Hardware/Software Architectures for Iris Biometrics

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Hardware/Software Architectures for Iris Biometrics Hardware/Software Architectures for Iris Biometrics Autora: Judith Liu Jim¶enez Director: Ra¶ulS¶anchez Re¶³llo Departmento de Tecnolog¶³aElectr¶onica Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Legan¶es,Noviembre, 2009 Tesis Doctoral Hardware/Software Architecture for ID Tokens based on Iris Recognition Autora: Judith Liu-Jimenez Director: Raul Sanchez-Reillo Firma del Tribunal Cali¯cador: Nombre y Apellidos Firma Presidente Vocal Vocal Vocal Secretario Cali¯caci¶on: Legan¶es, A Santi, A mi familia, A todos los que me hab¶eislevantado para llegar hasta aqu¶³ Acknowledgements Cuando se termina un proyecto como este y se mira atr¶as,una se da cuenta de la cantidad de personas que me han estado ayudando a lo largo de estos a~nosa hacerla. Existe un refr¶anque dice "de bien nacidos es ser agradecido", y es en este lugar de la tesis donde he de hacerlo: hab¶eissido muchos y espero no dejarme a ninguno en el tintero porque sin vosotros esto no hubiera sido posible. Al primero que tengo que darle las gracias es a mi director de tesis, a Ra¶ul. Durante estos a~noshemos aprendido mucho los dos ya no solo de biometr¶³a, de co-dise~noo de todos los temas que hemos tratado aqu¶³,hemos aprendido a respetarnos, a valorarnos. Gracias Ra¶ulpor estos a~nosde mutuo aguante. A Santi, mi compa~nero,porque me has levantado todas las veces que me he ca¶³doy cuando no has podido hacerlo te has quedado a mi lado para que no estuviera sola. Por hacerme re¶³rdurante tantos a~nos(y los que nos quedan), porque eres lo mejor que me ha pasado nunca. A mi peque~no Oscar,¶ que ha pasado horas pegado a m¶³d¶andome¶animos, sentado sobre mi pie estando conmigo, pero sin molestar, aunque a veces me quites los bolis. !dichoso perro! A Fernando y a Angeles¶ por ayudarme a escribir este rollo, porque me hab¶eis ense~nadomuchas cosas de la vida, no solo a escribir, sino a enfrentarme a las tareas duras y dif¶³ciles. Os hab¶eisconvertido en dos de mis grandes gur¶us,gracias porque os he necesitado desde hace mucho, pero por ¯n hab¶eisllegado a mi vida. A mi familia, a mis padres y a mi hermana, porque soy lo que soy gracias a vosotros, porque me hab¶eisinculcado esa cabezoner¶³aque tengo para hacer las cosas, porque me hab¶eisinculcado el amor al saber. A mis compa~nerosde la universidad, en especial a Cris y Almu porque sois geniales chicas, porque me hab¶eisense~nadoel valor de la amistad, porque he podido contar con vosotros incluso cuando sufr¶³a en silencio, por los abrazos, por los ratos de risas y por todos los momentos que hemos pasado juntas, que espero que sean muchos muchos m¶as. !Vamos Cris que ser¶as la siguiente! No me puedo olvidar de Vinnie, mi corrector, gracias por ayudarme con esto del ingl¶es,y de Rui "s¶³,vale, adios". Gracias a mis compa~nerosdel GUTI, a los que est¶any los que ya se fueron. A Bel¶en,a RAM, a los "melenudos" porque siempre me hab¶eistratado como uno m¶asaunque estuviera menos, porque siempre hab¶eisdejado lo que estuvierais haciendo para hacerme comentarios sobre mi tesis, porque siempre he sentido que contaba con vuestro apoyo. Entre ellos especiales gracias a Luis Mengibar por solucionarme mis "potentes dudillas". Y por supuesto a Oscar,¶ con el que tengo que solucionar unos cuantos problemas existenciales. My thanks to the Biometric Group at the Polytechnic University of Poland from whom I have learned a lot while working with all of you, from Biomet- rics to friendship which linked us. Thank you for teaching me that means are not that important but that people indeed are. Thank you for showing me one of the most interesting places I have ever been at and making me feel that Warsaw was my home. Thank you for giving me one of the best summers of my life. My special gratitude to John Daugman for showing me how probability can be made easy; for demonstrating that the reisal ways are something to learn, that everybody is interesting through the reisal ways. My thanks also for making me believe in research and showing me that a genius is someone that is able to transmit even the most complicated matter as the simplest thing in the world. Mariano L¶opez y Enrique Cant¶oson los que me han ayudado much¶³simo con algunas de las herramientas que he necesitado en esta tesis, y han conseguido que consiguiera hacer funcionar el EDK y lo que es m¶as!com- prenderlo! Muchas gracias a los dos por aquella semana en Vilanova, fue un empuj¶onmuy fuerte para este trabajo. Gracias a Anuska y su panda, por aguantarme las tardes en la tienda cuando me ve¶³aincapaz con la tesis. Por ense~narmea manejar la m¶aquinareg- istradora y hacer de m¶³una veterinaria en potencia. No me puedo olvidar de todos mis alumnos de estos a~nos,en