbia ditto, Smith it Alexandria* Waxrrtomn, ProvUttTaw*. Bmtllf Weld 7 ditto, Wiliingte* « (ITTTo tie fieeyarj. Wahhem, WeiTua J Ssmi&ith. Yifhci4-n *o > ^f^0«,LarauQl>& Fiagg 4 F«/ws#f, Robinfoa 33 E.Szdbury Stooe a ditto, Baldwin f Wc**»-n 9u, Parke? 4 Jj/f Sndiury, Howe 5 0*tiF«rrjr v*Vi%4T*t& 9 Marlborough, Howe 4 Nantucket jo Iflaad, ditto, ' WiliiiHM s ,

J9ert»W0*,Mvaroe,&cc ! VAo.ih*zge, Lott 10

f&ftwjhff, Pc*fe I Brvnfaick, D f jkj (0

Wort 'ft tr. Mctfsr 7*» n/7« rtw, •0 | jyess

Zsht?tr t Du'.bar Princeton, j Hamilton 8 dkts, $•*»« Pbil'ipj j "Maijffihfad, 6? cr !;-!•!« if:eseer t Mkfcn Trtnten, | Dr*.k« lo'

WrookpU, Lyric f BrtJ MeEircy xo. ditto, | k'is Penny | trek, Hd£jri?t »o; ! ditto; ri^hco-'* foil*.-*, [mUtrn, Powers PbiWthlia, i IPa/awr, Gravel (

I ditto, Grifwald J Abington, I Miidletown, Jobofon 3 Red Lyon, '3 Durham, Cinficld 6 Red Houft, 6 Wallingford, Carriogton 8 BaItimore,St*tk or Drake j AV/i Ilavjity Ivei 6 Elk RidgeLanS. Spurvicr % NewHave/t, Brown 7 Elk Ridge, Spurvitr 8 Af/7/W, Clarke lo dcto, W'iliatt ijj ttafford Ferry, Giliei a Bladentburg, % Stratford^. Lotejoy a Georgetown, Softort &< Fairfeld, Peafield lo Alexandria, Wife 8 Gre/a /**/-»«, Paffell 8 Dirt, from Bo/ion about 500 Jffyrtoafk, Reed 4 •Stamford, (VI.) Lower Webb 9 PoftRoad to Horfeneek, Knapp Providence, NexvHanten, jfy<* Quintard 6 a d NcwYork, Maroneck, Morton 4 To Attleborougb,lizwt\\ 36* Neto Rocbt!, Williams 4 (Set Road IV.) EaJtCbefter, Inej ,De«ttr»„ Gyon 4 Providence,0 Kingt&ridge, Hyot 4 Dagget Greenwich, Psirte Newark, Nealt ?l *»

Ivmr-to!!, S»r.d» t Uxbridg*, Ta.t o ?X'*^W), Haw kin* 4. Doztfcfi, Knap 6 "i'ar/-;•.-»(' 1,>'2«, William* 10 porr.fftt, Grcfrcacr 7 Irtioa Ferry, Jeffrey 3 Ajlfod, Spriog 7 Htvohsni**, Setae©, : ditto, Perkins 5 %cp*"¥err$t WaUfjaftfe 5 dittos CUrk a (•<•;»% Ariif&A 3 Wimngtpu, Utley 4 asrois the F?rry, Mzn:jitld Tht&ae t Dunham 4 jiyb-i;-:kFtrrj-, Lord a Coventry, Kimball 6 lasfinek, Ely 4 Bo/rea, Howard a ditto, L«gh 5 £.£«'« //»rJ, Wocdbridge 4 'C'.i'-in£l-vnrib urtili ditto, t M 4 Oreat 4 ruiifcrd, Ward 9 d'ito. LJttfe 5 badford, Btliwiu ri Over the Riter, to VJlavtit. Smith, Mile 1 Hartford, B»H I Farmington t yrii(wJtth 10 HiI/orJ, Glenny 10 SwbiKgton, Lewia 9 hratford, Blaekleach rraterbury, 4 J odd 9 TWr/r/^BcIkly.Penfieldg Soxtbbury, Hemmana 10 Vor-cFj/4, Reed r* ^w«w»j Chandler 9 ItaxfsrJ, Webb 9 IW«rjr, Clark 10 iorftntck Knap 0*/o» 7 f, Vantaflkll 9 ijf* , Ha^iland Trtdtricktbttrg, 5 Paterfoo 9 iarrintck, 5 Korton Boptwell, Storma 1 Itw-Bocbel,Williima *i(b-Killt 3 t Boerame 6 iaft-Cbtftir, Gregory 4 North Riter, e Zingtbridit, Sharp 6 Chefter, ,7 lalfway Hovft, 7 Col. Hawthertt'a. ro vW-TV e, S WaWa, ,, VII.) Middle roadtoHarf- Saider'e, g /orrf, jVftw Tor*, and PbilaiUlpbia, Wire'., J HaekeiVT^wa, rom Be/ircs State Hcofc to 6 Miller'i, Anbury, Whiting 8 j Johaira'a-Milli Udbam, Ataei 3 7 tftto, Colburo * Snfeirk'i, g Quaker* a-Towa, '&##«, Clarke I 6 Hj^rsU'e-Ferry, j^_ Ud*»a$t RUiurdi'on 5 tllingban Smith § £?aoettVTa*«rg# 7 j tilfordt , a Fecoimao 4. 7 UndoMf Ammicort 5 51

to/tow- rare, Cole n I r Vl!L}PoftR.*><* v bury. port tcCafco Bay. d»tto, Bernard 4 [OwCbarUt Ri*ttBrdge] Biddtferd, Hooper J 9 ditto, Spring Med/ord, (Ur. ion- Hal) | lUz. Bianchard 4 PepperelHrCy Bradbury, 4 Bur 1 Maiden, Hill j Scarborough, bank [Over Maiden Bridge ditto, Milliken * ditto, Harman ft to balm it I 5 miles.] Maiden, Wait * ditto, March ft Lynn. New.U 4 Falmouth, Broad 4 [Ot*» Wxtmifimet Ferry ditto, Dyer 4 Grejk,Davi§, to NewlT* it 7 miltsj Portland, 4 Danvert, Wincbefter 7 Motley, Huiioo, Graftam,J 7* £*/«*> Webb *«

it a mile*, to Putnam* t% Brunfwiei, Chace 5 thence to Porter'i at Brunfvtick Kalis, St one, J Wenbam ii 4 miles.] afafo, Ltmbirt 1 Heamdell't Ferry, ' ft Juft over 5d/f« Bridge to ffifcajhtt, Whittier »' Xewcaftle Ferry, Awry { /o Baker % 5 'ffenbam, Goothridge 4 ditto, Nichols ft

Hamilton, Adami ft HoblelhrOufb, Hufiey 7 lpfivicb, Treadwei?, rValdoborovgb, Reed 3 Swaaey & Adams 4 ditto, Tone V * Xow/

Samuel J. Cabell, South-Carolina. jThcmas Claiborne, Lemuel Benton, jMatthew Clay, Robert G. Plarper. John Clopton, John Rutiedge,jun, ijohn Dawfon, William Smith, (Thomas Evans, William Smith, William B. Giles, Thomas Sumpter, I Carter B. Harrifon, Georgia. David Holmes, Abraham Baldwin, j Walter Jones, John Mil ledge,

James Machir, Kentucky. iDaniel Morgan, Thpmas T. Davis, •Anthony New, John Fowler.

! John Nicholas, IJofiah Parker, Tennejfee, ;Abiraham Trigg,

' John Trigg, Abraham Venable. William S. Condie, Clerk.

Fifth Congrefs, firft Seffion, in May 1797.

lA'.'.cre'.i'.r.t, &a ct ibt C!oJ: tf xbt R #»$*'. J ( 4 ) I Departments of Government. The principal Officers of Start, &c. Timothy Picki.-in^, oi MafTachufetts, Secretary of Stat Oliver VV ]co:t, of Car.nefiicut, Secretary of theireafury, jobo Steele, of No. Carolina, Corr.piroUr oftbt Treafury. Richard Harfifan,of Virgins?, Auditor of the Treafury, jofeph Nourie, of New-York, Regifter of the Treafury. Tench Cexe, of Pennfylvarjia, Commiffumr of theRevenue. Samuel Msrcdiii, of PennfyWania, Treasurer,

James McHtnry, of Maryland, Secretary at Wart

[The Fifth Congress of the UmtedStates began and held the firft S:mon on Monday the fifteenth day

of May, at Philadelphia, and doled it on the lothday of July following. — The fecond Monday of November it tbc fameYear was appointed for the next meeting.]

Ccngrefs Powers. CONGRESS has power td lay tax«, imports and jucifti— -to pay tbe debts and provide for the-com moo defence and general welfare of the United States— to borrow money on the credit o/ the United Siates- to regulate ccmmjrcj— to coin rmney --to provide for the puaifnmsnt of counterfeiting public fecurities and the eurrent coin— to eftab'.ifli poft ciRces and roads —to pro mote the progrefa tf fcience and uftfu! arts, by fecuting to authors fnd investors exc*ofivi -right- -to conftitute tribunals—- to puoifb piracies and felonies— to declare war, grant letter? of mirqje, and make rules concerning captures-— to r.if* & support armies — to provide & main- tain a navy— to make ru'-es for the regulation of the land and narai forces-— to provide far calling forth the militia to e«cute the laws of the Unbo, f.jpprefs infur- reftiorst,a.-:d rsp-1 itrv:llorMi and for a.rning andorf/anfzing

the fanai— to ?x; c A-. »x:>jfive jurifcii.c"tioo ever f»ch diftr.ft (o:t e^:ecdi:.i tea miles fqjssj) as may be-

som: th= f;at of govemmr.at j and like authority over

purfcej grantW or pufchafsd for th; erfcl ; on of forts, ma £;zints, &?. &t:.-~aid to make all ia*s that may be ne ceiury for carrying into effect rh» foregoing and other powers vefted by the Coafiitution in the Government

1 of the Uciied Statei. C 5 3 m 'jidicury of t'kc UNITED STATES. SUPREME COUR-T.

Oliver EilfwOttb, cf Conneft cut, Cbief Juflice %

Wiliam Caihinf^ c.f MafTachufetU,"} Jamei Wilifon, of Pennfylvania, / JaJiiei hti*% of North-Carolina, > /^ec/WrJufticcJ, WiJiiam Paterfon, of New-Jerfey, I Sinwt! Chafi of Maryland, J Charles Lee, of Virgfo"*, AttorneyW^ntraU Samuel B»J»^, tf Pencfy'.vania, CJferA,

in cafes Tits Recsrds of the Court of En on and Appeats t

of capture ,

JUDGES, &c. of the DISTRICT COURTS. Havia SewaJI, Judge, locoDollare. Danie! Davis, Attorney, John Hcbby, Marjkal, Diftria of V David Howe, ? n * , Afoiw. A Ralph Hart Bowlei, £ «"^'''«£^, Seth Tmkbam, j Kenry Sewa'l, Cfcri. £* Jchn Piokerinp, Judge, leeo Dellm* DiftriBofNewjl Jeremiah Smith, Attorney, Hav.pjlire. Nathaniel Roger*, Marjbal / t v Jonathan Steal, Cvr£. r SamuelHitchcock.ya^e, TOOoDollart. DiftriB rf \ Stephen Jacobs Attorney, Vermont, I Marjhjl, <- Fredrick Hit?, Chrk, f John Lowell, Judge, iioo Dollare, Diftritl of J John Davit, Attorney MaJ'acbufettt. I Samuel Bradford, Hfa'fbat, * Nathan Gooda!e, C/*.'*. f Benjamio Boorne,ya ^*, 1000 Dollm, DiftriH of J Ray Greene, Attorney. Rbodc-IJland. f Wiltiim Peck, Ma-foal, <- Edmund T. E'lery, Cfrr*. f Richard L*w, Judge, loco Dollari. Diftritl of J Pierpoiat Edward^, Attorney, ConneSicut 1 PhiTp B. Bradley. Marfhal, v Simeon Baldwin, C/grl, t«W8'J. A I [ 6 1 Jujgt, I5w0 DolUif, Diftria of Richird Harrifon, Attorney, NeW-Virk. A

1 Gunning Bedford, JuJge,iooQd*\ltxs* Attorney, Diftria of George Read, jun. DtU'xHre, Thomas M'Leao, Marjhel,, I Matthew Pearce. Clerk. r William Paca, Judge, 1800 Dollar*. Attorney, Diftria of J Zebulon Hollingfviortb, Maryland, / Nathaniel Ramfay, Marfhal,

C Phillip Moore, Clerk. . r Ctros Griffin, Judge, 1*00 Dollars. Campbell, AttO'ney, Diftria of J Alexander Randolph, Vdarjbal, i irginia. ) David Meade L William Marfhall, Clerk. 1000 D;llars. C Harry Innts, jtfg*t rgeNtcbi»U« A'torney, Diftrin of } Georj r hUrfail, Kf.ntuck,, /Sittoael M'DowcU, C jams! John Sitgreaves, Judge, 15 00 Dollars : Attorney, Liffis of William Kill, iNoiib-Qj-.c.iva John Skinner, Mtrfijl, Aboet Neale, Clerk, r Tboimi Bee, Judge, x8ao18 Dollars*

.#*«*• tot my V'ftria of 3 ThcniM Parker, 5 Lionel, Marfhal, Suafi*icjfe&polfla,. J Daniel t Thomas Hal), C/^A. Kith. Pendleton, Judge, xsooDolIart Auormy, Diftria bSaibew- M'Allifiir, Varfhil, Cieor%ieu -V enables Bond, C.Wk .

( _7„) _ Sittings tfihi Federal COURTS

i', tbe Uaii«3 abates 0/ /imsrka. SUPREME COURT, A TthsSeatof G-.verr.m:nt, o" the fi>ft Moathyi in 4 * February sad Augufl annually. CIRCUIT COURTS,

Eaftern Circuits e.vthe 19th day In Ncuy-lUmplbin, at Portfrnoutb, the ad day cf Ncv«mber. of May ; a:>d at Ea'-ter, on aod at In Vermont, at Wimlfor, on ift day of May j Rutland, on the 3d day cf Oftaber. In Ma/ocbufetts, a; Bofton, on, the ift dayofjane, land loth vi Oclober. on tbe 15th day of June, In Rb

Middle Circuit* . Apr! In Kew-Jcrjey, at Trenton, on tbefirft day* of aod Oflober. la PsKnfylvania.it Philadelphia, on the lithdayi or April and October. la Delaware, at Newcafile, on the 17th day of June, and at Dover on the a 7th day of Oftober. in Maryland, at Annapolis, on the 7th day of May and at Baltimore, on the 7th day tf November. In Virginia, at Richmond, on the axd daya of May and November, Southern Circuit, In Forth-Cardinal Raleigh, on the j£ day of June, and on tbe 30th of November. [a South -Carolina, at CbarJerron, on the 6th day cf May, and the 25th day of Oftober. In Georgia, at Savannah, on the aoth day of April, and at Augufta, on tbe 8th day of November.

Wbtn any of tbe above Days happen en a Sunday, tb Court ii to beholden on tbe Monday fallowing. DISTRICTLJ_>COURTS. {N thtD'&n& of Aiiht, at Portland & Pownalborcugh, alternately? on the firft Tuefd jy cf March, third Tuif- •lay cf June, firft Tusfdays of September and December.

I.l Neio-Hatnpjhire ?Steroate'y at Portfrmutb, and £re er, on the third 7u«fday» in March, June, September ind December.

1 1 Vermont, at Winder and Rutland, ahsrnVrly, en he firft Mood**? of February, May, A uplift, & November. Li Mijacbufe tij alternately at Bofton and Sa'em. 01 he third Tuei'day in Mrch, rhc fourth Tuefday is June, r he fecond Ty;fday in September and fi'ft ia Decenbrr,

.1 Rbsde JjUfid, oq the firft Tuefday of Auguft, the bird Ti/efdiy of November, the firft Tuefday of Feb-uar; and tht feco.id Tuefday of May, Io Conntiticut, alternately, at Hartford & N-w-Haven, on the third Tuefdajrs in February. Way, Aog. & Novemb lo New-York, at the city of N»*-York, on the firft Tuefdsy of Fsb'osry, May, Anguft and November. In New-Jtrfsft at Burlington and New- Btunfwick * alternately, on th» firft Tuefday3 in February, May Auguft and November. 1 Per.nfylvaniay at Philadelphia, os the thirdMosdaj in February, May, Auguft and November. In Delaware^ alternately, at Dover aod Newctftle, an the fourth Tuefdayi in February, May, Auguft and November. In Mi'tlavd, at Eaftoi and Baltimore, alternately, on the firft Tuefday in Ma-ch, June, Sepremfeer&O-cember

- In Virginia, alternately at Williamfturg & Richmond on the third Tutfdayi in March, June, September and December. In Kentucky, at F.-ankfort, on the fecond Monday In March, the 3d Monday in June, acd the 3d Monday tc November, fnrsuaHy.

In Nanb-Caro!i*2 t at N*wbem, on the firft Monday in Jemwy, April. July and October, In Snuib-Caro'inu, at Cherlefton, on the third Mon- day in March, and September ; the firft Monday in July and fecond Monday in December. In Georgia, at Savannah, on the fecond Tuefday in

February, May and Aoguft ; and at Augufta the fecond Tuefday in November. ___.,__ ( 9 ).._____ GovernoJS, &c. fines the firji Settlement of Plymouth and Maflachufctts. Governors cf Pljmouib Cohnj from 1620 to 1691. eiefted by the People for 7 1 Ycara.

Prince, William Bradford, | Tbomu { Th&ms?Hinkiey Mejjacbujetts Governors frcm 1618 to 1652,, defied by the Peopte, fT£

Covert,or t , Deputy Governors, * I Mkttrjew/ Cudock * I Tkomsi Go tie

f 3 John Wintfcrop 16 Thomas Dudley 3 Thomas Dadiey I Rager Lud'ow

1 John Hayars iz Richard BeM.ngham 1 Sir Henry Vane 3 John Wicthrop io Richaid Bellingham 4 J 'ho Endicot

1 6 John Endicot 6 F ; ancii Willoughby 6 John Leverett a Jjhn L-verttt II Simon Biadtlrtet 6 Stmuc! STroi'cj * Cbtfssin Eig'and* u Tbcmw Dan forth Sir Edmund Andicfc* appointed by K. James, 3 yesre, Govtrncrt after Phmoutb and Mojfacbufett s were linked, appointed by the K.ingi of Er.ghnd. Governors* Lieutenant Govs r nors, 169: Sir Wilium Phi?! iim?s Povey 17 16 Samuer Shu:e 1 71 1 William Tai!er 17 1% WiHiarri Burnet 1716 William Djmmer 1730 Jonithin Belcher 1730 William Taiier 174" Wil 'urn Shirley 173a S peace? Phips 1757 Thomas Powoal 1758 Thonua HutchinfW l?6a Sir Faaacu Be-«27d fto 1770 17V0 Thomas Hu r chir>fon 1770 Andrew Qiiver 1774 Genera I Tjitfp>8« Gaee >774 Thoms6 Oiiycr intemgrinm 5 Yens tiii tb- ftfsjfacbufetts Ccnftitution took place the a 51*1 of Oftc.be.', 1780. Goverr.c: s. Lieutenant Governors.

780 johnH-.ucoci to 1 7S : 1780 Thorite Cubing

7^5 J s.tics Cowdoi^ zy'i 1? 83 Bsajamip L.iicolo 7 8 JohnHa^coct: toJ79J 1785 Samoei «6»T9 7?t Samuel Adams [-PJ794 1797 lacreife Sumnsr J 791 M-jisa G;:? ( to- ) Lift of the Civil Government in Majachufttts:

For the Political Yezi, f/s.from May '97 to May '98. His Excellency INCREASE SUMNER Go? er nor and Commander in Chief. —His Honor Moses Gill, L'sutenant-Gcvcrnor.

Who ii alio ona of the Council, and Prefident in the COUNSELLORS.Ab fence of the Governor. Fot advifiog the Governor in the Executive part of Government - -Eleszar Brooke, -j-Elifha May, #-Wofiah Stearrw, •~Q;i»er Wendell, .-Samuel Fowler, M*aoi«l Whitney,

- -Stephen Choate, -f-Simon Frye, -f-yoru'n* Mafoo. John Avery,SENATE.Secretary e/ the Commonwealth, --Samuel Phillips, i.l.d. of Andover, Prefident,

Suffolk. —Thomia Dwight, Thomaa Dawes, .—Ebecezer Hu&t. Juho Coffin Jones* Berk/hire, Norfolk. —Thomas Ives, —Ebenezer Thayer, -AVilliam William*. —j**b*t Read, Plymouth, Duhet County —Seth Bullae. and Nantucket. Effex. .—Jfajc Thompfon, —Samuel Phillips, Bezt Hayward, —Nsihan D*ne, —jofiah Smith, —John Ncrris, Darnftablc. —Ebenez^r March. —David T".a*cher. Middleftx. Bripl. —Shcnezer Bridje, —Seth Smith, jon. —Timothy Biglcw, Tori, mrcefier. —Nalhanitl Welie. —S*hm To wee, —Daniel Biglow, Cumberland. Levi L'rtco'p, —-Stephen L.cgfcllow, —Beza»«.-! Taf>. —©aniel Dsv>. Hair.tfkire. tf/j cdn tfancorl & *7afc!ngA

— ».i r'. tsa ». —fuhn H.flinjs, S'm Thsropf [ * Carat b«W. |r—JDavivJ S'X'sn, —Alexsrdai Edward Mel ane, C'c.k to the Senate. ( " ) Lift of the Houfe of REPRESENTATIVES The Towoa are arranged by ike proportion they refpec- lively pay in a State Tax. -^Edward H. Robi?i KS| Sfeaktr, Henry Warren, C/etk. SUFFOLK. lpftvich, Nathaniel W«de, rr"WilUam EuiHs, Andover, joihua Holt, » -William Little, -^Marbldead, Jefhua Orce, * -Jofeph Ruflell, -Bevertry, Jofeph Wood, i> J—JoIjo Ccdman, Ghuccfier, Jobo Rowe, ^Samuel Ccooer, -Danversy Ifraei Hutchinfo^

Wi!li*m Smith, j- ynn a? — — araesRobitifon J' -Lynnpeld, ' JLAmoldmold WellesWelles, yinr+WWU, | tglatn, Samuel Noitco, ~Mi*whill, Nathaniel Marih, -- CbeTfea,lf.~ Hull,A/.,// ^w' - Framhgbam, J. Maynard, - Lobujjat, Thcmaj Lothropi^rsfes, 2**'«»i —fiVfwrcff, Timothy hclifoo. StQttgbu>n — K'atertnvn, ' i Amc8~Bet>«, Stlhrgbatn, Foxborougb,-^\ ABon an I , * Jonaa Brooks, ESSEX. ~\Cari;p, j H&VVwj, John Tread^e'l BiPerica, - —-Benjamin Pickmaa; Wdhbav^ Abner San^erfon

/S, °'' -j-AWc^./orr, FooyhTi;ccmbTt^ sri/7r'A John Mirct, ^w; JoAah Little, -ftt'df.rd, Ebtneiei Ki!!, )

( ia_ Weflan, Artemas Ward, jua, Lunenbutgb, ejrford, e,minfier, Thcmas Gow«D, —XStow and Nathan Fiinar, Ch3. Whitman 'efiboro'f 3oxboro' i ^Grafton, Jcfjph Weed, Sudbury, Jonathan Rice, Ho'.den, -^Lexington, Jofejih Symands Boflfan, tfeHetn,

Dunfiab!e& 'Tyng/b?ri' , —Xffenv^rainlrte, Benj.Jcfslyn, - koliifion, jamca iVielleo, —-fcrrtfipleton, S'.Jss Haftltine, - -Maiden, Bernard Green, —l£ai/«y, Jchn Chambariain

- Pefperell, Jofrf h HiaJd, \F'uebburgb, , - Dracuty Wii'ism H'ddre?h,1^7«cvs>e«

btrburne, \ Milford. Littleton, \Hubbardflon, Terakfbury, pf. Woodward, Royalfion, Town/end, Daniel Asanas, Scuibbora"

Lincoln, Sarau*! Hoar, -~TDoug!aJs t Aaron Maiflj, Bedford, Wilmington^ Shirley, Ajhby, 7/>rpw, JonaihaoBaicheider, Natirky Stcrsbjrn. WORCESTER. Gerry, Pdxton - Phi«a. U ham. W/etf. f I^SEJflWnban^ -f^cefier SanarijPlagg, ^ - 5«//o« Strnuel Waters, , - Barrty Edraond Hawe3, Gardner, thrtbbridgt* -4-iVaririV?*, Jofiah Walker, Charlton, HAMPSHIRE. Wardwick, ^Northampton,] r^^ Stl0Dg 5fer/x»o-, -—rEaftbampton.) JJ>rinceto», Eber.ezsrParkerJ^, Spring/xld, Juftio Ely,

and ,//; 2 ** *obinf(m ' jffr I Silas Hclman,- » P -fBerltn, Jacoo x?ate», I — -llancafler, John Sprague, JlSprirjfield, John Hooks?, ~{/?««W. Motes White, J^y^tf, James Tayicr, -Ufem/oa, Benjamin Read, \Deerfield, Jgiarvard, JofephStone, ^onv>ay, J\8peneer, Benjamin Drory,-. *; Hbrabam, John Blift [Uxbridge, \Weftminjler, jtegsK*™***! \Leicej1er t AErimMd, Abnei Morgin,' , ,

I 13 )

. B>*cklan

Cumington tld and and -+£andiiji [ t J " CaniHd, Thinfield, J J —-BetbUbem | Cbtfterfield, 8pefic«rPbe!p»?WV/w«/?off,Wm. Towner, Nortbjield, -IStockbndge, JohnBacor, •Aibfield, Ephraim Williams, (7re:i£f,E.Wiiliamt, Mo>»/«£«*, Caleb Kinflif^-JPtf.-fr »%/*&, Natb. Tracy, Hancock, Palmer, Sgremont, Jofeph Beoj Williamfiurgl, Soutbwick, Granby, Eoof Smith Alford, Wbiteli, Dalton, Ware, Wajbingtoni Gojhen, London, tWeftbamfittn, Savoy, Sunderland, Soutbfieid, Norwich, PLYMOUTH. Mddlefield, Bndgtwater, Daniel Snow, \Sbutetbtitf, Middleboro,' NatK Wilder, Lever ett, Scitvait, Elijah Turner, £bdrlemsnt t Plymouth, Nath, Goodwin, ludJow, —fRacbefter; A btafram Holmc^ B ( 14 ) 'embroke, John Turner, NANTUCKET. Marjbficldy Eli^» PhiilipsJ^;^;; Micai^'coffin, Abington, Aarso Hobart, YORK, Duxborf * Setb Sprague. „ *rJ , ' „

Jo*a t0 'er - 4 * < Hanover, Benjamin Baft.- ?™' J —JCftterv..Cittery, Mark Ada PljmptOn, Mark Adamij Carver — York, Efaias Prebble, „ Halifax, Warehans, ~^'!!??' '??%"> **' ~~ *lddt ord7Dan,el Hooper, *T?vre-TAT2T TT f > BAi<.NSTABLE.^|i»^ . ( r^crv J f, Braobury, - Barnftoble, Dawid Scudder, Buxton., - Sandwich, Wm, Bodfim, Sanfcrd, - Harwich, and Alfred, \ Falacu:h t Lebanon, Yarmouth^ Sbapleigb^ Dennis, Waterhoro -Chatham, Richard Sears, Pa'fomfield, - Orleans, Simeon Kinsman, Coxhall, Eafibam, Fryiburgb% M'tUflut, Reuben Any, Limington, Truro, Littlefalls » ProviKtetoiun, Limerick, BRISTOL. Corni/h, Hehobotb, Phanuel Siftiep, Newfeld, Taunton, Nich. Tillir.ghaft, Bethel, * - Uew-BeJfjrd, Seth Spconer, BroionfieU Dartmouth, Holder Slocum, Waterford. Attleboro* CUMBERLAND. - Weftport, William Almy, ' ortland, DanielLanier Tucker,io^cr, I-. f '_ . 7r,. ,. "—rrortiana, - Freetown, Eph. wxiow, W J.ffl/jBW|f ^ Archeu u8 Lewis, or/ f, » Thompfcn, f; / i- -$carboro\ Wm. £ ?"' **"««'*, Wm, Martin, Swanfey,c Cfcnftor^i. :jh Ma'cn,u / -t^. ^rw Jo fiah Thatcher Eaftown, Abie! Mitehel, Freeport, Greenfield l*ote, Rapnbam, Joftah Dean, Brur.jwick, - Somerfet, John Bov. eis, JCape-Eiizabttb, Mansfield, —fW.GIocefter, Wm.Wcdgerj Berkley, — ^ -Windham, Ezra Brown, DUKE's COUNTY^uWa^ywd/, Benj. Dunning ~ St3njh eb7a»ar*,Mat.Mayhcw, jun.j t r ~ Edgarton, Eeriah Norton,—±Dv kam, Samuel Merrily

. Tf/i.^ I Gray, ( ti ) urner, Paris Tarmiirgton, Poland, * Ru fifield Gore Mount Vernon % Sridgeton, hive-mare, Belgrade, Hebron, ?*.h Horridgevfick, Qihfield* Venakook* Union, Raymond, * Norway, Medunkovk * t Suckfield, Eutterfield. Clinton , LINCOLN Litchfield, Harlem, Bowc'oin • Bri(lol, (adjacents, ) r Georgetown, Mark L. Hill Neiv Sharen,

* f oivnalb oro* , Silas Lee, Starks, Fayette. Waldibor%\ HANCOCK. ' "Bath, Vtwrt Winter, Cafiine,

-Woolwich, SamuelHarr.den, Deer-Ifie. 1 " Soothbay, Wai, H.cCobk Sedgwicky - -Bcivdoin, Jamea Roger», Buckfion, fop(barn, Blue-Hill, Tbomafton, Samuel Brown, yina!havenx WeioCafiie, Frofpeff, - fittfion, BarziUai Caanet, Pemsbfcot, Warren, Trenton "HaUevteU, N«th. Dummer, Qrrington, -7$ugufia t DaaielCoojr, Geuldjboro Belfafi, Mdgcumbe, Mount Defert, Eden, VsJfalboTo', Hampden, Sullivan, -Cafiing, Beojamln BujtojUFr^/pr^Fran.L.Gooiwill, Winfitio, lJI*Jboro\ • Ballfion, Plantation, No. %, "fiVintbrop) Nath, Fail banks, mangory Boiodoinbant^ Sullivan, (adjttents) • Sydney, Nortbporty New-Milfisrd, Duck Trap, Drefden WASHINGTON. -Reafeld Robert Page, U^ FhineM 3 ruc , NcbMoro f , Harrtn gut, Fairfield, f Columbia, Steubtn. Lewi/ten, John Herrick, Plantation. No. 8. * Cambden,

Green*t Plantations not incorporated Canaan, Monmouth, are marked with *

Peter Tbacher^ d.d. Chaplain to both Houfes, JJeac Peirce, Mefienger to the Governor and Council* Jacob Kuhn, Meflenger to both Houfee. < '6 ) Committee for the fait of Eaftera Lands, Samuel Phillips* of Ando«r, Nathaniel Well*, of Wells, Leonard Jary's, of Cambridge, John Read, of Roxtoiry, Daniel Cony, cf Augufta. Standing Committees/or tbe current political Yelr. Committee to examine andpaft on Ac countt. Ifaac Tbotnpfon, of Middleboro', I oftbo Seth Smith, jun. of Norton, \ Senate* Benjamin Read, of Mendon, ") * t^e John Chamberlain, of Dudicj, C L r J m J Daniel Tucker of Portland. ' Committee on Incorporation e/New Towns, Beza HatwardjOf Bridgwater, I c .., Bezaleel Tafc, ofUxbridge, C Willram Littla, cf Bofton, "> Mofes White, of Rutland, > Houfe, Ab.ier Morgan, of Brimfield, > Comnirtae on Inspiration of Parities, Samuel Thomfon, cf Topfham, \ „ 0M3"' Ebeoezer March, of Newbury, \ John TreadweTl, of Salem 1 Daniel Snow, of Bridgwater r Houfe. Samuel Norton, of Hingfcar*. * Committee en petitions fir New Trials, tbi Daniel Bjgelow, of P«terfhim f 3 of Thomas Dwight, of SrSringfie'd, \ Senate. "> John Sprague, of Lancaster, , , Richard Deven*. of Charleftown, ? Houfe. John Hooker, of Springfield.

Public Officers in MEfTacbufeus State. John. Atery, Secretary, Commiffary of Penfiooers, and to fettle Army Accounts.

—-Pe'eg Coffin, Treafurer.

[Tie New Stare- Houfe being fuffu'tently completed for tbe reception of the Legifiature—it is expcEled tbey will bold their" r.tx*jefjion therein, in yanuay 179%, and that tbe

Secretary's -treafurer '3. end other State Ojfcet and Committee*, ivlil be accommodated there] ( 17 ) ^Public Notaries-/// the State of Maflachufetts [In the Matiime Counties.]

Ezekiel Priee, Bofion. Samuel Cooper* Ditto, Suffolk, J Samuel Barrett, Ditto, William Harris, Ditto. ! Samuel Norton, Htiigbatn, Edward Norn?, Salem. r Daniel Rogers, lpfwicb* M.'chael Hodge, Newburyport, I Jcfrpb Wocdi, Beverly. 1 Vac Mansfield, Marblthead, John Rogers, OloceBer. Samuel Nye-, Salisbury. i Timothy Cfgood, HamerbilU

Norfolk, Thom2s Willams, juo. Roxbury, Ephrtim Spooner, Plymouth, Heory Waireo, Ditto, Plymoutb i Elijah Turner, Scituate* i Jodah Stevenr, Waubatn. Ebenezer Bacon, Bsrnfiable, Jofeph Doane. Chatham. Sarnjtabh Samuel Waterman. Wdlfieet. Jofeph Palmer, jun. Falmeutb, Solomaa Cook, Provincetovs* Apcllos Leonard, Taunton. William Tobey, New Bedford. Brifiel, Henry Smith, Dartmouth, Rufus Whitmerfli, Dilhton, Duke's William Majhew, Edgarton.

