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2005 W INNIPEG S enforcement practitioners, coveringawide a bodyofstandards,developed bylaw delivery oflawenforcement servicebyoffering agencies acrossNorthAmerica improve CALEA’s accreditation programhelpspolice enforcement agencies. established forlaw standards CALEAhas to liveupthehigh the CALEAcrestcontinues each policeservicebearing every threeyearstoensure accreditation processoccurs agencies. Thisre- province lawenforcement by threeassessorsfromout-of- confirmed in2005afteraformalon-sitereview The WPShaditsCALEAaccreditation Enforcement Agencies(CALEA). the CommissiononAccreditationforLaw police agenciesinCanadatobeaccreditedby The WPSisproudtobeoneofaselectfew Agencies (CALEA). Accreditation forLawEnforcement accredited bytheCommissionon few policeagenciesinCanadatobe The WPSisproudtobeoneofaselect CALEA Re-accreditation Annual Report ERVICE P OLICE 450 standardsinordertobere-accredited. The WPShastocomplywithapproximately complying withapplicablestandards. offering anorderlyprocessforaddressingand recognizes professionalachievementsby range ofup-to-datelawenforcementtopics.It Meeting theStandard 2005 14 Police Service Annual Report CORE VALUES

Honesty | Being truthful and open in our interactions with each other and the citizens we serve

Integrity | Being above reproach, ethical and doing what is right

Trust | Being honourable and maintaining a high level of trust with each other and the members of our communities

Respect | Valuing each other and our citizens by showing understanding and appreciation for our similarities and differences

Accountability | Being conscientious, VISION professional, dependable and accountable

Quality policing with for our actions by the citizens we serve commitment to excellence Commitment to Excellence | Adhering to strict standards of conduct and performance in everything we do MISSION STATEMENT

To provide a continuously improving police service to the citizens of Winnipeg through ongoing community commitment.

