Attachment 32 to GNRO-2012/00039

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Attachment 32 to GNRO-2012/00039 Attachment 32 to GNRO-2012/00039 Attachment 32 to GNRO-2012/00039 ER Reference - MDEQ 2009a, Records of Public-Supply Wells in Mississippi, 2009 RECORDS OF PUBLIC-SUPPLY WELLS IN MISSISSIPPI, 2009 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OFFICE OF LAND AND WATER RESOURCES GROUNDWATER PLANNING AND PROTECTION DIVISION 4Z19 This report is produced by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), Office of Land and Water Resources, Groundwater Planning and Protection Division. MDEQ makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, reliability, or suitability for any particular purpose, of the data contained in this report. DOH OLWR Date Well Screen Pump Water Date Water Owner Number Permit USGS ID Location Latitude Longitude Aquifer Constructed Base Rate Level Level Number (Feet) (GPM) (Feet) Measured ADAMS. W NATCHEZ WATER WORKS 10002-15 06030 DOO80 07N 02W 30 31.5882 -91.3256 MOCN 911187 928 1000 NATCHEZ WATER WORKS I110002-116 06029 D0081 07N 02W 32 31.5901 -91.3326 MOCN 911187 858 1000 NATCHEZ WATER WORKS 10002-17 14807 D0090 07N 02W 31 31.5896 -91.3284 MOCN 863 1200 38 4/22/96 4/12196 NATCHEZ WATER WORKS 10002-18 14808 D0088 07N 02W 30 31.5871 -91.3181 MOCN 906 1200 37 4122/96 412/96 NATCHEZ WATER WORKS 10002-19 14806 D0089 07N 02W 29 31.5851 -91.3051 MOCN 952 1200 BROADMOOR UTILITIES, INC 10005-01 D0043 07N 02W 17 31.5938 -91.3595 MOCN 1/1/60 180 150 88 511•1l BROADMOOR UTILITIES, INC 10005-02 D0044 07N 02W 17 31.5938 -91.3595 MOCN 1/1/62 180 50 88 7/25/00 BROADMOOR UTILITIES, INC 10005-03 12522 D0045 07N 02W 17 31.5939 -91.3594 MOCN 10431/79 149 250 94 6/15/82 OAKLAND WATER WORKS 10007-01 01989 D0019 07N 02W 54 31.5675 -91.3517 MOCN 1/1/56 135 350 OAKLAND WATER WORKS 10007-02 01990 D0017 07N 02W 54 31.5697 -91.3486 MOCN 1/11/51 161 65 OAKLAND WATER WORKS 10007-03 D0018 07N 02W 54 31.5700 -91.3489 MOCN 1/1/51 165 65 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-01 12626 G0017 06N 02W 09 31.5045 -91.3368 MOCN 9/1/74 569 500 -7 4116196 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-02 12630 G0023 06N 02W 41 31.4592 -91.3363 MOCN 10/1/74 878 500 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-03 12629 G0024 06N 02W 41 31.4589 -91.3367 MOCN 9/3/74 888 500 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-04 12631 E0031 07N OW 39 31.5591 -91.2581 MOCN 2/1/85 1188 500 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-05 12624 F0119 06N 03W 24 31.4665 -91.3996 MOCN 9/15/87 642 500 ADAMS CO WATER ASSOCIATION, 10009-06 16488 E0041 07N 01W 42 31.5583 -91.2172 MOCN 3128/08 1235 1000 BRYANDALE WATER ASSOCIATIOI 10010-01 D0040 07N 02W 44 31.5666 -91.2849 MOCN 4/18/78 1053 75 58 4/17/96 ADAMS COUNTY WATER ASSOCIA 10015-01 12627 D0046 07N 02W 27 31.5824 -91.2873 MOCN 7/1/79 958 500 59 4/16196 ADAMS COUNTY WATER ASSOCIA 10015-02 12628 D0061 07N 02W 27 31.5824 -91.2869 MOCN 1/15/80 971 500 ADAMS COUNTY WATER ASSOCIA 10015-03 14885 D0020 07N 02W 22 31.5938 -91.3198 MOCN 10/13/66 558 0 105 4/15/96 ADAMS COUNTY WATER ASSOCIA 10015-04 14886 D0024 07N 02W 22 31.5938 -91.3198 MOCN 1/1/66 543 0 ADAMS COUNTY WATER ASSOCIA 10015-05 12625 D0073 07N 02W 44 31.5686 -91.2818 MOCN 9/1185 1060 500 INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPAN' 10017-01 02359 F0009 06N 03W 10 31.5147 -91.4233 MOCN 11/30149 241 0 NATCHEZ STATE PARK CAMPGRO 10018-01 E0034 07N 01W 11 31.5996 -91.2156 MOCN 5124/94 220 20 NATCHEZ STATE PARK CAMPGRO 10018-02 E0035 07N 01W 08 31.5972 -91.2021 MOCN 6/19/96 263 20 ALCORN ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ~ 3 of 147 or below mean sea level. Page - Note - Water Level depth is given in feet above Department of Environmental Quality May 22, 20092009 Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality * Note - Water Level depth is given in feet above or below mean sea level. Page 3 of 147 DOH OLWR Date Well Screen Pump Water Date Water Owner Number Permit USGS ID Location Latitude Longitude Aquifer Constructed Base Rate Level Level Number (Feet) (GPM) (Feet) Measured ALCORN CO WATER ASSOCIATIOP 20001-01 00389 K0089 03S 07E 04 34.8439 -88.5596 PLZC 9122/72 539 225 320 1/13199 ALCORN CO WATER ASSOCIATIOP 20001-02 00390 K0092 03S 07E 09 34.8378 -88.5610 PLZC 12/12f79 511 250 327 3f7/96 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-01 