January - December r I! IIII

ATEIYIgN NOTICES (i) 165 Downhall Road, Rayleigh 450 (ii) 18,36 and 46 Sutton Court Drive, 606 (iii) 1 and 4 West Cottages,High Street, 606 (iv) 30 Sutton Court Drive, Rochford 606 (v) 1 Scotte Hall Parm Cottages, Canewdon 959 (vi) 26 Sutton Court Drive, Roohford 1116 (vii) 3 and 5 Ohuroh 5treet, Rayleigh 1116 (viii) 16 Oakwood Road, Rayleigh 1116 (ix) 2 London Road, Rawretb 1117 (4 White Heather, London Road, 1121

Accidents involving Council vehicles S6, 1217 r1218 405 784 801 Annual Local Authority Allotments and Garden Competition 54 Provision of Allotments, Hulibridge 494 Rawreth Shot Allotment Site, Grazing rights 987

ANGLIAN WATER AUTHORITY Capital Schemes 222 Estimates and Charges 223,506 Appointment of Members 295 Technical Schemes 634 Fthnanoial Arrangements 649 Recreational Waterways, Private Bill 786 Collection of General Services Charge 915,1046 Programme of Capital and Minor Works 1170 Unsewered properties l19 Cesspool emptying 223

Antorial Bearings, Grant of Arms 303

Ashingd.on and E.Hawbrell Memorial Hall 203,989 Awarc of Certificates, Royal Society of Health Food Hygiene Course. 507 9N r'!'!1!7'!' 11 '!'•'f

BRMIERFON ROKI) - Purchase of 3 acres of land for Community use purposes 664,797,806, 907,1156 BRiTISH RAIL Proposed closure of alternative entrances to Rochford and rail stations 1016,1181 Broadcasting — Commercial 1086 Budget — 1975 533

BDILDING REGUlATIONS - RThAXATION (i) Meadowside, West Avenue, Hu.llbridge 4 ii) 6 Rookery Close, Rayleigh 5 iii) Southend. Municipal Airport 113 iv) 17 Ferndale Road, Rayleigh 310 v) Ill High Road, Rayleigh 389 vi) 5 Stuart Close, Great Wakaing 471 vii) EEB, London Road, Rayleigh 471 viii) 8 Warwick Road, Rayleigh 471 ix) Southend. Municipal Airport 555 x) 7 Eosworth Close, 591 xi) 5 Keswick Close, Rayleigh 727 xii) 57 Harrogate Road, Hockley 727,737 xiii) 49 Church Road, Rayleigh 738 xiv) Southend. Municipal Airport 889 xv) 6 Talbot Avenue, Rayleigh 889 xvi) Adjoining :Dorma Lodge, Chapel Lane, 889 xvii) Unit 12 Rayleigh Industrial Estate 889 xviii) Little Elms, Larkhill Road, Canewdon 889 xix) 349 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh 1105

Delegation to Director of Technical Services to decide applications for cavity wall insulation 471


Routes 22A and 22B 18,521,1008 Increase in fares by Southend—on—Sea Transport and Eastern National Omnibus Co., 95,640 Concessionary Bus fares 236,372,921, 1206 Bus shelter, London Road, Rayleigh 394, 585 Proposed re-siting of Bus Stop London Road, Rayleigh 527 Alternative sources of Revenue 829

Byelaws, Pleasure Grounds 493 CAR PARKING Car Parking Charges 10,516,1174 Castle Road, Licence 117 Effects of increases from 1st April,1975 641 Car Parking Panel 819 Car Parking in vicinity of Rayleigh Station 821 On street car parking Plumberow Avenue,Hockley 1017,1175 Conmiutation of Car parking spaces 1074

CAR&VA1S (i) 64 West Avenue, 64 (ii) The Elms, Windermere Avenue, Hulibridge 65 (iii) The Bungalow, Durham Road, Rocbford 214 (iv) land west of Eranksome Avenue, H ckley 215

(v) 7 Grasmere Avenue, 216 (vi) Alexanders, Lower Road, Hooklay 356 (vii) Plot 1, The Elms, Windermere Avenue,Hullbridge 508 (viii) Kolynn Stables, Larkbill Road, Canewdon 509 (ix) Proposed caravan, 87 Rayleigh Avenue, Rayleigh 741

(x) Uriauthorised use of caravan 812, 979 (xi) Granting of Caravan Site Licences 816,1003,1166 (xii) Alteration to conditions of licence at Halcyon Caravan Park 817

Castle Hall, Rayleigh 985

CEMETERY Proposed site, land off Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh 72,1009 Rayleigh 830 Proposed site at Rochford 8 31,1009 Interments, Rayleigh 849 Central Administration Expenses 687,1053,1077 Chamber of Trade 314 Charges — Schedule 1160, 1169


Southend Marriage Guidance Council 370 Appointment of representatives 416

Civic knenity Sites (see heading Depot) 1182

CmOCEETHE R00BF0R Hire by Playgroup 199,547 Conditions of hire 489,789 Civic Regalia 134 Community land Act 1975 1090 o ONMOICTY SERVI CBS CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE

Honorarium to Secretary 53 Transport Services for elderly and disabled 131 Appointment of Honorary Secretary 986

Computer Facilities Joint Consortium 568


(i) Social Services 17th February,l975 31 (ii) National Housing aM Town Planning Council 136 (iii) Association of District Councils 137,291,559,703 (iv) Rating and Valuation Conference 293

(v) Institute of Housing Managers 331 (vi) Environmental Health Congress 358,1023 (vii) Royal Town Planning Institute 400, 748 (viii) Council for protection of rural 491 (ix) National Road Safety Congress 520,646 (4 Joint Conference of local authority associations 566 (xi) National Playing Fields Association 663 (xii) Inlogov Seminar on review of management structures 711 (xiii) Social Services Conference 17th February 1976 1135 (xiv) National Home Safety Conference 1166 of (MS Li9C CONTRACTS

(i) Con,495 — Threction of 138 dwellings at Nalting Villas Estate, Rochford 176,177,613,622, 722,750,776 (ii) Con.623 — Remedial works to foul drains at r/o 3 South Street, 246 (iii) Con.624 — Alteration and extension of mechanics workshop Roohford Depot 247 (iv) Con.634 — Supply of Bedford K.C.Tipping Track 248,379 (v) Con.633 — Resurfacing of Garage forecourts at Rochford Garden Way (vi) Con.632 — Western Area Surface Water Sewerage Scheme — Phase 1 361 (vii) Con.635 — Supply of 2 refuse vehicles 377 (viii) Con 636 - Supply of 4 Bedford trucks and 1 van 377 (ix) Con.636A — Supply of 1 van 377 (4 Con 631 — Provision of refuse skips 633 (xi) Con 646 — T.V.Survey of Trunk Sewers 635 (xii) Con.639 — Replacement of chain link fencing 658 (xiii) Con.198(ex ROtC) Renewal of Metal Window frames 698 (xiv) Con..620 — french Windows, Coronation Close 699 (xcr) Con.662 — Electrical Rewiring 777,1140 I ! IUII IIII I!T'rI

(xvi) Con.661 — New Memorial entrance Playing Field 792,984 (xvii) Con.644 — Supply of Tractor 793 (xviii) Con.65l — Re—surfacing of Tennis Courts, Fairview playing field 803 (xix) Gon.649 — Barringtons Cottages, Rayleigh Market 916 (n) Oon.606 — Improvements Hambro Hill 927,937,1052,1145 (ni) Con.647 — Erection of 5 houses, Seaview Drive, Gt.Wakering 1141 (nil) Supply of Plastic refuse sacks 1188 (xxiii) Installation of fuel tanks at Rocbford Depot 1207


(i) 82 Helena Road 7 (ii) Greenacres, Park Gardens, Hawkwell 66 (iii) 108 and. 110 New Road, Great Wakering 272 (iv) 41 Hctllbridge Road, Rayleigh 272 (v) 27 Windsor Gardens, Hockley 272 (vi) Rayleigh Shopping Market Club 278,315 (vii) 17/21 Main Road, Hockley 392 (viii) 7 Silchester Corner, Great Wakering 472

(ix) Land Eronting Arterial Road, Rayleigh 472

(x) 221 Greensward Lane, Ashingdon 472 (xi) Land at flon4yke Avenue, Rayleigh 472 (xii) Helmsley Garden Centre 556 (xiii) Hockley Downs Stables 556,747,942,1020, 1072, 1167 (xiv) Land r/o New Hall House 556 (xv) The Grange, Murrells Lane and Moat House, Pevensey Gardens 628 (xvi) The Firs, Eastwood. Road, Rayleigh 714 (xvii) Carter and Saimders Farm, Eawreth Lane,Rayleigh 739 (xviii) 13 Oakwood Road, Rayleigh 747 (xix) Lower Barn Farm, London Road, Rayleigh 890 (xx) Speranza, Rosilian Drive, Hockley 890 (xxi) Swallow Nursery, London Road, Rayleigh 890 (xxii) 65 Spa Road, Hockley 890 (xxiii) 80 London Road, Rayleigh 1069


Development Services Revenue Estimates 1975/76 3 Housing Services II 26, 75 Recreation and Amenities t U II 47 Ravironmental Health I 63 'i•' ri 'i ii iI I

Finance and Personnel Revenue Estimates 1975/76 100 Recreation Centre Management Committee 48, 1153 Home and Water Safety Panel 69,1007 Committee Structure and Incidence of Meetings 106,155,414 Policy and Resources Committee Special Meeting 4th February 147 Standing Orders and terms of reference 264 Bramerton Road, Hockley Development Panel 311,473 Agendas — Private and Confidential items 407 Review of work of Performance Review and Land Sub. 408 Items for review by Sub—Committee 409 Election of Chairman of Council 1975/76 431 Appointment of Vice Chairman of Council 432 Appointment of Chairman' s Chaplain 433 Appointment of Chairman Policy & Resources 434 Appointment of Standing Committees 436 Appointment of Chairmen & Vice Chairmen of Standing Committees 437 Appointment of members to serve on Policy and Resources 438 Appointment of Vice Chairman of Policy and Resources and Chairmen of Perfcrmance Review and lend Sub. 439 Appointment of Performance Review Sub 440 Appointment of Land Sub 441 Terms of reference and delegation to committees 442 Timetable of meetings 443 Grange and Rawretb Development Panel 474,730,746 Conservation Panel 475,593,893,940 Appointment of Dinner Sub—Conunittee 485 Appointment of Mill Hall Sub—Committee 486 Appointment of Swimming Pool Panel 487 Appointment of Recreation Centre Management Committee 488 Report of Mill Hall Sub—Committee 492 Appointment of Hacimey Carriage Panel 502 Appointment of Home and Water Safety Panel 503 Appointment of car parking panel 504 Appointment of road safety panel 505 Performance of Council and Committees 689,724,742 Report of Haclmey Carriage Panel 710,1177 Formation of Panels 783,820 Presentation of Dadge of Office to Vice-Chairman of Council 930 Report of Malting Villas Panel 981 Report of Road Safety Panel 1006, 1178 Appointment of Interviewing Panel 1080 ri

COUNCIL EQUIPNENT AN)) VrnaLOLES (i) Purchase of vibrating roller 917 (ii) Hire of Mechanical Sweeper 918 (iii) hire of refuse vehicles 919 (iv) Hired transport 1085


Councillor CL Young 40,45 Appointment of Counoillor L.K.Cope to Performance Review and land-Sub 128 Members Area 265,685,864 Question by Couzicillor J.H.Carber 413 Councillor A.R.Mu.timer resignation 530,717 Election of District Councillor — Wheatley Ward. 24th July,1975 720 Councdii Services Review 105

Cricket Match, Louis Drive Residents Association 490 Cricket Pitches — use by N.A.L.G.0. 991 Cycling Proficiency National Schemes 696 lIP ! ¶ '!!' i!,u 'r- " ' ''

Dartford Tunnel Toll 133


Sundry Debtors, List of write—off s 65,244,1040 Financial Regulation 7.10, Maounts for write—off 1041 Delegation to Off leers 694

DEPB. Oil' WNflRON1ENT CIRCULARE (i) No 24/75 Housing: Needs and. Action 396,609 (ii) No 64/75 Housing expenditure changes 611


Qperation of Civic Amenity Skips 225 Transfer of Property Order 1975 263,515 Castle Road, provision of skips 647,833,1010, 1025 Depot storage bays 701

Derelict property, Hedgerow, Crouch Avenue, Hdlbridge 525

Development control scheme 595

Development at Shote, 898


Unauthorised. filling of ditoh 141k Hookley Road, Rayleigh 839 25 & 25A Poplars Avenue, Hawkwell 851 ELECTIONS

Elections for Councillors in Eaylei&a Central Dowxthall and Trinity Wards 6th Februaxy,1975 148 District and Parish Council elections 1976 1095


Proposed 11Kv Overhead Electricity line and underground cable, Hainault Avenue to Eawkwell 790


(i) ROC/32/64/ll — Compliance with requirements 114 (ii) 1100/1076/73 — Compliance with requirements 161

Essex Development Plan Scheme 743 Essex Financial Statistics Booklet 1975/76 eGo

Estimates of 1975/76 Legal Fees 813

European Economic Community, laws regarding transport and vehicles 924 Financial Standing Orders — Contract 574 4. Fire Station Southend Road Hockley — Possible purchase 107

Fire cover Rayleigh 415,700


Lower Road, Hulibridge 226,362,811 The Dome, Lower Road, Hockley 836


(i) Ra/FC/24 Foreign matter in bread 212 (ii) im/Fc/29 Foreign matter in bread 213 (iii) RA/FC/23 Oigarette ends in Pork Pie 353 (iv) RA/FC/32 Plastic in sausage 354 (v) RA/F0/35 Hairs in sliced bread 355 (vi) P0/27, F0/77, Fe/ye, FO/87, pc/so, FO/96 814 (vii) FC/97 1002 (viii) P0/104, P0/107 1165

Food hygiene inspection 631

Food hygiene (general) regulations, 3 Eastwood Rd., Rayleigh 815 Football pitches 205 LflP.ATIIS MI]) BRIDLEMAYS

(i) Footpaths 20 and 22 Rayleigh 9, 827 (ii) Suggested stopping up of part of footpatk 'ci 3O9 (iii)Bridleway 13, 363,519 (iv) Public Footpath 3, Rochford 636 (v) Public Footpath 45, Rayleigh 637 (vi) Ploughing of Footpaths 12 and 13 Hockley 848

Fouling of footpaths 835 G.L.0. Purchase of Housing land and houses outside London 419,892

GRANTS 296,373 (i) Essex Physically Handicapped Club 87 (ii) Community Council of Essex 90 (iii) Enterprise Neptune Stage 2 91

(iv) Lady McAd.den's appeal for B.U.ST. 92 (v) Roohford and. Rayleigh 0KB 93 (vi) 1st Canewdon Scout Group 197,375,864 (vii) Eastern Sports Council 237 (viii) War Veterans' Association 233 (ix) Southend—on-Sea Guild of help and 0KB 239 (x) Too H Rayleigh Branch 240 (xi) National Economic Development Office 241 (xii) OPW Committee for Rochford. 374 (xiii) Barling Nagna County Primary School 376 (xiv) Community Association 550 (xv) Rochford Angling Club 676 (xvi) Sutton Parochial Church Council 677 (xvii) National Federation of O.A.Ps Rayleigh No.1 863 (xviii) Rayleigh and Bawreth O.A.Ps Voluntary Welfare Assoo.865 (xix) Roohford and Rayleigh CAb 1976/77 a66 (xx) Nayday mobile Assoc. 868 (xxi) Rawretb Parochial Church Council 1201 (xxii) New Rayleigh Choral Society 1201 (xxiii) Sports Council 1202 Grants to voluntary organisations 1035 Grants 1976/77 1203 Gratuities 872,1209

Great Wakering common proposed scheme of Management 655

Great Wakering housing and shopping precinct-acquisition of 111/113 High Street 430 HA0KIBY CARRIAGES Provision of stand at Mill Hall 56 Licensing and control 62 Provision of Stand at Pooles Lane oar park Hu.llbridge 116 Hackney Carriage Panel gig ,iOO Hackney Carriages Progress Report 1001

RELLTH MI]) SMMY AT 0E1C ACT Authority 66,242 Indemnification of Officers 512 Local Authority responsibility as employers 541 Appointment of Safety Officer 709,875,1214 Heavy lorry route, pilot scheme through Battlesbridge 845 High Alumina Cement in buildings 191

HiGHWAYS Cleansing 643 Contracts for work on claimed roads 644,1187 Signpost to Chelasford at junction of Hockley Road and Hambro Hill, Rayleigh 650 Street name plates 651 Public utility reinstatement 824 Vehicular crossings 825 District of (n29 Shotgate re-alagnnient classified road) Order 1975 826 Naming of Briar Close, Hawkcrell 828 Proposed amenity seat junction of High Road and Great Itheatley Road, Rayleigh 843,1015 Highway maintenance - agency function 852,654,886,1066 Excavation and reinstatement of trenches 1013 Battlesbridge By—Pass 1022,1070 Highway Maintenance — Annual Estimates 1183 — Standby payments 1184 — vehicular crossings 1185 Hire Charges — Rayleigh Pre-school playgroup 547

BISTORTO BUILDINGS Local Authorities (Historic Buildings)Act 1962 — Grants 328,386 Sale of Ice Cream 344

HO?IE LOSS PAYMENTS (i) 16,24 and 48 Locks Hill 27 (ii) 37 Weir Pond Road, 12 and 52 Locks Hill 173 (iii)4l Victoria Drive, Great Wakering 449 (iv) 194 High Street Great Wakering 449 (v) 3,31 and 59 Looks Hill 962 (vi) 27 Locks Hill 1127

Bed and Breakfast accommodation 181 Progress report 454

HOUSEI PUECHASEI LOANS 1039 Interest rates review 94,535 Suspension of Scheme 573,674

HOUSING (GMJERkL) G.L.C. purchases of housing land and houses outside London 594 Dept. of Ehavironment circular 24/75, Housing needs and action 609 Housing expenditure changes - Circular 64/75 611 Housing of a Pastor 619 Comprehensive housing service 1063,1079,1115

IEUSING (Coimciij Council properties, Rent arrears, rebates eto. 32,33 Re-housing of warden - Finebfield, Rayleigh 36 Applicant No.3776 37 Council housing — rent policy 76 Housing points scheme 179 Ordinary Waiting list/Housing prograimne correlation 180 Housing needs of the physically handicapped 182,760 Housing at junction of Brooklyn Drive and. Downhall Road, Rayleigh 189 Improvements to Council property ilambro Hill,Rayleigh 333,612 .AP Waiting list/Building programme correlation 461 Physically handicapped person ref.3624 462 Physically handicapped person ref .4001 463 Housing contract progress report 464,768,1139 Hardwick House, cold water supply and overflows to w.c. 467 Frances Cottee Lodge Rayleigh — W.C overflows 468 Pincbfield Trust bungalows 469 Hardstandings and kerb crossings 610 Council housing maintenance 688,1143 Assandune villas, Ashingdon Road, Rochford 754 Garage spaces in future housing development 755 Handicapped person ref .8001 761,964 Aged Persons accommodation 762,763 Letting of Council properties 764 Housing repairs and Improvements 61/67 North Street Rochford and 20 dwellings Weir Gardens, ityleigh 1062 Section 105 Housing Act 1974 766,971 10 Broughan Close Great Wakering 769 Housing at Station Road Hockley 772 Development of vacant site 5 Warwick Drive,Rochford 773 Applicant 9502 Handicapped person 965 Housing for Teachers 966 Conditions of tenancy 967 Letting of properties 26th to 13th October1975 968 Fire precautions in temporary accommodation, 19 South Street Rochford 972 Housing programme 977 Application 00.34 lJnauthorised use of caravan 979 Letting of properties 13th October 1975 to 23rd November 1975 1130 Application 0071 (refers to 64 Grasmere Avenue) 1131,1146 Application I rom tied worker case 3947 1132 Accommodating the homeless — progress report 1133 Housing development r/o New Road Great Wakening 1134 Violence in marriage 976,1136 Selection of Tenancies 1137 Application 3803 1147

ROUSING (ACQ1B:SITION OF LAND MID PHOPEHDIES) (i) Brougham Close, Great Wakening 34,624 (ii) 35 properties, The Walk, Hullbridge 35,624,723,1061 (iii )Purchase of land at Seaview Drive, Great Wekering 186 (iv) Housing development Pearsons Farm Rayleigh 168,332,338,422, 429,624,1149 (v) Purchase of 26 houses Briar Close Hawkwell 335 (vi) 24 Properties, Essex Close 624 (vii)Ashingdon Road, Rochford 624 (viii)Housing for homeless Circular 74/75 Purchase of individual properties 771 (ix) Purchase of land at Ashingdon Road and Betts Wood Hockley 779 (x) The levers, Hockley Road, Rayleigh 974,980,1060 (xi) lend at The Grange Rayleigh 1148 HOUSING PEOGRMIMR

Cagefield Road, 319 , 320 9 Houses Anchor Lane Canewdon 453,618 Package deals with developers 774 Financial year 19 74/75 1054 Capital programme 1975/77 1055 Revenue Aocomat 1975/6 and 1976/7 1056 Development at r/o 16—54 Hambro Hill Rayleigh 321,620,1058

HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS Hanover LA. Interest rate on loans 99 Assistance to LA. 178 Loans to H.A. 465 2nd Hulti—Storey H.A. 614 Delegation of powers to officers 615 Progress Report 770 Springboard HA. 975 Broadwater H.A. Land off Little Wakering Road 1138

HOUSING (SALE OF PRIVATE HOUSES TO COIJNOIL) (i) 18 Rocheway Rochford 38 (ii) 9A Lansdowne Drive, Rayleigh 192 (iii)2/3 The Limes Staanbridge 298

(iv) 299 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh 336

Housing Improvement Expenditure 459 Hullbridge Foreshore 345,791 I MPBOVEMENT @RAETS 28 (i) 22 Victoria Road Rayleigh 29 (ii) 19 Great Wheatley Road Rayleigh 30 (iii) 23 Grasmere Avenue Hulibridge 174 (iv) 2 Kinsginead Cottages, Darling Road 175 (v) 6 Pooles Lane, Huflbridge 326 (vi) 41 Castle Road, Rayleigh 327 (vii) 101 New Road, Great Wakering 455 (viii) 59 White Hart Lane, Hawkwell 456 (ix) Old School House,Ohuroh Road,Rawreth 457 (4 57,59 and 61 West Street, Roobford 458 (xi) 166 High Street Great Wakerin.g 960 (xii) 168 High Street Great Wakering 961 (xiii) 30 Hawkwell Park Drive, Hawkwell 1122 (xiv) 2 The Terra.oe, Parkhurst Drive, Rawreth Lane 1123 (xv) 3 The Weraoe,Parkhurst Drive, Rawreth Lane 1124 (xvi) 141 New Road, Great Wakering 1125 Items for discussion raised by Chairmen of ConEittees 571 Joint Staff ConDinittee 542, 551 Joint Works Committee 543 r1 w

Th. (i) Land at rear of 34 Bull Lane, Rayleigh 165 (ii) Land at Little Whes-Lleys/The Grange 577,910,1110,1148 (iii) Land adjacent to 21 London Hill Rayleigh 616 (iv) Land at Grove Road Estate, Rayleigh 657 (v) Land west of Albert, Alexandra and York Roads Ashingdon 728

(vi) Land at Rullbridg, encroachment 908 (vii) Land at rear of 9—31 Ferndale Road, Rayleigh 909 (viii) Lease of Land at Connaught Road, Rayleigh 1198 (ix) Lease of Land at Foreshore, Hullbridge 1199 Terrier of Land 906 Rent of Land 'by Mr. Oottis and Nr.Smitb 992

Lease of 120 High Street, Great Wakering 963

Library Service, visits to branohes 302

Licence to reproduce ordnance surrey maps and purchase of specialised drawing office Stationery 1205


(i) 51/53 South Street, Rochford 159 (ii) 17/27 North Street, Rochford 160 (iii) The Old Spa Hockley 166,273,734

Litter Bins 834

LOANS Rayleigh Town Sports and Social Club 537 i1iends of the Westerings Schools 538,1036 Hullbridge Community Centre 1037

Local Authority Expenditure 1976/77 Forward Planning 901 Local Land. Charges 406 Locks Hill Caravan Site — Fu.ture Development 109,209,587 Maintenance of Footpaths, Bridleways and Urban Roads 276

Port of London Authority—Maplin Docks Schente 707,922,1087 Market, The White Hart, Hawkwell 948 Meals on Wheels transport subsidies 86,540 Meat Inspection charges 514

Mi'SERSUP OP OR IS Eastern Arts Association 80 East Anglian Tourist Board 89 Eastern Authorities Orchestral Association 539 Essex Area Health Authority 041,1019 ADO, Essex Branch, Thameside Joint Committee 1021

LL HALL RAW8IGH 1ew Years Eve Dance 58 Oar Park 120 Hire of Hall 199 Social functions ornised. by Council 204 Cinema Shows 492,194 Council dances 990,1159 Use by Southend Youth Orchestra 1102 Mini Roundabout at Ashingdon Road/Rectory Road. 517 Mini Rcmndabcut at Hall Road/A.shingdon Road 712

MiSOELMNEOUS POPEIRFIES 17 and 19 Southend Road, Roohford 371,675 Trewint and Wincot, Wood Avenue, Hockley 371

Monitoring of progress 266 Motor vehicles — Insurance 859 Music and Incing Licence, The Crown Public House, Rayleigh 360 NANThIG OF NEW S'I'REflS Malt ing Villas Estate 1011 0±'£ Connaught Road, Rayleigh 1012 Off Briar Close, Hawkwell 828,1179 Off Tonbridge Road, Hookley 1180

National Insuxance Contributions, Social Security Act 1974 369

No—Waiting Order, Rayleigh Station Area 119 Odouxs, research on control of odours. 513

OICES (IIOCEFOIW AND BAThEIGH) Cash oolleotion, opening hours 84 Removals 869

Old People's Welfare Committee, Use of Terapin Building 290 Open Space, The Promenade, Hullbridge 108,588 Pal] Closet collection — Increaae In olaiges 510 Parish Councils concurrent functions 1305283,567 Parish Rooms, Rockley Bead, Rayleigh 526,569 Be] ican crossing Golden Cross Road, Ashingdon 308

PIPThG0PDITC}S 830 Ci) 22 Main Road, Rawkwell 524 (ii) 6 Main Road, Rawkwell 524 Crouoh Avon, Mostyn, Panorama, Riverview Gaxclens 524

'(iv) 18 Orchard Avenue, Hockley 218,1172

PLANNING Planning procedures, consultations with Perish Councils 12,274, 398 County of Essex Development plan let review—County Map General polloy 13 South Essex Structure plan 17,1l2,l58,9i5,lO2 County Structure plan — South Essex 122 Application RO0/836/7 4 1.68 Applioation R0/ll0l/73 28]. Applioation R0/46l/74 312 Application ba, cockle processing plant, Great Wakerin,g 390 Application R0/49/75 and 1±8/1/75 391 Emergency Planning, ilome defence ollege coarse 42O Emergency Planning 570,704 Charges for ceptes of planning permissions 86i Application R0C/3t1/75 Proposed office 'block Bradley Wa.y/South Street 946 Development at Shotgate, Wiokford 947

LiabilIty for planning decIsion orders 1031 Planning 4plic&,ions wilhin eoru4ery'atioi areie aio6 ___ 891 (i) Little Road Darling — ADpeal by LonLion and Westcliff develomeu± company 167 (ii) Stamp Wc'rt1y and Co. 271 (ii) Appeal ROC/531/74 J4W.Shutblewo3d & Scn Ltd., 478


Fouling of playing fields by e,ocrs 49 iiasikwell plriyang field ertension l%1l57 t Wakening playing eJ 6. O1 St.Jobn flshnr -playnig f o d 202 w

Hairview playing field — Access from Hockley Road and Nelson Gardens. 350,788,1089 Ashingdon Playing Fields — Sale of access to Nuggleton Building Contractors 498,1155 Cricket Pitches — Rawreth King Georges Playing Field 660 Clements Hall Playing Field, Applioation to use as a clubhouse 787 Toilets at Hawkwell Playing Field 846 Damage to surface of playing areas on playing fields 847,988 Uawkwell Pavilion 1088

PMYSPACS (±) Proposed childrens playspace at land east of Chestnut Close Ashingdon (Pulpits Pan) 349,661,805,996 (ii) Ca'uston Way, Bayleigh,Looking of Gates 656,796 (iii) Brocksford. Avenue/Copford Avenue, Rayleigh 785

Playleadership schemes 1975 51,662,1042

PRIVATE STREFIT WOE 395,823 Preston Gardens, Hambro Avenue, Grove Road 1196

PROFRPY 42 Sutton Court Drive, Rocbford 716 27 London Hill, Rayleigh 1195 Qualification Certificate, 166 High Street, areat Wakering 1126 Rail Transport Services, Southend Victoria to Liverpool 289


Reforn 80 Discount for prompt payment 81 Relief for charitable and other organisations 82,235,534,1032 Distress for rates P.Spence 83 Levy 1975/76 151,153 Making of Rate 1975/76 228 Rayleigh Ratepayers Association 251,292 General Services charge — Liability for payment for properties not connected to main drainage 511 General rate fund. contribution to Housing Revenue Account 671 Irrecoverable rates 1974/75 672 Rate Axrears 1974/75 673 Rating of holiday caravans and. chalets 862

Rawreth and Battlesbridge By-Pass 522

Rayleigh Bowling Green - Hire of rinks and Season ticket charges 284 Rayleigh Market 142 Rayleigh one way traffic systen 6,401,638,697, 850,1190 Rayleigh Shopping market club 315,477,558,733 Rayleigh Recreation Centre - Playgroup charges 198

Refuse Collection 70

Refuse vehicle spares 1043

Refuse disposal, Cory Sand and Ballast Co. 219

Regal Cinema Rayleigh 586

RENT REBATES AND ARREARS ETC. Notice of motion, Councillor Crick 25 Rent Arrears . 183,329,451,607, 767,969,1128 Rent Rebates 184,330,452,608, 970,1129 Increased rents — Miscellaneous properties 245 Housing rents Jr 765 Methods of recovery of rent arrears 1057

RIIPRESENTATTVES ON OIJTSIDE ODIQ Rochford District Sports Council 55 "II

Southend Airport Advisory Committee 135 Association of District Councils — Oil refineries Sub—Committee 140 Rayleigh Mount Local Committee 294 Appointment of representatives on outside bodies 444,565 North Themes Gas Consumers Council 706 Southend Community Health Council 840 Community Services Co—ordinating Committee 920

Resources Planning and Management 902

EHTVENII8 ESTIMATES 197 5/76 Recreation and Amenities Committee 47 Development Services Committee 3 Housing Services Committee 26,75 Environmental Health and Control Coimnittee 63 Finance and Personnel Committee 100

Road Safety, Asbingdon School 1101


Lease of Fishing rights 654,1154 Application for grant 676

Rodent Control public sewers 632

Royal Garden Parties 342 Salary Award 679

School crossing patrol Hockley County Primary School 844

SEA WALL HUIILBRIDGE Dyke in side sea 'wall at Perry Steps Fambridge 364

Senior Citizens day centre Winderinere Avenue,Thitlbridge 343,804,926,1158

SOIL SEWERS AiW SDRFACE WATER SEWERS (See also Surfaoe Water Sewers) (i) Hockley Trading Eatate,Eld.on Way,Hockley 67 (ii) Lakeside, Downball Road, Rayleigh 217,1171 (iii) The Limes Stambridge 617 (iv) Warwick Drive, Roohford 702

Speed Limit, London Road, Rayleigh 639, 1176

SP01U' IN TIE DISTRICT Rayleigh Park School, Joint provision for sport 46,206,283,495, 544,576,659,798,994 Festival of Sport 1975 50 Rochford/Rayleigh joint Sports Council year book. 250 Low cost sports ball 346,496,708,795, 993,1092,1161 Park Sports Centre — Bar attendant 1047 — Kiosk 1084


Direct Labour Force, Work Study report 24 Staff Local and Structure plans deletion of posts T.60, T63 and T65 98 Staff Transfer Order, conditioned overtime for refuse drivers/loaders 253 Technical Services standby pay 545 Staff oar allowances 546,680 Breaching of Council's financial standing orders and regulations 580 Grading Structure — Wages circular Nr4216. 873 Staff vacancies 874,1044 Health and. Safety at Work Act 1974, Appointment of Safety Officer 875,1214 Technical Services Dept, Appointment of Chief Administrative Officer 877 Staff Discipline 879 Appointment of planning consultant,Nr.R.H.Stevens 943 Staff policy — vacancies 57]. Nanual workers Pay award 1038 Staff suggestion scheme 1208 Staff authority to enter 1213


Post MO. 257 Miss LL. Horrex Retirement 871,929 Post A12. 880 Post A42 995 Post k15 1212


Review of performance of Chief Executive 124,1096

- FINANCE RPT Post P48 85 Post D27 138 Post P4 143 Creation of post P49 and P50 378 Post P17 551 Post F]. 1045,1210 Appointment of Director of Finance 1094

STAPB' -HFAILL'H Mi]) HOUSING DETT Warden Hardwiok House 96 Relief Warden Iffardwiok House 96 Warden francis Cottee Lodge 96 Warden Francis Walk 96 Post 114. 97 Post 119. 138 Post 113. 249 Post H32 973


Post T52. 103,382,549,1048 Post T35. 255 Post T36. 256 Post T20. 259 Post T19. 259 Post T31 260,305 EuildJ.ngJDepot chargeband 258,381 Creation of Post P48 381 Post P56 666 Post P9. 682 Post P17. 715,878,1050 Post P4 (see also Contract 606) 937,1052,1211

STAFF WOURSES Management Semirar — 1LGS — Mr. Large 678 Home Defence College — Chief Executive's course 1091

Stock issue — Participation with Southend. Borough Council 254

STREETS IN DISTRICT Naming of :Beach Court, areat Wakering 8 Street Lighting 11 Street name plates 651

SUBSCRIPTIONS 1033 (i) Victoria History of County of Essex 1034 (ii) Eastern Arts Association 1200

SURFACE WAPER SThJERS Public Health Act 1936. Sec.17 Knivet Close,Rayleigh 357,837 Bramfield Road East Rayleigh 417 9 Bramfield Road West Rayleigh 418 Lakeside, Down.hall Road, Rayleigh 629 18 Orchard Avenue, Hockley 629 Pumping Station, Nevern Road, Rayleigh 629

SwlmrwTng Pool Sweyne School, Rayleigh 347,799 Television Licences, assistance to Senior Citizens 224

Tennis Courts hire charges 200

Thames Tidal flood. Prevention — Standing Consultative Conference 220

Traffic Comissioners - Appointment of 705

Transport Policies — 1976/77 Submission of transport policies and programmes for Essex 596


(i) 1/75 East End 393 (ii) 5/57 Rayleigh Lodge, The Chase, Rayleigh 729,944,1107

Trees, The Chase, Paglesham 732,740 UflFIT BDUSES (i) 194 and 196 High Street, Great Wakering 22,171,759 (ii) 24 St.Jolm's Road, Great Wakering 23,322 (iii) 18 Trinity Road, Rayleigh 172,323 (iv) Chadwell, Bastwood. Rise, Rayleigh 324,448 (v) 4 Kingsinead. Cottages, Barling Road, Barling 601,757 (vi) The Cottage, The Chase, .A.ahingdon 602,758 (vii) 41 Victoria Drive, Great Wakering 603 (viii) 3 Pooles Lane, Hullbridge 604 (ix) Butlers Farm Cottage, Shopland. Road, Sutton 605 (4 17 and. 19 Folly Lane, Hockley 325 (xi) 3 New Cottages, Paglesham 756, 953 (xii) 40 Victoria Drive, Great Waicering 756,95i.. (xiii) 10 and. 12 Greensward Lane, Hockley 955, 1119 (xiv) 2 Pooles lane, Rulibridge 956 (xv) 6 Pooles Lane, Ealibridge (xvi) The Grange 5 Murrells Lane, Hookley 958 (xvii) 14 Crouch View Grove, Hu.llbridge 1118 (xviii) 1 and. 2 Hampton Barns Cottages, 1120


(i) 35 and 41 Warwick Road, Rayleigh 115 (ii) 120 arid 128 Warwick Road, Rayleigh 115

Vehicular crossings 1014

Verge cutting 270

Veterinary Fees 630 a w


(i) Proposed extension and variation of waiting restrictions in Rayleigh 162,279,642 (ii) Proposed extension of waiting restriotions in HociCLey 269 (iii)Proposed. waiting restrictions in Hawkwell 306 (iv) Proposed waiting restriotions Perry Road 518 (v) Proposed waiting restriotions, Hulibridge, Rayleigh 822

Wastes — transportation of hazardous wastes 1173 W Water softening — Langford and Hanningfield 1004,1215 Water Lane — temporary closure 523 Water safety 221

Windmill - The Rayleigh tower 536

Work Study progress and value report 683 ROCHFORD DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES



Ninatee of the Develgpg Services Committee AtaMoettrg held on 7th Januxj9fl. gnj: Councillors C.D.Bright (Chainan), E.H0Adcock, S.LBarnard, R.Blackburn, Miss J.R.Browning, J.H.Carter, Mrs. 1.E.Clayton, L.L,Cope, B.A.Crick, S.B.H.Pletcher, ]J.ILFowler, Mrs. E.M.Frank, L.H.Fadge, C.B.Gowlett, N.A.Grove, A.J.Harvey, A.J.Humby, D.A.Ives, Mrs.J.L Jones, M.L.lCennaugh, Miss E.M.Leggatt, Mrs. M.T.Nadden, E.V.Maton, R.McCamley, D.MoKiarnell, C.R.Mprgan, R.D.Needham, G.C.Oldbuiy, P.J.Stanton, C.Stephenson, A.L.Tate, W.J.Tracey, J.R.Warner and B .C.Wood.