County. William Sutler, Holmes' -belt'»

Nantucket, Abner Coffin, Nantucket. r Jeremiah Hill, Biddeford, York, 4 Joaas Clark, mils, L Jofeph Tufker, York. Daniel Epes, Portland, sj Nathaniel DrinkvHttt,NortbTarmouth> John Duolap, Brunftoick. \ t«79?'i B % ,

( iS )_ C EbenezerEbeneser WhittievWhttt Pewnathort* 1 Nathaniel Duraimcr Halloivell,

Lineik , * Francis Winter, Bath. I Jaccb Ludwig, JValdMro\ L Ephraim Snow, Tbomafiofu Fra. L. Goodwin, Frankfort, Planet t\ Thomas Phillips. Ca/iine. % Goul&(hiro . i Andrew K.idfton v WilHarn Chaloatr, Macbiat. Wafkington William Campbell, Steuben. % t ? William Allan. Plantation, No. 8, PUBLIC NOTARIES. [In the Inland Counties. J f Jofepb Cordis, CbarUftotun* 3 OH*er Prefcott, jun. Groton. Widdhjet j Jonathan Fay. Concord* (» Nathaniel Bemis. Wu. \ Theophilus Wbeeler. Worcefier* Philip Ammidon, Mendon. Wcreefit Mofes Smith, Sterling. Pelatiah Hitehcoek» Brookfield. Nathaniel Maccarty, Peterjhan. Jofcn Taylor, Northampton. Th.-iodore Ely, W. Springfield. Hantp/hire, Joe: than Leawitt, jua. GreenfietH. Johr Hooker. Springfield. Hen y W.Dwight, Stockbridgt, Berljbir> t Afrbd Strorg> Phtifieldt

# «* # Public Notaries a*e appointed for the purptfet o/i making Prottfis, giving Certificate* under the Seal oft Cjjice, and entering and regifiering Proteftt and other attefting the fame. H ritingt t alfo for

Wu ranee Officet in Bofton on Vttfeh.

Mofes Michael Hayes, I Peter Char doo Brooke*

Edward Datis, | Jofeph Taylor. their reffeclive Offices are kept in State Street,

John W. Quinsy, Ship-Bryker, Stetc Street. c *9 ) ; Ufcful and ntcefary TABLES. j By an Aft of the Commonwealth of MaJfaA chufctts, all Money Accounts after the ift £>

\Sbiliings State of & Pence. /. d. O 1 o o o o o o o O 9 o 10 O It 1 1 (_*£_) TABLE of Cents,

Cents. d. Cents* 33»33 O 66,66 34*72 I 68,05 36, 1 2 69,44 37,50 3 7C83 38,18 4 72,22 40,27 5 73.61 41,66 6 75,00 43,05 7 76,38 44,44 8 77.77 4*>S3 9 79.16 47,22 10 48,61 II 8?"01,94 50,00 o 5*>38 1 84,72 t 5*>77 36, 1 8 54,16 3 7,5o 55>55 4 88,88 5.6,94 5 90,27 5^33 6 91,65 7 93.05 61, u 8 94,44 6s, SO 9 95.83 63,88 10 97,22 65»27 IT 93,61 O ioovco

Note, One Dollar i* 100 Cent: ; one half ditto is 50 Cents ; one quarter ditto is »5 Cents, one eighth ditto

is i% and an half Cents j one fifteenth dicto is 6 a«d a quarter Cents* A Ciovm is no Csnts, & a Piftareeo is ao Cents* ***—

( « ) A TABLE for reducing the Lawful Money

. of Mafiachufetts to Dollars, <&c. continued.

. t. 3 5' 2 1 2 27 2 < 2 7 i

3 2 1 28 8 1 53; 3 4 3 o 29 90 54 5 3 * 30 9 2 6 4 1 3» 10 1 % 7 5° 3? 11 o 57 8 5 3j 3? 11 3 58 6 2 34 2 59 7 1 35 1 1 60 7 4 36 2 O 61 83 37 2 3 62 9 * 3^ 3 1 63 10 o 39 4° 64 103 40 4 3 65 11 2 4' 5 66 I 42 6 67 1 o 43 7 68 1 3 44 7 69 2 2 45 8 70 30 46 9 7» 3 3 47 9 3 72*4 4 2 48 10 2 73 5 1 49 11 1 74 6 o SO o o 175 ( u ) A TABLE of Simple Intertft at 6 Per Cent, For any Sum from £.1 to £.1000. ( » 5 ) Public town Officers &e. is Bolton.

Town Clerk. William Cooper, (annually cWen for 37 yews.) ! SeUBmen. lEbesczir Seav'er, David Ti'.den, 1 B?nj.Auftio, jun J Eben, jTburrm Edward.*, j Rufiell Swrgis, ! Hancock, | William Harris, JofVpii Little. j Jonathan J Howard, j

;'* [Matthew Nasic, Attendant to the Selectmen.] 1 The Su'eSimen mat it their Chsmbcr at the E*ft End- of Wtdncfday afternoon, for uanfaa-; Faneuil Hai! f every lafc ing the prudential Affairs of the Town ; and on the Monday of each Month for rhe pot pole of tHminJOg *ud allowing Accounts againft the Town. Samuel Clap, Toxon Treafurer. Shufcaei B«H &Wm. Symmes, InfpeSoTt of the Pohcr, William Goocb, Clerk and Conduftor of the ivia k kst.

School Committee, The Stkflmen teg*;k»ei witij Thomas Dawes, Wiifiarm S^oocer,

Rev. Samuel Weft, Arnold Welle? j jun. Thomas Wel/h, Jcfe^h Crocker, Samuel Stillman, d, d, JohnT. Klrkiant?, Aaron De*ter, Edwtrd Gray, William Smith, Da* id Green*

The public Vifitation of the Schools, is inouslly to July

Matters of the Free Schools in Bolton. Samuel Hunt. Latin Grammar Mafier, Ceuwe School. joha Tilcftonr, Writing Mafier, North End. Jonathan F. Sleeper, Englifi Grammar Mailer, Ditto.

fames Carter, Writing Mafier , So>ith School Street, Samuel Brown, Englifb Grammar Mafier, Ditto. Rufus Webb, Writing Mafier, South Ecd. Afa Bullard, Englifb Grammar Miller, Ditto. Betides the above public? School, there are a Number cf of private School in the Town of floftou far th» teacUing Reading, Writi'g, Arithmetic, Daacisg, Fencin g, &c

Auditors of the Town Accounts. j * Herman Brimmer.! fofeph RuireH.iun.l S*am«l Beowa j E1798.J G- ( 36 )

Surveyorj cf High ways. The Sek&men. Overfeers of\h: Poof, 4«

Edward Edee, Stephen Gorham, Thomas Fe 5 kina rotation, ««iU) daily The Overfecrt of the Foor f by , » '.fit toe Almt Ihufe, and a geneva! Bv>ard of them meet here the firft Wednefray in etery Month, for tranfaeXng he Bufinefs of their Appointment. ConHant iWman, leafier of the Alnt-Uoufc. Benjamin Hamxatt, Mafler ef tbt Work Houfe, John Fieet, Pbyjictan and Surges*,

\rds in Boflon. John Winthrcp, Henry Jackfon, William Browc, Thomas Me!v;iie, William Sco!lay, Nathaniel Fellcw?, liber Hatch, William Little Simue! Biadt'ord, fofephRuffeU, jun. James Tifdalc, W)Hiam Sbaw, Edward Ldet, Jufeph May, Jofeph Head, Amafa Davis, ftcbett Gardner, i hcroas H.Perkins, Samuel Parkmao, A. Cunningham, John W inflow, Rutfell Sturg-9 John Msy, Leri Lane,

Hichborn. Giles Harris, I JohcR.Sjgcurnty.jThoma! Samuel RuggW Caleb B.ar,cha:d ,l ColUQors of Taxes. Eayey," Benjamin Heoderfon, I Thomas Beojomin Japfon. James Thompfon, I Clerks of ths Market John Cuming, jjohn Semes, Jam?' Hall, Oliver, Thomas Neil. (JarBfs Andrews, Tbonm Sam. L.PetknSjlAuguftus Hunt, , Mart.Bicker,jun.'Jobn Otborne, Uriah Cotton, Coi-ftables in Bofton. Butts, Shubael Hewes, John BoiToa, Noab Kennedy, Jirah Hclbrook, Ecoch May. John Henry Curcfton, Tho's.SttvenfDc, Abra.Tutketroan, Sarrui* Gridlej. Amos Lewis, Samuel White, John Weare, 7oW*#ygr ( 27 ) Vendue MJfiPj in 3 oftok. Edward Poftc.-, ,Ser.ja. AMine, , fohn j W. FWom, Samuel Cia ? , Sam-je! fi-acford,j N cboias Brow*, Lewis ria/t, Wiiiiam B»y}i«, | Robert Ga«do«> J Jttn«andBf», [J tfi«» itatast* jcia.& and EuilK Rcber M-aJineox, John Perkwjy [John VV. QuLcy. W? t;r Pnce Barrett, "> V« 6ae M^er$

Wili-am La op, f at Satem.^ ' Wfljiata. Cpdnr 'n, AuBior^r a: /^ ,»-

Swveyors pf Boards £»^ SLinglcs.

/crtiut Be-uiey, | Benjamin Whit*. Ground Rarge- JohT Tr. Cheney, .**s.s;-,e t bu ;ce j W.iUm C>*atf<»! 3-nUmirj P<**e J-me, Sjak.v Wiiii.m ] Darieur, iohn Cogfwe Ko!>b:=». 'N>th. Ti, mJ:/fl . Fence Viewers.

Scjamin Whi:e, { M:fe? £3;^ J J?hn Ric? r SeaUrs of LeatheT^ Thomas Bradley^ j Matthew LorW D *"<» Ho"». iiiam j Wi 3 ; ;iin 39(> Survtjfort e/Hempjr, Jeffery R ichardfcrt, ; Ifaac'l)avi8r

&*xlers of Wood, irah Hc!frrw:.& Wjpura | J. nni~ s I Ifsac Tuclcsrmao ofs:h G'enfon j Thomas Bo'? rr Meaj'ures of VvV.d ^«»£<&r ni Carts and Sit da Aaron May, at Boffm Nscb, So uth End. It'aac Wvman, af Welt Sifron Bridge. John Rand, a> Cb^es Ri yer Brid ge, Nor.h End,

Al'f«y Mafter f,

Jortna W ff rh»r'>, j John Wcllj, Survey prj of Wheat. EJ-i-ar d yickermin, E'*ad Ed*? , f ln*po:i)r of Stone Lime, E^wa'-d R um.:ey.

Cafiifi c7"D'ry F ft.

foger iinltxt, • jefeph Dob'?. ( £8 ) **~ Infpefior ofFot and Pearl A(k«. of ^f/x. Div«d Towniend, *bo is aUo frf*e8or S-ree'. rear the His hfaclinr Cu><* is in Pieafar.t Commin, Rtfpi Wait" ** K- Bottom of the "" Fcsrl De?u'y In (pelton of Pot W /*/*«. Eeoja/nirr Fafter, Bith ]oVn Auflin, CSaittftowi*. |

I Shine? ErVu*, ?«»*»•«, Abocr Craft, WiUrtOY, t , Andrew BWhard. M«dfon?J Mrfei Sewaii, KaNowel!. • Ha'Tsngron, Salem. Phineat Cant«ri, Havcrb.lt, Elifta Fofter Swift, UfreBo' of Vails at Tauntoo. frerveyvrs p/ i'hxfeed. Utnftm, Cb«rlfft?wn. B'.*"^, B*hrS|C»1rt ArTburLa^Id, Dit,o.JM. i- Mirick D,ttj. ,'oho ?Srgflt, New bury Pot, IrfeohHammett, Ditto. | Robert Wier. Job. phts.W* HcTt, £**] Prout, D, to Picbard Nurtir,*, S.'cia ^William W. Cacmbs, WW (»K^ ; «h ^tjin.Cfcarleftowr John Ditto.!**! Mclotire, Ported-. ira «; Smith jun. _

In/peffors of Tobacco. Jeiemitb Nyma-,D«ifieo, Francis Wr'fV Bofton, Scnja. Dav. WeftSpriogfJe'cy. Meafares. Sealers oj Weights and T^bn Cutler, for the Cornmooweaith. ThcmM Pakin, for the Town of Kofion, Magazines. Keepers cTthe public P

Wiiiitm Parkman, lamee Sa*ry, r r.u nrlne I ^ay, Tbo/na» Barber, )?*» Phillip Hicbbtin, 'GeoraeSia?letor»,!Her,ry Purkrt, T.mothy Peak. iBdwH Butt, [Jonathan Cuihmg', ;Tboma» Fitter,. >l\. j

( 3-9 ) Sextons and Funeral Porteis. John Cadet, (Samuel White, George Ge*er,

David Hendricks' lofeph Blancy, Elijah Whec!ocJc r George Cbrk, Henry Foye, f ftph Edmunds, Robert Newman, lEdwardVannavab, jchn Low, John Green Eljah Ad»ror, | Lemuel Louden. fervices are fiiec by the Selectmen. The Fees for funeral | Deaths «ud r?rVr£« are, by law to be recorded by every; Town a nd Piftrft Clerk throughout the Commonwealth*' In the Town ct fccfton there ate upwards of 50 Hack-}

ney Crache; ; they a e very neat and gotee!,haEdfcmely|

painted, and axe ail numbeied j they a-e emp!cyed either to attend Funeral?, or car.-jii-g of FalTengerf, to or from toy part of the Town cr Country, at Stated Rates* By a law of this Common'*ea.th, The majcr part of the Selectmen are authorized and empowered to make fuch rul«3 and regulations, efhbliShieg th* rates ar:d price* to be paid for the carriage and conveyance of perfoni in; faid Hackney Coaches, within th; limits of the town efj Bofion, as they may from time to time judge. reafon«ble,| regard being had to the time and d. Stance. And if any* owner or diiver of a Hackney Carriage Shall demand and; txtort, from any pe»fon or perfous* a fum beyond the! rater which may thns be eftablifhed by the faid Selectmen, !the licence of fuch carriage, upon complaint made to •the Selectmen a» aforefaid, after a due heancp, msy he forfeited and revoked, and- the ownar will be further liable to refund the fum thus received and extorted to thV party grieved. And a'l the penalties and forfeitures aforefaid may be recovered in an action on the cafe be- fore any Ju (lice of the Peace for the County of Suffolk,

to the u ;'e of the pc fen who mall fue for the fame. All Hackney Carriages mult be numbered and register- ed in a book kept by the Town-Clerk, art) the number of each carriage fixed on the fame, in fueh confpicuous place or places as the Selectmen Shall direft. Any PerfoD who fhall fet up or ufe any Hscknev Car- riage for the purpofe aforefaid, without having rb'ained; a l.cerfe. or having obtained a licenfe, Sha'l continue toj keep and ufe fuch carriage after faid iieenfe is rev ked,J

will forfeif, for every time fuch carriage is So ufed , a fum! got exceeding four dollars, \ "C1798.J C 2 ° f *> ) 0ck2 and 1 ?£ & Whar%e s^TiV^ ng the ' priDcipal one for fti r, f^' r »P*»e, *i- the f ar gCfiera RuIc fo * th *ZL£E V ' « cth ? r, being i„

For Vefch und er 50 T »$ «** each, Hogfh-idsit * f and Pipes, to cents each. WCM7CM0, Barrels, 4 „8„. ftfjf *tr«1,, Ke*d F»f kia S Butes of Cbocut.te, Cand'es, Ba-g s c Coffee.!* Ccx^Picmento, f Sujar. Asvili, Boxes of L.mmoos.j znd Glafs 2 ««/j rach. B.le., Cafe,, C.-ares, Trunk, and Bom, „ ,„rf tf „ *,$ i"»cf Rt i.n«&Oil 4 f fm,IIKe . Cracker, g Hides, . «« Bales of Cotton, Bag, of Hap,, f Caboofes, &c. 10 cents)' ^arrpersof Bott'es, CbeftsofT*,, iz a„J a„ ba if cents) Fradlsa cf Shovels and Pan?. 4 certs. &u;di, S'ar*?, Hoops and Bricks, 25 cents per tbcufandj Clapboard*, 20 cents, per thoufand. X»ths a cents per thoufand. H. y , T0 ,«,„ Per buod'e,! aO|og?e.i b,an4 a quarter cents, per thoufand. Hemo, Cordage, JJoa> Timber, &c. 30 cp/j per ton. Coala, 30 fffff ^, pCr cbaJdiGC. Shoo* Hyfiirad*, cents 2 each. Fi/h 2 <•«?/* per quintal. sSa,t, 6 ,tk^ a quarttr cents per hogfhesd. Cra^c cf ail kfJd'j, «?? cent per bulbel. Wood and Bark, xj cents I per cord, !$*ng>S Timber, 25 «n» per one hundred fat. . Omins, 4 «»rt p( r ioo bunches. Anchors, 59 cexts.pet too. Lighter Loads of Sfone, 25 cents per ton. JCuffia Duck, I ««f per belt. Boxes of Cards, 5 cents. Fnopty Cafla, half Wnarfage. The Wharfage of Goffdj 'antfed to be paid by the Perfon lan-tin* the fim-, and Goods /hipped off the Wharf, e r p who feipa them. 1*1? fej*.*!? £* :f? ^f (P j /

_. ( V }

i Branch Psi'ots *« //> 0«rfeh>y Bofbn. Benjamin -\ | Smith, Kk'ffs JJiah A T e:s, / far r& Op"wari T^omsB Barnard, f W™Mp*ftkiPortandA T i N -tQfci,i«l B. Lvdr, 3 Harbour of Co^u.

tVi ! 8 ;r j ..» aw this . j ccmK ir v? t h. The pilotage e.r t..e Karb?ur *f fi^ift i, farmed in^o two rfivifloas. fcutward snd inward ; t bs ouiw.rd di v Son cehfifts of |t>ur. branches, rnd fc the iawwi div;fii>n cwfi'ft. clP ihre« *rsnehe« j^.nd nc perfon f couBaiffiooed at a P'.tot or bi* (bail undertake P*?«y, *o bring in or carry ct^ of* fait' Sfe».oour toy T«TeI d-awirg nine fee: of water femfttra atjr- hftiogvsffth excepted) except « his own particular branch, .urder the penalty of //?y r * d ; D Ccu^ci!, de*rm!ne and fir the feet W pfotagc of the f-vcral P.Jots for tfw fer'tuw of 3oftoiJ, l^rcrn time to t; -, m having refpetf to the di^e/ent rl/k ar* ;fc.izjro of che inward arj!J outward iivifior.*, and accord- t. £ m « cirumflapcfi of oeece or war, and the ftafocM the yea* may {« federally rrquire, 6 r,d the f,me is to be' ^ec.:cd on >$& re/p^i,. warrants, A fen>diijji of their Jni ttp e Caftprn '" * H-«»ft w tfce ?orr f'fj B°,*ongcCba'UjiTI .J? ow *, for public tof?ectiop.& fnfofnation, /obo Saywerd,/^ Cloucefter and Ca ? e Anne. i John Mil.'sr, } Pi,ctB Mcro «"rf NichoUsN^k f V?' , £ /" Gordon, C Marbiehead. Jona Martin, J

** Jonathan Evan*, ^\ John Soraeeby, / Enoch Prke, ( Pilots Cr Newbury Port

Ifaac Randall, Ri,vep Memmaelc. Enoch Luut, If Enoch Lunr. jun. I John Somerby, 3d. ^ ( 3* ) Brsncb Pilots continued. Jonathan Fofgsr, -\ Abraham Pe*f«, ( Pi'a*' fw the Coaft and Shoals 0/ Nantucket. Jonathan Mirick, f

Samuel Daggett, John Holmei, William Daggett, Abner Norton, Pilots/if the Vineyard Jame. Shaw, I Lemuel Kelley, f *** Naotuckel Shoals. Francis Norton, Abifna Peafc, If;ac D&gsett. Thomas Jones, Hugh Rogers, Pilot for the Ri*er Kennebeck. Robert Read, Pilot for Sbeepfcot River.

Light Hoafei ft f*V Ccmmonwtaltb of Maffachufetti. Harbour. One at the em**«*e of Bofton Two on Thacher's Iflana, near Cape Ann. One 00 the Gurnet, near Plymouth, a Laathorna. De on Plumb liland, near Newbury Port. Two on Portland Head, Cafco Bay. One on Nantucket Lland, Vineyard Shcalr, KennebecRi»er. One on the lll-oi of Seguin, mouth of CapeCod Cong.efi has ordered a Light Houfe to be built on Be?erly. and another on Baker's Mand, near Salem and

Ratet for Storage of Goods. Butts from 150 to *co gallons, 50 cer.ts per Month. Hoglheads, Piper, and Cordage, 33 and one third cents, Teircesto, Barrels 10, and Half Barrels, 5 cents. of Bales, Crates, Cafes, Trunks, Chefta of Tea, Bags Hops, *5 cewfi each, and Iron the f»me per ton. Bags of CcfTee, Cocca, Ofks ef Raifina, Glafs 4 cents Boxea of Lemmons, 6 and one quarter cents. Hemp, xoo cents. Fi/h per quintal, 3 cents, Coalj, 63 cents per chaldron. Salt, it and en half cents per hog/head. Gram of all kiodr, * tents per bufhel. Rufiia Duck, 1 cents per bolt. H des 3 cents. .

( $3 >

PiiyGcians fy Surgeons protHJing in Boftou.

With the Streets U ivhicb $bey have their Jboit. Tboraaa Bnlfincb, m.d. Bowdoia Square* Weft Boftoa. Jame? L'oyd, m.d. Trena->nt-ft/eet, near Concert Hal!. Samuel Dsnforth, m.d. Ditto, oppoftte Ditto. Ifac Rand, Mldd'.e-ftreee, north of Crofs-ft'eet. oppofi'e. Stone Chape! John Jefoies, m i>. Tretn^at-ftreet, Charles Jar vis, oppofi'.e Gov, Adams, Winter ftrcet. Lemuel Howard, Newbary-ftreet, near the White Horf* Thomas Raft, Hanovtr ftrcst, near Cold Line. next Mill Bridge. Am '6 Windfhip, m. b. Hanover ftreer, David Towifeod, Pot- Aft Office, in Pieafant-rVreet. John Warren, m.d. middle of South SchooUftreet. Wil'iam Euft : s, Sudbury ft.eet, bittom cfCold Lane. Thomas Welft, Haiovtf-ftfcet, below C-nc*rt-Hall. Church, John Horn j n», Line el n-ftreet, near New South John Sa?av»i«, jun. mddle of F*der»l-ftrest. Aaron Dexref, m.d. lower End of Milk-ftreet. Jofeph Whipple, Orange-ftreet, South End. William Spooner, m.d. Cambridtr;-ftre-?t, Weft-Befba , Peter St. Medard,»aar the Q»d North Square. Abijah Cheever, Hanover-ftreet, below Concsrt-Ha!]. John Fleet, m.d. at the Bib'e and Heart in CornhiU. Ifaac Rand, Tremont-tVeet, orpofite Concert Hall.

1 Benjamin Haikell, m.b. No. 8, in Cornbii . Nahum Fay, m.b. Fleet-Street, near Hancock** Wharf. William IiRil'a, m.b. in TJnioo-ftreet. William Read. F'edsriCr Enflen, Battery March, tear the Ship Ya#d> William D'.x. m.b. ne»f the O'd North Square. ?erfi»ai Hall, O ange-ftreet, South E'd. Nathalie! Smith, near the Old North Sqwe.

jofiah Bartlett, m.b. MaiwV eet, In CtarUftowo.

in Boflon. Surgeons Dent [ft

Kiac Greenwood, reer *?* O'd North Sq-ive. 1 W. P. Creenwood. or»pr-fVe the Head -f *hs Ms '. Jofuh Fiagg, No. 14. Tontine Building. Sepftf, ( 34 ) Mafachufetts Meet at Society. Officer! ehofc June, 1797 S'muel Danforth, m.d. President. IfaacCOUNSELLORS.Ra d. Vice Prtfideit. EuAif, d. John'Brook*, j William jW.Spoone?. m.

Thomas VVeuh, 1 AaroriDexier,MD.{jofi.Dar:;er,MB.

John tVi.rin, m.d. I Recording Secretary. John Warren, m.d. C rrefpending Secietary. Th.mas We ft, Treafu'er. William Spoocer,CENSORS.m.d. Librarian & Cabinet Keeper Thomai Wc)!h, J cfeph Whipple, 1 Thomas ICafi, L'o.iah Bartietr, m b. William Scooner, hd.|

Middlefix Medical Allocution. Oliver Prefcott, m.d. Prefiden% Benjamin Waterhoufe, m.d. Vice Prcfidcnt, John Brocks, ~) Jcfuh Battler.!, v. b. > Counfellcrs. Ifase Hard, J Jofeph Hunt, Secretary, Timothy Mioct, Treafurer.

Brifiol VTedical Society. William Bay lief, President, Fcfter Swift, Vice Prefidenr. Ei.jah Fie wins, ^ Ebenezer Winflow, > Ccucfellow. John Turnc, jun. J Samuel Perry, jun. Secretary, George Ware, Treafurer.

Tie d m*ke a juft difcrimination between fuch aa jare duly educated and properly qualified for tbe duties ithereof, ar.d t hi (t who may ignorant'y and wickedly fadm^ftcr Medicir?e, wr^errby the health >ad lives of !m»ny valiub'e individuals m>y be endangered, and per-

;h*p8 loll to *he c nimunity/' (_JSj American Academy cf Arts 6" Sciences.

John Ad^ms, l.l. d. PrefiJsut. Jofej-h V/illard. d.d. a-,d l.l.d. Vj« PiefiJenr. COUNSELLORS. Robert T. Paine, J >hn Warren, m.d. Francis Dana, jo'™ Clark, d.d. Benjamin Lincj'n, C»'eb Gamier, J ,ho Lowell, Cotton Tufts, Joh) Lathrop, d d. Samuel Wibber. Benjamin Dearborn. Recording Srcre'arjr, Eliphalet Pfcarfon Cyrrefpondirp Secretary. Thomas Wefh, m.d. Treafurer. James Freeman, Vice Trecfurer. JohnLa:hro?, d.d. Libarian and Cabinet Krc^tr,

Their annual Meeting is on the 4th Thefday in May,

Officers of the PAafacknfettf Humane Society. Chofti December, 1/56. Jonathan IW.fon, Profiier.t. j.hn Warren, m.d. Firft Vice Prcfiient. Rcr. S.meon Howard, d.d. Second Vice Pre/dent. ' Fe?. S2mue- Parker, d.d. Treijurrr. Re*. Joha CUrke, d.d. C.rreJpir.Jir.g Secretary, •johnAfcy, ReccrJirr Secretary. TRUSTEES.

7ohn Lathrop. dd. I Thomas We'.fti, jN?thanl'»I Ea'cfc, Re». PcerThacher,! Aaron Pex'f, Jeremiah AUen. | This Society coafifts cf nearly 400 Members.

Their annual meeting is en the id Tuefdiy in December.

Officers of the Bofton Library Society, ChofenTRUSTEES.Ma'cb, 1797. Charles Syinich, (Samel H»li, Wm.Sccllay. Ecii'sy. : nrt, Kirkland, fofeph D.D.Georg«R.M J. T. Rev. Joun E io?, I Wrr.Spoor.e^M d. C. Vaujhan, Nathan Paris, Lib anan, Jofeph Fvft«r, Treifuret, Nathan Wtbb, See etar*.

Their annua! meeting is on the ft ft more! ay in March for the choice cf Truftee^sTd ovht- officers, ^^ ( & ) Mairachufetta Charitable Fire Society. Mofes Gil", Prefidenr. George R. Minat, Vxt PreHJent. Mr. James White, Treafuaer. Rtr. Jsmes F:ceman, Correfpondin* Secretary. Resordiog Secretary. WiUiamTRUSTEES.A i line. S«m.fitiiliaan,D.D. Uof.CalientJer.ju. iShubael Be'.l, Qumty, A WeUes, jun. lThomasIC. Jouei, Jofiah >Re*. Eliot, | Jo'fhua Thomas, John purpofe of relieung fuch as may This Society i« fa* the cf ftimu!a;iog geo.ua 10 ufefol difcof- fuffer by Fire, and fecure the Uvea and property of their eries tending to deftruaion by that elenunt. fellow men from , to be on the Fnday oett follow- Their anou*l Meeting day ja icg the Uft wedaef jfejr. BoftoQ D'tfpenfary. to continut one Year Managers tbefen in January, 1797. Rev. Samuel Parker, d. d. Chairman. John Andrews, Secretarr, William Sbattuck, Stephen Gorham, j William Brown> loha Coffin Jones, JohaCcdmaa, Samoel Dunn, Thomas Brewer* jobn Parker, 1 William Smith, Treafurer. John Fleet, m. d. Pby/iciin. Thomai Bardett, Apothecary. Jacob Fvhuc, Mejenger. Sign tbe Good Samaritan The Difpenfary, is kept at the ef has very THE Inftituticn of the toilon Difpenfary, The puor an* ««« much ferted the caufe cf humanity. Medicine and Attttttl teot fick are fuupiied with both feu* days m tj Itot gratii. Advice may be had for Store, No. 6i, L,orn- week, at Dr. Harriett's Medicine agenda and ifne hill. 'where an e^eri.nced Phyfician 5 patients, at their own home*. cetrary, w.St wait upon the whatever age o< defcription, who at Any rerfaos of J and Hand in nted of eithe* in neceflxtotu ci.«um

Thomas Dawes, iRev.SamuelWeft,;j W.PhtllpaJu- Jofcph EckIey,DO. iPeterThacher,DD.|

Matfachufetts Cor.gr egaiionai Society. Jofeph Willard, dd. and tL.n. Prxfident,

James So l*« van ViccPrefideot. Simeon Howa-d, dd. Treafurer. John Lathrop, dd. Secretary. COUNSELLORS,

Mofes Gill | Jonathan Maioa, [Peter Thscher, no, Samuel Phillips! Tho. Barnard. DD.JSamue! Parkroan Thw Society it for the relief of tie Wi»es a»d Chil- dren of deceafed Clergymen.

Bofloa Epifcopal Charitable Society. Richard Green, Pfefident. Jcfeph Gieece, Vice PrendenJ, BenjaminTRUSTEES.Greene, Treasurer.

Samuel Parker, d. d. I J ho H./ki*s, 1 Samuel Dtmn,

'John Cutler. { Wtiliam Shaw, j Thcmai B.evrer. Jofeph ir'cfter, Secretary.

MafTachufetts Charitable Society. Thomaa Dawes, Prefideot. Jonathan L. Auftin. Vice Prefident. John Kneelaad, Tieafurer. Nathaniel Noyes, Sec etary. TRUS T E ES. John Tifefloa Dawes, Benja. Auftin, juo,< | Tho, jun. j

William Bell I John Sveeetier j Jams* Bowdoia Andrew Oliver f I

G gor e ^ grk MtStngu »—— — £ c » —

( 3« ) Marioe Society in Bo&on. Therms Dermic, Matter. Nathaniel Goodwin, Dtpury Matter, Wiliiam Smith, Treafurer, Wilham Furnefs, Secretary, A Marine Society it eftebhihed at Salem and another at Portland, Cafco Bay.

Society for Information to Foreigners. John Lowel), Prefident, Benjamin Lincoln, Vice President, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. Treafurer» Jedediah Morfe d.d. Corrcfpondmg Secretary John Andrews Recording Secretary. Committee for •ollecting Information. WilliamWalter.D.D.j Aaron Putnam,! Ruflell Sturgis

William Little, | Tbeod. LymanJ Committee for advifing Emigrant!, Charles Vaughan,] Tho. H. Perkins,! Thomas Clark, Howard, Samuel Smith, j Jofeph |

Maflachufetts Agricultural Society. John Lowell, of Roxbury, Prefident, Mofes Gill, of Princetown, Firft Vice Prefident, Jofeph Ruffe!.!, jun. of Bcftoo, SecoedVicePrefident, John Arery, of Bciftpn.,. Recording Secretary, Jona. Mafon, jun. of Bcftcn Correfpotd'g Secretary Aaron Dexter,TRUSTEES.m.d. of Boftoo, Treafurer. Martin Brimmer, Roxbury, George Cabot, Brooklyn Charles Vaughan, Bofton, John Codman, Bofton Samuel Parker, d.d. ditto Theodore Ljman ditto

Majfachufetts Fire Ma ranee Company, Arnold W«i.! e». jun. Prefident. DIRECTORS. John Andrews, William Little, Thomas Perkins,. M*fon. John Codman, Jona. jun, Jofeph JfUffell, ! Jonathan Harris Peres Morton, Wiliiern, Spcpncrv Benjamin Joy. Aaron Prtnarn. WillianvScolhy, Secretary* t i ~- ' ' ; . .a;u.« i -g ( 39 ._.) Cbamher of Commerce in Bofton. S-ephen HigginfGfi, Pr-fidtnt. Johfl'Cc'rnn Jon«», Flirt Vice P;eiidenty,

Jrfcph RatTeR, Second Vice Piciiicat. . Tl 00125 Burfty, Secretary. F/iv Ge-it!rmen are eledttd monthly from this Scciety to-fsrvt as their (land 1 -? Ccmmrttee,

'Hiftorical Society /« BoHon. Jsmea Sullivan, pjefident. George R. Minct, Treaforer. Rev. J2mes F.-eemaa, RcC-j'dieg Secretary, Jeremy Belknap, d.d. Corrrfp&nding Secretary. Rev. John Eliut, Librarian. Samo?I Tare!!, Cabinet Keeper. Peter Thacher, d,d. ^ James Winthrop, £ Standrog Cvramitteci Redford Web'fter, 3

Cincinnati Sccisiy in Maflachufetts. Major Geaersi Fcnjimin Lincolc, prci:dent. Dollar Willi) m Etuis, Vice Prefidiat. Major General Henry Jsckfon, Trcsiurer, Thcinaa Edwards, Secretary.

