THE UCONN SOCCER TEAM defeated the Lord Jeffs of THE started the 1977-78 Amherst Wednesday 2-0 on second half goal;, by Tom Nevers and season last week and today the Daily Campus Sports Department Joe Morrone Jr. Story page 12. previews and picks the division races. Storeis pages 6 and 7. Otomtecti cut iat lg Campus

Serving Storrs Since 1896

VOL. LXXXI NO. 9 STORPS. CONNECTICUT THURSDA Y. SEPTEMBER 22. 1977 Lance resigns under pressure

By HELEN THOMAS were true, but plaeed much of the blame remains clear and he still feels he could director of OMB. WASHINGTON (UPI) — President on the "extraordinary standards" his be an effective budget director. Said Carter: Carter, his voice choked with emotion, administration has tried to set. But. noting the continuing controversy "Bert Lance is my friend. I know him announced Bert Lance's resignation Although the President said he agreed surrounding his name. Lance said: "I personally as well as if he was my own Wednesday, saying his close friend and with Lance's decision to return to Georgia have to ask the question: At what price do brother. I know be a good and an budget director decided independently to after eight months in the administration, I remain?" honorable man...nothing that I have step aside and "I think he's made the he paid strong tribute to the 46-year-old "I am convinced I can continue to be an heard or read has shaken my belief in right decision." banker and said he considers him effective director of the Office of Manage- Bert's ability and integrity." In a televised news conference delayed irreplaceable. He did not name a succes- ment and Budget." Lance said. "How- Carter said Lance's resignation was two hours so Lance could compose his sor immediately. ever, because of the amount of controver- "a courageous and also a patriotic farewell letter, Carter acknowledged Lance, in a letter Carter read at the sy and the continuing nature of it. I have decision... don't think there is any way 1 some of the allegations against Lance news conference, said his conscience decided to submit my resignation as Conl. on page 4 Professors Grasso calls react to . resignation resignation 'regrettable' By KATHY KAY By MATT MANZELLA The resignation of Bert Lance Budget director Burt Lance's as Director of the Office of resignation Wednesday was con- Management and Budget came sidered the correct move accord- as no surprise to members of ing to several Connecticut legis- UConn's economic and political lators. science departments. However. Gov. Ella T. Grasso Curt F. Beck, professor of called the incident 'regrettable and unfortunate." according to a political science, said he was "not the least bit surprised. United Press International re- Lance has not done anything port. "The controversy that has wrong in connection with his job. developed over management of Carter and Lance have been Mr. Lance's private affairs close friends, and his decision would appear to make it impos- was an act of courage. Carter sible for him to devote fulltime to acted as astutely as he could," his duties with the Office of he said. United Press International Management and Budget.'' Imanuel Wexler, professor of Budget Director Bert Lance coven the microphone as he talks with his attorney,Clark Clifford, Grasso said. economics, contrasted what he proceeding his testimony before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee last week. Lance resigned Representative Christopher called the "Lance Affair" with Wednesday. [UPI] Dodd said. "I think that Mr. the Watergate scandal. Lance made the right decision." "The press conference remind- UPI reported. ed me of when Nixon let John Dodd said the affair may have Ehlichman and H.R.H aide man initially harmed Carter but the go." he said, "In retrospect, I Liquor bill gets support American people would realize was not surprised Carter accept- the "principle of American juri- B> JIM McGANN dual legislator cannot introduce a bill in this short sprudence" behind the presi- ed the resignation, or it would The proposed liquor license for the Commons session. Goodwin said, it must be brought up dent's position. have been a political liability. If Dining Hall will find the going tough in the through committee which lessens the chances of it State Rep. Audrey Beck. Nixon watched the news con- upcoming legislative session, but two local reaching the floor of the House for a vote. (D-Mansfield.) said "it was high ference, it should have made him legislators say they will continue to fight for the Beck attacked restaurants such as Jury's Tavern time" for Mr. Lance to resign, a very happy." bill. who testified against the bill last year because they move she said delayed by Car- "I supported the bill last year and I am still 100 were afraid of losing business while "the ter's loyalty, and his close John J. Breen, associate per cent behind it." said State Sen. Audrey Beck University suffers." friendship with Lance. professor of journalism, said. (D-Mansfield) who co-sponsored the bill last year "People with such power and "Regardless of whether Lance when it was defeated. "I will continue to fight for Beck is experienced in this type of legislative responsibilities should not have did anything legally wrong. it." fight, having fought for the license for the better access to checking ac- Lance's problems are partly due State Rep. Dorothy Goodwin (D-Mansfield). said Anonymous Pub a few years ago. counts." Beck added. to the press proving that his case she would support the bill again but said "I have Beck suggested that students contact their local Beck said the Lance situation, is being handled equally for a no great hopes for it this year." legislators and petition for the bill if they arc if it had continued, would have Democrat as it would have been She said the upcoming session in February is interested. for a Republican." generally devoted to financial matters. An indivi- "I never give up." she said. Cont. on page 4. UConn students travel to Kent State rally

By SUSAN LAWRENCE State protesting construction of the to help pay travel expenses for the group committed on May 4th. 1970. About fifty people joined in a rally at the gymnasium, according to Jim Tackett of going to Ohio. —that four buildings on the Kent State Student Union Wednesday to support the RSB. Student at Kent State have "tried campus be named after the four slain efforts to stop construction of a gym- Supporters of the May 4th Coalition at everything within the law" to have the students, and: nasium at Kent State University in Ohio. UConn have collected almost 700 signa- gymnasium site moved. Tackett said at —reinstating a policy, stopped in 1974. If completed the gymnasium will stand tures on a petition stating a set of the rally. Students petitioned the Kent of cancelling all classes on May 4. on a site near the spot where National demands, according to RSB member Carl State administration and Ohio courts of The construction site was chosen over Guardsmen shot and killed four students Conetta. law with the May 4th Coalition demands during an anti-war demonstration on May Thirty UConn students have signed up in spring. 1977 before initiating physical several other proposed sites. Tackett 4. 1970. to go to Kent State Friday night. occupation of the site. said. He added Kent State University had UConn's Revolutionary Student Bri- Transportation is available for more. The May 4th Coalition has presented already purchased land elsewhere for the gade (RSB) will provide transportation to Tackett said. Final plans for the trip will four demands: express purpose of constructing a new Kent State University this weekend. On be made at a meeting in the Student —that the Kent State administration gymnasium. Saturday, students from more than 40 Union lobby at 7 p.m. today, he added. move the proposed gymnasium. "Building a gym on this site is an effort eampuses across the country are expect- RSB members held a tag sale at the —a public admission on the part of the to cover up the events at Kent and ed to join the May 4th Coalition at Kent Student Union Monda. and Wednesday administration that an injustice was Jackson State." Tackett said. Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday, September 22. 1977 (Eflmtfrttrut latlg (Eattqw* Serving Storrs Since 1896

