Ousedale School Magazine May 2019





Message from Sue Carbert, Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers

What a very short half term! With Easter so late, and the bank holiday, this half- term has passed very quickly.

It was with great sadness we have learnt that Heather Larsen passed away unexpectedly this week. Heather was a highly regarded Learning Mentor at the Olney campus and helped many students with school work and personally. Although Heather had only worked here for a year, she was liked by staff and students and made a lot of friends at Olney.

We are significantly oversubscribed for September and also have 50 appeals for places – sadly, we have no more room and no spare teachers! It is lovely to see parents really want to send their children to the school. The questionnaires for all years are almost complete with one Parents’ Evening to go – we will issue a full report next edition, but they look extremely positive.

Thank you for writing to Mark Lancaster regarding funding; I have a meeting with him this week and I will report back. We are doing our best to work within the money given but the funding has not increased with inflation and does not cover any rise in costs.

Year 11 and Year 13 are now well into their exams. The conduct of Year 11 and 13 over the weeks, leading up to exams starting, was excellent. Students were, and still are, making the most of all the revision sessions put on by staff at each campus – it’s great to see. We look forward to the summer results.

Sue Carbert | Headteacher

NP Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly

On Friday, 10th May Year 11 said their final goodbyes before the exams commenced. It was a great day mixed with many different emotions of excitement, sadness and happiness. At break time the 2019 school hoodies were distributed and the signing of shirts commenced. It only seemed like yesterday that the students were starting in Year 7.


The Year 11 were an absolute credit to us during the leavers’ assembly where we had an opportunity to share their successes over the past 5 years. A combination of formal and fun awards were presented with an opportunity to have a sing along with the year 11 band ‘plus one’.

It was an extremely emotional day and I wish all the Year 11 students the best of luck in their exams and look forward to seeing them all at the Prom in July.

Mrs Brook | PAL Year 11 - NP

Olney Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly

On a warm May afternoon all of Year 11, their form tutors, Mr McFadden, Mrs Williams, members of staff who were not teaching and support staff gathered in the hall at Olney to celebrate the ‘rite of passage’ that is the Leavers’ Assembly. The afternoon kicked off with some very energetic music by the band which really set the tone and had the hall rocking. This was followed by some beautiful soulful singing by Hannah, well supported by Herbie, and this also marked the end of the afternoon.

Following the music, there were some goodbyes from each of the form groups – each marking their passage through the school. As the teachers looked on at the Year Group, there was a mix of emotions from both staff and students. In the space of that hour any disagreements that staff/students/school may have shared disappeared completely to be replaced by a real feeling of goodwill. Students were cheering, hugging their precious hoodies and recalling moments when they arrived at the entrance on Aspreys – some afraid to leave parents and full of trepidation – how things change.

There was also a short goodbye from the tutors and Pastoral and Academic Leader – hopefully showing our students that, in spite of the times that they have been told off, reminded to do homework or asked to stop shouting or running along the corridor, staff too were capable of making fun of themselves as their offering revolved around not Brexit but the Year 11 exit. At the end Mr McFadden told them – in true Brexit style – that their leaving would have to be renegotiated and that we would expect to see them back at the Olney Campus in September: we don’t think they fell for it!

As all of the students have studied ‘A Christmas Carol’ there was a brief reading of a Year 11 specific text which hopefully also raised a few smiles along the way.

We were all delighted with the behaviour and attitude of our students on their last official day of school before the exams started in earnest on the following Monday. Of course, we wish them all well in the exams, and in the future, and we look forward to seeing them collect their results in August.

Mrs Williams | Yr11 Pastoral and Academic Leader – Olney


Governor’s Visit to the Careers Department

What is your experience of School Careers?

Well, I have to say when I was just about to leave school (which was a few more years ago than I care to mention), it was pretty abysmal. It was therefore reassuring to spend a morning in the company of Jon Grant and Emily Fox-Johnson at Ousedale recently as I know that if I were in the position of thinking about my life post school again, I know I would be in good hands.