Their annivsrfary Meeting i» on tbc

Mechanic /;][, elation in Bcflcn. P*u! Ree::, Psrfijenr, Edward Tuckeimin, VivB Prcfidecf, Simuei Core, TreVrjije/, John W. Foliorn, Senetary. TRUSTEES. Richard Fsxrc, Berjsmin , RuifelJ,J.Joaa. Hurnewcil Thcn^» Cknwat, Edward Harr, Samuel Excmorie Stephen Gore, Giles Richard?, IJamea Eutfoo,

Agents for huilding the vei\> State-Houfe. The en a? r,'rwes» Edward Hrucrtirfoj, Rcbbinr, Charles HuISjich. £ 4* )_ Harvard UNIVERSITY, Cambridge. Tnc OVERSEERS of the University art, TheG.}v*?oor, Lieufenant Governor, Coirticil tnd Senate of the Coramoovreahb ,*he Prcfidcat of the Univerfity, and the Minifies of the Congregational Churches in Motion, the Towns of Roxbury t Dorcbefie^yCbarleftown, Cambridge and Water town. Re?. $iw»* Howard, D.D. of Bofton, Secretary. rne CORPORATION. Ret. >A/>* W//W, D.D. & LL.D. PrefJent. Hon. 0/fW Wendell, of Bofton, Hon. 3'o£»L«m/.',LL.D. of Roxbury, / Hon, ^a*e* Sotua'oiriy of Dorchefter, > PelhvH, Rer. Simeon Howard, D.D. of Boftoa. \ Rev. Jobs Latbrop, D.D. 0/ Bofton. Ebesezer Storer, A.M. of Bofton, Treafurer, The PROFESSORS, David Tappan, D.D. Hollh Profeffor of Divinity. Khtbaltt fear/on, A.M. Hancock, Profeffor of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages, and Prdfeffor of the EngliJh Language. Samuel Webber, KM. HoUh Profeffor of theMathemitica and NaroraJ PbiJoiopby. Warren John t M.D. Herfey Profeffor of Anat. & Surgery. Btnjafnin Waterhoufi, M.D. Herfey Profeffor of the Theory ar»d Ptadiee of Phytic. Aaron^exttr, M.D.Erving Prt>f.Cr>ym .& Materia Medica. TUTORS, &c. a: Cambridge Uotverfny. Will am Asikerft Barron, A.M. Geography, aad the Fir- mzn'tof Geometry, Natural Philofochy & ^ftionomy. Ltv- Hedge, A.K. Lo^ic, MiUpbyiicj and Etbica. \J--bn S telling Popkin, A.M. Greek. Vjarr.n Hato'ty, A.M. Latin \Samutl Stap'eigb, A.M. Librarian. \j. Nancrth. Preceptor of the French Language. 'Jf/leb "annrf, A M. Stewird. xjoth.m Sender, A.R. Butiof.

! CoMMeNCR ment is on the third Wednefday of July, f Vacation: F

I FroTi :h; third Wednefday ic Oftober« two Week",

I From the fi.-ft Wednefday in January, five Weeks, j From the third Wedoefday in April, two Weeks. jj

( » ) Other Colleges

William? i Co! r^e at Williamfton, Ssrk/kirc County. Ebenfztr F.tcb, P:rfidtnt,

Stephen Wtft, »,». Vice-Pre/idenr, . Dane! Dewey, Secrataiy, Ncab fckiley, Tutc. Ccfiirr.ixccW.nt ii c the ti'jt wednrfday Jn S«.pt?mber. Bowdoin College, at Brunftuick, County of Cumberland David Sewal!, President cf the Overfesrs, Rev. P»us Coffin, V-.ce-Prefident.

R-». Jonathan E!ii», Secretary. .

Rev, Trhtrsm Coffip, Prcfident of the College, t Samuel Dean, d.d. Vice President. Samu3l Freemsn, Tresfurcr, John Fiothingham, Sectct-ary. Dvmmer Academy, at Newbury, Ifsac Smith, ?'Cccptor»| PbiU'p's Ac?demy, at Andovej.Ma.k Newman, Putceptor.j John Phillips Ai^ftaot, AbiahrJolbroek, WxitingMafter. Lciafiir Academy, et Leicefter, Eben. Adams, Fnuptor.i John Pierce, AiTiftant Preceptor.

f • Ber&lciktoicttiy, at, Berwick, Semuel Moody,?reesp or 'Fryebuig Aeademy,ai Fryeb'-vgjP.au-l L»ngdo.?», Preceptor.

f Jlal o"Z)e!lAz*£tmy,zt tjiagowtlt J. K. Woodman, Preceptor Eriflol Academy, st Taunton,. S;meoa Dj?g;st, Preceptor.', Marbhbead Academy, William Harris, Pr«ep:cr. j Timothy Aiden, Affiftant Preceptor.]

Wafbin~tcn Academy, at Machia.8, .

?Urrioutb Atii&iy at Plymouth. ,

Xfefifi'd, Academy, at VVcflrid-i. , Groton, Academy, at Grctorj,

Wtfiford, Academy, at Weftford, . Portland Academy, at Portland. Dedbam Academy, at Dedrnm^ Ebe/v Wight, Ir.ftruc^or.| New-Solem Academy, Prcftcr Pierce, Preceptor. Derby School, at Hihgham, Abner Lincoln, Pfetea*or. Henry Ci^min&V Afliftant Preceptor. Ipfwicb Grammar School, at lefwscb. cxbury Grammar School, James B. Howe, MaK

t 4* K

N:*e, E ftandi for ZpifcopaUan. P f,, r P,yfbvter:an

M'mifieVi /» cAf Ta^n c/"B;>Aon. drranvi acerding ti iheTtmttbt Cbuubes were /0Mdedforded' Firfl Church in CorafeiU, J ,hn Clarke d d S-cond, or Did North Cbsicfc, fr>ha Lathfo?" d-d [r*e antlcnr Meeting Hbufe. being deftr y«d by tfc« Britift, a; the i'.mc of the bio.kaJr* of BofW in i»*« ISftftfefebcra o.* that Sxiery hare face united,C

O d south Chvth, Ma«.baro'-ft

. JohnSy'wfter John Gardiner, Affftant Mirvfar -Weft Church, * New-feofton, Simeon Howard, I \ Second captift ! Church, Back-,rr«t, Thcma, Baldwin S^denurranJ, Middie-ftreet, Mow C;of»-ftr«et Vuirerf.rft Chu ch, Beooet-ftreet, John Murray. Rom.fli 0,u:ch, So School-nreet. Frar.cis Matigno a> d.d, Station Mtft North^nd. I Vl u TA"?

to tbe:r Rule, ofDifapiine, by Itinerant Prefers, are who frequent changed, for wbicb reafon their Name, Are not inferred J at the Toiun. 7be ^«,Chorche., &c. in the (Wy

D-^lShur dd, I *t«,tgh.m. OT N » ofa/ker vacant. ^IL-L!! * > I By fa Laws cf(bit Ccmmontve ,ltb eaebTown is to uh care from time to time t> be cor.ft,„tly provided witbi a 1 ** Ve> Earned, ortb

, >t\ Cleverly [Canton. Z^ HoikuJ^ J ,£#/". Reader VobaJf.t,4fiU00&&»*'~> Randolph,Jonathan Strang Didbum. Jafon Ha?e<->, Joel B;iggs, B jabs* Chicks ring, ^Rexbury, Eliphalct- Porter, Thamas Thachcr John Bradford Wm. Mco'aguc E\ Tnoam Gray D:rcbefie>,Tbii. M. Harris \Sbarcn, Phillip Cartii £>;vjr, Benjamin Caryl \Stougbtsn, ]euediahAdan»| Foxborougb, ThomaaK.Jnca4lj Edw. Ricbmood! Fr d»/t//»,Nathanitl Emmons! Walpclt, George Morey,

MedfieU, Thenar . Prervtifa \Weymbuib, Jicob Norton, Edward Clark Bl Simeon Williams Meiway, V \Wrensbam r

Da-vid- Sand ford- 1 Wirtiam Willisnw B Minsiters in £$*.-& £vuxtj»

AlmJbuTjy; Darid Smith Hamilton, M i Daf.Cutier, r. l d V Ptlpjwicb, Levi Frifbie, V Jchn Cleveland Atidover,. William Symmes jofeph Dana Jonathan Flinch Seventy t Jjfeph McKean LjB^Thooias C. Thacbei Jofeph Roby Soxfori, Elizur Holycke Friends Peter Eaton Methodiftj, Braiford, Jonathan Allen Lynnfiild, Jofeph Mpttey v Ebene zer Dutch Mancbefler V ,

Dar.vert, Benja. Wadfworth Marblebead,'Ebtn t Hubbard Sarr.ael Mead Ifaac Story Thomas O.een William Harris £ Qloalitr, Eli Forb.M Me:hodifts Danie! Fuller Metburn, Humph. C. Pearly Two PariftfS V Midi.'eton, Socman Adams -Ba-ns V Newbury,, Abtthtra Moore* Hnverbill, Ab'el Abbot t'« KimbaJl Phineas Adsma V Giles MerrHI Elijah Parifli. Hezekiah r.nv'hjD.D. E ( 44 )

tftUfburvportVhQtntt City SaUftury, Andriw Beattie 1 j V ft ! S^S^M** 5 Sa/tm, Jjhn t rrn«-, u.n, ! Ciiult* W M.itaii William Bt-irJey Daniel Dana Jcfhua Sj5jia1d?ng

Edward Bafs, r>.D,£ Th^ir.a&Bij l iafd,DDJ

j»ho Bodttfly P iel &c?'

"Gib. T. Wa.iatr.s Top fic!tt% ftfahc! Kuxting:oa. Liws'l Bj ^w^a**, Adjoii'aa* Jedf**!

Minilt&rs to Middlefex Gottnty*

*#?«!, Mofea Adams - Izrlbo-Ou^h, A fa Packard \A-jbbn MeJfi'd, V~a y.i G.'gcod WieJfori, Samuel SisarrM N.i;ick, StepUo D^d'c-er

\silierica t K«a*y CurniaRfl Newton, Jonathw Homer Wiilisjn G-'SDousti Cambridge Abel Hc/raes Jofeah Oiaf;oa 3 Thadde»«, F*i Resding, Csleb Potties John Fofter EllabStoue.. V Pttei Sanbo.'n V B Ipepperreti, Johii BuMaid ijle, Pau T Mtchftfla iSberburn, Elijah B.owae

r> iCi>J'-/<^'y'ZP?j. Jedi. Mo: fc, . d 4 Shirley.) Phi/itaa, .Whitney

] Cb;!mifordt Here!:. Packed! Srjr^aw, John H. Stevesn

joni Pecktna . B,6'.';rp, J, na:ha:> Nepali Concord, Ezra R pley, jJW&ary, Jacob Bijjt'ow

Dracut, Solomon AVkfft ' Tewi/bury, Titus T, Barton DunPable. Jofep.h Kidder \7owf:nd. Simuef Dix Eajl Sudbu-y, J^ilab ftridgt Tyr.£$aoro>\ Nath. La.v»jeoce Framifigbam, David Keilogg/flVrfowr, Jtcob Cufaing Mtihadjfta Methodiifi Grotca, Daniel Chaplin, Watertown R:c,hard R.EIIoc V? B Weftfotd. Caleb Blake Haitifan]timothy Dickinkn IFefton, Saaiuei Kendall, Mcthodifti V B" fiophietcn. Nztiuniei Howe Metboiifts Lexington, Clark Frtegrace Rey JoDa* rVilmington t Lincoln, Charles S'taj&i [no)

tie to fiy Edrauid Fofter tit Waburny Samae! Saigeant fcWw, Eliakioi Wiliis John Marrett « Aaroa Greea « »», t' r Miniiters in Plymouth County Aoington^ Samuel Wiles Middlcboro*, Joftph Barker Bridgwater^ John R;ad Caleb Turner Samuel Angier D»vid Gurney Ztdekiah Singer Ilaae Biekut B John Porter Ebentzer Hinda B V E Samuel lUILn B George Robinfon B Pembroke, V Carver, John Rowland Gad Hitchcock, o o John Tripp B Plymcud>,Ch»ntuKobb\at oo Duxborougb, John Alljn Ivory Hovcy Halifax, Ephra Briggi m Rccbef:er i Ltmwei LeBaron Jefl'e Edfon Calvin Chaddcck Hansver, John Meilen Kingjtor, Zsphaniab Willi i V B Marjbjield, William Shaw Scituate. Nehcmiah Thomas Elijah Leonard David Barnes V B Wm. \v. Wbceler£ Plympton, Jfarebam V i Ncble Everett Minifters in Barnftable County, Barn/fable, JohnMe'len.jun, Orleant, Jonathan Bafcom O .ke? Shaw ProvincetowtijStmMtl Parker Enoch Eidn'dge B Methodifts Chatham, Thorn?? Roby Sandwich, Jonathan Burr Ephraim Rriggs, jun. V Dtnnit, Nathaa Stone Friends EaHb^m, Philander Shaw Methodifti Falmaviby Tleorj Ltccoiq Truro, Jude Damon, Friends Metbcd'fts Harwich, John Simpkins Wenfi-et, Leri Whitman K'aihaa Uadetwocd Yarmouth, Timothy Aiden Abner Lew's B Gideon Hawley, Mifilonary to the Marfhpee Indians.

Minifters in Duke's Ccuniy. Cbi'mark, Jonathan Sm'th \Edgarton, Jofeph Thatter Vifiury, AJTareiah Mcrfc' \Gaybead, Zjch. Hotfuit B| V S

Zacchcue May hew, Miftlonary at Martha's Vineyard.

Miniftir at Nantacket. ^art(uckef V Friends } ( A* ) Minifttr* in feriftol County. Attlebonugh, John Wilder Rcynbam, Peres F6b«, Mjd £btn -ze« Laze'l V V I Methcdrfts

Ellflia Carpenter 1 Rebsb/tb, John EHis Berkley, ThvUBss Andro* Robert Rogerfon Dortmutb V Thom»s Se»man» li Diniel Hicks I John Hicks Friends Jacob Hick a Digbion, John Smith Aaron Wheelsr Enoch GofTe B Jonathan Chjff; Eapn, William Reed Jerenvah Ircns Methodifts John Ptirce Jones Freetown, V V Phillip Haihaway B Somerfet, V jobd Lameaee 8 Swar.zey, Roflell *f afon Friends Charts Thompfan Mansfield, Roland Green Taunton, John Fcfter Afcw Bedfyrd&m. WeftDD. V Ifaiafc Wiftoti V Ziccncus Tob/ B Ebenezer Nelfoa Norton, Pitt Ciark WefyortX Minifters in Wwc«fter tounty d/bburnbom, J«hn Co/hirt§ Gardne; Jtnathan 0%ood j V » Gerry, Ebe*ezer Tucker Metfcbdifta Grafton, Jot» Miles dtbol, JoAsph Eaflerbroek Hatdtuid, Thomas Hclt Sdrre, Jcfuh D^a» V E Berlin, Reiibsn Puffir Methodifls Bohon, Phineas Wright Harvard, William £mt»fon| Brootfud, Ephra-ra Watd Ifaiih Parker B v ; JhlJen, Jcfeph Ayery 'NcT-tm.'r'*!kt Natbao Fifte IHuibard)ctt f LzncaRcr, NtthanitiThaje' Boylfton, two Parishes Liictfitr, V i Cbariton, Vaeaot B; Nathan Dina E Methodifts Lec-tninper, F«ar,cis GirdL.tr oug/afs, Ifaac Ctoce Lu^enbu-gbi Zabdie) Acajr:i Vicant Mendcn, Calsb Alexander Dud.ey, V Fitcblurgb, V *fi,yW, Methcdift^Unir. iVielborJiftj. j/Vew Eraintree, jdr t ( 47 ). MiniHers in Worcefter County continued, tfortbborougb, Pet. Wti,:aty I Sterling, Reuben Hokomb Rorthhri-gc, John Crane Sarren, Edmund Mill» John Cooper H Jofeph Gcffe Oakham^ Daniel Toraiirtfoo Datid Ratbbun B Oxford. E'ii8 Dudley Wm. Batcbeldor B V U Templetor., Eben. Sparhawk Paxton. Daniel Grofvenor V Ptter/bam Salomon Read t//>fe», Benjamin Wood V B V

Princeton, Jofctfh RetTell t/xbridge, Samuel 1 udf'oa Royalfton, Jofe^b Lee *'ard, Ifnac Bajity Mofes Kenny B IVeftbonugb, John Rcbinfon

Rutland, Hezak'ahGoa'rcb Weflcn y Stephen Baxter Afaph Rice Sbrcwfsburi , Jofepb SumneT Weftminfter, Wincbendon, ] ofeph B.owa

Spe ncer, J orcefi*r% Smuel Auftia Sturbriftpe, Jo&ua Paine Aarcn Bancroft ZetK* L. Leonard

Minifters ia Hampfhire C^t ntjr* Settled id Town* on the Baft Side of Conne&icut Rirer. Amberjl, David Psribn* INortbfield, Samuel C. Allea Ichabod Draper \Ordtngt, V Belcbtrton, Jwlus Forward Metbodiftt J Samuel B.gelow BWwer, Mofes Baldwin Brimfcld, V PeJham,——Olire^ Mstbodhfts Matthias Cazier — ley Cranhyy — Grid Sittte$bury, Jefeph Smellage B' Greenwich, Jcfepb Blodget 5WA Had'*?, jfe! H»yw | ! joihua Crcfby Se«ri> t t infield. Hadiey, Samuel Hopkins £:,;*>< CW.din* Bl Holiani, Ezta R:efe Springfield BezaleeJ Howard! Leverett, Her:ry William* V '/ B Sunderland, Jr feph Afhley Long Yeadotv, Ricii.S.Storrs Ware, keuK?!3 Mnfr

hudionv, A -,rip? j Steward ff'artvkk, S*mu-J Reed Monfon, JefTe I?es Wtrdeli, )-:{z?b Kilburn Samuel Wtb&et B Wubrabam. M:>fe* Waneo Montague, fodab HsCa i>eihG!axk B New Salem, ,'r-et Fo#er V Bl 1efi;h Chcytt B Metbodift* J _48_J __ Settled in Towns oo the IVefi fide of Connetlicut River Afojield, Nebemiab Porter Hatuley, Jonathan Grout Enot Smith B heath, jofeph Strong, Jan. Ebenezer Smith B Leyden, V Bernardfton, Amafa Cook Jofeph Green B Levi Hodge B Middlefield, Jonathan Naft Blandford, Jofeph Badger V B V B Montgomery, V Buckland, Jofiah Spio'diog Northampton, Soto. Williami Abner Bemia £ Norivick, Stephen Tracy Cbarltmont, V Plainfield, Mofes Hallatk v B V B Cbefier, Aaron Bafcom Rtnoe, Preferred Smith Cbefterjield, Joliah Waten Rujelt, V Ebtnezer Viriing B Ebeneeer Stow B Co train, Samuel Taggart t Sbelburne, JeiTe Townftnd V E David Long B Edmund Littltfield B Southampton. Jonathan Jodd j Conway, John Emerfon Soutbivitk, Ifaac Clinton » ' V P W.Springfield,}, Lathrop, v 9 V B Cumingdn, J*mtl Briggt /efleWightrnaa 3 Deerfiefd, John Taylor Methodifti E. HamptoH,Pij{onW iiliftoc Weftbampton, En eh Hale Gill, WeUfield, Noah Atwater Ga/ben, Samoe! Whitman v b Granville, Timo. M. Coo ley Whateley, Rufua Weill J oil Baker Afa Todd B v B 97lT\am.*hurgh ,} ofephS t rong Methodifta rVortbington, V Greenfield^ Roger Newtoo Jonathan L.Pomcroy Hatfield, Jofeph Lywan Minifters in Berk.fhi.re County.

Adams t Methodifti \Great Barrington, Aford, Methodifti V B Beck*, V Jeduthun Gray B BerbUbem.V Hancock, Clark Rogers B Cbejbtre, V Laneshoro*, Daoiel Colliai Peer Warden B Ut, Alran Hyde

i Nathan Mafon Methodifti

John Lei and Lenoxt Samuel Shepard Da!ton, two Pariihei Nath. Haikina B Egremonl, V Methodifti ( 49 ) Loudon, Sheffield, Ephraim Judfoa 1 Methodifts

New Ajbferd, Methodifts I Benja. Baldwin B New Marlboro', Jacob Cul'w'Stockbridge, Stephen Weft dd John Stevens Samuel WheJpley B fartridgefiefd, John Leland Tyrifigbam, Jofeph Avery V\ + Methodifts fitttfield, Thomaa Allen Wajhington^.G. Ballaotinc Valentine Rathburn B John Nichols B Method ifta Methodifls Ricbmond,Dn'\A Petty fV.Stockbridge, Oliver Ayer Sandisfield, Eleazer Storrs Willidmhovtn, Seth Swift V E V B V B Methodius Savoy, Wind/or, Gurdon Dor?ance Soutbfitld, Minivers in York County. .Alfred, John Turner Lebanon, Ifaac Hafey 'Arundel, Silas Moody Limerick, Levi ( hadb-'urn Berwick^joha T_ Ebenezer K rfman B

»££??» J 'j?». Atkinfon WiHiafc Hooper William Batchelfer B Neiujii F/iends Parfonsneid, Benjamin Rolf JBetbcl, two Pan/hes Samuel Weeks ifr^W.NathaoaeiWebfte' ?eperrelboro\ J. Fairfield Bridget on, ?Jatban Church Sandford, Motel Swett Buxton, Paul C. ffin V B ! Methodifts Sbapleigb, Brown Cbrnifh, Nehemiah Davis B I V B Tozer Lord .Coxbaff, Simeon Lock WaterboT Q \ Henry Smith B 'Frytburgb, Wm. FctTenJcn Pelatiih Tir.giey 2 Z:bediah Richardfoo B Waterford, Kittery, John Hartwell Welh, Mof.Hemmen way dd, Smuel Chandler f Osniel Little Jofeph Litt!cfie!d Nathaniel Lord B Fr'eads uorkt Ifaac Lyman Nwt&f PJantaticns in the Count* of Yo,k. Fltrjfton, Ne?,y Penakock, BoftwicVt Grant \0»ford, E ft Andover, Ket'bam't ditto, \Portersfi t !d t Hiram, CurihStWiUiamCt do. iNewSunkook Peabody tyran t, Ho mes't di tto, [1798.J £ r- ( s° ) inifters in Cumberland County. Bruuftoick, Ebenezcr Coffio NoXarmeutb, Trill. Oilman Rufus Anderfon Buckfield, V B Cap* EUxaBttb^h, Clarke Thomia Green B Ourbant, Jacob Her rick New Glocefiter, V Falmoutb,£b:atitTWiM\*m$ Thoaon Bfowi Friends end Methodiftj Paris, Hoofer B P.reepott, Alfred Johnton Jamee ThomasLanca&er Oorbam, Caleb Jewett Scarboro\ Standijb. Daniel Marett jtmei McCorfdO 1 i Portland, Samuel Dean, or. Gray, Stmuel Perlej Methodifti Elijah Kellogg HarppwelK Stmuel Eaton Jofepb Warren B Samuel Woodward B Thomas Oxnard Unitarian Hebron, Job Cafnmin B Poland, Jonathan Scott Methodifts Methodifts Tyngston, Jay, ditto Strickland 1 Livtrmore, V B Turner, John Methodifts Windham ,

Miaiftets in Lincoln County. both Tbt following feten Town/hips intend on fides of Kennebeck River. Eliphaltt GilltC Daniel Stone \9ialhwell, Jugufia,* . iNorridgavoock, Calef \Pittfton, James Bowers B Canaan, Jonathan unCnOwa Georgetown, Ezek. Emerfon^^eq, J.-A River. Tdo:nbam, 1 Lemuel Jaekfoo, B Job Macombcr ] Readield, Ifaae Cafe B Jbeftafm Methodifts [Fairfield, Wilber B \Farmington,Utlhoiittt Sydney, Afa Starks, \Fayette, Eliphalet Smith Topjbatt, Jonathan Ellit 7r«»*, V Mctbodift' Wintbrop, G&jji£*is . »

(_s«_ ). Miniften in Lincoln County continued, Towoi ontbe Eaft Side of tbt River. Ball/town, Jofeph Bailey B Afa»M/7/W;jonath»nWii4 Boctbbay, * * Nokleboro\ V Brifiol, Willitm Biddel Po*»nalbcro\A\itaBriifoi& Camden, Tbomaftewn, Iliiha SfiOW B Clinton, Mephifec/hethCain B VaJfalboro\ V Cufhtng, Ephraim Hall B Nebemiah Gould B Prefdt*, Friend* Edgecomb, DanidHubbird B Union, Harlem, Waldoboro\ — R«et» P Mufcongut, AndrewFuUer B Warren, Jonathan Hu(t Newcaftle, fToobKicb, Jofiah Wioftip »5 mile Fond, Plantation! m /if Weft Sirf* 0/ tbt River. iftRtogt^ tdRargt, 3d Range. No. i.isTKd&n No. 1. No. 1. No. *, No. a. No. », No. 3. No. 3. No. 3. Plantation on (be Eaft SrVfc 0/ *£* jR/ver. Ift Range, »d Range, ' 3d Range.

No. 1. , No. x. No. 1 No. x.Gmu/UUJ Mo. », Ho. a No. 3. No. 3. No. 3

Minifies in Hancock County. Weft Side Penobfeot River. Ztfi Sid* Penobfeot River, Sangor, Buckfton,

Re\fafi % Ebsnezsr Priee blue Hilt, Jonathan Sifhcr Canaan, Cape Ro/a, Duck-Trap, CaSine, Frankfort, Methcdifts Eden, Hampden, ditto Gouidtboro ', Nonbport, Mount Defert, V ] Prefpetl, Orrington, Methodifta The following 3 Towo/hips Penobfcot, Jonathan Powan arclflaads in the Bay and Sedgwick, Denial ManiU Mouth of the River Sullivan, !Vinalbaven, Method. i\* Sullivan (adjacent*) Deer-ljie, Peter Powers Trenton, Ijlejboreugb, Tho. Eamcs B Plantation No* *. ( 5* ) Washington County,

Macbias, Claike Brown j Harrington,

Addifon, \ Steuben,* Columbia, iflMffltof'g. #*» Pews/and Rights in- Houfes of public Worfhip by an Aft of this Commonweslth, pafied inFebruary 1796, are confidered and deemed to be Real Eftate.

Congregational Convention cf Mivifters, in the Commonwealth of MaJJ'acbufettt.

Their Meeting is held io Bjfon c-a the Timrfday next [following uft in the Wednefday May annually 5 [which day, at noon, after tranftebng the ufual bufinefs

.cf the Coo veotioo, a Sermon is preached in public be- fore them, and a collection made for the charitable pur- pofe of relieving diftrefied Clergymen or their Widows,— The Congregational Miniftera, in general, in the fevers! Coumies, are afiociated, and have their ftated Meexioga j '* Their principal debgn ia to open & maintain a friendly correspondence with the reprefentativc bodie* of the Pref- byterian and Congregational Minifters aad Churches in other Statu, and to communicate to* and. receive from them whatever may be uftfful and promote the interefta of the Chriftiaa Religion 5 and to collect an accurate fta'ement of the number and names cf the AfTiciatioos, Mioiften, Vacsmeies, Candidate?, and nors-affsciited Miniftere and Churches throughout the Commonwealth, sod to digeft and publish the fame, for their owo infor marion, and that of their brethren in other States-" All the Congregational Miniftera in the Towns of Bof- ton, Roxbury, and Charleftown, are, aSuciated.

The Convention, felicitous to colIeS and preferve accurate documents for a hiftory of their Churches, have Voted, ** That all the Congregational Miniftera in the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts be requrfted to give a hiftory of their tefpe&ivc Churches, and of the Churches in their vicinity, if vacant, and to make returns, as fcon u may be convenient, totbeRey.D-. Belknap! of Bofton, to be by him kept on fi'e, after having been fairly re- corded by the Scribe of the Convention, in a book to be kept bj him for that pu'fofu" _ f ( *».)_

Convention Matters continued: I Commonwealth oj'MbJJhcbufctts, in May, 1795, | Voted, ii yH/VT a Committee confiding ofMemberso? this Contention reading in different parts of this Commonwealth, be appointed for the purpofe of cer-; tifying the good character and qualifications of our Mini Here and Candidate!, who mail pafa from our limits into thofe of our Reverend Brethren ia ths other American

States j and that this Committee take care that fach tra- velling Miniftcri and Caadidates, be rega'arly handed end fufficiently recommended, to and by intermediate Ministers or ether refpeetatfe Characters, till they reach the place of their deilinatioo. And the more effectually to fecore the object" cf this Vote, this Convention further agree, mutually to communicate and rcceire the Names of Committees appointed by oorfelvet, and our brethrea

in the other States, for the purpofe aforefaid 5 and that every Certificate be figned by one Gentleman at leaft 00 that Committee, from whofe bounds the Pcrfca certified travels.

Vote 11 That the. fallowing- Members of this b?dy e* cur Committee for the purpofe abi*e-rnentiooed, v ; z Rev. S. Weft, D.D.Sror^f^g?! Rev. Jafon Haven, ZWcuar, Seth Williamfto.n. SrookfiA Sam,Weft,D». N. Bedford

Caleb Alexander, Men Ian. 1 Mellen, John Ba*nfiab!e t JchnCu'hing, /^^arniitfiw. Jona. Fiencb, Andover, j Jufeah Wiiia'd,. i».d.. tr..n,J Tho.3arnard,D.D, Salem, PitCi,Hiti.Col\.Cambridge.\ SAm.S;>ring, Neiab. Forty

Ezra Rjpl«y, Concord, 1 Sam.Deaoe, dd Portland, Daniel Chaplin, Grot-n, M.Hemmenway,Dn.?fiellt Peter Thacher, d.dBoJ9ooJ Daniel Little, Ditto, John.La'.hrap, b.d. Ditto) Alden Bradford, Pow»dr/^

• They earnestly recommend to all youig Gentlemen, who defi^o to devote thcnrclves to the work of the M\- rsiftry, to foend that portion of time in the ftody of Di- vinity which improved and judicious ad»ifers (hail think oecefTary to qualify them for public Teachers." ( i* ) Epifcopallan Bijhops io America. Edward Bafs, Bilhop in MaiTachufetta. Abraham Jarvis, Bilhop ia Connecticut. Samuel Provoft, Bifnop at New-York. William White, Biihop ia Pennfyi? ania. Thomas J. Ciagget, B /hop to Maryland. Jamei Maidifon, 8ifliop io Vfrginia. Robert Inglie, Biihop io South Carolina. Charles Pettigrew, Biihop io North CuoIiM.- Jacob Mountain. Biihop in Canada, George Inglis, Flfliop at Nova Scotia, Hugh Peters, Biihcp cleft for Vermont. Since the year 178 3. there have bren formed in the feveraJ States, upwards of three hundredCoogregatiooa of that denomination, and generally fupplicd by Clergymen from England, or ordained by B /hops in the Sutu, John Carol, of Maryland, Roman Catholic Biihop.

Baptift Education Society. Samuel Stiliman, d.d. Chairman, Rev. Tnomas Baldwin, Trcafurer, Becjaonn TRUSTEES.Morgan Stiliman, Secretary, Rev. Hetekiah Smith d. ». Rrr. Joel Briggt WilUam Wiliiami Thomas G*«en Jonathan Maicy Jcieph Gra/ron Ifasc Backus Gtcrgc Rcbinfoa Stephen Dana, Efa. Richard GridJey

This Society was incorporated in 170,*}, etc object re the aiTiftance of young mta of that denomination, in c foitable education for the Gofpel Miniftry ; to which pur pofe the intereft of their funds is limited, until the prin. cipal /hall amount to a certain >'um j after which the annual inteteft,wben not expended for the purpofc before- mentioned, ia to be laid out at the difcretioa of the Truf ctcs in any mode tbey ft*H jud»e m:ft conducive to the general fpread of the Cbriftien Religion, The Warren Baptift Aficciation, is to rne«t thie Year at Bamftablt, on the Tuefday after the firft Wednefday in Septemb. at * o'clock, P.M. at the Rev. Noab Etdridge't gating houfe. 1 is) Grand Lodge of Free M&fons. Moft Worfhipful Piul Revere, Grand Afafler* (tight Worfhipful Samuel Dunn, Efq. Deputy Gd.Mafler lfaiah Thomas, Senior G and Warden* Jufeph Laugh ton, 'Junior Giand Warden* William Little, Grand Treafurtr* Daniel Oliver, Grand Secretary. Norton Brailiford, Snior Grand Deacon* John Boyle, Junior Grand Deacon. William Marcan, Senior Grand Steward* Jofhua Thomas, Junior Grand Steward, Benjamin RuiTell, Grand Mar/bal. Amos Lincoln, Grand Swcrd Bearer* Lemuel Lodden, Grand Tyitr, pre. tem. The Quarterly Communications are he ! d atCcflcertHall, in Boftor., on the Evenings of the fecond Monday ia -March, June, September, and December.

The Lodges under its Jorifdi&iooi are* The fitft and fecond Saint John's Ledges, united with the Riftng Sun Lodge, meet at Concert Hail, the lift Wednefday Evening of each month. Saint Andrew** Lodge meet at Free MafWi Hall oa the Evening of the fecond Thurfday in etch month. The Royal Arch Lodge meot at the fame place on the 'Wcdnefday preceding the fulling of the Moon. The Rtfing States Lodge meet at Concert Hill on the! Evening of the laft Monday in each month. Lodge meet at the fame Place on the I Majacbufetts Evening of the fecond Monday in each month. Harmonic Lodge meet on the aril Tutfday Even- | The ing of each month, at Baker's Hate'. King Solomonh Lodge, at Charleftown, meet at Warren I Hall, in that town, the fecond Tuefday in each month. Columbian Lodge meet on the firft Tbwrfday Evening ?f every month, at their Hall in Market Square. The African Lodge, in Bofton, meet the firft Tuefday in evesf month at the Golden Fleece. The other Lodge* con&ituted in this Commonwealth, are, Tyreau Lodge, at Gloucefter|C7»r^i States*, at Danven St. Pet er* a, at Newbury PottlMoming Star* at Worctfte? Berk/hire* at Stockbridge lEJex Lodge, at Salem ^trinity*, at Lancafter, [Unity Lodge, at lpfwiah ( 56 ) Warren Lodge, at Macbias Mir^/e/ViLodgcFramlnghaBj Federal Lodge, Northampton Wofhington Lodge, Roxbury Old Colony Lodge, Plymouth Hancock Lodge, Wa/hiogtc Republican Lodge Greenfield Ha'tnony Ledge, Nctilfield Lodge at Hmover St. fauVt Lodg", Grotoil Lodge at Wifcaffet TbomaSs Lodge, Monfca

Extracls concerning M a s e n r t t " pYTMAGOR AS, a Grecian, journied for kr.owledg, in Egypt and Syria, and in every land where the Phoenicians had planted Mafonry, and gaining entrance in all Lodges ci Mafonry, he learned much *cd returned, and dwelt in great Greece, growing and becoming a migh- ty Phi!ofopher, and greatly renowned, and there he framed a great Lodge at Cretona, and maked many Ma- fons, fome thereof died journeying into France, and maked tmny Ma fans, whercfrom in procefs of time, tht Art palled into Esgland " Pythagoras, when he iourneyed to learn, waa firft made then teach«d ; eveo fo fcould a!f otheri be in right. Ne- Terthelefs, Mafons ha«e always in every time, from time to time communicated to mankind fuch of their Secreti ae generally might be ufeful, they hx?e kept backfuch on!y

; a» might be ha;mfu if they came ifitj evil hands, or fuch 11 oaifcht not be beneficial without the teachings joined there-tcgether, within the Lodge, or fach as do bin*' the brethren more ftrongiy by the prcrit ard con- veniency ccming to the Fraternity therefi cm."——

fira The Mafoni Lodge in America was he d in Boftor* on the Jth Tuly t7 3 >f 3 j, by virtue of a eemmiflion From >he Right H^norab e and Right SNt>rfoiH\ Anthony Lord Vifcount Montague, Grind Mifttr of England, in the year of Mafonry 5733, corftitutmg the Ri^ht Wor. flup'ul Henry Price Grand Mafter ia North America, with full power and authority to depute his Deputy- Grand Wafter and other raafooic

For the Maflachufetts llcgificr. IT is a lingular Trait in the Confutations of the te* i*j etftive States forming the Uoion, that Religion it io each or* them placed on ita proper Balis $ aided by the Reafoc of each individual Citicen, and not necefiitated to Jook to the nnwarranted Mandate of roc civil Arm for it'a Support. It ever fhould be ao Object in every Nzi tlm, where ecckfiaftietl Tyranny does not predominate, to leave Religioo to the Support of its cwn Evidence, tp .be correfpondent Lite* and Cooverfation of thofe Indiv?? dpsts who may have been led to make & profeihtiO of it; atd to ita divine Author-—Seen »* the gerxreus and >ufti» fiabl: Liberality periling the United Statca of America* that not any one particular Dencminarioo has Sanction by Teft or Eftabli&rr.ent j and, every Denomination hat jfueb Toleratipn as they tan poflibiy wifli, provided the fame To*eratico may not interfere with the public Good, Io coofiqeeace cf which Lib*rajiry we find a very eaten- fife Ramification, confiderhg that ur Forefathers emir (graced upoo the deficiency of Taleratieo in refped of Li- berty io the Kxercife cfFakband Difcipiine*

Ignorance in tfce ladmdotls -coin poGng "any State ot !Nation is a v«ry natural prelude, to their Deprivmen of their Liberties and their being invoked io the Horrors of Slavery ; while general Kttow'ed^e it a very oihirtfl Par to fuch baneful Effects. Perhaps no pe. pie have d.ft-.o* guifned themfelves more in this refpeft than the pebfrUs of America as, 2di.tion j in to p. general attention to the Inftrotf.on of the riling Gencatioa in the Support ot Schools by Incorporation, and by ordinary Regulations ;* the refpeftife States ; there are cow 7 Univerfin'ee, >« Colleges and 60 Academies in the UnitedSucci ofAmerica.