The is an internationally accredited law enforcement agency. • • • • Notably in2005,wealso: maintaining publicorderandassistingvictims. enforcing laws,investigatingcrime, responsibilities –respondingtoemergencies, We continuetoexcelatourcorepolicing organization. of ourmembersareasourcepridefor The outstandingefforts andaccomplishments to December31,2005. crime statisticsfortheperiodofJanuary1 of policeactivities,majorinitiativesand intended toprovideyouwithasnapshot to presentour2005AnnualReport.Itis Winnipeg PoliceService,itismyhonour One behalfofthe1,560members 12 &13);and road safetyawarenesscampaigns(pages safer throughgreaterenforcementand continued toworkonmakingourstreets our PlannedResponsemodel(page9) more effective useofresources through Operation CleanSweep(page7)andthe concerns throughinitiativessuchas proactively tackledcrimeandcommunity for ourmembers(pages4&15) provided enhancedtrainingopportunities of thecommunity(page3) better positiontorespondtheneeds additional officers whichplacesusina resources throughnewfundingfor46 realized agreaterinvestmentinhuman Chief JackEwatski Menno Zacharias Deputy Chief community commitment. citizens ofWinnipegthroughourongoing continuously improvingpoliceservicetothe Working togetherwestrivetoprovidea our members,volunteersandpartners. I amproudofourrecordandtheworkall young peopleandeducatorsinschools. through ourDiversitySection,andworkingwith with Winnipeg’s multiculturalcommunities and awarenesspresentations,exchangingideas This includeshostingnumerouscrimeprevention Relations UnitincommunitiesacrossWinnipeg. work donebythemembersofourCommunity An entirebookcouldalsobededicatedto summary pagesatthebackofthisReport. accomplishments arecapturedinthestatistical Criminal InvestigationsBureau.Manyoftheir Divisions andthethatcompriseour Communications Division,UniformPatrol list theendlessachievementsofour We wouldrequiremanymorepagesto • program (page16). newly formedCommunityCadetCorps Urban Transition Centre(page18)andthe Resource Partnership(page17),theEagle programs suchastheNorthEndSchool partnership withthecommunitythrough maintained ourcommitmenttoworkingin Doug Webster Deputy Chief Message fromtheChief 2005 Chief ofPolice J. Ewatski 1 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Maintaining theStandard executive responsibility inlawandpolicing. Severalseniormembersofthe WPSareinvolvedinthese efforts. well asactivelyliaisingwithvarious levelsofgovernmentanddepartmentalministries havinglegislativeand Much oftheworkaccomplished bytheCACPisdonethroughanumberofcommittees andspecialprojectsas • • • • the provisionofservice,supportandinformationtoCACP membersandbyadvocating: The CACP’s mandateistoleadprogressivechangeinpolicing. This isdonebypromotingexcellencethrough senior officers andcivilianseniormanagersrepresenting90per centofCanadianlawenforcementagencies. years, mostrecentlyasVice-President, Western Canada.TheCACPisa900-memberassociation ofexecutives, Chief EwatskihasbeenamemberofCACPfornineyearsandservedontheBoardDirectorsfive Directors foratwo-yearterm. Chiefs ofPolice(CACP)electedWPSChiefJack Ewatski asPresidentofitsBoard 100thAnnualGeneralMeeting,themembership oftheCanadianAssociation its At Chief EwatskiElectedPresident ofCACP law enforcementagencies. the highstandardsCALEAhasestablishedfor bearing theCALEAcrestcontinuestoliveup every threeyearstoensureeachpoliceservice agencies. Thisre-accreditationprocessoccurs assessors fromout-of-provincelawenforcement in 2005afteraformalon-sitereviewbythree The WPShaditsCALEAaccreditationconfirmed Law EnforcementAgencies(CALEA). by theCommissiononAccreditationfor police agenciesinCanadatobeaccredited The WPSisproudtobeoneofaselectfew CALEA Re-accreditation the highestprofessionaland ethicalstandardswithinthepolicecommunity. community partnershipswith thepeopleofCanada;and of Canada innovative solutionsforcrimeandpublicorderissueswith CACPpartnersandconcernedpeople governments legislative reform,resourceallocationandpolicyimprovements withthepeopleofCanadaandtheir 450 standardstomaintainitsaccreditation. The WPScomplieswithapproximately and complyingwithapplicablestandards. offering anorderlyprocessforaddressing It recognizesprofessionalachievementsby range ofup-to-datelawenforcementtopics. enforcement practitioners,coveringawide a bodyofstandards,developedbylaw delivery oflawenforcementservicebyoffering agencies acrossNorthAmericaimprove CALEA’s accreditationprogramhelpspolice CACP • • • • following units: This fundingwasusedtosustainthe which impactedonourfrontlineresources. WPS tobackfillmany‘Temporary Assignments’ fund 23newpolicemembers.Thisallowedthe into justunder$2milliongiventotheWPS . Thisincreaseimmediatelytranslated announced afundingincreaseforpolicingin On March14th,theprovincialgovernment fiscal restraint. and advantagestotheServiceinatimeof provided someencouragingopportunities funding announcedfornewpoliceofficers, The 2005Budget,incombinationwith million for2005. budget fortheCityofWinnipeg$707 into perspective,CityCouncilapprovedatotal Department in2005.To putthesenumbers the largestincreasegrantedtoaCity increase of$6.1millionover2004’s budget– of $146.7millionfortheWPS.Thiswasan City Councilapprovedauthorizedexpenditures As partofitsOperatingBudgetfor2005, allocations in2005. to benefitfromsomefavourablefunding Operating Budget.TheWPSwasfortunate staffing costsprimarilydictatetheService’s Law Enforcementisapeoplebusinessand Technical CrimesUnit Missing PersonsUnit Arson Unit Integrated ChildExploitationUnit position inthefightagainstillicitactivities. public safetyhelptheWPSmaintainitsstrong emerging crimetrends.Theseinvestmentsin against acontinuallychangingbackdropof Law enforcementintoday’s worldisdone 46 policemembers. authorized complementwouldincreaseby These twoannouncementsmeanttheService’s in 2006. commencing withtheSpringRecruitClass to hireanadditional23newpolicemembers provincial governmentwastobeprioritized unallocated $2millioninfundingfromthe Mayor SamKatzannouncedthatapreviously On November21,PremierGaryDoerand • • • • • Cold CaseUnit. Integrated High-RiskOffender Unit;and Canine Unit Identification Unit Domestic Violence Coordinator 2005 Police Funding 3 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 4 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Plugged IntoOnlineLearning classroom program. was offered asaCPKNblended online/ The DomesticViolence InvestigationsCourse time dealingwiththesecalls. estimated membersspend30percentoftheir members aredomesticsituations.Itis cent ofallcallsattendedbyUniformPatrol response tothefactthatapproximatelysixper Course. Thiscoursewasdevelopedindirect offering theDomesticViolence Investigations service tocomeonlinewithacoursein2005, The WPSbecamethefirstmunicipalpolice also indevelopingcontent. have beenactivenotonlyinusingthesite,but Police ResearchCentre(CPRC).WPSmembers 2004 underthedirectionofCanadian The CPKNwebsitewaslaunchedonOctober25, by policeofficers acrossCanada. policing coursesdesignedanddelivered training opportunitiesforavarietyof provides officers with“anytime-anywhere” can It Police KnowledgeNetwork(CPKN)which opportunit more memberswithtraining online learningtooldesignedtoprovide helped launchaninnovativenational Members oftheWPSTraining Academy ies. It’s calledtheCanadian Police Service. Police ServiceandonememberoftheWinkler of theWPS,onememberMorden Recruit Class#140graduatedwith22members graduated with24membersoftheWPS. WPS Training Unitin2005.RecruitClass#139 Two RecruitClasses graduatedfromthe Recruit Training outside agencies. information sessionsto181individualsfrom 496 staff members.TheWPSalsopresented the equivalentof1,619policemembersand Academy provided124specialtycoursesto be apriorityfortheWPS.In2005,ourTraining Ongoing trainingforallmemberscontinuesto for members Enhanced trainingessential was introducedin2005. blended onlineSearchandSeizureCoursethat WPS membersalsodevelopedandoffered a training moreoften. Training Academytooffer thisimportant component alsoreducescostsandenablesthe training theyseek.Reducingtheclasstime more membersanopportunitytoreceivethe members onthestreet,whilestillaffording time. ItallowstheWPStokeepmorepolice This formatreducestraditionallectureclass Service, ReginaPoliceQueensland Representatives ofthePeelRegionalPolice police officers areusingthisRMSsoftware. England and17percentofallAustralian officers, 25percentofallpoliceofficers in are that45percentofallCanadianpolice have switchedtothissystem.Currentestimates from acrossCanadaandaroundtheworld use. Sinceourimplementation,manyagencies to implementtheRMSsoftwarecurrentlyin major metropolitanpoliceagencyinCanada The WinnipegPoliceServicewasthefirst serving thecitizensofWinnipeg. the informationandtoolstheyrequirein officers andsupportstaff withsomeof 2004 continuedtoprovidefrontlinepolice (RMS) thattheServiceimplementedin The newRecordsManagementSystem Records ManagementSystem this cutting-edgetechnology. Winnipeg receivethegreatestbenefitfrom version releases,ensuringthatthecitizensof that theRMScanbeimprovedinfuture provide inputtothesoftwaredeveloperso The WinnipegPoliceServicecontinuesto capabilities oftheRMS. our administrativeprocessesalignwiththe provided qualitycontrolandassistedinmaking of theongoingimplementation.Theyhave Our supportstaff havebeenanintegralpart virtually everyareawithinourService. accomplished –asthissoftwareisusedby with thedepthofimplementationwehave complex softwaretool.Theyallleftimpressed Winnipeg PoliceServiceusesthispowerful, Winnipeg duringtheyeartolearnhow Police ServiceintheUnitedKingdomcameto Police ServiceinAustraliaandtheHampshire Implementation Update 2005 5 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 6 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report CPIC Team MeetstheStandard reliable information. Patrol membersarebestprotectedbytimely, data. ThesafetyofthepublicandUniform with regardtoaccuracyandrelevanceof the mostimportantlinkinentirenetwork, procedures. Theindividualterminaloperatoris support systemdependsoncorrectuser The qualityandeffectiveness ofthepolice resource withinCanadianlawenforcement. operational informationthatisashared CPIC isanationalrepositoryofpolice every fouryears. national CPICoffice inOttawaarerequired audit heldin2005.Formalauditsbythe This factwasaffirmed duringamandatory Centre (CPIC)Units. municipal CanadianPoliceInformation of Canada’s mostaccurateandefficient WPS frontlinemembersareservedbyone rate issetat4percent. 