Supplementary Table 1. Responses to “What do you like most about medical ?” (N = 2,475) were analyzed with QSR NVivo10. Categories are in bold followed by subcategories. Number of responses is in parentheses and sample responses are listed. ______1– health benefits (892) a – pain relief/inflammation/tension (333) “The serious reduction of pain.” “Takes edge off when in pain.” “Makes pain tolerable.” “I can get relief from my pain.” “I like that it subsides my pain.” “Incredible pain relief” b – sleep/insomnia/nightmares (154) “I am able to sleep much better.” “Getting a good night’s sleep.” “It helps me sleep without crazy dreams.” c – anxiety/calm nerves/hypervigilance/panic attacks/fear (70) “It makes me less anxious.” “Help with the day to day anxiety.” “I can curb a panic attack.” d – many ailments/conditions/symptoms/issues/only one substance (63) “It helps so much with my medical issues” “The fact that it covers so many medical problems” “Relieves the current conditions” “It works for almost every ailment I have.” e – vomit/nausea/stomach/gut/constipation/Chrohns (39) “It effectively treats my nausea/vomiting” “Takes away break through intestinal pain, calms my stomach” “My Chrohn’s is in remission” f – eat/appetite/increase metabolism/weight gain (36) “Gaining back my appetite” “Weight gain” “To enjoy eating” g – improve mood/calm emotions/emotional mental symptoms/mood swings/psychoactive effects/mood stable (30) “Improves my mood” “The temporary uplift in mood.” “It is the only thing that works on intense emotions.” h – depression/suicide (25) “Eases depression” “That I am no longer suicidal.” “Makes depression more manageable.” i – PTSD/flashbacks/trauma (22) “Unparalleled relief from PTSD symptoms” “It puts a little maneuvering room between me and my PTSD.” “Eases my PTSD symptoms.” j – migraines/headaches (21) “I can control my debilitating daily migraines.” “It is a great relief from headaches.” “It’s the only thing I’ve found to prevent migraines.” k – other symptoms (18) “The way it has affected my M.S.” “It has help tremendously with my hotflashes.” “Can breathe easier” l – spasms (muscles)/relax muscles joints/restless legs/strain in back/muscular dystrophy/ spasticity/cramping (17) “My muscles can also relax and not tighten or spasm.” “and eases my restless leg syndrome.” “It relaxes my muscles and joints.” m – decrease stress (14) “I can deal with day to day stress.” “and don’t stress out much at all” “lowered stress” n – positive changes in health (9) “It had increased my overall health” “The positive health improvements “It helps me to stay well” o – arthritis (9) “Helps with my horrible arthritis.” “It eases my pain.” “Sincerely helps me with chronic arthritic pain, especially at night.” p – fibromyalgia/nerves (8)| “Fibromyalgia is quite painful.” “Some significant relief of fibromyalgia pain and soft tissue spasticity.” “And neuropathy that I experience daily” q – tremors/seizures/shakes (8) “Aura of seizures controlled.” “And it stop my tremors.” “I visually shake sometimes and it helps with that.” r – cancer (4) “Seems to be effective on my cancer.” “Looks like I’m a stage 4 colon cancer survivor. I don’t know how much of a part cannabis played, but I’m keeping it in the mix.” s – eyesight/glaucoma (4) “It has saved my eyesight!!” “It actually does help with eye pressure from glaucoma.” t – degenerative disk disease (2) “Also, I have a digenerating disk in my lower back, when I lay down my legs get restless from it, pot helps with that as well.” u – schizophrenia/DID (2) “In the morning, my inner voices are silent most days.” v – ADHD (2) “It helps me concentrate – ADHD.” w – blood pressure (2) “Blood pressure is down.”

