From the Editor It has been a race to get this edition of Logogriph, and the wordsearch, before “Faith Matters” to the printers on time going. as Beryl and I only returned from a A new PCC was formed at the APCM cruise to the Canaries in the Queen on 25 April and is shown below. The Victoria – see future article - on 14 th new organisation and committees were May and then on the 15 it was a day formed at the PCC meeting on 24 May out to Wembley with my daughter for and will be shown in “Faith Matters” the FA Cup Final to see Portsmouth from the July edition. play Chelsea. Not the result we were hoping for but as I said to Colleen on Many congratulations to Peter and the way home “We have been to Tricia on surviving their first year with Wembley four times in the last two us on 1 June. We look forward to years and seen Pompey win three of them being with us for many more them.” Fortunately, I was able to years. prepare the crossword, thanks to Colin Carter MEMBERS OF PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL (PCC) (Registered Charity No. 1128278) Reverend Canon Peter Jones (Chairman & Incumbent) Dr Graham Frost (Churchwarden) Mrs Mary Strugnell (Churchwarden) Mrs Helen Faulkner (Hon. Treasurer) Mr Roger Bryant (Hon. Secretary) Mr Colin Carter Mrs Shirley Caunter Mrs Fiona Hedley Mr Geoffrey Jones Mrs Anne Plater Mr Bill Skilleter Prof. Jan Stuart Mrs Rosemary Thomas Co-opted Members Mrs Armineh Pogosian Mrs Jane Rowthorn Deanery Synod Reps: Dr Michael Fluck Mrs Sandra Haggan Dates for Your Diary Tuesday 1 June. HMS HAVANT remembrance at 10.50am at War Memorial. Saturday 5 June. Coffee morning from 10am to 12-noon in Church. Saturday 5 June. Quiz night at 7.30pm in Church Hall. Monday 7 June. BMC meeting at 7pm at 29 Hamilton Close, Langstone. Saturday 12 June. The garden at 4a Langstone Avenue will be open from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. There will be plants, teas and paintings for sale. All proceeds to St. Faith’s Restoration Fund and Help in Bereavement. Saturday 11 September. Town Fair from 10am to 3pm in Churchyard. Saturday 27 November. Bellringers Christmas Dinner at 7pm in Church Hall. Sunday 13 March 2011. Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in Church.

-1- From the Rector June is pregnant; a month full of hope Further out in the community our and expectation. The first cabinet secondary schoolchildren from meeting of a coalition government has Warblington and elsewhere plunge into just bounced out of number ten. I wait exams and spend their summer nervously to hear whether it is a ‘yes’ confinement awaiting results which will or a ‘no’ from the Gulbenkian have not a little bearing on their future Foundation in response to our bid for lives. Those couples we recently funding to resource a summer long married in May will be embarking on programme that will help us re-purpose their own post honeymoon lives with St. Faith’s so it’s fit for purpose for the the nervous excitement that attends a years ahead. It feels almost like a new new life together. coalition of our very own where young And all these things to contemplate and old have the opportunity of co- having spent two nights at Douai designing a programme of hope that Abbey in Berkshire, the home of one of can address our material and spiritual our English Benedictine communities deficit. where clergy who had served up to a The ferry that will take us to Santander year in a new post gathered to reflect for the first proper few day’s break for on and then plan the next steps of the the Joneses since last June departs in developments they had each identified the next few hours after I’ve put to bed as being vital to the life of their the planning for our Pentecost respective parishes or chaplaincy work celebrations which could spawn ‘who settings. It is so encouraging to knows what?’ for our church mission discover how every parish represented reinvigorated by the power of the Holy in that gathering of priests from across Spirit. Rather more prosaically I await the dioceses of Salisbury, Winchester, the results of a survey on Church Oxford, Chichester and Guildford as House to see the extent of any works well as Portsmouth is in a peri-natal needed to rectify yet more damp position preparing to give birth to a decay. Well, at least, we shall shortly new way of being church in its be erecting the temporary vestry in community. church to save music, robes and June is ‘busting out all over’. Get people from the ravages of the same ready to push. in the old choir vestry! Peter Jones