Such genera! attention to the fupport of thofi ?w- important Pillars of National Glory, ReUghn &nd Liters * tare, aftbrds for [*me grounds anticipating the bfffiM Period when America fhafi embrace in ita arm* all that Cannot eife where enjey fuch privilege* as fbe otfera.

{7i>e foregoing Communication from a Friend tc-tie Regifier was received by the publiftert not quite early enough to be inserted in its more proper piece]

' '" ..' " ' » ' " ' " "»* riL-r, , v» D796.J a ,

PdST-OFFlCE Matter: The General PoftCffie* it kept at thcSeat of Government.

Jofepb M*b$r(hamt Poft-Mafter General Charla Burral % Afliftant. ffoaatban Haftingt, Deputy Peft-Mafter at Bofton, Jeremiah Libbey, at Portfmoitb. N. H. Samuel Freeman, at Portland", in Maine, {Tie Poft-Roedi have been of late very much extended throughout the United Sratrs, A Lift of the ivbck would he Ho prolix here,—'The following are rttw efiablijhed in the BiftriB of Maine, and in the States of Ncw-HampuYue and Mzffachufetts.] MAINE*. FROM Brewer's or Seoodic by Machias, Chandler/ river and Colombia, to Narraguagus oaee e week, From Narragusgus by Gould/borough, Sullivan, Trtn- too, BluehiU, Caftine, Ptnobfcot, Buckftoo, Frankfort, Profpe& and Bclfaft to Dock-Trap once a week. From Dock-Trap by 'Camden, Thcmafton, Warren, Waldoborough, Newcaftle, Wifcaflet, Eatb, Brunfwick, Frecpoct aad North-Yarmouth to Portland ooce a 'week. From Portland, by Biddeford, Wills and York, to Portsmouth. From Portland by North-Yirmmith, Freeport, Brunf- wick, Bi-h, Wifcaflat, Drefden, Pitcftoo aod Hallo-* cil Hook to Hallowed Court Houfe, once a week. Fran Wifciffet by Drefden, Pittftoo, Hallowell Hook, Hallow ell Court Houfe, Win throe, Monmouth, Green* Ncw-Gioucefter and Gray to Portland ooce • week. From Hallowell Hook by Vaffalborough, Fort Halifax, WirJhw, Fairfield and Canaan to Norridgewock once a week. From Hallowell Hook to Farmington on Sandy wei once ia two weeks. From Portland by Falmouth, Gorhim, Burton, Stan- dim, Limerick, Parfooafield, Shapleigh and Lebanon to Berwick, ooce in two weeks. From Standilh by Flintftown, Fryeburgh academ]dtmy, ,' Conway and Tamworth to Saodwich in New Harnpf ooce io two weeks. From Wells by Wtterboreugh, Saoford, Doughty'*' Fajjiu Berwick and Dover, to Portfmouth, once a week,! LjhUL HEW.HAMPSHIRE. zit From Portfnvmth by Dover, Rochsfter tr.d Mcul- touborough to Plymouth, returning by. Me*. Hampton, .Meredith, Gilmaoiown,. Nottingham and Durham to jPortfmoutb once in two weeks. From Pertfrooath by Enter, Cheftcr, Londonderry, Ambctft, Peterborough and Marlborough to Keeni, once i wee*. From Concord by Plymouth to Haverhill, on«c t week. From Efctitr to Hampton Fail?, three time* a week from April 1 5 to O&obcr 15, and twice. 1 week from Q&cber 1-5 to April If. MASSACHTJSE'n'S. From Newbiuy-Port, HiverhiiJ, Kinaftoa, £xsttr» New-Market and Dm ham to Dover once a week. From Salem to Glouieftcr once a week. From Salem to Marblehead three times a week. Leave lem every Monday, Wedntfday, and Friday immediate- ly aft-r the arrival of the mall frcm Bcfton, and deliver it, .at Marblehead in one hour and an half, leave ldaiblc- 1*2 d in an hour & as haif,& return toSalem in two boon* From Bofton by Aodo»er, Haverhill and Cbeier to Conejrd in New-Hainp&Wc once a week* Ficrn Boitoo by Conco.d, Laocafter, Leominfter and A'hbarahom :o Marlborough, Keenc and Walpole in Nov Himp(h\ e. From Eoftv>n by Quincy, Hirgham, Hanover, PJy- n:utb, $*o4w'cb) Barn3ab!e, Ys.n»uth, Dcnnie, Har- wich and Chatham to Truro occe a wee'*. Fr^m Sandwich by Falmouth and Holme* Hole to Ed- |«"own orcea week. From Rcdon by Sharoa, Mansfield, Norton and Taun- ton to Newport ccce a wsek. From Bqfton by Charleftown, Medford, Woboro, Bil- lerica, Che smfo'd and Tyngfbnrough to Amherft once » week, FromBoftonby Raynham, Bridgwater, Randolph and Taunton to New Bedford, Frcm New Bedford to Nantucket, twice a week from November j to May i. Leave New Bedford every Fri- day and Monday by 6 a m, arrive at Nantucket in the evening. Leave Nantucket every Saturday and Tuefday

t byiOA m, and arrive at New Bedford in the evening ! f fro ) From Tasntoo by Dlgfetoa end Somc.-ftt to Watrenj ones a week. FrsmBoftonbyDtLondor» hy j'p, U. arrive at New-Haven on Tburfday Saturday end Toafta> by neon, at Swzfrrd by o, p. * j ft; d at Nsw-Ycxk on [Friday, Monday and V>'c fit-id av by noon. Returning. ^teive New. York every foe&ay* ThsrYday aod Saturday ! lf io a.m. arri«» it New-Hav** of^vVMtieftay, ftfeiy and Monday by* *.M. MNorwfthj fen Th'J.'fisy, Satur- r day and Tutf'dey by aooof, at Providence by 8 r. m. acd it &cfton on Friday, Monday and tt'edntu]** by a p.m.-

-November i i to M*y i. fiteve Button every Tuesday, ptftlfiVttft ar.d Saturday by ; a.m. arrlvs at Providence tbe- next da^g by 9 a. m. at New-Lcrcbn every Tburf- day,' SkrtfrJa? and Tuefday by sons, at New-Haven on Friday, M&nday 2nd Wedoefd^ir fry 3 p. m. at Stratford* by 8 ?. m, *nd arrive W *#*»>-Y6& on Moodag, Wed- itefday and Friday by t i *. m. Returning Le*'*e New- Yo.k every Saturday, TusfJa) and Thuifday by-n A , m, jarrive at Sntford tbe next daya by S p.ir. at 2*ev.Hav

,crtTtsf2j», Tliu'.fday : and ?aturda; by 9 a. m . a> New- Locdtn c* YVedccfdzy, Fr!da» and JJftmdif by f p. m, at' Providence, Thoriday, Ssfjrday and Tuufday by 4 p. M. ( at Bofti>o on Friday, Monday and Wec'refh- by 3 p. w. From B&fton by Dedha^.' Mecdcs; Ptofrli and Tol- land to Hartford o.*C;: a week. From New Bedfri to Newport once a week. From Wsrcefter by Rutland, Peterfliam, and North-1 SeW to BrettleboroogK onre a week. From . Brookfield by Belcbertownj Northamptsn.Wor- tKngrote, Putffieia and New Lebanon to Albany, From Sptingrieid by Weftfield and Stockbridge to Kin derhook 01 ce a week, Frcm Suffe'd by Weff Springfield, Northamp'on.Green field, Brattleborougbr, VVeftminfter, Walpole, Charleftowa and Windfor to Hanover twice a week. Frcm Hanover by Qriord and Havcrbi?!, to Newbury. 61 ) ., . ( RATES of P09TAGtT

For Letters conveyed by La*4, ii ne^e, doubl»d»0 ** cents,

150 1* 4f irf//.IMo'e than 4 5 a . &S r«f> too Jcfrar/.l Double lat;era are djubi:, and triple letter J, trible of tbefs rstef. A packet of the weight o^ on* ounce, at the rafu of four fing'e letters, aad in like p^vpottion for one Of a greater weight. No allowance to be made for intermediate miles. 3!ng/e IeiJeia. puffing bj/ea^ in packed boats, the pre Icttere, party or" ths United State*, 8 cents each j d: utle letters or 16 cents j ted triple letter** *4 cents. AM packets by private ve;fe!s, 4 cente etch» with ths idiitfon of peftagc, If deftiaed to any other place than v;hcre the veHel msy arrive, vcil'eicio be jmmltted to report, mike eatrv, or ; Nc hrekk bulk, until the Mafter $as diavsred to the Poft- M-Ser all the letters bruvghc in his vtiTei, except thofe for the owner or eonfignee. Lettets mutt* bt de'irered at the Peft-0$ce« of Boftcn, I

! ew-York, Ph;'ude oha,nnd Baltimore <-.:ie hour before the time fu:d tor thai dep4rtu:e of the .Yiaii, actf »t other Cffic<5 hair aa hopr, or tbey wiH lie until the texr Poft. Letters utftiiied or ,av5c'»t"a Whs.i ate to Caftad* Nc« | between whiih and the Uoifcd Stales there is a regular c-::tnn:uiilcz,r!cn by poi?ii the pcftage mt'rt be pai4 where the. letter iaetiter:d, fo fix is Burlieroh in Vermont, ti zv.z taft^nea, and. Se'jjcdic is Maine in- the other instance The Piift-Oince doe* oot tnliur. b&sriif, or any other

thing Conveyed by Poft } it is a!way» conveyed at the rifle " the pe.fon who fend6 or requires it to be fent. RATES of POSTAGE for NEWSPAPERS, Eaoh Paper not carried orer loo mites, one ctnt. Of er 100 miles, - one cent- & an baff. Bot if not carried cut of the State where it^8 printed,

whatever be the diftance, rhe rate is one cent. Magazines and Pamphlets are rated by the Sheer, vix. For each meet oot over 50 miles one cent. Over 50 and not over 100, one cent end an ba*-f» Any greater diftanee, t BANKSawxnt^o min inethe Unitedunited States.dtates. United States BANK at Philadelphia. |Four Branches cf thii BANK aft §aabiifhed, v iz. at) Bofitn, New-York. Baltimore] and « Soutb-QarolUa.) Thomas WiHing. Prafideat. George Simpfon, Cafli er. Henry ICuhi, Afliftaat Cartr.ir.

United States Branth Bank at Boften % Arnold WeUea, Prendent. DIRECTORS. Jobs Cod .ran, John Parker, Jof«ph Coolidge, *amue! Parkman, Samuel P. Gardner, David Sears, Mungo Alackay, Samuel W. Pomeroy, John MeLean, WHliEm Spooner, Jonathan Mafon, Jan. Timothy Wiiiiaas* Peter Roe DaUcn, Cafhier, John Rice, firft Ttlltr, Daniel Oliver, fseond Teller, Chriftophet Minot, 3 „ . jBoofctep.,,. T^eirPfcURo, George Debloia, Difcaant Clerk. Benjanva Sha»v *&A$ Clerk. Gi)Um WS&, Runner. William Hunt, / Pjrtei-a and John Crane, \ Watchman, Nenv-Tork Br arch Bank. Cornelius Ray, Preiiarn*, Jonathan Burraij, C»i1ie-.

Branch Bakk at Baltimore, Maryland. Gtorge Gale» Pte fident, ' David Ham'e, Cartiicr.

Branch Bank at Charlefton, So. Carolina, Daniel de SauiTnre, Prefidenr, Jofiah Smith, Cafhier.

EJfex Bank at Salem, William Gray, Prcfident. James King, Caihier. * ( ft ) ~M*fazhufett$ Bank at Bofton. JonathaoDUECTORS,Mafon, PrtGdeot. Thomai Dawes, William Ph-Uipr, jud. Themas Waliejr, Samuel Eliot, Benjamin Greeue, William Pacfooa, Aaron Dexter, John Lowci!, Jan. Jaroe* Thtring, Cafhier, Nathaniel Fofter, Teller, Tb *-— fH a.. i Miles Greenougb, Afliftant, Jofepb Swcetier, MeHeoaer and Attend ant*

Union Bank at Bofton. Vlofee Gill, Prefideov, DIRECTORS. Jonathan L. Auftin, Jofeph Head, Jofeph Blake, John Larkin, Samuel Brown, Perez Morton, Thorcaa Davit, William Smith, Stephen Gotham, Oliver Wendell. David Greene, George Burroughs, Csmter, Nathaniel Eminem, Accountant, JoSnfon Jackfon, Afliftant Accountant, David Merer, Difctttnt Clerk, john£rown, Teller, Andrew Johonnot, Meflsngtr, Andrew Kettell, A gift ant Ditto. Msrrtmac Bank tt NewburyPort* Wil!i?m Bartle«j Prefident, Jofeph Cutler, Cafhier.

Gloucefler, Gape~Ann % Bank. John Somes* Prefident, Jofeph Allen, C«fhief. Bank at Nantucket. fofepii Chafe, rVefideot. George Folgier, Ci/hier. Bank tt Nrw~Hampjkire. John Taylor Gilman, Prcftdeot, John Pierce, Ca/hicr. b < VL Bank at Providence? J oho E:owo, PteJidcbt, Ohe7 Wltdfar, Caffiigr. Union Bank at New- Lon ion, Jedediuh Huntington, Prt^dca- a John Hal Jam, Cifliitr.

Hartford BAH YL. John Caldwell, Prefident, Heztkiah Merrill, Cafbicr. Bank of ?Jew York, Guliao Verplank, Pre&dent, CharJe* Wilke*, Cifoier. Bank of Columbia, zxHudfon* Stephen Paddock, Preheat, Jamcc N xcn, Cafhur.

Bank ^t Albany.

AbraVzm ten Broeck, Prr fideot, GarratVas £eh*?ck CafiVer.

Delaware Bank, <*/ Wilmington. Jofrph Tatr.alJ, P»efident»

. — «. . Calhier.

Pennfilvania Bank. John BarcUy, Piefident,

' Jonsthaa MifBin , Cafhier, Bamk of North America at P htiadelfhia* John Nixon, Prefidanr, R |ch st d Wel!t, Cafhier. Ban* at Maryland* Samuel Puterfoo, Prefident, Eb

Tht foregoing Banks, were Incorporated for pobUc Utility, and are particularly beneficial to Trade. ^ L_£iJ Officers of the Revenue Department. For the DiflriB cf Mafiacbu facts. Benjamin Lincoln, tolleffor. Port of Boflon & Cbarlefiwn, Benjamin Weld, Deputy ColUair. James Lovcif, Naval Officer.

Thomas Melfill, Surveyor > an( in (peBor f Ex^ Jonas Clark Mj Qot, Robert Duncaoi John Popkin, John F." 8»tbtr. Inffetlors Benjamin Eacon, and James Bancroft, Meefuveru Thomas Seward, Beza Lincoln, Samuel W, Hunt, Aider. Bafs, dies' Weid, In/peftsrs. Joftua Thaxter,


CoUeftorf, Naval Officers and Surveyors . f Jofcph Hilier, Colleclor.

Salemt William P-ckman, Naval J Officer, *- Bartholomew Putnam, "urveyor. 5ever!y % Jcf.jh Jr-acheldor, Surveyor. Marblebead, Gamue! Rufe; Gerry, CoiieScr, Duds'ey A:kin« Tynp, Cefaclor, Newbury Part, S Jonathan Tkccmb, \ A^ fl / Officer. Michael Hodge, b'urveyxt Williara Glocejier, Tuck, Cci/ccJvr, \ Samuei WhUtamore, Surveyor* Ipfivi'cb, Jeremiah $4imto:df Surveyor, Plymouth, V/illiam Watfro, CiUeclor. Barr./iah'e, Jcfeph Otis, Colleger. ttantuchzt, Stephen Huttey, ColUOw. Edtjartcivn, J»hn Pe*fp, Colleaar, Rett} Vedferd. Ed warn Pope; ColUZor, [1798 ( 66 ) Digbton, Hodijah Bayliee, ColleHor, Rebotctb, Lemuel Waytt, Colleffor, York, Jofeph Tucker, Colteelor, pftfihrfl JertmUh HiU> Co"'*0f -

_ . \ Nathaniel Fadre Fcttick, Collator. Portland, J jaaJM Uatj Surveyor% Bath, William Webb, Collector, Wifcajfet, Francis Cook, Collector. Waldobot ougb, Waterman Thomas, Collector, Penobfcot, J oho Lee, ColleBor. Frenchman iBay, Melatiah Jordao, ColUSor, Macbiat, Stephen Smith, Collector. Pajfantaquody, Let* ia F. Dc?cfdcrnjgi, ColIeSor, Excife Officers in Maffrchufetts Diflrifi. Jonathan Jack (on, of Bofton, Supervisor. TheD'ftria it d :.7ided into thfeeS«rwyi,with talnfpector Survey No. I, John Frothingham, of Portland. Ufpector Comprehending the Counties of fork, Cumberland, Lincoln, Hancock, and IVajbington. Survey, No. 1, John Brooki, of Medford, InfpcBcr. Comprehending the Counties of EJet, Bdiddlefex, Worcefleu Hampjhire and Gerijbire. Infpector. Survey No. 3, Ebenezcr Scorer, of Bofton, Comprehending the County of Suffolk, and all the other parti of the State not inc' uded in No. 1 tct.

Collectors of the Revenue, appointed by the Supervifor,, States, on Spirit 1, diftilled within the United Fhft Survey, Daniet E?ei, of Portland. Second Survey. William Wyer, Newb. Pott Moles Moody, Haverhill' William Farnham, Ditto Timothy Ofgood, Ditto< Thomas Burnham, Ipfwich Wil'iam Weft, Salerxn Samuel Swan, Medford Ezra Newhall, Dat* SbemzerKent, Watertown George Ofborna, Ditto Glopcefteji Jooa. Kettle, Charleftown William Roger?, Third Survey. Bofton Ifaae Codmtn, BoftonlSamuel Moore, Ditto Fcfter Cruff, DittolNacban B«», Miltoi D.vid Cheever, Ditto Henr, Vofe, Plymouth William Hichborn, Ditto'. WiUiamGoodwm, William Bradford, Ditto! mmmi Z ( *7 > . Tbc following Ptrfrnt were appointed Collectors of th* Dulitt oa licences fcr Wine and Spirits by retail) and oa Wheel Carriage*., &c. ra the ieveral Counties, For Suffolk, Worcedcr, Nantucket, Ifaic Cedman, AbrahircLincoln, Stephen Hufley. Samuel Foftcr, Hampjbire, York, William More:. Abel Whitney. Jofepfa Tucker. Berkjbhe, Cumberland, Effex, iHeasy W.Dwight.' Daniel tpci. Ezra Newhali, Plymouth, Lincoln, George Ofborne, William'Goodwio Fraocit Cook. William Weft, Ba'nJiabU Hancock. William Wyer, Joleph Otis. John Lee. WiliiamFarobam Briftol, Norfolk^ MiddUftx, Hodijah Bay lite. Jonas Atntl, Duke* County, Samuel Swan, , Kettell. John Peafe. Jonathan ( By Afts of Cong*efs the Prefident ii authorized to make Aich difcre ciomty allowances to the Offieera of the Eacifc as he wall de«ra reafocable. the Revenue is uDter the mmedjate j. Thii branch of of the direction and fuperinteodante of the Cornm'llionet Revenue. The accounts of the Officers are however faf- all examined by fed in the fame form as others, being firfi the Auditor, and their £aal fettiement in the Office of Che Comptroller of the Treafory. Cotnmifior.ers of Loans States, CammiJ/ionert, New Hampmire, William Gardner. Maffachuietts, Nathaniel AppieUa. Rhode Maud, Jabez Bowea. Conne£tcut, William Imlay, New- York, John Cochran. New Jerfey, James Ewing. Pennfjivania, Stephen Moyian. Delaware,! Janes Tilton. M.ry.ii.d, Benjamin Hat wood. Virginia, Job- Hopkins. North Carolina) William Skinner* South Carolina, Jotn Neufvile. Georgia, Richard Wylly. Kentucky, U 69 _ ( ) ~~ Cuitom-Houle/W: '

VMmeafurtmenff VefieS to l>< Aegiftered. ES,>BLij of ioo ton* and u&der, o« *w> per ton. It lOOM IOO tOR8 i?A wiCT ZOO tQHS, ICO Cl/ltl. li above. aon tb«», tws hundred cents. Qn each refc! of ioo ions and upwards, with goods fubfc« to duty, three di.'/ars. Qnetch^effji under too ton?, with ditto, one bundr ' and fifty ce-nu. Vtmifurmfot cf Vejfels to be Enrolled, VefTeJj of 5 tc«s ind under *o, //>y «»/j. VciTela *f »o toos to 70, feventyfive cents. VfflY's above c to toe u-.c* 7 v oim hundred cents. Vtflelt above loo tops, one hundred and fifty cents. Fees of Regtiiry, Fo> erery cjrtifica^ of Ret-iftry, tv>o hundred tints.

For ev« f y certificate cf Record, f©3 iasj/^i cents. jFor every bond fequirsd by la*, tiventvfive cents, For e*ery *r.derf?m<»nt, a

a Lice \ftty t,wenty cents. i

Fees for the aftivrEufifiefa in the Foreign Trade, \ For the Clearance of a ve.fei far a foreign port, if untied IOO tons, one hundred and fifty cents. If more than too toss, two hundred and fifty cents, I For every Permit to 'and gaods, twenty ants. For every Bill of Htaith, Sea Letter, 2nd other dfctTfct Docrmeor, Reciter except«c<, tiver.ty cents. For evsry Bond fvea by Exporter* for Drawback or Bouaty, f'.v°»t<> ct.ntt. i '*' F.:s in Coifing Trade.

For certifying » maxf-^t end gsantioj a ?*rmit to .oro-jj ceed frrm rrs DiftVeV to taotfie^, if &t \rp.i( bei-

licenced, and Uf( fcjtftp -50 top*, twenty /.%£ cents.

For receiving a ft^aoife^r, a.;d gra>:;a£ a i'i;s;u for aj Hcenfed yef?*!, if ab?ve 30 tons, fifty cuts. ( «9 ) Fees at the Cuftom-Houfe continued. For receiving a Manifeft, and granting a Permit for a Hctofed v tfiel, if above 50 toni, fifty ants, For certifying a Maaifeft and ganting a Permit to proceed from Biftrift to Diftrift, if the veflel be regiftered, one hundred and fifty cents. For granting a Permit and receiving a certified Maaifeft] of foch veflel, one hundred tnd ffty (end. For receiving a Maaifeft and granting a Permit to a foreign! veiTel to proceed from one Diftri& to another, tw*\ hundred cents. For receiving a Manifeft and granting a Permit to anloadj fuch veflel, two hundred cents. For granting, a Permit to a veflel licenfed to carry on the] Fifhery to trade at foreign porta, twenty five ctntt. For the Rtport and Entry of any foreign Goods imported] in foeh veflel, twenty five cents. For the Clearance of e?ery veflel having made a partial Entry, certifying the Maaifeft and Bood. eighty cents. If «ny thing it carried coaftwife, two Manifcfts thereof muft be made, one to be retained. 150 cents more* For every addition to the Manifeft of a veflel going coaft- wife, which aofvven to a Cocket in the foreign trade twenty cents. Fees of in/pec7onf Meafurers and Guageri. FOR every day an lofpeftor mail be employed ia aid of the Cofiomi, two Dollars. For the meafurement of every hundred ba/heli of grain, thirty tents. For the meafurement of every bandcrcd boAeia of fait, forty cents. For the meafureinent of every hundred bufhela of coal, fifty cents. For the weighing every one hundred and twelve poondi, one cent and a quarter. For the gaugicg and marking of every calk, eight tentt Meafuring, weighing and gauging gooda for exportatioi the fame aa for importation. For computing content!, marking cafes of diftilled fpirita and wine, three tents per cafe; For counting bottles of cyder, beer, ale or porter, one cm _ per dozen. £«;9«'] iT (• # , ) Duties en >**Tonnag? of Ships orVsjJels. to be paid in tea dat? after Entry, and btfore Clearance, r\K vcflsls'of tha United S rates from any foreign port or place, at the rate of fix cents per ton. On v:fT:ts built in the Unitsd States af>er July 17$ 9; but owned in part or vohol!? by foreigners, thirty ctnti. On all foreign veilels, //«> *Wai VtfleU -employed in tranf.jorting pcc<5s eoadwayet except fuch 'velfels be built in and be'oi$ to citizens of the United State?, on eicsT entry, jtyVy cents, Vefftls built in, aud beloagiog to citizens of theUnitsd States, in the coifting tsade or fiihsry, pay once a year, if licenfed,/* cents per too. If not licenfed, having goods taken in ons State, to be delivered in another, except the adjoining. State, on each entry, fix cents per ton.

Sc Tare. /tltowritcei to Importers for leakage,, Draught which duties are payable For leakage on at! liquore, upon of two per cent by the gallon, there is an allowance ac- cootaioiog the fame. cording to the guage of the cafks amoont of loo wt» For draught en any quantity, to the or jrz pounds, one pound, two pounds. On any ouaatity from 1 to *oo weight, pounds. From 2 to 300 ' weight, three pounds. Front 3 to loco weight, four, From 10 to i8ao wight, /even- pounds. weight, m«e pounds. On 807 quantity above 1*00 of bohea tea, /evenly pounds. For tare on ever* whole eheft pounds. On every balfcbeft of ditto, thUty fix twenty pounds, On every quarter theft of ditto, peea tea, of the weight On every cheft of hyfon or o- her twenty pounas. of ;o pounds or upwards, grofj, than pounds, nor Oh erery box of other tea, not left 50 eighteen piundu more than 70 po U r.ds, grofs, their invoice. AH other brxts cf tea, according to bales, three per cent, Or. coffee in bags; it** per cent. U per ant. Oft coffee in bale?, twelve On pepper in bales,, five per cent. cent. On pepper in cafki, twtlveper ecOta, twelve per ctttu On fogart, other than loaf, in per cent. On fugar in boxes, fifteen '»«"»*'"« tc the lQyGlce thereof' ,0n all other r^'r ( 7< ) Cufhm -Houfe Witters. l' a ' "Ship* and vefois of the United Sjatea* going, to- a form approved foreign count. y, ate to have ap afipnrt Fn be furn.fhed by by the Pre :oft, the of xood dollars, that the faid Ejib.iu e . es, in the fom ufe or protection of bafiW.t fliaii not be applied to the the fame. ioy other veffei -has ths ore defc.ibed in U.oi-ed States d-parts therc-j i Aou .f any veffel cf. the than force. irom, and,b?upd to any foreign country.. oth;r the mafter is to; place in America, without fuch pa(I>ort,

efface. I forfeit snd pay ioo dollars for every foci every vefTel of rh* Likewife, there is to be paid on foreign co*io5rjr,j Uritcd Staces, failing or tradirg to any cvtrjr other tha- feme o!a;e b Arnica, for each and toyage, the fum of four dollars" ereryDiftiift.at the requeftof a*y fw- , Tbe Co'.ieclor of man, producing proof of his citizen/hip, is to deliver him is an America* feannn.j a Certificate, certifying that \m deferring him «f; together with Lis age and heighth, and an Aft of Congrcfs. particulars es maybe, agreeably to of American feamen. for the relief and proteaion { The Cclie&or who gsaita the certificate is to file »iwW snd for each' •referve the proofs of citizenship produced j entitled to recede Certificare delivered, the Colleflor is nts. from tbe fea'maa appivio g for tha fam», S3 a Duties. Rats: of Com. for efttmoting and rtfcfi Ouod fteriing of G'eatB-itaio, 4 dollar* 44 and lb cms. Pound fterliog cf Ireland, 4 dollars Livre Tourncis of France, 18 cents and an half, a*ts. Florin, -or Guilder cf the fcetherlahd?, *9 an Uh\l Banco of Hamburgh. 33 cents and half. dollar. fcix Dollar of Denmark and Sweden, I fell I'Isie of Spain, 10 cents. Mfxiczn Dollar, 100 cents. •Vlilree of Portugal,, 1 dollar *4 cents, cents. Tak of. China, 1 dollar 4% fsgoda of India, I dollar 94 cents, Rtrtrer of Benga*) 5f-"«" ***** Mf. ( 7t ) D U T I £ b | ,Payable on Goods, IVaret and Merchandize imported into the United States of America after th laft day of June 1797. [Qaob, '97.3 ^RMS, fire and fide, or parts, IS per cent, ad vol Apparatus* philcfophical, im- ported for any feminary of lear ning, free Ait, Ecei & Porter io cafks or bottles, 8 cents per gallon —— On the value of f he bottles, 1 o ptr sent, ad val Artificial fbwere, feathers, and other ornameots for woraens head drefTei, 15 ditto, Ann: feed, - - 15 ditto Articles of all kinds of the growth, product or manufacture of theU.i. fpirits escepted, - - free, Aachsrs, - » lo^fr cent, ad val. Brafs Cannon, - - 15 ditto. —— Teutaoague and Wire, - fret. Brafs, iron or fteel locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and fifes, - io per tent ad val, Brafs^ other manufafturet of,. - IS ditta. Bricks and tile?, - - 15 aim. Bonnets, hats and caps, - 15 ditto. Boots, • - - 7 5 cents, a pair. Books, blank, - - toper cent ad val, Books of perfons who come to refide in the United States, - - free. Buttons and Buckles of every kind, 15 per cent ad val, - - 10 ditto. Bro fhess Bullion, - - free. Burgundy wine, - - 40 cents ptr gallon. Cannon, brafi, - - \^ per cent ad val. Carriages, or parts thereof, - so ditto. Cards, playing, «* - %$ cencs fer pac\^ Cards, wool an d cotton, - 5 ° centi Per doX Cables and tarred cordage, - aEo cents per cv>t.

ad vai- Cabinet wares, - - 1 5 Ptr ctm Caps, hats and bonnets, every kind, 15 ditto. Carpets and carpeting, • *5 *l t0' \ Cartridge paper, - IS ditto. Candles of tallow, - * tents per pound; Candles of wax or Spermaceti, 6 ditto. , -

( 73 ) Champaigu wine, 40 cents per gallon.