The dedicated careers team at Ousedale have the current and future interests of each and every student genuinely close to their hearts, which was evident not only in regard to what is in place and is in the process of being put in place, but also in the way they spoke passionately about the subject. The school has a clear strategy to be achieved across eight benchmarks – however, it is not a “tick-box” exercise. It is clear that the school wants to “do things properly” and have the students front and centre. Rather than saying all pupils have had a work experience so that’s the box ticked, every effort is given to give each student lots of different input to their future career paths and in fact simply spending a week in a company just to say they have “done” work experience is not routinely encouraged (and let’s be honest, not everyone wants to do work experience anyway). Instead, the students are given the opportunity to talk first hand with potential employers, the chance to visit career fairs, time to do research and given access to some brilliant software called UniFrog that they, and parents can use to explore a myriad of potential career paths.

It was refreshing to hear that Ousedale doesn’t just focus on getting students to University and that apprenticeship is no longer a “dirty word” and in fact progressing straight to a job is fine too. Ousedale recognises that our students are all unique and have varying needs and grow and learn in different ways – but what is important is the quality of input they have in making key decisions about their life whilst still at school.

What is also clear is that Ousedale cares about what happens to students both during and after they have left the school and are in the process of forming an alumni. It was also impressive to hear that past students do actually come back to talk about their experiences to current students – true testament indeed to their experience of their own time at Ousedale.

If the knocks on the door from students wanting to speak to the careers team during the relatively short time I spent in the office is anything to go by, all our students are actively being set up for success, which makes me (an even more) proud governor indeed.

Jenny Parker | Governor


News from the Careers Department

Work Experience Update

One of the main focuses of the Careers Department over the past few months has been coordinating the work experience programme for a number of Year 10 and 12 students. The students have worked hard to find some outstanding placements, from local schools and care homes, to businesses such as Rolls-Royce, Network Rail and Santander Technology. We are now in the process of finalising the paperwork and preparing the students before their placements begin in July.

VW Mentoring Scheme

A group of Year 10 students have been continuing to receive mentoring from VW Financial Services. As part of the programme they had the opportunity to spend a day at the VWFS HQ in Milton Keynes. The day included a tour of the building, talks from current apprentices and undergraduates, and group work focused on designing a car and taking it to market. It was an inspiring day for all the students with an additional highlight being the chance to try out some amazing cars!

Christian Foundation Pre-apprenticeship Workshop

A group of Olney students were visited by the Milton Keynes Christian Foundation for a workshop on their pre-apprenticeship programmes. Christian Foundation Training provides innovative learning opportunities within social enterprises for young people aged 15-25. With a focus on vocational and employability skills and developing Maths and English, young people gain qualification, experience and confidence. Further details can be found here: www.mkchristianfoundation.co.uk

Up and Coming Events

Impact Morning for Year 10: 5th July 2019 Year 10 Work Experience: 8th to 12th July 2019 Year 12 Work Experience: 8th to 19th July 2019

Careers Department


UK Chemistry Olympiad 2019

2019 saw the 6th Form Chemistry students participate in record numbers in the Chemistry Olympiad run under the auspices of the Royal Society of Chemistry. More than half the A-level students participated and four of our students received bronze certificates this year:

Year 13 Year 12

Ayla Webb Tomos Mather Katie Moss Timothy Ball

The Olympiad comprises of a 2 hour examination paper covering all branches of Chemistry comprising extended questions that are extremely challenging (i.e. very difficult!).

All our students performed very creditably and we congratulate everyone that took part.

Dr Rae PhD CChem FRSC Head of KS5 Chemistry

From Left to Right:

Thomas Mumford, Haesam Asif, Robert Holloway, Dylan Smith, Abigail Southon, Alice Gambles, Amity Duncan, Tomos Mather (Bronze), Katie Moss (Bronze), Dr Rae, Mrs Carbert, Ayla Webb (Bronze), Timothy Ball (Bronze), Nathan Hsiao, Henry Saunders, Hollie Cassidy, Savannah Preudhomme, Alex Blackburn, Archie Cravens, James Johashen.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The DofE Award Scheme has got off to a great start Bronze Practice this year. The Bronze, Silver and Gold groups have all completed their Practice Expeditions.

The Gold group spent 4 nights/5 days in the breath- taking Brecon Beacons; the Silver 2 nights/3 days in the rolling Chiltern Hills and the Bronze group, 1 night/2 days in the beautiful Northamptonshire countryside.

Bronze Practice

All groups can now look forward to completing their qualifying expeditions in June/July of this year. Hopefully the sun will be shining and the rain long gone!

All students have been the perfect example of the Ousedale Motto - Aspire, Achieve and Believe. Their enthusiasm and high spirits kept them going, even in bad weather!