2 - Product (351) a – natural/organic/pure/herbal/clean (107) “It is a natural herbal medicine.” “It is purely plant based.” “That it is a completely natural organic substance” b – not addictive/habit forming (37) “I have never had a problem with addiction to it.” “I love that it is not physically addictive.” “Not habit forming.” c – quality (control), growing conditions consistent; reliable; excellent; consistent (29) “Quality of product” “Consistant and reliable quality” “Quality control over product.” d – strains/THC CBD content/quality (27) “The different strains available for relief.” “Robust selection of strains.” “I am able to find high cbd/low thc strains” e – options, choices of delivery/application (23) “So many different ways to use it.” “There are many options available to each patient.” “The versatile delivery methods” f – safe/not harmful/not toxic/know what getting (19) “It doesn’t hurt my organs and brain.” “It is safe for your body and mind.” “I don’t feel like I’m doing ‘harm’ to my body.” g – dose (consistent/can adjust/easy) (17) “I can control dose better.” “I like how I regulate dosing by the way I feel.” “Can titrate my own dosage based on my symptomatology and current need” h – edibles (convenience/discreet); cookies (portion control; sleep; relaxed; happy; pain; sleep); CBD capsule (chronic nerve pain); pain relief better than smoking; slow/gentle onset; prevent anxiety (13) “Edible cannabis provides much more pain relief than smoked.” “I sleep much better when I eat a medible cookie.” “The edible help so much when I can not use other methods.” i - smoking (boredom; improve lung function; way I feel); water bong (straighten me out); immediate results; anxiety; sleep; stronger faster effect; control dose (12) “I enjoy the smoking process. It helps with boredom.” “More immediate results when smoking it.” “I prefer to smoke since it has a stronger, faster effect, and it’s easier to control the dose.” j – no deaths/safe/can’t OD (12) “Nearly impossible to come close to dying from an overdose.” “There have been 0 deaths associated with it” “Won’t kill me.” k – taste/smell (12) “Clean taste.” “The taste, similar to a fine cigar.” “Smell” l – consistency (9) “I always know what to expect.” “I can know exactly what I am ingesting.” “The consistency of product and selection.” m – no hangover feeling; not zonked; can function next day (8) “I don’t feel groggy when I wake up the next day.” “Can function the next day well.” “Nor do I feel bad the next day.” n – high (7) “I enjoy the high.” “The legal high.” “Getting high.” o – tinctures (clean/easy); no smell; sleep; function normally, not stoned (6) “Recently started using tinctures. Clean and easy.” “I recommend tinctures to anyone with my symptoms.” “I like the tincture – no smell.” p - topical (neuropathy); joint muscle pain; salve (chronic knee pain; leg cramps) (6) “Topical helps a lot with joint and muscle pain.” “Topical cannabis helped with neuropathy.” “I use cannabis salves for leg cramps and it’s better than anything I’ve tried over the counter.” q – long hx medical use (2) “It has a long history of medical use.” r – learning (mj/meds) (2) “I have learned a lot about cannabis and the other medications in my life” s – oil (no munchies) (2) “In oil form, I do not get the “munchies”.” t – balm (doesn’t alter perception) (1) “Like the fact that it doesn’t alter my perception, when using balm.”

3 – non health benefits (350) a – relaxation/take edge off (75) “I have always appreciated the fact that cannabis allows me to relax.” “The relaxed feeling.” “Helps relaxation.” b – active/energy/function better/do more/improve physical function/mobility/exercise (54) “I function normally.” “I love the energy I get.” “Extra energy which I need to get exercise.” c – live life/alive/life more tolerable/changed life/live semi normal life/feel like me/life back (54) “It has made me feel alive again.” “I have my life back.” “I live a normal life because of it. I look normal, I act normal.” d – redirect thoughts/mental clarity/slow down mind/mind relief/stop worry/improve state of mind (22) “It distracts me from dwelling on my problems.” “It gives my mind relief when nothing else can.” “Improvement in my state of mind.” e – mindfulness/be present/focus/balance mind spirit body/ perspective/awareness (21) “Steadys my reality giving me perspective.” “Increased awareness” “Being able to focus” f – increase QOL/wellbeing (19) “Better quality of life” “Overall sense of well being” “My quality of life is much improved” g – better person/attitude adjustment/outlook/kinder/patient/others (17) “Better kinder way of life.” “My patience and tolerance levels have increased significantly.” “Be better human being” h – happy/content/joy/bliss/euphoria (17) “How happy it makes me feel.” “Immediate euphoric feeling of release” “Able to feel joy” i – not impaired (11) “My judgment does not get impaired.” “It does not impair my thinking (even though people say it will)” “does NOT cause me to have less ability to function” j – soothing/calming/at peace/carefree (11) “It calms me down.” “I like how at peace I am with everything.” “The way it calms my body and mind.” k – social/outgoing (11) “Improve social involvement.” “Improved social life.” “I can b more social. And not hide at home.” l – motivation/outlook/uplifting/interest/hope (10) “Uplifting and motivational” “It gives me hope” “The uplifting feeling” m – can work/productive/pay bills/driving (10) “I can work and pay my bills.” “The tasks and accomplishments I can get done.” “Having a job” n – creative (7) “I do like the expansive mind/creativity element” “Increases creativity” “Creative insight” o – decrease alcohol use/smoking/drug use (7) “I have been freed of my addictions.” “Marijuana has helps me to stop drinking and come off the drugs” “It has certainly not been a gateway drug for me, rather it has helped me to NOT need other drugs/alcohol.” p – sex (4) “Increase in sexual desire and pleasure.” “I have to admit that it has improved my sex life as well.” “Great for sex”

4 – general (255) a – works (72) “Sometimes it works where everything else has not.” “How it works for me” “The fact that it actually works.” b – effective (51) “It is actually effective” “Effective long term” “It’s 100% effective” c– feel better (47) “How great I feel!!” “And generally makes me feel MUCH better.” “I feel better overall because of it” d – relief (many symptoms) (35) “The relief it brings me” “It provides REAL relief mentally, emotionally, and physically.” “Overall body relief” e – helps (with many problems) (25) “It helps me in so many ways.” “It helps a lot of people, including me.” “I had no idea that it could help so much.” f – general (18) “It is a miracle cure!” “The way it has changed my life for the better.” “The positive outcome” g – benefits (7) “The many benefits it is offering me” “The countless benefits it provides”