1. Resolved that the dMinutes of the Meeting' held on 12th December,l974 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chainnan.


2. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors M.P.Cowen, A,R.Nutjmer and G.Young.


3. The Committee considered the Draft Revenue Estimates.

Resolved (i) that the Draft Revenue Estimates of the Development Services Committee, as now amended, be submitted to the Pinance and. Personnel Committee.

(2) that the Finance and Personnel Committee be requested to give particular attention to the item "Car Parks - Central Administration Erpenses"

(3) that the Finance and Personnel Committee be recommended to reduce the establishment for the Local and Straottme Plans Section by the deletion of Posts T.60, T.63 and T.65.(706).



4. The Director of Administration submitted an application for relaxation of Building Regulations E.5 and E.7 (Fire Resistance and unprotected ars in erternal walls.) The Chief Fire Officer had no observations.

Resolved that, provided the adjoining occupier raises no objection, in aocordance with Section 6 of the Ptthlio Health Act 1961, the requirements of Building Regulations E.5 and E.7 be relaxed for application BR.6327 which also be approved under the Building Regulations. (241)


5. The Director of Administration submitted an application for relaxation of Building Regulations K.l (3) and K.3 (1) ooncerned with the prov ion



and preservation of a zone of open space. The re1awtion was minimal leaving 3.531 metres instead of 3.6 metres.

Resolved that, provided no objections are received by 8th January 1975, in accordance with Section 6 of the Public Health Act 1961 the require- merits of Building Regulations Li (3) and K3 (a) be relaxed for aFplication BR.8 316 which also be approved under the Building Regulations. (241) RMIGHOWflICSTffiutelO24) 6. The Chief Executive reported for the information of Members that the County Council Highways Committee, at a Meeting held on. 28th November, 1974, deferred consideration for consultation, a further report by the County Surveyor and a site inspection by the Committee. The inspection V was to be early in 1975 after which there would be another meeting at County Hall between the Committee and those who had submitted representations, this meeting being similar to that held 29th August, 1974. The date would be advised as soon as ossible. (7042)


7. The Director of Administration reported complaints concerning the use of hardstandlng within the curtilage to park commercial vehicles in connection with the o-tmers business as a stall—holder. The movement of three 25 ow-t vans, early in the mornings especially, caused disturbance in this residential area.

Resolved, that, it b'-ng considered expedient so to do, subject to the Director of Adjnjnjs'r'atjon being satisfied as to the evidence,notice be served under the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, Section 87 upon the owners and occupiers of the land described ft the schedule below and upon any other person having an interest in the land !bleing an interest which is materially affected by the notice requiring them to take the steps required in order to remedy the breach of Planning Control within a period of 28 days from the date the not toe takes effect. SCHEDULE I Description of land fleveiopmen'L — or proper1y Breach of Planning Steps required ______Control ______82 Helena Road, The parking of commercial vehicles The cessation of Rayleigh. within the curtilage of a the unauthori sel dwelling house. uses (7318)


8. The Great Wakering Parish Council had suggested the name ?VBeach Cour" for News Court TB", referred to in the above Minute.

that the suggestion be adopteda (923/1)'


I , i Dove 0 mont §nA2!c2atcc.

FOOTPATHS 22 4LLQHAS TO THE APP ACE1 PAThEI GE 9. The Director of Mministration reported that the section of Footpath 22 between Footpaths 20 and 21 was overgrown and impassable. Neither this section nor Footpath 20 any longer served a useful purpose anti the cost of clearing, estimated at £400, could not be justified. Resolved that the Council take all necessary procedural steps r1ia1ng public advertisement) with a view to the making of an Order under the Highways Act 1959, Section 112, for the stopping—up of Footpath 20 and that part of ?ootpath 22 between Footpaths 20 and 21. (46)


10. In accordance with the undertaking given by the Chairman of this Committee to the Policy and Resources Committee and the Director of Finance having reported, the Committee again considered car parking

charges. I Resolved (i) that the charges for residents and non—residents be the same with residents being protected by being given priority on the waiting lists. (2) t}t the foflowing charges be adopted fQr The AppEoach and :Back Lane Oar Parke subject to the concurrence of the Highway Authority where necessary.

Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly tearly

Motor Cycle. 15* 40* £2e66 £9.58

Motor Car. 25* 74* £2.00 £475 £l710 * VWA.T absorbed0 I STBTtel4V.A.PT extra on charges above £1.00 (902) 11. The Director of Administration reported the reply of the County Surveyor who explained -that until the equipment was modern5 sed there was little likelihood of an improvement. The tungsten lamps in half the Rayleigh lights were prone to premature failure and the time switches fitted to most lights were old and unreliable. There were also labour difficulties. The County Council had allocated finance for improvement and replacement of time—swibhes with photo—electric cells on lights in principal roads in Rayleigh and this work was in progress. (966) PLANtWTG PROCDDORES - CONSIJIJPAT tONS WITH PARISH COUNCILS

12. The Director of Technical Services reported that Hockley Parish Council were dissatisfied with the decision of the Committee and requested a meeting between a Committee of the Parish Councils in the District and Members of the Development Services Committee.

Resolved that the Chairman, Vice—Chairman and the Assistant Director iiiig) meet representatives of the Parish Councils. (158)

I I I! I a DevjQflntServicesConnhttee

COTJ1PTY ESSEX DEVELOH)IFIWII - REVIEW - iItee64TOF PLAIT FIRST COlThlTUTAP 13. The 1)irector of Administration reported that the Department of the Environment accepted that whilst a Local Planning Authority mist take the view that poor or inadequate rail facilities were sufficdent reasons to refuse planning pennission, it was open to question as to whether the Secretary of State would support them on appeal. The Department had come to the conclusion that paragraph 17(a), page 9, and paragraph 6, page 95, of the Written Statement should be deleted to give effect to the -view that the adequacy of rail services should no longer be a valid planning consideration. Resolved (i) that the local Members of Parliament be asked to urge the Department of the Environment to reverse thLa policy. (2) that British Rail be pressed to improve their coinmute

services to the area. I (3) that the County Council Transportation Sub-Committee be asked to support the representations being made to the Department of I the Environment and to British Rail0 (654)

14. The Director of Technical Servies st.tbaitted a list of applications decided under delegation, and also a letter from Rool

Para2-2jli 1 That word "habit" in the word "maturity" be insertedI after the line one of condition 2,

The Dirartor of Technical Services reported that the applicant9 s appeal S against refusal of application No.ROC/302/73 for a residential caravan to be sited on the land which is also the subject of this application, had been dismissed, 2Oand2l-fl67and68S& (1) that the applications be refused for the following reasonsm—

That the siting ot the proposed. extension f the developinezit was unsatisfaototy, would be detrimental to the amenities of the surround- ing area and would generate additional traffic entering and leaving the site and increase existing hazards to traffic in Lower Road to an unacceptable degree.

(Jii1 - Development Services Committee In accordance with requisition made under Standing Order 14, voting upon the decision in respect of paragraph 21 was recorded as follows:—

FOR TES MOTION:- Oouncillors E.H.Adoock, S.LBarnard, O.D.Bright, Miss J.R.Browning, Mrs. F.E.Olayton, B.A.Criok, S.B.H.Fletcher, N.A.Grove, A.J.Rarvey, E.VJ4hton, P.J.Stanton and O.Stephenson. (12)

AGAINST TIThUffOTION:- Councillors R.Blackburn, $.H.Carter, L.K.Cope, D.R.Fowler, Mrs. E.M.Prank, C.B.Gowlett, A.J.Htunby, D.A.Ives, Mis. JM. Jones, LL.Kennaugh, Miss E.LLeggatt, Mrs. M..T.Madden, R.Mooamley, B.McKinnell, C.R.Morgan, R,D.Needbam, G.C.Oldbuxy, A.L.Tate, W.J.Tracey, J.R.Warner and D.C.Wood. (21)

(2) that the Environmental Health and Control Committee be requested to investite the possible health hazards arising from the present operation of the site referred to in pans., 17-21 inclusive. Par22-EJC/4fl That had the Council been involved in determination of this application prior toany appeal being lodged with the Secretary of State, they would have been opposed to the deveLopment for the same reasons, 1 to 4, given in the refusal of application RAY/374/73 and set out in the Schedule.


15. During consideration of paras. 17 - 21 it was, Resolved that Standing Order 1.8 be suspended to permit transactièn of the remu±ng business.


16. Resolved, that consideration of the remaining items in the Schedule be deferred to a later meeting on a date to be agreed.

17. The Chairman reported the receipt of a set of the Survey Aspect Reports. In view of the size, highly technical content and expense of these documents it was,

Resolved that a copy be made available at both the Rochford and the Rayleigh Offices for study by Members, (4718) BUS SERVICES ROUTES 22A and B

18. The Chairman reported details of the proposed re—routing of this serv1ce Members were concerned that some of the roads proposed to 'be used appeared unsuitable for bus t.raf tic and. that the junction from Bull Lane to Websters Way was particularly hazardous. Resolved that the Omnibus Company and the Traffic Commissioners be informed that this Council is opposed to re-routing suggested. (901) tff5flfl5 OF DEVSL0PNEITh APPLICATIONS AND RECONNENDATIONS

7th January, 1975.



2 todMam Road. and 1 to 5 Spa Road — Mr, 1). QQL35J/arofPottei Constnzot rear service access road to serve existing premises.

BOLOSG Grant Permissidn subjeot,to:—

Std0 Cond, 3 — Commenoo in 5 yearso 2, The service road shall not be 1es than 5,50 metres wide0 I

3, Prior to the ,commenoemènb of any development, details I of ithe construotion of the road including the crossing fxom Bramerton Road and provision within the site for

I the ,vekicles shall have been submitted to , turnin' o1 and. ajazdved by the local planning'aüthority 4, Sore'et brick walling, two metros high, shall be erected. algng" tha,t part of the northern boundary the site 1 pf abutting thb garage and rear garden of No, 1 Bramorton Road to the ,satisfaition of the local planning authority I ' , prior -q a4r- use 'being me of, the 2ervioe road.

I 5 A scheme of treb pinn1n1shall besubniithed to and, apppved tby the local plsnning authority prior to the cowmènceiWt Idf develc3pmentO Suc1 planting shall e carried out during the first available season fp1]Jowing - the commancement of dvelopment, Any tree' or shrub dying within five teaats of 'planting shall b9 replaced by the' applicant or their successors in title to the satiafaoicn of the local planning authority. II I ' I ' 2, HciDTcrrc' I '

AQQ/c15/7&-SLPa Wor,pRoadNr0F0Anios0 I

Provide toilet and office aooommodation0 J I

1J0T,S, Grant Permission subject to:—

iS, Stã0Cond.0 3, — Cornmpno in 5 years. I 2, The development shall be carried out only in aooordanoe with the details hqwn pn Drawis and , lies. 2674/lA I 20f41,2A_,P I ill,, 1 III'

' I

, ',I 1 Ii I ', , I I I I , •1 ', j t 'I 1' , kPi'L ''I!' *3 EtTLI1'UDGE ROC/7l4/74—Z3, Padgetts Way — Mr. C. Bruce.

Mew front entrance porch and. extension to side of kitchen and rear of garage with additional bedroom over.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment to the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority.

*4. HAWKWBLL ROC/72LL4 - l Sunny Road - Mr. LA. Flood. Add front/side and rear extensions.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std. Conthl2. — Materials to match existing.


ROC/873/74 — 45, Clifton Road - Mrs. L.E. Tayler and Mrs. A. Clitheroe.

Demolish existing W,C. and erect bathroom and separate W.C.

4.42m long (l4'6") x 2.4m wide (oto").

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std. Cond.l2. — Materials to match existing.


Qp/sl3/74 — 5, Mans yjffr. D.J. Price.

Add side extension to form diningroom and garage with utility room over.

4.877m long (16W") x 2.66m wide (8'9").

D.T. 50 — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std, Cond.l2. — Materials to matoh existing.

3. The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority.

I 7 7. ROOBTOIU) A/R0C/24/74 10, Market q-AUmars Travel Service Limited, Erect internally illuminated fascia sign0

3.5m long (llt6I) x 061m deep (2'0) with 023m (9u) and 010m (4") high lettering6

DIT.$. — Refuse Permission for the following reason:—

Illuminated signs and faso Las are out of character with the Rochford Conservation Area6 Such a proposal as this would be oh bras ive and detract from the character of the surrotndings including the Listed Buildings in the immediate vicinity0

J *E3 ROCICLRY • I Rop/7]3/74 - 8, Gay :Bowers, - Mr. P0Waters Add first floor extension to form bedroom over existing garage. 8.4Gm x 3.28m (27'9" x lO'9").

D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reason:— The proposed extension up to the flank boundary at SLrst floor level ini&ib ultimately lead to the coalescence of adjacent properties into a terrace with consequent detriment to the street scene0 The local planning authority considers that a space of one icetre should be piovided betwee, any extension at firt floor level and the ,dde boundary to prevent coalescence0

*9 RKYLEIGR R0C/800/74 - 82, EelenaRoa4Mrt0Lixge Add rear extension to form kitcheWstudy with bedroom and bathroom over.

(Two storey extension at rear 3005m deep (lOO") x 9.75m wide (22iatt) )

DOTOSO — RefusePermission for the following reason:— The proposed two storey extension at the rear of this semi—detached house would cause an unaoceptable loss of daylight end. visual ameni.ty to the occupants of the adjoining property, No0 10 Derwent Avenue0 NOTE: A letter of objection has been received from the occupants of No, 10, Derwsnt Avenue.


BAY/334/73 — Land rear of Moe. 78 QDot.mhafl Road— Mesbrs.A.G0 Ainge Dove lopments Limited0 Outline application to erect 4 detached houses and garages and extend existing cul—de—sac. Frontage of Plots: 8.38m (27'6"), Depth of Plot: (minimum') 28.96m (95?OIt)

D.T.3. — Refuse Permission for the following reasons:—

1. The development of the site in the manner proposed. would give rise to unsatisfotory housing conditions by reason of laok of any means of access to an existing highway.

2. The frontage of the plots are less than the minimum of 9.l4zlm (30 feet) considered necessary by the local planning authority for the erection of a detached dwelling.


— Ne2rL Brooklandsockley Road — County Council of Essex.

Outltne application to erect a home and occupational centre for physically handicapped persons.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. I. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond. 2 — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

3. Provision shall be made wLthjn the site to the satisfaction of the local planning authority for the parking of not less than 15(fifteen) motor cars in addition to the parking of invalid cars, resident staff garaging and transport vehicles.

NOTE: The site covers an area of about 24 acres and. is allocated for local government purposes in the review develo:pment plan0 Access is proposed to be obtained. from the western end of Rectory Garth where an established sycamore tree will be avoided but it will probably be necessary to remove two lower limbs from the tree and carry out some root pruning0 The Home would provide accommodation for 31 residents a high proportion of whom would attend the Occupational Centre where 41 people would be accommodated. Additionally, a superintendent, matron, assistant matron and two resident and twelve other staff would be employed.

I 12. RAYUIIG ROC//74 — The Chase, (east oi.e about 180 feet north from Warwick — s. Knighton. Erect house.

Frontage of Plot: l3m (42171t), Depth of Plot: 30m (98'5"), Fleer Area: 17l.4m2 (1844 sq. ft).

D.T.S. — C-rant Permission subject to:— . 1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years0

2. Four trees of suitable habit and species shall be planted within the curtilage of the site to the satisfaction of the local planning authority, during the next available planting season following commencement of building works. Any trees dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicant or his successors in title to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

3. All trees and shrubs (including hedges) shall be protected by chestnut railing fences for the duration of the constriction period at a distance equivalent to not less than the spread from the trunk. No materials shall be stored or buildings erected inside this fence; no changes in ground level may be made within the spread of any tree or shrub (including hedges) without the previous written consent of the local planning authority,

4. A schedule of materials to te used on external finishes shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authorityprior to the commencement of the development.

5. The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority.

NOTE: The trees within the site to which this application relates are covered by a Tree Preservation Order approved b the then Minister of Housing & Local Government in 1959. Thø position of the propoed dwelling means that four of these trees will need to be felled (i.e. to pine, one oak and one thorn). The County Planning Authority have inspected the site end do not object to their removal provided they are replaced elsewhere on site by new planting.

The applicant's agents, in their letter of the 5th December, J974, have conIirmed their agreement to the replacement of the four trees to be felled. I therefore reconimend approval to the felling of the four trees described,


QQf79/74 - Land ado TheL 6&ckler Road - Capeldowns Ltd.

Outline application to erect 4 detached houses and garages. D.TS. — Refusepemisnion for the following reason:—

The proposal involves the loss of some preserved trees which make a valuable cont*ibution to the street scene and the ]ocality and should be preserved accordingly.

•1 14. YLE

ROC/820/74 — Land adjoining The Layers, 76, Hockley Road - Capeldowns Limited0

Outline application to erect 6 detached dwellings.

D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reason:—

I The proposal involves the loss of some preserved trees which make a valuable contribution to the street scene and the locality and should be preserved accordingly.

* 15. BAYThIGH

ROC/54/J4 — 196, Eastwood Road — Mr. A.J. Ewnphries. Extend and alter porch and convert existing garage into recreation room. 5.47ia x l.2m (lB'o" x 41011)

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 5. — Commence in 5 years. 2. Std. Cond. 12. — Naterials to match existing.

NOTE: A second garage is available for tins dwelling.


QL22L4 — Home Office — BuliwoodHall, Hookley Road.

Outline application to park 4 non—residential caravans.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

SLd, Cond. 5. — Commence an 5 years. NOTE: This proposal is to provide standing areas for four touring caraVans owned by staff who live at Bu.llwood. The hardstendings are indicated next to existing garage blocks.


ROC/89l/74 — Downs Stables and Riding r. L. BegHockley Schooj!owarjioad, Composite proposals for development of site0

P.S. — RefusePermission for the following reasons:—

1. Std. Reason A. — M,GOB. —A2 — Residential.

2. The local planning authority is not satisfied that the mahagement of the Hockley Downs Stables justifies the erection of permanent residential accommodation.

I Ill I NOTH: This application is submitted in response to Minute No0 804/1974 when the applicant was invited to detail his proposals for the comprehensive layout and uses for the site.

The development envisaged is phased as follows:—

Phase 1 1974—5 New access,car paaiking, 6 stables and caravan.

Phase 2 1975—6 Indoor schooling ring/ hay store, additional hay store, toilet block/ showers etc. — indioating changing rooms, a club room and tack shop.

Phase 3 1976—7 ReSidential accommodation over club room area and 4 stables.

My recommendation is made recotising the Conittee's feelings against the provision of living acooinmodation as demonstrated in refusing permission for a caravan at IEOC/302/73, my view that there is no justification for a permanent dwelling on site and the applicant's wish that residential accommodation shall be provided in the first and third phases of development. It is apparent that the applicant wants living space to manage further 'development and certainly this view is supported by the British Horse Society who are concerned about the welfare of the animals.

I suggest again that a policy decision about further development be made and I recoinend the Committee to accept that additional development associated with horse riding and riding instruction could be carried out. Of the proposals the applicant now makes, I support the additional stabling, the indoor schooling ring, the hay stores, some provisions for toilets, a new access ,and parking provialen. I do not support the proposed building which is shown to accommodate toilets, showers, changing facilities, club room end tack shop, on the ground floor and. living accommodation on the first floor because I am not sat±sfied that such a building is necessary for the development of the site as a horse riding establishment. The question of the siting of a residential caravan will be settled by the decision of the Secretary of State's representative on the outstanding appeal on ROC/302/73. The next four applications on this schedule are those deferred at minute No0 804/1974 and I now resubmit them with unchanged recommendatIons because the decisions advised are in line with the policy recommended0 The Hullbridge Parish Council objects to any further planning permissions on site because— (a) additional hazards will be caused on Lorer Road by vehicles slowing, turning and entering and leaving the site;

1) (b) additional use could cause pollution of ground water affecting Su—Oris Lodge and the roadside ditch; (c) there would be inadequate grazing area for the numbers of horses envisaged by an increase in stabling'.

Since the proposed development of ock1ey ]3oms Stables has been under consideration, representations have been made about the need for indoor riding facilities. A local resIdent has renewed her support for an indoor riding school in the area saying that a similar facility at Rawreth has oeased operation and local people now have to travel to :aasildoii,


Q/527/74 - Hockleyptns Stablfl, Lower Road -Mr. L. Bergs

Outline application for erection of dwelling house.

D.T.S. — RefusePermission for the following reasons:—

1. SM. Reason A — M.G.B. — A2 — Residential.

2. The local plaaming authority is not satisfied that the

I management of the site of Hookley Dcrwns Stables justifies the erection of permanent accommodation,

19. IDCE

- HockieL sstablelcver Road -Mr. L •!& Outline application for fonnation of new access.

D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reason:

The construotion of an access in this position would result in undesirable traffic movements and create farther danger end obstruction to other road users0

This reason is izoluded at the direction of the Highway Authority t would support a new access centrally placed along the site frontage to Lower Road.

20. Bfl1LE1tThG Qp/677/74 —2Do!ns Stables Lower Road - Mr. Erect 10 stables.

2 No. blocks (4 stables) 12.3m long (40"4") x 3.657m wide (12)0"). 1 No. block (2 stab]es) 6.2m long (20t4Tt) x 3,657m wide (l2tOu).

(/7 U 13 I D.P.SO Grant Permission subject to&-

1, Prior to the use of any of the stables vow approved9 the new n.eana of access into the site approved under application 1100/688/74 shall have been provided in accordance with the conditions of that consent.

2. During the first plantIng season following the approval of thin application tree and hedge planting shall be carried out along the southern boundary of the site adjacent to the northern boundary of Su—Cris Lodge in accordance with a scheme the details of which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority before the development is commenced.

21. IIUT4LBRIDGE I Roo/688/74-Hrodeypons gStabies Lower Road- New access from Lower Road. into Hookley Downs HICLIEg Stables1

DOTPS. Grant Permission subject to-

1. Std0 Cond, 3. Commence in 5years.

2. Clear to ground level night eplays shall be provided to the satisfaction of the local planning authority before any use i made of this access1 Such splays shall be measured from a point 15 fee b along the centre line of the proposed access from the edge of the carriageway of Lower Road to a point 200 feet on eIther aide, measured along the channel of Lower Road-0

3. Prior to eommenç'zement of constriction of this access, the local planning authority'e agreement shall have been obtained to the method of construotton and the extent and. aUgnmer± of the access way into the site.

4. The access existing at the eanthrn and of the frontage of the siite shall be cloned to vebitlen within one calendar month of the access now approved being available for use and the surface of the existing access way into the site shall be prepared and turfed. a to the satisfaction of the local planning authority 'within -three months of the cloning of the access.

22, BAWEET ______StadiinnLiritedardP.B. CnLdgeEq Outline application to erect sports stadium for we of greyhound racing, speedway, motor racing end open air market. (oowuy NATcPEEt) D.T,80 Appeal has been entered with the Secretary of State against the failure of the Dietrict Council to give a decIsion within the stathtory period of two months from the date of receipt which was in June last, LI

14 A pnposal for the same site and the same develop- ment, except the open air market, was refused permission at BAY/374/73-by the County Council in March this year for the following reasons:—

1. Std, Reason A — LG.B. — Al — Commercial. 2. The proposal would result in an undesirable intrusion of a commercial use into this present rural area which could not fail to be detrimental to the vigual amenities of the locality.

3. The proposals would also be detrimental to local amenities by reason of noise and general disturbance associated with this type of use. 4. The proposal would give rise to additional traffic hazards by reason of vehicles slowing dawn and tinning into and out of the A.l30 and. Rawreth Lane thereby interfering with the free flow of traffic and furthermore, the proposal would result in additional traffic hazards by reaso'n of an increased use of the junction of the Ae130 and Rawreth Lane which would be to the detriment of highway safety. An appeal has been lodged against this decision and a looal inquiry is listed for 23rd April 1975 when it is hoped the current application can also be considered. It is necessary for the Committee to make lcnawn what its decision would have been on the outstanding case had it been involved in making that decisign to enable the Council's advocate and witness to be as4ure of the poition particularly since the earlier refusal bjr the County Council was at variance with the views expressed by the former Rayleigh Urban District Council.

The outstanding aplicationaa advertised by the applicants in June and I subsequently received a petition siied by 106 people from the locality, against the grant of permission on the g'rotincts that the green belt purposes would be injured, there would be serious traffic congeption and the racing element would attract unsight]y ancilliary buildings and cause noise and air pollution. The Souther4-'om-Sea and Dbtriot Chapter of the Royal Institute of British Architects, The Grange Residents' Association and a number of individual residents have also recorded their objections principally about intrusion into propqsed green belt and the s.bsequent effects the development would have on the area. One letter supporting the proposal has been received, the 'writer asks that professional sport should be found a place in the district. I do not consider the use appropriate to the area and I support the decision of earlier refusal. The highway authority directs rafusal of permission on the grounds indicated in reason No. 4 and my recommendation is to indicate that permission would have been refused for the reasons attached to the decision at RAY/374/73.

15 I * 23. ASHINQDON

ROC/750/74 — 41. Leamington Road — Mr_,R.E, Ke1ly

Add. 2 ntoray rear extension to enlarge bedrooms, kitchen and dining area.

5.lm x 2.13m (16'9" x 7'O").

D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reasons:—

The first floor extension at the rear of this semi- detached chalet bungalow is considered excessive and, if allowed, would overshadow the bedroom window of the adjoining property "No. 43" and would also have en adverse effect on the amenities of the occupiers of that property. NOTE: A letter has been received from Mr. B. Jeffery, the occupier of the adjoining property No. 43 LeaxmLngton Road, Ashingdcn oomplaining about loss of ligttt and amenity if this form of development is permitted. 24 RAYLEIGH R001rn174 -Land at The ir Pub Ic House, Arterial Road - Allied Breweries (U.K.) Limited.

Outline application to erect a single storey betting shop.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subjeot tot—

1. SLd. Oond. 1. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond. 2. — Commence in 5 years o 2 years.

NOTE: The Castla Point District Council raises no objection.


ROC/188/74 - 5iderden of ii, Hamilton Gaxdena Mr. R ILtvetlj0 Outline apylioation to erect 1 pair semi—detached houses. Frontage of P1st, 19.Sm (65'O"), i)epth of Plot: 30.4&i (ioo'o"). aw D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:— 1. Std. Cond. 1. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond, 2. — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

26. Q&OH GROUP RL8l2ft4 - 2fl1j4ttle Wacerthg.joad, Little Wakering - Nr.P. Kamri.içldin.

Temporary use of existing bedroom for the storage and cutting of textiles.

D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reasons—

(,c) ! 16 The proposal represents the introduction of an industrial use in a predominantly residential area and would have a detrimental effect on the amenities and environment of nearby residential properties by reason of noise and disturbance associ,ted with such use0

NOTE; Several complaints have been received including one from the Roach Group Parish Council concerning the unauthorised use of the above property for light industrial purposes and enforcement action is being pursued.

The applicant has stated that the business will cease to operate from the house at the beginning of January 1975 when he moves into new premises in Southend.

27. EAYLEIGE ROC/826/74 —63, Louis Brive—Mr0L

Demolish existing bungalow and erect 2 semi-detached bungalows.

Prontage of Plot: 17.37m (spo"), Depth of Plot: 64.61m (2l2Tou). B,T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 1. Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Sd. Cond, !2 — Cozmnence in 5 years or 2 years.

28. ROCIThDR]J ROC/S32/74jth Stre RoDistrigS Council.

Change of use from office accommodation into 2 living units.

D,TIS. — Grant Permission subject to:—

Std. Cond, 3. — Commence in5 years.

*29. H1IL6RIDG

noc/a56774 -_9 4_gq-J. J.Baloombe.

Add garage and dining'-room with bedrooms over.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:— I

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std. Cond,12, — Materials to match existing.

3. The floor space shrnm for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling withouL the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority. .


R0C/863L7jfit. Georges Church Little Wakering Road — Mrs. A. Adams. Use premises for playgroup.

B.P.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

Std. Cond. 5. — Commence in 5 years.

*31, RkUEIGE Qq/622/74 - 6,29 acres of land at Lowebus Thund — Mr. A.G. Edwards.

Outline application for warehouse development (o.s. parcel No. 1862) (coimn taTTER). — Refuse Penaisssion for the foUodng reason:—

Std. Reason A — N.GOB. — A2 - Commercial.

NOTE: A previous application under ROC/624/74, incorporating the site in question, was refused permission for residential purposes on the 8th November 1974, on green belt grounzls. The District Council and a number of local objectors support refusal of penaission.

*32. ULV?KWELL QQJ769/74.jronwell Lane—LA. Thoinas,DtUlder & Contractor Co0 Ltd., Outline application to erect singlo storey building to comprise :Bixilders' Office accommodation with kitchen and toilets, (ooimir MaPPER)

B.P.S. — Refuse Pontesion for the following reason:—

The proposal represents an intensification of a non— cqnforming zse within' an area which is intended to form part of the Ne-tropoliban Green Belt, a *33. ECCEIEY W Q/827/7jLand rearc>f 23andsRpad - LW. Thomas. Erect detached house and garage.

Frontage of Plot; 6,4m (2ltChI), Depth of Plot: 45.72m (l50'o"). D.T.S. — Heftise Permission for the following reason:—

The frontage of the site is less than the minimum of 30 feet considered necessary by the local planning authority for the erection of a detached dwelling. NOTE: The owner of an adjoining property has commented about the inadequacy of the frontage to Woodpond Avenue and in the event of any subsequent approval he asks that the footpath existing to the rear of Woodlands Road is properly substituted.


rtOcf86OJ14 - 57Plumberow AvenueMr0 L0W. Petchy Outline application to demolish existing property and erect one dwelling with detached garage.

Frontage of Plot: 15.2zlm (50'O"), Depth of Plot: 63.4m (2O8')

B.P.S. — Grant Penission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 1, — Reserved matters to be approved0

2. Std. Oond, 2 — Conmience in 5 years or 2 years.

3. The plans submitted in accordance with condition 1 of this permission shall indicate the location, species girth at 1.5 metres above the ground, spread and. height of all trees on the land0

35. BDACR GROUP ROO/879J74 - Sito south of nd jpiuin "Car trefKinberle1q 4_141& Ma-CartonCaxftboarAjeCo,

Outline application to erect 2 pairs of semi—detached houses with garages.

Frontage of Plot: 39Mm (l2'O"), Depth of Plot: 27.2m (a9t3u).

D.TOS. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std, Cond. 1'. —' Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond. 2.' Commence in 5 years or 2 years0

3. The plane submitted Sn accordance with condition 1 of this penniesion shafl indicate the location, species, girth at 1.5 metres above the güowxd, spread and height of all trees on the land,

4. A scheme of tree planting shall be suxKitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development, Such planting shall be carried out during the first available season following the commencement of development. Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicant or their successors in title to the satisfaction of the local planning authority


Land. north of Ironwell Lane, adjoining Redroof - Ni. P.C. Read1ng Outline applioation to install a recreation centre with awiimning pooi, tennis courts, childs amen,ity area and Club House. (aotmn MATTER).

DOT.SO — Refuse Permission for the following reasons:—

1. Std.. Reason A — MOGOB. — A2 — Commercial.

2. The proposed development, if allowed, would detract from the amenities and quiet enjoyment of nearby residential properties beoause of noise and disturbance associated with this form of development.

NOTE: A number of local residents have objected to this proposal on grounds of loss of amenity and disturbance in an existing rural area,


____ — 4j As onRoaQ—t0(].e,

Add. garage th 2 bedrooms over.

Ground floor: 8,850m (29') x 274Om (9'), First Floor: 7.500m (24'?") x 3.700m (l2'2").

D.TUS. — RefusePermission for the following reason:—

The proposed extension up to the flank boundary at first floor level might ultimately lead to the coalescence of adjacent properties into a terrace, with consequent detriment to the street scene as a whole. The Local Planning Authority considers that a space of one metre should be provided between any extension at first floor level and the side boundary to jfrevent coalescence


Q/87O/74 -Land between Nos, 35J1, Warwick Road - J.W0 Bache & Sons Limited.

Outline application to erect 1 pair and 1 single 4 bedroomed houses with garages.

Th?ontage of Plot: (Pair s/detached houses: l5.24m (o'o"), Detached house: 9.l4m (30'o"), Depth of Plot: 32.Om (l05'O").

D.T.SO — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. I, — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond, 2 — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

3. Rear garden areas shall be provided to the standard of not less than lOOm2 for each prqerty.

20 4. The gateways for vehicular access shall, where possible,be linked and in all cases recessed in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the sketch attached.

5. A distance of not less than 6 metres shall be provided between access gates end garage doors.

39. ROCKLEY ROC/78O/74 — fronting Plumberow Avenue — Haralan PropeCo, Limited, & (hA. Twitchett, Esg.

Outline application to erect 2 detached dwellings fronting Wood Avenue and a pair of semi—detached dwellings, Frontages of Plots: 9.83ii & lO.67m (32'3" and 35'), Depths of Plots:— 30.4Gm & 39.64m (l00'O" and l30'O").

D.LISI — Grant Permission subject to:-

1. Std. Conft.l. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond.2. — Commence In 5 years or 2 years.

3. The plans submitted in accordance with condition 1 of tins permission shall indicate the location, species, girth at 1.5 metres above the ground, spread and height of all trees on the land.

4. There shall be no obstruction to visibility above the height of 31611 within the areas of the sight splays hatched blue on the plait returned herewith.

5. A hardstanding 5.0Dm x 2.5Dm (16'5" x 8'*') shall be provided wIthin the curtilage of each dwelling, convenient to the front door whether a garage is provided or note


ROç/976/74 — "Alibi", Alfreda Avenue—Mr. R.AIP. HiIam,

Demolish existing bungalow and erect chalet,

Frontage of Plot: 13.4m (44'o"), Depth of Plot: 49.Om (161:011), Floor Area: 91.00m2 (979 sq.ft),

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std, Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std. Cond. 11. — Submit materials schedule,

3, The floor space shon for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the ],ocal planning authority.

21 (3 P *41. EOCKLEY

ROC/965/74 — 20, Naxylanda Avenue, — Kr. A.P. Churchill.

Add. bedrooms over existing garage.

2.743xn (9 ft) x 6.248m (20'6"). D.TPS. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. 5-Ud. Cond. 12. — Materials to match existing.

3. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details shcnm on drawing No. 20—AC—3—73—3A received by the local planning authority on the 9th December, 1974.


*4 HULLBRIDGE I RoC/988/74 — 104k Windermere Avenue -.0.8. Wiggins & Sons Limited. Erect 2 pairs of semi—detached houses.

Frontage of Plot:25.200m (82'B"), Depth of Plot: 33.400m (109'T'), reducing to 32.OOm (105 feet).

D.T.S. — RefusePermission for the following reason:—

The local planning authority requires that pairs of semi—detached houses shall have frontages of not less than 15,24 metres (50 feet) per pair in the interests of achieving development which is not cramped in appearance and the individual dwellings have adequate space about them especially to provide for rear gardens which are not less than lOOm2 in extent. The proposal submitted fails to satisfy such criteria.