Gold Practice Silver Practice Gold Practice

If you would like to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, please see Miss Marston (NP) or Mrs Murphy (O), who would be more than happy to have a chat. Alternatively, visit the following website: www.dofe.org and find out what it is all about!


PE Department

Huge congratulations to the Year Y10 Boys football team on winning the County Cup.

Sporting Talent and Success ……….

There is an awful lot of sports talent amongst our students; we would love to hear what they do, and share and celebrate their achievements. Please email the PE department with information and successes, including pictures you are happy for us to display. For example, did any students just qualify for a regional, national or international competition, have they been selected for trials at a top flight club or made it into an academy programme.


PE Department

Congratulations to all the students who were given awards at the Year 11 Sports Awards assembly across both sites. We were delighted to be able to celebrate your achievements and we wish all of you the best of luck and hope to see you all continue to lead active lifestyles. Those going on to pursue a career in sport have worked exceptionally hard and we hope that you continue to be successful.

(Photo above: Ella Howard receiving the Amy Howe Hockey Award from Mrs Carbert)

Well done also to the Freeland brothers; Leo (left) had a very successful County Champions recently, becoming Gold County Champion in both the U17 boys 1500m and 800m.

Zak (right) won Silver in the U17 boys 400m

PE Department


PE Department

As a prize for winning the Saints SPIRIT rugby tournament earlier in the year, Year 8 rugby team visited for a day of rugby training and a tour. Students were able to meet and interact with the 1st team including , and Courtney Lawes.


PE Department

Students had a fantastic day out at the Ricoh Arena watching Wasps v Harlequins in the final day of the Season, seeing a thrilling 27-25 game. A great way to end a successful year of rugby for all the teams at Ousedale School.

A massive congratulations to Edward Davey (7GD) who recently won the U13 National Badminton Championship and also got a bronze medal in the doubles competition. Well done Edward on such a fantastic achievement!

PE Department


Save the Children

On Tuesday, 7th May 2019 Year 12 students Elizabeth Beardshaw and Sufyaan Hussain attended the centenary symposium on behalf of the school. During the day they listened to a number of international experts talking about issues relating to the rights of children and children’s rights in war zones. Amongst some of the most inspiring speakers were Kevin Watkins, CEO of Save the Children; Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Svenja Geissmar the Chair of the Arsenal Foundation. One of the highlights of the day was the live link to Za’atari refugee camp to hear from two young people who have been helped by Save the Children and The Arsenal Foundation. 15 year old Mohammad and 14 year old Saba spoke about their experiences in the camp and their Elizabeth and Sufyaan with Kevin Watkins, hopes for the future. CEO of Save the Children UK

At 4pm Elizabeth and Sufyaan took to the stage with Kristy McNeill, Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children, UK. They spoke in front of 500 people about the importance of young people getting involved in international issues and why they believed in the rights of the children and they spoke with confidence about what they thought the government and other leaders and influencers should do to improve chances of children globally. Elizabeth and Sufyaan were brilliant ambassadors for both Ousedale School and Save the Children. Miss Barnes | Teacher of Geography


Catering Department

The Catering Department are continuing to encourage students to ‘bring a reusable bottle of water into school’ initiative to refill; our way of trying to help reduce the amount of plastic in the world. We have also started to use compostable disposable cutlery and paper cone cups.

Our theme day coming your way is going to be World Chocolate Day on 7th July, keep an eye out for more details to follow; if you have any suggestions please let the Catering Department know. Your ideas/suggestions are always welcome.


 1 onion  1 red pepper  1 green pepper  Olive oil  2 cloves of garlic  1 pinch of paprika  1½ teaspoons cumin  500 g quality minced beef  250 ml organic beef stock  12 corn taco shells  Salsa/Sour Cream & Guacamole


 Peel and dice the onion, then deseed and dice the peppers. Soften in 1 tablespoon of oil in a large pan over a low heat.  Peel, finely slice and add the garlic, along with the paprika and cumin, and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the beef and stir until it has browned.  Pour in the stock, cover, and cook for 45 minutes, or until reduced and delicious.  Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.  Spread the taco shells out on a baking tray and place in the oven for 3 to 4 minutes until crisp.  Fill the shells with the meat, salsa and guacamole or lay everything out and let everyone help themselves & ENJOY 