5 – medications (176) [rx – prescription medications] a – decrease rx meds (62) “Less medications and pills I have to put in my body.” “Not taking prescription meds.” “I am off pharmaceuticals for the most part.” b – more effective than rx (39) “It is far more effective than any prescription that I’ve been prescribed.” “It gives the most symptom relief of anything I’ve tried” “That it works better than any pharmaceutical I’ve used.” c – safer than rx (26) “replaces dangerous pharmacy drugs” “Safer than some other pain meds.” “And safer than pharmaceuticals.” d – no/reduce opiates (23) “Eliminated use of opiate pain medications.” “It has helped me drastically reduce my opiate intake.” “The ability to limit or eliminate the need for medical opiates.” e – off/reduce painkillers (14) “I don’t have to take pain pills all the time” “It helps me cut down on pain meds” “I like that I am off almost all painkillers” f – no need narcotics (5) “I use less narcotics.” “It’s reduced my need for narcotics.” “I don’t have to take narcotics.” g – no interactions with other rx (4) “Doesn’t interact with my other medications” “I cannot think of one drug it isn’t safe to mix with” h – f(x) better than when on rx (pain) (3) “Can function better than when on pain medications.” “I can function at a much higher rate than with the use of pain pills.” 6 – other (159) a – comments (71) “It has always been my best friend.” “Thank you for this wonderful plant.” “The pros demolish the cons on this argument, as far as my personal experience goes.” b – unclear (30) “The freedom.” “Gentleness.” “The truth” c – random, best but doesn’t fit into a category (28) “I feel like I am in a better state of homeostasis.” “The way it helps me through my current situation.” “Keeps me on an even keel.” d – everything (19) “Everything. While these answer may not seem serious, they are.” “What isn’t to like?” “Everything!!!” e – negative (11) “Not much.” “Currently I don’t like using it.” “You can legally buy but have to pay for the license.”

7 – side effects (se) (129) a – no se/adverse effects (48) “It doesn’t really have any side effects.” “Side effect free” “There are no life threatening side effects” b – less se than rx (47) “Less side effects than the medications I’ve previously been prescribed” “Without the side effects of chemical medicine.” “Without side affects that prescriptions often have.” c – cope with se meds/chemo (12) “It truly helped me get through the side effects of my chemo treatments.” “It makes it easier for me to tolerate the side effects of my medications.” “And helps with nausea from pills” d- < pain, with no se (12) “Pain management without side effects” “The only drug that can relieve my pain without negative side effects” “Effectively treats pain just as good as opioids, with no side effects!” e – no dangerous/harmful/scary se (7) “Lack of dangerous side effects” “no harsh side effects.” “The lack of detrimental side effects.” f - < pain without (oxy) zombie (3) “Taking care of my pain without being an oxy zombie”

8 – access (92) a – available/options exist/east to obtain (27) “That it is available if I need it.” “Happy to have this as an option.” “Easily obtained” b – grow/garden free (14) “That I am able to grow my own medicine.” “If I grow my own, it is essentially free.” “I grow my own medicine, gardening itself is therapeutic.” c – safe access – clean/legal/legitimate source (13) “That I can get it from a clean legal source.” “Being able to have safe access to the medicine I need.” “Being able to go somewhere safe to obtain it” d – dispensary (convenient/clean)/location/buy it/easy appointments (11) “Convenience of buying from dispensary” “Able to go to dispensary to purchase medication.” “Easy appointments” e – staff (welcoming/knowledgeable) (8) “Welcoming, Knowledgeable Staff. It makes a big difference.” “Staff are extremely helpful.” “Also the knowledge of the people that work there” f – prn – when needed/tailor intake (7) “I love the freedom to self medicate.” “I can tailor my intake to meet my needs in terms of symptoms.” “I can use it when need, rather than when prescribed; don’t need it, don’t use it.” g – convenient/simple (5) “Convenient” “It is convenient.” h – reasonable price (5) “It’s relatively inexpensive.” “Reasonably priced.” i – easy to use/simplicity (2) “The ease of using.”

9 – the law (44) a – legal/follow the law/not a criminal (41) “That I can now legally purchase what helps me with my conditions.” “being able to purchase it in a dignified and legal way.” “And I don’t feel like a criminal when I try to find relief.” b – less stigma (2) “Freedom to treat! Without judgment” c – taxable (1) “Taxable marijuana.”

10 – effects (27) a – quick/fast acting (15) “The immediate results” “Fast relief” “Speed of effect” b – long lasting (7) “Long lasting symptom relief” “Lasts a long time” c – wear off slowly (3) “Gently wears off” d – don’t need a lot (2) “I like that you don’t need to consume a large quantity for results.” Supplementary Table 2. Responses to “What do you like least about ?” (N = 1,678) were analyzed with QSR NVivo10. Categories are in bold followed by subcategories. Number of responses are in parentheses and sample responses are listed. ______1 – Money (477) a – Cost (156) “Cost.” “How much it costs” “The cost is ridiculously high for a weed that grows out of the ground.” b – Price (104) “I feel that it is sorely overpriced.” “The price is tough considering my disability income.” “The price is pretty high (no pun intended)!” c – Expensive (96) “The cost can be a bit expensive, though worth it.” “How expensive some of the products are” “I don’t like how expensive it is.” d – Insurance/insurance doesn’t cover/not covered under my insurance/Medicare (58) “I would have to say I wish insurance covered this.” “That it is not covered by health insurance as other medications are.” “Things would be much easier if insurance paid for this medication.” e – Other/buying it/costs money (28) “That there is no help for low income patients.” “Not covered by workers compensation” “I’m broke because I decide to buy my medication” f – Afford/affordability/can’t afford it (15) “I don’t like that I can’t afford it.” “Cost should be affordable to someone on 800 a month.” “I think of affordability for folks who are on a very tight budget.” g– Taxes/having to pay taxes on it/taxed (10) “Taxes applied to what is classified as a prescription drug.” “And having to pay my taxes on it, not being able to claim it on my taxes.” “Not being able to take this medication off taxes as I do others by the same perscriber.” h – Certification/difficult and expensive to be certified/cost to renew (9) “That it is so difficult and expensive to be certified.” “Having to apply for the card every year.” “Having to pay for recertification every year…” i – Veteran’s Affairs (1) “The VA does not indorse it.”