ROC/895174 - The Bungalow £ham Road — Mr. W.]L_Seward Renewal of temporary permission to sito residential caravan.

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:— S

1. This permission shall expire on 31st December, 1975.

2. The caravan shall only be occupied by Mr. Fassenfelt and his family.

*44, PY[J]ffJR

RocEsa/74 — Meadow Court, Watery Lane, Dattlesbridge — Mr. R.J. Warren.

Permission to use part of the forecourt in front of the garage for the sale of farm produce.

C)7 22 — Refuse Permiseaon tot the following reason:—

StdO Reason A - MOGOBO — A2 — Commercial.

NOTE No consent would appear to be necessary for the sale of produce from land worked personally by the applicant

I I 45. IIIN!;I3RIDa!

- Land east of" ide' flOaklei?Y1 Avenue-Mr. COD.

rect detached house with integral garage.

Frontage of Plot: 8.5m (28'o"), Depth of Ploti 36.6za (l2oo"), Floor Area: 107 m2 (1158 sq0

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std0 Cond0 5. — Commence in 5 years.

2. A scheme of tree planting shall be submitted to and approved by the ioca.i planning authority prior to the commencement of development0 Such planting shall be carried out during the first available season following the commencement of development. Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicant or their successors in title to the satisfaction of the boa], planning authority.

30 The iiloor space shown icr garaging shall be used. for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the d,qeiling i4thout, the prior approval in wrIting of the local planning authority. NCTEg Planning percUssion icr two dótacbed properties has been granted for this and adjoining land, the total frontage being l8.28m (6oo") between existing properties Nos. 21 and 29, Oaklelgt Avenue. Detailed planning permission has been granted. for the adjoining plot to the west on a frontage of 9.75ra (3i0) and it Is recommended that in the circum- stances, planning permissIon be granted for this development although the frontage is 2'O" below the usually accepted standard. *46. nAnaIolI

I Roa4, - Nr P. Knowles.

Change use of existing private garage for repairs to customers cars.

D.T.S. — Refuse Permiss5on for the following reason:—

Std. Reason A — K.G.B. — A2 — Commercial.

3 47, HOCKLEY ROC//74 - Site of sward Lane-Homes of Distinction Ltd. Outline application to erect twelve flats and twelve garages.

D.P.S. -. Grant Per:nission subject tos—

1 1. sta. CaM. 1, — Reserved matters to be approved. (exclude landscaping). — 2. Std. Cond, 2. Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

3 This permission shall relate to Drawing No0 110/551)3/74 received by the local planning authority on the 16th December, l974

4. Details of scheme of landscaping and surfacing of all areas' of the site not occupied by buildings or preserved trees shell be submitted to anti approved by the local planning authority before the development is commenced. Such approved hard surfacing shall be carried out before any dwelling is occupied and approved planting of trees, shrubs and areas of soft ,sur'acing shall be carried out during the first planjing season following commencement of development. Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicants or their successors in title to the satisfaction of the local planning authority0

5. Details of screening walls and/or fencing or other means of screening, togs Lher with their positioning shall be submitted for approval by the local planning authority befor the development is commsnccd and shall be erected prior to the occupation of the dwelling units,

6. Any boundary wall erected along the highway control line shall be not less than O76 metres in height0

NOTE: The Hookley Parish Council has expressed fears that proposals for a. bus lay—by on the frontage of this site might be affected. by the development now proposed, The highway authority has indicated that the lay—by can be provided satisfactorily between the existing highway boundary and the highway control ljne shown affecting the site. The applicants have related their scheme to the bighway control line thus p that part of the lay—by which could be accommodated — along the frontage could be achieved without conflict of land use0


1100/129/74 —Ha4jBatist Church, Reotorypad - Trustees of the HawkwelLst Church,

Outline application to erect single storey building for Church activities together with kitchen and toilet facilities0

D.T.S. — Grant Permiasion subject to:— 1. Std. Cond, 1. — Reserved matters to be approved. (Exclude landscaping)

2. Stde Cond0 2. — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

3. No new pedestrian access shall be provided for the site except at points A and fl shown on Drawing No.2123.l.

4. Provision shall be made within the site for the parking of not less than 24 cars to the satisfaction of the local plaiting authority prior to the use of the building commencing.

5. Areas for vehicular access and parking shall be laid out and surfaced in accordance with a scheme the details of which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority before the development is commenced0

6. Screen brick walling 1.80 metres high shall be erected along the northern boundary of the site td the satisfaction of the local planning authority before the development now approved is first used.

7. Except so far as it is uecessary to provide pedestrian and vehictiar access at point B shon on Drawing No. 2125.1, existing tree and, shrub growth along the eastern boundary of the site shall be retained and shall not be felled.,lopped or topped without the previous consent in writing of the local plarniing authority. Any trees or shrubs removed without such 'consent or being severely damaged during works of construction shall be replaced with trees or shrubs of such species and sizes as may be agreed with the local planning

authority0 I 8, This permission conveys no approval to the ftture church building indicated on Drawing No. 2123l.

JQTI. Car parking has been determined at 1 space per 100 sq0 feet gross of the new hall which is shown to be 6o feet x 40 feet. Any additional floor space would be provided at the expense of vehicle parking thus the need for imposing condition No. 8, The applicacion has be&n advertised since it is of loca] interest no representations have been received0


ROC/483/74 - Between /,,rasmere Avenue-Mr0 B.A.Sinclair,.

Erect two detached houses.

Frontage of Plot: l8,28m (6020")D Depth of Plot: 36057m (12020!?), Floor Area: 93.36 m2 (1005 sq. ft)0

D.TCSI. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1, Std0 Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2i 2. A scheme of tree planting shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development. Such planting shall be carried out during the first available season following the commencement of development0 Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicant or their successors in title to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

3., Std, Cond0 11. — Submit materials schedule.

4, The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority,


R0C/25J/j4 1, Woodside Chase — Mr. A.P.Passingham.

Extend lounge with two be&rooms over0

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

I, Stdi Cond0 3. — Commence an 5 years0

2. Std0 Cond, 12, — Materials to match ensting,

5l RAYLEIGH ROC/889/74 — 46/48,Hookleygad - Mrs. M0L0 Todman. Permission to use 1 ground floor room of residential dwelling for sale of uniforms and ancillary articles in connection with the Girl Guides & Brownies of the Rayleigh Division (MotYth & South) Girl Guides Association.

D.TOS. — Reftse Permission for the following reasons:—

1. The site lacks any facilities for off street I parking and since the building is located on a classified road close to the brow of a hill, the risk of vehicles slowing and stopping cannot be accepted in the interests of highway safety, a 2. The site lies outside any area allocated primsnly for shopping purposes on the review development plan0


ROC/4p1/57 — Nunzoipal Air ofl, Southend—on—Sea - Borough Council of Soutbend—on—Sea.

Permission to continue use of wooden hut for office accommodation, D.TPS. — Grant Permission eubject to:—

This permission shall expire on the 31st December 197$ and by that date the bailding shall be removed to the satisfaction of the local planning authority unless planning permission has been ought and. obtained to retain the building, (¾ 53. EULLBRIDGE ROCL46/744iGrasmexe Avenue - Mr. C Goofting Site a caravan.

D.T.S. — Grant Peruassjon subject to:—

1. This permission shall erpire on the 31st December 1976.

2. The caravan shall be used only by relatives and friends visiting the applicant, Mr. 0. Gooding, and not for permanent residential occupation.

NOTE: The applicant has resided on this site in a caravan for some 40 years and now asks for a second caravan for use by rleifing relatavas and friends6

54. -'° I

1100/374/74/1 - East of 269 Eook1y Rise-Mr. Harry Rgna.

Erect detached house. (Details).

Frontage of Plotz 24.OOm (78t9ft)9 Depth of Plot 23.50n (ipo"), Floor Area: 99.21 m2 (1067.5 sq.. Vt).

D.T.S. — Grait Permission subject to:-.

Std. Cond. 110 — Submit materials schedule.

55. ROCEPORD I R00J724L4-Rearof for Rochford and. District,

Add kitchen and altar existing building and change use to Von Old People's day centre. 3).TS. — Grant Permission subject to:—

Std. Cond. 3, Commence in 5 ydars. *56. HAKWELL I

Use existing workshop for repair and maintenance of cars at Warren Boarding Kennels. (COUNTY MAnER)

D.TS. — Refuse Permission for the following reason:—

Std, Reason A - M.G.B. — Al — Commercial,

57. \KWELL QQ/49SJ7jerSchqyRoad-FriendsofthsWes±ering Schools.

To provide swimming pool 'enclosure and changing rooms on Site '0' of plan0 1. Stft. Cond. 1. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond. 2. — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.


ROC/497/74 — Land opposite Home Pant, — Exors of A. Bentall (Dec'd).

Outline application for erection of 2 bungalows.

Frontage of Plot: 60.96m (200'O"), Depth of Plot: 21.53m (7o'o").

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std.. Cond. 1. — Reserved matters to be approved. 2. 814. Cond. 2. -. Commence in 5 years or 2 years. • 3. The siting of the dwellings shall provide for a minimum distance of 20 feet between the highway boundary and any garage doors. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1973, express planning permission shall be obtained before any detelopmOnt above ground floor level involving the provision of windows on the rear elevation of the properties is carried out.


R00/654/74 — 41, Poun.tain Lane — Mr. A.J. Philpot.

Enlarge existing dwelling and erect garage.

Extension at side: 3.88m wide x 8.15m (12'9" x 26'9"). Extension at front: 4.87m wide x 5..56m (16' x 18'3"). Garage: 5.8m c 5.8m (i9'o" x 19101?)

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. Std. Oond. 11. — Submit materials schedule.

3. The gateway for vehicular access shall be recessed in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the sketch attached.

4. The garage shall be set bank a minimum of 6.OOm (19'S") from the highway control line affecting the site.


ROC/912/74 — 74, Golden Cross Road, Roohford. — C.S. Wiggins & Sons.Ltd.

Demolish existing bungalow and erect 4 No. one bedroom flats (2 person) with garages.

Frontage Of Plots 15m (49'3"), Depth of Plot: 37.5m (123'), Floor Area: 46,33 m2 (498.75 sq. ft).

C 2.8 D.T.S. — Refuse Permission for the following reasons:—

1. The type of development proposed is incompatible with the character of the area which is comprised generally of single and two storey detached and semi-detached houses and the environment of the occupiers of dwellings next to and near the application site would be adversely affected by the intensification of the use as proposed by the erection of four units of housing acoonmiodation.

2. The Oounci1is policy for the development of small inS ill sites requires that nee dwellings shall be of such frontage and form as to be compatible with the general character of development existing in the area. Each property shall achieve a minimum rear gardeb area of 100m2 and shall ordinarily be provided with one garage or space for garage and one, parking space for cars NYPEg The Ashingdon Parish Oo'pncil draws attention to the fact that redeve1opment of this site would create an aggravation of traffic situation by adding additional vehicles. I 61. HULLBRIDCE R00/632/l4. Site of The Elms11ndemereAvenue—Mr.W Willis.

Erect 4 bedroomed deta3hed house (Details),

Frontage of Plot: lO.06m (33?0u), Depth of Plot: 43m (141'o"), Floor Area: 110.81 m2 (l93 sq. ft).

D.TS. — G1st Permission subject to:— 1. Std. Cond. IL — Submit materials schedule. 2. The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority0 62. IWLLBRThGE I QcL7QgLm -Halcyon Caravan Paxk, Poolea Lane-Mr. W0J, Cat on. Permission to extend occupation time of designated holiday period from 8 to l2mmths,

D.T.S. — Refuse permission for the following reason:— The site is within an area allocated for holiday purposes in the review of the County of Essex Development Plan and has the benefit of planning permission for holiday caravans which may be occupied between the 1st March and the 31st October in any year. Such period for occupation is regarded as reasonable for holiday purposes and e local planning authority can find no case for a change in their policy.

29 . 63. HULLBRIDGE Halcyon Caravan Park, Pooles Lane - Mr. W.J. Caton.

Addition of one caravan for residential use of permanent employee.

D.T.S. — Grant Pennission subject to:—

1. Bid. Cond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2. The occupation of the caravan shall be limited, to a person employed in the management and supervision of the Halcyon Caravan Park.


R0Q/791/73 — Land off Briar Close — G.E.S. Developments.

Erect 26 houses with garages. (Details) (10 pairs and two terraces, each of 3).

Frontage of Plots: 9.73m (32'o"), Depth of Plot: 23.1Gm (76'O"), Floor Area: 3 bedroom semi—detached houses 93.80m2 (1009 sq.ft), 3 bedroom terraced houses 94.0m2 (1011 sq,.ft).

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Development Orders 1973 and 1974 no walls or fences or other means of enclosure shall be ereoted within the ourtilage of any dwelling house in front of the forwardmost part of that dwelling house (except as may otherwise be required by conditions attached hereto, or as msy be the subject of further reserved matters). I

2. A scheme of tree planting shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development. Such planting shall be carried out during the first available season following the commencement of development. Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall be replaced by the applicant or their successors in t&tle to the satisfaction of the local planning autborlty.

3. There shall be no obstruction to visibility within the a areas of sight lines 2lm (6'Iil" x 2.lm (6'll") to be s provided on both sides of all drives/hardstandings. 4. The areas sba'wri for parking together with all access ways to garages shall be surfaced to the satisfaction of the local planning authority commensurate with the occupation of the dwellings.

5. The carriageway of the proposed estate road shall be constructed pi?ior to the commencement of the erection of any residential development proposed to have access from such road and the proposed road, and turning spaces, where applicable, shall be constructed in such a manner as to ennure that each dwelling before it is occupied shall be served by a properly consolidated and surfaced carriageway between the dwellings and existing highway. Purther, the footways and footpaths commensurate with the frontage of each dwelling shall be constructed and completed by the date of occupation of the dwellings.

6. The rear amenity areas for the houses on Plots 12 and 15 shall be provided at not less than 100 square metres each0 7. The footpath link proposed along the southern side of new estate road shall be surfaced and joined with the existing public footpath along the southern boi.mdary of the site, to the satisfaction of the local planning authority before any dwelling is occupied. NOTE:— Permission in outline for 26 houses was granted on appeal lthJuly 1974. I


I ROO/980/L4 - 27, Greenswa±dIare-Messihton &codfT. Demolish existing and erect detached louse and garage.

Frontage of Plot: 9.29m (30'G"), Depth of Plot: 47.24m (l55101T), Floor Area: 125 m2 (1345 sq. ft).

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Oond. 3 — Commence in 5 years0

2, The dwlling shall be resited to the satisfaction of the looa:1 paanning authority to provide for a turning space for vehicles within the site9 the recessing of the gateway in acocrdance with the details 'inthcated. on the sketch attached and for space for the parking of a oar clear of the recessed access0

3. A scheme of tree planting shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority pricr to the ocwmienoement of development0 Such planting shall be carried out during the first available season following the commencement of development. Any tree or shrub dying within five years of planting shall he replaced by the applicant or their successors in title to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

4. The floor space shown for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwefling without the prior approva] in writing of the local planning authority,


ROC/894/74 - 119, DawslleathRoad-Mr0 R.KMold.

Add bathroom and bedroom extension.

2.74an wide x 8.l3m (910 x 26'6).

J (4 31 . D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. SM. Cond. 3. — Conmience in 5 years.

2. SM. Cond. 12. — Materials to match existing.


ROC/831/74 — 157,Down Hall Road — Messrs. Helena Developments (Tiay1eig) Limited.

Outline application to demolish existing and erect 2 houses and garages and to include rear garage access to Plo. 159.

Frontage of Plot: l9.05m (62'5"), Depth of Plot: 30.4Sm (ioo'o").

D.T.S. — Grant Permission subject to:—

1. Std. Cond. 1. — Reserved matters to be approved.

2. Std. Cond, 2, — Commence in 5 years or 2 years.

3. Details of the screening walls and/or fencing or other means of screening, together with their positioning shall be submitted for approval by the local planning authority before the development is commenced. and. shall be erected prior to the occupation of the dwelling units.

4. There shall be no obstruction to visibility within the areas of the sight splays hatched blue on the plan returned herewith, at the junction of Teigimtoubh Drive and Down Hall Rcad 5, There shall be no obstruction to visibility within the area shown hatched blue on drawing No, 714 Ba at the junction of the proposed garage access and Teigmnouth Drive. 6. The gateways for vehicular access shall be linked and' recessed in accordance with the dimensions indicated on the sketch attached,

7. A distance of not less than 6 metres shall be provided between garage doors and gates on the Down Hall Road frontage.


I have decided the following planning applications in accordance with the policy of delegation:—


P.00/849/74 Extend. rooms in roof to form third bedroom and. reposition bathroom at 19, Newton Hall Gardens, Ashingdon. - Mr. K. Hastingse

P.00/874/74 Add room in roof to form bedroom at 25, Golden Cross Road, Ashingdon Mr. MG. Tamo.

P.00/730/74 Fh,ectaon of detached garage, shower room and extension to bedrooms at 26, Centra1 Avenue, Rawkwell — Mr. S.W. Watson.

1100/964/74 Add. front porch at 29, Canewd.on View Road, Ashtngdon - Mr. A. Smith.

P.00/857/74 Construc?t 3 bedrooms in roofspaoe at 53, The Bramleys, Hawkwell - Mr. Clover,

R00/781/74 Extend kitchen and relocate garage at 34, Clifton Road, Hawkwell — Mr. P,J0 Ridley.

P.00/817/74 Add conservatory to rear of property at 10, Mansted Gardens, Uawkwell — Mr. P. HillQ

P.00/825/74 Add sun bnxtge, hail and poroh at 30, Banyard Way,Rochford — Kr. F. Enfield.

1100/822/74 Demolish existing and ereot detached g&rage at 23, Uplands Road, Rawkwell — Mr. K.V. Cole0

1100/830/74 Add dining-room extension to rear of 14, Folly Lane, Hockley — Mr. G.P. Barnes,

1100/845/74 Extend garage to form double garage at 'Zermatt", Church Road, Hobkley. — Mr. G.0. White.

1100/924/74 Front extension to garage and new front porch, W.C. and extension at rear and side to provide new dining room and a tore at 23, Fernd.alo Road, Rayleigh. — Mr. L. Bayfield.

ROC/840/74 Outline application to add detached double and construct drive-rn at 17, Brook I garage Close, Rochford — Mr. N. Maxim. 33 S R0C/797/74 Demolish existing conservatory and erect rear extension at 203, ugh Street, Great Wakering — Mr. L.J, Street.

ROC/970/74 Add additional garage at 29, Whitehall Road, Great Wakering - Mr. N.T.W. Rose,

RO0/534/74 Delete reguirements of condition no. 2 and vary requirements' of condition no. 3 of planning permission RAY/37171, to provide for close boarded fencing, 6 feet high along the easteni boundary of 18, Louise Road, Rayleigh, instead of decorated screen brick walling. — B. Spencer Developments Limited.

R0C/810/74 Add garage at 20, Mayfield Avenue, Rullbridge — Mr. E. Randolph.

ROC/833/74 Add rear extension to form lounge and. kitchen at 14, Nelson Gardens, Rayleigh — Mr. T. Fletcher.

ROC/908/74 Detached garage at "The Oaks", Pocles Lane, Ru.llbridge — Mr. G. Pelling.

R0O/965/74 Add kitchen and W10. extension with bedrccm over at 6, Pocles Lane, Rullbridge — Mr & Mrs. C. Barker.

ROC/887/74 Add barroom for storage purposes at 1, Monnngtcn Avenue, Rochford. — Mr. T011. Allaby.

ROC/876/74 Room in roof to form bedroom at 100, Broad Walk, Hockley - Mr. 3. Naomahon.

ROC/88l/74 Erect garage and car—port at 4, Marshalla Eawkwell — Mr. W.H. Gaest.

R0C/885/74 Add front porch at 23, Hawtho:rne Gardens, Hockley — Mr. B.J. Sargent.

R0C/890/74 Erect double garage at 5, The Knoll, Rayleigh - Mr. F. Seanan.

ROC/877/74 Extension to garage at "Ccvertside", Rcsilian Drive, Lower Road, B/budge— Mr. David Van Ecuten.

Add lounge and kitchen extensicn to reat at 9, ROC/S78/74 a. Warwick Gardens., Rayleigh - Mr. D.R. Wendelkin.

ROC/775/74 Add extension to form tbedxcom4itchen/livirig accommodation t 98, J)o'wnhall Road, Rayleigh — Mr. B. Lemon.

ROC/893/74 Add sunlounge, outside W.C./sbower & tool shed at 4, Brackendale Close, Rockley — Mr. A.'J. Morton.


In accordance with the policy of delegation, I have decided the following applications submitted under the Building Regulations:—


8299 Extend living area at 50, Windermere Avenue, Hullbridge — Mr. NJ. Lammert.

8300 Kitchen extension at 19, Bu.flwood. Road9 Hockley — Mr. Thtrcb.

8301 tfring-room addition , enlarge bedrooms, anstal shower room at 8, Louise Road, Rayleigh Mr. L0A. Thomas.

8302 Add living room extension at 42, Albany Road, Rayleigh Mr. J. Foreman.

8303 Garage with bedrooms over at 241, Ashingdon Road9 Hawkweli. - Mr. G. Hayes0

$304 Lounge and kitchen extension and car—port at 10, Msnsted Gardens9 Hawi&cll Mt. T. Hill. 8305 Add front porch and rear extension at 148, Hockley Road, Rayleigh — Mr. P. Green0

8306 Add kitchen with bedroom over at 10, Dalys Road, Roohiord Mr. A0T. Nash.

8307 Bonocm extension at I, Nornington Avenue, Rockford — Mr. Pu. Allaby.

8308 Add side and rear extension with bedroqms over together with integral garage at 66, Victor Gardens9 Hawkwell.

8309 Garage at The Oaks, Ponies Lane, Hulibridge — Mr. G. Pelling.

8310 Ttzo storey shop on land. to east side of No. 24 Math Road9 Hookley Mr. G.M. Sewell. (Leisure Furnishing tSriited), 8311 Double garage at 5, The Knoll, Rayleigh — Mr0 F0 Seaman. 8312 Add two bedrooms a-. Madrid Avenue, Rayleigh Mr. 3). Burton0

35$ .1

8313 Dining—room extension at 81, Nevern Road, Rayleigh - Mr. & Mrs. G. Snelling0

8314 Detached chalet with garage at 49, Eastbury Aveine, Hawkwell - ?higgleton Building Contractors, Limited.

8315 Two detached bungalows with garages on site of 5, Stanley Road, Hawkwell — Muggleton Building Contractors lImited.

8317 Lounge and bedroom extension at 7, Rayleigh Avenue, Rayleigh — Mr. T.E. Bennett.

8316 Detached garage at 24, Winbrook Road, Rayleigh - Nr Gonsal.

6319 Amended plans of House No. 7542, 7, Grasmere Avenue, Hullbridge — Mr. Kr Morgan.

8320 Kitchen extension at 12, Canute Closes, Canewdon — Captain Milibank.

8321 Replace existing with Bow Window at tiCaprilt, Hazcdwick Close, Rayleigh — Mr. Royser.

8322 Garage at 6, Exinouth Drive, Rayleigh — Mr. C0Th, Fairmaner.

8323 Detached house and. garage at 16, Fountain Lane, Hookley — Mr. A.G. Ainge. 8324 Conservatory at 2, Goldsworthy Drive, Great Wakering — Mr. A. Cooper.

8325 Conservatory at 36, Love Lane, Rayleigh — Mr. C.W. Craig.

6326 Add lounge and 3rd bedroom at 79, Folly Lane, Hookley — Mr. R.G.WO Shearman.

8328 Instal settlement tank at Edge Cottage, Woodside Road — Hockley. — Mr. J. Barrett.

8329 Replace existing timber floors with solid floors at 39, Lasoellea Gardens, 'Hàwkwéll — Mr. H. Packer.

8330 Garage converson at 91, C.rasmere Avenue, Hullbridge — Mr. J.D. Cassidy.

8331 Bedroom, living—room, bathroom and kitchen extension at 49, Crouch Avenue, Rullbridge — Mr. Moore0

8332 Kitchen extension at 147, Stambndge Road, Rochford — Mr. Robertson0

8333 Kitchen extension at 36, Lower Lambrioks, Rayleigh — Mr. Osbourne.

S 8334 Dining—room, store, WC. and garage extension at 23, Fernd.ale Road, Rayleigh — Mr. L. Bayfield0

8335 Lounge extension at 11, Jubilee Road, Rayleigh Mr. LB. Ne%iman0

8336 Drnng-room extension at 21, Enouth Drive, Rayleigh — Mrs. B0 Ciaxton0

8337 Add. two—storey extension at 29, Newton Hall Gardens, Ashingdon — Mr. Weeks.

8338 Su.n—lounge, outside W.C, and shower, and tool shed at 4, Erackendale Close, ockley Mr. A.J. Morton,

8339 Erect porch at 19, Cotswold Avenue, Rayleigh — Mr. R. Freeman,

8340 Demolish edsting and. erect two detached chalets and garages at 49, Albert Road, Hawkwel]. - 0.5, Wiggins & Sons Limited.

8341 Rooms in roof at 5, The Dales, }Iawkwell — Mr. D.C0 Reddington.

8342 Garage at 27, Broad Way, Hockley — Mr. H. C onnelly.

8343 Car—port at 6, Manor Road, Hookley Mr. M. Jacks om'Baker.

8344 Dining—room/kitchen ertenson at 9, Braokendale Close, Huckley — Mr, B, TLlbrook.

8345 Front porch at 29, Can.ewdon View Road, Ashingdon - Mr0 A. Smith0

8346 Front porch and boundary wall at 31, Canewdon View Road, Aflingdon — Mr0 P. Sampson.

8347 Internal alterat;Lc-ns at 10—12 High Street, Great Wakering - Mayhew McCrThnons Limited.

8348 Chiller and freezer storage at 29, High Street, Rayleigh Mr, LA0 Byford0

8352 Garage at 20, Brooklyn. Drive, Rayleigh — Mr. U.N. Potter. I

8353 Add roar extension at 7, Rookery Close,Eayloigh Mr, Wilson0

8354 Bathroom oxtension at 41, Castle Road, Rayleigh — Mr. J.E. Evans,

8355 Conversion of existing integral garage to bedroom. and domestic etore and erection of new garage at Rose Bungalow, Parkhurst Drive, Rawroth - Mr, F. McGuLre. 37& 8556 Utility room extension on side of house and rear of garage at 43, Warwick Gardens, Rayleigh — Kr. Saxauels,

8357 Erect 2 pairs semi—detached houses at Three Oaks, Windermere Avenue, Hullbridge — OS. Wiggins & Sons United.

8358 Erect garage at 51, Golden Cross Road, Ashingdon — Mr. G. Anderson,

8359 Add conservatory at 55A Alexandra Road, Great Wakering — Mr. E, LLfllpton.

8360 Rear extension at 20, Beycroft Road, Hatwell — Mr. J, .

8361 Add car—port at 17, Orchard Avenue, Hockley — Mr. W.A. Ling.

8562 Garage at 20, Marylands Avenue, Hockley — Mr. A.F. Churchill.

8363 Room over garage at 20, Marylands Avenue, Hockley — Mr. A.]?. Churchill,

8364 Dining-room from garage at 65, Orchard Avenue, Hockley — Mr. Scenes.

8365 Extension to form kitchen and bathroom and carport at 392, Rectory Road, Ha'wkwell — Mr. J0 Hale,

8366 New kitchen extension at 46, Eastbury Aveni.e, Hawkwell — Mr. M.Bell.

8367 Conservatory at 34, Princess Gardens, Hawkwell - Mr. A.P. Hayden. IIEIThICTIONS

8316 Lounge and. kitchen extension at 6, Rookery Close, Rayleigh — Mr4 D.E. Baimes. (Section 64, B.R. K1(3) and 1(3(1).

8327 Detached house at "Meadowside7t, West Avenue, Hullbridge — Mr. H. MacLeod. (E.5. — Fire resistance of elements of structure, E.7. — External walls).

8349 Erection of detached hcu,se and garage at east of 26, Rockley I4se, Rayleigh — H. Rona. (Sectioninfrm, 64 B.R0 AlO — Schedule 2 — Insufficient

8350 Erection of 2 detached houses and garages at site of Mount View, 35, Waxwell Road, Hullbridge — Ayres, Williams & Bennett. (Section 64 B.R. AlO — Schedule 2 — Insufficient information).

S 8351 Add bedroom extension at 24, Sunnyfield C4ardens,llockley - Mr. I)onohuge. (Section 64 —E.110 AlO — Schedule 2 — Insufficient information.)

8368 Temporary storage building for LEP Air Services Limited at Southend Airport, Rocbford. I (Section 64 E,5 (External walls) E.7. (Unprotected areas)0 ROCEFOIU) DISPRICT COUNCIL Minntesof the Hou4g Beririoe Committee At aJe4 held. ct_uaUjt$ Pregntt Council) ore J,R. Wamer dhathuen), Lfl. Aaoook, IL flaokburn, Miss J,11, Brosning, Mrs. F,L Clayton, LJC. Cope, Lii, Fudge, LA. Grove, Mrs. J.L Jones, Mrs. LW. Madden, IL McCauley, fl, MoKinnell, C. Stephenson, W,J. Traoey antI D.C. WOOd.

Viaitizi Cotncillors S,W. Barnard, fl.A, Crick, flit. Fowter and D,A4 Ives.


19, Resolved, that the Minubes of the meetings held on 28th November iM iGtE ])eoember, 1974 be approved as a correct record and eigtted by the Ohairuan. APOLO FOR ABINO2

20. An apology for abeence was received from Couricillor A.R,Mv,timer.


21, The Chairman repot'ted that Ooi.moillors S.W, Barrxax&, BA, Crick, Dii, Fowler and fl.A, Iven were attending. a4s1a2L HOUSIN,Q49!P l9— ?9W,PLkL-.

22, The flireulor of M1ninietration reported. tha'b Notice had been senod upon all persons so entitled that at this meeting the condition of the houses and any offer with respect bo the oarzying out of works, or the future use thereof, woud b4 oonmidered. No offer of works had been i,eoeivsd.

That in aooofleaoe with eotion i(i) of 'the Housing lot I9tiewolition Orders be made, to ihioh the Common Seal of the Council be affixed,, in respect of 194 aM 19G High Street, Great Wakening, (4$03)


23, The ireotor of Rsa.t'bh nnd oumin submitted a report upon this property which was conRidered ho be unfit for huuian hhitation,

ffi47!, that the Council, being tistied that 24 t, Johns BoaL, Grawb Walcering is untit for buuma habitation end Sm not capable at reonab1e n.penn of being xzdarfl ao Cft SOtV$ Notio' Upon all persons sxvtiflect bhereto of the time snd plao at which the condition of tb house and any offe r with rem rb to the canin out of works or the future use thereof will, be considered, (5B3

24 The Coiwnittea oonidare41, the private end confidential report ci' the Work BWdy Officer upon the present cm*ah3,iathmen't of 'the flimo'b Labour oros in relation 'to housing main knanos standards aM noted that in order to maintain the present freq,uency of internal aM external deooratia it would. be naoemseq' to employ add.itiona) staff as ,' in the report, , . Housing Services Committee

BEC0NNEDED That the Work Study Report on the Direct Labour Force be adopted and implemented as soon as possible.


25, Consideration was given to the Motion of which notice had been given by Councillor LA0 Crick pursuant to Standing Order No0 5, and which by Minute 1176/74 had been referred to the Committee for consider- ation and report in accordance with Standing Order No.5.5.

Resolved that no action be taken upon this Motion. (231)


26 The Committee's Draft Revenue Estimates for 1975/76 were oonsidered.

BECOt'IMENIIED (1) That no action be token in relation to the Committee's Revenue Estimates for 1975/76 'until such time as farther infornation is available as to subsidy levels.

(2) That a Special Meeting of the Committee be convened as soon as this inforuation is available. (708)


27. The Director of Administration reported as follows:—

"The above dwellings have been vacated in accordance with the Council's policy and the Loner tenants have submitted claims fqr a Home Loss Payment to which they a"e entitled. Their claims have been found eligible for payments"

BECCNMEINI)ED (1) That in response to the submitted claims, Home Loss Payments under Part III of the Land Compensation Act 1973 be made to —

Miss B0 Kennaugh — £150 — 48 Locks Hill Miss N, Lee — £150 — 16 Locks Hill Mrs. H3 C'Riordan — £150 — 24 Locks Hill

(2) That expenditure of £450 be approted subject 'to the. Finance and Prsoznel Committee approving a supplementary estimate of that amount. (963) ]XPROVEMEThIT GBMPPS

28, The Director of Health and Housing reported as follows:— S "The Government has brought into operation the provisions of the Housing Act 1974, which deals with House Renovation Grants. The new scteme if only broadly similar to the previous one. The Department of the Environment Circular 160/74 deals with House Renovation Grants and Compulsory Improvement Notices, but the new booklet explaining grants to the public is still in the early stages of preparation. There are now four types of House Renovation Grants for which local authorities may now, subject to certain qualifications, entertain applications:—

,mprovement Grants — available at the discretion of the local authority for works normally of a high all—round standard for the improvement ci conversion — plus repair — of properties with a good life ahead of them. They nw include works required for the welfare, accommodation Housing Services Committee or enrplojment of a registered disabled person (unless the works fall within the provisions of the Intermediate Grant)0 Authorities may fix the amount of grant up to a maximum "appropriate percentage't of the eligible expense0 Dhe "appropriate percentage" of the eligible expense in this Council's district is at the moment 50% bub the local authority now has the discretion to approve grants at percentages lower should they so wish. The Secretary of State far the Environment has, by 0rder raised the limits of eligible expense and it is now £3,200 in normal cases and £3,700 where a houSe of three or more storeys is being converted0 He has also specified £175 (outside London) as the rateable value limit on Improvement Grants for dwellings for owner-occupation6 To reach the conditions the dwelling has to be

a provided with all the standard amenities b be in good repair a prcitide satisfactory housing accothmodation for peI?iod Of 30 years (ci) (±) be substantially free from damp (ii) have adequate natural lighting and ventilation in each habitable room (iii) have adequate and safe provision throughout for artificial lighting, end have sufficient electric socket outlets for the safe end proper functioning of domestic appliances iv) be provided with adequate drainage facilities v) be in a stable structural condition vi) have satisfactory internal arrangement vii) have satisfacthry facilities for preparing and dooking food (viii) be provided with adequate facilities for heating (it) have proper provision for the storage of fuel (where necessary) and for the storage of refuse and (x) conform with the specifications applicable to the thermal insulation of roof spaces laid down' in Part P of the Building Itegalations in force at the date of the grant approval Local authorities have also been given the discretion to reduce these standards b,r dispensing with certain of these provisions. The previous attended Standard Grants (for bathroom additions, drainage systems etc.) have been taken out of the Intermediate Grant scheme and placed in the Improvement drant scheine Subject to the relevant provisions of the Act, however, it is open to grant aid such works by approving Improvement Grants for this purpose, to a rOduoed standard, if necessary0 The Secretary of State hopes that applications relating to such totks would receive no less4 sympathetic consideratioh for approval for impmvement grant than would have been the case had the former provisions relating to Standard Grants continued to apply.

IntgnrediateGrents — generally obtainable by owners as of right for the installation of missing standard amenities and the execution of repairs. The maximum eligible expense for Intermediate Grants is £700 for the provision of standard amenities and £800 for repairs; grants are fixed by reference to the appropriate percentage of eligible expense, which again in our case is 50%, Schedule 6 of the Housing Act 1974 specifies the standard amenities and the manmuTh.' eligible amount — 4o I Housing Services Commit

A fixed bath or shower • ee ... 100 A hot end cold, water supply at a fixed bath or shower •oq abe 140 Lwash—handbasin sos ose 50 A hot and cold water suply at a wash— hand basin ., ... 70 A sink •• 100 A hot and cold water supply at a sink 90 A water closet oêo •eo eta eso 150

Th reach the conditions there is a five point standard to whioh the property must comply when the works are completed —

(a) must be provided with all the standard amenities (b) must be in good repair having regard to its age, character and locality (c) complies with Part P of the Building Regulations applicable to roof spaces for thernal insulation (d) that it is fit for human habitation (Housing Act 1957) (e) will be available as a dwelling for a 15 year life aiLard Grants — availabl at the local authority's discretion, for the installation of standard amenities in houses in multiple occupation at a maximum appropriate percentage of the rates of eligible expense set out in Schedule 6 of the Act0 As there is very little housing in multiple occupation in this area, these grants will be of minimal use in this district. Grants — available at the discretion of the local authority for the repair of dwelling's (and not, being works associated with the improvement or provision by conversion of dwellings) within housing action areas and. general improvement areas in cases where the authority thinks it appropriate after taking into account the capacity of the applicant to finance the work without grant aid. This grant may be fixed by the authority up to a maximum appropriate percentage of eligible expense which itself may not exceed £800. At the moment this authority does not have any general improvement areas and the provisions of the new concept of housing action areas are not yet ftlly ]mown0 Should either a. general improvement area or housing action area be considered by the Council, a full report will be given for their consideration."