Father’s Day Don’t forget Father’s Day is on Sunday 20 June

-2- MBE This is a story without parallel in sport. bowling partner, for Nottinghamshire It is about the breakdown of relations and , Bill Voce with four pints which almost occurred between two of beer each before they took the field. countries and the vengeance meted The drinks were smuggled into the out on the professional cricketer who Nottinghamshire dressing room and acted on the instructions of the English when they were fielding, beer was cricketing establishment, the MCC. It hidden by soft drinks when the tray is the story of Harold Larwood MBE. was taken out for the drinks break. Modern technology and newsreels of Larwood could not cope with the Larwood’s bowling have established drinking in his early days. On one that he was the fastest bowler of all occasion, he said to the , time. Yet he was just 5 feet 7 inches “Where’s the batsman?” To which he tall and only weighed 11 stone! Quite replied, “On his way back to the simply, he was the greatest strike pavilion. You’ve just bowled him!” bowler in the history of . Yet no Larwood then started his run up, only sport has treated anyone so to be stopped by the umpire. “Harold. appallingly as the English cricket I think you should wait for the batsman establishment did Larwood. Certainly to reach the crease!” not his enemies on the field because Larwood made his debut for England, the Australian cricketing world championed by the great batsman welcomed him with open arms when , in his second season. He he left England in 1950 to settle in appeared in two tests taking 9 Australia with his wife Lois and their for an average of 28 runs. Overall that five daughters. Only one journalist season he took 137 wickets with an took the trouble to see him off at average of 18 runs. He played Tilbury and that was the “radio voice of regularly for England before the fateful cricket” John Arlott. The man who tour of Australia in 1932/33. The helped him most to start a new life in England captain for the tour was Australia was the fine cricketer and , who was determined journalist Jack Fingleton who opened to win the series. The problem was the for Australia in what how to deal with Don Bradman, became to be known as the acknowledged to this day as the series. My introduction to Larwood greatest batsman in the history of the was in 1946 when, as a schoolboy, I great game. Bodyline was the answer. bought a book by Jack Fingleton called Fast bowlers bowling at the batsman’s “Bodyline Crisis” body with a packed leg side of fielders But let’s start at the beginning. to make catches when the batsman Larwood escaped going into the coal fended balls off his body. Only a great mines and joined Nottinghamshire. fast bowler like Larwood had the speed When he first played for them his and accuracy to succeed with captain was Arthur Carr who was bodyline, although he was given great noted for his heavy drinking. Carr help by Voce. There were terrible used to fuel Larwood and his fast incidents during the tour which led to -3- the Australian Cricket Board sending Unless stopped at once it is likely to the following cable to the MCC. upset the friendly relations existing “Body-line bowling has assumed such between Australia and England.” As proportions as to menace the best we will see in next month’s “Faith interests of the game, making Matters”, the principal victim of protection of the body by the batsmen bodyline was Harold Larwood MBE. the main consideration. This is causing intensely bitter feeling Roger Bryant between players as well as injury. In our opinion it is unsportsmanlike.

Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meetings - 25 April The Vestry and APCM meetings were regard to the young people in the held in St Faith’s Church with 53 parish. Our 2009 Accounts were then parishioners present. At the short discussed. Our finances in 2009 had Vestry meeting, Dr Graham Frost and improved on 2008, notably because of Mrs Mary Strugnell were elected the letting of Christ Church Centre and churchwardens for the ensuing year. Bungalow and Nos 1 & 2 Churchfields. The Chairman, Canon Peter Jones, We had building repair costs, notably thanked Prof Jan Stuart for his work £11.5K for the ceiling of the Lady over the last six years. The date of the Chapel paid for out of the Restoration next Vestry meeting would be Sunday Fund. Appreciation was expressed for 13 March 2011. There was no further the sterling work of the fundraisers business. and, in particular, the work of Sheila The APCM then followed with the Warlow and her band of volunteers in election to the PCC of Geoff Jones, the church shop who had raised more Jane Rowthorn, Jan Stuart and than £11K in 2009 (£10K in 2008). Rosemary Thomas giving us our quota Messrs Morris Crocker had been our of 12 members. Michael Fluck and Examiners (Auditors) for many years Sandra Haggan continued as our and the meeting approved their Deanery Representatives under the appointment to examine our 2010 Three Year rule. Accounts. The list of 15 sidesmen was then The meeting concluded with a review approved. It was reported next that of the parish by the Chairman. He told our revised Electoral Roll now stood at the meeting that his New Year’s Eve 165 names. The work of the PCC was 2009 resolution was: “Make sure that then discussed. Much time had been the opportunities that presented spent on our buildings which were a themselves in 2009 continue to source of income but also a liability in dominate our church life in 2010 and terms of their maintenance. The ensure that the queue of emerging intention was to spend more time at threats that competed for our attention future meetings working on our before Christmas are addressed or put mission in Havant with particular into perspective.” One of the first documents he digested on arrival on -4- 1st June was the Quinquennial Report the decision to take up the offer of on St. Faith’s Church presented in Portsmouth Diocese Mission and March ’09. This identified potentially Society Division to use their £300,000 worth of works to be tackled consultancy resource and undergo a over the next five years designed to ‘Rapid Parish Development restore the existing building but not Programme’ designed to help our faith taking into account the development of community to ‘re-purpose’ our mission the church to accommodate expanded in Havant and take the necessary usage The Chairman reported how action in respect of our buildings our involvement in the school scene making them fit for a new purpose. was dramatically increased when just What an inspiration this could be to four days into office he signed the those nine confirmation candidates schedule of agreement between the who embarked on their preparation in parish and Warblington School October and to their peers amongst cementing the relationship triggered by whom they live and study! He the school’s desire to become a concluded by expressing his belief that ‘diocesan affiliated school’. In the resolutions formerly made about December he became Chaplain to the opportunities overcoming threats stood Havant College for Further Education. a reasonable chance of succeeding if Canon Peter then explained how we we all resolved to be bold in the name built on the deepening relationship we of the Lord. were developing with Dynamo Youth Jan Stuart thanked the Chairman on Theatre who had embarked on behalf of the parishioners for all his discussions with the PCC to negotiate work and endeavours since his a new hire agreement which would induction to the parish in June. The significantly enhance their use of the meeting responded with warm Church Hall. Finally he reported on applause. The full minutes can be read on our website on the PCC page