2 – Effects (364) a – Smell/odor (60) “Obvious smell” “The smell offends others sometimes and is not professional.” “The odor, which makes being discreet difficult.” b – Eating/increased appetite/munchies/hungry/graze mindlessly (53) “Decrease control over eating – craving sweets!” “I have to be careful about over eating while high.” “Increases appetite too much” c – Respiratory/coughing/asthma/effects on lungs/COPD (33) “Sometimes it makes me cough” “What it does to my lungs” “Lung irritation.” d – Tired/drowsy/sleep/sluggish/lazy/lethargic (31) “Makes me tired.” “Feeling of lethargy.” “Sometimes I feel sluggish.” e – Cognitive/stupid/brain fog/dingy/confused/fuzzy (30) “It makes me somewhat loopy.” “Cognitive side effects.” “Just a bit of a fog.” f – Mouth/dry/thirsty/sores (20) “Sometimes I get dry mouth.” “Cotton mouth.” “mouth sores.” g - High/feeling high/potential to feel high (19) “I don’t like the “high” feeling.” “Potential to feel ‘high’ or intoxicated.” “The “high” took a little getting used to.” h – Memory/impairment/short term (15) “The short term memory loss can be annoying.” “Some forgetfulness.” “The effect on my memory.” i – Taste/the taste (15) “Taste of the medicine.” “The taste.” j – Productive/lazy/unmotivated/lack of motivation (11) “Takes away motivation to be productive.” “The unmotivating feeling I have at times.” “I sometimes have trouble being as productive as I’d like to be” k – Anxiety/slight anxiety/occasional anxiety/anxious feeling (10) “Occasional anxiety.” “Just when it exacerbates my anxiety.” “Due to heart rate increase, I have slight anxiety.” l – Tolerance/building tolerance/developed tolerance quickly (9) “The inability to get high after getting high a few times in a day.” “The tolerance development.” m – Head/headache/head trip/head buzz (9) “A bit of a confused and fuzzy head feeling.” “It gives me a headache.” “The head buzz.” n – General/psychotropic effects/ side effects/delivery system effects (7) “Sometimes I will have unpleasant side effects which are gradually going away.” “General psychotropic effects.” “Not knowing if I will have bad side effects.” o – Eyes/dry/red (6) “Makes my eyes red.” “Dry eyes.” p – Paranoid/paranoia/occasional paranoia (6) “I do not like that it makes me feel paranoid.” “Occasional paranoia.” q – Dizziness/sometimes dizzy/initially dizziness (5) “Can cause mild dizziness.” “Initially dizzinesss” r – Throat/harshness on my throat/irritation/lumpy feeling (4) “Irritation to my throat.” “Harshness on my throat.” s – Restless/become restless/too much energy (4) “Too much energy.” “I become restless.” t – Stoned/too stoned/stoned effect (4) “It makes me too stoned.” “I don’t necessarily like to be “stoned” all of the time.” u – Hangover/ some hangover effect/sometimes a bit of a hangover (4) “Sometimes a bit of a hangover” “Some hang over effect. Coffee seems to clean it out so it’s not really like over drinking.” v – Dependence/feeling of being dependent on a drug/severe dependence on it (4) “I have severe dependence on it and find it extremely difficult to go a day without it.” “The feeling of being dependent on a drug.” w - Other side effects/woozy feeling/heavy chest/can upset stomach (3) “Can upset stomach.” “Heavy chest.” x – Ears/ringing (1) “Ringing in ears.” y – Nausea/nausea it causes me (1) “And the nausea it causes me.”

3 – View (191) a – Stigma/negative stigma/stigma from society/fear of stigma/stigma associated with use (106) “Stigma associated with its use” “I hate the stigma attached to marijuana use” “Plus I don’t care for the stigma of marijuana among the population.” b – Others/perception from others/not more widely accepted/others notions on its use (55) “Not treated as a medication, and certain types of people don’t understand.” “Feeling like it’s frowned upon by the general society.” “Negative opinions from other people.” c – Medical/stigma from healthcare workers or doctors/not accepted by medical community (18) “The stigma that goes with medical usage…from doctors.” “Not more widely accepted by the medical community.” “That it is not accepted by the medical community as a whole.” d – Hide/secrecy from my employer/not told my PCP/hide from visitors (7) “Keeping it a secret form people outside my immediate circle.” “I don’t talk about it with my family. It’s easier that way.” “The exposure when I don’t want anyone to know I smoke pot because I’m a nurse.” e – Multiple/medical providers and law enforcement/employers and medical people (4) “Not supported by my family or many medical doctor” “How it is so frowned upon by medical providers and law enforcement.” f – Law/prejudice and misunderstanding about benefits by law makers (1) “The prejudice and misunderstanding about the benefits held by lawmakers.”