BEC0?YTh[IIND)D (1) That the Council delegate to the Housing Services Cnmmittee authority to detennine applications for Improvement Grants within established Council policy0

(2) That the Council adopt a standard equal to that of the Internediate Grant for the provision of (a) an addition or conversion of outbuildings to contain standard amenities, or (b) a drainage sSrstem, in cases where the intention is to provide only standard amenities plus repairs0

(3) That in the two instances outlined in Item (2) the application be deternined by the Director of Health and Housing.

I (4) That the Director of Health and Housing be authorised to approve all applications for Intermediate and Special Grants, (5) That applications with a recommendation for refusa a Rousing ges_Commi

DISCREITIONARY IPR0'lEINT GRABTS 22 Victoria R2 Rayflg 29. The Director of Health and Housing certified that this was a satisfactory owner/occupied property on which to offer grant in accordance with the Council policy and that the reasonable costs of the work were— provemente £ Rp airs £ Strip off existing slate roof 860 Nil and battens, provide and fix roofing felt, battens and retile, £860a = The total cost of all the wo±s pleamed was £1076.,

Repolved that the application for Discretionary Improvement Grant be approved in respect of an approved expense qf £860 and a grant of £430 be paid on satisfactory completion of the wo&s (5458) Great Theatleys Roayjg

30. The Director of Health and. Housing certified that this was a satisfactory owner/occupied property Si which to offer grant in accordance with Council policy and that the reasonable costs of the works were:—

Imxrovemes i.s £ Strip, felt and 647 Nil batten existing roof

The total estimated cost of all the works planned was €l,5O0 g_lved that the application for Discretionary Improvement Grant be approved in respect of an approved expense of £647 and. a rant of £323.50 be paid on satisfactory completion of the workS. (7291) SOC L I

31. The Director of Health end Housing reported that arrangements had been made by the Essex County Ccuncil for a further Conference between Members of the County Social Services Comuzittee and representatives of District Councils to be held at County Hall on Monday, 17th Febraary 1975, at 1O.,30a,m. to discuss welfare matters.

BEC0E That Councillors Mrs0 P0E. Clayton, L0K. Cope and Mrs. MT. Ma4den, together with the Director of Health and Housing, be appointed as the Council9 a representatives to attend this Conference. (214/6) OdDIWIL PROPERTIES - RENT ARJflATES Rent Arrears

32. The Conaittee noted that arrears of £7,119.53 were outstanding in respect of 701 cases as at 13th December l974

I t1 42 I H I Housing Services Committee Lu Rent Rebates, Rent Allowances and Rate Rebate Applications

33. The Committee noted that during the period let November to 31st December 1974 the following applications had been dealt with:—

Rent Rebates Total No. of Average 1,11.74. to Previous Report Applications Weekly 31.12.74. 1.10.74. to Rebate — 31.10.74.

Approved 378 2.48 66 312 Not granted 22 8 14 Rent Allowances Unfurnished Approved 96 296 10 86 Punished Approved 4 2Q38 4 Rate Rebate! Approved 237 0.69 35 202 Not granted 13 5 8


Close, Great Wakering (See Minute 1077/741

34, The Director of Administration drew attention to his report which had been circulated to Members prior to the Council Meeting held on 30th December 1974, but which report had not been considered at that meeting. He further verbally reported upon the present stage reached ft the negotiations for the purchase by the Council of these 16 properties, subsequent to Minute 1077/74 which had set out the basis for the terms of the contract. Contracts were now about to be exchanged between the three private owners and the developers and 'between the developers and the Council, subject to a number of safeguards on the part of the private owners as to the time of completion of their sale to the developer, and, additionally in the case of one of the owners to an escape clause, if alternative accommodation could not be found within the time stipulated. The Director also reported that it this owner could be given two specific assurances regarding availability of mortgage facilities end the crucial importance of this particular property to the scheme as a whole then it was likely that he would withdraw the escee clause from his ccntract and sign an unconditional contract similar to that signed by the other two owners. A similar escape clause had been inserted by the developer in his contract with the Council end the Director would require removal of this clause if the private owner removed his escape clause.

The Director was of the opinion that, in the even'b that unconditional contracts were simultaneously exchanged between the three private owners and the developer and between the developer and the Council, then the Council's policy as set out in Minute 1077 had. been satisfied. R$OOJ That, the Oomittee being satisfied that the action taken by the Director of Administration is in accordenoe with the policy expressed in Minute 1077, the Director of Administration be authorised to complete the purchase of all 16 properties in Broughsm Close, Great Wakering, subject to the simultaneous exchange by afl parties of "unconditional" contracts, at the purchase price of £150,000, (this figure including £40,000 for the land) for the 13 unoccupied properties, and £32,500 for the 3 occ'uied properties.

43 Housing Services Committee


The Director of Administration having reported that the purchase of the 16 houses at Brougham Close, Great Wakering would not admit of any delay, the Chairman of the Oouncil after consultation with the Chairmen of the Policy and Resources and Housing Services Committees, authorised. the immediate siiing of the contract, in accordance with Standing Order No.18, provided he had en assurance in writing from the Director of Administration that the escape clause had been deleted end the contracts were unconditional.) (4669)

35rropertieth The Wa1kflullbrid

35. The Director of Administration reported upon the detailed negotiations so far undertaken for the purchase of these properties, and reminded Members that the terms of the tender of C.S, Wiggins had been set out in Para0 (b) of his resort circulated to Members and referred to in the preceding Minute.

RECOMMENDED That the Director of Administration be authorised to sii the contract and complete the purchase of the freehold of the 35 dwellings, subject to the consent of the Department of the Environment being obtained, at a building price of £352,750, this figure excluding €105,000 for the land, making a total contract price of £457,750. (4664)


36. The Djrector of Health and Housing reported on the persona]. circumstances of this Warden and the Committee noted that the Chairman of the Committee had authorised her rehousing under the powers granted to him by Standing Order 31,


37. The Director of Health and Housing reported as follows:—

"This application was accepted on 7th June 1974 and it was subsequently found that the applicants were living in an unauthorised caravan.

As a matter ofpolicy the Council do not accept applicsnt on the Waiting List for permanent houses who are residing an caravans occupying sites which contravene planning law.

This applicant's family comprises man, woman and a baby son born on 9th October 1974. The caravan which they occupy is a small trailer unit and, not being desigoed for permanent occupation, suffers from dampness due to condensation, Medical advisers and social workers are concerned at the conditions under which the baby is living0

The applicant claims that he has only reoently been informed of the Council's policy regarding applications from caravan dwellers on,- unauthorised Bites and asks for his case to be reconsidered."

EECOI4t'JEBDED (1) That the application be not accepted.

(2) That the question of the siting of the caravan be referred to the Environmental Health and Control Committee. 44 Q . cue ive Commitbee SAlE OP PRIVATE HOUSES TO TEB COUNCIL-lB ROCEJAL ROCBPODD (See Minute ioflL7 38. The Chief Executive reported upon the terms negotiated for the acquisition of this property,

RECONMDNDE]) That the Chief Executive be authorised to complete the purchase of 18 Rocheway, Rochford at the price negotiated by- the Counoil5s Valuers. (5208)




Minutes of the Develppment Services Committee

At an adjourned Meeti aj3th January 19j5. Present: Council1 ors C.I).Bright (Ohairman), E.H.Adoock, S.W.Barnard, R.])lackburn, Miss J.R.1)rowning, J.H.Oarter, L.K.Cope, B.A.Crick, Mrs. E.LPrarik, C.B.Gowlett, A.J.Harvey, A.J.Uumby, D.A.Ives, Mrs. J.M.Jones, TYLL. Kennaugh, Mrs. M.T.Madden, E.V.Naton, R.McCainley, D.McKannell, CR. Morgan, R.D.Needham, P.J.S-tanton, C.Stephenson, A.L.Tate, W.J. Tracey and D.C.Wood.


39. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of the Chairman of the Council, Councillor L.H.Eadge and Counoillors M.P.Cowen, S.B.R. Fletcher, D.R.Powler, A.R.Mu.timer and G.Yoting.


40. The Chairman reported that Councillor Young was in Rospital and that a letter had already been sent wishing him a speedy recovery.

SOBITOIJIE OP DEVI]LOPME]NT APPLICATIONS MI]) RECOIENTDATIOIW 41. Resolved that decisions be made in accordance with the recormendations appearing in paragraphs 23 — 67 inclusive of the Schedule appended to the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th January 1975, with the undermenti oned exceptions: —

That whilst approving this application the applicants be advised that the Council would. be opposed to any further extension of shopping use at this site. Paag.nPO8i2a4 That no decision be made upon this application which was withdrawn from the Schedule, Para4QQL/14 I

That the Essex County Council be informed that permission has been granted and be asked in view of the concern expressed by Hockley Parish Council to ensure that the proposed lay-by is sited satisfactorily; and requested to consider widening the footway in Greensward Lane in the vicinity of the site. 5L:_PcLftQ2bA That no decision be made upon this application which was withdrawn from the Schedule. Paraj7 ROCJ4QS/j4 That the words "grant permission subject to:-" be inserted after the description of the application.

46 I Pa60 - ROC/9J7L

That the application be approved subject to Standard Conditions 3 and U. Pan 67 -flli That consideration of the application be deferred for further informaton


Minutes of the Recreation and Amenities Committee

4tJet4&heldonlthJazsr)9fl.1 Present: Counoiliors troveCiaitmanTTiHAdcook, S .W.BaxMTtBlackbuxn, C )D. Bright, J.R.Carter, L.K.Oope, N.,P.Oowen, B.A.Orick, LM.Frank, L0R.Fadge, L.J,Rarvey, D0A.Ives, N.L.Kennaugh, Miss E.LLegtt, E.LMaton, G.C.Old.buty and. C.Stephenson

jjjjflg: CounciiloraD.R.Fowler, C.B.Gowlett, Mrs. LT,Nadden and RJ4cCamley. MDIUS

42. Resolved. that the Mjnirtes of the Meeting held on 3rd December 1974 be approved as a correct recoid and siied by the (Thai maa


43 Apologies for absence were submitted. on behalf of Councillors A.RJYIu.t liner and (hYoung.


44. The Chairman reported that Councillors D.R.Fowler, C.B.Gowlett, Mrs14.T0 Madden and R.MoCamley veto attending.


45. The Chaitman reported that he had received. a letter from Councillor Young who was in hospital and the Chief Executive was requested to convey the - wishes for a speedy recovery.

46. The Director of Administration reported and the Committee noted that no answer had yet been received from the County Council to this Counails insistence upon a specified type of management structure.

PEOOWEMDEID That the Director of Administration inform the County Council that no provision will be made in the Revenue Estimates for this scheme, unless a reply is reoeivM fTtm the County Council by the date of the next Finance and Personnel Committee, 21st January0(6006)

47, The Committee considered the Draft Revenue Estimates for 1975/76.

Resolved (i) that the Draft Revenue Estimates of the Recreation I and Amenities Committee, as now amended, be submitted to the Finance and Personnel Committee0 (2) that a detailed analysis of the Central Administration Expenses in respect of all items be submitted to the Finance and Personnel Committee. (3) that increases in the charges for the use of Ashingdon Playing Field be made in. order to keep the charges in line with other playing fie]4s wi1hin the District. (706)

48. The Committee received the appen4ed report of the Recreation Centre Management Committee. 43

______I . Recreation and Amenities Committee Resolved that the Report be adopted. (6746)

FOULING OF PLAYING FIELDS BY DOthS 49. The Director of Administration reported. as follows:- "The Rochford Hundred Parish Councils Liaison Committee have requested that a Bye-law be made making it an offence to allow a dog to foul parks or playing fields. These types of Bye-laws usually prove very hard to .tt

RECOMMEffDED That no action be taken at the present time but that the Director of Technical Services report -ho a future meeting on alternative methods of dealing with this problem including the possibility of providing dog toilets for playing fields throughout the Distnct.(641)

50. The Director of Administration reported as follows:—1 "The Bechford District Sports Council have asked the Council for permission to hold a Festival of Sport for 1975, sImilar to that organi— sed last year, to be hold at the Recreation Ground, Stambridge Road, Rochford on 12th July. In the past the Rayleigh Urban District Council have guaranteed any losses incurred by the Sports Council up to £250, although the losses last year were borne wholly by the Sports Council.

REC0MENDED That th Sports Council be given permission to hold a Festival of Sport on the Recreation Ground at Stambridge Road, Rochford and any losses incurred by them be guarsnteed up to a maximum of £250.(70l)

51. The Director of Administration re-submitted the attached revised estimates and. details 0±' the 1975 play- schemes. The Committees attention was drawn to the issues involved and whilst Members appreciated the value of a well organized scheme the need to reduce expenditure was paramount. A basic scheme was sugssted which would provide a higher ratio of children 'to playleaders and reduce the sum provided for the purchase of equipment. RECOMMENDED That the scheme, as now reported verbally, be submitted to the Finance and Personnel Committee for their consideration. (4273)


52. During consideration of the previous item it was, ggjved that Standing Order 1.8 be suspended to permit transaction of the remaining business.


53. The Chief Executive reported as follows:—

"The Council, at the present time, makes an honorarium of £100 to the Secretary to the above co—ordinating Committee, Mrs. L.NDoig.

ThII I S Recreation and Amenities Committee

That Committee feel that, in recognition of the additional responsibil FLy workload and incidental erpenses which Mrs. Doig has had to undertake since the extension of the Committee to cover both the Rayleigh and Rochford areas, the honorarium paid. to her ought to be increased. It was felt that as the area of the Committee had doubled, it would be reasonable to double the honorarium paid, i.e. to £200 per annum. The present amount was fixed when It's. Doig was appointed in April 1973 and has not been reviewed, since that date0tt

RECOMMENDRD That the honorarium paid to Mrs. Doig be fixed at £200 per annum. (6039)


54. The Director of Administration reported as follows:—

NAI appi 'ication form has been received from the National Society of Leisure Gardeners Linited for submission of entries for the Annual Local Authority Allotments and. Gardens Competition in which the following trophies are awarded:-

(1) The BI edisloe Silver Tropluj, for encouragement of the pro vlsi on, planting and permanency of allotment sites.

(2) The Acland'Silver Trophy, for encouragement of the improvement of allotiftent sites.

(3) The Waterlow Trophy, Council House gardens. Enirt'.- must be submitted not later than 31st March, 1975 Entries for the Ble&Lsloe Silver Trophy and the Acland Silver Trophy were submitted annually by the fomer Rayleigh Council.

An annual allotments competition was also held in the former Rayleigh Coanoil area, the allotments being judged on cleanliness, layout, quality and variety of crops grown. The judging was undertaken by members of' the Rayleigh Horticultural Society and. three prizes were awarded. It might be considered appropriate for tenants of ParLsh Cbundil allotments to partioipate in the competition I

1'' Resolved (i) that the Council submit ent4tes for the Annual Local Authority Aflotments and Gardens Competititha. (2) that an annual competition be organise& by the Council Sinila-r to that previously organised by the fonetiayleii 'çrrban District Council. (@86)


55. The Director of Administration reported that a vacancy now existed on this organisation consequent upon the resignation of Counoillor Offwood.

That Councillor :Barnard be appointed as the representative0 (7o1) I

u 59 tti . Recreation and Amenities Coimnittee


56 The Director of AthninistratIon reported that the Environmsntal Health and Control Connittee would shortly be considering ma�ing byeiawe in respect of hackney carriages, which would. Include details of the proposed stands. it was proposed to site one of the stands for three taxis in the access road to the Mill Hall, this land being in the — Council)s omership. One of the Home Office byelaw requirements was that the landowner should consent to the establishment of the stand.

BECONNENDED That consent be given to the establishment of a stand. for three hackney carriages in the vicinity of Miii Hall, the precise location to be agreed by the Environmental Health and Control Conun.ittee

and specified in. the byelaws. (897) I


57. Resolved that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public B0dies to Meetings) Act 1960 the public be excluded from the Meeting for the reason that the matter about to be discussed is the subject of a confidential report.

I NM YEMFVEDANCEjLLR4flGH 58. The Director of Administration reported. on the possibility of the Council organising a New Year9s Eve dance' at the Mill Hall on 31st December

Resolved (1) that nn act ton be taken to arrange a New YearVs Eve Dance fnr this yearv

(2) that the D]rector of Administration report to the nert Meeting of the Committee on the possibilitr of organising sooial fttnctions at the Mill Hall on a regular basis. (664:5) cJt MSCOUJ\ Jck*i42cowak CQAt *0 EiM2r oAcj 4o.r }w 'IWc &e q7s,

• 5;

n 5:1 Iii. ¶

ROCBPORD DISThI CT C01CI L Report of the Recreation Centre Management Committee

Present: Councillors SW. Barnard, L.H. Fudge, LA. Grove, D.A. Ives and Mr. if. U. Pickup.


Resolved that Councillor LA. Grove be appointed Chairman,


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor C. Stephenson.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Technical Services on the problems of storage space at the Recreation Centre0 Re suggested that because of the current financial restrictions, it would not be appropriate at this time to embark on a long—term project, and instead the best use would have to be made of the present facilities0 The most convenient way to provide extra storage space was by reducing again the size of the Ladies Changing Rooms. The cost of such a project would be about €250.

Members discussed these problems and visited the centre before making a decision.

RECONMEIWHS) (i) That in order to provide extra storage space for playgroups at the Centre a room be constracted by reducing the size of the Ladies Changing Room.

(2) That the Council request the Recreation Club to finance the cost of this alteration.

4. flQ_ASiDES Mr. Pickup reported on the desirabilit3r of installing an internal public address system at the Centred

RECOI4MEI4DMD That plans be submitted to the Director of Technical Services for approval.


The Director of Administration reported that there was nothing in the Agreement which required the Council to provide a full—time caretaker at the Centre. However, the Rayleigh Urban District Council appeared to have undertaken this responsibility and this had been continued by the Rochford District Council. The agreement did, however, provide that the Council were to be responsible for the clesning of the licensed premises. There was now great difficulty in continuing with the practice of Rayleigh in filling the vacant caretsking post because of the late opening and closing hours of the Club, The Directtr therefore recommended that the Council still continue to do the cleanin of the licensed premises and the caretaking duties be varied to normal daytime hours. Thereafter, the opening and closing of the Club's licensed premises be undertaken by the Recreation Centre Staff.

52 I III .


Resolved that the Council's caretaker be employed for normal daytime duties at the Recreation Club to be responsible for providing caretaking and cleaning services. The Club staff to be responsible for opening and closing the licensed premises.


¶Dhe Committee were advised that under the terms of the licence, the Club had to obtain the Committee2s consent for any extension of hours. NrG Pioku.p reported that the Club had applied for a JusticOn Licence on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve)

Resolved, that no to this extension on the two days in objection be raised. - question. I I 7. OPENING ON BOXING DAY MU) GOOD FRIDAY

The Committee were advised. that under the terms of the Agreement the Club was not to be openefi on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Good Friday0 This had originally been inserted so as to obviate the necessity for Council staff to be employed on that day. Now that the Club were to 'be responsible fo opening and cldsing it was felt that there was no real reason why this condition should not now be varied and the Club were seeking permission to open on Boxing Day and Good Friday0 It was still the intention of the Club to remain closed on Christmas Da,y0

RECOMMBNDED That the agreement be varied to permit the Club to be open on Boxmg Day and Good Friday0

I .



INTRODUCTION It is visualised that the Playscheme for 1975 will differ only slightly from that of th previous year0

There are serious doubts regarding salaries It is intended this year to dispense with the help from UNAO

I Unfortimatly the Senior Scheme at Hockley Woods was not the success that it should have been0 As an altenrntive, a number of the schemes will b deyelpped tp cater for the older Ioy and to retain as strictly junior

I thpse schemes previously having low attendance figures0


The Playscheme for 1975 will be composed of five Senior Schems and four Junior Schemes0 Should older children arrive on the scene, it will be left Ito the Senior Playleader to decide whether to accept them or not0 In principle it is hoped that no child will be tuned away0 The schemes are divided, as follows:—

'SenIor (5 to 1ears of a€el l Hullbndge I

I 2 Rayleigh I 3 Canewdon

4 Ashingdon I I I 5. Gt0 Wakering

An oldpr boy calling at a Junior Scheme will be scnt directly to the nearest Seniqrcheme0 I mis wiii!majce possible the establishment of various teams representing cricket, football, rounders etc0, Inter-scheme travel will become a feature of the scheme0 These competitions will no doubt culminate in an end of 'scheme' field-'day which will include prize-giving by a local celebrity0


The junior section of the playscheme will be composed ci' 'the following four Schemes:— gjoearsofj l Rayleigh 2 Hcckley 3 Rawkwell 4o Rochfnrd.

With the advent of senior schemes it is necessary to maintain the above at a strictly junior level0 The age group will incAude the five trO seven year old., Attendance figures will be modeRt, therefore a maximum of four Supervisors will be provided at each junior sDheme0 - 54


ilk I , I S

SCEBJME TAfl BEQUIEEMIIThft SAI0ABIES £ TOTAL £ in RAYLE1IGH i Senior Playleader 25 25 (Senior) 1. Piayleader, 20 20 2 Assistant Playleadere 15 each 30 2 Junior Playleaders L�each 24 ! £99

2,, EOILBIWDG8 1 Senior Piayleader 25 25 (nior) 10 Playleader 20 20 I 2,. Assistant Playleaders 15 each 30 20 Junior flayJ.eaders 12 esch IL 1 1 I I £99 . 30 ASHINGDON i0 Senior Piayleader 25 25 (Senior) i Piayleader 20 20 Assistant ! 2 Playleaders 15 each 39 Junior Playleaders 12 each 24

I £99

4. CMIBWDON i • Senior Playleader 25 25 (Senior) 1 20 20 2, Assistant Playleaders 15 each 30 2 Jtznior Playleadere 12 each 24

! U £99

50 QPEAW in Senior Plafleader 25 25 WAKE1RINB In Playleader 20' 20 (Senior) 2 Assistant Playieaders 15 each 30 2 Junior Playleaders 12 each a. I £99

RAYLEIGR 1., Playleader 20 20 (Junior) 2 Assistant Playleaders 15 each 30 10 Junior Pisyleader 12 12

I ! £62 I BOOKLEt 10 Playleader 20 20 (Junior) 2,, Assastant Playleaders 15 each 30 10 Junior' P1.ayleader 12 12 £62 I ' ' HAWKWBLL 1 Playieader 20 20 (Junior) 1 Assistant Playleader 15 15 1 Junior Playleader 12 12 £47

90 ROCBPORD 10 Playleader 20 20 (Junior), 2 Assistant Playleaders 15 each 30 10 Junior flsGrleader 12 ' 12 £62

Total per week — £728 55 Total per 5 weeks — £3,640

II I Expenditure Eati,ate £ £ EMPLOYEES:- Wages 3,640 National Insurance 309

3,949 3,949 PBCSES:

Rents — School Premises at:— Eullbridge 25 Itaylel&a 25

I Hockley1 75 75 I



Sports equipment for indoor and outdoor activities0 We do suffer con- siderable losses due to damage and theft0 £70 per scheme (9 x £70) 630 630



Central Admin0 Expenses (including salaries) 2,200 2,200

I 6,854 asNISCELLABEOUS; Advertisirg — in local 'press' for staff 20 Insurance 185 i Miscellaneous Go

I 265 265

I 7J19 ---=COACH: A 6o seater coach is booked fpr the full five weeks ci' the playscheme0 300 300


Revised Plaçhemstinate for 197j-fl,413


h;Il .

SENIOR PIAThEkDER — Every effort will be made to appoint a male in charge of the Scheme His task will be to plan the activities for the full content of the playseheme; to participate in everything actively; to deigaate the work—load so that all the supervisors will be clearly ins trt.cted regarding the various tasks for the day - to supervise the whole0

P1AY1JEAJ)ER — Th requirement here is for en individual to look after all the clerical duties and general orgsnisation0 To do ever-thing on behalf of the Senior Playleader who will be free to progress his duties properly0 When all aspects of organisation are completed. then the Playleader will join in with those activities in progress0 I ASSISTAIt? PLkYLEIAD — Will be ot the older type of person, these sate the Mothers of the scheith and,are associated with food end drinks also comfort and" attention — a mot necessary At this level we will see painting, story—telling, nature walks etc They will be poncexned less with i-die more active part and more with the, provision of occupation for I the younger children0 1 JITNIORPLAYLEAJ2R - This 'category of supervisor will be oonceneçi. with outside activities, ' e or she will be in'the age group 16 to l8 Their task is to ensure' that the interest in the game or occupation, is maintained for as long as possible9 An attempt will be ma4e to' build up the sports equipment, it will bathe task of the Assistant Playleader to ensure that a full ooniplement of 'equipment is returned to stotbes0 Resilting from the c±-eation of these teams the oompetitibns oS be planned and the TEAM OP TBE YEfl es'Eablished.1 : ' ' I i ' ' ' ' I All trips will be planped and arranged by the senior schemes. In'" future the coach will start at a senior scheme and wi-],]. call at the appropriate jw4or sohemes to etisure that the coach is one hundred per cent full0 Each senior scheme' will cc—ordinate their coach activities with the junior schemes0 With all the plsyleaders having a copy of the ooach trip rota', everyone will be fully aware as to what is hapening0 The boap wiLL also be üed to transport the sports teems from one scheme to' the comp'ttitor scheme of that day0 ' CONCLUSION: It is' lp,* intdn4ed to spend money unnecessarily in the hope that the additional! equipment will, attract more children0 It is intended to achieve tia nd rather by organising our &iating fottes in such a , mathaer that even a simple cricket match w3ll have that element of interest, so,aecessary ' I , The enthusiasm of th staff has been of such a quality in the past that I am confident that they will play their part in making the 1975 'playscheme' a big success0 In the maIn, they have shown themselves to be dedicated people, they certainly do not do thin job for the money alone0 I therefore hope that the little addition to their wages that I have requested will not be denied, for it bears no relation to their effort0

It wfll e noticed that the final estimate Ior the 1975 Playscheme, accor with the requirements of the Chainan, has )een cqnsideraly redUced0 This has been achieved primaly by the number of staff and by redirecting the requirement for future development of the scheme0


Minutes of the Environmental Health and Control Committee

At a Meeting held on 16th January l91. Present: Councillors C.B. Gowlett, (Chairnan), S.W. Barzafl, R.BlSck'bu,rn, Mrs. F.H.Clarbon, E.A.Crick, S..L Fletcher, Mrs. E.M.Frank,'L.H. Fudge, A.J.Harvey, A.J.' Humby, Mrs. JJ4.Jones, flea EJi. Leggat, Mrs. N.T.Maddexa, B. MoCamley, O.k. Morgai, R.D.Needbam, P4J.Stanton and W.J.Wraoey.


Councillors D.R. Fowler, N.A.Grove and D.A.Ives.


I 59. Resolved ,' thatthe Minutee of' the Meeting held on 5h1 December, 1974 'be approved as' a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

APOLOGIES FOR ]3SENCE I I 60. Apologies for absence were received from Cojmcillors LP. 'Qowen nd G.Youn.g. I


61. The Chairman reported tht Councillors D.R. Fowler, LA. Grove and D.A.Ives were attending.


62. The Direct'r of Administration reported as follows:—

"The draft Byelaws approved by the Council in October 1974 have now bben commented upon by the Home Secrtary who has asked for certain amendments to be made. The principal amen&nents sought are in relation to the deletion of the entire proposed Byelaw relating to controlling the use! of signs and advertisements on hackney carriages, the Home Secrøtaxy 'being f the view that the legality of such Byelaws is too doubtful to recommend confirmation. I Thd proposed Byelaw has therefore been deleted. Ariiendments have also been made 'In respect of Byelaw 7 (previously Byalaw 8) and minor amendments to Byelaws 3 and 2

(previously Bye1aq 24). I

All these amendment appear quit acceptable and they have therefore been incorporated in the revised Byelaws which appear in the attached I

appendix." ,,

Mr. J. ( was in at the Meff4ing and gave deti1s of consultations carried cut with the Police and the Essex County Cotinci]., Highway Authority, in relation to proposed stands, details having been circulated to Members of those stands where it had been possible to reach agreement with the Police and the County Council.

Mr. Goldie—Clark also drew attention to the increased fares detailed irs Byelaw l9 due to recent increases in petrol costs and geneatL repair and maintenance costs falling upon :proprietors. The Committee noted that the last two stands listed were situated on land owned' by the, Council not forming' part of a maintainable highway. Accordingly the Recreation and Amenities and Development Services Qpmnitteee I'es:pe-ctively were being asked formally to consent to;he establishment of a stand on land within their control.

I I I j ,,I I W , I If I

Enflronmental Health and Control Counnittee

With regard to the existing rank in Rayleigh High Street, the Connittee noted that the County 9ouncil would not consent to a perTianent rank until such time as a final dpison was taken upon the one way traffic system. Home Off ioe advice, in these circumstances was that the rank could not be ineerted in the bye-laws but thM the rank could nevertheless be marked put and. 'used as a temporary rank if the Council passed the appropriate resolution. The Police and the County Council raised no objection to the establishment of a temporary rank for six taxis.

The Comm.tttee noted that before the bye—laws could come into operation they must be sealed and. then a detailed procese of placing copies pn depoit, giving notice in local newspapers, etc., must be carried out. It was hppe4, hqwever, th the bye-lafl cppld 'l?e brought mt9 I 'operation in Nay of this year. I I RECOMM (1) That in accordance witi Saction 68 of the 'flown1Police Clauses Act 1847,d.nd Section 171 of the Public Health Act 1875, the Council do make Bye—laws with respect to hackney carriages in the District in the fern set out in the appendix attached to these Minutes, incororating the following hackney carriage stands within Bye-law 18, the Director of Administration being authorised to take all necessary action to secure conuirniation of the Bye—laws:—



From a point on the south side of the road 62.9 me±res(236.3ft)' to a point 68 metres (223.lft south west of the south west kerbline of Meadow Way(l taaci.

I Plumb erow Avenue

On the south side from a point 8l.7m (268 ft) to a point 914 m (390 it) west of western kerbline of Greensward Lane (2 taxis).

Highans Road I I

pn the north east idp 15.1 mtres (so ft ) north west of the north, west kez'bline of White Hart lane to a point 25 metres (s2 it) north west (2 taxis),' I Ii' !!, Hawkwell Park Drive

On the south side from a point 9.1 metres (30 ft) to a point 18.9 metres (62 ft) west of the west kerbline of Park Gardens (2 taxie).

Golden Cress Parade Service Road

On the south side from a point opposite the centre line of' access to Rectory Road to a point 9.8 metres (32 ft) eastwards (2 taxis).

I 'I ',,:II Environmental flealth and Control Committee


On the north west side from a point 18.3 metres (60 ft) to 28 metres (92 ft south west of the sQuth west kerbline of Ashingdon Road (2 taxis).


fli Street

On the ecu-Lb side from a point 20.4 netres (67'ft) to a Roint 35 metres (n rt) east of eastern kerbilne of Mercer Avenue (3 taxis).


Kimberley Road On the east side from a point 183 metres (60 ft) to a point 23.2 metres (76 ft) north of northern kerbline of Barling Road (i taxI). STANBRIBGE

Oagefield Road I

On the south side from a point 18.3 metres (40 ft) to metres (76 ft) easb of the east kerblane of Sts.nthridge Road (i taxi).


Rotar Wa

On the east side from a point 15.2 metres (50 ft) to 2metres (82 ft) north of the north kerbline of Anchor Lane (2 tatts).


I On the sotitli side from a point 18.3 metres (6O ft) to 37.8 metres (124 ft) west bf the exit gates of the hospital (4 taxis).

Market Square I I I

No.1: From a point 32.3 metres (106 ft) to a Roiht 37.1 netres (122 ft) west of the western kerbline of North Street (1 tan). No.2: from a point 43.5 metres (143 ft) to a point 48.4 metres (159 ft) west of the western kerbline of North Street (l'taxi).

Church End

On the south side from a point opposite the western wall of the Punch Bowl public house to a point 9.7 metres (32 ft) eastwards (2 taxis) '60

I ' I Ii I I , I I', I .

Environmental Health and Control Committee


East End On the south side from a point 40.5 metres (133 ft) to a point 52.3 )netres (165 ft) west of western side of The Chase (2 taxis).


Mill Hall Service Road Or the south side from a point 18.28 me'tres (6q it) to a point I 32.91 metres (ios ft) north of nor±'iern kerbline of Bellingham Lane (3 taxis). I' UILER'DCE Pooles Lane Car Park

From a point 6.7 metres (22 it) to a paint 11.5 metres (36 it) north of the northern kerbline of Pooles Lane (2 taxis). (2) That a temporary hackney carriage stand for six taxis be established forthwith on the west side of the High Street, Rayleigh iiinnediatbly north of the junction with e1linam Iane.(897) I I REVENuE ESTBA,TES ij 63. The Committee considered their draft revenue estimates for i975/76.

Resolved 'that the draft revenue estimates of the Environmental Health and Control Committee, as now amended, 'be submitted. to the inance anil Personnel Committee:. (708) I


64. The Director of Health and Housing reported as follows: L

"An application for a Caravan Site Licence dated 2Tth November, 1974, has been received from Mr. A. Lench to station a caravab on the site during building operations to be carried out at 64 West Avenue, Hullhridge.

Town Planning ermission (ROC/843/74) was granted on 8th November, 1974 for a period expiring on 30th June, I 1975." I Resolved that a Caravan Site Licence be granted for the period expiring on 30th June, 1975, subject to the following conditions:—

1. The caravan shall be occupied. by the applicant and members of his immediate family. I 2. Water shall be obtained from the' mains supply on the site.

3. The caravan shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities to the satisfaction of tie, Directo cu Health and Hqueing for the disposal qf soil and waste' water.

4. Adequate provision shall lYe made for1 the disposal of refus.

III ''' •'I . Environmental Health and Control Committee


65. The Director of Health and. Housing reported as follows:—

"An application for a Caravan Site Licence dated 25th November,1974, has been received from Mr. T.L. Dean to station a caravan on this site during building operation's to be carded out at "The Elms", Windermere Avenue, Hiflibridge.

Town Planning permission (RO{J/804/74) was granted on 8th November,1974, for a period expiring on 30th June, 1975." I

Resolved That a Caravan Site Licence be gxaatfl for the period expiring on 30th Juhe, 1975, subjebt td''the following conditions:—

1. The caravan shall be occupied only by the, applicant and members of his immediate family. 2. Water shall be obtained from +he mains supply on the site. 3. ¶Ihe caravan shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the Director of Health and Housing for the disposal of soil and waste waters

4. AdeQuate provision shall be made for the diposa1 of refuse. (4217)


66. The Direotor of Health and. Housing reported. as follows:— "A b1ue and white caravan situated within the curti].age of "Greenacres", Park Gardens, Hawkwell, has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A.J.Harns for residential purposes since March, 1974. No plaaning permission has l1een granted and no caravan site licence has been issued.

They are being charged a ground rent of £5 per week by the owner of the site. Although a suply of eleøtricity has been laiil. on to the caravan, the saaitary accoimnpdation and water supply ara shared with occupants of the nearby dwelling." I Resolved that the Director of Admiiiistration be authorised to institute proceedings against the person or persons concerned in respect of a contravention of Section 1 of the Caravan Bites and Control of Development Act 1260',' b the stat1!oning of a caravan without a caravan' site licence at "Greenac±es", Park Gardens, Hawbiell'. (1339)

PUBLIC BEALTH AC'l' 1936 - SECTION 17 - ROC/153J66. SOIL SEWER AU! SDR'AdE WATER SEWEIR, HO CICLEJY TRADING ESTATE, EIDON WAYL HOCKLEY - ELUONWALL LTD. (Mnut3O/74) 67. The Director of Administration reported as follows:— "Notice has been given in accordance with Minute No.590/74 of the Council's intention to make a declaration vesting as a public soil aewer, several lengths p private 9" diameter soil sewer for a tc length of 517 metres, within the Hockley Trad±ng Estate, Eldon Way, terminating in an existing manhole in Spa Road, Hockley at the i cif Spa Road and Station Approach, Rookley, a.r4 vesting as'apubl: surface water sewer several lengths of private 9" rangingto 15' diameter surface water sewer for a total length of 500 me±ts I Environmental Health and Control Committee the Kockley Trading Estate, Eldon Way, terminating in an outfall manhole outside "Furzedown, Spa Road, Hocl4ey. No appeal has been Lbdged against the notices."

