Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts Suffer Huge Declines in Membership America's Most Iconic to Figures Provided to the Youth Organizations – the Associated Press
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Thursday Aruba to me... July 1, 2021 T: 582-7800 Page 9 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts suffer huge declines in membership America's most iconic to figures provided to The youth organizations – the Associated Press. Court Boy Scouts of America records show member- and the Girl Scouts of the ship has fallen further since USA – have been jolted by then, to about 762,000. unprecedented one-year The Girl Scouts say their drops in membership, due youth membership fell by partly to the pandemic, nearly 30%, from about 1.4 and partly to social trends million in 2019- 2020 to just that have been shrinking over 1 million this year. their ranks for decades. Both groups, like several While both organizations other U.S. youth organiza- insist they'll survive, the dra- tions, have experienced matic declines raise ques- declining membership for tions about how effectively many years. The Girl Scouts they'll be able to carry out reported youth member- their time-honored missions ship of about 2.8 million in -- teaching skills and team- 2003. The BSA had more work, providing outdoor than 4 million boys partici- adventure, encouraging pating in the 1970s. community service. Reasons for the drop in- Membership for the BSA's clude competition from flagship Cub Scouts and sports leagues, a percep- Scouts BSA programs tion by some families that dropped from 1.97 million in they are old-fashioned, This June 7, 2021 file photo shows the headquarters of Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails in Albu- 2019 to 1.12 million in 2020, and busy family schedules. querque, N.M. a 43% plunge, according Continued on next page Associated Press A2 THURSDAY 1 JULY 2021 UP FRONT Continued from Front annual youth membership tain interest, his staff held The pandemic brought a fee will rise from $66 to $72 numerous outdoor activi- particular challenge. on August 1. The BSA also ties, including winter camp- In Lawrence, New Jer- says some councils may ing, and now anticipates a sey, 8-year-old Joey Yaros merge to consolidate re- large influx of families who stopped attending meet- sources. skipped scouting last year. ings while most in-person The Girl Scouts have bu- Bryan Koch of Madison, gatherings were shut down, reaucratic complications Wisconsin, has been an and might not go back, of their own. There is ongo- adult leader for more than even though his father and ing litigation pitting the na- a decade as two sons went three brothers all earned tional headquarters against through Cub Scouts and the elite Eagle Scout rank. two of the 111 local coun- Boy Scouts. He believes the Joey was already struggling cils— based in Fairbanks, programs have invaluable with virtual school classes, Alaska, and Nashville, Ten- benefits: teaching leader- and the family didn't pres- nessee — which refuse to ship skills, offering adven- sure him to also participate implement a nationwide tures such as a 78-mile hike in virtual Cub Scout activi- technology platform. at Philmont Scout Ranch ties. Despite the varied chal- in New Mexico that his el- "If there are den meetings lenges, Mosby and other dest son completed as a in the fall, we'll see if he In this June 10, 2021 photo provided by Barry Bedlan, Boy Scout officials, as well 14-year-old. gets back in the swing of it," members of Troop 298 of Frisco, Texas are among the first as the Girl Scouts' leader- "I'm a firm believer in what said his father, high school to embark a 12-day trek across the Philmont Scout Ranch, ship, say there's reason for scouting can be," Koch history teacher Jay Yaros. outside Cimarron, N.M. optimism. They say their said. "It helps us develop "There are a lot of inter- Associated Press summer camps are full, more well-rounded and esting things for kids to do special events are sold aware young men and these days, and scouting are compounded by their sands of lawsuits filed by out, and they're expecting women. That's sorely need- doesn't seem to be keep- decision to seek bankrupt- men who allege they were many thousands of families ed in our country right now." ing up." cy protection in February molested as youngsters by – some new to scouting, Yet he says member- The Boy Scouts' problems 2020 to cope with thou- scout leaders. The case is some who left during the ship in his Boy Scout troop proceeding slowly in feder- pandemic – to sign up now dropped by 30% in recent al bankruptcy court as law- that activities are occurring years as boys and parents yers negotiate creation of in-person rather than virtu- turned to other activities. a trust fund for victims that