MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND ENERG REPUBLIC OF CHILE NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION CHILE TO PREVENT, DETER AND ELIMINATE ILLEGAL, UNREPORTED AND UNREGULTED FISHING National Action Plan from Chile, to prevent, deters and eliminates fishing IUU activities (PAI IUU) I.S.B.N. 956-8365-00-1 Intellectual Property Registry Nº139.579 All rights reserved. The reproduction and dissemination of the material contained in this informative document is authorized for educational purposes and other non-commercial purposes, without prior written authorization by the holders of the copyright, if the source is clearly indicated. The reproduction of the material contained in this informative document intended for sale or other commercial purposes without written authorization of the copyright holders is prohibited. Requests to obtain such authorization should be directed to the National Fisheries Director of Chile, Victoria 2832, Valparaíso, Chile, or through e-mail:
[email protected]. 2004 National Fisheries Service 1 Ministry of Economy and Energy Republic of Chile National Action Plan from Chile, to prevent, deters and eliminates fishing IUU activities (PAI IUU) INDEX PRESENTATION 4 I. BACKGROUND 5 II. AIMS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE NATIONAL ACTION PLAN 7 1. Aim 7 2. Principles 7 3. Definitions of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities 8 III. GENERAL RESPONSIBLITIES OF THE STATE OF CHILE 8 1. Authorities responsible for the application of the National Action Plan 8 2. International Instruments 9 3. Domestic Legislation 10 3.1 Legislation 10 3.2 Control of Nationals Exercised by the State of Chile 12 3.3 Vessels without flag 12 3.4 Penalty System 12 3.5 Monetary Incentives 14 3.6 Monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) 14 4.