A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem. A small child replied: "They couldn't get a baby sitter."

-5- Mr & Mrs Rob Cheesman – Wedding Day Hazel and Rob were married on 8 May ringers. Hand bells were rung during 2010. They met online after both sets the signing of the register and a of parents encouraged them to sign quarter peal was rung in their honour up! They have been together nearly 4 as they left the church under an arch years and Rob says ‘Hazel is the best of pitchforks. thing he got from the Internet.’ Hazel, a Therapy Radiographer and The service at St. Faith’s had lots of Rob, a Farm Worker, honeymooned in bell ringing as Hazel is the daughter of Rome, Italy. our Tower captain and steeple keeper. The bells were rung before the service as the Bride arrived by Havant’s own

Barbara Skilleter, Rob, Hazel and Bill Skilleter

-6- Some Further Notes on Northumbria The article on St. Hilda by Sheilah Edwin had to give an undertaking to Legg in the March ‘Faith Matters’ was allow her to continue in her faith before very interesting for me, being a the marriage was allowed to take Northumbrian myself. The history of place. She brought with her to those far off days is rather Northumbria a priest called Paulinus, complicated. Northumbria began as who became Bishop of York. Within a two separate kingdoms, Deira in the few years the example of Ethelburga south, from the Humber to the River and the preaching of Paulinus resulted Tees, roughly the modern ; in King Edwin embracing the Christian and Bernicia, from the River Tees to faith, and he, some of his courtiers, the River Tweed, the modern counties and his great niece Hilda, the later of Durham and Northumberland. Abbess and Saint, were baptised in a When King Aella of Deira died in 588, little wooden church dedicated to St. King Aethelric of Bernicia annexed Peter, which had been built for the Deira, and ruled over both kingdoms. occasion in York. York Minster, also The rightful heir, Aella’s son Edwin, dedicated to St. Peter, now stands on fled into exile in East Anglia. the same site. Aethleric’s son, Aethelfrith the Fierce, In 633 Edwin was killed in battle, and succeeded his father in 593, his reign his eldest son Eanfrith became king, lasting till 616. His first wife was called only to be killed a year later in battle. Bebba, and she gave her name to the His half-brother Oswald returned from capital, formerly Dunguedi, which exile and claimed his throne. Being a changed its name to Bebba’s burgh Christian, from his time in Iona, he (town), the later Bamburgh of today. sent there for a priest, and Aidan came They had a son Eanfrith, a later king. in response. As a result of his work, On Bebba’s death, Aethelfrith married supported by King Oswald, Christianity the daughter of the late King Aella of spread widely in Northumbria. There Deira, Acha, and their son was is a charming tale of how, one Easter Oswald. A third son was Oswy, Day, Oswald and Aidan were dining perhaps Acha’s, or maybe from a third when a servant came in to report that wife – the records are unclear on the a crowd of the poor and needy were at point. the gate asking for alms. King Oswald Edwin returned from exile in 616, with immediately sent his own food out to King Redwald of East Anglia, and an them, with orders that the silver plate army. Aethelfrith was killed, and his was to be broken up and distributed sons went into exile in Iona, in among them. Bishop Aidan was so Scotland. Edwin became king of a impressed by this act of Christian united country of Northumbria, and generosity and compassion that he extended its boundaries into Scotland, took the king’s right hand, held it up, where he established a town, Edwin’s and said, ‘May this hand never wither burgh, the present Edinburgh. He with age.’ Bede, writing his history married the Princess Ethelburga of many years later reported that the Kent, a Christian. As a heathen, hand and arm remained uncorrupted, -7- and were preserved in a silver casket Christian reckoning was from midnight in St. Peter’s Church in Bamburgh. to midnight, didn’t help, nor that the Oswald died in 641, and was Christians kept Sunday, the first day of succeeded by his brother/half-brother the week as their holy day, rather than Oswy, who reigned for the next 29 the Jews’ seventh day Sabbath. After years. both sides had outlined their case, it It was Oswy who presided over the was found that the Celtic Church had Synod of Whitby in 664, called to not heard of certain points which St. determine the correct method of Peter had decreed should be taken calculating the date of Easter. The into the calculations, so the Roman Celtic Church, which prevailed in method, already the most widespread, Ireland, Scotland, and Northumbria, was chosen. favoured one method, whilst the A simple ‘rule-of-thumb’ we can use Roman Church, widespread nowadays is that Easter Day falls on throughout Europe, kept to another. the first Sunday after the first full moon Working out this date is a complicated following the Vernal Equinox on 21st process, involving the dates of the March. Jewish Passover and Sabbath, and the full moon. The fact that Jewish days Trevor Hopkinson ran from sunset to sunset, while