Anisha Avery – Catering Manager


Chemistry Quiz

1. What element in the periodic table has the lowest density? a) Helium b) Hydrogen c) Air d) Neutrons

2. What is the mass number of an atom of C-12? a) 2 b) 6 c) 12 d) 14

3. Which element in the periodic table has the largest atomic number? a) Lawrencium b) Organesson c) Francium d) Roentgentium

4. Which of the following is the newest element to be discovered and synthesised? a) Flerovium (114) b) Organesson (115) c) Tennesium (116) d) Nihonium (117)

5. Which of the following is a noble gas? a) Nitrogen b) Chlorine c) Argon d) Carbon dioxide

6. Which of the following has the highest pH value? a) Lime juice b) Wine c) Water d) Sodium hydroxide

7. What kind of element would you find on the far left-hand side of the periodic table? a) A metal b) A halogen c) A gas d) A negative ion

8. Which elements are the most abundant in the Universe? a) Carbon and hydrogen b) Nitrogen and oxygen c) Hydrogen and helium d) Iron and oxygen

9. Which were the first elements to form after the Big Bang started to cool? a) Uranium and plutonium b) Carbon and silicon c) Oxygen and nitrogen d) Hydrogen and helium

10. What are the most common elements in the human body? a) Phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium b) Sulphur, sodium, magnesium c) Copper, zinc, selenium d) Oxygen, carbon and hydrogen


Music Department

On Wednesday, 3rd April our senior music ensembles performed at the Music for Youth Festival at Christ the Cornerstone Church in Milton Keynes. The standard of the performances was excellent. Please see below for performance details and adjudicators’ comments.

Group name: Anacrusis (above) Repertoire: In My Life, Beatles & New York Voice Dance, Jasperse Adjudicator comments - “You are a talented, well trained choir. There is much to enjoy in your performance and you’ll continue to explore repertoire, genres and styles of singing”

Group name: Ousedale Concert Orchestra (front page) Repertoire: Cappriccio Espagnol, Rimsky-Korsakov & Batman, Elfman Adjudicator comments - “You brought drama and excitement to your precision – well done!”

Group name: Ousedale Encore (front page) Repertoire: Go the Distance & This is Me Adjudicator Comments – “There are clear dynamic choices and you sing with a shared understanding of the shape of lines. You are a promising choir, well led and singing well!”

Group name: Ousedale Jazz (below) Repertiore: Bye Bye Blackbird & Caravan Adjudicator Comments – “Great lead trumpet on the melody and the backing for the soloists were smooth and well delivered. Well done trombone soloist!”

We are delighted that following this event, Ousedale Concert Orchestra have been invited to perform at the National Music for Youth Festival on July 6th at Symphony Hall, Birmingham. This promises to be a very exciting opportunity for all involved.

The Music Department Jazz Band


Music Successes


Katie Abernethy Flute 7EF 2 Merit Sophie Allen Trombone 8MA 2 Distinction Jessica Allen Trombone 8DB 2 Distinction Tim Ball Cornet 12DK 8 Pass

Georgia Beardshaw Flute 9SRB 4 Pass

Seth Beesley Baritone 7EF 2 Merit Madeline Bhebhe Flute 10KAL 5 Pass Ellecee Bradnam Violin 7MW 1 Pass Daniel Butterworth Trumpet 8AT 5 Pass Lily Clawson Cello 7MW 2 Pass

Ellie Cole-Sayer Violin 7CR 1 Merit

Anezka Ellis Voice 8EL 2 Merit Grace Ellis Voice 9SRB 3 Distinction Millie Frost Piano 8MR 2 Pass Molly Green Acoustic Guitar 11JG 4 Pass Lukas Hall Double Bass 9SBB 5 Distinction

Robert Holloway Guitar 12JLB 5 Merit

Aaron Jin Cornet 13JA 8 Pass Ariana Kubiak Music Theory 12MS 5 Distinction Charlotte Kupczyk Voice 9LRT 2 Merit James Lavender Piano 7JR 5 Merit David Lech Clarinet 7GWT 3 Distinction

Liam MacManus Trombone 11SYC 6 Distinction Elsa Morley Baritone 8CTW 6 Distinction Liberty Morris Piano 8EL 2 Merit Brooke Ryan-Godfrey Flute 8MR 4 Distinction Olivia Smith Alto Saxophone 9FW 3 Distinction