Mark A. Dupuft Edltor-ln-Chitt Cr»ig K. Sp«ry John Hill III Business Managing Editor Vivian B. Martin Associate Editor PIRG money should stay here T\fe W\®A OF THE COKSWiVES The proposed expenditure of the $16,166 raised this semester by the University's chapter of the Connecticut Public Interest Research group (UConnPIRG) raises several questions, the bulk of which deal with spending student money for nonstudent goals and projects. After Elvis, Kiss and soul Although we had violently opposed the addition of the ConnPIRG fee on students' fee bills — negative checkoff or whatever — we were ready this year to give the group a chance to prove its worth. the Wongs say goodbye After all. the debate was over, and ConnPIRG had won the right to Twenty-one long, hard years, some good, some lifetimes. To those kinds, to the ones here now, collect two dollars from each student, be it through an active desire bad, all hectic, and now we must close our doors these dramatics are real, it's their lives. Each to support the group's goals or just indifference to checking off the for the last time. one holding a poker hand with a card for each box on the fee bill, and thus letting the group have your two dollars. No matter who or what comes in place of the joy, each time, each hassle they own. Their old Campus Restaurant, it'll somehow always be songs played; Elvis, Baez, Beatles, Steppenwolf, However, this week. ConnPIRG announced some of its plans on empty. We would like to thank you for having Taylor and Kiss. The kids, like the music, come where that money will be going. The use of the money to finance participated in its existence. and go, go like leaves in wind. Now the same student research and other campus ConnPIRG projects is a welcome The Campus is a caravanserai, a well marked breeze is tugging us apart and away. move and we wholeheartedly support it. stopping place close by the junctures of the MANY OF YOU HAVE SAID: "Where will we sprawling University and the roads of East go when you've closed?" To us, we don't worry However, we violently oppose the use of UConnPIRG money — Connecticut, the roads of the real world. A well about where you'll go. Just let go, let go and find collected from student fee bills — to finance ConnPIRG positions in known refreshment spot to all kinds of people: out. If you keep clutching to this place, you'll Hartford and other places. Even if this is only part of the income the those of the University, of the town, those soon look down and you'll be holding nothing. statewide group will use for its payroll, we still oppose that use. stopping by, those passing through, the up-beats We're fading away as sound fades away at a and the out-of-steps. record's end, fades to silence and a click as the Student fees should be charged with the greatest of attempts to A PLACE, THE PLACE, a place to go to, a machine shuts down. charge the least number the least amount. It is none of UConn's place to be, to eat, to sit. People don't eat in A resonant click as we lock the door for the last, business to be bankrolling groups and their staff off campus. places anymore. They eat at plastic restaurants, and go home. The Campus's coffee's pungent and dash through a quick food joint; it seems "Good Morning," a soft footed ghost, will haunt We ask UConnPIRG to revamp its budgeting to cut out the use of soulless somehow. empty cups as they gather silence and dust. student fees to operate their home office in Hartford. If they don't, Unlike most restaurants, one never paid for the , we think the University should take another look at the UConnPIRG atmosphere here with your meal that you and Edward V. Wong everyone else sitting around you brought in. We Henry M. Wong only provided the food, the coffee, and the stage. " Grandma Wong After all. what difference is it if Ella Grasso and the legislature Since 1956, the offspring of each new trend, Lin A. Wong collected student money, which they call tuition, for the general state new time, have come to eat, drink, and converse. TooyD. coffers, or if UConnPIRG is collecting student money to run a From behind the counter, you can see much GnyL. nonstudent organization? . more than one would think, and we've seen more Thank yon for your patronage over the years. We theater here than most actors see in their will be closing this Friday. With the cost of education going up every year, it's time we started to pay for ourselves and let others worry about themselves. Campus, leads us to believe that "issues of fear, alienation, tenderness, etc..." are necessary for a 1ETTERS TO THE EDITOR meaningful, interesting autobiography. The Published Monday through Friday while the University is in session, except reviewer ignores the unique narrative style and during certain vacation and examination periods by The Connecticut Daily Do autobiographies such as Rita Mai Brown's Campus, 121 North Eagleville Road, Storrs, Ct. 06268. Editorial content is "Rubyfruit Jungle" have to conform to precon- fails to credit the book as a very amusing account determined solely by the Connecticut Daily Campus. Subscriber: United Press of Rita Mae Brown's life. International. UPI Telephotos are provided at no charge to the Daily Campus ceived ideas about the manner in which an autobiographical novel is written and why it is The novel isn't an emotion packed case study of by the Willimantic Chronicle and United Press International. Member: social injustice but simply an overview of one Columbia Scholastic Press Association. Second class postage paid at Storrs, read? Ct. Subscription: (Non-student) $10 annually. Richard Deshaies, writing in Tuesday's Daily woman's personal exploits. John Tambls Has the 'can-do' attitude evaporated? smug "we-told-you-so" from the people nearly as visible today within the Admin- vote, believing that the President's who have been in town the longest. istration. In all probability, the President commitment to withhold assistance from By TOBY MOFFETT It's not only Lance. It's the pledge to is about to be handed a substantial defeat countries with consistent patterns of dramatically curtail our country's role as in his effort tp scrap the nuclear breeder human rights violations is not being the world's major arms merchant, to reactor. He has already been forced into a fulfilled. The Bert Lance matter continues to significant compromise in his bid to make headlines and find its way into most insist that other countries respect human That vote illustrates just how serious rights or relinquish U.S. aid. to halt eliminate wasteful federally-funded wat- conversations in the nation's capitol. But er projects (the so-called dams ' list'). the situation might be for the President. plutonium proliferation around the world. His changing image may be costing him it's only one of several issues—albeit the Arms sales are not decreasing; the most visible and the most painful to the Even those who supported the Carter public support. It may also be severely candidacy most avidly did not expect Administration's attempt to sell millions Administration—that has the 'Washing- of dollars worth of sophisticated F-IS jets damaging his coalition with those in ton Establishment' smirking in the belief these goals to be reached overnight— Washington who, like him, are relatively certainly not early in his term. to Saudi Arabia reflects a certain sign of that the new guy in town, Jimmy Carter, defeat in that struggle. new to town, and who want to pursue has finally been cut down to size. But there is a feeling among many here JUST A FEW DAYS AGO. the matters with the same sense of urgency THE CAMPAIGN PROMISES, the lofty that the Administration is not trying Administration was stymied in its Jimmy Carter reflected in his campaign goals that the new President insisted nearly so hard now to make progress in attempt to gain approval for U.S. and in the early weeks and months of his Presidency. could be attained, the professed inde- these and other areas. The newness has contributions to international monetary pendence from Washington ways and worn off. organizations. Newer, younger Members Mr. Moffett is congressman from Washington scandals, are now drawing a THE 'CAN-DO' ATTITUDE is not of the House made the difference on that Connecticut's Sixth District. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau LETTERS POLICY SO BEFORE US JUMP TO ANY MR. KNOWLSD6EABLE SOURCE, SK? VERY GOOD, MR. PERKINS, tJELL. I CONCLUSIONS, LET US ASK. OUR- The Daily Campus welcomes letters to COULD IT BE THAT DR. KISSINGER, VERY GOOD! I DETECT A GAD A LOT SELVES: COUU) DR. KISSINGER IMNTED TO AOID ANTAGONIZING the editor on any topic, especially issues MATURATION IN WUR THINK- OFSCIENCE «% concerning the University community. [HAVE HAD A GOOD REASON FOR. SEOUL BECAUSE KOREAN TROOPS ING THAT ESCAPED THE mSnm "Eg* I NOT DISCLOSING UUHAT HE KNEW UJERE AT THAT TIME FIGHTING IN NOTICE OF THIS CLASS SUMMER, HELPED. Letters should be no longer than 250 lABOUTTHE KOREAN SCANDAL IN SOUTH VIETNAM? LAST SPRING! —--. words, typewritten triple-spaced, and fj'/Jfl must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The name will be witheld on request, however, all letters must be signed. Letters not meeting these criteria will not be published. The Daily Campus re- serves the right to edit letters for style, libel and to respond to lettefs containing incorrect information or to explain the newspaper's position, when in question. "■&&53ffl§" 1^ f Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday. September 22. 1977 Jewish Day of Atonement marked by fasting, prayer

By DAVID MICHAEL fasting is observed on Yom was made: the first day of the Kippur. because the Jewish faith month was set aside for the About two hundred people dictates the absence of food and observance of Rosh Hashonoh gathered in the sanctuary of other pleasures aids in the full (the Jewish new year), while the UConn's Hillel House Wednes- concentration of penitence. tenth day became almost totally day night for the observance of In earlier times, the tenth day a day of penitence. Yom Kippur, the second high of the month "Tishri" marked Services for the Jewish com- holy day in the Jewish New Year. the observance of the Jewish munity will be held at Hillel Yom Kippur began Wednesday new year and also the day of House Thursday from 9:30 a.m. night at sundown and will con- atonement. to 1 p.m. The service focuses on tinue until sundown Thursday. The repentance which was to the chanting of the Kil Nidre Yom Kippur, known as the be observed in accordance with Prayer, the prayer in which man "Day of Atonement" is the day the day of atonement was ham- is freed from feelings of guilt. on which the Jewish community pered because of the joyous The prayer encompasses the asks God forgiveness for their atmosphere of the new year. deepest feelings and emotions of sins against men. A period of For this reason a separation the Jewish people. Immigration to Israel Professor receives grant A grant from the Memorial the academic year 1977-78 at the countries. Foundation for Jewish Culture association's annual meeting in A former chairman of the will be put to use by a UConn Amsterdam. Committee on Judaic Studies at sociology professor to study Dashefsky's research on UConn. Dashefsky's work has American migration to Israel. "aliya," or migration to Israel, included the books "Ethnic Arnold Dashefsky, associate includes absorption in Israel, Identification Among American professor and associate head of and return migration of Ameri- Staff photo by Joe Driscoil Jews," and "Ethnic Identity in Heavy rains iTuesday failed to contribute much to the the sociology department, re- cans, with comparison to other Society." plus many articles. ceived the fellowship grant" for" migrants from English speaking unseasonably low water level of Mirror l*kt.

United Press International Marweli Zoo keepers in Winchester, bngland make a futile Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trtah tekes hi. seat in the United ^iSmtSSSJWSS^ «~* to "*« 25f5aS liT""-1 *"* Wh° dled *"* Tuesday during a recess following the admission of the African nation Djibouti to the U.N. [UPI] after he was winched to his feet.