4 – Access (138) a – Access/hard to obtain/limited/run out/not enough places to purchase (33) “It can be difficult for me to obtain due to my condition and situation.” “Lack of access to what I want and need.” “Not enough places to purchase it.” b – Strain/availability/more options/more variety/quality (32) “The strains are also very limited at dispensaries.” “Not enough of each strain to help everybody” “Also strains that work well are not always available.” c – Distance/have to travel/too far (24) “The locations, so far away.” “The lack of dispensaries in close proximity (I drive over 100 miles each way).” “Access to dispensaries is a long drive.” d – Dispensary/hours/not enough dispensaries/getting appointments (20) “It can be hard to get appointments at the dispensary.” “Dispensery hours.” “Restrictive rules regarding dispensary locations.” e– Availability (13) “Lack of availability.” “The limited availability to obtain it.” “It should be more widely available.” f – Grow/how long it takes to grow/trying to grow it/not being able to grow it (8)} “I dislike how difficult it is to grown on my own.” “How long it takes to grow outdoors.” “Not being able to grow it myself.” g – Information/lack of credible information/little guidance (4)} “Lack of info I was given at the clinic” “Lack of credible sources of information.” h – Condition/qualifying conditions are limited/few disorders benefit (3) “That the qualifying conditions are so limited.” i – Source/ability to find a steady source (1) “The ability to find a steady source.”

5 – Method (119) a – Smoking/smoking it/smell from smoking/inconvenient/time (64) “Smoking. I feel smoking is not good for you but that seems to be the most effective method.” “Smoking sometimes is rough” “The feeling of smoking” b – Edibles/too earthy/inconsistent dosing/time to make/slow effects (17) “The lack of edible product that is available.” “Would prefer edibles which are expensive.” “I cannot control the effects of edibles. It’s sometimes too strong.” c – Tincture/difficult to use/taste/sleepy (12) “The strong taste of the tinctures.” “I can not afford to use the tinctures as my first way due to prices.” “Tried tincture once, but made me sleepy, so never used again.” d – Vape/preparing it/hard time using/expensive (11) “Preparing the vaporizer” “Hate the burning sensation of vaporizer, used once, never again.” “I still have a hard time using the vaporizer but its getting easier.” e – More/limited products available here/more vessels for cannabis (5) “The limited products available here.” “We need more vessels for cannabis other than smoking.” “The selection isn’t as strong as in California.” f – Seeds/not being able to buy seeds/made available to grow (3) “Not being able to buy seeds or clones.” “Seeds should be available to those that prefer to grow their own medicine.” g – Oil/costly/get too high (2) “I would buy Concentrates and Oils if they were not so costly.” “The oil makes me get too high.” h – Balm/smells (1) “Since I only use the balm, still don’t like the way it smells.” i – Glycerin/sticky/hard to dispense (1) “The glycerin is sticky and hard to dispense reliably. Makes your mouth taste like an ashtray all day.” j – Keif/buy separately after removed from flower (1) “It’s also very disappointing that I have to buy shake () separately after it has been removed from the flower.” k– Topical/more options (1) “more topical options. Those work the best for me.” m – Bud/cheapest form (1) “Bud is the cheapest form, so it’s what I use but I would much rather use alternative medicines. Concentrates, edibles and tinctures.”

6 – Legal (104) a – Illegal/not federally or nationally legal/federal or government regulations/schedule 1 (83) “Federal restrictions, schedule 1 drug stupidity” “It’s still illegal.” “Legal limitations.” b – Conceal/discrete/hide/can’t use openly (21) “I can only smoke it at home legally.” “Delivery restrictions in public.” “It’s hard to medicate and not disrupt other people.”

7 – Nothing/nothing/can’t think of a thing/no problems/NA/not sure (87) “No problems whatsoever” “There is no down side to it.” “I have nothing negative to say about medical cannabis.”

8 – Miscellaneous (86) a – Other/takes time to consume/product is too dry/it’s inconvenient/it is not standardized (51) “It is limiting.” “Legislation making medical use unduly expensive” “Attempts by big corporations and cartels to control delivery and growing.” b – Positive/love it/relaxes me/happy/a big help/it’s a lifesaver (24) “I’m happy and I can deal with everyday life better.” “I love it.” “It’s a big help to me.” c – Unclear/feeling/harder to use/names/the travel (11) “Feeling” “Annual bills to change current laws” “names.”

9 – Use (58) a – Dose/control/proper dose/misdose/not accurate/inconsistent (20) “I would prefer more accurate dosing.” “Adjusting dosages with different strains.” “I really find it hard to get just the right amount to relieve my medical issues without getting too high.” b – Best/trial and error/find best dosage and type (9) “The trial and error of what will work best.” “Still trying to find the best dosage and type.” “Difficult to determine exactly what works best.” c – Effects/not long lasting/take a while to kick in/variable (8) “Effect doesn’t last long enough.” “It’s effect is variable. “It can take a while to kick in.” d – Not effective/not highly effective/no effect/doesn’t provide relief (6) “Not highly effective.” “So far it’s had no effect.” “It puts me to sleep but doesn’t help the pain.” e – Inconsistent/lack of consistency/unpredictable (5) “Product sometimes seems inconsistent.” “Lack of consistency.” “Unpredictable.” f – Strength/not strong enough/very strong (4) “Not strong enough at times.” “Some of the strains are very strong, a lot different then in the 60’s and 70’s” g – Recreational Use/banned as a recreational drug/considered a street drug (3) “That people are still using it for recreational purposes and giving those of us that use it for medicine a bad image.” “How banned it is as a recreational drug” h – Use/having to use it at all/relying on any drug (3) “Having to use it at all. That reflects on my conditions, not the substance.” “Relying on any drug.” “That I’m using pot.”