Rachel Phillips The Reverend Rachel Phillips, who is at present Assistant Curate at St Lawrence, Eastcote, has been appointed Priest in Charge of St Thomas a Becket, Northaw with St Andrew, Cuffley (Hertfordshire). Interestingly, she was appointed by the Bishop of St Albans, who has himself been appointed our Bishop of Portsmouth. (Rachel is the niece of Alan Hakim whose training was reported in “Faith Matters” in a monthly newsletter from her during 2005 and 2006. You may remember that Rachel preached in St. Faith’s on 8 October 2006 – Ed.)

-8- Our Walsingham Pilgrimage This year our Pilgrimage group Saturday morning started with numbered 15, with 9 coming from St. breakfast at 8.00 - the food at Faith’s and the remainder coming from Walsingham is excellent and very St. Alban, St. Clare, St. Francis and St. plentiful! We continued with Stations John’s, Rowlands Castle. of the Cross at 10.00, walking around We boarded the coach at 7.45am on the Shrine grounds singing a verse of Friday 9th April in St. Alban’s car park a hymn between each station. In the and joined our fellow 18 pilgrims from background we could hear many St. George’s Waterlooville, who were different hymns being sung, as other already on board. groups of Pilgrims started their Stations at 15 minute intervals. After a stop at a motorway service station and a break for one and half Following the Stations we set off, some hours for lunch in Ely, we arrived at on foot and some by coach, to visit the Walsingham at about 3.30pm. After Roman Catholic Shrine at the Slipper unloading our bags we went straight to Chapel, which is approx. one mile from the Shrine Church for the first visit to the Anglican shrine. Historically this the Holy House which sets the mood was the place where Pilgrims would for the rest of the Pilgrimage. We then remove their shoes to complete the met with the administration staff and final walk – this is not very common found our accommodation, which these days! everyone seemed to find to be On Saturday afternoon the Pilgrims comfortable with no problems. have time at leisure, to do as they Our first Mass was in the Barn Chapel wish. I took several people on a visit at 5.15pm, taken by Fr. Mike Sheffield to the local churches including the from St. George’s, assisted by Fr. Russian Orthodox, the beautiful Tymon Singh. The Barn Chapel is Roman Catholic and the Parish Church small and, as the name suggests, is a of St. Mary. We also went around the converted barn. It’s now a beautiful 16 chapels within the Shrine Church, building, although rather full with 33 which made a very pleasant way of pilgrims there. spending two hours in the beautiful warm sunshine. We then split into two Pilgrimage groups, with our group going to the At 6.00pm Mass was held in the Holy House for Intercessions, ably led Shrine Church for all Pilgrims by Sandra Haggan based on the conducted by Bishop Lindsay Urwin, petitions we had all submitted the Shrine Administrator, ably assisted beforehand. by all the clergy from the different Pilgrim groups. Following this, we rejoined the St. George’s Pilgrims for Compline by After supper we returned to the Shrine candlelight in the Guild Chapel, which Church for the address, outside rounded off our first day. procession and Benediction. The procession includes the image of Our Lady being taken by candlelight -9- through the Shrine grounds and back around the grounds, singing hymns as to the Church. we walked. This was followed by the On Sunday morning our first service Final Visit, a very emotional time was at 9.30 preceded by the Stations where we reflected on our Pilgrimage of the Resurrection, which led us in and what it means to each of us. procession to the Barn Chapel. During The coach picked us up at 4.45pm for this Mass, Fr. Mike blessed all the gifts our journey home, arriving back at St. we had purchased in Walsingham. Alban’s Car Park at about 10.45pm. At 1.30pm after a lovely lunch, we I think I can speak for all the pilgrims loaded our bags back onto the coach, when I say that the whole weekend and at 2.30pm we started our final was a wonderful experience. It was a service with Sprinkling and Anointing time of spiritual renewal and which included the Ministry of Healing. fellowship, leaving us all looking This involved all the clergy and also forward to the year ahead of us and to the nuns from Walsingham convent, next year’s Pilgrimage. who assisted with the Healing. There was just time for a short break for tea, Peter Elmes before we were back again for the procession of the Blessed Sacrament

