The Ukrainian Weekly 1986
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Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. і і c. a fraternal non-profit association I ramian Wei v Vol. LIV No. 49 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1986 25 cents Supreme Court declines Linnas appeal, Canadian PM appoints new senator but justice grants stay of deportation Ukrainian community leaders voice disappointment WASHINGTON — Karl Linnas, the Mr. Linnas' attorney, former U.S. by Michael B. Bociurkiw Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. Estonian sentenced to death, in ab- Attorney General Ramsey Clark, to file Sources say Sen. Yuzyk was close to sentia, by the Soviet court, lost his bid a petition for a rehearing before the WINNIPEG — After waiting more retirement when he died. His death left for an appeal to the Supreme Court on Supreme Court. than four months to make up his mind, one other Ukrainian in the Senate — Monday, December 1. The vote was 6 to Mr. Linnas is accused of concealing Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mul- Alberta Sen. Martha Bielish of Edmon- 3 — one short of what is needed to grant his background as a Nazi death camp roney finally filled the Senate seat left ton. review. The court's refusal to hear the commandant in Tartu, Estonia. The vacant by the death of Sen. Paul Yuzyk. Canadian senators wield far less case cleared the way for Mr. Linnas4 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in But news of the appointment on power and influence than United States deportation to the USSR, the only May had ordered Mr. Linnas deported. November 17 of a non-Ukrainian to the senators. Referred to by the "Fathers of country willing to accept him. For his alleged Nazi war crimes, a seat was not happily greeted by Ukrai- Confederation" as a forum for "sober Two days later, however, Justice Soviet court in 1962 sentenced Mr. nian community leaders, many of second thought," the upper chamber is Thurgood Marshall granted a 25-day Linnas to death. However, the verdict whom participated in an intense cam- now considered a routine rubber- stay of deportation in order to allow of the trial was announced in the Soviet paign to have the Manitoba seat filled stamping body that essentially endorses press even before the proceedings had by one of their own. legislation adopted by the House of begun. Mr. Mulroney unexpectedly ap- Commons. New member reported Mr. Linnas, meanwhile, is still being pointed Mira Spivak, 52, of Winnipeg, Appointments to the Senate are held at the Metropolitan Corrections who told reporters here the announce- oridinarily used by the prime minister to in Helsinki group Center in New York. He was visited ment was a "surprise." reward party faithful for years of hard NEW YORK — Ukrainian political there on December 3 by his daughters Said Ms. Spivak, an employee of the work. The Liberals currently have a prisoner Vasyl Kornylo, a 66-year-old Tiina and Epp. Winnipeg Social Planning Council who majority in the Senate. physician from the Lviv oblast, joined In other developments, Americans describes herself as representing wo- Vera Holliad, a press aid to Mr. the Ukrainian Helsinki Group before for Due Process, headed by Rasa men's, Jewish and Slavic groups; "I'm Mulroney, told The Weekly the prime his arrest and incarceration for Ukrai- Razgaitis, and Linnas family members not sure I deserve it. I think there are minister had many "qualified indivi- nian nationalist activity in February on December 3 filed a protest with the many other people whom the prime duals" to chose from. "The fact that Mr. 1980, according to samvydav docu- FBI's civil rights division, contending minister might have chosen who would Mulroney chose Ms. Spivak is no reflec- ments newly obtained by the Ukrainian that Mr. Linnas' civil rights had been have been wonderful." tion on the Ukrainians," she said. The appointment brings to an end a Helsinki Group's External Representa- violated in that due process had been Ms. Spivak, the wife of Manitoba five-month campaign by Ukrainian tion here. denied him. The FBI is now investigat- Conservative leader Sydney Spivak, was community organizations to fill the Until now the Ukrainian Helsinki ing whether the Linnas matter falls one of three Conservative women vacancy with a Ukrainian. The national Group has had 39 known members, but within the parameters of civil rights appointed on November 17 by Mr. Ukrainian Canadian Congress, which its Western representatives have re- laws, Ms. Razgaitis told The Weekly. Mulroney to the $56,000-a-year posts. convened here in October, adopted a peatedly indicated that there may be ADP has also started a mailgram The appointments fill all of the resolution urging the prime minister to more unknown or unannounced mem- campaign aimed at protesting deporta- available vacancies in the 104-seat appoint a Ukrainian to the seat. bers. tions to the Soviet Union. Persons upper chamber. Mr. Kornylo