10 – Travel/difficulty traveling with it/traveling out of state/can’t take it with me on trips (22) “That I can’t travel with it like any other medication I am prescribed.” “I travel for work and I am not able to bring it out of state.” “Hassle of traveling without it.”

11 – Limit (17) a – Driving/interferes with driving/limit my ability to drive/not being able to drive (9) “It does limit my ability to drive.” “It interferes with my driving.” “Not being able to drive.” b – Work/interferes with work/makes work difficult/cannot use it at work (8) “I cannot work while using cannabis.” “Effects make work difficult.” “I can’t use it before work or if I have any important events where I need to be sober.”

12 – Job/limit employment options/risk of losing job/prevent me from being hired (15) “The fact that I would lose my job because I use.” “Prevented me from getting a job I know I could do.” “I lost my job and license because I required this relief.” ______

Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

You are being asked to participate in a project conducted through the Husson University School of Pharmacy by Brian Piper, PhD; by Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center by Corey Burchman, MD; and by Maine Health by Stephanie Nichols, PharmD and Alexander Abess, MD that involves research. The researchers are required to receive your informed consent before you participate in this project. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Husson University Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research. Contact the IRB at (207) 941-7049 if you have any questions about (1) the conduct of the project, (2) your rights as a research participant, or (3) a research-related injury. Any other questions about the research project should be directed to: Brian J. Piper ([email protected]) or Stephanie Nichols ([email protected]). Your participation in research is voluntary. If you refuse to participate, there are no penalties or loss of benefits or services that you are otherwise entitled to. If you decide to participate and then withdraw or skip a question, there are no penalties or loss of benefits or services. Whether or not you choose to participate in this project will have no effect on your relationship with Husson University, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, or Maine Health, now or in the future. A basic explanation of the project is written below. After you have read this information, please indicate whether you consent at the bottom of this page.

PROJECT PURPOSE: The purpose of this online survey is to gather information about the risks and benefits of medical cannabis use. Adults that are legally authorized to use medical cannabis are being asked to participate in this study. You have been invited to participate in this study because of your relationship with a cannabis dispensary. You are receiving this invitation because you have agreed to receive emails from your dispensary.

EXPLANATION OF PROCEDURES: This study will involve answering questions about you, your health, and your use of medical cannabis.

CONFIDENTIALITY: No identifying information will be collected during this research. Information from this research will not be released to anyone outside of this research project. Your responses will not be discussed with anyone not involved in the research. Only researchers associated with the project will have access to this information. Any information from this study to be presented or published, will be in aggregate form only and individuals will not be identified.

COMPENSATION: Participation in this study is voluntary. No compensation will be awarded.

BENEFITS: The overall benefits of this research include gaining a better understanding of medical cannabis.

RISKS: This study involves minimal risk. Risks in this study are not anticipated to be any greater than those involved in day-to-day activities (working with a computer, answering questions, reading etc.).


1. This survey is intended to learn more about the benefits and risks of medical cannabis.

2. Completion of this survey is voluntary. Information you provide in this survey is not identifiable to you and is completely anonymous.

3. Only the investigators involved in this study will have access to survey responses.

4. There will be no changes in your prescription or access to medications or medical cannabis should you decide to not participate.

5. The only benefit provided by participating in this survey is helping scientists and clinicians better understand medical cannabis.

1 6. Surveys may only be completed once, and must be completed in one session. The survey should only take about 15 minutes of time.

7. By completing this survey, you certify that you are over age 18.

8. Please answer as many questions as you feel comfortable answering.

9. Please note that in this survey, we use the term “cannabis” to mean the same as marijuana or medical marijuana.


* 1. Do you consent to participate in this research? Please be aware that that completion of the survey also implies consent.

Yes, I consent to participate.

No, I do not consent to participate.

2 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

2. How old are you?

3. What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Did not complete High School

Completed High School or GED

Vocational Degree

Some College (AA, AS)

Undergraduate Degree (BA, BS)

Graduate or Professional Degree (MA, MBA, PhD, JD)

4. What is your ethnicity?


Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino

Native Hawaiian

Pacific Islander

American Indian

Alaska Native

Prefer not to disclose

Other (please specify)

3 5. What are your annual earnings? If hourly, 7.5/hour = $15,600, 15/hour = $31,200.