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Answers to May 2010 Crossword Across: 1.Cambridge, 8.Rattler, 9.North, 10.Time, 11.Garrison, 13.Facts, 14.Fibre, 16.Customer, 17.Knot, 20.Least, 21.Poacher, 22.Adventure. Down: 2.Antimacassar, 3.Bolt, 4.Inroad, 5.Gentrify, 6.Cross-Bencher, 7.Change, 8.Rut, 12.Assorted, 13.Facile, 15.Temple, 18.Tar, 19.Wait.

-15- St Faith’s June 2010 Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 Across 1.Seemingly strange men in this 7 society (10) 8 7.Send out with the enemy returning

9 (4) 8.Show exhibitions we hear (6) 10 9.Hitch in a rope, with part of a pet? (4-

11 12 3) 10.Small animal with a weight in this 13 village near Stonehenge (8) 11.Upset for the sedan found in 14 15 16 Copenhagen (5) 17 13.Bit by bit change the guard with a learner (7) 18 14.Addition to letter going due west for 19 the fraud (5) 17.Conspicuous maybe, with bunting 20 followed by a tirade (8)

21 18.Action of a footballer for a baby (7) 20.Second in Greek ABC (4) 19.Well-known villain but teetotal to 21.When you are on these anxiety start with (6) creeps in (10) Down 1.Take things too far past this mark (8) 11.The stage was no place for Mrs 2.Sent abroad when the redhead gets Worthington’s relative (8) into the storage plant (6) 12.A cheaper edition could be a hard 3.On board, a steward can point the way read (8) (8) 13.Presence of this ship could 4.Bodily part known to provide music? sometimes present a warning (7) (5) 15.Bores or tedious – but showing it 5.A seal in the sun can get into the mind can be organised (6) (7) 16.A tortoise-shell cat in the U.S. has 6.Grimace might be seen when the cotton cloth in its ‘box’ (6) column leader goes (6) 17.Air freighted goods are always this 9.Sympathise when trickery precedes (5) unemployment (7) Compiled for St Faith’s by Logogriph Answers to the editor by 15th June please! Four entries were received, all correct, from Ann Slade, Marion Simmons, Colin Warlow and Shiela Young.

Answers to May 2010 Crossword are on page 15

-16- Word Search – Synonyms of “Scared” Can you find all the synonyms of ‘scared’ listed in the grid? Please note that one of the words listed does not appear in the grid. Words may be read forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonal and are in straight lines. Colin Carter AFRAID HORROR SHOCK ALARM JITTERS SHUDDER APPAL NERVOUS SPOOKED CHILLED PANICKY STARTLED COWED PETRIFY STRICKEN CRINGE QUAKE TERROR DAUNT SCARE TREMBLE DREAD SHAKE TREPIDATION FEAR SHIVER WIDEEYED

S R X R W Q V W S D A L A R M W C H A T C T S I T T N C M B T N N E I R O J D D N F R U D R N D F U Q V W A O E U E Q I E Q E A E L B M E R T E A P R P C L M Y S Y G R D R J Y D Y I A L K R A D B D F O J E E U D K I C E E L S T A R T L E D A Y H C D S Z N O E F Y O F W T P C S D I C V C W K R F X R I V I X U L M N R K D A A I R O R R O H O R K I A S X H I R N V F E S C V A N K H P Y S D T I O G B T Z R G P O E P Z A L E U S P O O K E D C P T L J E H P P E M E B K N K Z R A G E K A U Q A T I G H S S I H H L Taken from Puzzler Media Ltd (

The missing word in last month’s word search was “VIADUCT”