- Capers, 1 5 per cent ad vsl. Canes, wa!!cmg ftlcks and whips, 10 ditto. Cambricks, 1 ditto. Cheefe. 7 ctittt perfouvJi China war?, 15 per cent ad-val. Cinnamon, e!o»e«, currents, &c. 15 ditto Chinees, & coloured oalicoes, mirflins, and all jiaintdd, flawed, or coloured goods or manufaclutcj of cotton, or lintn, cr both, or of which cotton or linen is ths chief value, I ft £? abalf ad vah Coccs, ft cents per pound/. Chocolate, 3 ditto, Clogs and foloihoes, 1/ cents per pair, Cordage tarred, 180, cents per ctot, Cordage and yarn untar.ed, as 5 ditto, Cofmetic?, 1 5 per cent ad val, Coal, - 5 cents per bujhel, Colours, painters, 1 5 per cent ad val, Copper manufactures, 15 ditto, (Copper in plates, pigi and bars, free. Coffee, 5 cents per pound* Cotton, 3 ditto. Cotton or linen manufacture?, or of both, or tf which cotton or lioca is the rn3teti»l o? chief value, be« iog printed, ftaioed or coloured, or cotton manufacture^ not printed, I Gained or coloured, ti&abalfadval. blocks and watehes, or parts, 5 ditto. poaches, chariot, phaetoo/j, chars, chsife?, foios.or } o:h« carriages, 20 ditto, f»oathinp r«ady made, - . J0 ditto. ^loathe, books, houihoM furniture & the tools or , implerorers of the ftadfe orproreilion of perfons who corns ' to refide in ths United State?, free, ?ut)aiTc8, or parte therec.*', - I per cent ' ad-val. Sates and tm, . _ ditto, Iriitrifices. powdifs, tinaures, &c. " for the tealh or gums. dim,

^U$ . dregc i i nd t unified dit'o. . LJ4 J Jruas, medicinal, evecpt tbofe com- ai l< manly ufed for dying, - 15 f «** ™ Drugs and wood fat dying, - /"'• - er cent ad val Earthen and ftone wares, IS t ditto. Effences, powders, paftes, Set. - ditto, Fane, or Farts thereof, Fayalwine, - - - %t> certifier gallon. Feathers, and other ornamenta for women's head drefie*, 15 ditto. Fringes commonly «f«d by fadlexs, coaehmakeis and uphofterers, - ditto. - *»•• Figs, - - *'"• Flowert, trtificial, of, ditto. Floor cloths and mats, or parti - ditto. Fruits oPell kinds, /"'• Fura of every kind nndreflce - - - 1* per cent ad *a>. Giafs, black quart bottlea, Glafs, window, - - - «5 *»* of, %o ditto. Glafs. all other, & manufacture* - a 7'' Glauber*, fait., "> *' £f» ad ^l. G „ . l0 per cent Ginger, - «3 *«* thereof, - ao *«*. Girondoles, of parrs , kind, ditto. Gloves and mittens of every 15 wait, and Gold, filver and plated «'*• gold and fil»«f U««V ." . *3 un- Goods, warea and merchandize, posted direftly frcmChinaorInd>a, theU.S, in mips or teffels cot of and other except teas, china ware, duties, 1* *» an ha'f, articles liable to higher J Goods, wares and merchandize in- to a fo- tended to be re-exported the fame reign pert or place in fliall be im- f effel in which thty grow'b, ported, aad articles of the manufacture of the prodoft or /"- United Siatee, fpirito excepted, not Goods,G wares aod merchandize to * ** otherw^ particularly SLW pjf - f««» . " . 10 ^. [Gunpowder. - ww t l Hanae»c, or parts thereof,. - ILJtL^ ( 7S ) Hiir Powder, - - 1 5 per cent ad val. Hats, c»i>s aod bonnets of every kind, ditto. Hemp, - loo eentt per cwt. Hides, raw, - - free. Implements of the trade or profefilon of thofc who come to rcfide in the United States, 3c boo/hold furniture, free. Indigo, ... x^centi per pound jlron wire, - free. Iron, fteel orbrafs lock*, hinges, hoes, anvils aod vifes. - - toper cent, ad val. Iron, carl:, flit or rolled, and all manu- factures of iron, ft«elj or brafs, not otherwife particularly enumerated, 15 ditto, Jewelery and pafte work, - - ditto. Laces of gold and diver, ditto, Lacet and lawns, - - 10 ditto, Laces, line*, fringes, tafels and trim- mings commonly ufed by faddlert, eoachmakeri and upholnVerv, T5 ditto. Lampblack, - - 10 ditto. Lapis cafaminaris, . free. Leather. tann*d or taw'd, & all manu* faclures of 'eather, or of which lea- ther is the article of chief value, not otherwife enumerated, - 15 per cent, ad val, Lead and mufket ball, - , cent per ^,8H

in which lead is the chief article, ditto. Lemons and Limes, - x e p(r etntt ad val. Linen or cotton manufactures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the material of chief value, print- ed, flamed or coloured. is and an half. Linen not printed, Gained or coloured, 10 ditto, Liibon and Oporto wines, - - %$ cents per gallon.

Looking Glafs, - 20 per cent . ad vol. Malt, 10 cents pet bujbeh Marble, flate and other ftone, bricks, tiles, tables, mortars, and generally all ftone and earthen ware, - 15 per cent, ad val

Malaga wine, - - %o cent 1 per gallon. Mace^ ... is per cent, ad val,. , (_z£_J_ MtficKtal dregs, except thofe ccta- monty ufed in tying, - » 15 per cent ad val, ' Mltteoi and g!o»«s of etery kind, ditto. v Miilinarj rttdj' made, - - ditto. Molaffes, - 4 <-

Nutmegs, l$per cent, ad val, >

Nankeens, 12 and an half. I Oil, Olsfei and Oranges, l$per cent, ad val,'< Oporto and L'fbon wine, 25 centt per ga!lon,\ Paper hang**?*, 15 per cent ad val. Paper, fbe&thing and cartridge, ditto. Paper, wricing and wrepping, - 10 Painters colours, whether dry or ground in oil, es-ept thofe ufed in djing, 15 ditto. Pack thread and twine; 400 cents per cwt. Pafteboatds, parchment or vellum 10 per cent ad vjd. Paftewor'c and j-We'ery, 15 ditto,

Pewter manufactures, 1 5 ditto. Pewter, old. f,ee, Plafter of Paris, ditto* Pepper, 6 cents per pound. val, Per'umes, 1 5 percent, ad Piftoisor parts thereof, ditto, Pictures and prints, to ditto, Printing types, ditto. Pickles of all forts. *5 dttto. Powder for hair, paftes, bil's, balftms,

ointments, •O'l, wa/hes, waters, tinftures, efTences, fweet fcents, odours, perfumes or cefmetics, end powders for the teeth or gums, ditto. Plumbs, prunes and raifins, ditto. Piemento, 4 ants per puvnd* Raw hides, free. Ssit, 2 o cents per buJbeL Salt petre, free. Saint Luc?'' wines, 33 cents ptP gallon* , i_77) j'Sherry wine, 33 cen sper ga'Un ••Sea ftores of fhips or veil'eU, free. ,stsrch, . : * $ percent, ad val jSiate, (tone and ftone ware, ditto, jSiil cloth, IS ditto 'Saddles, or par:s t»e eof, ditto, Satttns, a: d other wrought fi ks, ditto, .Steel, i on or bafs !cck<, binges, hoes, anvils and 7 fes, J ditto, (Steel, a!) other manufactures of It ditto. Steel, t loo cen's per etui. Spemaceti Candies, € ce:n's per pound Spikes, *I **»*Cent per c-i , , pound,pound. Wr and p'.ted war-, and filter lace,) 5 per tint, ad vol. SI- ir.s, raw, free. Shoes and flippers of fi^k, 25 cent i per Sho«, pair, others, for men or women, ( j c;r;s and gclo/aaep, 1 5 ditto. ^Shoea and flippers for children, 10 ditto, Sword*, cutlafles, or art 8 of either, P 1 per cent, ad vol Stockings, 5 ditto, Soa P> - , 1 cents per pound. jSulpbu*, - . _ ( fee Sugars, brewni a cen's per pound. Sug«. s white clayed, or powdered, 3 cents per pound. Sugars, others cbyed or powdered, a cents per pound Sugars, 'iimp cr refined, 6 cents ;Suga;s, leaf, &an%f, ants per pound 'Sugar an+y, 9 ditto. Snuff, 9 lz ditto. Splits dialled h foreign Countries, v' s . Frci

W*, F.rth 34 proof, 40 r*»,*\ S ;., >,, h proof> S3 flf| it5 Fifta°dX:f WW/*'* «**> ' Mat.ru!..

rlI Fr0C ^ 3l ""'J F^b proof, bisthSi.th proof,n'rIr i i/„«» 46 centi per ga'h.-r, Sfiriti difiiVed iviibin the rTn**.J e. .

~~"~~ [1798 J H — ,

( 78 )

From Molaffes. Firft pioof, 1 3 cents per gallon. Second proof, 14 cents. Third proof, 1$ cenu. Fourth proof 17 cents. Fifth proof, 21 cents. Sixth proof. 28 cents.

From Materials of tbt growth and produce of tbs United States. Firft proof, 7 cents per gallon. Second proof, 8 cents. Third proof, 9 cenU. Fourth proof, 1 1 cents. Fifth f roof, 1 j cents. Sixth proof,, 18 cents ptr gallon.

" No drawback is to be allowed on any of the fpiiits diftilled in the United States, which /hall not be exported purfuant to regulations heretofore enacted, within twelve months from the time when fuch fpiiits were diftil led. to be afctrtaraed by the dates of the certificates which may and ought to accompany the faid fpirite, at the time cf exportation."

Tew from China and India. Bohea Tea, - - 12 cents per pound, Souchong and other black teas, 18 ditto. Hyfon, imperial, fcunpo wder ot gomce, 32 ditto. Other green teas, - 20 ditto,

Ttzt front Europe. Bohea tea, - - 14 ditto. Souchong and other black teas, 21 ditto. imperia', or ditto. Hyfon, gunpowder, gomte ; 4o Otfc r green teas, - 24 ditto. Teas from any other Place. Bsheatea, - 17 ditto. Souchong ar.d other black teas, 27 ditto. Hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, cr gomee, 50 ditto. Other green teas, - 30 ditto. Teneriffe wine, - - ao cents per gallon, Twine and packthread, - 400 cents per cwt. - Tin Manufactures, 1 $ per cent. ad val. Tin in pigs aod plates, - -. free. - val^ Ti'es and bricks, * 5 per cent, ad Tobacco mar.ufa£tur'd,other ihaoinurY,io cents per pound' Toys, not otherwif; enumerated, 10 ditto. Types for printing, - *o per cett ad val Velrets and veherete, - 1% and on half per cent- Wares of Tin, Pewter end copper, 15 per cent ad val- Wafers. - - .15 percent, ad vat- » 1 m > n . """ f > ; i *— * > 10 A

( to ). BY aft of Congrefs paffid ia July 1797, laying « tnty* of 8 ctr.ts per bufte' on SALT, ia addition to the fc-mtr duty of I* cents, it was further e'iacled, that ail draw- backs and allowances, in re'-aiicn to the then exifting duty

; on Salt imported, flia i apply to the addticna! duty j and Hi addition thereto, there ffialj be allowed and paid upon prov'fbss fa i ted withm th* United Scates, ex cept dried fifli, on t^?orta;icn thereof to any foaiga place, viz. on pickiifd fi/h, at the rate cf ia cents pet barrel } and

1 on other provitoos at the rate cf 10 ccnti per bine j and afcer the aift day of January theie fn*ll be an addition of thirty- three ar.d a third per ccwtum to the allowance? before refpe*£iive!y granted to fhips or vc.Te -s cmplojtd ia the bank or other cod fi/fce'ries.

Ratss a«i Duties &« Carriages. By an act of Congrefs, paCTed M*y zZ, 1796, it is

tnailfd that the following y«a 'y rates aud dut &, a*e tc be psid upon all Carriages for the conveyance of pe:foos, which ihall b: kept for his or her ufe, or to be 1st out for hire, or for the convey xce cf pafTengen, viz. F^r Chariot svery C?acb t the fum of fifteen dollars : For eve'y ;nd P;fi Cbcife, the fum ef twelve dollars: Fo-r every Pb^etofi, for the conveyance of V e cr mere pe.fons, w'.th wrtbajr a tcp'; and for everj Cachie, cr ether car riage, Lavifcg pJrdwork wills b'iiids, glafas or enrtains in tha upper divifna of the fidei, front cr back thereof,

the fum cl r.ir.s dollars : Fjt every fru- w^.ecl carriage,' having framed pofts and top, and hanging on ftce! (ptlB&s,] (whether drawn bv cne 01 m;re horfe<) the fum of ft*\

dol/ars : For every f^ur whe*l carriage hanging uuoaj or wocd:n or iron faring* or j ck; (*hether d-awn by one j chair, more horfeO fcflfl upon e.ty curricle, cbufe, fu'.ksf or other two wheel to? carriage, and vg.n every two! wheel carriage hanging or refting on fteel or iron fprings,! two the fum of three dollars : aad opaq every other wbee! carriage, the fum of tio> dollars : and upon every four wheel carriage, hating fra-r-ed pofts ard top, ar,d refting upon wooden f^ars, the fum of tivo dollar $. Ca-riagei ufjilly and chje fly employed in hufl^ndrv, or for the transportation or carrying of goods, wares, mer- chand zc, produce or commodities, are exempted frro the abjve duties. 8r ^_. ( ) Stamp Duties on Paper, Parchment, &c. j By an a& of Con?ref>.\pa(fed in Juh i 97, it vum emciiiX That fr;m a~.d ajte- tbe 71ft of December then next,'

there /.ball be levied, collected an 1 paid tbrcgbout -.be

1 ( United States, the feverat Stamp Dui\f.% fo towing ^ v;z,

COR cverjr (kin or pieceof vellum 0/ parch reest, ti iheet, or fisce of paper upon which ihall be write" or pnaii-' ed any or cither of the i'.ftvu rents or writings, foi'owi.ig,' viz. Any cercificate of rmuuiiza'icn, Jive dollar*: anyj Ixe.nce to prafrcs, or cert ficate of adm 1T100, enrolment' or regftry of any counfeHor, foiicror, attorney, advocate,' or proftor in aoj c?»rt of the Un-ted States, the fum of ien dollars ; any grant or letter! patent under the feal 0/!

1 authority of rha United State.), except for lands granted for military fcrvlces, Jcur dollws j any exemplfiration or| ertified copy of fuch grant or letters patent, two dollars? any charter party, bottomry, or rtfpordcntia bond, one* dollar j any receipt or other difcharge for or on acccocti of any legacy left by any will or othrr teft»m:atity in-^ ftrum:nt. or for any fhare of a perfonal cftate divide/ by force of any ftaru'e cf diftfibutions, above the vane cf 50' dollars, and not exceeding loo dollar?, twenty five cents 'X where the amount thereof msl! exceed 100, ano not ex-{ dollars, ceed 500 fijty cents ; end for every. f-j'tSer fum' ci dollars, 5™ the additional fum of one cottar j any J policy of iofuraace, or inftrumeot in natu.e thc.eof, I whereby any /hips, vefiels or goods fha."l be 'nfu'ed, viz.! * going from one diftricl to another in the-U med States,' twenty csr.ti five j if going from the United Stat« to aayj foreign port or place, when the fam for which infurancs is nude ftdl not exceed 500 dollais, twentyfive cents f and when the fom infured-fliall exceed 500 dollars one dollar : Any exemplification of what nature foever, that hall pafs the leal ofany court, other than futh a* it may be the duty of ths c*erk of foch court to furn (h for the jfeof thtUoitedStates., or fl>rn« particular ft rte, fifty cents. ail bills Oa band*, Angle or penal, foreign or i^tsrd b lis ofexchaage, prom.lT&ry note or other note abeve ao dol- lar?, and not exceeding too dollars, ten cents—'ibtve 100 and not evcacdmg dollars, 500 twenty five titnts \ above

not • 500 and exce«ding icoo dollars, fi'ty cents above laoo dollars, feveit) five csnts : Prov ided, that if any bo-«ds [1798.J H % ,;

f 82 ) t _ _ __ ct notes fhall b? payible at or within 60

be fubje£l t3 only two fifths of faid duty : and provided,

that notes ifiued by any of th* 3 t nkt now efhblifhed or that may be eftablifheti in the United Star,*;, fhall be Ab- ject to a duty, viz. On %U no'es not excticinjr 50 dollarr, at the rale cf three fifths of a ce*t For every dollar

above 50 and nor exteedir g jco dollars, fifty cent* ; above

roo and net exceeding 5C0 dolliss, cm drilar 5 above 503

do iarp, fwo dollars j any prortft or other notarial afi,

twenty five cents j any better cf attorney, except for in- raiid penfione, or to cb:ain or f;l! warrants fcr lands granted as burty far rhilimry fjrvlcrs performed in the!

iate war, twenty five cents $ any certificate or debenture for drawback "fcu.lonu or duties for Itfs thsn 500 da!-

Jars, «ne dollar , for 500 and not exce.ding lccodollais-

tivo dollars for rmre than 200c do!ier«, thru dollar t j j any rote or bill of lading for any goods or merchandize to be exported, if from one diftrift to another, not being

in the fame ftate, ten cents } if to any foreign port or'

placr, tiveny five cents j any inventory or cat alogoe of furniture, good* or effects made in an? cafe required by! 1Iaw(e crpt g^ode and chattel diftralnrd for rent or taxerj .and goodi taken by virtue of legal p'ocefa bi any officer : cents fi/y j any mare in the Bank of the Uo«ed Scatet, or of any ftate, or other ba. k ab-ve 10 dollar*, an-* nor ex-i

ceeding loo dollars, tea cents ; ab>ve too dollar?, titunty

r cents for ce ' ficate for every fuch (hare five -j and any rate dollar; under so dollars, at the of ten ants for 100 j{ and the fame for any efs fum cf the amount of iha

It is provided, that ootbirg in Aid icl iha-i extend to charge w. h a duty any legacy eft by any will or tefla- jmnta y inftromenf, or any fhare or part of perianal tflate %vh ch Owl be left to, or to b: divided arnongft the wife, children or grand children of the pcrfoa deceafed inteftare, or makirg fucb will, &c.—or any cbifgation or contracl which ilij.J be made to or with the United States, or aoy ftate, for their ufs refpe&vely. , In refpecYto lay ftamp ot\ hanfe notes, the Secretary of the TrettVy may aerce to an annual eemp finon for the amotu-t of fueb ftarrp duty, whh any of fa d banks, iotoneptr cen urn on their anr>uat dividend, rrfpcftivejy. ,

( 83 ) Public Mioifteis, Confuls, vics-Cor.fufsj 6c,

Fran tbe United States at Fob eign Places,

; Rufui K'iPg, Miaiftcr at the Brit jh Court. Jc-'hua Johnf'J'J, Confol at London, Samuel Rayi?d, Cotnrnescial A?ent at London* James Maury, Conful at Liverpool. l\hi Vanderhorti, Conful at Srtflol. Thomat Au-djo, Conful at Pool, Edwatc Fax, Confui at Falmouth. Ge rge Knox, Cor-ful at Kingjon and Ball, John Holmes. Cotful at Bdfafi. jofepb Willfon, Conful at Dublin. jarasj Simpipn, Ccnfut at Gibraltar Wiiiwm Miller, Conful at Calcutta,

Charles C. Pinckney, Minifter Plenipotentiary to France, Elbridge Cerry, and William M»r/hill, joiot Extra Commifiioneri to aejaftd flVe ces fubfifttag between tbe Republic of R ance and the United States. Jofeph Pitcarr, Confu! at Park. Ifaac Ccx Barnet, Confui at the port of Breft* Nathaniel Cutting. Conful at Hivre de Grace, M. de la Matte, ViceCoaful at ditto. Joftph Fenvriclc, Conful at Bourdcoux. P. E. Dubue, V ce-Conful at Naztz. Stephen Caibaiao, Vice Conful at MarfeilUt. Conful at Rouen. William Vansi jun. Conful at Mo'h'tx. Francis Coffin, Cooful at Dunkirk. William McCarthy, Conful at -he Jjle of France, Fulver Skipwofth, Ccoful at Martinique* Jacob Meyer, Conful at Cafe ftancoit.

David Humphrey*, Minifter at the Sfanijb Court.

Ji fe h Yzoardi, Conful at Cadiz. Robert Montgomery, Conful a' Alicant, Mir heel Murphy, Conful at Malaga,

Wm.Vsns Murray, Minifter, at the B'atCvian Republic* Ci arlei William Frederick Dumas, Agent at the Hague. Syltanus Bcurne, Cooful Gereral in Holland, ~ an Buldenaker, Ccnful at Rotterdam. I)a» d Matthew CUrkfon, VJee-Cenfu! at St, Eufathi, ( /*• ) Ss«vu-lCon»tr Johonnot, Vice-Gonfal at Dmarara. Bfcpacfftr 'Sru "h, Confu! at Surinam. Ben'frca'm Himn:! Phillips. Ci>:.fjl at Curacoa.

Wiliam Sna' h, Miniver Piesipotentiary to Portugal Thimis Bolk'ey, Confu! ia Portugal. Eiw«rd Church, Confui at Ljf-on. Saij*u«| Harr fori, V c; C-nf«! at lijbon. )n Cairo, Vice Confu! at Of>:t:o. B. d* C amjuleUiown, Drpu'y Confui at dim, -—— Boniearure, Vice-Confu) at Belient. Charles O'N'eil, Deputy Confui at 5; Ubei. John M^'fdoa Pirra -

John Treat, Vjce-Coaful at Fayal , Jnaq'j'm joe de Barros, Vic?-C&nful at the Cape it Verdi

Hemy Cooper, Confu i at Santa Crux. O^ver Pol'ock, Commercial Agent at the Havanna. Thomas Crafts, Agent in the Weft-Indies. John Q^ Adams Mmifter at the Court of Pruf.a. Peter Felichy, Condi! at Leghorn. John S. M. Mratthieu. Confui at Naples. Eiias Bachaian. Cnful at Gottenhurg, in S*cc(?en% Hans Rodolph S*abyr, Conful ?? Copenhagen, John Pa»ifh Confui at Hamburgh, Arnold Delias, Confui at btema:. Conrad Frederick Wagner, C/n ful St Iriefie. Frederick Jacob Wieheiha-jfen, for the Port of Brent*. Phil=p Mir!--, ConluJ at Franconia in Germans. William W»Ilis, Confui for .he Republic of Venue,- W*ll Frederick H. a fton t Confui a Genoa.

1 Jrhn Miller RiffY* , Ccnfu st St. Pettfsburg.- Thornas Rand*!-, Vice Confui at Canton in : bins.

J eel Rarlowr, Mioifle- from the United- S'a'.es to the G iternmeit of A ^iert^ Richa-d O'Brien, Corifui General at /Mgse's. James Leia e Cathcart, Confui for the city and king- dom of Tripoli.

Wiliam Eitnn, Confu' f,-»r tre city & kingdom of Tunis. Th-mJ Barclay, Confui a Morocco, Guifcppo Chiappc, Agent at Magaior. in Barhzry, ( 8 5 ) From Great-Britain. tobert Lifton, En?o» extraodiaary and M'm&zr PfinU potential to the United Sta'es of America. Edwird Thornton, Secrr.rary to the Legation. Jir John Temple, Coafu! General f>r th? E?.fte*n States. r Thomaa M'Donnugh, Confo! f ,r th°. States of Mafla-\ ljland C:nnsSlcut, cbufetls, Rhode t and JVew-S Hampfbire. Ref.dence at J? y?on, Pbineas Bond, Canfu! Genera? for the Middle and the Southern States. RelHence at Philadelphia, Major 3reez?, Vice- Conful for Rhode IJland. John Hamilton, Coaful for Virginia. George Miiler, Conful for North-Carolina, South-Caro- lina) and Georgia. R^fiJrntce at Cbarlejlon,

from the Repub ic of Francs. Miaifte. Plenipotentiary to iheUnited States, P. Jofeph Letombe, Coafu' General fur the United States, P. J. Pitiy, Conful it Philadelphia. Citizen CofTau, Vice-Conful at di to. Lean Dslauney, Conful at the De 'aware. Theod re Char'e» Mozard, Cooful for Majjacbufetts. Rhode -ljland and New Hampjbire. Louis A.camaal, Vice- Coaful at Rbode-ljland. A.Tifte, Agent for Rhode-IJanJ and Providence. M. Haurerire. Conful a' New-Tori. M. Tafcan, V.ce-Conful for New -Hampjbire. Victor Duport, Conful for North and South Carolina, Antoine Louii Fonfpertu's, Vice Conful at So. Carolina. lgnace Romaine, Conful »i.Georgia, j. A,B Razier, Conful For Nw-Tork and New-Jersey. Conful at Maryland. P. A, Cherui, Vice-Conful at Virginia. Paul Thonus, Vice-Conful at Baltimore. Heftor St. John de C<-evecceuer, Conful for ConnecHcut. John Pig vert, Conful at New- London.

From Spain. Don Carlos Martinez de Y.u^o, Minifter from Spain Jofeph I^iatio de Viar, idnful Genera! at Philadelphia Thomas Stoughton, Cooful a? New- To* k. Jofeph Wifcman, C^pfu' at Rhode -I/land. John Stoughton, Conful for Majjacbujetts. _____ . 86 , ( ) John B. Beroebew, Conful for Maryland. Anthony A. Viilalobos, Conful for Virginia. John Murphy, Conful for North and SouthXarolir.s,

From Portugal, Ignatius Palyart, Conful General to the United States, Richard Codman, Vice-Conful for Majfacbufetts. jamei Barry, Vice-Conful for Maryland and Virginia. Fraoeij Janus Ver JCnoche, Vice-Conful fcr Sf.Carolina, John Abrann, Vice Conful at New- Toi k.

From the Batavian Republic. J. G, Van Polenem, Minifter from the Batavian Republic. Diederick Le«rtourer, Conful AfaJacbufettsSi N. Hamp/bire. Herman LeRoy. Conful for Neva-York and New-Je'fey. J.H.C. Heineker, Conful for Pennfylvania 8c Delaware. Adrian Valclr, Conful for Maryland and Virginia. J;n Booen Graves, Conful for North & South-Carolina.

.Richard Sod er ft rem, Conful General from Sweden. Charta Godfrey Poleflce, Conful General from Prujfit. jjohn Rofs, Conful Ge% from Hamburg, at Philadelphia iOf Foreign Coin* in the United Stater. DY an Act of Coogrcfs paffed the gth of Fab. 1793, fcr regulating Foreign C^ins, Sec. it j was enacted, that tat the expiration of three years next enfuin? the tirre .when the coioage of Gold ani* S'lvir mould commc ee |*t the Mint of the United Sr*t«s (*hich time W35 to be announced by the Prefideot) all Foreign Gold Coins and all Foreign Silver Coins, exceptSpanifh milled Dollars and parts of fuch Dollars, (h?ll ce*fe to be a legal tender for the payment of all debts and demands. -— Accordingly, in conformity to fa : d aft, the Prefidentof the United States, by Proclamation, Ju T y tid 1797, announced a-d gare notice, that ail Foreign Silver Coins,- ercept Spani/h milled Do;lars and parrs thereof, wou'd eeafe to rafs current as Morvy, wi'h ; n t*"e United S are», 3-d to be a legal tender, after the 15th of OcV>be- 1797,^ —and rhat all Foreign GoM Co


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the Clerk of the Court of CommonPleas for the County ©f Barifiable to be Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court for the Counties of Barnfiable and Duke* t County. —The fiieii and records of the Supreme Judicial Court before kept in' the office of the Clerk of faid Court in Bo/ion, are bee- after to be kept in the office of the Clerk of the Common Pleas, by the Clerk thereof, in the County of Suffolk, w he is the proper perfon to make out and certify copies, and to make out any execution oeceffrry to carry into efftd any judgment recovered in the Suprer ^Judicial Court in any Coutty, previous to the lft day E, /tuguft '97,— A Clerk,, appointed by :he Jufticts of the Supreme Judicial Court, for the Counties of Lincoln Hancock and Wajhington, is to refide and keep the records of fa d Court at fuch place inn the County of Lincoln as the faid Court fhall direct.— A Circuit Clerk is to artend the Supreme Judicial Coat. at kit the Seffions thereof in the feveral Counties.—

Civil Officers #« MafTdchufetts Commonwealth. Juflices of the Supreme Judicial Court. Francis Dana, ll.d. of Cambridge, Robert Treat Paine, of Bcfton, Theophilus Bradbury, Newburypart. Nathan Cufhiog, of Scituate, Thomas Dawes, of B eft on, John Tucker, Circuit Clerk of tbt Supreme Judicial Court throughout the Commonwealth. Charles Cufhiog, Clerk of the Supreme Judical Court for the Counties of Suffolk and Nantucket, James Sullivan, of Bofton, Attomef General,

Benjamin Homans, Oyer of ail the Courts held in Suffolk

Probate Court* County of Suffolk. George Richards Minor, of Bcfton, Judge, William Cooper, of Botton, Regifier pf Probate. held at the Probst. Court, of Probate in SuflWk are

the lower Fbt 1 the South Eaft Corner on I Office, at Bofton, every Toe 1 of the Coort Houfe in Court- ftreet, Mont? | ' ept the fit ft Tuefday m each Year, exc | day io the j ( 9' )

Juftices throughout the Commonwealth.

Isfcs Gil!, Princeton Charles Turner, Scituat» /aiterSpoaner, Ncv) Bedford William Phillips, Andover erja. Chadbcurn, Berwick Jofia'n Thacher, Gorbam 3-nc» Prtfcait, Groion vVtilitm Heath, Roxbury imue- Holt en, Danveri Ssmusl Lynian, Springfield ith*n Cufhing, Scituale Ebesezer Bridge, Chelmsford *»!d Sewai), To-k J->ha Haftiiip, Hatfield ames 3u!ii7a'», BoJiorS Eie*zir Hroi k», Lincoln .;ibert T. Paine, onto Oliver Wendeli, £o/00» a^jamirj Audio, ditto rhcma8 Dawes, jun. ^//ro ifiii'um Cufhicg, Sc'ttuatt William Shepard, Weflfiett ma, G'een'ea^ Nczob.Port Jjmrj Warren, Plymouth^ rjr.cis Daca, Cambridge loiomon Frteman, Harivicb iniua! Daxter YVeflon Jchn Rsad, Roxbury cr.iamin Lineolo, Hingbam it eyhen iVletc&'r, Btilm^hum trtemai Ward, Shrewsbury Stephen Choate, l*f%vicb dwajd Cutta, Kictery Jonathan Wtruer, Hardwick ihu L»*6;l, fl«<£«r>|.Tr»emis Rice, Paona'.boto e vja.Gieeu'.eaf, 2V

ullices 0/"/^ Common Pleas *'» SufFolkGVaw// Jofeph Gardner, of Bofton, Samuel Birrett, ll.d. or' Bo (Ion, T omas Craf:s. of Boftoo, William Doonifon, of Bofton.

TuthM Hubbard, of Bofton, Special Juftice. Charles Cuftting, of Bofton, Clerk of the Common Pleat, Ezekiei Price and Ssmuel Gardner, Clerkt of tbeScjJiini, Ebsnczer Seaver, of Bofton, Count, Treafurer, W.iliann Alline, of Bofton, Regifier of Deeds.

'he Juftices of the Supreme Judicial Court, Court cf Ccmmin Pleas, Judges of Probate, Sheriffs and Coro-

ners, hold their CumnjiiTions during gaod behaviour j but the Commiflions of Jufricei of the Ptact muft be renewed every feven years, or they ceafe. ,

f 92 ) Juftices of th Quorum in Suffolk C;a»/j. 1 Jofeph Gardner. tic/to* George R. Miriot, #e,f

THomss Graf ; j, di:to John ViaaM, d.tto Ezekid Piite, ditto Sbcsrjsfhrbt Bourn?, ditto ditto Samuel Norton, Hingbam c Hants. Cuiiirag, dlitd

Juftices of the Peace ** Suffolk G«*^. WiJ i-m Tudor, Bofii Henry Piilir.e, ditto Trianua EJwiida, ditto. }vfu^ Warm,, ditto John Winthropj drtt> David Tiicieo, dittoj Ed>v»rd Gfay, ci:to Wiiitam Harrh, ditto)diet Samuel Ccs;er, ditto S^mt'e* Gary, N&tbanici Eb cb, d.^tto GfutfJte Cubing, tUtigbzm muri Brown ditto* jam« Warren jun. ; dletot Joiepli Gardner, empivcered tc qualify Civil Officers, Je.'emiib Allen, r.f Boftoo, Sheriff. William.S)rnme*at.dShuba«l Sell; Deputr Sheriffs, Oliver Hariihjrn, £>^ufy Sheriff and Goal Keeper. Coronet s, Jem:i Piioce, £*.«0* j Pjuj R cr ?re, £e/o» A!fxir.d:r Mackay, rtfrv* John Ti'erljae, rf///c j Jc'*:ph Andrews, Hingbam ' EbenezerMoulton, ditto County of Norfo'k. Jttftiees of thg Common Pleas, 6^. Stephen fcatcaif, o! rMilngham. Ebjnezer Warren, of Fcxborougb, Jam?s E )dicot> of Cannon. Edward H.Ribbins. of Milton, -\ Solomon I.'>*?11, of Wonioutb, £ Spec'aljvfiices. Daniel fVry* of Medfieid, J JobnLstKro;. jon. r.f Dedbam, Clerk of the CommmPleas,

Natbani*! Ames, of D.-dham, CV* o//£s beffiir.s. jabz Fjfret, r>f Frank'n, S'fpbeo cf Metca!^ B«'!in.fhaav j BferW W.rrao.of Fo^botoufch, "^'"H *». ****£ }tmm M&fo* of Canton, > r . T^Rfad^Rxrb.jrr, C'V'Wjfyers.

ti are t d H . R=cUi ry , of rV$;,' te o, J ( 93 ) OtHce's in Norfolk continued* WiMicm Heath, of Roxbury, Judgt of Probate. Samuel Ba»«o, of Djdbam, Regilfer of Probate. Courts of Prsbare are held at Jmu'% Tarem in at 'Dtdham the firft Tccfday in e?ery Month } and Alerjk't Tav«m in Quincy on the fe«and Tuefday of November, Febiu*:'y, May & Aoguft annually.

Ifaac Bu'iard, cf Dtdham, Cmnty 7resfu-er. Eliphaict Pond> cf Dedham, Regilier of Dtiit% Juftices cf the Peace and Quorum. Cotton Tufis, Weymouth Thcma* Lotbrop, Cobajif Urtfo* jS-bmoQ Lo»ell, . ditrej Edward H. RobbinJ,

R.chara C;ar.ch, S&incy l Thomas' Cia«e, ditto

(Stephen fcf «rciif, Z?r//;n£-JwJF fhrr Arms, Dtdbam i James Erdxor, Ctffffsi»jNathaniel Ames, ditto !>bezFfticr, Franklin]Z earer Weld, Roxbury [Mofei Bulien, Me.-fittd\ William Afpbwsii,£r«wi£ff

Jnflices 0//^ Peace Ebenfe*r Warreo, /"ox^oro'iNathaniel Rjggles, ditto Swift Pavfon, dittofjobn Parker, ditto Ebeneesr Wight, Z>^6/*«;Ebentzer Thayer, Braintree Nathaniel ICiogibury, dittolStephen Penniman, ditto Nathaniel Bayley, Weymouth Caleb Hay ward, ditto Afa White, dittojAbijah Richardfoo, Medway James Humphries, ditto [Peter Adam;, Stougbtom Benjamin Guild, Wrentbam Frederick Pops, ditto Cornelius KLollock, ditto Seth Bullard, Wa'pote John Jones, Dover John Wbi'hg, Franklin Daniel Perry, Medfield Stephen Bad am, Dorr better Elijah Adam?) dittojEbenezer Milier, Qvincy William Fuller, iVta/fr'na'Pcter B. Adams, ditto lfaac S. Gardner, tSrooi/yTflUerjamin Randall* Sharon Dsv.dS.Greenotrgh, Raxburyl loltph Hewins, ditto Ebentzer Seaver, dittoiEphram Wales, Randolph

Athert.io Thayer, of Braictsxe, Sb/rf^

Timothy Gay, of Dedham, Geal Keeper & Deputy Sheriff* , Deputy Sheriff* Elifha Thayer, Braintee Seth Turner, jun, R a ndo'pb

- Abner SMir,, Medfic d ! William Boyd, . Fsanklia [1798.J I S ( n ) Coroners. WH;amH«a:bJ n. foxkwy Jabia F.fher, Canton William Brewer, . ditto Samwei Capen, dir Arron Eve.ett, Foxbojovgb Sirr,u:l iJjyley, Weymouth, Ar-ariah Mi;fli, ditto Janacbao Felt, Wr'enthsm Jt/I-r Pratt, ditro Daniel Hc*ib oik, jua. ditto |r»(e-»h Ware, Meday Thomas Bf»ftbi ditto Jr-natbao Adams, Itct. ditto Thomas Whire, rlrtoJDjT'd Srr.'tb, jua. NeedbavA Joho Endicot, Dtaozm.Enfat Dotat,- Cobajitl Adam Jones, Dover\Koiui Peircc, MiiUtf Fraceis Curtif, Sba'sttjtfon Fifher, J'ranbin\ Grorg* Ells, MeffimDimti C;»>, Wa'po!,\ Ztnm Fttrtth, /k»tY0.'/>£|E.Withington,3d. Dorcbef;tr[ Caleb French, Braint-ee £b«Res;er Darrii, JtoeiA'sej

County of E/Tex. Juftices »/ /£* Common Pleas, &<;. Samuel Kokca, of Danvcrs, John Pickering, of Ss'eiri; Samuel Phillips, of Andorer, Ebecezer March, of Newbury, Joho Tread taeifi, of. SaVem, iptcialJuQici, Thomas Bancroft, of Sakrc, Clerk of the tieasSs Sefiiimt. R«n)am;a Gresnleaf, of N* -Abu// -port, } Simoct Holtcrt, of D«nvers, I appointed t* Samuel Phillips, AndoTer, \ qualify Nathsn Dane, of Berer*y, \ Ci+tlOjfiun. Stephen Choate, ef I pfwich, J Samne4 Hoi tee, of Darters, JMge of Probate* Dtnx* Noyts, of Iffwicb, p%^ »/ Probata, Jo n Pickering, of Salem, Htgifier if Deed*, Ste hen Choit?, of Ipfwichj C&r»/> Trtafur*** Juftices c/ /** Peace and of the Quorum* Jicholts Pk*, Nevvbport} John 1'ckering, £*/<•*' ^bar,ezer March. Mtwbury, John Treadwe!], ditto Thecphiius Patfcm, ditto lOacOfgood, ditto aGH*rl Phillips, Andwer Riciard Maoning, ditto I Jarbanlcl Lotejoy, ditrnjRtthard Ward, ditto' ttpheo Choste, lf>fwicb\ Benjamin Goodhue, ditto >aoiel Noyca, ditto Samuel White, Haverhill. tathta Dine, 3f«er/>jSamncl Stwall, MarbUbeidl [LmJ

Civil Oflice $ ik EfTsx continued,

Juftices of the Pe^ce.