6,907 fieldschecked.CPIC’s acceptableerror which satatamere0.42percentofthe extremely low“fieldforcorrection”rating The teamwasspecificallyrecognizedforits found tobeinvalid. Of the400recordsaudited,justthreewere Primary Records. person ofinterest.Theyareattachedto and pointervehiclesassociatedtothe records includealiases,marks,scars,tattoos Autos orlost/stolenDriver’s Licenses.Secondary reports suchasWarrants, CourtOrders,Stolen Prime Recordsarerecordsinrelationto since thelastformalauditin2001. and 104percent(from62,667)respectively numbers wereup16percent(from52,958) and 128,426SecondaryRecordsonCPIC.These At audit,theWPShad61,584PrimeRecords SEARCH WARRANTS EXECUTED TIPS RECEIVED VISIBILITY SPOT CHECKS SEIZURES APPREHENSIONS OFFENCE NOTICESISSUED ARRESTS Activity (December 31st,2005): inception onNovember21sttoYear End spans thetaskforce’s operationsfrom The followingstatisticaldataofactivities exchange intelligencewithotherpoliceunits. The taskforcewasalsousedtogatherand Probation Ordersandconditionalsentences. persons subjecttobailrestrictions,curfews, task forcealsoattendedtocharged/convicted drug andprostitutionrelatedoffences. The disorder, including,butnotlimitedto,gang, used tosuppressgeneralstreetviolenceand and ahighlyvisiblepolicepresencehavebeen the city’s West End.Aggressiveenforcement members inapilotprojectfocusinginitiallyon a specialtaskforceof45UniformPatrol On November21st,2005theWPSmobilized street levelcrime. The WPSremainscommittedtocombating hcsarssmd icue nrlvn oas 94 1,693.5 5 98 632 307 53 Checks/arrests made (includedinrelevanttotals) Phone/Web Site Visible BeatWalking, inPerson-Hours Other Municipal By-Laws 10 The HighwayTraffic Act(Manitoba) The LiquorControlAct(Manitoba) Traffic Stops 157 Park-and-Walk (LicencedEstablishments,etc.) Suspicion ofCriminalActivity Known GangMembers/Associates Other Seizures 76 Currency: 17 Vehicles Cell phones Drugs: Other Weapons (stunguns, batons,knives) Firearms Persons ApprehendedunderTheIntoxicatedDetentionAct Controlled DrugsandSubstancesAct(Canada)Charges Warrants ofArrest Criminal Code(Canada)Charges U.S. Canadian Marihuana resin Khat leaf Ecstasy Marihuana Cocaine website the Featuressectiononmainpageofour web pagecanbeaccessedthroughalinkin the OperationCleanSweepwebpage.This (986-8435) andatipse-mailaddressthrough WPS establishedtheCleanSweepTip Line identifying issuesintheircommunity, the To enablecitizenstoplayadirectrolein Operation CleanSweep (Nov. 21/05toDec.31/05) 2005 $79,755.42 $8,527.00 244.4 g 621.8 g Totals 22.5 g 3 pills 1.0 g 105 338 102 257 18 76 66 15 15 1 1 7 7 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 8 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Project “HouseCall” after theevent. event; andcontrollingtraffic before,duringand the variousactivitiesthatwereapartofthisspecial many specialeventsheld;providingsitesecurity at event’s success:assistingwiththeplanningof of ourorganizationplayedimportantrolesinthe March 31sttoApril3rd.Manymembersfromallareas brightest musicalstarsduringthe2005JUNOAwards, Winnipeg playedhosttoCanada’s biggestand Juno Awards offenders throughoutthedowntownarea. and Warrant apprehensionsofknown project wastoconductcompliancechecks “House Call”.Theobjectiveofthe Risk Offenders UnitundertookProject Services CriminalOrganizationandHigh Unit andManitobaJustice’s Probation The WPSDivision11CommunitySupport summer, withthefollowingresults: Four jointprojectswereconductedoverthe te ret 1 8 2 3 71 19 Other arrests Arrest onexistingWarrants Apprehended revokedparolees Breaches submittedforWarrant Summary breacharrests Offenders checked JUNO • • • identified that: Once onthescene,however, members from areagrouphomes. were beingdispatchedtocallsforservice increasing numberofpriorityresponsecars quite evidentinDistrict42005wherean The benefitsofsuchanapproachweremade service andcommunityconcerns. members todealwithnon-emergencycallsfor Planned responseinvolvesassigningdedicated Winnipeg beginningin2004. formally adoptedforusethroughout pilot projectin2003,itwasamodel introduce plannedresponse.Initiallya It isaphilosophythatledtheWPSto as itisaboutproactivelyfindingsolutions. so muchaboutrespondingtoproblems In manyinstancesfrontlinepolicingisnot phone byapolicesupervisor. other callscouldbehandledoverthe and handled byplannedresponsemembers; some ofthesecallscouldbebetter responsibilities oftheWPS many ofthecallsfellout Planned Response–Working With LocalGroupHomes how thenewproceduresareworking. group homesinvolvedtoprovideupdateson response membersregularlymeetwiththe This isanongoingprogram.District4planned implemented. 16 timespermonthafterthisinitiativewas times permonthpriortotheinitiative for servicedroppedfromanaverageof80 in particularthenumberofmonthlycalls locations revealedthatatonegrouphome A reviewofthecallsforserviceatthese community asawhole,andourmembers. the overallsafetyofgrouphomes, with moreemergentevents,weareenhancing By freeinguppriorityresponseunitstodeal planned responsesupervisor. operators weregivenadirectlinetothe police responsewaswarranted,grouphome In thoseinstanceswheretheystillbelieveda which inmanycaseswasnotapolicemember. help grouphomesaccesstheproperresources, In response,asetofguidelineswascreatedto by plannedresponsemembers. call andwhattypesofcallscouldbemanaged specifically aboutwhatconstitutesapriority and theexpectationsofgrouphomes, identified betweentheroleofWPS with managersofgrouphomes.Agapwas Planned responsemembersinitiatedameeting 2005 9 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 10 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Arrest ina1984Homicide Cold CaseHomicideUnitMakes obtained andexecuted. together sothatanArrestWarrant couldbe Police theUnitwasabletoputentirecase Services Canada,andRoyalCanadianMounted the HamiltonPoliceService,Correctional Homicide Unit.Working inconjunctionwith and becamethefocusofColdCase to thisinvestigation.Thecasewasreactivated Homicide UnitwereinformedofaDNAmatch In March2005,membersoftheWPSColdCase the scene. of thekillerwasdevelopedfromDNAleftat the latestinforensictechnology, aDNAprofile WPS IdentificationUnit,whoin1998used Building onworkdonebymembersofthe wooded areaoftheMurrayIndustrialPark. body ofthe48yearoldwasfoundina Beverly Dyke.OnMay17th,1984,the an individualinthe1984homicideof laid FirstDegreeMurderchargesagainst Members oftheColdCaseHomicideUnit page andscrolldowntoUnsolvedCases. Crime Stoppersmenuatthetopof Clickonthe is availableontheWPSwebsite: More informationonunsolvedcases conviction inCourt. to proceedwithchargeslikelyleada one pieceofcorroboratingevidencenecessary identified suspects.Often,whatislacking Of theoutstandingcases,WPShas publication. two remainunsolvedatthetimeof 24 homicidesinWinnipeg2005.Ofthose, 97 percentofallhomicidecases.Therewere In thelast50years,WPShassolved solution ratesinthecountry. afforded theWPSoneofhighesthomicide These typesofcollaborativeefforts have re-examined andsubmittedforDNAanalysis. this homicideandotherinvestigationswere this arrestpossible,ensuringevidencefrom The diligenceoftheIdentificationUnitmade web pagethatidentifiesaddresseswherethe Winnipeg RealEstateBoard,establisheda As aresulttheWPS,withsupportof the homestheypurchase. to befullyinformedofthepasthistory associated withtheseproperties,theywant buyers becomemoreawareofthehazards for thegrowingofmarihuana.Ashome to determineifalocationhadbeenused want toknowthebackgroundofhomes agents, investorsandotherindividualswho inquiries fromthepublic,realestate Canada. OurServicereceivesnumerous they arewithinmanycommunitiesacross a problemwithinourneighbourhoods,as Marihuana growoperationscontinuetobe Identification ofMarihuana link intheFeaturessectionformoredetails. and clickontheMarihuanaGrowOperations Visit the firstyearofthisinitiative. There were74houseslistedonthesiteduring inspections oftheseaddresses. the propertyownersconductedregular grow operationswouldbeunabletoexistif and supervisetheirowninvestments.Many encourage propertyownerstobettermonitor our communities.Second,theServicewantsto the publicisawareofwhatoccurringwithin two-fold. First,theServicewantstoensurethat The purposeofreleasingthisinformationis seized. Thislistisupdatedonabi-weeklybasis. operations andgrowingplantshavebeen police havelocatedactivemarihuanagrow Grow Operations 2005 11 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 12 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Stolen AutoReportsDecrease members areouttherecombating theproblem. the effort doesraiseawareness thatour majority ofthecarspulledoverarenotstolen, with UniformPatrolmembers.Whilethevast problem areasandgreaterinformationsharing visibility walkthroughsandvehiclechecksin stolen autos.Thisincludesconductinghigh