-17- Chopin Bicentenary Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982) one of had an exceptional talent. He was the greatest pianists of the twentieth soon in demand by the aristocracy of century, and a fellow countryman of Warsaw and at the age of fifteen Chopin wrote, “When the first notes played for the Tsar, head of the of Chopin sound through the Russian empire. By the age of eight concert hall there is a happy sign of he had given his first public recognition. All over the world men performance and at fifteen his first and women know his music. They published composition appeared. love it. They are moved by it. When Chopin studied at the Warsaw I play Chopin I know I speak directly Conservatory and graduated in 1829. to the hearts of people.” His tutor described him as a musical genius. At first he gave concerts This year marks the two hundredth mainly in Warsaw where he performed anniversary of the birth of one of the the premiere of his two piano world’s greatest composer-pianists, concertos. These are virtuoso Fryderyk (Frederic) Chopin (1810- showpieces that range in emotion from 1849). He wrote almost exclusively for the poignant to the thrilling and are a the piano. In his relatively short life he remarkable achievement for someone wrote 4 ballades, 27 etudes, 4 who had not yet reached his 21st impromptus, 59 mazurkas, 21 birthday. The following year Chopin nocturnes, 2 piano concertos, 17 visited Vienna, which was then the polonaises, 27 preludes, 5 rondos, 4 musical capital of Europe, where he scherzos, 4 sonatas, and 20 waltzes. stayed for eight months. In addition to this he wrote songs, and some chamber works that included a In 1831 an event took place that was piano trio and a sonata for cello and to change the course of his career. piano. His music is popular not only The Polish people revolted in a failed with concert artists but with amateur attempt to overthrow their Russian pianists of all levels of ability. rulers. Chopin never saw his homeland again. Like many of his Chopin was born near Warsaw of a compatriots he sought refuge in French father and a Polish mother, and France, and settled in Paris. It was it was here that he spent the first during this period that he wrote some twenty-one years of his life. There is of his greatest works. By 1833 his some controversy as to the date of his music was being published not only in birth. Chopin’s family always France but also in England and celebrated his birthday on the 1st Germany. Chopin’s skilful playing and March, however, the date that appears his beautiful compositions ensured his in the baptismal register is the 22nd of popularity at fashionable social February. There is no satisfactory gatherings attended by members of explanation for this but it has been the aristocracy. This in turn enabled suggested that it was an error on the him to make an extremely good living part of the priest! Chopin was given as a teacher. Among the prominent piano lessons from a very early age artists, writers and musicians that and it quickly became apparent that he -18- Chopin met at this time was the particularly apparent in the ballades, a flamboyant woman novelist George genre which he invented, and that are Sand with whom he started a considered to be among his most relationship that was to last eleven important works. Examples can also years. Sand was six years older than be seen in the mazurkas and Chopin and had two children by a polonaises. The etudes, mazurkas, former marriage. She attracted nocturnes and waltzes he took to a notoriety not only because she greater level of sophistication. supported the emancipation of women Chopin’s music ranged from the simple but also because she wore men’s and gentle to the fiery and exciting. clothing and smoked cigars! This is even more remarkable when In 1838 Chopin’s health began to one considers that it was composed on deteriorate seriously. They decided to his favourite Pleyel piano that only had visit the Mediterranean island of a keyboard span of six octaves. He Majorca and rented rooms at a admired Bach and Mozart and studied Carthusian monastery in the mountain the operas of Bellini. Chopin was a village of Valldemossa set among olive virtuoso performer noted for his and almond trees. It was here that beautiful and sensitive playing, and he Chopin completed his twenty-four made his reputation through playing preludes. Unfortunately the weather his own music, using the piano to re- was cold and wet and this exacerbated create the gracefulness of the singing his tuberculosis. Today the rooms voice – Bellini’s influence. occupied by Chopin and Sand house a In 1848 a revolution broke out in Paris museum where it is possible to see and the monarchy of King Louis Chopin’s piano and some of his Philippe was overthrown. Concerts manuscripts. From 1839 to 1845 ceased and many of Chopin’s Chopin spent the summers at Sand’s aristocratic pupils fled the city. As a country house at Nohant, in Central consequence he was left without a France. It was here that he composed livelihood. Jane Stirling - a devoted many of his works. His relationship pupil and the daughter of a wealthy with Sand finally ended in 1847. Scottish landowner - arranged for him Chopin composed more than two to visit England and Scotland. Chopin hundred works during his lifetime. His took up residence at 48 Dover Street, compositions, some of which are Piccadilly, in the heart of fashionable among the most technically London. Here he installed his favourite demanding, are considered to be Pleyel piano on which he gave his last amongst the pinnacles of the piano Paris concert. From the time Chopin repertoire. They mark a new arrived in Paris in 1832 until his death development in both keyboard in 1849 he preferred instruments made composition and technique. by the Parisian manufacturer Pleyel. Sometimes however he occasionally Thoughts of Poland were never far played an Erard. Erard had factories from Chopin’s mind and the folk songs both in Paris and London. Chopin also and dances of his homeland were an chose, on the recommendation of influence throughout his music. This is Pleyel, three instruments from -19- Broadwoods factory, one for his London’s Guildhall now form part of lodgings, one which was shipped to the Cobbe Collection at Hatchlands Scotland, and one for his public Park near Guildford, Surrey. The performances, which included the last collection contains thirty-seven historic recital of his life at London’s Guildhall keyboard instruments, twelve of which on 16th November 1848. Henry were actually owned or almost Broadwood, head of the famous piano certainly played by famous composers. firm, became a close friend of Chopin They are all maintained in playing and arranged concerts for him in order and are used for concerts thus London, Manchester, Glasgow and enabling musicians and audiences to Edinburgh. Among the most hear the sound the composers would outstanding concerts he gave was that have heard. Throughout this year the at Lancaster House, St. James’s, Chopin Society are giving a series of London when he played before Queen concerts entitled “In the Footsteps of Victoria and Prince Albert. Other Chopin.” These are being held at famous people he met included the venues associated with Chopin’s stay Duke of Wellington, Charles Dickens in London. The final Gala Concert, and Thomas Carlyle. However the supported by the Polish Cultural travelling, the concerts and the social Institute, will be given at the London engagements took their toll and Guildhall where Chopin gave his last Chopin’s health rapidly declined. His concert. The piano to be used will be last public appearance was at a Gala the Broadwood he played for most of event held on 16th November at his London Concerts. London’s Guildhall in aid of Polish Many pianists have established their refugees. He returned to Paris on 23rd th careers playing Chopin. The Frederic November and died on 17 October Chopin International Piano 1849. The funeral service, at which Competition, held in Warsaw, was Mozart’s Requiem was performed, was established in 1927 and is one of the held at the Church of the Madeleine, oldest and most prestigious music and attended by a congregation of competitions in the world. It is also many thousands. Chopin was buried among the small group of piano in Pere-Lachaise cemetery, next to his competitions dedicated to the friend Bellini. On the day Chopin left performance of music by one Poland, nearly twenty years before, he composer. Past prizewinners who was given a silver casket containing have gained worldwide recognition Polish soil. This was opened and the include Vladimir Ashkenazy 1955, soil sprinkled on his coffin. At his Maurizio Pollini 1960 and Martha request his heart was removed placed Argerich 1965. The last winner, in in a crystal urn and sent to Warsaw 2005, was Rafal Blechacz from where it rests in The Church of the Poland. The third prizewinner in our Holy Cross. A memorial bears the own prestigious Leeds International inscription “Here rests the heart of Pianoforte Competition held last year Frederick Chopin.” was Alessandro Taverna from Italy who Pianos owned or associated with performed Chopin’s Concerto no. 1 in Chopin, including that used by him at E minor. -20- Chopin’s popularity has never waned the words that his friend and fellow and his works are regularly performed composer Robert Schumann wrote in concert halls throughout the world. when reviewing Chopin’s Variations In this the year which marks the two Opus 2 – hundredth anniversary of Chopin’s “Hats off, gentlemen – a genius!” birth it seems appropriate to remember Peter Willey.

