
7 January 2020 Michaelle Coupe Planning Department East District Council Riverside, 4 Canning Road , NR33 0EQ

Dear Ms Coupe,

DC/19/4711/OUT Outline Application (some matters reserved) - Remove the existing single storey Police Station together with associated outbuildings and construct 9 new residential dwellings, consisting of 6 one and two bedroom apartments and 3 two bedroom dwelling houses. This outline application is for all matters reserved except Access.

4 Blyth Road Suffolk IP18 6AZ

I write on behalf on the Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) regarding the above application for the redevelopment of the police station site. We welcome the redevelopment of this redundant brownfield site and have no objection to the principle of residential use. However we have concerns regarding the lack of detail in this outline application and the piecemeal development of the wider gateway area which will result. The wider location, consisting of the application site, the adjacent fire station site and land on the opposite side of the road, forms a prominent area at the entrance to the town and Southwold Conservation Area and its redevelopment would benefit from a sensitive, masterplan approach.

We are aware that as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process, Southwold Town Council has carried out a character analysis of the town and that the site lies within the Gateway Character Area. This is described as having undergone and will continue to undergo radical change in the near future. It has two brownfield sites with buildings already demolished, scheduled for demolition, or likely to be demolished in the foreseeable future in the police and fire station site. The draft Plan also refers to a guidance document for future development of the gateway area, commissioned in 2015 by the Town Council in order to promote high quality design in this sensitive area and guide future development. It is therefore disappointing that this application does not reference the aspirations of the Town Council and has come forward in isolation and in advance of plans for the adjacent fire station site. We would urge that plans are considered for the area as a whole and that they are put before a design review panel at an early stage.

Notwithstanding the above, and considering this application before the lpa on its own merits, SPS is concerned that insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that a scheme for 9 new dwellings can be satisfactorily accommodated on this prominent site, particularly in terms of its impact on the streetscape. Waveney Local Plan Policy WLP8.29 - Design – requires development proposals to demonstrate high quality design which reflects local distinctiveness. Proposals

should (inter alia) demonstrate a clear understanding of the form and character of the built, historic and natural environment; respond to local context and the form of surrounding buildings in relation to the overall scale and character; height and massing of existing buildings. In addition WLP8.29 requires proposals to respond to local context in respect to the relationship between buildings and spaces and the wider street scene or townscape.

Whilst matters of layout and design are reserved, the indicative layout submitted shows an area of green open space fronting Mights Road, allowing a clear view of the car parking courtyard behind. SPS would expect a successful scheme on this site to demonstrate a much stronger street elevation which responds to the character and context of this part of Southwold. It is therefore far from clear, on the basis of the information submitted, whether an acceptable scheme in design terms can be secured at a later reserved matters stage. In order that a considered judgement can be made on the potential for a scheme of 9 dwellings to make a positive contribution to the location, without prejudicing the development of the adjacent brownfield site, we would urge that more details on the design and layout of the dwellings are sought at this stage.

We trust that you will find these comments helpful in the assessment of this case and request that we are consulted on any amendments to this scheme.

Yours sincerely,

Bethany Philbedge BSc (Hons) MSc (Town Planning) Planning Officer

Cc: Southwold Town Council Cllr David Beavan Ward Councillor J de Grazia - SPS L Martin - Conservation Officer, ESC Southwold and Society