individuals andhotspotswithahistoryof The SAUhasincreasedsurveillanceon • • • • • The goalsoftheInitiativeinclude: Public Insurance. with theProvinceofManitobaand introduced onApril21st,2005inpartnership the launchofStolenAutoInitiative, These numbersbegantodecreasefollowing cent instolenautosfor2005. The Unitreportedadecreaseof11per to seesomelightattheendoftunnel. of theWPSStolenAutoUnit(SAU)began number ofstolenautosin2004,members After dealingwitharecord-breaking protect themselvesfrombecomingvictims. educating andencouragingthepublicto from autotheft;and youths inaneffort toturnthemaway discipline andencouragementtolow-risk providing appropriateaccountability, Courts forbreachesbyrepeatoffenders requesting seriousconsequencesfromthe diligent supervisionandcompliancechecks concentrating onhighriskyouthsthrough offenders accordingtopotentialrisk identifying andcategorizingyoung make informeddecisions. the Courtwithalldetailsrequiredto outstanding chargesandexpensesprovide individuals, theycanbetterspeaktoany they arefamiliarwiththehistoryofthese for theserepeatoffenders and,because Attorneys. CrownshandlealltheBailHearings from theassistanceofdesignatedCrown Through theInitiative,SAUalsobenefits before aWarrant isissuedfortheirarrest. these offenders mayhaveonthestreet processing. Thegoalistominimizethetime Police InformationCentreforimmediate delivering thepaperworktoCanadian information fromtheCourtandhand- has takenresponsibilityforretrievingthe individuals followingabreach,theSAU i disseminating immediately. To avoidanydelaysin sworn so soon asthebreachisidentifiedWarrants are in breachofProbationorCourtOrders.As in goingafterrepeatoffenders foundtobe The SAUhasalsotakenanaggressivestance checks forhigh-riskauto-theftoffenders. pivotal rolesinhandlinglate-nightcurfew special projectsfortheirPlatoonsandplay Auto PlatoonRepsagreedtohelpcoordinate addition totheirregularduties,theseStolen that compriseoursixUniformDivisions.In representative fromeachofthe36Platoons The Unitalsoenlistedtheassistanceofone the offenders canbeapprehended nformation aboutwanted Works reportstherewasa67.6percent implementation ofPhotoenforcement)Public between 2005and2002(theyearpriortothe throughout thecity. Incomparingstatistics Department trackscollisionsatintersections The CityofWinnipegPublicWorks program ishavingapositiveimpact. intersection safetycamerassuggestthe Statistics relatedtotheimplementationof suggestions throughtheprogram’s website: Citizens wereencouragedtosubmitlocation completed withtheassistanceofpublic. The selectionofnewcameralocationswas are routinelyrotatedthroughthe48sites. locations areoperational,asthe30cameras At anygiventime30ofthe48camera number oflocationsto48. new cameraswereinstalledbringingthetotal regarding photosafetytechnology. Twelve 2005 wasthethirdyearofafive-yearcontract of roadsafetyforallmotorists. excellent toolincreatinggreaterawareness and redlightviolations,servesasan Service withactiveenforcementofspeeding campaign in2005.Theprogramassiststhe integral partoftheWPSSafeStreets Photo Enforcementcontinuedtobean Twelve newintersectionsafety camera locationsintroduced Logan Avenue). and 122kphina50PlaygroundZoneon 50 kphSchoolZoneonMountainAvenue locations ondifferent dates(122kphina 72 kphoverthespeedlimitattwoseparate operation, thehighestspeedcapturedwas From thefiveMobileEnforcementUnitsin Sinclair Street). in a60kphzoneatLeilaAvenue and Avenue andBeatriceStreet142kph dates (132kphina50zoneatHespeler limit attwoseparatelocationsondifferent 82 kilometresperhour(kph)overthespeed through anIntersectionSafetyCamerawas issued in2005.Thehighestspeedbyaviolator There were117,062PhotoEnforcementtickets respect tospeedingandred-lightviolations. There arestillchallengesaheadofuswith versus 2003. comparing statisticsfromtheyear2005 per centreductioninspeedingoffences when At thesame12locations,therewasa67.8 Safety Cameralocationswereinstalled. intersection wheretheoriginal12Intersection reduction inrightanglecollisionsatthe 2005 13 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 14 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Traffic Enforcement Increased SundayNight accept ticketpayments or handleenquiriesrelatedtoparkingtickets. opened at495PortageAve. DistrictPoliceStationsandServiceCentresnolonger the ParkingAuthoritywascompletedDecember 1standthedoorstothisnewoffice on-street parkingtothenewlycreatedWinnipeg ParkingAuthority. Thetransitionto Effective April1st,2005theWPSofficially turnedover enforcement responsibilitiesfor Parking Enforcement the cityonSundaynights.Therewere1,287 to conducttraffic enforcementthroughout additional cruisercarsandastreetsupervisor Service increaseditsenforcement,assigning of allegedstreetracing.Inresponse,the One lifewasclaimedin2005asadirectresult habits ofsomedrivers. unsafe modifiedcarsanddangerousdriving concerns aboutthenumberofpotentially the increasedvolumeoftraffic, therearealso In additiontothehazardsassociatedwith to watchtheparadeofcars. individuals wholinetheroadways classics aswellmanymoreinterested many regularvehicles,modifiedcarsand Avenue. “SundayNightCruising”attracts traffic onlongstretchesofPortage uncommon tofindbumper-to-bumper warmer springweatherhits,itisnot for citizensandtheWPS.When Avenue hasbecomeanincreasingconcern Sunday nightcruisingalongPortage specific issuesrelatedtocruising. residents’ associationstoidentifyandaddress was alsoassignedtoworkdirectlywitharea A SergeantfromtheCentralTraffic Unit to rectifythem. regulations andwereoffered adviceonhow of itemsinnon-compliancewithProvincial infractions, however, driverswereadvised Notices wereissuedforanyequipment conduct freevehicleinspections.NoOffence Provincial Vehicle Inspectorswereonhandto of thosevehicles.WPSmembersalongwith vehicles aswelltheresponsibleoperation the standpointofsafe,properlyequipped encourage responsiblesummerdrivingfrom Safety andAwareness Clinic.Thegoalwasto Association ofAutoClubs,hostedaVehicle The WPS,inconjunctionwiththeManitoba component oftheWPSresponsetocruising. Increased enforcement,however, wasjustone six forracingand79speeding. result ofthisincreasedenforcement,including Provincial Offence Notices(PONs)issuedasa Manitoba policeagency. first timethiscoursehasbeenfacilitatedbya an expertincollisioninvestigation.Itwasthe training inorderforsomeonetobedeclared This courseisthefirstlevelofadvanced • • training intheareasof: and theMilitaryPolicereceivedspecialized Service, EastSt.PaulPolice,SaskatoonPolice Twenty officers fromtheWPS,BrandonPolice the pubic. technical expertisebytheCourtsand meet theincreasingexpectationsof training, whichbetterpreparesthemto the opportunitytocompletethisdetailed locally afforded moreofourmembers Investigation Course.Hostingthiscourse three-week Level3Technical Collision The CentralTraffic Unithostedanintense the useofspeedanalysisformulas. the documentationofvehicledamageand roadway evidence;and identification andmeasurementsof Safe Streets–Training forTechnical Collision InvestigationsExpanded work tocomplete. these investigationscantakeweeksofdetailed area oftraffic collisioninvestigation.Manyof maintain ahighlevelofcompetencyinthe ensures thatthepoliceagenciesinvolved 12 seriouscollisions.Thisspecializedtraining that resultedin15deathsandanadditional In 2005theWPSinvestigated13fatalcollisions • • • employed toconducttheforensicmappingfor: Service. Notablyin2005,thesememberswere benefits otherUnitsandDivisionswithinthe traffic collisionsceneinformation,butalso only usedforcollectingandmappingprecision Total StationOperators.Thisequipmentisnot An additional12membersweretrainedas many moreoutdoor, seriouscrimescenes. a numberofhomicideinvestigations;and Pembina Highway, intersection ofOsborneStreetand an airplanecrashnearthebusy 2005 15 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 16 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Connecting KidswithCommunity Community CadetCorps– and communitycommitment. integrity, teamwork,selfworth,discipline which promotesrespect,responsibility, involved inthefirstyearofthisprogram, Area Association.Therewere47Cadets Elmwood CommunityResourceCentreand Corps establishedinpartnershipwiththe Elmwood withthenewCommunityCadet 4 policemembersstrivestochangethatin by. Anewprogram introducedbyDistrict Positive rolemodelscanbehardtocome • and uniformthrough: children. Participantsmustearntheirinclusion The programhasnofinancialcostsforthe their community. to buildapositivefutureforthemselvesand provides themwiththetoolsandskillsneeded participate inastructuredprogramthat people (ages11to14)theopportunity rural communities,theprogramoffers young Based onamodelcreatedbytheRCMPfor interest inadoptingthisprogram. communities withinWinnipeghaveexpressed their parentsandthecommunity. Other The programhasprovenpopularwithCadets, assumed ownershipoftheprogram. is largelyrunbycommunityvolunteerswho WPS, itisinterestingtonotethattheprogram While itwasestablishedandsupportedbythe • • regular attendanceattheweeklymeetings volunteering inthecommunity. school; and regular attendanceandgoodgradesin 2005 The WPS received welcome news when a decision was made to extend the three-year North End School Resource Partnership Initiative pilot project until the end of the 2007-08 school year. This crime prevention and education initiative began at the start of the 2002-03 school year. Three of our members were assigned to work directly with 15 North Winnipeg schools to: • respond to criminal activity within and North End School around school grounds Resource Partnership • mediate issues of concern with the school Extended