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121 N. Eagleville Rd., in front of Subway SOUIMtRD COMfORI CORPOflATlM 100 PROOF LIQUEUR SI LOUIS MO 6313? Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday. September 22. 1977 FSSO allots $800 STATE BIMEFS for travel to conference Dilieto seeks to reverse defeat By JOHN J. KWOLEK for more than three years to problems." Williams said of the The finance committee of the establish a student legal aid three-day conference. NEW HAVEN (UPI) — Trying to reverse his defeat last week in student government Wednesday office on campus but has been a Democratic Mayoral primary, Bigio Dilieto Wednesday charged The committee also appropri- New Haven Mayor Frank Logue used illegal campaign tactics. appropriated more than SHOO in thwarted repeatedly by the state ated $277 to pay salaries for student fees to send two student Attorney General's office, which Dilieto is seeking victory through a superior court battle to have persons who will staff the Com- the Democratic nomination awarded to him. He lost to Logue by government representatives to a has ruled that using student fee muter's Union office for 30 hours student legal rights convention money to retain legal counsel is 339 votes. Dilieto's attorney said in superior court Tuesday Logue each week. The office, located in broke the law by campaigning within 75 feet of a polling place in Missouri next month. not in the best interest of all of the Student Union building, was The finance committee of the UConn's students, and by state during the primary. opened to provide information A Logue spokesman says the mayor did campaign within Federation of Students and Ser- Superior Court, T. Emmet Clarie and referral services for com- vice Organizations (FSSO) allo- who refused to grant a FSSO seventy-five feet of the Bella Vista polling place for a short time, muting students, but has been but when Logue realized he was too close, he moved back. cated the funds so the student request to force the administra- unstaffed so far this semester. delegates to the Fourth Annual tion to'release funds to retain the Conference on Student Legal counsel. In other action, the committee , Rights in Kansas City Oct. 14-16 The administration had refused approved the allocation of $100 Judges consider reappointment can "try to get some general to grant FSSO's request based to defray room and board ex- ideas" on what other colleges on the attorney general's ruling, penses for candidates for FSSO's are doing in the area of student which was issued by then research and development coor- HARTFORD (UPI)—A meeting of 61 state judges is set for legal rights, including legal ser- Assistant Attorney General Sid- dinator when they come to Friday to consider whether to reappoint Hartford's common Pleas vices. Chris Williams, the com- ney Giber almost two years ago. campus for interviews later this Court Prosecutor. The meeting has ben scheduled for Friday at 2 mittee's chairman said Wednes- "We're trying to get some semester. The position was cre- p.m. in the Common Pleas Court Building in New Haven. Chief day. general ideas on how to deal ated last spring by then FSSO Common Pleas Judge Roman Lexton says he will bring "certain FSSO has tried unsuccessfully more effectively with student chairman William A. Finch. problems" concerning. Prosecutor Cornelius Shea to the attention of the other judges and ask them to decide if Shea should be allowed to continue in the job he has held for ten years.

THE CAMPUS Yes, we have no bananas

COVENTRY (UPI) — State officials said Wednesday they are baffled by the theft of hundreds of pounds of ripe vegetables from a community garden in Coventry. David Nisley, the State State pols speak on Lance Agricultural Garden Coordinator, says he's never before heard of Com. from page 1 what he calls situation where someone literally ripped off a whole "I think the Carter administra- garden. Ripe vegetables were picked carefully and unripe ones become "quite deeply disturbing done "under the present cir- cumstances." tion showed good judgement were left untouched in the one-acre plot tended by 20 families on to the American people." through Lance's offering and land owned by St. Mary's Church. Nisley says police think State representative Robert "It's not a question of wrong- doing, it's a question of judge- Carter's acceptance of the resig- whoever stole the vegetables means to sell them. Giaimo. chairman of the house nation," Rome added. budget committee, called ment," Rome said. Lance's resignation "wise." UPI reported. Widow seeks millions in damages Giaimo said there was no Lance steps aside question that Lance's difficulties HARTFORD (UPI)^The pregnant wife of a Hartford policeman C onl. from page 1 who died when he accidentally shot himself while trying to avoid and the remaining unresolved overdrafts and other problems. questions would have continued an armed man barricaded in a house, is seeking three-million- could find anyone to replace But he denied trying to hide his to divert his full attention from dollars in damages from the man. 29-year-old Donna Daley of Bert Lance. past from the Senate committee his responsibilities at the office which recommended his con- Wethersfield filed a lawsuit seeking the damages from Lance has been under intense 45-year-old Robert Donaghue of Hartford. Police say Mrs. of Management and Budget. firmation as budget director in pressure to resign for several Daley's husband, 29-year-old John F. Daley died about eight State Senate Minority Leader January and said he never used weeks due to allegations stem- hours following surgery for a wound he received from his own Lewis B. Rome. R-Bloomfield, political clout to get the federal ming from his years as a Georgia revolver. Daley, police said, tripped while running for cover when said Lance's resignation ws the bank executive. He acknow- government to close investiga- Donaghue pointed a shotgun out of the house on July 29th. only thing that could have been ledged incurring large bank tions of his activities. Bus to UCONN vs YALE Game

Tickets are on sale in 319 Commons Thursday 9:00 - 2:00 Friday 12:00-4:00 Tickets are ' 1.50 Bus leaves the Student Union 11:00 on Sept. 24, 1977



SEMINAR Applications are now available in rm. 319 Commons. Deadline for returning applications to rm. 319 Commons is SUN 9/25 COMMONS 310 4:30 pm Thursday Sept. 22, 1977 1:00 pm FREE mm

Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday. September 22. 1977 Upcoming events This Friday, the 23rd of Jorge Morel will perform at bar. September, the Soviet Georgian Jorgensen Auditorium Oct. 3 at Morel made his American Dancers and Tbilsi Polyphonic 8:15 p.m. debut at Carnegie Hall in 1961. Choir will commence their Amer- and has subsequently toured this ican tour at UConn's Jorgensen Morel has said he feels his country from coast to coast, as Auditorium. Their program con- prime calling to be "based in well as performing in Hawaii and sists of traditional folk material. contemporary modes of express- Puerto Rico. Show time is 8:15 p.m.. Sept. 23. ion." and his programs general- Tickets for this concert, part of Tickets are on sale at the ly include his own compositions the Jorgensen Auditorium's new auditorium box office and Ticket- as well as such contemporary Guitar Series, are on sale at the ron. classical guitar composers as Jorgensen box office and at all Argentinian master ot the Villa-Lobos. Castelnuovo-Tedes- Ticketron outlets. Call 486-4226 classical and popular guitar co. and his teacher Pablo Esco- for more information. JORGE MOREI. ARTS Collections curator named at Benton A new curator has been named curatorial trainee at the Walters for collections at the William Art Gallery in Baltimore and ihc Benton Museum of Art. located Boston Museum of Fine Arts. He on the UConn Campus. also has been head leaching Thomas P. Bruhn. a specialist fellow ai the University of Penn- in Baroque and Rococo painting sylvania. and sculpture, will be respon- SOVIET GEORGIAN DANCERS A native of Evanston. III., who sible for the preservation and now resides in Storrs. Bruhn is maintenance of the museum's author of an article about the Jarrett: creative jazz piano collection, for researching and Gobelins Tapestries, as well as cataloging it. and for expanding other studies of art appreciation I "Staircase" is Keith Jarrett's the same. ering it to be yours...The music it through the acquisition of art Jarrett is probably best known and scholarship. new album on ECM Records.] is so much stronger than the works of special aesthetic, hist- for his live, improvisational He also has lectured at the person who's playing it that you oric, or educational merit. works. His album "Solo Con- Walters Art Gallery and the By STL GARBER have to be very, very careful." Bruhn will also help develop certs" was 1974's "Record of the Chicago Art Institute. While most of the other (Downbeat. Oct. 24. 1974). exhibitions using the permanent Year" in Jazz Forum and Down- promising young pianists of the "Staircase" is Keith Jarrett's collection and loaned art works, Bruhn receive his bachelor of 1960's have turned to electronic beat. "Popular Album of the newest album, a two-record set and will help install them for art degree from the University of instruments. Keith Jarrett has Year" in Time Magazine and of four solo pieces, titled "Stair- advantageous display. Wisconsin. Madison, in 1965. The New York Times, and hailed remained fully dedicated to the case". "Hourglass". "Sundial" Additionally, he will represent and his master of arts degree by Stereo Review as "the finest art of the acoustic piano. Jarrett and "Sand." His playing here is the museum at scholarly confer- from Case-Western Reserve may not sell as many records as new album of jazz piano in paced and controlled, shifting ences, facilitate the study of the University in Cleveland in 1968. Chick Corea or Herbie Hancock, twenty years." smoothly from flowing melodies Benton Museum's collection, He is currently working on his but his music is far more Jarrett is very philosophical to tension-building rhythms and and will answer questions from doctoral degree at the University innovative and original than that about his music. When asked back again. All of the song titles the public on both the museum's of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. of either of these musicians. about his creative process Jarrett are related to time and its art works and those owned by His dissertation centers on Ger- Sure, their music is enjoyable answered, "You just cannot go measurement and music itself is. inquiring individuals. man artist Hans Reichlc. who and very EASY to like, but much and improvise music if you're of course, built upon measure- Bruhn has worked as a lived from 1570 to 1642. of their material sounds exactly hearing what you do and consid- ments of time.

