Government --of-­ Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure Legislative Building Regina, Canada S4S 083 January 7, 2019

Ms. Debra Myles Review Panel Manager, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project c/o Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor OTTAWA ON K1A OH3 Panei.RBT2@ceaa

Dear Ms. Beaudet and Members of the Review Panel :

On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, this letter expresses our support for the Port of Vancouver's Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project.

During 2017, an estimated $752 million worth of Saskatchewan-based cargo was exported through the Port of Vancouver in shipping containers to reach global markets by vessel. Prairie exports are continuing to grow as demand for Canadian goods increases in other parts of the world, such as Asia . The average value of bulk goods from Saskatchewan was approximately $430/tonne (Potash, grain). The average value of Saskatchewan commodities exported through the Port of Vancouver by container was $540/tonne. The key to diversifying Saskatchewan's agricultural production will be the ab ility to service niche markets with container size shipments.

Shipping containers provide flexibility, security and efficiency for Canadian exporters and importers. As Canada continues to forge new trade deals and expand access to global markets, the ability to use shipping containers to ship commodities through Canadian ports will become essential for provinces like Saskatchewan to se ize new economic opportunities.

There is a risk that container traffic congestion will impinge on Saskatchewan's bulk exports. Having a reputation of reliable and timely shipments is critical to diversifying our markets .

. . . 2 Ms. Debra Myles Page 2 January 7, 2019

With trade demand expecting to increase and existing Port of Vancouver terminals nearing capacity, we understand that a new terminal is needed to accommodate future trade. We agree with the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority's conclusion that the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project is the best option for increasing capacity for container traffic; the 2.4 million twenty-foot equivalent units of container capacity that the project would provide will bridge this future supply chain gap and facilitate long-term Canadian trade growth.

Based on this, the Government of Saskatchewan fully supports the development of the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project. We look forward to the approval and construction of this project, and the resulting trade benefits it will provide to our province and the rest of Canada. Thank you for considering our comments.


Lori Carr, C.D. Minister of Highways and Infrastructure

cc: Honourable , Minist er of Environment Honourable , Minister of Trade and Export Development Honourable , Minister of Energy and Resources Honourable David M arit, Minister of Agriculture Fred Antunes, P. Eng., Deputy Minist er of Highways and Infrastructure