was arrested in February wishing to send a standard message to A number of Ukrainian Canadians 1980 in Lviv and was sentenced to 10 President Ronald Reagan and j or At- Sen. Yuzyk, who died of cancer in made it known publically over the past years in a special-regimen labor camp torney General Edwin Meese may do so July at the age of 73, was appointed to few months that they were eager to be and five years in internal exile for by calling 800-325-6000 and asking for the Senate by former Conservative (Continued on page 16) circulation of Ukrainian nationalist hotline operator 9070. The mailgrams literature and books published abroad. — costing $4 for the first message and It is believed that he also wrote poetry of $3.25 for the second — will be billed to UCC demands explanation for a nationalist nature. the caller's phone number. Members of the External Repre- Ms. Razgaitis also noted that persons government's position on Ukraine sentation said in their news release that wishing to express an opinion are TORONTO — The national execu- the latest revelation of Mr. Kornylo's encouraged to call the White House public comments lin$, (202) 456-1414 tive of the Ukrainian Canadian Com- membership proves that the Helsinki mittee has demanded an explanation (callers do not have to give their names). movement in Ukraine continues despite from Joe Clark, secretary of state for During the first 12 hours of the its continued repression by Soviet external affairs, about remarks he authorities. (Continued on page 13) communicated in a letter, dated Octo- ber 23 to Michael Wawryshyn, an individual who accompanied the Ukrai- Church to be dedicated to Chornobyl victims nian Canadian choral group, Vesnivka, by Eugene M. Iwanciw active role in protesting the failure of on its recent tour of South America. the Soviet government to provide In his letter, Mr. Clark indicated that SILVER SPRING, Md. — On a information about and assistance to the officials of the Canadian Embassy in seven-acre lot, just 16 miles from the victims of the nuclear disaster which Buenos Aires, Argentina, had not White House,one of the first memorials occurred in April. They joined with officially attended a concert staged to the victims of the Chornobyl nuclear other Ukrainians in the Washington there by the group in August because its disaster is under construction. The me- area in petitioning U.S. government organizers had "prominently displayed" morial is the new St. Andrew's Ukrainian officials for assistance in persuading the alongside the Canadian flag, the "flag of Orthodox Church. It is being built at Soviets to allow humanitarian aid into the wartime Republic of Ukraine" and 15100 New Hampshire Ave. in Silver Ukraine. had sung, along with the Canadian Spring, Md., a suburb of Washington. The dedication of St. Andrew's to the anthem, the anthem of the Ukrainian In the aftermath of the world's worst Chornobyl victims follows a tradition republic. nuclear disaster, the parishioners de- established with the dedication of the Mr. Clark wrote that he supported cided to dedicate their new church to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in South the decision of the local Canadian memory of all the victims of Chornobyl. Bound Brook, N.J., to the more than 7 officials not to attend, since their On December 14, Metropolitan million victims of the Soviet man-made presence "could have, been subject to Mstyslav of the Ukrainian Orthodox famine in Ukraine during 1932-33. possible misinterpretation regarding Church, will bless and dedicate the In both cases it is hoped that the Canadian policy towards the Ukraine." cornerstone of the church. tragedies Ukrainians have suffered will ТЋе president of the Ukrainian Cana- St. Andrew's parishioners took an (Continued on page 13) (Continued on page 13) External Affairs Minister Joe Clark 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1986 No. 49 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Orthodox activist receives sentence FRAM1NGHAM, Mass. — Ortho- the persecution of Orthodox believers dox activist Pavel Protsenko was tried were confiscated. The text reportedly Stalin's crony Vyacheslav Molotov: in Kiev on November 18-19 and sen- had not been intended for publication. tenced to three years in a labor camp on Mr. Protsenko, a graduate of the a charge of "anti-Soviet slander," under Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow, the hammer of the peasants Article 187-1 of the Ukrainian criminal worked as a librarian in the Kiev oblast by Bohdan Nahaylo broke out throughout the Soviet Union. code, reported Keston College. library. Molotov must have been only too well Mr. Protsenko, 32, was arrested in At the time of his arrest, Mr. Prot- Vyacheslav Molotov, whose death aware of what was happening, for at this Kiev in the apartment of a nun, Sister senko's wife, Iryna Diakova, and their was announced in Izvestia on Novem- critical juncture he is known to have Serafima, on June 4 of this year.