RECONME1L1BED That in accordance with the provisions of ection 17 of the Public gealth Act 1936, it be declared that the lengths of private soil sewer and irivate siniface gater sewer specified. in Minute 590/74 and shon in red and. blue colour respectively pn tbé'plans attached to the notices, dated 10th' September, 1974, 'served, upon Eld.onwall Ltd., shall vept in the Council as public soil sewer and public 'smrface water

sewer 'respectively. (4772) , I HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ETC ACT 1ThL_AIJTROEITY

' b8. The Director of Health and Housing reported as follotys:- , '

"This Act considerably revises cprrent legislatipn involving the health and safety cf employees and. also: brings within its sccpe 'members of the public and wo±kers 'in categories not previously coVered y Acts of Parliament. I It 'comes Into force in several stages, commencing with the setting up of the Health and Safety Coimnission on 1st October, 1974, which will take over po'iers and functions from Government Departments from 1st January, 1975, and at the Bame time Septions of the Adt requiring the appointment qf Inspectors will come into force. I 1!he substantive parts of the Offoes, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 ,ill remain in forcø aj thia stage and will be replaced gradually by Regolationa. Local k "hoiitis vi'l 1 t$ref ore continue for the time being to enforce the j' ovisions of the Act idth which they are now concerned. However, the sectiobs of the 1963 Act tich relate to the appointment and power of Inspectors and the methods of enforcement and pens1ties are repealed on 1st January, 1975, 'ahd e:placed by the equivalent provisions of the Health sad Safety at Wo$c Act. Consequently', InspectcS'wbp have been appointed unclr section 52 of the Cftices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 will have to be re-appointed under Seat ion 19(I) of the Hea1±lL and Safety at YOrk Act 19f/4 and new certificMes ci' 'appointment issued ,to, ea9b 1pnsector.II (i) That 'the undormentioned Offic,r'be appointed Inspectors unclea' Section 19 of the Health and SaIety at 'Work Etc. Act ,974 for the Robhford lUstrict Oouncil: I (i) in respect of all,enab14ng powers ndkr the Act 'indJ.uding service r of notices and of ofMencs:H' I bD,9secutjon Mr. MA. Large, Di,-rectcr of Heal1h and Woushig , I Mr. N.J. Demor4, Assistant Director (Health) (ii) in respect of Sections 20 and 25 (powers of entry and. inspection and seizure of dangerous articles or substances):

Mr E.D.IJOng, Irinoipal Health Inspector

Mr. LU. 'Kinance, Ptino)49al Balth Inspector Mr. C.W. Riley, Health Inpeotor ' ' I I

I ' "M I' 1' a ' w !i ,'I:' kii' '' ' II' :' Environmental Health and. Control Committee

Mr. J.E. Hillier, Health Inspector

Mr. E.C. Card,

(iii) in respect of Section 20(2)(a)(c)(d)(e)(f)(k) (powers limited to

entry and i inspection): I Mr. H.R., Technical Ass±tant (2) That the above—mentioned Officers be authorised. to represent the Council at any resulting appeal to an Industrial Tribunal. (588) I HOME] SAFETY PaEL ( Jinute 428/74)

69. The Committee received the attaohed report and. reooendations of the Meeting of the Home Safety Panel held on 18th December 1974.

RBCO?4ENDEW. That the report be received and adopted. (935)

REFUSE COLLECTION C Minute 926/74) 70. The Chairman reminded Members that by Minute 926(3)/74 the Committee had decided to approve a plastic sack system of oollpotion as from lt April, 1975 and, that he had been authorised. tp accept the loWest tender for the supply of 2* million sacks. !Denders had been openedion 17th' December, 1974 th tests had subsequently been catriqd out o specimen sacks submitted by four tenderers. As a result the sacks supplied by the lowest tendrer had proved' aatisfaotory and the Corn ittënoted,' that the Chairman had acdordingly to-day accepted the lowest tender in the sum ci: £17.50 per thousand sacks submitted by Pane Converters Ltd., Warninster, Wilts. (4524) EXCLUSION OF TEE PIIBLIG I I

7i. Resolved that, in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the Meeting fqr the reasonthat the matter about to be discussed is the subject of a confidential report.

PROPOSED OEMEITERYSI'J1E-'LAED 'OFF RA.WRETH IANE RAYLEIGH (Minuf 93lfl41 72. The Director of Administration reported on the negotiations winch had taken place for the purchase of this land and intimated that the ciwnor intended to apply for a CertifIcate of Appropriate Alternative Development, which tas likely to be granted in industrial terms and Which Wculd affect the land 'valuation. There were also certain problems connected with access under plsnrwg requirements1 The Directpr of Administration repcrted that he had. accordingly opened preliminary negotiations for the acquisition of an alternative site, on which the Director of Technical Services uld be carrying out detailed surveys. In view of the need to provide further cemetery facilities in the A District before 1976, it wa considered necessary to continue both fit sets of negotiations bearing Jr mind that costs could b awarded ag44at the Council if they withdrew from the negotiations in respect of tJfl land off Rawreth Lane. RECOMMENDED That the Direc1or of Administration be auttoris'ed continue his negotiations in respect of both site (455.j hk. 1tFo4, iL..:11 , .Ih 64 I



Minutes of a Meeting of the Home Safety Panel ield at Rochford Qivic Centre on 18th December,' 1974

Councillors Mrs. F.E. Clayton and. Miss Edt Leggatt


that Councillor Miss E0M. Leggatt be appointed Chairman of the Home Safety Panel for the ensuing year.


Apologies for absence were submitted on' behalf bf Councillors 00E0 Gowlett, It. NcCamley and PJ. ftbsnton.

3. QQ::Q?22!) MEMBEEB:

The Panel considered the list of Members who served on the former South—East Essex Home Safety Committee and other suitable nomin- ations. r I

2aaended that" the following pe:thons b'pointed CoLopted Members of the Home safety Panel for Roohfçxrd District Council:—

Mrs4 H.M. Grahthii Eayleigh,Motntt.I. J II 1 Rev (kW4 Hatch Rayleigh Paaish hitch Mr. E0W. Lang Hullbridge Parish Council. Mu0 I)0K. Rollit, Q0BJI., Ol Peøtples We1fare Mrs0 Y0 Morgan Ftodbford Parish Qptincil. Mr.. M. CMeara — Social Services Department. Mr., H0E0' Green4 Mr4 J. Th.jtherfcrd North Thaarçes Gas. M* C. Kilbey — Emskeni Eleotricity Thard. Mr. J,W. Macriot — &sex Fire Brigade. Mrs. B.0V Hughes — Area Health Authority. ' N0 James — Mr. Pharmaceutical ISociety r IffissE. Stevenson (Mr. Mansfild — at prqeiij Acting Area Health ducation Officsr) — Area ilalth 'Education bfficer. Mrs. P.M4 Can — Rotford, Maliti and Distrjct Chamber of Trade and C II thr. 54L0 Nevill — ItMyleigh Chamber of Trade and'Qdmirerce. &s, LEcrrer — I rs ?bxtimpr - Rayleigh Fi5iendship Club. M Taflor — Nursing Officer, St4 John' Anibulanoe, Rochicr d

It was agreed that Dr. G0V, Griffin, District Counnunity Physiolan, although he would not be able to attend meetings of the Panel, sbouid be sent copies of the Agenda and Minutes for information.


The Assistant Director (Health) reported on the costs and timing of subsoripti9ns to ROSPA (Hqme Safety Division).

Recommended: that the Council apply'for membership of the Royal Society for the Prevention1 of Accidents (Home Safety Divisiqn) commencing 1st April, 1975, at a membership fee of £19.50 + £1.95 V.A.T.

'I I III ii' .

5. ESSEX LIAISON H0M SAPTY COMMITTEE: The Chairman reported on a Meeting of Local Authorities in Essex on the subject of Home Safety held at Ohelmsford on 30th Octqber, 1974, which resulted in the sptting up of the Essex Liaison Home Safety Opnnittee. Recommended: that the Chairman and Councillor Mrs. .E. Clayton be appointed delegates to represent this' Council on the Committee. 6, EEEQOMCY OP MEETINGS: The question of the cycle of meetings of the Home Safety Panel was discussed and it was agreed thatthe Panel would met quarterly and in time to report to a suitable meeting of the thvironmental Health sni Control Committee., I Resolved: that the next Meètin' be held ontednesday, 12th March, 1975, when Mr. N.T. Thadson Public Health Officer of 0helmsford District Council and Secretary of Essex Liaison Home Safety Committee, be iequested to address the meeting.

I 7. HOME SAflITY HANDBOOK: I The Assistant Director (Health) repcr±e on the production of a Home Safety Handbook for publication in the autumn pf 1975. ' This handbook would be producect by Pyramid Press Ltd. and the amowrt of text allowed 6o the Council would be' equal to the amount of athretbising lIlaterial. Pyramid Press Ltd. will supply 2,000 copies free of charge and will also suplr qopis to advertisers. In the event of additional copies being reqtire, the cost would vary between &6o adda per nal 1,I900 for a 24—page ban4beok to £72 for 32 pages.

Recommended: that the Director of Health eM Hoting be gLven authority to proceed with this project in coxijwioflon with Pyramid Press Ltd. in prder to produce a handbook by not later than November ' 1975, r I ' I ii I 8, EEAITH LTMPY' AT 'WORK ACT 1974 I , ' The Assistant Director (Health) repo'te on a Meeting he had attended 'at the In—Service Teachr Thaining Estalishment at King John9s Schoo:I. Thundersley. The meeting as chaire by the Area. Education Officer and matters discussed incidded. the1 ejfOct Qn schoo1 o the iew' Health arid Safety at Work Act 1974 bd also 'proposals or Djstrtct Councils tq assist teaching Otaff in introducing Iome fety as part of the curriculum, particularly in Primary and Junior Schools.

Recommended: that the Director of Health end Housing continue this liaison with the Area Edrucatiqn Officer1

' a II 'I i, APPENDIX A.

Former Rochlord and Rayleigh Members of the 5.1). Essex Home Safety Coflg

Mrs. U.N. Graham, 4 Grange Gardens, Rayleigh, Tel: 4906 Rayleigh Mount LI0 Rev. G.W. Hatch, The Rectory, Hockley Road, Rayleigh. Parish Church. Mr. LW. Long, 26 Perry Road, thillbridge. Rulibridge Parish Council1. Mr. D.K. Rout, O.B.E.., 5 Oak Road, Rochford. Old. Peoples Welfare Committee. Mrs. Y. Morgan, 1 Padgetts Way, Huflbrid,ge. Rochfprd Parish Cpuncil. Mr. N. Q'Meara, Socil Services Department, 134 High Street, Rayleigh. H I Mr. E.E'. Green, 86 DownhallRoad. ex Ooimcillor. I I Mr. P. Polaine, T1daway Hilltop Avenue, thilibridge. ex Councilloz'. Mr. A.B, Barren, 54 Stambn&ge Road. ox Councallor. Mr. 3. Thitherford, North 'Thames Gas, GO Basterii' Esplanado, Soutbpnd—on—Soa. Mr. C. Kilbey, 85 London Road, Southend—on.--Sca. Eastern flectribity Board. Mr. J.W. thrrint, Station Officcr, Essex Fire Brigade, Hadleigh. Mrs.' V. Hughes, Chief Nursing Qtficer, Area Health Authority, 134 High SteeL, Rayl cigh. Mr. 14. James, 10 Badgers Way, Southend—on—Sea. Pharmaceutical Society, (Southen,d and District). Miss B. Stevenson, Area Health lklucation Officer, 134 Hih Street, Rayleigh ii (will be1'returning September/Ohtober 197)

Other Pbrsons'or 0rgiais4ions_hgome cozmedUon or in terest in Rom Safl

Dr. GcV, Griffin, District Commwiity Physician, Health Office, Qivic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Soukhend—on—Sea1 Mrs. P.M. Carr, Sec., Rochford, Maplin and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce, 63 Ashingdon IIoaT, Rccbford.0 Mr. S.L. Mcviii, Sec0, Rayleigh Chamber of Trade and Commdrbe, 14 OaklRoad, I 1tochford. Mrs. Reflex, Rayleigh Organiser,, WRiTS, 2 Hall Park Avenue, Westcliffe. I Tel: S—a—S 77994. Mrs. Nu.timer, Chairman, Rayleigh Prier4ship Club, 3 Eastern Road, RayleLgh


I 68 I ii.' APPENDIX B.

Report and. Minutes of Meeting of Representatives from Local Authorities in Essex on the Safety, 30th October, 1974, Civic Centre, i Chalrnsford

There were present:

Councillor W.H. On, Chairman, Chelmsforcl. District Counoil. (Jouncillor P.J. Edwards, Oolchester Borough Council. B. Bloonfield, Hsex Area Health Authority. Councillor J.A.R. Webb, Borough Council. C0J. Jacobi, Colchester Borough Council. otncillor Miss B. Leggatt, Rochford District Council.

1LJ. Desmond., Rochford District Council. I hA. Ellis, Southend—on—Sea Borough Council. Cduncillor Mr. M0 Bullock Jarman, Southend—on—Sea Borough Council. iT. ChelmefordPo1ice ]]ivision4 Maimers, I I

H. Townsend, Home Safety Coimntttee0 I I Councillor D.L. Ridgewell, Chelmsford. District Coitici.. P. Kitchen, Council. Mrs. G.M. ,Gipson, Chelmsford. Distrjct Home Safety Committee. Mrs. L.A0 Wateridge, Chelmsfcrd District Hone Safety Committee. W.Ci, Dawn, metaber of Jnbliot. Mrs. J.A. Sisms, Cheinsford. District Home Safety Committee. Mrs. H.W0 Down, Chelmsfqrd District Home Sfety Committee.' Councilloli 'D. Austin, Bsildon District Council, Norman Jackson, Bmildon Dis1riot Council. Mrs. A.'Edwards 'ealtb Visitor, Mid—Essex Area &ealth. Miss T,m1liard,' Chelmeford District Home. Safety Committe?. W Ltmb Essex' Fire Service.' I 31 Gatle, Chelnisfprd District punpl. , (Copncillor). N.T0 Hudson, Cbelmsford Jlistnct Borne Safety Committee. i H , D0E. Walker, BOSPA I Mrs. !'ji Freeman, 'flistrist Cow\ctl. T1rs. B'. Reyno4s, Essex Hegith Atzthorrtay, Soutihend District, Cothic4lloit Mrs. W.S flrake, Braintree Distiict Council. Mrs. LAOS, Eventt, Chelrnford District Home Safety Committee. Mrq. LB0 Bkrtcp, ChelmsfordkDistradt &me Safety Committee. Mrs4 A. On, Qhelmaford District. LI Mrs. J$L. Nbrton, Cbelmsford Bistriot Council. Oouacilior 4 exth'tIanay, 4eektty News ' Anne FitzGerald, Essex Chronic1e. Hiss L turff, 'Brthitwood tistflqt Home 'Safety Comiittee $rs. ,E.M 01a4, Brentwood District Home Safety Committee. 'B gillaths, 'Essex Area, Haith Authority,' . °L Essex Area Health 'Au.thority, Chelnisford. I F0 Young, Essex Area Health Authorilty, Cheinsford. ' H. 'Sttipp, Castle Point District 0ounai].. , I Mrs. V.M. Chuck, ]iisiitLb$ Home Safety'Otmitte. B0 Stock, Chelmsford Dtstrict Council. J. Royle, Tendnng District Counoil0

'The Chairman of' the Chelmsford District Council, Counctilor WH Orr. opened the meeting and extended a warm welcopie to all delegates. Councilior On sppke of the importance of Hone Safety and of the accidents which resultEd death, misery and terrible injpry. Octuncillor C)rr,introduced Mr. NOT. Hudson, Public Health Officer of the Cheljñsford District Council, and Mr0 D.B. Walker, Safety Liaison Officer, ROSPA, and described the proceedings to follow.

'Mr., HUdech sdth brief]Iy of the activities pt t1 presen1 i1he.mstcrd District Home Safety Qoirnnittee which has been in being for some 14 years and ? suporteft and financially apsisted by the District Council in the sum of £300. The ,Com4ttee compnsee1rnembers of the Cpuncil, past members of the Oopncil, representaives,frota the Police Force, Fre ServIce, Women's '0gaMthtidp., Parj.sJ1 ' I , , , 'I I H ' Ii I II ii ' I ' F I, I I I I) •' , . Councils and. the County Council. The object of the Committee Is to further the cause of home safety in the District and to do all things possible to bring the subject to pu)lic notice. Any person interestedin home safety is eligible for membership and, activities include poster publicify, displays at fetes, talks to children and organisation on dangerous articles. The Committee make represen- tations about legislation and any matter appertaining to home safety. Mr. Hudson spoke of the activities of the previous Liaison Committee which comprised repre- snta'ives from seven Home safety Comnittees in Essex. The functions of this Committee were to pool activities snd ideas and to jointly conduct campaigns throughout the areas covered by the Committees.

Mr. Walker described the legislation concrned with Home safety and of the accident causes and resulting misery, art from the extreme financial burden,. The need for activity within the districts by appointment of Home Safety Officers was great. Mr. Walker stressed the necessity to examine the approach to home safety and welcomed the support by th5 many Committees through-' out the Countr4r Reorganisatiqn, t}ought Mr. W4lcer,, had giypn a w9nderfuJ. o'pportunity for the new Authorities to take an active part in helping o reduce the toll of fatalities and inuxies ix and, arounçl. the home and hoped that theite would be sone getting together of Committees. - I I Following the two addresaes Mr. Hudson invited mem*S to pa,ticipate I and said that',lu.s final object would be to propqse a method f 1eing able to york I together jointly. ij

I A. number of delegates took part in the subsequent discussIon.

The need for co—ordiaat$on in the County was mentioned along with the 'differing'act4vities and needs from district to diptrict. One delegate asked about the high subscription rates to ROSPA and the reasons fdr these as'compared, with other monetary needs for vardous,, organa,sations., Ideas foc saving money were mentioned, each as plides with commentaries and the need to seek help from industries. One delegate asked if publicity through the various medi., could be provided free as is done in America. The valuca and costs of Home Safety Committe€s were discusped and, although no delegate expressed doats on the values, 'eone thought was obviously necessafl with reference to dost0 I In reply to a Question on Home Safety, training courses, Mr4 Walker said that it was hoped that these would 'be available during the early part of nefl year.

Other delegates strased the need for act4v.Lty within each district, along with support from Parlsh Counqils and the need for joixit participation by representatives from the various 'districts ançi committees0

I I Folloi4ng the discussion winch oovered a' number o possibiJitles, Mr. IL-P Hudson proposed, Coimcillor Mrs', J Norton, Chairman, Chelnisford District Council Pablic Health Committee, secondpd, and it was resolved: that this mee1ing considerS there should be formed a Liaisoh Committee within the of Essex and that no' more than two representatives from each Uote Safety Committee1 or DtstrL&t Cou.nth. be invited tQ attend a future meeting in order to form a qommittee, to decide on activities and to fQrm a constitution0 Mr.Hudsofi agreed to corryene the meeting and .st was suggested that the Committee be dalled the Essex Home Safety Liaison Committee At the concltsion, Mr. Hudson thanked Mr. Walker for coming to address the meeting and delegates for attending and 'participating. Delegates examined the various home safety exhibits toh bad been kindly provided and arranged by the Essex Area Health Authority0' I


Chelmafbrd Dlstriqt Co'imoil, Civic Centre, Ohelmsford1 I I

I I I I a

II 'I, It I RETORT OF1)IRECTOR OF FINANCE ronln!llCo Comitteei6hJiaazjrjj, DraftRevst.mateei97/76 At their last Neeting the Po.icy and Resources Committee considered a report on the restraint of local Authority exper4iture and the Council resolved(Minute 1164) "that the a&vipe of the Dirctor of Finance contained in his report be approved and the Stthi.diflg Committees be advised 4000rdingly". The report reoommended that "having regard to the Government's views on restraint of Local Authority expenditure and to the need to keep the increase iii rates for 1975/76 to a reasonable leveL, the Standing Committees should no include any growth over the !enst:Lng LeveL of eervioe, othez than niescApble growth, in their

drat revenue ''etintes1 fr 1975Ji7, exofl wiere gowt1 oahI be ofse by reduotion in! services elsewhere'

The 3evernmezr6 has since issued a otroular (171/74) reiterating its advioe that local Authorities shotilA limit their plans 1r to what is strictly necessary to meet inescpable oommthents and the sections dealing with services of this CoSittee state that "The Government envisage a considerable reduction in the growth rate of these services which in some oases has been ruiminá into doutle figures in recent years. Indeed there may be a generally reduced standard of service to ratepayens arising from the slow doin in wtaff reoriutment and in gperal !sttiv expen&ittire.'t I "The collection £nd disposal of refuse is a 4oontinuing and necessary sprvipe which imis b maintained b a4equatb provision from within iciating resources. New projects ti tae field of refuse collection and disposal which are undertaJen èotild be' limited to those which have regald 'to eooñomio viabihity eitie by producing revenue or saving iesoiiroes; projects requiring major ?ta1 expenditure should be avoided where this is compatible with tbA maintenai.ce of the service on public health grcYt4nds. The Secretaries of State accept that the implementation of those sections of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 which would involve signifioabd reoince commitments will have to 1?e Ø.eerred and 'that this wduJ.d mean cily very limited aiupiementation of new duties iipo,ed y the .Abt."

I ,



BIELAWS AS TO HACKNEY CARRIAGES made under section 68 of the Town Police Cia-uses Act, 1847 and section 171 of the Public Health Act, l87 by the District Council of Rochford 'vitb respect to Hackney Carriages in the said District of Rochford.

PROVISIONS REGUlATING THE! MANNER IN WHICH TIlE] NUMBER OF EACII HACKNEY CAEIRIAUE, I COItHESPONIJING WITH THE N[H{BFIR OF ITS LICENCE, SHALL BE DISPLAYED I 2. (a) Th proprietor of a hackney carriage shall cause the number of the licence granted to him in respect of the carriage to be legibly marked on the outside and inside of the carriage on plates affixed thereto, such plates to. be of. the colour, size and shape as determined by the Council;

(b) the proprietor or driver of a hackney crriage shall nott—

(i) wilfully or negligently cause or suffer any such number to be concealed from public new whilst the carriage is standing or I plying for hire; I (ii) cause or permit ihe vehicle to stand or ply1for hire with any such plate so defaced that any figure or material particular is illegible.


3 The prpprietor of a hackney crriage shall:—

(a) provide sUfficient means by whIch any person in the carriage' may communicate wiib the driver; I I

(b) cause the xoof or covering to be kept

(c) provide ally necesSary windows and provide a means o-f opening and closing not less than one' of the said windows on each side;

(d) cause the seats to be properly cushioned or covered;

(e) cause the floor to be provided with a proper carpet, mat or other Suitable covering;

(f) -cause the fittings and furniture generally to be kept in a clean eondFLtion, well maintained and in every way fit for public service;

I I I 72

I i I I I .

(g) provide means for securing luggage;

(h) provide an efficient fire extinguisher 'which shall be carried in such a position as to be readily available for use;

(i) provide at least!! two doors for the use of persons conveyed in such carriage and a separate means of ingress and egress for the driver;

() have fitted in the carriage in a position approved by the Council an electric light sufficient to illuminate the interior thereof.

1+. The proprietor of a hackney carriage shall cause the carriage to' be provided with a taxi—meter which shall be so constructed, attached and maintained as Do comply with the follewing requirements, that is to say:—

(a) the taximeter shall be so eoi±structed 'that' it is ndt possible for any person to manually alter the tariff rate without breaking the seals affixed thereto;

(b) the taximeter shall be fitted with a key, flag or other device the operation of which will bring the machinery of the taximeter into action and cause the word hHI1TEDh to appeai' on the face of the! taximeter;

(a) such keys flag or other device shall be capable of being locñced in slaqh a position that the machinery of the taximeter is not zn action and that no fare is recorded on the face of the taxiineter;

(d) when the 'machinery of the tdximeter is in action there shall be reorded on the face of the tkximeter in figures clearly legible and! free from ambifruity the fare which the proprietor or driver is entitled to demand an4 take for the hire of the carriage by distance in pursuance of the byelaws in thht behalf;

(e) the'word FAPE' shall be pr'inted on th face of the taximeter in plain leØers so as clearly to apply o the fare recorded thereon;

(f) the taxtmeter shall be so placed that all letters and figures on the face thereof sba.ll be at all times pJainly visible to any person being óonveyed in' the, carriage and for that purpose the letters and f1gures shall be suitathy illumina1ed during any period of hiring and the switch for operating the light providing the said illumination shall be incorporated in and operated in conjunction witlk the key, flag or other device which brings the machinery of' the taximeter into action and no other method of operating the said light shall be employed;

(g) the taimeter and all 'the fittirigs 'thkebf siiálII4 be so affixed to the carriage with seals or other appliances that 'it shall not be practicable for any person to tamper with thetu 'except by breaking, damaging or permanently displacing the seals or other appliances1


5. The driver of a hackney carriage shall:—

(a) when standing or plying for hires keep the taximeter locked in the position in which no fare is recorded on the face of the taximeter;


19. The proprietor or driver of a hackney carriage shall be entitled to demand and take f*r the hire of:the carriage the rate or fare prescribed by the following table. The rate or fare being calculated by distance, unless tbehirer expresses at the commencement of the hiring his desire to engage otherwie. Provided always that where a hackney carriage shall be hired by distance the proprietor or driver thereof shall not be entitled to demand and take a fare greater than that recorded on the *ace of the taximeter0

I (i) !pistanc1 aria time

"Ilor thefirst'm.tle or the ist ten' minues (or a combination of parts of such distance and time) 27p

For each additjqnal 1/6th mile or each one and two—thirds minutes (or a combination of parts of such distance and lime) until a fare of Slp is shown on the taximeter

For each additional 1/9th mile or each one and one ninth minutes (or a combination of parts of such distance and time) after a fare of 8t is shown on,the t.aximeter0

(ii) Mrtra Charges

(a) For hirings begun betwen Midnight and 6.oo a1m and,alsoon Christmas Day and Boring Day 15p

For each article of luggage conveyed outside the passenger compartment of carriage 3p

(c) For each dog caried

(d) For each person in excess of two (one or two children tinder 10 years to count as one peron) 6P

I (e) Where the hirez arranges by letter, telephone or otherwise with the proprietor or driver prior to the conmiencing of hiring for hire of the carriage to commence from a stated place other than a hackney carriage stand

20. The proprietor of a hackney carriage plying or being used for hire for which any fares are fixed by any Byelaw in that behalf, shall:—

(a) cause the fare table provided by the Council to be fixed upon such carriage in such a position and manner that the letters and 74

I I , iI J! jIll! 1,1 . figures of such table shall be distinctlyand plainly visible to any person being conveyed in such carriage,

(b) not wilfully or negligently iause or suffer such table to be inverted or detac1ed or altered or the letters or figures on sueh table to be! in any manner or by any means concealed at any time0


21. 'The proprietor or driver of . hackney carriage shall, immediately after the termination of any hiring,' or as soon as 'practicable there— after carefully search the carriage for any property which may, have been S accidentally left therein. , I 22 The proprietor 'or driver of a hackney carriage shall, jf any property 'abeidentally left therein by any person who may have been conveyd in the carriage 1e found by or handed ti bim—

(a) carry it as soon as possible aM in any ettent within 48 hours, if not sooner c1aimed by or on behalf of its owner, to the office of the Director of Aministration of the Council, and leave it in the custody of the officer in àbarge of the office on his vAng a receipt for it;

1b be entitled to reeeive from aiy person tb whom the property shall b4 redelivered an amount eqtial to five penëe' in the pound of its estimated value (or the fare for the distance from the place of finding to the office of the Council, whichever be the greater) but not more than five pounds.

, PENALTIES I 23. 'Every person öho shall offend against any qf these byelasqs shall be l1able on suimnary conviction to a fine hot exceeding Twenty Pounds and in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine not exceeding Five Pounds for each day during which the offence continues after conviction therefor.

TEE CONMON SEAL of the DISTRICT I ) COUNCIL OF RDCIIFORD was pursuant ) to a resolution' of the Council hereunto affjxed this dcvi of 1975 in I the presenc oh—

I Sgd. Chainian

SgcL , Chief Executive


II I I I I S (b) as soon as the carriage is hired by diatance and before commencing the journey, bring the machinery of the taximeter into action by operating the key, flag or other device, so that the word flED is legible on tile face of the taximeter and keep the machinery of the taximeter in action until the termination of the hiring;

I (o) ensure, during the continuance of any hiring, by diflance that tile dial of the taximeter is not conceled in any manner or by any means and that such dial shall be distinctly and plainly vidible and legible to any person hiring or being conveyed in the said carriage;

(d) cause the dial of the taximeter to be kept properly illuminated throughout any part of the hiring by distance;

e) revort imrnediatelyto the Council the failure of the taximeter.

6 A proprietor or driver Of a hackney carriage shall not tamper with or permit any person to tathper with the t1,ximeter idtb which the carriage is provided, with the fittthgs thereof or with the seals ,afEixed thereto.

7. A driver or prorietor of a hackney carriage shall at all times when such carriage is standing, plying or being driven for hire, behave in a civil and orderly manner and take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of persons conveyed in or alightixg fron such carriage.

S. The ¶lriver of a hackney carriage shtll not at any time, when driving for hire', smoke tobacco or any other hike substance without the' permission of the person hiring and being conveyed in such curriage

9 The driver of a hAckney carriage shall, when plying' for, hire in any street and ,not actually hired

(a) 'on arrivingat a stan4 not already Occupied bythe full number of carriages authorised to occupy it, stationthe carriage immediately behind the carriage or carriages on the stand and so as to face in,tbe same direction;

(b) from time to time when 'any other iediately 'in front is driven off or movfl forward causeL ii carriage t be movd forward so as to' fill the plape previously occupied by the aniage drrven off grmovedforward; H'

(c) remain wjth4 the carriage and be ready to be hired at once by any person when his carriage is the first carriage on the stand

10. A pr'cswietor or Iritver of li hackny carriage, àhn',standirtg' ol', plying for hire, shall not, by calling out or othercise importune any person to hire such carriage and shall not stake use of the senices of any other 'person for the purpose.

11. A proprietor or' driver of a hackney carriage who shall have agreed or shall have been hired to be in attendance with the cax'riage at an appointed time and 'place shall, unless delayed or prevented by some sufficient cause, punctually attend with such carriage at such appointed time and places

12. A proprietor or driver of ahackney carriage shall not convey o4 perinitto be conveyed in such carritge any greater number of persons than the number o'f persons specified on the plate affixed to the out-s 76 '''i . side of the carriage

13. If a badge has been provided by the touncil and deliverd to the driver of a hackney carriage either with the li

hi. The driver of a hackney carriage shall when requested by any person hiring or seeking to hire the carriage—

(a) convey a reasonable quantity of luggage;

b) afford reasonable assietance in loading and unloading such

II I luggge; I (c) afford reasonalle assistance in removing buch luggage to or front tb Strance of any building, station or place at Mhich he may take up or set down such pei4son.

15. A proprIetor or dflver of a haclàiey carriage who shall knowingly convey in the carriage the dead body !of any person shall, immediately thereafter, notify the fact to the Director of Health and Housing of the touncil.

I I l. The driver of a hackney carriage when hired, to drive to ant partioular destination shall, 'óubject to an' dixectiofi given by the hirer,' proceed i such destination by'the shortest available route.

17. The driver of a hackney äarriae shall at all times whilst standing, driving or plying for hire, have a complete copy of these byelaws ready to produce and shalL produce the same for perusal and inspection on request by any persoü hiring or seeking to hire such carriage, or being conveyed in such carriage


18. Each of the several places specified in the following lieL shall lie a stand tor such number of hackney carriages as is specified iq the list.

HaokneyCarr'iage Stands No. of Hackne3t Carriages

Precise details of the sites to be inserted after consultations with the Police and the Highway Authority.

Between thb hours of midnight and 4.00 am, onlyt—

Bus Bays, i.e. t1ioe specially I constructed lay—bys adjacent to the carriageway of a road and provided for the use of public service vehicles 4 each


Minutes of the Housing Services Committee

At a Special Meeting held. on 20th January 1975. Present: Co-uncillors J.R. Warner (Chainnan), E.H. Adcock, 2. Blackburn, Miss J.R. Browning, Mrs. F.E. Clayton, L.JC. Cope, L.I]1. Fudge, A.J. Haney, Mrs. N.T. Madden, Ft. ?bCamley, D. McKinnell, R.B. Needham, G.C. Oldbury, C. Stephenson, W.J. Tracey and D.C. Wood.

Visiting: Ccmncillors SIB.H. fletcher, C.B. Gowlett, D.A. Ives, and 0.2. Morgan. I


I I I 73. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Counoillors LA. Grove and A.R. Muiimer. I

N0N-MRtBERS ATTENDING I 74. The Chairman reported that Councillprs S.B.H. fletcher, C.B. Gowlett, D.A. Ives and 0.2. Morgan were attending. I I REVENUE ESTIMATES 1975/76

75. The Comnattee considered their Draft Estimate for 1975/16. Resolved that the Draft Revenue $stimates of the Housing Services Committee, as now approved, be submitted to the Finance &nd Personnel Committee.' (708)


76. The Qommittee considered the report of the Director of Finance upon the proviplons of the Housing Rents and:subsifties Bill and noted that the ftrther information referred to in Minute 1149/74 had now been received end incorporated in the Revenue Estimates. 1

RECOMMENDED That as from 7th April 175 the otncil's ensting rents and charges for dwellings, garages, etc., be increased by 20% (epnvalent to an average increase of approximately £0.75 per week).' t&net t¼\A iL P Et4tSt. %y -t&ce 2 cm --

73 I!II F


Minutes of the Finance and Personnel Coimnttee

At a Meeting held on 21st January, 1975. Present: Councillors D.A. Ives, (Chairman), R. Blackburn, C.D. Bright, Miss J.R. Browning, J.E. Carter, t3'.B.R. Fletcher, D.R. Powler, L.H. Fudge, COB. owlett, A.J. Raney, A.J. Humby, M.L. Kennaugh LV. Naton, B. Moflnnell, P.J. Stanton, A.L. Tate, J.R. Warner and D.C. Wood.

Visiting: Councillors S.W. Barnard, B.A. Crick, N.A. Grove, Mrs. LT. Madden, R. McCamley and G.C. Oldbury.



77. Resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting held on lOth)Deoeinber, 1974, be approved as a odrrect reoord and 'siied by the Chairman. I


78. The Chairman reported that Counoillors'S.W. Barnard, B.A. Crick, N.A. Grove, Mrs. LT. Madden, R. McCamley and G.C. Oldbury were attending.

RETORT OF TEE DIRECTOR OP FTNASCE" I I 79. The Committee received the appendeá report of the Director Of Pinance.i

EECC5HIflED (i) That the action o the flircthr of Finanoe Sri paying the accounts detailed in paragraph 1 be confirmed

(2) That the supplementary estimate detailed in paragraph 2(b) be financed at the expense of Revenue.

RkTES'EEF'OHM (Minute 616/74)

The Director of Finance presented and Members noted. a summary of the evidence submitted by the Association of District Councils to the Layfield Committee which was onqpirin.g'into Local Governknent Finance, (757) I


81. The Director of Finance reported that the Local overnmerit Act, 1974, allowed Councils to fix their otn rate of discount (except on sewerage I charges). I I

RECOMMENDED That he Coulicil n4ia-ao to grant discotnt under Sections S 54of the General Rate Act 1967, as amended by the Local Governnient Act 1974, to ratepayers paying the total net amount of rates due by 30th April In each year; the rate of discount to be 2j% per annum. (757)


82. The Director of Finance reported an application for rate elief for the Hall which was used mainly for educational and. religious purposes. The Nationa. Feiera'ion of Womens Institutes was a 'registered Charity.

