Draught List Pick any 4 and taste 3 oz. each! $6.00 flight.

Jever Pilsner …$4.5$4.50000 A German lager, this beer is light and crisp, with a beautiful fluffy white head. Finish is lightly hoppy with a slightly spicy note. Made using the same fresh natural water for over 100 years, this pilsner does stand out amongst others of its kind. 4.9% abv

Hoppin’ Frog Silk Porter …$5.0$5.00000 One sip of this delicious local beer will be enough to explain its name. Much lighter than a , but similar in color, the porter originally derived from Britain, where the porters at train stations got into the habit of blending beer styles into a single glass. This one is light, but carries a silky mouthfeel, and its gentle sweet roastiness and hint of smoke is balanced perfectly with a subtle hop presence, making it a great session beer. From right here in Akron, Ohio! 6.2% abv

Bell’s TwoTwo----HeartedHearted IPA …$4.50 A showcase of the inimitable Centennial hop, Bell’s Two-Hearted Ale is perfectly balanced, with a perfumey floral aroma and a slightly citrus hop flavor. Not at all overbearing in terms of both sheer hop intensity or bitterness, this is a beautiful and gentle session beer. Once a seasonal offering, the landslide of demand finally prompted Bell’s to offer it year-round. 7% abv

Schneider Aventinus …$5$5$5.$5 ...75757575 Made by a brewery that specializes in wheat , this soft dark beer will challenge your conceptions of what a wheat beer is! A wheat-doppelbock, this beer is a fusion in style of a hefeweizen (a German wheat beer) and a Doppelbock (a double-dark lager), and an improvement upon both! Predominantly malty, the Aventinus has a slightly sweet taste, with notes of dark fruit, chocolate, caramel, and raisins. Served in a half-liter Aventinus glass! 8.2% abv

Stoudt’s Fat Dog OatmOatmealeal Imperial Stout …$5.50 A hearty amalgamation of styles, The Fat Dog stout is best described as an Oatmeal stout that packs a subtle punch. Smooth and drinkable, it carries notes of coffee, chocolate, hop spice, and toastiness. Overall, a slightly creamy and unbelievably easy to beer. Its assertive but gentle flavors pair exceptionally well with steaks and burgers. 9.0% abv

Southern Tier Unearthly …$4$4$4.50$4 .50 A beer for serious hopheads, this double India Pale Ale is simply awash with hop strength and complexity. An intense floral-citrus nose is followed by an amazing complexity…bready, caramelly malt; beautiful fresh orange, grapefruit, and pine hop flavor; and an almost honey-like sweetness. The hops are intense enough to remain with you after your sip goes down, but perhaps the most remarkable feature of this ale is the fact that you’d just never guess how high the alcohol content is…11% abv

Chimay White (Cinq Cents) Trappist …$6$6$6.$6 ...000000 An elite beer by any measure, the Chimay White is a Tripel by style, pouring a dark golden color with a touch of cloudiness and a lusty off-white head of fine bubbles. The aroma is delicate but slightly spicy, with hints of orange peel. The palate is then treated to a rich and complex bouquet of flavors which mingle with a tingle on the tongue. Flavors contained therein include a mild fruitiness, a gentle bitterness, a slightly bready malt character, and a hint of black pepper, as well as the characteristic hint of clove (a yeast ester). The finish is clean and dry. Served in an authentic Chimay goblet. 8 % abv

Konigshoeven Trappist Quadrupel …$5.50 Konigshoeven is the one Trappist monastery which does not reside in Belgium, and its ales are a bit different. For those of you unfamiliar with the designation, the Trappists are a centuries-old sect of Christian monks who live a traditional monastic life of silence and celibacy. They are allowed to brew ales, however, which they do with a vengeance, yielding some of the most singular high-octane libations in the world. These are both imbibed and sold for monastic expenses and charitable causes. This ale in particular pours a jewel-like burnt amber color, and tastes of complex malts, spices, and a residual sweetness. Although dangerously drinkable, it is extremely rare on draft and it is highly recommended that it be drunk slowly and appreciatively. Served in an 8-oz. tulip glass. 10% abv