WILLIMANTIC BIG BROTHER and SISTER PROGRAM WRITE FOR needs concerned students to be com- The next time you want panions to Willimantic grammar school children. Our program is new this the Connecticut semester and we will be working in Daily Campus Sweeney grammar school Tues. after- a bottle of noons. Interested in children? Give us a call 486-4811 or 429-8823 or stop by SU 302. wine, buy it from the people who Student Union know whot they re Room Allocations talking about. If your organization or club is intcrstcd in a room in either the student union or the commons building Pick up an application in spiRT the Board of Governors office. 319 Commons. Applications must be returned to the BOG office no later than October .?. 1977 Eznia SHOPPE' mMA.xm ovwnwe HILL MM THE >&P DEADLINE - OCTOBER 3,1977

rr«*rr**«ti IMIIIVIV^ ivwn tttrift+it M^WtViVOfYrVi >rY»n tYiYrtttttttM+Mtt •„,l..i....- ;.vi,v.v,w,1,WlWM,,uv.,,J Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, September 22. 1977 Only 116 days until Super Bo 11 , Minnesota and LA should repeat in NFC ■ 4" will succeed in winning the division title. The By JAY II VI1 IK defense of the Purple People Eaters is solid, Little seems to have changed in this year's with the veteran front four of Alan Page. Carl choices to win divisions in the National Eller. , and Gary Sutherland. Conference of the N.F.L. Dallas again appears With Tarkenton throwing the football, and ready to rule the Eastern division, with Chuck Foreman doing the running, the Vikings Minnesota and Los Angeles moving on to win will hold off the vastly improved Chicago Bears. the Central and Western divisions respectively They love to play defense in Chicago and this this year. Chicago will give the Vikings a run for year is no exception. With linebacker Doug their money in the Central Division and should Buffone healthy again, and joining Wally wind up in the playoffs as a wildcard team. Chambers, who heads a mean front four, the Eastern Division The rich get richer and this is definitely the Bears will surely hit. On offense. Walter Payton runs like no case in Dallas with the Cowboys. , running back at Soldier Field since Gale Sayers. the Heisman Trophy winner from Pitt has been Chicago added Mike Phipps to try to solve their slow to come around, but once he does, the quarterback problems. But the Bear backs do Cowboys will have the only thing they lacked most of the receiving and until the Bears get offensively last year, a breakaway running some top grade receivers Phipps and the rest of back. the Bears will have to be content in second With players like . Randy White and , just to name a few. on defense, place. What hurts Detroit the most is the Lions there should be no problem. The Cowboys inability to win on the road. This fact plus bench is as strong as any in the league. Should the club show a weak spot, it will be in the weaknesses at wide receiver and in the offensive line with the retirement of defensive line will keep Detroit down in third and the loss of to a knee injury. place. Otherwise first place is all theirs. Tommy Hudspeth. does have a healthy What kept St. Louis out of the playoffs last quarterback this year in . and solid vear seems destined to happen again. The defense once you get past the line. But this is Cardinals are weak both at linebacker, and in not enough to stay alive in this tough division. rushing the passer. Couple this with a weak Last but not least, there is and the bench defensively, and you have problems. Green Bay Packers. This year is do or die for On the bright side, there is the precise Starr, and it looks like he will windup not in the passing of Jim Hart of receivers Ike Harris and best health. Mel Gray. These players with help from a The Green Bay defense is fair at best, and no tremendous offensive line give St. Louis a Packer runner gained more than 435 years superb passing game. Running backs Jim Otis running last year. Green Bay is no better in and Terry Metcalf complement Hart's passing passing the ball as Lynn Dickey completed only for an explosive offense. But the lack of a solid 47 per cent of his passes last year. It could be a JAY HALLER'S PICKS

NFC WEST NFC EAST NFC CENTRAL 1. Minnesota 1 Los Angeles 1 Dallas 2 San Francisco 2 St. Louis 2 Chicago 3 Washington 3. Detroit 3. Atlanta 4 New Orleans 4 New York Giants 4. Green Bay 5. Philadelphia 5. Tampa Bay '•• r /. -:":>'- >^T~ \f %.■ i^r . ,. :M AFC EAST AFC CENTRAL AFC WEST MKi^jH " 1. New England 1. Pittsburgh 1. Oakland 2 Baltimore 2 Cincinnati 2. Denver "% 3. Miami 3 Cleveland 3. San Diego Jmm& 4. Buffalo 4. Houston 4. Kansas City 5 5 Seattle

defense will keep St. Louis out of a playoff long cold year in Milwaukee. Tampa Bay did not win a game last year, and berth. George Allen continues to amaze people by that will probably come to an end this year. getting great years out of antique players. But Anthony Davis and Ricky Bell, a pair of rookie his time seems to have run short. An opening running backs from UCS, will help perk up the game loss to the Giants, a tough schedule, and Buccanneer offense. But Tampa Bay, you still a porous offensive line are Redskin weakpoints. need a quarterback. The retirement of Pat Fischer, an all-pro Western Division cornerback has hurt an otherwise sound Once realizes that Pat Haden, defense. But this does not appear to be the year and not Joe Namath. is his quarterback the for George Allen. Rams can start their move toward yet another The New York Giants could surprise people NFC West division title. The club's only this year. A solid defensive line and good inconsistency is that of their special teams. lincbacking will add a dimension the team has The defense, led by Fred Dryer and Jack lacked in the past. Youngblood. who head a defensive front that Going with an unproven quarterback in Jerry nailed quarterbacks 45 times last year, can Golsteyn. and an unsure offensive line, gives an match any in the league today. The prognosis is offense already finding it hard to score even for another first place finish. bigger problems. But the club is eager and Should quarterback Jim Plunkctt return to his scored an impressive opening day win over the old for San Francisco could challenge the Rams. Redskins, and may just be on their way to The 49ers have the best pass rush in football, bigger and better things. totaling 61 sacks last year. This, plus a solid Woes continue to mount for Dick Vermeil and running game in Delvin Williams and Wilbur the Eagles. Philadelphia is hurting in both their Jackson, arc the clubs strong points. offensive and defensive lines, and weaker in the On the negative side, are the questions of how secondary with the trading of safety Bill to replace Jimmy Johnson in the secondary, and Bradley. poor placckicking. But. Los Angeles, watch out. Tom Sullivan heads an unimpressive running Atlanta's biggest problems are running the game, but the acquisition for former Ram football, stopping the run on defense, and quarterback Ron Jaworski could perk up the quarterback Steve Bartkowski's constant in- offense, but it seems unlikely the Eagles will juries. leave the NFC East cellar. The Falcons did upset the Rams in their first Central Division game this year, and it is a solid sign. The club Fran Tarkenton will once again try to get the had a good draft and this should enable a third Vikings back into the , and no doubt place finish for Atlanta in the NFC West. Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday. September 22. 1977 >wl as pro football season opens Oakland should Cakewalk, other divisions up for grabs By RICH DePRETA Eddie Edwards adjust quickly to the pros and Before I begin shoving my football predictions can kicker Chris Bahr live up to his Penn State down your throats let me take this chance to say University press clippings after a miserable that yes. I realize the football season has season last year?" already started and predictions normally are If these elements come through it could be ihe written before the season begins. year of the Bengals. Let me add that I really do not care if this is Pittsburgh, which presently leads the league true or that I am breaking some canon of in most minutes spent in a courtroom, is still forecasting. Now that we have taken care of attempting to pull itself together. Middle that, open your mouths and let me shove down linebacker Jack Lambert and cornerback Mel some opinions. Blount both missed most of training camp due AFC Eastern Division to various disputes. It is obvious to almost everyone that this lost preparation time trying division is a two team race with the two teams to explain to an Oakland judge that he just hates being New England and Baltimore. Despite Oakland cornerback George Atkinson in the outstanding seasons last year, both teams have privacy of his own home but not publicly since question marks entering this year. Atkinson decapitated Steeler wide receiver For New England, there is a lack of depth on . defense. In addition, the Patriots are missing Besides increased quality depth, the only injured running back Andy Johnson along with major changes Pittsburgh have made are two large pieces of beef better known as substituting number one draft pick Robin Cole offensive linemen John Hannah and Leon Gray, in linebacker Andy Russell's old position and who are involved in a contract dispute with moving tight end Larry Brown to offensive Patriot management. The rest of the team is set tackle so Benny Cunningham could get some and if Hannah and Gray return soon, it should playing time. However, the time of adjusting to mean a division title for New England with the the changes may cost the Steelers the division. eisy schedule the NFL has blessed Chuck Cleveland, the surprise team of the NFL last Fairbanks with. year when it finished with a 9-5 record, Baltimore is a nice town and does not have a could have another good year if quarterback bad team. The major changes that Brian Sipe plays well enough to justify the has implemented for this Browns' deal of Mike Phipps to Chicago. If Sipe season include free agent cornerback Norm gets hurt. Head Coach will not Thompson, formerly of the St. Louis Cardinals have a happy time of it. and linebacker Ed Simonini, an All-American Houston. 5-9 a year ago. has a few things it two years ago at A & M. replacing Jim was lacking then. Namely, two blocking backs Cheyunski at middle linebacker. named Tim Wilson and Rob Carpenter. George In Miami, the weather is warm and defensive Reihner. an offensive guard and Jimmy Giles, a Coach Bill Arnsparger is back but with four tight end. RICH DePRETA'S PICKS

AFC EAST AFC CENTRAL AFC WEST 1 New England 1 Cincinnati Oakland 2. Baltimore 2 Pittsburgh Denver 3. Miami 3 Cleveland San Diego 4. Buffalo 4 Houston Seattle 5 New York Jets Kansas City