ally. "There's not really a passive will likely entail hundreds of "We knew some girls would way to go through scout- millions of dollars in contri- take a pause," said Girl ing and get the full experi- butions from the BSA and its Scouts spokeswoman Kelly ence," Koch said. "It takes a 252 local councils. Parisi. "But as the pandemic lot of time for the scout, for To provide those funds, goes in the rear-view mirror, the parents." some councils may have to we've seen a substantial Josh Garner has been sell cherished camp prop- rebound... We feel really scoutmaster of Boy Scout erties, the BSA's president good going into the fall re- Troop 30 in Jackson, Missis- and CEO, Roger Mosby, cruitment." sippi, for six years; his oldest told the AP. Membership in the Boy son will soon be an Eagle "We understand that this is Scouts' Longhorn Coun- Scout. Troop membership a difficult and often emo- cil, which serves parts of has dropped by 25% during tional decision, but in some Central and North Texas, his tenure, and even more instances may be a neces- dropped by 44% from 2019 sharply in the Cub Scout sary step as we work toward to 2020, said its chief exec- pack that's also sponsored our shared imperatives of utive, Wendy Shaw. But she by St. Richard Catholic equitably compensating is buoyed by surging inter- Church. survivors and continuing est this year from families Garner said the BSA's na- Scouting's mission." Mosby considering their first foray tional leadership "has a lot said in a written reply to into scouting; the council of baggage right now" and AP's queries. has scheduled 12 special needs to devise better re- The pandemic, the mem- events for them. cruitment strategies. Yet bership drop and rising Manny Ramos, chief ex- he'd hate to see the orga- costs of liability insurance ecutive of the BSA's Seat- nization fold. have strained BSA finances. tle-area council, said pan- "I've watched boys learn A disclosure statement in demic-related restrictions all kinds of skills, from weld- the bankruptcy case says on group activities were rig- ing to giving speeches," he its gross revenues dropped orous in his area -- a factor said. "It's a fantastic pro- from $394 million in 2019 to in recruiting only 500 scouts gram -- too important to a $187 million last year. last fall instead of the nor- lot of people for it to just go In response, the Boy Scouts' mal 3,000 or more. To main- away."q A3 U.S. NEWS THURSDAY 1 JULY 2021 Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88 By ROBERT BURNS and toppling of the Taliban WASHINGTON (AP) — Don- regime. Frequently presid- ald Rumsfeld, the two-time ing at televised briefings on defense secretary and the war, Rumsfeld became one-time presidential can- something of a TV star, ap- didate whose reputation plauded for his blunt talk as a skilled bureaucrat and and uncompromising style. visionary of a modern U.S. By 2002 the Bush adminis- military was unraveled by tration's attention shifted to the long and costly Iraq Iraq, which played no role war, died Tuesday. He was in the Sept. 11 attacks. The 88. In a statement Wednes- war effort in Afghanistan day, Rumsfeld's family said took a back seat to Iraq, he "was surrounded by opening the way for the family in his beloved Taos, Taliban to make a come- New Mexico." back and prevent the U.S. President George W. Bush, from sealing the success of under whom Rumsfeld its initial invasion. served as Pentagon chief, The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq hailed his "steady service as was launched in March a wartime secretary of de- 2003. Baghdad fell quickly, fense — a duty he carried but U.S. and allied forces out with strength, skill, and soon became consumed honor." with a violent insurgency. Regarded by former col- Critics faulted Rumsfeld for leagues as equally smart dismissing the pre-invasion and combative, patriotic assessment of the Army's and politically cunning, top general, Eric Shinseki, Rumsfeld had a storied ca- that several hundred thou- reer in government under sand allied troops would be four presidents and nearly needed to stabilize Iraq. a quarter century in corpo- Rumsfeld twice offered his rate America. resignation to President After retiring in 2008 he George W. Bush in 2004 In this Oct. 11, 2011, file photo, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld speaks to politi- headed the Rumsfeld Foun- cians and academics during a luncheon on security in rising Asia, in Taipei, Taiwan. amid disclosures that U.S. dation to promote public Associated Press troops had abused detain- service and to work with ees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib charities that provide ser- an art form; a biting humor He made a brief run for the career that will likely etch prison — an episode he lat- vices and support for mili- was a favorite weapon.