especial de Patricia, Sandra, David, Luis y a los chavales de telem¶atica. Vosotros inconscientemente me hab¶eismostrado mi camino, porque me hab¶eishecho descubrir lo que disfruto ense~n¶andoos, aprendiendo de vosotros. Y por ¶ultimoy por qu¶eno? A m¶³misma, porque he conseguido levantarme, porque ha sido un trabajo muy duro y en muchos momentos he pensando en abandonar y si estoy escribiendo esto es porque a pesar de los miles de baches !lo he conseguido! Abstract Nowadays, the necessity of identifying users of facilities and services has be- come quite important not only to determine who accesses a system and/or service, but also to determine which privileges should be provided to each user. For achieving such identi¯cation, Biometrics is emerging as a tech- nology that provides a high level of security, as well as being convenient and comfortable for the citizen. Most biometric systems are based on com- puter solutions, where the identi¯cation process is performed by servers or workstations, whose cost and processing time make them not feasible for some situations. However, Microelectronics can provide a suitable solution without the need of complex and expensive computer systems. Microelectronics is a sub¯eld of Electronics and as the name suggests, is related to the study, development and/or manufacturing of electronic com- ponents, i.e. integrated circuits (ICs). We have focused our research in a concrete ¯eld of Microelectronics: hardware/software co-design. This tech- nique is widely used for developing speci¯c and high computational cost devices. Its basis relies on using both hardware and software solutions in an e®ective way, thus, obtaining a device faster than just a software so- lution, or smaller devices that use dedicated hardware developed for all the processes. The questions on how we can obtain an e®ective solution for Biometrics will be solved considering all the di®erent aspects of these systems. In this Thesis, we have made two important contributions: the ¯rst one for a veri¯cation system based on ID token and secondly, a search engine used for massive recognition systems, both of them related to Iris Biometrics. The ¯rst relevant contribution is a biometric system architecture proposal based on ID tokens in a distributed system. In this contribution, we have speci¯ed some considerations to be done in the system and describe the di®erent functionalities of the elements which form it, such as the central servers and/or the terminals. The main functionality of the terminal is just left to acquiring the initial biometric raw data, which will be trans- mitted under security cryptographic methods to the token, where all the biometric process will be performed. The ID token architecture is based on hardware/software co-design. The architecture proposed, independent of the modality, divides the biometric process into hardware and software in order to achieve further performance functions, more than in the existing tokens. This partition considers not only the decrease of computational time hardware can provide, but also the reduction of area and power con- sumption, the increase in security levels and the e®ects on performance in all the design. To prove the proposal made, we have implemented an ID token based on Iris Biometrics following our premises. We have developed di®erent modules for an iris algorithm both in hardware and software platforms to obtain results necessary for an e®ective combination of same. We have also studied di®er- ent alternatives for solving the partition problem in the hardware/software co-design issue, leading to results which point out tabu search as the fastest algorithm for this purpose. Finally, with all the data obtained, we have been able to obtain di®erent architectures according to di®erent constraints. We have presented architectures where the time is a major requirement, and we have obtained 30% less processing time than in all software solutions. Likewise, another solution has been proposed which provides less area and power consumption. When considering the performance as the most im- portant constraint, two architectures have been presented, one which also tries to minimize the processing time and another which reduces hardware area and power consumption. In regard the security we have also shown two architectures considering time and hardware area as secondary require- ments. Finally, we have presented an ultimate architecture where all these factors were considered. These architectures have allowed us to study how hardware improves the security against authentication attacks, how the per- formance is influenced by the lack of floating point operations in hardware modules, how hardware reduces time with software reducing the hardware area and the power consumption.
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