Prefer not to disclose

$0 to $9,999

$10,000 to $19,999

$20,000 to $39,999

$40,000 to $59,999

$60,000 to $99,999

$100,000 to $149,999


6. How would you describe your work status? Check all that apply.

Employed full time

Employed part time


On disability



Prefer not to disclose

Other (please specify)

7. How would you describe the city or town where you live?

Population less than 50,000

Population more than 50,000 but less than 250,000

Population more than 250,000

8. What state do you live in?






4 Colorado























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota



5 Oregon


Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







Washington DC

West Virginia



Other (please specify)

6 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

9. How tall are you?



10. How much do you weigh in pounds?

7 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

11. Who issued your medical cannabis certificate?



Other (please specify)

12. Was your medical cannabis certificate issued by:

Primary Care Provider who I was seeing already

Specialist who I was seeing already (e.g. Neurologist or Psychiatrist)

A new provider that I’m seeing for my qualifying condition

Other (please specify)

13. Which of the following diseases or conditions have you been diagnosed by a medical professional (physician, PA, psychologist) as having? Check all that apply.

Alzheimer's Disease

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease)



Anxiety Disorder (Generalized or Social)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD or ADD)


Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism/Aspergers)

Bipolar Disorder (manic-depression)




Celiac Disease

8 Chronic pain

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Crohn's Disease

Dementia (non-Alzheimer's)

Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)




Heart disease (Heart failure, Coronary Artery Disease)

High blood pressure


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Kidney disease

Migraine / Chronic Headaches

Myasthenia gravis


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Parkinson’s Disease

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD)


Seizure disorder (epilepsy)

Sleep disorder (insomnia)


None of the above

Prefer not to disclose

Other (please specify)

9 14. For what condition(s) did you receive a medical cannabis certificate? Check all that apply.

Intractable or chronic pain

Agitation related to Alzheimer’s Disease

Cachexia or wasting syndrome



Hepatitis C


Muscle spasms, including but not limited to, those characteristic of Multiple Sclerosis or Crohn’s disease

Nausea (severe)

Parkinson's Disease

Seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy

Prefer not to disclose

Other (please specify)

10 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

You have completed approximately 25% of the survey.

15. If you are using medical cannabis for pain, what type of pain do you have? Check all that apply.




Chronic pain following surgery

Menstrual pain

Neuropathic (nerve pain)


Not applicable

Other (please specify)

11 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

16. How long have you been certified to use medical cannabis?

Months Years


17. What is your preferred delivery method?

Joint, pipe or bong


Food edibles



Topicals (salve or balm)

12 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

18. How much do you use each week (for example, 3 cookies/week)?

13 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

19. How many grams of medical cannabis do you use each day (1 oz = 28.4 g)? If you'd prefer not to disclose, enter "NA".

14 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

20. How much money ($) do you spend on medical cannabis each week?

15 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

21. What type of medical cannabis works best for you?

Cannabis sativa dominant strains

Cannabis indica dominant strains

Don’t know

Prefer not to disclose

16 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

22. For the condition you were certified for, which strain(s) works best for you? If you prefer not to disclose, please feel free to skip this item.

23. Please describe other strains you use and why. If you prefer not to disclose, please feel free to skip this item.

17 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

24. How would you describe your use of cannabis? For example, if you use medical cannabis twice a day for your symptoms but on the weekends, twice midday to relax with friends, you might choose 20% recreation/ 80% medical).

100% recreational, 0% medical

90% recreational, 10% medical

80% recreational, 20% medical

70% recreational, 30% medical

60% recreational, 40% medical

50% recreational, 50% medical

40% recreational, 60% medical

30% recreational, 70% medical

20% recreational, 80% medical

10% recreational, 90% medical

0% recreational, 100% medical

18 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

25. How old were you when you first smoked a tobacco cigarette?

10 years or younger











21 or older

I've never smoked a cigarette

19 26. How old were you when you first used alcohol?

10 or younger











21 or older

I've never used alcohol

27. How many packs of cigarettes do you currently smoke each day?

a few cigarettes

half a pack






I don't smoke

20 28. How old were you when you first used marijuana recreationally?

10 or younger








18 or older

I've never used marijuana recreationally

29. What is your sex?



Prefer not to disclose

21 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

30. How many days per week do you consume 4 or more alcoholic drinks in a single sitting?









I don't drink

22 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

31. How many days per week do you consume 5 or more alcoholic drinks in a single sitting?









I don't drink

23 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

You have completed about half of the survey.

24 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

32. How effective is medical cannabis in treating your symptoms or condition(s)?

0% no relief at all





50% about half relief





100% complete relief

33. Are there any other conditions that you find are helped by cannabis? Please check all that apply.


Appetite stimulant

Concentration (ADD/ADHD)


Other substance cravings (nicotine, alcohol, or other)


Restless legs

Sleep quality


Other (please specify)

25 34. Besides yourself, how many members of your house-hold are certified to receive medical cannabis?






Other (please specify)

35. Are you on any of the following types of medications? Please select all that apply.

ADHD medication (stimulant)



anti-seizure medication or mood stabilizer

anxiety medication

blood pressure medication

diabetes medication

pain medication (non-prescription)

pain medication (prescription)

sleeping medication(non-prescription)

sleeping medication(prescription)

none of the above

prefer not to disclose

36. Do you regularly take opiate pain medications (such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, buprenorphine, methadone, or others)?



26 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

37. Have you noticed a change in the amount of opiate medication you need for the same pain relief since you began using medical cannabis?

Yes, I need a lot more medication

Yes, I need slightly more medication

No change

Yes, I need slightly less medication

Yes, I need a lot less medication

27 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

38. Do you regularly take medications for anxiety (such as valium, lorazepam, clonazepam, or other)?



28 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

39. Have you noticed a change in the amount of prescription anxiety medication you need/use since you began using medical cannabis?