• respond to parent enquiries and concerns; The program also provides a positive and experience for the students at these schools. • counsel students on a one-on-one basis. More than 250 students participated in a school contest that encouraged students to The project continues to generate community submit an essay, poster or video outlining their interest and support. Funding was provided thoughts of the program. Exerpts from one of by the Winnipeg School Division as well as the the winning submissions are featured below: provincial and municipal governments.

By Natasha Mills, St.RESPONSE John’s High School

“Now that people have had the opportunity to get to know our School Resource Officer, I’ve noticed a decline in fights. Everyone seems to be at least a little bit more respectful towards each other. …

The students and the Constable can sit down and discuss the issue in a calm, open atmosphere, without the student having to be in fear of prosecution. This usually works out better for everyone in the end. The kids fix their mistakes, or get the help they need; and the police don’t need to come down to the school and arrest anyone. …

Having the Constable in our school, as our School Resource Officer has helped a lot of people. Annual Report Most of them made some good choices about the people they want to be, some have received the help they needed, and others still need her help.“ Winnipeg Police ServiceWinnipeg Police

17 In Partnership with the EAGLE Transition Centre

If you were born and raised in Winnipeg, address these challenges by opening the life in the city can seem pretty routine; EAGLE Urban Transition Centre (EUTC), located at 501 - 286 Smith Street. but have you ever wondered how As an arms-length organization of the AMC, overwhelming life might seem if you had the primary purpose of the EUTC is to provide just moved here from a small, remote support for First Nations/Aboriginal individuals community? and families moving to Winnipeg who are facing day-to-day challenges with urban living. Where once you simply had one stop (usually within walking distance from your home) to The WPS stationed a police member at the make an enquiry about housing, healthcare, Centre to further liaise with the community by education and community concerns, you would providing information on law enforcement now be immersed in a fast-paced centre where matters. making these same enquiries means multiple Dedicating a full-time member to this initiative stops in various parts of the city. Where and provides the Service with an opportunity how do you begin? to assist Aboriginal people in making the That’s a very simplistic, but honest, assessment transition to life in Winnipeg, and to encourage of the challenges facing Aboriginals making Aboriginal people to look to the WPS as an our city their new home. The Assembly of excellent career opportunity. Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), in partnership with More information on the EAGLE Urban RCMP “D” Division and the Winnipeg Police Transition Centre is available online by visiting Service, teamed up to help these individuals or by calling 954-3050. Annual Report

On April 6th, new members and new ideas were welcomed at the Chief’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee. The Committee, struck in 1996 to assist the WPS in developing a better relationship and understanding between the Aboriginal community and the Service, had been on hiatus while it was restructured to better meet its mandate. Forty