NFC EAST NFC CENTRAL NFC WEST 1. Dallas 1 Chicago 1 Los Angeles 2. St. Louis 2 Minnesota 2 San Francisco 3 Washington 3. Detroit 3 New Orleans ■ 4 New York 4 Green Bay 4 Atlanta 5 Philadelphia 5 Tampa Bay

rookies starting on defense, four Super Bowl AFC Western Division veterans retired or injured and two other The first and last word in the West is. simply. v players currently in jail, it looks like a Oakland. Since the Super Bowl win over the mediocre season for Don Shula even if creaking with age Minnesota Vikings, the quarterback Bob Griese has found shatterproof Raiders have dumped fullback Mar\ Hubbard. contact lenses. linebacker Gerald Irons and defensive linemen In Buffalo, the Juice may be loose and Art Thorns. To most teams, losses such as this fullback Jim Braxton and quarterback Joe could be devastating. To Oakland, merely a Ferguson may be back but the Electric scratch. New additions to the squad are John Company, better known as the Buffalo offensive Matus/ak and Mike McCoy, who is actually line, has had a brownout. forced to ride the bench because of the talent The Bills' management, which, it seems, the Raiders possess. Head Coach John Mad makes trades on the advice of a Hindu svengali den's toughest decision will be whether to put who does not speak English, felt it necessary to Atkinson or Ncal Col/ic at safety. trade center Mike Montler and guard Donnie Denver was 9-5 last season and that was not Green for no apparent reason at bargain good enough, so they went out and got a new basement prices...a pair of middle round draft coach in Red Miller, a new quarterback in Craig picks. Maybe they are trving to get the Juice Morton and a new center in Mike Montler. killed. these changes, plus the return of Lyle Al/ado to The New York Jets may have a new president, a defense which was third overall in the AFC. a new coach and a new quarterback in Richard should mean another fine year for the people of Todd. but they should do the same old the Mile High city. thing...lose. Borrowing a quote from a friend of San Diego's offense should provide fans w ith mine, "you can catch the Jets around." an outstanding imitation of the Road Runner AFC Central Division cartoons with Joe Washington at Halfback and This division is so evenly balanced one former Heisman Trophv winner Johnm Rod- could put the four teams' names into a hat and gcrs and Charlie Joiner at wide receiver. the person would win no matter which name he Former Los Angeles Ram quarterback James pulled. Harris, who has an awesome throwing arm. is Cincinnati, which has been known to choke at the man who has all these toys at his disposal. the end of the season or die meekly in the On defense. San Diego has a young fror.t four playoffs, is due to win. The Bengals' major with enough si/e between them to serve as the problems are "Can rookie defensive tackles foundation for the new UConn library. Even in Wilson Whitlev from Houston University and losing. San Diego should have an exciting team

United Press International PhotosI Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, September 22, 1977 Israeli troops push into Lebanon Israeli tanks and troops pushed through which Palestinians get deeper into Lebanon Wednesday arms shipments from Arab pounding Palestinian positions allies. with heavy artillery barrages. Israel denied the blockade Palestinian gunners retaliated report but refused to either with the first rocket attacks on an confirm or deny the reports of Inflation slows down Israeli town in 18 months. increased troop and armor incur- Both Lebanese Christian and sions across the border nearly 3 inflation below the President's miles inside Lebanon. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Infla- July, the August data showed Palestinian sources reported that inflation in the last three months prediction, but economists agree Israeli gunboats had set up a Tyre is located some 12 miles tion slowed to the lowest level in the key source of the cooling nine months during August, was about half the 10 percent naval blockade of the ancient north of Israel. Sidon is 20 miles annual rate set in the first trend — lower food prices — Biblical ports of Tyre and Sidon north of Tyre. when consumer prices rose a quarter. cannot be sustained in the moderate 0.3 per cent, the Labor The Christian and Palestinian This came as good news to months ahead. sources did not specify how far Department reported Wednes- SST decision day. President Carter, whose policies "The question now is when will offshore the Israeli boats were, have, been unable to reverse a we start to see an increase in expected soon what type they were, nor how slack in economic growth com- food prices," said Donald Rat- many of the boats were involved bined with high unemployment. ajczak, economic forecaster at from Carter in the blockade. Carter nonetheless conceded in- Georgia State University. He The fighting further threatened flation will be about 6.5 per cent predicted the slack in food prices WASHINGTON (UPI)- a Syrian-Israeli confrontation at year's end. would continue at least through Ivlembcrs of Congress who favor and coincided with a meeting in The current trend could bring September. granting U.S. landing rights to Washington between Secretary the British-French Concorde of State Cyrus Vance and Egyp- warned Wednesday a ban on the tian Foreign Minister Ismael flights may spur retaliation from Fahmi. The escalated fighting CONSUMER CHEESE ' N THINGS the two allies and would "hand a came two days after President PRICE hatchet" to European commun- Carter met Israeli Foreign Minis- SPECIAL Of THE WEEK ists. ter Moshc Day an. INDEX The government must decide French Brie A spokesman for the U.S. whether it will allow the super- sale $2.99 lb. save $.90 sonic transports to continue Embassy in Tel Aviv said Amer- Food costs, used car prices and landing in the United States. ican diplomats were in contact mortgage rates kept a rein on President Carter plans to have a with the governments of Israeli, inflation last month. Mortgage BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT decision on the future of the Lebanon and Syria in an effort to interest rates fell for the first supersonic transport by Satur- the fighting. time this year. try our huge selection The August increase, the day. Lebanese reports from border of leaf and herb teas The plane was given a 16- war /one said Israeli armored smallest monthly rise since Nov- month trial period for Washing- troops, which crossed the fron- ember, 1976, relected a 3.4 per UP FRONT ton and New York, but legal tier into Lebanon and set up cent annual inflation rate. This battles blocked the SST from positions at Kfar Kila on Tues- compared with increases m Mull »H" li,H,H4 New York's Kennedy airport, day, had pushed further north averaging 9.4 per cent during and the Washington trial at and set up new positions near the first six months of 1977. Dulles Airport ends Saturday. the village of Deir Mimas. Following a 0.4 per cent rise in

INTERESTED IN PHOTOGRAPHY? ATTENTION LKS MEMBERS: STORRS Come to the photo seminar Sun 9/25 MEETING Monday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 1:00 pm Commons 310 FREE. Commons 315. 429-6062 FRii PARKING UConn Judo - workouts Tu 6-8 PM Boxing Club Meeting. Boxers will NOW THRU TUESDAY Sun 2-4 Hawley Armory beginning meet Thurs. 6:30 at Guyer Gym. Daily 2. 6:30. 9 Sat - Sun 2. 4:15. 6:30. 9 Sept 27. (Mike Stem please call Bob 486-2610) Gigantic "ONE ON ONE" is the story of a kid who no one Tryouts for men/women's bowling Graduate Student Council Townmeet- believed in except himself. teams Sunday 4 pm at Wili Bowl Rte. jng to elect a graduate student to the 6 N Windam - Rides leaving S.U. University Senate. Sept. 25, 7pm. Rm Plant Sale 3:30 200 Graduate Center. 486-3907 Large Plants (20 Attention Archers! The Archery The Christian Science College Organi- Club's first meeting will be held in the zation meets Thurs. 7pm. SU Room from $2.99 attic Holcomb Hall. Thurs. nights 6:30 207. Campus Counselor 5:30 - 7. All Beginners welcome. welcome many other specials carnations $3.99 doz. while they last!! P.O. Plaza Rte. 195 n Storrs, Ct. 487-1193 J-)LLIJ J\Eg*L at HOLIDAY SPIRITS 429-7786 IW ANT YO U And get ice tor just $.01 a pound up to CALL: BOB ANDERSON or 30 pounds per keg. ROSS AINLEY No Deposits on Kegs TO COOL Your UCONN representatives Free Delivery - Thurs, Fri, Sat $5.00 min. please! YOUR BUNS 429-1625 or 429-5414 and your Cold Drinks UNIVERSITY and your Late Snacks and your Juicy PIZZA HOUSE Red Apple UNIVERSITY PLAZA 99« Breakfast Special 2 eggs any style with toast and homefries Rent a Refrigerator

PHONE: 4299375 only $c;3.50 schoolyear plus tax and deposit now delivering on campus $23.00 one semester Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday. September 22. 1977