RECOMMENDED That the 'Rayleigh Branch of the National Pedertion of Womena Institutesbe grai4ed 5G% Bate Relief under Section 40(1) of the General Rate Act 1967. I


' ' ' I ' I ' r , ' ,II 1111 I I Finance and Personnel Committee


83. The Director of Finance requested authority for the Rating Assistant to institute or defend proceedings relating to the collecting of rates.

PECO1ThED (1) That Mr. P,G. Spence, Rating Assistants Poet P.48 be given authirity under Seption 22 of the Local Govermnnt Act 1972 to conduct proceedings, on behalf of the Qouncil. I

(2) That Minute 174/73 be rescinded (757 & if)


84 The Director of Finance reported that allowing 39 minutes for cashing—up meant that Cashiers were continually working overtine

I to complete their'daily work. i

RECONPIENDEI That the Cash Collection Qffices, Rayleigh and Rophford, be closed one hotu before the close of the main offices to allow the 9ashiers sufficient time In which to cash up and balance their tills. The new Cash Office opening hours frpm 1st April, 3,975 to be as follows:—

Monday to Thursday — 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. riday- — S.30 a.m. to 3030 pQm. (89)


85. The Director of Finance submitted a Schedule of outstanding account I with reasons for non—collection. I

RECOMMENDED That the following accounts be w4tten—off.

Date Amount I Account No

15.1g74o 8099 3.81. 151.74 8098 3.81. 151.10740 97 3.81.

2l2.74 8217 I 2.65. 2l.274 I 84Q5 1.20. 20.9.71. 53ë I 6.80. 22l.70. 228 2.00. 1305.70. 5459 I 3.40. 2ll.70. 51 3.77. I 3.37l d089 I 2.XJ. l9.l272. 7616 4.91. • I ', Total £38.16. I jlII.II Ii i I I (708) I I NEALS.-ON-WHEISLS, RAYLEIGH - TRANSPORT SUBSIDIES a6. The Director of Finance reported a request for an increase in the subsidy paid to the WOROVOS. toward the expenses of drivers using their own cars for Meals—on—Wheels deliveries0 The allowance of 5p per ELite was fixed in November, 1973. 119

II I II I I I' I I Finance and Personnel Corittee

RECONMEINDED That with effect from 1st Pobru4y, 1975, the aowanee paid to &rivers using their own vehicles for the Meals—on—Wheels Service be increased to 'p per mile and the trspot uboiciy—p-ai&--— b—the—Csimoã.2- under S'tio—l (Jr)_et_±bs_Natio—AsStanoe--Act fltflflSC-.9Q—(Awendmant)_An±—192 'be +rflrAmcreaae to—4-.5p a± per ail-e-- (6837)— ESSEX PHYSICALLY HAJU)ICAPPIfl) ASSOCIATION - GRAW

87. The Director of Finance reported an application for a grant toward the cost of providing holidays for the elderly able—bodied partners of physically handicapped persons residing in the Rooliford District. Whilst grant aid. was available for the registered physically handi- capped, no financial' assistance was available for their partners.

BECOMXNIThIt) Ithat a grant be made 'be the Association unde s.'i. of the National 'Apaistance: Act 1948 (aenanent 4ct),,l92 of £259, subject to a maximum gxant of £25 being made in any one casp to residents of the District. (211/2)


88. The Director of Administration reported an invitation 1o take

membership at a subscription of £523. I

RECONNENDEID That the do nçb take membership of the Eastern Arts Associatioxtj575)'


89. The Director of Finance reported an invitation for ihe Councit& become members.

BECONMEINDED That the Cotncil do not tke up membership. (211/2)


90. The Director of Finance reported a request for a contributiqn of £100' toward the rannmg expenses.

REEONMEThThED That a graht of £50 be niade for 1975/76 under Section 137 of the Local Government Act l972 (211/2)


91. The Director of Finance reported a request from the National Trust for a contribution of ip per head of population, i.e. £62, perhaps sçiread over s peribu of years. Ehterprl,se Neptime was a oanzpaigx rdr the acquiaition and permartet preservation of unsjoflt ccastiine.

RECOThfE1NTED That a grant of £140! be made for 1975/76 under Section

137 of the Local Government Act 1972. (52) I

LADY NcADDEFPS APPEAL FOR B.U.SIIT. (BREAST uNIT FOR SCREENING BY THERMOGRAPHY) (Minute 3),5/74) 92. The Director of Finance reported that some £52,000 had been collected but that the target had had to be raised to £75,000 because of rising costs.

RECOMMENDED That a further grant of £100 be made! in 1974/75 und r •Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972. (211)

I ''I IILi I . Finance and Personnel Committee


93. The Director of Finance reported that the Rayleigh Citizens Advice Bureau had asked for a grant of £370' toward their estimated expenditure of £375 in 1975/76, The Eochford O.A,B had similarly, asked for £350. I

I RECONMIIIIWED That the 'g1ant requested for' 1975/76, totalling £720, be made under Section 137 of the LocaL Government Act 1972. (567)

HOUSE PURCHASE LOANS — INTEREST RATES REVIEW (Minute 388/74) (Note: Councillor S.B.H0 Fletcher discThsed a pecuniary interest in this matter and, being invited to remain at the Meeting, took no part " in the discussion qr vqting thereon). ' I

I I ' i I ' I ' I I 94. The Director of Financ reported the estimate4 lpan póol rate for 1975/76 was 11% whereas the rate prthpently being charged to Council NQrtgees, with ef:fec1 from 1st October, 1974, was 1O.

RECOMMENDED That the rate of interest charged 'to' borrowers in respect of hose purchase loans be increased ,tp i]j% immediately for new borrowers and for existing borrowers 'on 1st June, 1975, (612)


95. The Director of Adiathistration reported that, both transport under- takings having applied for' fare increases, the Chairman of the Committee had authorised the (hief: Executive and Clerk of, Castle Pqint Distract; Ooucil to act on behalf of both douncns in objecting to the proposed increases with coats being shared between the! 'Authorities concerned. Members comfined. that it was 'thefl wish that fzture applications for fare increases should be similarly resisted0 The action taken by the Chairman was reported for information in accord with Standing Order 31. (060)


96. The Director of Health and Housing reported, that there was some doubt as to whether Thresbold payments pould be iqade, as clearly intended" by the Courtcil, to Wardens in the Rayleigh area, unless their pay 'Was formally linked1 to the National Agreement.

BECOME4ENDEtD Or) That the terms and conditions of servioe eurrentlyi applying to Wardens and. Relief: Wardens of schemes pf grouped dwellings employed by the fome Rochford Rural Watriqt Council and set out in the appendix tp Minute 400 dated 6h J.1y, 1971, of the Rochiord Rural District Council shall apply to all Wardens, Deputy Wardens and Relief Wardenp of grouped d?re1lips employed throughout the District by the flochford District Council as from 1st October, 1974.

(2) That the various rates of py iki respect of Wardens, Deputy Wardens and Relief Wardens be tied to the National Agreement for! future salary movements in respect Lof Miscellaneous Classes of

' 'I Officers. '

'ft I,

' I

82 ' I tI I I,, a II I III w Finance and Personnel Coittee (3) That, as from 1st October, 1974, the National Award of 13.5% be'added to the revised salaries, as set out in Minute 858(19)/74 of the iandernientioned Wardens and Relief Wardens:—

1rs. M. Wilson1 Warden ,Rardwick House Mrs. N.E. Dbdson Relief Warden Hardwick House Nrs.,V. Cook Warden Prances 'Cotitee Lodge Vaoanoy Relief Warden Prances Cottee lodge Mrs. Ed Romphreys Warden Francis Walk/Crown Hill (4460)


97. The Director of Health and Housing reported that the apothtment of another Principal Health Inspector had crated an for 'the existing Principal Ee,lth Inspector and, to correct 'this, it was,

RECOMIffFThU)ED That the holder of post H.40 Principal! Health Inspector, be granted one ad&itional increment Within his present Grade from 1st April, 1975, bringing his salary on that date to £3,939. (P.P.)

STMP — LOCAL AND STHUCtL'ukth PLANS (Nijiute 3/75)

98. The Connn.ittee considered the recommendation of the Detelopment Services Committee that the establishment of the Lonal arid Structure PLans Section 1e reduced, by the deletion of Posts T.60, ¶P.63 and T.650 The Director of !Pechnioal Services reported nJ the Committee noted that the cut would slow down the work of the, Section arid might *ell affect, detrimentally', the tuture woa3c 'of the Detelcpnint J ' Services Committee. ,,

I' ' BECOMMEINDED That the recomaend,ation of the Development Services Committee be adopted. (195)

HAILUVTER HOUSING ASSOCIATION — INTEREST RATE ON LOANS 99. The Director of Finance reorted that the tenas of loans for the construction of Hanover Court, Hopkley Road, Rayleigh, provided that the interest rate should 'be the same as for the Council's Rouse Purchase Loan Scheme referred td in Minute 94 abo-v-e

RECONMEINDEII) That the ratS bf interest 'charged for ),oan under the above agreement should be, increased to llj% per annum with effect from 1/6/75 and the various annuities amended. accordingly. (4732)

REVENUE 'ESTIMkTES ]i975J7, , ,' "!

100. The Committee considered thb' Draft Revenue Eetintee Ca5 expenditure under the contrpl of this Committee and (b),of other spending Committees. The Director of Finance gave a cjeta,iled explanation as to how and why Central Adniniptration Expenses were apportioned.

Resolved (1) that the Draf4 Revenue Estimates of Cottilittee I , 'VMs be amended ae under'.' I,

a That Members onference expeuses)De cpt to £800, b That the item "Cotmcillcbs Ttraining" bd &eleted. o That the proflsion for payment to Eastern Natipnal, Concessionary Bus Fares, be increased to £36,330. I 83 ' I' I I I _ -- —.- . —-P- - - — I•lI Finance and. Personnel Committee (d) That the charge for Concessionary Bus Passes be increased to £1 when the Lees paid by the Council to the Bus Company rises

to £8 per pass. I (e) That the proflsion for contributions to the Capital Fund and the Repairs and Renewals Pund in 1975/76 be deleted. (f) That an additional item "Contingency — General £85,000" I be in&iuçlod. I Kg) That "Special Items"'be pitt by £1,200 by the deletion of the as bonversiozi. scheme at Earringtons.

(2) that the Association of District Councils be requested to press for an increase an fees payable for Looal Land Charge Searches to tske account of increased costs

REOONNEIThED (1) That the Po1içy amc5. Resources Committee make the following amendments to'tbeDraft Rvenup Esti1nataof t!ie Spending S Committees.

(a) Desrelcrpmeñt Services Committ1ee P1ann'in Appeals — Reduced. to £12,000.

Sexvioes Comnit1ee (b) Housing I That the General Rate Fund I)efioit Contribution to the Housing Revenue .A,ooount be 1iroied to the product of a lp rate (before any allowance for Rate Support Grant).

(2) That offiers report o the Policy and B,eaouroesl tjonmiittee on the cost of oniy essential works to m.itigate the potential health haa.rd t The Mount,Rayleigh.

I (3) That the Policy and Resources Committee be requested to consider limiting attendance at cJonferenc to one member and one officer5 or %2 f 4%JJO I


101. During the consideration of (i)(b) above it wasp I

Resolveà. that Standing Order 1.E% be suspended tq pemit he transaction of the remaining business,


102., Resolved that in accordance with section 1 of'the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, l9&i the public be excluded from the meeting for the reason 'the matter about to be discussed is the subject

of a confidential report H H 1


103. The Director of Technical Services reported on the effect on the work of the Architectural Section of the absence due to ill health of this employee.

RECOMMNWDED That-the present vacant post of of Works (Post T.s) be redesiatedTechnical Assistant on the , i.e0'T.3/4. (ri) H 9 iilIJ!iiI FINANCE AND PERSONffl]L CONMITTEE - 21ST J.AMrART, 1975


1. A000WPS PAID Accounts amounting to £3,517,237.10 were paid during November and December 1974. The Committee's comfimation of payment is requested.

2. CAPITAL AND REWENDE ESTIMATES 1974/75 (a) Supplementary Estimates already approved Revenue Capital £

Development Services 28,532 — Pinanoe and Personnel 101,072 9,220 Housing Services 17,052 3,200 Recreation anØ. .Ament6ies 4,216 246 Environmental Health 13,375 164,249 12,666 I (b) Proposed Expenditure To consider the method of financing the following and any other items of bexpendLture for which provision bas not been made an the Es-bimates. Committee Amount Purpose

Housing Services £450 Home Loss Payments

" (c) Expenditure Contol I

To review the expenditure o date oompsed iith th planned ecpendituze for the year. Adj.Ex21 Actual Exp. Time Committee foyear to 31.12.74 8-pent'1 end1tuxe Development Services £ £ Revenue '— G.R.F. 21,030 19,359 75 60.68 Agency 34,905 18,867 75 54.11 Capital — C.R.P. 7,890 13,963 75 l7.97 Agency 19,360 5,504 75 28.43 Environmental Health Revenue — €.R.P. 204,930 131,902 75 64.36 Agency 59,115 28,629 75 48.43

85 .

• Exp. Actual Rip. Time to 31.12.74 ent Pinance and Personnel

Revenue 665,260 447,757 75 67.31 Capital 38,365 14,495 75 37.78 Housing Services Revenue - G.R.P. 26,460 16,971 64.14 H.P.L. 7,300 7,374 75 101.14 Housing 97,610 76,710 75 78.58 Capital - £LR.P. 15!Ooo 9,422 'p 62.81 H.P.L. soo 639,265 75 127.85 Housing l,034,40 530,933 75 51.34 Recreation and. Amenities

Revenue 7, 349 87.65 Capital 18Q,430 69,583 38.57 3. jW0Mfl 1_974/75

To report the income received to 31.1.74 over the main heads.

Total Income Income 1.11.74 Reported to Committee to 31.12.74 to 31.12.74 10.12.74 Income] 1.4.74 to 31.10.74 LI. Rates 2,80' '18.62 515,238.00 2,285,880.62

House Purchase I 345,915.61 ea,952.63 256,92.98 Loans Housing Rents 434,926.46 92,552.42 335, 374.04 Goveraent 1,473,793.13 439,274.13 1 ,034,5J.9.kiO Grants Loans 9,74,55O.00 1,963, 300.001 7,821,25O.O &enera1 950 ,475.7 338,22. 6 15,790,779.54 3,444,543.84 12,346,235.70 • —---,—-J—--—-—- --- 4. LOANS POOL TRANSACTIONS S (a) General Short Tern interest rates are varying from 7j% for two day money to l3% for three months money.


86 (b) Analysis of Loans held. in Loans Pool

Type £ Average rate of Interest %

Mortgages l—6oyears 9,896,259 86.03 '9.53 Temporary - up to 3 month 1,307,500 11.36 10.81 I Temporary - 3 months & over 300,CK)0 2.61 11.58

£11,503,759 ioo% 9.73%


'(a) Claims I

To report the claims made, settled and outstanding.

There have been flx claims since your last report and three cia ims settled.

Risk Total No. of Settled Outstanding Claims Claims Mount Claims Nptor Vehicle 2 :1 £22.37

Third Party 3 1 £27.00 I 28 Fire Ii1 I —

I Thpft , 1 £6.4O

(b) Acci eth Council Vehiols

To mport the accidents inimving Council vehicles which have beec notified to the Insurance Company since your last report.

Date of Accident Vehicle Et123]ded , ' Remarks aiptut of damage

(ThY 47 N £16.Ob Damage 1Y refuse 2.12.74 I I ' I 'vehicle to kerbstortea

3.12.74 'HVW 657 H ,! £7753 'Refuse vehicle

I reV9VSSd. into 'arkeft car.


(a) Rateable Value

TM rateable value of the Dietrict now amounts te £8,674,563 en increase of £4,810 over that reported to your last meeting. (b) Valuation At the 3rd. Januarr i975 there were 810 CVR7 proposals outstari'on

Lii H i , :,,',IjLJd , ,,L' I properties notified to the Valuation Officer and directions are awaited in respect of 312 properties for which proposals have been received.

To report the number of summonses, etc issued for the recovery of General Rates. No.of Summpnses No.of distrees No.of Distress No.of applic&tlons issued to date qarmnts issued warrants to for commital Bailiff I outstandin_

839 540 21]. 7

to date ca.) 'tbates grnted. First Half First Half Second Second Year Year Half Half Average Year Year ______'I £ C

Owner Occu.pier 3066 51,967.49 2,100 41,170.50 18,03

Private Tenants 34 627.16 71 846.12 14.00 7' P!P4!EL0M I

(a) Loans ADp! I,

The following loans have been appttvLd in aoordanoe with the delegation contained in Minute uY74:-. Reported to Oommittee: I Total Approved Approved 10,12.74 to 6.1.75 28.11.74 to &.1.75 ApprQved 1474 —

II 27.11.74 I No. Amount No. Aoitt No. Amount g £ Scheme 1 7 644,125 9 76,485 70 %7,640 Scheme 2 48 420,770 92,755 37 32b,015 I Irovements, I Il etc. oio;6oo 9,72 __215±. 2 135 1,075,505 21, o1i76 114 905,527 I — — I_ —

I (b)

The following statement of arrears' as at 31.12.74 is submibtedt-

thib-Total Total Monthly Remarks 1nsta1ent £ £ £ 6 months and 1.w4rJ_ 1 Case I HPL.2155 230.09 38.19 Possession Order. Divorced — awaiting ponve ce I towtte,k"

' 88 ' a I Sub-Total Total Monthly Reusrica Instalment £ £ 4 months and. under 5 1 Case HPL.2291 561.11 113.05 Proceedings being taken 3 months and under 4 ______Sale awaiting comple— uPt.2201 154.18 40.87 tion of tenants mort— gage application.

HPL.2235 134.14 38.49 Armngement to pay £40 p.m. Promises £80 10.1.75. HPL.2269 543.48 63.88 Paying £5 per month off arrears. 2 months and I underj — 8 Cases HPI.1576 77.80 32.29 Proceedings Pending RPL.1718 74.75 35.51 — do — HPL.1847 61.64 30.82 — do — IIPL.197l 57.58 28.79 — do — 74.99 — — HPL.2176 33.92 do1 HPL.2l99 57.44 28.98 — do — Bfl.1245 98.90 34.09 Divorce proceedings to be completed by 31 Jan 1975 when arrears vu], be paid EIPL.2321 135.76 638.86 67.88 Proceedings pending 1 month and under 2 33 Oases 1,492.59

Under 1 month 33 Oap 348.40

84 Cases £3,814.53

R9portod t Finano e & 168 Cases 8. ASSIS!iTfl) CA1JB0HA3 LOAN 8CBME In accordance with Minute 200/74 the following oar purchase loans, which have been approved since the last Committee meeting, are reported for inforustion:— . New Loans

Date of Approval Name Be siat ion Amount £ 3.12.74. Mr. LCook Works Manager 1,200.00 11.12. 74. Mr. LDesmond Assistant Director 800.00 of Health & Housing 11.12.74. Mr. B.R. Cook Building Control 865.00 Officer 17 .12. 74. Mr. W.A. OaK Building Inspector aoo.oo 6, 1.75. Mr. J.H.Franklin 91om Planning 840.00 Assistant 7. 1.75. Mr. J.A.Abbott Senior Planning 1,200.00 Off loer ___ . £5,705.30



Minutes of the Perfomance Review and Land Sub Committee At a Meeting held on 2jrd J yl975. Present: Councillors D.R. Fowler (öin), H. Blackburn, 0.1). Bright, L.H.Pudge, 03. Gowlett, N.A. Grove, D.A.Ives and J.R. Warner.


104. An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor AaJ. harvey. REVIEW OF COUNCIL siiatviCEsj Minute ¶60174) 105. Consideration was given to the matters to be reviewed by he Sub- Committee at future meetings, in accordance with the review programme agreed at the last meeting. Members were reminded, that several of the items in the programme were the subject of reports commissioned by the service poimnittees concerned and need not therefore be considered at this particular time. It was accepted that even though the Sub—Committee might indicate dates upon which they would wish to review particular services, the progrenne would be aubj eat to change in the event of urgent consideration being needed tO be given to some other service. I Resolved (i) that a report be submitted to the next meeting df the Sub—Committee upon the Council s Standing Orders and Terra or teference of Committees. (2) that reports be submitted to subseqttent meetings 'upon:— (a) Local Land Charges (b) Allotments (3) that a report upon the Cotinoil9e Housing Maintenance system be submitted to the meeting of the Sub—Cojnittee to be held in July 1975. CQCTTEESTEUCTUBE AND B(CIDENCE DP NEThJINGBJMinutes lOll and 116 5/J4) 106, Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Executive which was referred to the Sub—Committee by the Policy and Resources Committee at its last meeting. Members agreed that in considering any amendment to the Oonmdttee Stru.cture financial considerations in the forn of attendance allowances should fona no part of the debate as the nett cost effect of any savings oould only be very minimal. In considering the constitution of the Development Services Committee, whilst some Members agreed with the views of the Chief Executive that membership should be reduced, it was felt that there were few Members, if any, who would wish to relinquish their membership of this Committee at this stage, and as the new system of starring now appeared to be working satisfactorily earlier problems with regard to the number of applications which were being debated by the Committee had, to a great extent, now been resolved. It was aocepted however that there was a need to review the Committees terns of reference. Referring o the Policy and Resoip'ces Committee', concern was expressed t the apparent -I .

Performance Review and Land Sub Committee conflict in the roles of this Committee and. the Pinnce and Personnel Committee, which had been accentuated. recently by the division as to which of these should consider the revenue estimates of the service committees.

When it was established, it was envisaged that the Policy and Resources Committee would recommend to the Council policy to be adopted and to issue guide lines to the service committees as to bow these policies should be nrrplemented. In practice this does not appear to have happened, in that service committees throui lack of direction, were making policy recommendations to the Policy and Resources Committee. Some Memers felt, however, that it pias natural that acceptance of an "all powerful" polioy ccanittee, which was an unknown and, to some alien entity, would be some time in forthcoming. It was a completely new innovation and it was obvious that it would take time to assert itself within the Committee stricture, to identify its role, mainly by a method of trial and error, and to become acceptable to the Council as a whole. Th answer was not to destroy it but to try and identify the problem areas and to rectify these. It was alsp essential to make the Committee acceptable to all Members of the Council, for withou.t their support it just wouJd not work. One of the problems appeared to be that some Members who were not on the Committee were, perhaps, unhappy with its supposed "powers" to veto service committee recommendations but it was pointed out, these fears were groundJ.ess since the Committee did not have a majority of the Council and therefore any decision made was subject to ratification and possible amendment by the Council. In fact it was generally agreed that it was not the job of this Committee to consider and approve every minute of every committee, as had been the practice in the past, but to look at only those matters Which affected or required a policy decision, All other minutes should be referred direct to the Council for ratification or otherwise. It was felt that this was possibly one of the causes of the Connittee s difficulties so far, this participation in the noxl routine considerations of standing Committees generatedi a certain amount of esenthent and hostility from other Members and was also so time consuming that little time was left for the Committee to have any meaningful discussion on important matters ot policy. The Chief Executive in his report recommended that the word "co-ordinatin.g1' shou2 d be included in the Committees a title and Members agreed that this was one of its main functions to co—ordinate the Council's po)4cy to the benefit of the community as a whole. The Sub-Cdmmittee having deb4ed. 'this partici4ar aspect of the report for some time, generally agreed that it would not be possible to arrive at any fira conclusions at this stage but felt that further discussion at a later date would allow Members an opportunity in the meantime of digesting the view points which had arisen in the discussion and to Quantify these in their own minds., Members generally accepted the opinion put forward by the Chief Executive as to why the sub-Committee should not oomprise of Chairmen of Committees, and felt that membership should be available to other members, irrespective of whether or not they were Members of the Policy and Resources CommIttee. It was also agreed that Land should not form part of this Sub Committee's terms of reference and could more appropriately be dealt with by the Policy and Resources Committee, 92 'I '! Perfotmance Review and Land Sub Committee

BECONNENDED (i) That no alteration be made to the membership of the Development Services Committee but that the Cormnitte&s Terms of Reference be reviewed.

(2) TInt, with effect from the coimnencezent of the next municipal year, the membership of this Sub—Committee shall comprise the Chairman and Vice—Chairman of the Council an4 the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, as ex officio Members, plus eight members of the Council who, apart from the Chairman of the Sub Committee, need not be mbere of the Folicy and Resources Committee, but who shall not be a Chairman of any Committee. (3) That further consideration be given to the report of the Chief Executive at a SpeciSl Meeting of the Sub Committee to be arranged in February 1975. I


107. The Chief Executive reported as follows:— r!An offer has been received from the Essex County Council to sell to this authority the above premises. The foiter Rural District Council commenced negvtiations for the parohase of the site but these were curtailed when the County Council decided to use the building, on a temporary basis, for highway purposes. The site, which is adjacent to the Spa Hotel, has an area of e.pproximately o • 120 of an acre although part of the frontage will be required for road improvement purposes. The Hockley and Hawkwell Old Peoples Welfare Asociation use accommodation at the rear to operate a Meals on Wheels delivery point and lunch centre and it was envisaged by the Rural District Council that this use would be pemitted to continue in the event of that authority acquiring the site. The building could conceivably have been used for community and recreation purposes and. an undertaking was given at that time to the Welfare Council that their request to use the whole of the building would be, one of the alternatives to be considerd0" RECO? That no action be taken on the offer of the Essex County I Council to sell these premises. I PUBLIC OPENPACE-ThEPBDNENADE, HUI1LBRIDGE (Minute 2j/7 108. The Chief Executive reported as follows:— 'The Recreation and Amenities Committee were not prepared to consider the suested exchange of land at Hullbridge as set out in Minute 293/74 and requested that the District Valuer assess the value of the area ci' land fronting The Avenue, Huflbridge which is outside the zoned public open space area, with a view to its being sold. to the owner of the adjoining land at the rear. A plan indicating the land in question is attached. The District Valuer s valuation of this piece of land has now been obtained and will be reported verbally at the meeting. The Chief Executive reported the terms of the District Valuer' s informal valuation of this lend to the owner of the adjoining land and reported that as the land was originally acquired. for public xn space . Performance Review and Land Sub Conittee purposes, it would be necessary to obtain the Mnieter2s consent for its disposal and unless an equivalent area of Land were to be acquired to re- place it, it was unlikely that such approval would be forthcoming. He referred to the original offer whereby the prospective developer of this land. had offered a larger area adjoining the public open space land in exchange. That the Chief Ebcecutive be authorised to negotiate for theREC(1MMEINDKJ exchange of the two pieces of land in question, subject to the poun— oil approving the District Valuer' s adjustment in the values of the respective pieces of land.

LOCKS L CARAVAN SITE - J?IJTIJ±(E DEVEIa0T(Miutej4fl4) 109. The Chief Executive reported as follows:-. "By the above Minute, Council decided to earmark this site for Civic Centre and. for conniunity uses. In present circumstances this is certainly a very long tern, but the Sub—Committee is asked to consider an offer, the terms of which will be reported concerning the sale of an area of the caravan Bite land in exchange for the provision of sal access adequate for any future development which m.i&it take on the whole of the Council' a Bradley Way frontage. The Management Team have carefully oonsidered the implications of the offer (copy enclosed for each member of the Sub—Committee) and are of the opinion that authority should be given for negotiations to !oontinue on the general basis of the terme con+ained in the letter. The area of Council-owned land involved is 0.17 acres. The detailed plans referred to in the letter will be on display at the meeting." I He explained in detail the proposals of the developers whereby in exchange for 0.17 acres of land owned by the Council the developer would undertake to construct an access road between South Street and the boundary of the Counoil)s land, grantin.g the Council a rl&tt of access in respect of any development it decided to carry out on the land in the

future. I

The developers were also prepared, upon completion o'f the! works, to offer for sale to the Council one of the office blocks they were proosing to construct on their own 1 anii as a possible first stage in the d.evdlopment of the site. Manbers accepted that, as the County Council gould' permit no direct access onto Bradley Way, this was the only possible means of access to the former Looks Hill Caravan Site, it would be to the Councilts advantage if this access could be acquired at this stage. No commitnt could be given however with regard to the possible acquisition of the office development when dompleted until the Council had an opportunity of givtig careful j consideration to its proposals for the future development of the remainder of this land. The Chief Ebcecutjve stated that a ntnnber of natters of detail had still to be discussed with regard to costs of additional sersriceto'., and rt these discussions would be carried out if the Council were prepared to negotiate. . I RECOMD2ED (1) That authority be given for the Chief Executive to commence negotiations for a satisfactory vehicular access to the CouncIl' s land at Locks Hill' in exchange for an area of land having ai area of 0.17 4 acres to the eastern end of the site. 94 (2) Tt the Recreation and .Am.enjties Ccaittee be reques4 to give consideration to the future development of the remainder Vr' of the site for possible amenity project purposes. S ROCHYOffi.) DISTRICT COUNCIL

Minutes of the Developrnent Services Committee

AtaMeetingi34on2Sthjiua'yi9 Present: (iouncillors C.]). Bright tdS&inan), LU. Adcock, S.W0 Barnard, H0 Blackburn, Miss J.H0 Browning, J.H0 Carter, Mrs. P.E0 Clsflpn, L.K. Cope, N.?0 Cowen, B.A. Cnck, S.B.H. Pletoher, D0R. Powler, Mrs. E.M. Frank, L0119 fldge, C0B. Gowlett, LA0 Groye, A.J. Harvey, A,.J, Eumby,' D0A. Ives, Mrs. J0M. 3, 'L]Xonnaugh, Miss E0M0 Leggatt, Mrs0 M.T. Madden, E.V Matori, IL McCaxnley, B. NoKinxell, 00R. Morgan, Hi). Nee&ham, G0C Old,buzy, C. Stephenson, A.L0 Tate, J.R. Warner and D.C. Wood.


110. Resolved ths4t the Niirntes of 1he Meangs hld on 7th and. 13th January 1975, be approved as ocrredt reports and sigrted byithe Cai...i'ins.r. I 'I II

APOIDOIESPORABSENtE I I I lii. Apologies for absenos were su'bthitted'on behalf of Counbi4lors A.L Nutimer, P.J. S1anton, W03. Tracey and. (b Young.

SOUTH-ESSEX SThUC TUBE PLAN - SUR1Y ASPECT RERdRTS flte i7/ 112. Councillors having studied. the Survey Aspect Reports in the Member& Rpoms it was,, I

Resolved, that the Director of Technical Services prepare a preois and circulate a IOQY to eaoh Member. I BUILDING REGUlATIONS, RELAXATIOLBfl.836B ERECTION OP STORAGE BUILDING AT SOUTRMND AIRPORT 11 3. The Director of Administration submitted an applicatiwi for relaaçation of Building Regulations E5 end E7 which would be technically contravened becausa the external wall was also the site boundary. The Chief Fire Qffioer had no comment to make on the proposal. I Resolved that', pronda no pbjeotions are received by 14th February' to the advertsed proposal, in accortance' with Section 6 of the Pu.blic Healt Act 1961, itS requirements qf Building Regulations E5 and E7 be relaxed for appliostion EL 63fi, which also be approved wider the Building Regulations0 (241) I — ROC/3244111 ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL ACT 952 — F


I .1cc_TH REQUIRE24ETTS 1i4 The Director of Administration reported that the requirements made wider Section 47 of the Essex County Council Act, 1952 i respect of the following developments had been complied 'with:— R0C132/64/11 — Ei'ection of 9 pairs Compliance at 14th of houses, 10 paIrs of bungalows and I January H95 I detached bungalow at Rectory Read, Notioe served. on'lSth Hawkwell. January 1971 Resolved that the requirements of the Notice 1?e cnsidered aè

fully complied 'with., I I 95 H I 'i' 11 . Development Services Committee DI4TIDY SITES: TOWN AN]) COtINTEY PLMII'TING ACT 1 1 SECTION 6c a) BETWEEN 55 AND 41 WARWICK L5AThAY1rGH I Minute 8W74) 3ThWTWEEN 120 AND 128 WARWICK R0AD,j1AYLETGli NiniiEflSl/74) 115. The Director of Aapimistration reported that Notices had been served on the owners requiring them to' clear their land to the satisfaotion of the ]ilreotor pf TecSioa1 Services by 5th January An inspection on 7th January 1975 shotted no ttork had been done on ei1ther site. Resolved that the Director of Mministration be au4thorised. to institute proceedings against the owners for their failure to comply with the Notices served. (5289 and 5068) PO6IES CAR P4& EULI__ PROVISION OP HACKNEY CARRIAGE STAND ______I The Director of Administration reported on. the need for the formal ' consent of the Committees ' I

Resolved that cdnsent be given to tb staüishment pf a' stand for two Hackney Carriages in the Pooles Lane Car Park, thillbridge, the precise sfte being speoified in 1&nute 62/75. (897) CASTLE] ROAD (JAR PARK LICENCE 117. The Director of Administratipn reported that a liceniie from 'the County Council to use land for the exit and for a pedestnan way to the High Street was obsolete., The County Cpunoil now wished for a liqeace to peit them to pass over 35- square metres of land adpining the exit so as to allow a better A.coes to their 'approved development at the Police Station.

Easo (i) that the 1961 tioence 'be terminated,

(2) 'that a acence be grantel to the Qounty 3ouncLt giving' them a ngh-of—w*y over 35 sq. metres of land. at the' ent to the oar park subjpct' to the satisfatqry completion of 'works eqtiired by i?he Direoto bi' Technical Services, such safeguards as mar be considet'ed necessary by the Director qf Adminisiration and to the payment of a nominal rental of £l.OOp per annum. (6744) I I' I I SCREUJULD OP'SVEIOPST APPLICATIONS AND IECONMfflNDATIO "1. The Director of Technical Services submitted a list of applioatons' decided under delegntion. He also submitted letters from Aslringdon and Hockley Parish Councils mnk-ing representations on the propoals referred, to in paragraphs 10 and 51 and 44respectively. 'Reeolved that decisions be n,de in accordance with the recommendations appearing in the Schedule appended to these Minutes with the under— 'mentioned exceptions:— I ' ' Para.12 aCo/576/74 1 That the application be reft.sed for Standard Reason A-N.G.B.—4 residential. '

Para2O—QQ/94QLl! ' ' I ' That consideration of the proposal be deferred for detai?ls of the dwellings to be submitted by the applicant.

'96 i) ,, ,., ,' I',I',I I' ,' Development Services Committee �_4°nQQ/49L1A That the application be refused for the following reason;—

The jñ1oposal constitutes over—intensification of the use of the I site. I

Para 44,.P/ë7/li I I That decision on the proposal be deferred bo enable it to be considered by the Bramerton Road Development Panel and a report be submitted to a future meeting.

NB.Cqurcillor A.J. Harvey disclosed a pecuniary inereat an the proposal referrdd to in paragraph 28 and, being invited to remai in the meetng, took no part in the &tscussibn or voting thereon. He also disclosed his interest in the proposals referred to in 'paragraphs 46 and 47 but left the meeting prior to their consideration.


119. The Chainrian referred to a press report Qf a pnosal y the Qounty Council for a No—Waiting Order coveflng ertain streets near Rayleigh Station. The report was incorreqt in suggesting that the public were nqt being consulted, There would be fail consultation in aocprd. with the Drder-making procedure and a report would be before the next meeting of this qommittee.


12Q The Chairman reported that the Iinner Sub—Committee suggested the closure of the CarPark from 4OQ pam. on the day of the

Civip Dinner. I

esoved that the Car Park be npt qlosfl for this functions

I H .


28th January, l975


10 fl(rJflJ[JJ

ROc/27917g - Ironwell Lane Farm2jtrtnwell Lane1 Hoohf4_- 110G0 Burrows0

Erect single storey Farm Managers Dwelling (details)0

frontage of Plot: 2l33m (7Q9QTI), Depth of Plot: 5l081m(17090h1), Floor Area l23m2 (1324 eq ft) I

D.TOSO — Grant Permission0


QcI5QV7L-S.E.CornerPurdeye Wy1Rcchehal1'Way1Pur4yg Industrial Estate— LP0 Allam & Co

Factory extension0

Frontage of Plot: 380l0m (125?ofl), Depth of Plot: 65053m (215'O").