Winnipeg Police ServiceWinnipeg Police applications were received from which 10 people (plus two police members) were chosen to sit on the 12-member Committee. 18 • • • • • Marathon. The eventfeatured100 participated intheinaugural WPSHalf couldn’t chilltheenthusiasmofthosewho wind frozetheofficial timeclock butit temperatures, sleet,snow andabitter On May1st,unseasonably cold effort eachyear. members whohavetakenpartinthe inception in1997.Thereareatleast13 success, havingraised$268,000sinceits The localprogramhasbeenatremendous Winnipeg PoliceAssociationsince1997. within theWinnipegPoliceServiceand cornerstone ofthefundraisingefforts May 28th.CopsforCancerhasbeena Cops ForCancerHeadShaveheldSaturday, Canadian CancerSocietyduringthe2005 supporters raisedover$38,000forthe A record-setting71WPSmembersand 20,000 kmswhileraisingover$200,000. for theteam,whichhascycledover Tour”, thiswasthe6thbiannualride Dubbed the“MuddyWater toClearwater Children’s WishFoundationofCanada. Clearwater, Floridainsupportofthe Bicycle RelayTeam cycled4,000kmsto The 20-memberWPS“CopsforKids” suffering fromlifethreateningillnesses. favourite wishesofManitobachildren organization dedicatedtofulfillingthe the RainbowSociety, anon-profit than $12,000.Allmoneyraisedsupports about 12,000spectatorsandraisedmore the RainbowSociety. Theeventattracted stars inafundraisinggamesupportof team ofNHLHall-of-Famersandformer Police PatrolmenHockeyClubtookona On March22nd,membersoftheWinnipeg Olympians in2005. $34,500 insupportofManitoba’s Special The 2005LETRCampaignraisedmorethan for theWinnipegeditionof2005LETR. law enforcementprofessionalsturnedout Games. OnJune10th,approximately50 Ceremony oftheManitobaSpecialOlympic brought theTorch intotheofficial Opening Law EnforcementTorch Run(LETR)which were inBrandontoparticipatethe (including acontingentfromtheWPS) professionals fromacrosstheprovince Approximately 70lawenforcement • • Special Olympics. The eventalsoraised$12,500 forManitoba was thecitywhereitallbegan in1956. 50th anniversaryforthisevent. Winnipeg champions, Team Canada, 7-4.Itwasthe Team Ontariooutlastedthedefending Canadian PoliceCurlingChampionship. in WinnipegMarch12th-19thforthe Canada’s bestpolicecurlersgathered accountability andexcellence. honesty, integrity, trust,respect, exemplify acommitmenttothecommunity, enroll inapost-secondaryinstitutionand the WPS.To beeligible,graduatesmust criteria consistentwiththevaluesof school’s awardscommittee,basedon members. Recipientsarechosenbyeach honour fallenandinjuredPoliceService year. Thescholarshipswereestablishedto $1,000 scholarshipattheendofschool Bell andArgyle)waspresentedwitha area schools(DanielMcIntyre,Gordon each oftheCommunitySupportUnit’s result oftheeffort, onestudentfrom Tournament held September12th.Asa money throughtheir6thAnnualGolf Support Unitraised$5,000inscholarship Members oftheDivision11Community disease. Cancer Societytohelpfightthisdeadly fundraising initiativefortheCanadian Cops forCancerProgram,anationwide event raisedmorethan$30,000forthe 918 runnerscrossedthefinishline.The 110 ofwhichwerePoliceServicemembers. volunteers and1,040registeredrunners, Fundraising Initiatives by OurMembers 2005 19 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report WPS benefits from Strong Commitment of Volunteers

While the members of the WPS pride dealing with problems they have themselves in giving back to our encountered as a result of crime. More recently, the Section’s efforts community, we also benefit tremendously have been extended to include helping from the support of volunteers from persons closely affected by sudden, outside the Service. tragic events. These volunteers enable us to more efficiently In 2005, our 105 community volunteers fulfill our duties. dedicated more than 16,771 hours to the citizens of Winnipeg and to the Service. In 2005, Victim Services benefited from the support of 54 volunteers who dedicated Community volunteers work at our seven 10,000 hours and made contact with 8,100 Service Centres, three of our District Stations victims of crime. and the Public Safety Building. They assist the community and the Service in dealing with The Victim Services Section provides crime problems and neighbourhood concerns. victims with information about their cases at any stage of the investigation, and assists in

WPS – Canadian Forces Association Formed WPS The WPS has enjoyed a long and storied association with the Canadian Forces, with many of our members presently serving or having served with the Reserves.

To foster this special relationship, the Winnipeg Police Service/Canadian Forces Association was formed and held its Inaugural Mess Dinner on Friday, April 22nd.

Plans for the Association include introducing a

Annual Report designated weekend each year during which members can get together and exchange ideas and benefit from some training and presentations WPS Cst. Claude Dasylva, above left, was named Air Reservist of the Year by the Air Force Association of Canada. relevant to members serving in both the Service and the Canadian Forces. Winnipeg Police ServiceWinnipeg Police