Wanted: Bunk Beds, Needed deeper Introductory and Intermediate Group ARMENIAN STUDENTS' ASSOC. For Sale: 1973 Ford Pinto Hatch back. ■tely. Call 429-2144. Facilitation will be offered this semes- Organizational meeting, Thurs. Sept Standard transmission, excellent ter at the Center for Personal Growth, 22 7:30 pm. Lakeside Apt. 2 next to condition inside and out. $1,500. Call MARKETPLACE FOR SALE: TEN SPEED Schwlnr 4 Gilbert Rd. 486-4737. Admissions Bldg. Kevork 429-1790, 429-4744 Keep trying. FOR SALE: Stereo components, Sports Tourer In excellent condition. Arooie 429-4910 radios, car stereos, etc. Many brands 27 inch frame with back rack and Part time help wanted. Hartford and prices to choose from. All fully pump. $150. 429-1204 eveninga. For Sale 1971 Datsun 4-DR station For Sale. '973 Ford Pinto Hatchback Courant seeks a UConn agent to sell guaranteed Call 429-3828 wagon model 510. Beautiful condi- Standard Transmission, Excellent and deliver papers on campus. Car 1974 Dataun B-210 Hatchback, recline tion, Borg-Warner auto, trans, Condition inside and out $1500. Call required. Approx. 12 hrs. per week, Sale: Ford Galaxie 4 dr, 1971 Auto- aeats, Mich, radials, Stereo radio 4 excellent commuter car, 30 MPG, low 429-4744. early morning. Excellent pay. Call matic Good condition, Under 84.000 speed, 36 MPQ. Low mileage, ex- mileage, $1550 or best offer. Call Gary Siddell 429-9339 miles 4 reg -2 snow tires. $1100 Call cellent condition. $2350. 429-6277. 429-0319. Need a Car? For Sale 1968 MGB GT 129-5843 Excellent running condition. Wire Lost: Prescription sunglasses in black Wanted responsible couple or grad. spoke Wheels. Asking $695.00 Call FOR SALE: 59 VW body In GREAT case between MFA and University FOR SALE: 1968 Camaro - 327_ student to rent apt. on Cheney Dr. 872-8639 after 5:00. Condition - No body Rot! !25 as is. Pizza. If found please call 456-2560 63,000 miles Fair cond. Call 423-3277 Near laundry, 5 mln. walk to Union or Call 429-7779. Ask for Maureen. and leave message Gym. $155/mo. heat included, Ride needed to Danbury. Fri. at 3:00 Tired of paying too much on Auto or later. Will share expenses. Call WANTED: House or room for a 429-1562. Insurance? Call Tom Lobo before Mary at 429-7324. responsible female. UConn area. Call VOICE LESSONS: Professional singer paying again For low rates 742-8647 742-8541, Sue. Leave message! Help Wanted: Class two or three comes to Storrs to teach private 642-7125. work-study position to work for stu- MUSIC BY WEEMS - Dynamite light lessons Reasonable rates Beginners dent trustee office. Typing or organiz- and sound show for parties and welcome. Call me in Boston, 617-783- Singing and Piano Instruction. dances. Ask for Weems 487-1180 or For Sale 1973 Honda 350-4 Fine Priscilla Crlpps Graduate New ing required. Submit application by 0767 condition, new tires. Asking $725 Sept. 25. Rm. 212 SU. 429-7443. England Conservatory of Music. Call 429-5221. Member National Asaoc. of Teachers FOR SALE: 1) Raleigh English 3 The UConn KARATE CLUB is act »P<- of Singing. Near Kathy-Johns. Many The Battle of Ego-Buddhist Medita- 19 tion course begins Wed, 8 PM. Rm. speed bikes, both men's and women's ing new members starting Sept. Communications Group meeting to be years experience - all agea. 429-6596. Hawley Armory 6:30 pm. Mon, held Wed Sept. 21 SBA 424 at 4.30 301 SUB. Dharma Study Group, three yrs. old but scarcely used, 429-1885, 742-1201. black, like-new.condition, $80 each or Wed.. Fri., For info: 429-1342. FOR SALE: DATSUN 8PORTS CAR best offer. 2) hand crafted classical 1967 Ford Econoline Supervan Run 1970 8PD-311 (1600). 63,000 miles guitar by Master Craftsman, superb Furnish an apartment or just browse well but has high mileage and bod, Heritage Travel presents Montreal Drive-train, tlrea, top, good. Interior at the E. CONN FLEA MARKET at needs work $200 Call 429-8531 after weekend. Novermber 4-6 by motor condition, about 5 yrs. old, worth $400 fair. Body rusting. Spare, extra the Mansfield Drive-In, Jet. Rts. 31 & 6. coach from campus. Three meals, New, aell for $200 or best offer. wheels, snow tires, tonneau cover. 429-1285. 32. Every Sunday, 9 - 4. And Have a $900 - negotiable. 429-1204 evenings. sightseeing, two nights hotel. $110. Calf Adrien 429J-8990. Funday. ACTIVISTS. RESEARCHERS. AR- Guitar Lessons: classical, folk, fla- TISTS. WRITERS AND INVESTIGA- menco., Teacher well trained. Call Apartment for rent: walking distance TORS NEEDED to work tor academic UConn Music Dept. 486-3728 and from campus. One bedroom, living credit or as volunteers on areas such leave name and phone no..will con- room, kitchen, bath, garage $160/ as agricultural land preservation. tact mo. includes heat. Call Mare742-8983 mari|uana decriminalizalion. building The next time you want energy efficiency, food coops, con- College Republicans: Meeting on For Sale: Most mixed drinks $.50 at sumer complaints, health care plan- Sept. 28, SU 101 at 6:15 pm. Election Happy Hours 4-6 P.M. Three Guys ning, and more. Come to UConn of officers. All members must attend. Caft Rt. 44 Ashford 429-3442. Pirg's general meeting. Tuesday a bottle of September 20. 7:00 pm. room 101 S'' For sale: Refrigerator, 2-1/2 cubic ft. Found: Tinted eyeglasses, Tuesday or call 486-4525 $55. Excellent condition. Call Mary, morning near Storrs Hall. Owner may Large Room for rent Room in 429-0681. claim from receptionist. Daily teautiful victonan house. 10 mm. wine, buy it Campus office. from UConn Women preferred Bartenders, doormen, waitresses, Share kitchen. $105 mo plus security. D.J.'s and dorm reps wanted for CACTI - pots, potting mixture, labels, 742-6389 - 742-8372 FACES Cafe. Please call 875-9082 and care instructions. All different. A from the 528-1452 for an aDoointment. unique gift. 8/$5.50, 12/$7 95, 16/ LOST: Ladies watch. Black leather $9.95. Prepaid. Life Forms, 5132 strap, brown face, gold trim. For Sale: Most Mixed Drinks $.50 a Citrus, Tucson, Az. 85712. Anneklein Please return. Senti- Happy Hours 9 am - 6 pm. Thre< mental value. Cheryl Lessiter. Eddy Guys Cafe Rt. 44 Ashford 429-7563. people who CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save of Hall 221. Reward. brand name hard and soft len: All you can eat, Pancake Breakfast, supplies Send for free illustratec For Sale: .1971 VW Superbeetle with Hollister B, Sun. Sept. 25, 9 - 2, only catalog Contact Lens Supplies, Bo> sunroof. Asking $900. Phone know what $1.50 7453. Phoenix, Arizona 85011. 429-3568, ask for John. Keep trying. the/re NAMET5TCAND STEKEOS talking AND SUNDOWN M HI Fl EQUIPMENT about. Thurs. ALL SHOTS $.50 AT LOW LOW Between 9-10 UCONN PRICES SPIRIT Tonite Me & Charlie r7TTfl 5HOPPE 429- "385 ki 115 it ^2 Call the Litchfield mMA. 3V9T OVEBTHE MILL. FPOU 7UE A &P Audio Society HUMAN RELATIONS TRAINING INSTITUTE today for o free presents price quote. INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP in 429-1570 GROUP FACILITATION designed to be u package of three different components combining experential learning, skill training, and theoretical presentations. tr ATHEN 'S PT-n^-ri INTERMEDIATE WORKSHOP IN Rt. 32 Eagleville 429-6427 GROUP FACILITATION offers an Opportunity to observe, thru one-way mirror facilities. EVERY DAY "HAPPY " HOUR 1 1 am to 8 pm 4- two "master" group leaders facilitate on going groups. DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS ^eer 55* Most Drinks 65 YGGDRASIL. the Center for Personal Growth or the DELICIOUS Pizza's » Grinders, Sandwiches Dept. of Counseling cV Student Development 4 Gilbert Rd. 486-4737 Spaghetti and Seafood. Drop by or give us a call for more information. Monday thru Thursday are Special Nights 5 pn» lo 1 am One Ig. mozzarella pizza with a bottle of the LEVEL 3 NIGHTCLUB Monday finest 'Vin Rose Wine. ONLY 84.25 Tequila and Beer Night. Tequila - $.65 Presents Tuesday of beer - AI yr Bluegrass with Large mozzarella pizza served with Wednesday a cold of beer ONLY $4,25 u A Thursday "LADIES NIGHT" most drinks ONLY $.60 Foxfire" Friday and Saturday nights X^h*- A there's ^V Date: Sept. 23, 1977 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Time: 8:30 to 12 midnight New dance floor from 9pm to 2am Place: SUB This week come and party to the live Rock and Blues tunes of FLY BY NIGHT A Definitely Wild Time Thurs 9 - 1 Denny Philbrick Folk Rock Blues Country Guitarist social danec Presentation 10 Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday. September 22. 1977