I DOTOSO — Grant Perir1ssion subject to:—

1, 514O Co'l 3 Commence in 5 years0 2 The site shall be laid out in accordance with the' details shqwn on Drawing RC/2l9004 received 'by the lopal planning authority pn the 8th Novpmber, l974 I

3. The areas shown' far vehicular access, parking and tumirg shall be laid ont and sn±faced tq the satisfaction of the local planning %he development now u.thority beipre ' approved is oocapi,ed0 ' ' I 4 Apar fron the pa$cing of enployees and vieltore oars and trade vehicles there shall be nO storage of goods' or materials on open aras of the site I

' $td0 Oond0 Submit materials schetJ,e0' 50 ll — ' 6 The extension shall be firsé use'dIbr E.P.. A1la'and Co0 Ltd for the carrying on pf their undertaking as manufactUrers of generating sets0 I 7 The carriageway of the pr&1posed estate road along the northert frontage of thé site ehàfl be constructed prior to the commencement of the erection of the bu1ldin no'w approved apd the footpath alqng the same frcntge shall be constructed nor to the occupation of the building, all such access works shall be to the satisfaction of the local planning authority. ' I I

I 1' a 98; '' '' I' '''I I I III ik i — 3 ROCBFORD - Rochford District Council0 Rehabilitation of dwellings to form two semi—detached houses with detached I garages0 I

Prontages of Plots: 8m (6'2) : 803m (273"), Depths of Plots: 29m (95O"), Floor Areas: 97m2 (iajs sq0ft) 1:1 111m2 (7l95 sq0ft)&

DCTOSC — Grant Permission subject to;—

l Std. Cond0 3 — Commence in 5 years0

2, The developmetrq shMll be1 carried cut in apoorciance wi4h I I II tb 'details shown ok the fo1ldwin drawings:— I

I I 2251/1 1ev, b0 plans and sectios0 2251/2 Rev0 b0 elevations

30 tTo gates shall be emoted across the vehicular acoess I I waty0 I'

NO!IYE: I recommend the grant of listed building consent in this case subject to the details set out in qonditioi 2 above0

*4 BflLIGE I , R0C/Ifl4 -Liniehcuse Nursery, Eastwcod Rcad - Cramphcrn Garden Centres Limited0

Application for garden centre horticultural/commerciaL Frontage of Plot: 182083m (6ooo), Depth of Plot: 100058m (3300")

DOTQBO — RefusePermission for the fpllcwjrig reasonz—

Std, Reason A0 — OGCBO —'Al— Commercial0


ROC/772/74 — 24, Clifton Rcd — 00 wes0

h'ect rear extension to form lounge and kitchen0 I

Extension ; 30048m x 60800m (1PO" x 2214t1), I

D.POSQ — Grant Pernispion subject to:—

10 Std0 Ccnd0 3 — Commence in 5 years0 2 Std0 Cond0 l2 Materials to match existing0

30 The depth of the extension by external measurement shall net exceed 3048 metres (10 feet) beyond the existing rear wall of the dwellin0

' — H#

1 I H I !'. , . EAThEII

- MrL

Demolish conservatory and aid. dining room, shower room and enlarge bedrooms0 L, @xtension (ground floor rear) Depth 50660m x width50lQOm (l2ft x l6ft 9") 2 Dona (oulstde roof space) z Lengh 60lØOm (20ft), Heit 20 200w (v3'00 I

DOT.S. — Beftise Permission for the following masons:—

It is the policy of the lbcal planning authority to I req$ript the Nro1md floOr extexsion of semi—detached dwellifigs toa maxinnnn depth o 3o04m C'° feet) so as to ensure that any resulting extension, does not I have a seri,oiis deirimentai bffecit bn the visual. 'or I environmental amenitie of the adjohi1ng dweilig, The proposal as submitted oomflictp wIth that policy and tuld, if penitted. have a seriou effect pn the amenities of the adjoining dwelling0

*7 kYLKEGII , I p/6/74-24elenaRoa4 riit2 Add study exteneton. ' 44b0m x 2095m (13?2fl ic DP0S0 — Grant Permission subect tog— l, Std0 Oond, 31, — Conunence in 5 years0 2d Std0 Cond0 l2 — Materials to match existing0

I I *8, ______' ,

Add rear ani. side extension to form saidy9 dining room and :Wunge0 3081m deep (3005m (1QPOH) on boundary) x 1o036m (126" x 54901) a W D.TOSO — Grant Permission sul1iect to;— I , 10 Std0 Cond0 30 — Odnace in 5 year.

20 td0 Qond0 l2 — Materials to match existing0

H0CRLRY I Pjy3/9 33a424 fieldg4flS-Nr? Add bedroom extension over existing garage0 258ll1 z 4052m (86" x l30")

I ' DOUOSO Refuse Permission for the following reason—

The proposed extension up to the flank boundary at first floor level would result in the coalescence of this and adjaoent propecties into a terrace, with oonsequent detriment to the street soene as a whole0

The lo,a1 planning authority oonsiders that a. spacS of one metre should be provided between any extension at first floor level end the side bqtndary to I prevent coalesoenee0 I

*lQ ASmGDoN I QgJ973/74 St0 Thomas Road9 SoirbhFenhr1dMr1 K0j0

Outline application to erect private dwelling0 r (coimn MATTER)

Frontage of Plot: 30048m (ioo'o"), Depth of Plot: 24038m (8o'Q"

D2103O — Refuse Permission for the following reasons—

Std0 Reason A — MOGOBO A2 — Residential0

I 114 1100102Y ROCQ72/7j3.OrchardAvenu

Demolish existing dwelling and erect one detached bungalow0

Frontage f Plot: 1.80266m (60 rt), Depth of Plott 300 500n (lao ft) I Floor area: 117091m2 (1334 sq0 ft)0

:ps — arant Permission subject toi— ii

S-tcIS Oond0 '3 — Cpimnenoe in 5 years0

2 StL Cond 110 Submit materials aoheduJ.eoI


I QgJ576/74: -ThrretParn Hooklsyjtoact-}frBTr,'Byfo&t

Change of use of first floor of an existing barn into an Fkaplc4rees flat0 (COUNTY MA!! mEt) I

I flopr Area"Proposeth '65003m2 (7Q0 sq0 ft)0 DOTOSO —' Gxant iPsnnission subject to:—

lL Std Cond0 3 — Connnence in 5 years

2 Prior to the cozzunenoement of any development, 'detai2s of the proposed alterations and erbernel appearance of the building which shall provid for no window pr other openings on the northern and eastern Bides df the binlding at first floor level, shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authort

I "I I' tint1,: H I 1 i. I III I I NOTh: Turret Farm Is occupied by Mr & Mrs0 ReT. Dyford who now require some fall time help in managing the house and its environs I consider the proposal a reasonable one provided a legal agreement is concluded, to the satisfa,otlon of the flirector of AcbwTnlstration, with t1e app1ioan' that the unit of living accommodation so provided shall ohly be ocoupie4 by !someone wholly employed in assisting with the runn4ng of the house and its gardens and that the oonourrence of the County Planning Authority is obtained befqre the issue of planning permission since the site is in prqposed extensions to tbe metropolitan green bolt, l3 GEEATWAKRRING I

I ppJ947/73—Victoria '1 'iesar00bips & Elmore.

Demolish existing dwelling and erect 16 dwelling units with garagës Type Frontag Depths Floor Areas

L 16076m 550" 3l 4m (lO3O" 950 5 m2 1028 sq0ft H 944w 39'q" 30043m (1boq" 99e04 m2 1065 sqjt E04 9014m )00" 3200m (105'O" 8696 m2 36 sft

DOTCS. — Graç1 Permission bubjedt to:—

I Btd0 Cond 3 I -' Coimnce Ijfl 5 years0 2 A scheme of tree planting shall be submitteti to land appatted by the local planning authority prior 'o the commencement of development0 Such planting shall be carried out during tile' first available season following the commencement of develbpment0 Any tree or shrub dying within five years of p anting shall bp replaced by the applicant or their sUccessors in title o the satisfaction of the local planning authoritj0

Btd Cond. ll — Iu.bmit materials schedule0

40 Details of the sceening wails and/or fencing r other means of screening, tcg&ther with their positioning shall be submitted for approva± by the lodal planning avthortty a before the development ie coanenoed and shall be erected W prior to the occapavian Cf the dkcelling units0 i I 5 The floor apace showa 'for garaging on Plot Nos0 5, 6, 8 to 86 inclusIve, 87, 88 and 91 to 96 inclusive' shall be used for no other purpqse incidental to the enjqyment of the dwelling wtthzut tile prior approval in th?iting of the local planning authority0 6 A hardetandng 5000m 2050m (169*t x 82fr") shall be providbd within the cartilage of each dwelling, convenient to the front door thether a garage is provided or not0

I #102 II U J I iiI k I' 'I I NOTE: Decision of this appLication was deferrei oti the 12th December at Itinute 1145/74 for further information about the development of the area and proposals for making up Goldsworthy Drive and part of Victoria Drive., Th oiinent application! provides for dwel1ing 8 in each of Victoria Drive and ColdswoTrthy Drive The applicant company has had other development approved at 1100/525/70 to the extent of 9 houses an Victoria flrive, 32 in Goldaworthy Drive and. 34 on land between C]oldsworthy Drive and Seaview D-rkve, this last group is eerved by a new estate road off Qoldaworthy Driven ! I iii The provision of a ina4e up road to serve the group of 34 is required by a condition on the p].anthg permission sance that road %tuldrbe a new street and its provision to an approved standard can legally be included, as a condition of planning permissicn0 In regrd to Goldaworthy, Drive and that part of Victoria Drive along which the applicant has frontage, I say again, I am advised that the Council cannot require the making up to adoption or any other stan4ard the surfaces of extug 'unmade irvate streets as a requirement of planning permission0 Apart from any voluntary action by the applicant the only legal requirement that can be mad of a developer in regard to imro'vthg, the surfaces of unmade dtreets is the use of Section 47 of the Essex County Council Ao 1952 Notipe under that Hection has been served on Mesrs I Grippe and Etlmore requ,nting them to provide a carriageway and two fooimays to the best standard 4that can be achieved within the constraints of the legs1ation namely 'a cli,rker base topped w:th hardcore and gravel and finally tarspraye& The 'develo'pers bave in&i4ated howevei' their wiUthg ness to undertake tIe making up q±' the Rtreets a standard for adoption prior to porieacing wo± on any of the houses subject tO the approval of the County Highways Department and the maldng by 'that department ',of proportionate financial oqntrlb' in reapec of those lengths of frontages not o'wned 'by the dQvelopera It was by that procedure that 'a major part of Seaview' Drive has been made u Negotiations have beon in progress between the applicants and the ILtghways department in respect of Ooldsworthy Drive and Victoria Drave since AprL 1974 and t is hoped that a satisfactory conclusion can be reached *l4 HAWKWEL

oofl6j/Jk -49, Victor G- StanfLeld0 Add rear extension to font lounge and dining area0

7,,31m x 4091m (240" x IJ(J3 . DOTOBO — Grant Permission subect to:—

10 Std0 Cond0 30 Commence in 5 years.

2 Stio Cond0 12 — Materials to match existing0

150 RAflEIGE I R0C/790/74 - 13, Eatwood Road — Mr0 K6G0 Whitehead & Mr0A0 Wia son,

Change use of first and second floor from office accommodation to residential use0

JDOTOSO - Grant Permission0


— 104, Clarence Road — Mr0 J0 Brooke—Walder0

Add bedroom extension at first floor)

30600m deep x 50900m wide (n'io" deep x 1924U wide).

DOTOSO — Refuse Permission for the following reasong—

The first floor extension at the rear of this property is considered exeeseive, and if allowed, would overshadow the living room window at ground floor level and bedroom I window at first floor lpvel of the adjoining property, No0 106, causing an vnacceptable lose of sunliit and I i I daylight to the propprty0

NOTE: leers have been received from the ocoupiers of both adjoining properties9' No0 102 and 106, objecting to 1the proposed first floor extension on the grounds of loss of li&rb to the windows of their property and overlooking0

*l7 HOCKLEY RQQ/858/74 - 22jjQreensward Lane - Mr0 N0 Humpbries0

Add extensions to form bedroom, kit dhen and garage 0

Extension at rear: 3.2m deep x 100 36m wide0 (lo6" deep z 342 OU wide) Extension at side: 8023m wide x 34044m dep0 (27'O" wide x 1O'E" deep)

1)OTOSO — Grant Perm.tssion subject to:—

I l SM0 Cond0 3 — Commence in 5 years. 2 Std0 pond0 l2 — Materials to match existing0

NOTE: Housing permiselon was granted in July 1974 (RoC/21/74) for a similar but more extensive extension projecting 3066m (120°) on the boundary between, Tds.' 228 and I No0 226 Greensward Lane,

I I , 18. ROOThE

Roc/9o9p - 18, Spa Road —Qjbjpg & Partnors

New shop front to Estate Agency0

D.T05. — Grant Permission sv.bjeot to:-

td0 Oond0 3 — Opinmence in 5 years0

*190 RLflEIGE

ROO/910/74 land on north side of ParkLhurst Road1 west of' Ihatlani Drive, Rawreth — Mrs, G0E0 Oheverall0 Outline application to erect detached dwelling) (COUNTY nER)0 Frontage of'P1ot U.58ni (38o'), Depth of Plotg 67066ni (222bOt),

ILTCS. — RefusePermission for the following reason:—

Std. Reason A MOGOBO A2 — Residential0

2O HOCICLEY I I 2ca4O/74 'Rear garden o3Highams Road and fronting llaidcwell Road — Mr0 nJ?.J0 Nicholls0

Outline apy that ion to erect one detached bungalow and garage Frontage of P1ot l9. (63), Depth of ibt: l707m (56))

DOTOSO — Grant Permission subect to:—

l 'Std0 'Cond0 l Reserved matters to be approved0

2 Std0 Cond0 2 — Oommenoe uI 5 years or 2 years0

30 A hsMstanding 5OOm x 2050m (l6tstl xae2u) aiai). be provided within' the otirtilàge of eabh dwelling, cotivenient to the 'front door whether a garage is provided ornot0 i

40 The plans mibmitted in accordance with condition I of tl4s 'permission shall indicate the location, seciqs," 'gtrth at l5 xntres above'thë ground 'spread and height of all trees on he Thnd0

' , *21. BOOKLEY

ROO/946/74 - Fiveyn Outline application to erect 2 detached chalets and garages0

Frontages of Plots; 7n (22O"), Depths Of Plots: 3606m (120901!). . DOTOS. — RefusePermission for the foilawing reason—

The frontage of the ts less than the minimum at 6o feet considered necessary by the local planning authority for the etectioL of two detached dwellings The development of this site by the erection of two houses would present a cramped appearance detrimental to the street scene


pp/l65/74 - Between the southern Road and the Al2Ltrunk road - Mrs Thg, Mrs WilshenOook Mrs0 Skinner and the executors of Nrs Stokeã'dj,

Outline application for residential develqpment on land forming part of Weir Farm9 Rayleigh0 (ooUiTY MA}PIER)

(Site Area 236 acres)0

D0TS. — Refuse Pennissipn for the following reasons— L Std. Reason A — LGQBO A2 — Residential0

NOTESg In the review development plan part of the site is sho'wn for public open space purpDses, part for secondary school and all is within proposed extensions to the Metropolitan Green Eelt0 The Secretary oi State s ,prgjpcse3. modifications provide for the deletion of the secondlary school and public open spape notations n the grounds that neither use is now requ.irrnL

The planning history 91 this site is extensive0 In November 1964 he Minister, on appeal, gave a certificate of appropriate alternative development in respect of 18 acres qf the site in terms ,pf residential development at an overall dendity not in excess of houses to the acre0 Applipaticns submitted in 1965' for residential development on parts or ll of the site were dealt with at a local enquiry in May 1966 when four appeals on planning applications and two' objections to the review dvelopmeht plan prcpbsds were heard0 The Minister kave his dedisiqp agaaist development in April 1967; he accepted the Inspectpr2s recommendatioi that the S appeals be dismissed because sufftc+en jas'bifioatiQ: oou34 tpt 4ien be foUnd for, pemittin resiAential haLldin cii the land and the site fori4ed art of an open area between Rayleigh and Tlxundersley0

At RAY/l80/68, 462 acres of the' site 'Were refused planning permission for housing by the former County CounciL ' A further application on' part of the site ws submitted, at RkV9/7O, no depision was made' on this one by the formeri Urban i2strict Council and an appeal against non—tIe terminatlai is to be heard on the 26th March next0 The same site kOf 462 acres was the su1ject of BAY/l56/73HwMch wap1eoided by the torAer Urban District Ccuhcil on the 18th December l973 by a refusal of permission for the following reasons:- 6 ( (I ' ' ' I ', , ' II I'I PtThe site is not wthth an area allocated for residential development in with the Approved or Review of the County Development Plan0 The Local Planning Authority are only prepared to favourably oonsj4er the development of this site in oonjun±ion with a comprehensive proposal iaiëluling adjoining land to the south and west in the interedta of the proper consideration of a higtatay layout and the satisfactoxy development of the land. to required planning standards . hirtherznore, any applicaticta 'to develop this and the adjoining land will only be favourably considered if it is a.coonrpauied by adequate information to ensure that satiqfactery preoaution are being taken to mibijxiiae the effect of noise on the new dwellings from the 'adjoining' 'truc road sn5. thO 'peSlng' flyover construction within the immediate proximity of the site in acoprdance with the prdvisions of tle Department of the ivironment2s reular lo/73 I can find no ose, to support any part of this site !cr resideitial development0 Any tecQflflflefldatiofl is baaed on considerations of poLIcy which fall under five math heads, namely-

(5,) The general' principles of the Metropolitan Greeh Belt as dettled ip paragrph 25 of the Written Statement acconipanying the review q±' the Development Plan, Oounty the value o± thQ site in the context of the een belt locally in that as open and1' it 'blearly sérates tie 'mi1t up areas of Rayleigh and 'Thunderstey,' (iii) the! suitability of existing roads to serve the cite is questioned as will be seen from the cdimnents of the highway authority, (iv) there is an adequate supply of land available cfor resid.ential purposes within the,area of the distnot council,

v) there has een no change in circuus{ances to justify a Llifferent decision to that arrived at by the. Minister 'in l967

, I. tycopsixJteesonthe current ailtqation0 nal Controller iloads Some of the site may be required for improvement of the Trunk Road n the future0 Any outline consent should provide for corailtat.ons with the highway authority hefore details are approved9 In the event of p1DrovaI, there should be no access direct to the Trunk Road and th& boundary of the Trunic Road where 4.t abut the site should be adequately fencd'0' h

' '11D7 I II .1 22Y!12 No connection shou2d. be made between the site and Weir Pam Road in view of the very restricted visibility at that roads junction 'idth High Road and the oloseneas of the junction with the Weir roundabut0 If approval is contemplated and access sought by hither Pastern Road or'Western Road, imprbvements to these roads will dotibt1essbe necessary0

CointyEetatesOffioer and Valuer, I

3l25 acres of the site abutting gardens of properties on the south side of KIngswood Crescent and with access froit$astern Road! are favoured for a one form entw Junior and Infants &hool0 The school has not rez been jucluded i.n a bi4lchng prograimae

Does not wish to enter an objection to the development0

Submits a holding objection until it can be determined whether there is adequate capacity at Rayieigh Pastern Works to dispose of foul sewage.pnd that provisions can be made to dispose of surface waters

Castle Point District Councild

The application should be refused as the stbe makes a vital and necessary contrIbution to the, Metropolitan Green Belt Ia the area separating, as it does, the built up areas of Rayleigh and Thund.ersley0 Approval yould set a 4angerous preäedent to the detriment of the green belt generally in the area0 I Rssex Nartural1ats1 Thrust0 The site from a natural envlrbcental point of view needs to be carefully planned due to factors additknal to the Wildlife actually in these field,s0 The adjacent wildlife habitau are of importance and the western field and bouhdaries provide access from one po tnt to an then The hedgerow from Eastern Ro.& to the ArterLaJ. Road (Ak, 127) should be maintdned since it is 'of va1ue to a large bird population0 Badgers bve suxceeded in maintaining a population in Kingley Wood and part of the eastern field has a considerable cncket and grasshopper content0 The environs of Kingley Wood need to be' enlarged to maintain a natural status and to achieve this the western areas of the site should be kept free from developinen t The eastern area could be used but only by open forms of development0

: 1O8 ! I "' on the_çrt

Rayle igQvicSociety Objects to further residential development in the south west part of Rayleigh because there is a definite lack of public open space faoi1iy0 The application site should be used for a school with associated playing fields and the rest of the area should be used to augment the public open space provision6 Bastern Road should not be used as access because it has restricted carriageway width of 16 feet and there are hazards to pedestrians tch would 'be aggravated, at the junoticm of I Grea' Wheatiy Road and High Roact; Addationai]$t some' of th site Will bo 4ou1t be eqth,ed fo improvements to the Truxc Roa& Bay Ratepgyrv Association0 I Supports the objections made by the Rayleigh Citic Society0 Sir Bernard Braise, LP, Relates the concern of residents about highway, inplicatiqz2s from any substantial increase of traffic generated in th area0


*23. HOCELEY I HOC/713&j- Roar 2L5 Brackendalej)lose - JJbetwitt Add extension to form diningroom, lobby and combined shower/toilet room0

Rear extension: 303533n deep x 607O6m wide (ii deep .r 22 wide)0

DOTOSO — Refuse PermissIon for the following reason— The depth of the extealsion exceeds 3O48 metres (ioo") overall from the original rear wall of the dwelling, and that dept is regarded 1w the 1ocaJ planning authority as the maximum that should be permitted for semi— detached prope$ies to keep to a minimum the adverse' effects I on the a1enit:ies of' he pccupiers of the adjoining dwelling, I '! *24. 'I ' ROo/884/74 - 66, Victor Gardens - MroWoHaltona Add side and rear extension to form living accommodation wLtb bedrooms over and integral garage

Single storey extension at rear: 3.35m ic 604n wide (lOfl"x 2Ofll' Two storey extension at side: 3O5rn x 908m deep (1O'O" x 32 2"

DOTOS. — Grant Permission subject to:— l Std0 Cond, 3, — Commence in 5 years0

I 4Pt 109I 1, Std, bnd i2 — Materials to match existing& -

I — II I I 1:1 Ii vrjr *25 RG

Extend roof and constract two additional bedrooms and a bathroom in roof space.

Etrtensiozu 6n1 x 7xa (19'S" x

Z.T.S — Grant Penn4ission silbject to le Std0 Gond0 30 — Commence in 5 years0

2o Std0 Oond0 12 — Materiaja to match existing0

2G,. nswycwEa I

fl9cL999fl4 •

Remove existing roof, coma true t new roof dth thzee bedrooms and shower room in roofsi,aoe0

609m x 7,1m (22'S" x 23'3")

DOTOSO — Grant Permission subject tot—

1 Std.O Cond0 3 - 0oience in 5 years0 2 Std. Goni0 l2 —' Materials to matoh existing0

27. I 4Xii24&1tflear

Erect resideatial dwellings with garages0 (Details)0 (Size of each plot) Frontages of Plots 90150m (3020!t) Depths of Plots 27043m (90101!) Floor Area 104 m2 (1119 sq

D0T0S0 ant Permission subject tog— 1 SW0 Qndq 1]., — thThmit materials schedule,

I 2 The flodr 1spdoe shôcin for garaging shall be used for no bther p1rjose inoiden'taj. to the enjoyment of the :dwefli, without the pripr approval in i.iriting of the local planning ty I I 28 RkWKWHLL 0ontractora Limi ted

Erect two detached bungalows wi th garages0

Frontage of Plojtsg 9014m (3o'o"), Depth of Plotsm 48031m (1582611), Floor Area 7621 m2 (820 scj0 ft0)0

DdT0S0 — GTaTht Perabasion utthjeot tog I I!

—— I 1, 814O Conth 3 — Commence Ui 5 years. 2 Std0 Cond l1 Submit materials ched.u]e 3 The floor space shown for garaging shall be uei for no other ppxpose incidental to thp enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior approval in icitthg of the 'loo4 planning authority0 I

EUI1LBRIDGE *29 I I ROC/9l5/Jj64, Keswick Avenue Mr0 D0WMic4t0

Add. utility room with sink and. L00 and. workroom with bedrooms overt

257rn x 7l7m (65"1x 2y6") at first floor level0 30 9m x 2m (12210fl x 67") at ground floor level0

D0IcS. — Refuse Permission for thefotlowing reaeons—

l1 The proposed extension up to the flank bouz4ary at first floor level might ultimately lead, to the coalescence of1 a&jaoent properties into a terrace1 with consequent to the street scene as a whole0 The local I detriment Plazu]ing Authority conaidprs that a space of one netre should be provia.ed between any extension e1 first floor level and the side boundary to prevent dotalesoence I 2 The proposed flat roof wou1d be unsympathetIc with the existing r9of prQfiles in ttte area and detrimental to the appearance of tho building0 I


ROC/929/14S MadrM Avenue1 Ha haMr0D Burbon0

Add extension to form two bedrooms at side0

64m -wide x 93m deep (202011 wide x 3o6U deep)0 I

DCT.SO — Grant Permisslofl subject tos— I Cond0 3 — Ccnaenqe in 5 years0

2 Std0 Cond0 l2 Materials to match existing0 I

ASEINGDON *3l I I ROC/992/74 _1 e tflRoadlMr LB Scrimshaw0

Outline application to erect domestic dwelltng (COUNTY TTTEfl)0

Prontage of Plot: 1802thn (602011), Depth of Plots 54086m (iso°o")

D.TOSO — Refuse Permission for the following reason2—

Std0 Reason A — LGOL — A2 — Residentiat

I :}i11

ii' Ii I . 32 HUflBRIDGE !QPAOO4/7i - Site COSOEO Homes Limited0

Site of 3 detached houses and garages0 (Details)0 (Size of each plot) Frontages of P1,ots: 9'22si (305") Depth of Plotsg 4107m (l37'o"), Floor Area: 1158 m2 (1246 sfto I I

:D0T050 — Giant PermisSion subject

1 $td0CoadQ 110 — Subialt materials soheduJ..e0 2 The Loor space shciwn fox garaging shall be used for no other purpose tnc4dental to the enjoyment of the vql1ingwithottha rior, apprpval in writing of the local planning authGrity0

' 33 K LEIGH A/R0Q/3fl4o6gØ2 Stze, — Nr A0J0 Castle0 Penissin to display 2—4 sheets white fibre glass fraaes with transpex facings on flank wall to shop premises0 Each panjel GO" high x 40'I wide0

D0T6S0' — Refuse Permission for the following reason:- The proposed display panels on this exposed flank wall are regarcaL as' 'vIsually obtrusIve in the area and therefore

I iinaoceptab1e0

' *34r IL00BBJIfl I

'Road Mr0 A0T. Nash0

Add rear extension to form kitchen bedrqom over0

wide x 502m 405m deep (1419" x 17°O"). I

DOTOSO — Grant Permission subject to�—

l Std0 0md0 3 — Oonunence in 5 years0 2 td0 Cqnd0 IL — .tbmit materials sohedul3a I II *35 RAYLEIGH ' ' - lQ5,pwnha11 Road - Mr0 A0 G_ Lounge extension and garage0 (Amended plans) (R00/606/74 refers)0

2044m wide x 8099m deep (81Q0 x 296")

DOTSO ,— Grant Permission subject toe— I

u 112 I L, i S

1 SMO CornL 3. - Commence in 5 years

2. Std COtir 12 - Naterials to match existing.

3 The floor space ehovn for garaging shall be used for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling without the prior appoval in writing of the local planning autoa'ity0

I 36. RAYlEIGH I P00/925/74 -66/72,,t Stre_ TiavId Rg4r Fashions0 Take out existing and. mstal new shop window display unit0

D'0T0S Grant Pernissaonsubjec to:—

Std. Conth 3 — Commence in 5 years.


ROC/930/74_ORritt , HardwickClose-Nr0 R0PPgeer0 Replace existing with oriel window to front of property0

— Grant lermiss1on subject to I Std0 Conthk 30 — Commence in 5 years0


Add lounge extension and 2 bedrooms over0

60096mx 50956rn (2qo" x 19v61) DT0S — Re±\tseRermission for the following reaaorn-

The proportions and mass of the proposed exters:ot are excessive and would matozzally injurc the axnen.Lties ci the occupiers of the adjoning property No 74 Hockley Roa&

#39. RAYLEIGH I P00/987/74 k_pp :jL24okaSL. Extend llvmg-roD wth bedrr/lz'äz4fzont pozth0 Rear extensioru 203l7m x 30074m (p7" x io'i")

DOTOSO — Grant Permission subject tog

lü Std0 Con&0 30 -' Conence in 5 years0 2 StL bond,. l2 — Materials to match existing., Lu 1131I(J' .

40 Rkfl1EIGR 1100/490/74 — 53a, Hullbridge Road — Mr0 40J0 Wood0

Demolition of existing garages, clearing of site and erection of oovered. way store, office and parking space in conjunction with

existing shop0 I

6.87m x l8.02m (22a6t1 x 59lIt)

— Grant Permission subjeot tot—

1, td. Qond. 3. — Commence in 5 years.

2 • The development hereby permitted shall only be oarried out in aboordanoe with the details shown on Drawing No 53/B/1 reoeived. by the, local planning at.thority on the 15th January, l975

3, The d1evelopment hereby permitted shall be used only for the storage of materi4s and. for office purposes in oonjunotion with the existing launderette and shop premises adjoining and. for no other purpose including any other purpose'i Cleqeer ha & X of th€ Schedule to the Town and Coui%'y Plazming (Use Classes) Order, 1972.

4, Std.0 Cond, 11. — Submit materials schedule,

5, Prior to the occupation of the development now approved, the e-xistin€ garage shall be removed and the area shown for pa.rlcing shall be laid out and surfaced to the satisf*otIon of the local planning sttthority0

6. 4art tram 'the parking of vehicles there shall be no Abrage of plant or materials on open areas of the eite

NOPE: A propos for this site BAY/413/73 for gages, covered war and store - was refused permission by the former Urban Distriot Council because it was considered to be overdevelopment end likely to attract additional vehicles to use the rear' ace see

The current proposal oovors the same site area but the garage element has been omitted, It seems reasonable to provide storage space for the launderette and to! allow a space for vehiotes associated with the 1laund.erette end. gent's hair&rn.ersfn park olear of the access apron tp4 ten existing look-up garages The aplioant argues that the office area x UO" is also needed in association with the .aund.orette. I appreciate that adjoining shop owners argued against the earlier application on groutds tMt the rear access road. is there to serve the 10 lock-'up garages and that the launderette should be supplied from the servioe road. at the front sad that the construction of the surfaoed. apron is t2flsU.t'table for the passage of ooeroial traff So. In plaaining texts i roil that the facility for parking staff vehicles at' th. rear of the site should not be denied and the oft4oaditig of supplies for the 3.aunderette should ideally he handled at the rear.

I 'I-11 ' ' I I liPcL9iL74 - na1dDrivelfr0 A0L 0anne11

Extend roof, add. room in roof to form bedroom, and add porch artl garage extonsiofla Bedrooms 7000n x 5000m (23O" x 16?c")

D.TCSQ — Grant Permissiott subject to:—

1 Std0 Oon& 3 — Commence in 5 years0

2 Std0 Cond0 ii, — schedule


Extend permission to s tp caravan durit building operations0

DOTOS, Grant Permission subject to:— 1 ¶Phlsconsefrt shall expire on the 30th June 19hJ5 and on or before that date the caravan shall be removed fzom the site0

2 The oooupation of the caravan herel$y permitted shall be limited to the applicant ?Lr o}m S1ilhiaia C1r1d'b Staines and his family and no !other person/0 NOrEB: Solicitors acting for Mr Staines state that the1 sale of the site of 223 Main Road is expected to be coxpleted within the next few months9 when -rae applicant will be able to move into anpther property0


Mr0 T0A0 CftLttenden0

Permission to extend siting of residential caravan0

— Grant Permission subject top- l This consent shall expire on the 30th December l975 and on1 or bbfore that date the caravan shall be removed. fron the site0, 2 The occupation of the caravan hereby permitted shall be limited to a person wholly or mainly enrploIed locally in agriculture as defined in Section 290(1) of the Town and Counry Planning Act9 l97l NOT The applicant is curretly growing white-topped mushrooms from imported spatm, and uses five existing sheds on a rotational basis and as it is not possible to grow the xushrooma in all of the sheds at the aeme time clue to necessary re—bedding, de—gassing etc The applicant is intending to expand these facili b.eS in the near future to take advantage of increasing orders,i and market sales0 115

I I I I' il II 'iii 1'1I'. 1 44 EOOKLEY ROC/jjear oç4_- Outline application to erect 3 detached houses and garages.

Frontages of Plots 15024m (5020) 1)epths of Plots: 30.46a (ioo'o"), 36.48m (120'o"), 48076ni (l6o'o")

I Site Area about O.6L acres.

D.T.B. — Grant Permission subject to:— I l Std.O Qond0 10 — Reserved matters to be approved. 2 SM0 Cond0 2. — Commence in 5 years or years.

3. The acoas road. an veblci.e tuining space shall be latd out and conatruoted before any of the dwellings now approved is occupied, in accordance with details which shall have been auLbmitted. to and approved by the local planning authority before any development is commenced. Such details shall provide for the access road to be not less than 16 feet in width for the first 40 feet into the site0

4. Details of the screening walls and/or fencing or other means of screening9 together with their positioning eha3.l be submitted for approval by the local planning authcrLty before the development is oom$nced end. shall be qrected prior to the occupation of the dwelling units0

*45 HA1)ELL

Qag/74 —Land adjoiitthg 2 Princess Gardens, Ashiion — Mr0 J't Venablee,

Erect one detached dwelling end garage0

Frontage of Plots ll.56m (38g), Depth of Plots 24.3Gm (GOe), Floor Area: lOS7 m2 (1170 sq.ft)0 I

DOTOS. -. ReThae Permission ks the following reasons:—

1, The niting of a two t'.ntorey dwelling in the position indløated would be unacceptably obtrusive in the street scene. The ctijrelfltg would. adversely affect the amenities of No, 2 Princess Gardens since it is sho'm to be sited in front of that dwelling and the amenities of dwellings fronting Asbingdon Road would be unaccept- ably affected by overlooking.

2. The local plazm.tng au'hortty reqaire that the front of garages shall be set back a mi .tmum of 6 metres from I the highway boundary and the siting of the proposed garage fai3s to saLis4 this reqyi.rement. !QT!i A sxailw application for a two'-storey dwelling on the site was refused by the local planning authority on 11th April l972 A suitable develppment would appear to be a single storey 'unit or a unit suitably sited not having windows at first floor on the rear, 17 *46. HAWKWE RO0/927/74_:B

Erect 4 x 4 bedroom semi—detached houses with separate garages0 Erontage of Plots: 1406m (47i1") pr pair of seaL—detached properties, Depth of Plot: 35035m (il6' 0"), floor Areag l026 m2 (1104 sq0ft)o Refuse Permis.on for the following reasorn The local pisanning authority reqvflee thd pairs of seaV-detached houses shall have frbntages, of not leøp than 15)24 nietres (50 feet per pair in the Interests of achieving development which is not cramped in appearanoe. II I

I I I I 4'?' E.c:gE1c:y:EI PcJ2Q?LT4A Golf Club Limited0 Change use of existing ground floor floorspace froa res.dent1al use to restaurant and kitchen to provide an extension of the existing bar and dining facilities and. improve access way and toilets0

— ])0TS. Grant Permission subject to:— :

I I I' I Std0 Oond0 3 — 0oencie in 5 yearA NOfl I recommend the of listed bui.]4ing consent I subjact to the following conditions:— I

10 Work shall be arried out In accordax%oe with the I detaIls aM notes sho'wn on drawing No'0 125/1' received by the lpcal planning authority on the 10th 1ranuary 1975 2 Exploratory ettipping of existing bar rooa and part of'the ground f1oD.i f the North wng 1a permitted, Any originalèork revealed by such I stripping shall be notified to the lacal planning authority and final treatment of any onginal work shall not be carried dat without the 'agreement In I ' riting of the local planning uthanty0 48 HAIQKWELL H I

Erect house and garage0

frontage of Plot3 9014m (300!')9 Depth of Plot' 48077m (l590")) floor Area 10o26 m2 (1079 sq0ft)0

DQT.SO — Grant Persaion subject tog- Std0 Cond0 30 Commeice in'5 years, I 2 td0 Oond0 1I0 — Submit materials schedule0

1: hi H ' ' I ''' '' ' III I 'I . 3 The floor space shnwn for garaging shall be used. for no other purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the without the prior approval in writing of the local planning authority0


ROO/957/74 — Adjoining 61_qanewd.on ViewRoad. — Mr0 Pa TUXIIrO E±ect detached. bungalow and. garage0

rontage of Plot2 12m' (39251') Depth of Plot 27043m (9otoii), floor Areas 859 m2 (924 sq0ft)0

DOTOS. — Grant Permission st.bject to:—

l SM0 Oond0 30, in 5 9qmmence years0 I S 2 StL OoM0 ll a btminit naterials schedule,

30 The fLoor space s1Mn for garaging shall' be used. for ao other purpose incidental to the enjoythent of the dwelling without the prior approval iii writing of jthe looal pl'pmfl authonty0 40 Notwithtanding the provisions of the Tcrwn and Oovntry PZianning Genera Development Order 1973, ecpress I planning permission shall be obtained. before an development above groimd floor level involving the provision of windqws on the western and southern elevations of the dwelling0 I

' S I


I4jj 113


I have decided the following planning ap;llcatlona in accordance with the policy of delegatioxu—


1100/775/74 AM extension to form bedroonkitchen/11ving I accommodation at 98. Downhall Road', Rayleigh — Mr0 D Lemon0 itoo/876/74 Room in roof to form bedroom at 100. Broad WaJic, Hockley - Mr0 J. Macmahon'0

IIDC/p77/74 thctnsion to garage 'at '1Oovertsi4e°, Rosi1ith 1ive, Lower Road.9 Hecicley Mr0 Van Bouten0

110<9/878/74 Add lounge and kitchen extension 'to rear of 9. Warwick Gardens. Rayleigh — Mz D0R0 I Wendelkin0

1uo/881/74 11reqt garage and caroport 1at 4, Marsha1ls Rochford Mr0 L11 Guest0

Ro0/885/74 Add front porch at 23, Hawthorne Gardens,

Hookley Ni0 BJ. Sargent I'

16u/S7/74 Add 'bicroom for storage purpoeds at 1 Morningtor H Avenue, RochfoM Mr T0E0Al1aby

E0C,490fl4 Ereqt dotible garage at 5, The Knoll, R4rleigh Ni0 F1 Seazuan

0Q/'93/74 Add sunloge, outside W000/pbower and tool shed at 4, Bractendale Close, Hockleym - Ni0 A0J

Morton0 I

1100/404/74 ExtenB ton to lounge at rear of 34 Brookford Avei*ae, Rayleigh — Mr, BORO bheverton0 I ,, I

R00/776/7it Add room In roof to form bed,t'ooms and *il9 I failities at 7 Aesanduno Close9 Aehin€ion J0E. Dobson0 I 1!