The Havant Orchestras Saturday 3 July 2010, 7.30pm Ferneham Hall, Osborn Road, Fareham Havant Symphony Orchestra Conductors Peter Craddock and Samuel Draper Leader Cathy Mathews Violin Soloist Anna-Liisa Bezrodny Wand of Youth - Suite No 1 Elgar Violin Concerto Tchaikovsky Symphony No 1 Kalinnikov Tickets £7.00 - 17.50 with concessions from Ferneham Hall Box Office, 01329 231942, on-line and at the door

-21- Buildings Management Committee Meeting - 19 April 10 Canon Peter. Canon Peter addressed container. The carpet is to be the meeting about the reordering and professionally cleaned and the display work required in the church. He gave cabinets refurbished. details, with drawings, of the proposed Hall. Discussions continued with temporary choir vestry to be set up Dynamo Youth Theatre for the leasing next to the Lady Chapel. Quotes of the Hall. would be obtained for the work. Christ Church Centre & Bungalow. Church. Broken tiles on the roof The nursery in the Centre was running above the Lady Chapel had been successfully. Leaks to the roof of the replaced. Mrs Jean Morgan had bungalow had been repaired. Jan renovated the benches in the north Stuart was now acting as landlord for porch. the Bungalow. 2/4 North Street . The Jeweller’s had Church House. The very limited been inspected and was in good order. survey undertaken by Rentokil had New keys had been cut and given to revealed dampness in Nos 1 & 2 our letting agents. rooms and the toilets. The meeting Nos 1 & 2 Churchfields. Because of agreed that a full survey was objections by one of the tenants, the necessary. wooden fence would not be replaced Peter Appleby. The Chairman with wire. Concrete posts would expressed the thanks and appreciation replace the wooden ones. of the BMC to Peter who was standing St Nicholas Chapel. Quotes were down after seven years as Secretary to awaited for the repair of the west wall. the committee. Extra heaters and power points would be installed shortly, paid for by the Langstone Village Association. Church Shop. The guttering would be cleaned shortly. The rear window, front door and first floor needed attention. The lean-to at the rear of the shop needed replacement, possibly by a portakabin or large