S;!as Litt?

(ffijh Li t'«. ' ditto jona. Cogfweil, juo. ditu d.itv >t»p ie.'4 Cfofa, A'pwJurjpM'f Afd iv-drewe, Stnajih Titcomb, d»tw A mot Putnam, Dan-vm John Mycai! dUto B«nJ2min Evansi Sa'ijbury fjhn Cacnc*, L\nr. \*.<,yh Bowri, • ciitr James Gardner, ditto Edrru'd Nijes, di'to |»me* fVobuifon, ditto Patfcef Cleiie'arid, fowkjl David Thutftoii Bradford Thomas MigbiH, cit.t Peter RufTell, ditto Peter Coffln.. j.gn. Cr/oac Qrjaodo Sirgeant, Avteflrur^ Dbadiah Parfoas, dittofCliriftv>?ber Sargeant, qitca John Pvcwe, ditfoHofepb Whgate, dino W fliiam Tusk, fldancBefier\) Hb.ua G&tiidjpi, Iftwrfj? Edrrerd Pulling, Jofeph Siraguc, ditt- itro** In*a*i$, A^rri) ditto Sre;)hei Ht r ker di'.t' KMfiiam Picktmn, $ William Prefect, jua. ditto Na-hmial Marrtv, K&vtrbxlt Tbomas Bancroft, ditto lame* Du»C4<), juc Umael Putnam, ditto \4M*e« Pa-fonr, ditto John Not.-is, 4*i<» Box/ord Sd**rd Boveo, Affcbhbeai J >hn RobirifviQ, ifaac Mansfield* *Wt© Thomas P*»isy, juo. d-to FI jit, Aniovc- •Bed] ami r\ G*ean, ditto fortius Mathan B.-wen, d.tto r*«ter Qfgscd, ditto Jo6ahSarche!de?,juo Btvtrly Samuel Abbity ditto Jafeph.Wood, ditto Jacob Ab^or^ ditto

Eailej Bntlei, of Harerhili, Sheriff*

Deputy* ShetifiS.

William !ng«n«, Ihwb.porr Af» Altep, Aridjver. William Dsdge, Ipftvicb Dffid Bradley, Uwtrbiil fofeph Tu-ell, iWfiri Joha Tat box, Glcctfier jobn Hutfon, Marbkbead L_9-5 J Coroners in EiT.x Courty* Pu nam Ine»i?*, d'tto Dsn'ei H,•*» Nathaniel Wade, ditto) jEze're' Cheever, ditto John Hufe, Metbuen\ Anj') !'«xic«, dinrj John S*r«eant, jun. d etc [fcer.jam n Walter, Bradford] 'ofcpb Fanfi'ld, Wenbam

'Jafeph Wjcc!, iJ«*fr/ y Na:h. Liime-, Marbkbead ijoho Low, dt to| Jonathan Smith, Sa'isbury Ifiic AdatBli Boxford* jofsph PjJre, Rhviley iLemnel Wood, ditto! io/h^ta Packard, d'tto If Flutchi ifon,jun.0rtfl«'«/'*j lames Smiley, Havsrbill iS^ob?." Cuok| Sa.ewjSamoeJ VVhitei joa. di:to Henry Iagallf, /iW;vrr|

£"W//; tf/ Midulefex. Juftices of the Common Picas, &c. James Prefcott, of Groton, Jamas Winthrop, of Cambt dge, WiMam Hull, of Newton, Ephraim Wood, of Concord. Jofeph B. Vamum, of Draeu?, / Sp trial Loammi Baldwin, of Woburn, \ Juftices. Abraham Biglow, of Ctmbridg*, Clerk of the Courts of Common Pleat and Se/ftons, tfft. Jamea Prefcott, of Groton, / appointed ts qualify Jamea Winthrop, of Cambridge, \ Civil Officers. Oliver Prefcott, of Groton, Judge of Probate, Jamea Winthrop of Cambridge, Regifter cf Probate. The Probate Courta in MiddUfex County a;e held, At Cambridge, en the fiift Tuefday of April, May, June, September, Octocer, November, aod December. At Concord, the fecond Tuefday in March, April. May,

and June ; the third Tuefday in Septtmber, and the fecond Tuefday in October and November. At Groton, on the thud Tuefday >• April and October. Samuel Birtlett, of Cambridge, Rrgifter cf Deeds, Ebenezer JBridgc, of Chelar.tfard, County-Treajurer. j

( 97 ) Miidldzx Officers continued, Juftices ofthe Peice aniofthj; 'Quorum.

>Hver Prefect, d'tto. David Haven, Fra*n':ngbam Uroie' P. Savage, foha Sion*, Hoilifion lames Wnch.-op, Cambridge j'ofspb ". Varnvro, Dracut William Winthrop, ditto Parker Varr.um, ditto S«oe?.rr ff-2-}:fh, ditto Francis Faulkner, A&** Ab-iham Bgbw, ditto ahn Pitts, Dtaiftsb'e j Ephraim Wool, Concord Kate Steams, Billtricd Jsrost Barrett, ditto Jofeph Cordis, Cbafhftown Djscsd In Sahara, ditto vVi'iiarr, Mull, Newton Benjamin Brcwa, Retding

Juflices of the Peace. jGhiRemirtgton,W^rfrA5'zy» Jofeph Bryair, Stonebam Anooj Bard, ditto jiihua Long'ey, Sbirhy Nath. R. Whitney ditto Timothy Walke.' Wilmington William Hunt, ditto William B!anchard, ditto Tbsmis Brooks, Mcdford Jofeph Heatd, Pepyerell Aaror* Put»»am, Cbarhftown Henry Wode, ditto Jofiab Bartlitt, Timothy Jones, Bedford Dana, Steven CembrM£'heo im \ nZro*n, Lexington ] Thomas Bra;t!e, dit.o John Bridge, ditto Azroo H H, ditto Peter Wood, Marlhrougb Samuel Bartlett, ditto Toha Stone, Rdlifion Loammi Baldwin, Wiburr. Samuel Park, ditt Samuel Thornpfin, d tt- Ephraim Ltttlefteld, ditto Waikr.r, '; ditto John " Ziccheus V/ tight, Wejiford William F;fk, ^a'tbarr. Ahel Botnton, ditto William A!!to, 'W ditco OMfer Barron, Cbelmtfcrd " Leonard WJISi'aros, i ,muel Fitts, ju». dittt Abset Sauudofoo, '^d.»tf Maitb- Me-ct'f, Hopkir.t:r. Micl*««I Jeckfo!J« flpv'or. Jonathan Lock, „4/7:>ty

Fr.Icr, ditto'. f &atbjp , r j t ban Brown, 7*iv*jhw'y Edsbrsv Woodwtrd, ditto Wi»Ji«m Brown, oitr-

l>falde* : Ez*a Scrpeant, 4b e! Htf^ord, Concord Berr-a d Green ditto Ire! P«khurft. Vwf&bU Enoch G--een.l4.1f, Wefion Andr«v« Newell, &ke l vrr.t Armin Ward, jun. ditto Daniel Rogers, liithicn Wjl.'iain Rice, Sudbury Hav'-d Lflvrrcece, ditto Natli. Reeves, Zs*/'' Sudhwy S.mpLn Tutt'ie,, ditto C.. 98 ) Middlefex continued. Officers \ WilIi8mThompfcn,S;/.'er;VajSila» Tayfor, Soxboro^ Edward Farmer, ditto? Jafeph Adam?, Lincoln] Jonathan Bowci, ditto! Samuel Hoar, ditto! Henry Woods, ? C?r

Jol'cph Hofrnir, of Concord, Sheriff. Deputy Sherifi.

Abijah ThompCin, iVobur^Th*. Ricbardfon, Weftford EpbrairoLiaiefield, Uollt'ion\ John F:ir^. Ea,i- Sudbury Jofaph Moore, GV<«o/»! Joiieph Wood, Stow Timothy Jaclifoo, Newton) Ccronsrr. EiiphaletNewellC&ar/^w^Ephraim RufFeM, Groton

David Brown, C%:cWj3a:nut« Laurence, » ditto! John White, BiUerica\?tXttt Eiej, dicta! Jonathan Bowers, dittrDavid Curtis, Eafi-Sudburf\ Ephraim Kidder, jun. dittcjColIi&s Damoo, ditto! Samuel Heath, Cambridge) Caleb Hay ward, l?*,1om\ Jedulhun WiUington, ditto} John P*ke, Framingbam) Hoxki.iton Samuel Sparhtwic, dittojSamuel Haven, j Bart. Richsrdfoo, J^ara.Oiiv.R^cbafdfon, Chelmsford, Noah Rchardfon, diuoljaccb Tattle, Wtftfield Edmund Richardfon, ditto Jonathan Thayer, ditto Amos Bradley, Drarut Jon3. Wbetcomb, Littltton Ifrael H.idrtth, ditto Jonathan Davit, Azion

Si'- as Gate?, Marlborough David Barnard, ditto Oliver Blood, Stow Jofeph J ick (on, jun. Newton 'oel JVilmivgw. Be>-ja. Eafterbrook t Lexington Jenkins* Efeclc Marin, HolHfion John Leightan, Weftford John Stone, jun. diftoCalvio Long'ey, Sbir'ey Nathan Whitsng, dittojLtcnardParkb'jrft,f>»n/hji>/f Edward Wade, Ma -den\ James Ballard, Sketburni Ad3tn Hawkes, Rejrirn^'Ebtnszer Pa; kcr, Chelmsford Jofeph Ucderwood, ditto* ^_ ( 9 9 ) County of Plymouth. Jujiices of the Common Pleas, 6c. Beojam'o Willie, cf Bridgwater, Wiiliam Watfoo, of Plymouth, Ephraim Spooner, of Plymouth, Daniel Howard, of Sridgwater. Richard Perkins, of Bridgwater, Spaa! jn/hj9 Thomas, of Plj-rr.-juth, JuRices, Kaic Thompfon, ?»-!:ddieboro' jofiah Cotton, of Plymouth, Clerk of tbcroc Pless&SeJiowciejs<& cejjtoni Benjamin Willis, of Bridgwater, / appointed Witiiam Watfon, of Plymouth, > to qualify Ephraim Spooner, ef Plymouth, ) Civil Oncers, Jcfliua Thomas, of Piymcuth, Joshua Thomas, of Plymouth, Judge cf Prohste. lfjac Lotbrop, cf Plymouth, Regilier cf Probate, Roofer Cotton, of Plymouth, Regifter of Deeds. Ephiaim Spooner, of Plymouth, County Treafarer. Juftices of the Vzzzzand of the Quorum. William Scaler, Kingftoft BenjanvrWilli^fir/Vgwtff* William Watfon, Plymouth Richard Perkins, ditto Nath. Goodwin, ditto IfaacThompfon, MiddUboro* lofnua Thomas, ditto Charles Turner, Scituzte Ephraim Spooner, ditto Abraham Holmes, Rochester Juftices of the Peacs.

Ifaac Lothrop, Plymouth David Nye, Warebam 6 Jofiah Cotton, ditto aron Hobarr, Abington Abner Bsrttett, ditto Luke Bicknel, ditto Nathaniel Goodwin, ditto Gamaliel Brad ford, Vuibo'o' Henry Warren, ditto Judah Alde.1, ditto William Le Barron, ditto Daniel Howard, Bridgwater RolTster Cotton, ditto Seza Hayward, ditto John Nelfon, Middkborougb Dantej Howard, jurj. ditto Nehemiah Bennet, ditto Jonathan Crtne, ditto Jofiiua White, ditto I (Father SaeH, ditto EHtha Ruggles, Rocbefter Daniel Snow, ditto Elijah Turner, Scituate Nahum Mitchell, ditto Hayward Peircc, ditto FbenezerWaihburn,fo'»///ori Elijah Bitter, PljKpton Seth Drew, djtto - ( ^0 ) : Officers in Plymouth County cor-linued. Jujticts of the Peace. 4 fa Waterman, Marfh^H'Mt\z'xx €urt;9, Hanover Joliab{Smi:b, Pt^brokt t&\btil Smith, ditto John Turo«r, diu-o jftthemiab Cobb, Catver KJiboip Whitman, ditto fjefiah Thcmfon, Halifax

George Partridge, of Duxbcrougb, Sbtrijf,

' Deputy Sheriffs

Sylr*rn>3 C.'api Scituate Caeb Sylveficr, Hanonttr Amos Shaw, ditto Abiel Harris, Abin^ton John Adami, King/ten tftttl Vtit',as, Ian. W^rtbam Job Turner, Pembroke Martin Hcv/a d, £. idgwateA Gid. Bradford, 'an. Plyxiptor. Simton .P>ratt, ditto j Ra b«rtCulh maa jMidd eborJ' William Crspo, Rocbeften jjamej Little, . Marjkjii'd Coroners Da fid Kiogm*3,#r/<^ra>a/*r Stephen Sampfon, Plynttutb] Jont. CopeJand, iun. ditto Chemai Jackfor, Jan. dittoj Caleb Howard, ' ditto David Bacon, dittoj Wait Ford, Pembroke Janathan Nam, A»ingtcn\ Ifaac Bowen Baker, ditto Jed-dish Holmes, Kingfton] ijamea"3rig«8 Sciruats}Bin)i:TAi\ A!den, Duxboro } jun. jjam-jj Clip, Jitio ICiieb At*oad, Csrvsr iD**id Jacobs, Han wenWathin'-tl HsiksM, Rocbeftep Samuel Ssro.'7, IVar ebam tWWiitm L«vis, Marjhfie.'d Nath,Fofter,j-m.Af/

County s/Barnftable. JufKce3 of the Comman Pleas, 6v. Daniel Da vis, of Sarnftable. Naibarvel 'freeman, of Sandwich. SoIomj.T Firman, cf Tlirwich. David Thache', of Yarmouth.

John Dayii, of Barnftabie, Social Jujtice,

Jofepb Otis, af Baraftabkr, Clerk of the Pieat^Sejjicns.

Daniel Dar'a, of Bamftable, Judge of Prcb tie. Nathaniel Freeman, ofJand\nc*> Regifter tf Probate. Rezifttr D:cdi& fn rt L , } of iEbeaew Bacon, of Barnftab!*, r fr £jRtJ rre ftf.Jre m L-i-Lj Officers in Bamiiabie County continued, Jiiftices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Daniel Davii, Barn/table Da»id Thst, er, Yarmouth jofeph Otis, dic:o Nfath. Freeman, SarJwicb Ebenezer Crocker, dit/o


Jofeph Doane, Chatham Atherton H*ll, ' Yarmouth Ifaac Sparrow, Eajtbam David Thaehsr, jun. ditto Ehfha Mayo, ditto leremiah HovrCt, Denei Simsjn Kingman, 0rleant\lLb.Btoa6biatk:)\i.Harioicb

Jofeph Dimack, of. Falmouth, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff. Epbraim Perrr, BamftabUijoa*. Snow, jun, Harwich

T itby Phinney. ditto 1 Anthony Snow, Trur* Elifha Pope, Sandtvicb'.So'.ctr.on Dyer, Wtlfiett Jaxea F/eetoari, ditto Enoch Halietc, Yarmouth J Jofeph Bourne, FalrKoutb'.Dtnd Doane, Eajtbam Coroners. Samuel Pope, Sandwich ijoftah. Thatcher, Yarmouth j (Richard Sears', Collins, I'/ehji'.et C4a/Adr» j Michael Benjamin Pepper, EafcbamldlihEajtbam Ifaiab. Parker, Barnftable Nathaniel Dcwnes, Harwich] William Hinckley, ditto Sam. Source, jun, Falmouth]

Briftol County,

Juftice* of the Common Pleas. Gso'ge Leonard, of Nortcn. Stephen Bullcck, ofRehoboth. Samuel Tobey, of Perkle?, Edward Pope, of New Bedford. ( JoO C*v/7 OJficirs in Briitol County continued. Eera Richmond, of Dighton, 7 Apollo* Leonard, Taunton, £ Special Elifha May, of Attteborougb, ^ 3%/*/f* Samuel Filei, of Taunton, Clerk of tbe Courts of Commit Pleat and Sfjicns, &c. George Leonard, of Norton, *\ Stephen Bullock, of Reboboth, / A . . Samuel Tobey, of Berkley, ( *&**"* Edward Pope, £ New- Bedford, > " f Ctv,i?™2f Stephen Faiea, of Taontoo. C °P:ir *> Seth Padd'.efof d, of Taunton. J Seth Paddleford, of Taunton, Judge of Probate. William Bayhe?, of Dighton, i<*g\fter of Probate. janaei William?, of Taunton, Regifter of Deeds. Apolloa Leonard, of Tt union, County Treafuren Juftiees tfthe Peace and ofth* Quorum. George Leonard, A^arr^iSamuel Tobey, Berkley Samuel Morey, ditto [Robert Lufccmb. Taunton William Bayliee Digbttn Samuel Fale?, ditto JL»ra Richmond, ditto Seih Padd eford, ditto Epb. Stark weather, Rebobotb) A polios Leopard, ditto Edward Pope. New Bedford^], mil Williams, ditto ElifbjMiy, Attfeborougbfiubtt Swift, ditto Juftices of tbe Peace.

Jofiab Dsan, Raynbam*Hcdt)iU Bayliet, Digbton Samuel Leonard, Taunton Joho Smi'h, Dartmouth

James Tifdale, ditto Holder SJccum, ditto < Chriftopher Mafon, Swanfey Joel Packard, ditto j JefTe Bullock, Fr ettown Daniel Carpenter, Rcbibotb

1 Ephraim Winllow, ditto Stephen Bullock, ditro Natb. Morton, tert. ditto (David Perry juo, ditto William Almy, ditto jSamue! Guild, Eafion Doggec dttlel>orougb.Eti)tl Howard, d:tfo Iloho Caleb Ricbardfoc, ditroJLaban Wbtaton, Norton

Zephaniah Vionsrd, of Rayoham, Sitriff* ( toj ) Deputy Sheriffs. Jofiih Crocker, ?au%to* Richard Fi«»d, Mtr.tJieU^ John Porter, ditto Robert Earl, Weflp»rt Mobil Kennedy, ditto Jofeph Wbeaton, Pebobctb Ifaac Drake, ditto Daniel Barney, Sivanfty Matt. Whitmar/h, Digbto* Nathaniel Dean, Raynbsm 'William Reed, Freetown Daniel White, ditto Samuel French, Berkley Stephen Barker, Dartnttutb JohnCoglwtViNexoBsJfirdUotith Allen, Attlibtrcvgb 'Walter Spooner, jun. ditto John Richardfon, ditto Coroners. 'jona, Ibgalls, jo'n. Tauntor, Levi French, BerVey (Jonathan Hoard, ditto jirab Willi*. NivuBtdferd ijohts Brown, jun. ReBobotb Jofapb Gilbert, Eafon |0!if*r Srarkweatber, dirta Roland Howard, dirto Elkanah French, jna. ditto SylTtftirRichmoad, Digbten Jonathan Reed, F'eetrwn BenjaminTucker, Uartmcutb Attleborougb\\ c IJoel Reed, i\z Dran, jun. Man:fieid^ Levi Maxey, ducc Abnet Browcell* tt'efifxrt :Kaae Hedges, joo Norton Plenty Britton, Wdynbetm David Brown, Swanfey Daniel Macon.ber, Eaftoa

Duke*/ County. Jirftices of the Common Pleat, 6 c. Ja'rcea Athearn, of Tifboty. Shubael Cottle, of Ti/bury.

Bcojtate B.fott, <*f thilnarrk.

Benjamin Mat hew, of Crrilmavk, Special Jujiite,

Stephe* Luce, Clerk of the P!tat and Sejtont. Jeme« Athearn, of Tilbury, Judge of Probate. Tbomv Cooke, ofEdgartown, Hegifter of Prcbate. Samuel Smftb, of Edgartown, Regifter of Detdu Jethro A torero, of Tilbury, County Treafurer. Jamte Atbetrn, of Tfbory, *) Shubael Cottle, of Tfljury, I appointed to qualify Berith Norton, of Edgartown, 1 Civil OJficen, Thomaa Cook, of Edgartown, J Juftices of tie Peace and of the Quorum, jamea Athearn, Ti/bury\ Wo. Jcroigio, Edgartcw* Shubael Cottle, ditto} Beriah Norton, ditto ( "J ) Officers in Duke's County continued. Juftices of the Peace. Tt»cma* Cock, EJzartown]Btn)imia Bafletl, ditto Nathaniel Bsflett, Chi.'mar k\MmhtwMi,htwt ditto

Benjamin Smith, of Edgartown, Sheriff.

Deputy Sheriffs. lijkury jThemw Jones, ( William Mayhew, Edgarttnon Coroners. jWilliam Cafe, Ttfoury } J amei Coffin, Edgartown ~ 1 Caunty of Nantucket.

[77* County of Njnruc?ret rt>»,4/9j o/^Kf otte Town, formerly Sherburr, is now, by La

Jofiah Ba^er, • William Hamrnatt,

Stephen Kufay, I Jt.fiah Coffin.

Pe?eg CcOh and Cbrifbphef Hufley, Special Juftices.

Oiiter C. Birtletf, Cle-k of the Pleat and Sef.ont.

Jofiah Barker, Ja h Coffin, T Appointed | J^f Stephen Hufoy. Pelej Cof^n, ro ?««*'/> Wjiiism J'J" HsmmatV CbrJJo. HufTey, Civil Officers

Jathro HufTey, ^Wj/ <,/ Ptcbete. Abner Co^n, Regifier of Prepare.

Nathaniel Colman, RegiRer of Deeds,

Jofiah Co'fia, County Treafurer.

P«ieg Coffin, >//« cf the Peaco «»i »//** Quoroa.

Juftices of the Peace. Stephen Hufley, } Chriftophe? HufTey,

WUliasrHaxninatt, I Jofiah Coffis,

John Gardcer, Sheriff.

Charle* Fojger, Deputy Sheriff.

Caleb Bunker, Coroner. .( 'OS ) County p/ Worccfter. Juftices of the Common Pleas, &c. Aftenm Ward, of Shrewfbory, Jcf:ph Dojr'r, of Leieefter, Michael Gill, of Princeton, Elijah 3righam, of Weftborougft, DwIglitFafter. of BroofrficU. / « Spenal Salem Towae, cf Charlton, { Ju/licei, Jofeph Aileo, cf Worcefter, Clerk of the Wb*,.%^« ©V. Samuel Bridjt, of Worcefter, frfe ./ fVfc &»*,. ArtemasV/ard. of Shr«»/burr, >. Jofeph Dorr, of Leicefter. J J^. , Jof, ? h Allen, of WorcertW, C t^'lr Michael Gil?, of Pnoteon, f * Eluh UmiGW/?£°^^u Brigham. of Weftbo'rou.h, )

h Darn..- CI.,, j"«™l«'. of W„£,«5 . ,', *

-te *-"?&*? *•' ^>< Q-.or.rn.

* Jaftices

—~~ C»79» — ] iTi , n ) — '

( 1<* — . Jttfticca in Warcefter County continued. Ebeneeer Learned, Oxford Jofeph Read, BrotkptU J Sy'TanoB Town, dim t^icy Merric'c, ditto KichoUt D Ice, iFtflminflir Otniel Forbe«, ditto Aboet Hjldeo, Hoi it rhom»i H»>e, ditto John Ffinkj Ru'lam jofrph Reed, ditto lofei White, ditto L.jfce BrHwirj, ditto Benja.Joflyn, tfewftraintree QaWb A amid on, CBarlttf* Samoel Cto&y, Win&tnien Salem Towno, dttoli fi Jofiah Dem, Uf>t*H Pet«>Jbmt Nitbin Putnam, Sutton Ifrae! Atherton, LantafUrV- Solomon Leland, dittojTissothy Whiting, jup, djctoh Aaron Puree, ditto! WiHiira Stedioio, ditto' Hezekiah Ward, Paxton\ Witl.Nichnls, Lem'vifw\ BezVecl Taft, LVAr/if/WilUam. Henffcaw, Lsi(rp?r ; John Caldwell, AtPrelPai d Henftaw, ditto*? Benjamin Jtr.kin*, ditto|Ex;a Bcaman, Bb-dft** ohn 9Heo, 5/>««rjJ~£ah Stcama, Lunenburg ienjamio f>rarf, ditr iPhiiiios Sw;etfer, Royatftan, Samut! Wildwr, AJhhumbswi thn.Dodd, HM19. jaeeV Wizard, ditto tfaharn Fsy, flottbboroufb Benjarxin Goddard, Cra/ttn Jona. Ad*m»,, fitrtbbridgi jofsph Wood> ditto Jonathan Whetcomb, lotto* Jamea Ha we*. Wtftbircugb Aaron Marfh, Diughft YIi]«b Brigham, ' ditto BcnjarrJsKimbaU, Bar-verd. JAndrtw PfCtrt, ditto Sila* Cutler, Ympltto* '.William P»tnam, Stirling Jsmes Huppbryi, ji'bil JBcrtiamin Richardfon, ditto jofi;h Goddard, ditto lidward Rayrasnd, ditto Daniel Put i»ra, TilcbSurg •Amariab Proft, MUford ifrael Turner, dit|° Samuel Jones, ditto Jofepb Fobai, Gdibam

Bertram Read, Mftndott !ohn Prtntift, Ward I CbaHei Baker, Gtrty Amnt Johnfon, Bit I'm Stib Newton, Svutbhrovgb Davie Wight, juo. Sturbridp WUiiam Caldwell, of Worcefter, Sbtrif. Deputy Skerifs.

Ru|$le« RatJandiEds*. Barnard, W*ftns5nre*H Timstfcy f Trio, W. Ward. Sbrewlburjl Jamea Ormea, Spenee- JafiokWaaVbum, Lcicefterl JoMtbaQ Hobbard, Paxtoi ! |aip« UngktOD, HaedwitJI Joain Albee, Dudle ( .i07)_.. I deputy Shfif: Wo-ccfter County, continue* Sterling othara Bouke-, Peterfiiam lonatbso f-.u'ttrick, vSru'lb^ro* Lobcr: Towofend, Lareafts frowb Taylor, redbrick Tift, Uibrdie f.-.f«ph A^aint, M|P*»n Jonathans ytmnda, Hartard Ge-fh. Jennings, Brooktv d jobo Holbrook, Sturbridge Robert CttMer, d>tt rhomitrvimball, LuneobuigjDioiel Needham, Charlton

j >lepb Darling, UotnJ»ft«r| Coroners.

• d jpfhu? Whitotjr, Wwcelcr icfcami W;tgfct Brook fi»1 ditto Daniel Bollard, ditto j ihn Pierce, John Syroondi, Weftmnfte* iacobP«»oer, NewBrailV*«e tt« 1ie*aiee! Lawrence, dH«'-o Eiiae Htli, d Kaae.Mlei, Holier hVilitam Sj>r»gtje v Leicefte. ijah Girfield, Fitchburg »ona* Mile* Weftmioftei IEjoie?b Hsrtwell, Lunenbu Simeon Vifke* Sin*bruJj« Sterling! t\ter Brown, 4i ( to|M>fo Smith, SiUs Jonei Ttmp'eton Ifaac Forboft, Weftboroogr. Daniel O. iter, BarrejPhilia Aroordon, Meodot Nathan Bridget;. SouthhWiSeth Davenport, jun. d'tt? JaLSumo*x,jua, Shrceihury jHh White, WttlitmDodda, Princeton' Jonathan Harris. O*for< Gerfoitn Cbapio, Utbcidge Zadoek Cuts, Ratlar.c

of. Swrsetfer, Winchend>n Datid P. Chact, Sutroni Divia, Harvard! .laywoad ^\iitr t dHto Flint Jonathan Day, Dudley (Aaron KimbaH,jun.Graftor.| Vm. Seams, Amburnhamt

County of Hapajaihw-c. Juftice* of the Common Picas, &c

i f John B • , of Wilbraham, Samuel Ma thee, of WeflSild, Samuel Lyman, of Springfield* of Weft SjriegSeW, Abraham Burhank, % S*«i*l Juftin Ely, of Weft Sp'ing&eU, > Jfu/itcar William Pjnehon, tf Spiingfield, J .

Robart Breck, of Northampton, CUr\ pftbtCmmn ( icS ) Officer/ in Haonplhire Cunt) continued. J»hn Blifj, cf Wiibiabam, -, Appain'ti to fMtifi Civil OJictrt,

S.moel Httlh.w, of Nor!bin>p, M, J.J& 0/ P,.l,„. S.m«l Hircklw, ,f NMibamj.on, R,gif„r tfr,ct< te,

El.jah WKII.ra., of uMrfi,y R y , forth. MorUart Dirffi. '^ '

Juftices */ |i# Peace. MihHuvtf, (?ww7/,|Ab;er Morgan, Them^B-.bank, ftfeftfcj *tto Browning L.UC33 MargaO, ditto WSf-rJ-.n J. P- ^

.-.Wo. Root, AfwafJs.lni.lf,. °' i .J?*

[7-tbm. Mom.,,., oiu-Wl pj mt .',T. **X? ( *<>9 )

Officers in Hampfhire County continued,

Juftices oftheVtzct continued.

'Cahum Esger, tVirtbington\kbs\ GoodeU, Monfa izra Starkweather, dlttcjHez.NewcGrab, 8ernardfton\ Jylvefter Judd, W, ff*«/»f«»|8enjt. Bincey, Cbtfierfitld[ 4ugh McLellao, Colcrein Wm.Bodman, Williamjb*rg\ 3»deon Burt, Lo«£ Meadow Ja-*.esGeldfbury, #Vto/V*J fonathtn Hale, j»o. ditto Adam Clarke, ' Pelbam Daniel Whit more Sund'rland Phioeas Stevens, Wilbrabam] Ebenezer Snell, Cummington Juflus Afhman, Blandford William Ward, ditto Edward Walker, ditto W.tlum Whhe, Go/ben Ejnraim Williams, Albfield John Hjoker, Springfield David Shepard Cbefter Jofeph Williams, ditto Hei;y D wight, fitkberton Thomas Dwighti jUft Park Holland, ditto J-snathan Dwight, ditto |„ha Long, Jan. Sbelbu Oecgt Blift, dilto Edmuod Long ley, Haw'ey

' iDa->it! Wright, tJortbambttm EHflia Hunt, ffortbjtel'd S^rnasl Hiockiey, ditte Obadiah Dickinfon, djtto jlbehezcr Huoti ditto Benjamin Smith, Haffitld !|Levi Lyman, ditto Hugh Maxwell, Heatb ijlfaae Powers, Greenwich Edward Taylor, Montgomtry Nchsmiih Stebbina, dttto Jihn Wells, R»w« James Fifo, ditto Dariul Monger, Brimfield Samuel War?, jua, Conway Charles Phelps, Hadlty WHliaTi Billing!, ditto' Jonathan E. Porter, ditto El flu rJilliogs, dittolFUgglea Woodbridge, Swtb Ifaac Coit, SoutbuUkl (Hidley Saul Fowler, ditto!

Ebentrer Mitto;n, jun. of Amberft, Sberiff.