Callum Stack Electric Guitar 8MB 3 Merit

Rowan Thomas Trombone 11MRG 5 Pass Amelie Ward Flute 11SYC 5 Pass Ben Wharpshire Cello 10SPP 5 Merit Harvey Whitmack Acoustic Guitar 8SPC 1 Pass Gemma Wickham Flute 8AT 4 Merit

Edith Wortley Flute 7GWT 4 Distinction

Zoe Wu Guitar 11JG 6 Merit


Design Technology Department

For ACE Day Year 8 were tasked, as part of their ‘Mission to Mars’, to design, build and test a rocket racer in small groups. The idea was to work as engineers using an iterative design process; to design, test, analyse then adapt designs, then retest them again and again to make improvements. The rocket cars were built using K’nex kits and general modelling equipment. The cars were raced to calculate the speed achieved. Students then continued to adapt the design each time raced to improve the overall performance and speed.

The idea behind the concept was based on the Bloodhound SCC, a British supersonic land vehicle, a pencil-shaped car, powered by a jet engine and a rocket engine, designed to reach 1,050 miles per hour (1,690 km/h).

Red Bull Racing, an F1 racing team based in Milton Keynes, volunteered to come in to work with students for the activity to offer advice, guidance and expertise on aerodynamics, speed, propulsion and design.

Congratulations to the following students who successfully considered aerodynamics, propulsion and wheels as part of their designs. Their commitment to teamwork, communication and problem solving was outstanding. Well done!

Emily Cilia 8HB; Charles Costelloe 8HB; Amelie King 8EL; Ellie Barker 8EL; George Binstead 8MA; Harry Knapman 8EL; Nathan Jackson 8MA; Jos Kinton 8MA; Jade Keeves 8EL; Jess White 8EL; Georgia Pitkethly 8OG; Charlotte Cole 8HB ; Emily Walker 8STA


Design Technology Department

GEMS Club have been working with metal this term in the engineering workshop using sheet metal, wires and old nuts and bolts to create tea light holders to hang up in their gardens for the summer. Check out some of the designs!

Congratulations to Caitlin!

On a recent trip to the BigBang@Silverstone to discover more about STEM careers and activities, Caitlin Sparkes 9CH entered the competition for the day and was the winner of a Raspberry Pi used for programming and coding.

Well done Catlin - happy coding.


Design Technology Department

Niftylift recently visited Ousedale School to deliver a workshop on hydraulics and students were involved in constructing a miniature truck and then operating a cage to show accurate hydraulic movement.

The organisation offers a work-based learning programme with on-the-job training and day release at college. Opportunities are currently available in the following specialisms:

Level 2 and 3 Trainee Manufacturing Technician Level 3 Trainee Technical Support Technician

During the session students had chance to speak with a first year apprentice about their experience both on the job with Niftylift and at college and what it’s like to work as an apprentice.

If you are interested in manufacturing, mechanical engineering, hydraulics, production, assembly, service, development, designing, quality control, supervision and management roles then take a look at what’s on offer. The deadline for applications is Friday 21st June. Apply direct via their website. For more information please visit: https://www.niftylift.com/uk/about-us/careers/apprenticeships

Miss Knapman | Teacher of DT Graphics and Engineering


Introduction to Ousedale’s Family Liaison Manager

My name is Mrs Adrienne Black and my job title within Ousedale School is Family Liaison Manager and Parent Ambassador. I am available during school hours to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have when you are unsure who to contact; I will direct you to the correct person to answer/resolve your query. I attend all PTA meetings to help improve our home to school links and I am working towards developing stronger community and cultural links between Ousedale School and local groups; so please get in touch if you have any ideas that could bring us closer together in a positive way.

If you have a question that you would like answering, please don’t keep it to yourself, let us help you to have your questions answered, no matter how big or small.

If you are new to the area and need any assistance locating local services or support groups, I can assist you with that too. You don’t need to come to school to speak with me, I am more than happy to meet outside of school if that suits you better.

I can be contacted on 01908 210203 Ext 3220 or by email to: [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you 

Mrs Black | Family Liaison Manager

ANSWERS: 1a; 2c; 3b; 4b; 5c; 6d; 7a; 8c; 9d; 10d 9d; 8c; 7a; 6d; 5c; 4b; 3b; 2c; 1a; ANSWERS: CHEMISTRY