Yes, I need a lot more medication

Yes, I need slightly more medication

No change

Yes, I need slightly less medication

Yes, I need a lot less medication

40. Do you regularly take medications to help you sleep (such as ambien or benadryl)?



29 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

41. Have you noticed a change in the amount of medication you need/use for sleep since you began using medical cannabis?

Yes, I need a lot more medication

Yes, I need slightly more medication

No change

Yes, I need slightly less medication

Yes, I need a lot less medication

30 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

42. Do you regularly take medications to help you for depression (such as Celexa, Cymbalta, Effexor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft)?



31 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

43. Have you noticed a change in the amount of medication you need/use for depression since you began using medical cannabis?

Yes, I need a lot more antidepressants

Yes, I need slightly more antidepressants

No change

Yes, I need slightly less antidepressants

Yes, I need a lot less antidepressants

44. Do you regularly consume alcohol?



prefer not to disclose

32 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

45. Have you notice a change in your alcohol consumption since you started medical cannabis?

Yes, I need to drink a lot more

Yes, I need to drink slightly more

No change

Yes, I need to drink slightly less

Yes, I need to drink a lot less

33 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island


46. Do you regularly take medications for migraines or headaches?



prefer not to disclose

34 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

47. Since starting medical cannabis, have you noticed a change in the amount of medications you use for migraines or headaches?

Yes, I need a lot more medications

Yes, I need slightly more medications

No change

Yes, I need slightly less medications

Yes, I need a lot less medications

35 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

48. Do you think using medical cannabis has caused any other significant change in your health conditions or medications (either better or worse)?



49. Please describe

36 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

50. Does your primary care provider know about your medical cannabis use?



51. Do you inform healthcare providers (other specialists, pharmacists, clinics, etc.) of your medical cannabis use when providing information about other medications?




52. Who first suggested medical cannabis as an option for you?

Me (I brought it up with my doctor)

Primary Provider

Other specialist/clinician


53. How would you describe the way healthcare providers, in general, treat your use of medical cannabis?

Strongly supportive




Strongly unsupportive

54. Do you currently have any negative/unwanted side effects from medical cannabis?



37 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

55. Please select any of the following side effects that were or are still bothersome to you:


Asthma or breathing problems

Changes in perception or memory problems

Chest pain

Concentration problems

Decline in motivation, productivity, or activity

Facial hair

Mood changes


Rapid heart beat/palpitations

Sleep changes

Weight gain that was not wanted

Other (please specify)

56. About how long have you had these side effects from cannabis?

Days: Weeks: Months


57. Did side effects ever limit your use of medical cannabis?


Yes, but not any more

Yes, and it still is limited by side effects

38 58. Do you think you have developed a tolerance to the benefits of medical cannabis?


Yes, and I still use the same dose, ingestion methods, and strain

Yes, but I changed my dose, ingestion method, or strain to make it more effective

59. How long did it take for you to find the correct route/dose/frequency/strain of medical cannabis?

39 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

You have completed approximately 75% of the survey.

60. For the condition(s) on your medical cannabis certificate, which of the following complementary and alternative medicines or techniques do you currently use?



Herbal/natural remedies



Physical therapy


Other (please specify)

61. For the condition(s) on your medical cannabis certificate, which of the following complementary and alternative medicines or techniques did you use BEFORE medical cannabis?



Herbal/natural remedies



Physical therapy


Other (please specify)

40 62. Had you ever used cannabis before your current medical use?


Yes, recreationally

Yes, self-prescribed for a medical condition

Prefer not to disclose

63. Does your spouse/partner know about your medical cannabis use?



Not Applicable (I don’t have a spouse or partner)

Prefer not to disclose

64. Does your immediate family know about your medical cannabis use?



Prefer not to disclose

65. Do your closest friends know about your medical cannabis use?



Prefer not to disclose

66. Does your employer know about your medical cannabis use?



Not applicable (I don’t have an employer)

Prefer not to disclose

67. Have you experienced any legal issues because of medical cannabis?



Prefer not to disclose

41 68. Have you ever suffered from alcoholism and/or drug addiction?


Yes- alcoholism

Yes- drug addiction


Prefer not to disclose

69. Do you currently use any illegal substances (such as heroin, cocaine, bath salts, or other “street drugs”)?



Prefer not to disclose

42 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

70. Which modes of delivery have you used for medical cannabis? Please choose all that apply.

Smoke – joints

Smoke – pipe

Smoke – water pipe or bong

Vaporize – whole flower

Vaporize – oils/concentrates




Topical (on the skin)


71. What is the mode of delivery you use most for medical cannabis?

Smoke – joints

Smoke – pipe

Smoke – water pipe or bong

Vaporize – whole flower

Vaporize – oils/concentrates




Topical (on the skin)


43 72. How frequently do you use medical cannabis?

3 or more times per day

2 times per day

Once per day

Multiple times per week

Once per week or less

73. How many members of your household use medical cannabis?

1 (just me)



4 or more

prefer not to disclose

74. Do you have any plans to stop using medical cannabis?



44 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

75. What is it that you like least about medical cannabis?

76. What is it that you like most about medical cannabis?

45 Medical Cannabis Patient Survey Rhode Island

Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your participation!