Deputy Sheriff's,

Caleb Lyman, Northfield Parfoni Clap, Springfield Rufoa Saxton, Dewfi*U Jofhua Phillips, Afhfield way,New Sa'em johnMoore, BrimfieH J of. Hemrr.en Fred. Palme, W.Springfield Jofeph Read Beleherftoo Thomas Kidd, Cbefterfield Aaron Coe, GraaviDe Coroners in Kampfliire County. 8ohanki Bf , WeftfieM S.rille Merc.if, Oran« e Ebtn*,crBortV Albert? ' ^t , fia* Mil!,, fcieft.SE

~~~ ' •" • - - -• - -

Cturtty x>f BerkflYire. JTufticcs of the Common Picas, &,, Tom fon ? J. Skiooer, of Wiifomfloih Joho B«coo, of Stockbrfcge. Nethanfcl Bi/hojr, of Richmwd. David Noble, C f Wiliiimfioa. tjaaothy Edwtti^ of Stock bridge, %

Willwna Townor, of WilU.maoo. \ J*/"' TimotbjCbiW,, of Pitted, J«/'itff. W. f «*«T Dtrifbt, of Stockbridge, J ***y WiJliuDti^ipht, eft,*./ rJf-fc&

M» B"M, of StOfkbrldje. s Jompfoft /. Skinscr, of Willi.mfton, J *>«id Noble, of Willnartteo. > .*£./# |ht Rockbridge, I W*2^Ikw «T: ' C«K3£ Walker, of Lenox, *1 Azariah Egglefton, of L«o««, William W.lker, of Unox, Judge cf Probate. KatbaoiaJ Biflioa, of Ricbroocd, Regfor of Probate. Barn.bai KflwelJ, of StockbrWge-, County Tr ea/Urer. Mofai Bbpfehtf, Kig/jfcr 5/ />,«/,, Southern Diftria. Hyde, Caleb joa. R«y,y>^ 0/ Deed*. Middle Diftrid. Jam« Barker, ReZijter 9f Deeds, Northern Drdri&. ) -^ ( "I Civil Officers in Berkfhire continued.

Jaftice* of the Peace *nd of t,h* Quorum.

| aha Bacon, Suckbridgel William Wilfcer, Lenox Timothy Edward*, ditto Eldad Lewt#, ditto John Aihley, jus. ditto ZHj. Wi;j.«mJ,W.5rt

Lemuel Barnard, Sheffield \Ebsn. Smith, NexoMarlSoro] Ives, Thomas £f«rLQba,dijih W*rd, drk <

Mofes Hopkins, ditto Daniel Taylor, d»t c Samuel Whiting, ditto Elijah Brown, S,teclbridgt Aflibel Strong, ditto Henry : W. Dwlghr, d ; Henry Van Schaack, ditto Rarcebas Bidwcli, di t Jofhua Danforth, ditto Eraftai Sergeant,, d* WeoJcotHuba.il!, Lanejbjrd* John Stougbtcn, di Gideon Wheeler, ditto Eph;aim Fitch, Epemont Nehemiah Bail, ditto Jooa.Remniington, Cbejhirt

Jamea Ayrault, Sanlnfield Datid Brown, jjifto Drake Mill*, dittoJEzra Barker, d't John Car.field, dittojjowoa Beals, Wtndfa

1 Nathaniel fCiD^fiey, Becket Robert Walker, ditto. David.Railster, ditto David Ncbls, million fcbea. Peirce, Partridgefield William Young, iiuo William Iogerfoil, Lee Gide.io Martin, Haxtoci Jofiah Y-iia, ditto jNoah Ely, rj t ti William Williiroi, />•/>#« E ifta Lee, SixJie/4 Wjliiam Brnnfoa, A'fard Giletjackfon, lyringbjm ftp. Luflc, Weft Stick brUge Adecijah. gidweil, ditto Kraal Jooei, Adam Zacbauth Piarfon,RiVi>i>iW ChiUingworthFofterjuo, to Jofeph Goodwin, Lenox TimoJiy Whitrey, Loudon

Simon Lamed, 0/ Pittcficld, Sheriff,

Deputy Sheriffs. iofeph Goodrich, SjjeffisJd] William Hoi lifter, Pitt^eld EzraKellogg, Gr.Sarrir>#apjM;aj/hall Jenei, Adpm« Nathan Rofleter, Richmoodljoftahjcces^un. Sto«fcbridge John Foot, Wiliiam&on 'Jeremiah Will iami, Daltqn 1 •• ( 1

Coronerst . Si w y> #7 a i in Berkfliire.

John Nerti, Gr. BariingtonjDarius Karntd, Pittafiel William Afhleja, Lenox John Partridge, ditt Oliver Balding, jun. ditto* Trift.BrewningjPartridgfiek EiiM Jonef, Adams 1

County of York. Juftices of the Common Picas, &c. Ri/hw

Daniel SewalJ, of York, C/*r*

Rifhworth Jordan, of Biddeford, ~) . . , 0ltlte Benjamin Chadbourn, of Berwick, I fPP .'**'"f Edward Cuttj, of Kittery, f i~? C '*"* °>'« Nathaniel We:!,, ,f Welts, 3 Edward Cuiti, of Kittery, Judge of Prolate, Daniel Sewall, of York, Regifcer of Prolate.

Juflices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Riftworth Eiddeford Chat!es Chauncy* Kittery Jordan, \ Benja.Chadbourne, Berwick John Froft, dittti Nathaniel Weill, ft'ehs Daniel Peirce, ditto Trift. Jordan, ttpftrelboro Edward Cutu, diti. Simon Frye, Fryeiurg

Juflices of the Peace. DrminicusGcodwifl Berwicknohn Storer, Weh John Hill, ditto Benjamin Brown, «i»tt. Dudley Hubbard, ditto' Jonas C'.wk, ditt Tor Ichabod Goodwin, ditto! John Kiogfbury, . Richard F. Cutti, dittoj WillUm Froft, ditti John Lord, ditro.Daoiel Sewall, ditt Afabel Cote, Comifh\ !ofej,h B agion, ditt Benj. Ruflell, Bethel] jofeph Tucker, ditt { 113 ) ptrd&o>it'gb ~aicb Emery, o.tt The G. Thornton, ditto Andrew Bur -v, JfdftrJe/Vljatob Wild Arundel Samuei Seribner, cl.tto John Hov*y, din John Low, jun. Cwrfci/f{Elijah Drew, fr~ewft>d

JofephChadbowro,Im/^if/ijE2ek C i Metrii, E.d*Hw Jofeph Gilpatrlck, JLiMtr »Y*&tephen Jewetr, Mm*ford Jvftjua Smaii, Limtngtm

Ithabod Goodwin, of Berwick, Sbertf, Deputy Sk$rfft. John Sewa'I, joa. York Ichi.Fahf dd, Pepper'tboro* Jofcua Bridge?, d ttc Wiliiam Emery, Sanford jofeph Froft, Kittery Philip Pa^e, Fryeburg Mark Lord, Berwick loho rvieArthur, Limington Benjamin Si'.fbw, jt?feoa Trafton, Sbapirigh Janies Goe'd, AranJs'l jabcz Lane, Bustoo * Chrift.Gilpairick, Biddef'oii James Paine, Limerick Coroners, William L« fhton, K'tteryjEdw. Ernerfoo, jun York Daniel Pierce, jua. ditto Daniel Hocpef, Biddeford Benjamin Parker, ditto John Say waid, Alfred John Cole, Daoiel Wor>d, Lebanon Jacob Shorey, Berwick Daniel Fanrirf ton, Frjebu-g Jofeph Primr, ditto Ezra Twite bet), JJeth

County of Cumberland. Juftice* of the Common Pleas, &t. joha Uwis, cf North Yarro«utb. Jcfiah Tnacher, of Gcrham,. William Gorharn.. of Gorhsm. Stephen Lorj-fcllo w, of Gorhaoi. - — (1798.) "

( "4)

Civil Office ."s in Cumberland continued,

WiMiam Tompfon, of Scarborough, / Spicial Ifaac Parfoos, cf New Glocefter, J Jvjtices, Samuel Freemio, of Portland, C/,fr* e/r*« ?/*ar, ©V.

Johi Lewis, of North Yarmouth, -* -. . . » Jlpfmuj Jofhh Thacber, of Gorharo, / U William Gorham, of Gorham. 7 J° $ Zc J * Clvti *$"*'*'£ Samuel Freeman, of Portland, } William Gorhim, of Gorham, Judge of probate, Samuel Freeman, of Portland, Regifter of Ptohte, Jofeph McLt Men, vf Portland, Gounty Treafurer, Ifaac lfoiy, of Portland, Regifter of Deeds,

Juftiees of the Quorum in Cumberland County, John Lewis, N». Tarmoutbi Peter T. Smith, Windbar* William Garbam, Gorbam\ Wm, Wedgery, N.Glocefter* Samuel Freeman, Portland, Wm. Tompfeo, Scarbtro*

Juftices of Sh$ Peace.

Stephen Hall, Portland John Peter foe, Mrunfwick Ifaaellfler, d,tt0 Nathaniel La.rabee, ditto Daniel Davii, ditto Ar«Vrv? Dunniri, ditto1* John Froth inghiai, ditto Paul Little, Windbt Peter Noyei, Fa'moutb Jofeph Hccper, dittoi Archelaus Lswie, ._- , ( . Deputy Sberifs in Cumberland County, OtisredJ ItDiunin 3*yley, F^moutb, Lewis Gay, Scaibaro ^aieb G alam, Portland! Abraham fctirft, j *ona.Armrt;oag, CiocE»J23.jEb»ncz« Koliock, <*ittOj Gorharo B'zilefliLering. N.GloesfteflSiUs Ci.adbn.fn, rao.Thom?(oo, Brunfwickl A Def.SbeiiiVis at Stand.fij ' Corsteri, Yarmouth! fanes Luat, Portlj.-djAfa !**i*« No/ Thcm fon, Starboro La:h. op Lew's, Go7h:mj^in. f | ditto; gtaviJ Bsrker, \Vindr.em|Jame» March, Sr^grcnj P«ieg Chart**, N.Glc«A*| <•». Esrnfoortb, -!%' ftrunf-* >i,t Phi!t,p< C'hard'ftf, dlt .ah MfWYtt County of Lincoln, Jailices e^Jii Coniaioa Pleas, &c* Wi lain Liih|0*, of Geor, eicwn. Thomas Hire, of Powna.borou|>b. Nathaniel Thwing, of Wuolw ct>. JNortb, cf Aogufia, J -fcoh Htny DearbaufO, of f ittAoi, } Rabid Ccny, cf -*£«#, C *f«W $fom«r SewaU, «.f Ba tb, C >^«. Wateunaa Thomas, of WVdobcro', -J e/ fi« Pfou, £fr« |oatt BoWinsfl, Jan. of Drefter, CfcrA WiUUra tithjfey, of Ge orgetown, S Thomas Rice, bf 'fo*na!Wre«gS', ^ Apps\r,ted Nathaniel Thwing, if Woo wicb, S- fo f"*#/!t Joeph North, ofAugutti, \±ftvit Officeui Daniel Cony, of Auf.uftt, > Jonatbao Bowm»o, of &«fderj, > icbols, Bn'M fijmaci Tibb:i, gis^faVJFraneii Winter, &»/* jWa-erm.Thcma^/^'Jo^ro'jDwmmsr £•«•)!, ditto' iOichariCooke, Mw.W4W!Samjel Thomp.'on, Tofffiam) Pugmcr, /fa.fcw.-;? meari D*3«biurn, P/rr/ealN«ti. _ \

A "« ) Juftices of the Peice. in Cineofa C^n~i7T\ !D t0a, ^AjThr«m3 8 Johofon, ?iT u J J^ W.JI.am Howard, ditto Thoma, McClore, diet* John S*e vd, P ; iVa//W/.J,m ?J N cho ilt djtt0 Jofcja Wngate dit to Benjamin Merrill, rtr^ ' -vcaftk Samuel Toby, Ad^fj 1 Samu-i Mi: )©!*, di t Q Mies S e?:i g, Sandy River S-amue' Harnden, lVco'»>» WcK-eller, C»/fci'«£ Mofei Davie, Edgcm'^ Wm. McGlachrj, Caw^/» William McCcbb, Eoi:bba\ Oifid Bhiget, ditto Oliver Wood, Ntrridg&vsd Mark L. Hill, GtorgttfWH John Moore, ditto Ebeiiazer Jtnnifon, £/mw EbenezerFarwelF, 1 Vajalhro David Deanif, Not/eisrou^b Jeremiah Fai; field, dit.tr Edwud RichaidCo, 7*7 John Gitchel, dtio Natfe. Dud*y, MtuntVernon Robert Pa««, Reidfield J cnatbao Whiting, Wimbrcf John Hubbard, ditto (edtd rah Prefcott, ditto. Jedediah Jewatr, Pitt/ton Eberezer Bacon, Sydpvy)* Dudley B. Hobtrt, X ditto David FaUe, %bo*n4Jton Ssmue! Oairtmo, diet'! Mafon Wheat™, dhto! Ltdwig, Jacob fFdfdobyro' Samuel Brown, dirti Obadiab Williamj, ffufjhv Corn«l>urNorto»*id Syifefter, ditty! George War«nr ditto Timothy Pwfons, ditto Patrick P«bb!ei, Warren SamuelTttcomo, Semardflon Abra. Prebble, Bowdoinbam Ab j* h Ricbardfon. Litchfield, Thorn a* Rr ad, dttr 9u??!y Belcher, Farm'mgton Zaccbeua Beale, ditto Vlrfts Sterling, ditto James Rngera, Bctvdoin Sofomcn Adami, ditto, Simon Dearbnm, Monmouth Eben. Pattee, 35 Mile?end Joha Chandler, ditto

Edmind Bridge, of Drefden, Sberif.

Deputy Sheriff*. Seth William?, /Jugu/lat Jacob Low, Bdtb Eb:n. Be:re, /f*<2//5>«»«//jS*mue! Gsodwin Drefden Benjamin Poor, ditto' Wiljia/n Patrerfon ditto) Stephen Jwcit, FirtHon Sir»uel Kennedy, Neivcafi/e. Samuel Sevsy, povonalbord' Wm.Gregcry, jun. Cambdni', John Foye, ditto John Borland, Bootbbaj ,

( H7j_ Dfputy crber,ffs in Lincoln continued. P.ptr, <£-* l,fi,h Mitch.lt, Jce^rW.Edwui E hra : To**, '.Dao. Cunningfcata, Bow^fe P m *?&- Lovrpy, &/«**« {N-th Palrr^, ion. £">;Ub e'' ]«£•

ona. M jrrifon, NtwMtford | ) SCororers. »i»'*"* Ifaac Satagc, jon. flWW//:Samuel Wocd, Brewr, A*'*. Motes Sewa I, ditto William

SandyRtver , Robert Raadajl, ditto SolonwoAdiini, Thorapfon, Totfbam Joho Stratton, ditto Ez«t:el Bryant, Heivcaftle Eliae Craig, Augufia Nathaniel Ttompfon, firfto/j Thomas1 nomas Boydiooyui Brj'^r.j.j, Robert**~~ — r - Georgetown G«oigeE»ikint,Mw3rfi

Ceatf/v e/~ Hancock. Jujiiees of the Common Pieas, &

Jofeph H .bbei% of Peoobfcot, '/ Special \

Eli Forbes, of Caftiae, £ Juflicet. \ Fra. Le3aronGaod*in, cf Fi-ankferf, J

Thomaa Phillips, of Cailioe, Clerk of the Pleat, tit* Paul Dudley Sargent, of Sullivan, Judge of Prohate. Jonathan Eddy, of Eddington, Regifter of Probate* Eli F-rbes, ofCiftias, Regifter cf Deeds. Simeon Fowler, of Orrington, Countf Treafurer.

Juflices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Paul D. Sargent, SulUvanl Gabriel Jehocnot, Cambdey Oliver Pa leer, CaflitiASimeon Fowler, Ortingto W:!!iam Vinal'., FinalbaverJ.Eli Forbes, Cajhn

i janathaa Eddy, Edtiirgton] (1798] l a _(' , M8J_ Juftices &

RJchird H-nncwtlf, of Gift*,, JWtf; Geo.-ge H^hburtan, 0^,, Ma.rfp/l.

I a .„ 2)^«/f SherifTt.

f0rgtL d -McPb.tr.,, * ' t*« £[,,^r | Cor . . _.,, onert. Jobs Wdfon, J»«,8 */i | Thffma« JUW»;„. ?> »*

£*»*// ^Waflvinoton. Juices ,//*, Common | PJ eas , ^ Stephen Jone», of \fachui, Jitne* A»e- ?J of M^hiai, A.e„„derCam ,b«r,, orStn^ * John Craue, of ' Cof om bja , Georp. Stifhnao, e f Macbiat, i c> ., rh,cdoreUo.o.o, D. ao,', Ri f ^f

Stfphfo Jonea, ct M.chiai, *N ' jim«» A?ery, of Macbiai, J Alexa«.derGa»pbeII, of Sttub.o, T appointed u John Cran*, of ColomW., ' /> f^fy Georg. Srifimao, vii of Machiaa, ( c* Ojfi****. . Pbima Bruc*, of Macbia*, J ( "9 )

Civil Officers in Wafhington*. continued. Stephen Jones, of tyacbias, Judge of Probate, Jamc» A?ery,,of Machias, Kigiftf of Probate. George SchUnan, Regifier oj''Deeds & Caur.ty Trecfurer. Juftices of tha Peace and of the Quorum. Stephen Jones, A/jrt/aiiAlexanderCanepbeil, Steuben James Ayery, ditto* Jufiices cf the Peace. John Grant, Paffamaquody Daniel Merritt, dddifon Lemuel TreYcott, ditte George StiHmaa, Mathtat Theodore Liajtotn, ditto Phineas Bruce, ditto JohnBrewer, fl/tf.4. Scboodic,C*ltb Cociidge, ditto Benjamin Ruggics, ColumbialGuAiiut Fellows, ditto Jobo Allan, No. %\ John Cooper, of MaehiM, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs.

William tWbz^Macbiat j Qbadiih Allen, Cilumbl* •nd Benjamin rCeltoa, of No. %%. Coronert. Stephen Parker and Jeremiah Obnen, of Machna, and jofeph Patten, nf Columbia,

Practitioners cftbe Law in MafTachufem

In the County of Suffolk. Barriftera at law. James Sullivaa, Bijion Perez | Morton, Bo/on

William Tudor, ditto | Shearjafcub Bourne, ditto

Attoreies nfyfiBtft .** *Pe Saptetne Judieial Court Thomas, Edward*, Bofion} John Lowell, jun. B*ttjIOB Geprge R. Minor, ditto John Q. Adam?j d.tto Jonathan Mafen, j«n ditto j^hn Philips ditto James Hughes ditto iohn W. Fo.bei, ditt Rufus G. Anaorjr, ditto George 8 ake, dirt Jofeph Hall, ditto Robert /Paine, ditto Edward Gray, ditto Ebcnezer Gay, ditto Harrifcn G. Otia#>

Thomas Crafts,. ; ditto jeflah Quincy, ditto John Level], dittojloftph Rowe, dittoditto! Jofeph Blalee, jua. ditto Charies Potter Phelps, ditto! ( 1» )

Attoraies for pricltfiu* at tot C»nm Hi P t

Jiha William*, B-jfton Jahn Kidder, Bojhn l William Sul i»an, data iVjiliamTfjard^, ditto Charles Paine, ditto Ed*ard Jaskfots, ditto

Attorniei in the County of N irfo k. Beojamia Hichbara, of Dorchefor, Barrijler.

Altorn/ei at the Sup reme Judicial Ceurt. Ed*ratd H. Rabbins, Milton Horatio Towcfaad, Medfeld Fimir Am;«, Dedb Tho. Williams )nti.Roxbury

Samuel Htvea, ditto Afaph CLuicmii, ifefrVre* joho Lathrop, jun. ditto

Attoraies in the County of EM**.

Theophilus Parfons, of Newbury Port, Jtarrifler. Atomics at the S u»rem: Judicial Court. Edwrard Pa Iliac, Salem Mofci Par fon*. Haver bill Wtlliam Prefcac, ditto Uhab >o Tucker, dictc \}oha Pjochoa, ditto A fa And re* a, IpfwicL Samuel Putnam. ditto Johc rVnre, Glocther Nathan Dane, Beverly GsorgeBracSbttry,A;«vA. Parr Samuel Scwall, MarbUkead]

Attorrres a: the Common Plea 3. Ifaac Maasritld, Mirb'.eb;id\ rhv.ThomitjuTt.Neteb.Ps.

In the County of Middlesex. Attorniei at the Supreme Judicial Coart. William Hoot, Watertown Samue. Da™, Groton Ebsneaer Bradifh, Cambridge Timothy Siglow, ditto Jofeph Barrett, dittoijimei Prefcor, tVtHfotd Jonathan Fay Conardi Oihniel Tjler, Sudbury William Fife, ditto E

Attorniei at tbt Common Piece. Samuel Shap!e:gh,Caw5r/

In tbe County e/Barnftab'.e. Nath. Frecmm, of i*ainAab!e, Attorney Sup. Jud. Coort, Jofiah HofLy, Attorney Common Picas, Nantucket.

In tbe County cf Priftol. Attorniti at thi Supreme Judicial Court, Seth Padd!*ford, Vaunton Labao Wb*aton, Norton Nicholas Tillinghaft, ditto Edward Pope, NewBedfcrd James Sprout, Thomas Hiairaond, ditto Daniel W.heajon, Eafion J Attorniet at the Cowman Pitas. [AkursSiffjn, DartmouthjSamuel W.Bay lies, Digbton James Eiiis, Rebobc:b\H*(on Shaw, Tnunto: ' ' ' ' " j* . . . . ' - la tbe County of WotteRtr. John Spr«fue, "J**** |V*fl *, I«w. Len Lined o, of Worcefter, | Att*rnitt a* the Supreme Judicial Court* Nathaniel Pabe, tfW/fo-psniei Big'o.w, frterjbai Edward Bangs ditto Wilii«m Caldweil, Rutland |Willi8m Sever, jon. rfi'to'Ffancis Blake, ditto

•Dwight Fofter, Bfsohfeld\Stth H« ft legs, Mtnion }jabez Upham, ditto; William Stcdman, Lancaster IPelatiah Hicheotk, din^ Merrick Rice, ditto jPliny Merrick, ditto Eleazer jamei, Barn

In tbe Ctunty sf Hsmpfhire John Worth irgton, of Springfield, Mofca BJifs, of Springfield, / Barrier) Ca'eb Strong, of Northampton, C at Lata. Sireeon Strong, of Aqaherft, ( >»• ) (HiflipHi re County, ontwued, Af:ph Lyma^, dut. /7:iiiam E'y, ditt>

John Irgrrfil, oct > Jjha Phe p«, jun. John C. William*, J&t£fc> *.Z2f. W. Strong Derrfie/d A oner Mj'gaa, Brimfiiiti j.ihn flarre:*, Northfield John T»rlofi Northampton iolorom Vofe, ditto j

Sanije! HincVc?, j n. d tto •Jtephea Pyech»a ditto William Coimari, Greenfie'J avion St-ong, jon. Csnway joaathan Ltiriit, d

7» the County 0/ Bet} fni:e. Theodore Siigwiclt, of St^ckbriigc. Harrifier at La* A-nrnut at the Suprm.e Judicial Ccurt. Afhbe! S 'arg, fittiJlelhZ^h: VViHiama, Stockbridgd johoC Williams, fit'iol Btaitta Bidsveli, ditto

rhm» Allen. ditto; Daniel Dew*-, , V/illiimHon Trn>ma«l*es. Gr.Sitrington'DmM Nob'e, dito Richard Whitney, ditto* E:hao Scene", SandifieUi Samue' QJncT, £f»9x'jSam.H. Whetle*, Laxe/tcra Enoch W. Thajer, di'ro/J-ha Whitlcg, Eliflu Lee, SbtjfitLP

A to'ney at the Common T'Ust, Thamas Gold, of Piltifie'J.

In tbt County of Yark, Attcrniet »r the Supreme Judicial Court, G

H the County of Comb- had. At'irniet at the Supreme Juidal Ceurt. [eha F.-o Ihghitn, ?:r-.la,U\ WiM. Synr.ttKj.Jar*. Fort!ar4 Da.iie' Dtvij, dit-ciSa'moo Chsce, d.it* John Ba«le», jaa, of Portlani Attorney at CozmnPUct. — j ( if 3 ) In the Cour.ty of Lii"»co

N Aitorn'us at the Supreme Judicial C»»rt, I rimo.LaogdoD, fownalfor*\GccT&t V/itito, JVinflow Silas Lee, ditto James Bridge, Augufia. Sam. S. Weld, WaldcborA Aitornies at the Ccnmcn Pleas Man«nTah$mita,/Vtt>>;

Jm the County cf Hinccc Jc, Attcrniet at the Sutrence Judicial Court. Ifaae Parker, Ca/line, Job Nelfoo, Caftine Oliver Leonard, Orringtcn]

Thcmas S. Spi'hawk, of Buekflcn % Attorrey at the Court of Common Pleas.

In the County if Wa/hington, Phiaeaa Bruce, of Maehis?, Attorney at the Supreme Judicial Court,

Practitioners of the Law, before admijfen are to take the following,, Oath jn open Court. V*0 U fotzmnly Jivear that you will do no fat/hood, nor\ conjent to the diitg of any in Court, and if you Anew, cf an intention to commit any, you tvi I give knewlecge thereof to the Court, or fine cf them, that it nay he pre-] vented: You will no: wieting.y or willingly promote or\ fu* any falje, g-ound efs, or unlawful Suit, nor give aidl *r conjent to the fame ; You wili delay nc man fcr lucre, or malice lut you wilt conduct ; yourfef in the office cf an Attorney within the Courts accordirg tn your befi know- ledge and difzreticn. and with aU gccd fidelity, as well to the Court as your Clients, So kelp you God,

#% Tho' the preceediog Lists ere perhaps as ermpleat as could well be collected at the time, yet Infomaticn of any alterations or additions are ftill requefted, that all nectary amendments may be made, aed the work rendered as correct as its tarying nature wiM admit. '< '»*)

<2 s *•*> ) (,'g* &l

IS t ••51 -S

155 few s S ^ ©-s

«* « e Hr o o O'^e cu

AS *-Q 5 IS*

Ii S 98.] ( u« ) Brigadt Staff Office* s.

Jdcob Gill, Brigadier General ift Brigade, Thayer, brigade majer. I <3 \ Samuel M. "~ Watban Crane, brigadier general, ad brigade. 2s 1 ° a 1 3^«fc Ai«»», brigade major. «co iI GeVeoii Fcijter, b^gadier general, ift brigade, Sylvejier Ojhsrrt, brigade major.

met Bricket brigadier general id brigade. *§*1 J* i i Epbraim Emery, brigade major. John Walker, brigadier gtr.eral, ift brigade. Jeremiah Clap, brigade major.

Henry Woodi brigadier genera', id brigade. | Sampjen JVosdt, brigade major. KCO *•

brigadier general, ift brigade Jfrael fearing WiUiam jaekfon, brigade major.

brigadier general, %i brigade. I ^ i SrVfli C^*, *gad« major. #Pi7/J*« M b general. bt«g«*«' Ebenezer Utbrtp, bngedi*' 3* •eel brigade major,

1 111 bt5 adt' NoobM.Litil'fiCobb,b,\i*titt general, major. Nathaniel C. *//<«, brigade

brig»ie, ft JobnCttler, brigadier penerai, ift ^'*» *"#»• brJ8*de aiaJor * I I $ \ brigade. y brigadier general, ad IlK %4» ^rr^, major. /Ifern'rt Aim, brigade »

( 1*7) Abiel Wood, Hr gadu-r Gewl, tfl brigade, &etb Vinkbim, brigade major % Henry Seiva'l. b. ^adier een*ra% xd brigade, Amo% Stoddard, brigade majori

brigadier genera!, xft btigtde Stephen Dewey^ bigadr major.

TompJtnJ.'ttinner, brijiadkr getr«ral,sd brigade. | 'Vil'tam Toivn:r y brgade rmjo<

Richard Hunniioeli, brig, general, iftbrigadc Thomas Phiiiips, brigade m»jor, i5 ^J; /*" Geo'ge StiUman, bngadit' jeoeral, id tul^ade. £ S o X Janet Avery, brigade major 2=J^

Field Officers in the federal Coun iss. l&Divifion, Suffolk &c. 3d Regiment in ? d brigade BH»kimAd*ms,iiw%col.c«w Firft Invade.

ift Regiment brigade. No!> h Bure:fwaitn, I : in raa c„ 8am«l Bradler, iieuc. co\. Amas Tuir,e , 1 ccrnmsadanti "T"""

' ** DiviJ/a*, Fa sex, Bejijamia RufTtU. L ^ ^

ad R«£/W»* r* 1 brigade ift Regiment in ift £ «£«

John Barker, . ,S, I ma] ,„ mnB, J 7mm " jonatk-aa Bates, | | \ ' 3d Regiment tn i& brigade, it Regiment in yQ b-ijads. ii John Ufcroak, Usui,, eol. j luuf.cni.com.

maJOrn ™j ° r$ fcr»a, C , :k. I ! ! 4tU Regiment in ill brigade, '& Regiment in ift brigade, Nat or^e b d. |Eif;ba r-na?.a,iieut. col.com ohn G Ragerj, 3 arS R..ger», * J ^nd ?rtgi4f. Ilgnat.u J 1$ R'.gi-nent in »,i brigade. 4th Regiment in ift brigade. Jon."C .ng{bu'jr,ii.ruf.co).c.!m licut.eol.coc3 MofeaMann, t William Hctrunj. j ma 0, « majors J j Reuben Newj'J, | id Rtg'msntiii id brigade* jth Regiment in ift brigade, Joieph Rich* rda, licut. col. JcihuaSurnham, it.col.com. Robert S.**n t . John Bur'eJ>, I Ma 3f, J * ma '9 Jaac Sh«». , J j, j !j, me, Robjoa, | ( »8)

Field Officers of Militia, continued. 6th "Regiment,4n ift brigade, 4.:b regiment in Ift brigade. J ethroh'uCmfo iieut.coi.com N*than Perry, iieut.fot. com. Zech&rian is.in«, | , JfsibnChamberiain, ! n ma 01 ' Andrew Nichols, "i°" 3 J Ua.c Burnap. | Second Brigade, Essex. ift regiment in zd brigade. Second Brigade. ]. VVhiucmQiCiieottCuj.com* 1 A regiment in zd brigade, M-fea tVirkr, oenpovo Sawijtj colonel jofiiua Ltttlc. E^hnim RuiTell, lieur.col. ad regim.n: in ii brigade. Thomas Hapgood, major .?d regiment in J»m« Hjrgkm.,, U u t, coi. zd brigade,

•Robert Farley. I Benjamin Of^ood. cotonsl ma or8 J col. iAfa Ntifen j Abrl Boynton, lieu;, 3d rtgimtntin 2d brigade. Jonathan Bancroft, major >Nath.Lt>»ejoy,lieuj.cai.com.i 3<* regiment in ad brigade. iSamuel jdhnfon, fcfsph B. Varoum, cotooel mi or» Thomas Savory, i William Hiidreth.Iieut.col. | 4ib regimeat in %d brigndf John Parker, major Jona. Evans, lieu:. col. com.

(ooa^haa Smith, ! *th Divifrn, Hampshire. [majors! ifa^c Wittier, Fir/} Brigade. 5th regiment In 2d Ar«Va i,. | ^ '^frjx'rt \ ri?ad< Dan e. F.,ot, l.eot.coi. com. . ; aCob B j icut col / ecr Amoa Bo.dmaa, j , L,^ M , cfc , obii Radford, m.jo;s J 'E'iiah BiacLman.

3d regiment init ift brigade. . §( rh ^^ ,„ , ft brigade. ]amesCo,buro,l,euc i eol.com Abrer B.nwn. lieut.col.com - S-.ft.oiu, . ?* I n,majorsjAlexandrror \T S" | «am oi* John Edwards, J ^ 3 iAaroa Morg, Dj | i*9 J ) Field Officers */ Militia, continued Second 3rigaie Hampfb t 4fh regimtnt, in ift brigade, I ft Regiment, »d brigad:. S. Sitwevan;, !i=at.co:.Ci,» Abitl Wafcbura, Lemue! D.cfciafon, Iteur.col. Peter majors £raftu» H„»ar, Lyman, | mi rs * Srr

5th Divijicn. Third Brigade, 8, rnftable. * FtTMoUTH. fjR'STOL, Barnstable, Dukes ftresmtnt in $4 brigade}'. County, and Nan- TUCKET iieut. col. com. , /Dsvid Nye, ; Fi'A Bri majors; galet Pl 7mootJj< 'Tho. Tocher »<* regiment ift Jr/jW*. »d regiment i> 3d brigade, )<>bn j Tftomaa lieut. Coi.com. Z*ccheus lieu:, eoi Bartlet, ( J oh;3 Shaw, majors I majors 2d regime i„ I ft brigade G.o.g.ruroerJ.cuc.col.com 6li D pbcriea TVner, U ] >*"f'*«. | Nath m »jori] rOK * «»«h»mb Syivefte' I mr AKD 'ft 3d r^/aw* /; \ a &ri , *$«*; rBf^. ,ft *"'*«*'- zdKilZ{it * */;*™ fy^u Jt Jm 'Daoiel Carey ;{."* ™Dble, coJonei n ayior |«"pri;£" * ,ieot » C WriWHirtWell, J . °L jobri No e][ W t fn a j crt M 2 C ! p):.- ,_. Ficlti Ofiicers if Militia, continue I

Yo-k f|? CuTmer!ai

< . }d r ez m n t (ft ^dOrigad".. Lieut. co!. corn Ji>T*p+» Morrelij licut. col.

SimasI Jordan, i J *•; majors

4*fa rcg'tMtnt in.\ ft brigade. 4-ttl r^a:i. |

Beniamn Warlrert. I { fell* Gfetfnfar"aia j

$$ regimznt in ift brigade 5 l '» 'tgimnt in ft brigade. ]£uk W*Wktr, lieat. «oi. 7 Sfir. La'ti?(J, :.tui..c i . Cv/m Qiloatrick.i . Tb~rr<.ae M npi Alpbeus ajo " Marble, | h m'J°" i^vS Caleb Burbank j ad Brirsdt Cambttlind, brjgsd?, I ft regiment in xi Brigade. Second Jaci23 Lunt, iieut. coi. lb regiment in 2^ brigade.

Jjnj^ Wjtbb, I Tiai.lCiibjrn, lieot.ceWcom, ^ Tanas Laos, ad regiment in %6 brigade, Silt. HoIdim,. L^W Q«'a3 bianchard, lieu:, frpl. I «d regiment in James R^iM, T-Ij^, id brigade. £°a ^' iienNtoi.co'n. Shares THo**, I Joaa.Wb^cr,

D*»id W. Leitsd | . 3d regimeHi in i'i brigade. »•'"« Calvin Newtoo, | Nath. «-% oft, lieat.co3.com. 3d regiment in zi b'igade, J Jofhh Libby, f }v.fe .ij.3fowQ, tieut.coi.com. ; renmint in ad brigade \4i)fe9 Greenwood, 4tb { "^_. Ed«a d A*oerforj, iicut. cot. j feph Nc R .., I Bodge, major Seajimin 4th rtgivttnt in ad bngide. [ofeph jfftrerrjieat.c ti.com l&Dlvipn, Worcester Thomas Kimb.-J, 1 -^is-L F;V/2 Brigade, Amoa Jtfoods, I id regixt nt in jjl brigade. 5^1 regiment in ad brigade PhifuasJ.ine*. Jieat.coUco.mi SitasHvze't-.te.iitut.coi.cmi,

- Paul Bjyntonp Wiluam Wni'r, I m majaraj

John Giu d.ngt c -; Wit. .Parker,

1 ,.« .i ^^.^ag, m ( }p

3 of Vlilit-a, cintinneJ. ti regiment i,n Irig^e. %th I. c-lN. j if '.j, b>adlejr, ».tut. col. lft IJNjtjed Mrfcfger, ma^r fe r«rrW« i* ttt ^aaV^fliliy

La*, col. com. Eh. ft***; «*:eaf: *|£^ fort,

rr. jr *"•«/ -» t.i . s; U -;; m jj or» Hid*, id regiment in ift h'i'adt- jjho I David t**yif«0 "u'.ccl.cjili.i ' Second Brigadt. -b'igaie* VV.T'i.Cu-ni.'sfhiai, ! :^. ift regiment in ai mi 9 ] William-S**«f> ISfcSBuei 5 loan, «o!o3t; 3d regnr.ent in ift- brigade. ' j«s Po'«M^ Meut. col.

fe.MciatyjKi ^e«W regitnttitt in Yfk iri&fa'.f.frh N-.»rtfewpj _ I ^j,,^ u2u coi.com. ,e: Jimrj^.*H«»2 U arn Ga« t d *rt&«*&, Rri-uni-i Bucket * . j «d «©**«* «« * *] tieat.csl. OcisRob'.iJ, [ 1 Will am IVcSiards,

brigade. I a regiment in id I | Ni..F*.l)aois,iiaa:.col.c.rnj - - Tho. Filicbfown, JO:h Di-vi/ijn^ Hancick j jjjgjgygj WvVasuikgtoh, SethGi?, I .

iVad *r/^

* I Arrh.L rk50wl.wK.col coml ; . |ft reglmtntw 1% briga £

Willum ttenatli. i m ,: org lteat.to1 c>m, Eia«Oi» S ^ecwia, 1 Carlton, l . Datid rg J^hnC^d ev.eut.col.com. ^ „£&* U f ft *rfc«fo

EhflwW.ad, t Uob«rt Ttear, 1 mi ,„,

> JjHt.^k.f.nrM jor, Heat,!t»nf. col.rn . torn.com. S«sa ieji, lieut.co'. 4l K Obad>ah..W..ith««U.| ] ;of,. h WaiJU . ? | Ma org j |9th Divifton , Bf.F*5HiRi. sd • » 4*^' I ft>*Tith Brigade. , ^ W**.* P-' 2 '> e '-' ift r<*r*Wr^«ai «J.S'ft krirade.*rr^i.-. i*"*:"^f»«^ ? . lOor^.l.^Th ,A >n,i.«M}pU-7 Tho,», !vc», rt>!o.eJ . Ke a Jofeph G^diidie.b«i«.CoJ.| .!**»» Jy^igMi* *a* ( )

^ *''**&'*' '/Artillery I m*d£*.I* DM&m l* brigade, | H\baltaiont itn; or jScrja. B;a„di» James RoKftToa, e, fj ca t§ ptf "Viflum cap:, Hemfyw, capt, td ^y,, , f 6 a Di-uifun. lb brigade, 1 battalion. inaiof ^n;.r. • . L [**£**< itattali*,. mi , Naf^ c BE? r* *** Jeremiah Clark, cspr. *AhniZ9de> % onpar.ia. Fiedencfc t G.JaUn. ea*t. Lemud Weeks, ee pf . Thomas Mean?, ca >. *ibrgade, P t battntion 7'b DiV ;:„ «W Croft, major ;/ t J." l brigade, R l batta'ion. icojamn tSoeh G.itfatof cap. A^diewi, major