From the Registers –May 8th – Marriage of Robin Cheesman and Hazel Skilleter 29th - Marriage of Richard Giles and Ashley Cooney 30th – Baptism of Leo Christopher McLean

-22- -23- WHO'S WHO Rector Canon Peter Jones 023 9248 3485 Reader Dr Trevor Hopkinson 023 9246 2350 Reader in Training Mrs Sandra Haggan 023 9245 5161 Organist & Choir Director Mrs Sylvia Willey 01243 370290 Parish Office Administrator Mrs Clare Kennar 023 9249 2129 Churchwardens Dr Graham Frost 023 9249 2440 Mrs Mary Strugnell 023 9248 4435 Hon. Secretary PCC Mr Roger Bryant 01243 376863 Hon. Treasurer PCC Mrs Helen Faulkner 023 9248 3501 St Nicholas Wardens Mrs Anne Plater 023 9245 1075 Mrs Gill Falconer 023 9247 0255 Child Protection Officer Mrs Fiona Hedley 023 9249 8229 Stewardship Secretary Mr Alan Hakim 023 9247 1681 Captain of Bellringers Mrs Barbara Skilleter 023 9225 3802 Bible Reading Fellowship Mrs Hilary Deadman 023 9247 1241 Church Flowers Mrs Rosemary Thomas 023 9248 3836 Mother's Union Advisor Mrs Liz Gilbert 023 9245 2321 Children's Society Boxes Mrs Shirley Caunter 023 9248 1231 Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Hilary Deadman 023 9247 1241 Sunday Club Mrs Penny Britt 023 9247 2054 Young Believers Mr Martin Poliszczuk 023 9247 6001 Disability Issues & Pastoral Visiting Co-ordinator Mrs Rosemary Thomas 023 9248 3836 Church Shop 023 9247 8098 Women’s Group Mrs Carmen Stuart 023 9247 0335 Youth Church Claire & Jeremy Toole 023 9245 3565 Baptisms and Marriages Contact the Parish Office Bookings for St. Faith’s Hall & Church House Contact the Parish Office Prayers for the Sick Please notify the Rector, Parish Office or use the Intention Cards in the Church Parish Magazine of St Faith, Havant with St Nicholas, Langstone - Editor Colin Carter (Email: [email protected]) 023 9248 6739 Distribution and Advertising: Mrs Beryl Carter 023 9248 6739 Articles, notices, letters or other items for inclusion in our magazine are always welcome and should be sent to the Editor, ‘faith matters’, Parish Office, Church House, The Pallant, or Email: [email protected]. The magazine is published on the 1st of each month, with a print deadline 15th of previous month. St. Faith’s Web-site: (Email: [email protected])

-24- SERVICES Tuesday 1st June 11.00am HMS HAVANT Service

Sunday 6th June 8.00am Eucharist FIRST SUNDAY 8.00am Eucharist at St. Nicholas, Langstone AFTER TRINITY 9.30am FAMILY EUCHARIST 6.30pm Evensong

Sunday 13th June 8.00am Eucharist SECOND SUNDAY 9.15am Sunday Club at Church House AFTER TRINITY 9.15am Youth Church at 9 Brunswick Gardens 9.30am PARISH EUCHARIST 6.30pm Evensong

Sunday 20th June 8.00am Eucharist THIRD SUNDAY 9.15am Sunday Club at Church House AFTER TRINITY 9.30am PARISH EUCHARIST 5.00pm To Be Advised – see Bulletin in due course

Sunday 27th June 8.00am Eucharist FOURTH SUNDAY 9.15am Sunday Club at Church House AFTER TRINITY 9.30am PARISH EUCHARIST 6.30pm Evensong

Sunday 4th July 8.00am Eucharist FIFTH SUNDAY 8.00am Eucharist at St. Nicholas, Langstone AFTER TRINITY 9.30am FAMILY EUCHARIST 6.30pm Evensong

Midweek Services Monday-Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer Thursday 10.30am Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer): Saturday 9.00am Eucharist

Armed Forces 25 June – is the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War – sometimes referred to as the “forgotten war”. 26 June – Cardiff, the capital city for Wales will be proud hosts of the second Armed Forces Day national event.