ThJO/795/7t Breot gerago and add porch at 145, Conway I kvenae) Great Wakering MiSc J0 14a:r40

R00/835/74 Ada ntrtce porch at l' hakeapeare Aveaue Rayleigh Mr0 110W0 Adams0

1100/897/74 Vehicular crossing onto A130 from 2 Tel! orde Cottages, Chelinsford Road, Battlpsbridge — I Mr C0V0 Corn0

1100/898/74 Thcteneion at rear to provide addit&onal lounge and kitchen acccmnodanon with covered way at I side 10, Mansted Gardens, Rochford— Mr NITOEU3A

OLtI 119


I I I II 'I I .

1100/905/74 Extend liviag-room at 19, Kilnwood Avenue1 Hockley - Mn D0 Johnson0

300/971/74 Add lounge extension to rear of 11, Jubilee Road, Rayleigh — Mr0 A.D€ Newman.

1100/916/74 Add rear lounge extension at 1, Alexandra Epad, Rayleigh - Mr0 L Wilson0 Roc/917/74 £dd lounge and bedroom extension at 79, Polly Lane, Rockley — Mr R0G0W. Shearman0

1100/936/74 Add rear extension to .D±WJ room at 21, Exmou-th Drive, Rayleigh — Mrs. D0 Claxton0

1 no0/979/74 Add kitchen, bathroom and perpor1 extension ix I 392 Rectory Rd 11atw1. — Mr J0' Eale

300/995/74 Add, s-dorm poroh at 170A, Bstwood Road, Rayleigh — Mr. A,GO Boadle

300/996/74 Lounge and ooxservatory ettensiott at 25, louis J)rive East, Rayleigh — Mr0 110J0 Weeon0

1160/1012/74 Erect carport at 3, Bramfield Road West, Rayleigh Mr0 D000 Poole0

1100/984/74 Add entrance lobby and LU0 'at Q, Droad Ok Way, Rayleigh0 — Mn B0 lube0 I ,, Add lounge and dthing'-rooal ex+,naiqti 'to mar of "Pairlanda", Betilcney Avenu,e, HoolCIey Mr Massey

300/901/74 Add carport at 1.7, Orchard Avenue, Hockley Mr0 W0A0Lthg0

1100/911/74 Add conservatdry, lbbby and LU0 extenxon at 120, Eastwood Road,,'Rayleigh — Mr K0 Ohilvers0 'I 30W32/74 Add kitchen d diner eflpnsicn to rer of 12, 1 Canute Millbenk0 Close? Canevdon — Captain I

Ioc/96l)74 Add side extension to form entrance hail and

I I utility rooi and extend detached garage at 43, I Warwick Gardeis,' Ray1eLgh Mr Samuels m/936/74 Add to exist4ng rear dormer to enlarge ôbrmer at 3,' Manor Olo'se, Rayleigh Mr0 LU0 Rbbot. 300/1004/74 Add room in roof to form bedroom 'at 24, Wellingtbn Road, Rayleigh - Mr0 G.E0 Jarret't0



In accordance with the policy of deThegation. I have decided the fciowirg applications eubmittQd under the Building Regelatics-


8377 Add atm porch at 170A, Eaatwood Road, RayleiØa A0G0 BoadIe Mr. I

8378 Add conservatoty at 2917 Dave Reath Road, Ray1eigh Mr0 Bizer.

8379 SwimmIng Pool Changng roowa at Grove County Infante School. Grove Rosd, Rayleigh - P'P.A0

I I I prove County, Iaants choo1. :

8380 Room In roof9 extension to garage and acid, porch

I at 3, Bona]4 Drive, Rayle4gh - Mr. A0R0 Ceil

8381 Lounge and bedroom ertecson at 176,' Hookley Road, Raylei&a — Mr0 L0 DaVie0

8382 Add to existing donner jo enlarge bedroom at 3 Manor Close, Rarleigh — Mr0 W0G0 Roberts0

8383 ' AM kitchen Sd extensicn atb bedroom over 'at 67 Pooles Lane. Rulibridge — Mr0 & Mra. C Bacer0

8384 Bathroom to müte bedroom at siitqaya, Nelson Road, Rayleigh Mr & Mrs J0R Jone

Room Sn robf Space au, 267 Well&ngtqr Road, Rayleigh Mr0 D0P0 Cooke0

8386 Rear extension and internal alterations at ?, Old Worlds Bad, Church Find,, Pagleehant - Mr, A0P. Loe0 8387 Fection ol' 2 Storey extansion at 1, Woddalde Chase, Hattefl r4r0 A0 Paetnghar0

8388 Jdd'ttiorsl garage at 29, I1ntehall Road, Great Wknnng — Mr0 Rpsa0 I I Ec'teM brick biLlt garage and. constztcp pnvate worbthbp at 2, Old Wdrlds Thd.P (5huoh Thd., Pa€lesham — Mr0 A0 be0 , 'I 85Q AdI oar port at 326 Aehthgdon Road Rocliforl - Mr. LA. Camper,

8391 Two detached houses and. garages at 225. Math Road. a'wkwefl & ennett0 T Ayres. wn:i b392 Adli'tione ana kieratione at 6, Keawlck Close, Rayleigh - Lewis N. Brady0


'i ' I . 8393 Bedroom/bathroom erbeasiton at 7, Eastchep4 Rayleigh - Mr. Greerthil1

8394 Lounge extensIon at 135, Bull Lane, Rayleigh Mr0 A0P0 Smith.

8395 Garage at Brookfield, Church Road, Rawreth — LB. & P.,T Reed.

8396 Car port at 3, :Braafield Road west, Rayleigh — Mr0 ]OCO Poole.

8397 Porch, garage extezi.sion at 24, Abbey Road, Hulibridge - Mr. A. Reed0

8398 Rooms in roof at 24, Wellington Road., Rayleigh Mr. G,B0 Jart'ett0 b399 Double garage 395, Rectory Road I Round Tpwers Propetty Company + Limited.

0400 arage at 82, SówU view Road, Hoo1dey — Mr0 3, ooper. 8401 Lounge extension at 61, Grasmere Avenue, HullbMdge - Mr J Hope1. I b4o2 Ereotioi. of resideitial dwelling at site of 81, Hillcrest Avenue, Thaflbridge — Mr0 3. WilLiams. b4o3 Rrottibn 4 bedrooxri bouseb ab 'The Elms, Windenaere Avenue , Ru.flbridge. Mr. W. Willis0 I 8404 Living room edensionat' 72, H*well Chase, Hockley Mr. & Mrs. Overton. 845 Erection of 3 dwe]iflngs at 64, Hillcrest Avenue Iflullbridge - Mr. Randolph. 8406 Erection of faciprt and offioe at 23/24 I Star Ine Indtria1 Satate, Great, Wakering — Pereligh Liit ted, 8407 Garage 4t 15, 9oron.ttor thlose., Great Wakering —Mr. D.C. I4el.jis, Interz$J alterations' at Que ebstand Avenue Robhford - Mr. B. Stulibi±igton. I

6409 Proposed additions at 10, High Road, Rayleigh - Mr. GOl'. Bron.

8410 Garage and conservatory at 63, Southend Road, Roohford - Mr. 3. Wilkinson0

8411 Alterations to septic tank drainage st Carpenters Arms, 121 Chelmsford Road, Rawreth. — Watney Inkeepera London Ea.stH '1

' 122 I 1 , • 6412 Add. rear extension at 12, Spring Gardexv, Rayleigh — 1fr0 (h Hall

6413 Garage at land east of 175 Main Road, Hai4cwell - Mr0 A0 Wpiw,iond.

8414 Bathroom extension at 27, I)alye Road, Rochfcrd — MrD M0 Townsley0

8415 Rovied toilet layout at Sirdar Road, Rayleigh - A.20 Hollings & Sons0

6416 Carport at 56, Staibridge Road, Rochford Miss0 V. Warren0

3417 Demolish stifling eoullery, external W.O and coal store and erect new bathroom extension at Irstead, Rawreth Lane, Rawt'eth - Mr & Mrs Ablitt

8418 Bungalow and garage adjoining 7, Church Road9 Barling — Mr C Young

8419 LC. and. entrance lobby at 8 Broad Oak Way, Rar1eigh - Mr0 B Willoe

8420 Lounge exteneion and rear ooneervatory at 25, Louis Drive Bast, Rayleigh — Mr, RJ0 Weedon

8421 Add to existing conservatory at 263a,MaLn Road, Ra*well Mr0 & Mra. H, Allen

844c Removing load bearing nil at 4, CordeTta Crescent, Rayleigh — Mr0 H0 Martin,

8423 Rooms in roof space at 22, Main Road, Ha*well' -, Mr0 J, Butoher

8424 Farm building at Latbouras Hall, Qanewdon - Mr. W.L Ootti*

8425 Ohango bodicom to bathroom at i, 2sw flow, TPagleuham - Nr 1 Keobl.c0

8426 Obtuge bedroom to bathroom at 2, Sew Row, Pagleshez — Mr0 Keeble

8427 Ohazge bedroom to bathroom at3, Sew Bow, Pagtenham — Mr0 7. Xsebte0

8428 Obings bedroom to bathroom at 4, Sew Row Pagleahia — Mr0 F Keeble

8429 Cattle yard and loon boxes at Vioarage E'arn Rockley M.eur0 Burrows & Dunn Limited6 8430 Garage at t6, Cedar Drive, — Mrs ER Uod'.

!V:! 123 . 8431 Detached house and garage at 21, Stanley Road, Ashingdon — Pickrell and Perry0

8432 Detached bungalow and garage adjoining 6, Canewdon View Road, Ashingdon — Mr. B. Turner0

8433 Add rear extension and porch at 23, Philbriok Crescent East, Baylei — Mr. D0S0 Barton.

8434 Staff room and toilets at Rail, Roohford - Rankin Earns Limited. Change kitchen into storage and toilet 8435 facilities at Southend Airport, Roohford — Southend Airport Club0

8436 Extension to form, veterinary surgery at 92, I Main Road,' RocklSy Mr0 Dawnes

8437 Covered area behind garage at Shearston, Stambridgs Road, Stambridge - Mr. D0 ThmtT'ond0

8438 Internal alterations at 152/154 Hi Street, Rayleia - National Graphical Association0

8442 Lounge and W0C0 Extension at 26, Devon Gardens, Ha'wkwell — Mr0 Creed0

8443 Sun lounge extension at 29, Trinity Road, Rayleigh - Mr0 K. Grant0

8444 'Lounge extension aid new porh at 6, Lincoln Road. Haikwel1 - Mr, A,A0 Brimson0

8445 Erect conservatory at 266, Ashingdon Road, Rochford Mr0 E0T0 Eopkins.

8446 Demolish existing carport and erect garage and dining room extension at 6, Fountain Lane Rockley - Mr0 IL Taylor,

8447 Kitchen extension at 161 Corntay Avenue, Great Wakenrig - Mr. B. Doning0

8448 Carport at 14, Barbara 9iose, Roch±ord — Mrs I.D0 lies,

8449 Bathroom convereion at 6, Alexandra Road, I Great Wakening0 Xrs. Tyas

8450 Office extension at MIII Lane, Rochford Rankin Flour Mills Limited0

8451 Internal alterations, extension and amended drainage at Sunrise Pam, Lark HIU Road, Canewdon - Mr0 LA0 Knaokbuil,

8452 Lounge extension at 72, Hawkwell Chase, Rockley — Mr0 Cvendon.

1IZ4 3453 Two detached houses at Bracksome Averfte, Rockley - Messrs0 LeIghton & Godfrey

8454 Four bedroom hou3e at The Walk HaIlbr;dge

Hr0 F, Butcher. I

8455 Detached house at 60, Princess GardenB, Roohford - Mr0 J4F4 Brown,

8456 Internal alterations and inolu&g single and two etorey ertension at Burtons Pan', Barling Road, Barling - }tr0 A0L0 Lee

8457 Rear ertension at 18, Willow Walk, Eockle1y — Mr,1 'Ce Forbes0

6458 Erection of air detached houses and in.tegral garages on land off Manna Way, Rflle&a - J0 Clare limited4

8459 House and garage at 48, ildermans HIll, Hockley -, Hr, J0C0 Helling0

8460 Ground floor extension at 3, Broadlaade Road, Hockley Mr© OtShea0 8461 Kitchen extension at Raymonds FaIL Creeksea Road, Canewdon - 1(r 30 Brrnm0

8462 Rreot carport at 158, tiownhall Road, Rayleigh0 r Mr. K. t&Lth,

8463 Bathroom add.itton at The Raven, Ethe±dore Avenue. Hookley — Mr, Ii, k(oGrr-,

8464 Porch at 59, Ferndale Road, Rayleigh Hr0 B0 Bnett0

8465 Rear oonsorva'ory a 69, Hol: Farm Way Rocliford Hr, & Mre. Weal

8466 Internal alterations at Crown. Pubtic House, High Street9 Rayleigh — St0 Georges Taverns Limited0

8467 Bedroon extena LOU' at Rocbdale0 Lower Road Hookley - Hr0 L0A4 Pox0

8468 Porch at 38, Iøi4s Drive, Rayleigh - Mr0 D9H., Avis0

8469 Detaabed house and inte&ral garage at 96, Windermere Avenue4 Huflbrldge Mr0 D0 Smith0

8470 Rouse and detached garage adjacent 9G Wandermere Avenue, - Mr, J.3F0 Sine,

8471 Instal staircase from o'ind to let floor and internal alterations at 47. high Street Rayleigh — Abbey National Building Socie,

125 I, h I 8473 Pair semi—detached houses with garages and erect double garage on land adjoining 36/38 Seaview Drive, Great Wakering — Messrs. Cripps & Elmore0

8474 Pour bedroom house with integral garage at Plot 2 "Smada", Grasmere Avenue, Hulibridge — Mr. M. Riokey.

8475 Rear extension at 8, Tudor Close, Rayleii — Mr. K.C. Patel.

8476 Chiller and freezer unit at rear of 29, High Street. Rayleigh — Mr. LA. Byford.

8477 Garage at 4, Moons Cottages, Canewdon Road, Ashingdon - MrS.C. Bird.

8478 Carport at 6, Boswefl Avenue, Rcphford - ?ft..W0R. Eoo•

8479 Lounge extension at 17, Hawkwell Chase, Hawkwell — Mr. & Mrs.


8369 Rencnate for habitation, 57, 59 and 61, West Street, Rochford — Mr. & Mrs. Zabell. (Section 64. AlO. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Informat rj

8370 Front, aide and rear extension at 1, Sunny Road, Eock),ey — Mr. LA. Flood. (Sec-t4ion 64. ilO. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Tnfonat:cn)

8371 Dining-room kitohen and lounge a 117, Eastwood Roadk Rayleigh — Mr. J.E. Jarvis. (Section 64. A40. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Infratzot) 8372 Drainage to foul sewer at Holly Cottage, Holly Pana, Stanthridge — Mr. 'Lockhart. (Section 64. A.l00 Schedule 2 — Insufficient Inorma LOt

8373 Erect detached house and garage at 27, Greensward Lane. Bocley - Leighton & Cod.freyQ (Section 64, AC. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Inhormàtion)

8374 Add porch at 73, Bailing Road, Great Wakering - Mr. N. Pilkington.' I (Section 64. AlO. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Infoati,

8375 Duiing-room and lounge extension at Pairlands, Beckney Avenue, Hockley - Mr. Massey0 (section 64, A1Q. Schedule 2- Insufficient Infcmaticr)

8376 Erect detached bungalow at 36, Orchard Avenue, Hock2ey — Mr. A.E. Lewis. (Section 64. £1.0, Schedule 2 — Insufficient Informatior

8439 Erect 3 de±ached house and garages at site of Creek View Avenue, Hu.llbridge — Messrs. COSI.E, Homes Limited. (Seotion 64. AC. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Informat-or


1 • 1! 'I — rrt r'I r'r I nir' ¶ p I!Il uII!!II1 T ¶I''IT!!! 1T1 till! 3440 2 storey extension at Wdview The Esplanade, EulThridge Mr B A11e (Section 64© A10 -. Schedule 2 Information)

8441 Kitchen extension at 7, Lanoaater Gardens Rayleigh — Mr0 Prosser0 (Section 64 130. Schedule 2 — Insufficient Intonation)0 8472 InternaL alterations at 12, Elrhtbitton an Great Wakering - NrG L. Trower1 (Section 64 A1O Schedule 2 — Insnfficlent Information)0


Minutes of the Development Services Committee At a Special Meebeld on 30th January 197j Present: Councillors C.D. Bnght (Chairman), E.E. Adcock, S.W. Barnard, H. Blackburn, Miss J.R. Browning, J.H. Carter, Mrs. P.E. ClaTton, L.K Cope, B.A. Crick, S.B.II. Fletcher, D.It. Powler, Mrs. E.N. Frank, LII. Fudge, C,B. Gowlett, LA. Grove, A.J. Haney, A.J. ifuniby, D.A. Ives, Mrs. J.M. Jones, M.L. Kennaugh, Miss E.M. Ieggatt, Mrs. M.T. Madden, E.V. Maton, H. MoCamJ.ey, D. McKinnell, O.R. Mergan, IL]). Needham, G.C. Oldbury, P.J. Stanton, C. Stephenson, A.L. Tate, J.}L Warier and D.C. Wood.

APOLOGIES K)R ABSENCE 121. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors A,R. Me.timsr, W.J. Tracey and G. Young.


122. At the invitation of the Chairman the appended report of the Management Team was introduced by the Assistant Director (Planning) who said that the Essex County Council had started the process some time ago with "South Essex — A Planning Choice", but had suspended work whilst Maplin Airport was under' consideration. The Officer was congratulated on his resum of the report., During discussion, a Member sought assurance that th necessary resources would be provided before the additional population was accepted, but it was pointed cut that acceptanoe of the Stricture Plan pre—supposed the Government' s assurance as to the provision of resources. It was suggested that a working party of the six local authorities in South Essex might be set up to consider the Stricture Plan.

The question of a positive future policy for village conmnmatres was raised, but formulation of such policy in detail was premature at this stage since the Stricture Plan was intended to be a broad statement of policy. A Nether said that made—up thoads, sewers and other facilities ought to be made available before Thither development of the district. It was accepted that this would continue to be a oonnnuting area, and suggested that an alternative system of local govenunent finance might provide the needed resources, without needing to attract industry. However, present growth might not continue and schools, now overcrowded, could be tmder-use& in the 1982's. Adequate resources for recreatiop were available in Southend, and it seemed wise that the District should not set their sights too high for the future. Mention was made of the problems caused by "peak periods" in working and school hours, placing heavy demand on road and rail facilities.

As the density of 1 .5 persons to the acre in this area was the lowest in South Essex, this might lead to the need to accept more than 20% of the estimated population growth. The Chief Executive replied to the discussion saying that the Menagement Team had presented a technically factual report,

I Committee having taken into account the problems created in the Tharal Distnct between 1953 and 1973, when the population doubled without a proportionate nse in services — roads, sewers, etc., and this had been reflected in Recommendation (i) of the report.

Resolved (1) that any growth should be resisted vigorously unless and until fin assurances are reoeived that an adequate resource base will be provided, the imbalance between oommeroial and residential development corrected, and that there will be proper and adequate provision to meet the' social needs of the present and projected population (Pans 8.1 and 8.2)

(2) that, subject to (i) above, the Council opt for South Essex to be designated a me&iwu growth area, and the Rochford District accept a fair proportion of this me&tum growth as is ooimnensurate with available resources. (Pam 2.3) (Note: Councillor S.:B.H. Fletcher requested that Ins name be recorded as voting against the foregoing resolution.) (3) that higher density housing and flatted development should be enoouraged where appropnate. (Pan 9.4) (Note: Voting upon the foregoing resolution (3) was recorded as follows in accordance with requisition made under Standing Order No. 14. I For the Motion: Councillora E.H. Adcook, S.W. Baxnrd, EL. Blackburn, Miss J.R. Browning, C.B. Cowlett, U. Harvey, AJ. humby, Miss E.M. Ieggatt, Mrs. LT. Madden, R. McCauley, B. MoKirmell, C.R. Morgan, R.D. Needham, P.3. Stanton, C Stephenscif, J.R. Warner and D.C. Wood. (17) Against the Motion: Councillors CD. Bright, J.H. Carter, Mrs. F.E. Clayton, L.K. Cope, B.A. Crick, S.B.H. Fletcher, P.R. Powler, Mrs. B. N. Frank, LA. Grove, D.A. Ives, Mrs. 3M. Jones, ILL. Xennaugh, E.V. Maton, (hO. Oldbury and A.L. Tate. (15)

(4) that the coalescence of urban and village areas be strongly resisted bat, subject to that principle, development be located in plotland areas where applioal4e. (Pans 9.4 and 9.5) (5) that the Council should press for substantial improvements in the present inadequate public transport system and for the essential improvement of the highw.y pattern. (Farm 9.7) (6) that the natural assets of the District should be developed tc3 provide comprehensive edreational facilities. (Para 98) (7) that the words "and the estuary from Stambndge Mills to the sea" be added to Para 9.9 of the report. (8) that the remaining local authorities in South Bssex be infoned of the Councxl?s decision; that the local amenity and conservation societies be infonned of these decisions and assured that at the appropriate stage in the preparation of the local plan, they will be consulted, and their views sought.





1.1 This report outlines the present position so far as the South Essex Stricture Plan is concerned, attempts to hii1it the major problems of South Essex and the main issues involved in Structure Plan preparation, puts forward certain original proposals, substantiating these ideas with thouits based on an appraisal of the area and, suggests the ohoices open to the Council in tense of population growth, employment opportunities, transportation development, protLs ion of recreational and eooiai facilities and housing whilst stressing the need to consider the question of doveloping the Council's own resources. 112 The report takes account of the feeling of the Development Servi6es Coirrittee that members wish to take an early opportiinity of suggesting to the County the items which should be included within the Structure Plan. 1.3 Stricture plans are intended to state and justify, to the public and to the Secretary of State, the policies of the authority and their general proposals' for the development and other use of land in the area concerted and thus provide gaidance for development (including develop— merit control) on issues of structural importance. 1.4 The Structure Plan making author±ty, which is the County Council, is required. to look at the area as a whole and take account bf the need for sufficient land within the aria for housing, Sbree4tin, industry, offices, transport, . Individual District Councils participate with the County Council in the preparation of the1 Stricture Plan and eventually produce the ihocal Plans for their Districts. The District Councils' views must be forwarded to the County after consideration of the needs of the District, with a reasoned. justification for their views.

1.5 The County Council has been re—assessing it structure p1 anni'ng for South Essex following the Covernment1s deoisjon to abandon the proposals for a third London Airport at T'taplft. p 1.6 South Essex with a populaton of 623,000 in. 1971 ccAisists of the Districts of Basild,on, Brentwood, Castle Point, &chford, So'çztbend arid . Rochford2s population was 67,000. 1.7 The Strategic Plan for the South East produced in 1970 proposed major growth for South Essex in the order of 270,dCO between 1981 and 2001. It also suggested that a higher rate 'of growth "wou,tLd be acceptable and even desirable if it could be achieved wi1thoüt detrint to environnisntal standards". Thebe proposals were prior to the selection of Maplin as the site for the third London Airport, but were only accepted by the Local Planning Authority when Naplin was envisaged.


2.1 The first question to consider is whether the Council wishes to lend its weight to the Basildon lobby for South Essex to be desiiated as a major growth area or to back the County in pressing for medium growth.

2.2 Arguments for major growth Greater residential development leading to pressure for:- !:;r 131) I —2--

a better services b be±ter transport facilities and road links c better provision of facilities for recreation d ability to accoimnodate overspill population from London.

The Govsrmnent would then be under some pressure to make provision for a larger employment base and this, in turn, would lead to an increased penny rate product. 2.3 Arguments for medit gth

1 • Less spread of urbanisation

2. Lees need to increase housing densities 3. Lees good Quality agricultural land lost

4. ITo need to provide the new town which would likely be necessary for ma.jor growth.


3.1 The lack of sufficient opportunities for employment arising from the failure of employment growth to match the growth in population in South Essex has contributed to the following major effects:—

(a) Unemployment is generally hiaer than that for the rest of South East England; th April 1974 figures were 3. for South Essex (excluding Brentwood) whereas the figure for the whole of South East England was 15% (b) Average incomes are siguificantly below the regional average; on the latest figures available (for 1969) South Essex had an avenge annual income of £1635 whereas that for SQuth East England was £1600. (e) A hia rate of commuting from South Essex to London which grew by 60% from 1961 to 1969 resulting in pesk-4]pur capacity problems of both road. arad rail communications. 3.2 The failure of employment growth to tcb the increase in population is due to:— (a) The existing inadeQuate employment base in South Essex (b) The lack of priority by the Government in encouraging industry in tens of cash inoentives or a ready availabfl it1 of industrial development

I certificates or office development certificates. (c) Generally inadequate road and rail communication with the rest of the country; and

(a) No existing particular attraction to employers such as the third London Airport at Maplin would have provided.


4.1 The problems of the District exemplify those found throu&aout South Essex and the franented nature of its growth and the sporadic development of "plot land" has made the task of creating a satisfactory environment very difficult. It is this "plot land" which this Council may consider is best suited for development. N1 131 a c I H —3—

4.2 The public who reside in the Crouch/Thames peninsular have made their wishes abundantly clear in the recent past. These include an improvement in servicee generally, together with the preservation of as many natural amenities as possible and the provision of some commercial and. industrial development but the exclusion of any fon of development like the third London Airport, oil refineries, juggernauts, toxic waste disposal etc.. 4.3 This district has a long and often attractive coastline, a pleasant area that could be desigeated as a country park, an unspoilt area at and some of the best agricultural land in the country, and it is no wonder that residents do not wish to see the area spoilt by urban development. 4.4 The development of the Southend district will influence the development of Rcchford. district since many local residents work in Southend and it is a focal point' for shopping, recreational and entertainment facilities, etc..

5.0 RYICES 5.1 Largely because of the wide dispersal of plot land, both within and outside settlements, the public utility, health and other lodal authority services are often uneconomic, severely stretched or, at worst, non—existent.

6.0 CON WiMCA!rI01S 6.1 Road and rail routes are orientated generally to London and even in this respect are considered to be substantially inadequate. There is an east- west road pattern with no conunication link north except at the western end of the district.

7.0 RESOURCES 7.1 The District needs to encourage suitable industry, essential if much needed oca2vlunity and amenity facilities are to be provided. The Goveniment is continually looking at the possible changes which may be made in Local Government finance but, at the present time, the rating system would appear to be the only major source of revenue apart from Goverrmtent grants for several years ,to come. To deternine the ideal balance between commercial and domestic rateable value is an extremely difficult task especially as consideratioi nst be given to the influence of nei1bouring districts. At present our tteable a1ue is £8,675,000 of which £1,750,000, or 20%, is industrial and commercial. Looking at South Essex the proportion is nearer 3%. Is this what we should. strive for7 If so we need another £1. im coniritercial and industrial rateable value. The average coimuerciaJ. Steable Value is £C).Olin per acre so we have a shortfall at present of 110 ores. With an added population of 20,000 plus after 1961 we would need a total of 268 acres of commercially rated land more than we have at present. 8 • 0 FUTURE DEVEL0Et'tEBT IN EOCH1DRD — THE CHOICES 8.1 The following were the choices considered for the future development of the Rochford District. Population 1. No further expansion after l98l i.e. total population of 76,000. 2. Limited expansion (say, plus 20,000 after 1981) 3. Moderate expansion (say, plus 35,000 after 1961) 4. Large expansion (say, plus 50,000 after 1981)

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Housing 1. Provide for future population at low density — semi and detached houses, little or no flatted accommodation. 2. Provide housing at hi&ier dex]sity - encouraging terraces and flatted development. Employment 1. Provide for local needs outside district. 2. Provide for some local needs inside district. 3. Seek balance between district population — district employment.

1. Cater for easier use of private car. 2. Improve public transport within district and to surrounding areas (Southend-on—Sea, Basildon, CbalmsfOrd). 3. Improve public transport to Greater London. 4. Improve pq.blic transport to particular areas e • g. outlying villages. Social Facilities I 1. Provide fully for needs of existing and future population. a Shopping b Health o B.ecration (Clubs, public open spaces) a Ethcation e Imprqve unmade roads £ Improve sewage and. drainage facilities.

Recreation I 1. Provide for sub-regional needs where character epeoially suitable. a Sailing b Horse riding c Golf 4 Country park e Nature reserve. 2. Protide only for needs of resident population (a) Playing fields .(b) Limited sailing, horse riding, golf, etc. Resources So that desired facilities can be provided, seek more income Tot' the District. 1. ,r increased nbers of commercial and industrial ratepayers by (a) Pursue. a policy of encouragement to conerce and industry. (b) Pursue growth by way of 'Town Expansion" under the Town

1 Development Act. (c) Seeking the desigoation. of a New Wown with a Development Corporation (This woui4 presume a population increase of' at least ao,00o) 8.2 It is unrealistic to oppose future development in the area because the pressures both national and local are such that it is bound to take place in scae fo or 'other. Indeed, further development could be of great value to the district in remedying the unsatisfactory conditions existing at the present time but any other than expeoted growth (to 76,000 by 1981) should be strongly resisted unless an adequate resource base is provided.

LH.f133 I -5- 8.3 Neither the Government nor Local Authorities can actually determine future levels of either population or employment. At most, they can try to influence them. Nevertheless, an the li&it of past experience and available knowledge of' economic forces and social trends, it is possible to make certain reasOned assumptions about the future. 8.4 Prom the choices referred to above, has 'been agreed a set of proposals which are tbouzt to be moat acce2table to the peopIe within the district and the masons for arriving at these recoendatIons are outlined belpw.

9 0 PtPp_SQQg0pHF0 I 9.1 The Council may opt for medium growth for South Essex and we anticipate a probable expansion figure of between 40,000 and 150,000, the most likely figure being approximately 100,000 between 1981 and. 1991. We are of the oion tint suit medium growth r result in a population increase of some 20,000 for this district bearing in mind the inabiLit4y' of some districts, notably Southend, to aocoodate a large expansion of population.

How cm the District aodonodate its share of this medium growth and, at the same time, deal with th problem& of the locality? 9.2 We select the following choices as guide lines to be followed throuout consultation with the Ccunty Council and other Districts, The following para- graphs should be read in conjunction with the choices set out in paragraph 8.1, 9.3 opalstIon

We select choice 2 (see 'p±a sa) Limited Expansion, since we feel that, based on an overall medium growth figure of L00,000, which could produce a growth rate leading to 5fl expansion of 20,000 to 35,000. 9.4 pg I We favour the second choice. The need to preserve good ality agricul- t'ural land and the Metropolitan Green Belt wilt require, where suitable, somewhat Mier deneitiäs than have hitherto been acceptable. These hi&ier densities would assist in defining communities. The separate identity of villages and communities has become blurred over the last 40 years; an esmple is the flayleiEastwood/Southend area where one ounity merges into anotlwr. We suggest that this form pf development should be strongly resisted and the L(LB. should be used. to precent coalescehce of !Urban areS. I 9 .5 New development should be sited th plotland areas where the existing haphazardi development is unsatisfactory. A certain amourxt of expansion may take place On the outskirts of existing coinities provided this does not lead. to merging of ocnmw'nlties. I 9.6 We consider choice 2 the most realistic, I At present, approximately one third of Rcchford s working popalat ion are employed within the DIstrlAt, one third. in Greater London and one third within South Essex outside Roohford. We would prefer to see a closer relationship between population and. emp1oynt within the Distriot, particularly with the increase in corrnnutlng difficulties and because of the need to increase the ooxmneroial rate revenue,

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III I I 9.7 Transportation We suggest choice 2 We consider that an inipro'v-enient in tram services is important a1thout we cannot envisage additional railway lines being constr.zcted to serve the southern part of Essex. We think bus services should be improved and that major trunk roads should be developed. In particular the .4127 should be made three lane dual-carriageway with a grade separated junction at Rayleigh Weir. (The Raylei Spur is being extended southwards to the new Tarpots roundabout.) The .413 should be improved to the same standard as at the flyover and the .4130 to Chelmsford should be extended. north of Rawreth Lane junction by a. two lane dual-carriageway to link with the dual-carriageway at Sandon and to include the proposed new road bridge across the Crouch at Battleubridge. Any development of the plot land between Rullbridge and Raylei should be connected with the .4130. Road access between llcckJ.ey, Rawkwell and Southeud should be improved. 9.8 Social Pacilitles We accept that considerable improvements need. to be nade to provide fully for the needs of the existing and future population (see pan 8.1) Only on the basis of a firm assurance in this respect should any future growth be accepted. 9.9 Recreation We eugges* choice b The Stricture Plan should provide for sub-regional needs with centres tbrouiaut the District and in particular focusing an boat rivers for water recreational activities. We feel that the natural assets of the District should be developed e.g., the Crouch bank from Thz1lbride to South Pambridge and a country park frcnn Hockley Woods to the Airport boundary. 9.10 Resouro VThliggest c�ioice 1(a) The Stricture Plan provide a realistic appraise.]. of resources and see that its policies are financially viable. The in problem is the inadequate employment base in South Essex as referred to earlier. Whilst Maplin Airport would have corrected this, the proposed seaport will employ relatively few and, as it is now proposed to site it wholly within the Southend District, it will in. no way help our rateable rescurces.


1) That any owth should be !rsistedL vigorously unless and udtil firm assurances are received that an adequate resource base will be provided, the imbalance between ccmnercial and residential development corrected7 and that there will be proper and adequate provision to meet the sDcial needs of the present and projected population. (paras 8.1 and 8.2 refer) 2) That, subject to 1) above, the Council should opt for South—Essex to be desigoated a medium growth area and the Rochford District share of this medium growth be accepted as plus 20,000 post 1981 (pars 2.3) 3) That hiier density housing and flatted development should be encouraged where appropriate. (pan 9.4) 4) That development be located in plotland areas as far as possible. (pars 4.1)

5) That the coalescence of urban areas be strongly resisted (pan 9.5)

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6) That the Council should preas for substantial inprovements in the present inadequate public transport srstem and for the essential improvement of the highway pattern (pam 9.7)

7) That the natural assets of the District should be developed to provide comprehensive recreational racniues (para 9.8)

JANIJABT 1975. Chief Executive.