Larry Flynt's Conspiracy Theory Theory Conspiracy Flynt's Larry
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THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 B1 Larry Flynt's Conspiracy Theory ANNE■morgigniMMENI6- L From His_ Sickbed, Sermons and Speculation By Rudy Maxa magazine Hustler, recent convert to born-again Christendom and friend of President Carter's sis- LAWRENCEVIT Ga.—"If you could see what ter. had also become a vegetarian—and, later, a my stomach looks like, it'd make you sick," said fraitarian. Larry Flynt, his voice barely a rasp as he lay in a hospital bed here Tuesday night. He would fast, sometimes in the Bahamas with By his side was his wife, Althea, who had kept Dick Gregory. And in the days before he was vigil at the hospital since the day before, when shot, as his trial for obscenity was drawing to a her husband was severely wounded on a Lawrence- close at the courthouse here, he was fasting again. ville sidewalk, hit twice in the abdomen by bullets On Monday, the day of the shooting,'he had said to be from a .44 magnum rifle, a weapon lunched only on grapefruit juice at a cafeteria commonly used by deer hunters. two blocks from the courthouse. Lawrence Claxton Flynt, founder of the skin And the day before, in keeping with his routine, See FLYNT, B3, Cot. I . Meanwhile, Police Search For Any Leads" By Mindy Fetterman soetho to The Washington Post LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga.—With the dismissal yesterday of suspect Teddy Morris of Norfolk, Va., police say they are left with few solid the shooting of Larry Flynt, the Hustler publisher who was seriously wounded here Monday. Morris was arrested in Norfolk Tuesday night after Gwinette County police received a telephone call indicating he was a possible suspect. Police flew to Norfolk to question Morris, who was being held in the city jail there after he re- Bottom Photo Iv Vandm a. Barnes--Thelanuton Pout, Top Photon by Dotted Preis International fused to sign extradition papers to Georgia. But Larry Flynt, above, and top, left to right: Al Goldstein of Screw magazine talking to Flynt by noon Wednesday the lead had fallen through. lawyer Harold Fahringer; Althea Flynt, and Ruth Carter Stapleton.. See INVESTIGATION, B3, Cot. 2 THE WASHINGTON EOST Thuri, March 4. 1978 B 3 , Us,ice-cl Press Inierastlonal Althea Flynt meeting with newsmen in Lawrenceville. Larry Fl 4 Theorizing About FLYNT, From Bl light streamed through the rear win- Gregory as his mentors. Flynt em- dow of Larry Flynt's limousine. The barked' on a campaign to solve -the he had bad two enemas. His doctors Hustler founder was headed for a Cul- murder of John F. Kennedy. He of- said those enemas prObably helped ver City photo studio where women fered a SI-million reward for informa- seve his life. When the bullets tore up posed fdr explicit nudes that made tion leading to the solving of what he his intestines, his digestive tract was Flynt infamous and wealthy. thinks was a conspiracy involving the rel'atively empty, thus decreasing the "You know," Flynt, 35„said that day FBI and CIA to kill the president. He chance of infection. In a world-weary Kentucky drawl, "I published a million copies of a tabloid .Flynt is convinced the attempt on don't know why I don't forget this on the subject. He bankrolled a seven- his life was the work of an assassina- other stuff and live in Acapulco with person investigative team, with Lane tion team with ties to the government. the profits from Hustler." at its head, to follow leads around the 'The motive: to silence his inquiry into country. the JFK killing. Even on his sickbed, For all the West Coast sunshine, the And then there were the legal bat- still on the critical list, with paralysis limousines, the private jets, the bun- tles. He expected a Cincinnati convic- of his legs still a possibility, Flynt galow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, for tion for publishing obscenity to be took the opportunity to crusade: all the publicity of new friendships overturned on appeal, but he faced ,,"If this will focus enough attention with born-again household names, trials in Atlanta and a rural Georgia on the concept of obscenity, maybe we Larry Flynt was beset with problems._ "own of 7,000 named Lawrenceville can truly have a free press in this He was besieged by media requests country .... One single thing that has for interviews about his religious ex- Traveling With Bodyguards • perience several ago. In an hurt the most—the American people Flynt begin worrying about his per- wbUldn'S believe me when I said I was urge to find somesome respectability and a larger meaning to life than Hustler sonal safety as his legal fights. and re• willing