13807 G0005 02S 07E 12 34.9269 -88.5213 PLZC 2/1154 455 300 284 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-02 00402 G0018 02S 07E 01 34.9412 •88.5109 PLZC 211/59 475 400 287 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-03 00403 G0059 02S 07E 14 34.9087 •88.5258 PLZC 9/1/62 499 300 322 2/1/92 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-04 00404 G0063 02S 07E 01 34.9384 -88.5121 PLZC 511/67 500 750 260 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-05 00405 G0064 02S 07E 01 34.9383 -88.5230 PLZC 6/23/87 492 750 265 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-06 13719 G0102 02S 07E 02 34.9381 -88.5323 PLZC 416/72 514 350 306 3/1/95 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-07 00406 H0124 02S 08E 17 34.9071 -88.4857 PLZC 498 850 337 3/1/99 311/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-08 00407 D0063 01S 08E 31 34.9457 -88.4895 PLZC 5/1/81 430 350 305 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-09 00408 D0064 01S 08E 34 34.9478 -88.4468 PLZC 8/25181 469 1100 334 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-10 13718 D0065 01S 08E 34 34.9470 -88.4504 PLZC 3130182 493 1100 347 311199 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-11 00409 D0067 01S 08E 20 34.9789 -88.4838 PLZC 10126184 448 400 338 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-12 10929 G0130 02S 07E 16 34.9097 -88.5652 PLZC 10117190 569 750 290 3/1/99 CITY OF CORINTH 20002-13 14920 G0134 02S 07E 14 34.9086 -88.5256 PLZC 611/93 474 300 310 3/1/99 FARMINGTON WATER ASSOCIATI( 20003-01 13069 H0125 02S 08E 09 34.9304 -88.4636 PLZC 1217/73 495 500 337 2/8106 FARMINGTON WATER ASSOCIATI( 20003-02 13070 H0134 02S 08E 10 34.9279 -88.4480 PLZC 10/1180 435 590 399 10/1/80 FARMINGTON WATER ASSOCIATIC 20003-03 15023 H0141 02S 08E 10 34.9289 -88.4490 PLZC 5/25/94 451 632 341 3M7)96 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION # 20004-01 00962 F0069 02S 06E 26 34.8815 -88.6417 PLZC 5/17179 656 150 262 8/27/98 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION # 20004-02 00965 G0115 02S 07E 08 34.9167 -88.5890 PLZC 6/1/82 535 306 258 8127/98 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION # 20004-03 14275 G0133 02S 07E 17 34.9158 -88.5921 PLZC 12/12/93 591 500 283 316/96 TOWN OF RIENZI 20005-01 00359 K0060 04S 07E 02 34.7640 -88.5302 ETMS 5/1168 370 150 327 5/6/04 TOWN OF RIENZI 20005-02 00358 K0063 04S 07E 02 34.7641 -88.5328 ETMS 1/11/69 420 150 327 8120/87 ALCORN WATER ASSOCIATION, IN 20006401 00391 L0023 03S 08E 01 34.8514 -88.4124 PLZC 3/21/73 536 300 349 8/25/98 ALCORN WATER ASSOCIATION, IN 20006402 00392 L0024 03S 08E 01 34.8541 -88.4158 PLZC 4/10173 490 180 353 3/7/96 ALCORN WATER ASSOCIATION, IN 20006403 13631 L0058 03S 09E 31 34.7817 -88.3940 PLZC 12123/92 595 560 374 8125/98 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION, 1 20007401 00964 E0020 02S 05E 22 34.8997 -88.7569 COFF 6121174 861 250 304 8/27/98 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION, I 20007402 15580 E0021 02S 05E 22 34.8911 -88.7687 COFF 311/00 882 200 304 5/18/04 KOSSUTH WATER ASSOCIATION, I 20008401 00963 A0020 01S 05E 35 34.9479 -88.7474 COFF 9/14174 867 254 330 8/27/98 mean sea level. Page 4 of 147 Note - Water Level depth is given in feet above or below Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality May 22,22, 2009 ' Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Note - Water Level depth is given in feet above or below mean sea level. Page 4 of 147 DOH OLWR Date Well Screen Pump Water Date Water Owner Number Permit USGS ID Location Latitude Longitude Aquifer Constructed Base Rate Level Level Number (Feet) (GPM) (Feet) Measured GARRETT GIRL SCOUT CAMP 20010-01 D0051 01S 09E 29 34.9908 -818.3721 COFF 8110/72 68 0 PRENTISS-ALCORN WATER ASSOi 20014-01 00398 J0075 03S 06E 34 34.7840 -818.6542 COFF 12/20/72 546 250 341 8/266/98 PRENTISS-ALCORN WATER ASSOI 20014-02 00399 J0082 03S O6E 34 34.7838 -818.6544 COFF 9/2/72 500 250 364 1113 0/82 MS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 20020-01 C0077 01S 07E 26 32.7548 888.2653 1/1180 0 100 MS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 20021-01 C0078 01S 07E 26 34.9668 818.5339 0 100 408 2/8J106 CHALYBEATE WATER ASSN #1 700003-02 12810 A0022 01S 05E 32 34.9486 -818.8010 COFF 880 250 322 4/222/80 VAMITE .
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