ILL P.AY FOR YOU! Incredibly For Sale 1962 Ford Falcon Van, Three responsible females looking for Boston's North Shore- Ivg. Frl. 3:30, Powerful Stereo/tape deck system custom interior, fair running condi- a house close to campus to rent for Phil 429-6586 MARKETPLACE now renting. Custom made tapes tion, complete stereo system. BO Spring semester Jan. through May. available. Call Now! Mark 429-5713. over $700 429-5171 keep trying. Please call 429-7779, ask for Gale, FOR SALE: 1967 Pontiac Tempest leave message. UNH Durham, NH- Ivg. Fri. after- Convertible. Brakes, new top, trans- noon, Lisa 429-2592 Rm. 307. mission last summer. 4-speed. Asking In Storrs Oct. 3 - Nov. 14, A course In Therapeutic Massage offered by LOSTUConnring women's silver with ROOMMATE WANTED for real nice $225.00 Call Mark 429-1562. Worcester, Mass.- Ivg. Fri. 2:30, Ann Stephen Kltts of Intergral Health blue stone. Initials MNK Inside. Call house in Coventry own room $100 423-0367 after 6. Reward offered. month plus, fireplace, call 742-8868 429-3557. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1972. New gold Services, Putnam, Ct. Practical blend of shiatsu, reflexology, polarity and paint, black interior. New 1500 cc. Wanted Immediately Room in house Farmington Medical Center- Ivg. Fri. engine New alternator and starter. Swedish massage. Call 928-7729 for WANTED: Responsible male for third or apartment near campus. Serious morn 7am.. Lorl 429-4941. Dunlops Magnificent. Asking $1850 more Information. roommate for apt. in Storrs area. student, call Dave 742-7135. 429-8170_ Reasonable rent, own room. Call "UCONN SPORT PARACHUTING ULTRA-CHEAP transportation with CLUB" Meeting for First Jump Low cost flights to Europe from $146. Steve at 429-6771. Leave message! MOVE THE GYM! Come to Kent performance: 1971 Honda CL-350 K3. Course and Beerfest. Tues 7 PM Rm. Israel from $246. Plus Africa and Far State Saturday-help protest construc- Many extras, engine extensively 216 S.U. Everyone welcome. East. Call Student Travel toll free (1) modified and redone. Must sell. $325 tion on the site of four student deaths FOR SALE-TICKETS, Pele's Farewell in 1970. Meeting to plan trip Thurs- 800-223-7676. or offer. Call John 429-2246. Sailing Club, Party tonight, Sailing Oct. 1, N.J. Good seats, John 202 day PM- check S.U. bulletin board for -- 2948. time and place Friday Coventry Lake, Meeting Mon- TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1972 New gold FOR SALE: 1965 VW Bus. Good day 7:00 PM RM 102 S.U. INFO Call pamt. black interior New 1500cc body, runs well, needs work $250. 429-4612. Call 742-9910. Need Ride Ridgefield, Danbury Area TYPEWRITER: new, $89 for sale for engine New alternator and starter Fri. Afternoon Back Sunday Eve or $40 DORM RUG: Beige color. Decent Dunlops Magnificent Asking $1850 late afternoon John 202 2948. condition $30. Call Bill: 429-5349. INTERESTED IN PHOTOGRAPHY? 429-8170 Help wanted: for housekeeping and Come to the Introductory meeting of after school child care, late after- Substantial reward for recovery of photopool. Thurs 9/22 7:00 PM noons. Own transportation necessary. Flute Lessons. Flutist with Bachelors WANTED: Used tape recorder. Need pink solid cement elephant ornament. Commons 310. You don't need a Must be experienced, reliable. of Music-UConn, 13 yrs. playing right away. Call 429-7525 after 5. If returned no questions or further camera. 429-6368 evenings. experience, member-soloist-with Keep trying. several Connecticut Symphonies. Sue legal action. Please! 423-3411. UConn Gay Alliance provides a sup- HONDA 400F, 4500 miles, rack and 429-0637. For Sale Classic 544 Volvo 1963 Mansfield Tutorial Orientation Meet- portive environment on campus. backrest, case savers. Immaculate, Excellent engine and drive train, little ing Thursday September 22, 7:00 PM. Meets Thursday SU 218 7:00. Office new in July. First reasonable offer. Sailing Club, Party tonight, Sailing rot, spare one for parts. Beat offer Friday Coventry Lake, Meeting Mon- URM 143. Volunteer work with the SU 211. Telephone 486-2273. 429-2792. over $2fX).00 429-6678. day 7:00 pm. Rm 102 S.U. Info Call retarded. UConn KUNG-FU club welcomes new FURNISH an apartment or just 429-4612. Astrology-Natal Charts accurately members and old dragons, Monday, done along with interpretation and browse at the E. CONN FLEA Stamford- Ivg. Frl. 3pm. Jim 429-2707 Sept. 26, 9:00 pm Shlppee Pit. Info MARKET at the Mansfield Drive-In. LOST-Men's brown wallet, lost In counseling. Find out the real you! Call Rm. 301. 429-7787 OOSH? Jet. Rts. 31 «. 32. Every Sunday, 9-4. vicinity of MSB or Jungle, must retain Carl at 742-8314. it. Please call Paul 429-1510. And have a Funday. Northern New Jersey- Ivg. Fri. 3:30 pm., Gary 429-3482. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE! Come mesrt My Sweetest Tulips- you know I'll Wanted: Used Electric typewriter. the brothers of Sigma Chi Fraternity 1975 Chevy Monza TN. Coupe, AM- Good condition, at a reasonable price love you forever. You are my one and Mass.- R1. 128 North- Ivg. Frl. 12:00, one of the largest organizations of its FM Stereo Tape, 21,000 miles, $2095. call 429-7779. ask for Gale, leave only hench! Your major hench - Jody 423-4453. kind - SU 301 Wed. 7:30. 429-5234. message.

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*SuK|fi".l,'«l retail pner. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS '<.. 1977 Texas Inslrumenis Incorporated N< OK »»OR ATI I) 4SS>30 » Connecticut Daily Campus. Thursday, September 22. 1977 II SCOREBOARD MORE SPORTS BASEBALL Heavyweight Champion MUHAMMAD All afternoon. He was the first man to gain at least was knocked down to the canvas twice, (that's 1000 yards in each of his first three NFL RED SOX 3. YANKEES 2 right) and suffered a neck injury during seasons. But he has been below 500 yards the George Scott's tie-breaking homer in the sixth inning carried sparring with JIMMY ELLIS at Deer Lake. Pa. last two years the to a 3-2 victory over the Did Ali talk about it? He told his trainer The Louisiana State University defeat to Wednesday night. The loss cut the Yankees lead in the American ANGELO DUNDEE. "I went down, twice Indiana 24-20.—a game the tigers had been League east to two games over Baltimore and two and a half over really? I can't believe. I don't remember favored by as much as three touchdowns, has Boston. anything." The Ali-EARNIE SHAVERS Tight is reached the Louisiana governors desk. EDWIN eight days away EDWARDS said he is being bombarded with BALTIMORE 4. TORONTO 0 The RANDLE-LUCCHESI controversy is the calls and letters from LSI) fans demanding tha KANSAS CITY 4, MINNESOTA 3 (7th inning) spotlight again. Former Texas manager the tiger's coach CHARLIE MCCLENDON be OAKLAND 6, 6 (8th inning) has filed a personal injury sacked for losing the season opener SEATTLE 4. MILWAUKEE 3 (7th inning suit against Mets do-it-all infielder. LENNY Los Angeles first-year manager TOM RANDLE. Randle allegedly slugged him during LASORDA kept saying over and over "How NATIONAL LEAGUE sweet it is." The Dodgers clinched the National ATO, INCORPORATED, out of Willoughby. League West title with a 3-1 victory over the MONTREAL 4. ST. LOUIS 2 (first game) Ohio, reportedly has submitted the highest big ...AIJ season long major CHICAGO 2, PHILADELPHIA 0 of $17 million to purchase the BOSTON RED league pitchers failed to catch the rabbit placed PITTSBURGH 4. NEW YORK 0 SOX baseball team. ATO owns Rawling in the new baseball. Last night major league ATLANTA 3. HOUSTON 3 (5th inning) Sporting Goods The KANSAS CITY. ROYALS have won 19trf their last 20 games and* baseball set an all-time high for homeruns in a their American West clinching number, is single season. It occurred following tators b\ CHEESE N THINGS two DAVE RADER of the Cards. SIXTO LEXCANO SPECIAL Of THE WEEK It's so-long to another veteran . of the Brewers, and LEE MAY of the Orioles The Houston Oilers placed SKIP BUTLER on last night. The previous mark was the 19 70 French Brie waivers following Sunday's effort in which he season of 3.429 fourbaggcrs missed four field goals and an extra point Will the NEW YORK GIANTS win their sale $2.99 lb. save $.90 against the Jets. The Oilers signed ex-Dallas second in a row? Don't count on it. The Giants Cowboy. to take his place.... visit the this weekend and BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT The Green Bay Packers will allow JOHN have not beaten the Cowboys in their last five BROCKINGTON to become a free agent this meetings. cAlciiisfield "-Diive m\ DISCO FRl. *>AT. SUN. at 8:00 Fri. 23 September 9:00 pm Hours Mon. - Sat. 8 AM Warming Hut to 8 PM UNIVERSAL Sunday 9 AM DONATION: to 6 PM plus $1.00 Student F000 STORE "student teacher" $1.50 Non-Student DOG LANE BRING THIS AD TO OUR BYOB - mixers provided BOXOFFICE - DRIVER Sponsored bv:UConn Gay Alliance STORRS ENTERS FREE I- —• SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE OVER 20% ■ —- = The Best I The Department of Dramatic Arts at The University — DANNON • of Connecticut announces its 1977-78 season: S in Town a "ALL NATURAL j CAROUSEL lllllllllllllllltllllllllllll Illllllll ■ October 14-22 by Rodgers & Hammerstein Willington j WHEN YOU COMIN' BACK, RED RYDER? Illlll YOGURT 3/$ 1.00 ! November 4-12; A contemporary melodrama about Pizza | violence We deliver 8 oz. containers, ^m oc