to die for the concepts on ligious conversion put him on the na- which our country was founded. If the perhaps represents, Flynt recently be- gan a dash to build a media empire tion's front pages. To his friends, he apathetic American people can be wo- acknowledged the possibility of assas- ken up we can solve a lot of social consisting of a dozen urban tabloids 4 sination. In addition to a traveling ret- problems and make this a less violent fashioned after the Village Voice, inue of aides who double as body- world." chain of city and state magazines mod- • eled after Texas Monthly, and a week- guards, Flynt last month bought a gi- His wife asked him to save the ser- ly news magazine. ant schnauzer a black animal whose mons. Flynt asked the doctor if he friendly, bearded face belles an enor- could sip some water; the corners of He acquired tabloids in Plains, At- mous jaw. His name is Magnum. Flynt his mouth were cracked and dry. No, lanta and Los Angeles. His first foray calls him "the Rev. Magnum Black." said his doctor, but perhaps he could into straight magazine publishing was But during a trip home last week- have a Life Saver to freshen his a month away, when Ohio magazine end Flynt told his wife he didn't fear mouth. would debut. The new properties were for his safety in Lawrenceville be- "Has that got sugar in it?" Flynt causing cash flow problems, cause it seemed so tranquil and pleas- asked. On this afternoon, as the long black ant. "Well, yes, but that will do you car traveled through Culver City's A spent shell was reported found some good." answered the doctor. faded business district, Flynt spied a near the door of an abandoned build- "We're vegetarians, we don't eat corner sporting goods store. He ing across the street from where sugar." said Althea. smiled as he pointed it out to his wife: Flynt fell, wounded, though police de- Flynt nodded in agreement as the why, he asked, don't we just buy that cline to comment on the weapon in- doctor, smiling tolerantly, pointed to store and settle down, sell tennis volved. A clerk at the Sherwin Wil- the glucose bag above the bed that shoes from behind the counter. • liams paint store next door says that dripped sugar into Flynt's blood- In addition to his business problems until five or six years ago the building stream. all was not grim: Hustler's sales con- held a chiropractor's office. It's win-, tinued strongly). Flynt was becoming dows are shattered, doors hang from , consumed by assassination conspiracy the hinges. The rear exit leads con- Fears and Problems theories. With veteran assassination veniently through an overgrown back Two weeks ago Los Angeles sun- buffs Mark Lane and comedian Dick Yard to a parking lot. In short, the Conspiracy stone building could have been an as- sassjts lair. "An identical modus operandi ap- plied in the murder of Dr. Martin Lu- ther King," says Mark Lane, who has spent 14 years studying political assas- sinations. Since the man who has been financing his latest efforts was shot Monday. Lane has begun conducting his own investigation into the shoot- ing. Only 12 seconds to fire, exist the abandoned building and flee from the hicIffEn parking lot, notes Lane. As po- lice and citizens converge on the scene of the wounded publisher and his lawyer, the gunman escapes easily In the opposite direction, Lane postu- tates. Yesterday, two days after the shoot- ing. Lane held a. press conference in a motel room. While newspapers have suggested Flynt's volatile combination of porn and religion could well have motivated an attack on his life, Lane wanted to raise the assumption he shares with the Flynts: that the gov- ernment wants to silence this monied rabble rouser who suggests Lee Har- libbIe rouser who suggests Lee Ha- Lane did not specifically accuse the FBI or CIA with complicity, but claimed there has been "a deliberate effort to interfere with and destroy the investigation" he has been con- ducting under Flynt's auspices for a month. When reporters from the maga- zines. newspapers and TV stations present expressed skepticism. Lane replied that, "The news media has al- ways been wrong," referring to the ties guard every hallway in the hospi- ferences and statements. And, in fact, mainstream coverage of political as- tal where wire service reporters spend Althea Flynt says Ruth Carter. Staple- sassinations. The Flynt shooting had the night in the lobby. ton says her brother the president is the earmarks of a sophisticated opera- Flynt, a promoter who never bad tion, he argued: "It doesn't look like praying for Flynt. The governor of trouble garnering media attention, Georgia sent a warm telegram ex- amateur night in Lawrenceville, Ga." finds himself in a play with no script.