Catalogue of the ... Annual Exhibition
Established 1846 M. Knoedler & Co. Publishers and Dealers in WORKS OF ART PAINTINGS ENGRAVINGS ETCHINGS, ETC 556 Fifth Avenue New Yorfc Paris London J7 Place Vendome J5 Old Bond Street The One Hundred and Fifteenth Annual Exhibition of the Academy will be open to the public from Sunday, February 8, to Sunday, March 28, 1920, inclusive. ' Sundays, from i to 5 P. M. Week-days, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. MAN Y OF THE WORKS IN THIS EXHIBI- TION ARE FOR SALE AT STUDIO PRICES. INFORMATION IN REGARD THERETO MAY BE HAD FROM THE SALES- MAN OR FROM ANY ATTENDANT IN THE GALLERIES OR AT THE OFFICE THERE AREIN THE EXHIBITION 360 PAINTINGS AND 158 EXHIBITS OF SCULP- TURE. 333 ARTISTS ARE REPRESENTED The Schools of The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts train students in painting, sculpture and Ulustration. The success achieved by the schools is testified to by the number of artists of great reputation who received their training in them. The present instructors are; Hugh H. Breckenridge, Charles Grafly, Henry McCarter, Joseph T. Pearson, Jr., Daniel Garber, Philip L. Hale, Robert Vonnoh, Arthur B. Carles, John F. Harbeson and Charles de Geer, Detailed information in regard to the Schools will gladly be furnished to any one interested in the subject. The second term of the present school year begins February 2, 1920, but students may enter at any time. Summer School at Chester Springs, Chester County, Pennsylvania. THE PENNSYLVANIA academy of the fine arts FOUNDED 1805 CATALOGUE OF THE ll^TH ANNUAL EX- HIBITION, FEBRUARY 8 TO MARCH 28, 1920 SECOND EDITION PHILADtLPHlA 1920 MANAGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS PRESIDENT, JOHN FREDERICK LEWIS.
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