20 • • protection ofthecommunity. whose contributionsextend beyond by membersoftheCanadian PoliceForces conspicuous meritandexceptionalservice of theOrderasameanstorecognize Majesty TheQueenapprovedthecreation since itwascreatedinOctober2000.Her who havebeenhonouredwiththisaward Evans asoneofonlytwoWPSmembers in Ottawa.HejoinedretiredSupt.Bill Clarkson, GovernorGeneralofCanada Excellency TheRightHonourableAdrienne Order ofMeritthePoliceForcesbyHer Cst. RichardKosowanwasinvestedintothe coast ofPeggy’s Cove,NovaScotia. 1998, whichinvolvedaplanecrashoff the SwissAir Flight111disasteronSept.2nd, recognized wasthemassiveresponseto award hasbeenpresented.Thelasteffort is onlythethirdtimethisprestigious have resultedinchargesandarrests.It complaints ofchildpornography;many members, hasinvestigatedmorethan250 WPS, RCMPandBrandonPoliceService pornography. TheUnit,comprisedof and Canadafromthescourgeofchild in protectingthechildrenofManitoba dedication, innovationandtirelessefforts retired membersoftheUnitfortheir 10 currentmembersaswellpastand Zaccardelli. TheAward recognizesthe Award byRCMPCommissionerGiuliano Unit EnsignforOutstandingService prestigious Commissioner’s Commendation (ICE) Unitwaspresentedwiththe Manitoba’s IntegratedChildExploitation • • • Reserve Force. support ofmembersservinginCanada’s Division HeadquartersinWinnipegforits special ceremonyheldat1CanadianAir the CanadianForcesLiaisonCouncilata the ProvincialAward ofExcellencefrom On March23rd,theWPSwaspresented ongoing basis. to workwiththecommunityonan employment equity, andwillingness the Service’s outstandingrecordof Committee. TheAward recognizes hosted bytheBlackHistoryCelebration Annual ManitobaCommunityAwards Caribbean communityduringthe24th for itssupporttoWinnipeg’s Blackand The WPSwashonouredwithanaward Village FootPatrolvolunteerprogram. for hisefforts inrebuildingtheOsborne Street Gangs.Cst.DeCairewasrecognized recognition asManitoba’s leadingexperton selection committee.Cst.Leoneearnedhis are chosenbyacommunity-based and inthecommunity. Award recipients themselves inthecourseoftheirduties to officers whohavedistinguished in LawEnforcementAwards arepresented banquet hostedbytheProvince.Excellence in LawEnforcementAwards ataspecial DeCaire wererecognizedwithExcellence Constables NicholasLeoneandLeon Awards &Honours 2005 21 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 22 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Criminal CodeOffences 10 Includespersonswhere thereissufficient evidencetolayacharge, but thesuspectisprocessed DowntownWinnipegstatisticsareincludedinDistrict 1totals. 9 Callswhereapoliceunitwasassigned. 8 Total EventsforServicewillnolongerbepublishedintheWinnipeg PoliceService'sAnnual 7 OtherCriminalCodeincludeskidnapping,hostage taking,criminalharassment,uttering 6 Offences listedunderCrimesAgainstPropertyarea samplingofcrimeswherethetargetis 5 Includesattemptedandactual. 4 Offences listedunderCrimesAgainstPersonsareasampling ofviolentcrimesinvolvingatleast 3 Totals reflectnumberofvictimsviolentcrimeexcludingrobbery. 2 April20,2004theWinnipegPoliceService(WPS)implementednewrecordsmanagement On 1 Total TheftMotorVehicle Assault NC =NotCalculable Theft -Over$5,000 oa ,0 4 2%66-2 ,9 -41% 14.22 -9% 2,192 17,807 -2% -62% 32% -24% 686 12,713 3.30 178 6,187 82% -14% -28% -6% 20% 206 74% 4,606 6% 30% 21% 53 6,702 -4% 92 76% 2,902 75,623 11% 475.20 25% 90 -3% 60,242 -10% 73% -100% 100% 9 895 34% 0 507 2 Events forService- 98% Events forService-Total 6% Total Area(squarekm) 38% -40% 626 GRAND TOTAL Total 58% NC 97% 3 Other CriminalCode Firearms/Offensive Weapons 8,679 0 Prostitution 187 OTHER CRIME -26% Total Mischief 20% 96% Fraud Have StolenGoods 89% 25 12 Break &Enter CRIMES AGAINSTPROPERTY Total Robbery Sexual Assault Attempted Murder Homicide CRIMES AGAINSTPERSONS Theft -$5,000orUnder Other SexualOffences Abduction Arson Dispatched &OnView by othermeans. data collection. Reports duetotheimplementationofnew computersystemsin2004resultingachange currency andotherviolations. murder, bailviolations,disturbingthepeace,breachofprobation, indecentacts,counterfeiting criminal negligencecausingdeath,otherrelatedoffences causingdeath,conspiretocommit threats, production/distributionofchildpornography, explosivescausing death/bodilyharm, property. one victim. should beexercisedininterpretingthecomparisondatafor2004withthatofotheryears. and computeraideddispatchsystemsdatafor2004wasestimated.Therefore,caution hf oo eil cmltd ,5 %-1 7 3 ,6 7% 4% 1,463 634 -3% -12% 370 150 -11% -11% 5% 2% 7,754 4,086 Theft MotorVehicle (completed) Theft MotorVehicle (attempted) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4,6 4 4 8 7 4 2,3 5 5,7 44,063 150,376 1804 1%50-%2076% 2,097 -6% 520 -11% 4% 11,840 9563 3 ,5 2 ,6 13% 3,865 -12% -2% 4,646 1,252 -17% 13% 2,265 3% -14% 19,556 13% 18,934 iyo inpgTtl ononWnie District1 DowntownWinnipeg City ofWinnipegTotals ,0 0 4 9 2%145-15% 4% 1,405 9% 658 -25% 2,005 299 4% 5% 258 -4% 584 20% 15% 5% 7,202 34% 68% 1,836 6,088 ,0 3 3%63-4 ,2 -45% 1,922 -64% -16% 633 328 -32% -51% 73% 133 6,008 10% 42% 1,388 oasCerne hneTotals %Change Clearances Totals 7 7 %4 5%25-10% 215 -55% 49 0% 37% 672 1 0 4%9-0 7-43% 87 65% 79 -70% 9 9% 38 -45% 20% 64% 318 14% 378 45%7%0-0%740% -57% 7 6 -100% -88% 0 1 71% -42% 50% 41% 24 22 1 0420 0420 2004-2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 THE CITYOF WINNIPEG DISTRICTS DISTRICT 2 POLICE DISTRICT 6 9 DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 3 hneTtl %Change Totals % Change DOWNTOWN DISTRICT 5 DISTRICT 4 4993,9 0451,0 20,751 15,307 20,475 34,791 14,989 51 52 37 1.5156.22 110.65 63.72 65.28 65.11 ,7 2%359-%242-8 ,5 7 ,1 -17% -17% 3,517 1,634 -7% 5% 2,152 1,065 -18% 2,482 -14% 1,760 -7% -17% 3,559 3,917 -25% -15% 2,578 1,367 ,2 1%1,5 %1,0 1%7841 277-3% 12,727 -3% 1% 25% 10,826 7,804 3,970 4% -11% 20% 6,530 10,004 2,262 1% -9% 2% 18,754 8,243 2,579 -16% 1% 18% 8,527 14,770 4,751 -17% -7% 7,160 2,129 oas%Cag oas%Cag oas%Cag oas%Cag oas%Change Totals %Change Totals %Change Totals %Change Totals %Change Totals 2 %1681%64-9 7 9 3 7% 731 -9% 476 -19% 694 17% 1,658 5% 524 4 1%165-4 6 3%54-7 7 -14% -14% 870 827 -27% -29% 574 535 -33% -16% -18% -35% -9% 5% 764 1,100 534 709 13% 1,283 1,031 212 -14% -1% 17% -19% -7% 2% 1,655 666 399 1,428 38% 743 700 -17% 155 -20% -14% -13% 647 0% 587 1,129 -8% 631 47% 1,074 997 -16% 206 -17% 23% 2,494 1,423 19% 2,000 28% -17% 2,329 -13% 475 -24% 902 465 0% 697 -12% 720 130 2 7 2 5 8 4 8 7 4 54% 241 27% 188 -4% 182 15% 227 27% 222 6-9 0 4%2 6%3 2%4 -48% -16% 43 64 28% 74 -27% 17% 37 49 36% 34 -66% 69% 24 93 113% 49 -41% 34% 101 138% 146 69 -49% -6% 26 52% 68 73 52%174%5 5 95 3-7% 43 5% 39 25% 55 -18% 40% 80 137 23% 22% 64 55 10% 87 20% 165 -9% 61 itit2Dsrc itit4Dsrc District6 District5 District4 District3 District 2 CRIMINAL CODEOFFENCES–PERSONSCHARGED C9 1 10 C0NC 0 NC 0 -100% NC 0 3 -57% -100% 3 -50% 0 41% 2 0% 90 1 NC NC 2 NC 0 NC 2 50% 5 3 -25% 0% 3 0% 1 67% 3 -55% 10 33% 5 -38% 8 NC 8 50% 0 NC 3 -75% 1 1 Crimes Against 0420 0420 0420 0420 2004-2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 Persons 68% 3,608 13% 704 13% 673 302 6% 14% 1,032 Crimes Against Property 53% 3,776 26% 1,871 533 7% Criminal Code Other 67% 2,500 16% 579 10 13% 477 137 4% Total CriminalCode (including CriminalCode 14% 2,398 Traffic Offences) 62% 10,384 2005 18% 3,072 974 6% Youth Female Youth Male Adult Female Adult Male 23 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 24 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report Eventswheretheaccusedandvictim areinacurrent 2 OnApril20,2004the WinnipegPoliceService(WPS) 1 oa ubro hre ad 4,116 Total NumberofChargesLaid 2,518 Charges Laid Total NumberofPersonsCharged Domestic Violence Motor Vehicle Traffic Offences Total DomesticViolence Total DomesticEventsforService mardOeaino vr.8 6 -17% 68% -74% -100% -64% -13% 565 69 11 0 -50% 25 13 Moving Violations -25% Fail/Refuse toProvideBreath/BloodSample Impaired OperationorOver.08 1 Impaired OperationCausingBodilyHarm 9 Impaired OperationCausingDeath Dangerous OperationEvadePolice Dangerous Operation Dangerous OperationCausingBodilyHarm Dangerous OperationCausingDeath oa vns-Bt esn hre 86 Persons Charged Total Events-BothPersonsCharged