' lar price) ; An evening 79* doz. j Discount Subscription (for Students & Senior Citi- ; oiler from ! zens). $12.50 (saving $3.50 off regular price) : Discovery. A variciv package j. — . — ._ - ORDER FORM •>•■■*• oi IS Horizon nulo coniraccpti ; Enclosed please find check or money order for ; 10 (H ever) mood. Rihtvd. contoured, natural !$ - . I would like _ regular sub- "• and new, emk South See colon. Ail gend) State Line Potato Chips I scriptions and/or discount subscriptions. ; luhncalcd lor njlural sensitivity DBMWCI 1 he silt ttterauivc. Send in ynu earici) (Make all checks to: The University of Connecticut). :: pack lodas reg. 89* pkg. SPECIAL 69* Please mail my tickets to: • NAME : J Discovery. P.O. Box MS. U'csl Hnntord. :trrosio7 nCDl STREET ■ Please rush nie mi Discovers earicti pack ■ CIDER • plain, brown wrapper Variety pack oi H Horizon coMracepuvei lor ! Our delicious Farm Fresh Sweet Apple CITY STATE ZIP B.QJ, Cider is now in stock. This cider is Mail with self-addressed stamped envelope to: Package ol > Snmulj contraceptive! ha t >0 . Dramatic Arts Box Office, U 127 pressed for us each week and so it is The University of Connecticut MMMtESS. farm fresh when you buy it. Storrs, Ct. 06268 urv. For information or reservations call the Box Office at :-429-2912 •—->—- — - — - — . — •—- — • Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday. September 22, 1977 t2 Huskies earn third victory

By MARLA ROMASH two tallies. University of Connecticut Head Soccer Coach Joe Midwar through the first half UConn's Tony Morrone made some position changes that paid off Carvahlo and Joe Jr. used what in basketballwould Wednesday as the Huskies topped" Amherst have been called a "give and go" only to be College 2-0 before 2.000 partisan UConn fans. stopped by Cole. Carvahlo passed off to Joe Jr. Morrone moved Wilbert Cadet and Joe Morrone near the Lord Jeffs' goal, went in closer and got Jr. up to the forward slots and switched Bob the ball back for the shot Cole managed to grab. Derrico and Ricky Kren into the midfield. The The freshman keeper also prevented a second combination of Joe Jr. and senior co-captain Tom Nevers' breakaway from showing up on the Nevers proved fatal to the Lord Jeffs as each scoreboard. Nevers repeated his earlier goal- contributed a goal. producing play and fired a rocket towards goal late Less than 10 minutes into the second half Nevers in the second half which Cole picked up. had a clear breakaway from near the midfield mark The UConn defense, while it had no trouble and left the Amherst defense behind him before connecting short passes, was, early in the game, beating the Lord Jeffs' freshman goalie Robert plagued by an inability to finish things off. Cole to the left corner. Carvahlo and senior Pete Huckins engineered a A picture-perfect header by Joe Jr. followed number of clears and scoring opportunities but almost 25 minutes later and put the Huskies ahead were often without support when it came time to for good. Ricky Kren drilled the ball towards goal capitalize on their moves. from the left corner and Joe Jr. timed its arrival Despite the fact the Lord Jeffs appeared to be out perfectly heading it past Cole into the top corner. of their league in terms of skill, they refused to fold "moving Joe up front helped us tremendously. and, unlike other opponents frustrated by the He was able to control play and distribute the Huskies, did not resort to purely physical tactics. ball," Morrone said. "I'm pleased with the way "We played okay," Amherst Head Coach Peter the team played, I think they did a nice job," he Goodjng said after the contest. "UConn is a fine added. team and deserved to win but you never feel happy __ The Huskies started off slowly against the less after a loss," he added. skilled, but persistent, Amherst squad and, as has The Huskies outshot Amherst by a 23 to seven been the case for most of the season thus far, margin and took 11 corner kicks to the Lord Jeffs' found their attempts at scoring frustrated. three. Sophomore keeper Pete Carli had a Staff Photo by Phil Knudson Cole, who registered six saves for Amherst in relatively easy afternoon in the nets being forced to make only two saves in the Huskies' third win in UConn's Joe Morrone Jr. cringes as he goes by Amherst College's what was only his second intercollegiate start, five outings. Phil Scott. Joe Jr. scored the second goal of the Huskies' 2-0 win played a large part in keeping the Huskies to only Wednesday. Freshmen starters spark women's win Freshman Fran Freitas ignited the University of Connecticut SPORTS women's tennis team to a victory in their season opener as the University of Bridgeport (UB) suffered a long and cold defeat Wednesday afternoon. Freitas easily handed the Knights' number one singles player. Aughtry Dewette, a 6-1, 6-2 loss and the rest of the talented Husky squad followed in a similar fashion to complete a 9-0 sweep of the UB UConn grabs close contest team. Playing on the new Towers courts against biting winds. UConn did not have a match that went longer than two sets as the weather By DOUG STURGESS His brother Ken fared better as turned into the only resistance for the well-balanced Huskies. Don't be surprised if John The Petersons teamed for a he showed top form on the way UConn's top singles players made the doubles play all but academic Chapman doesn't get any sleep 6-0, 7-6 doubles victory over to a 6-2, 6-1 win over Joe as Senior Meryl Davis crushed Jackie Murtha 6-0, 6-1 while Nancy tonight. The UConn men's ten- Loadholt retaining an unblem- Reynolds and Loadholt at the one Karlin defeated Kim Hale 6-3, 6-2. Senior Laurie Filmer, handed nis coach will probably have ished 2-0 singles record for the position to give UConn a lead of Bridgeport's Maryanne Baird a 6-1. 6-2 loss. UConn's Julie visions of tiebreakers dancing year. 4-3 (and even the tie-breakers at Overbaugh destroyed Patti Weimers 6-0. 6-1, while Joan Sawyer through his head for quite some two apiece). Blomquist won his In perhaps the most exciting, zipped Cheryl Yanosky 6-0, 6-0. time after the team's match with second tie-breaker of the after- and certainly the most impress- In doubles competition, UConn's top combo, co-captain Mary King the Coast Guard Wednesday in ive, performance of the day for noon as he sided with Bruce and Debbie Gibbs defeated Nichi La Bit a and Hope Wells 6-0, 6-1 New London. UConn. number three player Marks at number three on the while co-captain Kerry Phelan and Wenda Theilking added another The Husky netters were in- Stever Blomquist came back way to a 7-6. 6-0 win which iced volved in five tiebreaker sets, on the match for UConn. victory with a 6-2, 6-2 match over the Purple Knight's Kathy Kelley from a first set loss to register a and Patti Weimers. The junior and freshman tandem of Margaret their way to a tight 5-4 win. Neary and Muller then lost the 2-6, 6-2, 7-6 triumph over Joe Jackman and Tish Sinatro finalized the verdict with a crushing 6-0, evening their record at 1-1. number two match in a close 7-5, Rodriqucz. The last set tiebreak- 6-0 victory. UConn won three of the crucial er was won 5-4 on a well-placed 3-6, 6-3 contest. But it was too "overtimes." and it proved to be baseline lob by the left-handed late for the Coast Guard as they gSfc i •::;:;;:. the difference in the contest. Blomquist. It would prove to be saw their fine efforts result in a The intensity of the match was the margin of victory for UConn. 5-4 loss. apparent from the start as Chris Neary, the number four UConn must now look ahead to UConn's Jim Peterson and the player seemed to be on the way their match against the Univer- Coast Guard's Scott Reynolds to victory but fell short by a 0-6. sity of New Hampshire on Friday needed a tiebreaker to decide the 6-4. 6-3 score. Number five Bill in Durham. This will be the first set in the battle of number Sybert was the second UConn Huskies toughest Yankee Con- one players. Jim came out on the victim of a tiebreaker loss in his ference meeting of the year. New , short end against the highly first set against Van deVoorde. Hampshire has all of its top six recruited freshman from Indi- and went down to defeat in the players returning from a squad that captured the conference title ana, but cam back to win the match 7-6. 6-4. Al Buckeye proved to be no last year. After Wednesday's second set 7-5. He couldn't keep win, the UConn team knows how up the momentum however, and match for John Muller playing at the sixth spot, as the UConn to win a close match, but they'll dropped the deciding set for a player showed no mercy in a 6-0, all have to play their best to 7-6, 5-7, 6-3 Coast Guard victory. 6-0 win. make it a close one on Friday. Tickets on sale If UConn students wish to Cold, windy weather assure themselves of good sideline seats for Saturday's football game at Yale, they should purchase their tickets hampers golf scores in advance, as all sideline scats will be reserved. The UConn athletic ticket office, PORT JUDITH, R.I.—It wasn't exactly perfect weather for golfing located in the Field House, is Wednesday, and the low temperatures and high winds took their toll now processing orders for the as the University of Connecticut golf team suffered a 10-stroke loss to game. the University of Rhode Island at the Port Judith Country Club. Reserved seat tickets this "It was cold, windy, and wet, and rough playing," UConn Head year are priced at $3 for Coach Craig Hill said after the match. "The high scores reflect the UConn students ($6 for non- conditions." he added. students). End zone tickets, on The Rams' Bruce Carson was the medalist on the par 71 course with sale at Yale only, are priced at a low 76. Junior Paul Bozzuto was the low man for the Huskies with a SI for students and $3 for 79. Bozzuto was also the only UConn player to score under 80. non-students. Three freshman followed Bozzuto for the Huskies. Dave Kopsick. Checks should be made out Pete Jordan, and Roger Sokolsky finished with scores of 81. 82 and 83 to "The University of Conn- respectively. Kip Bowers finished the course with an 84 while Greg ecticut" and orders should be Ertle added an 85 to the Huskies 494 total. Staff photo by Joe Driscoll UConn's Meryl Davis reaches for the ball during the Huskies' 9-0 sent to the athletic ticket The Huskies must now prepare for the Yale Invitationals this win in their season opener Wednesday against the University of office. U-78, Storrs. Conn. weekend in New Haven. Bridgeport.