iMcfw DreiTer, etpv. »d b-igaJe. 1 battalia. Seth Caldwell, Luki Bem.a, cape. maj^r. n W.lliam Caldwell, $« uc( HaltW C2pr. cai)t. Oard Ephralm Johnfon, Gwdwio, capt. c?pt. *d 8th Divifion, ^/|Wff# , r t& brigade. ^ ^V5S . Aia.s F*. n f - £>aWd Sy:*trter, capr. WJftb< m or lofcua Shave, Keubei Preach, capt. capt. ad |i«jamGard.)er, capt. Brigade, 4fb Djvijjg. Edmund Greeiieaf, capt. *bbri William Kajwood, gaiet t bat tali capt. ta , lAmaia Santa, major 9 f h Divijiiu. jjoiwchaa Town, cape. »ft 1 ^'^V, »*^8JI . esp\ .atlas Whitney, capt. br I . ** '^. battalion. ! ad brigade^ 1 L altalien. jE.ihu Lyman, rruja; *am. H. Wseeler, major ISoiom-ra S-nead. capt. fOarid Powell, ea t. ; JFrccaorn Mj?hfw, C a'pt. cfpc. 5^h Divifi.n. lofb Divijon, Ift oV/^, , battalion. ift Brigade. Luke Na»\ m ,jor Samuel Kogcr*, capt. Elearef ftblrie., Befcjamln capt. WLee'er, c?,pt. JNoai ford. capt. ( 133 ) omvtanding Officers of the Corps *f Cavalry Ames, captain ift Divifim. Amorofe Samuel fUrkland, captain ift brigade, t Troops. \therton Thayer, captain 5th Divijion. brigade I Squadron. HufiaG. \mory, captain ift t Ifaac Laze'.l, majcr xd brigade^ 3 Troops. major William Bourn, captain capta n Beriah B«ftow, captain Narbaa Mitchell, Squadron. Elijah Crane, captain »d brigade, I Mof«» Haufliorn, capt. Pb lip Walker, major Da^d Talbot, captain ad Diviuon. Panic! Gilbert, captain id brigade, I jquadron. T\wuthy Wake., captain |ame» Duncan, major 6-h Divifion. rimothy Ofgocd, eaorain ift brigj.'e. a Tro'pt, Nathan M.mmond ,cap<:a n Mark Furoald, captain kbcl Boardman, captain OlUer Keating, captain 3d Divijssx. «d brigade, a T*o pU tit brigade, 1 jquadron. Si mem tarcom, captain B«owo, fohn major Daniel S~to«el , captain annuel Fo*ri«, caouin / 7 th Divijion.' onathan Ooidge, captain I , jft bri ade , oatu li „ t^jitnin Wyman, .capta:u ! ThoiTm Denny, lieut. col. caoiaut Vii'.liam Jones, Jonathan Davis, major ( ad brigad;, 5 Troops, captain I Jer«m Kin?fbury, f»feph Fte^chc, captam fhadieus Chipir, captain , : .dmond Biood, capuin, IJcfiahTaft, -capum iohn Sawic, captain iTnomas Rice, captain 4th Di-v-fton- captain

td I Battalion, \fi brigade, I ijacu'i.n, brigade, i»m»c\ Porter, lieut. Co HaUoway laylor, Lent. cJ msjor Ru Tell Atwa er, major Jothsra Buffi, feyh Vliiier, captain jfotharn Boukcr, captain captain Samue! K..v x, c»pt*i'i Jam s Humphreys captain pnie Mn^r, captain john CrawtVc, captain Dav^d H^dir captain S»muei Spiffed, Gocd.ich, c.puin %d triga 'e, 1 Buiti'ion. Afapb

EHe". GJ-bert, lieut. col. 8ih Divijhn, Phineas F-arey major ift brigade. £ iiha 8'ewfttr, captain Silas Lee, captain, Ebenez^rMoncague, car>taio ad brigade, William Stearns, captain Pe**r Grant, captain ( '3 4 >

Cavalry Officers, &c. continued

9th Divifton. 9th Divfrn.

1 ft brigade, 1 fquadron, %i brigade. 1 fquadron, Jofnh Dwight, major Th >mai Gould, major SiIm Dewey, captain William Me ler>, captain captaia Samuel Kellogg, captain

Brigade Corps in Bofton.

O^cere of the Company of Cadets, I^eut. Cof. Jofeph May, Captain, Major Thonua H. Perkin*, Lieutenant, Major Jofeph Chapman. Enfign, Capt, Judsh h\/es, Adjutant,

Oncers o/&* Artil!e?y^ Captain. Diniel Wild, Caitaln Lieutenant,

Benjamin Larkm, Fi'fi Lieutenant,

Officers of tbe Fuft'ier Ccm£ar,j* John B'azer, dpiain. SamucJ Green, Lieuunant,

OfRceri of the Cara'ry in Bo fton. Rufus G. Amory, Capta'n. Sim-.el Pe-k'T Fir/t Lieutenant.

Fcierick W Gejer , Second Lieutenant, John T« Apthorp, Cornet. <^VX> fjfM 1 _ »Y 3^ A& of Cong:cfs pa ^ed »n luoe 1797, the Pr?fid«ftf of the U Ued S a:cs was auihir zed to tequre of Ut cecuttves of the feve.al States, to take eflre^ttrai mea- '« at fuch time at he ftiai" d:«m nece»T«>iy, tc o'?a- te, arm aod equip, accoriijBg to law, and hold in readi-

(fa to match a- a moment *] warmrg. 'be following t>ro- utinns of 8o,oco effsctife Militia, -fficers included, viz,

rum -he S aie of TenelTee, 8cf : From Georgia, 1334 • -jtn Syurh-Caroiina, 35 J 5 "• Frcrn North-Caroiina,

2 r t Virgin?!, 26S •. F-um Kentucky, 154 : om 11,150:

r;-m Maryland, 5161: From Delaware, n68 ; From

eonfy fann. 10,696 : From N w-Jerfey, 4186 : Frcai (lew-York, 79*3 : From Vermont, 21501 F< mCjn-

efticjt, 5S6 : From

Antient and Honorable Artillery Company.

(Incorporated in the Year J638. ) IThe Gjjic*ri are chofen annually the fiift Monday in June. Taofe chofen in June 1797, are as follows, vie*

Samuel Todd, Captain ,

Jooat Esfs, Lieutiitant t Jofeph Loverin^, Enfign, Serjiantt.

William Walter, 1 Edmund Bowmaa,

Robert Homes, I John Haunt, Edward BIsnchiH, C erk. J iha Wiaflow, Irtafurer to the Company,

Officers of the Garrifon at Caflle Ifland. ' Hit Excellency the Governor, Commander io Chief* William Perkins, Captain Lieutenant. Samuel Treat, nrft Lienrcoaor. John B'jrbick, fecond Lieutenant aod Gunner. Four Serjeants. Four Corporal*. One Drummer. One F-fer, and 50 Matrofl'es. William Euftir, Pir finsn and Surgeon, Jacob Emerfon. Chaplain. Kathao Leeds, Over feer of the Contifts.

Lewis Anfart, of Dracut, Co^ntl cf Artillery, and Iafpe£oi General ofthcFotratterrM. ( i3<) Officers tftbe Regiment in Boltoa. Samuel Bradlee, Li.ut. Col. Commandant*


Extract Jrcm a late additional Militia i titv. a Law of this Commonwealth patted Feb. 44th, BY ** 1796, it is enacted. That no non-commifiionec officer or private, belonging !o any company of militia, fhall be exempted from military duty onaecoont of bodily infirmity, un'efs he fhall obt*in a certificate from thr Surgeon or Surgeon's mate of the repirr.eot to which ht belongf, if either pf thofe Officers are authorized in fait regiment, if not, from a reput?b!e Surgeon or Phyficiar living within the limits of the fame, that he is unable tc do military duty by resfon of bodily infirmity, the eaufil of which is to be defcribed in faid certificate, j and thr Cffieer commarding faid company may upon tee back cl faid certificate, difcharge the parfm named the ein frotri doing military duty in faid company {or fiith term of tim< as he fhall judge reafonable ; which certificate, if appro»e> and counterfigned by the Officer commandirg the regi- ment, battaiiion or fquadron, to which fuch perfon belongs fhall intitte him to a full exemption from military duty for the term therein fpecified. ——No appeal is allowed t< 1 either party, from the judgment of 'a Juftice of the Peace, upon any profecntion or complaint brought by any Clerk 01 a company of Infantry, Artillery or Cavalry, which thu Militia Law require? to be prosecuted by faid Clerks/'— |

J_jj7 ) nauticalTFT^el licence;— [Recommended t printers fc- publication bf H. LINCOLN, S* er„tendant P of L, bt.HoU State £ f„, of' Majfacbujmx^ BLight-Houfe on Cape Cod. Y Order of the United State., a Light Houfe h,J

•"- teste i!-r w«t -^t,^'!

»tt«f«h. "h"k *'" «rr fouth channel r yc

^Th^o7^ ,ou will hare lo fathom, nV Whwe water T^-ll . * bar ,ie ** back of the . !* • " « off Can. .k halfi When frcm the ft o ?e. up wifh R« ^ - V*

k»If e 5 . mil? ftmtCaZ.'I™? 5V «°* •""•"I

Cl7i>£j N i ' i3» ( ) _Z bsrbor, yourcourfe fromRact ) If bound into Cape-Cod diftance, bring the point to Wood-end, it S S E, 6 miles it about a miles, you iieht to bear E by N and run for then you muft fieei will then be clear of Wood-end— then run for N E until the Light bears E by S— N W fathoms wa- the barbar, until you have from 4 to 3 1-* the Light then will ter, where you have good anchoring, bear E by S i-a S, 5 or 6 milea diflarce. -end—after lo ronnmg from tbe Race-point to Wood you will come vou oafs the Black-Land or HemmueVi, ; ch fo«m> the harbour op with a low fandy beach, wh j miles to Vood-end, e*;endiug between two and thre: dWnguifoed in the night it W wbich is difficult to be j fathoms water witbtn ,c:y bold—you will have as half a mile of tbe mere. muft keep the beating into Cape-Cod harbor, you I In fathoms water EatUrnthore aboard, until you get.into S wtftward than to bring the Light Stand 00 further to the off frnm there is a long (pit of fand runs to bear E by S, as beicg very bold, ,ou wi!» have the wefttrn fhore, which within ftone't throw cf the more. II fathom water you eannot beat into th* it blows fo hard that In cafe 1 anchoring without, from 10 had wafer. t> ic fathom would wifh to put away for) VefftUio Bofton bay end endeaior to fall 10 with tbe Cane- Cod harbor, muft you cannot fee the land you R*« If in the night end uct.t to bear E by N, aod run for it rouft bring tbe Light ™ fathom water-.- then have fo.ad.it ia 14 or i S E by S, then run in &". N E until the Light bean N water off Rsce-Point, a, end' cha'£ it is high 1 Z AH VelTela in leaving Cape- L-'eSfc end 4 5 minutes. fhould calculate the tide, a. th. 'cod fcSSd J« *ofton, to the fouth-weft. floodalood fetafets nwftrong8 rQmR WILUAM S, } Commute NATHANIEL GOODWIN, ( from tb JOHN CRUFT, V farin JOHN HILLS, _ J /•«*» THO'S BARNARD, A Branch Pilot, Port ofbepor at Prcmmeetcw, SOLOMON COOK, I Refidentt CafcCcd. ELIJAH NICKERSON, | ( '39 )

Salem Light- Houfe, on Baker's Island. BAKER's Msnd, on which tbeLightHoufe has lately been erected, is about three e ghths of a mile long, tending about North and South, th« Lighthoufe is on the

Northerorooft end of faid illani, with two Lights j thofe .Lights are about 40 feet from each other, fanging N. W, a quarter W. aod S. E. a quarter E. the South Light 95 feet [from the furface of the water, and the NorthLight 78 feet.

VefTels inward bound, and falling in with Cape-Ann, \ may obferve the following dire&ions, vix. Wheo abreaft of Cape-A*n Lights, bearing N.N.W. about two miles diftance, fteer W.S.W. about three leagues, which brings them up with the Eastern point of Cape-Ann, the.i fteer W.byS. 7 mi'es and a half, which brings them up with the Lights on Baker's Jfland. Ships bound to Sai'em, and falling to the Southward \i Boilon Bay, and running for the Lights, when making the Lights, they raoS keep the North, and loweft Li£ir:,j open to the Eaftward of the Southern Light, and run f

: from theLighu N.E. half E. j msie & 3 quarters d tbore, In going into SaUm, and beicg up with the Lights

give B>kei's Ifland a birth cf cne quarter mile or .'efs then ftcer W.byN. and you will pafi the rV! ifery-IiW-d, leaving it on jour Starboard hand, which b:ars from the Lights N. W. half N. diftance 4-5 of a nrle, continue yur courfcW.byN.one miie'aod a half, then you hive p»(Ted Bowditeh*BL«dge, leaving it in yourLaiboard bani, whe>e 2ny ftraaecr may anchor in fate:?, in about 5 fat ht roe water, good anchoricg ground. But if you choofe to atecttA into Saiem harbor, then ficer V ? eft, until abreaft or" tbeHafte, which you will leave on yoi?r Larboard ha;.-d, about ha f a imle diftance, then fteer S.W. by W. w h ch WiH car»y you iato Salem harbor. - ( '4Q ) N.B, a ftsro - PoiQt *><*"/"«* BakerVIfland Lights f\?*, , , by N half ST. . 7^^ **// „//„ <*#«„, Halt- W ay Soc* i>ej rt from the Lights South a quarter E, tfrw «*<* f «' **«»"• 7 ?f ""/" Hardiog', Rocks bear from the l-'fittU W. three quarters N.

JONA. MASON, Society's Cl!r.

*n txpidithus and convenient Method of finding VelTel't j Burthen, or Gauging a VeJJ'el by Gunter's Scale 6f Compaflei, without tbeUfe of a Fen. J. gXteod the Compiles from 95 on the Line of Num- bers to the Breadth the /ameExteot will reach from the Length of the Keel to a fourth Numbsr .- Or, Extend the Compares from 95 on the Line of Number* to the Length of the Keel .—the fsme Extent will reach from tie Breadth to a fourth Number. t. Extend the Compaffes from 1 or Unity to the faid fourth Number before found : the fame Extent will reach, for double dtcVd Vejfeh from half the Breadth to the Tons : For jingle dtcVd Veffeli t from the Depth to the Tons. Sometimes it may happen that the laft Extent of the Ccrnpafles placed according to Rule will paft orer the' cod of the Sca!e ; in which cafe the Extent placed at one Quarter the Breach for double decfCd Veflele, or at Half the Depth for Jingle decked Veflele, will give one Half the Tonnage Addrejjed to Gaugers, &c. by '— - M. N* -JJ4« ) folhwir.g is f$** inftrted at the reauefi of the MASSACHU 8 ZTTsCHARiTA« LK FlRE Socl.TT.) DIRECTIONS httrtV entiKT Calamities by FIRE. £P ° Ur *• y Ch!tnnics **d Stove-Pipes clean, K L i\ bJ iweepiog 'tern at .W coc« every month. rno * e ho • fl,M ," - • *; 1 vojtoi veffel of any I *VV ^ Kind, tod look well to your a/h-brle. After fwee?ing 3. a hearthi (it that the bra A does roc retain any particle* of fire, before ycu bane it upr in 119 uiual place. ° Oblige all your 4. fervant* t* go to hed before you. every o.ght, and infpeft all your fire places, before yci retire to reft.— For fear of aeddentt, Izi a bucket of wa- b, '

, hc fm°ke whk i{i;ucs - * from th»toother'd tire,ir IHwill findJ . its w*y into every part of the houfe, and oy w,k«trt, family mayfave it from deftrua£a. 0. If iickatjfa, er ary other caufe/hoold oblige you t 1*:ve a cradle burning all night, place it in fueh a f-raa lion « to be out of the way of rats. A hoof, was one.

the fake of the tallow, and conveying it into a bolt fijj,e »«th rag,, , nd inflammahleanatteT.: i Lm*l » a ( 14*1

io. Never read So bed by candle light, efpecially if your bed be forrounded by curtains. ii. Strictly forbid the ufe of fegars in your family at ail times, but efpecially after night. May not the greater fre- quency of fires iathe United States than in former years, be aferibed in part to the mote general ufe of fegars by etrelefa fer rants and children > —There is good reafon to believe a houfe was lately fet on fire by a half coofumed fegar, which a woman fuddenly threw away to prevent beiog detected in the unhealthy and offenfire practice of fmoaking.

IN safe of jirt attend to the following AireEliont, to pre vent or reftrain its terrible confequencet.

i. Do not open the room or clofet door where you fuf pact the fire to be, until you have fecured your family land your raoft valuable effects, nor until you have col Bected a quantity of water to throw on the fire, the mo jane.it a frefh fupply of air excites it into a flame. Where Krater cannot conveniently be had, try to fmothcr the fire y throwing two or three blankets over it. A Britifh Ilea captain once fared a king's ihip by throwing himfcif (with a fprcad blanket in his arms, upon a iitt which had (broken out near the powder room. ' He was pensioned 'for life, for this wife and meritorious act.

I a. In cafe it be impoffible to efcape by a ftair-cafe from a houfe on fire, ftut the door of your bed-chamber, and wait until help can be brought to fecare your efcape from a window. 3. If fafety does not appear probable in this way, wrap youtfelves up in a blanket, hold your breath, and luib. through the flames. If water be at hand, firft wet the blanket. 4. To prevent fire defcending from the roof, or af- ctndirtg from the nrft ftory, form by means of blankets or carpets, a kind of dam on each of the intermediate ftories, near their ftair-cafe, that /bail confine the water that is thrown upon the roef, or into the windows. It will ef- fectually check the progrefs of the fire downwards or up- wards in brick or ftcne houfet. 5. To prevent fire fpreading to adjoining hoi>fcs, cover them with wet blanket t or carpets, or old fails. ( <43 ) 6. To extinguith fire in a chimney, mut the doors and windows of the room. Throwing a quart or more of common fait into the fire. Hold, or nail a wet blanket before the fire place. If thefe means fail, throw a wet blanket down the chimney from the roof of the houfe. There is a method ufed in fame countries cf glazing cbimniet when (bey are built, by burning common fait in them, which renders ibem fj ftnootb that no foot can adhere to them. Chisnnies fo canftruBed can never take fire. Ladders are commonly ufed as the means cf conveying perfons from the windows of houfes on fire. Would not a long and ftifY pole, with a rope fix«;d on its upper end, be

more portable, and convenient for this purpofe ? The famous Mr. John Wefiey when a child, was taken out of a window in his father's houfe whilft in fliroeSj by one man ftanding upon the moulders of another. This praftice be may ufcd to icfcue perfons from the firft ftory of a houfe on fire, when other meant cannot be had with fufEcieat convenience or DIRECTIONSexpedition. for the fpeedy and efeBual ext'mguifbing of FIRE. I. | ET water bs impregnated with a folution of one or JL-# more of the following fixed falts. (i) Marine Salt, (x) Pot or Peafl-a/h«. (3) AJlura. (4) Copperas. *. Lee every family keep a hog/head, cr at leaft a bar- rel of th;s impregnated water, which mould frequently be ftirrcd. It may be kept in warm weather ic an ouf^ houfe, in co!d weather in a cellar. 3. In every engine houfe let a large butt mounted 01 wheels be kept ready for nfe. This may be drawn by a horfe to aoy place where it may be wanted. To this butt let there be fixed one or two large wooden cocks, with a ffiort leather hofe to prevent waRe. 4. Should a fire be of long continuance and in danger of fpreadmg,an additional quantity of thofe falts pulverifed being prcvioufly provided will fcondiffolve and mix with an additional quantity of water.

The Advantages of fucb impregnated water, above common water, art as follows • I t ' , damp0r ettiogui/h the fire inftanf.neouflv. I *M , It will prevent thetnc P burntburat wood fromff°m rekindling*rekindlin. fcT 1. T . "' for whennen the waterwat«r i< »***_.. »..i *w_ r.i . .. is evaporated the faltt remain, Net ( »44

I AW, To prove this let any perfon dip . brand of fire ioto common foap-lye, an p then J»y it on the hotteft fire, or I« him take the ft 3ve* of a leach barrel in which foap has been kept, and put them in a glowing oven— and he will hed that they will not eafilf kindle.

3. Br rwfoo of , t s fu?«»ior"wtight, it may fee thrown with greater ioKeagainft the wind. A very 4. fmaU q untity will do more execution, than • urge quantity of ftrnple water. It may 5. bs ufed with more fuccefs in fmall than large Engines. 6. It will five much hbosr of pumping and handling of buckets, and prevent much wafte of wat:r as in the common method. If 7. a perforated plate of brafs or copper like thofe on the extremity of the tube of a watering pot be fixed with a ferew to the pipe of an engine, the* water may be more equally diftributed over the fur/ace of burning wood, than by one Angle ftrearo. This can be of ufc only in fmall Engioes. 2V PRaysNT Flaks ofFirefrm h'tnilivg taken they fall on the wooden roofs of buildings. Take three parts (by meafure) of air-flacked lime, two do. of finely fifted wood-a/hes, and one do. of fioe fsod, grind them in oil to the confifieoce of paint, and lay on the mixture with a brufli.

Two coats will be neceflary j the firft thin, the fecond ^as thick as it can be conveniently wcked. This coating will harden by time, and is impenet.able by flakes or even coala of fire falling on it.

Roxbury Canal Company* Jofeph Rugbies, Chairmen, Giles Alexander, Treafurer. Doft. Tbomae Williams, 7 Ralph Smith, L ... - Z>'"**^, • Nehemiah Monroe, f Charles Davie, J Beoj. Weld, CUrk,

The Aquedaft, from Roxbury fo Bofton, it in gnat f«rv>ardnefi% f U* ) Additions, Corre&tons, is c. for the Regifter. PAge i. Rhode-Hland. Ray Greene, Senator, vice William Bradford, refigaed. Vermont. Nathaniel Cbipman, Senator, vice lf*ac Ticheoor, eiethd Governor. Lloyd Mirylacd. James t Sens. or, vice John Henry, eieftcd Governor, Tenaffee. John Anderfon, & Andrew Jackjon, Senaton, vict Wiliiim Blount and William Cocke. Page *. New-Hampfhirc, Peleg Sprague, Reprefentative,

vice J. Smith, ^pointed Diftri& Attorney. Maffachafeits. Bailey Bartlett, Rtprefentative, vice Tfeeophiius Bradbury, appointed a Juftiee of the Supreme Judicial Court, in Maffachufetta, Rhode-Ifland. Thomas Tillir.gbaji, Reprefentatire, vi:e Eliiha R. Potter, refigned. Connecticut. John Allen, Reprefentative, emitted. William Edmonds, Reprefentative, viet famei Davenport, deceafed. New-York. Henry Glenn, Reprefentative, omitted.

Pennsylvania. Jofeph Heifier, Reprefentative, ^ George Ege, refigned. Pag« 3, South Carolina. Thomas Pinckney, Reprefentitivt, vice Wm. Smith, (Ch.) appointed Ambaffador. Tennafiee. William Claiborne, Reprefentative. 3. Clerk of the hcnfe of Reprefentativei, fheold be Jonathan W Condie. Page 5. Mafne. Daniel Davis, Diftrift Attorney, vice William Lithgow, jun. deceafed. Rhode-Ifland. David L. Barnes, Diftri£l Attorney. George Halliburton, Deoo'y Marfoal of Diflri£k Court Maine, vice David Howe, refigned. Nathan Hayvoard, of Plymouth, DeputyMaifhal MafTachnfetts Diftpicl. Page 6. New-York. Robert Tr»«p, Diftr5c*r. Judge. Delaware. Gunning Bedford, Diftricl Judge, deceafed. p"Se *S< James Carter, School matte--, deceafed. Page t6. Samuel Rugghs, one of the AtTcflbra, deceafed. »7, Vimotb* Wttgin, Auctioneer. State Street. Samuel Williams, late Conful a: Hamburgh, appointed Conful at London, (p. gj.) Tbimat Crafts i* appointed Conful at Bourdeaux. b Richard Yates, Conful at Avx-Cayea. ( 14<) Additions, Corrections,

Page 43. Milton, Jofepb McKean, ordained Paftor. 43 Quincy, Anthony H'ibird, refined. 43. Sharon, Pbilip Curtis, d*ceafed. 43. Glocefter, Thomas Barnts, Mioifter Uniferfalifta 44. Mtifaxi, David Ofgood, made D.D. 44* Towofend, Samuel Dix, deceased. 45. Chatham, Thomas Roby, refigned. 46. Rehoboth, John Ellis, refigned. Boylfton, 46. Ward Cotton, i , . . n A ordamed Paftore, William Nafh, { 46. Charlton, Eraftut Learned, ordained Paftor. 47- Sunderland, Jofepb Ajhley, deeeafed. 48. Charlemont, Tjaac Babbit, Parlor. 48. Djlton, Thompfon, Pa2or. 49. Berwick, Jofepb Hilliard, Paftor of ad Pari/h. 49. Lime.ick, — Eaftman, Paftor. 50. Cape Elizabeth, Epbraim Clarke, deeeafed. 50. Falmouth, Thomas Brown, deeeafed. 56. Lodge*, add Briftol at Norton, and Fellowjbip at Bridgwater. 34. A Medical Society has been formed in the County of Worceftsr—— (omitud) 91. Daniel Couy, it of A^gufta, not Halicwell. Samuel Fowler, Weftfield, Jofiah Stearns, Lu ne-bu^g. Daniel Whitney, Sberbuine, Jonathan Mafon, Bofton, George Leonard, Nortoo. and Oliver Prefcctt, Croron, appointed additional Joft'cej throughout the C«mmon<«eaUh.

95i Philip Bailey, of Newbury-Port, I additional

Leonard iVhfte. ofKaverbiH, I Dtp. Sheriffs (In the abfenceof the Sheriff of Effex, Mr. White (will take the particular charge ot hi» bufinefs.) William Hammatt, Nectueket, Juftce rf tbeQacrum Jofepb Bryatt Stoneham, Elifba Whitney, Beverly Natb. ThurHon, Bradford, Juitiees *f the Peace. Page 93. Samuel P. Savage, cf Wtfton, Juftice of tne P

A general INDEX for the Register, i ADditions,Correftions, 144! Courts, calendar of, Alms-boufe,A I L. f- &C•-- a» 6A . _ Common( nmmnn Pleas,Pie 91 J Auctioneers, 27fCoroners, - 9* Academy of Arts, &c. 35 jCaftle, Officers at, 135 Agricultural Society, 38 Cap- Col Light- Houfe, 137 Academies 8t Schools, 41 !r\Epartments, Federal, 4 Diftrict Courts, &c, Allowance to importers, j 5

for leakage, t*re, &c, 70 1 Dolls r 9 ic Cents table of 19

Attorney Genera), 90 1 Dockage & Wharfage, 30 Atfornies at Law, 119 Difpeniary, Bofton, 36 T>Oftoo Town Officers, x$! Duties on Tonnage, 70 Library Society, 35! on Goods, *c. 7 x Riihops in U. Sutes, 54 ——on Carriages, 80 —-onPaper.Parchmeat, Bsptift EducationSociety, 54 — 81 Baoks in BoHon, 6x Directions toprevent£re,i39 MafTacbufe^s, 63 C Pifcopal Charity Sac. 37 *"* United Staces, 64 Education, Baptift,

Barrifters at Law, 1 3 9 Excife Officers, Brigade Officers, 116 BEderal Courts, spOogrefs &c. I —Currency, ^ Courts, Federal, 5 Fi»e Wards, Boftoo, CounfeHors and civil lift ——Society, in Maflachufetts, 10 Infurance, ,

Committees on accounts, 1 6 Foreigners, Society for Sale of Lands, their Information 38 Incorporation, Fees io Cuftomhoufe, 68 New Trials, &e, Foreign Coins, 71, 86 Currency, Federal, 19 Field Officers, 1x7 Charitable Societies, 36 /^Overoorsof Msfiaehu, 9 Chamber of Commerce, 39 Gangers, &c fees, 69 Cincinnati Society, UUm'ane Society, *"* College Officers, 41 Hiftorical ditto, 39 Colleges Se Academies, 41 Harvard Univtifity, 40 Convention,Congregat, 5a judiciary of U, States -Committee, 531 JAttornies Marihals, fee. 5

Collectors of Revenue, 651 Infurance Offices, 18, 38 . Commiffiocers of Loans, 67I Information to foreigner*,)!! Cuftora Houfe Fees, 68, 71 lofpecicrp, »7, aS jCoios, rates of, 71, 86l—of Revenue, 66 IConfaia Ac, g j| Judges, Juftices.&e.Maff. 90 9 C M8 )

I A general INDEX for the Reeifter Light Houfet, 3* OEprefentatives Federal, 1 .— on Cape — Coo, — Maflachufetts.i] with Directions, 137 Rates of Dockage, &»;. ^54 "— Salem, — ditto, 139 Pofhge, tec. 61 Library, Bt.ftoo, 35 Revenue Officers, 6t Loan Officers, 67 Rates of Coins, 7i&8ft Lawyers in Counties, 11 R.egifttr of Probate, 90 J^JAflachufetfsCiTiiLift, 10 —— Deeds, 91 — Medical Societies^ 4 Regimental Officer!, i»y • Charitable do. 36 CEnate, Federal , Marine do. 3« Mafleehofettet lo Mechanics, do* Secretary of Srate, 39 of 1 MiniftersGofpef, 42 Treafery&War 4 Mafons Lodges, Se'eftmen&SchoolMaftersae. I 5 Micifters & Confuls, Surveyors of Boards, &c. Militia Matter,*, 124 Hemp 8c Flax Seed, zy ^Otaries Public, 17 Sealers ofLeather&Woed, tj Naral Officers, P H _ Weights AMeafores, *$ QFfieers Federal, ifitorsge of Ooodt, 3s — State, 16 Surgeons & Pbyfician* 33 . Town of Bofton, 15 Societies* various. 34 to 39 O?erfeers of the Peor, a6 Surveyors of tbeRevenue^j Officers of Revenue, 65 Stamp Duties, 8tj of Regiments, 1*7 Sheriff of Suffolk, gt' pRefident of U. Statei, t •pReefury, Fed. Officert, 4 Police Officer*, — State, 16 Pilots Branch, 3 1 Tables of Currency, &e. 19' Phyficians, &c. Bofton, 33iTown Officers, Bofton, stl

ProfeiTors at College, 40 - Trufteev cf Societies, 35 t&3« Preceptors of Academies, 41 Tutor* at Cambridge, 4c* Poft-Office Department, 5 8] Tonnage, Duties on, 70J Poftage of Letters, 6i|T7Endoe Mafters, »7 paper&ParcbmentDotiet,gil V Veiee of Coim t 7x & Sd| Plenipotentiariet, &c. 83J{jNrverrityttCambrjdge1 4n Probate Court, Soffolk, 90 f fjdLL Perfont indebted to the PuhHfbin for Regiftcr«% i Almanacks &c\ heretofore fupp lied bf T. & j.Fleet, requefted to are fettle fpeedilj with ) & T. Fleet, wh* I are «?w tht onlf Propr\eft and Publijbtn of the Mafia. 1 ebufetts Regifter and Packet Almanack, and of D«8ot\ L0V1 Almanack, which art ready f now for Sale, ,

JBN2 4 5J2W.P.A, mm,mm