or pastdomesticrelationship. that ofotheryears. in interpretingthecomparisondatafor2004 with was estimated.Therefore,cautionshouldbe exercised computer aideddispatchsystemsanddatafor 2004 implemented newrecordsmanagementand 150,000 160,000 170,000 140,000 180,000 ot eae3 1% 2% 12% 86% 34 64 480 3,538 Youth Female Youth Male Adult Female Adult Male ot eae2 1% 1% 14% 84% 21 34 349 2,114 Youth Female Youth Male Adult Female Adult Male EVENTS FORSERVICE 167,914 0120 0320 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 5 Dispatched &On View Events 166,237 4 2 3 170,158 1,7 fPros 2004-2005 # ofPersons 2004and2005MovingViolations areunavailable 5 Includeseventswhichmaybeprocessedbymeans 4 Includesdomestic-relatedcaseswhichinvolve 3 05Ttl Percentages 2005 Totals due totheintroductionofnewcomputersystems. other thanarrest. breaches ofCourtOrdersonly. hre %Change Charged 15,890 162,761 2,692 / N/A N/A (DISPATCHED &ONVIEW) 1,6 TOP 5EVENTS FOR SERVICE Suspicious Person Traffic Complaint 150,376 Disturbance Disturbance Traffic Stop Domestic 15,890 15,689 9,862 8,396 6,831 28 30 15,000 20,000 25,000 10,000

5,000 CLEARED EVENTS Domestic Violence –PersonsCharged 25 10 15 20 Total EventsforServicewillnolongerbepublished 7 TheWinnipegParkingAuthorityabsorbedparking 6 0 Domestic Violence –ChargesLaid FATAL MOTORVEHICLE in 2004resultinga change indatacollection. to theimplementation ofnewcomputersystems in theWinnipegPolice ServiceAnnualReportdue Service AnnualReport. will nolongerbepublishedintheWinnipeg Police Police ServiceinNovember2005.Parkingviolations enforcement administrationfromtheWinnipeg CLEARANCE RATES 0120 0320 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 26 0120 0320 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 22 20 20,533 Adult Female Adult Male COLLISIONS Fatal Collisions Cleared Events 85% 3,538 84% 2,114 20,932 30 20 20,436 Youth Female Youth Male 14% 349 12% 480

23,138 Fatalities % Cleared 21 1 21 34 1% 34 1% 64 2% 21 1% 15,846 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0

% CLEARED 22 13 15 (As ofDecember31,2005) **Externally FundedStaff Positions 1,560 ** 331+2 24 2 fundedpositionsincluding; Externally * * 163+6 1 Total Members Non-Sworn Members * Constable 930+62 Patrol/Detective Sergeant * Sergeant 88+1 Staff Sergeant Inspector 18 Superintendent 3 Deputy Chief Chief ofPolice AUTHORIZED 2005COMPLEMENT 2 1 Population (As ofDecember31,2004) POLICING PERCAPITA COSTS Staffing are assumed tobeCaucasian. than depictedasemployees choosingnottomakeadeclaration choose notto.Actual percentagesofminoritiesmaybehigher race declarationbutdoes notcompelemployeestorespondifthey The HumanResources Divisionispermittedtoaskfortheethnic/ on voluntarydeclarationmadebyemployees. members onsupernumerarystatus.Theabove statisticsarebased Note: Female 284 Male 74 Other 5 Oriental 9 Black 3 1 Filipino 4 Aboriginal 22 Caucasian 315 (As ofDecember31,2005) (Actual) STAFF MEMBERDEMOGRAPHICS Female 170 Male 1,070 Other 22 Oriental 25 East Indian Filipino 4 Black 23 Aboriginal 134 Caucasian 948 POLICE DEMOGRAPHICS oieprRsdns1/539 Operating Expenses Police perResidents e aiaCs $195.40 Per CapitaCost census data. Tax SupportedExpenses. Statistics Canada2005populationestimate,basedon 1 ClerkA(StolenAutoUnit)(FundedbyMPI) (Funded byMPI) 1 IdentificationTechnician (Stolen AutoUnit) 3 Constables(NorthEndSchoolResourceOfficers) 6 Constables(StolenAutoUnit)(FundedbyMPI) 40 Constables(ProvincialFundingAgreement) 12 Constables(WinnipegAirportAuthority) Enforcement Officer) 1 DetectiveSergeant(NationalWeapons 1 Constable(IntegratedProceedsofCrime) 1 DetectiveSergeant(IntegratedProceedsofCrime) 4 PatrolSergeants(WinnipegAirportAuthority) 1 Sergeant(WinnipegAirportAuthority) Numbers includejob-sharers,casualemployees and 1 2 $127,029,425.95 (Actual) 650,100 bnoe 9 122 8 21 10 *20 0 5 6 0 0 2 6 performed byPSUandtherefore isnotincludedinthe totalinvestigationstally. ThenumberofDivisionalCommanderReferrals isnotconsideredaninvestigation * TOTAL Total Investigations Divisional Commander Referral Pending 55 Abandoned Information only Sustained –Nocharge No chargesperCrown Informal Unfounded Not sustained Lesser charge Exonerated Dropped Sustained Resolution INITIATED IN2005 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS INVESTIGATIONS Public AffairsUnit Communications Civilian Manager Civilian Manager Civilian Manager Civilian Manager Superintendent Org. Develop. Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Training Unit Systems Unit Services Unit Services Division #30 Division #36 Division #32 Division #31 Community Information Inspector Inspector Services Services Records Deputy Chief Support Behavioral Health Civilian Manager Civilian Manager Admin. Assistant Support Unit Human Resources Division #35 Civilian Manager Executive to Chief Finance Division #34 2005 Superintendent Civilian Manager Staff Sergeant Strategic Issues Division #11 Division #16 Division #15 Division #14 Division #13 Division #12 Standards Unit Legal Counsel Centralized Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Traffic Unit Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Professional Inspector Deputy Chief Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Investigations Criminal Investigations Superintendent (6 Inspectors) Division #42 Division #41 Division #40 Duty Office Inspector Inspector Inspector 25 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report WINNIPEG POLICE SERVICE